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International Resume Writing Tips

Rolf Bax

How to write an American resume and what to avoid

The purpose of an american resume, general guidelines for an american resume, the structure of an american resume, things to avoid in an american resume, american resume: final thoughts, how to write a british cv when applying for a job in the united kingdom, the british cv, short format british cv, additional british cv advice.

If you are going for a job abroad and wonder whether international hiring managers have different expectations, you would be right to ask the question. 

While the recruitment process will ask many of the same questions and request the same information in every country, some of the terminology can be confusing.

There are also a few subtle differences within certain countries, so let's explore some international resume writing tips in more detail.

This blog discusses the most common types of international resume rules, challenges, and tips, including:

  • International resume introduction
  • Why it matters to customize your resume for certain countries or cultures
  • American resume
  • the British CV
  • Asian resume

Spanish resume

Russian resume.

  • Writing a CV when English is your second language

Depending on the location of the job you’re applying for, you may want to understand more about an international resume. For example, if you are applying for a job in the United Kingdom, the United States, or Asia there are specific rules to follow and customs that are expected of job applicants. The same is true for Russia or Spain.

Another challenge is if languages like English or Spanish are your second language, then there are aspects of creating an international resume that should be followed in order to improve your chances of getting an interview.

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International resume introduction & writing a resume for international jobs

The first thing that you should do when applying internationally is to understand the expectations.

An international resume isn't so much a format, but rather a strategy to follow for aligning your resume with the local expectations and resume standards. The key to writing for an international audience is understanding more about expectations — what format do they prefer, do they want it translated, do they require references, a professional photo, or a portfolio?

There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for an international resume, so be sure to check out the specifics below, do your research, and don't be afraid to ask locals for advice.

Tone is also very important depending on which country you’re applying in. For instance, American-style resumes are expected to be more self-promoting, whereas in other countries, like China, you’re expected to be more modest.

International resume tip — More than any other resume, if you’re applying to a foreign country you need to be clear on your resume about your nationality, visa status, and language abilities. Whereas this isn’t important if you’re applying in your own country, this is critical information for international resumes.

What are some tips for a good resume? The most important tip for a resume is to tailor it towards the role that you are applying for. Every sentence and achievement has to add to your case that you are the person for this specific job. The more irrelevant details there are, the less attention an employer will pay to what else is there.

The American resume

Modern American resumes are now done digitally, typically found in PDF or Microsoft Word format in order to easily upload and email.

Some people believe that an American style resume can only be one page, but that’s not necessarily true. If you have more than 5-7 years of relevant experience or are in an executive function, your resume should be two pages .

The most common form of American resume is the chronological resume , which follows along a structured style starting with your most recent position.

An American resume typically follows the format of:

  • Personal information
  • Professional summary statement
  • Work history (in reverse chronological order)
  • Hobbies (optional)
  • Certifications (optional)
  • References (optional)

American resume tip — Make sure to understand the power of keywords . Many hiring processes and applications in the United States now involve the use of an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) . An ATS helps employers organize and screen the hundreds of candidates who usually apply. Companies with high volumes of candidates use their ATS to automatically screen candidate resumes looking for certain keywords and phrases.

Rules, examples, and tips for writing an American resume when applying for a job in the United States. Convert your CV to an American resume following these resume tips and templates for the USA.

While most of the world uses a CV when looking for a job, in America the document most commonly used is a resume.  An American resume differs from a CV in that it is a summary of a person’s work history, skills, education and other items an employer may be interested in.  A CV , in the American sense, is very detailed and chronicles the person’s entire career with details about their achievements, publications, education and other items that are relevant to the job they are applying for. For the rest of the world, a CV is the same as an American Resume.

The only exception to using a resume in America is if you are applying for a job that is in either a technical or academic field. In these cases, you would default to a longer American CV.

In this guide, we will discuss the following critical components of writing an American resume:

  • Differences between a resume and a CV
  • The purpose of a resume
  • How to organize
  • Formatting an American resume
  • What items you should and shouldn’t include.
  • The individual components of an American resume
  • How to optimize your resume

When creating a resume, keep in mind its purpose. A resume will not get you a job, rather it is intended to generate enough interest in you to get you invited to an interview .  Surveys indicate that recruiters spend about 6 seconds reviewing a resume. Therefore, it is important that you capture the reader’s attention quickly and make the resume interesting enough so that they will want to continue reading it.

A good way to determine how much of your resume a recruiter will read before they decide about you is to fold the first page in half. This is the most important real estate on your resume, and you need to use it to communicate your qualifications as concisely and clearly as possible.

What are the 4 C's of resume writing?

  • Creativity. Every job requires you to make something from nothing every now and again.
  • Communication. Getting stuff done with others needs excellent oral and written communication.
  • Collaboration. Knowing how to achieve results as a team is key to so many careers.
  • Critical thinking. Every problem has multiple solutions - finding the right one is rarely simple.

An American resume is constructed on Letter size, 8.5”x11” paper, in the portrait orientation. Modern American resumes are now done digitally, and are typically found in PDF format in order to easily upload and email.

Typically American resumes are either 1 to 2 pages, based on the length of your career .  New graduates or people with limited experience can easily use just one page to describe their qualifications. People with more experience may need two or even three pages to cover their complete job history, accomplishments , education, skills, and certifications.

A CEO will have a much longer resume than an intern . Simple as that.

When considering the content to include in your resume, a good guideline to follow is that if the information isn’t relevant to the job you are interested in then it should not be in your resume. Employers hire people for one of four reasons.

  • You will make them money
  • You will save them money
  • You will save them time
  • You will fix a problem

Keep these in mind when you are writing your resume. Another tip is to include some type of metric (i.e., $, #, %) in every 2-3 sentences. This captures the reader's attention and helps them recognize your contributions, with the assumption that you can do the same for them. There’s nothing worse than a recruiter reading some generic statement, like “Contributed to overall department success and team collaboration.”

What does that mean? What did you contribute and what were the results? What specifically did you do to promote teamwork ? Be as specific as possible.

You can find resources that will help you when writing your resume across the internet. These will provide you with  examples of effective resumes and  templates you can follow while constructing your resume.

Contact Information — The first thing in your resume should be your name and contact information. This should be at the top of the page , should be large enough to be easily seen, and should contain the following.

  • Telephone number where you can best be reached, usually your mobile
  • E-mail address — preferably your first & last name @ domain.com – don’t use cute or funny emails
  • LinkedIn profile

Do not include a home address or links to your other social media pages. You can either put this information on the top of the first page or, better yet, include it as a heading so that it will show up on all the pages

Title — The next part of your resume is the title. This should be the same as the position you’re applying for. It lets the recruiter know exactly what position you’re interested in and sets the tone as they are reviewing the resume.

Summary — It is good to start your resume with a 2 to 3 sentence summary if your skills, experience, or education related to the job you’re applying for. This allows the recruiter to quickly recognize your qualifications and encourages them to read the remainder of the resume.

Professional Experience — You then turn to your employment experience . The section will contain details about the jobs you have worked at during the last 10 to 15 years.  Even if you have more experience, this is all you need to include because anything prior to this is either no longer relevant or has already been discussed in other job descriptions. The jobs should be detailed in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent first.

When listing your jobs, include:

  • Position or title
  • Employer – Location (City, State) – Dates Employed (Month/Year – Month/Year)

You then provide a 1 to 2 sentence summary of your responsibilities and major achievements. This is followed by 3 to 4 bullets that describe significant achievements, key contributions, or specific duties related to the position you’re applying for. If your job title is self-explanatory, then you can skip the 1 to 2-sentence summary and focus on the bullet points.

Skills — After your experience, you can list your skills relevant to the job. These are usually bulleted in the side column of the resume. Modern resumes will display skills in a way that won’t increase the size of your resume and be visually appealing to the hiring manager. Check out this resume for a Financial Advisor as an example.

Include both hard skills related to the job and soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. The hard skills are usually stated in the job description as requirements. The soft skills enhance your qualifications and distinguish you from other applicants.

Education — You’ll next describe your formal, informal, and continuing education . Start with the most advanced degree and work backward listing other degrees . If your formal education occurred some time ago, you can start with recent certifications you have been awarded or informal training you have that enhances your qualifications for the job.

When detailing your education, list:

  • Degree attained (i.e., MBA, BS, AS) and your major and any minors
  • The school or institution attended
  • Additional activities such as clubs, athletic teams, publications, major projects or internships

Make sure you also include information about any continuing education courses , or certifications you have received, and which are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Hobbies — This is an important section of your resume, and you should be adding them in. Hobbies show the hiring manager more about your personality and personal life, and can also help develop a connection between you and the hiring manager. List out any achievements linked to your hobbies, and provide a little bit of detail instead of blandly listing a one-word hobby.

Listing your interests on your resume

By listing your personal interests on your resume, you can add a personal touch about what makes you you. In this article, we’ll discuss why it’s sometimes advisable to list interests on your resume.

What are the 3 F's of resume writing?

  • Form. Format and style your resume so that it is easy to read and digest.
  • Function. Make the resume functional by keeping it relevant and not going back too far in time .
  • Effectiveness. An effective resume includes everything to help a hiring manager make their decision.

Items you should not include in your resume are:

Personal information : Examples of these are age, gender, race, or family status. Employers cannot ask about these due to restrictions related to job discrimination. Putting them in your resume could disqualify you from being interviewed, or waste the recruiter's time who reads them.

References : Unlike CVs that are used throughout the world, American resumes do not typically include references. If an employer needs references prior to hiring you, they will request them after you have progressed through the interview process and are being considered as one of the final candidates.

Writing an effective American resume is easy if you follow the guidelines provided. You need to write with the purpose of convincing the employer you can contribute to helping them achieve their business objectives. The objective is to create enough interest in you to incent the recruiter to invite you to an interview.

Following the recommended format and structure of an American resume makes it easy to read and provides a flow. Using the valuable space at the top half of the first page to summarize your qualifications is critical. This gets the balance of the resume read and increases your chances for an interview. Including metrics throughout your resume will keep it interesting and help the employer understand how you can help them to “make money, save money or save time.”

Avoid any mention of personal information in a resume. This may result in automatic rejection, even though you may be one of the better candidates for the job. You should also not include references. These aren’t expected in America and will be requested later in the interview process if the employer needs them.

Finally, remember to write your American resume keeping the job requirements in mind. Any content that isn’t relevant to these may distract the reader from your key message and shouldn’t be included.

Which are red flags on a resume? There are certain things on any resume that may make a hiring manager stop reading immediately. Be careful if your resume contains the following:

  • Too many long (and unexplained) employment gaps
  • Typos, mistakes, grammatical and formatting errors
  • Lack of career progression or evidence of job hopping
  • Too much personal information seems unprofessional
  • A career path that doesn't fit the vacancy in question
  • Inconsistency between your resume and LinkedIn profile

Every country is different! Here is a comprehensive guide that includes tips, tools, and examples for writing an amazing British CV.

Tips, tools, and examples for writing a British CV that lands an interview. If you're looking for a job in the UK, the expectations are slightly different than other countries—there are specific rules to follow with a British CV, and we cover all of them in this comprehensive guide.

As mentioned, the British use CV to denote the same as the U.S. resume. In academic circles (in both countries) CV can also be used to denote a longer form documents with lots of information about your education and professional experience, including additional training, papers you’ve written, conferences you attended, projects you’ve been involved in, and other details which demonstrate your qualifications.

British CV tip — Include references in your CV when applying for jobs in the UK, but don't include their contact details as this goes against data protection legislation. 

If you are looking for work in the UK, a CV will be a key part of your job search process. Any document you use to detail your qualifications is called a Curriculum Vitae, or CV. This also applies to most of Europe and even the Middle East.

Let's keep it simple.

A CV in the UK is the equivalent of a resume in the United States. 

It may have one or two pages, and all of the sections that you would expect in a resume should be present. This is not the academic document that Americans call a CV. In this comprehensive guide, we will show you how to write an effective British CV that helps you land an interview, by outlining:

  • An introduction to the British CV
  • The components of a British CV
  • The short form British CV
  • Additional advice when drafting your CV

If you want to tell your ‘life story’ with lots of details about your education and professional experience, including additional training, papers you’ve written, conferences you attended, projects you’ve been involved in and other details which will demonstrate your qualifications, then you should opt for the long format, or detailed CV.

This document can be as long as necessary to include the details of your life which are applicable to the position you are applying to. Keep in mind that modern job applicants bring in over 200 applicants, and hiring managers spend about 7 seconds reviewing each application. So choose a CV carefully, because the time you have to impress the hiring manager is limited.

The content of the long format CV will include the following:

  • Name − full name, title, degree (e.g. Ph.D., etc.)
  • Contact information - phone, email, LinkedIn profile, personal web page (no social media or home address)
  • Summary − a brief description of what you have achieved in your education and profession
  • Academic qualifications − your academic qualification; degree(s) (descending, with most advanced first). Include key courses studied, GPA , papers written, studies performed
  • Additional training – work-related instruction or courses, conferences attended
  • Additional knowledge − skills you have acquired as part of your profession
  • Soft skills − collaboration, communication, teaming, etc.
  • Languages – native plus any foreign languages you are fluent in, if applicable
  • Software tools − applications you use in your profession (Microsoft, Google, CRM tools, etc.)
  • Operating system platforms − Windows, Mac, Linux
  • Database management system – Oracle, SAP, Siebel
  • Experience breakdown − summarized explanation of your experience – employers, title, dates, location, role, and a brief (1-2 sentence) summary of responsibilities
  • Achievements – any significant achievements in professional life
  • Awards and honors
  • A declaration − stating all information provided about the applicant as true
  • References – 2-3 references with names, titles, organization, phone, email and the role they played in your professional career (i.e., manager, customer, peer)

The short format or business CV should be 1-2 pages long (A4 format). It only consists of facts, dates, and numbers. The reasons for applying and a summary of your skills which qualify you for the position can be detailed in a cover letter . Remember, recruiters only spend 7 seconds reviewing this type of resume before deciding about your qualifications, so you want to capture their interest.

The content of this type of British CV is:

  • Personal information – Name, phone, email, LinkedIn URL and location (not an address)
  • Professional summary – key skills, experience, and soft skills aligned with the job you are applying for
  • Working experience – title, employer, location, and dates, starting with the most recent job. Include a brief description of the role, followed by a bulleted list of contributions and achievements for each position
  • Formal education & training - university, dates, and places, but no grades or courses
  • Languages, skills, proficiencies related to the job you are applying for

Both types of CVs include your personal information, education and qualifications, work experience, interests and achievements, skills, and references. The additional information in the long format CV provides details important to recruiters and hiring managers in professions where specific coursework, publications , software skills, and other, more detailed experience and education and work experience is key to selecting a candidate.  Make sure you provide as much detail as possible when constructing a long format CV.

Also, you should always tailor your CV to the job you are applying for. Use a modern but professional format . Few if any graphic elements; these aren’t effective and will confuse Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

It is important to consider including references in your CV when applying for a position in the UK. Employers expect these and a significant majority of them take the time to contact the references you provide. It’s best to provide at least 2 references. As an alternative, you can write "references available on request."

Prior to adding someone's name and information to your CV, you should contact the person to ask their permission to use them as a reference. It is also considerate of you to provide them with a copy of your CV and discuss your job search objectives with them. Remind them of what you did when you worked together and discuss a few contributions you made while there.

The Asian resume

Similar to the long-form British CV, resumes in Asia tend be longer than the traditional American and European resume. The best practices here are to include all the information you normally would: personal information, contact details, work history, academics, skills, languages, and references.

But, you should also include a professional photo. Unlike the United States where it's common to add a photo to your resume only in certain industries, in Asia it is generally expected that you include a photo across every industry. Also include two copies of your resume — one in English, and another in the native language of that country.

Resumes in Asia are expected to be more personal in nature, where you will include your age, gender, marital status, interests , nationality, and visa status. As with a long-form CV, you should expect to be more detailed about your skills and work experience than you would in a short-form American style resume.

Asian resume tip — Even if you don’t know the native language, showing some cultural knowledge and sensitivity by including some wording or greeting will always be appreciated.

What are the three main types of resumes?

  • Reverse-chronological. Lists work experience in reverse order with the more recent job first.
  • Functional . A resume that focuses on functional skills, with only employers and employment dates listed.
  • Combined . An initial section for function skills with a normal chronological work experience afterwards.

Spanish resumes are similar to British ones, but require you to be more clear about your language abilities . This should be front and center in your resume.

If Spanish is your second language, be sure to use templates and examples designed for a Spanish-speaking audience. Generally, Spanish resumes are 1-2 pages and include the following information:

  • Contact information
  • A professional summary
  • Education and GPA information — both high school and post-secondary
  • Work experience in bullet points
  • Skills and languages (be clear about your native language)

Spanish resume tip — It is important to have someone who is a native speaker read over your resume before you send it to an employer to ensure there are no grammatical or language errors.

Russian resumes are similar to resumes in Europe, in that they include all the basic information such as contact details, a professional summary, work history, education, skills, languages, and references.

