Essay on the Environmental Management (2247 Words)

There is a growing concern in developed nations about the ever-increasing environmental degradation due to industrialization. Even though the level of environmental pollution is much less in developing nations, it a cause for alarm there, too.

There is total agreement throughout the world that any further environmental degradation should be effectively and completely checked. Heavy pollution in some of the larger cities in the world, e.g., London, New York, Los Angeles, Bombay, Istanbul, Ankara, etc., has already taken a serious turn and the necessity to control ever growing pollution is obvious. There are main two approaches for environmental management:

(1) Management based on standards

(2) Management based on best practicable means.

The first approach requires statutory provision for standards for each pollutant for air, water, and noise and soil pollution. In this approach, each polluter could choose a suitable technique for pollution control, based on their evaluation for technical feasibility and eco­nomic viability.

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A regular monitoring of each relevant pollutant and its comparison with prescribed limit will indicate the amount of pollution to be removed by pollution control.

However, should there be any deviation from the prescribed limits; penal action could be taken against the polluter. The standards indicating the permissible limits for liquid effluents discharge on land and into water streams including lakes and rivers.

It should be appreciated that the permissible limits are higher for disposal on land because, due to percolation, there will be significant reduction in their values before their joining the water systems and, in case where effluent is discharged directly into river system, the effect will be direct and naturally the permissible limits are lower.

Regarding air pollution, the standards for ambient air quality are given in which indicates that the permissible limits are highest for industrial areas but lowest in the case of sensitive areas including Agra-Mathura region, due to location of Taj Mahal, and the entire hill area including Kumaon and Garhwal region of the state.

The second approach is based on best practicable means . In this case, the industry is free to adopt any suitable method which is technically feasible as well as economically viable. Such a system is prevalent in the United Kingdom. It may also be emphasized that the Environmental Protection Agency for the United States shifted the time bound standards for a specific period of time when confronted with the energy crisis.

The developing nations have also started organizing effective checks and controls on environmental pollution. In some case, suitable standards for water pollution have also been prescribed.

However, detailed standards, for different industrial environments as well as for waste disposal, noise, air pollution, radioactive materials, etc., are yet to be developed. In each case, it is necessary to have a time bound programme for implementation of effluent treatment plan to meet the prescribed limits, and to consider the calculation of depth columns for dumping of radioactive waste, which will not come into contact with permanent water levels of the land.

The site should be selected so that permeability and possibly of cap rock including container are fairly low to enable any appreciable diffusion. In case of tanneries, for example, the BOD of effluent varies from 7000 to 10,000 mg/l depending upon whether they are dealing with vegetable or chrome tanning or a combination of both the tanning operations.

It is obviously difficult to immediately reduce BOD to 30 mg which is the permissible limit for BOD, when the effluents are to be discharged into natural streams,. Similarly, the situation in the case of distilleries is still worse because the BOD of the effluent is about 50,000 mg/l. In such cases, a suitable grace period is needed to enable the industry to develop suitable treatments for effluent disposal with prescribed limit.

The following suggestions could be helpful in proper environmental management:

With regard to implementation, there are three possibilities. The first is to have statutory provisions and to declare that the level of pollutants, discharged into open streams beyond the desired limit, will invite criminal proceedings or other suitable actions by the state.

Thus, it will be mandatory to have as an integral part of each plant, a suitable device to reduce the level of each pollutant below the desired limit.

The second possibility is to leave the matter entirely to the industry, with certain guidelines so that they may adopt the best practicable methods available. There is a third alternative which incorporates the advantages of both the methods but in any case a time bound programme will be needed.

1. There is no doubt that the ‘best practicable means’ approach offers a lot of freedom and has built-in flexibilities, which could be fully utilized for the benefit of the industry, and in the case of environmental management based on standards, it is essential for industry to follow the standards to avoid penal action.

2. In developing countries about 80% people live in villages and are engaged in agri­culture. The sanitary conditions prevalent in villages are far from satisfactory.

A large migration of rural people from rural to urban areas due to’ urban pull’ and’ rural push’ is also responsible for poor collection of solid wastes on a large number of them do not have regular accommodation in the city. Sometimes, this collection does not even exceed 30%.

Obviously, this balance creates the problem of soil pollution and, subsequently, water pollution due to run off, eventually joining a natural stream, and air pollution due to favorable meteorological conditions in tropical countries. Even climatic conditions are favorable to biodegradation of waste materials left outside in tropical countries.

It is, therefore, obvious that the situation in develop­ing countries is different from that prevalent in developed nations, especially cold countries.

3. In the case of developing countries, there is increasing emphasis on small scale/ cottage/village industries, especially to contain unemployment. However, it is very difficult for small scale industries to have effective effluent treatment plant to meet prescribed limits of state pollution control board.

They do not have expertise either for monitoring or for abatement of effluent. Further, they have resource constraint which also comes in their way in timely implementation of pollution control.

4. There is apparently some relationship between the size of the plant and the profit likely to be earned, especially due to scale economy. This also discourages the small-scale industry from going in for pollution abatement.

5. Extensive instrumental facilities to measure concentration of each pollutant are required, irrespective of the size of the industry, especially when the materials in­volved are the same. The expenses involved also prevent the small-scale industry from going in for scientific monitoring of each pollutant at regular interval.

6. Pollution abatement measures, except in the case of odor and noise, may not increase productivity, which is considered a plus point in favor of pollution abate­ment. The awareness, about loss in hearing, due to constant noise levels, has not yet been fully appreciated in developing countries, as this process is slow and its harmful effect has not yet been fully realized, i.e., it takes a fairly long time before hearing loss is appreciable.

7. The general standard of living is fairly low in developing countries. Hence, the flexibility offered by the ‘best practicable means’ approach may not be fully appre­ciated. On the other hand, it is likely to be misused.

Even today, in most of the developing countries, statutory provisions for the monitoring of air, water, soil, noise and radioactive materials have not been laid down. In some countries, there is a provision for monitoring of important water streams at regular interval throughout a year.

Surprisingly, scientific water treatment plants are not available everywhere, especially in third world countries. The absence of sophisticated instruments, re­quired for proper monitoring of some of the pollutants, is another parameter respon­sible for delay in scientific monitoring.

8. What happened at Swansea Valley (England), where due to concentration of similar industries, especially with identical characteristics of effluent led to water and soil pollution and, consequently, the industrial activities came to a halt. This should be an eye opener to the scientific community and planners and should be kept in view while formulating policies for environmental management. Once pollution is left unchecked, there will be several closures like Swansea Valley industries.

9. The flexibility of the ‘best practicable means’ approach may lead to unnecessary litigation, causing delay and wastage of money in developing countries, due to difficulty in agreeable quantification of technical feasibility and economic viability, especially with relatively poor civic responsibility.

10. In the last five years, the standards for hexavalent chromium, mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, etc., have been reduced by several-fold. Obviously, this has been done due to better scientific understanding about their effects on human health. The studies conducted on a few important and common fishes, e.g., Mirgala Singala (Sihii), MystursMystus (Tangri), Hetroponeust (Singhi), and Channagachua (Giri), have revealed that the distribution of heavy metals in different parts is not uniform.

11. As far as industrialization is concerned, there has not been geographical uniformity due to several constraints. Hence, the degree of pollution, which is directly linked to industrialization, is far from uniform.

