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2024 Homebuilt Aircraft Buyer’s Guide

experimental airplane kits

For starters, each aircraft has its own data block with more of the collected info presented. We gather and keep much more (even than this) in our online database, but this year we’ve elected to present more of it in the printed version. We’ve also added a photo for each design, not just one or two samplers for each kit manufacturer. In some cases, you’ll note that the images look like custom illustrations—they are mainly because some companies don’t have current product images big enough to reproduce on these pages. (True story!) But at least we have representative images for virtually every airplane and rotorcraft presented here, no small endeavor.

We’ve saved a few lines of text by using icons for important characteristics: number of seats, whether the design is available as a kit or as plans (or both), availability of quickbuild components and the design’s eligibility as a Light Sport Aircraft under the current rules. Note that some designs will have the LSA marking but may show a higher-than-allowed gross weight or speed—these can be built to LSA requirements if desired.

A few familiar designs are not in the following guide. Aircraft currently in development, for which there are still no kits or plans commercially available, are not listed because, well, they’re not quite real yet. Rest assured, we’ll keep an eye on all of them and add them to the guide when the time is right. (They are all listed in the online guide, however, and will be promoted to “current” status when the time is right.)

We no longer include unavailable aircraft designs. If the company is gone or the model is no longer available as kits or plans, it’s not in this guide. As is true every year, we spend a massive amount of time contacting kit manufacturers and plans providers to confirm design data, availability and pricing. As is true every year, a few companies play (extremely) hard to get. When we’ve exhausted several emails, phone calls, entreaties on social media and, quite possibly, sending someone to knock on the hangar door—and have not received a response, we consider the company closed for business and their designs are moved to “non-current” status. If you’re one of those companies we’ve downgraded for lack of response, email us at [email protected] and we’ll change the online status as well as let readers know the rumors of your demise are greatly exaggerated. And because ours is an industry in constant motion, the online guide gets continually updated and should be considered a living document. Unlimited access to the online buyer’s guide is free for our subscribers and, even better, for a limited time only, to non-subscribers . Here’s how to find it: Click on the “Buyer’s Guide Access” button or go directly to www.kitplanes.com/bg .

experimental airplane kits

As we move into 2024, economic factors continue to play a large role. While engine prices, recently seeing exceptional year-on-year increases, seem to have settled down, the cost of everything else (including kits) has followed general inflation and still shows the influence of supply-chain challenges—many kits have long lead times these days. Several companies are making headway but planning for a build in the year 2024 requires long-range thinking and a willingness to buy now for delivery later—you just can’t count on much coming on short notice.

All of that said, the Experimental market continues to be strong and vibrant. Builders benefit from veteran designs, an active builder universe and more tools (literally and in terms of education) to make the build more fun and the result of your efforts a safer, more useful airplane.

Are You Ready?

Building your own airplane is a substantial undertaking—one that involves considerable investments of time and money. But thousands of people have done it successfully. You can, too. Before you pick a design to build, though, consider these things:

• Why are you doing it? Building is as much about education and learning yourself as it is about having an airplane to fly at the end of the project. If having the finished product is the only real end goal, you’d be better off buying something (another homebuilt or a certified aircraft) that’s already flying.

• Do you have the room? Airplanes have been built in apartments , but it’s hard on the lifestyle and family. A good workspace makes all the difference.

• Is your first choice of design a rarity or one-off? The commitment level rises exponentially the further you get from mainstream designs. Many things, including kit quality and documentation, tend to be better from the larger companies.

• What’s your budget? The traditional metric predicted that the completed airplane would cost about three times the kit cost, but with avionics and, especially, engines getting much more expensive, it’s best to pad that and just assume it’ll cost more than you think it will.


experimental airplane kits

2025 Homebuilt Aircraft Buyer’s Guide

RV7 Panel, G5, G3X Touch, GMA 245, GTN 750, GMC 305, GI-260, AOA

EFIS Roundup 2024

experimental airplane kits

2024 Propeller Buyer’s Guide

experimental airplane kits

Dynamometer Break-In: Worth It

experimental airplane kits

Jets & Turboprops

experimental airplane kits

Flat Four-Stroke Gasoline

experimental airplane kits

Air-cooled Volkswagen

experimental airplane kits

Certified vs. Experimental

I see one omission in the Guide. Zenith still sells plans (and parts but not kits) for the 601 HD/HDS.

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1909 Blériot XI

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Aircraft Kits

Standard features, assembly manual, kitfox series 7 specifications.


SERIES 7 Super Sport




SERIES 7 Speedster

Equipment & features, landing gear, covering materials, 80hp to 180hp engine options, 100 hp rotax 912is, 100 hp rotax 912uls, 115 hp rotax 914 ul, 141hp rotax 915 is, structural testing.


