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500+ Business Research Topics

Business Research Topics

Business research is an essential component of any successful organization, as it allows companies to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. Whether it’s market research to identify new opportunities, or analyzing internal processes to improve efficiency, there are a vast array of business research topics that companies can explore. With the constantly evolving business landscape, it’s critical for organizations to stay up-to-date with the latest research trends and best practices to remain competitive. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most compelling business research topics that are currently being studied, providing insights and actionable recommendations for businesses of all sizes.

Business Research Topics

Business Research Topics are as follows:

  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior
  • Strategies for enhancing customer satisfaction in the service industry
  • The effectiveness of mobile marketing campaigns
  • Exploring the factors influencing employee turnover
  • The role of leadership in organizational culture
  • Investigating the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance
  • Assessing the impact of employee engagement on organizational performance
  • The challenges and opportunities of global supply chain management
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of e-commerce platforms
  • Investigating the impact of organizational culture on employee motivation
  • The role of corporate governance in ensuring ethical business practices
  • Examining the impact of digital marketing on brand equity
  • Strategies for managing diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • Exploring the effects of employee empowerment on job satisfaction
  • The role of innovation in business growth
  • Analyzing the impact of mergers and acquisitions on company performance
  • Investigating the impact of workplace design on employee productivity
  • The challenges and opportunities of international business expansion
  • Strategies for managing talent in the knowledge economy
  • The role of artificial intelligence in transforming business operations
  • Examining the impact of customer loyalty programs on retention and revenue
  • Investigating the relationship between corporate social responsibility and brand reputation
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership
  • The impact of digital transformation on small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of green marketing strategies
  • The role of entrepreneurship in economic development
  • Investigating the impact of employee training and development on organizational performance
  • The challenges and opportunities of omnichannel retailing
  • Examining the impact of organizational change on employee morale and productivity
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in attracting and retaining millennial talent
  • Analyzing the impact of employee motivation on organizational culture
  • Investigating the impact of workplace diversity on team performance
  • The challenges and opportunities of blockchain technology in business operations
  • Strategies for managing cross-functional teams
  • The role of big data analytics in business decision-making
  • Examining the impact of corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty
  • Investigating the relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee engagement
  • The impact of social media marketing on customer engagement and brand loyalty.
  • The effectiveness of AI in improving customer service and satisfaction.
  • The role of entrepreneurship in economic development and job creation.
  • The impact of the gig economy on the labor market.
  • The effects of corporate social responsibility on company profitability.
  • The role of data analytics in predicting consumer behavior and market trends.
  • The effects of globalization on the competitiveness of small businesses.
  • The impact of e-commerce on traditional brick-and-mortar retail.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership and team management.
  • The effects of workplace diversity on employee productivity and satisfaction.
  • The role of corporate culture in employee retention and satisfaction.
  • The impact of employee training and development on company performance.
  • The effectiveness of performance-based pay structures on employee motivation.
  • The impact of sustainability practices on company reputation and profitability.
  • The effects of artificial intelligence on job displacement and the future of work.
  • The role of innovation in the growth and success of small businesses.
  • The impact of government regulations on business operations and profitability.
  • The effects of organizational structure on company performance and efficiency.
  • The role of emotional labor in service industries.
  • The impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction and retention.
  • The effects of workplace flexibility on employee productivity and well-being.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in negotiation and conflict resolution.
  • The impact of branding on consumer behavior and purchase decisions.
  • The effects of customer experience on brand loyalty and advocacy.
  • The role of storytelling in marketing and advertising.
  • The impact of consumer psychology on pricing strategies and sales.
  • The effects of influencer marketing on consumer behavior and brand loyalty.
  • The role of trust in online transactions and e-commerce.
  • The impact of product design on consumer perception and purchasing decisions.
  • The effects of customer satisfaction on company profitability and growth.
  • The role of social entrepreneurship in addressing societal problems and creating value.
  • The impact of corporate governance on company performance and stakeholder relations.
  • The effects of workplace harassment on employee well-being and company culture.
  • The role of strategic planning in the success of small businesses.
  • The impact of technology on supply chain management and logistics.
  • The effects of customer segmentation on marketing strategies and sales.
  • The role of corporate philanthropy in building brand reputation and loyalty.
  • The impact of intellectual property protection on innovation and creativity.
  • The effects of trade policies on international business operations and profitability.
  • The role of strategic partnerships in business growth and expansion.
  • The impact of digital transformation on organizational structure and operations.
  • The effects of leadership styles on employee motivation and performance.
  • The role of corporate social activism in shaping public opinion and brand reputation.
  • The impact of mergers and acquisitions on company performance and stakeholder value.
  • The effects of workplace automation on job displacement and re-skilling.
  • The role of cross-cultural communication in international business operations.
  • The impact of workplace stress on employee health and productivity.
  • The effects of customer reviews and ratings on online sales and reputation.
  • The role of competitive intelligence in market research and strategy development.
  • The impact of brand identity on consumer trust and loyalty.
  • The impact of organizational structure on innovation and creativity
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of virtual teams in global organizations
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in crisis management
  • The challenges and opportunities of online marketplaces
  • Strategies for managing cultural diversity in multinational corporations
  • The impact of employer branding on employee retention
  • Investigating the impact of corporate social responsibility on investor behavior
  • The role of technology in enhancing customer experience
  • Analyzing the impact of social responsibility initiatives on customer satisfaction
  • Investigating the impact of supply chain disruptions on business performance
  • The role of business ethics in organizational decision-making
  • The challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence in customer service
  • Strategies for managing employee burnout and stress in the workplace.
  • Impact of social media on consumer behavior and its implications for businesses.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on company performance.
  • An analysis of the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer loyalty.
  • The effect of advertising on consumer behavior.
  • A study on the effectiveness of social media marketing in building brand image.
  • The impact of technological innovations on business strategy and operations.
  • The relationship between leadership style and employee motivation.
  • A study of the effects of corporate culture on employee engagement.
  • An analysis of the factors influencing consumer buying behavior.
  • The effectiveness of training and development programs in enhancing employee performance.
  • The impact of global economic factors on business decision-making.
  • The role of organizational communication in achieving business goals.
  • The relationship between customer satisfaction and business success.
  • A study of the challenges and opportunities in international business.
  • The effectiveness of supply chain management in improving business performance.
  • An analysis of the factors influencing customer loyalty in the hospitality industry.
  • The impact of employee turnover on organizational performance.
  • A study of the impact of corporate governance on company performance.
  • The role of innovation in business growth and success.
  • An analysis of the relationship between marketing and sales performance.
  • The effect of organizational structure on employee behavior.
  • A study of the impact of cultural differences on business negotiations.
  • The effectiveness of pricing strategies in increasing sales revenue.
  • The impact of customer service on customer loyalty.
  • A study of the role of human resource management in business success.
  • The impact of e-commerce on traditional brick-and-mortar businesses.
  • An analysis of the relationship between employee empowerment and job satisfaction.
  • The effectiveness of customer relationship management in building brand loyalty.
  • The role of business ethics in corporate decision-making.
  • A study of the impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior.
  • The effect of organizational culture on employee turnover.
  • An analysis of the factors influencing employee engagement in the workplace.
  • The impact of social media on business communication and marketing.
  • A study of the relationship between customer service and customer loyalty in the airline industry.
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in business success.
  • The effectiveness of performance management systems in improving employee performance.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on employee engagement.
  • A study of the factors influencing business expansion into new markets.
  • The role of brand identity in customer loyalty and retention.
  • The effectiveness of change management strategies in organizational change.
  • The impact of organizational structure on organizational performance.
  • A study of the impact of technology on the future of work.
  • The relationship between innovation and competitive advantage in the marketplace.
  • The effect of employee training on organizational performance.
  • An analysis of the impact of online reviews on consumer behavior.
  • The role of leadership in shaping organizational culture.
  • The effectiveness of talent management strategies in retaining top talent.
  • The impact of globalization on small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • A study of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and brand reputation.
  • The effectiveness of employee retention strategies in reducing turnover rates.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership and employee engagement.
  • The impact of digital marketing on customer behavior
  • The role of organizational culture in employee engagement and retention
  • The effects of employee training and development on organizational performance
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance
  • The impact of globalization on business strategy
  • The importance of supply chain management in achieving competitive advantage
  • The role of innovation in business growth and sustainability
  • The impact of e-commerce on traditional retail businesses
  • The role of leadership in managing change in organizations
  • The effects of workplace diversity on organizational performance
  • The impact of social media on brand image and reputation
  • The relationship between employee motivation and productivity
  • The role of organizational structure in promoting innovation
  • The effects of customer service on customer loyalty
  • The impact of globalization on small businesses
  • The role of corporate governance in preventing unethical behavior
  • The effects of technology on job design and work organization
  • The relationship between employee satisfaction and turnover
  • The impact of mergers and acquisitions on organizational culture
  • The effects of employee benefits on job satisfaction
  • The impact of cultural differences on international business negotiations
  • The role of strategic planning in organizational success
  • The effects of organizational change on employee stress and burnout
  • The impact of business ethics on customer trust and loyalty
  • The role of human resource management in achieving competitive advantage
  • The effects of outsourcing on organizational performance
  • The impact of diversity and inclusion on team performance
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in brand differentiation
  • The effects of leadership style on organizational culture
  • The Impact of Digital Marketing on Brand Equity: A Study of E-commerce Businesses
  • Investigating the Relationship between Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance
  • Analyzing the Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Loyalty and Firm Performance
  • An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Success in the Technology Sector
  • The Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of a Service Industry
  • Investigating the Impact of Organizational Change on Employee Resistance: A Comparative Study of Two Organizations
  • An Exploration of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Supply Chain Management
  • Examining the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Employee Creativity in Innovative Organizations
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal Systems in Improving Employee Performance
  • Analyzing the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Effectiveness: A Study of Senior Managers
  • The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction in the Healthcare Sector
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Talent Management Strategies in Enhancing Organizational Performance
  • A Study of the Effects of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Retention and Loyalty
  • Investigating the Impact of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance: Evidence from Emerging Markets
  • The Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance: A Case Study of Technology Firms
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Diversity Management in Improving Organizational Performance
  • The Impact of Internationalization on the Performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Comparative Study of Developed and Developing Countries
  • Examining the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: A Study of Listed Firms
  • Investigating the Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance in Emerging Markets
  • Analyzing the Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail Business Models: A Study of Brick-and-Mortar Stores
  • The Effect of Corporate Reputation on Customer Loyalty and Firm Performance: A Study of the Banking Sector
  • Investigating the Factors Affecting Consumer Adoption of Mobile Payment Systems
  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Attracting and Retaining Millennial Employees
  • Analyzing the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness and Consumer Purchase Intentions
  • A Study of the Effects of Employee Training and Development on Job Performance
  • Investigating the Relationship between Corporate Culture and Employee Turnover: A Study of Multinational Companies
  • The Impact of Business Process Reengineering on Organizational Performance: A Study of Service Industries
  • An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Internationalization Strategies of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  • The Effect of Strategic Human Resource Management on Firm Performance: A Study of Manufacturing Firms
  • Investigating the Influence of Leadership on Organizational Culture: A Comparative Study of Two Organizations
  • The Impact of Technology Adoption on Organizational Productivity: A Study of the Healthcare Sector
  • Analyzing the Effects of Brand Personality on Consumer Purchase Intentions: A Study of Luxury Brands
  • The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Perceptions of Product Quality: A Study of the Food and Beverage Industry
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Performance Management Systems in Improving Employee Performance: A Study of a Public Sector Organization
  • The Impact of Business Ethics on Firm Performance: A Study of the Banking Industry
  • Examining the Relationship between Employee Engagement and Customer Satisfaction in the Service Industry
  • Investigating the Influence of Entrepreneurial Networking on Firm Performance: A Study of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  • The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Retention: A Study of High-tech Firms
  • The impact of workplace communication on employee engagement
  • The role of customer feedback in improving service quality
  • The effects of employee empowerment on job satisfaction
  • The impact of innovation on customer satisfaction
  • The role of knowledge management in organizational learning
  • The effects of product innovation on market share
  • The impact of business location on customer behavior
  • The role of financial management in business success
  • The effects of corporate social responsibility on employee engagement
  • The impact of cultural intelligence on cross-cultural communication
  • The role of social media in crisis management
  • The effects of corporate branding on customer loyalty
  • The impact of globalization on consumer behavior
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership effectiveness
  • The effects of employee involvement in decision-making on job satisfaction
  • The impact of business strategy on market share
  • The role of corporate culture in promoting ethical behavior
  • The effects of corporate social responsibility on investor behavior
  • The impact of sustainability on brand image and reputation
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in reducing carbon emissions.
  • The effectiveness of loyalty programs on customer retention
  • The benefits of remote work for employee productivity
  • The impact of environmental sustainability on consumer purchasing decisions
  • The role of brand identity in consumer loyalty
  • The relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction
  • The impact of e-commerce on traditional brick-and-mortar stores
  • The effectiveness of online advertising on consumer behavior
  • The impact of leadership styles on employee motivation
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in brand perception
  • The impact of workplace diversity on organizational performance
  • The effectiveness of gamification in employee training programs
  • The impact of pricing strategies on consumer behavior
  • The effectiveness of mobile marketing on consumer engagement
  • The impact of emotional intelligence on leadership effectiveness
  • The role of customer service in consumer loyalty
  • The impact of technology on supply chain management
  • The effectiveness of employee training programs on job performance
  • The impact of culture on consumer behavior
  • The effectiveness of performance appraisal systems on employee motivation
  • The impact of social responsibility on organizational performance
  • The role of innovation in business success
  • The impact of ethical leadership on organizational culture
  • The effectiveness of cross-functional teams in project management
  • The impact of government regulations on business operations
  • The role of strategic planning in business growth
  • The impact of emotional intelligence on team dynamics
  • The effectiveness of supply chain management on customer satisfaction
  • The impact of workplace culture on employee satisfaction
  • The role of employee engagement in organizational success
  • The impact of globalization on organizational culture
  • The effectiveness of virtual teams in project management
  • The impact of employee turnover on organizational performance
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in talent acquisition
  • The impact of technology on employee training and development
  • The effectiveness of knowledge management on organizational learning
  • The impact of organizational structure on employee motivation
  • The role of innovation in organizational change
  • The impact of cultural intelligence on global business operations
  • The effectiveness of marketing strategies on brand perception
  • The impact of change management on organizational culture
  • The role of leadership in organizational transformation
  • The impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of project management methodologies on project success
  • The impact of workplace communication on team performance
  • The role of emotional intelligence in conflict resolution
  • The impact of employee motivation on job performance
  • The effectiveness of diversity and inclusion initiatives on organizational performance.
  • The impact of social media on consumer behavior and buying decisions
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in corporate culture and its effects on employee retention and productivity
  • The effectiveness of remote work policies on job satisfaction and work-life balance
  • The impact of customer experience on brand loyalty and revenue growth
  • The effects of environmental sustainability practices on corporate reputation and financial performance
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in consumer purchasing decisions
  • The effectiveness of leadership styles on team performance and productivity
  • The effects of employee motivation on job performance and turnover
  • The impact of technology on supply chain management and logistics efficiency
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and team dynamics
  • The impact of artificial intelligence and automation on job displacement and workforce trends
  • The effects of brand image on consumer perception and purchasing decisions
  • The role of corporate culture in promoting innovation and creativity
  • The impact of e-commerce on traditional brick-and-mortar retail businesses
  • The effects of corporate governance on financial reporting and transparency
  • The effectiveness of performance-based compensation on employee motivation and productivity
  • The impact of online reviews and ratings on consumer trust and brand reputation
  • The effects of workplace diversity on innovation and creativity
  • The impact of mobile technology on marketing strategies and consumer behavior
  • The role of emotional intelligence in customer service and satisfaction
  • The effects of corporate reputation on financial performance and stakeholder trust
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on customer service and support
  • The role of organizational culture in promoting ethical behavior and decision-making
  • The effects of corporate social responsibility on employee engagement and satisfaction
  • The impact of employee turnover on organizational performance and profitability
  • The role of customer satisfaction in promoting brand loyalty and advocacy
  • The effects of workplace flexibility on employee morale and productivity
  • The impact of employee wellness programs on absenteeism and healthcare costs
  • The role of data analytics in business decision-making and strategy formulation
  • The effects of brand personality on consumer behavior and perception
  • The impact of social media marketing on brand awareness and customer engagement
  • The role of organizational justice in promoting employee satisfaction and retention
  • The effects of corporate branding on employee motivation and loyalty
  • The impact of online advertising on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions
  • The role of corporate entrepreneurship in promoting innovation and growth
  • The effects of cultural intelligence on cross-cultural communication and business success
  • The impact of workplace diversity on customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • The role of ethical leadership in promoting employee trust and commitment
  • The effects of job stress on employee health and well-being
  • The impact of supply chain disruptions on business operations and financial performance
  • The role of organizational learning in promoting continuous improvement and innovation
  • The effects of employee engagement on customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • The impact of brand extensions on brand equity and consumer behavior
  • The role of strategic alliances in promoting business growth and competitiveness
  • The effects of corporate transparency on stakeholder trust and loyalty
  • The impact of digital transformation on business models and competitiveness
  • The role of business ethics in promoting corporate social responsibility and sustainability
  • The effects of employee empowerment on job satisfaction and organizational performance.
  • The role of corporate governance in mitigating unethical behavior in multinational corporations.
  • The effects of cultural diversity on team performance in multinational corporations.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on consumer loyalty and brand reputation.
  • The relationship between organizational culture and employee engagement in service industries.
  • The impact of globalization on the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • The effectiveness of performance-based pay systems on employee motivation and productivity.
  • The relationship between innovation and corporate performance in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The impact of digital marketing on the traditional marketing mix.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership effectiveness in cross-cultural teams.
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in the banking sector.
  • The impact of diversity management on employee satisfaction and retention in multinational corporations.
  • The relationship between leadership style and organizational culture in family-owned businesses.
  • The impact of e-commerce on supply chain management.
  • The effectiveness of training and development programs on employee performance in the retail sector.
  • The impact of global economic trends on strategic decision-making in multinational corporations.
  • The relationship between ethical leadership and employee job satisfaction in the healthcare industry.
  • The impact of employee empowerment on organizational performance in the manufacturing sector.
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee well-being in the hospitality industry.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on customer service in the banking industry.
  • The relationship between emotional intelligence and employee creativity in the technology industry.
  • The impact of big data analytics on customer relationship management in the telecommunications industry.
  • The relationship between organizational culture and innovation in the automotive industry.
  • The impact of internationalization on the performance of SMEs in emerging markets.
  • The effectiveness of performance appraisal systems on employee motivation and retention in the public sector.
  • The relationship between diversity management and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The impact of social entrepreneurship on economic development in developing countries.
  • The relationship between transformational leadership and organizational change in the energy sector.
  • The impact of online customer reviews on brand reputation in the hospitality industry.
  • The effectiveness of leadership development programs on employee engagement in the finance industry.
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee turnover in the retail sector.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the recruitment and selection process in the technology industry.
  • The relationship between organizational culture and employee creativity in the fashion industry.
  • The impact of digital transformation on business models in the insurance industry.
  • The relationship between employee engagement and customer satisfaction in the service industry.
  • The impact of mergers and acquisitions on organizational culture and employee morale.
  • The effectiveness of knowledge management systems on organizational performance in the consulting industry.
  • The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty in the food and beverage industry.
  • The relationship between emotional intelligence and customer satisfaction in the airline industry.
  • The impact of blockchain technology on supply chain management in the logistics industry.
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee engagement in the technology industry.
  • The impact of digitalization on talent management practices in the hospitality industry.
  • The effectiveness of reward and recognition programs on employee motivation in the manufacturing industry.
  • The impact of industry 4.0 on organizational structure and culture in the aerospace industry.
  • The relationship between leadership style and team performance in the construction industry.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on financial forecasting and decision-making in the banking sector.
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty in the automotive industry.
  • The impact of virtual teams on employee communication and collaboration in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The impact of remote work on employee productivity and job satisfaction
  • The effects of social media marketing on customer engagement and brand loyalty
  • The role of artificial intelligence in streamlining supply chain management
  • The effectiveness of employee training and development programs on organizational performance
  • The impact of diversity and inclusion initiatives on organizational culture and employee satisfaction
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in enhancing brand reputation and customer loyalty
  • The effects of e-commerce on small businesses and local economies
  • The impact of big data analytics on marketing strategies and customer insights
  • The effects of employee empowerment on organizational innovation and performance
  • The impact of globalization on the hospitality industry
  • The effects of corporate governance on organizational performance and financial outcomes
  • The role of customer satisfaction in driving business growth and profitability
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on financial forecasting and risk management
  • The effects of corporate culture on employee engagement and retention
  • The role of green marketing in promoting environmental sustainability and brand reputation
  • The impact of digital transformation on the retail industry
  • The effects of employee motivation on job performance and organizational productivity
  • The role of customer experience in enhancing brand loyalty and advocacy
  • The impact of international trade agreements on global business practices
  • The effects of artificial intelligence on customer service and support
  • The role of organizational communication in facilitating teamwork and collaboration
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on employee motivation and retention
  • The effects of global economic instability on business decision-making
  • The role of leadership styles in organizational change management
  • The impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior and purchasing decisions
  • The effects of employee well-being on organizational productivity and profitability
  • The role of innovation in driving business growth and competitive advantage
  • The impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior and brand perception
  • The role of strategic planning in organizational success and sustainability
  • The impact of e-commerce on consumer privacy and data security
  • The effects of corporate reputation on customer acquisition and retention
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in organizational creativity and innovation
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on customer relationship management
  • The effects of customer feedback on product development and innovation
  • The role of employee job satisfaction in reducing turnover and absenteeism
  • The impact of global competition on business strategy and innovation
  • The effects of corporate branding on customer loyalty and advocacy
  • The role of digital transformation in enhancing organizational agility and responsiveness
  • The effects of employee empowerment on customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • The role of entrepreneurial leadership in driving business innovation and growth
  • The impact of digital disruption on traditional business models
  • The effects of organizational culture on innovation and creativity
  • The role of marketing research in developing effective marketing strategies
  • The impact of social media on customer relationship management
  • The effects of employee engagement on organizational innovation and competitiveness
  • The role of strategic partnerships in promoting business growth and expansion
  • The impact of global trends on business innovation and entrepreneurship

