Understanding Presenter View in PowerPoint: A Deep Dive Guide

what is presentation view

Origin and Evolution of Presenter View

Why presenter view is a game-changer for professionals, activating and customizing presenter view in powerpoint, in-depth features of the presenter view, common mistakes and how to avoid them, advanced tips for a power presentation, final tips for enhancing your presentation game, introduction to presenter view.

Have you ever found yourself awkwardly toggling between slides and speaker notes during a presentation? Or wished you could preview the next slide without your audience seeing? Enter Presenter View in PowerPoint, a feature designed to make presenting smoother and more professional.

In essence, Presenter View is a special mode in PowerPoint that allows the presenter to see their speaker notes on one screen, while the audience views the note-free presentation on another screen. This dual-screen setup means you can have your notes, upcoming slides, and timer conveniently on one screen while your audience remains blissfully unaware.

“Presenter View is the unseen ally behind many successful PowerPoint presentations.”

Microsoft’s PowerPoint, with its roots tracing back to the late 1980s, has undergone several metamorphoses. Over the years, as technology improved and presentation dynamics changed, Microsoft introduced new features to make the software more user-friendly and versatile. One such innovation is the Presenter View.

Back in the early days of PowerPoint, presenters had to rely on printouts or separate documents for their speaker notes. The advent of Presenter View in the early 2000s was a game-changer. It allowed presenters to merge their slides and speaker notes into one cohesive presentation experience.

The beauty of Presenter View lies not just in its conception but in its evolution. Over different versions of PowerPoint:

  • 2003 : Introduction of a basic Presenter View with slides and notes.
  • 2007 : Enhanced screen setup with better dual-monitor support.
  • 2010 : Introduction of slide zoom and laser pointer features.
  • 2013 & Beyond : Integration with touch features, improved UI, and annotations.

Each version brought refinements, making it more intuitive and packed with features, tailoring to the evolving needs of presenters globally.

Fun Fact : Presenter View wasn’t initially as popular as it is today. It took a few iterations and user feedback loops for Microsoft to perfect the balance between utility and user experience.

The Core Components of Presenter View

Presenter View in PowerPoint is like the cockpit for pilots: it’s where all the essential controls and information are at the presenter’s fingertips. Whether you’re a newbie to PowerPoint or a seasoned professional, understanding these components can transform your presentation experience.

  • This provides a glance at your current, previous, and upcoming slides. It ensures you’re always prepared for what’s coming next and can seamlessly transition between points.
  • The soul of your presentation, speaker notes, are discreetly placed at the bottom or side, only visible to you. These notes can be elaborate explanations, quick pointers, or even personal reminders. They’re like your secret cheat sheet!
  • Ever worried about running over time? This feature shows the elapsed time since you began the presentation and, in some versions, allows you to set a countdown. Stay on track and manage your pace efficiently.
  • Interactive features that allow you to draw on slides or use a virtual laser pointer. These are especially helpful when you want to emphasize or explain specific points visually.
  • Navigate between slides effortlessly and zoom into specific parts of a slide to draw attention or elaborate on details.

what is presentation view

Table: Core Components Overview

Slides PreviewGlance at current and upcoming slides
Speaker NotesPersonal reminders and additional information
Slide TimerManage presentation pace
AnnotationsEmphasize points with drawings
Laser PointerHighlight specific parts of slides
Zoom & NavigationSeamless transition and detailed elaboration on slides

Quote : “Presenter View is to a presenter what a dashboard is to a driver. It empowers, directs, and enhances the journey of your narrative.” – Jane Harris, Lead PowerPoint Expert – Powerbacks team

Understanding these components is one thing, but leveraging them effectively during a presentation can make a significant difference. Let’s delve into the ‘why’ behind the significance of Presenter View.

Stepping onto the stage or presenting in a boardroom can often be an overwhelming experience. The constant juggle between capturing the audience’s attention and keeping track of your slides can lead to nervousness. But what if there was a way to have everything you need right in front of you, ensuring smooth sailing through your presentation? Enter Presenter View.

  • Having a preview of the upcoming slides and personal notes right in front of you can be a massive boost to confidence. You’re always one step ahead, knowing exactly what’s coming next.
  • Instead of turning back to view the screen repeatedly, Presenter View lets you face your audience directly. This creates a more engaging and personal interaction.
  • Gone are the days when you’d hold a bunch of cue cards or sheets of paper. With digital speaker notes, you have a cleaner, more organized setup.
  • Using the annotation tools and laser pointer, you can make your presentation more interactive, leading to better retention and engagement from your audience.
  • There’s no denying that seamlessly transitioning between slides, using interactive tools, and having no physical notes gives a more polished and professional look.

Table: Benefits of Using Presenter View

Increased ConfidenceStay one step ahead with slide previews.
Audience EngagementMaintain eye contact and interact directly.
No Physical NotesDigitalize your cues and reminders.
InteractivityAnnotations and pointers for emphasis.
ProfessionalismSeamless transitions and polished appearance.

Quote : “Embracing the Presenter View is not just about leveraging a tool; it’s about amplifying your message and connecting more profoundly with your audience.”

It’s evident that the Presenter View has undeniable advantages for professionals. But how do you activate it and customize it to suit your needs? Let’s walk through the steps.

Starting with PowerPoint 2013, Microsoft enhanced the Presenter View to ensure that it’s both intuitive and user-friendly. Activating it and making it work for you is simple, as outlined in the following steps:

Step-by-Step Guide to Activate Presenter View :

  • Start by opening your PowerPoint presentation. This will be the one you intend to deliver.
  • At the top, you’ll notice several tabs. Click on the one labeled ‘Slide Show’.
  • Within the Slide Show tab, you’ll spot a checkbox labeled ‘Use Presenter View’. Ensure that it’s ticked. If it’s not, simply click on it.
  • If you’re using an external projector or display, make sure it’s connected. PowerPoint will automatically detect it and use the Presenter View on your primary display, showing the main presentation on the external one.
  • Start your presentation by either pressing F5 on your keyboard or clicking on ‘From Beginning’ in the Slide Show tab.
  • Next Slide Preview : Gives a preview of what’s coming next.
  • Speaker Notes : Displays your notes for the current slide.
  • Slide Navigation : Use this to jump to a specific slide.
  • Annotation Tools : Highlight or draw on your slides in real-time.
  • Timer : Keeps track of how long you’ve been presenting.
  • You can move around the different elements, increase font size of your notes for better readability, or even hide specific components if they’re not required.

Table: Quick Access Tools in Presenter View

Next Slide PreviewOffers a glimpse of the upcoming slide.
Speaker NotesView your notes and cues for the current slide.
Slide NavigationJump to any slide in the presentation.
Annotation ToolsEmphasize points using highlighting or drawing.
TimerMonitor your presentation’s duration.

Quote : “The beauty of PowerPoint’s Presenter View is the control and flexibility it offers. It’s like having a personal assistant during your presentations.” – Linda Green, Presentation Expert

Now that we know how to activate and customize the Presenter View let’s delve deeper into its features and tools for maximum efficiency during presentations. Shall we proceed?

PowerPoint’s Presenter View is not just a simple “next slide” preview; it’s a hub of tools and functionalities designed to make the presenter’s job easier and the presentation more engaging.

H3: Slide Preview This is arguably the most straightforward feature but also the most helpful. At a glance, you can see what’s coming up, ensuring that you’re always prepared for the next topic or section.

  • Smooth Transitions : Eliminates awkward pauses between slides.
  • Improved Pacing : Know when to speed up or slow down based on upcoming content.
  • Reduced Anxiety : No unpleasant surprises during your presentation.

H3: Speaker Notes For those who don’t rely on pure memory, speaker notes are a lifesaver. They’re your secret weapon, visible only to you, that provides additional context or reminders about what to say.

  • Bold the crucial points to ensure they stand out.
  • Use concise bullet points for easier and quicker reading.
  • Add time cues if you’re aiming to cover specific points within certain timeframes.

H3: Slide Navigation While it’s always best to move sequentially through your slides, there might be instances when you need to skip ahead or return to a previous point. With the slide navigation tool, you can effortlessly hop around your presentation.

  • Case Study : During a corporate presentation, John, a sales manager, was posed with a sudden question about Q2 performance. Thanks to slide navigation, he quickly reverted to the relevant slide, addressed the query, and resumed without any hiccups.

H3: Annotation Tools Engage your audience by turning your presentation into an interactive canvas. Whether you’re highlighting an essential statistic or drawing a quick graph, these tools can make a significant impact.

  • Use contrasting colors to ensure visibility.
  • Don’t overdo it; the aim is to emphasize, not to overwhelm.
  • Practice beforehand to ensure you’re comfortable with these tools during the presentation.

H3: Timer It’s easy to lose track of time during a presentation. With Presenter View’s timer, you can keep tabs on the elapsed time, helping you manage the pace and duration of your talk.

  • Tip : Always allocate a buffer period. If you’re presenting for 30 minutes, aim to finish in 25. This allows for Q&A or any unexpected delays.

Quote : “PowerPoint’s Presenter View is like a dashboard for presenters. It provides every tool one might need, all within arm’s reach, ensuring a seamless and interactive presentation experience.” – Michael Roberts, Tech Analyst

Understanding the features of the Presenter View is the key to unlocking its potential. With practice and familiarity, it becomes an extension of the presenter, leading to more confident and impactful presentations.

Making the Most of Presenter View

If you’ve ever wanted to feel like a presentation Jedi, mastering the Presenter View is your path to the force. But having the tool isn’t enough – it’s about leveraging its features optimally. Here’s a detailed guide on maximizing the benefits of the Presenter View:

H3: Setup and Access Before harnessing its power, you need to ensure you can access Presenter View without hitches.

  • Connect your computer to the projector or external display.
  • Launch PowerPoint and open your presentation.
  • Go to the Slide Show tab and select Set Up Slide Show .
  • In the pop-up, ensure Browsed by an individual (window) is selected.
  • Start the slide show. Presenter View should appear on your computer, while the audience sees only the slides.

H3: Customize the Display Remember, it’s your dashboard; make it as comfortable and efficient for you as possible.

  • Within Presenter View, hover over the bottom to reveal the toolbar.
  • Click on the gear icon to adjust settings.
  • Reorder tools based on your preference or hide those you don’t need.

H3: Practice, Practice, Practice The tool’s efficiency relies heavily on your familiarity with it. Do dry runs to ensure you know where everything is and how each feature works.

  • Pro Tip : Mimic the presentation environment during practice. If you’re presenting in a large hall, practice with the same setup.

H3: Seamlessly Integrate Other Media If your presentation includes videos, animations, or other media, ensure they play seamlessly in Presenter View.

  • Deep Dive : Always embed media within the presentation. Relying on external links or files can disrupt the Presenter View experience.

H3: Engage the Audience Use the tools not just to aid your presentation but to engage your audience. Pose questions, use the pen tool to sketch quick diagrams based on audience inputs, and make it interactive.

  • Table of Engagement Techniques :
ToolEngagement Technique
Pen toolSketch live diagrams or highlight sections upon request.
TimerRun quick quizzes or brainstorming sessions.
Slide navigatorJump to topics the audience shows more interest in.

H3: Master the Art of Transitions Smooth transitions are key to maintaining audience attention. With a preview of the next slide, prepare your narrative to flow seamlessly.

Even with the most powerful tools, human error can play a spoilsport. The Presenter View, as intuitive as it may be, has its quirks. Here’s a list of common pitfalls users face and ways to steer clear of them:

H3: Not Checking Hardware Setup Before you even start the presentation, ensure your hardware is correctly set up. This includes checking the display connection, ensuring the projector or external monitor is detected, and setting up the correct display settings.

  • Pro Tip : Always keep a spare HDMI or VGA cable. Technical glitches often come from the most unexpected sources.

H3: Overlooking Speaker Notes Having made the effort of adding speaker notes to your slides, it would be a shame not to use them. They serve as a discreet prompt, ensuring you don’t miss any critical points.

  • Fact : According to a study, presenters who actively used speaker notes were 25% more consistent in delivering their core messages.

H3: Ignoring the Timer Time management is crucial. If you have a fixed time slot, exceeding it can inconvenience others and may appear unprofessional. Conversely, finishing too early can leave your audience unsatisfied.

  • Actionable Advice : Always have a buffer. If your slot is 30 minutes, aim for a 25-minute presentation, leaving room for Q&A or unexpected delays.

H3: Relying Exclusively on Presenter View Despite its usefulness, never be wholly dependent on Presenter View. Technical glitches happen, and the ability to continue smoothly without it showcases professionalism.

  • Case Study : At a major tech conference in 2018, a renowned speaker’s Presenter View malfunctioned. Instead of panicking, he smoothly transitioned to the standard view, using his printed notes as a backup. The audience lauded his adaptability, and his message wasn’t overshadowed by the hiccup.

H3: Not Adapting to Audience Feedback The tools in Presenter View, like slide navigation, are meant to enhance adaptability. If you sense your audience resonating more with a particular topic, don’t be afraid to dwell on it a bit longer or even revisit slides.

By sidestepping these common mistakes, you not only harness the full potential of Presenter View but also project confidence and control. Next, we’ll explore some advanced features to elevate your presentation game even further.

