Nourishment of the Soul

English friday khutbahs.

Do not Extend your Gaze


The Virtue of Honesty

The Virtue of Friday and its Etiquette

Sinning in Solitude

Concealing Righteous Deeds

The Adornment of Prayer

True Success

Heart Softeners

The Blessing of Guidance

Gratitude after Dhul Hijjah

The Importance of Promoting Harmony

Eid Al Adha Khutbah (Holding on to Iman)

Reflections upon Hajj

The Farewell Khutbah

Rights of the Elderly

Pilgrimage to Allah’s Sacred House

Angels’ Supplication for the Believers

Realizing our Absolute Dependance upon Allah

Four Quranic Commands

Signs of Happiness

Supplications at Times of Distress

Eid al Fitr Khutbah (The Honoring of Humankind)

This Fleeting World and the End of Ramadan

Last Third of Ramadan (Seeking Refuge)

The Virtue of Charity in Ramadan

Embracing Ramadan

Making the Most of Ramadan

Attaining Barakah


Interpretation of Dreams

Hardness of the Heart

Bond of Faith

The Importance of Dialogue

Holding on to Islam

Sadness in Light of the Shariah


Compassion and Comforting

Steadfastness in the Face of Trials

Fortifying Hearts in Calamities with Certainty

Glory of the Believer

Affirming our Return to Allah

Allah is with the Believers

Awakening the Ummah

Be Optimistic

Lifting Calamities

Satisfaction with Afflictions

Divine Will and Decree

Allah Wants to Accepts Your Repentance

The Noble Quran

Ask Allah for Wellbeing

Reflecting on Earthquakes


Obsessive Thoughts

Sincere Advice

Appreciating the Ongoing Blessings

Arranging the Rows

Fearing Allah Unseen

Peace of Mind

Reviving the Heart with the Quran

The Levels of Paradise

The New Year

Summer Vacation

The Sage Abu Al Dardaa

Means of Attaining Mercy

Eid Al Adha Khutbah (Adhering to Religion)

The Unifying Worship of Hajj

Friday Prayer

Be Conscious of Allah Wherever You are

The Passing of the Prophet ﷺ

The Ability of Allah

The Enmity of Satan

Yearning for Hajj

Supplications for the Heart

The Most Important Necessity

Shirk – The Greatest Injustice

The Reality of this Worldly Life

Friday Reminders

The Virtues of Rajab

The Sound Heart

Reflecting upon the Rain

Drinks of the Dwellers of Hell

Sweetness of Iman

Weighty Deeds

Warning through Surah Qaf

Warding off Anxiety

Three who Spoke in Infancy

Maximizing the Intention

The Most Hopeful Verse

Zakat the Companion of Salat

Taming the Heart

The Blessing of Rain

Racing to Prayer

Wealth Advice

Social Media

Not Recounting Favors

Reflecting upon the Quran

Reforming the Heart

Excessiveness and Extravagance

Supplications of Prayer

Do not Ridicule Others

Good Character

The Criterion

Virtue of Repentance

Steadfastness upon the Truth

Virtue of Muharram and Ashura

A Principle for Treating Others

Salvation of those Conscious of Allah

Striving During Virtuous Times

Repentance and the Repentant

Virtue of First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

Reflections on Dhul Hijjah

Embracing the Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

The Virtues of the Day of Arafat

The Sacred Months

Supporting the Prophet ﷺ

Safeguarding Religion

The Prophet’s Children

Islamic Concepts

Focus in Prayer

The Good Word

Continuity After Ramadan

Types of People after Ramadan

The Bestower

The Most Subtle

Thinking Well of Allah

Hope in Allah

Virtues of Patience

Virtues of Gratitude

The Greatness of Allah Almighty

Checking the Impulses of the Heart

The Light of Allah

The Narrative of Saba

Prophet Yunus

Sufficient for us is Allah

Knowing Allah through HIs Names and Attributes

Reflections on Surah Sajdah

Creation of Adam

Seeing Allah Almighty

The Guidance of the Quran

The Grief of the Prophet  ﷺ

Hadith about Death

Attending Congregational Prayers

Those Who Turned Back

The Trial of Wealth

The Hadith of Power

Virtues of Friday

The Blessing of Creation

Reliance on Allah

Etiquette of Charity

Obeying the Prophet ﷺ

Believing in the Prophet ﷺ

Obligation of Loving the Prophet ﷺ

Barakah is from Allah

The Prophet Musa


The Pulpit of the Prophet ﷺ

KIndness to the Wife

Beginning of the Revelation

The Manners of the Prophet ﷺ

The Loss of Neglecting Salat

Virtue of Quenching Thirst

Three Men Trapped in a Cave

Fear of Allah

Virtue of Chastity

Perils of Sorcery

Virtue of Fairness

Verse of al-Kursi

Virtues of Zakat

Abu Ubaydah bin al Jarrah

Dutifulness to the Mother

Reflections on Surah al Kahf

A Mercy to the Worlds ﷺ

Believe in Allah and be Steadfast

Love of Allah


Prophet Yahya’s Commandments

Knowing Allah

Parable of the Rain

Concern over Family

Circles of Remembrance

The Mercy of the Prophet ﷺ

AbdAllah bin Omar

What do you Think of the Lord of the Worlds?

Loving the Prophet ﷺ

The Birth of the Prophet ﷺ

Qualities of the Prophet ﷺ

Averting Torment of the Grave

The Islam of Amr bin Abasah

Merits of Abdallah bin Masood

Glorification of Allah

Freedom through Servitude

Humility in Prayer

Attaining the Love of Allah

The Debt of Az-Zubayr

Epidemics – Sign of the Hour

The Trials of Ibrahim

The Virtues of Ibrahim

Honoring the Sacred House

Congregational Repentance

Remembrance of Allah

Some Causes of Divorce

After Ramadan

Eid al Fitr Khutbah (Iman)

Nights of Hope

The School of Ramadan

Strength through Fasting

Striving against the Self in Ramadan

First Khutbah in Ramadan

Receiving Ramadan

Welcoming Ramadan with Repentance

Rejoicing in Ramadan

With Faith and Anticipation

An Andalusian Ramadan Advice

Ramadan and the Quran

Ramadan and Pardoning

Striving in Ramadan

Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

Virtue of Laylatul Qadr

Virtue of the Night of Decree

The Last of Ramadan

Bidding Ramadan Farewell

Finishing Ramadan Strongly

Lessons from Ramadan

Mohammad ﷺ our Role Model and the Virtue of Shabaan

The Virtue of Shabaan

These English Friday Kutbahs are based on the Quran and Sunnah of the beloved Prophet Mohammad  (ﷺ).  In addition, here you will find authentic Islamic Friday Khutbah, lectures and Gems of wisdom. Additionally, the Friday Khutbahs are delivered during the weekly Muslim Friday Prayers. Moreover, the Friday Khutbahs on this site are designed to engage a wide audience and can be delivered in around ten minutes. Also, you can listen to khutbah. Finally, you can download the khutbah transcript.

Furthermore, seeking religious knowledge is very virtuous in Islam. And the Prophet Mohammad ( ﷺ ) indicated that Allah the Exalted makes the path to Paradise easy for whoever seeks knowledge. Therefore, Gems designed for the busy person. Also, Gems of Wisdom are thoughtful, brief and only take a minute or so to read.

Seeking Islamic Knowledge

Life can be hectic and fly by so fast. Although people have asking for ages “what is the purpose of life?”, people still wonder about it today. Moreover, knowing the answer is crucial to setting your life’s priorities. Genuinely reflecting on these questions will indicate the priority that you place on fulfilling your life’s true mission. It is never too late to reset your priorities.  Gaining knowledge is a key aspect of this even if you have been a Muslim all your life. Below are some links that will help you in your journey. Allah created proofs of His existence within our own selves and all around us. He did not leave us alone to wander blindly guessing on how to worship Him. Throughout the ages, Allah sent Prophets to teach people how to worship him. However, previous Prophets were sent to a specific place and people.

