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  • The change in temperature required ΔT - i.e. the larger the change in temperature the more energy is needed
  • The mass of the object m - i.e. the greater the mass the more energy is needed
  • The specific heat capacity c of the given substance - i.e. the higher the specific heat capacity the more energy is needed

Specific Heat Capacity Table, downloadable IB Physics revision notes

  • The equation for the thermal energy transferred, Q , is then given by:
  • m = mass of the substance in kilograms (kg)
  • ΔT = change in temperature in kelvin (K) or degrees Celsius (°C)
  • c = specific heat capacity of the substance (J kg –1 K –1 )
  • The specific heat capacity of a substance is defined as:

The amount of energy required to change the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1 K (or 1°C)

  • This definition can be explained when the above equation is rearranged for c :
  • Note that the specific heat capacity is measured in J kg –1 K –1

Water vs. Copper, downloadable IB Physics revision notes

Worked Example

A 2 kg piece of copper is kept inside a freezer at a temperature of –10°C. The copper is taken out of the freezer and placed into 5 litres of water at 20°C. A thermometer is placed into the water. After some time, the thermometer indicates that the water has cooled to 18°C.Determine the temperature of the copper at this time. Give your answer in degrees Celsius (°C).

  • The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg –1 K –1
  • The specific heat capacity of copper is 390 J kg –1 K –1

Step 1: Write down the known quantities 

  • Mass of copper = 2 kg
  • Mass of water = 5 L = 5 kg
  • Initial temperature of copper = –10°C
  • Initial temperature of water = 20°C
  • Final temperature of water = 18°C
  • Change in temperature of water = 18°C – 20°C = –2°C
  • Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg –1 K –1
  • Specific heat capacity of copper = 390 J kg –1 K –1

Step 2: Write down the equation for thermal energy 

Step 3: Determine the energy transferred from the water to the copper

  • The water is at a higher temperature than copper, hence thermal energy will flow from the water to the copper
  • To quantify this energy, substitute numbers into the above equation
  • In this case, the mass m  is that of the water
  • The specific heat capacity is that of water
  • Since this is the energy lost by the water, it will be negative

Q = 5 kg × 4200 J kg –1 K –1  × (–2°C) = – 42000 J

Step 3: Determine the change in temperature ΔT of the copper 

  • The energy lost by the water is the same as the energy gained by the copper
  • Since this is the energy gained by the copper, it is positive
  • The equation for thermal energy can be rearranged to calculate the change in temperature ΔT of the copper
  • In this case, the mass m is that of the copper
  • The specific heat capacity is that of copper

Step 4: Determine the final temperature of the copper

  • Since the copper gains thermal energy, its final temperature will be higher than its initial temperature

final temperature of copper = ΔT + initial temperature of copper = 54°C – 10°C

final temperature of copper = 44°C

You should notice that changes in temperature Δ T can usually be written in degrees Celsius (although this is not the SI base unit for temperature) and do not need to be converted into kelvin (K). This is because differences in absolute temperatures always correspond to differences in Celsius temperature.If the question asks to determine the initial or final temperature of a substance, make sure you always check the unit of measure (°C or K) in which you are required to give your final answer.

Ashika Vijay

Author: Ashika

Quick links.

Specific Heat Capacity Experiment

The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kg of that substance by 1°C.

Illustrative background for Increasing internal energy of the body

Increasing internal energy of the body

  • The heater increases the internal energy of the body and we measure this using a joulemeter.

Illustrative background for Measuring the body's temperature

Measuring the body's temperature

  • Measure the temperature of the body (object) at the start and measure the maximum temperature of the body at the end.

Illustrative background for Calculating specific heat capacity

Calculating specific heat capacity

  • Specific heat capacity = c h a n g e    i n    i n t e r n a l    e n e r g y m a s s    ( k g )    ×    m a x i m u m    t e m p e r a t u r e    r i s e    ( o C ) \frac{change \;in\; internal\; energy}{mass \;(kg)\; {\times}\; maximum \;temperature\; rise\; (^oC)} ma ss ( k g ) × ma x im u m t e m p er a t u re r i se ( o C ) c han g e in in t er na l e n er g y ​

