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Writing a Personal Statement

Student sitting outside doing research.

Many applications will include a personal essay, in which you describe "where you're coming from" – your interests, why you want to obtain a graduate degree, career goals, and so on. To personalize your application, you may wish to state your motivations for wanting to do graduate work and describe any particularly formative experiences (for example, an undergraduate research project) that led you to decide to enter graduate school. The essay should be of reasonable length, commonly one or two pages; do not write an autobiography that continues for many pages. People screening these essays may have hundreds to read, and long essays are not generally well-received.

Also, check your spelling and grammar carefully. An essay that is full of grammatical and spelling errors can automatically doom your application because such an essay denotes carelessness and a lack of commitment to doing things well. Identify faculty members with whom you would consider working in your essay. This will help route your application to appropriate faculty members who will be reading through applicant files. Be sure to contact the individuals to whom you refer in your essay.

Personal Statement Resources

Purdue Online Writing Lab: Writing the CV

University of California Berkeley: Graduate School Statement of Purpose

University of Washington: Writing Personal Statements for Graduate School (PDF)

Peterson's: What Should I Write About In My Graduate Personal Statement?

USA Today: 10 Tips For Writing A Grad School Personal Statement

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  • 23 April 2021

Sell yourself and your science in a compelling personal statement

Andy Tay is a science writer in Singapore.

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Personal statements — essays highlighting personal circumstances, qualities and achievements — are used extensively in science to evaluate candidates for jobs, awards and promotions. Five researchers offer tips for making yours stand out in a crowded and competitive market.

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Nature 593 , 153-155 (2021)

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-01101-z

These interviews have been edited for length and clarity.

K. B. Clancy et al. Neuron 109 , 677–689 (2021).

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  • Biology Masters Personal Statement Sample

Written by Jennifer Bevan

This is an example personal statement for a Masters degree application in Biology. See our guide for advice on writing your own postgraduate personal statement .

Over the time I have been studying Biology the importance of the subject has been repeatedly highlighted to me. From the development of novel treatments for medical conditions to the optimisation of crop growth, biological research has saved and improved millions of lives. Thoroughly understanding Biology is essential to continue developing and improving our current methods and I hope to be involved in this process in a microbiological setting. Since learning about the increasing antibiotic resistance in common bacterial pathogens, my interests have primarily been in microbiology.

I have applied for your MSc course as I hope to gain more in-depth knowledge into the pathogenicity of bacteria and the classes of antibiotics currently in development. Your modules in medical microbiology, host-microbe interactions, and microbial physiology and virulence would be ideal for developing the specialist knowledge I desire. I was also drawn to this programme for the opportunity to work in a cutting-edge microbiology laboratory on a piece of extended independent research. During my undergraduate research I read numerous papers from your research groups and the opportunity to work with some of these academics would be invaluable.

Throughout my Bachelors degree in Biology, for which I achieved a first, I developed a range of skills that would be an excellent foundation for the content covered in this programme. I gained experience with statistical packages including GraphPad InStat and Prism, particularly during my final year project to analyse my data. Several of my modules included laboratory experience including cell culture, Gram staining and pouring agar plates. During this time, I kept a laboratory book and developed excellent record keeping, which will be important for the independent research in a Masters. For my final year project, I assessed the susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus to a mixture of vinegar and honey, both of which are known to have antimicrobial activity alone. This project allowed me to develop a range of new microbiology skills, particularly using checkerboard assays and improving my aseptic technique. Upon completion of my degree, I was awarded the Royal Society of Biology top student award to recognise my achievements and the skills I had developed.

Following my graduation, I worked as a laboratory technician at a school during term time. In this role excellent time management is essential to allow sufficient time to prepare experiments for the students and tidy up before the next class. I am responsible for cleaning, safely storing and keeping a catalogue of the equipment and consumables in the storeroom so being well organised is crucial. Since beginning this role, I have further developed my ability to work as part of a team through liaising with teachers regarding timetables or experiment plans and by supporting them during practical work.

While I enjoyed being a laboratory technician, I hope to use the valuable laboratory experience I gained to achieve a Masters in Biology and ultimately pursue a career in microbiology research.