Islamic Multimedia

  • Egyptian and Kuwaiti scholars visit MQI Secretariat
  • Mobile Medical Unit Dispatched to Flood-Affected Areas
  • Preparations completed for 41st International Mawlid Conference under MQI
  • MQI sets up 36 organizational committees for the 41st International Milad Conference
  • Milad feast held at MQI secretariat
  • Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri completes a three-month long missionary tour, arrives in the USA
  • Minhaj Ulema Council organizes Istiqbal-e-Rabi-ul-Awwal Conference
  • Welcoming Rabi' al-Awwal: Minhaj-ul-Quran Lahore Announces Schedule for Torch-lit Processions
  • The prosperous future of youth is linked to IT: Khurram Nawaz Gandapur
  • Preparations underway for International Mawlid Conference

Minhaj Islamic Encyclopedia Mobile App

Featured Videos

The Purpose of Life (Part II): Live for Others, Not Yourself Navigating the Modern World: Doctrine Psychology, Theology And Spirituality-by-Shaykh Hammad Mustafa al-Madani al-Qadri

The Purpose of Life (Part II): Live for Others, Not Yourself

Khuda ko Kiyun Manein? awr Mazhab ko kiyun Apnaein? [Part 1] Why Believe in God and Embrace Religion?-by-Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

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Fatwa on Suicide Bombings and Terrorism-by-Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

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Milad-un-Nabi ﷺ per Izhar e Tashakkur o Masarrat | Episode 05

Happy Quaid Day 2021 By MQI Australia

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Jashn e Milad e Mustafa

Ishq o Mohabbat | MIlad un Nabi Conference-by-Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

Ishq o Mohabbat | MIlad un Nabi Conference

Wiladat e Mustafa ﷺ Ka Haseen Tazkira-by-Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

Wiladat e Mustafa ﷺ Ka Haseen Tazkira

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Sirat o Milad e Mustafa (S.A.W) International Mawlid-un-Nabi Conference-by-Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

Sirat o Milad e Mustafa (S.A.W)

Waqiat e Hazrat Khizr (AS) aur un ky Bateni Maarif-by-Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

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Khidmat e Din Kay Taqazy: Amanat, Lillahiyat, Ijtima'iyat, Sab Kay Liya Mahabbat

Speech by: shaykh-ul-islam dr muhammad tahir-ul-qadri.

Qurani Qass Biyan Karny Ki Hikmaten-by-Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri

Qurani Qass Biyan Karny Ki Hikmaten

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The Sea of Divine Love: Mawlana Rumi's Mathanavi | Part 3

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Sharii'at Say Tariqat Tak ka Safar

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Tareeq e Meraj ka biyan Live on QTV-by-Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

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Salat ka Mafhoom-by-Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

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Hazoor ﷺ sy talluq ka wahid zaria Darood o Salam

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Sending blessings and salutations to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the tradition of Allah

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Halaqat e Durood Clip 3 | Allah aur Farishton ki Sunnat Durood o Salam

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A special report on Jamy Shaykh-ul-Islam by Urdu Point

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A Documentary on the Shaykh-ul-Islam Mosque (جامع شیخ الاسلام)

A Documentary on the Shaykh-ul-Islam Mosque (جامع شیخ الاسلام)

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The 41st Annual International Mawlid-un-Nabi (pbuh) Conference 2024

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MQI Interfaith Relations Hosts Milad-un-Nabi Banquet

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Bahar-e-Rehmat (Ep-10) Telecast : Jun 06, 2017

Bahar-e-Rehmat (Ep-10) Telecast : Jun 06, 2017

Bahar-e-Rehmat (Ep-09) - Jun 05, 2017

Bahar-e-Rehmat (Ep-09) - Jun 05, 2017

Rehmat (Ep-08) Telecast : Jun 04, 2017

Rehmat (Ep-08) Telecast : Jun 04, 2017

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Shaykh-ul-Islam Prof.Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

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Series by Mufti Menk

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Biography mufti menk.

Mufti Menk

Mufti Menk, (Doctor, Mufti, Ismail Menk) is a leading global Islamic scholar born and raised in Zimbabwe. He studied Shariah in Madinah and holds a Doctorate of Social Guidance from Aldersgate University.

Mufti Menk’s work has gained worldwide recognition and he has been named one of “The Top 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World” since 2010.

He has millions of followers across his social media platforms. Mufti Menk’s personable style and down to earth approach has made him one of the most sought after scholars in our time. He has endeared himself to people with his much loved lecture series, a Mufti Menk hallmark.

He travels the world spreading a simple but profound message: “Do good, help others while preparing for the Hereafter”.

He is active in the international arena and is a strong proponent of peace and justice, speaking up against all forms of terrorism.

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Islahi Khutbat - Discourses On Islamic Way Of Life

The English version of the Islahi Khutbat, has been published by Darul Isha'at Pakistan. This is solely because of the Favours of Allah on us and the prayers of our mentors.

This is the translation of the reformative speeches of Mufti Justice Mawlana Muhammad Taqi Usmani may Allah prolong his benefits over us. He has been given these lectures for about ten years every week at the Bait uld Mukarram Masjid, Karachi. Those who attend these lectures gain much knowledge theoretically and practically.  These lectures are being recorded on audio cassettes and books are published subsequently. These cassettes and books cater to those who understand the Urdu language.

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Speech on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) (and message of Islam)

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There have been many biographies written and speeches given on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) that have provided a glimpse of his life, the role that he played as a Messenger of God, and the message that he brought for mankind. However, the speech delivered by Jafar bin Abi Talib to the Christian king of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in the 7 th century to date is referenced as one of the most succinct and eloquent speeches that captured the moments of that era, and expressed the message of Islam concisely and clearly.

The First Muslim Migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

The speech was delivered in the fifth year of Muhammad’s Prophethood. As we recall from the early days of Islam when Muslims were tortured, persecuted, and humiliated in many ways, a few Muslims emigrated to take refuge in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) that was ruled by Ashamah Negus (also known as al-Najashi), a Christian king. The prophet had known him as a fair ruler and thus had permitted the followers of Islam to take refuge in his kingdom.

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Makkans Send Envoys to Dissuade the Christian King

Makkah’s Quraish , who at the time were amongst the foremost in persecuting the new Muslims could not tolerate the Muslims living peacefully in the Christian kingdom. Hence, they made a last ditch effort to get those Muslims extradited to Makkah and sent two of their strongest envoys to demand their extradition. Those envoys were Amr bin Al-As and Abdullah bin Abi Rabia (the two embraced Islam a few years later). The two envoys took valuable gifts for the king and his clergy in the hopes of convincing the king to return the new Muslims. The pagan envoys demanded the Muslims’ extradition on grounds that they had abandoned the religion of their forefathers, and their leader (Mohammad) was preaching a religion different from theirs and from that of the king.

The Speech of Jafar bin Abi Talib to the Christian King

On hearing the claims against Muslims that the envoys had presented, the Christian king summoned the Muslims to his court. The Muslims selected Jafar bin Abi Talib to speak on their behalf. With silence in the court, Jafar bin Abi Talib stood up and addressed the king in the following words:

“O king! we were plunged in the depth of ignorance and barbarism; we adored idols, we lived in unchastity, we ate the dead bodies, and we spoke abominations, we disregarded every feeling of humanity, and the duties of hospitality and neighborhood were neglected; we knew no law but that of the strong, when Allah raised among us a man, of whose birth, truthfulness, honesty, and purity we were aware; and he called to the Oneness of Allah , and taught us not to associate anything with Him. He forbade us the worship of idols; and he enjoined us to speak the truth, to be faithful to our trusts, to be merciful and to regard the rights of the neighbors and kith and kin; he forbade us to speak evil of women, or to eat the substance of orphans; he ordered us to fly from the vices, and to abstain from evil; to offer prayers, to render alms, and to observe fast. We have believed in him, we have accepted his teachings and his injunctions to worship Allah, and not to associate anything with Him, and we have allowed what He has allowed, and prohibited what He has prohibited. For this reason, our people have risen against us, have persecuted us in order to make us forsake the worship of Allah and return to the worship of idols and other abominations. They have tortured and injured us, until finding no safety among them; we have come to your country, and hope you will protect us from oppression.” [Reference: Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum]

Click here to download the book: Muhammad’s Prophet hood, reality or myth

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It is quite obvious from the speech that it has stood the test of time and delivers the message of Islam today just as effectively as it did more than 1400 years ago. The eloquence of the speech leaves no doubt regarding the strength of the faith and clarity of the new Muslims’ understanding of Islam and the message brought by Allah’s messenger. This speech also serves as a reminder not just for us Muslims but also for those who are still struggling to get the message that Muhammad (peace be upon him) brought for mankind. ( Get the book on stories of the Quran here )


Other Reading:

  • Best Biography on Prophet Muhammad
  • Book on Islamic History of Shiite and Sunni
  • Quranic Duas on Healing and Shifa
  • 100+ Duas for Success
  • Click here to read stories from the Quran
  • Prohibition of Oppression in Islam
  • The Early History of Shia and Sunni

— End

Related Islamic posts:

  • First Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
  • Words of Wisdom by Ibn Al-Qayyim
  • The Quran and Allah on Prophet Muhammad (s)
  • Letter of Prophet Muhammad to Negus (Najashi) Calling him to Islam

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ASLK All, First of all I would like to thank you for providing this wonderful message from our beloved prophet Muhammad S.A.W(PBUH). Well as far as I am concerned I am not doing it; but inshallah hope Allah will give hidayat to me and inshaallah i will do it.