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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This article also features in The Report: Philippines 2021 . Read more about this report and view purchase options in our online store.

Oxford Business Group

  • The Report: Philippines 2021

The Philippines is one of the world’s fastest-growing nations. Although economic activity slowed during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic period, stimulus measures, imminent public sector policies and a larger budget are expected to create jobs, generate growth and help kick-start the country’s recovery during 2021.

Country Profile

Financial services, industry & agri-business, transport & infrastructure, construction & real estate, digital economy.

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Table of Contents

The Republic of the Philippines reaches from Taiwan in the north to Indonesia in the south. It is the fourth-largest country in South-east Asia after Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand. Bordered by the South China Sea – also known locally as the West Philippine Sea – in the west and the Sulu and Celebes seas in the south, the Philippines is home to some 175 ethnolinguistic groups across thousands of islands. In January 2020 the Philippines reported the first Covid-19 case outside of China. Authorities enforced one of the world’s longest, most stringent lockdowns in response, starting in mid-March – with a range of restrictions still effective at the end of the year. A wide-ranging stimulus package was passed in March, followed by a second in September, to help mitigate the economic impact of the crisis and aid the health response. This chapter contains an interview with President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

research title about business in the philippines

The Philippines’ financial services sector entered the Covid-19 pandemic on a solid footing, thanks to decades of regulatory reform to address the vulnerabilities exposed by the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. Strong capital buffers, high levels of provisioning and near-universal public health cover insulated the country from many of the impacts that other markets continue to wrestle with. While geographic spread and socio-economic disparities remain structural barriers, increasingly tech-focused growth strategies are improving both bottom lines and financial inclusion among the population in measurable ways. The country has experienced a boom in digital banking as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, with several digital-only banks announcing plans to enter the market, legacy banks rapidly upgrading their online offerings and the central bank eyeing ambitious digital banking targets. This chapter contains interviews with Benjamin E Diokno, Governor, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas; Kelvin Ang, CEO, AIA Philam Life; and Sanjiv Vohra, President and CEO, Security Bank.

research title about business in the philippines

Industry has made a sustained contribution to the Philippines’ economy in recent years, accounting for roughly 30% of GDP between 2017 and 2019, with sector growth driven predominately by manufacturing. Expansion was constrained in 2020 as Covid-19 response measures impeded manufacturing activity and reduced the global demand for industrial products. Meanwhile, agriculture comprised 9-10% of GDP from 2017-19 and is a crucial source of employment. Increased emphasis has been placed on transforming traditional farming into a dynamic agri-business sector – which will be key to the country’s economic rebound. After a difficult 2020 it will be necessary to address ongoing challenges – including high production and electricity costs, inadequate infrastructure and limited basic industries – to enable long-term manufacturing growth. Supporting businesses in the adoption of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or the application of new digital and automated technologies to enhance production processes and service delivery, will further boost resilience. This chapter contains interviews with Ramon M Lopez, Secretary of Trade and Industry; William Dar, Secretary of Agriculture; and Christopher Po, Executive Chairman, Century Pacific Food.