1.1 Energy Changes

1.1.1 Energy Stores

1.1.2 Energy Storing

1.1.3 Internal Energy

1.1.4 Kinetic Energy Storage

1.1.5 Gravitational Potential Energy Storage

1.1.6 Elastic Potential Energy Storage

1.1.7 Calculating Changes in Energy

1.1.8 Changes in Kinetic Energy - Calculations

1.1.9 Changes in GPE - Calculations

1.1.10 Changes in EPE - Calculations

1.1.11 Energy Transfers

1.1.12 Energy Transfer Examples

1.1.13 Mechanical Work Done

1.1.14 Mechanical Work Done Equation

1.1.15 Mechanical Work - Calculations

1.1.16 Electrical Work Done

1.1.17 Power

1.1.18 Electrical Work Done- Calculations

1.2 Energy Losses & Efficiency

1.2.1 Energy Wastage

1.2.2 Efficiency

1.2.3 Reducing Energy Loss

1.2.4 Power & Energy Transfer

1.2.5 Efficiency - Calculations

1.2.6 Grade 9 - Energy & Efficiency

1.3 Energy Resources

1.3.1 Energy Resources

1.3.2 Fossil Fuels

1.3.3 Geothermal Energy

1.3.4 Wind Energy

1.3.5 Water Energy

1.3.6 Tidal Energy

1.3.7 Nuclear Energy

1.3.8 Solar Energy

1.3.9 Original Source of Energy

1.3.10 Non-Renewable and Renewable Resources

1.3.11 Uses of Energy Sources

1.3.12 Changing Electricity Use

1.3.13 Renewable Energy

1.3.14 End of Topic Test - Energy

1.3.15 Exam-Style Questions - Energy

2 Electricity

2.1 Electric Charge

2.1.1 Circuit Diagrams

2.1.2 Circuit Symbols

2.1.3 Current

2.1.4 Current Equation

2.1.5 Current - Calculations

2.1.6 Conductors

2.1.7 Potential Difference

2.1.8 Voltage Equation

2.1.9 Measurements in Circuit

2.1.10 Voltage - Calculations

2.2 Resistance & Electrical Work

2.2.1 Resistance

2.2.2 Resistance Graph

2.2.3 Diodes

2.2.4 LDRs and Thermistors

2.2.5 Electrical Work

2.2.6 Power

2.2.7 Ohm's Law

2.2.8 Resistance and Ohms Law - Calculations

2.2.9 Electrical Work - Calculations

2.3 Electric Circuits

2.3.1 Series Circuits

2.3.2 Resistors

2.3.3 Cells

2.3.4 Potential Difference

2.3.5 Series Circuits - Calculations

2.3.6 Parallel Circuits

2.3.7 Parallel Current

2.3.8 Parallel Resistance

2.3.9 Lights in Parallel

2.3.10 Parallel Circuits - Calculations

2.3.11 Grade 9 - Circuits

2.3.12 Exam-Style Questions - Electricity

2.4 Electricity in Homes

2.4.1 AC/DC

2.4.2 Mains Electricity

2.4.3 Power Ratings

2.4.4 National Grid

2.4.5 Domestic Uses - Calculations

2.4.6 Fuses & Circuit Breakers

2.4.7 Earthing

2.4.8 Dangers of the Live Wire

2.4.9 End of Topic Test - Electricity

2.5 Static Electricity

2.5.1 Electrical Charge

2.5.2 Charging an Object

2.5.3 Charged Objects

2.5.4 Static Electricity

2.5.5 Electric Fields

3 Particle Model of Matter

3.1 States of Matter

3.1.1 Atomic Model

3.1.2 Atomic Structure

3.1.3 Sub-Atomic Particles

3.1.4 Models of the Atom

3.1.5 Alpha Particles

3.1.6 Electron Arrangements

3.1.7 Density

3.1.8 Density Equation

3.1.9 Density and the Particle Model

3.1.10 Density - Calculations

3.1.11 Changes of State

3.1.12 Exam-Style Questions - Density

3.2.1 Internal Energy

3.2.2 Change in Thermal Energy

3.2.3 Specific Heat Capacity Experiment

3.2.4 Equation for Heat Capacity

3.2.5 Leslie's Cube

3.2.6 Internal Energy - Calculations

3.2.7 Melting and Boiling

3.2.8 Latent Heat

3.2.9 Energy Change for Change of State

3.2.10 Latent Heat - Calculations

3.2.11 Latent Heat Experiments

3.3 Particle Motion in Gases

3.3.1 States of Matter

3.3.2 Properties of Gases

