a set of web utilities for the calculation of peptide and peptoid properties and automatic mass spectral peak assignment

  • Open access
  • Published: 24 February 2016
  • Volume 30 , pages 271–277, ( 2016 )

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make spectrum structure assignment chemdraw

  • Sam Lear 1 &
  • Steven L. Cobb 1  

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The ability to calculate molecular properties such as molecular weights, isoelectric points, and extinction coefficients is vital for scientists using and/or synthesizing peptides and peptoids for research. A suite of two web utilities: Peptide Calculator and Peptoid Calculator, available free at , are presented. Both tools allow the calculation of peptide/peptoid chemical formulae and molecular weight, ChemDraw structure file export and automatic assignment of mass spectral peaks to deletion sequences and metal/protecting group adducts. Peptide Calculator also provides a calculated isoelectric point, molar extinction coefficient, graphical peptide charge summary and β -strand contiguity profile (for aggregation-prone sequences), indicating potential regions of synthesis difficulty. In addition to the unique automatic spectral assignment features offered across both utilities, Peptoid Calculator represents a first-of-a-kind resource for researchers in the field of peptoid science. With a constantly expanding database of over 120 amino acids, non-natural peptide building blocks and peptoid building blocks, it is anticipated that will act as a valuable asset to those working on the synthesis and/or application of peptides and peptoids in the biophysical and life sciences fields.

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Convenient and rapid access to calculated molecular properties is essential for researchers using and/or synthesizing peptides and peptidomimetics for biophysical or life sciences applications. Furthermore, the process of assigning peptide byproducts in mass spectra resulting from residue deletions or incomplete protecting group removal during a synthesis can be a laborious and time consuming process, and access to freely available automatic assignment tools is necessary to improve workflow and increase research efficiency. While a plethora of peptide and protein property calculation tools are accessible online, very few offer mass spectral peak assignment functionality, and for those that do this is often extremely limited.

While the ExPASy portal [ 1 ] acts as the most comprehensive protein property calculation resource for molecular biology, other more specific tools exist, such as ChemCalc [ 2 ], PredictProtein [ 3 ], IMSPeptider [ 4 ], POTAMOS [ 5 ], Top Pred [ 6 ], CheckMyMetal [ 7 ], AFAL [ 8 ] and a host of other peptide property calculation utilities [ 9 – 16 ]. Few of these are designed specifically with the synthetic peptide chemist in mind however, and furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, no freely available web services exist for the calculation of peptoid molecular properties or assignment of peptoid synthesis mass spectra.

We present a pair of web tools: Peptide Calculator and Peptoid Calculator, for chemical formula and molecular weight calculation of peptides and peptoids. In addition, both sites offer automatic assignment of mass spectral peaks to deletion sequences, metal ion adducts and protected byproducts, as well as the option to download structures in ChemDraw format for the sequences entered. Peptide Calculator can also give calculated values for isoelectric point and molar extinction coefficient (at 280 nm), as well as a plot of calculated β -strand propensity for the sequence. Both utilities are available at .

Features summary

Sequence input.

Peptide and peptoid sequences up to 150 residues in length can be entered, containing any combination of amino acids or peptoid building blocks present in the database. For peptides, the input string may include any of the standard single-letter amino acid codes in addition to a number of ‘nonstandard’ residues (such as phosphoserine, pS ), which must appear in parentheses within the string. An equivalent set of single-letter codes does not exist for peptoid building blocks, therefore Peptoid Calculator instead accepts a string of residue codes separated by dashes, without the requirement for multiple-letter codes to be enclosed in brackets. As peptoids can often consist of repeating motifs, Peptoid Calculator additionally allows parentheses to be used to indicate repeat sequences within the input string. Peptide and peptoid sequence input options are summarized in Fig. 1 .