Here are a few additional tips for writing a resume to apply for a job in Russia:

  • Do not exceed 2 pages in length.
  • Place the education section above work experience—this is a common expectation in Russia.
  • As with most other countries, it is suggested to list your work experience in reverse chronological order.
  • It is common to send along a translated version of your resume with a cover letter to Russian companies or an English version to an international company working within Russia.
  • Unless requested, do not include references on your Russian resume.

Russian resume tip — Photos are not required or encouraged when submitting a resume in Russia. Unless it’s specifically requested, do not include a photo.

Writing a resume or CV when English is a second language

Writing an international resume is challenging enough, so writing a resume or CV in English when you're not a native speaker makes it even more difficult. To begin writing your resume in English, you should gather all relevant information so you are well organized. This includes:

  • A copy of your current CV in your native language
  • Any additional information you need to update your CV
  • A description of the job(s) you are applying for so you can understand the types of language and keywords used
  • An English dictionary, thesaurus, and / or Google Translate
  • Templates to work with or a resume builder

Once you have all these resources, you can start translating. Check out resume examples for inspiration and research to find the right language and wording to use. Make sure to include the keywords that you collected in the job description you are applying for.

Writing a CV in English is different than writing a CV in your native language. English has several nuances that you must be aware of and the sentence structure is often different than what you are used to. However, once you are aware of these differences it is easy to translate your current CV into English.  

Writing resumes for different cultures and countries

What’s good for the UK, isn’t necessarily correct for the US, and what’s best practice in Russia, may not go over well in China. Find out as much about the local job application preferences as possible before you use an international resume to apply to a job.

If at all possible connect with a native person in your industry and ask them for feedback on your resume before you send it to an employer. It's even better if you can connect with a local person in your industry who speaks your native language too. Most often local residents are more than happy to help you get acclimated to a new job market and welcomed to their country.

How to write a relocation resume & show willingness to relocate

How to Write an International Resume for a Job Abroad

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In This Guide:

What is an international resume, specific sections for an international resume, should i translate my international resume.

Do you struggle to create a resume for an international company?

Many people face trouble with international resumes, so we wanted to offer resume tips and help you make an ideal resume to stand out.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • What an international resume is.
  • The sections you need to add to a resume.
  • If you should adjust the length or translate your resume.

If you use this guide, you can make your resume stand out and secure an international job. You need to understand the main points and apply them to your resume if you want to succeed.

resume template for overseas job

An international resume refers to a resume you make for another country.

For example, if you live in England, any resume you create to secure a position outside of your home country counts as an international resume format.

You still include essential information , such as your education, but you adjust the information based on the country’s standards.

Is your international resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

If you want to master the international resume format, you must understand the necessary sections .

While you need to include the standard information about your certifications and work experience, you must add the following sections to offer more information.

Language skills section

As you work on your international CV format, you need to include a language skills section and mention it in your summary and resume objective .

Countries want to know if you speak other languages to communicate with companies, so mention any additional languages you speak.

Further reading

  • Language Skills on Resume: How to Explain Proficiency & Fluency

Specific skills/software knowledge

Creating a functional resume includes mentioning unique skills and software knowledge . Do some research and see what skills and software the country expects you to understand.

The skills and knowledge you need in an international resume format vary, so see what other countries expect from someone in your industry.

Personal info (header sections)

When you create a resume in the international CV format, you may need to include personal information. Some countries want you to have your name, birth date, and even a picture.

Include a header section with action verbs to make yourself stand out while you personalize your resume.

Although the US prefers one-page resumes , some countries want longer ones. Make sure you look up resume templates for the country to determine the expected size.

Using Enhancv’s resume builder you can choose between A4 and Letter Size style.

If you have too much experience and information to cover, you need to try a combination resume or reverse chronological resume to meet the length requirements.

More from Enhancv

Whether you translate your resume depends on the circumstance. If you plan to apply for a company where everyone speaks English, you may not need to translate it.

Usually, international companies will tell you what language they require on resumes.

If you plan to work as a translator or speak another language, you should write a resume in that language.

As you create an international resume, remember the key sections. Doing so will help you figure out how to craft your resume and if you need to translate it.

If you need help creating a resume for an international position, you can try Enhancv’s resume builder to craft the perfect application.

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2024 Ultimate International Resume Guide for 30+ Countries

2024 Ultimate International Resume Guide for 30+ Countries

Madison Norton

Applying for jobs in other countries can be tough because of unfamiliar rules and not having enough local know-how. This can make it hard to show off skills and achievements well enough. It also gets challenging to know what to highlight and when.

That’s why we wrote this guide to help you apply to international jobs with confidence, no matter the country!

  • What is an International Resume?

An international resume is a tailored document optimized for job applications abroad. It's crafted to align with the specific requirements of employers globally, aiming to enhance visibility and competitiveness in international job markets.

We also have country specific international resume guides for creating the following resumes:

  • Australia resume
  • Belgium resume
  • Canada resume
  • China resume
  • Dubai resume
  • Finland resume
  • France resume
  • Germany resume
  • India resume
  • Ireland resume
  • Israel resume
  • Italy resume
  • Japan resume
  • Korea resume
  • Kuwait resume
  • Malaysia resume
  • Netherlands resume
  • New Zealand resume
  • Norway resume
  • Oman resume
  • Philippines resume
  • Portugal resume
  • Qatar resume
  • Russia resume
  • Singapore resume
  • Spain resume
  • Sweden resume
  • Switzerland resume
  • Taiwan resume
  • Thailand resume

Key Components of an International Resume

When crafting an international resume, it's crucial to tailor it to appeal to a global audience. Here are key components to consider:

  • Clear Contact Information: Ensure your contact details are updated and include international dialing codes if necessary.
  • Language Proficiency: Highlight language skills relevant to the country you're applying to, especially if it's not your native language.
  • Global Experience: Emphasize any international work experience, cross-cultural skills, or projects that demonstrate your adaptability.
  • Education Credentials: Clearly outline your educational qualifications and any international certifications or degrees obtained.
  • Visa or Work Authorization Status: Mention your visa status or eligibility to work in the target country if applicable.
  • Industry Standards and Formats: Tailor your resume format to match industry standards in the country you're targeting.
  • Language Skills in an International Resume

When you're making a resume for jobs around the world, it's important to talk about your language skills clearly. Here's how you can do it:

  • Explain Your Level: Say how good you are at speaking each language.
  • Choose the Right Languages: List the languages that matter most for the job you want.
  • Show Proof: If you have certificates or took tests for your language skills, mention them.
  • Give Examples: Talk about times when you used your language skills at work.
  • Understand Different Cultures: Show that you can understand and work well with people from different backgrounds.
  • Know Different Languages: If you know more than one language, say so.
  • Match Your Skills to the Job: Make sure to talk about the languages that are most important for the job you're applying for.
  • Keep Learning: Let them know if you're still learning more languages.

These tips will help your language skills shine on your international resume. And, list your language skills in a separate section.

How do I indicate my language proficiency level on my resume?

Use standardized language proficiency scales such as CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) or ILR (Interagency Language Roundtable) to indicate your proficiency level for each language.

  • Example of How to List Language Skills on an International Resume

Sure, here are some examples of how you might tailor your language skills section for different international locations.

Example 1: Applying for a Job in Japan

Language Skills:

  • Japanese: Fluent (JLPT N2 Certification)
  • English: Proficient

Example 2: Applying for a Job in France

  • French: Native
  • English: Fluent

Example 3: Applying for a Job in Brazil

  • Portuguese: Native
  • Spanish: Fluent
  • English: Intermediate

Example 4: Applying for a Job in Germany

  • German: Proficient (Goethe-Zertifikat B2)

Example 5: Applying for a Job in China

  • Mandarin Chinese: Fluent (HSK Level 5 Certification)
  • How to List Skills on Your International Resume

As an expert in international resume writing, I recommend a smart approach to listing your skills. Here's how to do it effectively:

  • Smart Grouping: Arrange your skills into clear categories that match the job you're after. This makes it easy for employers to see what you bring to the table.
  • Put the Best First: Highlight your most important skills right at the top. This grabs attention and shows off your strengths right away.
  • Be Clear and Specific: Describe each skill clearly. Avoid using fancy words when simple ones will do. For example, instead of saying "problem-solving," just say how you're good at fixing things.
  • Show What You've Achieved: Add numbers or examples to show how good you are. For instance, instead of just saying you're good at something, say how you made things better, like increasing sales by 20%.
  • Talk About Languages: If you speak more than one language, say so clearly. Show how well you speak each one using easy-to-understand levels like "beginner," "intermediate," or "advanced."
  • Highlight Your Tech Skills: If the job needs specific computer skills, make sure to list them. Add any certifications or training you've done to show you know your stuff.
  • Soft Skills Matter Too: Don't forget to talk about your people skills, like being a good team player or a good listener. Give examples of when you've used these skills at work.
  • Tailor Your Skills for Each Job: Change your skills section depending on the job you're applying for. Focus on what matters most for that job.
  • Use the Right Words: Use words from the job description to help your resume get noticed. This makes sure your resume gets past computer systems that scan for keywords.
  • Check Everything Twice: Before sending your resume, double-check for mistakes. A clean, error-free resume looks more professional and makes a better impression.
  • Personal Information Considerations

Personal information requirements for international resumes can vary by country. If relevant, include your full name, contact details, and professional social media profiles.

Some countries might also expect details like your date of birth or a photograph. Always check the specific norms for the country you are applying to before sending out your resume.

  • Internationally Acceptable Resume Length by Country

Here’s the list of 30 popular international job locations and the average acceptable resume length:

  • United States: 1-2 pages
  • United Kingdom: 2 pages
  • Australia: 2-3 pages
  • Canada: 1-2 pages
  • Germany: 2 pages
  • France: 1-2 pages
  • Japan: 1-2 pages
  • Brazil: 1-2 pages
  • China: 1-2 pages
  • India: 1-2 pages
  • Spain: 1-2 pages
  • Italy: 1-2 pages
  • Mexico: 1-2 pages
  • Netherlands: 1-2 pages
  • South Korea: 1-2 pages
  • Singapore: 1-2 pages
  • Switzerland: 1-2 pages
  • Sweden: 1-2 pages
  • Norway: 1-2 pages
  • Denmark: 1-2 pages
  • Belgium: 1-2 pages
  • Finland: 1-2 pages
  • Austria: 1-2 pages
  • Russia: 1-2 pages
  • Ireland: 1-2 pages
  • New Zealand: 2-3 pages
  • South Africa: 1-2 pages
  • Portugal: 1-2 pages
  • Argentina: 1-2 pages
  • United Arab Emirates: 1-2 pages
  • When to Translate Your International Resume?

Translate your resume if you are applying to a company where the primary business language differs from your own. This step is crucial for positions requiring fluent communication in the local language.

  • Should I include my language skills on my international resume?

Yes, including language skills is crucial for international resumes, especially if applying for roles that involve cross-border communication or multilingual environments.

  • Is it necessary to translate my resume into the language of the country I am applying to?

It can be advantageous to have a translated resume, especially if applying to a country where the primary language differs from your own. However, in many cases, submitting a well-written resume in English may suffice, particularly for international roles.

  • How long should my international resume be?

The acceptable resume length varies by country and industry. In general, aim for 1-2 pages, but be aware of specific expectations in the country where you're applying.

  • Should I include my nationality or citizenship status on my international resume?

It's generally not necessary to include this information unless explicitly requested by the employer or relevant to the job application (e.g., for visa sponsorship purposes).

  • How do I format my international resume to cater to different cultural preferences?

Research cultural norms and preferences regarding resume formatting in the country where you're applying. Tailor your resume layout, content, and language to align with local expectations.

  • Can I use the same international resume for different countries?

While you can use a general international resume template, it's essential to customize your resume for each specific country and job application. This ensures that your resume effectively resonates with the cultural and professional expectations of the target audience, increasing your chances of success in the international job market.

Madison Norton

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV . He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

Madison on LinkedIn

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Many people have several different jobs at the same company over the course of their career. Here's how to display that information on your resume.

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Community Success Manager & CV Writing Expert

Resume Language Skills: How to Describe and List Language Proficiency Levels on Resume

Discover how to describe and list your language proficiency on your resume with accuracy and clarity. Stand out to employers by showcasing your language skills.

September 13, 2023

Maggie Horne

Content Manager & Resume Expert

Copyright © 2024 Workstory Inc.

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  • 11 min read

Write a Resume for a Job Abroad in 7 Simple Steps

Updated: Feb 23

Dreaming of combining your ambition and wanderlust by working in another country? A place where you can build a fulfilling career that also offers a chance to absorb a new culture, language, and lifestyle? Well, you're not alone!

Matilda and I have done it... more than once . As expats and career coaches with over 18 years of combined HR experience in 5+ countries, we know that one of the key steps to landing that perfect job abroad is crafting an effective resume.

This isn't your usual resume, though. It's tailored to international opportunities and it shows the universal value you bring to the table. And guess what? We've put together the EXACT step-by-step process that helps you write it. Check it out below.

7-Step Resume Guide for a Job Abroad

Writing a resume for a job abroad? Follow this simple 7-step guide to tailor your resume to the local job market and ensure your resume gets you a step closer to your dream of living and working abroad. Here's the overview:

Understand the local job market

Adapt the formatting and structure

Tailor the language and tone

Add contact information

Include key resume sections

Customize each job application

Proofread and edit

#1 : Understand the Local Job Market

When searching for jobs abroad, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of the international job market. This knowledge will not only help you identify the right opportunities but also prepare you to meet the demands of the job market in your desired country.

Research the Job Market in Your Desired Country

Start by conducting thorough research on the job market in your desired country. Look for reliable sources of information such as government websites, industry reports, and job portals specific to that country. Pay attention to the current economic conditions, employment trends, and growth sectors.

Understanding the job market will give you insight into the industries that are thriving and the ones that might have limited opportunities. This knowledge will help you tailor your resume and focus on the sectors with higher demand.

Identify the Key Skills and Qualifications in Demand

resume template for overseas job

Photo by Jason Goodman  on Unsplash

Once you have a good grasp of the job market, it's time to identify the key skills and qualifications that are in demand. Look for job descriptions of the roles you are interested in and make note of the common requirements and preferred qualifications.

Consider the specific skills, certifications, and educational background that employers seek in your desired country. For example, some countries may value language proficiency, while others may prioritize technical skills or cross-cultural experience.

By identifying these key skills and qualifications, you can tailor your resume to highlight your strengths and align with the expectations of potential employers in the international job market.

Remember, each country may have its own unique job market dynamics, so it's essential to adapt your resume and job search strategy accordingly to increase your chances of success.

#2 : Adapt the Formatting and Structure

Creating a well-formatted and structured resume is crucial when applying for jobs abroad.

Follow these guidelines to ensure your resume stands out:

Choose the Right Resume Format

Selecting the appropriate resume format is essential in showcasing your skills and experiences effectively. Consider using a chronological, functional, or combination format depending on your career goals and work history.

Find Out the Expected Resume Length

Paper resume on MacBook, highlighting the need to check local resume length requirements.

Photo by João Ferrão  on Unsplash

Determining the ideal resume length varies across countries and regions, and understanding the local preferences can significantly impact your job application. Here are some practical tips to help you tailor your resume length to your target country:

United States and Canada:

These countries generally prefer concise and focused resumes. Ideally, aim for a one-page resume , especially if you're a recent graduate or have less than 10 years of work experience. Highlight key achievements and skills relevant to the job.

Australia and New Zealand:

Resumes in Australia and New Zealand are often around two pages . Highlight your key accomplishments and tailor your resume to match the specific requirements of the job.

Middle East and Asia:

In countries like the UAE or Singapore, a one to two-page resume is generally acceptable . Focus on showcasing your skills, qualifications, and any international experience. Tailor your resume to match the cultural expectations of the specific country.

European countries may have varied preferences, but a standard resume length is usually around two pages. Prioritize relevant information and consider including a professional summary to capture the recruiter's attention.

Special mentions:

Resumes in Germany often include detailed information. It's common to have a two to three-page resume  that provides a comprehensive overview of your education, work experience, and skills. Use a chronological format and include any relevant certifications. (Fun fact: Some industries in Germany prefer what they call "Lebenslauf." Literall translation is "book of life" and it's often a 10+ pages long document with every single detail from your education and work history.)

United Kingdom:

Resumes in the UK can be slightly longer than the U.S. or Canada. Keep it within two pages , focusing on relevant work experience and skills. Use a clear and straightforward format, emphasizing achievements and qualifications.

Use the Local Date Format

When adapting your resume to a specific country, integrating the local date format is a subtle yet essential detail that reflects cultural awareness. For instance:

If you're applying for positions in the United States, use the month-day-year format, such as "January 27, 2024."

In Europe, the day-month-year format is commonly employed, as in "27 January 2024."

Employers appreciate this attention to detail, as it not only conforms to local norms but also helps avoid any confusion. Go beyond the basics: Read the full guide on tailoring a resume to the local job market .