3.3.3 Temperature Increase in a Gas

3.3.4 Work Done on a Gas

3.3.5 End of Topic Test - Particle Model of Matter

3.3.6 Grade 9 - Particle Model of Matter

3.3.7 Exam-Style Questions - Specific Heat Capacity

4 Atoms & Radiation

4.1.1 Atomic Model

4.1.2 Structure of an Atom

4.1.3 Sub-Atomic Particles

4.1.4 Alpha Particles

4.1.5 The Model of the Atom

4.1.6 Electron Arrangements

4.1.7 Proton and Nucleon

4.1.8 Atoms and Ions

4.1.9 Isotopes

4.1.10 Carbon Nuclides

4.1.11 Exam-Style Questions - Atomic Structure

4.2 Radiation

4.2.1 Radioactivity

4.2.2 Types of Radiation

4.2.3 Detection

4.2.4 Background Radiation

4.2.5 Types of Radioactive Emission

4.2.6 Ionising vs Penetration

4.2.7 Practical Applications of Radiation

4.2.8 Nuclear Fission

4.2.9 Nuclear Fusion

4.2.10 Radioactive Decay

4.2.11 Radioactive Decay Equations

4.2.12 Fission & Fusion Equations

4.2.13 Radio. decay equations - Calculations

4.2.14 Half Lives

4.2.15 Measuring Half Lives

4.2.16 Ionising Radiation

4.2.17 Half Life -Calculations

4.2.18 Safety Precautions

4.2.19 Uses for Isotopes With Different Half-lives

4.2.20 Radioactive Contamination and Irradiation

4.2.21 Peer Review

4.2.22 End of Topic Test - Atoms & Radiation

4.2.23 Grade 9 - Radiation

4.2.24 Exam-Style Questions - Radioactive Decay

5.1 Basics of Motion

5.1.1 Velocity

5.1.2 Average Speed

5.1.3 Adding Vectors

5.1.4 Acceleration

5.1.5 Distance vs Displacement

5.1.6 Contact and Non-Contact Forces

5.1.7 Distance-Time Graphs

5.1.8 Speed-Time Graphs

5.1.9 Average Speed - Calculations

5.1.10 Acceleration - Calculations

5.1.11 Uniform Acceleration - Calculations

5.1.12 Grade 9 - Motion

5.1.13 Exam-Style Questions - Motion

5.2.1 Mass and Inertia

5.2.2 Weight

5.2.3 Centre of Mass

5.2.4 Gravity - Calculations

5.2.5 Resultant Forces

5.2.6 Newton's First Law

5.2.7 Newton's Third Law

5.2.8 Newton Second Law - Calculations

5.2.9 Free Body Force Diagrams

5.2.10 Components of Forces

5.2.11 Free Body Diagrams - Calculations

5.2.12 Stretching a Spring

5.2.13 Hooke's Law and Equation

5.2.14 Spring Experiment

5.2.15 Hooke's Law - Calculations

5.2.16 Elastic Potential Energy

5.2.17 Elastic Potential - Calculations

5.2.18 Exam-Style Questions - Elastic Potential Energy

5.3 Effects of Forces

5.3.1 Acceleration

5.3.2 Air Resistance and Friction

5.3.3 Graphing Acceleration

5.3.4 Momentum

5.3.5 Momentum: Law of Conservation

5.3.6 Force and Momentum Change

5.3.7 Change in Momentum - Calculations

5.3.8 Momentum - Calculations

5.3.9 Moments

5.3.10 Equilibrium

5.3.11 Moments - Calculations

5.3.12 Circular Motion

5.3.13 Levers & Gears

5.3.14 Stopping Distance

5.3.15 Factors Affecting Stopping Distance

5.3.16 Decelerations

5.3.17 Stopping Distance - Calculations

5.4 Pressure

5.4.1 Pressure & Force on Container

5.4.2 Atmospheric Pressure

5.4.3 Liquid Pressure

5.4.4 Pressure - Calculations

5.4.5 Liquid Pressure - Calculations

5.4.6 Upthrust

5.4.7 Pressure Difference

5.4.8 End of Topic Test - Forces

5.4.9 Exam-Style Questions - Pressure

6.1 Wave Basics

6.1.1 Wave Basics

6.1.2 Wave Speed Formula

6.1.3 Wave Speed Equation

6.1.4 Wave Speed - Calculations

6.1.5 Wave Frequency Formula

6.1.6 Wavelength and Amplitude

6.1.7 Wave Frequency - Calculations

6.1.8 Transverse Waves

6.1.9 Longitudinal Wave