Mastering Presenter View basics can tremendously improve your presentation skills. But if you’re looking to elevate your game and leave a lasting impression, dive into these advanced features:

H3: Seamless Transition Between Slides The art of a great presentation lies not just in the content but also in the delivery. A choppy slide transition can disrupt the flow. PowerPoint offers a plethora of transition effects — from subtle fades to dynamic 3D effects.

  • Go to the Transitions tab.
  • Browse and select your preferred effect.
  • Adjust the transition duration if needed.
  • Click Apply To All to maintain uniformity.

H3: Use Zoom to Focus on Details Occasionally, you might want to draw attention to specific details on a slide. Instead of making your audience squint, use the in-built Zoom feature.

  • Tip : Combine zoom with a laser pointer or pen tool for emphasis.

H3: Ink Annotations Annotating directly on your slides can be beneficial for interactive sessions or workshops. PowerPoint’s “Ink” feature allows you to do just that.

Draw or write directly on the slide.
Emphasize specific parts of your content.
Remove any annotations made during the session.
  • Did You Know? : Ink annotations made during a presentation can be saved for future reference!

H3: Embed Multimedia for a Rich Experience Modern presentations often go beyond static slides. Consider embedding videos, audio clips, or even live web content to keep your audience engaged.

  • Navigate to the Insert tab.
  • Choose Video or Audio and select your file.
  • Adjust playback settings under the Playback tab.

H3: Custom Slide Show Sometimes, different segments of your audience require varied content. Instead of having multiple PPT files, create a custom slideshow within the same presentation.

PowerPoint’s Presenter View is akin to a secret weapon, waiting in the wings, ready to empower speakers, educators, and presenters globally. Whether you’re a novice taking your first steps into the world of presentations or a seasoned speaker aiming to refine your skills, the Presenter View, along with the myriad features PowerPoint offers, ensures your content shines in the best light.

Remember, a successful presentation doesn’t merely rely on flashy slides or multimedia elements. It’s the seamless blend of content, delivery, and engagement. And with tools like Presenter View, you’re equipped to handle the technical aspects, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – connecting with your audience.

As Bill Gates once said:

“If you think the PowerPoint presentation is there for you as the presenter, you’re wrong. It’s there for the audience.”

So, the next time you’re gearing up for that crucial pitch, workshop, or lecture, take a moment to familiarize yourself with Presenter View. Your audience — and your confidence — will thank you for it.

Happy presenting!

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  • Presentations

How to Present a PowerPoint Slideshow With Presenter View (+ Video)

Andrew Childress

  • Bahasa Indonesia

Giving a presentation can be intimidating, even to seasoned speakers. Learn how to use PPT Presenter View , which is your private cockpit view.

Tezia presenter view in PowerPoint

This is a view that you'll see on your own screen while giving a presentation using PowerPoint. While the audience will see the presentation on the projector or big screen, you'll have your own private view on a second monitor.

This feature is like a cockpit for giving presentations. You'll keep all the most important controls front and center while presenting.

PowerPoint Presenter View gives you at least four essential tools that make presenting your slideshow more comfortable:

  • In Presenter View , this display keeps your  speaker notes  in view to reference while speaking.
  • You'll see a thumbnail for the next slide to begin preparing for your next key point, and you can jump to other slides quickly.
  • A timekeeping tool helps you track how long you've been speaking to ensure you don't overrun any time limits.
  • Drawing tools allow you to add illustrations on screen while presenting to draw attention to specific parts of your slides.

You need every advantage you can get when it's time to give a presentation. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to make the most out of Presenter View in PowerPoint.

In this tutorial, I'm going to focus on an underused feature of PowerPoint: Presenter View. 

How to Present a PowerPoint Slideshow With Presenter View (Video)

In this video, I'll teach you how to get started with Presenter View in PowerPoint. You'll learn how to enable Presenter View and then use the tools inside of it. I'll teach you to use the special Presenter View features to keep your notes and tools close, that way you can present more confidently. 

what is presentation view

Keep reading to find out more about using Presenter View in PowerPoint and the best features to try out.

Turn On PowerPoint Presenter View

In PowerPoint for macOS, simply click on  Presenter View  on the  Slide Show  tab to kick off the presentation in Presenter view .

Start presenter mode PowerPoint

You'll see the Presenter View interface on one screen. The other display will show the "audience version" of the presentation. In other words, it shows what they'll see on a projector screen, or even their own display. 

How to Make the Most of Presenter View

Let's dive into some of my favorite features that Presenter View brings to the table. Using even one of these is reason enough to try out Presenter View in PowerPoint. But when you combine them together, it's a no-brainer.

This is how to use Presenter View on PowerPoint. But the real question is why to use presenter mode PowerPoint. The reason is twofold:

  • It helps your slides look better.
  • It keeps you organized.

You can share neat, uncluttered slides that aren’t packed with content. That’s because you can keep your supporting content to yourself.

For this Presenter View in PowerPoint tutorial, we’ll be using the beautiful Tezia - Corporate PowerPoint Template from Envato Elements. Tezia has 40 stunning slide layouts. Each one works great in PowerPoint Presenter View . Download it today and follow along.

Tezia Presenter mode PowerPoint

Now, let’s learn how to use Presenter View in PowerPoint fast!

1. Speaker Notes

Speaker Notes is a top feature that works best with Presenter View in PowerPoint. Many presenters will spend time filling out cards or scribbling ideas onto paper. But it's much easier to add them directly into your PowerPoint file.

what is presentation view

To add Speaker Notes to a presentation, start off by working in Normal view on PowerPoint's View tab. At the bottom of your screen, you can click on Notes to open up the Speaker Notes section and add your own text.

How to present on PowerPoint

Speaker Notes and Presenter View go hand in hand. When you're in Presenter View , your speaker notes will show up on the right side of your screen. You can adjust the text size with the icons near the lower right corner. 

How to use presenter view in PowerPoint

Speaker Notes show how to use Presenter View in PowerPoint to your advantage. They help keep you on track as you present on your key topics.

Speaker Notes are important because they avoid the potential of you reading off your slides. Why? Because you don’t have to commit every key detail to memory! You can engage with your audience, all while referring to pre-built notes that they’ll never see.

2. Slide Previews

Let’s face it: you might be sharing a presentation with dozens of different slides inside. When you know how to put PowerPoint in presentation mode, you can get a sneak preview as you present. It’s easy to forget exactly how you sequenced slides together.

With Presenter View , you can stop guessing. That’s because you’ll always have a preview of the next slide in your deck.

As you work in Presenter View in PowerPoint, notice the slide thumbnail in the upper right corner. It’s labeled Next Slide , and that’s exactly what you’re seeing. This helps you transition smoothly from slide to slide. Often, you may set up some closing narration on one slide to help introduce the next. Guesswork and delays are gone, thanks to using Presenter View in PowerPoint.

Knowing how to present on PowerPoint involves keeping slides in a logical order. That means that on occasion, your next slide should no longer be the next one in line. Presenter View helps you handle this situation. 

How to put PowerPoint in presentation mode

Across the bottom of the view is a filmstrip of every slide’s thumbnail. You can scroll through it and click on any slide to jump directly to it.

This way, you can jump around in your slide deck without your audience ever knowing it! This helps you drive the flow of your slide deck in real time, with no interruptions or distractions. 

3. Drawing Tools

Like sports commentators do during a broadcast, you can use drawing tools to draw on top of your slides. This is perfect if you've got a tablet for example, but the feature works well for computer users with a mouse too.

To enter the drawing tools, you can click on the icon shown in the PowerPoint screenshot below. This turns on the tools you need to add highlights and annotations to the selected slide.

Using presenter view in PowerPoint

Annotations are great if you want to call out key details in real time. You can highlight, mark up, or circle any element on a slide. This is how to use Presenter View in PowerPoint in a live environment. You can use it to capture audience attention and focus on details as your narrative flows. 

How to use presenter view on PowerPoint

Choose from tools like the Laser Pointer, Pen, and Highlighter to add annotations to a slide. A laser pointer is a digital version of the popular tool used to draw attention to parts of a slide.

The Pen and Highlighter tools will actually add new marks on top of the slide that your audience will see. 

4. Timekeeping

This feature is straightforward to use, but I can't stress enough how helpful it is. Nothing is worse than giving a presentation and realizing that you used only half of the time. Or that you went far over the time limit.

In Presenter View , you'll see a feature that keeps time above the current slide thumbnail. You can pause this feature with the Pause button or reset the counter with the icon on the far right. But often, it's best to leave it running. This keeps you on pace, on track, and focused on your message. 

Time presenter view in PowerPoint

Plus, this is how to put PowerPoint in presentation mode to work for you. At a glance, you can see how much time you have left. This may encourage you to speed up your dialogue. Or it may afford you extra time to expound on a key point or new supporting detail. 

I can think of many times when this feature would have been a big help during presentations in college. When you're graded or judged based upon your runtime, it's a great idea to keep that time total in view.

5. Navigate Effortlessly with Keyboard Shortcuts

Presenter mode PowerPoint presentations are easy to navigate. That’s because they work well with a variety of keyboard shortcuts. By using these shortcuts, you can see how to present on PowerPoint efficiently.

Presenter mode PowerPoint tips

Presenter View offers an array of keyboard and mouse shortcuts that you can use as you present. Again, your audience won’t notice this. 

For a look at them, click on the Tips button in the upper left corner of Presenter View . You’ll see a complete cheat sheet of shortcuts listed. Refer to it often and use these tips to navigate through your slides.

The Best Source for Stunning PowerPoint Templates (With Unlimited Downloads)

Envato Elements is the best place to find stunning PowerPoint templates in 2022 . For a flat, monthly rate, you can download as many PowerPoint templates as you want. Plus, Elements offers an array of other creative content. This includes stock photos, music, fonts, and more.

Unlimited Elements

When you’re using Presenter View in PowerPoint, you need templates that look their best. It’s tempting to turn to free options. But premium templates from Envato Elements are always your best bet.

Why? They’re designed by creative experts with you in mind. You simply fill in the blanks to add your own content. You don’t have to spend time and effort designing slides from scratch. This gives you even more time to craft a compelling narrative to wow any audience.

Elements PowerPoint templates

With premium Envato Elements templates, you’ll unlock an array of features. Each of these helps you shine when you use presenter mode PowerPoint features:

  • easy-to-edit text placeholders
  • photos and illustrations throughout
  • charts and infographics
  • pre-built animations

As you learn how to put PowerPoint in presentation mode, you’ll see how all these benefit you.  

Learn More Powerful PowerPoint Tools

We can use tools like Presenter View to reduce the anxiety that comes along with giving presentations. It may still take time to prepare and feel confident about your presentation. But Presenter View keeps those key features in easy view so that you aren't scrambling for written notes.

Check out these tutorials to learn more about giving presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint :

what is presentation view

Download Our eBook on Making Great Presentations (Free PDF)

We have the perfect complement to this tutorial, which will walk you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to present powerfully. 

Download our  eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It's available for FREE with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. 

How to Make a Great Presentation Free eBook PDF Download

Start Using Presenter View Today

You just learned how to use Presenter View in PowerPoint. You're the pilot, and now you're in the cockpit of your presentation plane! The features you saw in this tutorial will keep everything you need in view while you give a presentation.

Don't forget to launch your presentation in presenter mode PowerPoint mode. That means you'll always have your slide cues, notes, and more while you speak to an audience.

Editorial Note:  This post has been updated with contributions and a video from Andrew Childress . Andrew is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.

Andrew Childress

Byte Bite Bit

What Is Presenter View in PowerPoint: Key Features and Benefits

PowerPoint’s Presenter View is a hidden gem that transforms how we present our slides. It allows us to see our slides along with speaker notes on a separate monitor, making the delivery smooth and professional. It’s like having a trusted guide steering you through your presentation while ensuring the audience remains focused on the content.

What Is Presenter View in PowerPoint: Key Features and Benefits

I remember the first time I used Presenter View, it felt like I had a secret weapon. No more glancing at printed notes or the screen, breaking eye contact with the audience. Everything I needed was right there. It’s a game-changer for keeping the presentation flowing, especially when you have complex data or need to remember key points.

Using Presenter View feels like having an invisible assistant. You get tools like a timer to track your pace and thumbnails to jump between slides seamlessly. This view reduces the stress of presenting, letting you focus more on engaging with your audience and delivering a memorable presentation. Think of it as your backstage pass to a flawless performance.

  • 1.1 Creating Engaging PowerPoint Templates
  • 1.2 Utilizing Animation and Transitions
  • 2.1 Enhancing Audience Engagement
  • 2.2 Effective Use of Presenter Tools
  • 3.1 Accessing and Using Presenter View
  • 3.2 Managing Slides and Notes In Presenter View
  • 4.1 Setting Up Displays for Presentation
  • 4.2 Troubleshooting Common PowerPoint Issues

Mastering PowerPoint for Effective Presentations

Creating outstanding presentations involves designing engaging templates and effectively using animations and transitions. These components can significantly enhance a PowerPoint presentation’s impact.

Creating Engaging PowerPoint Templates

Having a captivating template is essential. I always start with a clean and professional design . It’s tempting to use every feature, but simplicity often stands out.

A well-designed template should include:

  • Consistent color schemes : Stick to a palette of 2-3 main colors.
  • Readable fonts : Use sans-serif fonts for clarity.
  • Minimalist layouts : Avoid cluttering slides with too much text or images.

Using the Slide Master tool in PowerPoint, I customize layouts to ensure every slide aligns with the template. Inserting placeholders for text and images helps maintain a clean and consistent look throughout the presentation.

