University of Southern Mississippi
  Sep 25, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Bulletin    
2024-2025 Graduate Bulletin

General Information

Applications for admission to a graduate program are submitted using the online application portal ( https://www.usm.edu/graduate-admissions/index.php ). The decision to admit an applicant to a specific program is made by the school faculty following review of the application. Non-degree seeking applicants are approved by the Graduate School Admissions Office. The Dean of the Graduate School officially notifies an applicant of acceptance into a program.

The application requirements listed here represent the minimal standards set by the Graduate Council. Additional requirements and higher standards may be expected by the school in which the program resides. Applicants should check for such requirements in the school section of the Graduate Bulletin. A holistic review of all applications is the normal practice, with consideration given to a variety of parameters that provide both qualitative and quantitative assessment of the applicant’s readiness for graduate-level study. Admissions criteria can be more rigorous for doctoral programs than lower graduate programs.

The academic record and character of the applicant must be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, the laws of the state of Mississippi, and the policies of The University of Southern Mississippi. The University reserves the right to cancel the admission or registration of an individual providing false information, documents, or test scores or whose attendance at the University, in the opinion of the appropriate administrative officer and the President, would not be beneficial to the student and/or to the institution.

Students may not pursue a second undergraduate degree while pursuing a graduate degree.

Required Application Documents:

Official transcripts: All graduate applicants must supply official transcripts from all institutions from which a bachelor’s degree or higher degree was obtained AND official transcripts for all work completed after obtaining the bachelor’s degree, including undergraduate and graduate coursework. Junior/community college transcripts are NOT required. (Applicants who are applying for nursing programs and have earned an Associate of Science-Nursing should include those transcripts).

International applicants must mail official transcripts to:

The University of Southern Mississippi Office of International Admissions 118 College Drive #5151 Hattiesburg, MS 39406 USA

Standardized Test Scores (required by some programs): The requirement for a standardized test score (i.e. GRE, GMAT) is determined by each graduate program based on accepted practices for the discipline. If a standardized exam score is required, programs may accept scores from reputable professional school admission exams or professional certification exams in lieu of the GRE or GMAT.  If a standardized exam is not required, programs will substitute other rigorous assessment criteria. Prospective international students must provide proof of English proficiency through a TOEFL, IELTS, PTE exam, or a transcript showing a degree earned from an accredited American institution of higher learning.

Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must request letters of recommendation from three individuals with knowledge of the applicant’s prior academic performance and potential for success in graduate-level study. Applicants may contact the school of their major to determine if the school will accept non-academic recommenders.

Statement of Purpose or Interests: Applicants must provide a narrative statement that describes their interests and reason for applying to a graduate program. The Statement of Purpose will be assessed for such attributes as clarity of expression, writing skill, and “fit” within the program.

Other Program-Specific Requirements: Schools may require additional documents for admission to their programs, such as a cover letter, curriculum vitae or résumé, writing sample, or other materials. Applicants may contact the school of their major for additional information regarding these supplemental documents. Some schools may conduct interviews or auditions as part of their application process. Applicants will be contacted if selected to interview or audition.

Deadlines for Graduate Admission Application

Graduate School Admission Deadlines: Deadlines are subject to change. Please check the Graduate School website to confirm deadlines ( http://www.usm.edu/graduate-school ).

Fall – May 1 (international applicants); August 10 (domestic applicants)  

Spring – October 1 (international applicants); January 5 (domestic applicants)

Summer – February 1 (international applicants); May 10 (domestic applicants)

Many programs have priority deadlines which are earlier than these. Applicants should contact the program to ensure deadlines are not missed.

All application materials, including test scores (when required) and transcripts, must be received by Graduate School Admissions by the program deadline. (Official transcripts must be sent directly to Graduate School Admissions.)

Types of Admission to Master’s Programs

Applicants interested in pursuing simultaneous master’s or dual degree programs should review policies articulated in the General Degree Requirements    section of this Graduate Bulletin.

Regular Admission

Minimum standards for regular admission are as follows:

The applicant must hold a baccalaureate degree from an institution approved by a recognized accrediting agency, https://ope.ed.gov/dapip/#/home .

The applicant must be eligible to re-enter the last college or university attended in good standing.