6.1.10 Required Practical - Ripple Tank

6.2 Waves at a Boundary

6.2.1 Waves at a Boundary

6.2.2 Reflection of Light

6.2.3 Refraction of Light

6.2.4 Internal Reflection

6.3 Sound Waves

6.3.1 Sound Waves

6.3.2 Sound Waves and our Ears

6.3.3 Speed of Sound

6.3.4 Speed of Sound Experiment

6.3.5 Sound as a Wave

6.3.6 Uses of Sound Waves: Ultrasound Waves

6.3.7 Uses of Sound Waves: Earthquakes

6.3.8 Sound Waves - Calculations

6.3.9 End of Topic Test - Introduction to Waves

6.3.10 Exam-Style Questions - Wave Speed

6.4 Electromagnetic Waves

6.4.1 Properties

6.4.2 Gamma Rays

6.4.3 X-Rays

6.4.4 UV Light

6.4.5 Infrared Radiation

6.4.6 Microwaves

6.4.7 Radio Waves

6.4.8 Properties 2

6.4.9 Visible Light

6.4.10 Specular and Diffuse Reflection

6.4.11 Colours

6.4.12 Grade 9 - Waves

6.5.1 Lenses

6.5.2 Convex Lens

6.5.3 Concave Lens

6.5.4 Lenses - Calculations

6.5.5 Images

6.5.6 Ray Diagrams

6.6 Heat & Radiation

6.6.1 Infrared Radiation

6.6.2 Radiation & Surface Colour

6.6.3 Surface Area & Temperature

6.6.4 Temperature

6.6.5 Greenhouse Effect

6.6.6 Energy Balance of the Earth

6.6.7 End of Topic Test - EM Waves, Lenses & Heat

6.6.8 Exam-Style Questions - EM Radiation

7 Magnetism

7.1 Magnetism Basics

7.1.1 Magnetism

7.1.2 Magnetic Materials

7.1.3 Induced Magnetism

7.1.4 Magnetic Fields

7.1.5 Magnetic Field Patterns

7.2 Electromagnetism

7.2.1 The Magnetic Effect of a Current

7.2.2 Solenoid Field

7.2.3 Magnetic Field Strength

7.2.4 Uses of Electromagnets

7.2.5 Motor Effect

7.2.6 Magnetic Flux Equation

7.2.7 Magnetic Flux - Calculations

7.2.8 Electric Motors

7.2.9 Force Acting on a Coil in a Magnetic Field

7.2.10 Induced Potential Difference

7.2.11 Magnetic Field Direction

7.2.12 Forces Between Electricity and Magnets

7.2.13 AC/DC

7.2.14 Generator Effect

7.3 Transformers

7.3.1 Transformers

7.3.2 Transformer Equation

7.3.3 Step-Up and Step-Down Transformers

7.3.4 Principles of Transformer Operation

7.3.5 High-Voltage Transmission and Transformers

7.3.6 Energy in Transformers

7.3.7 Power Losses in Cables

7.3.8 Transformers - Calculations

7.3.9 Transformers 2 - Calculations

7.3.10 End of Topic Test - Magnetism

7.3.11 Grade 9 - Transformers

7.3.12 Exam-Style Questions - Magnetic Fields

8 Astrophysics

8.1 Astrophysics

8.1.1 The Solar System

8.1.2 The Sun

8.1.3 The Solar System - Calculations

8.1.4 Orbits

8.1.5 Stable Orbits

8.1.6 Orbits HyperLearning

8.1.7 Life Cycle of a Star

8.1.8 Creation of Elements

8.1.9 Red-shift

8.1.10 The Big Bang Theory

8.1.11 Gaps in Knowledge

8.1.12 End of Topic Test - Astrophysics

8.1.13 Exam-Style Questions - Astrophysics

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Change in Thermal Energy

Equation for Heat Capacity

Educating Physics

Educating Physics

Determining Specific Heat Capacity Through Experiment


  • To understand how to practically determine the specific heat capacity of a substance

\Delta E = mc \Delta \theta


A practical for specific heat capacity involves measuring the temperature changes of different materials when they are heated . An investigation involves linking the decrease of one store of one energy store to the increase in thermal energy store. As you would expect, the energy transferrer (work done) will cause a temperature to rise.

