Invisible Labs Live with Craig Beals

Craig Beals travels the country with FLIR sharing the joys of science

Bowling Ball Cannon in a Jeep

The Beals Science Jeep Cannon shoots bowling balls more than two miles

Secret Earth - History Channel

Waiting for the ball to drop and set off hundreds of mouse traps to simulate a reaction.

Craig Beals at TEDxBozeman

Craig asks "Can Technology (re)Humanize Us?" in his TEDx talk Logo 2016 no mass INVER

Flaming Soap Bubbles - Holding a Fireball in my Hand!

A classic chemistry class demonstration is to hold bubbles filled with methane gas or propane gas and light the bubbles on fire. Flames shoot from the teacher's hands and, magically, the teacher is not burned by the flaming inferno in his hand. But don't try this at home, because the teacher used science to ensure he didn't get burned...

I use this demonstration to talk about combustion reactions, natural gas, specific heat of water and many other topics. I also use it as an attention getter and show-stopper because it leaves such an impression on students - they never forget how their teacher lit himself on fire "all in the name of science"!

How to do the Propane or Methane Bubbles Demonstration

I use methane gas because it is available in my classroom lab. You may use propane from a portable canister if methane is not available.

-Methane or Propane

- Bubble Solution (recipe below)

-Safety glasses

Mix the bubble solution (see below) or use a commercial solution and pour into a glass or beaker. Run a rubber hose from the methane or propane tank and place the end into the glass of bubble solution. Turn on the gas and allow it to bubble until a sizable amount of bubbles are present. Turn off gas.

Wet your hand thoroughly with water (this is what will protect your hand from burning)! Scoop up a handful of bubbles in one hand, hold your hand at or above eye-level (heat and flame rise) and light the bubbles with the lighter.

Precautions: This is fire. It could burn you or the people around you. It could cause things around you to start on fire. It IS fire.

Wetting your hand will keep your hand from burning for a very short amount of time but only if you have a manageable amount of bubbles - too many bubbles will likely burn you.

Homemade Bubble Solution Recipe for making Flaming Soap Bubbles

This homemade bubble solution recipe can be used for any experiment where large sized bubbles are needed or for blowing bubbles just for fun!

- Distilled Water : 240 ml (1 cup)

- Dawn Dish Soap : 30 ml (2 tablespoons)

- Glycerine : 15 ml (1 tablespoon)

Pour all materials into a glass container and mix thoroughly. Store in a covered container. I store my bubble solution in a jar with a tight lid.

Holding Fire as seen in a Thermal Camera

How does the Methane Bubbles Demonstration Work?

This demonstration shows a combustion reaction where oxygen reacts with a fuel (either propane or methane, depending on which is used). The balanced chemical equations for both reactions are shown below

Propane Combustion Reaction - Balanced Chemical Equation

Propane + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide + Water

C3H8 + 5O2 -> 3CO2 + 4H2O

Methane Combustion Reaction - Balanced Chemical Equation

Methane + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide + Water

CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O

Is it safe to hold fire bubbles in your hand?

Yes, if done correctly. Be sure to wear googles and a safety apron. Hold the bubbles above eye level because the heat and flames rise from the point of ignition. Be sure to get your hand very wet before doing the demonstration. Water has a high specific heat which means it takes a lot of energy to heat up water. The water on your hand will absorb much of the energy (heat) from the flame as it turns from liquid water to water vapor (gas). But, even with all the safety precautions, this demonstration is potentially very dangerous.

Keep on Learning! ~Craig

experiment fire on hand

#Combustion #CombustionReaction #Demonstration #Demo #Fire #Methane #Propane #Bubbles #Molecules #PhysicalandChemicalProperties #ChemicalReactions #Gases #Thermodynamics #Energy #ChemistryDemo #PhysicsDemo

  • Chemistry Experiments
  • Science Demonstrations
  • Science Experiments

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3 Awesome Science Experiments With Fire!


Introduction: 3 Awesome Science Experiments With Fire!

Please be careful when you will be performing these fire experiments at home or at school. All of these fire tricks can be extremely dangerous so again, please be careful. Always use safety glasses or face-shield, gloves, well-ventilated areas and adult supervision. Its good to have prepared fire extinguisher.

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3 Awesome Science Experiments with Fire!

Step 1: ​Fire Bubbles Experiment

​Fire Bubbles Experiment

Fill a kitchen plate with ordinary tap water. Add a little of dish soap to the water. Submerge the open end of the butane gas tube in the soapy water and press. Butane gas will create bubbles which you can catch by hand.

Before catching the bubbles and light them with lighter or match, make sure that every part of your hands and wrists are covered with water to protect them from a burn and don't forget to put a plate with bubbles a bit far from the place where you will make an experiment. I was using lighter refill with butane gas , you can use same or methane gas.

Step 2: Fire Hands Experiment

Fire Hands Experiment

Hand Sanitizer contains water, ethyl alcohol which is highly flammable and can contain some perfume. Ethanol, also called alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and drinking alcohol, is a chemical compound, a simple alcohol with the chemical formula C2H5OH. It also has medical applications as an antiseptic and disinfectant.

Gels that contain ethanol produce a relatively cool flame with the blue color because of a high percentage of the water in the product.

But keep in mind, that the flame is still hot enough to burn you if you hold it too long and can ignite paper, fabrics, etc. Use care to perform this experiment in a safe location, away from flammable material. As we recommended before, it's a good idea to have a fire extinguisher or at least a glass of water.

I recommend using this Hand Sanitizer.

Step 3: Traveling Flame

Traveling Flame

This is simple and easy fire trick with a candle that will surprise anyone who sees it. Almost every candle is made out the wax. When you light a candle, heat from flame melts wax close to the wick and the melted wax flows up inside the wick by capillary action.

The wax becomes a hot gas by heat from the flame and its hydrocarbons (CnH2n+2) break down into carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). The vaporized wax is burned with oxygen (O) and is producing water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), light, and heat.

Smoke from a candle is unburned wax vapor and substance called “soot” which is a black material composed mostly of carbon. For a few seconds, the temperature of the smoke is high enough that it will burn with the touch of a flame. Because smoke is hot, It rises and you would like to light it, you should be few inches above the wick.

I recommend using long candle like this , it's easier to light it.

experiment fire on hand

How To : Make fireballs you can hold in your hand

Make fireballs you can hold in your hand

This flame you CAN hold, without burning your skin off. Learn to make fireballs you can hold in your hand. This amazing video tutorial shows you how to do it. All you'll need for this little science experiment or fiery weapon is 100% cotton cloth, scissors, lighter fuel, cotton string, and a needle. Be careful to follow the directions in this how-to video carefully otherwise you'll really be playing with fire.

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Great. L do this in my next training camp

it is great

wow,, so amazing!!!!!! gonna try this.. nyehehe...

where can u get the ligher fuel, please tell me

1)get a 100% cotten 2)tied with string without needle 3)put zippo lighter fuid and burn it.. 4) it burned my hand

i'm going to use this in my film, thanks

it is crazy

does this work on zippo lighter fliud?

sorry for the double post..but i burned my hand doing this experiment can u explained wad did i do wrong? 1)get a 100% cotten 2)tied with string without needle 3)put zippo lighter fuid and burn it.. 4) it burned my hand

dude just take note that the STRING is a COTTON string. NEVER forget that.

did you make sure to dry your hands after soaking the cotton in the fuel . if there is any fuel on your hands it will burn you.

Hey magnus fate, Sorry u got burned - i didn't make the video but I'm told that zippo fluid burns too hot too quickly to be used in this. You want to use normal lighter fluid (butane?) that doesn't burn as hot - and also make sure you keep your hands moving try using cold water on your hands too.

Could u dilute the fluid using water?

no the water would insta boil and explode kind of like testing the temperature of oil on the stovetop

dat was cool but when i tried it i got burned i used odorless charcoal lighter fluid

This does not work. I used the exact lighter fluid he used and it burns very hot. You will definitely burn your hands.

Try using a mix of lighter fluid and pure spirit,,,you can buy spirit in a pharmacy...try doing a combination of 60%spirit and 40% lighter fluid. Also do not put too much of the mix onto those clothballs, try putting a little at first and if everything works out, then you could scale it up.