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  • Purchase The Kit CH650
  • Purchase The Kit CH701
  • Purchase The Kit CH750
  • Purchase The Kit
  • Purchase The Kit: STOL CH 750 Super Duty
  • Buy the CH601 HD/HDS

experimental airplane kits

To Zenith Aircraft Company​

Zenith Aircraft Online provides detailed information and resources on sport (experimental) aviation and our exciting line of homebuilt kit planes for sport pilots.

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experimental airplane kits

STOL ch 701

experimental airplane kits

stol ch 750

experimental airplane kits

ch 750 Cruzer

experimental airplane kits


experimental airplane kits

Zenith Aircraft Company: Quality Kit Aircraft Since 1992

For more than a quarter century Zenith Aircraft has been manufacturing and marketing aircraft kits from its modern production facilities at the Mexico Memorial Airport in Missouri. With customers across the U.S. and around the world, Zenith Aircraft is the leading manufacturer of light sport aircraft kits, with a proven commitment to builders and owners. Zenith Aircraft is in the exclusive business of designing, developing and manufacturing kit aircraft. The independent, privately-owned company was formed in 1992 and is based in leased 20,000+ sq.ft. production facilities. Zenith Aircraft acquired the exclusive rights to manufacture and market Zenair kit aircraft designs from designer Chris Heintz. The company is a proud member and supporter of the Experimental Aircraft Assoc. (EAA), the Aircraft Kit Industry Association (AKIA), and numerous other organizations dedicated to the advancement of sport aviation. Zenith Aircraft is continuously involved in projects devoted to aviation education and the advancement of sport aviation around the world.  More…

In the news:  EAA Sport Aviation     KITPLANES

Overview of the Zenith aircraft

experimental airplane kits

Light Sport Aircraft and the Sport Pilot License

In 2004, the Federal Aviation Administration approved the creation of the Sport Pilot License and the Light Sport Aircraft Category. With this addition, flight became more affordable and achievable by the general population. Unlike Private Pilots, Sport pilots are not required to have an annual medical, and can fly with no more than a current driver’s license (after successfully earning the Sport Pilot license). Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) are single engine planes with no more than two seats, a maximum weight of 1300 lbs, a maximum stall speed of 51 mph and a maximum speed of 138 mph. Light Sport Aircraft can be homebuilt or purchased completed; however, there are many benefits to building your own aircraft.

When built according to the design, the CH 650, CH 701 STOL, CH 750 STOL and CH 750 Cruzer are all categorized as Light Sport Aircraft and would be an excellent choice for any Sport Pilot. More info…

Design and Construction College

How do planes fly? What creates lift? How are aircraft designed? How does a STOL (Short Take Off and Landing) Aircraft work? Design and Construction College is an online resource designed to provide the homebuilder with practical and technical information about flight, aerodynamics and aircraft design. More…

experimental airplane kits

Designer Chris Heintz, 1938 – 2021

An accomplished aeronautical engineer, Chris Heintz was a graduate of the ETH Institute in Switzerland. As a young man, Heintz began to design and build his own all-metal homebuilt aircraft incorporating simple construction methods throughout. As founder, president and chief engineer of Zenair Ltd. since 1974, Mr. Heintz designed and developed more than 12 new aircraft models, which have been marketed as kit aircraft around the world. Thousands of Heintz designed aircraft are flying around the world in more than 50 countries. Heintz designs have earned an excellent reputation among pilots, builders, the press, and aviation authorities for their durable all-metal construction, normal flight characteristics, reliability, and low maintenance requirements. Chris Heintz not only designed, developed and promoted aircraft, he was also actively involved in all facets of sport aviation as a long-time EAA member, frequently giving lectures and forums at chapter meetings and fly-ins, and consulted governments and aviation organizations. After retirement, Heintz wrote a detailed book on light aircraft design and construction, titled Flying On Your Own Wings , first published in 2009. More…

Engine Options

The Zenith aircraft are designed to provide attractive performance using efficient and lightweight new-generation aircraft engines, like the Rotax and UL Power, while also being suitable for traditional but heavier aircraft engines such as the Continental and Lycoming or similar. While all aircraft are designed within certain power and engine weight guidelines, Chris Heintz did not design these aircraft “around” a particular engine – to maximize the customer’s choice of installed powerplant.

  • 1881 Airport Road, Mexico Memorial Airport Mexico, Missouri, 65265 USA.
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Zenith Aircraft Company has been established to service the needs of sport pilots as a Supply House for recreational aircraft hobbyists, making available aircraft designs, kits, and parts for educational purposes. Sometimes, things run into snags for reasons beyond our control. Most of them are so-called “Acts of God” like earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires, and the like, but some are also man-made, such as labor strikes, transportation snafus, etc. If they happen, customers get mad – and we don’t blame them – but we must assign the cause where it belongs instead of being blamed  or all the trouble. We earnestly hope that you won’t run into any problems (most of our customers don’t), but we are obligated to let you know the extent of our protecting your interest that is within our power to provide. Please read the following carefully, because if conditions listed below are not acceptable to you, you should not place this order (unless changes are made with acceptance in writing from Zenith Aircraft Co.). Your filling in this Order Form and delivering it to us constitutes your understanding and agreement of the following conditions and requirements. Thank you for your goodwill and confidence in Zenith Aircraft Company.