Thus, the total pollution load on each natural stream, at places, is different, suggesting different action in different situations.

For example, in a region where there are a few industries, there is no point in being rigid about the concentration of different pollutants in the effluents being discharged into natural streams or in air.

But in the case of heavily industrialized areas, the discharge of each industry should be carefully analyzed because the total load on the natural stream would consist of individual loads.

Hence, the idea of enforcing a uniform standard for different pollutants discharged into the natural stream in different areas does not appear to be scientifically and economically sound. Here, again it is necessary to have different standards for different zones.

In fact, wherever assimilation capacity is still available, further industrialization may be encouraged. But wherever the assimilation capacity has been surpassed due to heavy pollution, further industrialization, without-polluting industries, should be encouraged.

The state could be divided into three parts, Red, Grey and Green. Red area may be considered as that area where pollution load is more than assimilation capacity.

Gray area may be considered for the part of the state where pollution load is less than 50% of the assimilation capacity. Green area may be considered that area where pollution load is within 25% of the assimilation capacity.

12. The ecosystem consists of the physical and biotic environment. The biotic environment consists of the animal kingdom, plant kingdom and human beings. The dynamic interaction among the three is very complex.

Similarly, the impact of the physical environment on biotic environment is not yet well-understood. In the absence of any quantification of interactions between the physical environment and the biotic environment and different degree of pollution load, it is difficult to suggest realistic standards for different pollutants which are acceptable to polluters as well.

13. There is no proper justification for carrying out a detailed physicochemical and biological analysis at different points in natural water streams. For example, in Uttar Pradesh, there is practically no point in finding out the radioactivity as there is practically no source.

Secondly, there is no justification for carrying out a detailed chemical analysis as there is no sources for some of the heavy metals, e.g., hexavalent chromium, lead, mercury, etc., at many places. The total biological analysis, as suggested in the prescribed standards, may not lead to meaningful information and may not effectively convey the position of a body of water, i.e., river or lake, with regard to its pollutants.

In view of the points enumerated earlier, the following conclusions are obvious:

1. There should be statutory standards for air, water, noise, radioactive materials, etc. But due to the difficulties mentioned earlier, they should be implemented keeping in view the special situation, i.e., circumstances associated with the industry and natural streams involved. Total pollution load on the river, its assimilation capacity and self-purification constant should be invariably considered.

2. The standards should serve as guidelines and there should be complete flexibility so that the pace of industrialization may be maintained or accelerated as far as possible.

The global and regional requirements, and also economic conditions, may be kept in view while making statutory provision for the standards to be maintained by each industry.

The practice of ‘best practicable means’, as adopted in the United Kingdom, and shifting of standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States are outstanding examples.

3. Wherever suitable technical know-how is not available, a grace period may be allowed and, in the meantime, suitable know-how may be developed with assistance from the polluting industry on the principle ‘polluter should pay’.

Further, as mentioned earlier, certain guidelines with regard to the desirable limits are necessary to know the exact position.

4. As an incentive, tax concessions may be given to those industries which are maintaining the standards, and a suitable penalty may be imposed on those which are well above the prescribed limit, depending upon the degree of deviation from standards prevailing in the industry.

Thus, a flexible approach to environmental management, based on standards, should be adopted with, provision for detailed evaluation of technical feasibility and economic viability, jointly by polluters as well as enforcement agencies, so that both have faith in the evaluation, and the systems for effluent treatments, thus finalized, are implemented with full confidence.

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Essay on Environment

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344 Environmental Essay Topics & Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
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Environmental essay topics explore people’s interconnection with nature. Some themes may range from examining the escalating effects of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution to the promotion of sustainable practices and green technologies. These subjects invite in-depth discourse on the ethical dimensions of environmental conservation, touching on issues, such as eco-justice and the rights of indigenous communities. They also encompass the analysis of environmental policies, the role of global governance in environmental preservation, and the economic implications of environmental degradation. By offering a diverse landscape for discussion, these environmental essay topics provide a valid platform to not only raise awareness but also generate solutions for the ongoing environmental crises. Each topic is an invitation to deep, critical thinking, encouraging individuals to take an active role in understanding and protecting the planet.

Best Environmental Essay Topics

  • Climate Change: Consequences and Possible Solutions
  • Biodiversity in the Rainforest: The Imperative of Protection
  • The Growing Menace of Ocean Plastic Pollution
  • Nuclear Energy: A Sustainable Future or Environmental Catastrophe?
  • Addressing the Decline of Pollinators: Impacts on Agriculture
  • Impacts of Agriculture on Freshwater Systems
  • Environmental Education: Key to Creating Sustainable Societies
  • Depletion of Natural Resources: Causes, Consequences, and Countermeasures
  • Coral Reefs: Stewardship and Restoration Strategies
  • Increasing Scarcity of Fresh Water: Solving the Global Crisis
  • E-Waste Management: The Hidden Environmental Challenge
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Role of the Transport Sector
  • Renewable Energy: Benefits and Challenges of Solar Power
  • Evolution of Environmental Policies: A Global Perspective
  • Ecotourism: A Sustainable Approach or A Threat to Wildlife?
  • The Importance of Soil Conservation in Farming Practices
  • Industrial Waste: Innovative Techniques for Treatment and Recycling
  • Urbanization: Balancing Development With Environmental Sustainability
  • Genetically Modified Crops: Environmental Benefits and Risks
  • Effects of Mining on Local Ecosystems
  • Global Meat Production: Its Impact on Climate Change
  • Deforestation: Strategies to Reverse the Damage

Easy Environmental Essay Topics

  • Droughts and Their Impact on Food Security
  • Sustainable Fashion: Tackling Waste in the Textile Industry
  • Overfishing: Threat to Marine Biodiversity
  • Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Conservation
  • Geothermal Energy: Potential and Environmental Impacts
  • Oil Spills: Evaluating Long-Term Environmental Effects
  • Conservation of Endangered Species: Success Stories and Lessons Learned
  • Green Architecture: Implications for Urban Planning
  • Rethinking Waste: The Circular Economy Model
  • Desertification: Causes, Impacts, and Prevention Strategies
  • Environmental Justice: Disproportionate Impacts of Pollution on Communities
  • Landfills: Innovations in Waste Management
  • The Influence of Lifestyle Choices on Carbon Footprint
  • Climate Refugees: The Rising Humanitarian Crisis
  • Melting Polar Ice: The Far-Reaching Environmental Impacts
  • Impacts of Invasive Species on Native Ecosystems
  • Noise Pollution: An Underestimated Environmental Hazard
  • Restoration of Wetlands: An Ecological Imperative
  • Understanding the Role of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems
  • Biofuels: A Green Energy Source or Environmental Pitfall?
  • Impacts of the Fashion Industry on Freshwater Depletion
  • Challenges and Successes of Wildlife Corridors
  • Indoor Air Quality: The Unseen Environmental Risk
  • Satellite Technology: Monitoring Environmental Change from Space
  • The Role of Green Spaces in Urban Ecosystems

Environmental Essay Topics & Ideas

Interesting Environmental Essay Topics

  • Carbon Sequestration: Understanding Its Role in Climate Mitigation
  • Health Risks of Air Pollution: A Global Perspective
  • Fracking: Evaluating the Environmental and Health Risks
  • Hydroelectric Power: Balancing Energy Needs and Ecosystem Impact
  • The Environmental Impact of Single-Use Plastics
  • Ecological Footprint: Measurement and Global Comparisons
  • Sustainable Agriculture: The Power of Permaculture
  • The Link Between Deforestation and Disease Outbreaks
  • Roles of Bees in Maintaining Biodiversity
  • Ecological Impacts of Major Oil Pipeline Projects
  • Effects of Light Pollution on Wildlife
  • Algal Blooms: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions
  • Fast Fashion: The Environmental Cost of Disposable Clothing
  • The Future of Electric Vehicles: Environmental Benefits and Challenges
  • Ozone Layer Depletion: Causes and Repercussions
  • Sustainable Forestry: A Path to Climate Resilience
  • Technology’s Role in Alleviating Water Scarcity
  • Population Growth: Implications for Global Sustainability
  • Pesticides: Balancing Crop Protection With Environmental Health
  • Impacts of War on the Environment: A Case Study
  • Microgrid Technology: Implications for Renewable Energy Use
  • Bioengineering: Potential Solution to Climate Change?