Awesome. Combine this with the colored fire tutorial and it'd be twice as good. Btw find the colored fire tut here:

That's pretty cool bro, thought there was going to be more to it but amazed at the simplicity.

Great effect! I'm a professional magician and can use this idea, thanks. Years ago as a kid we put the fluid on our hands. Didn't get burrned, just warm. I am not suggesting anyone do this without knowing the limitations and handleing of fire props.

wow that cool i wonder if it burn ur hand

It worked like a charm! :))

Really? How?Not for me...

mix lighter fluid with pure spirit (ethanol) can buy spirit in a pharmacy...I don;t think that rubbing alcohol will work too good, so try to buy alcohol (spirit/ethanol) that is used in hospitals to disinfect wounds and medical tools. It should be 96 or 98 % alcohol. When you acquire spirit from the pharmacy, mix it with lighter fluid: 60% spirit and 40% alcohol, should give you a more gentle flame.

Hi I also tried this the exact same way and it to burned hot, could hold it for a while till the ball got hot then had to drop it, anyone know if butane works better for this?

you do the lords work

hi.. i'm not good in eglish , so can u please explain what is lighter fuel?

thats a liquid that you put in to a lighter...

shut up dickhead he just said hes NOT GOOD AT ENGLISH, not everyone grew up speaking english, and nest to madrine is the hardest second language in the world to learn.

lol now that's just stupid as well... English is by far not a hard language to learn......maybe look at finnish or hungarian

WRONG. it is the hardest second language in the world simply because of the amount of exceptions and weak rules there are. no other language is as contradictory or circumstantial.

sheesh. I know mandarin and English and trust me mandarin is much harder... I bet disel45645 is just trolling.

You jackass who do you think you are the guy who said that said he wasent good at English. Bitch.

sorry for double posting but that was directed toward disel45645

i think i'll try this

I made it using zippo lighter fuel and it's hot. I couldn't keep it in one hand for more than 3 or 4 seconds...

awe-some!!! this site, and this vid..gotta try this!!!!

ouch !!! ffs i jus tried this and i burnt my hand to #$%@....i rly shud have read the comments shudnt i?

soak your hand in cold water before you hold it. its obviously gonna be somewhat hot but i think its more of a mental than physical heat. Holding a ball of fire isn't a normal thing for most of us so you have to get used to it. also, DO NOT soak the ball too much otherwise the flaming fluid will drip onto your hands which does burn htem :P

Okay, I tried it. Couldn't wait. Got burned. Even soaked my hands in cold water first. After reading the comments I thought "Oh, these people just THOUGHT they would get burned because it probably does get a little uncomfortably hot but not enough to actually get burned. If I just start with cold hands & keep it moving etc., I'll be fine. I can take a little intense heat. Blah, blah..." - WRONG! So, you're obviously leaving something out of the equation here. Come on now, you've had your fun. It's been posted about nine months. What's the REAL secret? My fingers still sting!

People, the only reason you think it burns is because the slightest heat you feel makes you think you WILL burn. It's instinctive that you immediately drop the ball(the fireball) but it doesn't burn. It's in your mind. You gotta think positive & you can't let the ball rest in one section of your palm. You have to move it around. Trust me coz I tried this last week with plain household rubbing alcohol & it works. The blue flame feels warm so I'm assuming it's the orange flame that burns. Try rubbing alcohol instead although it burns shorter than lighter fluid. Have fun!

dude i wqas trynna say tye same ting but in a different way i did mit with mythalated spirits(add water to ball 4 blue flame no water for orange)it doesnt actualy burn to bad the orange flame is a little hotter though

You WILL get burned if you follow the instructions exactly as in the vid! There is some additional secret to this that isn't included here. Probably a chemical protectant for the skin. Please God, I MUST know!

uhmmm i heard that petroleum jelly on your hands makes it not hot, maybe try that if ur willing to lol

dude, petroium jelly is made from, and into oil. that doesn't sound so non-flammable

make a 50 50 mix of rubbing alcohol and water dip your hands in it then do then light the fire ball


blade93, dude, "try to buy alcohol spirit ethanol". 60% spirit and 40% alcohol, don't you mean 60% lighter fluid? If spirit=ethanol=alcohol Repeated, generously shared, but still unfollowable bro

well, spirit = 98% ethanol & 2% water Ethanol=100% ethanol alcohol=40-60% ethanol & the remaining percentage is water. All of the above are fuel, just of different concentration of actual ethanol.

i can't belive u were stupid enough to try it man, all of u read this it is absalutly stupid but it may look cool but still dangerous and never do this if u live near a peral station or oil refinery! (p.s i may have spelt a few words wrong but please try and work it out) would have to be like inside the refinery for ot to catch,..

haha......never ginna try this cause after reading da comments......NO WAY!!!

how u get a pink thingy as ur photo

i never got chance to try this T_T..i want to try it too!!!

i realy burned your hand ?!!! daaaaam i think im not going to try this one !! teeh ! chance ........

never done it b4, but i can tell its awsome

Back in elementary school I did this trick where you soak cloth in water, add alcohol (for fuel) and lit it on fire. You get fire but it doesn't burn the cloth. Try soaking the ball in water and then add the fuel. If that doesn't work, you have a fire ball that doesn't burn and so what if you can't hold it. You shouldn't be playing with fire anyway. :)

burn the #$%@ out of your hands. i spen 10 gay bucks on the materials. waste of time.

Maybe his hands or fingertips were covered in that clear liquid bandaid stuff? Nuskin or something... It seems like that would provide a little protective layer maybe.

i tried it and i added my own thing after reading the comments, i found out that you can use non flammable styling gel, just rub it on your hands like lotion, it worked great for me. Go Pyros!!!

this is awsome i wanna do it but i dont wanna get burned any tips???

its okay i did this ages ago your to late i already do it perfectly

wow dude, he tries to help you and you're rude to him...

got burned xD I used liquid gas from a lighter

k ???????????

=.= (thumb me up)

There is another video on metacafe Just like burticus said, soak de cotton on water (you can use a normal cotton for wounds), and put some water on your hands. I used common alcohol (ethanol 95%). cheers

ok ta for da info it will help

btw i used cotton like the medical stuuf an i wet it with water but i used methylated spirits in it instead of lighter fuel. but it burns quickly and runs out but i didnt get burned although it is a littel hot

Spirit evaporates quickly...thats why it ran out very quickly in your case...mix lighter fluid with pure spirit (ethanol)...60% spirit and 40% alcohol, should give you a more gentle flame and a decent amount of time to play around...when you start feeling the flame getting warmer...close you hands to cut of oxygen supply to the fireball and add more spirit to make the flame gentle again.

sweet thanks dude i never thought of usin 60-40alcohol as i thought it would really raise te temp alot

damn this blade guy has way to much time comment so many times saying the same thing

i made my own one and it burnt the cotton so i pussied out, problem is i cudnt put it out lol, can to like stab it with a knife and put it in my fish pond xD

blade really should stop commenting repeatedly, posting the same wrong least get your basic chemistry right....alcohols are a class of organic compounds....ethanol is an alcohol....ethanol forms an azeotropic mixture with water which means it's harder to distill pure ethanol from its mixture with water.....your whole spirit alcohol thing is annoying and wrong

that must suck did you try puttin non flammable hair on your hands and it onlys burns the cotton slightly

well, I suppose the secret is the amount of fuel you use. If the fuel remain inside the ball, the flames won´t burn you. I shall made a try.

Sounds reasonable!

What is this spirit stuff??

spirit is used in medicine to disinfect tools, wounds and other stuff. Spirit is basically a mixture of ethanol and water, 98 or 96 % ethanol (alcohol) and 2 or 4 % water. When you acquire spirit from a pharmacy, mix it with lighter fluid: 60% alcohol (spirit or ethanol or call it which ever name you like its all the same stuff) and 40% lighter fluid, these proportions should give you a more gentle flame.