  • No orders are accepted by Zenith Aircraft Co., hereafter also called the Company, or Seller, unless accompanied by a payment of not less than 50-percent of the list price of all parts / kit ordered, and unless accompanied with this signed Conditions of Sale and Warning Notice. Full payment is required for the Drawings and Manuals.
  • This contract permits the buyer to build one airplane or part of it in the Custom-Built, Experimental, Ultralight, etc. category. The type of aircraft and the Drawings serial number must be visibly marked on the vertical tail or fuselage sides of the aircraft. The buyer is advised that the Drawings, Manuals, and/or parts contain proprietary rights. The buyer covenants and agrees that he will not: a) Reproduce, b) Communicate, c) Transfer, sell, exchange or modify them or any part of them, d) Permit any other person to use said drawings, manual, and/or parts, without the written permission of the Company. The sole purpose of the plans, drawings, manuals, and parts is strictly educational and there is no implied or expressed warranty. During the construction the buyer is to cause the structure and installations to be inspected and approved by the relevant government and/or aviation authority (FAA). The Buyer agrees to notify the Company in writing immediately of the sale of any Drawings and Manuals, parts, components, or kit, whether completed or not, supplying the complete name and address of the new owner(s).
  • The Company will not be held responsible for any delays in deliveries due to delays of carriers, fires, and other Acts of God, or other causes for delay beyond its control.
  • Claims for defective materials or missing parts will be allowed only when such claims are made within thirty (30) days from the date of delivery. No goods may be returned unless previously authorized by the Company. (Inspect your order for missing or damaged parts immediately upon receipt).
  • Orders accepted by the Company may be canceled by the buyer within fifteen days of the date of order without the company’s advance approval, provided: a 10-percent cancellation charge is assessed if goods were not yet shipped, or a 20-percent charge if the goods were shipped and are returned. Any delivered order not picked-up or accepted by the buyer for more than thirty days shall be considered to be forfeited. Drawings and Manuals, or other printed materials, may not be returned for credit or refund. PROVIDED HOWEVER, in no event will seller accept goods for return for any reason the earlier of thirty days (30) days from the date of shipment, or assembly, installation, construction, or modification of any product, whichever occurs first.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the buyer agrees to pay in full for, and take delivery of, the merchandise in not more than two weeks after receiving notification that it is ready for shipment. Storage rental shall be charged beyond that time. It is the sole responsibility of the buyer to pay any applicable sales tax or usage tax, in whichever state(s), and all applicable shipping and shipping related charges.
  • All orders not delivered for lack of shipping instructions, payments, or any other delays caused by the buyer for longer than thirty days shall be considered forfeited and void, and the Company will have the right to scrap or dispose of the merchandise at its discretion and retain the full deposit.
  • All prices are F.O.B. Factory and subject to change without notice. Delivery to the Carrier shall constitute the delivery to the buyer, and the responsibility for the goods in transit shall be the Carrier’s and the buyer’s. A Bill of Lading (or Way-Bill) shall be sufficient evidence and proof of the date of shipment. Claims of damage in transit shall be made to the Carrier and not the Company. NOTICE: If any container or crate shows the slightest damage on delivery, it should be opened and inspected before acceptance from the Carrier, and a statement of damage made immediately. Insurance of goods in transit is the responsibility of the buyer, and the Company will not pay for goods damaged in transit, nor for shipping charges to and from the factory of returned shipments, damaged, or replacement parts.
  • This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri, and is the only contract controlling this sale and purchase, and it contains all the agreements, expressed or implied, either verbal or in writing, made between the Company and the buyer. If any provisions of this contract shall be held to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid. This Agreement and the covenants, promises and agreements contained herein shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the state of Missouri, United States. This Agreement shall be deemed executed and delivered in Missouri. The parties consent to the venue of any state court sitting in Audrain County, Missouri, United States, or the United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, in any action brought to enforce the terms of this Agreement. The parties irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction (both subject matter and personal) of any such court and irrevocably and unconditionally waive: (i) any objection any party might now or hereafter have to the venue in any such court; and (ii) any claim that any action or proceeding brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum. The parties acknowledge that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement.
  • Custom-built aircraft are licensed by the government to fly in the applicable “Experimental,” “Amateur-Built” or “Ultralight,” etc. category. Each aircraft is treated legally by the governing authority (FAA) as a “one-of-a-kind” in design and construction, and is liable to be unpredictable, hazardous, and even potentially lethal. Therefore, construction and operation of such aircraft may be unsafe without acquiring, studying and complying to the letter of all instructions and manuals pertaining thereto. The Seller does not warrant that the aircraft as constructed by the buyer, or any other person, will be airworthy, or will qualify for certification or registration by aviation authorities, or will meet the requirement of the buyer. Notwithstanding the forgoing, seller may provide from time to time, but is not required to provide, technical assistance during the assembly, installation and construction process. However, buyer and seller specifically agree that responsibility for building the aircraft or its parts shall rest solely with the buyer and that no liability shall arise from or extend from any technical assistance provided by seller. Purchaser acknowledges that the assembly and construction of the product requires certain technical experience and skill. Further seller and purchaser specifically agree that the seller cannot and does not warrant the ability of any individual, including purchaser, to properly assemble, construct and maintain an aircraft kit of the kind sold by seller. In exchange for such technical assistance, purchaser and seller specifically agree that purchaser shall hold harmless seller from any and all liability which may arise from any technical advice provided by seller, seller’s employee, or seller’s agent.
  • In recognition of the above, and because they cannot control nor assure quality and accuracy of compliance with their instructions during and after construction of such aircraft, the Seller and/or Owner (and their agents, servants, employees, contractors, successors and assigns) hereby give notice to the Buyers and/or Operators (and their heirs, administrators and assigns) of this aircraft, that they carry no liability insurance.