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The best and very touchable. Ya Rasulullah Ya Habibbullah.

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This is a grand speech but unfortunately in this present day of Islam the teachings of this are not being lived up to.

Women are enslaved in ‘supposed’ muslim countries and no one speaks up for them, hence, the media is having a field day with Islam bashing. That is the one example that glares at the world about this deen.

Where I live in the USA-they muslims are only social with their own culture and the new comer (me) does not have a place in their circle.

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Salaam my sister! So well said! It´s like you read my thoughts mash´Allah. I agree with you fully and as a practising Muslimah, it saddens me beyond belief that the best sisters I know are the ones suffering the most. Why, because of the behaviour of their families and how the value of a woman is close to nothing among Muslims. In Islam, the woman is so valued that I think not even the brothers can match up. However, among Muslims…no.

The worst thing is, these families claim their doing islamic things but no, they´re not. We´re once again back to Jahiliyya and if you research on it, it is in Muslim countries that daughters are considered the worst “gift” one can get. I´m extremely sorry to say all this but I´m so tired of the way my fellow Muslims are behaving. Wassalaam, sister Cas.

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Asalamu alaikum wrwb, to all the new sisters And brothers who have come to Islam Masha’ Allah ! Allah had guided you all to Islam for a reason so do not be disheartened and stay strong in your faith continue to seek knowledge of your deen and make duaa believe me Allah will guide you.

Dear Sister Fatimah & Sonja Salam Alaikum,

It is sad to know of the neglect of our community to new brothers and sisters.We have the best religion and message but we are the worst followers of that message. The fault is with we the followers not the message.

We should be helping our new brothers and sisters in Islam who are the true muslims as they have come to the fold of Islam on the inspiration of Allah and not got Islam as their inheritance. I am ashamed sisters, that we are not doing anything for you and probably because of this Allah is testing the Ummah collectively.

I am in Australia, so can’t be of much help to you, but is there an Internet forum for new converts to Islam where we can share some thoughts with you. Please let me know as that will also help me in helping someone else.

Praying for your success in Islam and for the whole Ummah of Prophet (PBUH). Your brother in Islam.

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AsalamoAlkum Dear Sis Fatimah

I hope the grand speech above will wake up Muslim Nation. I am sorry to hear we Muslims are not following Islam as we should, mostly lack of knowledge in Islam has lead people to oppression and resorting to terror and isolations and fearing others, instead of Allah, but it will all change soon, InShaAllah.

Please join us as our Brother Harun Yahya is trying very hard to spread Islam through intellect struggle and wants all Muslims to unite and speak for Justice, Peace and equal rights for women. I am supporting him in his quest and we are trying to enlighten people to truth n pure Islam without traditions which people are buried in deep and its time to came out of darkness and practise true Islam and teaching of our Prophet Mohammed PBUH who was Mercy for all Mankind and loved all women very much. Can I please suggest if you would like to join Harun Yahya Website and Facebook where all Brothers in Sisters are welcomed and have freedom of speech and equal rights for men n women as in Islam and encouraged to strive against oppression and demand for their rights for all. MaShaAllah our Brother Harun is very eloquent man and on a intellect struggle to spread Islam by Peace n Justice for all and I support him in his all works and you will be most welcome to join us. Allah bless you and Guide us all.

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Who do you think should live the teachings of Islam for you when you Muslim decided to migrate from it’s core values and teachings? How many women (and Men as well) live their lives by the dictates of Islam? How can one operates outside the parameters of a system and still expect to find solutions to her or his problems within it’s scope? Fatima should be Fatima please!!!

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Salaam sisters and brothers, I am also a new Moslem – from New Zealand. I am happy to say the born Moslem sisters and brothers have been very welcoming to me. Sometimes overwhelmingly so. I had been dreaming about living in a Moslem country, thinking that all would be like paradise there. Sadly I have discovered that many of these countries no-longer live the Islamic way. And I have decided to stop calling myself Moslem, and start calling myself a Follower of Islam. There is a huge difference.

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MashaAllah, it’s just in time to remind ourselves not to be spoiled, because the more we live the more fitnas we see. It’s really not easy to keep our hearts clean, we need to help each other, because no one else will help us to reach Jannat. Very good djazakha Llahu kheir

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As Salamu Alaykum.

Jazak Allah Khair. Every word and deed and even the name helps increase my Iman and I thank you for it.

Truly Alhumdolillah, that He made us Muslims.

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SubhanAllah, the people who accepted Islam by Will & Guidance of Allah (swt) & followed teachings of Allah’s Last Prophet Muhammad (sws), were so focussed & paid attention to detail. Even Prophet Muhammad (sws) last speech on Arafat. Their speeches covered the essence of the whole story in few short sentences & yet powerful enough to effect whoever heard it & could not help not only sympathize but revert to Islam because they told The Haq/The Truth. SubhanAllah & Al-Hamulillah. We need to learn from them to spread Islam, sympathize, be kind & help each other. Specially with new Muslameen. Women need & should be at the forefront starting with the children & especially girls who will teach their children when they become mothers, InshAllah, Ameen.

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As’salamu-alikum! Muslim Brothers & Sisters

Masha-Allah it was a mind blowing mssg, may ‘Allah’ s.w.t. guide us & correct our thinking, to follow the religion of islam & sunna of Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s. in true sense – ameen.


MashAllah! That was very impressive and touching! It reminds me of how we are living today and the way we are actually supposed to live–treat each other, take the sincerity in prayer, fasting, and donations.

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Thank you for this thought provoking message. I have not read any Islamic text as precise, coincise and that captured the essence of Islam and the message of our dear Prophet Muhammad SAW. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. May Allah reward Jaffar bin Abi Talib and all others of that early era of Islam, with paradise. Perhaps if muslims will be as courageous, keep to the teaching of Islam and God fearing like our brothers of that era, Islam would have been far from what it is today. We are all guilty but we do not have any excuse not to leave by the teaching of Islam. Let us all ponder over this message and change our ways before the wrath of the Almighty Allah befall us. May Allah forgive us and protect Islam and muslims all over the world

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Very inspiring speech.It shows what real Islam is.I agree with Fatimah when she says that today there is a lot of discrimination against new Muslims.My wife and I are new Muslims and we have been looking for an Islamic institution to enroll in and study Islam but in [email protected]

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Assalam-O-Alaikum Brothers and Sisters This speech given by Jafar bin Abi Talib truly inspires us, no doubt in it, What he did by delivering the message to christian king, giving precise and correct picture of Islam is one thing which each and every followers of Islam should strive to do. Bcoz considering today’s scenario our non-Muslims brothers and sisters have a wrong notion regarding Islam and their followers. May Allah give all of us strength, Hidaya and sabr to forward his beautiful message to all of the mankind that has been passed to us. Ameen

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very touching indeed. so precise, instructive and to the point. my sympathy to the couple who are new converts and no one to guide them. That seems to be a real problem everywhere. maybe you can go to your nearest mosque, or Islamic library for information.

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thanks alot for your inspirational text messages which remind us from time to time the purpose of our existance. May Allah increase your knowledge and ability to disperse it .

Mashallah, what a GRAND speech…. If only their true beliefs would enter into every muslim heart!!! HOW STRONG WOULD WE BE????

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Assalamualaikum. MashaAllah – A very thought provoking speech. It defines the meaning of Islam very clearly. A speech worth circulating to non-muslims as well. It would deffinitely give them a true picture too. JazakAllah

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Asalam alaikum. What an inspiring speech! The best speech I have received in recent time, it defines clearly the purpose of our existence in this world. May God give us the strength, will and wisdom to practice all that have been preached. Cheers to all.