Utilizing Animation and Transitions

Animations and transitions play a crucial role in keeping the audience engaged. I focus on using them to highlight key points without being distracting.

Effective usage includes:

  • Subtle entrance animations for text and images.
  • Smooth transitions between slides, like fades or wipes.
  • Triggering animations : Animating elements based on mouse clicks to control the flow of information.

The Animation Pane in PowerPoint is my go-to for customizing the order and timing of animations. It’s crucial to preview the entire slide show to ensure everything flows smoothly. Misused animations can confuse the audience, so it’s about finding that perfect balance between engaging and overwhelming.

By mastering these aspects of PowerPoint, I craft presentations that effectively deliver my message while keeping the audience’s attention.

Advanced Presentation Techniques

When diving into advanced presentation techniques, the focus lies in enhancing audience engagement and effectively utilizing presenter tools. These methods can transform a basic presentation into an interactive and memorable experience.

Enhancing Audience Engagement

To keep the audience engaged, it’s crucial to use visually appealing elements. I often integrate infographics to present data succinctly. Eye contact is another vital aspect. By maintaining eye contact, I ensure that my audience feels included. It’s like speaking directly to each individual.

Using tools such as the laser pointer or highlighter can draw attention to specific parts of a slide. This ensures key points aren’t missed. Posing questions and inviting interaction helps build a rapport. Adding a bit of humor can break the monotony and keep the audience interested.

Infographics Visual Appeal PowerPoint Graphics
Eye Contact Audience Connection Presenter’s View
Laser Pointer Highlight Key Areas Laser Tool

Effective Use of Presenter Tools

One of the standout features of Presenter View is the ability to see speaker notes while presenting. I leverage my speaker notes to stay on track without missing essential points. The pen and highlighter tools come in handy for real-time annotations. It makes the presentation dynamic and adaptable.

The built-in zoom functionality allows me to focus on specific slide areas, emphasizing detailed content. Timer tools help monitor the presentation’s pace, ensuring I don’t rush or lag. Switching to presentation mode seamlessly, I can manage transitions and keep everything smooth.

Keeping these techniques in mind, consider how each tool can elevate your next presentation experience!

Navigating Presenter View

Navigating Presenter View in PowerPoint is like holding a magic wand for seamless presentations. It helps manage slides, see upcoming content, and view notes while ensuring a smooth delivery.

Accessing and Using Presenter View

To access Presenter View, start by opening your PowerPoint presentation. Click on the “Slide Show” tab. You’ll see an option labeled “Use Presenter View” . Tick this box.

Next, connect a second monitor. This setup allows you to have the presentation on a projector or large screen while you view the notes on your monitor.

In Slide Show mode, press ALT+F5 to activate Presenter View . This gives you control over the slideshow with tools like a preview of the next slide, a timer, and ink tools for annotations.

Key Commands:

  • Toggle Presenter View: ALT+F5
  • Slide Show Tab: Activate Presenter View

Managing Slides and Notes In Presenter View

Once in Presenter View, details become clearer. The screen is divided into sections for the current slide , next slide , and a notes pane . This setup is a lifesaver, trust me.

On the left, there’s a thumbnail of the current slide. The right side previews the next slide. Below these, the notes appear, allowing you to stay on track without flipping between notes and slides.

Use the ink tools to highlight key points in real-time. The timekeeper helps manage your pace, ensuring you keep within your allotted time. The Show Presenter View option streamlines focus, keeping your audience engaged while you seamlessly navigate your presentation’s flow. It’s like having a backstage pass to your own show, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Technical Setup and Troubleshooting

When configuring Presenter View in PowerPoint, ensuring your displays are set up correctly and understanding how to resolve common issues is crucial. This ensures a smooth, professional presentation experience.

Setting Up Displays for Presentation

Setting up Presenter View requires connecting your computer to multiple monitors or an external display. First, ensure that your computer recognizes each monitor. You might need to connect a projector for larger audiences.

In PowerPoint, navigate to the “Slide Show” tab. Click on “Set Up Slide Show.” Under “Multiple monitors,” you’ll see an option to choose which display will show the Presenter View. Select your primary display. This setup ensures that your audience sees only the slides.

For single monitor setups, you can still use Presenter View. Start the presentation, then click the “Show Presenter View” button from the control bar. This places your current slide and notes on the same screen.

Troubleshooting Common PowerPoint Issues

Common issues often occur when using Presenter View, particularly with display settings. If your computer doesn’t detect the external monitor, check your cable connections and ensure the monitor is powered on. Sometimes, restarting your computer helps.

Another issue is the wrong screen displaying Presenter View. To fix this, go back to the “Set Up Show” settings in PowerPoint and reassign the primary monitor. You can swap displays by clicking the “Swap Displays” button.

If PowerPoint crashes or freezes, it’s often due to outdated software or insufficient system resources. Updating PowerPoint and keeping your computer’s drivers current usually resolves this.

Paying attention to these details, you can ensure that your presentation runs smoothly and effectively.

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Work with Presenter View in PowerPoint

How to Work with Presenter View in PowerPoint

Cover for How to Work with Presenter View in PowerPoint

Not all presenters have excellent memory recall or the ability to speak flawlessly to the audience without any cues. However, many of them are good at hiding it by using Presenter View in PowerPoint. It is a presentation mode that enables the presenter to hide speaker notes and presentation controls from the audience while leveraging the various handy features offered by PowerPoint.

How to Use Presenter View in PowerPoint

To start using Presenter View, ensure it’s enabled before you begin your slideshow. If you are new to this feature, we recommend using this option to familiarize yourself with the various navigation options for this presentation mode. This might also be helpful if the PowerPoint templates you are accustomed to using might have animations that you might want to preview in this mode to understand when to give the next visual cue.

How to Enable Presenter View in PowerPoint

To enable PowerPoint presenter view, go to the SlideShow tab and make sure the Use Presenter View option is enabled. This will ensure that you can access Presenter View when you switch your slides to SlideShow mode.

Enable Presenter View in PowerPoint

Adjust Display Settings

You can swap between the presenter view and slideshow mode or duplicate the slideshow to exit the Presenter View from the Display Settings menu from the top toolbar.

Adjusting display settings in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Navigate Slides in Presenter View

Like any standard PowerPoint presentation in SlideShow mode, you can navigate between slides by using the arrow keys or with a presentation remote. Presenter View also provides slide navigation buttons to move the slides back and forth.

Navigating slides in Presenter View in PowerPoint

View Taskbar in Presenter View

The Show Taskbar option at the top enables viewing the taskbar. This can be helpful if you require using the taskbar, such as to view your battery charge, see the time, enable or disable another app from the taskbar menu, etc.

Show taskbar in Presenter View PowerPoint

Reset or Pause the Timer

Once you start your presentation in Presenter View, a timer starts showing how much time you have spent in slideshow mode. This is an excellent way to understand how much time you have consumed for your session and to keep an eye out for good timekeeping. You can also hit Pause or reset the timer anytime.

Reset and pause timer in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Change the Size of the Speaker Notes

How to view notes in PowerPoint while presenting? If you have any speaker notes added to your slides, they will appear in Presenter View on your screen. You can increase or reduce the size of the text via the two options at the bottom of the speaker notes pane.

Change the size of speaker notes in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Using Annotation Tools in Presenter View

PowerPoint annotation tools can be accessed from the bottom toolbar in Presenter View. The Pen and Laser Pointer Tools button gives you access to the pen, ink colors, laser pointer, and eraser and also allows you to show or hide the mouse pointer via Arrow Options .

Use Annotation Tools in Presenter View in PowerPoint

View All Slides in Presenter View

If you need to go back and forth to find a relevant slide for an ongoing discussion or query during your presentation, you can view all slides in Presenter View via the See all slides option.

View all slides in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Zoom Slides using Presenter View

PowerPoint’s Zoom feature lets presenters quickly pick a portion of the slide to zoom into. Presenter View allows you to leverage this feature by instantly selecting a portion of the slide to enlarge it after selecting Zoom into the slide option. To exit the Zoom mode or hit the Esc key.

Zoom into slides in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Black or Unblack SlideShow

Sometimes, you might want to turn the screen blank for a while, such as during a mid-presentation break. The Black or Unblack SlideShow option blanks the slides for your audience while continuing to show you all navigation options via Presenter View.

Black or Unblack slideshow in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Toggle Subtitles in Presenter View

One of the most revolutionary features introduced by Microsoft for PowerPoint over the past decade has been Live captions. This feature enables subtitles by converting speech to text as you present. You can toggle Live subtitles on or off while in presenter view to help your audience read what you speak.

Toggle subtitles in Presenter View in PowerPoint

Toggle Camera in Presenter View

Like subtitles, you can also toggle the camera on or off in Presenter View.

Toggle camera in Presenter View in PowerPoint

End Slideshow in Presenter View

There are different ways to end or exit a SlideShow from Presenter View. You can hit the Esc key or click End Slide Show . Similarly, you can click the three dots at the bottom and select End Show .

End slideshow in Presenter View in PowerPoint

More Slideshow Options

Other than the various visibility prominent menus available to navigate, annotate, and present your slides, you can also find a few additional options via More slideshow options , which are accessible via the three dots at the bottom toolbar. These include adjusting the position of the subtitles, turning your screen white or black, ending the slideshow, etc.

Locating more slideshow options in PowerPoint's Presenter View

How to Use Presenter View on a Single Screen

While Presenter View can be enabled to work with dual monitors, you can also use Presenter View on a single monitor with remote meeting apps like Zoom. A simple method for switching to Presenter View on a single monitor is to click the three dots ( More slideshow options ) at the bottom in SlideShow mode and select Show Presenter View .

Accessing Show Presenter View in PowerPoint

You can also switch to Presenter View on a single monitor anytime using the ALT+F5 hotkey.

Shortcut to access Presenter View in PowerPoint

The presenter can easily manage a PPT in presentation mode, with the utility to view speaker notes, annotate or zoom slides, toggle subtitles or camera on or off, and keep your audience engaged via better slideshow management. However, if you’re new to this presentation mode, a bit of practice might help you avoid confusion when presenting before an audience in Presenter View for the first few times. For more information, check our article about PowerPoint presentation shortcuts .

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Mastering Presenter View in PowerPoint for Online Presentations


  • June 6, 2024
  • Last updated: July 3, 2024

Microsoft PowerPoint's Presenter View, also known as Presenter Mode in PowerPoint, is a great tool for maintaining your presentation flow and engaging your audience. This guide will walk you through the steps for how to use presenter view in PowerPoint, tailored for both single and dual monitor setups, and provide tips for presenting on Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet. We’ll also cover common troubleshooting tips to ensure a seamless presentation experience.

Setting Up Presenter View in PowerPoint

Step 1: preparing your presentation:.

  • Open your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Click on the “Slide Show” tab on the Ribbon.
  • Check the “Use Presenter View” box (refer to the image below for guidance).

Screenshot of Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow tab on Ribbon, how to find Use Presenter View checkbox

Step 2: Configuring Display Settings

Additional steps if you are using dual monitors:

  • Connect your second monitor.
  • In PowerPoint, go to the “Slide Show” tab and click “Set Up Slide Show.”
  • Under “Multiple monitors,” select your primary display as “Automatic” or select the monitor you want to use for Presenter View.
  • Click “OK.”

PowerPoint Presenter View how to configure dual monitor display settings screenshot

Presenting on Zoom with PowerPoint Presenter View

Presenting in zoom via dual monitor setup.

  • Start your Zoom meeting and share your screen.
  • Select the window with your PowerPoint presentation (the one that shows your Presentation).
  • When you have a share screen active in Zoom, a thin green bar will display around the window being presented - it's worth checking to make sure you can see the thin green bar around the screen you are presenting, rather than your Presenter view)
  • Start your presentation. Your audience will see your slides, while you see the Presenter View.

what is presentation view

Presenting in Zoom via Single Monitor Setup

How to view notes in PowerPoint while presenting with one monitor - in Zoom:

  • Open your PowerPoint presentation and start the slide show.
  • In Zoom, select “Share Screen” and choose your presentation window.
  • When you have a share screen active in Zoom, a thin green bar will display around the window being presented.
  • You can use Alt+Tab to switch between Zoom controls and Presenter View.

Presenting on Google Meet with Presenter Mode in PowerPoint

Presenting in google meet with dual monitor setup.

  • Start your Google Meet call and click the “Present now” button (refer to the image below)
  • Choose the “Window” option and select your PowerPoint presentation from the available windows (refer to the second image below for an example).
  • Start your presentation. Your audience sees the slides, while you see the Presenter View.

Presenting in Google Meet with Single Monitor Setup

How to view notes in PowerPoint while presenting with one monitor - in Google Meet:

  • Start your presentation in Presenter View.
  • Use Alt+Tab to navigate between Google Meet and Presenter View.

The Present Now button in Google Meet

Presenting on Microsoft Teams with PowerPoint Presenter View

Dual monitor setup.

  • Start your Microsoft Teams meeting.
  • Click the “Share” button.
  • Choose the window with your PowerPoint presentation (the one that shows Presenter View).

Single Monitor Setup

  • Select your entire screen or the window with your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Use Alt+Tab to switch between Microsoft Teams and Presenter View.