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Murphy Aircraft

Proudly canadian made.

High-performance and affordable amateur-built kit planes producer for 39years. Supplying experimental aircraft lovers all over the world

Founded in 1985 by Darryl Murphy, Murphy Aircraft has been crafting amateur-built experimental aircraft for nearly four decades from its facility in Chilliwack, BC, Canada. Our focus has always been on producing high-quality aircraft kits that make building your dream plane an achievable reality. Each kit is precision-engineered, utilizing specialized aluminum machining to ensure every component meets our stringent quality standards. Our production process combines advanced technology with skilled craftsmanship, allowing for durable, lightweight aircraft with exceptional performance.

Murphy Aircraft offers seven models— Renegade , Maverick , Elite , Rebel , Yukon , Moose , and Radical —each designed to serve a range of pilots, from sport enthusiasts to those seeking powerful utility aircraft. Builders receive comprehensive kits, detailed assembly manuals, and access to our experienced support team, making the journey from a pile of parts to a completed aircraft both rewarding and accessible. Murphy Aircraft ‘s commitment to quality and builder support has earned us a place in the skies worldwide, with thousands of our aircraft now flying globally.

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The Airplane Factory USA

  • Free Headsets!!
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Sling 2 Kit – A Real Airplane in a Box

Pure performance | absolute quality.

experimental airplane kits

E-LSA or E-AB (1,320 lb max gross)*

*Can be flown with the Sport Pilot Rating

Experimental-Amateur Built (1,540 lb max gross)

Available as standard or quickbuild kit.

Quickbuild Kit (FAA audited 51% kit) saves 400 hours

Well-Engineered, Proven Aluminum Construction

With pulled rivets for ease of assembly (solid rivets used in spar and spar box (completed at factory))

experimental airplane kits

The Airplane…

Design and construction, structure/materials, quality control.

The Airplane Factory is proud to be the producer of high quality, high performance Light Sport and Experimental Aircraft. We take every step to ensure that each aircraft produced, whether ready-to-fly or kit version, is held to the highest of standards, above and beyond that required by ASTM or the FAA. The reason for such meticulous design and construction is because most of us here at The Airplane Factory are pilots. We know and understand the concerns of our fellow aviators and we would never build anything we did not 100% believe in or endorse. Every new design prototype is tested to its ultimate breaking points to ensure maximum reliability and durability, not too mention the extraordinary efforts The Airplane Factory goes to in order to make sure handling and stability are in the upper echelon of all airplanes on the market today. In addition, each kit we produce is inspected and assured to be top quality before being shipped to the buyer. The Airplane Factory founders feel that the Sling airplanes and kits are the best on the market and believe that you will soon agree!

The design was conceived in 2006 as a result of Mike Blyth’s desire for a Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) that had better performance and handling characteristics than anything on the market. This vision would be an airplane capable of acting as either an exciting pleasure craft or a forgiving trainer. Mike decided to go with a stressed skin, riveted design for its proven technology, durability, and ease of construction. He also wanted to make an all-metal, low wing airplane that would have excellent visibility, sporty handling, and a sleek and sexy exterior.