As you will have learned on the specific heat capacity page, the temperature rise of a material depends on its specific heat capacity. Materials with a low specific heat capacity (a low capacity to store thermal energy) will have a greater temperature increase than those with a high specific heat capacity.

Apparatus required

  • Aluminium block with two holes, one for a thermometer and one for a heater
  • 50 W, 12 V heater

save my exams specific heat capacity experiment

  • Thermometer
  • Beaker (250 cm 3 )

Safety precautions

save my exams specific heat capacity experiment

  • The heating element will get very hot, especially if not inside a metal block. Take care not to burn yourself
  • Damaged equipment should not be used (e.g. bare wires etc.)
  • If you scald yourself with the heater or water then, cool under running cold water immediately for 10 minutes.
  • Measure the mass of the aluminium block using the balance, if recorded in grams, this should be converted into kilograms.
  • Place the heater and thermometer into the aluminium block

save my exams specific heat capacity experiment

  • Measure the  starting temperature of the metal block (you may need to wait for the thermometer to stop changing first).
  • Turn the power pack on and up to about 5V, this can be higher for certain heaters (but it will say the maximum on it)
  • Record the ammeter and voltmeter readings every 60 seconds in a table like that shown further down this page. These values may vary during the experiment, but they shouldn’t do significantly. Whilst recording the ammeter and voltmeter reading, also record the new temperature of the block at each 60s interval.
  • After about 10 minutes turn off the power supply.
  • Keep the thermometer in the metal block for a while longer. Record the maximum temperature of the block. The heater will still have some energy after you have turned off the power supply so you want to record any additional temperature rise from this energy.

P = IV

Examples of results tables you should consider using:

save my exams specific heat capacity experiment

Things to consider before experimenting

  • The heating element should fit very snuggly into the metal block, but there may be a small layer of air between the heating element  and the metal block. Add a drop of water before you put the heating element in to improve transfer of energy between the heating element and the metal block.
  • Remember to measure the mass of the metal block. These blocks are usually 1kg, but to make sure your calculations are accurate, you should take an accurate mass measurement.
  • Make sure you heat the metal block for at least 10 minutes; otherwise you will not be able to draw a graph with a good range of results.
  • Don’t forget to use your graph to find the gradient of the line. You will need this and the mass of the block to work out the specific het capacity  of the metal.

Analysing the results

After drawing you line of best and taking your gradient the specific heat capacity can be found by using the following equation:

\text{specific heat capacity} = \frac{1}{mass \times gradient}

Exemplar graph and results:

****waiting for a good graph to be drawn from a student ****

save my exams specific heat capacity experiment

  • Usually, the value for specific heat capacity found is higher than it should be, this is because more energy is put into the system than that used to heat up the substance. Some energy goes into wasted energy, such as heat loss to the surroundings. To improve the results, an insulation material should be used around the block.
  • If you are trying to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid, then the liquid should be stirred before each measurement to ensure all the water is the same temperature. Additionally, a lid should be used, since heat rises this is one way thermal energy can be lost to the surroundings.

Further reading:

  • Specific heat capacity – S-cool

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Thermal energy 2.3 Measuring specific heat capacity of a solid directly

Doc Brown's Physics exam study revision notes

gas of low density with a low heat capacity (low thermal energy store), but watch you don't 'overheat' and soften the polystyrene! Layers of cotton or newspaper might do.



one set of measurements using a 0.50 kg block of aluminium


multiple measurements using a 1.1 kg block of copper


that all the electrical energy does end up increasing the thermal energy store of the metal block.


C, final temperature 38.5 C, temperature rise C

, p.d. , time 15 mins = 15 x 60 =

, initially set at zero, so no need for the above calculations!)

(J/kg C) x ∆T

x 9.0 = SHC x 4.5

= 4036.5 / 4.5 = 897

J/kg C

that this method relies on only two temperature readings.

(J/kg C) x ∆T



a lot of work!