The applicant must present evidence, by official transcript, of an acceptable grade point average in one of the following ways:

  • At least 2.75 GPA (calculated on a 4.0 scale) for the last two years (60 hours) of undergraduate study. Some schools require a higher undergraduate GPA for regular admission
  • A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (calculated on a 4.0 scale) on a minimum of 9 hours of relevant graduate-level coursework
  • A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a previously-awarded graduate degree

The school faculty must be satisfied that the applicant shows promise of completing master’s degree requirements and that the applicant’s interests are an appropriate fit with the school.

A non-refundable application fee must accompany each application.

Conditional Admission

An applicant who fails to qualify for regular admission may be admitted on a conditional basis if the applicant possesses a grade point average of at least 2.0 (calculated on a 4.0 scale) on the last 60 hours of undergraduate coursework. A master’s student admitted conditionally must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 on the first 9 hours of graduate-level coursework (at or above the 500 level). If, prior to satisfying the requirements to have the conditional status removed, the student attempts more than 9 hours of coursework, at or above the 500 level, the student must achieve a 3.0 overall grade point average on all coursework. Only USM courses will be applied toward the 9 hours required. If a student earns a C- or below despite completing the 9 hours while on conditional admission status, it will result in immediate dismissal.  Additional requirements may be imposed by the school. The student should consult the graduate coordinator or school director to review the requirements. Change of Status for Conditionally-Admitted Students: The first semester of enrollment is a probationary semester for conditionally-admitted students. A conditionally-admitted student must earn a 3.0 GPA on the first 9 hours of graduate coursework. 

  • If the GPA requirement is met and school-imposed conditions are met, the Graduate School will change the student’s status to Regular admit. 
  • If the GPA requirement is not met, the student must be dismissed from the program. 

Types of Admission to Specialist Programs

The applicant must hold a master’s degree from an institution approved by a recognized accrediting agency, https://ope.ed.gov/dapip/#/home .

The applicant must present evidence, by official transcript, of a grade point average in one of the following ways:

The school faculty must be satisfied that the applicant shows promise of completing specialist degree requirements. A non-refundable application fee must accompany each application.

An applicant who fails to qualify for regular admission may be admitted on a conditional basis if the applicant possesses a grade point average of at least 3.00 (on a 4.0 scale) on previous graduate-level coursework. A specialist student admitted conditionally must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 on the first 9 hours of coursework at or above the 600 level. If, prior to satisfying the requirements to have the conditional status removed, the student attempts more than 9 hours of coursework at or above the 600 level, the student must achieve a 3.0 overall grade point average on all coursework. Only USM courses will be applied toward the 9 hours required. If a student earns a C- or below despite completing the 9 hours while on conditional admission status, it will result in immediate dismissal.  Additional requirements may be imposed by the school. The student should meet with the school director to review the requirements.

Change of Status for Conditionally-Admitted Students: The first semester of enrollment is a probationary semester for conditionally-admitted students. A conditionally-admitted student must earn a 3.0 GPA on the first 9 hours of graduate coursework. 

Types of Admission to Doctoral Programs

The applicant must hold a baccalaureate or master’s degree from an institution approved by a recognized accrediting agency, https://ope.ed.gov/dapip/#/home . The degree required for admission into a doctoral program varies by program.

The applicant who does not hold a master’s degree must present evidence, by official transcript, of an acceptable grade point average in one of the following ways:

  • At least 2.75 (calculated on a 4.0 scale) for the last two years (60 hours) of undergraduate coursework. Some schools require a higher undergraduate GPA for regular admission
  • A cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 (calculated on a 4.0 scale) on a minimum of 9 hours of relevant graduate-level coursework
  • The applicant who holds a master’s degree must present evidence, by official transcript, of having completed the degree with a grade point average at least 3.50 (calculated on a 4.0 scale).

The school faculty must be satisfied that the applicant shows promise of completing doctoral degree requirements.