Environmental Essay Topics for High School

  • Impacts of Global Warming on Polar Ecosystems
  • Harnessing Solar Energy: A Sustainable Solution
  • The Consequences of Deforestation: Amazon Rainforest Case Study
  • Biodiversity Loss: The Silent Extinction
  • Strategies for Water Conservation in Arid Regions
  • Plastic Pollution: Tackling the Global Crisis
  • Urbanization’s Effect on Green Spaces
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Balancing Human Needs and Nature
  • Coral Reefs: Challenges and Conservation Efforts
  • Air Quality and Health: The Underestimated Link
  • Climate Change: Influences on Global Migration Patterns
  • Overfishing: A Threat to Marine Ecosystems
  • Electric Vehicles: A Solution to Air Pollution
  • E-Waste Management: Ethical and Environmental Challenges
  • Oceans as Carbon Sinks: Role and Vulnerabilities
  • Consumerism and Its Environmental Footprint
  • The Significance of Indigenous Knowledge in Conservation Efforts
  • Acid Rain: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • The Role of Green Buildings in Reducing Environmental Impact
  • Fashion Industry: Analyzing Its Environmental Costs
  • Nuclear Energy: Environmental Risks and Rewards

Environmental Essay Topics for College Students

  • Evaluating the Impacts of Deforestation on Global Climate
  • Greenhouse Gases: Understanding Their Sources and Implications
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Future Pathways for Food Security
  • Examining the Consequences of Urban Sprawl
  • Ocean Acidification: A Silent Crisis
  • The Rising Problem of Electronic Waste: Solutions and Challenges
  • Species Extinction: Assessing the Role of Human Activities
  • Wetlands Conservation: Why Is It Critical for Biodiversity?
  • Renewable Energy: The Path to a Sustainable Future
  • Fast Fashion and Its Environmental Implications
  • Impacts of Air Pollution on Urban Environments
  • Conserving Endangered Species: The Role of Zoos and Sanctuaries
  • Marine Pollution: The Threats to Our Oceans and Seas
  • Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy
  • Challenges in Water Conservation: A Global Perspective
  • The Critical Role of Bees in Ecosystems
  • Understanding the Threat of Invasive Species
  • Melting Polar Ice: The Consequences for Marine Life
  • Ecotourism: An Environmental and Economic Boon or Bane?
  • Discussing the Causes and Effects of Soil Erosion
  • Dams: Balancing Human Needs and Environmental Consequences
  • Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Meat Production

Environmental Essay Topics for University

  • Urban Green Spaces: Their Importance and Conservation
  • The Relationship Between Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation
  • Examining the Environmental Impact of Tourism
  • The Potential of Solar Energy in Mitigating Climate Change
  • Influence of Population Growth on Water Resources
  • The Critical Role of Mangrove Forests in Coastal Protection
  • Oil Spills: Consequences and Cleanup Techniques
  • The Impact of Mining on Natural Ecosystems
  • Relevance of Rainforest Preservation to Climate Stability
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Wind Energy
  • Impacts of Industrialization on Air Quality
  • Effectiveness of International Treaties in Protecting the Environment
  • Desertification: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • The Role of Public Transportation in Reducing Carbon Emissions
  • Strategies for Reducing Plastic Pollution in Oceans
  • Sustainable Cities: Measures to Improve Urban Sustainability
  • The Role of Green Buildings in Urban Sustainability
  • Biomass Energy: Prospects and Challenges
  • Organic Farming: Impact on Soil Health and Biodiversity
  • Pesticides and Their Impact on Non-Target Species
  • Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Path Forward
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Coral Reefs
  • Carbon Capture: A Potential Solution to Climate Change?

Argumentative Environmental Essay Topics

  • Adoption of Renewable Energy: A Necessity for a Sustainable Future
  • Implications of Overpopulation on Global Biodiversity
  • Forest Conservation: An Essential Strategy Against Climate Change
  • Measures to Control Industrial Pollution: A Policy Perspective
  • Implementing Strict Regulations on Plastic Usage: Is It Effective?
  • Roles of Urbanization in Escalating Air Quality Concerns
  • Genetically Modified Crops: Solution or Threat to Biodiversity?
  • Governments Should Mandate Sustainable Practices in Corporations: A Debate
  • Ocean Acidification: Consequences and Mitigation Techniques
  • Impacts of Fast Fashion on Environmental Sustainability
  • Ecotourism: A Sustainable Economic Model or Environmental Exploitation?
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Carbon Taxation Policies
  • Overfishing: A Global Crisis and Its Impacts on Ecosystems
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Global Agriculture: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • Mitigating Deforestation: Evaluating the Effectiveness of REDD+ Initiatives
  • Nuclear Energy: An Environmentally-Friendly Power Source or Potential Hazard?
  • Sustainable Farming Practices: Are They Really Beneficial?
  • Environmental Ethics: Assessing Our Responsibility Toward Future Generations
  • Veganism and Its Potential Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Landfill Waste Management: Strategies for Reducing Environmental Impact
  • The Threat of Microplastics in Aquatic Ecosystems: Causes and Solutions

Controversial Environmental Essay Topics

  • Examining the True Cost of Fossil Fuels: Environmental Damage vs. Economic Development
  • Debating the Efficacy of Carbon Capture Technology: Promising Solution or Futile Endeavour?
  • Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) on Biodiversity: Progress or Peril?
  • Harnessing Nuclear Power: Environmental Savior or Silent Killer?
  • Climate Change’s Influence on Global Politics: Cooperation or Conflict?
  • Gauging the Ecological Footprint of Digital Technologies: Is Green IT Possible?
  • Geoengineering and Climate Intervention: Responsible Management or Playing God?
  • Ecotourism’s Paradox: Protecting or Exploiting Nature?
  • Meat Consumption’s Role in Environmental Degradation: Time for a Dietary Revolution?
  • Urban Sprawl and Ecosystem Fragmentation: Can Smart Cities Reverse the Trend?
  • Plastic Waste Management: Effective Recycling or Biodegradable Solutions?
  • Implications of Overpopulation: Is Population Control Ethically Justifiable?
  • Are Renewable Energy Sources Truly Sustainable? Unveiling Hidden Environmental Costs.
  • Effects of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity: A Looming Crisis?
  • Deforestation and Indigenous Rights: A Clash of Interests?
  • Deciphering the Economic Viability of Green Energy: Profitability or Philanthropy?
  • Invasive Species and Ecosystem Balance: Is Human Intervention Necessary?
  • Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking): Energy Solution or Environmental Nightmare?
  • Industrial Agriculture’s Role in Soil Degradation: Need for Agroecological Methods?
  • Chemical Pesticides vs. Organic Farming: Which Ensures Food Security?