The aluminum he chose was 6061 Aluminum Alloy. To be more specific, 6061-T6 Aluminum, a tempered grade that has been heat-treated and aged to add a significant strength element. The Sling uses all traditional AN Hardware in its construction, meaning it lives up to the US Air Force/Navy Standards. Solid rivets are used on the main spars, which are standard aviation type spars with our own unique design for added strength, and pull rivets for the rest of the structure, making construction a bit easier while maintaining structural integrity. The Airplane Factory uses high quality rivets manufactured in Germany that are well known throughout the aircraft manufacturing industry. Composites are also used throughout the airplane where appropriate, for example, cowling, fairings at the wing roots and the intersection between the vertical stabilizer and the fuselage, wheel pants, as well as the instrument panel and canopy structure. For reduced weight but added strength, the landing gear is also composite construction which can take a heavy amount of stress regularly without issues.

The standard assembly process for each Sling begins with the different aircraft subsections being assembled. After the Empennage, Wings, and Fuselage are ready they are sent off to receive their Primer and Epoxy painting. Concurrently, the engine, electronics and canopy are fitted. When the parts come back from painting the wings and empennage are bolted to the fuselage and tested. Lastly, the fairings are put in place and the aircraft is ready for testing.

Each part of the aircraft manufacturing process has a full set of quality control procedures that The Airplane Factory directors personally oversee. Each part part is carefully inspected and all metal is punched precisely by our CNC machines. The quality assurance managers then inspect the entirety of the shipment before sending out to the buyer.

The Sling’s flying characteristics make for a perfectly coordinated, highly responsive control setup. This gives her the distinct qualities of a fighter jet aircraft, while not being overly sensitive. The Sling is a Pilot’s Airplane. You fly it for the love of it. Aviation writers have called it “the best-handling LSA” and said that it “handles like a fighter”.

experimental airplane kits

Ramp appeal. You want your airplane to look as good as it flies. The Sling has bold, sexy, aggressive lines. You’ll feel proud stepping out of it.

Glass Cockpit

The Sling’s avionics options make for a very unique, state-of-the-art flying experience, at a fraction of the cost of our certified competitors. Full integrated EFIS with autopilot, radio and transponder with 2020-compliant ADS-B is available with live weather and traffic alerts in the cockpit. No more flying blind.

experimental airplane kits

Sliding Bubble Canopy

The Sliding Bubble Canopy offers great visibility and cool taxiing in summer. Never break a sweat during taxi again. The wide cockpit, excellent all around view and substantial luggage capacity make the Sling a very comfortable, yet versatile aircraft.

The Sling’s airframe strength and durability means that she won’t break easily and, if you treat her right, she’ll last you for the rest of your life. Easily stands up to the rigors of flight training. Its aluminum construction makes for ease and consistency of construction, while offering proven strength and a longer lifespan than some of our composite rivals.

experimental airplane kits

The sturdy construction of the Sling make it an aircraft able to go the distance, reliably. The incorporation, by design, of a ballistic parachute, makes the Sling an exceptionally safe aircraft to fly. The use of high quality components throughout gives you, the owner, the peace of mind that you deserve, when making this kind of investment.


The Sling’s performance matches and outdoes almost every aircraft in its class, while being highly economical and fun to fly.

600 fpm climb (1,540 lbs)

700 fpm climb (1,320 lbs).

experimental airplane kits

With an operating cost of around $50/hr and burning just 3.8GPH of car gas (912iS model), the Sling is the efficient, economical cruiser of the modern age.

Sling LSA Videos

Sling press.

Sling LSA Review: Kitplanes Magazine January 2013

Sling LSA Review: Plane & Pilot Magazine September 2012

Detailed, Industry-Leading Assembly Manual with CAD Exploded Diagrams

experimental airplane kits

  • Download all latest Sling 2 Build Manuals
  • Download all latest Sling 2 Taildragger Option Manuals


experimental airplane kits

Basic Pricing Estimate

Prices current as of March 5, 2024, and subject to change without notice.

How to Order

  • Sling Kits can be ordered as a complete kit or as individual kits. The empennage kit is normally the first kit ordered if ordering kit by kit. It is inexpensive, fairly small, quick to build, and the assembly of the tail kit uses the same skills you will use throughout the build. After putting this together over a weekend, you will have a fairly good idea of what you are in for with the rest of the kit!
  • Shipping is quoted on a per shipment basis

Whenever possible, all kits in stock in California and ready to go! We are ready to help you build the airplane of your dreams. Contact Us now to place an order

Note: Due to high demand there may be lead times on some kits.