Summary of input options available for Peptide Calculator and Peptoid Calculator. Sequences can be specified using a large variety of residue types, and Peptoid Calculator also accepts input strings containing repeating sequence motifs indicated by nested parentheses . Termini formulae can be selected from available options and are also fully customizable. Optionally, m / z values can be specified for automatic peak assignment

Both utilities also offer the option of specifying formulae for the N- and C-termini of the input sequence. These can be entered as a custom molecular formula string, or selected from lists of predefined formulae (Fig. 1 ). A full list of available residue types (showing residue code, molecular formula and molecular structure) and predefined termini available on Peptide Calculator and Peptoid Calculator is given on each site’s Help page.

A final (optional) input field can be used to specify m / z values belonging to singly-charged species in mass spectra, for automatic assignment to peptide or peptoid deletion sequences and/or adducts (described below).

Calculated parameters

Both utilities will provide a molecular formula and calculated molecular weight for peptide/peptoid sequences entered, in addition to an automatically generated ChemDraw structure in .cdxml format (Fig. 2 ). A spectral assignment for the peptide/peptoid will also be given if m / z values were provided as part of the input.

Both Peptide Calculator and Peptoid Calculator will output a number of basic calculated properties, in addition to a peak assignment and ChemDraw structure file for the sequence. A number of additional parameters are also provided for peptides, including estimated isoelectric point and molar extinction coefficient, as well as a graphical residue charge summary and β -strand contiguity profile

An example of an automatic peak assignment is illustrated in Fig. 3 (assignment output shown in Table 1 ). A number of peaks are present in the spectrum and have been assigned to either deletion sequences (where one or more residues are missing from the target sequence), sequences with unremoved protecting groups, metal adducts or a combination of two or more of the conditions described. Peptide Calculator and Peptoid Calculator will attempt to assign any m / z values provided to either the target sequence or a formula containing single or multiple residue deletions, metals, unremoved protecting groups or any combination thereof.

Example spectrum automatically assigned by Peptide Calculator (assignment is also available for Peptoid Calculator). A number of single- and multiple-residue deletions have been identified, in combination with sodiation and/or unremoved 2,2,4,6,7-pentamethyldihydrobenzofuran-5-sulfonyl (Pbf) protecting groups. The ethyl 3-mercaptopropionate thioester is available as a predefined C-terminus and can be selected during sequence input

A number of calculated parameters specific to peptides are also available. Peptide Calculator will provide estimated values for sequence isoelectric point and molar extinction coefficient (at 280 nm), as well as a pie chart summarizing proportions of acidic, basic and uncharged residues in the sequence (Fig. 2 ). For sequences that are 10 residues or longer in length, a β -strand contiguity profile is calculated (Fig. 2 ). This provides an ab initio prediction of the location of β -strand forming regions within the sequence, and hence may offer an indication of aggregation-prone sequences, or those which are likely to present difficulties during synthesis.

Peptide Calculator and Peptoid Calculator make use of a database each containing either amino acids or peptoid building blocks defined by residue codes (single- or multiple-letter) and accompanying molecular formulae. Molecular weights are calculated by reference to a table of atomic masses (most abundant isotope). Methods used to generate other calculated parameters are described below. All functionality is scripted using an extensible framework written in the Python programming language, and the site is accessed using an HTML web interface. Residue formulae can be added to either database upon request.

Isoelectric point and molar extinction coefficient calculation

Theoretical peptide isoelectric points are calculated using the bisection method described by Kozlowski [ 17 – 19 ]. The net charge of the peptide can be found using the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation, taking into account contributions from negatively and positively charged groups (first and second terms in Eq. ( 1 ) respectively, where K a is the acid dissociation constant of the amino acid).

As the isoelectric point (pI) represents the pH at which the net charge of the peptide equals zero, finding the root of this equation (in this case numerically, using the bisection method) gives the pI (or pH at zero charge).