Ok. What pharmacy did you get your spirit from?

that is sick!!!! so awesome!!!!!!! i fooled my friend and i said that i could not get burned when i touch it!!!!! i love the idea!!!!! A+++

looks cool but the comments arnt to good

ur not wrong there

If I'm going to try this, I would like to know the following things: What is the best lighter fluid to use? Should I rub something on my hands? If so, what?

ok 1)i used mythelated spirits instead 2)try rubbing non-flammable hair gel on ur hands put some water on it first aswell

methylated...this is why something like this shouldn't posted for the whole web to see.....what if some dumbass troll buys methylated spirits and thinks they're just alcohol and drinks it then dies...i'm sure there's a bunch of underage people roaming around these websites

This is so awesome..i love fire play and this would be awesome to use..thanks!

i burned my house joke hahaha my hand hurts

Use a pair of non flammable gloves hehe

The point of this trick is to hold the flaming ball in your hands, anyone can put a fireproof glove on and play with fire.

Okay, i signed up just for this and ill probably never visit this site again, but anyway... I did this a different way but it works better in terms of not getting burnt. Make the same cotton ball in this video or you could use a scrunched up tissue (but BE CAREFUL, at the end it may catch on fire). You have to make a mix of 1/2 methylated spirits & 1/2 water. You may have to experiment using a bit more methylated spirits because sometimes there is too much water.The water stops you getting burnt. You have to do this at night though as the flame is invisible during the day. Have fun :)

ok mthis is what i did but i used cotton not tissue it gives a kinda smallish blue flame but leave out the water and its bright yellow-orange colour and its big i did this ages ago and i put some water on the ball then myth spirits instead of mixing it

my hand was burnt really bad,then i'd used regular lighter fuel and burnt myself again

dude you should hav thrown them

y man y throw them?

I found the secret you must dump out some lighter fluid from the bottle and fill the difference with water. like two parts fluid one part water. I tried and it works but I don't know the exact measurements but I know that it takes dumping some fluid out adding some water and mixing it.

dude, that vid is so freakin' awesome. The only question isj for me, " Does the fire at the bottom at the ball burn your hand? Please email me at jewishguy96. Please consider this because i amj extremely interested in this vid. Thank you.

rubbing alchohol definitely wont work. Trust me, i tried it.

I thought it would not thats why i said, "I don;t think that rubbing alcohol will work too good"

What i got from all these? 1)You have to use a 100% cotton cloth 2)Make a mix of water and lighter fuel(or alcohol), approx. 3/5 fuel, and 2/5 water, 3)Put non-flamable gel in your hands, or cold water 4)Keep the ball moving, and don't touch the red high flame, otherwie you'll get burned 5)To put the fire out, close your hands so there is no combastion. 6)Don't put too much of the mix on the ball, or it will get in your hands too. I hope this will help you understand what this is about. :D

Yep, you just summed it up right there. At least some people read ALL the comments before putting down the same thing as the person before them. I got burned the first time, i will try the water/lighter fluid combo, and the cold water. Thank you.

Could someone please tell me what is methylated spirits? I don't know what it is actually in my language... Btw, mental work could help a lot. Cheers

you dont really need methlated spirits just alcohol thats mixed with water 3/5 alcohol and 2/5 water (more info above)

this is so cool and simple im gonna do it for my science fair!

i wish i could try it but my parents r so gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tell your parents to go to #$%@ off and let you experience the world around you...tell them you are learning about physics and chemistry...

where can you buy lighter fluid?????

Hardware stores,gas stations,places like that.

or where do you buy methylated spirits???? how do they look like?

Pharmacy's and hospitals.XD

dude i lost my hand, doing this trick jk lol but it worked when i did it on the second time, it depends on how much lighter fuel u put

true just enough to make the top wet... if you notice in the video, the guy put a bit too much, so you can see some of the gas residue burning :P happened to me just close your hand and wipe it on your shirt

blade I don't undestarnd you. common alcohol is ethanol and spirit is also ethanol, so you're burning 100% ethanol. Unless "spirit" is something else - I live In Chile :P I used ethanol 80% and cold water in my hands first

spirit is ethanol that is used to make vodka...Mixing spirit and lighter fluid will give a different substance that will burn longer and the flame is going to be of normal size and gentle to touch.

Dont forget, that both liquids, spirit and lighter fluid, evaporate and those evaporates actually burn. Spirit evaporates much faster than lighter fluid and spirit also burns much more smoothly than lighter fluid...If you look closely at the video, you will see that the color of the flame is blue next to his hands, white in the middle and orange at the top...Do some research concerning the chemistry of spirit and lighter fluid. Also try to read about chemical equations and how the two mix together...look for "chemical equations calculator" it should help you determine the best proportions for the mix.

Used to make

i just added a little water and it helped alot

ive only got some wood alcohol, will it still work? and were doo you buy butane?!?

all I have is wood alcohol, will it still work? and were can I buy butane? would parafin work?

what's the point?

i never thought of holding a fireball lol:)

cool dude.. I'm fro the Philippines and I've seen someone trying this but it was damn hot.. i now know the secret of not getting burned.. tanx dude 60% ethanol den 40% butane.. wicked sick!

dude this thing kicks ass!!!!

i had fun making this(: i burned my hand a bit but later i realized its because i used too much fluid. thank you for posting this(:

Would white spirit work?

for more safety, before burning use some acetone on your hand.

acetone ??? are you insane? Acetone is flammable...

aceton : the simplest ketone; a highly inflammable liquid....

tthatt waz great!! wont try it cos my parents won tlt me but wil sugest it to my head of science... he might do it for a laugh... a level chemistry is so fun in yr 8!

yh im a level standard, gcse is so borin!! EASY A* all the way

all my results were A*!!! all 20 of them and my A levels were A* and im only yr 8!

yh im great! im starin degrees and phds on tuesday! im soooo great!!!! im smarter than all of u

YH well u know i have 20 GCSE A*'s AND % ALVEL A*'S AND IM STARTIN DEREES IN 1 YEAR

you have to make the ball have no loose ends. or it will catch on fire. its the gas thats suposed to burn not the cotton.

about that dude who burned himself: wet your hands a LITTLE before using too much will douse the fireballs just a suggestion, havent tried it yet i love this tut love ? it ? (? and ? found using charmap type into start menu to view)

dang heart and smiley face not working...

Acetone... yeah... VERY SAFE.(sarcasm[duh])

u lot r so dumb!!! u should try askin mii for advice, im in yr 8 and im stuin at university level aready!! u lot are all so cheap and rubbish!!! ur idiots! no offence. now respond to this message or i will keep typin stuff up

i did the achohole thing whith non flamible hair gell and held untill it burt it self out i did get hot but did not burn

my hands are fine

Threw it to my classmate :D

i did the same :D but they thew it and nearly burnt down the school haha

saw the clip, the #$%@ was tight. also tryed it worked for me. dont see why you cats cant get it.?

OMG WOW dude listen to this guy he knows what he is talking baout. i lit ball and fire and left on table and kept poking it, it felt real hot and i was sceared i later got a little braver andf after letting it burn 50-70% i put it in my hand and kept it moving and i din't get burned just don't move it in one hand for to long.

For those of you who got burned, thats ur own fault. Be smart and dont try it on ur hand first, thats just retarded. light it on sumthing plastic or sumthing. it its tooooo hot then the plastic will melt. that means dont do it. BTW it doesnt work

HOLY CRAP! it worked!! just make sure you put ur hands in COLD water every so often. but i was holding it for like five minutes!

I thought that blue flame was hotter than orange or red and red is the coolest? Does this really work? Or is it a video trick? If it does work then please explain to me WHY it works. What is the science behind it? If noone can explain that then why would I waste money to try something that probably won't work anyway? Why does the bottom of the flame not burn?

blue is a cold color in or orange is a warm color in nature... Look at a faucet and check which color represents cold water and which hot water...

thing is my parents luv me, i hav a life so i dont wish to waste it on making somethin that sounds lik it will do more harm than gud to my wellbein , but i couldnt care less about my life so ill give it a shot, lets make a massive cotton ball and light that, that will scare the neighbours...muwhahaha

dat was awsome i still dont knoow how u did dat but dat was still cool

So, can I use medical spirit (the blue colored one used to rub wounds to prevent infections) as a fuel? Maybe combine it with water?

hey guys, great video. its awesome. i use zippo lighter fluid. First i started of burning the ball when it was on the ground and when i put my finger close to it it was reallt hot, but after a few trys i just picked it up and it worked. the smaller u make it, the less hot it is and same with the amount of fluid u put onto it. I sometimes put my hands and the ball in water first, then put the fluid over it and it works just as well and isnt as hot. you've gotta keep moving them around in your hands otherwise after a few seconds it starts to get really hot. but otherwise its awesome. heaps of fun. thanks for the video.