Quickbuild Kit Option

Get it done quick (51% kit)

experimental airplane kits

Carbon Cub UL

Carbon Cub UL

  • Rotax 916iS Engine 160HP
  • 1,320lbs Gross Weight
  • Multi-Fuel (MOGAS & AVGAS)
  • Beginning of a New Era

Carbon Cub SS

Carbon Cub SS

  • CC340 Engine 180HP
  • Lightweight & Powerful
  • Breathtaking Performance

Carbon Cub FX

Carbon Cub FX

  • Experimental Builder Assist
  • CC340 180HP or CC363i 186HP
  • 1,865-2,000lbs Gross Weight
  • 7 Working Days
  • Perfect for Longer Missions


XCub / NXCub

  • Part 23 Certified or EAB (Builder Assist)
  • O-360 180HP or CC393i 215HP
  • 2,300lbs Gross Weight
  • Unmatched Range
  • The Fastest & Strongest Cub

Top Cub

  • Part 23 Certified
  • O-360 Engine 180HP
  • Modern Super Cub
  • Classic Utility

experimental airplane kits

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Most Complete Kit Available. Focus on Build not Shopping.

The fuselage kit includes a powder coated fuselage that is ready for the assembly process. The floorboards are gel-coated composite parts that need no painting... they are ready to fit and install. You will install the rudder pedals, torque tube, master cylinders, and parking brakes on the floorboards, and then install the complete floorboard assembly to the fuselage with 20 screws.

The wing kit includes everything needed to assemble the wings, flaps, ailerons, and fuel tanks. Every nut and washer, screw and component part is in the kit. The ribs are a three piece design that enable the builder to assemble the center sections with the spars prior to attaching the nose ribs or trailing edge ribs.

The Finishing kit includes: the engine cowl, engine mount, windows, control cables, gel-coated interior panels, seat belts, flap handle and flap attaching components, instrument panel, landing gear system, tailwheel and tail spring, tires and tubes, fuel gauges, and wing struts. Select engine, instruments, and paint and you'll be ready to fly.

  • 1,320 or 1,865 lbs gross weight
  • CC340 180 HP Engine
  • Fixed Pitch Prop
  • Useful Load up to 883 lbs
  • Cruise 109 MPH
  • Range 632 Miles
  • Take Off Distance 110 Feet
  • Landing Distance 140 Feet
  • 2,000 lbs gross weight
  • CC363i 186 HP Engine
  • Fuel Injected
  • Constant Speed Prop
  • Useful Load 977 lbs
  • Cruise 135 MPH
  • Range 765 Miles
  • Take Off Distance 90 Feet
  • Landing Distance 155 Feet

Most Complete Kit Available

  • Up to 1,865 lbs (EX-2) or 2,000 lbs (EX-3) Gross Weight
  • EX-2 can qualify for Light Sport
  • New G Series Ailerons and Slotted Flaps
  • Long-range Fuel Tanks
  • Extended Baggage
  • HD Landing Gear

The Carbon Cub EX is the most complete aircraft kit on the market. Every nut and bolt is included in the kit so that you can focus on building your dream, not shopping for parts.

The components in our kits are fabricated on CNC mills and routers, which in turn makes the parts more precise and more consistent. Unlike some aircraft kits, you never have to trim, modify, or finesse parts to fit. The builder can open the crate and immediately go to work building the airplane.

Qualify for Light Sport at 1,320 lbs Or Certify to 2,000 lbs Gross Weight

The Carbon Cub EX can be constructed to suit the mission of the individual builder. The EX-2 can be certified with a gross weight up to 1,865 lbs and EX-3 up to 2,000 lbs, affording a useful load over 900 lbs. Experimental Amateur-Built Certification also allows the builder of EX-2 kits to certify with a gross weight of 1,320 lbs, qualifying for Light Sport.

G Series Ailerons and Slotted Flaps

The G-Series control surfaces improve handling in all aspects of the flight envelope. The roll authority of the Carbon Cub EX has been improved by redesigning the aileron airfoil and relocating the hinge point. CubCrafters' G-Series ailerons deliver markedly lighter and crisper roll response compared to legacy aircraft. Control harmony is even better than the original.

The G-Series flaps are the first truly slotted flaps available from CubCrafters. With the G-Series, the stall speed of the EX with flaps extended is reduced, thus improving the already remarkable low-speed manners of the Carbon Cub. The G-Series flap features repositioned pivot arms that, when deployed, lower the flap's location relative to the wing, forcing high-pressure air from below the wing over the flap, and helping airflow to remain attached to the flap surface for increased lift.

The G-Series tail feathers feature new adjustable elevator stops and allow greater down-elevator trim, providing the pilot with greater trim authority when operating either at the forward or aft limits of the CG envelope. With these improvements, CubCrafters has made an already stellar performer even better.

HD Extended Landing Gear

The gear is particularly rugged, built with machined steel axles, to safely support the higher payload that EX can carry. The 3” extended configuration on the EX-2 is three inches taller than standard gear, increasing the angle of attack, and increasing prop clearance. The EX-3 uses 3x3 landing gear originally designed for the XCub.

May Qualify for Light Sport

The lightweight design of the Carbon Cub EX-2 allows builders to configure the aircraft to qualify for Light Sport operation. Choose standard baggage and fuel tanks, smaller tires and a lightweight panel for operation at or below 1,320 lbs.