#3 : Tailor the Language and Tone

Language and tone in your resume matter. By translating your resume to the local language if needed , using action verbs to describe your achievements, and maintaining a professional and positive tone, you can significantly enhance your chances of landing a job abroad.

Tailor Your Resume to the Local Language

When applying for jobs abroad, it's crucial to adapt your resume to the local language. Take the time to research the preferred terminology and vocabulary used in the country where you're applying. Highlight your language skills and showcase your ability to communicate effectively in the local language. This demonstrates your cultural adaptability and shows potential employers that you are serious about integrating into their work environment.

However, it's important to note that this is not a universal rule. In some cases, employers explicitly request resumes in English, regardless of the local language. Always follow the instructions provided in the job listing to ensure your application is in line with the employer's preferences.

Here's another tip: unless specified otherwise, tailor your resume to the language of the job advertisement. If the job posting is in German for example, submit a resume in German; if it's in English, submit an English version. Adhering to these guidelines helps you align with the employer's expectations and increases your chances of standing out in the application process.

Use Action Verbs to Describe Your Achievements

Some resume best practices are universal. Here's one of them: Employers are interested in what you have accomplished in your previous roles.

So, to make your resume stand out, use action verbs to describe your achievements. Words like "achieved," "managed," "created," and "implemented" are powerful and demonstrate your proactive approach to work. Be specific and provide quantifiable results whenever possible. This helps potential employers understand the value you can bring to their organization.

Keep the Tone Professional and Positive

While it's important to showcase your personality through your resume, it's equally important to maintain a professional and positive tone. Avoid using overly casual language or slang terms. Instead, focus on presenting yourself as a qualified and motivated candidate. Use positive language to communicate your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. This creates a favorable impression and increases the likelihood of being considered for the job.

A person in front of laptop symbolizing the importance of tailoring the length and tone of your international resume.

Photo by Christin Hume  on Unsplash

These strategies will help you create a resume that captures the attention of potential employers and increases your chances of securing a job abroad.

#4 : Add Contact Information

Next step: letting employers know how they can contact you. The key things to add? Your name and contact details. Let's see how to do it right when writing a resume for a job abroad:

Include Your Full (Legal) Name and Contact Information

Old phones image, emphasizing adding contact details to your resume for effective communication in job searches.

Photo by Pavan Trikutam  on Unsplash

Start by including your full name at the top of your resume. This will help employers easily identify you and remember your application.

As an expat, you should also do this:

Ensure the name on your resume matches the name on your legal documents to avoid any inconvenience in the later stages of the hiring process.

Consider adding phonetical pronounciation of your name to your resume.

Be mindful of any special symbols or diacritics in your name, as some Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) may not handle them well. Simplifying complex characters can prevent technical issues and ensure that your resume is processed accurately by automated systems.

Add a Professional Email Address and Phone Number

Make sure to provide an email address and phone number that you check regularly. This will ensure that potential employers can reach out to you easily and promptly. Choose an email address that is simple and professional, preferably based on your name or occupation. Additionally, include a phone number that you can be reached at during business hours. Since employers will call you from abroad, remember to add country code to your phone number, so they know exactly how to reach you.

Provide Links to Your Online Portfolio or LinkedIn Profile

Another valuable addition to your resume is including links to your online portfolio or LinkedIn profile. This allows potential employers to review your work samples, projects, and professional background in more detail.

Ensure that your online portfolio or LinkedIn profile is up to date and showcases your skills, achievements, and experiences relevant to the job you are applying for.

#5 : Add Key Resume Sections

When applying for jobs abroad, it's crucial to have a well-structured resume that showcases your qualifications and experiences.

Here are five essential sections you should include in your resume to make a strong impression on potential employers.

resume template for overseas job

1. Contact Details

As discussed. in the previous section, including contact details on your resume is crucial as it allows potential employers to easily reach you. Ensure to include accurate and professional contact information, such as your phone number and email address.

2. Career Summary or Personal Profile

A personal profile or career summary is a concise paragraph at the beginning of your resume that highlights your career goals and summarizes your relevant skills and experiences. It gives employers a quick overview of who you are and what you can bring to their organization.

3. Work Experience and Achievements

Your work experience and achievements section is where you detail your past employment history, including job titles, company names, dates of employment, and a brief description of your responsibilities and accomplishments. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements whenever possible to make your resume stand out. Plus, as an aspiring expat, your international background is your strength. Learn how to highlight your international experience on your resume.

4. Education and Certifications

List your educational background, including degrees earned, universities attended, and relevant certifications or training programs completed. Highlight any academic honors or awards you received that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

5. Skills, Languages, Volunteer Work or Extracurricular Activities

Showcase your skills and language proficiency in this section. Include both hard skills (technical abilities specific to the job) and soft skills (transferable skills like communication and teamwork). If you are multilingual, mention the languages you speak and your level of fluency. Btw, don't miss the local language, even if you're just a beginner—employers will be curious about it.

Highlight any volunteer work or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your commitment, leadership, and teamwork skills. This section can help you stand out and show potential employers that you are well-rounded and actively involved in your community.

A photo of 2 volunteers cleaning the beach, showing the importance of adding volunteering info on your international resume.

Photo by OCG Saving The Ocean  on Unsplash Take it a step further: Follow these 5 essential tips for an expat resume and ensure your resume ends up at the top of the candidate list.

#6 : Customize for Each Job Application

This is a universal resume best practice: To stand out, you should customize your resume for each specific application. This shows employers that you've taken the time and effort to align your skills and experiences with their requirements.

Here are two key steps to help you tailor your resume effectively , without wasting HOURS doing it:

Tailor Your Resume to Match the Job Description

Start by carefully analyzing the job description and understanding the employer's needs. Pay close attention to the keywords and phrases used, as they often indicate the desired qualifications. Sprinkle these keywords naturally over your resume, especially in the skills and experience sections.

For example, if the job description emphasizes the need for "strong project management skills," be sure to highlight any relevant project management experience you have. Use the phrase "project management" in the skills section. Plus, share details about the projects you managed in the work experience section and career summary at the top of your resume. This ensures that your resume aligns with the employer's expectations and increases your chances of making a positive impression.

Highlight Relevant Skills and Experience

When customizing your resume, focus on showcasing the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. Remove any information that is not directly related to the position or industry, as it can distract the employer from your key qualifications.

Use bullet points to clearly outline your relevant skills and accomplishments. This makes it easier for the hiring manager to quickly scan and identify the strengths you bring to the table. Remember to quantify your achievements whenever possible to provide concrete evidence of your capabilities.

A typewriter to highlight the importance of customizing your international resume to each job application.

Photo by Markus Winkler  on Unsplash

Customize your resume for each job application to effectively demonstrate your alignment with the employer's requirements and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Did you know that not tailoring a resume is one of the most common resume mistakes expats make? Explore all 10 expat resume mistakes and learn how to avoid them.

#7 : Proofread and Edit

Before submitting your resume for jobs abroad, thoroughly proofread and edit your document.

Do this to ensure your resume is error-free:

Check for Spelling and Grammar Errors

One of the most common mistakes in resumes is spelling and grammar errors. Use spell-check tools to catch any obvious mistakes, but also review your resume manually to identify any errors the tool might miss. Pay attention to punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure to ensure your resume reads smoothly.

Ensure Consistency in Formatting

A well-formatted resume creates a positive impression. Ensure consistency in font usage, such as using the same font style, size, and color throughout your resume. Additionally, maintain uniformity in formatting, such as bullet points, indentation, and spacing. Consistency enhances readability and professionalism.

Get Feedback from Native Speakers or Professionals

Obtaining feedback from native speakers or professionals in the industry can significantly enhance the quality of your resume. They can identify any awkward phrasing, grammatical errors, or unclear statements that you might have missed. Their input can help you refine and polish your resume, making it more impactful.

A magnifying glass near laptop to show the importance of proofreading and spellchecking your international resume for a job abroad.

Photo by Agence Olloweb  on Unsplash Everything perfect? Double-check with this 10-minute resume checklist for jobs abroad .

TL;DR — How to Write a Resume for a Job Abroad?

Having a well-crafted resume is crucial when applying for jobs abroad. To do it right, follow this simple 7-step resume writing guide:

Understand the local job market to know exactly what employers expect.

Adapt the formatting and structure to the local requirements, making sure you know the preferred resume format, length, and date format.

Tailor the language and tone to the job description.

Add contact information , so employers can easily reach you.

Include key resume sections , from contact details to education and work experience.

Customize each job application to incorporate and highlight the most relevant pieces of information.

Proofread and edit your resume to avoid any typos or mistakes.

And that's about it! With that, you'll have your resume ready to go and win over employers worldwide.

Headshot of two female expats and career coaches in a circle on purple background.

Matilda Patsou & Ana Colak-Fustin

Hi there! We're Matilda and Ana — founders of MoreThanCareers , expats, international corporate recruiters, and HR professionals with 18+ years of combined HR experience. Since 2018, our career-building techniques, tools, and resources have helped over 500 coaching clients and 8,000 individuals worldwide land new, more fulfilling, higher-paying, career-changing jobs.

Now it's your turn. And More ThanCareers is here to help!

  • Resume Writing
  • Land a Job Abroad

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How to Write an International Resume in 2024

resume template for overseas job

17 min read

How to Write an International Resume in 2023

Working for a foreign employer has become more accessible than ever, we’ll show you how!

It’s become more common than ever to work for an international company or a company that is headquartered in a different country. This has been a desired route for many professionals for decades, but in years past, those individuals were required to travel or relocate to the country’s home base. However, when the pandemic forced the global workforce into the digital sphere, it became more accessible to work for any company in the world. 

Working for an international company comes with a lot of perks and versatility. If it’s something you’d like to pursue, you need to show recruiters that you have what it takes. The best way to do that is by creating an international resume that you can use for job applications around the world.. 

In this article we’ll discuss:

The difference between a CV and a resume.

What to consider when applying to a company abroad.

The elements to include in an international resume that are different from a standard American resume.

What makes a resume international?

Every country in the world has its own nuances to the hiring process, salary and benefits, and norms of the workforce at large. An international resume aims to cater to the likes of many different countries’ norms. 

In the US, there is a very specific set of guidelines that job seekers follow in making their resumes. But if you were to apply to a position based out of another country, your resume would likely be missing some crucial information. 

The areas that we see the biggest discrepancies on a resume are contact information, format, education, and use of language and vocabulary. 

We’ll get into everything you need to know about those details so you can write an excellent international resume. 

Resume vs CV

Many Americans go their entire career without ever hearing the term ‘CV’. In the US, the document of work experience is strictly referred to as a resume. 

CV stands for curriculum vitae. For many countries around the world, the term CV is used instead of resume , but the purpose of the two documents is essentially the same. 

It should be noted though that the way the documents look and function are not identical. If a job application asks you to submit a CV, you should not submit your normal resume. 

Is the term ‘CV’ more common than ‘Resume’ in American English?

No, in American English, the word resume is used instead of CV. In fact, if you were to say CV to most Americans, they would not intuitively understand what was being referenced. 

In Canadian English, the words can be interchangeable, with resume being somewhat favored. And with other Commonwealth English-speaking countries, the term CV is used most of the time. 

What countries use a CV instead of a resume?

Aside from Canada which uses both, all commonwealth countries use a CV, including Australia and New Zealand. In Europe, CVs are also widely used, including in countries like France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, and Scandinavia. CVs are also the standard in most African, South Asian, and Middle Eastern countries. 

In addition to the US and Canada , most of Asia and Southeast Asia use a resume format, some Middle Eastern and European countries, Latin America, Central America, and Mexico do as well. 

Is there a standard international resume format?

The short answer is no, there is no universal format for a resume that applies to every industry and country in the world. Sometimes it can seem like the US job market has an influence over the world too, but that’s simply not the case. Just because it’s relevant in the US workforce does not mean it’s relevant elsewhere. 

If you are a US citizen interested in applying for work in another country, it could discredit you to submit a document that is geared toward the US markets. It shows that you don’t have an international lens on and that you didn’t take the time to learn the standards of the country you’re hoping to enter. 

Conversely, if an American submitted the perfect resume for another country, it can speak volumes to their ability to adapt to the country’s workforce and standards. In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that!

How to write an international resume

For the following resume examples, we are going to highlight some of the most prevalent countries and what they look for. We are intending this for US jobseekers, so a US resume will not be included. For tips on how to write the best US resume in 2024, visit our website!

How to write a UK resume

The biggest differences between US and UK resumes are related to contact information and the correct use of the English language. Formatting in the UK is similar to the US, in which you use one to two pages of clear and direct information to achieve a uniform function. 

In the UK, a professional summary or personal statement is encouraged to add at the beginning of your resume, towards your contact information. In this, briefly but concisely describe the skill set that you will be bringing to the team.

It’s also important for American jobseekers in the UK to be conscious about using British English. You can look up lists of words that are commonly misspelled when switching between American and British English. A couple of examples are “color/colour” and “theater/theatre”. 

Lastly, UK resumes should not include a photo or graphic. There are some European countries that do request photos in your personal information section, so be sure to look up the specifics of each country you apply to. 

How to write a Singapore resume

It’s important to do research on each company and industry that you apply for in Singapore and other Asian countries. Especially for Americans, displaying cultural awareness can be a way to show respect. Singapore resumes should be aesthetically clean, use concise and direct language, and be easy to navigate. 

Unless stated otherwise, you can feel free to use American English. There will likely be some communication barriers along the way, but Singapore is a very diverse country with four official languages, including Malay, Singapore Mandarin, Tamil, and Singapore English. 

In Singapore, it is not necessary to include a photo, your age, marital status, religion, or other personal information in your contact info section. If you like, you can include a section about personal interests, where you list your hobby and interests in your personal life, so long as they somehow showcase skills that could be applicable in your professional life. 

How to write a Mexico resume

Of all the countries listed here, Mexico will actually support a resume with the most differences from the US. 

If you are applying for a position in Mexico, your resume should be in Spanish. For the most part, Mexican employment will require a proficient use of the Spanish language. When Americans apply for jobs in Mexico, it is imperative to offer respect by using the appropriate language and keeping a keen eye out for grammatical errors. If you’re not bilingual, you can let the recruiter know that and see if they are open to you submitting a resume in English. For the most part, though, it will greatly benefit you to pursue the language of the country you are considering working in if English is not heavily integrated into that society. 

Another big difference is relating to the type of information provided in your personal information section. In Mexico, it’s common practice to include details like your age, marital status, and specific address. It’s also not uncommon for candidates to include a professional headshot photo on the front page of their resume. This is oftentimes a small photo either in the center or upper corners of their resume. 

Where to add visa information and work authorization on an international resume

With all of the above examples of resumes from around the world, there should be a space saved for information relating to your current visa status and work authorization. 

The world of international work is incredibly bureaucratic, and in many cases, you’ll come across conflicting pieces of instruction while trying to learn about each country’s visa process. And that’s just it; every country has a different process. If you are considering applying for jobs abroad, don’t submit anything until you have a thorough understanding of what work authorization looks like, because it will come up. 

What kind of information to add

For any foreign national seeking a job abroad, it’s essential to provide information relating to your visa status. 

Because not all employers can support a foreign worker, and it will save everyone a lot of time to address it openly and with transparency.

Navigating immigration laws and work permits is layered. If a candidate doesn’t have the authorization to work in that country, the company could face major backlash for hiring them. It also adds work for the employer, because they have to ensure your information is correct, your authorization is active, and that they can feel safe in your hiring. So it's best to be upfront with that kind of information. 

On your international resume, add a section near the top titled “Visa Status” or “Work Authorization”. In the following field, clearly write out your status. 

What is sponsorship

There are two camps of foreign workers: those who have an independent visa or work authorization, and those who get it through their jobs. 

Sponsorship refers to the latter. 

A foreigner typically cannot just enter a country on a tourist or temporary visa and be legally hired by a company. Being employed within most countries in the world requires you to have special permission from the government. When the government deems you qualified to be granted that permission, they issue you a work visa. With a work visa, you and the company can both legally move forward with hiring. Without a visa, you could risk being banned from the country or jailed, and the company can lose its licensing and have to pay steep fines. Bottom line, if you want to work abroad, you have to get the appropriate government-issued visa. 

Often, when a company is seeking out international candidates for a role, they will offer to help them in obtaining the visa. This is called sponsorship. 

When looking at international job boards, most job postings have some kind of reference to sponsorship, either offering it or stating that they cannot. There are eligibility criteria that both the company and the candidate have to meet to be able to offer such support. The company has to comply with regulations and immigration laws, as well as meet the markers for company size, financial stability, and compliance with local labor and sanitation laws. 

Of course, this list will vary depending on the country. Research work visa eligibility for whatever country you are hoping to become employed in. 

If you’re seeking a job for visa access

Often, employers who offer visa sponsorship reach out to candidates that they desire and are able to support relocation. But there are just as many people who know they want to live in a certain country or work within a certain market and they will seek out employers and ask if they can support sponsorship. 

If you fall into this category, know that it’s essential to be transparent about your current work authorization during communication with a prospective employer. 