C like a typical 0-100 C school laboratory thermometer (a more accurate thermometer, mercury or digital reading to 0.1 C is most desirable!)

You then plot a graph of temperature versus energy transferred from eg 29.5 o C to 38.5 o C. By assuming the temperature reading is at best to the nearest 0.5 o C, it makes the 'calculated' data more realistic AND justifying the multiple reading method (ii). Graph note: The block may not heat up steadily at first and you may get a curve upwards at the start, but eventually the plot should become linear AND that is where you measure the gradient. Calculation Mass of copper = 1.10 kg, let c = SHC Cu The specific heat capacity equation is: ∆ E = m x c x ∆θ energy transferred = mass of Cu x SHC Cu x temperature change Rearranging ∆E = m x c x ∆θ gives ... ∆θ = ∆ E / (m x c) and ∆θ / ∆E = 1 / (m x c) This means the gradient of the graph = 1 / (m x c) so, c = SHC Cu = 1 / (m x gradient) From the graph the gradient = (38 - 30) / (3800 - 500) = 8 / 3300 = 0.002424 therefore specific heat capacity of copper = SHC Cu = 1 / (1.10 x 0.002424) = 1 / 0.002666 = 376 J/kg o C
Sources of error However well insulated, the system will always be losing a small amount of its thermal energy store as it is being heated up. The system should be well insulated e.g. cotton wool or bubble wrap sheeting. You always need to repeat experiments to be more sure of your data, but you should always be aware of sources of error and how to minimise them. The heat energy has to conduct throughout the block and be evenly distributed, I doubt if that's the case, so the measured temperature reading might be different than the average temperature of the whole block. The better the heat conduction of the solid, the faster the heat spreads, so better the results, so an aluminium or copper block should be ok. The results would not be as good with a poorer conductor like concrete? Its difficult to eliminate heat losses so the temperature rise might be a bit less than that expected for perfect insulation, but you should always use insulation around ALL of the surface of the block for this specific heat capacity experiment.
Experiment extension You can repeat for any suitable material in solid block form. You could also put other materials in a polystyrene container eg sand, soil  etc.

You can swap the block and insulation for an insulating polystyrene cup filled with a know mass of liquid.

It would need a lid with two holes in it for the heating element and accurate thermometer.

The procedures and calculations would be the same to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid.

INDEX for my physics notes on specific heat capacity

Keywords, phrases and learning objectives for measuring directly the specific heat capacity of a solid material

Understand how to directly measure the specific heat capacity of a solid material, the apparatus you need , procedure and method of calculating the specific heat capacity of the solid under investigation

TOP of page

INDEX for physics notes on specific heat capacity

INDEX of all my THERMAL ENERGY notes


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GCSE Specific Heat Capacity

What is the specific heat capacity.

The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of the substance by one degree Celsius . It is very important for students to know about the specific heat capacity for GCSEs. 

Table of Contents

The specific heat capacity is different for each liquid – e.g. it takes a different amount of heat energy to raise the temperature of water by 1°C compared to a different liquid.

If a large amount of energy is required to heat up a substance, then its specific heat capacity will be very high. These substances will be able to store lots of energy.

If a small amount of energy is required to heat up a substance, then its specific heat capacity will be very low. These substances won’t be able to store lots of energy.

Specific Heat Capacity

Specific Heat Capacity of Water = 4200 J/kg°C

Specific heat capacity of Aluminium = 900 J/kg°C

Specific heat capacity of Copper = 389 J/kg°C

Investigating Specific Heat Capacity

Specific heat capacity of liquid.

Measuring the specific heat capacity of a liquid is fairly simple. We can heat up a liquid with a known amount of thermal energy, and then observe the temperature change caused.