Thats so cool

thanks for the video it worked great the first time i did it and for people who want to know why it doesnt burn its because the fuel isnt what fire runs on its the fumes from the fire so you shouldnt need any fire protective

Worked Awesomely! I didn't have the same type of lighter fluid so i went with some Tiki Torch fluid and that seemed to work just fine!

i have a degree!

no one cares boob

it did not work out for me, But it might gone wrong with de fuel; I used "Zippo fuel" Please help me out!

I tried again and the flame didnt stay long...

i tried it it was greate!!!!

woh!!!! love this video....great .....gonna tune my sitar rit now.

what other kind of flamable fluids can you use other than, ethanol,spirit, or lighter fluid? please answer..

ther are more ???????

This worked for me thanks for the vid looks cool.

hey guys i need to know how to make a serious stink bombs i tride 13 kind of stink bombs none are realy stinky so plz guys any sugestions

plz help guys

JUst put fresh fish down the back of an radiator/heating vent. Or, somewhere that no-one will find it. Works better if you do this on the last day before a break,or on a friday. (the classes get cleaned every day Mon-Fri, it might get found) Hope that helps

either use you hair or anybody elses... or cat hair works to and put that in your bomb its pretty much hair in a newspaper, wrap it up, stick a firecracker fuse in it or a store bought one and light the puppy up

i tried this years ago, i used normal alcohol and some cottonballs and it worked like a charm, its pretty awesome! well it looks great this way, u people should try it, maybe u will get burned but its not like " OOOHHH IM BURNING ALIVE" its like when u get a hot plate and u say, ouch its hot! no biggie

is there ne other liquid which we can use other than lighter fuel

where will i get lighter fuel

Is Loaf da only one with un-burned hands?

Dont play with fire ;) ill try this out


yo blade 96 dude shut the #@&! up how many times u gotta say the same thing...

i want to try, but it looks to dangerous, i dont want to burn myself! is there a better way to do this??

to the people that got burned: i guess u need to be touching blue flame to not get burned. obviously u weren't. and if its a first time doing something dangerous, shouldn't you test by barely touching to see if its warm enough to hold?

dose it have to be lighter fluid can i use gasoline.

lol youll kill yourself gasoline spreads quick and can get in the air on hot days

dude this guy probably smoked a $#!% load of weed and probably has been smoke ciggeratees his entire life so he dosnt feel a thing on his hands

dats as mad as a bag of spiders!

so u can use butane gas and or ronosol instead of zippo gas

great effect, i mustve done it correctly cause i was able to hodl it for a while w/o getting burned

It is an awsm trick dude..... I jst love it...


is compressed butane work? I have most of a can of BLAZER butane left over from refilling some torch lighters.

nice, im going to make some of those soon

I really Like it !!!!!

do we NEED pure spirit to make this work??? or will it work without?

can you sub the lighter fuel w/ charcoal fuel?

how did you do that why will it not hurt

seriously u #$%&ing retards listen to blade and u wont get burned it tells u a thousand time

hey i did this but mine is different i didnt use lighter fluid i use alcohol and cotton (not dress)it is not hot but its cold didnt use any string

really it felt cold like not the slightest feeling of warmth?

#$%@in sweet

Maybe, we should try different fuels. When trying them, burn the cotton first. If it is OK, we can try to touch... And... I haven't tried, yet. ^ ^ I've not had the idea about what makes fire but heat.

Duh,no need for mixing ethanol and lighter fluid,only alchohol (70%) will do

does gasoline work

does gas work

no thats over the top it spreads quick and very hot thats why they use gasoline for cars and not lighter fluid..

can u make giant fireballs too that would b awsome

dud i burned my hand last nyt..

dude just use 70 percent alcohol and it will work starts out slow and warm then its big and same temp

whats the other 30 lighter fluid or water...?

do not eat the fireballs

Thats a cool little trick and it dosent burn at all?


ryanemma41 who is that girl your girl friend cause she is HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

looks fun, im gunna try it one day

the lighter fluid burns you but if you use rubbing alcohol you get the same affect but without the pain. i mean its hot but it doesn't burn you

thanks for easy tutorial alcohol also works

does the cloth have to be white???????????

its great dude , but i want 2 know where that RONSONOL (lighter oil ) will get

Can I just use normal rubbing alcohol?

yes u can use rubbing alcohol just wet your hands it wont get too hot its all mental

hes wearing gloves. look at 1:18 i think it was. Thats the only way u dont get hurt. or soak ur hands in freezing water untill they get num, then you wont feel the burn

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i tried this did everything he did the only difference i used white 100% cotton string not brown would this effect it because it got hot fast

dudes that was awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i might want to try it

AWESOME i tried it but i used only spirit for start and it didn't burn. Try this and put some water on your hands and it'll work! GOOD LUCK EVERY1

Thanks for the trick i showed my friend worked great for me but my friend burned his hands

its cool and funy...XD.

can someone tell me where i can find this items in europe, exacly Balkan, becuose that i can't find here so if someone now's where to find let me know... or can i use some other stuff for this???

i tkinh on: lighter fuel, where can i buy or can you tell me what else can i use...

Its perfect for freaking out friends and family

fukin Zippo lighter fuel burns! Use some other lighter fuel.

why the clip not showing on my screen?

Get the latest Flash player or try in another browser.

ur all friggin thick. either way ur gonn burn your hand eventualy. jeez... thank go for me the 1 wiht a degree... hahhaha im smarter than all of u and im in yr 9 now.... ahhahah

Yes, you are so incredibly smart. You smartness overwhelms me with jealousy! God, I wish I was as smart as you.. if only I knew how to use terrible grammar and spell like a 7 year old.. ahh, that would be great!

Yes, this works, lighter fluid burns better and has a better effect, but keep your hands moving because it will get hot after a while. Trick works, just have a wet cloth around in case something goes wrong and don't drop it if you are near anything that can catch fire.

It works extremely well to just use a sock as the ball and use rubbing alcohol. This is such a cool effect!

Nice and easy. I'll have to try it out.

Oh yeah try rubbing corn starch on your hands before you do it so it can coat your hand..that way you wont burn it since corn starch doesn't light on fire. And just keep it moving in your hand..which should be the obvious part of this.

alright im here at my house on the verge of trying these and im just pretty freaked and just need some insuruace to see if my hand will burn or not

Im feelin this #$%@ right here ma ninja

can you use kingsford lighter fluid?

god you guys im 15 years old and i manged great. i can even hold mine on my forehead

maybe y'all overfilled the ball with the lighter oil.

Dont ya love how everyone says : mix lighter fluid with pure spirit (ethanol) can buy spirit in a pharmacy...I don;t think that rubbing alcohol will work too good, so try to buy alcohol (spirit/ethanol) that is used in hospitals to disinfect wounds and medical tools. It should be 96 or 98 % alcohol. When you acquire spirit from the pharmacy, mix it with lighter fluid: 60% spirit and 40% alcohol, should give you a more gentle flame. And no one


that is so cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!

cool i'll do that too. thanks for the tutorial :))

thanks for showing me that ill use it on my enmys



i used zippo fluid and dipped my hands in oil and it worked the same and it was really fun till the part a burned my dog{he tried to bite the ball on fire}

you see him constantally movin it around and passin it from hand to hand plus he blows on it t one point its fire its going to be hot but not hot enough to burn you its just like passing your hand over a lighter also make sure the string is wrapped tight but not so tight that the fluid is squeezed out

Im gonna get a bunch of small cotton balls and put them all together,yah thatll be awesome.

wait that might not work.

wow, im gonna try this for my science projcet :D

Thats awesome

Howwww funnnn--Iz it normal for yer hand to still be on fire three dayz later?

wow u guys are way too complicated. all you need is rubbing alcohol. as long as you transfer the ball from time to time, its a comfortable, warm blaze, not hot. even though rubbing alcohol doesn't burn for exceptionally long periods of time, its a good substitute 4 fuel. if you still dont feel comfortable with handling this, soak the ball and put it on the garage floor then light it. take your time getting to know the flames and getting comfortable touching them. simple, without leaving your house to buy special liquids.

and hey, i'd be interested in finding out if vodka worked. anyone willing 2 try it and hit me up?