One way to do this is to have it on your international resume. You can include it in your resume objective or professional summary, or you can include a section titled, “Visa Status.” When you describe your current situation, remain direct and concise. Try saying something like, “Seeking a Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) visa as a condition of hiring.”

What do different countries call their work-sponsored visas

If you’re interested in pursuing a work-sponsored visa in another country, it’s important to know what terminology to use. Here are what some popular countries call their work visas.

What some popular countries call their work visas.

Do you have to get a work visa to work remotely for an international company?

The answer to this question is somewhat nuanced and also varies greatly from country to country. 

In a lot of cases, if an American citizen is living in the US while working remotely for a company that is based in another country, they are not required to obtain a work visa for that country. There are exceptions though, so always do your own research. 

If you are navigating this type of situation, it’s best to consult with a legal and tax professional, because there may be other US-based obligations that you'll need to comply with. 

Is it OK to have different resumes for different jobs?

Yes and, in fact, it’s encouraged. With the current trends in hiring throughout the global workforce, relevance is everything. When you have multiple resumes for different industries, you’re able to tailor the whole thing for relevance. By using keywords from the job posting and similar postings, you will increase the relevance of your resume tenfold. 

Applying for work internationally adds another layer. Each country has a slightly different take on what information they’d like to see on a resume. It’s recommended that you have a modified resume for each country, industry, and position that you apply for. 

How do you make a non-traditional resume?

In the last five to ten years, there has been rising popularity in the use of non-traditional resumes. These include resumes with graphics, digital resumes, and video or social media resumes. 

If you are making a resume intended for international use, you should be certain that it is appropriate for the industry you are working in. In most cases, it is not recommended to use a non-traditional resume when applying for jobs abroad. This is mostly due to the already-nuanced cultural awareness that needs to be considered when making an international resume. You would not want to be discredited because you used a resume style that is appropriate in one country, but not in another. Play it safe by sticking to a clean, professional, and standardized resume format. 

The one exception to non-traditional resumes is the use of a personal portfolio website. These are online websites owned and updated by an individual professional to showcase their skills. The benefits of using a personal website are you can include visuals to go along with your descriptions. This is particularly useful when describing projects you’ve worked on. It’s also easy to send to a recruiter, but it’s personal enough that they can get a sense of who you are before engaging in an interview. 

It should be noted that even if you send a recruiter a link to your website, you should still also include a traditional resume along with it.  

Does international experience look good on a resume?

International work isn’t for everyone. Employers take a big leap of faith when hiring a foreign worker. So if you have previous international work experience, it’s a great idea to include it on your resume. It shows the employer that you are capable of living abroad and are experienced in navigating new cultural norms. 

How do you show international experience on a resume?

The best way to showcase your international experience is through integrative descriptions of your work experience. 

International experience is not in and of itself a professional qualification. While it can help improve your candidacy, it should not be a stand-alone item. 

When you are writing out your work experience, each company you’ve worked for should have a coordinating location. For domestic work, you can simply write out the city and state. To highlight the international component, you can also add the country code. 

More importantly, though, is describing your ability to work in a foreign market in the details of the position. Anyone who has worked in a foreign country knows the basic hurdles that one faces. Describe it. How many people were a part of your team? Was it a mix of people from all over the world or local to the country of location? What language was spoken? Did you engage in negotiations or leadership roles? 

Being able to answer these questions helps to paint a picture of how easy your transition to a new country will be, while also speaking to the professional skills you possess. Cultural awareness also plays a role here. Being able to show an understanding and respect for professional etiquette in different countries is a great plus. 

Language section on an international resume

One of the biggest barriers to international work is language. Even if a company accepts applicants from abroad, they might not be prone to hiring people who don’t speak the national language. 

There are some industries where a language barrier might not affect business, such as IT and tech. However, in most positions where you work with customers or colleagues, language will be very important. 

You can add your language(s) to your resume in two places: your personal information and professional summary,  or as a separate section titled “Language.” 

Here, you can highlight the languages you speak, and the level of accuracy with which you speak them. 

Languages: English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Portuguese (conversational), French (novice)

How do I write my resume if I am bilingual?

If you are bilingual and applying for a job that uses both of your fluent languages, which one should you write your resume in? Use these tips for deciding which route to go.

Review the job posting

First, look back at the job posting to see what language it is written in. If it’s written in English, does it read as though there might be a different language spoken primarily? You can also review the requirements or qualifications section. If a company is hiring international candidates, they will likely indicate which languages are crucial to the role. 

Consider the location, industry, and intended audience

Like we talked about earlier, some countries have multiple national languages. Always look up the primary language used in the workforce of the country you’re applying within. Also, is the company based in a large global city? If so, they might use one of the dominant professional languages, including English, Mandarin, or Russian when conducting business. 

A similar sentiment can be extended to considering the industry and audience of the company’s products or services. 

For example, a travel company in Thailand might desire candidates who speak German or English, with less importance on speaking Thai, because most of its clientele will be speaking those languages.

Write a bilingual resume

You also have the option of writing a bilingual resume if the company displays an even split in languages spoken. There are a couple of ways to do this. 

The first is to write a truly bilingual resume, in which everything is written in both languages, and the two languages are displayed side by side. This is a great way to spotlight your bilingualism, but it could also take away from highlighting your other professional skills because of how much space it takes up.

The second approach is to use bilingual titles to highlight important features of your resume while using the language that the job posting was written in for the main body of your resume. 

For example:

Perfil Profesional (Professional Profile)

Bringing 15 years of experience as a Registered Nurse (RN), specializing in the critical care unit ( la unidad de cuidados intensivos ) response and performing over 200 sutures per day.

Experiencia Laboral (Work Experience)

Hospital San Javier – Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX


What are the best resume writing services for international jobs?

There are a lot of considerations to make when writing an international resume. It’s even more challenging for those who don’t have a specific company or country in mind. Turning to a professional resume writing company can help take some of that burden off of you. 

Resume writers are trained to write documents that will excel in any industry or country. They know what different nuances are between English variations and understand how cultural respect is crucial for an international resume. 

Speak to a professional resume writer to ask about your specific situation. Be clear and concise about what type of help you’re looking for, and ask questions to gauge if they will be able to offer you appropriate guidance. 

Don’t know where to start? Upload your international resume here for a free resume review by one of our trusted experts in the field. 

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Emma Elizabeth, Resume Writer, Emma Elizabeth, Resume Writer

Emma is a certified employment specialist with over 6 years of experience in career mentorship and employment training. With an affinity for technical writing, Emma is passionate about developing training, policy, and procedure manuals. In 2020 she helped design Colorado’s first state-certified training program for people with disabilities entering the workforce.

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Resumes From Around the World: How To Write a Resume For Working Abroad

  • Katka Mrvova , 
  • Updated January 23, 2024 9 min read

Do you want to work abroad? Then maybe you were already thinking about how to adjust your resume so it meets your dream country's criteria.

This is important because a resume that would get you a job in the US might easily land you in trash straight away in France.

Well, not necessarily, but let's not try to run before we can walk.

Here's some practical stuff to know before you apply for an international job.

Country-specific vs. company-specific resume

First of all, you should ask yourself whether this job position requires you to send over a country-specific or a company-specific resume.

This means you have to distinguish between an international company/organization in a foreign country and a local company/organization based in that foreign country.

Because there’s no point in writing a country-specific resume if the company is American (say you’re applying for a job at IBM in South Korea).

Large multinational corporations usually have their own resume standards that are set according to the country of origin. Much depends on the work environment.

If the majority of employees are internationals, or "expats", it's more than likely you don't have to bother with a country-specific resume.

On the other hand, if you're applying for a job in a local company/organization, you will have to adjust your resume to that country's resume standards.

But it's not always as easy as that. Research the company and the position carefully before writing a resume because the company itself might be international, but if it's a local branch that operates separately from the headquarters, you'd better make your resume country-specific. Tricky, we know.

International resume vs. domestic resume

Second thing you have to be aware of is that regardless of what kind of company it is, resume for a job abroad is always different than a domestic resume.  

In international resume, you have to put more emphasis on your personality  than when you’re applying for a domestic job.

Because even more than your knowledge and skills, the recruiter is interested in your adaptability to the international environment.

You're asking how to do it?

  • Put a short career objective or a summary on your resume . Say what you think you're excellent at and why you're passionate about your profession.
  • If you are a fresh graduate and you don’t have much experience to show, be more specific when describing your education. Tell about interesting projects you were part of, clubs or societies you were a member of or your greatest academic achievements.
  • Mention your international experience, for instance, Erasmus, exchange programs, international internships. If you don't have any of that, emphasize your passion for traveling.
  • Focus on traits that would make you a good candidate to work in an international environment.

How to write a country-specific resume

To put it simply, a resume, curriculum vitae or CV is a summary of your education, skills and previous work experience everywhere in the world.

However, some countries may have their specifics when it comes to writing style, formatting or info provided in a resume.

We have collected for you some useful info about what resume specifics are there in different countries:

The United States

In the US, most job applicants send resumes , because an American CV is a longer, sometimes around 10 pages long, document only used for the purpose of academic, medical or research jobs.

  • A standard US resume is usually one page long.
  • Personal information such as age, nationality or marital status on a resume or cover letter is considered unprofessional.
  • Unless it's relevant to the position you're applying to, you don't need to list any hobbies or personal interests.
  • You shouldn't bother with putting a photo on your resume . This is to prevent bias and discrimination. Of course, acting or modeling jobs are exceptions.
  • In the United States, you should basically take yourself as a product and your resume as your advertisement.
  • You should emphasize your qualifications, achievements and relevant experience in a bold and sharp manner. Remember that the competition is tough so your resume is your opportunity to shine. Do use a lot of "power words" that show passion, commitment and action, such as efficient, determined, skilled, achieved, responsible etc.

When applying for a job in Canada, it is very important to have a resume formatted in a Canadian style.

Before applying, make sure you are aware of some minor differences between the English-speaking and French-speaking areas in Canada. Here are some universal tips:

  • Keep your resume short - two pages are maximum. If you are a fresh graduate without much experience it is recommended to keep it to one page only.
  • Contact information (email and a cell phone number) should go at the top of your resume. Also, in Canada it is quite common to include links to your social media accounts on your resume. Your LinkedIn profile should be enough.
  • Below the contact info, write a short career objective. Use short and dynamic sentences full of power words and verbs implying action. Emphasize your qualities and value to the company.
  • In the work experience section state any kind of work you have done - even internships and volunteer work count.
  • Your resume must be well organized. Canadians are perfectionists so make sure your formatting and style are perfect. Use bullet points and headings.
  • In the work experience and education sections keep the sentences indefinite,don't write in first person.

In Europe, you call resume a Curriculum Vitae  or a CV. In most European countries a CV is 1-2 pages long. In Europe there are still countries where there it is accepted, even welcome, to include photos on a CV, though it's  slowly becoming outdated. 

The United Kingdom

  • A British CV is usually one page long only.
  • In the UK, it is quite usual to state also your secondary education on your CV even if you have a college degree. This is because A Levels and O Levels tests prove the level of proficiency in specific subjects. As a foreigner looking for a job in the UK , you can but don't have to state it. 
  • Write a  CV in full sentences, not just bullet points. For example: "In this job position, I was managing social media and was responsible for creating and managing adverts on Facebook and Twitter."
  • Leave the photo and your date of birth out of your resume.
  • It's common to provide at least two references with the contact details at the end of your CV.
  • French CV should be short and concise unless you've got years of experience or published plenty of articles/publications.
  • It is okay to include a photo on a French resume but it should be a professional headshot.
  • It is common to add a short description of your skills and/or short-term career goals at the beginning of your resume.
  • In the education section, you should only state the highest diplomas you have obtained. Of course, this is only if the previous education is not particularly relevant in terms of certain skills or knowledge.
  • With regards to language skills, it is advised to give details (fluency level) .
  • Germans call a CV "Lebenslauf" which could be translated as "the course of life".
  • Germans are very strict when it comes to job applications. If the CV isn't easy to read and navigate, it will most likely be thrown out.
  • Put your professional passport-style photograph in the top right corner of your CV.
  • A German Lebenslauf is very factual, hence, it should contain only factual data. No embellished sentences or elaborate statements.
  • There should be no gaps in your CV. Even if you didn't work for a period of time, state why and what it was you were doing.
  • It is common to enclose copies of supporting documents with your Lebenslauf. 
  • Generally, finding a job in Germany if you don't speak German is a tough one. There are exceptions of course, but at least a basic level of German would help you a great deal.
  • Typically, you do include a photo on a Japanese resume. It has to be a professional photo and the smarter you look, the better.
  • Your resume should be written in Japanese.
  • Japanese resume contains very detailed personal information such as gender, date of birth, nationality and address.
  • Being a foreigner, it's best to have some acquaintances in the company you're applying for. Japanese tend to be quite suspicious when it comes to foreigners, but still it's not impossible to find a job in Japan as a foreigner .
  • Even though Singapore is a former British colony, the term resume is used instead of CV.
  • Detailed personal info and contact details should be stated at the beginning of your resume. A photo is a great asset.
  • Singaporean resume should be reasonably conservative - keep it neat and factual.
  • Put a short career objective before the education and work experience section.
  • You should put two references with contact details at the end of your resume.
  • An Indian CV never includes a photo and info such as place of birth, race or religion.
  • Keep it relevant. Indians do not really care about your hobbies, interests or minor successes.
  • In India it's more common to use a functional format instead of reversed chronological format. You would typically put a summary of your skills and expertise at the beginning. You should also list your most important career achievements.
  • It is quite common to put an executive summary at the beginning of your resume where you state all the most relevant info about you in a nutshell.


  • It is quite common to have a really long CV in UAE - typically up to four pages long. Hiring managers are very thorough in scrutinizing the applicants so make sure your CV is detailed.
  • There aren't any anti-discrimination laws in UAE. Hence, including a photo is a must. Employers want to see how you look like and will consider your CV more trustworthy if it includes a photo.
  • Write very detailed personal information and contact details. In UAE, recruiters want to know everything!
  • Feel free to exaggerate and embellish. We don't advise you to lie, but a UAE CV should be action-packed and a bit dramatic. Emphasize you take the job very seriously.
  • Make sure your CV stands out from the crowd. Everything about United Arab Emirates is fancy and stylish. So should be your CV.

Australian resume is a bit different from a European or American style resume so when applying for a job in this country, make sure you'll adjust yours to Australian standards. Australian resume is generally very clear and concise, written in a reversed chronological format with bullet points and around two pages long.

  • It's recommended to include a mission statement or your career objective at the beginning. Two or three sentences will do.
  • You should not have any gaps in your resume. In case there's a gap in between your previous employments, state what you were doing in the meantime.
  • Less is more. Keep the design simple - no fancy fonts or colors. Regarding the content, avoid revealing too much about yourself.
  • Make your resume achievement oriented - don't just state your work experience but make sure you highlight your special abilities and your notable achievements.
  • If you haven't had much previous experience, focus on your extracurricular activities and things you did beyond your given responsibilities.
  • Clearly state in what way the company can benefit from hiring you. Highlight your strong points and value you would bring to the workplace.
  • List some of your most interesting hobbies and interests at the end. Try to bring as much of your personality to the resume as it gets.
  • Never include an age, race or religion info in your resume. And no photos!

In case you want a few more tips which will ease your job hunting process, check our guide on how to find a job in Australia .

Let's put your global ambitions into action! With a single click, turn your LinkedIn profile into an exceptional resume sure to impress international employers.

Author of Kickresume's popular ebook "The Jobseeker's Guide to the Galaxy". Avid traveller, photographer and recently also a fashion designer. The first writer to ever contribute to Kickresume's blog.

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International Curriculum Vitae Resume Format for Overseas Jobs

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The international curriculum vitae resume is typically a six- to eight-page excruciatingly detailed resume. Although the international curriculum vitae (CV) resume solicits private information that’s outlawed in the United States, such as your health status, the international CV is favored in some nations as a kind of global ticket to employment.

Formality prevails with the international CV. England has a suggested CV form, which is more like the American resume than not. Following are some tips to consider when using this format:

If you’re applying in a non-English-speaking country, have your CV translated into the appropriate foreign language. Send both the English and the native-language version.

Unless it’s untrue, mention in the personal section that you have excellent health.

Suggest by appropriate hobbies and personal interests that you’ll easily adapt to an overseas environment.

If you’re submitting your international CV on paper, handwrite the cover letter that goes with it — Europeans use handwriting analysis as a screening device. If your handwriting is iffy, enclose a word-processed version as well.

Make sure that your cover letter shows a sincere desire to be in the country of choice.

Consider the international CV resume as an option when applying for international jobs.

Click here to view this resume.

The international CV is usually a reverse chronological format that includes your contact information, qualifications summary, professional background, education, and personal information. Some European countries prefer the (non-reverse) chronological format, which lists education and work experience from the farthest back to the present.

Americans should remember that when working overseas for a native employer, they are not protected by Equal Employment Opportunity laws.