Peptide Calculator takes into account side chain charge contributions from Arg, Asp, Cys, Glu, His, Lys and Tyr residues, in addition to the N-terminal amine and C-terminal carboxyl groups (only if the terminus types are set to ‘Unmodified’ and ‘Acid’ respectively). Other residue side chains are not taken into account for pI estimation, and are designated ‘Other’ in the charge summary pie chart.

Molar extinction coefficients are estimated using Eq. ( 2 ), described by Pace et al. [ 20 ]. The formula takes into account numbers of Trp and Tyr residues in the peptide ( \(n_{Trp}\) and \(n_{Tyr}\) respectively), in addition to the number of cystine residues ( \(n_{cystine}\) ) formed via disulfide bond formation between pairs of cysteine side chains (reduced cysteine residues do not contribute significantly to the absorbance above 275 nm [ 20 ]).

Peptide Calculator outputs two values for \(\varepsilon _{280}\) , calculating the theoretical molar extinction coefficient based on either formation of the maximum number of disulfide bonds possible ( \(n_{cystine}\) equal to the number of cysteine residue pairs ), or complete reduction resulting in the absence of disulfides ( \(n_{cystine} = 0\) ).

Automatic mass spectral peak assignment

User-entered m / z values are assigned through the process summarized in the flowchart given in Fig. 4 . Pep-Calc first compiles lists of possible single-amino-acid deletions and single modifications (metal adducts and unremoved protecting groups), including null entries for no deletion or no modification. A complete set of combinations of these lists is then generated, and the molecular weight of the peptide/peptoid sequence incorporating each combination of single deletion and/or single modification calculated. Each input peak is then compared against the list of molecular weights, and a peak is assigned to a particular peptide if it falls within ±1.0 u of the calculated molecular weight of the peptide.

In the event that all the input peaks are not assigned on the first pass, Pep-Calc calculates the molecular weights for all peptide/deletion/modification combinations incorporating single or double deletions and single or double modifications, and checks remaining peaks against these (omitting already assigned peaks). This process is repeated until all peaks are assigned, or until up to the maximum allowed number of deletions/modifications have been checked. To prevent excessive computation times the maximum number of deletions/modification depends on the sequence length, and is set at 5 iterations for sequences up to 30 residues in length, 4 for 60-mers and 3 up to the maximum 150 residue sequence input.

Flowchart summarizing the mass spectral peak assignment algorithm used by Peptide Calculator and Peptoid Calculator. Residues missing from the expected full sequence are termed ‘deletions’ and any other atom or group that causes a change in the molecular weight of the sequence (including metal adducts and unremoved protecting groups) is termed a ‘modification’. Which deletions and modifications are allowed depends on the residues present in the sequence (unremoved Pbf protecting groups, for example, are only permitted for Arg residues). Only sequences bearing a single deletion and/or a single modification are considered on the first iteration (N = 1), increasing to two of each on the second etc. The maximum allowed value for N depends on the length of the input sequence, and is set at 5 iterations for sequences up to and including 30 residues in length, 4 up to 60 residues and 3 up to the maximum 150 residues

Calculation of sequence β -strand propensity

β -Strand contiguity profiles for peptides greater than 9 residues in length are calculated using an implementation of the simple algorithm for sliding averages (SALSA) described by Zibaee et al. [ 21 ]. A window of size 4 residues is scanned across the input sequence and each fragment within the window scored using Eq. ( 3 ), where \(P_{\alpha },\, P_{\beta }\) and \(P_{t}\) are the Chou–Fasman secondary structure probability parameters (for α -helix, β -strand and reverse turn preference, respectively) [ 22 ]. This process is repeated for all window sizes up to 20 residues or the sequence length (whichever is reached first), and all fragments with scores lower than 1.2 are discarded.

β -Strand propensity values are then calculated for each residue in the sequence by summing the scores of all remaining windows which contain the residue. These final values are then plotted to produce a β -strand contiguity profile for the peptide. Chou–Fasman parameters are only available for the 20 canonical amino acids and hence only these are taken into account when calculating β -strand propensity values.