Tourism played a central role in the Philippines’ economic development in the years leading to 2020, and an increasing emphasis on sustainability underscores the sector’s importance for the coming years. While the popular island of Boracay has long drawn tourists, local authorities continue work to diversify destinations through the creation of tourism enterprise zones. These endeavours, as well as those aimed at widening source markets, have laid the groundwork for an expanded yet more tailored offering. Although the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic heavily impacted tourism, Philippine policymakers and stakeholders are looking to adapt the sector’s offering and prioritise domestic tourism to support the national recovery. Enhanced health and safety measures have been implemented to align hotels, tourism sites and other services with the demands of the new normal. Meanwhile, a shift towards digitalisation and the use of technology to upskill the workforce are readying the sector for the future. This chapter contains an interview with Aileen Clemente, Chairman and President, Rajah Travel.

Transport operations and infrastructure development in the Philippines were acutely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic as lockdowns stalled construction projects, movement restrictions prohibited travel even within communities, and a ban on international arrivals in March limited aviation services for the rest of 2020. As the country’s response to Covid-19 began to take shape in the first half of 2020, it soon became clear that transport and infrastructure spending would be protected as a key driver of economic continuity and recovery. In an April outline of the socio-economic response, Carlos Dominguez, the secretary of finance, stated that the government would press on with President Rodrigo Duterte’s flagship Build, Build, Build infrastructure programme to generate economic activity and create employment. As early as May 2020 the Department of Transportation announced that, despite ongoing lockdowns in Luzon, it would resume work on 13 big-ticket projects – albeit with certain limitations. This chapter contains interviews with Tony Fernandes, CEO, AirAsia Group; and Rubén Camba, South-east Asia Director, Acciona.

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Philippine authorities have worked to develop the digital economy in recent years, prioritising strengthened internet service provision and a more competitive telecoms market. The country saw an increased reliance on online services and digital technologies, such as e-commerce, during the its extended lockdown period in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This increased the impetus for players across the value chain to strengthen ICT infrastructure, fast-track the digitalisation of business processes and prepare to upskill the workforce for the new normal. Meanwhile, the versatility of the business process outsourcing industry during the quarantine period, alongside an expanding start-up ecosystem and the entry of a third telco in 2021, signals potential for the digital economy to enhance the post-pandemic recovery. Measures to accelerate digital development look set to improve the ease of doing business, create a more attractive destination for investment, and ultimately facilitate more inclusive and sustainable economic growth. This chapter contains interviews with Marc Carrel-Billiard, Global Senior Managing Director and Technology Innovation Lead, Accenture Labs; and Simoun Ung, President and CEO, OmniPay.

The Philippines’ universal health care (UHC) system is now operative, after President Rodrigo Duterte signed the bill into law in February 2019 and Francisco Duque III, the secretary of health, signed the implementing rules and regulations in October that year. This set the stage for 2020 to be the first year of UHC, strengthened by collaboration and the expertise of the private sector. Limited financing and a shortage of medical personnel remain legacy constraints on the system, with wide-ranging strategies to tackle both communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases among the growing population. Although the Covid-19 pandemic placed further pressure on health care infrastructure, the government forged ahead with its goal, deploying resources to priority areas as funds and capacity allowed. The private sector stepped up to fill some of the remaining gaps, and greater levels of cooperation between public and private actors are expected as UHC gains momentum. This chapters contains an interview with Eugenio Ramos, President and CEO, The Medical City.

research title about business in the philippines

This chapter examines the legal system of the Philippines, focusing largely on the stipulations of Bayanihan 1 and 2, which were passed into law in March and September 2020, respectively, to address the economic and health impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. The chapter also outlines new guidelines on remote participation, corporate donations, corporate debt vehicles and draft guidelines for the licensing of digital banks, alongside various other changes to tax laws and regulations, labour-related laws and regulations, and regulations for the filing and submission of securities deposits that were implemented during the pandemic period. This chapter contains an interview with Raoul Angangco, Partner, Villaraza & Angangco Law.

This chapter contains selected listings of some of the top hotels in Metro Manila and Baguio, helpful tips for business and leisure travellers, and other useful suggestions for travel to the Philippines. This chapter contains an interview with Bárbara Apráiz de Encío, Executive Director, Spanish Chamber of Commerce.

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Articles & Viewpoints

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

On facilitating economic rebound and reducing financial inequality

Carlos Dominguez, Secretary of Finance: Interview

On fiscal policies and tax reforms to facilitate economic recovery from the pandemic

Benjamin E Diokno, Governor, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)

On guiding the economy through a global crisis

Ramon M Lopez, Secretary of Trade and Industry

On increasing competitiveness and investment inflows

Christopher Po, Executive Chairman, Century Pacific Food

On adapting to shifts in consumer behaviour

Marc Carrel-Billiard, Global Senior Managing Director and Technology Innovation Lead, Accenture Labs

On leveraging technology and narrowing the digitalisation gap

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Business and Culture in the Philippines

A Story of Gradual Progress

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  • Alejo José G. Sison 5  

Part of the book series: Issues in Business Ethics ((IBET,volume 13))

203 Accesses

1 Citations

Traditional microeconomic models consider several distinct factors contributing to the production process: land, labor and capital. As technology, corporate ownership and governance, and societal models themselves evolved, however, the differences among these factors have diminished and their importance relative to each other has changed. In an agricultural society, land was the most important factor; in an industrial society, it became capital goods or machines; in a post-industrial society, it has become labor, albeit labor of a very sophisticated kind. In the advanced economies of today, it would be more accurate to simply distinguish between “natural capital”, or a country’s God-given resource endowments, and its “human capital”, or what its population by itself is able to produce through its work in the primary (agriculture, fishing, mining, etc.), secondary (industry and manufacturing) or tertiary (services) sectors.

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University of Narvarre, Navarre, Spain

Alejo José G. Sison

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Sison, A.J.G. (1999). Business and Culture in the Philippines. In: Werhane, P.H., Singer, A.E. (eds) Business Ethics in Theory and Practice. Issues in Business Ethics, vol 13. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-015-9287-1_12

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-015-9287-1_12

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Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Philippines: What We Know and What We Don't Know

Asian Institute of Management Working Paper No. 13 ― 022

35 Pages Posted: 27 Aug 2013 Last revised: 2 Sep 2013

Steve Z. Almeda

Asian Institute of Management - Policy Center

Ivyrose Baysic

Asian Institute of Management; Ateneo de Manila University - Ateneo School of Government

Date Written: December 13, 2012

The availability of national firm level data particularly on micro enterprises in many developing countries still remains limited up to this date. The Philippines is no exception, which in turn limits the extent of empirical analysis on the economic contributions of micro, small and medium scale enterprises. This paper presents a novel dataset of Philippine micro, small and medium enterprises and the existing literature concerning the challenges and development issues of MSMEs in the industrial and developing countries. Using a dataset on over 1,700 MSMEs collected as part of the AIM Policy Center’s Enterprise Survey 2009, this paper discusses the characteristics of these firms and their perceptions on government policies on improving the business environment. This paper also draws on the wider literature on this topic in order to map out key areas where further information and evidence on Philippine MSMEs could be useful in informing more nuanced and possibly better-fitting policies.

Keywords: small enterprises, firm level data

JEL Classification: P42

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Steve Z. Almeda (Contact Author)

Asian institute of management - policy center ( email ).

Eugenio Lopez Foundation Bldg Joseph McMicking Campus, 123 Paseo de Roxas Makati City Philippines

Asian Institute of Management ( email )

123 Paseo de Roxas Makati City, Metro Manila Philippines

Ateneo de Manila University - Ateneo School of Government ( email )

Pacifico Ortiz Hall, Fr. Arrupe Road Social Development Complex, Loyola Heights Quezon City, Manila 1108 Philippines

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  • > Journals
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  • > Volume 20 Issue 3

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Business and local taxation in the philippines.

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  10 November 2020

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This article argues that weak local governments increase levels of taxation by “borrowing” institutional capacity from certain types of businesses. While many businesses lobby against taxation, businesses that are locally owned, nationally connected, and logistically complex build robust associations that support taxation. These types of businesses benefit from improvements in public infrastructure, so they empower their associations to monitor members’ tax compliance and to pressure officials to uphold their spending commitments. The article demonstrates the necessity of business support for taxation in the absence of state capacity by comparing two Philippine cities that differ in their ability to tax despite a number of similarities between them. The case studies show that tax increases co-varied with business support, and that business support waxed and waned depending on over-time variation in the capability of business associations to discourage tax evasion and to enforce official commitments to spend on infrastructure.

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  • Volume 20, Issue 3
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jea.2020.15

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  • Corpus ID: 153855721

Small-Scale Business Enterprises in the Philippines: Survey and Empirical Analysis

  • Published 2007
  • Business, Economics
  • International Journal of Entrepreneurship

6 Citations

Factors affecting entrepreneurship decision in los banos, laguna, philippines, the entrepreneurial process in a remote island context: the case of madeira, entrepreneurship and growth in emerging mini-dragon economies: a south-east asia perspective *, employment in small business sector and its impact on quality of life in russian regions, innovation and sme financing in selected asian economies, a study on the management styles among msme owners in the city of manila, related papers.

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  • The future of plant-based proteins in the agribusiness industry.

Business Administration Thesis Topics

  • The impact of leadership styles on organizational performance.
  • Business process re-engineering: A tool for improving organizational efficiency.
  • The role of corporate culture in business success.
  • Strategic management and its role in achieving business objectives.
  • The effect of employee motivation on business productivity.
  • Crisis management in business: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The role of innovation in business growth.
  • Exploring the relationship between corporate governance and business ethics.
  • The impact of mergers and acquisitions on business performance.
  • Strategies for effective decision-making in business management.
  • Talent management as a critical success factor in business administration.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility initiatives.
  • Business continuity planning and risk management in large corporations.
  • Exploring the role of diversity in enhancing business performance.
  • The impact of digital transformation on business operations.
  • How to foster innovation in corporate environments.
  • Organizational change management and its challenges.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership and business success.
  • Gender diversity in leadership positions: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Corporate strategy in times of economic uncertainty.
  • Managing cross-cultural teams in global organizations.
  • The future of remote work and its implications for business administration.
  • Knowledge management as a competitive advantage in business.
  • Corporate restructuring and its impact on employee performance.
  • The role of ethics in shaping business administration practices.
  • Employee retention strategies in high-turnover industries.
  • Exploring the role of mentoring programs in career development.
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty.
  • The role of corporate communication in managing business reputation.
  • The future of business administration in the era of artificial intelligence.

Business Analytics Thesis Topics

  • Predictive analytics and its application in business decision-making.
  • The role of big data in improving customer experience.
  • Data-driven marketing strategies: A key to business success.
  • Analyzing the role of machine learning in business analytics.
  • The impact of real-time data analytics on business operations.
  • Ethical challenges in business analytics and data privacy.
  • Forecasting business trends using business analytics tools.
  • The role of business intelligence in corporate strategic planning.
  • Using data analytics to optimize supply chain management.
  • How data visualization improves business decision-making processes.
  • The impact of social media analytics on business marketing strategies.
  • Customer segmentation using data analytics in retail businesses.
  • Business analytics in financial services: Improving investment decisions.
  • Predictive maintenance analytics in the manufacturing industry.
  • The role of analytics in human resources management.
  • How business analytics is transforming the healthcare industry.
  • The future of cloud analytics in business operations.
  • Business analytics and risk management in uncertain markets.
  • The use of text analytics in understanding customer sentiment.
  • Implementing business analytics for sustainable business practices.
  • Artificial intelligence and its impact on business analytics.
  • Using data analytics to enhance product development and innovation.
  • The role of prescriptive analytics in optimizing business strategies.
  • Predicting customer churn using business analytics models.
  • The importance of data governance in business analytics.
  • Exploring the role of business analytics in e-commerce growth.
  • The impact of IoT (Internet of Things) on business analytics.
  • Ethical implications of data mining in business.
  • The role of business analytics in shaping financial strategies.
  • Real-time analytics and its impact on business agility.

Business Informatics Thesis Topics

  • The role of business informatics in enhancing organizational efficiency.
  • Data integration challenges in business informatics.
  • Exploring the impact of cloud computing on business informatics.
  • The role of business informatics in digital transformation strategies.
  • Data management and analytics in business informatics.
  • The evolution of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in modern businesses.
  • Information security challenges in business informatics.
  • The future of blockchain technology in business informatics.
  • Exploring the role of business informatics in supply chain optimization.
  • The importance of user interface design in business information systems.
  • Big data and its implications for business informatics.
  • Artificial intelligence applications in business informatics.
  • The role of business informatics in improving customer relationship management (CRM).
  • Cloud-based business informatics solutions and their impact on small businesses.
  • Business process modeling and simulation using business informatics tools.
  • Exploring the challenges of IT governance in business informatics.
  • The role of business informatics in healthcare management systems.
  • Mobile business informatics: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Data privacy regulations and their impact on business informatics.
  • Business informatics and decision support systems in financial institutions.
  • The role of informatics in transforming marketing strategies.
  • Exploring the integration of IoT (Internet of Things) in business informatics.
  • Business informatics solutions for risk management.
  • Business intelligence and its role in improving decision-making processes.
  • The future of automation in business informatics.
  • Real-time data processing in business informatics: Opportunities and challenges.
  • The role of machine learning in enhancing business informatics solutions.
  • How business informatics supports sustainable business practices.
  • Customer data management and its impact on business decision-making.
  • Business informatics and competitive advantage in the digital age.