The powerplant for the Carbon Cub EX-3 is the innovative new CC363i. With larger displacement, Precision Airmotiv fuel injection, an ingenious cold-air induction system, and Lightspeed dual electronic ignition, the CC363i delivers a vigorous “pull” upon takeoff. In fact, driving its Trailblazer constant –speed prop, the EX-3 generates 20% more thrust than previous Carbon Cubs. An impressive achievement!

The Carbon Cub EX-2 is powered by the lightweight and powerful Titan CC340, delivering a power-to-weight ratio of 7.33 lbs/hp! For comparison a Cessna 172Rs has a power to weight ratio of 15.33 lbs/hp. Carbon Cub pilots experience a sea level climb rate of 2,100 feet per minute (compared to 650 fpm for a 172) and a deck angle that inspires involuntary expletives from first-timers.

experimental airplane kits

Build Your Dream

Construct your minimalist, lightweight EX to drop into tiny mountain clearings surrounded by forest, or add extended baggage and long range tanks to support extended hunting excursions. The Carbon Cub EX will satisfy your mission.

The components in the kit are fabricated on CNC mills and routers. The parts are precise and consistent. Unlike some aircraft kits, you never have to trim, modify, or finesse parts to fit. The builder can open the crate and immediately go to work building the airplane.

Though the quality and performance of the EX are unmatched by any other aircraft kit, the cost to build the EX compares favorably to the competition. The EX is, by far, the most complete aircraft kit available. The kit includes every part needed to finish the airplane, including the engine, prop and panel, if you like. Builders do not have to spend time shopping for hardware and materials that can add $50,000 or more to the advertised price of other kits.

Build Support

The quality and completeness of the EX kits are supplemented with clearly written manuals and factory builder support that leads the industry.


  • Certification Experimental Factory Assist
  • Type Single engine land & sea
  • Engine CC340 / CC363i
  • Horsepower 180 / 186
  • Propeller Fixed Pitch / Constant Speed
  • Length 23 ft 10 in
  • Height 8 ft 4 in
  • Wingspan 34 ft 4 in
  • Wing Area 174.8 sq ft
  • Cabin Width 30" @ pilot position
  • Cabin Height 52" @ pilot position
  • Cabin Area 26 cu ft
  • Empty Weight 982 / 1,023 lbs
  • Gross Weight 1,865 / 2,000 lbs
  • Useful Load 883 / 977 lbs
  • Fuel 44 gallons


  • Maximum Speed 115 / 145 mph in level flight
  • Redline Speed 141 / 170 mph
  • Cruise Speed 110 / 135 mph 75% power
  • Stall Speed 36 / 37 mph
  • Rate of Climb 2,000 / 2,400 fpm
  • Endurance 5.8+ hrs
  • Range 632 / 765 miles
  • Takeoff Distance 110 / 90 ft demonstrated
  • Landing Distance 140 / 155 ft demonstrated
  • Maneuvering Speed 93 / 106 mph
  • Best Rate of Climb 71 mph
  • Best Angle of Climb 50 / 57 mph
  • Best Glide Speed 68 mph

Demonstrated performance with 50% fuel and one 190 pound pilot

Panel Options

  • Mounting Panel & Dedicated Power Circuit
  • Trig TY91 VHF Radio - 2¼"
  • Trig TT21 Mode S XPDR - 2¼"
  • PM3000R Intercom
  • CHT Monitor
  • Garmin aera™ 796
  • Electronics Int'l CGR-30P Engine Monitor

Executive Glass

  • Garmin G3X™ Touch
  • Synthetic Vision
  • Angle-of-Attack (AOA) Indicator
  • Garmin GTR 200 VHF Comm
  • Stereo Intercom
  • Video Input
  • Optional Garmin autopilot

Ultimate Cub Kit

The Carbon Cub EX-2 and EX-3 are the only adventure aircraft kits that promise exhilarating Carbon Cub performance. A well-built EX will be indistinguishable from its mighty FX cousin. Fly a Carbon Cub for yourself, and then build your dream.

CubCrafters aircraft are sold through Certified Sales Centers. Our factory-selected Cub enthusiasts are ready to help make your buying experience smooth and worry-free.

1918 S 16th Ave  |  Yakima, WA 98903  |  509.248.9491

© 2024 CubCrafters Group

CubCrafters Aircraft are Proudly Made in USA

  • EXCALIBUR AIRCRAFT EXCALIBUR is Pre-Approved by the FAA as a 51% Kit

Excalibur Experimental Two Seat Kit Built Aircraft

Excalibur Experimental Two Seat Kit Built Aircraft

Excalibur Experimental Two Seat Kit Built Aircraft.

Excalibur Experimental Two Seat Kit Built Aircraft.