Seems Pretty Hard.!

Can you use white gas? such as coleman camping fuel? Because I've used it to eat fire but i don't really know how it does when your holding it...

try using ethanol alcohol and always keep the ball moving

wow it is to cool and great. but where to get lightning fule

can you use sun lighter fluid

so cool dude i will try that trick

is clipper lighter fluid ok? thanks:)

can i use paraffin oil

can we use deodorant body spray

you can use nail polish remover and a cotton ball .

what can we use intead of lighter fuel ??????? plz tell me..............

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Steve Spangler

Fire Bubbles – The Methane Mamba

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When is the last time you made bubbles catch on fire? Probably never . . . but then again, this is the teachers-only section of our labs, so anything is possible. Fire Bubbles is the signature activity for my book, Fire Bubbles & Exploding Toothpaste (because it appears on the cover!), but it’s also one of my personal favorites and one that I perform on television all the time. I honestly never thought that talk show host Ellen DeGeneres would allow me to light her hands on fire, but she did . . . and the audience went wild! Aside from the gee-whiz factor of Fire Bubbles, this demonstration brilliantly illustrates the heat-conducting properties of water and shows how even a very thin layer of water protects your skin from the blistering flames.

WARNING! TEACHERS ONLY! This demonstration is provided for educational purposes only and should not be attempted if you are not a properly trained professional. If you choose to perform this demonstration, safety glasses, a fire extinguisher, and a friend to help you are all required.

NOTE:  This demonstration requires that you have an available source of methane gas. That’s why it’s best suited for chemistry teachers who have easy access to gas jets in the laboratory.

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Here's What You'll Need

Access to methane gas, plastic jar, rubber tubing (3 feet long), large bowl or a plastic storage container half filled with water, lighter (something like a striker or an aim-and-flame works great.), two pairs of safety glasses (one for you and one for your helper), fire extinguisher, someone to help you, let's try it.

experiment fire on hand

You’ll want to take the beach ball with you to the hardware store as you look for the right size of rubber tubing (you’ll find it in the plumbing section). Your mission is to select tubing that will tightly fit into the opening of the beach ball. It should be a very snug fit to keep the gas from leaking out. A helpful tip is to put a few drops of dish soap on the end of the tubing to act as a lubricant as you push the end of the tubing into the beach ball. Just feed the tube in a few inches in order to secure it in place.

experiment fire on hand

It’s best to start by finding a clear plastic jar similar to the one pictured in the photos. Start by filling the plastic jar about one-half full with ordinary tap water. Add a squirt of dish soap to the water.

It’s important to make sure that the beach ball is empty (all of the air is squeezed out) before filling it with methane gas. Again, you’ll need to have access to a natural gas jet (the gas is methane) in the school chemistry lab. Hold the tube up to the jet and fill the beach ball with methane gas. Place your finger over the opening of the tube (or use a bulldog clip to crimp the hose) to keep the gas from escaping while you transport it over to the jar of soapy water.

experiment fire on hand

Submerge the open end of the tube in the soapy water. Secure the tube at the opening of the jar with a piece of duct tape, or you can simply drill a hole in the plastic jar beforehand and feed the tubing through the opening as a way to keep it in place. The latter method is shown in the accompanying photos. Don’t worry about a small amount of the gas coming out of the beach ball when you submerge the tubing. It’s normal for this to happen.

experiment fire on hand

It’s time for your friend to step up and help out. Both of you need to put on your safety glasses. Your helper is in charge of squeezing the beach ball in order to generate bubbles of methane gas in the plastic jar. Squeeze the ball with gentle but constant pressure to generate some bubbles.

experiment fire on hand

Fill the large bowl or plastic storage container one-half full with plain water.

experiment fire on hand

While your friend is squeezing the beach ball, submerge both of your hands in the container of plain water. The goal is to make sure every part of your hands and wrists are covered with water. Failure to get your hands and wrists completely wet can result in a burn . . . so make sure to douse them with water.

experiment fire on hand

By this time, the bubbles of methane gas should be rising out of the plastic jar. Scoop up a small handful of bubbles with your left hand. Step away from your friend. Light the striker with your right hand and touch the bubbles in your left. (If you choose to scoop up bubbles in both hands, then your beach ball friend will have to be the one who lights the fire.) This is probably the scariest step in this entire book of demonstrations! The methane-filled bubbles will produce a large flame (keep your hand in front of you and don’t move!), but it will extinguish on its own in just a few seconds, and your hands will remain unharmed! Scream with excitement and take a well-deserved bow.

experiment fire on hand

Within seconds, you’ll hear the chant, “Do it again, do it again!” Give your fans what they’re asking for and do it again, but first make them offer up their best hypothesis as to why you didn’t get burned. And make sure you douse your hands in the container of plain water again before your encore performance.

How Does It Work

If you’ve attempted the Fireproof Balloon activity, you already have a good idea as to how this works. If not, it’s a great idea to present the Fireproof Balloon activity prior to performing Fire Bubbles to see if any of this science is actually sinking into the brains of your audience members. Water is a great conductor of heat, and it literally pulls the heat away from your hand for the few seconds that the methane bubbles are on fire. As the flame heats the water on your hands, some of the water at the very surface evaporates, and it’s this natural cooling process from the evaporation that keeps your hand from burning.

Safety Information

WARNING! TEACHERS ONLY! This demonstration is provided for educational purposes only and should not be attempted if you are not a properly trained professional. If you choose to perform this demonstration, safety glasses, a fire extinguisher, and a friend to help you are all required.

It must be said that if you play with fire, you’ll eventually get burned. I wish that I could call it Spangler’s Law of Doing Science Demonstrations That Use Fire , but I think that it’s probably attributed to someone else. Nevertheless, you must use extreme caution when doing this activity. It’s only natural to grow more and more confident as you repeat the demonstration, and you’re likely to want to set fire to a huge column of bubbles on your hand. Don’t do it! If the heat from the flame is greater than the water’s ability to pull the heat energy away from your hand, you’ll get burned (literally and figuratively). When presented in the appropriate learning environment, using all of the necessary safety equipment (and common sense), this demonstration is guaranteed to become one of your all-time favorites.

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Browse more experiments by concept:

Gilla: Dela:

experiment fire on hand

  • 1 empty 18.9 L (5 gallon) water dispenser bottle
  • 1 matchbox (or lighter with a long neck, although it might give out due to the explosion)
  • 1 jar with a lid
  • Safety equipment: 1 fire extinguisher, 1 bucket of water, 1 pair of safety goggles
  • Something may catch fire.
  • Someone may burn themselves.
  • Inhalation, skin contact, eye contact or ingestion of ethanol.
  • Do the demonstration in the company of an adult with experience of fire.
  • Wear safety goggles.
  • Have a fire extinguisher ready.
  • Have a bucket of water ready.
  • Never lean over the opening of the bottle.
  • When the ethanol ignites and you withdraw your hand, be careful not to tip the bottle over - especially if you use a long-necked lighter.
  • When you've finished the demonstration, rinse the can with water so that no ethanol is left.
  • Practice what to do if something catches fire or if someone burn themselves.
  • Inhalation: Rest. Move to fresh air. Get medical attention if necessary.
  • Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothes and shoes. Wash off skin with plenty of water and soap. Get medical attention if necessary.
  • Eye contact: Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if necessary.
  • Ingestion: Rinse mouth. Drink plenty of water. Get medical attention.


experiment fire on hand

Short explanation

Long explanation.

  • What happens if you shake the bottle for 0, 10, 20 or 30 seconds respectively?
  • What happens if you do not shake the bottle at all but just wait for 1 minute?
  • What happens if you, after completing the demonstration once, wait for 10 minutes and then ignite whatever is in the bottle again?
  • What happens if you, after completing the demonstration once, immediately try to ignite it again?
Gilla: Dela:

experiment fire on hand

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How to Hold Fire

Last Updated: August 22, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Zach Waldman . Zach Waldman is a Professional Comedy Magician based in Los Angeles, CA. He has over 20 years of experience as an entertainer and performer. He is a comedian, magician, and mentalist, and he customizes his show to be distinct for every audience he performs for. His clients include some of the biggest corporations in the world, including Microsoft, Google, BusinessWeek, Absolut, the L.A. Kings, Anheuser-Busch, and more. He has been a member of the Academy of Magical Arts (AMA) since 2001, and performs regularly at the Academy’s clubhouse, The Magic Castle. For the past 20+ years, Zach has been a mainstay at many other reputable Los Angeles theaters and comedy clubs including the El Portal, the Comedy Store, the Improv, Flappers, and the Laugh Factory. Before moving to L.A., he attended the Player's Workshop of the Second City. He received his degree from the University of Central Florida. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 257,413 times.