Business Strategy Thesis Topics

  • The role of competitive strategy in business growth.
  • Strategic alliances and their impact on business success.
  • The influence of globalization on corporate strategies.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of cost leadership strategies.
  • Corporate strategy in dynamic and uncertain markets.
  • The role of digital strategy in business transformation.
  • Strategic planning in family-owned businesses.
  • Diversification strategies in multinational corporations.
  • Corporate strategy and sustainability: A balanced approach.
  • The role of strategic innovation in corporate success.
  • The impact of technological advancements on business strategies.
  • Strategic decision-making in times of crisis.
  • The importance of stakeholder engagement in corporate strategy.
  • The role of business model innovation in achieving competitive advantage.
  • Exploring the impact of market entry strategies on business success.
  • The role of mergers and acquisitions in corporate strategy.
  • Strategic management of intellectual property in high-tech industries.
  • Corporate social responsibility and its integration into business strategies.
  • The impact of digital marketing on corporate strategy formulation.
  • Strategic leadership and its influence on organizational change.
  • How globalization is reshaping competitive strategies.
  • The role of corporate governance in strategy formulation.
  • Strategic risk management in volatile business environments.
  • The impact of disruptive innovation on corporate strategies.
  • Strategies for sustainable growth in emerging markets.
  • The role of corporate strategy in fostering organizational resilience.
  • Exploring the strategic implications of e-commerce adoption.
  • Strategic human resource management and its impact on business success.
  • The role of corporate culture in strategic execution.
  • Long-term strategic planning for business sustainability.

Digital Business Thesis Topics

  • The role of digital transformation in business growth.
  • Exploring the impact of e-commerce on traditional retail business models.
  • The future of digital payments and their impact on businesses.
  • How digital marketing strategies shape consumer behavior.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing digital business operations.
  • Digital business ecosystems and their influence on innovation.
  • The impact of mobile technology on business operations.
  • Exploring the potential of blockchain technology in digital business models.
  • Cybersecurity challenges in the digital business world.
  • The role of social media in transforming business marketing strategies.
  • Cloud computing and its impact on business scalability.
  • The influence of digital business strategies on customer experience.
  • Data analytics and its role in shaping digital business decisions.
  • The importance of omnichannel strategies in modern digital business.
  • Digital business innovation: Trends and challenges.
  • The role of user experience (UX) in digital business success.
  • How businesses can leverage digital platforms for competitive advantage.
  • The impact of automation on business productivity.
  • Digital supply chains and their role in business efficiency.
  • The future of digital business in the post-pandemic era.
  • Exploring the role of digital entrepreneurship in business innovation.
  • The impact of 5G technology on digital business transformation.
  • Digital platforms and their impact on traditional business models.
  • The role of digital innovation hubs in business development.
  • How data-driven insights shape digital business strategies.
  • The role of digital customer service in enhancing business performance.
  • Exploring the potential of virtual reality in digital business models.
  • Digital business transformation and the challenges of leadership adaptation.
  • The impact of digital business on supply chain management.
  • Ethical implications of digital business transformation.

International Business Thesis Topics

  • The impact of globalization on international business strategies.
  • Analyzing the role of cross-cultural management in international business.
  • Trade agreements and their influence on global business operations.
  • The impact of international business regulations on market entry strategies.
  • Exploring the challenges of managing international supply chains.
  • The role of emerging markets in global business expansion.
  • International business negotiations: Cultural and strategic considerations.
  • The influence of global economic trends on international business decisions.
  • International marketing strategies in the digital age.
  • The role of innovation in driving international business success.
  • Managing political risk in international business operations.
  • Global financial markets and their influence on business strategy.
  • The future of international business in the face of protectionism.
  • Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: Strategic implications.
  • The role of intellectual property rights in international business.
  • The challenges of managing expatriate employees in global corporations.
  • How foreign direct investment (FDI) influences international business growth.
  • International trade barriers and their impact on business strategies.
  • The impact of corporate governance practices on international business success.
  • Analyzing the role of international business ethics in corporate decision-making.
  • The role of digitalization in transforming international business operations.
  • Exploring global talent management strategies in multinational corporations.
  • The influence of global supply chain disruptions on international business.
  • Corporate social responsibility in international business: A comparative analysis.
  • The role of government regulations in shaping international business strategies.
  • International franchising: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of international joint ventures in business expansion.
  • The impact of technological innovation on international trade.
  • How cultural intelligence impacts leadership in international business.
  • Global business strategies for achieving sustainability.

Entrepreneurship Thesis Topics

  • The role of innovation in the success of entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Exploring the impact of social entrepreneurship on community development.
  • How startup ecosystems influence entrepreneurial success.
  • The importance of mentorship in the success of new ventures.
  • Female entrepreneurship: Barriers and opportunities in modern markets.
  • The role of technology in shaping entrepreneurial business models.
  • Crowdfunding as a financing strategy for startups.
  • Social media marketing strategies for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • Exploring the role of family businesses in economic development.
  • The impact of government policies on fostering entrepreneurship.
  • Entrepreneurial strategies in developing countries: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Risk management strategies in new ventures.
  • The role of business incubators in promoting entrepreneurship.
  • Exploring the impact of entrepreneurial leadership on startup success.
  • Sustainability as a driving force in modern entrepreneurship.
  • Venture capital financing and its impact on startup success.
  • The role of entrepreneurial networks in business expansion.
  • Global trends in youth entrepreneurship: Challenges and success factors.
  • The impact of digital platforms on entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • Entrepreneurial exit strategies: Mergers, acquisitions, and IPOs.
  • The role of education in fostering entrepreneurial skills and mindsets.
  • Corporate entrepreneurship: Fostering innovation within established companies.
  • The influence of entrepreneurial mindset on business success.
  • How market research drives entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • The role of customer feedback in shaping entrepreneurial products and services.
  • Entrepreneurial failure: Lessons learned and how to bounce back.
  • Exploring the rise of social enterprises in the digital age.
  • The role of intellectual property protection in entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Rural entrepreneurship and its contribution to local economies.
  • Digital entrepreneurship: Exploring new business models in the gig economy.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Thesis Topics

  • The role of CSR in enhancing corporate reputation.
  • Exploring the relationship between CSR and customer loyalty.
  • How CSR practices influence corporate financial performance.
  • The role of CSR in fostering employee engagement and retention.
  • Environmental sustainability as a core aspect of CSR initiatives.
  • The impact of CSR on corporate governance and decision-making processes.
  • Exploring the influence of CSR on consumer purchasing decisions.
  • CSR and its role in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • How businesses can use CSR to address climate change challenges.
  • CSR reporting and its influence on investor decision-making.
  • Exploring the role of CSR in creating competitive advantages for companies.
  • The impact of CSR on brand equity and corporate identity.
  • The role of CSR in mitigating corporate risks.
  • Social entrepreneurship and its contribution to CSR initiatives.
  • How CSR influences corporate partnerships and alliances.
  • The importance of transparency in CSR reporting.
  • CSR initiatives in multinational corporations: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of CSR in enhancing corporate ethics and accountability.
  • Exploring the link between CSR and innovation in business practices.
  • The influence of CSR on attracting and retaining socially conscious consumers.
  • How small and medium enterprises (SMEs) approach CSR differently than large corporations.
  • CSR and sustainable supply chain management: Best practices and case studies.
  • The role of CSR in addressing global poverty and inequality.
  • Analyzing the impact of CSR on corporate tax strategies.
  • The relationship between CSR and government regulations in different countries.
  • CSR and stakeholder engagement: Building stronger relationships through corporate initiatives.
  • How businesses integrate CSR into their core operations and strategies.
  • Exploring the challenges of implementing CSR in emerging markets.
  • The role of CSR in fostering social innovation and responsible business practices.
  • Future trends in CSR: Moving toward a more sustainable and socially responsible business world.

Leadership Thesis Topics

  • The impact of transformational leadership on organizational performance.
  • Leadership styles and their influence on employee motivation.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership.
  • Gender differences in leadership styles: A comparative analysis.
  • The relationship between leadership and organizational culture.
  • Exploring the role of servant leadership in modern business environments.
  • The impact of leadership development programs on company success.
  • Ethical leadership and its influence on corporate governance.
  • Leadership in times of crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The role of leadership in fostering innovation and creativity.
  • Exploring the relationship between leadership and employee job satisfaction.
  • Leadership in family-owned businesses: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of charismatic leadership in influencing organizational change.
  • Cross-cultural leadership and its influence on global business success.
  • How leadership communication styles impact organizational performance.
  • The role of strategic leadership in achieving long-term business goals.
  • The influence of leadership on organizational change management.
  • Leadership succession planning in corporations: Best practices and case studies.
  • The role of leadership in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Leadership in high-performance teams: Key factors for success.
  • How leadership impacts employee retention in competitive industries.
  • The importance of ethical leadership in building trust within organizations.
  • Exploring the role of leadership in managing remote and hybrid workforces.
  • Leadership challenges in fast-growing startups.
  • Leadership and organizational resilience: Navigating through uncertainty.
  • The impact of leadership coaching on individual and team performance.
  • How technology is shaping modern leadership practices.
  • Women in leadership: Breaking the glass ceiling in business.
  • The role of leadership in shaping corporate social responsibility initiatives.
  • Future trends in leadership: Adapting to the challenges of a digital and globalized world.

This comprehensive list of 300 business thesis topics reflects the vast and dynamic nature of the field. From the evolving challenges of agribusiness and the complexities of digital transformation to the growing influence of business analytics, these topics offer valuable insights for students aiming to contribute to business research. Whether you are focusing on leadership strategies or exploring the future of corporate social responsibility, these topics are designed to inspire innovative research and academic excellence. Choose a topic that aligns with your interests and the current landscape of business to ensure a successful and impactful thesis.

The Range of Business Thesis Topics

Business is an ever-evolving field that encompasses a wide array of disciplines, each with its own set of challenges, innovations, and future possibilities. Whether you are interested in leadership, international trade, or digital transformation, business studies offer a broad spectrum of thesis topics that can drive impactful research. This article explores the range of business thesis topics available to students, focusing on current issues, recent trends, and future directions in the field. By understanding these elements, students can select topics that not only align with their interests but also contribute to the growing body of business knowledge.

Current Issues in Business

The business world is constantly facing new challenges that shape how companies operate and compete in the marketplace. These current issues provide fertile ground for academic research and thesis development.

  • Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility In recent years, businesses have been under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices. Issues such as climate change, resource depletion, and corporate responsibility are no longer optional concerns but critical components of long-term success. A growing number of companies are now integrating sustainability into their core business strategies. This shift opens a wide range of thesis topics, including the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in shaping business models, the impact of sustainability on profitability, and the challenges of implementing green technologies in different industries.
  • Digital Transformation and Disruption Another pressing issue in business is digital transformation, driven by rapid technological advancements. Companies across all sectors are adopting digital technologies to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and create new business models. However, this transformation also brings challenges, such as cybersecurity risks, data privacy concerns, and the digital divide. Students can explore topics like the impact of artificial intelligence on business strategies, the role of big data in decision-making, and how businesses are adapting to disruptive technologies like blockchain and IoT (Internet of Things).
  • Globalization and Trade Barriers While globalization has long been a driving force in business expansion, recent geopolitical shifts have raised concerns about trade barriers, tariffs, and protectionism. Businesses operating on a global scale must navigate these complexities while maintaining competitive advantage. Research opportunities in this area include examining the effects of trade wars on international supply chains, the role of government policies in shaping global business strategies, and how companies are adapting to regulatory changes in different regions.

Recent Trends in Business

In addition to tackling current issues, business research can also focus on recent trends that are transforming the industry landscape. These trends are shaping the future of work, consumption, and corporate governance.

  • The Rise of Remote Work and Hybrid Models The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically reshaped the way people work, with remote work and hybrid models becoming the new norm for many businesses. This trend has sparked debates about productivity, employee well-being, and the future of office spaces. Thesis topics in this area might explore how businesses can optimize remote work arrangements, the impact of hybrid work models on organizational culture, or the role of technology in facilitating remote team collaboration.
  • E-Commerce and the Digital Marketplace E-commerce has seen unprecedented growth, accelerated by the pandemic and changing consumer behaviors. Companies are increasingly focusing on digital sales channels, personalized marketing, and the seamless integration of online and offline experiences. Students could explore topics such as the role of data analytics in e-commerce, strategies for improving customer retention in digital marketplaces, or the ethical challenges of data-driven marketing.
  • Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace There is a growing recognition of the importance of diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the workplace, not only as a moral imperative but also as a driver of innovation and performance. Companies are investing more in D&I initiatives to foster inclusive environments that reflect the diverse markets they serve. Thesis topics could include examining the impact of diversity on organizational performance, strategies for overcoming unconscious bias in hiring practices, or how leadership shapes inclusive corporate cultures.