We can re-arrange this:

Specific Heat Capacity

Specific Heat Capacity of Solid

We are able to calculate the specific heat capacity of a solid material too. For example, if you wanted to calculate the specific heat capacity of ice. Again, we want to heat up the solid with a known amount of thermal energy, and then observe the temperature change. You need to know a specific method for this experiment, so learn this well:

  • Take a block of material. First take the block that you are going to investigate. This block is going to have two things embedded into it: the thermometer to measure the temperature of the block, and the immersion heater to provide heat energy to the block. In this experiment we are essentially seeing how much heat energy is needed (from the immersion heater) to heat up the block by a certain temperature (measured by the thermometer).
  • Measure the mass of the block. You should measure the mass of the block using a top pan balance, recording the mass in kg.
  • Insulate the block. Insulate the block by coating it in an insulating material, such as a sponge or cotton wool. This will help to reduce the loss of heat to the surroundings.
  • Record the temperature of the block. We need to record the temperature of the block at the start of the experiment, in °C.
  • Attach the immersion heater to a joule-meter. The joule-meter will measure the amount of energy supplied to the block throughout the experiment.
  • Heat the block. Switch on the immersion heater and wait until the temperature of the block has risen by 10 degrees. The heater will provide thermal energy to the block, which we can measure using the joule-meter. We can measure the temperature of the block using the thermometer. Measure the final temperature of the block.
  • Find the energy and temperature change. Make a note of the final temperature change (which will be around 10 degrees) and the final energy value on the joulemeter.
  • Rearrange the equation. Our equation for specific heat capacity is ∆E=mc∆T. In order to find the specific heat capacity of the block, we have to rearrange to make ‘c’ the subject of the formula (like we did earlier). Therefore, c = ∆E / m∆T.
  • Substitute in the numbers. Now that we have our equation, we can put in the values we have recorded. Our value of ∆E will be from the joule-meter, m is the mass of the block and ∆T is the temperature change that we measured.
  • Give the specific heat capacity in J/kg°C. Once we have calculated the value for specific heat capacity, we have to give the correct units, which is J/kg°C.

Specific Heat Capacity

Quick Fire GCSE Specific Heat Capacity Questions

  • What is the specific heat capacity of water?
  • What is the specific heat capacity of ice?
  • What is the specific heat capacity of copper?
  • What is the specific heat capacity of Aluminium?
  • How to calculate specific heat capacity?
  • What unit is used to measure energy when calculating specific heat capacity?

The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of the substance by one degree Celsius . It is very important for students to know about the specific heat capacity for GCSEs.  The specific heat capacity is different for each liquid – e.g. it takes a different amount of heat energy to raise the temperature of water by 1°C compared to a different liquid. If a large amount of energy is required to heat up a substance, then its specific heat capacity will be very high. These substances will be able to store lots of energy. If a small amount of energy is required to heat up a substance, then its specific heat capacity will be very low. These substances won’t be able to store lots of energy.

Specific Heat Capacity is important because it helps us understand how different substances react to changes in temperature and how much energy they can absorb or release.

Some common units for Specific Heat Capacity include Joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg°C) and calories per gram per degree Celsius (cal/g°C).

Specific Heat Capacity is calculated by dividing the amount of heat energy added to a substance by the substance’s mass and the change in temperature.

Factors that can affect Specific Heat Capacity include the type of substance, its purity, and its temperature.

Yes, Specific Heat Capacity can be measured using scientific equipment such as calorimeters.

Yes, Specific Heat Capacity is used in a variety of real-world applications, such as energy management, material selection, and food preservation.

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  • To Determine Specific Heat Capacity Of A Given Solid By Method Of Mixture

To Determine Specific Heat Capacity of a Given Solid by Method of Mixture

Specific heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat required for one gram of substance at 1℃. To understand how to determine the specific heat capacity of a given solid by the method of mixtures, please read the below article.

To determine the specific heat capacity of a given solid by the method of mixtures.

Materials Required

  • A hypsometer
  • Calorimeter
  • A lid and outer jacket
  • Solid in small pieces
  • Two half-degree thermometers
  • Clamp stand

The calorimeter is a device used to measure the heat flow of a chemical or physical reaction. Calorimetry is the process of measuring this heat. It consists of a metal container to hold water above the combustion chamber and a thermometer to measure the temperature change. Hypsometer is an instrument used to determine the boiling point of water at a given altitude.

Determine Specific Heat Capacity Of A Given Solid By Method Of Mixture

  • Put thermometers A and B in a beaker containing water and note their reading. Let thermometer A be a standard to find the correction that is to be applied to thermometer B.
  • Put the thermometer B into the copper tube of a hypsometer containing the powder of the given solid. Before placing the hypsometer on the burner, add a sufficient amount of water.
  • Record the weight of the calorimeter with a stirrer and lid over it.
  • Add water (temperature between 5 to 8℃) to the calorimeter at half-length and weigh it again.
  • Heat the hypsometer till the temperature of the solid is steady.
  • Note the temperature of water in calorimetry. Now slowly stir and add the solid powder from the hypsometer to the calorimeter and record the final temperature of the mixture.
  • Remove thermometer A from the calorimeter.
  • Note the weight of the calorimeter with the contents and lid.