Environmental Essay Topics on Air Pollution

  • Analyzing the Health Impacts of Industrial Air Pollution
  • Air Quality Index: An Essential Tool for Monitoring Air Pollution
  • Measures for Mitigating Vehicular Air Pollution in Urban Centers
  • The Role of Wildfires in Exacerbating Global Air Pollution
  • Climate Change: The Direct Consequences of Increasing Air Pollution
  • The Intricate Relationship Between Air Pollution and Respiratory Diseases
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Air Quality Regulations in Developed Countries
  • Industrialization’s Impacts on Air Pollution: A Case Study of China
  • Strategies for Reducing Household Air Pollution in Developing Countries
  • Air Pollution in Megacities: The Case of New Delhi
  • Policy Analysis: International Efforts to Control Air Pollution
  • The Silent Killer: Long-Term Effects of Exposure to Air Pollution
  • Proliferation of Plastic Waste: A Significant Contributor to Air Pollution
  • Impacts of Agriculture-Related Air Pollution on Rural Communities
  • E-Waste and Its Contribution to Toxic Air Pollution
  • The Dangers of Radioactive Air Pollution: A Deep Dive Into Chernobyl
  • The Unseen Consequences of Military Conflicts on Air Pollution
  • Understanding the Global Disparity in Air Pollution Standards
  • Dissecting the Impact of Air Pollution on Biodiversity
  • A Critique of Current Air Purification Technologies
  • The Effect of Deforestation on Air Pollution Levels

Environmental Essay Topics on Water Pollution

  • Investigating the Impact of Industrial Effluents on Groundwater Quality
  • Analysis of Microplastic Contamination in Marine Ecosystems
  • Unveiling the Truth: The Health Effects of Drinking Polluted Water
  • Dead Zones in the Ocean: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • Pharmaceutical Pollution in Waterways: The Unseen Threat
  • Heavy Metal Contamination in Freshwater Bodies: A Silent Crisis
  • Acid Rain and its Detrimental Effects on Aquatic Life
  • Understanding the Role of Agriculture in Nutrient Pollution
  • The Consequences of Oil Spills on Marine Wildlife and Coastal Communities
  • The Menace of Eutrophication: Lake and River Ecosystems at Risk
  • Sewage Disposal: Unraveling Its Environmental and Health Implications
  • The True Cost of Fracking: Contaminated Water Supplies
  • Algal Blooms: Understanding Their Causes and Ecological Impacts
  • Plastic Waste in Oceans: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
  • Microorganisms and Water Pollution: Unseen Invaders
  • Unearthing the Impact of Mining Activities on Water Quality
  • Radioactive Waste Disposal in Oceans: A Lurking Danger
  • Landfills Leaching: Assessing Its Impact on Groundwater Pollution
  • Tackling Water Pollution: Emerging Technologies and Innovations
  • Ship Wrecks and Underwater Munitions: The Forgotten Water Pollutants

Environmental Essay Topics on Ecosystem Pollution

  • Analyzing the Impact of Oil Spills on Marine Ecosystems
  • Investigating Agricultural Runoff’s Role in Eutrophication of Freshwater Bodies
  • Exploring the Detrimental Effects of Air Pollution on Forest Ecosystems
  • Revealing the Long-Term Consequences of Acid Rain on Soil Ecosystems
  • Scrutinizing the Influence of Industrial Waste on Wetland Ecosystems
  • Discussing the Impact of Microplastics on Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Evaluating the Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination in River Ecosystems
  • Assessing the Interplay Between Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss
  • Elucidating the Consequences of Landfills on Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Debating the Ramifications of Climate Change on Arctic Ecosystems
  • Investigating Urbanization and Its Effect on Local Ecosystems
  • Pondering the Effects of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Ecosystems
  • Highlighting the Impact of Persistent Organic Pollutants on Ecosystem Health
  • Examining the Influence of Noise Pollution on Wildlife Ecosystems
  • Interpreting the Effects of Overfishing on Oceanic Ecosystems
  • Unraveling the Role of Radioactive Contamination on Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Detailing the Impacts of Pesticide Drift on Non-Target Ecosystems
  • Illustrating the Detrimental Effects of E-Waste on Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Clarifying the Implications of Chemical Fertilizers on Soil Microbial Ecosystems
  • Delving Into the Consequences of Greenhouse Gases on Global Ecosystems
  • Weighing the Impact of Tourism on Fragile Ecosystems

Environmental Essay Topics on Waste Management & Utilization

  • Sustainable Methods for Waste Management and Utilization
  • Innovative Approaches to Recycling and Waste Reduction
  • The Role of Technology in Waste Management and Utilization
  • Maximizing Resource Recovery Through Effective Waste Management
  • Promoting Circular Economy: Waste Management and Utilization
  • Waste-to-Energy Solutions: Harnessing the Power of Waste
  • Effective Strategies for Hazardous Waste Management and Utilization
  • The Importance of Community Engagement in Waste Management
  • Exploring Biodegradable Alternatives for Waste Management
  • Enhancing Public Awareness of Waste Management and Utilization
  • Economic Benefits of Efficient Waste Management Systems
  • Sustainable Packaging Solutions: Waste Management and Utilization
  • Addressing E-Waste: Challenges and Solutions for Proper Management
  • Innovative Methods for Organic Waste Management and Utilization
  • Waste Management in the Construction Industry: Best Practices
  • The Role of Legislation and Policy in Waste Management and Utilization
  • Waste Management and Utilization in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Waste Minimization Strategies for a Greener Future
  • The Impact of Consumer Behavior on Waste Management and Utilization
  • Effective Strategies for Industrial Waste Management and Utilization

Environmental Essay Topics on Depletion of Natural Resources

  • Renewable Energy Sources and Their Role in Resource Depletion
  • Urbanization and Loss of Natural Habitats
  • Preservation of Endangered Species
  • Responsible Mining Practices and Environmental Protection
  • Sustainable Forestry for Timber Production
  • Managing Water Scarcity in Arid Regions
  • Control of Erosion and Land Degradation
  • Impacts of Overconsumption on Resource Depletion
  • Sustainable Fishing Practices and Aquatic Resource Management
  • Recycling and Waste Management for Resource Conservation
  • Soil Conservation and Nutrient Depletion
  • Conservation of Coral Reefs and Marine Biodiversity
  • Alternative Materials for Reducing Resource Depletion
  • Sustainable Tourism and Protection of Natural Resources
  • Strategies for Sustainable Water Management
  • Energy Efficiency and Reduction of Resource Depletion
  • Preservation of Natural Carbon Sinks
  • Environmental Impacts of Extractive Industries
  • Conservation of Rainforests and Tropical Biodiversity
  • Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Agriculture
  • Renewable Energy Transition and Resource Preservation
  • Management of Non-Renewable Resource Depletion
  • Sustainable Consumption Patterns and Resource Conservation