Lighting your own hands on fire makes for both a fascinating demonstration of scientific principles and a neat party trick. The basic idea is to create a protective chemical layer on the outside of your skin that protects your hands while another flammable substance burns out. What results is a dazzling burst of fire that you can hold in your palm as though you were in control of the elements yourself. With the right training, supervision, safety precautions, and materials, this display is relatively safe and easy to reproduce.

Performing Fire Tricks Safely

Step 1 Remove all rings and other jewelry.

  • Keep the rest of your body a safe distance away from the hand that is holding the fire.
  • Fabrics like cotton, rayon, and acetate catch fire easily and burn quickly. [3] X Research source

Step 3 Don’t leave any part of your hand exposed.

  • Because of their high degree of flammability, gases like butane and methane burn extremely hot. Injury may result if any part of your skin not covered by the liquid solution is allowed to come into contact with the fire.
  • For maximum protection, consider wearing rubber laboratory gloves when lighting your hands. It’s not quite as daring, but you’ll have a much lower chance of burning yourself.

Step 4 Have safety measures in place.

  • Keep a fire extinguisher handy in case the flames catch something that they’re not supposed to.
  • Serious burns should be examined and treated by a medical specialist immediately.

Step 5 Practice on another object first.

  • Almost anything will burn once it has been coated in the alcohol or gas solution. Choose a testing material that won't catch once the solution has burned out, such as metal, rubber, ceramic or fiberglass.
  • Set up the experiment outdoors, or someplace where a fire won't spread if something goes wrong.

Using Alcohol and Water

Step 1 Wash and dry your hands.

  • Do not use hand sanitizer to wash your hands. Most hand sanitizers contain alcohol, which is itself mildly flammable. [6] X Research source

Step 2 Mix together equal parts water and rubbing alcohol.

  • Some bottled isopropyl alcohol comes already diluted. Consider this when mixing the alcohol with water. If it’s a strong alcohol, like a 90/10 dilution, use about 11 ounces with 9 ounces of water. For weaker kinds, like a 70/30 dilution, you’ll need to use significantly more alcohol, closer to 14 ounces, with 6 ounces of water.

Step 3 Soak your hands in the alcohol solution.

  • The longer you soak your hands, the more water absorbs into your skin, saturating it and safeguarding you from burns.

Step 4 Ignite the alcohol solution on your hands.

  • Alcohol doesn’t burn particularly long or hot, so this version, while providing the safest conditions, won’t be the most impressive.
  • Wash your hands again when you’re done to remove any remaining traces of alcohol.

Using Flammable Gas and Soapy Water

Step 1 Gather your materials.

  • Flammable gases, especially in compressed canisters, should only be used under the supervision of an expert or knowledgeable adult.
  • Butane can be purchased in small bottles with built-in nozzles for simple culinary use.

Step 2 Combine the soap and water in large container.

  • Any regular liquid dish soap will do the trick. Stay away from hand soaps and liquid laundry detergents.
  • The lipids in the soap solution will naturally separate from the gas bubbles, keeping them away from your skin.

Step 3 Add the flammable gas to the soap solution.

  • The bubbles themselves will be extremely flammable, so be careful and only use a little at a time. Methane bubbles, in particular, are light enough to stack up on top of one another interminably until the gas supply is shut off. [12] X Research source

Step 4 Coat your hands completely in the solution.

  • Whatever gas bubbles come into contact with your hands will burn out before they reach your skin through the soap solution.

Step 5 Light your hands.

  • The bubbles and fumes from the gas will continue rising even after they’ve touched your skin. This means that they’ll catch fire as they’re moving away from you, making the experiment safe. [15] X Research source
  • Look out for drips and drifting bubbles. These can be ignited on their own!

Expert Q&A

Zach Waldman

  • Always make sure that the alcohol or flammable gas solution is mixed with water. Since the water has a high specific heat, it is able to absorb the heat from the fire, leaving you unharmed. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't be careless when performing this kind of experiment. A small mistake could result in an accident or injury. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • If you are performing the butane or methane bubble demonstration for the first time, use a small handful of bubbles. It will be easier to control the size of the flame, and the heat will be less intense. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

experiment fire on hand

  • Playing with fire has the potential to be extremely dangerous and is ill-advised if you haven't taken the proper safety precautions. Make sure there is a fire extinguisher or water source nearby and that you know how to properly treat a burn. If you sustain serious injuries, seek immediate medical attention. Thanks Helpful 14 Not Helpful 3
  • The source of the flammable gas should be properly contained and at a safe distance when you or your assistant light the match. Thanks Helpful 16 Not Helpful 4
  • Don't cut down on the amount of water in either solution in an effort to make the fire burn longer. This will just leave you with less protection from the heat of the flames. Thanks Helpful 14 Not Helpful 4
  • In case of an accidental fire or burn, have another person with you when attempting to light yourself. Thanks Helpful 12 Not Helpful 5

Things You'll Need

  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Canister of butane or methane
  • Liquid soap
  • Medium or large open container
  • Tubing (or other means of infusing the gas into the water)
  • Lighter or match

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Zach Waldman

If you know how to do it safely, holding fire in your hands can be a cool trick to show your friends. Before you get started, remove any jewelry, put on short-sleeved shirt, and tie your hair back if it’s long. Do this trick next to a running sink or bucket of water so you can put out the fire if you need to. First, wash and dry your hands to get rid of any flammable dirt or oil. Then, mix equal parts water and rubbing alcohol in a container and soak your hand in the mixture. Make sure your whole hand is covered and don't wait too long or the solution could dry out. Then, light your soaked hand on fire. The mixture should produce a quick burst of flame without hurting your hand. If you're a kid, make sure you only do this with a responsible adult since it can be dangerous. For more tips, including how to make a flame that burns longer, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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experiment fire on hand


  • Tom Kuntzleman's blog

Holding Fire in the Palm of Your Hand

experiment fire on hand

Some students of mine and I have published two papers 1,2 in the Journal of Chemical Education that describe how stunt people use chemistry to safely set themselves ablaze while filming action movie scenes. The secret behind this stunt lies in the use of superabsorbent polymer (SAP) gels. To pull off this trick, a stunt person coats a portion of their body with an SAP gel, then applies fuel on top of the gel. When the scene is ready to be filmed, the fuel is ignited. As the fuel burns, the energy released does not go into the stunt person’s body. Rather, the energy released is absorbed by the large amount of water (a great insulator) contained in the SAP gel. One experiment described in the articles 1,2 compares hot dogs burned with and without a protective SAP-gel coating. In addition to the hot dog experiment, I have developed a demonstration wherein I perform this stunt on myself. I have safely “lit my hand on fire” dozens of times in various chemistry demonstration shows and even during General Chemistry lectures. It should be noted that in the demonstration I perform, I do not try to generate a huge flame such as seen in many stunts. I only hold a small flame in the palm of my hand (Figure 1). I’m a chemist, not a stunt person, after all! Nevertheless, the demonstration has always been well received and generates a considerable amount of interest. Even so, this experiment is certainly one “you should not try at home”, and as a result, I am always a bit apprehensive performing it.

I have considered performing this experiment during the Demo Extravaganza at BCCE next summer at Grand Valley State University. However, upon discussion of the pros and cons of conducting such a demonstration with colleagues, I wonder if doing so would be such a good idea. One of the biggest problems of this experiment is that it can be completely conducted with materials found in the home. It really is that easy to do. As one colleague noted, “The [experiment] enables the casual observer to readily obtain and create the ingredients for the demonstration. It is great to show experienced demonstrators how to more readily obtain the required ingredients, but…allow(ing) all interested parties to readily obtain the ingredients and perform the demonstration [has] possible dire consequences.”

I’m interested to hear what some of you think about this demonstration. Should I perform this experiment for public audiences and/or my General Chemistry students? Should I explain to other chemistry teachers how to do this experiment? I would value hearing your opinions.