Strengths and weaknesses of this resume format

International employment experts say that if you don’t use the international curriculum vitae resume format, foreign recruiters may think you’re hiding something. But keep in mind that the international CV format intrudes into private areas of your life.

Who should (and shouldn't) use this resume format

Use this format if you’re seeking an overseas job and don’t object to revealing information that may subject you to discriminatory hiring practices. Individuals who feel strongly about invasions of privacy or fear of identity theft or who aren’t willing to be rejected out of hand because of gender, religion, race, age, or marital status should avoid this format.

If you want an overseas job and you don’t use this format, you may be out of luck unless you’re working through an American recruiter. The recruiter can interpret your concerns and negotiate for a bare minimum of personal information. Nationals of countries other than the United States can also use this technique.

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Benefits of an International Resume

When looking to secure a job in another country, an international resume is a great way to stand out. Here are some key benefits of using an international resume:

  • Shows your Networking Potential:

By highlighting your work experience and education outside of your home country, you can show that you’re flexible and willing to learn new things.

  • Adds Diversity to the Pool of Candidates:

A resume that includes work experience and education from a variety of countries shows that you’re well-rounded and have skills that can be useful in a variety of industries.

  • Help you Land Interviews:

By demonstrating your skills in a foreign language or setting, you can increase your chances of getting an interview for a position in another country.

  • Shows your Individual Strength:

An international resume shows that you’re capable of taking on challenges and working in a variety of environments. This can help you stand out from the crowd and land the job you want.

Read also: Beginners Guide: Steps to Apply for Jobs in Canada

Tips for Writing an International Resume

There are a few things you should keep in mind when writing an international resume:

  • Specify your education and work experience in the most specific terms possible. Use keywords and phrases that will identify you as a potential employer.
  • Make sure your resume is easy to read and follows formatting guidelines found in most job applications.
  • Proofread your resume several times before submitting it for review. Typos can easily be corrected in electronic versions but can be quite difficult to spot on the paper.
  • Make sure all contact information is correct, including your email address, mailing address, and telephone number.
  • Include copies of all relevant certificates, diplomas, or other documents that support your qualifications.

How to Prepare for a Job Search through an International Resume

If you’re searching for a job overseas, it can be difficult to stand out from the competition. Follow these tips to prepare your resume for an international job search.

  • Use a Professional Format

When preparing your resume, make sure to use a professional format. This will help you stand out from the competition and highlight your skills and qualifications.

  • Use Language Learners’ Resources

If you are applying for a job in a foreign language, be sure to use language learners’ resources. These resources can help you learn the required language and improve your resume presentation skills.

  • Research the Industry You Are Interested In

Before starting your job search, research the industry you are interested in. This will help you understand the requirements for the position and develop targeted resumes.

  • Include References on Your Resume

When you apply for a job overseas, include references on your resume. This will help you prove your skills and experience to potential employers.

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Common Mistakes in an International Resume

When it comes to writing an international resume, there are a few common mistakes that applicants often make. Here are four of the most common mistakes:

  • Focusing on Skills instead of your Achievements:

When you write an international resume, it’s important to focus on the accomplishments that you’ve achieved rather than listing your skills. This will show that you’re a proactive and results-oriented individual who has taken the initiative in their career growth.

  • Not focusing on your Experience outside of your Home Country:

While it’s important to showcase your skills and accomplishments, it’s also important to highlight your experience working abroad. Doing this will show that you’re not just another applicant with limited experience in one area of the world.

  • Not using Keywords Properly:

When you write an international resume, it’s important to use keywords that will help you find a job search. Make sure to select keywords relevant to the industry you’re seeking employment in, as well as the country where you’re applying.

  • Failing to Proofread your Resume Carefully:

A mistake that many applicants make is not proofreading their resumes carefully before submission. This can lead to errors such as typos and missing information.

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Important Elements in International Resume

When creating an international resume, it is important to remember that your resume will need to be different than a resume for a job in your home country. Some of the key things you should include on your international resume are:

Include all of your schoolings, including all degrees and certificates.

  • Work Experience:

List all of the jobs you have held, including the dates and locations of each. Be sure to describe each position in detail.

List any skills you possess that make you an asset to a company or could help you in a new career.

  • Credentials:

Include any professional or academic awards you have won.

  • Personal Statement:

This paragraph can be used to introduce yourself and explain why you would be a good fit for the job. There are many different ways to create an international resume, so feel free to experiment until you find something that works best for you.

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List of companies Writing International Resumes for Workers

When you are looking for a company to write your international resume, there are many credible options available. Here is a list of some of the most reputable companies that specialize in this area:

Resume Writers Network

This online resource provides a directory of professional resume writers who can help with any job search. They have a database of more than 10,000 resumes and can customize resumes for specific job postings.

The Resume Company

This online resource provides access to more than 1,000 resume templates and a library of interview questions. They also offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee and free consultation.


This online resource offers a wide variety of services, including writing, resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles. They have more than 20 years of experience helping people find jobs worldwide.

This online resource provides access to resume templates and career advice. They also offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee and free consultation.


It is a global online resume-writing company with locations in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. They offer a wide range of services including resume creation, resume scanning and editing, and online resume consulting.


A global job search engine with offices in more than 40 countries worldwide. They offer a variety of services such as resume creation, resume scanning and editing, and online resume consultation.

An online resume writing service that offers international job seekers access to an extensive library of international job postings and exclusive features like advanced search capabilities and translation support.

The International Professional Resume Writers (IPRW):

It is an association of professional resume writers with members located in over 70 countries worldwide. IPRW offers a wide range of services including resume creation, resume scanning and editing, and online resume consultation.


It is a great resource for finding companies that write international resumes. They have a searchable database of more than 1,000 companies, so you can easily find one that specializes in writing resumes for international workers.

The International Educator:

This is another great resource for finding companies that write international resumes. They have a searchable database of more than 2,500 educational institutions around the world, so you can find one that specializes in writing resumes for international students.

It is another great resource for finding companies that write international resumes. They have a searchable database of more than 120,000 jobs across 190 countries, so you can find one that specializes in writing resumes for international job seekers.

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List of Websites to find Templates for International Resumes

  • Novo Resume


  • Resume Genius



  • My Perfect Resume


  • Hloom Resume


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Should I include my education on my resume?

A: Yes, you should include your education on your resume if it is relevant to the position you are applying for. This is especially important if you do not have a degree from an accredited university. You can highlight your relevant experience and skills in your resume summary section.

Q: How do I format my resume?

A: There is no one correct way to format your resume. Instead, use the guidelines provided by the job posting you are applying to. Some common formatting styles include chronological, functional, and targeted resumes.

Q: Can I change the font or layout of my resume on my own?

A: No, you cannot change the font or layout of your resume on your own. If you need help formatting your resume, you can hire a professional resume writer.

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CV and job interview tips

Finding a Job

How to tailor your CV for different countries

Learn how to tailor your CV depending on where you live and land an interview for your dream job with this helpful guide.


By Sophie Pettit

Updated 7-8-2024

Knowing how to tailor your CV or resume when applying for jobs abroad can be a real challenge, especially given that every country has its own preference when it comes to format and style. While the core content of a resume is essentially the same wherever you are in the world, the way that you present your skills, experience, and achievements makes all the difference between landing an interview and getting lost in a pile of applications.

So, to help you create a resume that appeals to your prospective employer and makes a dazzling first impression, here are some key guidelines on how to tailor your resume in the following locations:

First things first: CV or resume?

Structure and format, a final word of advice.

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Before we get started, it is important to understand the difference between the terms ‘CV’ and ‘resume’, which you are likely to come across during your job search. Depending on where you are in the world, these can actually mean different things. In the US, for example, a resume is a short document about the candidate, whereas a CV is a long and more detailed version of their credentials. To the rest of the world, however, the two words mean the same thing and are used interchangeably.

Resumes in the United States

Generally speaking, Americans like their resumes (also spelled résumé) to be short, simple, and straight to the point. There is no need to include any personal information such as hobbies or interests, nor is it necessary to include a photo of yourself. This is largely due to the nation’s strict privacy laws that protect candidates from discrimination.

Busy Times Square

It is also important to know that the term ‘resume’ is used more commonly than ‘CV’ in the US. As mentioned before, these terms also refer to two different things.

When applying for jobs in the US, a two-page resume is sufficient. The only time you would need to submit a longer, more detailed CV is if you are applying for roles in academia. These positions tend to require more detailed background information on your skills and qualifications. So, unless you are a very experienced job-seeker applying for a specialist role, keep it to two pages. If you graduated within the past few years, then a one-page resume is perfectly acceptable.

Make sure you use standard American English when creating your resume in the US. If you are not familiar with the spelling rules, such as swapping the ‘s’ for ‘z’ in words such as ‘prioritize’, and dropping the u in words like ‘color’ and ‘flavor’, then it’s a good idea to change the spell check language settings to American English on your laptop or computer.

The general structure of your US resume should be as follows:

  • Personal information: your name, address, and contact details. You can also include links to your LinkedIn or social media profiles if you feel they present you in a positive and professional way. Just make sure they are up to date.
  • Personal profile: a short and punchy summary of your history and skillset. This is a great way to sell yourself and grab the attention of the prospective employer in as little space as possible.
  • Work experience: provide details of your work experience in reverse chronological order; i.e., your most recent position at the top. Focus on your key achievements, rather than your responsibilities, and highlight quantifiable information wherever you can. You should tailor this section to meet the requirements of the job you are applying for.
  • Education: list your educational achievements in reverse chronological order. Again, highlight those which apply directly to the job, for example, show that you have a degree in English if you are applying for a writing role.
  • Other sections: other details that you might want to include are skills. Again, try and focus on those which relate to the role you are applying for. You could also include things like volunteer experience to help convey your personality.
  • References: you aren’t actually required to include these in your US resume, and it is perfectly acceptable to supply them only when an employer requests them.

CVs in the United Kingdom

In terms of format and style, a UK CV is not very different from a US resume.

Workers in London

The main distinction is that you are freer to share personal information such as your hobbies and interests, in order to convey your personality.

The recommended length for a UK CV is two pages. If it does overflow on to three pages, this isn’t too much of a problem, but try to avoid having only one or two lines on the final page as this looks messy. Either edit your CV to fit two pages, or revise the content so that it fills out every page. Of course, you only want to include relevant information, so don’t add more just for the sake of making it longer. It is also common practice in the UK to write and send a cover letter with your CV when you apply for a job. The purpose of this letter is to demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the role, explaining how your skills and experience match those outlined in the job description.

You should write your CV in British English and use the correct spelling. The easiest way to do this is to change your spell check settings. It is also important to make sure that you use the appropriate phrases. For example, in the UK an unpaid internship is referred to as ‘work experience’ and what Americans might call school is referred to as ‘university’ or ‘college’.

The general structure of your UK CV should be as follows:

  • Personal information: this should include your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address at the top. Details such as your age or marital status are not required (like in some other countries) and there is no need to include a photo of yourself unless specifically requested by an employer.
  • Personal profile: begin your CV with a one-paragraph summary of your skills, aspirations, and career goals. This is basically an opportunity for you to show what you can offer an employer and shine above other candidates.
  • Education: list your educational achievements in reverse chronological order, with the most recent one first. Again, try and highlight those which apply directly to the job.
  • Employment history: provide information on all relevant work experience and outline your key responsibilities and achievements for each position in a small paragraph or list of bullet points that are easy to read. Make sure you include the name of the employer, their location, your job title, and the dates that you were employed.
  • Related interests (optional): although it is not compulsory, some people include a section on their hobbies and interests outside of work. This helps to show their personality and can often provide a good talking point in interviews. If you choose to include this on your CV, try to cover interests that relate to the position you are applying for.

CVs across Europe

Unlike the US and UK, Europeans are generally fairly creative when it comes to writing their CVs. These are often visually pleasing and include colors as well as a photo of the candidate; in addition to the core information required, of course. You might even say that CVs in Europe are more human and less rigid than in other stricter regions.

Commuter cycling

That said, there are certain expectations to bear in mind, depending on the country you are applying to. Male applicants in Italy, for example, are required to state if they have served in the military; a duty that is mandatory in some European nations.

In general, CVs in Europe consist of one or two pages, although it isn’t uncommon to cover three pages in the UK, France, and Portugal, and even up to five in Greece, Ireland, and the Netherlands. Jobseekers usually include a photo of themselves at the top, although this is not common practice in the UK, Italy, Ireland, and Denmark. It is always a good idea to check the CV criteria of the country you are applying to before you get started.

When writing your CV in Europe, you should generally stick to using British English.

As mentioned, depending on where you are in the world, there are slightly different rules in terms of the information you need to include in your CV. For instance, unlike in some countries, companies in the Netherlands tend to place a lot of importance on hobbies and interests during the interview stage. Therefore, you might want to include these details in your CV.

Despite these various rules, the general structure of your European CV should be as follows:

  • Personal information: this should include your name, address, and contact details at the top.
  • Education: list your educational achievements in reverse chronological order, with the most recent one first.
  • Working experience: in addition to your previous positions, include any military and social service (if required to state in the country you are applying within).
  • Skills (optional): although this is not a mandatory section, having it gives you the perfect opportunity to convey skills such as any foreign languages you are able to speak and write, which can often give you an advantage over other candidates when applying for jobs in Europe.
  • Hobbies and interests (country dependant): only include this if it is culturally acceptable and encouraged.

CVs in South Africa

Generally speaking, South Africans prefer seeing who they may potentially hire upfront, so if your CV does not provide enough information, an employer may resort to searching for you online before they offer you an interview. Be warned.

Commuters in Cape Town

There are specific things you need to bear in mind when writing your CV in South Africa. For example, the South African government website suggests that you list your marital status, ID number, country of birth, and driver’s license. There is a debate, however, over whether this opens the door for prejudice. Therefore it is best to keep to just relevant personal details. It is also not mandatory to include a photo of yourself.

There are two types of CV employers expect to receive in South Africa; a Brief Profile, which is a one-page CV and similar to a resume; and a Comprehensive CV, which provides more in-depth information regarding your education, work experience, and relevant skills.

When you apply for a position, you usually send your Brief Profile first; this includes your personal information and contact details, education, and employment history in reverse chronological order. You should also send a cover letter with this. Then follow up your application with a phone call to confirm that they have received it. The cover letter should include three to four paragraphs and it should highlight why you are suitable for the job. You usually send the Comprehensive CV at the second stage, on request; this provides your potential employer with more information about your skills and experience.

In South Africa, a CV should be short and to the point; ideally no more than one or two pages. It is important to remember that employers decide which applicants they want to interview for the job based on the CVs that they receive. Therefore, you should emphasize certain skills and experience that will make you stand out from the competition.

Make sure that you use UK English, not US English, when writing your CV in South Africa; remember to change your spell check settings accordingly. This will also help you to avoid making any spelling mistakes and major grammatical errors.

The overall structure of your South African CV should be as follows:

  • Personal information: as mentioned before, it’s best to keep to relevant personal details only. Include your full name, address, and contact details. Only include additional information that is essential for the specific job application at hand.
  • Professional summary: again, this is a chance to really sell yourself to your potential employer. Write two to three sentences outlining your talents, professional background, and career goals.
  • Employment history: include all relevant positions, including part-time jobs as well as volunteer work. Make sure you present the company name, job title, and duration are neatly and visibly. Include one or two bullet points describing your achievements in each position, quantifying wherever possible.
  • Education: only include education history that relates to the job you are applying for. Be specific and add one or two bullet points which highlight your key achievements too.
  • Skills: use this section to outline, ideally in two columns, any specific skills you have that make you suitable for the role. You can include things like computer skills, languages you are able to speak and write. You can also include more personal attributes such as leadership and management skills.
  • Other: if you have any additional information you wish to add, such as references, place this at the end of your CV.

Whatever country you are applying to, the best advice is to do your homework before you send that all-important CV. Find out what is appropriate according to the corporate culture, country culture, and the culture of the person making the hiring decision. After all, the CV you would send to a large, well-established firm in Germany will look quite different from the one you would submit to a creative startup based in Spain.

The safest way to ensure that your CV ticks all the right boxes and helps you land an interview is to do ample research. Make sure you review as many examples from that country as possible. Wherever you’re applying, make sure it’s accurate, up-to-date, and follows a clear layout. You could use an online graphic design platform to make it look extra professional, or try out a resume builder like Resume.io to speed up the process. And, of course, follow the helpful guidelines above to get you off to a flying start. The rest is up to you. Good luck!


Sophie Pettit

About the author

Born and raised in the UK, Sophie is an adventurous editor and journalist. Before moving to the Netherlands, she spent eight years living in Hong Kong, heading up one of the city’s biggest lifestyle websites and exploring Southeast Asia at any given chance.

Over the past decade, she has written for numerous lifestyle and travel publications, including Time Out ,  Culture Trip ,  Localiiz , and Discovery.

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International Resume Formats for International Jobs

Sashika Dilshan

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Not all the countries have the same standards and behaviors. They share different values and cultures. So why shouldn’t it be  different when it comes to resumes or CVs. Makes sense right? That’s exactly why the we need to consider of an international resume format; a resume format that is adapted to the international country that you are going to apply for job. Don’t worry, here we will talk everything about the international resume format creation, why it is important and what we can do about it.