How to turn off Presenter View in PowerPoint

Once you have completed presenting, you can turn off presenter view

Tips for a Seamless Presentation with PowerPoint Presenter View

  • Practice Beforehand: Familiarize yourself with Presenter View’s features, such as the timer, notes, and navigation controls.
  • Use Notes Wisely: Presenter View allows you to see your notes without displaying them to the audience. Keep notes concise and relevant.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Maintain eye contact with the camera, not the screen. Use the pointer or annotation tools to highlight key points.
  • Check Your Setup before the event: Test your audio, video, and internet connection before the presentation. Have a backup plan in case of technical difficulties.

Troubleshooting Common Issues in PowerPoint Presenter View

Here are some troubleshooting suggestions for common issues when presenting using PowerPoint presenter mode:

  • Go to the “Display Settings” in Presenter View and swap displays (refer to the screenshot below for guidance on how to find this option), or simply stop your share and then restart the share so that you can select the correct screen
  • Ensure your monitor configuration is correctly set in your operating system settings.

Screenshot showing How to swap presenter view and slide show in PowerPoint

  • Close unnecessary applications to free up system resources.
  • Ensure a stable internet connection.
  • Reduce video resolution in your meeting application if necessary.
  •  Check your microphone and speaker settings in your meeting application.
  •  Ensure your audio devices are properly connected and selected.
  •  Double-check the screen/window you are sharing.
  •  Verify permissions and settings in your meeting application.
  • Ensure you are using a version of PowerPoint that supports Presenter View (available in Microsoft 365 and certain standalone versions).


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Present Better with PowerPoint Presenter View: Tips & Tricks

The PowerPoint presenter view is the ideal tool for your presentation. The PowerPoint presenter view is the ideal tool for your presentation. It allows you to display your speaker notes and slides on your computer while presenting. Meanwhile, your audience will see the presentation without your notes on another screen or projector.

What is PowerPoint presenter view?

The PowerPoint presenter view is a presentation mode that allows presenters to see a preview of the next slides as well as their speaker notes. The advantage of this mode is that your audience will only see the current slide and nothing else.

PowerPoint presenter view: advantages

powerpoint presenter view

Presenter view offers a number of features that can help you streamline and improve the flow of your presentations:

1. You can add notes to each slide. This gives you more freedom and you won’t have to struggle with clumsy index cards. You can individually design the notes for each slide and, when you switch slides, you’ll see that slide’s notes as well.

2. You always see the current slide number (e.g., slide 5 of 13). That way, you can begin preparing for the next slide. You receive an overview of the entire presentation throughout.

3. A preview image on the side of your presentation always shows you the next slide.

4. A timer notifies you of how much time has elapsed. This is especially helpful if you have a limited amount of time to present.

5. You can use the pen tools to mark, highlight and augment your slide content . These freehand markups can even be saved afterwards.

6. You can view a thumbnail overview of all your presentation slides. This lets you choose slides freely and jump from slide to slide.

7. You can use the magnifying glass to enlarge individual sections of the current slide. The virtual laser pointer allows you to highlight specific points .

8. During breaks and discussions, you can fade to a black screen and don’t have to turn off the projector. This allows you to restart the presentation in less time.

How to set up PowerPoint presenter view with a projector 

PowerPoint presenter view requires two separate monitors. This often includes a projector. Here’s how to properly set up a projector:

1. Connect your laptop to the projector. Make sure the laptop isn’t switched on.

2. When you turn on the laptop, the projector will recognize it as a second screen.

3. When you start Microsoft PowerPoint, you should see the same image on both screens.

4. Now press the Windows + P key combination and then select Extend . Click on the check mark to the right of Presenter View in the Slide Show tab.

powerpoint presenter view

5. You’ll now see the different views on your two monitors. As the presenter, you’ll see the presenter view while your audience will see the current slide.

6. Normally, presenter view is automatically displayed on the correct monitor (namely, yours). If it still appears on the audience screen, set it to Primary Monitor in the Monitor drop-down menu. Presenter view should now run on your monitor.

powerpoint presenter view

How to disable PowerPoint presenter view  

To disable presenter view during your presentation, simply uncheck the Presenter View box in the Slide Show tab.

Tips for optimal use of the PowerPoint speaker view

1. practicing the presentation in advance.

If you want to use this tool effectively, you should be confident in using it . Therefore, test it extensively beforehand to be able to confidently operate the tool when it matters. In addition, also go through your presentation whilst projecting the speaker view. This way you can guarantee a more fluent presentation and fill in missing or insufficient notes.

2. Designing effective presentation notes

To ensure your notes are effective, keep them concise and to the point so you can access them quickly and easily during the presentation. Avoid long paragraphs and instead focus on bullet points that summarize the main ideas and important details .

By highlighting key terms or using abbreviations , you can make your notes easier to read. Your notes should also be large enough. To adjust the size of notes and previews, simply drag the edges of the relevant elements until they reach the desired size.

Be sure to structure your notes well to support the flow of your presentation and ensure a smooth transition between slides.

3. Managing time and breaks during the presentation

The integrated timeline allows you to always keep track of time during the presentation. To make the best use of your time, it is important to plan your presentation carefully and include breaks, if necessary, to give your audience time to process the information.

Be sure to use pauses deliberately, for example, to answer questions or emphasize important points. Also use the time display to keep track of your presentation speed so you don’t speak too fast or too slow to keep your audience’s attention.

This way, you guarantee a well-structured and engaging presentation that is both informative and enjoyable for your audience.

4. Integration of interactive elements

It’s no secret that interactivity in presentations helps keep the audience’s attention . Speaker View in PowerPoint offers the possibility to insert media and interactive elements into your presentation to make it more visually appealing and interesting.

For example, you can integrate videos, audio clips, animations, and interactive polls . Use the Speaker View to control the flow of media playback and make sure everything works smoothly.

For more ideas on how to make your presentations interactive, see the article “ Interactive presentations “.

5. Updating slides

PowerPoint presenter view allows you to update slides during your presentation. Dies This is really useful if you’ re in a team working on your presentation and changes are still being made, possibly right up to the last minute. To activate this setting, go to Set Up Slide Show from the Slide Show tab and select Keep slides updated .

powerpoint presenter view

Pro tip: Use shortcuts during your presentation

Shortcuts are keyboard combinations that allow you to quickly access certain PowerPoint functions. Here are five useful shortcuts which can simplify your presentations, especially in presenter view:

  • Fade to the next slide by pressing the Enter key or the right or down arrow keys .
  • To go back to the previous slide, press either the up or left arrow key .
  • To jump to the last slide of your presentation, press the End key .
  • If you want to skip slides during your presentation, press the slide number on your keyboard + Enter .
  • To make your screen appear white or black, select either W or the comma key for a white screen and B or the period key for a black screen . These functions can be especially helpful when you want to make sure that the audience’s entire attention is on you and not the screen.

For more useful shortcuts to make working with PowerPoint easier, feel free to check out our blog .

Use PowerPoint presenter view for better presentations

Presenter view makes it much easier for you to present and navigate your presentation. Thanks to many useful features, you can make your presentation more fluid and hold your audience’s attention.

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions about presenter view and PowerPoint in general. We’ll help you out.

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View Options in PowerPoint – A Complete Beginner’s Guide!

By: Author Shrot Katewa

View Options in PowerPoint – A Complete Beginner’s Guide!

There are many different types of presentations view available in PowerPoint including Normal View, Outline View, Presenter View, and Slide Show View to name a few. All these views serve different purposes and it is important to know how to use them appropriately to get the most out of PowerPoint!

In this article, we will talk about what each type of view does in PowerPoint and how to access them so that you can choose the best for your needs! So, let’s get started!

[ A Quick Note Before We Begin – for this article, I will be using one of the presentation templates from Envato Elements . With Envato Elements, you get access to thousands of presentation designs with unlimited downloads so you never run out of options again. Plus, you get free previews so you know exactly what you’re getting before buying! It is also very affordable. Check out their pricing here ]

1. What are the Different Type of View Options Available in PowerPoint?  

Microsoft PowerPoint is equipped with a variety of Slide View options that can be used for different purposes.

These are the different view options available in PowerPoint –

  • Normal View
  • Slide Sorter View
  • Notes Page View
  • Reading View
  • Outline View
  • Slide Show View
  • Presenter View
  • Slide Master View

2. How to Access the Different View Modes in PowerPoint?

To access the different view modes in PowerPoint, you have to click on the ‘View’ tab in the ribbon. The 2-step process is described below.

Step-1: Click on the ‘View’ tab

what is presentation view

At first, select the ‘View’ tab, which is the second to last tab in the ribbon section of your PowerPoint Window.

Step-2: Select your preferred ‘View Mode’

Once you have access to the ‘View’ tab, you can select your preferred view mode such as the Outline View , Slide Sorter view, Slide Master view, etc. from the Presentation View section or the Master View section. (as shown in the image in step 1)

3. What is the Purpose of Various View Modes in PowerPoint?

Each view mode in PowerPoint has its own purpose. Let’s go through the purposes of the different slide view options one by one below –

1. Normal View

what is presentation view

The ‘Normal View’ option is the first option in the ‘Presentation Views’ section of the ‘View’ tab. It is the most commonly used viewing option and is also the default slide view for PowerPoint.

The slides appear on the left of the PowerPoint window in the ‘Slide Navigation’ bar. Thumbnails of the slide are represented as boxes in the ‘Slide Navigation’ bar with its consecutive serial number to the left of it.

The main function of normal view mode in PowerPoint is to navigate through slides in a vertical grid while allowing you to add, design, or edit the slides while getting a preview of the slides on the left.

2. Slide Sorter View

what is presentation view

The ‘Slide Sorter’ option gives you an overview of all the slides in your PowerPoint presentation.

The slides are represented as thumbnails as a grid of boxes arranged side by side. The serial number of the slide is given on the bottom left corner of the slide thumbnail.

This option serves the purpose of viewing the slides together in one window making it easier to rearrange and organize them in a quick fashion.

3. Notes Page View

what is presentation view

The ‘Notes Page View’ option gives you the view of each slide and its speaker notes in one page.

In this view, the slides appear at the top and the speaker notes are given on the bottom of the two sections. The serial number of the slide is not shown in this view. You can also edit speaker notes from here.

The main purpose of the notes page view in PowerPoint is to preview what each page will look like before you print the slides with speaker notes.

4. Reading View:

what is presentation view

The Reading View option allows you to view your PowerPoint presentation without going into Full Screen mode. All the transitions and animations can be seen in this view. The serial number of the slide is given at the bottom right corner of the window.

It is used to preview the slide and review the slides with full focus. This mode also makes other view options easily accessible, which is not the case in ‘Slide Show’ mode where the presentation is shown in the full screen, and the options are not visible on screen.

The reading mode is actually more useful for word documents, as it allows the reader to focus just on the text. In my opinion, it adds little value to a PowerPoint presentation.

5. Outline View:

what is presentation view

The ‘Outline View’ shows you the entire outline of your PowerPoint presentation in the ‘Slide Navigation’ bar.

In this view, there is no thumbnail of the presentation. Instead, there is an outline of all the data present in that slide. The serial number of the slide is at the left followed by a small white box that represents a slide and then the outline of that slide.

You can also create an entire slide in the pane of this view by copy and pasting data from Microsoft Word. However, you will have to design the slide separately once the data has been added to each slide.

6. Slide Show View:

what is presentation view

The Slide Show View is the view that your audiences are going to see. This view shows each slide of your PowerPoint presentation in full screen.

All the transitions, animation, and multimedia files in your PowerPoint presentation are played here. Consecutive slides can be accessed using the direction keys on your keyboard or by clicking once on the slide.

7. Presenter View:

what is presentation view

This is the view that you as a presenter are going to see while the audience is seeing the ‘Slide Show’ view.

Although you can give a presentation even in the slide show view, but it is always recommend to deliver the presentation using the “Presenter View” mode in PowerPoint as it provides you with additional features and benefits!

This view mode in PowerPoint will split the screen in multiple windows. The window on the left represents the current slide that is being displayed (the one that is visible to your audience).

The window in the top right section indicates the next slide in the queue. Whereas, the notes section displays the notes or key points made by each slide. Both, the notes section as well as the next slides window are only visible to the presenter and not to the audience!

The purpose of the “ Presenter View ” is to give the presenter all the aids to be prepared for the next slide and highlight the key points to be made on the current slide while delivering the presentation.

8. Slide Master View:

what is presentation view

This view gives you a view of all the layouts used on the slides of your PowerPoint presentation.

The ‘ Slide Master View ’ option allows you to edit all the aspects of the layouts in your presentation such as fonts, background, color, and pretty much everything you can think of.

You can edit all the slide layouts of the presentation. Furthermore, you can also edit the header and footer of the presentation using the “ Slide Master View ” in PowerPoint.

4. How to Open the Presenter View in PowerPoint?  

There are 2 different ways you can enter into Presenter View in PowerPoint –

  • Using Slide Show View
  • Using the short cut key i.e. Alt+F5

If you are using the Office 365 version of PowerPoint , you can actually directly access the “Presenter View” in the View section. Simply click on “View”. Then, click on “Presenter View”

Let’s look at both the methods quickly –

Method 1 – Using the Slide Show View

Step-1: Click on the ‘Slide Show’ button at the bottom right corner of the screen

what is presentation view

At first, you have to click on the ‘Slide Show’ button that looks like a projector screen which is located at the bottom right corner of your PowerPoint window. (as indicated in the image above)

Step-2: Right-click and choose “Show Presenter View”

what is presentation view

Once you are in the ‘Slide Show’ mode, using your mouse right-click anywhere on the screen. From the menu that appears, choose the “ Show Presenter View ” option

Method 2 – Using the Keyboard Shortcut

Alternatively, you can press ‘ Alt + F5 ’ on your keyboard and that will immediately open the ‘Presenter View’ mode.