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I don’t know why I sometimes find it hard to explain to people about the teachings of Islam and Prophet Muhammad even if I am among Muslims. The speech given by Jafar Bin Abi Talib is so simple yet well versed that I would be surprised if anyone (especially among us Muslims) can still have trouble understanding it. After all nowdays in the era of understanding we should not limit ourselves from the wealth of knowledge made available to us by God. I hope everyone should free themselves from any uncertainty and believe in God and His Messenger wholly. May God bless…

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Assalamualikum wrb,

Thanx for sharing the speech. It is the raw truth about our Great Religion and must be considered while doing even the smallest things of life. Unfortunately today we have incorporated all the Haraam customs and traditions like those we see in marriages and parties, photography n videos, mixing of men and women, lack of hijaab, music and songs (even in cellphones in mosque), love and friendships amongst the teenagers, unnecessary talk, television depicting haraam objects(even looking at non mahram male or female is haraam), lack of interest and faith in prayers n so on….Shaitaan has slowly n carefully planned the intuition of all haraam and evil things and made it appear as a routine thing…we ourselves are not aware how much we r sinning each day knowingly or unknowingly. May Allah protect us and our generations from all the evil created by our biggest enemy iblees and his companions. Praise be to Allah and peace be upon our messenger prophet mohammed sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Jazakallah khair

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Assalamu alaikkum to all, Its quite interesting to know about this story. Eager to read the rest of the story also. Pls. publish.

Vassalam, habiba

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Simply awesome.It leaves no space for anyone to have ill feelings towards ISLAM. Wish we could say the same for the bulk of present days’ MUSLIMS

Allahu a’lam

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A truly beautiful speech given by the sahaba Br.Jaffar. I feel sad for sister Fatima and Br. Ibrahim. Please reach out to your local mosques. You are so lucky to have mosques in the U.S. Here in Australia I am isolated because there is no mosque close to where I live. Nor do I know any Muslims in my area. I communicate with a Muslim lady via email. May ALLAH S.W.T. help us increase our Ibaadat and stay on the path of Islam, which is so peaceful and logical. May our children and their children follow Islam as perfectly as the RasoolALLAH S.A.W. May ALLAH Subhana Wa Taala forgive our sins and guide us to the righteous path Ameen.

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In this world, we find difficulties and lots of sufferings, yet those who stand still in the name of Allah remain stable (inshaAllah) and living with peace. I am very proud and lucky to be part of this ummah, who worship Allah alone. Islam is the way, this is the way going to Jennah, a way of life and a way what our prophet Mohammad (SAW) instructed us. May all the blessings of Allah be with us.

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Salam. Thank you for sharing with us this wonderful message of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. It will serve an enlightenment for all of us.

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Assalam alaikum very inspring speech it has touched my heart and sense it is a message for todays mullahs,preachers

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Assalam alaikum, You have published one part of the speech, Can you publish other part when Amr bin Al-As posed other question regarding our belief in Prophet Eisa a.s. that we do not believe him to be son of God, which will help us to explain our religion to Christians.

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A great piece of information to share. While we all would want to do something for Islam, i think most of us do not know how to start. The reason for this is we ourselves are not convinced with so many things. We are confused between our social life and religious thoughts. We do not make an attempt to understand Islam and thus fail to accept it fully and express discomfort when it comes to sharing with non muslims. I was a working women, not knowing many details of Islam, I started reading quran with the meanings and now I observe hijab and follow as many things as possible which are fardh and sunnah. We fear embarassment and think that we will be out numbered if we talk about our practices in todays modern world. But brothers and sisters remember, its Allah who bestows us with pride or insult. He is khaliq. It will hardly take a fraction of a second for him to convert one and all to muslims. He just wants to give us a chance. Best way to spread Mohammed the prophet s(PPBUH) message is to practice with full faith and belief. See how Allah supports you. JAZAK ALLAH KHAIR

Subhan-Allah one of the most time tested speech. In few sentences it gives enormous information about the Pre-Islamic and most importantly the transition phase from Pre-Islamic to Islamic phase. But Alas! even after 1400 years many of the ill practices figured out in the speech is still found in muslim today. The reason is very simple ………WE MUSLIM ARE DEVIATED FROM THE TEACHING OF ISLAM. WE HAVE WEAK FAITH ( IMMAN) AND DO NOT USE REASONING/RATIONAL. TO REVIVE THE TRUE SPIRIT OF IMMAN WE HAVE TO REVIVE THE CONCEPTUAL ISLAM AND MUST COME OUT OF THE RITUALISTIC ISLAM.

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It is a summary of what a muslim should be. Very timely as a reminder and wake up call in this time of confusions and negligence.

masha Allah

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Assalam-o-alaikum, First of all I would like to appreciate the effort made behind posting the speech. It is indeed the call of time that we muslims are taught about the tenets of Islam, so that we don’t fall into the days of Jahiliya after the relevation. please post the reply of king Najashi as well, who was also influenced by the boldness and audacity of the new muslims and the message of Islam

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This speech is too good to read it only once

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Assalamu’alaikum ya brothers and sisters “This is a touching speech.” Please I will like to make comments also on contributor No. 3. That the culture of ISLAM is ONE and I am happy she is in the light now. All she could do is to try and acustom her self to the culture of ISLAM and she will find it much easier to be in their circle for ever. May ALLAH strengthen you more into ISLAM with knowledge.

Mashaallah…. very touching and inspiring speech… Must say, it says so much about Islam and its teachings… Just pray that people who have misused the religion name to do wrong things, may Allah show them the right path..aameen

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ASALAAM O ALAIKUM! with the depths of my heart would i like to thank iqrasense for spreading such a beautiful and friutful message of our beloved Prophet ( sallahu alaihi wa aleyhi wasallam). i am in no position of saying that i have enduered the true essence of Islam, but struggling to do so. i simply require hidayaa from my lord from the light spread by HIS true Messenger( sallahu alaihi wa aleyhi wasallam). but i would like to share that such mails n messages simply refreshes our belief, which is more than required these days. may you carry on the good job that u are already doing. Jazzak ALLAH. Wassalaam

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Masha Allah. If we read the biographies of the sahabas and those followers of Islam during the time the prophet (saws) was still alive, we can really say that they have been given by Allah (swt) great minds. Muslims in the early times are using the talents given to them by Allah (swt) by doing what our prophet and what the qur’an is teaching. Sub’hanallah, even on little mistakes, they feel broken. If Muslims today would have the same conviction and discipline as the Muslims before, we would be successful in our mission of propagating Islam.

We should even be ashamed calling ourselves Muslims if we do not do what the qur’an and the hadith of the prophet (saws) are telling us. Let us stand the pillars of Islam. Why is it so hard for many Muslims to pray 5 times a day or to give charity or to fast? I’m sad seeing Muslims doing shirk and celebrating ocassions not allowed in our religion like celebrating birthdays and joining parties.

Alhamdulillah, I belong to a community where Muslims are constantly reminding each other to forbid what is wrong and enjoin what is right. And I have a husband who is always reminding me to always think of death and the hereafter.

I am a convert and I am praying to Allah that one day Insha Allah, my siblings and father would embrace Islam. They will be happier in this world and in the hereafter.

For those who wants to communicate with me, I’ll be willing to give my email add insha Allah.

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we all know the story and it is and always will be a great one. to those who feel there is a ‘but’ to the story or lesson, stop thinking like west, east or where-ever it is that you’re from. think like a muslim, live and behave like you should, etc and you won’t need to seek acceptance from groups. find contentment within your own life-and-practice and you’ll see things getting better. remember only ALLAH(swt) is perfect. FATIMA (3) I hope you you don’t lose heart because Jannah is yours if you stay true to yourself. remember, a hand full of power seekers and whatever is in the media does not represent ISLAM. you have the example of the Prophet (saw) and the Quran as your guide.

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Masha Allah, May the peace and blessing of Allah be on Prophet Muhammad (SAW). See the wisdom of islam and remember this happened more than 1430 years ago. Subhanallahh

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I’ve gained immensely from the message and inspired by the valid but indicting comments by brothers & sisters.

I sincerely see it as a challenges to ALL of us who ALLAH in his mercy bless us with the provoking message. I think one of the wisdom behind it, is for each of us to heed, abstain and refocus the remaining days of our lives living by the Islamic values. I’ll encourage all of us to be observing Sallat at its time, and, Allah in his mercy will make it easy for us to live a successful life. What bad will happen to us if we stop music & unethical TV programs in our houses??? If men lower their gaze and women wear Hijab peace will begin to set in our soceity.

To the new Muslims, Alhamdu lil lah. Please be patient with the situation you find yourself, Allah is with the patient servants. As some comments suggest, many of the Muslims now adays lack the required sense of community and understanding of brotherhood.