Introduction to International Resume Formats

Recruiters in different countries look for different things on resumes. Basically because, they want to have the candidates that fit their culture, work environment, their legal environment,  organizational policies and ethics,  and so many other factors. For instance, Europe shares a unique culture in which your outer appearance is not a factor that helps you score more in selection whereas in South Asia has bit of a chance when your nice professional face is revealed. This is only one. There are so many other factors that vary from country to country. If you know how to adapt your resume/cv to different countries considering these factors unique to the relevant countries, then you know how to write an international resume. Well, perhaps you might still wonder why an international resume? Well, knowing the prime advantage of having an international resume will probably clear your doubts. the prime advantage of writing an international resume is that helps you land jobs faster than earlier. Because, you have adapted your resume to the country you are going to apply for. You have exactly understood what the recruiters in that country are looking at. And you know how to exactly utilize the limited resume space to market yourself.

How to write an International Resume?

Well, this needs bit of a research on your part. If you are interested in knowing how to write an international resume in 2024, you will have to look for the things that recruiters in the relevant country look for. What they would like to see on your resume and all. For instance, if you are going to apply for a job in Canada, you need to know that photo upload is not recommended unless otherwise they have asked you to. And it is not necessary to mention your references etc. In order to get a better idea about this, find the sample international format below.

Sample International Resume with a Comparison

Below is the sample resume format and unique inclusions for Indian Jobs and Canadian jobs.

Resume Format Sections

In Indian Resume Format

In Canadian Resume Format


Yes / Included


Profesional Summary



Name and contact information



Personal details



Personal Summary



Work Experience






Other sections





Not Mandatory

References - Optional



However, researching of these take time. And there is a higher chance that you kill your interest to build your own resume freely because, you have lot to do even before writing the first of word of your resume; researching the resume format.

Then what to do? Well, Having understood this problem, Cresuma Online Resume Builder app has added a feature to allow you select the country you are going to apply for. Once selected, you get redirected to the exact recommended international resume format for the country you selected. Example, you selected Australia. Once selected and confirmed, you get the Australian Resume format to fill.

Step Guide to Building an International Resume Format in Cresuma Resume Builder

  • Go to https://cresuma.com (home page) or hit on “Build Resume Now” below
  • If you already have an account, give your credentials and sign in. If not, tap Create account here, link below and register with your email.

Cresuma resume builder app sign in view

2.  Once signed in, you will be redirected to a building board as below. Here, select “Create Resume”

Cresuma resume builder app create resume view

3. Once selected, you will be redirected to the below window. Insert the Name of the resume in the box (This could be your name, name with position you are applying for, a friend’s if you are creating on behalf of your friend or any that can be easily recognized by your),  and then click on “CREATE RESUME”. The Slug will be automatically added there, which you can edit as per your preference.

Cresuma resume builder app view 1

4. Then you will see the dashboard to create your resume along with a set of templates as stated below, where you can select a preferred template which can be changed later if needed.

Cresuma resume builder app view 2

Well done! You are just there. Now enjoy building your international resume with Cresuma.

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13+ Sample International Curriculum Vitae

Recruitment processes differ between local business entities and global industries due to differences in governing laws and standards. The job application would entail much more pressing requirements to be demanded from an applicant. When applying for an international job, a  resume templates would not be enough to impress a foreign employer.

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Free International CV Format

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International Standard CV Format

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International CV Format PDF

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Sample CV For International Jobs

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How to Write an International Curriculum Vitae

  • Start with a profile. A format of resume , as depicted in the examples, is preferably started with a summary of your work experience otherwise called a profile. By devising a catchy profile, you can grab the attention of the foreign employer in just a few seconds.
  • Enumerate your skills. List the skills which would apply to the qualifications required for the job position. Enumerate them with a little bit of explanation as to the context of the skills you listed.
  • Detail your professional career history. Elaborate on your professional experience before applying for the international job position as shown on the basic resume /  curriculum vitae format . The usual requirement for the professional experience of an applicant for international jobs is three to five years of experience in the field related to the job.
  • Indicate recent educational attainment. Like the IT professional resume / curriculum vitae sample, state at the end of your curriculum vitae, the educational background you acquired in relation to the international job position you are applying for.

International CV Sample

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Internationally Accepted CV Format

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Hints for an Effective International Curriculum Vitae

  • Create a curriculum vitae in two languages. Submit one English language and one suitable foreign language of the curriculum vitae if the country of the job position you are applying for is designated in a non-English-speaking country.
  • Inform the employer that you adapt easily. Stress out your hobbies and personal interests in order for the foreign employer to see that you can adapt easily to any location. The curriculum vitae samples show examples of this information.
  • Align your curriculum vitae with a cover letter. Similar to a custom resume, a curriculum vitae, such as the Business Resume / Curriculum Vitae, must be drafted along with the sample cover letters . The contents of the simple cover letter must be in line with the information you wrote in the curriculum vitae.

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International Recruitment Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the international recruitment job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

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Resume Builder

  • Employ networking strategies to create a personal connection between high-caliber talent and the firm
  • Employ networking strategies to create a personal connection between high-caliber consultant talent and Tetra Tech
  • High level proficiency in MS Office applications and database management
  • Assist with generating social media content from field data
  • Outstanding multitasking and organizational capabilities; and
  • Energetic, enthusiastic, and creative team player; and
  • Conduct market research, coordinate materials for external and internal events, career fairs, attending meetings and webinars to identify top talent in the field
  • Business Development Specialist / Manager
  • Finance Specialist / Manager
  • Information Technology Specialist / Manager
  • Make significant contributions to the business almost from the first day
  • Interact with diverse international & cross functional colleagues
  • Join an energetic, fast-growing and complex region
  • Market Access, Health Economics, Regulatory Affairs, Medical Affairs
  • Provide quality control for writing inputs to bids and develop training to address weaknesses
  • Assist in the training and development of new and current employees
  • Contribute to the management section of proposals based on knowledge of Nathan and the candidates being proposed
  • Assess existing recruitment system and make recommendations accordingly
  • Provide quality control on job description write-ups and advertising for proposals and projects in relevant countries, in line with local labor law
  • Participates in University meetings and committees as necessary; prepares reports as requested; and performs special projects and other duties as assigned
  • Participate in professional organizations and professional development activities
  • Strong interpersonal skills and assertive and professional demeanor
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and ability to review others’ work and provide constructive feedback
  • Availability to occasionally work outside regular work hours with teams located in different time zones
  • Ability to prioritize tasks, organize large volume of work, perform independently
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a fluid team environment with all levels of staff in all units of the company
  • Ability to work under strict deadlines
  • Computer literate with an affinity for databases
  • Familiar with USAID proposal process and negotiation of expatriate international compensation packages
  • Personnel management experience

12 International Recruitment resume templates

International Recruitment Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, irdp international recruitment & development program resume examples & samples.

  • Join an energetic, fast-growing business in Latin America
  • Contribute to significant projects in a meaningful way
  • 1) To be considered for internship positions, applicants must be in their first year of either a full-time MBA, Master’s, or PhD degree program and will be graduating after September 2016
  • 2) Available full-time for a period of at least 8 - 12 weeks between April and October 2016
  • 2) Fluent in English and the language of the country where the internship assignment is located
  • 3) Legally authorized to work permanently (i.e. without time limitations, without restrictions or without need for work sponsorship) in the country where the internship assignment is located
  • 4) Four years or more of relevant professional experience prior to enrolling in a full time Masters level degree programGeneral Management
  • Be a part of a high performing challenging environment which drives individuals to success and provides a strong platform for people with high career aspirations
  • To be considered for full-time positions, applicants must either be completing their full-time MBA, Master’s, or PhD degree within the coming year or have already done so within the last 12 months
  • Have permanent work authorization in the country where the job is located without the need for sponsorship in the future
  • Be fluent in written and spoken English and the language(s) where the position is located
  • Have a proven ability to thrive in a complex and changing environment
  • Have demonstrated leadership ability, business acumen and strong analytical and problem solving skills
  • Have demonstrated ability to set priorities and manage a variety of tasks
  • Four years or more of relevant professional experience prior to enrolling in a full time Master level degree programGeneral Management
  • Interact with diverse international & cross functional colleagues
  • Sales & marketing
  • Business development
  • Supply chain
  • Health economics & market access
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Medical & Government Affairs
  • 1) To be considered for full-time positions, applicants must either be completing their full-time MBA, Master’s, or PhD degree within the coming year or have already done so within the last 12 months
  • 2) Have permanent work authorization in the country where the job is located without the need for sponsorship in the future
  • 3) Be fluent in written and spoken English and the language(s) where the position is located
  • 4) Have a proven ability to thrive in a complex and changing environment
  • 5) Have demonstrated leadership ability, business acumen and strong analytical and problem solving skills
  • 6) Have demonstrated ability to set priorities, deal with ambiguity and shape business change
  • 7) Four years or more of relevant professional experience prior to enrolling in a full time Master level degree program
  • To be considered for internship positions, applicants must be in their first year of either a full-time MBA, Master’s, or PhD degree program and will be graduating after September 2017
  • Available full-time for a period of at least 8-12 weeks between April and October 2017
  • Fluent in English and the language of the country where the internship assignment is located
  • Legally authorized to work permanently (i.e. without time limitations, without restrictions or without need for work sponsorship) in the country where the internship assignment is located
  • Four years or more of relevant professional experience prior to enrolling in a full time Masters level degree programGeneral Management

Irdp International Recruitment & Development Program Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Interact with a diverse international & cross functional group of colleagues
  • Be part of a high performing, challenging environment
  • 1) In their first year of either a full-time MBA, Master’s, or PhD degree program and will be graduating after September 2017
  • 2) Available full-time for a period of at least 8-12 weeks between April and September 2017
  • 3) Fluent in English and the language of the country where the internship assignment is located
  • 4) Legally authorized to work permanently (i.e. without time limitations, without restrictions or without need for work sponsorship) in the country where the internship assignment is located
  • 5) Have four years or more of relevant professional experience prior to enrolling in a full time Masters level degree programGeneral Management

International Recruitment Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with Director of International Consultant Services (ICS) and sectors to identify creative approaches necessary to appropriately position the firm
  • Help prepare for and coordinate logistics for thought leadership and career events in the office and offsite
  • Leverage social media to expand applicant pools and develop strategies for attracting consultants to build available talent for initiatives worldwide
  • Supports proposal and project recruitment as needed (reference checks, preparation of job descriptions, drafting personnel matrices and qualifications, write advertising copy and marketing materials and improving recruitment-related templates and materials)
  • Regularly meet with the ICS team to report progress, discuss challenges, and set priorities; and
  • Support other areas of the Business Development process as it relates to ICS and other activities, as needed
  • Recently completed or in progress Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in marketing, business administration, political science, international development, or a related field required
  • Demonstrated understanding of, academic excellence in, and desire to pursue a career in marketing, business administration, political science, international development strongly preferred
  • At least 1 year of professional experience desired, including some work or volunteerism overseas
  • Excellent social media skills and strategies, especially in professional applications
  • Outstanding interpersonal and intercultural communications skills absolutely required
  • Superior information management skills with very strong attention to detail
  • Speaking and reading proficiency in French or Spanish strongly preferred
  • Strong proficiency in MS Office Suite, with understanding of SharePoint desirable
  • Ability to remain poised and focused in a fast-paced environment
  • A letter of application explaining qualifications for this opportunity
  • A current CV or resume in reverse chronological format
  • A list of at least 3 references including name, contact information, and statement of relationship to the reference

Specialist, International Recruitment Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's Degree (ideal in Human Resources, Psychology )
  • At least 2 - 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position
  • Good knowledge of labor market and recruitment channels
  • International recruitment experience will be a plus
  • Good MS office skills
  • Solid knowledge of recruitment practices and tools
  • Ability to work under pressure and to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and independently
  • Pro-active and able to work effectively within a multi-functional and cross-cultural team
  • Dealing with ambiguity and diverging expectations of various client groups as well as business center management
  • Fluency in English, German or French will be a plus
  • Highly results oriented, hands-on delivery
  • Strong competency in customer services and business orientation
  • Flexible and consultative approach to planning and execution
  • Demonstrates high proficiency in understanding of human resources practices in area of responsibility
  • Knowledgeable in all aspect of the department’s assigned tasks
  • Proactive in building positive relationships among team members and other functions with which the team interacts

International Recruitment Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Written and spoken English at native/mother-tongue level
  • Fluency in Italian
  • Relationship management skills with all levels
  • Administrative skills
  • Experience with an ATS, ideally Taleo
  • Recruitment coordination experience required, HR experience would be helpful
  • Previous work experiences related to recruitment administration will be appreciated. Ideal candidate might have 1-3 years of work experience, preferably in a multi-national organization
  • Bachelor degree preferable
  • International Business/Human Resource Major or related field
  • Demonstrated strong communication skills (i.e. verbal, written, phone etiquette)
  • Demonstrated computer proficiencies with Microsoft Office ( Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook)
  • Demonstrated ability to work well in a fast-paced, changing, team environment
  • Demonstrate strong Guest Services skills
  • Demonstrated strong typing skills
  • Demonstrated multi-tasking skills
  • Demonstrated strong organizational and time management skills
  • Disney College or International Program Alumni
  • Demonstrate proficiency in secondary language skill(s)
  • Demonstrate strong prioritization skills
  • Demonstrated experience in an office environment
  • High School Diploma or Equivalent Applicable Experience
  • Collaborate with ICS colleagues to generate and publish social media content from field data
  • Leverage social media to expand our talent pools and develop strategies for attracting consultants to build available talent for initiatives worldwide
  • Conduct market research to identify top talent in the field
  • Support proposal and project recruitment tasks when needed through reference checking, preparation of job descriptions, drafting personnel matrices and qualifications, composing advertising copy, marketing materials and improving recruitment related templates, manuals, and training materials; and
  • Assist ICS staff with discrete tasks as needed
  • Recently completed or pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, International Development, or a related field to one of the firm’s practice area
  • Demonstrated understanding of, academic excellence in, and desire to pursue a career in international development, human resources, project management, or a related field strongly preferred
  • Previous experience in recruitment, operations, organizational development, market research, or similar strongly preferred
  • International development interest and experience strongly preferred
  • Outstanding communications and social media skills and strategies, especially in professional applications
  • Excellent information management skills, with very strong attention to detail and understanding of requirements
  • Ability to organize own work and perform independently while closely and appropriately coordinating with team members
  • Strong proficiency in a second language (French or Spanish preferred)
  • Must be an enthusiastic team player and self-starter, able to remain poised and focused in a fast-paced environment
  • A relevant one page writing sample

Senior Program Coordinator of International Recruitment Resume Examples & Samples

  • Model the customer service experience to prospective international students and their families, high school guidance counselors, community college advisors, international visitors, etc
  • Provide timely and accurate information to students and families during the admissions process, guiding, directing and counseling them in regard to academic programs, requirements, procedures, etc
  • Communicate with prospective students, their families, guidance counselors, etc. during and after the admissions process via in person visits, phone and email
  • Assist the International Recruitment Team in determining the most effective ways to improve the diversity of the University’s international student body through recruitment, outreach and yield events
  • Maintain a recruitment role within an assigned global territory
  • Travel overseas and locally to recruit and provide information about the WVU recruiting and admission process to attract highly qualified international applicants, including representing WVU at fairs and recruitment events
  • Coach and develop each International Recruiter to design a strategy that expands on current relationships and partnerships within each assigned region, ensuring high recruitment goals are met
  • Work in cooperation with senior leadership and University Relations on the communication plan for the International Unit
  • Serve as the leadership representative and liaison for international recruiting with University departments and colleges across campus
  • Maintain currency in the educational and political climates of international countries and in the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services’ rules and regulations regarding international students and scholars
  • Attend international conferences to stay current in international processes/changes, immigration laws, use of agents, etc
  • Bachelor’s degree in international relations, education, business administration or related field; master’s degree is preferred
  • Four years of experience in international recruitment or college admissions
  • International travel experience is required
  • At least two (2) years of management or supervisory experience
  • Knowledge of foreign education and grading systems and the ability to research, evaluate and make decisions on foreign academic credentials
  • Knowledge and experience working with international student regulations and procedures or previous experience as a Designated School Official
  • Ability to interact effectively with international students and to understand the various cultural differences involved
  • High level of comfort with technology and data in the service of recruitment and outreach goals
  • Very strong interpersonal skills with demonstrated ability to interact with all organizational levels both within the University and outside