The keyboard shortcut to open the “Presenter View” in PowerPoint on Mac is “Option+Enter” key.

5. How to Change PowerPoint Back to Normal View? 

To change your PowerPoint back to ‘Normal View’ from ‘Slide Show’ mode, ‘Presenter View’ option or the ‘Reading View’ option, all you have to do is simply press the ‘ESC’ button on the keyboard of your computer. This will take you back to Normal View.

If you are using any other view apart from these 3 view modes in PowerPoint, you need to do the following –

what is presentation view

If you are in a different viewing option, such as ‘Slide Sorter’ option, or the ‘Reading View’ option then you have to select the ‘Normal View’ option from the ‘View’ tab instead of the ‘Slide Sorter’ option or the different slide view option you are currently on.  

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Credit to Pressahotkey (via Freepik) for the featured image of this article

How to use Presenter View in PowerPoint

  • Categories: PowerPoint productivity , Presentation skills
  • Comments: 1

what is presentation view

Think of PowerPoint’s Presenter View like the cockpit of an aeroplane (or airplane for our American readers!). Like an experienced pilot, you have all the controls you need at your fingertips when you’re navigating your slides, whether you’re presenting online or in person, helping you give a seamless presentation and leave your audience seriously impressed.

Presenter View in PowerPoint works best if you have two monitors. On one monitor, you can display your slides for your audience to see. On the other, you have your own private view (which isn’t visible to your audience), where you can see your notes and the upcoming slide while you’re presenting.

How to start using Presenter View in PowerPoint:

– Open your presentation. – Select Slide Show in the top ribbon. – Make sure Presenter View is selected in the Monitors section. – Choose from the dropdown menu which monitor you want your presentation to appear on. (Presenter View will automatically appear on whichever monitor you don’t choose.) – When you’re ready to start presenting, click From Beginning in the Start Slide Show section of the PowerPoint ribbon, or click the Slide Show icon in the bottom right of the screen, or hit the Alt + F5 keys on your keyboard to start your presentation in Presenter View.

Screenshot of Presenter View in PowerPoint with numbers corresponding to the blog text to show its different functions

PowerPoint Presenter View’s most useful features (by number!):

  • This is your current slide. This shows you what your audience can see. This should be the same content that is displayed on your other monitor. The timer in the top-left corner lets you keep an eye on how long you’ve spent on the slide so far, helping you to pace your presentation. You can pause or reset the timer using the icons to the right.
  • Here you can see your speaker notes. While we don’t generally recommend that you read out your speaker notes like a script (because it can make you sound like a monotonous robot and make your audience disengage very quickly), it can be useful to have some prompts in the speaker notes so that you know what happens with each mouse click and so that you don’t forget the key points on each slide. You can use the font icons in the bottom left of this panel to make your speaker notes larger or smaller.
  • The tracker shows you how far through your presentation you are. Click the forward or back arrows to navigate to your next or previous animation. Hitting the forward or back keys on your keyboard will do the same thing.
  • This is a preview of your next animation or next slide. This shows you what’s coming up next, which helps you to transition seamlessly from one slide to another.
  • The Pen and laser pointer:  This allows you to write on or highlight a particular part of your slide as you present. Adding ink annotations while you’re presenting won’t change your original slides – you can choose whether to keep or discard your annotations when you end your slide show.
  • The See all slides tool: Click this to view thumbnails of all the slides in your presentation without your audience seeing. This means you can jump straight to a specific slide without flicking through all the slides in between.
  • The Zoom tool:  Use this to magnify a specific part of your slide. This is handy if you need to draw your audience’s attention to a particular detail.
  • The Black or un-black tool:  Use this to blank out the screen the audience sees. This is helpful whenever you want to release your audience’s attention from the slide content and back to you (e.g., during a Q&A). You can choose whether you want the blank screen to be black or white by clicking on the More slide show options icon at the far-right end of the toolbar.
  • Toggle subtitles:  Use this to turn automated subtitles on or off. You can adjust subtitle settings (such as language and where the subtitles appear on your slide) by clicking on the More slide show options icon.
  • Click Show taskbar to open another program on your private monitor. This can be useful if you need to pull up another document without changing what your audience sees.
  • Select Display settings to swap the monitors your slides and Presenter View appear on.
  • Click End slide show when you’ve finished presenting. Hitting the Esc key on your keyboard will also close Slide Show mode and Presenter View.

And there you have it! Now you know everything there is to know about PowerPoint’s Presenter View. Give it a try next time you present – you might find it helps you to navigate and deliver your slides more confidently.

And for more tips on presenting, check out our ULTIMATE guide to presentation skills .

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Also you can resize the sections (next slide preview, notes etc) if necessary: https://imgur.com/a/2NnYECf

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Presenter View in PowerPoint

How to Use Presenter View in PowerPoint

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Presenter View in PowerPoint

  • You can use thumbnails to select slides out of sequence and create a customized presentation for your audience.
  • Preview text shows you what your next click will add to the screen, such as a new slide or the next bullet in a list.
  • Speaker’s notes are shown in large, clear type so that you can use them as a script for your presentation.
  • You can temporarily black out the screen during a presentation and then resume where you left off. This can come in handy during breaks or question and answer periods.

Start Presenter View

  • Click the Options button.

Presenter View

The Presenter view fills the screen. The same presentation tools are available below the slide, and it also shows the current time and a thumbnail of the upcoming slide. At the bottom of the screen, use the arrows to move forward or backward in the presentation.

Command Buttons

At the top of the Presenter view, there are command buttons.

  • Show Taskbar : Show or hide the Windows taskbar.
  • Display Settings : When projecting, swap which display shows the presenter view or duplicate the slide show on both screens.
  • End the Slide Show : Return to Normal view.

Presenter View

The timer is located at the top-left corner of the current slide. It keeps track of how long Presenter view has been running.

  • Click the Pause button to temporarily stop the timer.

Presenter View

The Notes pane gives you a large look at any notes added to the slide. In Presenter view, you have the flexibility to change the display size.

Presenter View

End Presenter View

You can close Presenter view without ending the presentation entirely.

  • Click the Options menu.

Presenter View

You return to the regular slide show view.

To close Presenter View and end the presentation, just press Esc .

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How to Master Your Presentations Using Presenter View in PowerPoint

Giving presentations can be nerve-wracking for many people. However, with the right preparation and tools, you can master your PowerPoint presentations and captivate your audience. One invaluable tool is Presenter View.

What is Presenter View?

Here are some key features of Presenter View:

Using Presenter View allows you to focus on delivering a smooth presentation while discreetly keeping track of important details only visible to you.

Step 1: Set Up Dual Monitors

Step 2: enable presenter view, step 3: practice with presenter view.

Practicing with Presenter View will help you anticipate and lead the flow of your presentation.

Step 4: Engage Your Audience

An impactful presentation balances smooth delivery with an engaging, interactive element for the audience.

Step 5: Manage Unexpected Issues

By giving you more control and visibility over a presentation, Presenter View lets you handle problems smoothly.

Do you have any other tips for using Presenter View effectively? Let us know in the comments!

About The Author

Vegaslide staff, related posts, how to remove slide numbers from specific slides in microsoft powerpoint, powerpoint 2007: hyperlinks and action buttons, powerpoint 2013: powerpoint quiz.

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7 Simple Steps To Use Presenter View in PowerPoint With a Projector

7 Simple Steps To Use Presenter View in PowerPoint With a Projector

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What to Know

  • Presenter View allows your laptop and external monitor to display different views for the presenter and audience. 
  • Requirements: A laptop with multi-monitor function; a projector; video cables.
  • Process: Connect your laptop to the projector with a video cable > Set the projector to the correct input source > Set the multiple display settings to Extend > Enable the Presenter View on PowerPoint > Set your laptop as the primary monitor. 

In this guide, I will share with you detailed step-by-step instructions to help you use the Presenter View feature in PowerPoint with your projector.

Let’s dive in!

Quick Navigation

What Is the Presenter View?

1. a pc that supports multiple monitors, 2. video ports on pc and projector, 3. video cables, how to use the presenter view in powerpoint, utilizing the presenter view, alternative solution: print slide with speaker note, bonus: use presenter view with just one monitor.

The Presenter View was introduced in PowerPoint 2010 as a functional extension that gives you a private view on your laptop or computer during PowerPoint presentations while the audience sees the presentation on a screen.

How To View PPT Presenter View on Down Stage Monitor While Audience Sees Presentation on Screen

The Presenter View is suitable for multiple display setups and it comes with basic tools to make your presentation easier. Some of these tools include:

overview Presenter View screen in PowerPoint

  • Speaker notes for you to put down key points and other ideas for your presentation while the audience sees the slides only.
  • A Timekeeping tool to help you keep track of your time and avoid overrunning of time during the presentation.
  • Drawing tools such as the annotation pen, laser pointer, or highlighter tool to draw attention to specific places in your slides and for better elucidation.
  • A Thumbnail icon to see slides and jump through slides easily during the presentation.


Below are a few things you’ll need to use the Presenter View on PowerPoint.

Enable the IGD Multi-Monitor option in Windows PC BIOS

Almost every Windows laptop supports (at least) dual monitors. You can check the specifications of your graphics card on the manufacturer’s website to confirm. If the Multi Monitor section is marked “Yes,” you’re good to go.

If your laptop supports multiple monitors but cannot detect your projector after connecting them, it means you have to update or reinstall your graphics driver .

You’ll need a wired connection like HDMI or VGA to transmit (or mirror) the video data on your laptop’s screen to the projector. 

diagram of connecting a Macbook to an Optoma projector via an HDMI cable

Your PC must have HDMI , DVI , DisplayPort , or VGA ports. Check for the video ports on the back and sides of the laptop.

To make the connection easier, your projector should also have matching video ports. However, if the video ports on your projector and PC don’t match, you’ll need to buy an adapter (i.e., DisplayPort to HDMI ).

Depending on your interface of choice, you’ll need to buy HDMI , VGA , or DisplayPort cables.

a hand holding a vga cable and an hdmi cable

To set up the Presenter View, you should have your second screen available, like your monitor or a projector or you will not see the Presenter View even if it is enabled.

If you are making a presentation in a large setting, then it will be suitable to use a projector to project your slides.

To hook up your computer/laptop to your projector and utilize the Presenter View function, simply follow these instructions:

Step 1 : Turn on your computer/laptop and projector.

Step 2: Connect the VGA cable to the VGA ports between your computer/laptop and the projector. If your computer/laptop and projector have HDMI ports, then connect your computer/laptop to your projector using an HDMI cable .

connect an Optoma projector to a laptop with an HDMI cable

Using a VGA cable will only transport pictures and not sound; unlike the HDMI that transports pictures and sounds, so you will have to connect your projector speaker to your computer/laptop headphone jack using an aux cord.

External speakers or a high-quality audio system can be used in place of the projector speaker or in situations where the projector does not have an internal speaker.

connect the AUX 3.5mm connector from the External speaker to the Audio out port on the Optoma projector

Step 4: Press the Windows + P buttons on the keyboard to open the  PROJECT settings , and then select Extend your display in order to have an additional view.

extended display mode on windows

NOTE: If the Windows PROJECT Settings don’t open, do the following on your PC:

Windows 10: Click on Start > Settings > System > Display > Multiple Display > Extend these displays.

select Extend these displays option in Windows multiple displays settings

Windows 11: Click on the Windows icon on the taskbar and go to Settings > System > Display > Multiple Displays > Select Extend .

Step 5: On your PowerPoint screen, go to the ribbon tab and click on Slideshow, then click on the Use Presenter View to enable it.

select the Use Presenter View in PowerPoint

Step 6: Select which monitor to display the Presenter View.

select Primary Monitor as Presenter View display

Step 7: To start the Presenter View, press F5 on the keyboard. Now one screen will have the Presenter View while the other screen will have the audience’s view.

the Presenter View display on a monitor

Navigating your way around the Presenter View is easy so you do not have to worry about confusing features.

The top left part of the screen shows the slide you are working on while the top right shows the preview of the next slide in your presentation. The bottom left consists of controls and a next and previous slide arrow and finally, the bottom right contains the speaker’s note.

Some of the features and options in the Presenter View include:

  • Show Taskbar allows you to switch to another activity without interrupting your slideshow.

SHOW TASKBAR option on the PowerPoint Presenter View

  • Display Settings include two options, that is the “ Swap Presenter View and SlideShow ” and “ Duplicate Slide Show ”. The Swap Presenter View is to switch the screen that has the presenter view and the slideshow presentation, while the Duplicate SlideShow is to present your slideshow on both screens.

DISPLAY SETTINGS option in the PowerPoint Presenter View

  • End Slide Show which is used to end the presentation. You can also use the ESC button on the keyboard to end the slideshow.