Environmental Essay Topics About Human Impact

  • Technology’s Role in Environmental Conservation
  • Overfishing: Consequences for Oceanic Ecosystems
  • Promoting Sustainable Economic Development Through Ecotourism
  • Addressing the Water Crisis: Sustainable Management and Conservation
  • Urbanization’s Impacts on Natural Habitats
  • The Power of Education in Promoting Environmental Awareness
  • International Environmental Agreements: Effectiveness and Implications
  • Sustainable Transportation: Reducing Carbon Emissions
  • Wetlands: Ecological Importance and Preservation Efforts
  • Consumer Choices: Driving Environmental Conservation
  • Recycling Programs: Benefits, Challenges, and Innovations
  • Protecting Endangered Species: Successful Conservation Strategies
  • Green Architecture: Designing Sustainable Buildings
  • Sustainable Fashion: Ethical and Eco-Friendly Practices
  • Mining Activities: Impacts on Land and Water Resources
  • Forest Restoration: Carbon Sequestration and Importance
  • Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Understanding the Connection
  • Pesticides and Herbicides: Effects on Ecosystems and Human Health
  • Environmental Regulations: Controlling Industrial Pollution
  • Rural Electrification: Harnessing the Potential of Renewable Energy
  • Sustainable Consumption: Reducing Waste and Carbon Footprints

Essay Topics About Nature and Environment

  • Sustainable Urban Development: Green Infrastructure and Efficient Resource Management
  • Ecosystem Restoration: Rehabilitating Degraded Landscapes and Habitats
  • The Significance of Coral Reefs for Marine Biodiversity and Coastal Protection
  • Promoting Sustainable Waste Management: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • The Impacts of Overfishing on Oceanic Food Chains and Fisheries
  • Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Vulnerable Communities
  • The Relationship Between Human Health and Environmental Quality
  • The Role of Environmental Education in Shaping Sustainable Mindsets
  • Protecting Water Resources: Conservation and Efficient Use
  • Impacts of Urbanization on Wildlife Habitats and Ecological Connectivity
  • Promoting Green Buildings and Energy-Efficient Infrastructure
  • Biodiversity Hotspots: Protecting Regions of Exceptional Natural Value
  • The Role of International Agreements in Environmental Conservation
  • Addressing Plastic Pollution: Towards a Plastic-Free Future
  • The Importance of Soil Health for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Promoting Sustainable Transportation: From Electric Vehicles to Public Transit
  • Benefits and Challenges of Implementing Renewable Energy Sources
  • The Role of Environmental NGOs in Advocacy and Conservation Efforts
  • Preserving Natural Landscapes: National Parks and Protected Areas
  • The Impacts of Industrialization on Air Quality and Human Health

Environmental Law Essay Topics

  • Addressing Deforestation: Strategies for Forest Conservation
  • Regulating Fracking: Assessing Environmental and Health Risks
  • Managing Water Resources in a Changing Climate: Legal Challenges
  • The Role of Environmental NGOs in Shaping Policy and Law
  • Examining Legal Implications of Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Balancing Conservation and Indigenous Rights: A Legal Perspective
  • Waste Management and Recycling: Legal Approaches
  • Evaluating Wildlife Protection Laws and Enforcement Mechanisms
  • Analyzing Climate Change Litigation: Legal Implications
  • Air Pollution: Legal Frameworks and Mitigation Strategies
  • Ensuring Environmental Compliance in Extractive Industries
  • Controlling Pollution From Industrial Activities: Legal Mechanisms
  • Promoting Sustainable Urban Development: Legal Strategies
  • Liability and Compensation in Environmental Damage Cases
  • Legal Frameworks for Environmental Education and Awareness
  • Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital Valuation: Legal Perspectives
  • Regulating Agricultural Practices for Sustainable Farming
  • Protecting Marine Biodiversity: Legal Frameworks for Conservation
  • Promoting Renewable Energy Investments: Legal Incentives
  • International Trade Law and Environmental Considerations
  • Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade: Legal Strategies
  • Integrating Indigenous Traditional Knowledge Into Environmental Law

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environment management essay

Environmental Management

Environmental Management offers research and opinions on use and conservation of natural resources, protection of habitats and control of hazards, spanning the field of environmental management without regard to traditional disciplinary boundaries. The journal aims to improve communication, making ideas and results from any field available to practitioners from other backgrounds. Contributions are drawn from biology, botany, chemistry, climatology, ecology, ecological economics, environmental engineering, fisheries, environmental law, forest sciences, geosciences, information science, public affairs, public health, toxicology, zoology and more.

As the principal user of nature, humanity is responsible for ensuring that its environmental impacts are benign rather than catastrophic. Environmental Management presents the work of academic researchers and professionals outside universities, including those in business, government, research establishments, and public interest groups, presenting a wide spectrum of viewpoints and approaches.

This is a transformative journal , you may have access to funding.

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Latest issue

Volume 74, Issue 4

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Fit for strategic purpose the quality of strategic environmental assessment guidelines in three east african nations.

  • Amani G. Rweyendela

What Future for Protected Areas? Analysing the Mismatch between South Africa’s Pre-existing Protected areas System and the Declared vision in Contemporary Conservation Policy

  • R. C. Alberts
  • F. P. Retief
  • D. P. Cilliers

environment management essay

Evaluating the Feasibility and Effectiveness of Removing the Globally Invasive Eastern Mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki from Lotic Environments

  • Eleni Kalogianni
  • Nicholas Koutsikos
  • Leonidas Vardakas

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Multistakeholder Initiatives and Sustainability? A Governance Analysis using the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa (GISCO) as a Case Study

  • Daniel Schuster

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The Importance of Capacity-Building in Watershed Groups: Lessons from the Hudson River Watershed, USA

  • Michael Howard Finewood
  • Larissa Read

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Environmental Management 8291 AS and A Level Past Papers

12/01/2023 : environmental management 8291 october november 2022 past papers of a levels are updated., 15/08/2022 : environmental management 8291 past papers of feb march and may june 2022 are now available. .

Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291)

Papa Cambridge provides  Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) latest past   papers  and resources that includes  syllabus, specimens, question papers, marking schemes, resource booklet, FAQ’s , Teacher’s resources and a lot more. Past papers of Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) are available from 2002 up to the latest session. It’s the guarantee of Papa Cambridge that you will find the latest past papers and other resources of Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) before any other website. All the content offered here is absolutely for free and is provided in the most convenient way so that you don’t face any issue.

A Level Environmental Management 8291 past papers

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Not only do you get yearly unsolved past papers of Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) but there is a lot more at Papa Cambridge now ? Click on the links below to find more stuff of CAIE Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only).

05 October 2019  : Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) past papers and other resources are now available. 

22 April 2020 :  All content for Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) has been updated.

20 May/June 2020  : All Content for Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) has been updated.

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20 August 2021 :   Feb / March   2021  and  May / June   2021  Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) Past Papers are updated

20 January 2022 : Oct / Nov 2021  Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) Past Papers are updated

Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) Yearly Past Papers

This AS Level syllabus develops scientific knowledge and understanding of global environmental issues and theories, and of the policies and strategies for managing the environment. The course covers the sustainable use and management of resources, and strategies that aim to protect environments. Learners will interpret and analyse data and do investigative work. Case studies allow teachers to choose their own examples to investigate, which may be local, regional or global.

Although Cambridge International AS Level Environmental Management extends and complements the relevant Cambridge O Level and Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses, learners do not need to have studied the subject before starting the course.