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Postgraduate certificate in education (biology) pgce, king’s college london faculty of social science & public policy, msc biotechnology with project management, university of bedfordshire school of life sciences, msc biotechnology and enterprise, the university of manchester faculty of biology, medicine and health, biotechnology & management - msc/pgdip, university of glasgow adam smith business school, biotechnology and business enterprise - mres, newcastle university medical sciences graduate school, our postgrad newsletter shares courses, funding news, stories and advice, find a masters in biology.

If you're interested in a studying Biology, then why don't you check out our regularly updated catalogue of available Biology Masters courses .

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Looking for the best universities for Ecology in France? Compare ranking tables from top sources here, along with their methodologies.

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Biological Engineering Communication Lab

Graduate School Personal Statement

Criteria for success.

  • Your personal statement convinces a faculty committee that you are qualified for their program.
  • It convinces them that you are a good fit for their program’s focus and goals.
  • You show a select group of skills and experiences that convey your scientific accomplishments and interests.
  • Your experiences are concrete and quantitative.
  • Your personal statement is no more than 2 pages.

Structure Diagram

The graduate school personal statement tells your story and demonstrates that you are a good match for a particular department or program. Matching goes both ways: they should be interested in you, and you should be interested in them. Your personal statement should make this match clear.

Analyze Your Audience

Your personal statement will be read by a graduate committee, a handful of faculty from your program. They’re trying to determine if you will be a successful graduate student in their department, a positive force in the department’s intellectual life, and a successful scientist after you graduate. They are therefore interested in your qualifications as a researcher, your career goals, and how your personality matches their labs and department.

The graduate committee probably reads hundreds of applications a year. To make it easy for them to figure out that you are a good fit, make direct, concrete statements about your accomplishments and qualifications. To make it easy for them to remember you, create a narrative that “brands” you.

Create a personal narrative

PhD programs invest in the professional and scientific growth of their students. Get the committee excited about investing in you by opening your essay with a brief portrait of what drives you as a scientist. What research directions are you passionate about, and why? What do you picture yourself doing in 10 years?

Close your essay with a 2-3 sentence discussion of your career interests. No one will hold you to this; this just helps your committee visualize your potential trajectory.

Describe your experiences

Experiences are the “what” of your essay. What experiences led you to develop your skill set and passions? Where have you demonstrated accomplishment, leadership, and collaboration? Include research, teaching, and relevant extracurriculars. State concrete achievements and outcomes like awards, discoveries, or publications.

Quantify your experiences to show concrete impact. How many people were on your team? How many protocols did you develop? How many people were in competition for an award? As a TA, how often did you meet with your students?

Describe actions, not just changes in your internal mental or emotional state. A personal statement is a way to make a narrative out of your CV. It is not a diary entry.

During this project, my mind was opened to the possibility of using different programming languages together to create code that is faster to run and easier to understand and modify. During this project, I collaborated with other group members to develop a user-friendly Python wrapper for a 10,000-line Fortran library.
I showed initiative in my second project in the lab. Frustrated with the direction of my first project, I consulted with other faculty and proposed an entirely new project.
During my first year, I became a more curious and capable scientist. I explored the literature and proposed two alternative procedures to make the experiment efficient.
I won the physic department’s Laser Focus prize. I won the physics department’s prize for top student among my cohort of 20 students.
I learned about the role of enzymes in cancer. I quantified the kinetics of three enzymes implicated in cancer onset.

Explain the meaning of your experiences

Meaning is the “why” or “so what” of the document. Why was this experience important to your growth as a scientist? What does it say about your abilities and potential? It feels obvious to you, but you need to be explicit with your audience. Your descriptions of meaning should also act as transition statements between experiences: try to “wrap” meaning around your experiences.

Demonstrate match to your target program

Demonstrate an understanding of the program to which you’re applying and about how you will be successful in that program. To do this:

  • Read the program’s website. See what language they use to describe themselves, and echo that language in your essay. For example, MIT Biological Engineering’s website lists the department’s three objectives.
  • Get in contact with faculty (or students) in your target program. If you have had a positive discussion with someone at the department, describe how those interactions made you think that you and the department may be well-matched.
  • State which professors in the program you would plan to work with. Show how their research areas align with your background and your goals. You can even describe potential research directions or projects.

Resources and Annotated Examples

Annotated example 1.