Assistant Director of International Recruitment Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create a comprehensive plan for international undergraduate degree-seeking students, sponsored undergraduate and graduate students, and ECU Language Academy students
  • Create and update marketing materials which emphasize academics, research, student life, and ongoing international activities at ECU
  • Maintain Office of Global Affairs website and social media sites to promote ECU's international activities and opportunities for international students
  • Maintain strong relations and act as principle point of contact with sponsoring organizations, international advertising firms, recruiting agencies, and other external organizations involved in the recruitment process
  • Cultivate relationships with current international students to promote word of mouth recruiting opportunities
  • Monitor electronic communication (e-mail and social media) with students prior to enrollment at ECU
  • Develop a communication plan for prospective international students
  • Master's degree in related field
  • At least three years of international, public relations, marketing and/or university admissions experience
  • A demonstrated record of success in meeting marketing goals
  • Proven ability to deal sensitively with people from different cultural backgrounds

International Recruitment Coordinator With French Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepare/Draft requisitions in the ATS (Taleo)
  • Post approved requisitions on external job boards
  • Support internal billing process
  • Coordinate interview schedules with internal interview teams and candidates
  • Track and document candidate activities in the ATS (Taleo)
  • Drafting and send offer letters
  • Facilitate required pre-employment processes (such as background checks, medical screens, drug screens, reference checks, etc)
  • Provide new hire information to appropriate parties to initiate hire and onboarding process
  • May participate or provide assistance in Talent Recruiting projects or initiatives
  • Provide input to drafting/updating employment policy and procedural manuals
  • Update and support the ATS (Taleo)
  • Candidate file maintenance and TRIM
  • Ensure compliance with country/local labor laws
  • Maintains accountability measures and processes to ensure compliance of policies and procedures
  • Performs basic work steps to assist in audits/reviews and ensure compliance
  • Supports and executes other tasks as assigned by the direct manager
  • 2+ years of HR support or administrative assistant or customer relationship management experience, preferably in recruiting or HR Shared Services environment
  • Professional language proficiency in English and French, both written and verbal
  • Ability to work with colleagues located in remote locations
  • Ability to work overtime hours as needed
  • Previous recruiting coordination experience
  • Applicant tracking system experience (Taleo)
  • Professional language proficiency in English and French or Hungarian, both written and verbal

Manager of International Recruitment Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, business or a field otherwise related to international education
  • Minimum of 3 years international admissions/recruitment experience
  • Effective communication skills, both written and oral, including the ability to make presentations in large and small group settings
  • Commitment to cultural diversity and the ability to work with individuals or groups from diverse backgrounds
  • Knowledge of and experience recruiting students from overseas
  • Knowledge of best practices in international recruitment
  • Experience working with agents and overseas advisors as well as government scholarship organizations
  • Experience with social media, online chats
  • Familiarity with international student recruitment channels
  • Experience with major international recruitment markets (China, India, MENA)
  • Valid passport
  • Willingness and ability to travel internationally independently and in a group to support recruitment efforts
  • Willingness to work nights and weekends and keep hours outside of core hours (8:30 to 5:00)
  • Ability to engage with prospective international students in a variety of settings including fairs, agent meetings, virtually and other creative means

Head of International Recruitment Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proven ability to develop strategies and follow through on implementation with measureable outputs
  • Ability to communicate complex information to a wide range of audiences and at all levels
  • Proven experience of leading significant projects and working with and influencing senior management
  • Proven experience of working effectively at a high level, under pressure with multiple stakeholders
  • Marketing ability with particular emphasis on digital/online media and social networking site
  • Cultural awareness and experience in dealing with international organisations and individuals outside the EU
  • Knowledge of the international student recruitment market
  • Significant experience of managing and controlling staff and financial resources
  • Educated to degree level
  • Working at a senior level within a higher education environment

Director of International Recruitment Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead an international recruitment team, manage international recruitment territories, develop relationships with international counselors, and cultivate interest with candidates to expand the international enrollment at the College, while enhancing Wheaton’s presence abroad
  • Using institutional data and a knowledge of global trends, establish and execute an in-depth recruitment plan for the College, including determining strategic recruitment markets, making recommendations on partnerships, establishing roles among members of the admission staff with international recruitment responsibilities, planning international inquiry and yield events, establishing strong connections with current international students and volunteers, and leading modest growth in international enrollment
  • Serve as a highly visible liaison to key members of our community, including faculty representatives, the Office of Global Education, the President and President’s Council, and on College-wide Committees, as necessary
  • In coordination with the Director of Admission and the Director of Financial Aid, establish and execute need-based and merit-based financial aid strategy for international students. Coordinate key international scholarship programs including the College’s partnership with the United World Colleges, Next Genius, the President’s Global Leadership Development Group, and other internal scholarship programs
  • Review, manage, and evaluate applications from assigned geographic territories (international and domestic), engage in regular and highly personalized follow-up with prospective students, applicants, admitted students, and parents, and establish strong connections with school counselors through routine application correspondence and via international professional associations
  • Interview prospective students, conduct information sessions, and travel, representing Wheaton internationally and domestically at secondary schools, community colleges, college fairs, professional meetings, alumni events, and inquiry/yield programs both on and off campus
  • Supervise recruitment efforts of colleagues with international responsibilities
  • Manage interns and students as assigned
  • Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 7-10 years of admission experience required, or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Valid driver’s license and passport
  • Ability and willingness to travel; travel is required approximately 6-8 weeks per year
  • Ability to work evening and weekends, as needed
  • Superior public speaking, interpersonal, and written skills
  • Commitment to selective, liberal arts education
  • High level of technical skills and an equally high level of energy
  • Must be personable, flexible, highly motivated, and organized
  • Must be able to work efficiently and effectively both independently and as part of a team
  • Must demonstrate a tireless commitment to enrolling and retaining a diverse student body, as well as a passion for global education
  • Experience in selective, undergraduate, international admission is strongly preferred

International Recruitment Coordinator With Spanish & English Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepare/Draft requisitions in Application Tracking System (Taleo)
  • Setup required technology for virtual interviews (phone or video interviews)
  • Track and document candidate activities in the Taleo
  • Provides basic and straightforward training and direction related to the Talent Recruiting process for HR professionals in the business
  • Obtained Bachelor’s degree
  • Professional language proficiency in English and Spanish both written and verbal
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Word, and Excel)
  • Demonstrated ability to pay attention to detail and multi-task
  • Flexibility/adaptability to work in a fast-paced environment, where priorities and timelines often shift
  • Strong team player focus on assisting others as needed

Associate Director of International Recruitment Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participate in the overall planning of The University of Scranton’s comprehensive international enrollment strategy
  • Represent the University domestically and internationally at recruitment fairs and events, advising prospective international students, parents and international partners regarding the University and its admission policies and procedures
  • Assist in the development and management of international marketing strategies including communications, print and web advertising, and social media
  • Cultivate new and existing relationships with international institutions, agencies and individuals influencing students in making decisions to study abroad in the U.S
  • In collaboration with the Assistant Vice Provost, develop and leverage relationships with faculty, international alumni, current international students and parents to assist in recruiting
  • Effectively communicate with and track prospective international students from inquiry to enrollment
  • In close collaboration with Director of Graduate, Transfer and International Operations, evaluate international applicant files for admission recommendations, and communicate decisions as applicable
  • Conduct student interviews (high school and transfer international students)
  • Maintain communication with confirmed students through orientation
  • Proficiency in a second language
  • Overseas living experience
  • Familiarity with customer relations
  • Significant experience of working in international markets (ideally within the HE sector)
  • Degree qualified or a professional marketing qualification
  • Experience of delivering sales targets
  • Previous experience of managing a multi-cultural, multi-national teams, with the proven ability to lead and motivate teams to deliver targeted outcomes
  • A good understanding of the issues and challenges facing the international HE sector, and current knowledge of key and emerging markets
  • Excellent analytical skills to identify opportunities and create business cases
  • Hire, train, manage, and mentor new and existing recruitment staff, communicating performance goals and operating procedures, offering consistent performance feedback and resolution to complex problems
  • Develop and deliver compliance and recruitment best practice training for other staff, who are interviewing and selecting staff and consultants for projects and bids
  • Coordinate and work with practice managers, overseas offices, and human resources to develop internal recruitment procedures and processes to hire qualified candidates
  • Develop overall recruitment strategies for target clients and specific recruitment strategies for bids and help identify potential candidates through databases, contacts/networks, Internet searches, publications, and cold calls
  • Lead recruitment strategy meetings and present candidate options
  • Evaluate and improve recruitment and related processes
  • Oversee the customization of CVs for bids and train staff on this; ensure the CV addresses proposal or project requirements
  • Oversee the writing of or write, as needed, personnel sections of proposals
  • Occasional overseas travel for 1-2 weeks for recruitment of local staff for bids
  • Lead proactive proposal-specific recruitment for personnel for bids in collaboration with proposal team and operations group. Additional responsibility for recruiting field and home office positions
  • Provide expertise on the USAID Biodata form, including but not limited to process updates, design and delivery of trainings, and act as a final authority on the Biodata form
  • Build recruitment systems
  • Master’s degree in a related area and at least 10-12 years of U.S. government contracting recruitment experience in international development, preferably with USAID
  • Experience with online networking tools, such as LinkedIn and experience conducting searches on recruitment databases required
  • Must have a strong orientation to client satisfaction, an ability to foster productive team relationships, and an ability to work in a team environment
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and ability to review others’ work and provide constructive feedback
  • Fluency in a second language (non-English) preferred
  • A master’s degree required
  • Five years of increasing responsibility in international higher education administration (preferably in international recruitment and/or admissions
  • Ability to travel domestically and internationally, with extensive international experience, either professional or educational
  • Exceptional interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, and communication skills – both written and verbal
  • High level of initiative and goal orientation, including motivation to achieve aggressive goals
  • Expert knowledge/experience working with Foreign Credential Evaluation
  • Knowledge of trends in international student recruitment and emerging student markets
  • Familiarity with academic and cultural issues confronting international students from diverse backgrounds in U.S. university and community settings
  • Knowledge of U.S. institutions’ admission policies, higher education policies and practices, F and J immigration regulations
  • Doctorate degree in a relevant field
  • Proficient in multiple foreign language
  • Experience working with U.S. and foreign government agencies and related organizations regarding international education
  • A record of active participation in appropriate organizations (such as NAFSA, EAIE, and their state and regional affiliates)
  • Letter of Interest/Cover Letter
  • List of three professional references

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Information Technology Director CV: Sample & Guide (Entry Level & Senior Jobs)

Create a standout information technology director cv with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Information Technology Director CV Example

As the Information Technology Director, it's crucial to showcase your experience, skills, and achievements on your CV. Employers are looking for leaders who can effectively manage technology resources, drive innovation, and support the overall business goals. Our IT Director CV example provides a comprehensive guide on how to highlight your expertise in IT strategy, team management, project delivery, and technology infrastructure. Use it as a template to create a winning CV for your next job application.

We will cover:

  • How to write a CV , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a CV to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a CV fast with our professional CV Builder .
  • What a CV template is, and why you should use it.

What does an Information Technology Director do?

An Information Technology (IT) Director is responsible for overseeing the technical infrastructure and IT systems of an organization. They lead a team of IT professionals, ensuring the development, implementation, and maintenance of IT systems to support the organization's goals. They also collaborate with other departments to identify and address technology needs, as well as manage budgeting and procurement for IT projects. Additionally, they stay current with industry trends and regulations to recommend and implement new technologies.

  • Technical Coordinator CV Sample
  • Technical Support Analyst CV Sample
  • Mobile Engineer CV Sample
  • SAP Analyst CV Sample
  • Edi Analyst CV Sample
  • Technical Specialist CV Sample
  • ERP Manager CV Sample
  • Service Desk Manager CV Sample
  • BI Analyst CV Sample
  • QA Specialist CV Sample
  • Desktop Engineer CV Sample
  • Tableau Developer CV Sample
  • Citrix Engineer CV Sample
  • Support Analyst CV Sample
  • ERP Business Analyst CV Sample
  • Information Systems Manager CV Sample
  • Help Desk CV Sample
  • Test Developer CV Sample
  • Technical Analyst CV Sample
  • Network Support Technician CV Sample

What are some responsibilities of an Information Technology Director?

  • Develop and implement IT strategies and initiatives
  • Oversee the management of IT systems and infrastructure
  • Ensure data security and compliance with regulatory standards
  • Manage IT budgets and resources
  • Collaborate with other department heads to identify and address technology needs
  • Stay current with advancements in technology and make recommendations for upgrades or improvements
  • Lead and direct IT staff, including hiring, training, and performance management
  • Develop and maintain disaster recovery and business continuity plans
  • Evaluate and recommend new software and hardware solutions

Sample Information Technology Director CV for Inspiration

John Doe's CV John Doe

123 Main Street, City, State, ZIP

Email: [email protected] | Phone: 123-456-7890

Summary: John Doe is a highly experienced Information Technology Director with over 10 years of experience in managing IT operations, implementing new technologies, and optimizing systems for maximum efficiency. He has a proven track record of leading successful IT initiatives, and is skilled at building and managing high-performing teams.

  • Information Technology Director

XYZ Corporation - City, State

January 2015 - Present

  • Implemented new cloud-based infrastructure, resulting in a 30% reduction in IT costs
  • Oversaw the implementation of a new ERP system, resulting in improved workflow and cost savings for the company
  • Managed a team of 20 IT professionals, providing leadership and guidance for successful project completion
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University of ABC - City, State

Graduated: May 2010

  • Project Management
  • Cloud Computing
  • Network Security
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Leadership
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • English - Fluent
  • Spanish - Proficient

CV tips for Information Technology Director

Crafting an impeccable CV that kickstarts your career is a challenging endeavor. While adhering to fundamental writing principles is beneficial, seeking guidance customized for your unique job pursuit is equally prudent. As a newcomer to the professional realm, you require Information Technology Director CV pointers. We've curated top-notch advice from experienced Information Technology Director individuals. Explore their insights to streamline your writing journey and enhance the likelihood of fashioning a CV that captivates potential employers' attention.

  • Highlight your leadership skills and experience in leading teams and managing projects
  • Showcase your technical expertise and knowledge of industry best practices
  • Emphasize your experience in implementing and maintaining IT infrastructure and systems
  • Demonstrate your ability to drive innovation and digital transformation within the organization
  • Include any relevant certifications or training that demonstrate your commitment to continued professional development

Information Technology Director CV Summary Examples

Using a CV summary or objective for an Information Technology Director resume is essential as it provides a brief and impactful overview of your skills, experience, and career goals. This section gives hiring managers a quick insight into your qualifications and what you can bring to the role. It helps to grab their attention and entice them to continue reading your resume, making a strong first impression. For Example:

  • Over 10 years of experience in managing information technology projects and teams
  • Proven track record of implementing innovative IT solutions to improve efficiency and productivity
  • Expertise in strategic planning and budgeting for IT infrastructure and systems
  • Strong leadership and communication skills, with the ability to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams
  • Demonstrated success in developing and implementing IT policies and procedures to ensure compliance and security

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Information Technology Director CV

Building a strong experience section for a Information Technology Director CV is crucial as it showcases the candidate’s expertise, achievements, and the impact they have made in their previous roles. This section provides evidence of their ability to lead and manage technology initiatives, their strategic vision, and their problem-solving skills. A strong experience section also helps to demonstrate the candidate’s qualifications and sets them apart from other applicants in the competitive IT field. For Example:

  • Developed and implemented IT strategies to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Managed a team of IT professionals to ensure the smooth operation of the company's technology infrastructure.
  • Led the implementation of a new ERP system, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity.
  • Oversaw the migration of the company's data to a new cloud-based storage system, reducing costs by 15%.
  • Collaborated with department heads to identify and address technology needs for various business units.
  • Implemented cybersecurity measures to protect the company's data and systems from cyber threats.
  • Managed the company's IT budget and procurement process, saving 10% on annual technology expenses.
  • Developed and maintained disaster recovery and business continuity plans to minimize downtime in case of IT failures.
  • Implemented a new help desk system to improve IT support for employees, resulting in a 30% increase in user satisfaction.
  • Evaluated and recommended new technologies and software solutions to improve business processes and operations.

Information Technology Director CV education example

An Information Technology Director typically needs a minimum of a bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field. Many employers may also require a master's degree, especially for more senior positions. Additionally, IT Directors often benefit from obtaining certifications in relevant areas such as project management, cybersecurity, or systems architecture. Continuous education and staying updated on the latest technology trends is also essential for professionals in this role. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Information Technology Director CV:

  • Master of Science in Information Technology, XYZ University
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, ABC University
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification

Information Technology Director Skills for a CV

It is important to add skills for an Information Technology Director CV to demonstrate expertise in managing and implementing technology solutions. These skills showcase the ability to lead and support teams, make strategic decisions, and improve the overall technology infrastructure of an organization. Additionally, including specific technical skills in the CV can help recruiters understand the depth and breadth of the candidate's expertise in IT. Soft Skills:

  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Creative thinking
  • Project management
  • Conflict resolution
  • System Administration
  • Database Management
  • Software Development
  • IT Infrastructure
  • Cybersecurity
  • Disaster Recovery
  • IT Strategy

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing an Information Technology Director CV

In today's competitive job market, an average of 180 applications floods employers' inboxes for each vacant position. To streamline this influx of CVs, companies frequently employ automated applicant tracking systems that weed out less qualified candidates. If your CV manages to surpass these digital gatekeepers, it must still captivate the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager. Given the sheer volume of applications, a mere 5 seconds is typically allocated to each CV before a decision is reached. With this in mind, it's crucial to eliminate any extraneous information that might relegate your application to the discard pile. To ensure your CV shines, consult the list below for elements to avoid including in your job application.