Future Directions in Business

Looking ahead, the business world is poised for significant changes driven by technological advancements, shifting societal values, and evolving market demands. These future directions present opportunities for groundbreaking research.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation AI and automation are set to revolutionize industries by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enabling new business models. As AI continues to evolve, its impact on business will deepen, raising questions about job displacement, ethical concerns, and the future of human-AI collaboration. Potential thesis topics include the role of AI in optimizing supply chains, the ethical implications of AI-driven decision-making, and how automation is transforming industries like healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.
  • The Future of Leadership in a Digital World As businesses become more digital, the nature of leadership is also changing. Leaders must adapt to new technologies, manage remote teams, and foster innovation in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Research could focus on how leadership styles are evolving in response to digitalization, the role of emotional intelligence in leading digital teams, or how organizations can develop future-ready leaders capable of navigating the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  • Sustainability and Circular Economies Sustainability will remain a top priority for businesses in the coming decades, with the concept of circular economies gaining traction. Instead of the traditional linear model of production and consumption, circular economies focus on minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency. Students could investigate topics like the role of businesses in advancing circular economies, the challenges of transitioning from linear to circular models, or how sustainability innovations are reshaping industries like fashion, technology, and manufacturing.

Business studies provide a vast array of thesis topics that allow students to explore both contemporary challenges and future opportunities. By focusing on current issues like sustainability and digital transformation, examining recent trends such as remote work and e-commerce, or investigating future directions like AI and circular economies, students can contribute valuable insights to the field of business. The diversity of topics available ensures that students can find a subject that not only aligns with their interests but also addresses key questions in the evolving business landscape. As business continues to evolve, the research conducted by students today will shape the business practices of tomorrow.

iResearchNet’s Thesis Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to writing a high-quality business thesis. Crafting a well-researched and professionally written thesis can be a daunting task, especially when balancing other academic and personal commitments. That’s where our expert writing services come in. We provide customized business thesis papers tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring that you receive top-quality assistance throughout the writing process. Our team of professional writers, all of whom hold advanced degrees in business and related fields, is here to guide you every step of the way.

Whether you need help selecting a relevant topic, conducting in-depth research, or formatting your paper according to academic standards, iResearchNet offers comprehensive solutions to ease the burden of thesis writing. Here are the key features of our services that set us apart from other writing companies:

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: At iResearchNet, we take pride in our team of expert writers. Each of our writers holds a degree in business or a related field, ensuring that they have the knowledge and expertise to deliver high-quality, well-researched thesis papers. They understand the intricacies of business topics and know how to present complex ideas in a clear and professional manner.
  • Custom Written Works: We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Every thesis paper we produce is custom-written from scratch, tailored to meet your specific requirements. Whether you’re focusing on leadership, entrepreneurship, or digital business, we ensure that your paper is unique and perfectly aligned with your academic goals.
  • In-Depth Research: Research is the foundation of any strong thesis, and at iResearchNet, we take it seriously. Our writers conduct thorough and up-to-date research using reputable academic sources, ensuring that your thesis is grounded in solid evidence and analysis. We have access to various scholarly databases, which allows us to incorporate the latest research findings into your paper.
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At iResearchNet, our goal is to make the process of writing a business thesis as smooth and stress-free as possible. With our expert writers, customized solutions, and commitment to quality, you can rest assured that your thesis will be in good hands. We are here to support you from topic selection to final submission, ensuring that you achieve academic success.

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Business Research Topics For Students

business research topics

When pursuing business programs in colleges and universities, students are required to write papers or do my thesis on business research topics. The major challenge for most students is choosing topics for their papers. A vast majority of them are stuck in this step because they fear choosing a topic that is not interesting or too broad and end up with poor grades.

Nevertheless, many inspirations in the contemporary can guide you when choosing business topics for a research paper. Whether you are pursuing a bachelor’s degree or preparing for your Ph.D. defense, there are many topics that you can write about. You just need to choose a topic that you will be interested in researching and writing a paper about.

How to Find Business Research Topics

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There are many factors to consider when choosing a topic for a research paper about business. They include the following:

  • Whether your professor provides the topic scope and if you are permitted to change it.
  • Whether you have been given a thematic area within which to choose a topic.
  • Whether you have specialized in a specific subject.
  • If you have the total freedom to choose your topic

If you have complete freedom to choose your topic, start with a little research. For instance, you can read news websites, analyze successful companies and corporations, or track problems that other people write about. If you still don’t find a topic after doing this, consider the examples of business research topics provided here.

Your choice of the best topic for your business paper should depend on the field you are interested in. Additionally, your topic should be engaging and related to your study program. It should also enable you to conduct extensive research and come up with facts to back up your argument. What’s more, the best business topics for research papers grab the readers’ attention.

This explains why many students get nervous or struggle when required to choose topics for their business papers. Nevertheless, students cover many topics and subjects during their studies. What you learn in class can, therefore, be your inspiration when choosing topics for business research papers. But, if you find it hard to come up with a topic for your research paper, the internet has many samples that you can consider.

Though there are many sample topics to consider when writing a business research paper, your choice should depend on your study level, the field of interest, and assignment requirements. Here are different categories of business research topics for college students and their examples.

Business Ethics Research Paper Topics

Business ethics is a study field that gives students the freedom to choose from different topics. For instance, a student can choose a topic in this field around duties, morality, integrity, and business behavior. The increasing business ethics issues widen the range of the topics students can choose from in this category. What’s more, business ethics cover ethical conflicts between individuals and groups of employers, employees, customers, and the surrounding. Here are examples of topics for research papers in this category.

  • Effects of Moral Principles on Business Decisions
  • Causes of Unethical Conducts in Workplaces
  • Should Businesses Be Honest with their Customers All the Time?
  • The Psychology and History of Business Ethics
  • Examples of Moral Judgment that Doesn’t Work in Business
  • How Ethical Mistakes can Lead to Business Bankruptcy
  • Are Business Ethics the Same for the Manager and the Personnel?
  • How to Avoid Sexual Harassment at the Workplace
  • Why is an Ethical Code Important for Companies?
  • Taking Responsibility for the Corporate Ethics of a Company

The fact that people engage in different businesses creates a chance to research common topics like workplace honesty and general topics like environmental protection.

When writing a business management research paper, it’s important to come up with a researchable and interesting question. This can be a challenging task because there are many facets and resources in the business management field. Nevertheless, it’s still possible to find a focused, narrow question that forms the topic of a research paper. Here are examples of topics for business management research papers.

  • Conflict Management in a Work Team
  • The Role of Women in Business Management
  • Issues that Affect Management of Business Startups
  • Consequences of Excessive Work in Business
  • Why You Should Start a New Business After One Fails
  • Importance of Inter-organizational Leadership and Networks
  • How to Manage Organizational Crisis in Business
  • Product and Service Development in a Strategic Alliance
  • Innovation and Network Markets as a Business Strategy
  • Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Business management research paper topics should not be too narrow or too broad. Nevertheless, there are many topics on enterprise, trade, commerce, and other subjects that you can explore because they all require extensive research.

A business law topic is not easy to find. That’s because your topic should attract the attention of your reader and relate to the broad field of business law. As such, you should narrow down your topic to something more focused. Here are examples of topics for business law papers.

  • How Do You Define Authority Before You Start Business Negotiations?
  • Insider Trading- What Does it Mean in the Contemporary World?
  • Are Alcohol Consumption and Sale Laws Beneficial to the Public’s Wellbeing?
  • Should Some Corporate Crimes Warrant Death Penalty?
  • Can State Officials Succeed when Dismissed for their Implication in Corruption Cases?
  • How Marijuana-Based Businesses Interact with the Federal and State Law
  • What Should a Business Do to Ensure that Its Former Employees Do Not Join Its Rival Firm?
  • Should Author Protection for Written Work Be Done with Nom de Plumes or Legal Names?
  • How can Non-Disclosure Agreements save a Company from Disgruntled former Employees?
  • How is Copyright Law Favorable to an Artist or a Singer when the Recording Company represents it?

Though there are many business law research topics , it’s important to choose a topic that you are personally interested in to make writing your paper an interesting task.

International topics allow students to explore global business subjects. These topics can be more complex though lucrative. It’s not surprising that this category comprises mostly of business research topics for MBA students. Here are examples of international topics for research papers.

  • Is Social Media Presence Important for Companies Around the World?
  • How Does War between Countries Affect Businesses?
  • Examples of Companies that Have Failed in the International Markets and Why How Do You Spot a Small Business that is Likely to Become a Successful Multi-National?
  • What Languages are Likely to Be International Business Languages in the Future?
  • Should international companies be forced to supply healthcare services to full-time employees?
  • Should maternity leave in international business be increased?
  • Should recruiters be allowed to ask questions about an applicant’s personal life?
  • Should we attempt for an equal representation of male and feminine leaders within the workplace?
  • Should social media sites be blocked at work?
  • Casual dress codes and the corporate world.
  • International businesses and their influence on national businesses.

International topics for research papers should be current. They can’t be too general or too narrow. If your topic is too general or too narrow, you will be writing a paper that won’t delve deep or say much. This won’t earn you the grade you desire.

Topics on business administration give students a chance to explore something innovative. However, choosing a topic in this category can frustrating because there are many options available. Here are examples of business administration topics.

  • How Advertisement Affects Consumer Behavior
  • How Wages Affect Employees’ Productivity
  • How Staff Motivation Affects Productivity
  • How to Measure Employee Retention Rate
  • Customer follow-up techniques as after-sales methods.
  • Why business will harden you
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Equal opportunities for both sexes
  • Good governance ethics and social responsibility.
  • The way to cope with a breach of contract.
  • The various external factors affecting employee retention.

When writing a business administration research paper, it’s important to choose an effective topic that you can research and present properly. It’s also important to consider the field you are interested in and the goal of writing your paper. An ideal business administration topic is one that you are interested to learn more about.

Argumentative business papers use the existing, published materials and literature. So, when choosing business research proposal topics in this category, students should explore the existing information first. This will enable them to use the existing data when presenting their understanding of the topics argumentatively. The major challenge is to choose a topic that relates to your field of business study. Here are examples of argumentative business topics.

  • Acquisition vs. merger- Which one is better?
  • Businesses that Focus on Market Vs. Businesses that Focus on Products
  • Is Offering Better Value to New Employees a Wise Move?
  • Can Business Develop Leadership through Practice and Learning?
  • Is it Wise for a Company to Exploit Labor in Maximizing Profits?
  • Investing in Digital Marketing and Social Media Campaigns- Does it Capture the Audience Attention?
  • Monetary Incentives Versus Personal Acknowledgement and Fringe Benefits
  • Is having a crypto investment risk for businesses?
  • Is there a bias against the workplace?
  • Is it possible to work while stressed?
  • Why are there corporate loans and special grants for females’ start-ups?

Before you decide to write a paper on an argumentative business topic, it’s important to establish your position. Make sure that you have evidence or you can find facts to support your position. Your idea should be put on a pedestal when making your argument.

Business communication is solely the act of sharing and distributing information between people within and outdoors a corporation and how the staff and management communicate to assist out organizational problems. The best researchable business communication topics for presentation include:

  • Social media usage
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Giving proper feedback
  • Communicating decisions during an issue or crisis
  • Business and email etiquettes and manners
  • Usage of company blogs
  • Role of influencers for building a brand
  • Impact of social media for workers
  • Differences between qualitative and quantitative data analysis
  • Secrets of advertising and marketing

You would have to note that these are two different things; informative speeches support educating and training. In persuasive speeches, you’re imploring that they participate in something or buy something. Some business persuasive and informative speech topics include:

  • Ergonomics in the workspace
  • Standards in creative and financial accounting
  • Understanding business copyright protection
  • What are the categories of insurance?
  • How to develop healthy work skills
  • How safety programs and dealing conditions relate to productivity
  • Conflict Management Strategies
  • How to create a comprehensive and viable business plan
  • Opportunities of internet advertising.
  • Internal control of resources.
  • What is a career break?
  • What impact do oil price fluctuations have on businesses?
  • Ways to draw in customer attention.
  • Time management
  • New fathers’ paternity leave.