It should be noted that β -strand propensity alone may not be indicative of aggregation likelihood or sequence difficulty. In addition, ab initio secondary structure prediction methods based on probability parameters alone can in some cases give false predictions or fail to predict regions of a given secondary structure. SALSA was chosen with speed in mind, and for this reason the calculated profile is intended to serve only as a guide.


Peptide Calculator and Peptoid Calculator form a set of full featured, freely available web utilities for peptide and peptoid molecular property calculation and mass spectral peak assignment. Modern peptide research demands tools that can handle residue types beyond the canonical amino acids (such as phosphorylated peptide building blocks [ 23 – 25 ]), and with unique spectral assignment capabilities and an expanding amino acid database Peptide Calculator offers a service beyond that of current freely available web utilities. Furthermore, similar services for peptoid research are non-existent, and Peptoid Calculator represents a first-of-a-kind resource for researchers in the field of peptoid science. The tools described have found broad application in our lab, and are used frequently in peptide and peptoid research activities [ 26 – 28 ]. It is anticipated that ( ) will act as a valuable asset to those synthesizing and/or using peptides or peptoids as part of their research in the biophysical and life sciences fields.

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The authors wish to thank Hannah Bolt for the compilation of peptoid building block data, and Ehmke Pohl for assistance during preparation of the manuscript.

Financial support was provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

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Department of Chemistry, Durham University, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK

Sam Lear & Steven L. Cobb

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About this article

Lear, S., Cobb, S.L. a set of web utilities for the calculation of peptide and peptoid properties and automatic mass spectral peak assignment. J Comput Aided Mol Des 30 , 271–277 (2016).

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Received : 11 December 2015

Accepted : 12 February 2016

Published : 24 February 2016

Issue Date : March 2016


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ChemDraw 15的Structure菜单里面有什么?

发布时间:2016-03-09 10: 23: 40

ChemDraw是一款在全球使用的纯英文版软件,这也为中国用户掌握ChemDraw使用方法提高了难度。ChemDraw软件接口比较多,功能较为全面,再加上英文版本,所以掌握使用方法就更加困难。为了帮助每位ChemDraw使用者更加透彻地理解Structure菜单这个 ChemDraw 工具的功能,下文小编将具体介绍每个命令的中文含义。



1、属性管理:AtomProperties、Bond Properties和Bracket Properties可以分别打开原子、化学键以及括号属性设置框,用户可以更改原子或化学键的属性,满足自己的绘制要求,原子属性设置框如下图所示:


2、结构式整理:Check Structure 可以快速检验结构以查出结构式是否存在问题并给出提示信息;Clean Up Structure、Clean Up Reaction和Clean Up Biopolymer分别可以整理结构式、反应式以及聚合物结构使得结构看起来更加美观;Expand Label和Contract Label分别是扩展和收缩标记;Expand Generic Structure扩展同类结构式;

3、添加结构:Add Multi-Center Attachment可以增加多中心附件;Add Variable Attachment是增加灵活可变附件;R-Logic Query是查询同类结构;Add 3D Property是增加结构的3D特性;Enhanced Stereochemistry是增强立体化学效果;

4、反应式分析:Map Reaction Atoms表示绘制对应的反应原子;Clear Reaction Map可以清除对应的反应原子;Analyze Stoichiometry是分析化学计量;

5、预测图谱:Predict 1H NMR Shift和Predict 13C NMR Shifts分别是预测1H NMR和13C NMR谱图;Make Spectrum-Structure Assignment表示分配光谱结构;

6、结构式转换:Define Nickname可以定义俗名,将常用结构定义为俗名以后便于快速绘制结构式;Convert Name to Structure是将名字转化为结构式;Convert Structureto Name是将结构式转化为名称。