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If you don’t want to mess around here between notes, slides, ebooks etc and just want to have past papers of Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only). Check out : Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) Past Papers. Past Papers.Co only has past papers available to give you clean and smooth experience for browsing past papers.  Get Environmental Management 8291 Past Papers here. 

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  • Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management AS only marking schemes
  • Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management AS only syllabus
  • Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management AS only grade thresholds
  • CAIE Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management AS only
  • Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management AS only resource material

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How does environmental policy affect operations and supply chain management: a literature review.

  • • Present a systematic review of operations and supply chain management in the context of environmental policy.
  • • Utilize descriptive statistics to examine 137 articles collectively.
  • • Categorize research into eight distinct clusters through an established analytical framework.
  • • Unveil cluster-specific attributes and identifies areas of research lacunae.
  • • Provide valuable insights into potential avenues for future research.
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Programmes & Qualifications

Cambridge igcse environmental management (0680).

  • Syllabus overview

The Cambridge IGCSE™ Environmental Management syllabus creates interest and enthusiasm about the environment, and helps students gain essential skills to progress to further study or employment.

The syllabus:

  • encourages learners to gain an interest in environmental issues that affect the individual, the community and the wider world
  • develops the ability to communicate effectively and clearly, using appropriate terminology and scientific conventions
  • engages learners through practical fieldwork, promoting safe working practices and with consideration for habitats and organisms
  • develops understanding of scientific data and evidence to solve problems and make decisions
  • enables learners to gain an understanding of climate change and have the knowledge and skills required to address climate-related challenges at local, national and global levels
  • develops learners’ interest in environmental management through the discovery of strategies, their impacts and ability to manage climate change that could inspire further study.

The syllabus year refers to the year in which the examination will be taken.

  • -->2022 - 2024 Syllabus (PDF, 304KB)
  • -->2025 - 2026 Syllabus (PDF, 701KB)
  • -->2027 - 2029 Syllabus (PDF, 752KB)

Syllabus updates

We have changed the names of both papers to:

  • Paper 1: Principles of Environmental Management
  • Paper 2: Environmental Management in Context

We have revised, updated and restructured the subject content to improve the logical order of teaching, and to support progression to Cambridge International AS Level Environmental Management (8291).

There is greater emphasis on climate change reflecting its increasing impact on the environment and awareness of the issues. We have also added climate change as a new sub-topic heading and included terminology specific to this topic.

We have included fieldwork more within the syllabus, providing opportunities for students to gain the hands-on experience that will make it clearer how to answer the questions in Paper 2.

We have removed recommended case studies from the syllabus to provide the opportunity to teach more local content to engage learners.

We have updated the assessment objectives and changed the weightings for the assessment.

For full details of the changes, please see the 2027–2029 syllabus above.

We are developing a range of resources to help teachers deliver this updated syllabus. We aim to provide a scheme of work and other relevant classroom resources.

Example Candidate Responses will be available following the first examination in 2027. Visit the School Support Hub from June 2027 onwards for details.

Endorsed resources

View the latest resources from our Endorsement Partners the Cambridge IGCSE Environmental Management syllabus (0680).

Front cover of Cambridge IGCSE & O Level Environmental Management Coursebook

Help your learners develop knowledge of environmental issues such as the significance of climate change, employ scientific methods and develop their fieldwork skills. Global and regional detailed specific examples in the coursebook provide real-life relevance.

Important notices

Enter our exciting extra-curricular activity for teams of Cambridge Upper Secondary science students. Teams work together on a scientific investigation of their choice, build their passion for science and support their academic studies. Find out more about the competition and how to take part.

For some subjects, we publish grade descriptions to help understand the level of performance candidates’ grades represent.

We paused the publication of grade descriptions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the temporary changes to the awarding standard in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

As the awarding standard has now returned to the pre-pandemic standard, we are working to produce up-to-date grade descriptions for most of our general qualifications. These will be based on the awarding standards in place from June 2023 onwards.

School Support Hub

Teachers at registered Cambridge schools can unlock over 30 000 teaching and learning resources to help plan and deliver Cambridge programmes and qualifications, including Schemes of work, Example candidate responses, Past papers, Specimen paper answers, as well as digital and multimedia resources.

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Lucia Della Spina  

Department of Heritage, Architecture and Urban Planning, Università degli Studi Mediterranea - Reggio Calabria

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environment management essay

Call For Papers

  • 02, Mar / 03, Mar 2025

Online Conference

environment management essay

The phenomenon of climate change and the imperative of environmental sustainability constitute two of the most pressing global challenges in contemporary society. As the ramifications of climate change intensify in severity, the necessity for productive mitigation and adaptation strategies becomes unequivocally evident. Mitigation, especially the decarburization of industries and societies, addresses the root causes of climate change, while adaptation provides a practical, immediate path to building resilience and minimizing risks.

Cities and the built environment are at the forefront of these efforts, as they are central to where most people live and where climate strategies are implemented. The focus on sustainable urban and rural transitions, alongside the decarburization of the built environment, is key to enhancing climate resilience. Equally vital is the development of strong governance structures to support climate action—through education, policy, and advocacy—ensuring that all sectors of society contribute to progress.

As a call to action, IEREK is announcing the release of the inaugural edition of the Environmental Science and Sustainable Development (ESSD)" online presentation on 28 February 2025. ESSD aims to establish a comprehensive framework to address the major concerns of climate change while fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations as we negotiate the complexities of global challenges and their relationship with the environment. The accepted papers will be published in Environmental Science and Sustainable Development ( ESSD) journal.

1.1. Regional approaches to climate adaptation

1.2. Role of technology in adaptation

1.3. Strengthening resilience in vulnerable communities

1.4. Urban planning for climate resilience

1.5. Agricultural practices and food security

1.6. Water resource management in changing climates

1.7. Disaster preparedness and response systems

2.1. Emerging renewable energy technologies

2.2. Grid integration of decentralized energy systems

2.3. Off-grid and microgrid solutions for rural energy access

2.4. Energy storage technologies and innovations

2.5. Policy incentives for renewable energy adoption

2.6. Workforce transformation in the renewable energy sector

2.7. Reducing carbon emissions through energy efficiency in the industry

2.8. Community-level renewable energy projects

3.1. Regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration

3.2. Climate-smart agricultural technologies

3.3. Water management innovations in agriculture

3.4. Local and regional food systems and sustainability

3.5. Policy-driven incentives for sustainable farming

3.6. The role of agroforestry in enhancing biodiversity

3.7. Sustainable food production and plant-based diets

3.8. Impact of climate change on global food security

4.1. Circular economy models in manufacturing and industry

4.2. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) for waste reduction

4.3. Reducing electronic waste through recycling innovations

4.4. Sustainable packaging solutions and reduction of single-use plastics

4.5. Waste-to-energy technologies and innovations

4.6. Repair, refurbishing, and the role of the sharing economy

4.7. Construction and demolition waste management strategies

4.8. Role of digital platforms in supporting the circular economy

5.1. Biodiversity conservation in the context of climate change

5.2. Ecological restoration and its role in ecosystem resilience

5.3. Invasive species management and biodiversity protection

5.4. The role of ecosystem services in climate mitigation

5.5. Economic mechanisms for incentivizing conservation

5.6. Biodiversity monitoring through emerging technologies

5.7. Sustainable livelihoods based on ecosystem services

5.8. Biodiversity policy frameworks and global agreements

6.1 Climate-resilient infrastructure for cities

6.2. Urban green spaces and biodiversity conservation

6.3. Energy-efficient buildings and smart technologies

6.4. Sustainable public transportation systems

6.5. Water management and sustainable urban design

6.6. Affordable, sustainable housing initiatives

6.7. The role of IoT in smart cities and urban sustainability

6.8. Community-driven approaches to sustainable urbanization

7.1 Green bonds and their role in financing sustainability projects

7.2. ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria for investment decisions