  • Collin Howder, Kyle Groen, Thomas Kuntzleman.  J. Chem. Educ. 2010 , 87 , 1060 – 1061 .
  • Thomas Kuntzleman, Dakota Mork, Levi Norris and Christopher Maniere-Spencer.  J. Chem. Educ. 2013 , 90 , 947 – 949 .

Fire that doesn’t burn you? How??

Safe­ty pre­cau­tions

At­ten­tion! All ex­per­i­ments are per­formed by pro­fes­sion­als. Do not at­tempt.


  • glass con­tain­er with wa­ter;
  • liq­uid soap;
  • flammable gas;

Step-by-step in­struc­tions

Some liq­uid soap is poured into a glass con­tain­er with wa­ter. The so­lu­tion is stirred. A flammable gas is passed through the so­lu­tion. Af­ter dip­ping a hand in the so­lu­tion, the ex­per­i­menter col­lects some foam in the palm of the same hand and ig­nites it. The foam burns with­out burn­ing the ex­per­i­menter’s hand!

Process de­scrip­tion

Re­ac­tions that ab­sorb heat are called “en­dother­mic re­ac­tions,” while re­ac­tions that re­lease heat are re­ferred to as “exother­mic re­ac­tions.” For ex­am­ple, com­bus­tion is an exother­mic process, which is why we feel heat em­a­nat­ing from fire. Mean­while, wa­ter evap­o­rat­ing or ice melt­ing are ex­am­ples of en­dother­mic pro­cess­es. This ex­per­i­ment in­volves both types of re­ac­tions – when the flammable gas in the foam burns, a large amount of heat is re­leased, which is im­me­di­ate­ly spent on evap­o­rat­ing the wa­ter cov­er­ing the hand. As a re­sult, the fire does not burn the hand!

Safe ex­per­i­ments await you in the MEL Chem­istry sub­scrip­tion !

experiment fire on hand

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Do You Want To Set Your Hand On Fire? 6 Fun Science Tricks

Science is the exacting method by which man has wrested control of the elements from the cruel clutches of the universe. Experiment by experiment, we have slowly earned our mastery over the millennia. Until, at last, we have reached the present day. The modern day. The day when we were are -- all of us -- gods. Now it's time to abuse that shit and have some fun . All you need are some common household materials!

6 Turn Your Whole Room Into A Holodeck

The camera obscura was an important scientific discovery back in ancient times. It helped us understand that light travels in straight lines, as eloquently demonstrated by 11th-century Arab scientist Alhazen. He discovered that a single ray of light beaming through a tent produced an inverted image of the scene outside.


You can recreate the revolutionary experiment yourself with a window, some cardboard, and a hole-poking device of your choice. We recommend a trident, as we always do.

Slap some cardboard slabs over the window and cover all other light sources, then jab a hole in the cardboard (you can make it smoother or rougher to adjust resolution):

Do You Want To Set Your Hand On Fire? 6 Fun Science Tricks

Wait for your eyes to adjust and enjoy the free acid trip:

Your room is now a rudimentary camera, generating an inverted image of the scary world outside. It's reversed because the light beams reflecting from higher objects like trees or buildings travel down diagonally through the makeshift lens , and vice versa for objects down below.

Do You Want To Set Your Hand On Fire? 6 Fun Science Tricks

Congratulations, you've just successfully demonstrated that light travels in straight lines and you bathed in the loveliness of the outside world without having to leave your house. It's a win-win for shut-ins and science enthusiasts alike.

5 Create A Thousand-Degree Fire With Just Steel Wool And A Battery

Steel wool has many uses: cleaning stuck-on grease, rodent-proofing your house, igniting a fire hotter than the surface of Mercury ...

We don't normally think of steel as being flammable, but we are so mistaken: Steel is actually burning all the time . Or at least, it's oxidizing all the time, which is essentially burning, to chemists. We only think of steel's oxidization as "rusting" rather than "burning" because it's happening in slow motion, rather than all at once, as a match would.

Steel wool is a bit different than ordinary steel, though. While a lump of steel has very little contact with the air (just the surface), steel wool has air all up in its business, giving every bit of it access to oxygen. Basically, a lump of steel is to steel wool, what a log is to dried straw in a toaster oven.

Now, because a nine-volt battery has both terminals on one side, touching it to a piece of steel creates a short circuit. Electrons flow from the positive terminal, through the very short segment of wiry steel wool to the negative terminal.

The steel offers resistance to the electrons and, having nothing else to do with that energy, the whole thing burns. The wiriness of the steel wool means doesn't dissipate the heat, so it quickly reaches critical levels.

Hot steel oxidizes far faster, which in turn produces more heat and, because there's plenty of oxygen around the straw-like steel, that leads to more oxidization. This process spins out of control in the blink of an eye and the heat surges through the steel wool like a 1000-degree wildfire.

Yes, just touching two common household supplies together for a second can cause a fire so hot it'll melt through most anything around you. So definitely don't do this:

4 Create Small Rockets To Terrorize The Neighborhood

Building a camera obscura at home is cool and all, but it isn't exactly rocket science. Well, it turns out that neither is actual rocket science. The fundamental principles are so simple that anyone with foil, matches, and skewers can build a small-scale rocket in about a minute.

Simply cut a piece of foil according this template , lop off a match head to serve as propellant, and organize your materials like so:

Do You Want To Set Your Hand On Fire? 6 Fun Science Tricks

Roll up the match head inside like a deadly little potassium chlorate burrito, attach fins if the mood strikes, then hold a flame to the tip to ignite the match head:

You now have a matchstick rocket that can propel hot aluminum foil up to 60 feet , terrifying the holy shit out of your cat. Thereby forever disproving the hypothesis that you should be trusted with even the simplest household items.

3 Master Levitation Using Compressed Air

Scientists have spent millions of dollars using sound waves to levitate a small polystyrene ball . Someone should have told them they could do the same thing for $14.95 with a hair dryer from Walgreens:

This isn't just the air from the drier pushing the ball upward -- keeping it there would be like trying to balance a tennis ball on top of a pool noodle. Instead, you're using the Coanda effect to suck the ball toward the center of the stream, keeping it in place even as you move or angle the dryer . To really make scientists jealous, you can use a low-powered air compressor to levitate more massive and aerodynamically complicated objects, like a can or a screwdriver :

This is a consequence of Bernoulli's principle, which states that the pressure inside a moving fluid decreases as speed increases. Essentially, fluids are the opposite of prep-school kids: more pressure = less speed. When the screwdriver drifts away from the center of the stream, it develops a low-pressure zone on just one side of it, yanking it back to the center.

As far as practical applications, this uh ... this ... really helps you pretend to be an Airbender? Could possibly fool freshly unfrozen cavemen into thinking you're a wizard? We got nothing.

2 Create "Invisible" Special Effects

Glass and air are both transparent. Yet unlike air, glass is clearly visible. That's because when you see glass, you aren't really seeing a color or a texture, so much as you're seeing the distortion of light while it passes through the glass. Despite being completely clear, we see glass the same way we see Predator: as a distortion of the light patterns we expect.

Light travels through different media at different speeds, causing it to behave differently -- the famously constant speed of light is actually only constant in a vacuum. As light travels from a substance like air to a "slower" substance, like glass, it reflects or refracts while transitioning between the two materials:

Do You Want To Set Your Hand On Fire? 6 Fun Science Tricks

But when light travels through two substances at the same speed -- for example, Pyrex and vegetable oil -- none of those telltale distortions show us their boundary. There's no outline of the object, as the light behaves differently near the edges. As far as the light is concerned, Pyrex and vegetable oil behave in the same way. So you can recreate this trick by simply filling a bowl with vegetable oil, and then submerging something made of Pyrex. What does this mean for you?

Invisible dicks!

Or, alternatively, if you're boring , you can just make a glass eyedropper vanish by sucking oil into it.

But are you really saying no to recreating the best part of Hollow Man , right there in your kitchen, to the fascination and horror of all around you?

1 (Please Don't) Set Your Hands On Fire!

With just a little scientific knowledge -- and no knowledge at all of basic safety precautions -- you can have the most convincing Human Torch costume possible. And you don't need any fancy supplies: just a tub of water, dish soap, and an aerosol canister of butane.