May Allah’s RAHMA be with ALL of us amin.

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Asalamualaikum; the message delivered by our beloved rasuallah is haqq n this is the way of Allah which he promised all muslims that if they follow and obey this message it leads to Jannah

but unfortunatetly we muslims are more involved in this world which will be destroyed by Allah, we are not bothered about that we have to face Allah on the judgmnt day, when he (Allah) will be in his full anger.

the message bought by our Rasuallah is came to us with lots of sacrifice, so brothers and sisters please dont ignore the message of Rasuallah and pray for whole humanity, may Allah fogive us all and give us Jannah

Jaza Khalla khair, in fact a beautiful and motivating speech which is applicable to all of us brothers and sisters which has been new to the Muslim Umma.

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May Allah bless u and give u more wisdom to built up on ur efforts

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MASHALLAH a very precise message delivered by Ja’far bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) which still holds it validity after 1400 years or so. SO what are the lesson learned. Ja’far Bin abi Talib a muslim for just few years can have that courage and faith to talk to the king of Abyssinia about Islam, so what excuse we have the born muslims not to deliver this message to every that we interact in our daily lives. Brother and Sisters this time will pass anyway, but if you want to be successfull in this duniya and the hereafter you have to deliver this message, and should consider it as your first and foremost priority. Allah (SWT) does not require you and me to stand for His (SWT) Deen, if He (SWT) want to protect and propogate His (SWT) deen He (SWT) can get the job done by any of His (SWT) creation, may be ants, birds, Bees etc etc. Just remeber the story of the Hud Hud (the bird) that was in Suleman (May Alllah be pleased with him) kingdom who was so concerned about the nation of Sabah that she flew to Suleman (AS) and informed Him that she saw a nation that worship fire and not the Allah of Suleman (AS). So what excuse you are going to put forward to Allah (SWT) on the day of judgement when He (SWT) is going to raise that bird infront of Ummah that if she can do the job why can’t you. So brother and sisters time is running out on us, so please my humble request to you that which ever capacity you are in talk to you colleagues, clas mates, your staff, your bosses, your business associates about Islam. We in the west have more responsibility on our shoulder. I pray to Allah (SWT) that Allah (SWT) give us strength to stand for His deen and propogate it in its true spirit.

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now a days we muslims are sleeping but our eyes are open.We see but we pretend not to see.we hear but we pretend not to this kind of messages keeps optimum value for whole muslim ummah.

SubanAllah We Muslims being tested, Wake up call for all Muslims, end to all sufferings and Justice, Peace and Harmony for all Mankind. Ignorance is not a bliss, We Muslims need to educate our Nation and enlighten them to Truth and Pure Islam, it is our obligation. Allah says “Have they not travelled about the earth and do they not have hearts to understand with or ears to hear with? It is not their eyes which are blind but the hearts in their breasts which are blind.” (Surat al-Hajj, 46). Pray people will speek for Justice n Peace and Love and Fear Allah, InShaAllah. Allah Guide us all.

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It is indeed a reminder to all muslim ummah,May ALLAH continue to protect islam and muslim ummah.Ammen

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Alhamdulillah, May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala reward you abundantly for this good deed. However, a token of remembrance to us all is the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW, wherein he said ‘None of you would be a True Believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself’ Let us imbibe this simple Hadith and the World would be a better place for all the Muslim Ummah

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MASHALLAH a very precise message delivered by Ja’far bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) the message delivered by our beloved rasuallah is haqq n this is the way of Allah which he promised all muslims that if they follow and obey this message it leads to Jannah.

I have been a muslim for nearly 3 years. As stated in an earlier statement. New comers have nowhere to go to bound with sisters as for they stay in their own communities and keep to themselves.

I say to us all if we are to continue to grow all over the world we have to be there for those reaching out / knocking on the door. It is our duty. Allah loves us all

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What a powerful speech full of meaning and very clear, Gave the right meaning of Islam in couple sentences with a clear , comprehensive and simple style.May allah reward the publisher for this good deed.

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May Allah whom to belong all the Glory and Honor reward those behind this good deed. It serves as a reminder to all of us. What a powerful speech full of meaning and very clear, Gave the right meaning of Islam in couple sentences with a clear , comprehensive and simple style.May allah reward the publisher for this good deed.

I think the whole world should be made to have a look at this message (speech) so that they will truly understand the message of Islam

I am PROUD to be a MUSLIM.

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Asalam Alayiakom waramatuallahhe wabarakatu

Mash’Allah! Mash’Allah . . . that speech was beautiful, It meaning of Islam was very clear. Alhumduallah. Inshallah I will FWD it to my family and friends. Jazakallah khir

Dear brothers and sisters, you will agree with me that the speech captured the whole essence of Islam.The contemporary muslim is faced with many challenges,these ranges from political,social,economic to educational challenges.unlike in the past,we seems not to know the religion itself any longer.I believe there is a need for a reawakening worldwide.there is a need to stress three esseence of Islam-Iman,sincerity and love.We need to have Iman-the prophet(saw)spent the better part of the message teaching the companions about Iman.then we have to be sincere about islam.we are muslims-we are intelligent reasonable,social,peaceful,organised and determined. though it is difficult,but we must try and live as muslims,our means of livelihood must be halal and finally,we need to love our muslims brothers and sisters world wide.there is nothing like nationhood in islam what we have is brotherhood.

Barakallahu fii, what an inspiring message that remind us of our obligation in the deen. Jazakallahu Khaeran

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All Praise To Allah (SWT). Sincere thanks to the effort that you have put in this Iqrasense. We just can’t sit here and wait for things to happen. We have to show the world what ISLAM really means to people and its clearly stated in this Prophet (PBUH) Message. May Allah gives us what needs to be given inorder to be a good muslim.Ameen

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Assalamu alaikum. The words of Ja’far bin Abu Talib (radiallahu anhu) is so short and concised. Islam today have alot of challenges from opposition. We muslims need to adhere to the teachings of quran and hadith of the prophet.

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asalam alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatu. first and foremost there is no doubt that Prophet Muhammad SAW is and will always remain to be the most influential person to ever walk on the surface of the earth. You may be an antheist or an agnostic; or you may belong to any of the religious denominations that exist in the world today. You may be a communist or a believer in democracy and freedom. No matter what you are, and no matter what your ideological and political beliefs, personal and social habits happen to be – you must still know this man. islam is such a beautiful religion, its such a shame that even the muslims in today’s society cant see that, henceforth thay are lead astray. “may Allah swt give us all hidayah and help us to spread LAILLAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMAD RASOOLULLAH!

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This is a wonderful speech. Am only sad that, most of us(muslims) are not even taking a single step to follow the message of Allah delievered by our Prophet Mohammad S.A.W(PBUH). Actually if you think about it, the message to us, is to bring peace within us, if we follow Allah’s message, there will not be any FITNA amongst us because after-all, we are all brothers and sisters in the end. I just pray for those who are still not following the message of Allah, to start today and not to wait for tomorrow after-all we never know when we will depart this world, and we have to take only our good deeds with us and nothing else and that(good deeds) only will help us in Al Akhera and nothing else.

May God Bless Us All (Ameen).


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Assalam alaekum, Jazakum llaha for bringing the message back for all muslims. I pray Almighty Allah (SAW) will assist we muslims of today to emulate those early muslims. We are too distracted to face our primary assignment in this world. I am not complying with all injuctions of Allah(SAW) but I thank Him for making my conscience to be alive. If one conscience is alive, one will readily realise a mistake the moment itis committed and one will feel sorrowful about it. For the newly converted accept what comes youyr way. You did not convert to be recognised by anybody other Allah (SAW) and He will surely reward you for it. Let we all muslims accept ourselves as brothers and sisters. Alla h(SAW) is , Islam is one. Lets all hold on together as one.

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Ma sha ALLAH. But the speech is incomplete. may the blessing of ALLAH be on MUHAMMAD(SAW)

what a beautiful speech.more christians should come to know about this.there is too much negative publicity against moslems and I think its not fair.they do not publish any negativity against christianity or christ whom I now see is one of their prophets too.

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To my knowledge all the messengers of almighty is choosen by god to guide the humans and jinns in the straight path.

all reveletions are true in its original form.

unfortunately humans made changes to previous revelations.

as muslims we believe in all the messengers of the almighty are true and their teachings also true as long as it is remain its original form.