7.3. Public-private partnerships for sustainable development projects

7.4. Investment in climate resilience and adaptation initiatives

7.5. Impact investing and sustainable business models

7.6. Financial risks and opportunities related to climate change

7.7. Financing biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration

7.8. Policy frameworks to incentivize green investment

8.1. The role of AI in environmental monitoring and resource management

8.2. Block chain for improving supply chain transparency and sustainability

8.3. IoT and smart systems for optimizing energy and resource use

8.4. Big data analytics for climate change prediction and adaptation

8.5. Digital platforms for supporting circular economy initiatives

8.6. Drones and remote sensing for biodiversity monitoring and conservation

8.7. Smart agriculture technologies for improving crop yields and reducing waste

8.8. The ethical implications of using digital technology for environmental management

Online Attendance

Publication Author Co-author


150 €


50 €

The fee covers:

  • A softcopy of the abstract book 
  • IEREK Participation/ Contribution Certificate in softcopy
  • Acceptance Letters in softcopy
  • Consideration for publishing in the  "ESSD Journal"
  • Access to conference recordings
  • Each research paper should have one main author who should pay the full fee (Author fees) regardless of attendance. Co-authors, each, have their own fees to pay to attend the event. 
  • A research paper fee allows only one author, whether main or co-author, to attend the conference and receive only one copy of the conference Abstract book in soft copy. Extras can be requested for an additional fee.

Payment Methods:

Payment of the registration fee can be made via the following methods (only after online registration):

1. Bank transfer 

Kindly send a request to the conference coordinator/ email and CC  [email protected]  to receive bank details to complete the payment. ***  VAT is applied on some countries, please check the  PDF HERE  before payment  ***

***  Please note that the transaction fee is solely the payee’s/ Remitter’s responsibility. The Beneficiary should receive the total amount specified above without deductions. Incomplete amounts may result in an outstanding amount and a request for completion ***

***  After you have completed the payment, kindly inform us with full transaction details. The transaction will remain marked as pending until we receive confirmation. After you make your transfer, kindly send us a scanned copy of the receipt to  [email protected]   ***

2. Online payment gateway (Stripe)

Participants who would like to complete their payments online must send a request to the conference coordinator/ email and CC  [email protected]  to receive a customized electronic invoice to complete their payments.

Payment Terms and Guidelines:

  • Read more on  Important Dates . For information on payment dates, kindly send a request to the conference coordinator/email and CC  [email protected]  to receive payment details to complete the payment.
  • After online registration and payment, the registration fee cannot be reimbursed.
  • Final Acceptance/ rejection of your full/ extended paper (if submitted) can only be given after the peer review process.
  • Inclusion in the conference program, acceptance letters issuance and consideration for publication must be preceded by registration and payment completion.
  • Online Payment (only) should only be completed once a proforma invoice is issued with respective instructions for successful payment.
  • Contact our  Financial Department  for inquiries/ requests.
Title Date
Payment Deadline 15 Dec 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline 01 Nov 2024
Notification of acceptance/ rejection of submitted paper 15 Nov 2024
Conference Program 02 Jan 2025
Conference Launch 02 Mar 2025

1-If submitted, the extension (short paper) will be preliminarily checked ( iThenticate  plagiarism/ similarity screening Software, readability, and scope) and it will be peer-reviewed. If similarity issues are detected, the following will apply:

  • % from all sources: 10-15%
  • % from one source: 3-5%
  • Higher than 30% (all sources): Reject completely
  • Lower than 30% (all sources): Ask for revision to decrease the similarities

2-IEREK has an unyielding policy regarding plagiarism. We believe that copying/ taking the ideas and work of other Authors without permission and credit is fraudulent. The Reviewing committee and IEREK employees have the authority to reject a paper during its reviewing process, on the basis of the paper being subjected to either minor or major plagiarism.

3-Each paper/ chapter is evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers, after which a final decision by the responsible Editor is made. There is no maximum to the number of times a paper can be reviewed, depending on the quality of the submission.

4-If your short paper is accepted by the Editors for publishing with comments/ requested modifications, our Editors ( publishing department ) will contact you once a decision is made and you will be asked to revise and correct it. After resubmission, it will be re-checked. Note: There may be more than one round of peer review and the decision rests with the editors of the title. Missed deadlines may result in complete exclusion/ rejection from the final publication.

5-If your short paper is accepted for publishing without edits/ comments, the corresponding author will be contacted to provide the final version of their chapters/ papers following  Springer Guidelines  and sign the Springer consent-to-publish (CTP) form to authorize publication in the conference proceedings.

6-A back-and-forth process: modifications will be sent back to the responsible Editor/ Series Editor and another round of evaluation conducted where needed. Participants/ Authors should regularly check their emails (Junk/ Spam folders).

7-If you are not interested in publishing an extended abstract in the proceedings in ASTI by Springer Nature, please inform the conference support ( [email protected] ).

ESSD's author instructions:

ESSD's paper template:

All accepted submissions, after a rigorous double-blinded peer-review process by the respective and a highly-extinguished Editorial Board, will be published in: The Environmental Science and Sustainable Development (ESSD) journal.

About ESSD:

Environmental Science and Sustainable Development (ESSD) is a peer-reviewed journal for disseminating research-based knowledge in the fields of environmental science and sustainable development. The journal encourages interdisciplinary approaches and invites contributions from diverse fields, including environmental sciences, social sciences, economics, engineering, technology, policy studies, and other related disciplines. It aims to foster collaboration, promote evidence-based decision-making, and contribute to global efforts toward a sustainable and resilient future. ESSD is recognized by several prestigious indexation services, including Google Scholar, DOAJ, and EBSCO host, and soon it will be indexed in Web of Science and Scopus.

Powered By Orcid

ORCID, which stands for  O pen  R esearcher and  C ontributor  ID , is a global, not-for-profit organization that aims to provide unique identifiers for authors, researchers, and scholars. ORCiD effectively eliminates duplication and errors regarding author names, affiliations, previous works, and all related academic data.

IEREK is a proud member of ORCiD, and we contribute directly to their initiative of clear and identifiable markers for researchers and scholars. As the first Egyptian partner to ORCiD in the organization’s history, we strongly believe that by utilizing ORCiD’s database and verification services, we become one step closer to achieving an accurate, and identifiable academic landscape.

We encourage our authors to input their ORCiD ID when registering for one of our conferences, submitting an abstract, or a full paper. By doing so, you directly link your research to your identity and affiliation and can showcase your various academic efforts all in one place. By Registering your ORCiD ID, you also increase your works’ visibility and provide easy access to your entire library of research and academic activity.