以上就是对ChemDraw 15的Structure菜单功能的介绍,功能比较多,只有熟悉每个命令才能在绘制结构时异常轻松。如果需要学习更多的ChemDraw使用技巧请点击 教你如何添加ChemDraw快捷键 。

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make spectrum structure assignment chemdraw

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make spectrum structure assignment chemdraw


  1. Solved Mass Spectrum Lab Assignments Using Chem Draw- draw

    make spectrum structure assignment chemdraw

  2. SOLVED: Provide a structure for the compound whose formula and 13C-NMR

    make spectrum structure assignment chemdraw

  3. (A) ChemDraw structure of TMZ. (B) The spectroscopic properties of OLE

    make spectrum structure assignment chemdraw

  4. How to Copy a Chemdraw Structure Onto an Mnova Spectrum

    make spectrum structure assignment chemdraw

  5. Solved Draw the structure of the molecule on each spectrum

    make spectrum structure assignment chemdraw

  6. a) ChemDraw structure showing 2D bonding pattern of molecule and (b

    make spectrum structure assignment chemdraw


  1. Assigning Structures to Spectra

    To assign structures to a spectrum: 1. Open a spectral file. ... From the Structure menu, choose Make Spectrum-Structure Assignment. The selected atoms and bonds in the structure are associated with the selected spectral peaks. CambridgeSoft Corporation Voice: 1 800 315-7300 1 617 588-9300

  2. Spectrum-Structure Assignments

    Spectrum-Structure Assignments ChemDraw Ultra enables you to assign structures to spectra.You can then display the structure associated with a specific peak by placing the pointer on that peak. CambridgeSoft Corporation Voice: 1 800 315-7300 1 617 588-9300

  3. PDF How to Generate a Drawing of a Molecule & Converting It to an Image

    to Generate a Drawing of a Molecul. t Name to Structure" from the pull. wn menu. (circled in green)The Insert Structure box will pop-up. ter the name of the molecule you wo. like to draw and click OK. The molecule structure will appear. Use the Marque. t. ol (circled in red) to encircle and select the entire.

  4. A guide to small-molecule structure assignment through computation of

    For a typical structure assignment of a small organic molecule (e.g., fewer than ∼10 non-H atoms or up to ∼180 a.m.u. and ∼20 conformers), this protocol can be completed in ∼2 h of active ...

  5. Chem Draw Activities 1 and 2

    - ChemDraw Submission Document — download it via the Canvas ChemDraw assignment. You will be copy/pasting (or screenshotting) various structures onto this document before uploading at the end of class. Section 1: Tools and Format. Here you can find brief descriptions of many of the settings and tools we will be using most often in ChemDraw.

  6. PDF 2D NMR: HMBC & Assignments in MNova

    introduced. The primary addition here involves adding a compound structure and making assignments directly to it. a) Use ChemDraw or ChemSketch to copy-and-paste a compound structure into your 1H 1D spectrum; CNTL-C and CNTL-V work fine for this. Note: I (cgf) have been unable to get renumbering in ChemDraw to replicate in MNova,

  7. PDF ChemDraw User Guide

    TableofContents RecentAdditions vii Chapter1:Introduction 1 AboutthisGuide 1 Chapter2:GettingStarted 4 AboutChemDrawTutorials 4 ChemDrawUserInterface 4

  8. Working With Structures

    In ChemDraw Pro, break existing structures across one or more bonds to mimic the fragmentation in a mass spectrometer. In ChemDraw Ultra, assign structures to spectra and calculate NMR shift information. CambridgeSoft Corporation Voice: 1 800 315-7300 1 617 588-9300

  9. PDF Molecular Models/ChemDraw

    This is a two part experiment: Part 1: You will use the Darling Framework Molecular Models to complete several exercises that explore equivalent structures, equivalent atoms within structures, constitutional isomers, and cis-trans isomers. Your particular assignment will be given to you at lab time. Do not forget to bring the model kit with you!!