Quran is the final revelation.

in Quran a chapter is named Maryam.

Maryam is Mary ( peace be upon her) the mother of Jesus (peach be upon him).

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Assalamu Alaikkum wr wb.

The speech s the kernel of Islam. If non muslims read this all over the world a phenomenal change will happen.

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Irrespective of Centuries, the speech is alive and instigates the truth to be practiced to reach Allah as conveyed by Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.S). This answers most of the queries of new entrants in to Islam and strengthens Iman of all of us.

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Assalamu Alaikkum.A great speach that even after centuries admires the beleivers and even the non muslims.the speach shows the full iman of the sahaba.every one should try to become like him.thank u

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it was a great speech delivered by a great man. muslims on earth have to read and learn from this message. may Allah bless those who brought this message back to life. jaza ka allahu khiaran

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“The question for Muslims today is whether they are living that message?” A very pertinent question. The message conveyed in the speech is simple and clear. There can be no doubt about its effectiveness as well. Still why does it become difficult for many Muslims to live that message? Are we too lazy to make the required effort? Are we so enamored by this world that we can’t think of making a few personal sacrifices that might be required in practicing the virtues encouraged by Islam? Are we blinding ourselves to the stark reality of the brevity of this life and the eternity of the life of the Hereafter? May Allah Grant all Muslims of the world the right perspective and May He (Subhanahu wa Ta’la) reward those who shared this speech with us with His Blessings, for awakening us. Aameen

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mashallah, very inspiring story, as a new convert. i am still seeking knowledge, and through Allah’s help, i pray to stay on the path of rightousness, may the blessings of allah be you all. ameen.

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This speech reflects the true spirit of Islam that we need to learn and propagate, while forgetting our minor differences.

God reward you for reminding us as always with this very important message of the Prophet. Islam is truly the only religion in the universe that till date has not changed and will never change. Imagine a speech delivered about 1400 years back is still very relevant in this present dispensation. May Allah guide us aright and protect our religion from these devils as mentioned in the holy Quran. Ameen

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We always thank for your effort by reminding us about our regilion, may God help your through life.

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Islam from what I understand preaches peace, learn to tolorate other who don’t share your religious belief, if some silly person mis-quotes or mis-represents your religion you don’t need to kill innocent people, instead I believe you should educate the individual(s) so that they can learn from their folly and amend their way(s). If we all go after each other at the slightest provocation then we will cease to exist and I don’t see how this will be beneficial to you if you intend spreading the word and teachings of your holy prophet. He was a man who preached peace. May the Peace of God Almighty which passeth all understanding be upon us all.

The greatest misservice we are doing to Islam is our intolerance nature. The Prophet never preached intolerance of non Muslims and harmless persons or turning against a visitor to your country. Why aren’t we crying out loud at the waywardness of our Muslim brothers and sisters in the Arab world? when you turn on most Arab stations this days, you don’t see any manifestation of the prophets teachings, rather, you see The Jahilliyya Period staring at you and you begin to wonder what the cry is all about when the very same people that take to the streets because of our dear Prophet don’t even follow His Teachings!!!!

May Allah surely reward you here and thereafter.

Salam I hope everybody that read the speech has learned something out of it and should be applied in our daily lives. We Muslims have to practice the teaching of the Prohet Mohammed(S.A.W.S) and to educate non Muslim and not to distance ourselves from them. To sister Fatima, I will say you are not alone but do not give up the practice of Islam as much as Islam preaches against discreminition, it still exist in Islam unfortunitly and I will sugest you get intouch with your local Musjeed and they will direct you to a lot of wonderful resources that can help you Inshah-Allah.

thanks our brother for sharing us this very spectacular story. really it is very impressive message that never be obsolete at any stage of human history. the moment I finished reading the story, several things came to my mind. first, I was highly touched how our prophate was diplomat and managed smartly and peacefully with their neighbors and followers of othere faith. second the speech delivered by Jafar was constructive and convincing at that time of jahilya or ignorance. third, how the king of abyysinia was wise, legal and moral guy and never used to kneel down to the bribes of jahil people. fourt, the speech delivered and the king’s reaction in response to it, apparently convey the message how that generations were tolerant to the values of one another. fifth, our current leaders should remid such magnificent story to build tolerances and fraternity among religions instead of being a poodle for some western governments. sixth, I m extremely fascinated on how justice was served by that great habesha king amid that dark era.

Alhamdulillah,,,for allah to make as muslim. thanks my allah..

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First of all thank you for sharing this. Hope we can understand Islam better and can make people all over the world understand Islam and Muslims better too, Amiiin…. P.S I do not understand why some people like to abbreviate the word Assalamualaikum become ASA or ASAK????? – loosing the meaning, isn’t it??? If it felt too long to write “Assalamualaikum”, we can just say “Salam”, right??? 🙂 Sorry if I am wrong…..

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ASALAAM O ALAIKUM! with the depths of my heart would i like to thank iqrasense for spreading such a beautiful and friutful message of our beloved Prophet ( sallahu alaihi wa aleyhi wasallam).

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may allah bless our beloving prophet (SAW) and may allah inshallah guide us to the right path.

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Assalamu Aleykum, Jazakumullah khairen for your effort on spreading the religion of truth, May Allah the Almighty be pleased with you and help you on your mission.

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Alhamdulillah,,,for allah to make as muslim.with the rock bottom of my spirit thank iqrasense for spreading such a beautiful message.

(Who knows death to be certain, yet does not take it seriously; Who believes in hell, [but still] commits sin;( Hazrat Usman RA) we all must should think about next destination … and do well things

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In my country, women are not generally allowed to attend mosque. so, though highly curious to know such messages; not sure about its dessimination among general citizen! Eeven I myself didn’t know of such a nicely & precisely expressed sermon! Hope in my Mosque rich country, mosque attendance would know it.

If today’s Muslims want to remain as Muslims, identify with true Islam and enter the same similar Paradise that Ja’afar aspired, they should be as focused, as knowledgeable and as courageous as Ja’afar!. Islam is best represented/practiced by those who understands it, have deep knowledge of it and are ever proud to be associated (identify) with it comes rain comes shine!. May Allah shower us with unmerited favors to enable practice Islam as required.

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may ALLAH bless all of us

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Alhamdulillah your blogs are very good. They teach us alot about Islam n of how we shud also follow SAW n become a true muslim.

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This is very good and I hope everyone follows this Prophet Muhammad (SAW) message inshallah. Please people do inshallah.

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The most perfect and beautiful Prophet of Allah our beloved Muhammad Mustapha (SAW) and the purest message ever.

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Alhamdulillah, the message is still enriching and adapted to the present realities. It is we the MUSLIMS that are not living as a TRUE MUSLIMS. Our attitude is unIslamic and I pray we change and a sincere Muslim life and behave as preached and demonstrated by my beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). I thank you all for re production of these messages.

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Unfortunately, the problem of the muslims today is that we are completely ignorant of the teachings of our deen. How many of us have taken time to read, understand and ponder about the personality of our noble Prophet(SAW)? May Allah give us the ability and wisdom to truly comprehend, understand and practise our deen, ameen.

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ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM JAZAK ALLAH KHAIRAN! You refresh our minds and religion.It is the gift of ALLAH SUBHANO WATA AALA,to whosoever keep on the right path.May ALLAH SUBHANO WATA AALA guide us and include us among pious muslim AAMEEN

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islamic speech in english written


Text khutbahs in Arabic and English

By Sheikh Mohamed Ewas

Imam, Al-Birr Mosque, Woking, Surrey, England

MS Word version:       ( Please note that the List of Contents are at the back on pages 519 to 521)

Khutbahs Arabic English by Sheikh Mohamed Ewasُ

PDF version:      ( Please note that the List of Contents are at the back on pages 519 to 521)

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The Last Khutbah (Sermon) of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) delivered his last khutbah on the ninth of Dhul Hijjah , which is the last month of the Islamic year. The incident commenced 10 years after Hijrah (A.H.), migration from Makkah to Madinah, in the Uranah Valley of mount Arafat . The words he spoke were coherent and concise; addressed to the whole humanity. After praising, and thanking Allah (SWT), Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore, listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today. O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. God has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. God has Judged that there shall be no interest, and that all the interest due to Al-Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib shall henceforth be waived... Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things. O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under a trust from God and with His permission. If they abide by your right, then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste. O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God, perform your five daily prayers, fast during the month of Ramadan , and offer Zakat. Perform Hajj if you have the means. All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; [none have superiority over another] except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves. Remember, one day you will appear before God and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and it may be that the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people."