These are selected sections from the personal statement that an MIT BE graduate student wrote in their successful application to MIT BE. 675 KB

Annotated Example 2

This is the personal statement from an MIT BE graduate student’s successful application to the MIT BE program. 11 MB

Free personal statement examples for students looking to study a science degree at undergraduate or post graduate level, or for students looking to secure a place on a science course where a personal statement is required as part of the application process.

Including biology, physics, chemistry, biomedical studies, genetics, marine science and other closely related subjects.

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All we need to do is look around the world we live in to see how vital biochemistry is to living organisms – it can be applied to a variety of subjects ranging from genes and cells to medicines and enzymology.

Biomedical engineering program personal statement example

Biomedical engineering personal statement example (page one)

I used to imagine my future as a researcher and experimenter in a laboratory equipped with big lasers and hi-tech equipment, performing experiments for benefiting others…

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Biomedical sciences personal statements

science student working

On this page you'll find a collection of real personal statements written by students applying to study biomedical sciences and related courses at university.

These personal statements are written by real students - don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples, you'll be able to get some ideas and inspiration for your own personal statement.

Biomedical sciences personal statement examples

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Successful Personal Statement For Natural Science (Physical) At Cambridge

Last Updated: 12th April 2022

Author: Chloe Hewitt

  • Natural Sciences

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Natural Science applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The Natural Science Course at Cambridge is a unique and demanding course focused on blurring the boundaries between the different fields of science. 

Read on to see how this candidate wrote a Personal Statement that helped secure their place on a reputable degree. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

Enrolling on our Cambridge Natural Science comprehensive Programme will give you access to Personal Statement redrafts. 

Your tutor will give you actionable feedback with insider tips on how to improve and make your Personal Statement Oxbridge quality for the best chances of success.  

Natural Science (Physical) Personal Statement

The more I discover about physics, the less I realise that I know, and the keener I am to further explore unfamiliar topics at university. Studying areas such as special relativity and quantum mechanics have made me question concepts I took as given, such as the nature and manipulation of time and the degree of certainty to which we can truly know anything.

My particular interest in physics was sparked when I read an article on quantum physics, and was introduced to a simple description of the fundamental constituents of matter. This led me to read further about particle physics. I particularly enjoyed Brian Greene’s The Elegant Universe, which gave me a brief insight into the intricacies of string theory, and The Feynman Lectures on Physics, from which I learnt new mechanics and probability theory. I watch lectures on the MIT website, read New Scientist and am a junior member of the IoP to further my knowledge of new scientific developments. I enjoyed visiting CERN last year and learning more about the experiments conducted there. I have also competed in national challenges to develop my thinking skills further, achieving bronze in the Physics Olympiad, silver in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge and gold in the Senior Maths Challenge. Additionally, this year I won the school leavers’ physics prize.

Last summer I attended a residential Headstart physics course at the University of Leicester, and spent three days at the Debate Chamber physics school. I enjoyed performing undergraduate experiments, and was particularly interested by the lectures on recent developments in nanotechnology and the ways in which nanoparticles could be used to destroy cancerous cells in the body. I also had a tantalising glimpse of some of the complex mathematics behind General Relativity, and would love to study this intricate topic in more detail. These experiences confirmed my love of physics as well as increasing my appreciation of more complicated subjects not covered by my A Level courses. Furthermore, they helped to develop my skills in processing new information and quickly adapting to unfamiliar concepts.

I recently took part in an extended-essay competition at school, producing an independently researched piece of work on the superluminal neutrinos apparently found in 2011. I focused on the impossibility of faster-than-light travel according to special relativity, and the implications for time travel the discovery would have had if the measurements had been correct. This gave me the chance to explore further a subject I was interested in but had not studied at school. I researched my essay by reading scientific journals and textbooks, and speaking to scientists I met at physics events.

I will shortly begin a paid internship at Hildebrand Technology Ltd, where I will be using mathematical modelling of real life situations for statistical analysis. This will be an opportunity to apply mathematical techniques I have learnt in school to more complex problems. This placement, along with self-studying university textbooks and extra further maths modules, will ensure that I maintain and expand my maths skills and scientific knowledge during my gap year.