Debate may be a valuable way of communicating and also persuading people. Interesting business debate topics for you include:

  • Can companies be trusted?
  • Are our casual dress codes beneficial for the company?
  • Employee drug test: yes, or no?
  • Should dating within the workplace be allowed?
  • Should companies spy on employees on social media?
  • Companies should be forced to produce health care for full-time employees.
  • Are employees that employment from home productive?
  • Does job satisfaction help in productivity?
  • Men should stay longer off for paternity leave.
  • Non-financial incentives and financial incentives – which is better?
  • How to put in place strict work policies.

Qualitative business research has to do with the creative and investigative analysis of intangible and inexact data. Here are some qualitative research titles about business for your dissertation.

  • Handling backlash during a project program
  • Ways to relieve pressure for strict work deadlines
  • Time management essence in goal setting
  • Managers should be flexible in their decisions.
  • How to manage an organizational crisis in business and work
  • What is a product development and how to do it the right way?
  • Major types of business insurance
  • Ways to enhance short and long run career plans
  • Networking for a successful manager
  • Harassment within the workplace.
  • Telemarketing ideas for tiny companies.

MBA is a prestigious postgraduate qualification outlining key business practices and is valued by top employers. Great MBA research paper topics include:

  • Gender representation in advertising
  • Impact of workplace diversity on company culture
  • Result of emotional branding on customer loyalty
  • Steps to run a successful retail business.
  • Molestation should be taken more seriously within the workplace.
  • Should business strikers be fired?
  • Strong unions are necessary for the economic process.
  • How do team-building events foster unity in the workplace?
  • To be a business owner, you need to learn to be organized.
  • Top ten strategic e-marketing issues.
  • Business and politics: should they be mixed?

This develops methods and tools for founders, which are given to start-up companies. To go in-depth, here are some entrepreneurial research topics:

  • Entrepreneurship skills acquisition and product innovation
  • Determining the impact of technological advancement on entrepreneurship in a company
  • Determinants of entrepreneurial innovation in an organization
  • Role of entrepreneurship in solving unemployment
  • To be a good business owner, you must learn to be well-organized
  • A way to promote the business without a marketing budget?
  • The right technique to write effective business letters
  • Important business ethics for running a startup
  • Negotiation techniques every manager must-have.
  • Recruitment and staffing decisions are crucial to the success of any business.
  • How performance-related pay can enhance motivation in the workplace.

Business intelligence ensures business owners and employees are at the top of their game at all times. Business intelligence topics worthy of consideration include:

  • Role of human resources in company development
  • Impact of organizational culture on employee performance
  • Evaluating the impact of strategy and leadership for organizational development
  • Factors influencing employee motivation.
  • SMEs and their risk management approach.
  • Ageism within the workplace
  • Impact of advertisement strategy on consumer behavior.
  • Data analysis implementation for business intelligence
  • Knowledge management for organizational knowledge generation
  • Research on knowledge extraction using data processing for business operations
  • How poor leadership can bankrupt a business.

A great business research paper requires a relevant subject and one that may distinguish it from other papers. Frequently asked business research paper questions include:

  • Repackaging a product: is it possible to avoid copyright infringement?
  • Is it possible for a father to require paternity leave at work?
  • What are the best methods of identifying bankruptcy and fraud?
  • Can discrimination affect the work environment?
  •  Should companies provide penalties for smoking employers?
  •  How does piracy influence the gaming business?
  • Is there anything like the law of molestation at the workplace?
  • What causes favoritism in the workplace?
  •  15 Ways to start an e-business successfully
  • How is the worldwide pandemic changing international business strategies concerning different sectors?
  • What are the best training and development tactics in the office?

Topics for business papers fall into different categories. The choice of your topic should reflect your subject area or study field. But, above all, your topic should capture the readers’ attention from the moment they come across it. It should also be straightforward, original, and specific. That means you should understand your study field well to select a good topic. Therefore, conduct some research before you choose a topic for your business thesis or research paper. Besides, providing good topics for you, we can also help you with your business research paper topics.

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Business research is an essential aspect of the modern corporate world. The ability to understand the latest trends, consumer behavior, and market dynamics is crucial for any firm looking to stay competitive. With this in mind, we've compiled a list of 250 business research topics that can serve as an inspiration for your next paper. From the impact of technology on the workforce to the rise of sustainable firm practices, these research topics in business cover a wide range of subjects that are relevant to today's business climate. Whether you're a student or a researcher, this list of topics related to business is sure to provide you with ideas for your next work or thesis. Stay with our business essay writing service to discover amazing ideas.

What Are Business Research Topics?

Business research topics are areas of study that pertain to the various aspects of running an organization, such as marketing, management, finance, as well as operations. These topics can cover a wide range of subjects. They also focus on specific industries or geographic regions. Business related topics can be studied using various methods, such as quantitative or qualitative ones.It is important to note that business topics for a research paper are frequently evolving and adapting to the current business environment, which makes them very dynamic. As a crucial part of the corporate world, they provide insights and understanding of various aspects of such an environment. These insights can help firms make informed decisions, develop new strategies, and stay competitive in the marketplace.

Characteristics of Good Business Research Topics

There are several characteristics that make business research paper topics good. Here are a few examples:

  • Relevance The chosen topic should be relevant to the present business environment. Therefore, it seeks to solve issues that are essential to both researchers and practitioners.
  • Feasibility Good research topics in business should be feasible to research. It means that there are readily available resources and information necessary for the project.
  • Significance: the topic should have practical implications for practitioners and companies.
  • Clarity It must be specific and clearly defined.
  • Originality It should contribute new perspectives or insights to the existing body of knowledge.

All of these characteristics together will make a good research topic, one that is valuable, informative, and useful for the corporate industry.

How to Choose a Business Topic for Research?

When writing your research, you should get your foundation right, which starts with choosing a good business related topic. Here are the steps you can use to select a business topic for research:

  • Identify your research area Find out the broad area of enterprise that you want to focus on.
  • Review the literature Conduct a literature review to identify current research trends, gaps, and issues in your chosen area.
  • Narrow down your focus Based on the literature review, narrow down your focus to a specific topic that is relevant, feasible, and original.
  • Assess feasibility Consider the time frame, resources, and data availability for the topic. Make sure that you have access to the necessary data and materials to conduct the research.
  • Finalize the topic Choose a topic that aligns with your interests and that you are passionate about. This will make the research process more enjoyable.
  • Consult with experts Seek advice from professionals in the field to get feedback on your topic and to make sure that it is relevant.

Business Research Topics List

A well-curated business research paper topics list can help researchers identify current trends, gaps in the literature, and emerging issues in the field. Here are some top business topics that are very useful.

  • How sustainable business practices affect a company’s financial performance.
  • Blockchain technology’s role in business.
  • Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on global supply chain management.
  • Impact of fintech on traditional financial institutions.
  • How digital transformation affects organizational culture.
  • Consequences of social media marketing for customer engagement.
  • Data analytics’ role in company performance and decision-making.
  • Impact of the gig economy on traditional employment model.
  • Abuse experienced by women in the workplace.
  • Revolution of firm operations and strategy due to artificial sales intelligence tools .

Interesting Business Topics for a Research Paper

We’ve compiled an interesting business topic list that can be helpful in your work. Before choosing research topics on business, you should understand the requirements, then select one that matches your interest from the list below.

  • Growth in tourism and its impact on the economy.
  • Limitations of global sanctions.
  • Determinants of consumer behavior.
  • Current changes in global labor unions.
  • History of economic thoughts.
  • Exploring trade embargo.
  • Comparative analysis of property rights.
  • Ways to maximize product profits.
  • Differences between tax bracket rates and fixed tax rate.
  • Factors to consider when choosing countries to invest in.
  • Relevant leadership styles for family-owned organizations.
  • Ways in which an organization can enter a foreign market.
  • Challenges of remote employment.
  • Advantages of franchising for the franchisee.
  • Languages used in international ventures.

These are just a few examples of the many topics that can be explored through research. The goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that influence organizational performance and to develop strategies for addressing any challenges that arise.

Easy Business Research Paper Topics

Business research is an important aspect of understanding various factors that drive organizational success. However, some business research topics can be complex and time-consuming to investigate. Here are 15 great research paper business topics that may be researched quickly.

  • Storytelling’s role in marketing.
  • Impact of online communication tools on team productivity.
  • COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts on consumer buying behavior.
  • How virtual meetings enhance team collaboration.
  • Workplace diversity and employee satisfaction.
  • Telecommunications effects on employee morale.
  • Artificial intelligence’s role in personalization of marketing efforts.
  • Impact of gamification on employee training.
  • Green initiative’s impact on customer loyalty.
  • How branding affects consumer purchasing power.
  • How does mobile technology enhance customer service?
  • Customer reviews’ role in enhancing online sales.
  • How digital marketing drives sales for small businesses.
  • Importance of flexible working hours for employee productivity.
  • Characteristics of monopolistic markets.

>> View more: Marketing Research Topics

Unique Business Research Topics

Business paper topics listed below are unique and challenging in the sense that they offer new perspectives and angles on the research, and they are not widely studied. It's also important to note that this category of research topic about business can cover ideas in any sector related to corporate world.

  • Virtual reality’s role in enhancing customer experience in luxury retail.
  • Artificial intelligence and human resources recruitment.
  • Using virtual and augmented reality in real estate.
  • LMS software for small businesses .
  • Greenwashing’s effect on consumer purchasing behavior.
  • Applying Internet of Things in predictive maintenance.
  • Virtual reality’s application in team building.
  • How mindfulness practices impact decision-making and productivity.
  • Application of augmented reality in e-commerce and retail.
  • Using blockchain technology in supply chain management.
  • Barriers to entering monopolistic markets.
  • How chatbots lead to employee satisfaction.
  • Emotional intelligence’s impact on effectiveness of leadership.
  • Impact of AI-generated content on company sales.
  • Effective advertising techniques for SMEs.

Popular Business Research Topics

Some business research paper topics are widely popular among researchers as well as practitioners as they are considered to be of current interest and relevance. These topics are popular since they are often studied to understand the current trends and challenges in the industry. Here are 15 popular business related research topics.

  • The current political and economic changes in America.
  • What causes changes in stock market.
  • Machine learning in the HR industry .
  • History of global trade.
  • Opportunities and challenges of globalization.
  • How to be successful in real estate industry.
  • How does corporate culture affect organizational performance?
  • Current corporate trends in the US.
  • Importance of a healthy work environment.
  • Ways to increase brand awareness.
  • Negotiation’s role in organizational change.
  • How SMEs affect the country’s economy.
  • Relationship between culture and company performance.
  • Initiatives to protect small and medium enterprises.
  • COVID-19 effects on economic performance of companies.

Controversial Business Research Topics

There are some research topics related to business that are controversial and can challenge widely held beliefs or societal norms. We’ve created a list of controversial business topic ideas below. You can choose any that interests you.

  • Automation’s impact on job displacement.
  • Corporate social responsibility’s role in addressing social issues.
  • Income inequality’s effects on firm performance.
  • Influence of Artificial Intelligence on privacy and ethical concerns.
  • Big data’s role in decision-making and potential biases.
  • Multinational companies’ impact on developing countries.
  • Sharing economy’s consequences on traditional industries and regulations.
  • Using blockchain technology in financial privacy and security.
  • How companies can be responsible for political lobbying.
  • Cannabis industry’s role in Canada’s economic development.
  • Ethical implication of AI in corporate world.
  • How surveillance affects employee privacy.
  • Effects of automation on the future of work.
  • Digital currency’s role in financial inclusion.
  • Social media’s impact on political polarization.

Business Research Proposal Topics

Whether you are an investor or a customer at a local grocery store, everyone is involved in some form of venture that prompts them to develop business research proposal ideas. Students in different academic levels may also be required to write a proposal before their research. Below are some business proposal topics to research that can help you explore your ideas.

  • Reducing workplace stress using virtual reality.
  • AI's potential impact on organizations venturing in healthcare.
  • How the current digital revolution has affected the corporate world.
  • Importance of video surveillance to organizations.
  • Potential solutions that private firms can implement to be economically secure.
  • Reasons why low self-esteem is detrimental at workplace.
  • Small independent organizations: lifelines in a world of giant franchises.
  • Solutions to the world's joblessness problem and how to implement them.
  • How workers’ motivation affects productivity.
  • A social problem: how altering consumer behavior affects retail sales.
  • Factors that determine the length of paternity leave given to employees.
  • The present-day world's environmental problems and their implications for business management.
  • Importance of leadership abilities in maintaining authority.
  • A methodical survey of investment approaches in real estate industry.
  • Comparing direct marketing with other types of advertisement .

Business Research Paper Topics for Students

Research topic ideas for business students can cover a wide range of areas, including management, marketing, finance, and operations. These themes are meant to be used as inspiration for students to conduct research on the business field and can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the assignment. Research paper topics related to business may also be chosen from areas of interest such as customer service, digital marketing, e-commerce, and green business practices.

Business Research Topics for College Students

Business topics for college students provide an opportunity to conduct research and gain a deeper understanding of the various factors that drive organizational success. Here are 15 potential business topics to write about.