  • Skipping the cover letter: A well-crafted cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your suitability for the role and express your enthusiasm for it.
  • Excessive jargon: CVs laden with technical terms can alienate hiring managers who lack specialized knowledge.
  • Neglecting vital details: Incorporate your contact information, education, work history, and pertinent skills and experiences.
  • Relying on generic templates: Tailoring your CV to the specific job exhibits your commitment to the position and company.
  • Errors in spelling and grammar: Proofreading is essential to eliminate typos, spelling errors, and grammatical blunders.
  • Overemphasizing duties: Highlight accomplishments to underline your candidacy's value.
  • Sharing personal information: Steer clear of revealing personal details like age, marital status, or religious affiliations.

Key takeaways for a Information Technology Director CV

  • Highlight relevant experience and achievements
  • Showcase technical skills and knowledge
  • Emphasize leadership and management abilities
  • Demonstrate problem-solving and strategic thinking
  • Include certifications, trainings, and professional development
  • Use quantifiable data to prove impact and success
  • Tailor the CV to the specific job and company
  • Ensure clear and concise formatting and language

Create CV


50 Smart Resume Objective Samples & Templates (Career Objective)

By Status.net Editorial Team on September 20, 2024 — 7 minutes to read

A strong resume objective can catch an employer’s eye right away. It’s a short statement at the top of your resume that sums up your career goals and skills. A good objective tells employers what you can do for them, not just what you want. Ideally, it should be tailored to each job you apply for: this shows you’ve done your homework and are serious about the position. In this article, we’ll share some top-notch examples to help you craft the perfect resume objective. You’ll learn how to highlight your strengths and stand out from other job seekers.

Resume Objective Examples and Templates

Resume objectives for part-time and first job seekers.

As a part-time or first-time job seeker, your objective should show enthusiasm and willingness to learn:

  • “Seeking a part-time retail position to gain customer service skills while pursuing my degree.”
  • “Eager high school graduate looking for an entry-level office job to learn business basics.”
  • “College student aiming for a weekend cashier role to develop workplace experience.”
  • “Motivated learner seeking first job in food service to build teamwork and time management skills.”
  • “Recent graduate excited to start my career with a part-time marketing assistant position.”
  • “High school student seeking a part-time retail position to gain practical work experience while balancing academic commitments and developing customer service skills.”

“[Your status] seeking a [type of job] to [main goal] while [secondary benefit or situation].”

Entry-Level Position Objectives

Entry-level job seekers can focus on their potential and willingness to learn:

  • “Seeking an entry-level accounting position to apply my attention to detail and eagerness to learn in a professional setting.”
  • “Aiming to start my career as a junior graphic designer, bringing creativity and proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite.”
  • “Looking for an opportunity as a sales associate to develop my communication skills and contribute to a dynamic team.”
  • “Eager to join a nonprofit as a program assistant, using my organizational skills and passion for community service.”
  • “Seeking an entry-level HR position to apply my interpersonal skills and interest in employee relations.”

“Seeking an entry-level [job title] to apply my [skills/qualities] and [goal/contribution].”

Recent Graduate Objectives

New grads can use objectives to highlight their education and potential:

  • “Seeking an entry-level marketing position to apply my bachelor’s degree in communications and social media skills.”
  • “Eager to join (…) Company as a junior software developer, leveraging my computer science degree and internship experience.”
  • “Looking for a teaching assistant role to utilize my education degree and passion for working with children.”
  • “Aiming to secure a research assistant position in a biology lab, drawing on my recent biochemistry degree and lab experience.”
  • “Aspiring to start my finance career at (…) Bank, using my business administration degree and strong analytical skills.”

“Seeking a [job title] position to apply my [degree] and [relevant skills/experience].”

Professional Transition and Career Change Objectives

Career changers can highlight transferable skills and explain their shift:

  • “Former teacher seeking a corporate training role to apply classroom management and curriculum development skills.”
  • “Transitioning from retail management to HR, aiming to use my people skills and conflict resolution abilities in a new field.”
  • “Ex-military professional seeking a project management position, bringing leadership experience and attention to detail.”
  • “Journalist changing careers to public relations, offering strong writing skills and media connections.”
  • “Former teacher transitioning to HR, bringing strong communication and people management skills.”
  • “Retail manager moving to finance, offering customer service expertise and numerical proficiency.”
  • “Nurse changing to technical writing, combining medical knowledge with clear communication skills.”
  • “Artist switching to web design, blending creativity with newly acquired coding skills.”

Template 1:

“Former [previous career] transitioning to [new field], aiming to apply [transferable skills] to [new role/goal].”

Template 2:

“Former [previous role] transitioning to [new field], bringing [relevant skills] to contribute to [company goal or need].”

Examples of Resume Objectives for Various Sectors and Job Roles

Customer service representative objectives.

Customer service reps need to show their people skills and problem-solving abilities:

  • “To obtain a customer service role at (…) Company, using my communication skills and positive attitude to enhance customer satisfaction.”
  • “Seeking a position as a call center representative where I can use my problem-solving abilities and patience to help customers.”
  • “Aiming to join (…) Airlines as a customer service agent, bringing my multilingual skills and travel industry knowledge.”
  • “Looking for a customer support role in tech, combining my IT background with my talent for explaining complex issues simply.”
  • “Eager to apply my conflict resolution skills and empathy as a customer service rep in a fast-paced environment.”

“Seeking a [customer service job] to use my [relevant skills] to [benefit to company/customers].”

Technology and Engineering Objectives

Tech and engineering jobs need specific skills. Your objective should show you have these skills and know the industry.

  • “To use my coding skills as a software engineer at (…) Tech, creating innovative apps.”
  • “Seeking a web developer role at (…) Digital to build user-friendly websites.”
  • “Aiming to join (…) Systems as a data analyst, using my statistical knowledge to find insights.”
  • “Looking for a computer scientist position at (…) Corp to develop cutting-edge solutions.”
  • “To work as a technical support specialist at (…) Tech, solving complex IT issues.”

“To use my [skill] as a [job title] at [company name], [specific goal or task].”

Business and Finance Objectives

In business and finance, you need to show you can handle money and make smart choices. Your objective should reflect this.

  • “Seeking a financial analyst role at (…) Bank to help clients make wise investments.”
  • “To use my accounting skills at (…) Firm, ensuring accurate financial reports.”
  • “Aiming for a sales manager position at (…) Corp to boost revenue and train new staff.”
  • “Looking to join (…) Investment as a bank teller, providing top-notch customer service.”
  • “To work as a cashier at (…) Store, handling transactions quickly and accurately.”

“Seeking a [job title] role at [company name] to [specific goal or task], using my [relevant skill].”

Health and Services Objectives

Health and service jobs focus on helping people. Your objective should show you care about others and have the right skills.

  • “To use my dental assistant skills at (…) Clinic, helping patients feel comfortable.”
  • “Seeking a customer service role at (…) Shop to solve problems and keep customers happy.”
  • “Aiming to join (…) Hospital as a nurse, providing compassionate care to patients.”
  • “Looking for a social worker position at (…) Agency to support families in need.”
  • “To work as a personal trainer at (…) Gym, helping clients reach their fitness goals.”

“To use my [skill] as a [job title] at [company name], [specific goal related to helping others].”

Creative and Marketing Objectives

Creative and marketing jobs need fresh ideas and good communication.

  • “Seeking a graphic designer role at (…) Agency to create eye-catching visuals for clients.”
  • “To use my writing skills as a content creator at (…) Media, crafting engaging stories.”
  • “Aiming for a social media manager position at (…) Brand to boost online engagement.”
  • “Looking to join (…) Studio as an illustrator, bringing characters to life through art.”
  • “To work as an SEO specialist at (…) Digital, improving website rankings and traffic.”

“Seeking a [job title] position at [company name] to [creative or marketing goal], using my [relevant skill or experience].”

Tailoring Your Objective to the Job Description

Understanding the needs of hiring managers.

Hiring managers want to see that you’re a good fit for their company. Read the job posting carefully, and look for keywords that describe the ideal candidate. Pay attention to the skills and traits they value most.

  • Example 1: If they ask for “team players,” you can mention your teamwork skills.
  • Example 2: For a “fast-paced environment,” you can highlight your ability to work under pressure.

Use these clues to shape your objective. This shows you understand what they need and have what it takes to succeed in the role.

How can I draft an effective career objective for fresh graduates?

New grads should highlight their education and skills. Focus on what you can offer an employer, not what you want from them. Keep it short and specific to the job.

Example: “Recent marketing graduate seeking to apply strong analytical and communication skills to an entry-level digital marketing position at (…) Company.”

What are some suitable career objectives for experienced professionals?

Experienced pros should emphasize key achievements and specialized skills. Tailor your objective to the specific job and company you’re applying to.

Example: “Sales manager with 10+ years of experience in B2B software sales aiming to increase revenue and build high-performing teams as Regional Sales Director at (…) Tech.”

Can you suggest a straightforward objective to include in a resume?

A simple, effective objective states your career goal and how you can benefit the employer:

Example: “Detail-oriented accountant seeking to leverage 5 years of tax preparation experience in a senior accountant role at Smith & Associates.”

What is the best way to phrase a career objective for a university student on their resume?

Students should focus on their academic achievements, relevant coursework, and any internships or projects. Show how these relate to your career goals.

Example: “Third-year business student with strong analytical skills seeking a summer internship in financial analysis to apply classroom knowledge in a real-world setting.”

  • 3 Smart Examples: Choosing a Resume File Name
  • 30 Examples of Customer Service Resume Objective
  • 50 Best Resume Summary Examples (+ Templates)
  • 50 Inspiring Examples for 7 Communication Skills for a Resume
  • 21 Examples of Strong and Smart Resume Objectives
  • 10 Examples of Career Goals [Professional Advancement]

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  3. Sample Resume For Abroad Application Pdf

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  4. Overseas Education Counselor CV Example in 2024

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  1. International Resume/CV Tips for Writing a Job Application

    Russian resumes are similar to resumes in Europe, in that they include all the basic information such as contact details, a professional summary, work history, education, skills, languages, and references. Here are a few additional tips for writing a resume to apply for a job in Russia: Do not exceed 2 pages in length.

  2. How to Write an International Resume for a Job Abroad

    Personal info (header sections) When you create a resume in the international CV format, you may need to include personal information. Some countries want you to have your name, birth date, and even a picture. Include a header section with action verbs to make yourself stand out while you personalize your resume.

  3. How To Write an International Resume

    2. Create a header. At the top of your resume, type your full name in large font. Below, include your current address and country of residence, phone number with international dialing code and email address. International resumes may also include your gender, date of birth, marital status and nationality in this section depending on the country ...

  4. 2024 Ultimate International Resume Guide for 30+ Countries

    Here's the list of 30 popular international job locations and the average acceptable resume length: United States: 1-2 pages. United Kingdom: 2 pages. Australia: 2-3 pages. Canada: 1-2 pages. Germany: 2 pages. France: 1-2 pages.

  5. Write a Resume for a Job Abroad in 7 Simple Steps

    Follow this simple 7-step guide to tailor your resume to the local job market and ensure your resume gets you a step closer to your dream of living and working abroad. Here's the overview: Understand the local job market. Adapt the formatting and structure. Tailor the language and tone.

  6. Writing An International Resume Format (With Template)

    Here are some steps when creating an international resume format: 1. Research the resume style. The first step is researching templates for the specific country to find out what items to include on the resume. For instance, some countries request a translated version of your resume into the country's primary language.

  7. Professional International Resume Examples

    If you're searching for work overseas with the Foreign Service, looking for a job as a foreign exchange specialist, or searching for any job with a US government agency or corporation on foreign soil, you'll need a resume, just as you would for a domestic position.. And as you begin creating your resume, you'll have two options: You can use pre-existing templates and sophisticated online ...

  8. How to Write an International Resume (With an Example)

    Related: 7 Factors to Consider When Choosing to Work Overseas International resume template Here's a template you can use to format your own resume: [Full name] [Email address] [Phone number] Professional summary [Write a summary that outlines your relevant work history, states your years of professional experience and introduces your ...

  9. How to Write an International Resume in 2024

    For domestic work, you can simply write out the city and state. To highlight the international component, you can also add the country code. More importantly, though, is describing your ability to work in a foreign market in the details of the position.

  10. How To Write a Resume For Working Abroad

    Australian resume is generally very clear and concise, written in a reversed chronological format with bullet points and around two pages long. It's recommended to include a mission statement or your career objective at the beginning. Two or three sentences will do. You should not have any gaps in your resume.

  11. International Curriculum Vitae Resume Format for Overseas Jobs

    The international CV is usually a reverse chronological format that includes your contact information, qualifications summary, professional background, education, and personal information. Some European countries prefer the (non-reverse) chronological format, which lists education and work experience from the farthest back to the present.

  12. How to Write an International Resume: CV for Foreign Jobs

    Include all of your schoolings, including all degrees and certificates. Work Experience: List all of the jobs you have held, including the dates and locations of each. Be sure to describe each position in detail. Skills: List any skills you possess that make you an asset to a company or could help you in a new career.

  13. How to tailor your CV or resume for different countries

    You should tailor this section to meet the requirements of the job you are applying for. Education: list your educational achievements in reverse chronological order. Again, highlight those which apply directly to the job, for example, show that you have a degree in English if you are applying for a writing role.

  14. International Resume Formats for International Jobs

    3. Once selected, you will be redirected to the below window. Insert the Name of the resume in the box (This could be your name, name with position you are applying for, a friend's if you are creating on behalf of your friend or any that can be easily recognized by your), and then click on "CREATE RESUME".

  15. How to Include International Experience on Your Resume

    10. Back-up your experience in the interview. So, you've managed to integrate your international experience seamlessly into your resume and have wowed the HR people. If you've been invited to an interview, this is the next opportunity to shine using your travel experience.

  16. 13+ Sample International Curriculum Vitae

    An international curriculum vitae / resume cover letter is a tool you can count on when applying for a job position in a foreign country. Thus, write your curriculum vitae with the proper format and information as suggested on the sample international curriculum vitae provided on this responsive website for you to peruse and download.

  17. Write A Resume with International Experience

    You would incorporate international study experience on your resume as follows: University of Barcelona, 2013. Bachelor of Science, Economics. International Internships. If you completed any international internships, that experience should be referenced under your "work experience" section since an internship is essentially an unpaid job ...

  18. How To Write an International Development CV (With Example)

    Here's a general template for creating an international development CV: [Your name] [City and country name] [Phone number prefixed with country calling code] [Your email address] Executive summary. [One to two sentences describing your best skills, qualifications and experience] Skills. [Relevant skill 1]

  19. International Recruitment Resume Samples

    The Guide To Resume Tailoring. Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the international recruitment job. It's actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

  20. Free Curriculum Vitae (CV) Template (Plus CV Example)

    Free Curriculum Vitae (CV) Template (Plus CV Example) Jenn shares the key differences between a CV and a resume and provides an in-depth guide to formatting and structuring a CV. During the job search process, employers may ask for a resume or a CV, also known as a curriculum vitae, as part of your application.

  21. Information Technology Director CV: Sample & Guide (Entry Level

    Information Technology Director CV: Sample & Guide (Entry Level & Senior Jobs) Create a standout Information Technology Director CV with our online platform. Browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. ... Using a CV summary or objective for an Information Technology Director resume is essential as it provides a brief and ...

  22. 6 Great Senior Sales Associate Resume Examples

    Your resume must include the five main sections: contact information, professional summary, work experience, skills and education. However, you can also add different sections to show off more achievements. Here are some examples of optional senior sales associate resume sections that you could add to provide greater detail:

  23. 50 Smart Resume Objective Samples & Templates (Career Objective)

    Resume Objectives for Part-Time and First Job Seekers. As a part-time or first-time job seeker, your objective should show enthusiasm and willingness to learn: "Seeking a part-time retail position to gain customer service skills while pursuing my degree." "Eager high school graduate looking for an entry-level office job to learn business ...

  24. Resume and CV Samples

    Learn more about applying to government jobs Advanced Degree Resumes. M.A. Humanities Resume; M.S. STEM Resume; Ph.D. Humanities Resume; Ph.D. STEM Resume; Curriculum Vitae (CV) Ph.D. STEM CV ; Ph.D. Humanities CV; Undergraduate CV Resume Tips for Specific Fields Arts and Communication. Portfolios/work samples are sometimes expected and ...

  25. Resumes and Materials

    Resume, CV and Cover Letter Review Services. References. Portfolios

  26. 6 Great Social Work Intern Resume Examples

    Examples of additional resume sections. Your Social Work Intern resume must include five main sections: contact information, professional summary, work experience, skills and education. However, you can continue customizing your resume with additional sections for any other qualifications you possess.