END SLIDE SHOW option in the PowerPoint Presenter View

  • Speaker Notes are used to write down your key points or ideas and have them in front of you on your screen instead of writing them down on a piece of paper.
  • Drawing Tools include the annotation pen to help you draw on the screen, and the laser pointer to point on the screen. The drawing tools are perfect for drawing attention to specific points or areas of concentration and can be erased after usage.
  • Timekeeping is on the left, starts timing as soon as the slideshow begins, and shows the amount of time you’ve spent on a slide. You can pause it or readjust it by clicking on the two icons next to it.
  • Current Time is located on the right and is used to help you pace your presentation in order to avoid overrunning your time.
  • Thumbnail Icon is used to see all the slides in your presentation and to jump to another slide. This is great for switching and jumping through slides easily.
  • The Font Icon is used to make the speaker notes larger or smaller.
  • The Arrow Icon next to the slide number enables you to go between slides.
  • The Magnifying Glass icon is used to zoom in and out on a particular part of your slides.
  • Screen Icon that lets you make the screen temporarily black to draw attention to you. You can also use the B key to achieve this black screen and the W key for the white screen.

Magnifying Glass, Screen, Arrow, and Font icons in the PowerPoint Presenter View

If you have an older computer that doesn’t support multiple monitors, hand-held notes are another way to access your notes during a presentation.

Speakers often shy away from hand-held notes because they might lose their audience while taking glances at their notes. However, the trick to pulling it off is interacting more with your audience than with your notes.

You can print out your slides before the presentation with the notes you added in Presenter View.

Steps to printing slides with speaker notes:

Step 1: Open the presentation in PowerPoint and highlight a slide.

Step 2: Click on File at the top left corner of the screen, and then select Print from the options.

select the Print option in the Power Point settings

Step 3: In the Settings section, choose Slides , and select Notes Pages as your print layout from the dropdown menu.

select Note Pages in Print Layout settings in Power Point

Step 4: Click on the Print icon to print.

select Print icon in Power Point

Unfortunately, at this time, there is no option to print multiple slides with notes per page. You’ll have to print any slides where you have notes individually.

NOTE: You can also print your presentation in the “ Outline ” layout, but the print will only include the slide content and not the slide notes.

select Outline in Power Point Print Layout settings

You can also activate Presenter View mode with only one monitor by pressing the shortcut key combo Alt + F5 on your keyboard.

Note to use the Presenter View option with only one monitor

Note: Ensure that you have enabled the Presenter View feature in the Slideshow menu settings of your PowerPoint. Please refer to the previous section .

This is extremely useful for getting accustomed to the Presenter View display or rehearsing your presentation.

The Presenter View on PowerPoint is great for presenters who like to keep their slides simple. You can add all your extra texts to the notes section of each slide so that you don’t skip any important points.

While the notes function is my best part of Presenter View, there are other essential features that you and your audience can benefit from. You’ll only need a PC that supports multiple monitors, a projector, and HDMI (or other suitable) video cables.

Will you try this out? Let us know in the comments when you do.

Gabriella Chidiogo

Gabriella ‘Diogo is a technical writer with a vested interest in tech hardware and equipment. She shares her knowledge and processes in an easy-to-grasp, lighthearted style. When she’s not testing or researching device performance, you’ll find her writing short stories or rewatching episodes of her favorite sitcoms .

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How to Use Presenter View in Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows 11

Posted on 20th june 2023.

3-5 times in the article

In PowerPoint, Presenter View is a display option that allows the presenter to view the current slide, next slide, speaker notes, and a timer on their screen while the audience sees only the slide. It’s a great way to keep track of your place and time while delivering a presentation.

To use Presenter View, you’ll need two monitors: one for the presenter and one for the audience. The presenter’s monitor will show Presenter View, and the audience’s monitor will show the slides.

Here’s how to set up Presenter View:

1. Connect the second monitor to your computer.

2. Open PowerPoint and go to the Slide Show tab.

3. In the Set Up group, click Set Up Slide Show.

4. Under Display options, select the check box next to Use Presenter View.

5. Click OK.

Now, when you start your slide show, Presenter View will appear on the presenter’s monitor and the slides will appear on the audience’s monitor.

To navigate through your presentation in Presenter View:

1. Use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move between slides.

2. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the notes for each slide.

3. To end the presentation, press Esc.

When you’re giving a presentation, Presenter View is a great way to keep track of your place and time. It’s also a great way to view your speaker notes while the audience sees only the slides.

If you’re giving a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, you can use Presenter View to view your presentation with your speaker notes on your computer, while your audience views the slides on a separate display or projector.

To use Presenter View:

1. Connect your computer to the projector or second display.

2. Open your PowerPoint presentation.

3. Click the “Slide Show” tab.

4. Click “Set Up Show.”

5. Check the “Use Presenter View” option.

6. Click “OK.”

7. Click “From Beginning” or “From Current Slide” to start your presentation.

When you start your presentation, Presenter View will appear on your computer. Presenter View includes the following elements:

Slide preview: This area shows a preview of the next slide in your presentation.

Presentation timer: This timer keeps track of how long you’ve been presenting.

Speaker notes: This area displays your speaker notes for the current slide. You can also use the pen, highlighter, and eraser tools to annotate your notes.

Thumbnails: These small images show all of the slides in your presentation. You can click a thumbnail to jump to that slide.

Current slide: This area shows the slide that’s currently being displayed on the projector or second display.

Next slide: This area shows a preview of the next slide in your presentation.

When you’re ready to advance to the next slide, click the “Next” button in the Current Slide area or press the right arrow key on your keyboard.

To end your presentation, click the “End Show” button in the Current Slide area.

In PowerPoint, presenter view is a feature that lets you see your presentation with speaker notes on one computer (your laptop, for example), while your audience views the notes-free presentation on a different screen (like a projector connected to your laptop).

To use presenter view:

1. Connect your laptop to the projector.

5. Check the “Use Presenter View” box.

Now, when you start your slide show, your laptop will show the speaker notes while the projector shows the slide without the notes.

To advance the slides, you can use the mouse, the keyboard, or a remote control.

To advance the slides using the mouse, click on the slide you want to show.

To advance the slides using the keyboard, press the right arrow key.

To advance the slides using a remote control, click the “Forward” button.

To go back to a previous slide, you can use the mouse, the keyboard, or a remote control.

To go back to a previous slide using the mouse, click on the slide you want to show.

To go back to a previous slide using the keyboard, press the left arrow key.

To go back to a previous slide using a remote control, click the “Back” button.

If you want to use Presenter View but don’t have a second monitor, you can use PowerPoint’s built-in Presenter View on your Windows 11 computer.

1. Connect your computer to a projector or second monitor.

4. Under Show type, select Browsed by an individual (window).

5. Under Advance slides, select Use Presenter View.

6. Click OK.

When you start the slide show, PowerPoint will open two windows. One window will display the slide show on the projector or second monitor. The other window, Presenter View, will display on your computer.

Presenter View includes the current slide, the next slide, a timer, and your speaker notes. You can also use Presenter View to advance the slides, go back to previous slides, and end the slide show.

To advance the slides in Presenter View:

1. Click the Next button.

2. Press the spacebar on your keyboard.

3. Press the right arrow key on your keyboard.

4. Swipe forward on your touchpad.

To go back to a previous slide:

1. Click the Previous button.

2. Press the left arrow key on your keyboard.

3. Swipe backward on your touchpad.

To end the slide show:

1. Click the End Slide Show button.

2. Press the Esc key on your keyboard.

When you’re ready to present, click the Slide Show tab, then click From Beginning or From Current Slide.

To advance your slides, do one of the following:

On the Slide Show tab, click the Advance Slide arrow.

On the keyboard, press N for next or P for previous.

To end your slide show, do one of the following:

On the Slide Show tab, click End Show.

On the keyboard, press Esc.

If you have never used Presenter View in PowerPoint, or if you have never even heard of it, don’t worry. It’s actually very simple to use and can be a great way to make your presentations more engaging and professional.

To use Presenter View, you will need to have two monitors connected to your computer. One monitor will be for your PowerPoint presentation, and the other monitor will be for your Presenter View.

When you are ready to start your presentation, click the “Slide Show” tab at the top of the PowerPoint window. Then, click “Set Up Show.”

In the Set Up Show dialog box, select “Use Presenter View.” Then, click “OK.”

Now, when you start your presentation, your PowerPoint presentation will appear on one monitor, and your Presenter View will appear on the other monitor.

Your Presenter View will show your current slide, the next slide, your speaker notes, and a timer. It also has a few other features that can be helpful, such as the ability to jump to a specific slide, black out your screen, and more.

To learn more about using Presenter View, be sure to check out the PowerPoint help documentation.

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How to Use the Presentation Modes and the Screen Recording Features in PowerPoint

How to Use the Presentation Modes and the Screen Recording Features in PowerPoint | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

After designing all the slides for your presentation, the next and last step is presenting in front of your audience. In this new Slidesgo School tutorial, you’ll see how the presenter view works and how you can record your presentation .

Presentation Modes

Presentation modes — set up slide show, presentation modes — record slide show.

  • There are different presentation modes in PowerPoint, besides the one you can find at the bottom of the screen.
  • To access the presentation modes, go to the Slide Show tab.
  • The first two options allow you to start the presentation from the beginning or from the currently selected slide.

Start Slide Show group

  • If you choose Present Online, an URL will be generated, which you can then share with your potential online viewers. After clicking this button, a new window will open, displaying info about the Microsoft Office online presentation service and a checkbox to enable remote download for your online audience. To enjoy this service, you need an Office 365 account. When you’re ready, click Connect to generate the URL.
  • If you choose Custom Slide Show, you can select which slides to display in your presentation.  First, create a new custom slide show and select the slides that you want to display. Then, click Add, enter the name of the presentation and click OK. This new custom presentation will appear on the list. Select it and click Show to begin the presentation.
  • In the Set Up group you’ll find options to set up the presentation, hide slides, rehearse your presentation and even record it.
  • Click Set Up Slide Show to adjust several settings regarding your presentation. You’ll find more information in the next section of this tutorial .
  • If you click Hide Slide, the selected slide won’t show up during your presentation. Hidden slides will appear faded out on the list and their numbers will be crossed out.
  • If you click Record Slide Show, you’ll be able to record your presentation from the beginning or from the current slide. We’ll go into detail in the last section of this tutorial.
  • There are several checkboxes regarding whether to play narrations, use timings and show media controls.

Checkboxes in Set Up group

  • In the Monitors group you can choose which screen to display your presentation.
  • The last group, Captions & Subtitles, is only available in Office 365. You’ll find options to enable subtitles, which will be generated out of your speech (so you’ll need to have a mic). There are settings to change the language and the position of the subtitles.
  • Open your presentation in PowerPoint.
  • Go to the Slide Show tab.
  • In the Set Up group, click Set Up Slide Show. A new window will open, where you’ll find several options.
  • In the top-left corner, under “Show type”, you can choose whether the presentation will be in fullscreen with speaker notes, windowed, or in fullscreen without speaker notes or the menu bar.

Options under Show type

  • Under “Show options” you can choose whether to show the presentation without narration or animations, or disable the hardware graphics acceleration (for better performance). You can also set the pen and laser pointer color.

Option under Show options

  • Under “Show slides”, you can choose which slides to show in your presentation. You can select all of them, a specific range or a custom slideshow.
  • There are other settings to determine how to advance slides (manually or using timings), what the resolution will be and whether to use the presenter view.
  • Click Record Slide Show. From the drop-down menu, select From the Current Slide or From the Beginning.
  • A new window will open, along with the presentation in fullscreen mode. At the top-left you’ll find a button to start recording.

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10 Types Of Presentation Styles You Should Know

Profile Image of Chandni Ahuja

Have you ever felt like engaging your colleagues during a presentation is a bit of a daunting task? Well, it can be quite challenging, and even more so if you do not have the right strategy and presentation skills . But what if I tell you that finding the right approach is incredibly rewarding? 

There are various presentation styles , each designed to inform and entertain in its own way. It’s essential to consider your audience and the topic to determine which style will resonate best. When you tailor your presentation to meet its goals and connect with your colleagues, it becomes more captivating and memorable. 

presentation styles in the workplace

A well-crafted presentation always grabs attention, keeps the interest alive, and leaves a lasting impression. Whether you’re delivering a persuasive pitch or a hands-on demonstration, choosing the right format can make all the difference.

In this blog, we will discover different types of presentation styles and learn how to prepare for a presentation in the workplace.

What are presentation styles?

what is a presentation style?

If you’re gearing up for a presentation, one key element to keep in mind is the different techniques and methods you can use. Presentation style is all about the techniques you use to deliver your speech as a business professional. The ideal style often depends on several factors, including your subject matter, your coworkers, and your approach to explaining concepts. 

Sometimes, you might stick to one main style for the entire presentation, while other times, blending different styles can help convey your topic more effectively.

Now let us walk you through over 10 different presentation formats, along with their pros and cons, to help you find the one that fits you best.

10 Types Of Presentation Styles In The Workplace

1. storyteller.

storyteller presentation style

Many presenters choose the storytelling style when they have enough time to dive into their topic. This approach is great for presentations that don’t rely heavily on numbers or statistics. 

Storytelling is all about using personal anecdotes and emotions to grab your coworkers’ attention and connect with them. It usually kicks off with a personal story that ties back to the main topic. This style works especially well if you know your audience isn’t as engaged by charts or data.

  • Pros : Engaging and relatable; creates an emotional connection.
  • Cons : Needs a strong narrative to keep the audience's interest.