Reading of thermometer A = T A = ……… ℃

Reading of thermometer B = T B = ……… ℃

Correction applied in B with respect to A (T A – T B ) = …….. ℃

Mass of calorimeter and stirrer m = …….. g

Water equivalent of calorimeter ω = m × 0.095 = …….. g

Specific heat of copper calorimeter = 0.095 cal/g

Mass of calorimeter + stirrer + lid = m 1 = ……. g

Mass of calorimeter + stirrer + lid + cold water = m 2 = …… g

The steady temperature of hot solid = T s = …….. ℃

Corrected temperature of hot solid T =T s – (T A – T B ) = ……… ℃

The temperature of cold water = t =……… ℃

The temperature of the mixture = Ө =…….. ℃

Mass of calorimeter, stirrer, lid, cold water, and solid = m 3 =…… g


Mass of cold water = m 2 – m 1 =…….. g

Mass of hot solid = m 3 – m 2 =…….. g

Rise of the temperature of cold water and calorimeter = Ө – t =………. ℃

Fall in temperature of solid = T – Ө =……… ℃

Heat gain by calorimeter, cold water and stirrer = [ω + ( m 2 – m 1 )(Ө – t)] =……. (a)

Heat lost by solid = (m 3 – m 2 ) × C × (T – Ө) =……. (a)

Here, C is the specific heat of solid to be calculated.

According to the principle of calorimeter, heat lost = heat gained

Specific heat of given solid by the method of the mixture is ………. cal g -1 ℃ -1 .


  • A sufficient amount of solid powder should be used to cover the tip of the thermometer.
  • A sufficient amount of water should be taken in a hypsometer.
  • Dropping of solid should be quick and gentle.
  • To avoid excess radiation, the calorimeter should be polished from the outside.
  • The temperature of cold water should not cross the dew point.

Sources of Error

  • There might be heat loss while transferring solid into the calorimeter.
  • During conduction, convection, and radiation, there might be heat loss.
  • The bulbs of the thermometer might not be completely inside the solid.

Note: To determine the specific heat of a given liquid by the method of mixtures, the liquid is taken in place of cold water to determine the specific heat. Proceed with the same procedure as in the experiment.

Q1. What is the heat?

Ans: Heat is defined as the quality of being hot at high temperatures.

Q2. Define the specific heat of the substance.

Ans: It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1℃.

Q3. State the principle of calorimetry.

Ans: The principle of calorimetry is heat lost is equal to the heat gained.

Q4. Why is calorimeter made of copper is used in the experiment?

Ans: The specific heat of copper is very low. The absorption and liberation of heat will be less during heat transfer.

Q5. Is heat gained always equal to the heat lost?

Ans: If there is no chemical reaction taking place between the components only then heat loss will be always equal to the heat gain.

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Specific heat capacity experiment

  • Leaderboard
  • Specific heat capacity 
 The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1°C
  • Unit of specific heat capacity
 Joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg°C)
  • Your teacher may watch to see if you can follow instructions carefully
  • Use appropriate apparatus to make and record measurements of mass and temperature accurately
  • Use, in a safe manner, appropriate apparatus to measure energy changes/transfers and associated values such as work done
  • Method 
 1. Obtain your metal block , measure its mass using a top pan balance 2. Put the immersion heater in the large hole and connect it to the power supply 3. Ensure the power supply is set to 12V , record the initial temperature 4. Start the stop clock as you switch on the power supply , record the current and potential difference 5. Record the temperature every minute for the next 10 minutes
  • Power of the immersion heater
 Calculated from the current (A) that flows through it and the potential difference across it using the equation: P = I x V
  • P is the power in watts , W I is the current in amperes ( amps ), A V is the potential difference in volts, V
  • 1kg blocks of copper , iron and aluminium
  • Insulation to wrap around the blocks
  • Immersion heater and power supply
  • Heat-resistant mat
  • Thermometer
  • Connecting wires
  • Take care as the heaters and blocks will get hot enough to burn your skin


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