Very important note: It has to be butane, no substitutions (unless your city has a very good burn ward).

First, pour some dish soap into the water. Make sure it disperses, but doesn't lather. Now dip the canister into the soapy water and give it a spray while submerged . The mixture should bubble up.

Press the butane fuel container u0-1 into the bowl of water DHEB 130 OHYHO3H

Now scoop out a handful of that soapy butane mix, and light it on fire. The soap and water protect your hand, while the butane bubbles conflagrate.

Use lighter to ignite the bubbles away from your bowl

The key here is that the bubbles are filled with very dangerous, very flammable butane -- while all that touches your hand is harmless soap and water, leaving you unscathed .

Of course, this should only be done with a working fire extinguisher handy (or, ideally, not done at all). Someone needs to put out the flames basically as soon as they ignite, because soapy water isn't much of a heat shield. It's a lot to go through just for a single moment of fire-hands, but then, fire-hands are their own reward.

For more godlike abilities science has given us to do dumb things with, check out 6 Badass Tricks You Can Do With Fire (That Might Kill You) and 6 Badass Tricks You Can (But Shouldn't) Do With Electricity .

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and check out What Biology Class Didn't Want You To Know About Water , and other videos you won't see on the site!

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12 Fresh Trivia Tidbits for Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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experiment fire on hand

Fire crews extinguish flames that erupted aboard a boat in Davie

DAVIE, FLA. (WSVN) - Fire crews have gotten the upper hand on flames that erupted aboard a large boat in Davie.

Davie Fire Rescue arrived to the boat fire at a marina near State Road 84 on Tuesday evening.

Officials said the fire sparked inside the cabin of a boat that was parked at the marina.

It remains unclear what started the fire but crews were able to quickly extinguish the flames.

7News cameras captured firefighters on the boat, smoke coming from the interior of the boat, and haze in the air due to the flames.

No injuries were reported.

Copyright 2024 Sunbeam Television Corp. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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  1. Flaming Soap Bubbles

    Run a rubber hose from the methane or propane tank and place the end into the glass of bubble solution. Turn on the gas and allow it to bubble until a sizable amount of bubbles are present. Turn off gas. Wet your hand thoroughly with water (this is what will protect your hand from burning)! Scoop up a handful of bubbles in one hand, hold your ...

  2. Fire bubbles

    Have a fire extinguisher ready. Have a bucket of water ready. The arm you will use must be thoroughly soaked with water. Hold your bubbles as far away from your face as you can. Also keep your hand above hair height and with the palm facing up. Make your palm flat. If the ceiling is low - sit on a chair.

  3. How to Create a Fire in Your Hand: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

    Insert the end of the lighter into your fist. Put the flame-end of the lighter into your hand, far enough to push the butane into the pocket your fist creates. It won't work if you're holding the lighter just at the edge of your palm, you need to really get it in there. 4. Hold the button down for about 5 seconds.

  4. 3 Awesome Science Experiments With Fire!

    Step 1: Fire Bubbles Experiment. Fill a kitchen plate with ordinary tap water. Add a little of dish soap to the water. Submerge the open end of the butane gas tube in the soapy water and press. Butane gas will create bubbles which you can catch by hand. Before catching the bubbles and light them with lighter or match, make sure that every part ...

  5. Fiery Hand

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  6. Hold Flames in Your Hands: Incredible Hand Sanitizer Fire Experiment

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  7. Make fireballs you can hold in your hand

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  8. How to Light Money or Your Hand on Fire Without It Burning

    Test paper before using your hand to ensure the alcohol and water are at the correct percentage. Follow the same procedure as with the paper and the money. Put on the rubber gloves and dip your hands in the solution getting them as wet as possible. Then hold your hands over the flame until your hands catch fire.

  9. Fire Bubbles

    Squeeze the ball with gentle but constant pressure to generate some bubbles. Fill the large bowl or plastic storage container one-half full with plain water. While your friend is squeezing the beach ball, submerge both of your hands in the container of plain water. The goal is to make sure every part of your hands and wrists are covered with water.

  10. Hold Fire In The Palm Of Your Hand!

    Here's a video the wonderful and I recorded before the lockdowns were introduced...Hazel and Emilia demonstrate how to hold fire in the palm ...

  11. Whoosh bottle

    Do the demonstration in the company of an adult with experience of fire. Wear safety goggles. Have a fire extinguisher ready. Have a bucket of water ready. Never lean over the opening of the bottle. When the ethanol ignites and you withdraw your hand, be careful not to tip the bottle over - especially if you use a long-necked lighter.

  12. 3 Ways to Hold Fire

    The longer you soak your hands, the more water absorbs into your skin, saturating it and safeguarding you from burns. 4. Ignite the alcohol solution on your hands. With your hand still wet with the solution, use a lighter with a long stem to ignite the fire. If you've soaked both hands, have a friend help you.

  13. Theme:

    Here are all the experiments about fire. Fire is the result of combustion, which is when oxygen and a fuel is heated and reacts with each other. Fire - the flame itself - consists of fuel and oxygen molecules falling apart and emitting light and heat. To experiment with fire is a great way to learn about molecules, states of matter, chemical ...

  14. Holding Fire in the Palm of Your Hand

    One experiment described in the articles 1,2 compares hot dogs burned with and without a protective SAP-gel coating. In addition to the hot dog experiment, I have developed a demonstration wherein I perform this stunt on myself. I have safely "lit my hand on fire" dozens of times in various chemistry demonstration shows and even during ...

  15. Fiery Hand

    Step-by-step in­struc­tions. Some liq­uid soap is poured into a glass con­tain­er with wa­ter. The so­lu­tion is stirred. A flammable gas is passed through the so­lu­tion. Af­ter dip­ping a hand in the so­lu­tion, the ex­per­i­menter col­lects some foam in the palm of the same hand and ig­nites it. The foam burns with­out ...

  16. Mind-Blowing Science Experiment: Holding Fire in Your Hands

    🔥 Prepare to be amazed as we dive into the world of science with an extraordinary experiment that will leave you questioning the laws of nature! 🔬 In this...

  17. Playing with Fire: Doing Fun Science at Home during School Closures

    The opportunity to experiment safely with fire is a pretty cool experience for kids. ... But I keep hands-on science in mind and am ready to pull it out when needed. Even at the end of a long day, science can inspire kids. That's how I ended up doing the A Candle Seesaw Balancing Act activity with my kids.

  18. Do You Want To Set Your Hand On Fire? 6 Fun Science Tricks

    1 (Please Don't) Set Your Hands On Fire! With just a little scientific knowledge -- and no knowledge at all of basic safety precautions -- you can have the most convincing Human Torch costume possible. And you don't need any fancy supplies: just a tub of water, dish soap, and an aerosol canister of butane.

  19. Traveling flame

    Long explanation. When lighting a candle, you use an open flame from a match or lighter that you bring to the wick. The wick, which during manufacture was dipped in some combustible substance such as wax, then begins to burn. The heat from the burning wick causes the candle's top layer of wax to melt. The molten wax travels up through the wick ...


    PLAY WITH FIRE | 10 SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS10_science_experiments #playwithfire #color_of_flames#experimentsSubscribe to our Fun Science & YouTube Channel HERE ...

  21. Fire crews extinguish flames that erupted aboard a boat in Davie

    DAVIE, FLA. (WSVN) - Fire crews have gotten the upper hand on flames that erupted aboard a large boat in Davie. Davie Fire Rescue arrived to the boat fire at a marina near State Road 84 on Tuesday ...

  22. Colored fire

    Step 3. Pour the chemical substances into cups, one for each. You will be able to fill the seventh cup after a while. In this one you will put powder that has ended up outside the fire container and landed on the plate. Scrape this together and place it in the cup, then pour it in the fire as a "mix".

  23. How to Hold Fire Without Burning Yourself

    Subscribe to my 2nd channel: Fire Hands Experiment! Hand sanitizer and fire trick. How to hold fi...

  24. Levitating Fire Experiment

    In this video I show you how to make floating fire balls using specific fluid dynamicsWatch other popular videos from my channelSuperhydrophobic Knife Slices...


    Top 5 Unknown Experiments In Freefire#freefire #shadowshooter #challenge #experiment Whatsapp Channel :