  10. Search by substructure for IR spectra and compare

    Find the structure from 1H spectrum. 1H exercise generator. Assign 1H NMR spectra to molecule. 13C NMR. 1H NMR spectra of small molecules. 1H NMR spectra of Boc amino acids. Number of different Hs. 1H NMR integrate and find the structure. 1H number of signals.

  11. Easiest Way To Align Your Random Structures| ChemDraw

    Features of ChemDraw:Chemical structure to name conversionChemical name to structure conversionNMR spectrum simulation (1H and 13C)Mass spectrum simulationSt...

  12. PDF ChemDraw v17.0 User Guide

    TableofContents RecentAdditions vii Chapter1:Introduction 1 AboutthisGuide 1 Chapter2:GettingStarted 4 AboutChemDrawTutorials 4 ChemDrawUserInterface 4

  13. PDF A guide to small-molecule structure assignment through computation of

    For a typical structure assignment of a small organic molecule ... simple structures. Namely, because ChemDraw (via the 'Predict ... mental spectrum of 1-trans or 1-cis. One commonly used method

  14. ChemDoodle Web Components

    This demo will simulate 1 H and 13 C NMR spectra, as well as the mass spectrum parent peak (isotopic distribution), of the molecule you draw in the sketcher. Click the Simulate Spectra button to simulate the spectra when you finish drawing your molecule. The spectra are interactive, so you can change their perspectives. For more simulation options, atom assignments and publishing features, use ...

  15. Fragmentation and Structure Perspective in ChemDraw

    This video demonstrates how to use fragmentation and structure perspective in the ChemDraw software Please Subscribe to my channel and don't forget to hit...

  16. Predict IR Spectrum of Structures in Chemdraw Ultra/Chem3D Pro ...

    Not sure how accurate they will be. Draw the structure in Chem3D, then go to "calculations" -> "GAMESS Interface" -> "Predict IR/Raman Spectrum". Select your parameters and hit run. EDIT: I was curious so I ran a really quick ab init. calculation on cyclohexane. Looks alright to a reasonable approximation.

  17. a set of web utilities for the calculation of peptide and

    Both utilities will provide a molecular formula and calculated molecular weight for peptide/peptoid sequences entered, in addition to an automatically generated ChemDraw structure in .cdxml format (Fig. 2). A spectral assignment for the peptide/peptoid will also be given if m/z values were provided as part of the input.

  18. Chemistry: Structure Drawing Tools and Nomenclature

    To draw and search on a structure or substructure, click "Structure search," then click the pencil inside the diagram, then select "Draw or Edit". PubChem. PubChem Structure Search allows the PubChem Compound Database to be to be queried by chemical structure or chemical structure pattern. The PubChem Sketcher allows a query to be drawn ...

  19. Removing Spectral Assignments

    From the Structure menu, choose Clear Spectrum-Structure Assignment. CambridgeSoft Corporation Voice: 1 800 315-7300 1 617 588-9300 Fax: 1 617 588-9390

  20. ChemDraw for Biologists & Chemists

    6 ChemDraw Tools to Make Your Day Easier. 1. Clean Up Structure. This is one of my favorite drawing tools. After I'm done drawing a particularly complex molecule, the bonds often end up with weird angles and varying lengths. Clean Up Structure adjusts bond angles and lengths so that they are consistent and legible.

  21. How to Draw Chemical Structures in ChemDraw

    In this comprehensive tutorial for beginners, you will learn how to draw chemical structures using the popular software, ChemDraw. ChemDraw is a powerful too...

  22. ChemDraw 15的Structure菜单里面有什么?-ChemDraw中文网

    Structure菜单中有什么命令?. Structure菜单是ChemDraw工具栏中的重要成员之一,熟练掌握的话大大有助于高效绘制化学结构,菜单命令有以下几个方向:. 1、属性管理:AtomProperties、Bond Properties和Bracket Properties可以分别打开原子、化学键以及括号属性设置框,用户 ...