In my final year I was captain of the school Boat Club. I have rowed in the top senior boat since I was 15, and in 2013 I won silver at National Schools and gold at Schools Head. This sport has involved intensive training, which demands self-discipline and commitment. I love music, and take part in many close harmony groups and choirs, as well as taking grades in musical theatre, singing and piano. My music and sport, along with lifeguarding and weekly volunteering at a local primary school, have allowed me to develop my time management skills and use the time I have for work efficiently and productively.

I am a hardworking and intellectually curious student and am excited by the prospect of developing my mathematical skills and studying physics at a more advanced level at university.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

Successful Personal Statement For Law At Cambridge

Successful personal statement for economics & management at oxford, successful personal statement for economics at cambridge, successful personal statement for land economy at cambridge, successful personal statement for chemistry at oxford, successful personal statement for geography at oxford, successful personal statement for classics at oxford, successful personal statement for law at oxford, successful personal statement for classics at cambridge, successful personal statement for engineering at cambridge, successful personal statement for philosophy at cambridge, successful personal statement for veterinary medicine at cambridge, successful personal statement for psychological and behavioural sciences at cambridge, successful personal statement for psychology at oxford, successful personal statement for history at oxford, successful personal statement for physics at oxford, successful personal statement for cambridge mathematics and physics, successful personal statement example for computer science at oxford, successful personal statement for english at cambridge, successful personal statement for oxford english language and literature, successful personal statement for modern languages at oxford, successful personal statement for engineering at oxford, successful personal statement for natural sciences (biological) at cambridge, successful personal statement for ppe at oxford, successful personal statement for dentistry at king’s college london, successful personal statement for medicine at cambridge.

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This is a very good statement. The statement is well structured, and the student’s motivation to study physics is clear. All points are explained clearly, and experiences expanded on. The student uses examples beyond their A-level studies to explain their desire to study physics, which comes across very well to the reader.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The student forgets to use quotation marks around the names of books etc., and also ‘the’ before ‘New Scientist’. Whilst these are rudimentary errors, a simple proof-read would have found these. The main issue with this statement is its length. There are eight paragraphs in total.  By the penultimate paragraph it is clear enough that the student has done many physics-related extra-curricular activities. The quality of the statement will not be reduced if it is shortened.  The student does not explain acronyms, e.g. ‘IoP’. Some sentences can be shortened in order to save space, e.g. ‘I have also competed in national challenges to develop my thinking skills further, achieving bronze in the Physics Olympiad, silver in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge and gold in the Senior Maths Challenge’ can be shortened to ‘I have also competed in national challenges to develop my thinking skills further, achieving bronze, silver and gold medals in the Physics Olympiad, Cambridge Chemistry and Senior Maths Challenges respectively’.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

In general, this is a very good statement. It is well written, and the student’s motivation to study physics at university is clear from the very beginning. Due to the length of the statement, it is quite cumbersome to read. With some shortening, this would be a compact and powerful statement.

This Personal Statement for Natural Science is a solid example of demonstrating a wealth of knowledge, motivation and interest, vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

Check out our other successful personal statements and our expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

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Discover our Cambridge Natural Science Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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Personal Statement

The personal statement accomplishes a variety of goals:

  • It explains why you are choosing a career in medicine.
  • It puts a "face" to your application.
  • It helps medical schools understand your experiences, interests and values.

What Medical Schools Look For

  • Evidence that you understand the realities of medicine.
  • Your view on why you have chosen a career in medicine.
  • Your life story - How did you get to this point?
  • Your values/experiences - Why is medicine a good fit for you?

Common Pitfalls

  • Writing only about medicine and not about yourself.
  • Not giving yourself enough time to revise multiple drafts.
  • Cutting and pasting the statement from a Word document into the application, which introduces formatting errors. Make sure to write statement in a text-only program like Notepad or directly into the essay.
  • Not proofing the final draft carefully.
  • Not being aware of the tone of essay; coming across as arrogant or entitled to a career in medicine.
  • Relying only on your ideas of medicine and not showing how you tested your decision with experiences.
  • Writing a personal statement that could apply to any applicant.
  • Repeating information that can be found elsewhere in the application.
  • Start early. If you procrastinate on a personal statement, you delay the whole application process.
  • Overwrite at the beginning of the process. Any extra material can often be used in secondary applications and preparing for interviews.
  • Edit the final draft to 5,300 characters (including spaces) for AMCAS statements (usually a page and a half single spaced).
  • Personal statement workshops   are held in winter and spring quarters. They are designed to help you begin the writing process.   See our events page   for upcoming workshops.
  • Individual advising appointments   are available for preparation and feedback.   Book an appointment to meet with an advisor .
  • You can review examples of successful personal statements at the HPA office. They are available for viewing at the reception desk.
  • Check out   Essay Workshop 101 on the Student Doctor Network   website for tips and considerations.
  • If you need style help,   The Writing Place   can help with grammar and expression (but not with content).