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) completed his last khutbah, near the summit of Arafat, whereby the following revelation came down:

… This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.…" ( Quran 5:3 )

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Islamic Speeches - Part One

Profile image of Dr Muhammadullah Khalili

Authentic Islamic information on various topics with reference to the Quran and Hadith Short and comprehensive 24 Speeches in English with duration of 8-15 minuets. A useful book for students, teachers and general Muslims alike. Contents Preface 8 Endorsement 10 Acknowledgement 11 Foreword 12 Before You Start 14 Art of Public Speaking 16 An Introduction to Islam 18 The Holy Qur’an 22 The Life of the Prophet (r) 26 Salah (Prayer) 30 Sawm (Fast) 34 Zakah (Alms) 38 Hajj (Pilgrimage) 41 Eid al-Fitr 45 Eid al-Adha 48 Virtues of Jumu’ah 51 Dawah and Tabligh 57 Importance of English for Dawah 61 Islam and Science 65 Islam and Education 69 Morals in Islam 73 Women’s Rights: Islam versus West 77 Hijab in Islam 82 Rights of Parents 87 Unity and Brotherhood in Islam 94 Equality and Justice in Islam 98 Islam and Terrorism 103 Tolerance in Islam 107 Indian Muslims & Freedom Struggle 111 Darul Uloom Deoband 116

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Bulletin on Islam and Muslims, 2024

Assalāmu ‘alaykum wrb, warm greetings and kia ora! Welcome to our first issue of the Bulletin on Islam and Muslims brought to you by Ulul Albāb Islamic Institute New Zealand. In my focus article “the Dawn of Ulul Albab Islamic Institute New Zealand” I am sharing the establishment, vision and mission of Ulul Albāb Islamic Institute New Zealand with the readers. Shaykh Hafiz Tajammul has briefly introduced our after school online Islamic school (madrasah) known as Ulul Albāb Fardul-‘Ayn Madrasah. Fardul-‘Ayn denotes matters essential for individual Muslims. The madrasah focuses on essential subjects that can inculcate and strengthen a sense of Islamic identity in Muslim students who do not have the opportunity to study Islamic studies formally. Shaykhah Aminah Sadika talked about the lifelong learning program of UAIINZ which targets gents and ladies of all walks of life to relearn Islamic teachings and revive their spirituality through specially tailored subjects matching their levels. Assoc. Prof. Dr Nadzrah Ahmad penned the beautiful characteristics and description of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as depicted by a woman-companion (sahābiyah) Umm Maʿbad ‘Atikah bint Khālid al-Khuza‘iyyah (RA). The Prophet (ﷺ) along with his companions stopped at her place when he was migrating to Madinah. That is when she first saw him (ﷺ) and experienced the miracles that emanated from him. In my article “Why Palestine, Baytul-Muqaddas (Jerusalem) and Masjid Al-Aqsā are Important for Muslims,” I highlighted the biased narratives when it comes to the struggle of Palestinians for freedom. I also presented eight significant points in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah to remind the new generation of the importance of Palestine, Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsā for us Muslims. The preservation of Palestine, Jerusalem and al-Aqsā is not based on materialistic, or colonialistic or racist or nationalistic motives, but purely for spiritual and moral objectives. Shaykh Hafiz Tajammul in his article “Understanding the True Essence of Worship (‘Ibādah)” cleared the misconceptions about worship (‘Ibādah). Almighty Allah created humans solely for His worship, but the essence of worship is not limited to rituals such as praying, and dhikr (remembrance of Allah), but it includes ethics, mutual cooperation, love and care for fellow humans, animals and the environment. In the last article, “Importance of Learning Qur’an for the Muslimāt (Muslim Women)” Shaykhah Aminah Sadika explains the importance of learning Qur’an for the Muslimāt. The Qur'an answers and solves the contemporary challenges faced by women. Dignity, real-freedom, identity, self-esteem, and mental wellbeing all can be secured for women who connect themselves to the Qur’an. After the articles, we presented the reports of events and programs UAIINZ accomplished in 2023, followed by the works accomplished, works in progress, presentations, research and publications of UAIINZ academics.

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Islam is an essential aspect of humanity's existence. It teaches us how to conduct ourselves in all aspects of life in a morally and legally upright manner. Islam created a welldefined system of laws governing moral behavior, civil and political rights, social issues and rights, marriage and divorce laws, inheritance rights, and all other matters we deal with daily. It serves as a guide to life in all its facets and is not just for the mosque. Since Islam is logical and rational, it keeps a Muslim free from the confusion of any kind. These are some of the main points raised in the paper regarding how Islam is a comprehensive, functional, and practical code of life. Nine major relevant and significant fields have been discussed: the Islamic political system, law and legal system, Jihad, economic system, education system, marriage and family, Islamic society, the mindset, and the hijab. The discussion is analytical and comparative addressing secular ideologies based on Islamic texts and social sciences. The paper establishes that the Islamic system is the alternative system that can replace secular ideologies.

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islamic speech in english written – Islamic Sermons from the Quran and Sunnah

Mp3 khutba download.

Embracing Change!

Khutba by Br. Mosab Nasser about the current state of our Muslim Ummah and the change required to fix our situation. Insha-Allah

Be Mindful of Allah Wherever You Are

Khutba by Br. Mosab Nasser on the three concise advices given by the Prophet (S) to Mu'ad ibn Jabal (R).

Become a Special Servant of Allah

Khutba by Br. Mosab Nasser on the recent death of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qardawi & how to become a special servant of Allah - كن ولياً لله

The Honor and Pride of a Muslim عزة المسلم

A heart felt khutba by Br. Mosab Nasser about the honor and pride of a Muslim and his recent trip to Gaza, Palestine.

America is at War with Itself

A very timely khutba by Br. Mosab Nasser about the recent shootings & killings in the US during the past two weeks. May Allah protect us all.

Ramadan is Ending... Did we Change?

An excellent reminder by Br. Mosab Nasser on what we have gained from this blessed month and how we should proceed.

The Significance of Ramadan

Br. Mosab Nasser explains the true purpose of Ramadan and it's connection to the Quran. Khutba given 3/25/22 in Masjid El-Farouq.

Don't Belittle Any Good Deed

Sh. Abdullah takes lesson from the Prophet's Seerah on how just one good deed can save a person. Khutba given on 2/25/22 in Masjid El-Farouq.

Stand up for Justice

Sh. Anis-ul-Haque explains in incident of Hil-ful-Fadoul when the Prophet was a teenager on how they stood up for justice. Khutba given on 2/11/22 in Masjid El-Farouq.

Look for an Opportunity to Do Good

Sh. Abdullah takes lesson from the migration of the Prophet on how Abu Bakr (R) searched for ways to do good. Khutba given on 2/4/22 in Masjid El-Farouq.

How to Increase Barakah

Dr. Basim Hameed explains the topic of Barakah and gives advice on how we can all increase it in our lives. Khutba given on 1/21/22 in Masjid El-Farouq.

The Power of Words

Beautiful Khutba by Br. Mosab Nasser on the power of our words and how they can change lives. Khutba given 1/14/22 in Masjid El-Farouq

Khushoo / Concentration in Prayer 
Lessons from the California Wildfires

Shaikh Hafiz Abdul Waheed explains short stories from the Quran regarding the punishment of the fire. Khutba given in ISGH Masjid Abu Bakr on 12/22/17.

Be Steadfast throughout the Year 

History of 2 Masajid in Houston Texas

Khutba by Shaikh Hafiz Abdul Waheed given on 6/28/19 in Masjid Mohammadi regarding the history of 2 of the oldest Masajid/Mosques in Houston and the stalled construction of their new Masjid. Everyone is requested to chip in, spread the word and help build this neglected Masjid in the southwest side of Houston. This will be a loan to Allah which He has promised to pay back.

Download PDF: Masjid Construction flyer Masjid Address: 11830 Corona Ln, Houston, Texas 77072, Phone: 281-498-6666 / Cell: 713-876-5096 Masjid Website:

Urdu: Aqidah Akhirat – Belief in the Hereafter

Urdu language Khutba on Aqidah Akhirat or Belief in the Hereafter / Day of Judgement. This belief is essential and very necessary to study as all our deen revolves around it.

Lessons from the California Wildfires

May Allah save those affected from the wildfire calamity and make us learn lessons and correct our ways. Shaikh Hafiz Abdul Waheed explains short stories from the Quran regarding the punishment of the fire. Khutba given in ISGH Masjid Abu Bakr on 12/22/17.