  • Ways to ensure diversity in the workplace.
  • Virtual and augmented reality’s role in enhancing customer experience.
  • Effectiveness of various quality leadership styles in different industries.
  • Corporate governance’s impact on organizational performance.
  • Digitalization and its influence on the news industry.
  • Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in personalization of marketing efforts.
  • How virtual teams affect productivity and communication of employees in an organization.
  • How does the sharing economy affect traditional industries and regulations?
  • Ways in which privacy concerns influence consumer purchase behavior.
  • How the Internet of Things impacts supply chain management.
  • Digital currency’s role in financial inclusion and inequality.
  • Different insurance forms for a company.
  • Benefits of personalizing a firm website.
  • The future of virtual reality in organizations.
  • How greenwashing affects consumer purchasing behavior.

Business Research Topics for MBA Students

Business research project topics cover a wide range of areas and can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the assignment or the student's area of interest. These topics are also relevant to the current business environment and can provide MBA students with a chance to explore the various challenges and opportunities that companies face today. Highlighted below is a list of business research paper ideas that you can consider.

  • Digitalization’s impact on the financial industry and its regulation.
  • Artificial Intelligence’s role in the healthcare industry.
  • How corporate social responsibility affects financial performance and reputation.
  • E-commerce’s effect on brick-and-mortar retail firms.
  • Big data’s role in marketing.
  • COVID-19 pandemic on global trade and investment.
  • Importance of time management in an organization.
  • Using virtual and augmented reality in real estate and construction.
  • Digital transformation’s impact on the public sector and government.
  • Applying blockchain technology in logistics and transportation.
  • What are the sustainable firm practices that an organization should adopt?
  • How social media affects consumer behavior and decision-making.
  • Digital marketing’s role in the B2B industry.
  • Artificial Intelligence’s impact on human resources management.
  • The impact of political and economic changes on renewable energy.

Research Topics on Business in Different Fields

Business research topics cover various industries and sectors, including finance, healthcare, marketing, as well as logistics. They can provide insight into the different business challenges and opportunities that different industries face today. Researchers dive deeper into specific fields to understand how business practices and strategies differ, as well as how they can be improved. These research business ideas can also be tailored to match the specific requirements of the assignment or the student's area of interest.

International Business Research Paper Topics

International business topics for research can encompass various aspects of cross-border trade as well as investment, including market entry strategies, cultural differences, and global supply chain management. Listed here are 15 potential research paper topics on international business.

  • How cultural differences affect international business negotiations.
  • An examination of the challenges and opportunities of international franchising.
  • The impact of currency fluctuations on international business performance.
  • Different forms of international business ownership.
  • Role of international trade agreements and their impact on companies.
  • Brexit’s impact on international business .
  • Corporate social responsibility and its effect on international business reputation.
  • Impact of language barriers on international business communication.
  • How international organizations promote sustainable development.
  • Most effective market entry strategies for emerging markets.
  • Political and economic instability’s role in international trade.
  • Role of technology in facilitating cross-border e-commerce.
  • Impact of international enterprise on host-country workers.
  • Influence of international ventures on environmental sustainability.
  • International business’ influence on local cultures and traditions.

Business Law Topics for a Research Paper

Business law research paper topic ideas can encompass various legal issues that organizations face, including contract law, intellectual property law, and corporate governance. Here are 15 potential research paper topics for business law class.

  • Effectiveness of different forms of alternative dispute resolution in business disputes.
  • Consumer protection laws.
  • Challenges and opportunities of cross-border litigation in international business.
  • The effects of corporate governance on organizational performance and accountability.
  • Securities laws on initial public offerings and capital raising.
  • The role of intellectual property law in protecting innovation and creativity in the digital age.
  • Challenges and opportunities of merger and acquisition regulation.
  • The impact of labor laws on human resources management and recruitment.
  • Effectiveness of different forms of corporate social responsibility in addressing social and environmental issues.
  • The role of competition law in promoting fair competition and protecting consumer welfare.
  • Limitations of international trade law and its impact on firms.
  • Data privacy laws on company operations and decision-making.
  • Contract law on e-commerce and online business.
  • The role of property law in real estate and construction enterprises.
  • Limitations and opportunities of corporate governance in family-owned firms.
Check more: Law Research Paper Topics  

Research Topics in Business Administration

Business administration research topics can encompass various aspects of organizational management, including leadership, strategy, and operations. They are also relevant to the current business environment and provide an opportunity to explore challenges that companies face in the field of business administration. We’ve compiled a list of business administration topics for a research paper that can be helpful to you.

  • Effective leadership styles for different types of organizations.
  • The impact of organizational culture on employee engagement and performance.
  • Opportunities and limitations of virtual teams and remote work.
  • The effects of innovation management on organizational performance.
  • Digitalization’s impact on organizational structure and processes.
  • The role of project management in driving organizational success.
  • Reasons to implement mergers and acquisitions.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on organizational reputation and brand image.
  • Automation and machine learning influence organizational processes and decision-making.
  • Human resources management’s role in promoting a healthy and inclusive work environment.
  • Limitations of international expansion.
  • The impact of data analytics and big data on organizational decision-making and performance.
  • Effectiveness of different organizational change management forms.
  • Operations management’s role in driving efficiency and productivity.
  • Sustainable firm practices and their impact on organizational performance.

Business Management Research Topics

Are you specialized in management and looking for related business management research paper topics? This article lists business report topics below that can be useful to you.

  • Applying artificial intelligence in business management.
  • Gig economy and its impact on workforce management.
  • Innovative Human Resource practices to improve employee resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Ways to promote sustainable development in an organization.
  • How virtual reality impacts human behavior and well-being.
  • The use of technology in strategic management.
  • Gender disparity and discrimination in wages.
  • Strategies to encourage more women leaders in organizations.
  • Team building strategies.
  • Connection between labor productivity and salary.
  • Enhancing employee retention rate.
  • Conflict management in a company.
  • Ways to motivate employees.
  • Social media’s impact on business.
  • How do you ensure diversity in leadership?

These topics cover a wide range of areas and can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the assignment or the student's area of interest. They provide insight into the field of business management and can help equip you with necessary skills needed in that study area.

Business Ethics Topics for a Research Paper

Business ethics research paper topics can encompass various issues related to moral and ethical principles in the business world, such as corporate social responsibility, diversity and inclusion, and integrity in decision-making. Highlighted below are topics for a business ethics essay or paper that you can consider.

  • Corporate social responsibility and consumer trust.
  • Forms of corruption in private sector organizations.
  • Ways to promote sustainable development.
  • Diversity and inclusion policies.
  • How corporate governance impacts organizational integrity.
  • Forms of whistle-blower protection.
  • Organization’s role in addressing social and environmental issues.
  • Challenges of implementing a code of conduct.
  • Ways to enhance organizational reputation and brand image.
  • Different forms of corporate social responsibility reporting.
  • Principles of ethical management.
  • The impact of ethics on employee engagement and motivation.
  • How to address issues of social and environmental justice.
  • Business ethics’ impact on the financial performance of a company.
  • How do companies address human rights issues?

Business Communication Research Topics

The success of a business depends significantly on the communication between stakeholders. Business communication topics can include different aspects within and between organizations, including cross-cultural, digital, and crisis communication. If you want to study it, here are some business research topics ideas to consider.

  • Essential digital tools used in business communication.
  • Forms of multimedia communication in organizations.
  • Communication’s role in promoting a healthy and inclusive work environment.
  • Cross-functional communication in organizations.
  • Communication technology’s impact on networking and relationship building.
  • Forms of internal communication in different industries.
  • How communication promotes transparency and trust.
  • Ways of communicating during mergers and acquisitions.
  • How communication technology impacts the financial industry .
  • Nonverbal communication in firm interactions.
  • Using social media in organizational communication.
  • Enhancing team dynamics and collaboration through communication.
  • Crisis communication in the digital age.
  • Language barriers in international organizations.
  • Intergenerational communication in the workplace.

>> View more: Communication Research Paper Topics

Business Speech Research Topics

Research topics in business include various aspects of oral communication in the corporate world, such as public speaking, presentations, as well as pitch deliveries. Do you have a speech that you want to deliver related to enterprise and still not sure of the topic to choose? Here are general business research topic ideas you can use.

  • Types of corporate crimes you should look out for as our employees.
  • Never be afraid of your competitors.
  • How to deliberately think and plan for your success.
  • Moving your company a generation ahead.
  • How to ensure effective leadership in your company.
  • How to reward your employees.
  • Ways to motivate your employees.
  • Encouraging innovation in your firm.
  • Why should everyone have a business plan before starting one?
  • How we can deal with breach of contract.
  • Types of insurance cover we should consider for a company.
  • Ways to improve our company’s reputation in public.
  • How to write effective business letters.
  • Why we should actively participate in corporate social responsibilities.
  • How to increase our sales.
Read more: Demonstration Speech Ideas for Students

Business Debate Research Topics

Business research questions for debate involve various aspects of public discourse as well as arguments in the corporate world, such as ethical dilemmas, industry trends, and policy decisions. These themes can provide an opportunity to explore different perspectives and arguments on a particular issue and to evaluate their strengths as well as weaknesses. Some of the debatable business research project ideas include the following:

  • Is investing in stocks like taking a chance on the lottery?
  • Do you think cryptocurrencies should power the corporate world?
  • Is it true that men account for more successful company owners?
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research title about business in the philippines

This descriptive study determined the challenges experienced by young entrepreneurs during their academic preparation and on the actual professional business experience.  It also determined the success drivers as perceived by young entrepreneurs.  The study identified 14 young entrepreneurs in General Santos City who qualified under the inclusion criteria which included his or her academic preparation such as school business practicum and a formalized legal business of his or her own. Frequency count, percentage and weighted average mean were used as the statistical methods. Based on the results of the study, the entrepreneurial experience acquired from the academic preparations of young entrepreneurs today greatly helped them in their actual business practice. It is supported by the elimination of the top challenges during the academic preparation in the top challenges determined during the respondents’ professional experience. However, despite the existence of such present challenges, young entrepreneurs continue to strive in order to be successful in their respective businesses while upholding ethical practices primarily founded upon by honesty and integrity in delivering quality products and services. It is recommended that Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) should continue to incorporate relevant performance tasks and/or practicum in their business courses or program in order to achieve reinforced and concrete learning through the assessment of ready-for-actual market products and services. An evaluation of existing subjects with practical requirements must be made focusing on addressing the challenges and problems that dwell on Financial Management, People Management, Stress Management, and Business Leadership and Ethics was also an important recommendation.


Young entrepreneurs in today’s generation are generally categorized as millennials.  As the first digitally native generation, these business innovators have seen an era of unprecedented development that impacts their everyday life. It is no wonder that the millennials view of innovation has been rigorously involved in pursuing innovative solutions to solve current challenges. Combine innovation with today’s highly interconnected world, these young entrepreneurs have access to nearly everything needed to enable them to start their own business.

According to Tuffile (2015), Bentley University Director of Entrepreneurial Studies, millennials are realizing that starting a company, even if it crashes and burns, teaches them more in two years rather than sitting in a cubicle for 20 years. They believe, however, that innovation plays more of a role than simply adding to a company’s bottom line. In its Third Annual Millennials Study , Deloitte held 80 percent of millennials view business innovation as positively impacting society and providing a launch pad for new ideas. Perhaps, driven by the need for purpose and meaning in their careers, millennials entrepreneurs tend to see the world through a very different lens than the generation before them.

In a study on entrepreneurship by Conchada (2013), the population of the Philippines is young with nearly 70% aged below 30 years and with an average age of 23.4 years as of 2010. The youth also accounts for the largest portion of the unemployed Filipinos. This is despite the 300 start-ups in the country, most of which were founded between 2012 and 2017 (QBO Innovation Hub and PwC Philippines, 2018). The study further indicated that this group of locals, who are under the age of 35 as of this year, is estimated to amount to 69.5 million of the population. Clearly, there is a large untapped portion of the youth who could have opted to start an enterprise.

The Philippines is an entrepreneurial country which has small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), including micro-enterprises, account for 99 percent of all business establishments and 60 percent of the exporting firms in the Philippines. According to the Department of Trade and Industry, SME’s currently employ about 55 percent of the Philippine labor force and contribute 30 percent to total domestic sales volume.

 Among the current problems that Filipino entrepreneurs encounter today are the inadequate access to technology, financing capital, marketing advice and logistical problems in setting up and maintaining their competitiveness in their community. For this reason, the Philippine government has identified the need to foster entrepreneurial spirit to jumpstart the lagging economy.

To further emphasize the importance of developing entrepreneurship education, a recent study by the Center for Asia Pacific Studies reveals that out of every 100 children enrolled every year, 66 will complete elementary education, 42 will finish high school and only 14 will earn a college degree. A study by Smart Communications adds, only 7.7% of graduates get employed. This means that out of 100 children that go to school, only one will end up getting a job. The scarcity of jobs has further contributed to the exodus of skilled workers abroad, where 2,000 Filipinos leave the country everyday to seek higher income and greater opportunities in career advancement.