2. Visual 

This style is all about using visuals to enhance your topic and make your points clearer. Presenters often incorporate charts, images, graphs, and other visual aids to help the audience better grasp the subject. It’s key to strike a good balance between text and visuals to create a well-rounded presentation. 

This approach works particularly well if you’re dealing with complex or detailed information that you want your colleagues to understand easily.

  • Pros : Captivating and helping clarify complex ideas; aids memory retention .
  • Cons : Over-reliance on visuals can overshadow the message.

3. Informative

informative presentation style

This presentation style focuses on sharing knowledge and helping your employees understand a specific topic better. Whether you’re tackling something as complex as quantum physics or breaking down the latest social media trends, the goal is to make the information accessible.

When you’re delivering an informative presentation, it’s helpful to simplify tricky concepts using clear visuals and relatable examples. Organize your content in a logical way—start with the basics and gradually dive deeper. And don’t forget to keep jargon to a minimum! Encouraging questions along the way can really help clarify things for everyone.

  • Pros : Clear and straightforward; great for sharing essential information.
  • Cons : Can be dry if not engaging enough.

4. Persuasive

A persuasive presentation is like a verbal tug-of-war, where the goal is to get your audience to see things from your perspective. You’ll want to back up your points with solid evidence, logical reasoning, and a bit of emotional appeal to really connect.

To make this style effective, it’s crucial to know your audience well and tailor your message to their interests and concerns . Start with a strong opening to grab attention, build a solid argument, and finish with a memorable closing. Plus, using visuals wisely can really help drive your points home!

  • Pros : Powerful for influencing opinions and motivating action.
  • Cons : Might come off as pushy if not done thoughtfully.

5. Demonstrative

demonstrative presentation style

A demonstrative presentation style is all about showing your audience how to do something step by step . It’s a great way to provide clear instructions, helping them replicate the action you’re demonstrating.

This style is especially useful for teaching practical skills or explaining processes in a hands-on way. You’ll often see it used in educational workshops, training sessions , cooking classes, DIY tutorials, tech demos, and more.

  • Pros : Hands-on and easy to follow; perfect for teaching skills.
  • Cons : Can be time-consuming and requires proper materials.

6. Interactive

This presentation style focuses on engaging the employees right from the start. The speaker often hands out outlines or notes before diving in, which helps everyone follow along. They might also use whiteboards or other visuals to keep things interactive and make the points clearer.

By involving the audience in key talking points throughout the presentation, speakers help them feel connected to the discussion. Plus, having printouts allows attendees to jot down notes or questions, making it easier for them to understand the topic and participate in the conversation. It creates a more collaborative and enjoyable experience for everyone!

  • Pros : Keeps the audience involved and alert; encourages participation.
  • Cons : Can be challenging to manage if there are too many questions.

7. Instructional

instructional presentation style

Training presentations are all about teaching practical skills , procedures, or concepts—think of them as the more focused version of demonstration presentations. Whether you’re showing new employees how to use software or guiding aspiring chefs through the art of making a souffle, training presentations aim to turn beginners into experts. 

To make your training or instructional presentation as impactful as possible, try breaking down complex concepts into bite-sized pieces. Using real-life examples can really help illustrate your points and make them relatable.

Another great way to engage your audience is by adding interactive elements , like quizzes or group activities . This not only reinforces understanding but also keeps everyone involved and active in the learning process!

  • Pros : Ideal for specialized audiences; shows expertise.
  • Cons : Can be too complex for general audiences, leading to confusion.

8. Motivational

A motivational presentation is all about inspiring your audience to take action. The speaker often shares stories, analogies, and personal experiences to spark enthusiasm and encourage people to pursue their goals. When done well, these presentations can really lift morale, strengthen team spirit, and drive positive change.

However, it’s crucial to tailor the content to your employees and deliver it in a dynamic, engaging way. If the presentation misses the mark, it might not have the impact you’re hoping for. 

  • Pros : Boosts morale and can create a sense of unity and purpose.
  • Cons : If not tailored to the employees, the message may not resonate and can feel irrelevant.

9. Progress Reports

progress and report presentation style

Using infographics, charts, and diagrams can help present your data visually, making complex information easier to digest. By visualizing your data, it becomes simpler to spot trends, make predictions, and strategize effectively based on solid evidence.

  • Pros : Ensures that all team members are on the same page regarding goals and future plans.
  • Cons : Focusing too much on challenges can create a negative atmosphere if not balanced with positive updates.

A sales presentation is basically a meeting where a seller showcases their product or service to a potential buyer with the goal of making a sale. These presentations can vary widely, ranging from carefully scripted pitches to more casual, conversational discussions. The main aim is to connect with the buyer and highlight how the product or service can meet their needs.

  • Pros : Allows for face-to-face interaction, building rapport and trust with the buyer.
  • Cons : There's always the chance that the buyer won't be interested, which can be disheartening.

How to prepare for a presentation?

how to prepare for a presentation in the workplace?

Once you've identified the type of presentation you're giving, it’s time to explore the methods and techniques for delivering it effectively. 

Here are some of the most effective presentation techniques to deliver lively and engaging presentations to the audience. 

There are various methods for how you approach a specific task or a problem. These methods cover:

  • How do you structure your speech? 
  • How do you deliver it to the audience?

So here is how you prepare for a presentation once you have analyzed your own presentation style in the workplace:

1. Know Your Audience

Start by thinking about who you’ll be presenting to. What are their interests and concerns? Understanding your audience will help you tailor your message and make it more relevant.

2. Define Your Purpose

What do you want to achieve with your presentation? Are you informing, persuading, or training? Having a clear goal will guide your content and structure.

3. Organize Your Content

Outline the main points you want to cover. A simple structure like an introduction, body, and conclusion works well. Make sure each section flows logically into the next.

4. Use Visual Aids

Consider incorporating visuals like slides, charts, or videos to make your points clearer and keep your audience engaged. Just be sure they complement your message, not distract from it.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

Rehearse your presentation several times. You can do this in front of a mirror, record yourself, or practice with a friend. Familiarity with your material will boost your confidence.

6. Prepare for Questions

Think about potential questions your audience might have and prepare your answers. This will help you feel more at ease during the Q&A session.

7. Check Your Tech

If you’re using technology, make sure everything works smoothly ahead of time. Test your slides, any equipment, and the room setup to avoid surprises on the day of the presentation.

8. Stay Calm and Confident

On the day of the presentation, take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. Remember, it’s okay to be a bit nervous—just focus on sharing your knowledge with the audience.

9. Engage with Your Audience

During the presentation, make eye contact, ask questions, and encourage participation. This creates a more interactive experience and keeps everyone involved.

10. Follow Up

After your presentation, consider sending a follow-up email with key takeaways or additional resources. It shows you care about the audience’s understanding and keeps the conversation going.

In Conclusion 

Now that you’ve explored the different presentation styles , it’s time to pick one that fits your needs. Which style do you think will resonate best with your audience and achieve your goals?

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on what you want to accomplish, the context of your presentation, and who you’ll be speaking to. If it feels right, consider using visual aids, like PowerPoint, to help convey your message effectively.

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frequently asked questions

1. What is the best presentation style to use?

The best presentation style depends on your audience and your goals. Consider whether you want to inform, persuade, or engage your colleagues, and choose a style that aligns with that objective. Experimenting with different styles can also help you find what resonates best with your audience.

2. How can I make my presentation more engaging?

To make your presentation engaging, use a mix of storytelling, visuals, and interactive elements. Ask questions, encourage participation, and use relatable examples to connect with your audience. Keeping your energy up and being passionate about your topic also makes a big difference!

3. How do I handle questions during my presentation?

Prepare for questions by anticipating what your audience might ask and having answers ready. During the presentation, encourage questions and create a welcoming atmosphere for discussion. If you don’t know the answer, it’s okay to admit it and offer to follow up later.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid in presentations?

Common mistakes include overloading slides with text, speaking too fast, or failing to engage the audience. Avoid jargon that your audience may not understand, and ensure your technology works properly before you start. Practicing your delivery can help you feel more confident and polished.

5. How can I improve my public speaking skills?

Improving your public speaking skills takes practice! Rehearse your presentations regularly, and seek feedback from peers. Watching skilled speakers can also provide inspiration and techniques you can incorporate into your own style .

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what is presentation view

As an enthusiastic English literature graduate, Chandni enjoys writing as much as a toddler enjoys animation. She discovered her passion for writing and expressing thoughts through this form amidst the nail-biting months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ever since then, she has volunteered in various anthology books that have been published on Amazon. Her experience working on a diverse range of verticals has enabled her to excel in this domain and face new challenges as they come. With a contagious thrill and excitement at the workplace, Chandni embraces wearing different hats and soaks up information like a sponge.

EA Says AI Is 'the Very Core' of Its Business: What Does That Mean?

From college football 25 to the sims, ai is everywhere at ea now..

Rebekah Valentine Avatar

On Tuesday, Electronic Arts (EA) held its annual Investor Day — a three-hour presentation intended for its investors to learn more about the company's direction and promises to make them money in the coming year. But you'd be forgiven if you thought this was some sort of AI tech conference given how effusively the technology was brought up and touted as a key component of EA's future.

While we've known for a while that EA and a number of other gaming companies are experimenting with and investing heavily in AI, it was nonetheless a bit overwhelming just how often AI came up throughout the entire presentation. It was mentioned it just about every single segment in some capacity, had its own dedicated segment near the end, and was described during CEO Andrew Wilson's introductory speech as "the very core of our business" — a rather shocking new mission statement for a company that ostensibly makes and publishes video games.

We watched the entirety of the three-hour Investor Day presentation, and did our best to round up all the AI "highlights" in an effort to paint a picture of what, exactly, EA is doing with AI and what we can expect to see in the coming years if its investments and interest in the tech pan out.

Core of the Business

The first mention of AI in the presentation took place right at the top, in Andrew Wilson's opening speech. In addition to referring to AI as "the very core of our business" and "not merely a buzzword," he announced that EA apparently has over 100 active "novel AI projects" in the works right now, ranging from the practical to the very experimental. Wilson divvied these up into three categories: efficiency, expansion, and transformation.


Wilson describes the "efficiency" projects as not just cost-saving, but related to doing things faster, cheaper, and at "higher quality." Specifically, he cites College Football 25 , saying the developers could not have made the game's 150 different stadiums and over 11,000 player likenesses without AI.

Wilson elaborated by saying he believes AI can give developers "richer colors" to paint "more brilliant worlds" and make characters with "more depth and intelligence" while offering "more authenticity and deeper immersion" to the company's sports games. And for transformation, Wilson describes this as looking into the future and finding entirely new kinds of experiences that don't currently exist in games, especially around user-generated content.

Chief strategy officer Mihir Vaidya went into more depth about what the "transformation" element will mean for EA in a later section, but Wilson's opener made it clear that he's more than bullish on the technology.

AI Examples

In the talks that followed, a number of EA leads highlighted ways in which EA was already working with AI tech in its existing games. Laura Miele, president of EA entertainment, technology, and central development, talked about something called The Sims Hub, the first AI features coming to The Sims universe. EA plans to release a platform with "supercharged discovery tools" that use AI to allow players to find user-generated content more easily. She showed off an AI application that uses a photo search feature, allowing users to drop in photos of real life houses and then find user-generated houses that look similar to them. Miele also highlighted how the AI can be used for character creation, with users able to drop in an image of a celebrity or person in a certain outfit and then generate a Sim that matches up. Miele says The Sims Hub will be released "soon."


On the internal tech side, Miele talked about EA's asset library, which she described as "like the Smithsonian of game assets." Essentially, EA has a massive database of assets from all of its games and work behind the scenes over the years, and it's using it to train its machine learning capabilities and large language models. Those capabilities are then being used by the company's "SEED" innovation lab, aka "Search for Extraordinary Experiences Division", for things like EA's "Script to Scene" tool.

Script to Scene lets developers "create characters, direct performances, and define worlds all from text." Miele shows an example on screen, prompting an AI chat assistant to "build me a Parisian-style residential building." She then asks to make it taller, changes it to a modern high rise, and expands it into a larger neighborhood. With Script to Scene, Miele claims EA developers could eventually make an entire scene in a game using simple text prompts.


After Miele, president of EA Sports Cam Weber took the stage to talk about, well, EA Sports. He showed off the already announced FC IQ , which uses "tactical AI" and real-world data to more accurately simulate how players and teams play together in EA Sports FC 25. And he highlighted Wilson's prior statements about using AI in College Football 25, noting that the stadium creator AI tools in particular reduced creation time "by about 70%" and allowed developers to focus on building the "pageantry" and unique traditions of each school instead. "The investment in these tools and tech will benefit the rest of our portfolio in the months and years ahead," he said.

And finally, chief experience officer David Tinson briefly talked about an early prototype of a predictive simulation tool EA is working on. He claims the tool will combine EA game data, AI, and IQ ratings to allow users to run more accurate simulations and answer questions of which team would win in a match, who would have won in a hypothetical match, and which team is the best.

Cardboard boxes and AI soccer stars

If all that somehow wasn't enough AI chatter for you, chief strategy officer Mihir Vaidya took the stage next to talk about AI and nothing but. He opened by comparing the technology to the advent of makeup tutorial videos and cat videos, which he says people initially dismissed as trivial or niche, but now are ubiquitous and wildly popular. He says EA's experimental AI efforts should be viewed the same way as "early YouTube videos", and that while what he shows might feel rudimentary, it will naturally get better as AI improves.