Excalibur Experimental Two Seat Kit Built Aircraft

Excalibur Experimental Aircraft on Puddle Jumper Amphib Floats

Excalibur Amateur Built Aircraft Kit.

Excalibur Amateur Built Aircraft Kit.

Excalibur Tandem Seating Experimental Aircraft Kit.

Excalibur Tandem Seating Experimental Aircraft Kit.

Excalibur Experimental Amateur built FAA Approved Kit.

Excalibur Experimental Amateur built FAA Approved Kit.

Excalibur is an approved faa 51% experimental amateurbuilt aircraft kit.

XCALIBUR is an Approved FAA 51% experimental amateurbuilt aircraft kit!

The Excalibur is a tandem seating two place, high wing experimental amateurbuilt aircraft in a pusher configuration. 

In the U.S.A. it is available in kit form, and is approved by the FAA as a 51% aircraft kit.  In Canada the Excalibur is available as an Amateur-built Aircraft, a Basic Ultralight Aircraft and an Advanced Ultralight Aircraft. 

In Europe it qualifies under the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale microlight rules.

Excalibur Aircraft - Low and Slow in Louisiana

Brad enjoys the beautiful countryside of La. flying low and slow and savoring every moment.

Excalibur Aircraft - Mark Killip

Mark Killip from Boca Raton Florida talks about his building experiences with his Excalibur Aircraft.

Excalibur Aircraft - Colonel Kerr U S Marines

Talks about the Excalibur Aircraft and Factory Support.

Excalibur Aircraft Glen in Georgia starts the tail kit

Glen gets the tail kit first, and learns how to install the nut plates on the first day. easy. Wings are next.

Excalibur Aircraft Dustin in Georgia

Dustin has his own runway and hangar in the backyard of his Georgia home.

Excalibur Aircraft Fun on the Farm

or Dave, this should be HD (i think) some good take off and landing shots

Excalibur Aircraft River hopping with floats

Excalibur Experimental Aircraft Kit

  • Excalibur Specs
  • Excalibur Features
  • Excalibur Engines
  • Excalibur Prices
  • Excalibur Differences
  • Excalibur Factory
  • Excalibur Customers


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  2. 2024 Homebuilt Aircraft Buyer's Guide

    All of that said, the Experimental market continues to be strong and vibrant. Builders benefit from veteran designs, an active builder universe and more tools (literally and in terms of education) to make the build more fun and the result of your efforts a safer, more useful airplane. ... A relative newcomer to the U.S. kit aircraft clan, the ...

  3. Home

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  4. Aircraft Kits

    Our kit aircraft are built in a factory that maintains Part 23 standards. Craftsman quality exists in every part that Kitfox manufactures. ... A leader in the Experimental and Light-Sport Aircraft industry. Choose the model that best suits your needs. SERIES 7 Super Sport. A sportscar and a jeep. Exceptional all-around performance.

  5. Zenith Aircraft Company

    Zenith Aircraft acquired the exclusive rights to manufacture and market Zenair kit aircraft designs from designer Chris Heintz. The company is a proud member and supporter of the Experimental Aircraft Assoc. (EAA), the Aircraft Kit Industry Association (AKIA), and numerous other organizations dedicated to the advancement of sport aviation. ...

  6. Sling 4 KIT

    The Airplane Factory is proud to be the producer of high quality, high performance Light Sport and Experimental Aircraft. We take every step to ensure that each aircraft produced, whether ready-to-fly or kit version, is held to the highest of standards, above and beyond that required by ASTM or the FAA.

  7. Murphy Aircraft

    Founded in 1985 by Darryl Murphy, Murphy Aircraft has been crafting amateur-built experimental aircraft for nearly four decades from its facility in Chilliwack, BC, Canada. Our focus has always been on producing high-quality aircraft kits that make building your dream plane an achievable reality.

  8. Sling 2 KIT

    The Airplane Factory is proud to be the producer of high quality, high performance Light Sport and Experimental Aircraft. We take every step to ensure that each aircraft produced, whether ready-to-fly or kit version, is held to the highest of standards, above and beyond that required by ASTM or the FAA.

  9. Carbon Cub EX

    Carbon Cub EX is the most complete experimental airplane kit available! Completed in 800-100 hours, it comes with clear manuals, videos and unmatched support. Aircraft. Carbon Cub UL; ... Unlike some aircraft kits, you never have to trim, modify, or finesse parts to fit. The builder can open the crate and immediately go to work building the ...

  10. Excalibur Aircraft, Excalibur FAA Approved Experimental Aircraft kit

    The Excalibur is a tandem seating two place, high wing experimental amateurbuilt aircraft in a pusher configuration. In the U.S.A. it is available in kit form, and is approved by the FAA as a 51% aircraft kit. In Canada the Excalibur is available as an Amateur-built Aircraft, a Basic Ultralight Aircraft and an Advanced Ultralight Aircraft.