In an article by Allison (2016), according to the President and CEO of RFM Corporation, a viable solution to overcome these challenges today is by promoting entrepreneurship and giving Filipinos the proper knowledge and tools to start their own businesses. He further added that the importance of developing an innovative and entrepreneurial culture is a crucial part of the Philippines developed state future. Entrepreneurship directly leads to more businesses, more job opportunities and better quality of life.

 There are 24 million youth in the Philippines today and counting. Of these 24 million, 39% or 9.36 million are part of the labor force while 40% or 9.6 million are living below the poverty line. Encouraging young people to consider business ownership as a viable option is becoming increasingly important given the current trend towards globalization.

In General Santos City, the Department of Trade and Industry in coordination with the local government through the City Economic Management and Cooperative Development Office (CEMCDO) as well as the Board of Investments (BOI) recognizes the potential significant contribution of the youth in boosting the economy as well as in solving various societal issues and problems. Programs and activities such as the DTI Go Negosyo, Yaman Gensan, Young Entrepreneurs Fair and various investment forums and seminars are among the pertinent actions materialized.

In all of these, Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs)have been responsive as well in supporting the programs of the government being primary partners in achieving the objectives of economic and social development. The performance of these institutions is critical enough to ensure the success of economic and social development.The researchers, therefore, are motivated to identify the challenges encountered by young entrepreneurs during academic preparation and professional business experiences which serve as bases in formatting the recommendations for concerned organizations and institutions to better provide the necessary services.

Statement of the Problem

          This study determined the challenges and success drivers of young entrepreneurs in General Santos City. Specifically, this study answered the following questions:

  • college degree; and
  • entrepreneurial experience/s?
  • type of business;
  • start-up capitalization;
  • number of years in operation; and
  • number of employees?
  • academic preparation; and
  • professional experiences?
  • What are drivers of success among young entrepreneurs?
  • What recommendations can be made to better assist the young entrepreneurs in General Santos City?

Research Methodology

          This study used the descriptive type of research. It aimed to describe the challenges and success drivers of 14 young entrepreneurs in General Santos City who met the respondent inclusion criteria of those entrepreneurs who have started their business on at least 35 years old and below, college graduate from schools that offer business practicum, and personally own and run the business with complied government requirements.  The snowball sampling method was used in the study.  It involved primary data sources nominating another potential primary data source used in the research. The statistical tools used in this study were frequency, percentage, ranking and weighted mean.

Summary of Findings

  • Majority of the young entrepreneurs in General Santos City started at the age of 26- 30 years old with equal number from both sexes. All have acquired entrepreneurial experience from school business practicum but most have more experience from family-owned business.
  • Most of the businesses are food-based service-oriented businesses. Those who are into manufacturing are also into food and beverage production. Only few are into non-food service-oriented business.
  • The amount of start-up capitalization are widely dispersed from the least capital of less than P50,000 to as much as P500,000 and more, most of which are into non-food service-oriented business.
  • Most of the businesses are sole proprietorship in form which have been operating for 1-5 years employing less than 10 workers.
  • The top challenge experienced during the academic preparation when entrepreneurs were students then is the lack of knowledge/ experience about starting a business.
  • The top challenge encountered by young entrepreneurs during the professional experience is the physical exhaustion .
  • Young entrepreneurs perceive that the top drivers to success are the quality goods and services, honesty and integrity and passion. Remarkably, few drivers to success were perceived as less than extremely important. These are luck or good fortune, inherent talent, enough entrepreneurial experience and academic excellence.


Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the entrepreneurial experience acquired from the academic preparation of young entrepreneurs today greatly helped them in their actual business practice. The lack of knowledge/ experience about starting a business did not surface already during the actual business practice. However, despite the existence of such present challenges, young entrepreneurs continue to strive in order to be successful in their respective businesses while upholding ethical practices primarily founded upon by honesty and integrity in delivering quality products and services. They also believe, in general, that success is not greatly dependent on any fortune, talent, experience or academic excellence but rather a product of hard work and commitment.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were formulated:

  • Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) should continue to incorporate relevant performance tasks and/or practicum in their business courses or program in order to achieve a reinforced and concrete learning through the assessment of ready-for-actual market products and services.
  • An evaluation of existing subjects with practical requirements must be made, focusing on addressing the challenges and problems that dwell on the following:
  • Financial Management with special concern to capital sourcing, budgeting and maintaining liquidity and solvency;
  • People Management with special concern to hiring and selection as well as effective work delegation;
  • Stress Management (both physical and emotional); and
  • Business Leadership And Ethics.
  • HEIs should have full and active support and participation to intra-institution competitions such as the NDEA Business Congress and inter-institution competitions in both local [e.g. Young Entrepreneurs’ Fair (YEF) under Yaman Gensan and national/international level.
  • The national government through its enabling agency, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in coordination with relevant other relevant agencies and government units such as, but not limited to, the Board of Investments and local government units, implement and/or support programs which objective is to create opportunities as well as aid young entrepreneurs in order to encourage entrepreneurs starting at a young age.
  • A formal and recognized association of Young Entrepreneurs in the locality must be incorporated to boost their morale and serve as a body which addresses various issues and concerns affecting its members.
  • Further study should be made extending its scope to include young entrepreneurs from other parts of the region most likely in SOCCSKSARGEN.
  • Methodology could be improved by considering the use of systematic questioning techniques that provide more directly observable results (i.e. adoption of questionnaires from refereed research journal).
  • Focused Group Discussions could be intensified including more diversified respondents by profile (i.e. by type of business, by form of business organization, by size – micro, small, medium or even large enterprises).

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  1. 500+ Business Research Topics

    Business Research Topics are as follows: The impact of social media marketing on customer engagement and brand loyalty. The effectiveness of AI in improving customer service and satisfaction. The role of entrepreneurship in economic development and job creation. The impact of the gig economy on the labor market.

  2. PDF Business Research Journal

    PHILIPPINE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 826 R. Papa Street, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines Tel. No.: (02) 8735-1348 | (02) 8735-1355 | (02) 8735-1353 | (02) 5310-1032 BUSINESS RESEARCH JOURNAL Volume XXIII June 2020 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS An Official Publication of the Philippine School of Business Administration, Manila

  3. (PDF) Ease of Doing Business in the Philippines and ...

    In the Philippines, 957,620 business enterprises operate and 99.6% of these business establishments are SMEs [5]. ... Mobile Payments Adoption in Small and Medium Retail Enterprises: An ...

  4. (PDF) The Filipino generation Z's entrepreneurial intention: What

    One of the rising trends among Gen Z is a desire to pursue new career opportunities including starting their own business (Perna, 2021) In the Philippines, many Gen Z are entrepreneurial who ...

  5. PDF The Extent of Innovation in Philippine Business and Industry: Results

    The Extent of Innovation in Philippine Business and Industry: Results of the 2021 PIDS Survey of ... RESEARCH INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Philippine Institute for Development Studies ... North Tower EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines [email protected] (+632) 8877-4000 https://www.pids.gov.ph. The Extent of Innovation in ...

  6. The Role of Financial Management in Promoting Sustainable Business

    rather than short-term business performance in the Philippines. Keyword s : Sustainable finance, financial management, environmental improvement, and a mini- review approach

  7. Business and Local Taxation in The Philippines

    The Philippines is well-suited to research on local taxation. On the one hand, it is the most fiscally decentralized state in Southeast Asia, and among the most decentralized states in the developing world, when measured by the share of local government expenditures funded by own-source revenues (Bahl and Bird 2008).

  8. Economy, from The Report: Philippines 2021

    Economy. The Philippines is one of the fastest-growing economies of the past decade, averaging 6.4% growth per year over 2010-19. Indeed, an expanding and youthful population, combined with reforms and an ambitious infrastructure programme, have made it an enticing investment destination. Nevertheless, as is often the case in emerging markets ...

  9. Philippines Economic Research Highlights

    Get expert, on-the-ground insights into the latest business and economic trends in more than 30 high-growth global markets. Produced by a dedicated team of in-country analysts, our research provides the in-depth business intelligence you need to evaluate, enter and excel in these exciting markets. View licence options

  10. The Report: Philippines 2021

    The Report: Philippines 2021. The Philippines is one of the world's fastest-growing nations. Although economic activity slowed during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic period, stimulus measures, imminent public sector policies and a larger budget are expected to create jobs, generate growth and help kick-start the country's recovery during 2021.


    ruction, agri business and real estate. The decline of the Puyats from the 30th slot in the country's top corporations to outside of the 200 list is traced to a family decision to divide its businesses twenty years ago (Villadiego, Ph. lippine Daily Inquirer, Oct. 26, 1995). The Elizaldes started.

  12. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Philippines ...

    The Philippines is no exception, which in turn limits the extent of empirical analysis on the economic contributions of micro, small and medium scale enterprises. This paper presents a novel dataset of Philippine micro, small and medium enterprises and the existing literature concerning the challenges and development issues of MSMEs in the ...

  13. Business and Local Taxation in The Philippines

    Abstract. This article argues that weak local governments increase levels of taxation by "borrowing" institutional capacity from certain types of businesses. While many businesses lobby against taxation, businesses that are locally owned, nationally connected, and logistically complex build robust associations that support taxation.

  14. Small-Scale Business Enterprises in the Philippines: Survey and

    ABSTRACT This paper is a two-part study of small-scale business enterprises in the Philippines: survey and empirical analysis, both of which are combined in an attempt to understand what determines entrepreneurial motivations and success in the Philippines. The survey was conducted in order to study entrepreneurship development and motivations in the Philippines and also to understand the ...

  15. PDF Entrepreneurship in the Philippines

    y to launch their own enterprise. In 2014, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) delivered a report on the state of entrepreneurship in the Philippines, a thick accou. t of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This report narrowed down the main determinants of entrepreneurial activity to two: 1) the country's social values toward entrepreneurship ...


    individual businesses, then the evolution of Philippines businesses can be better explained. 1.2 Statement of the Research Problem The study of business evolution, of how businesses survived or failed through different stages in Philippine economic development, requires that individual businesses be examined first within their own reality.

  17. Business Thesis Topics

    This page provides a comprehensive list of business thesis topics designed to assist students in selecting relevant and impactful subjects for their academic papers. With 300 diverse topics spanning 10 key categories—ranging from agribusiness and business analytics to entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility—this list covers current issues, recent trends, and future directions ...

  18. Research Title: Supply Chain Management Adoption and its Effect to

    The study investigates the effect of adoption of supply chain management adoption to profitability of Philippine MSMEs and the mediating effect of organizational profile such as number of ...

  19. 150+ Brilliant Business Research Topics For Students

    Business ethics is a study field that gives students the freedom to choose from different topics. For instance, a student can choose a topic in this field around duties, morality, integrity, and business behavior. The increasing business ethics issues widen the range of the topics students can choose from in this category.

  20. 250 Business Research Paper Topics: Best Ideas for Students

    These topics are popular since they are often studied to understand the current trends and challenges in the industry. Here are 15 popular business related research topics. The current political and economic changes in America. What causes changes in stock market. Machine learning in the HR industry.

  21. Challenges and Success Drivers of Young Entrepreneurs in General Santos

    Focused Group Discussions could be intensified including more diversified respondents by profile (i.e. by type of business, by form of business organization, by size - micro, small, medium or even large enterprises). References. Allison, M. (2016). Youth entrepreneurship in the Philippines: issues and challenges.

  22. Entrepreneurship on Sidewalks Discovering Pastilan Business in the

    Significance of the Study This research, entitled "Entrepreneurship on Sidewalks: Discovering Pastilan Business in the Philippines," aims to provide knowledge and information about Filipino culture and cuisine practices that are aligned with food businesses in the Philippines. It enriches our awareness about the discovery of Philippine business and the association between entrepreneurship in ...

  23. Philippines

    Asian Development Bank. E. Go. February 2020. Natural Disasters, Public Spending, and Creative Destruction: A Case Study of the Philippines. Asian Development Bank Institute. S. Jha, et al. March 2018. The Impact of Improved Transport Connectivity on Income, Education, and Health: The Case of the Roll-On/Roll-Off System in the Philippines.

  24. The Success and Failures of Sari-Sari Stores: Exploring the Minds of

    the Philippines through boosting the development of Barangay Micro Business Enterprises. The BMBE's are intended to act as seedbeds of Filipino entrepreneurs and it

  25. 15 Small Business Ideas You Can Start in the Philippines (2024)

    Loft offers business registration services to help startups in the Philippines navigate the local regulatory environment with ease. For existing business owners, Loft also offers business renewal services. Send us an email at [email protected] or call us at +63-917-899-1111. Business ideas with a starting capital of Php 60K to 200K. 7.