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Personal statement advice: computer science

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  • The new personal statement for 2026 entry
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  • How to start a personal statement: The attention grabber
  • How to end your personal statement
  • Introducing the personal statement tool
  • Personal statement dos and don'ts
  • Personal statement week
  • What to include in a personal statement
  • Using AI and ChatGPT to help you with your personal statement
  • Using your personal statement beyond a university application
  • Carers, estranged students, refugees, asylum seekers, and those with limited leave to remain
  • Personal statement advice: animal science
  • Personal statement advice: biology
  • Personal statement advice: business and management
  • Personal statement advice: chemistry
  • Personal statement advice and example: computer science
  • Personal statement advice: dance
  • Personal statement advice: dentistry
  • Personal statement advice: drama
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  • Personal statement advice: midwifery
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  • References for mature students

What to include in your computer science statement

  • A strong opening: explain succinctly where your enthusiasm for computer science comes from, and why – but avoid the temptation to begin with a potted history describing when you got your first computer!
  • How you're engaged with the subject: talk about what’s inspiring you or motivating you to study it, whether it’s a relevant book or news articles you’ve read, or maybe a bit of programming you've done.
  • An understanding of what's involved: tutors love to read statements where your enthusiasm for the subject comes across, alongside a clear sense that you understand what computer science as a discipline is all about. Don't actually tell them what it is – they know that already. Show them that you know.
  • Your personal goals: what are you hoping to achieve by studying this subject for the next three to four years?
  • Show you're a team player: according to the engineering and computer science department at Durham University, 'try to write about how you work with others. Have you been part of a team or led a team? Have you had to organise something complex such as an event, a play or a football league?'

Computer science personal statement pitfalls

  • Not standing out: Professor Lowe from the University of Oxford says that lots of the personal statements he sees 'are similar, bland, impersonal and don’t stand out – so make it personal, specific, and concrete'.
  • Using clichés: avoid phrases such as 'computers are important in the modern world' or just saying 'I’m fascinated by artificial intelligence' without explaining why.
  • Quoting Wikipedia: 'We already know what computer science is so we don’t need a Wikipedia definition. We’re interested in your understanding of it and your desire to learn', Robert Zimmer from Goldsmiths adds.

Engagement with the subject

Admissions tutors at University of Portsmouth and University of Warwick both agreed that clichés like ‘I want to do computing because it’s the future’ or opening lines like ‘I got my first computer when I was three’ are a big turn-off.

However, they do like to see evidence of your most recent engagement with the subject, or something current that’s inspired you. In fact, the kind of statement that would really hit the mark would include your reflections on some or all of the following:

  • a programme you wrote or side project you've been working on
  • an internship or some relevant work experience you did
  • how your studies or wider reading have boosted your understanding or sparked your curiosity
  • your opinions on a key topic such as data privacy
  • any extracurricular interests that have given you relevant transferable skills
  • an area or module you're particularly looking forward to studying. Something along those lines should engage the tutor reading your statement

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Health Sciences Personal Statement Examples

personal statement examples science

Public health is a purposeful, challenging and rewarding career and I experienced it whenIstarted working as a community vaccinator in the health department (Preventive Services). So, I’m writing this letter to apply to Debrecen’s university bachelor's programme in public health...

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    Pharmacology Personal Statement Example 1. I am of Haitian descent and my country is one known for its harsh living conditions. There is a constant struggle for survival and poverty is an endemic burden. Despite numerous advances in technology, Haiti has remained the least-developed country in the Western Hemisphere...

  25. Biological Sciences Personal Statement

    Inspire your Biological Sciences personal statement with our UCAS examples and learn from previous students who have already applied to university. Order Prospectus; Course Degree Quiz; Download our App; ... Biomedical Science Personal Statement . Since studying science at primary school level, I have been compelled by the complex and dynamic ...