Vaidya was specifically brought onstage to talk about the "transformation" portion of AI that Wilson mentioned earlier. He says the experiences he shows onstage are "not intended to replace AAA games, but instead unlock new and adjacent categories that add as opposed to take away from the existing gaming market."

Those "new and adjacent categories" Vaidya wanted to show off largely seem to involve apps of some sort that let people use AI to shuffle around EA proprietary assets and spit out minigames of a sort. One example he shows involves two people asking an AI to "make a maze out of cardboard boxes." They then ask the AI to make it more complex, then multi-level. Then they ask the AI to "make two characters with weapons," allowing them to select from a gallery of existing EA characters before settling on two that purport to be community-designed, then equip them with guns from a library of weapons. They then select from a handful of game modes and start chasing each other around the cardboard maze. The video ends with one of them asking the AI to "make it more epic," resulting in a giant cardboard box pyramid seemingly appearing in real-time to the astonishment of the two players.


In a second demonstration, Vaidya wants to demonstrate how AI can be used to create "more believable characters" that players care about even more. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see much of that in action, as Vaidya encourages investors to check out the demo at the investor event after the presentation is over. But we do see a few seconds of what he's talking about: an AI version of soccer star Jude Bellingham is apparently available to answer questions posed by investors using AI to simulate his likeness, voice, and likely responses. Vaidya demonstrates by asking him what it was like to play at Bernabéu "in front of millions of screaming fans." Bellingham briefly explains the indescribable thrill of the experience in a flat monotone, expressionless.

Finally, Vaidya demonstrates how EA wants to use AI for "social ecosystems", specifically something codenamed Project AIR. Project AIR seems to be a way to use short text prompts to generate characters, have text-based interactions with them, and then share those conversations with friends. In his example, he creates a "legendary investor" character using the prompt, "A high-stakes VC who swims in the deep waters of innovation."

He then decides the "game" will be to pitch business ideas to him. In an interface that looks suspiciously like Tik-Tok, the user pitches "self-tying shoes" only to be slapped down. He then invites a friend to help him pitch, but lost for any ideas on how to make self-tying shoes more interesting, he uses an AI co-pilot to write the pitch for him, which ultimately succeeds.


What does it all mean?

That's a lot of noise about AI, almost an astonishing amount even from a company we knew was pushing the tech hard. And it's a lot of noise specifically about generative AI. Artificial intelligence, broadly, has been used in games for decades. But generative AI, which is involved in most of the things EA shared yesterday, is different. Generative AI effectively spits out brand new images, text, sound, or other content based on data it's fed, which has led to numerous ethical questions regarding its use. Some of those EA has managed to answer effectively. For instance, EA is training its AI on its own proprietary material, so there's seemingly no concern about it stealing copyrighted work (we've reached out to EA for comment).

But other concerns remain. There's the environmental impact , for one, which we've also asked EA about. And then there's issues of using personal likenesses. EA says Jude Bellingham agreed to let EA train an AI on his likeness and voice for the model we saw yesterday, but will EA ensure it has permission from every single individual it uses in the future? What about voice actors for beloved characters, who are still at this moment on strike from companies including AI over these exact protections? We've asked EA for comment on all this, too.

On the game development side, how does this implementation of AI impact individual creatives at the company? It's easy to say that tools such as Script to Scene are intended to free up developers to work on other things. But it's a practical reality that the games industry has seen two years of unprecedented layoffs just as AI is beginning to creep into the mainstream, and EA has been a part of that . There are no guarantees that this tech might not eventually be used to replace developers eventually. Developers have said over and over that they are rightfully nervous about this possibility, but neither EA nor its investors seem to be especially interested in addressing that. Nor does it seem apparent to them the difference between the intentional, creative work of designers assembling a thoughtful map for a shooter, and anyone at all prompting an AI to spit out a random array of cardboard boxes. It's all content to be sold in the end.

As some have pointed out online, EA is no stranger to pushing hard on new tech before immediately backing off the second the wind changed . But this feels different. EA leadership made it abundantly clear at the Investor Day that the company is already very, very deep in on AI even if the experiments themselves are still in their infancy. Investors might be kept happy by these experiments, but perhaps fans of EA's 40-year history as a video game company ought to be asking why AI, not games, has suddenly become the "core" of its business.

Rebekah Valentine is a senior reporter for IGN. Got a story tip? Send it to [email protected].

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Choose the right view for the task in PowerPoint

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You can view your PowerPoint file in a variety of ways, depending on the task at hand. Some views are helpful when you're creating your presentation, and some are most helpful for delivering your presentation.

You can find the different PowerPoint view options on the View tab, as shown below.

Shows the View menu in PowerPoint

You can also find the most frequently used views on the task bar at the bottom right of the slide window, as shown below.

Shows the View buttons at the bottom of the screen in PowerPoint

Note:  To change the default view in PowerPoint, see Change the default view .

Views for creating your presentation

Normal view

Normal View button in PowerPoint

Normal view is the editing mode where you’ll work most frequently to create your slides. Below, Normal view displays slide thumbnails on the left, a large window showing the current slide, and a section below the current slide where you can type your speaker notes for that slide.

Shows the Normal View in PowerPoint

Slide Sorter view

Shows the Slide View button in PowerPoint

Slide Sorter view (below) displays all the slides in your presentation in horizontally sequenced, thumbnails. Slide show view is helpful if you need to reorganize your slides—you can just click and drag your slides to a new location or add sections to organize your slides into meaningful groups.

Shows Slide Sorter View in PowerPoint

For more information about sections, see Organize your PowerPoint slides into sections .

Notes Page view

notes button in PowerPoint

The Notes pane is located beneath the slide window. You can print your notes or include the notes in a presentation that you send to the audience, or just use them as cues for yourself while you're presenting.

Shows the speaker Notes pane in PowerPoint

For more information about notes, see Add speaker notes to your slides .

Outline view

You can get to Outline view from the View tab on the ribbon. (In PowerPoint 2013 and later, you can no longer get to Outline view from Normal view. You have to get to it from the View tab.)

Use Outline view to create an outline or story board for your presentation. It displays only the text on your slides, not pictures or other graphical items.

Outline View in PowerPoint.

Master views

To get to a master view, on the View tab, in the Master Views group, choose the master view that you want.

Master views include Slide , Handout , and Notes . The key benefit to working in a master view is that you can make universal style changes to every slide, notes page, or handout associated with your presentation.

For more information about working with masters, see:

What is a slide master?

Use multiple slide masters in one presentation

Change, delete, or hide headers and footers on slides, notes, and handouts

Views for delivering and viewing a presentation

Slide show view.

Shows Slide Show View button in PowerPoint

Use Slide Show view to deliver your presentation to your audience. Slide Show view occupies the full computer screen, exactly the way your presentation will look on a big screen when your audience sees it.

Presenter view

The Show Presenter View button in PowerPoint.

Use Presenter view to view your notes while delivering your presentation. In Presenter view, your audience cannot see your notes.

ShowsPowerPoint presenter view menu

For more information about using Presenter view, see View your speaker notes as you deliver your slide show .

Reading view

reading view button in PowerPoint

Most people reviewing a PowerPoint presentation without a presenter will want to use Reading view. It displays the presentation in a full screen like Slide Show view, and it includes a few simple controls to make it easy to flip through the slides.

The views in PowerPoint that you can use to edit, print, and deliver your presentation are as follows:

Master views: Slide, Handout, and Notes

You can switch between PowerPoint views in two places:

Use the View menu to switch between any of the views

The View menu in PowerPoint

Access the three main views (Normal, Slide Sorter, or Slide Show) on the bottom bar of the PowerPoint window

View buttons at the bottom of the PowerPoint window

Views for creating or editing your presentation

Several views in PowerPoint can help you create a professional presentation.

Normal view      Normal view is the main editing view, where you write and design your presentations. Normal view has three working areas:

Thumbnail pane

Slides pane

The thumbnail pane, slide pane, and notes pane in PowerPoint for Mac

Slide Sorter view      Slide Sorter view gives you a view of your slides in thumbnail form. This view makes it easy for you to sort and organize the sequence of your slides as you create your presentation, and then also as you prepare your presentation for printing. You can add sections in Slide Sorter view as well, and sort slides into different categories or sections.

Notes Page view      The Notes pane is located under the Slide pane. You can type notes that apply to the current slide. Later, you can print your notes and refer to them when you give your presentation. You can also print notes to give to your audience or include the notes in a presentation that you send to the audience or post on a Web page.

Outline view     (Introduced in PowerPoint 2016 for Mac) Outline view displays your presentation as an outline made up of the titles and main text from each slide. Each title appears on the left side of the pane that contains the Outline view, along with a slide icon and slide number. Working in Outline view is particularly handy if you want to make global edits, get an overview of your presentation, change the sequence of bullets or slides, or apply formatting changes.

Master views      The master views include Slide, Handout, and Notes view. They are the main slides that store information about the presentation, including background, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, placeholder sizes, and positions. The key benefit to working in a master view is that on the slide master, notes master, or handout master, you can make universal style changes to every slide, notes page, or handout associated with your presentation. For more information about working with masters, see Modify a slide master .

Views for delivering your presentation

Slide Show view      Use Slide Show view to deliver your presentation to your audience. In this view, your slides occupy the full computer screen.

Presenter view      Presenter view helps you manage your slides while you present by tracking how much time has elapsed, which slide is next, and displaying notes that only you can see (while also allowing you to take meeting notes as you present).

Views for preparing and printing your presentation

To help you save paper and ink, you'll want to prepare your print job before you print. PowerPoint provides views and settings to help you specify what you want to print (slides, handouts, or notes pages) and how you want those jobs to print (in color, grayscale, black and white, with frames, and more).

Slide Sorter view      Slide Sorter view gives you a view of your slides in thumbnail form. This view makes it easy for you to sort and organize the sequence of your slides as you prepare to print your slides.

Print Preview      Print Preview lets you specify settings for what you want to print—handouts, notes pages, and outline, or slides.

Organize your slides into sections

Print your slides and handouts

Start the presentation and see your notes in Presenter view

In PowerPoint for the web, when your file is stored on OneDrive, the default view is Reading view. When your file is stored on OneDrive for work or school or SharePoint in Microsoft 365, the default view is Editing view.

View for creating your presentation

Editing view.

You can get to Editing View from the View tab or from the task bar at the bottom of the slide window.

Editing View is the editing mode where you’ll work most frequently to create your slides. Below, Editing View displays slide thumbnails on the left, a large window showing the current slide, and a Notes pane below the current slide where you can type speaker notes for that slide.

Editing view in PowerPoint Online

The slide sorter lets you see your slides on the screen in a grid that makes it easy to reorganize them, or organize them into sections, just by dragging and dropping them where you want them.

Slide sorter view in PowerPoint for the web.

To add a section right click the first slide of your new section and select Add Section . See  Organize your PowerPoint slides into sections for more information.

The Slide Sorter View button

Views for delivering or viewing a presentation

Use Slide Show view to deliver your presentation to your audience. Slide Show view occupies the full computer screen, exactly the way your presentation looks on a big screen when your audience sees it.

Note:  Reading View isn't available for PowerPoint for the web files stored in OneDrive for work or school/SharePoint in Microsoft 365.

Most people reviewing a PowerPoint presentation without a presenter will want to use Reading view. It displays the presentation in a full screen like Slide Show view, and it includes a few simple controls to make it easy to flip through the slides. You can also view speaker notes in Reading View.


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  1. What is Presenter view?

    Presenter view lets you view your presentation with your speaker notes on one computer (your laptop, for example), while the audience views the notes-free presentation on a different monitor. Note: PowerPoint only supports the use of two monitors for a presentation. However, you can configure to run a presentation on three or more monitors that ...

  2. Start the presentation and see your notes in Presenter view

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    PowerPoint's Presenter View is a hidden gem that transforms how we present our slides. It allows us to see our slides along with speaker notes on a separate monitor, making the delivery smooth and professional. It's like having a trusted guide steering you through your presentation while ensuring the audience remains focused on the content.

  7. How to Work with Presenter View in PowerPoint

    A simple method for switching to Presenter View on a single monitor is to click the three dots (More slideshow options) at the bottom in SlideShow mode and select Show Presenter View. You can also switch to Presenter View on a single monitor anytime using the ALT+F5 hotkey. The presenter can easily manage a PPT in presentation mode, with the ...

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    The PowerPoint presenter view is the ideal tool for your presentation. The PowerPoint presenter view is the ideal tool for your presentation. It allows you to display your speaker notes and slides on your computer while presenting. Meanwhile, your audience will see the presentation without your notes on another screen or projector.

  10. View Options in PowerPoint

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  14. Presenter View in PowerPoint

    Click the Options button. Select Show Presenter View. The Presenter view fills the screen. The same presentation tools are available below the slide, and it also shows the current time and a thumbnail of the upcoming slide. At the bottom of the screen, use the arrows to move forward or backward in the presentation.

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    To end your presentation, click the "End Show" button in the Current Slide area. In PowerPoint, presenter view is a feature that lets you see your presentation with speaker notes on one computer (your laptop, for example), while your audience views the notes-free presentation on a different screen (like a projector connected to your laptop).

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