Download Audio Mp3 to listen on the go: Lessons from the California Wildfires

Practical Purification Issues for Muslims

English Khutba regarding practical purification issues/masail that Muslims face in their daily life. A must listen for every adult Muslim. Khutba given by Sheikh Hafiz Abdul Waheed in ISGH Masjid Bilal (North Zone, Houston, TX) on November 17, 2017.

3 verses covered: “Allah does not burden anyone beyond his capacity. Keep your duty to Allah and fear him as much as you can. Allah wants for you ease and doesn’t intend difficulty.”

Download Audio Mp3 to listen on the go: Practical Purification Issues for Muslims

Should we Celebrate Milad-un-Nabi?

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Laylatul Qadr Speech by Imam of Masjid Al-Nabawi, Madinah - 21th Ramadan 1441/2020

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"How to capitalized the last 10 days of Ramadan to catch Laylatul Qadr" speech by Shaikh Abdullah bin Abdurahman, Imam of Masjid Al-Nabawi Madinah - 21st Ramadan 2020 / 1441 AH

“The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.” ( Quran 97:3 )

“Seek it (laylatul qadr) in Ramadan in the last ten nights. For verily, it is during the odd nights, 21st 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th or the last night of Ramadan.” (Sahih Hadith Ahmad 5:318)

“Whosoever stands in “Ibaadah” (worship) on this night, with sincere faith and with genuine hopes of gaining reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Hadith-Bukhari and Muslim)

Powered by  IslamiCity Quran Search Spell Arabic your own way and Search the Quran like never before.

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What to say at beginning and end of religious lesson

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Assalaamu alaykum. I am planning to have a little gathering with my children every day in which we reflect upon Islam and read Quran and hadiths and talk about our religion for at least 10 minutes every day. This is because I want us to spend more time on our religion, connect with it, and increase our knowledge and faith. I do not know what this type of 'gathering' is called, but some people in my family call this 'Ta'leem'. I was wondering, before I start this gathering, is there something that I should say in the beginning before I start talking about Islam? And when I am finished, is there something that I have to say before finishing? I am asking because when I see Islamic lectures on the internet, the scholars say some supplication before starting and before finishing their lecture. I want to do this perfectly so that my children, Allaah willing, learn correctly.

Firstly, we would like to commend your keenness on studying religion with your children. This is a good gesture on your part; we implore Allaah to accept your righteous deed.

You should start your session with the Basmalah (i.e. saying Bismillaah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem; which means: 'In the name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful') and recite Khutbat Al-Haajah: 'Alhamdulillah nahmaduhu wa nastaʻeenuhu wa nastaghfiruhu, wa naʻoothu billaahi min shuroori anfusina wa min sayyi'aati aʻmaalina, man yahdih-illaahu fala mudhilla lahu wa man yudhlil fala haadiya lahu, wa ashhadu alla ilaaha illa Allaah wahdahu la shareeka lah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ʻabduhu wa rasooluh.' (Which means: Praise be to Allaah! We praise Him, We seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evils of our souls and our misdeeds. Whomever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomever Allaah leads astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allaah, alone without partners unto Him, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.) Then you should recite the following verses of the Quran:

Allaah, The Exalted, says (what means):

- { O you who have believed, fear Allaah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims (in submission to Him). } [Quran 3:102]

- { O mankind, fear your Lord, Who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allaah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed, Allaah is ever, over you, an Observer. } [Quran 4:1]

- { O you who have believed, fear Allaah and speak words of appropriate justice. He will (then) amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allaah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. } [Quran 33:70-71]

When you finish the session, you should conclude it with praising Allaah and reciting the supplication to be recited at the end of every assembly: "Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bihamdika, Ashhadu allaa ilaaha illaa anta, astaghfiruka wa atoobu ilayk." (O Allaah, You are free from every imperfection; praise be to You. I testify that there is none truly worthy of worship except You; I ask Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance.)

Lastly, we implore Allaah to help you provide a good upbringing for your children upon what He loves and what pleases Him and that He helps you sow the seeds of knowledge, righteousness, and piety within them.

Allaah knows best.

Related Fatwa

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Muslim Youth Musings

Today’s Speech: Something About Islam

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Seven minute talk, just a seven minute talk. No big deal.

Salah. Praying five times a day. That’s a good topic, right? It’s simple, there’s a lot of stuff I could say about it, and there’s no way I could mess it up. It’s salah.

Well, I mean, that’s kind of boring, though. If I were listening to a talk just about salah, I might fall asleep. Okay, it’s gonna be a bunch of guys my age and I don’t wanna be boring. I do want this to be good. How often do kids like me actually get to talk? This is kind of a big deal, actually.

I gotta talk about something relevant. And I gotta have something to grab their attention. Maybe I could start with like a MashaAllah recitation of some Qur’an, like Hafidh Hisham does when he gives talks. That guy’s epic. I wish he’d come do a seminar here. But man, I’m not that great of a reciter. I could practice, but I don’t know if I have enough time to get it down. Plus I gotta plan the rest of the talk.

A story? Stories make people listen, right? I’ll tell a story. I remember there was some really cool story about an imam and a chef or something like that. Where is that clip? I think it was on Islam Stream’s channel, but I can’t find it. I don’t remember if it was Sheikh Zaahir or Brother Ilyas Bassem. Anyway, I think I remember it. It was something about how the imam stayed by the chef’s house because he didn’t know where to stay and the point of it was that you’re supposed to make du’a a lot. I think. You know what? Stories are for kids.

Oh! I got it! I’ll do that thing where you ask a question that’s, like, really thought provoking and rhetorical and then they wait for the answer but then I won’t answer the question until the end. I think that’s how it works.

Okay, so I’ll ask an epic question, and then go into the reminder. And then…well, you know what always annoys me? When they don’t tell you exactly what to do. Like it’s all this inspirational bit, and that’s cool, but then there’s no practical steps of what to do next. It’s like, “I’m inspired! I’m pumped! I’m ready to go out and do something!” But then I don’t know what to do. I think I’ll do some action items. Yeah, I’ll do those as my last set of points and then come back and answer the question.

I wish they gave me a topic. I have everything I need except a topic. Let’s see, what’s good to talk about to young Muslim brothers? Girls? I don’t know, that might get me in trouble. Maybe I should talk about what’s happening in the world, like the Islamic State or something, like what’s going on in the news and how we should deal with it. That might need a lot of research, though. Let’s go back to something simple.

Something simple. Simple.

But let me make it something specific—concentration in salah. Yeah, that’s good. I have notes from a seminar I took about that. I gotta find that notebook. I think it’s in my closet somewhere on the floor.

All right, so the notes pretty much only have the meanings of what you say in salah. I could go over that, but I don’t have too many notes other than the printed textbook they gave. Man, that was a long weekend. We had to sit on the floor of the masjid because they couldn’t fit enough chairs for everybody. It was rough. All right, I’m getting too technical. The importance of praying salah on time. That’ll be good.


No wait, that’s not really thought provoking, and I don’t want them to answer. I want to answer it myself at the end. Wait a minute, what was that ayah again?


That. Is. Awesome! They’re gonna be shocked when I yell that. And then they’ll wonder what the answer is and then I’m just gonna go straight into the whole thing about praying salah on time. And then I’ll finish with that ayah like, “Allah says, ‘I did not create jinn and mankind but to worship Me.’” Boom. Mic drop. InshaAllah hopefully they’ll get inspired.

This talk is kind of a huge deal. I mean seven minutes is a pretty long time for a talk. Usually after salah the imam only talks for like four or five minutes, but this is SEVEN minutes. This is gonna be epic. InshaAllah.

All right, let me start figuring out the middle part.

Oh my God, is it dark outside?

What time is it? Shoot!

Picture by Clifford Skarstedt/Peterborough Examiner/Postmedia Network

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Jawaad Khan was born and raised in sunny South Florida to a family of creatives and Islamic workers. He went on to complete a film degree at the University of Miami, one year of improv classes (which he’s very proud of), and he studied Arabic and Islamic studies at various institutes in Dallas, TX, where he now resides with his wife and cat. He serves on the board and is an editor for Muslim Youth Musings. His debut collection of short stories, titled "No Old Ladies in Jannah" was published in 2023.

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This happens ALL the time while I’m working on a khutbah lol. Thanks for sharing it in a way we can easily relate to!

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