Attending a conference enhances both your professional and personal development. They help you sharpen the saw, meet and converse with industry experts, expand your resources, and grow your professional network.  IEREK  Conference will help you:

  • Open Discussions:  We bring together leading academic scientists, from different universities and countries, to exchange and share their experiences and research results.
  • Internationally Accredited Certificate:  The participants are granted internationally recognized certificates acknowledged by IEREK, and Partnering Organization.
  • Publication: Selected high-quality manuscripts will be published, after peer review, in the Environmental Science and Sustainable Development ( ESSD) journal.
  • Networking:  You can engage with industry experts to discuss with them the very latest research projects they could be working on and increase your chances of collaboration in future projects.

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    The Essay "People or Penguins" by W. F. Baxter. In the chapter "People or Penguins," William Baxter underlines the necessity to analyze environmental issues as human-centered and cost-effective. The third recommendation is to treat a human as an end, not a means for improvement. Pages: 1.

  2. Essay on the Environmental Management (2247 Words)

    Essay on the Environmental Management (2247 Words) There is a growing concern in developed nations about the ever-increasing environmental degradation due to industrialization. Even though the level of environmental pollution is much less in developing nations, it a cause for alarm there, too.

  3. 344 Environmental Essay Topics & Ideas

    344 Environmental Essay Topics & Ideas. Environmental essay topics explore people's interconnection with nature. Some themes may range from examining the escalating effects of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution to the promotion of sustainable practices and green technologies. These subjects invite in-depth discourse on the ...

  4. The environmental management

    Environmental Management is a very important component of sustainable living. The interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of Environmental Management enables it to solve the complex environment ... Disclaimer: This essay is provided as an example of work produced by students studying towards a environmental studies degree, it is not ...

  5. Journal of Environmental Management

    The Journal of Environmental Management (JEM) is a premier, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the understanding and application of environmental management practices. Our mission is to disseminate high-quality, original research that contributes to the effective management of …. View full aims & scope.

  6. Science

    How to write an Essay - Science - Environmental Management - LibGuides at University of Johannesburg. University of Johannesburg Library.

  7. Cambridge International AS Environmental Management (8291)

    2022. This AS syllabus covers environmental issues and their management, especially the human aspect. Through their studies, learners gain an understanding of environmental resources and their human exploitation, and the goal of sustainable environmental management.

  8. Environmental Management and Human Impact Essay

    Get a custom essay on Environmental Management and Human Impact. Due to these activities, the environment has been exposed to any damages such as pollution of water, air, and land, thus decreasing its productivity. Humans or nature causes environmental harm. The natural causes include landslides and hurricanes.

  9. Environmental Issues and Management

    The standard guides organisations on how to minimise negative impacts of their operations on the environment (Enarsson 2006, 86). The Environmental Management System is the set of approaches and strategies to manage environmental programs by an organisation in an effective manner. The EMS helps organisations plan and allocate resources for ...

  10. PDF Essays on Environmental Management

    demand management. It contains five independent papers connected by the broader theme of environmental management. Two papers (I and II) deal with invasive species while the third and fourth probes the effect of social capital on carbon dioxide emissions (CO 2) and individuals' decision to contribute toward environmental protection. The first

  11. Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Environmental Management Revision

    Accounting. Past Papers. Revision notes, past papers and practice questions for Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Environmental Management, written by our expert team of teachers and examiners.

  12. Home

    Environmental Management presents the work of academic researchers and professionals outside universities, including those in business, government, research establishments, and public interest groups, presenting a wide spectrum of viewpoints and approaches. This is a transformative journal, you may have access to funding.

  13. Essay On Environmental Management System

    Many businesses also include and practice the Environmental Management System in their infrastructure and try to attain the application of standardization such as ISO certificates. This essay will describe briefly about what is the environmental management system and its environment - management standard of ISO 14001 with focus on the ...

  14. Essay on Environment for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Environment. Essay on Environment - All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, etc. Moreover, the earth is considered the only planet in the universe that ...

  15. Environmental Management 8291 AS and A Level Past Papers

    Papa Cambridge provides Cambridge International AS and A Level Environmental Management (AS only) - (8291) latest past papers and resources that includes syllabus, specimens, question papers, marking schemes, resource booklet, FAQ's, Teacher's resources and a lot more.

  16. Environmental Management

    Environmental Management - IGCSE Past Papers. Home » Past Papers » Past Papers/CIE » O Level (IGCSE) » Subjects A -> E » Environmental Management.

  17. Environmental Management Tools and Methods Essay

    Environmental management and disaster reduction go through three key processes. These are, planning, assessment and implementation. There are management tools that are used in each of the three key stages. Environmental profiling, Eco and hazard mapping are the tools used for planning. Under assessment, the three tools used are environmental ...

  18. How does environmental policy affect operations and supply chain

    1.Introduction. Undoubtedly, sustainability is an increasingly critical concept due to the rise of socio-environmental problems such as climate change, air pollution, and health-related issues caused by pollution (Khan et al., 2020).The United Nations' 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established in 2015 have presented new challenges for businesses to align their ...

  19. Improving smallholder livelihoods and ecosystems through direct trade

    Search for more papers by this author. Olivia Boever. ... Energy and Environmental Sciences and Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, California ... and improved social networks; and (b) applied more nature‐friendly management practices, compared with smallholders selling through mainstream markets. However, a ...

  20. Life‐Cycle Approach to Environmental Innovation: Cost Structure

    In this article, we focus on those products in the former category, and consider a duopoly setting where profit‐maximizing firms decide on their use‐stage environmental innovation efforts, advertising efforts to disclose information on the manufacturing‐stage environmental performance of their products, and production quantities.

  21. Cambridge IGCSE Environmental Management (0680)

    The Cambridge IGCSE™ Environmental Management syllabus creates interest and enthusiasm about the environment, and helps students gain essential skills to progress to further study or employment. The syllabus: encourages learners to gain an interest in environmental issues that affect the individual, the community and the wider world.

  22. Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

    ESSD aims to establish a comprehensive framework to address the major concerns of climate change while fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations as we negotiate the complexities of global challenges and their relationship with the environment. The accepted papers will be published in Environmental Science and ...

  23. Environmental Protection and Waste Management Essay

    This paper will form an overview analysis of the factors that cause chaotic and un-harmonized inferences regarding environmental protection. This paper will examine the real consequences of waste to environmental degradation. The analysis also focuses on the intellectual behaviour of people regarding the environmental effects of waste.

  24. Full article: Urban planning, design and management approaches to

    As part of the Protecting environments and health by building urban resilience project led by the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, we conducted a rapid review of the evidence on urban planning, design and management strategies for increasing preparedness and resilience at the local level. Drawing from six databases (2015-2021 ...

  25. Home

    The Department of Environmental Health aims to safeguard the health and well-being of our community by ensuring a healthy, safe, and sustainable environment. As a vital arm of public health, we address a broad spectrum of environmental issues, from air and water quality to waste management and food safety. We enforce health regulations, conduct ...

  26. How to Write the Santa Clara University Supplemental Essays: Examples

    Step #1: Imagine a mini-movie of the moments that led you to your interest and create a simple, bullet-point outline. Step #2: Put your moments (aka the "scenes" of your mini-movie) in chronological order, as it'll help you see how your interests developed. It also makes it easier to write transitions.

  27. Waste Management

    Revision notes on Waste Management for the HL IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS) syllabus, written by the Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS) experts at Save My Exams.