An applicant holding a bachelor’s degree who fails to qualify for regular admission may be admitted on a conditional basis, provided the applicant possesses a grade point average of 2.50 (calculated on a 4.0 scale) in their last 60 hours of undergraduate coursework. An applicant holding a master’s degree who fails to qualify for regular admission may be admitted on a conditional basis, provided the applicant possesses a grade point average of 3.25 in master’s and/or specialist coursework. A doctoral applicant admitted conditionally must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 on the first 9 hours of coursework at or above the 600 level. If, prior to satisfying the requirements to have the conditional status removed, the student attempts more than 9 hours of coursework at or above the 600 level, the student must achieve a 3.0 overall grade point average. Only USM courses will be applied toward the 9 hours required. If a student earns a C- or below despite completing the 9 hours while on conditional admission status, it will result in immediate dismissal.  Additional requirements may be imposed by the school. The student should meet with the school director to review the requirements.

  • If the GPA requirement is met and school-imposed conditions are met, the Graduate School will change the student’s status to Regular admit.
  • If the GPA requirement is not met, the student must be dismissed from the degree program.

Readmission to a Graduate Program

Continuing students who were not enrolled for one or more semesters must apply for readmission to the program by completing an application and paying the application fee. Eligibility for readmission will be determined by the Graduate School.

If graduate-level coursework was attempted at another institution during the period of non-enrollment, official transcripts must be submitted with the readmission application.

A doctoral student who completed comprehensive exams is subject to the Continuous Enrollment  policy.

Regulations Governing Admission of Non-Degree Graduate Students

Applicants must apply for non-degree status by submitting the online application, proof of undergraduate degree, and application fee.

A prospective student may choose to enroll as a non-degree graduate student for the following reasons:

  • The applicant did not meet requirements for regular or conditional admission.
  • The applicant is not seeking a degree but wishes to take graduate courses for personal or professional development.
  • The applicant is seeking a degree at another university and desires to obtain credit from The University of Southern Mississippi to be transferred to their degree program.
  • The applicant did not meet the application deadline for a degree program.

Enrollment as a non-degree graduate student does not signify admission to any school or to any degree program. A non-degree graduate student must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution.

Up to 12 hours of coursework taken at USM as a non-degree student may be applied to a graduate degree program with the approval of the graduate committee chair and/or graduate committee if the student is admitted later to a degree program. Non-degree coursework to be used in a degree program is subject to time limits.

Non-degree graduate students are not eligible for financial aid.

Graduate Certificate Programs

Admission Requirements

The applicant must complete the online application form and pay the application fee.

The applicant must hold a baccalaureate degree from an institution approved by a recognized accrediting agency. Some certificate programs require that the applicant holds a master’s degree or be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program.

The applicant must be able to re-enter the last college or university attended in good standing.

The applicant must submit official transcripts from the institution awarding the baccalaureate degree and higher graduate or professional degrees. A decision to admit an applicant to a certificate program is made by the school faculty. 

Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate Courses

Undergraduate students at USM who meet the GPA requirements for regular admission may request permission from the Graduate School to take coursework for graduate credit if within 12 semester hours of meeting bachelor’s degree requirements as certified by the University registrar. If approved, the student may then register for graduate courses up to a maximum of 9 semester hours of graduate credit with a total course load not exceeding 12 semester hours or 15 hours with permission of the graduate dean. The student must complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree within the first semester/term in which they register for graduate courses. The student’s application for admission to graduate school will not be given final approval until after they satisfy all requirements for the baccalaureate degree. To apply, the undergraduate student must submit the Undergraduate Out of Career form which requires approval from the instructor of the course, the student’s academic advisor, and Dean of the Graduate School.

Regulations differ for undergraduate students participating in an accelerated bachelor’s to master’s degree option.  Those guidelines and application instructions are located at  Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Options   .     

An undergraduate student from another institution desiring to take graduate courses as described above should file a graduate application, have a transcript sent to graduate school admissions, and receive permission from the school director and Dean of the Graduate School to take a graduate class.

Graduate Students Taking Undergraduate Courses

Graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses as required by their Degree Progress Report (DPR), must complete the “Out of Career” form  which requires approval from the instructor of the course, the student’s academic advisor, and Dean of the Graduate School. Graduate students taking undergraduate courses should be aware that such courses are considered “out of career” and do not count toward eligibility for financial assistance or the calculation of full-time status. Although graduate students taking undergraduate courses will receive a grade for the coursework, they will not receive quality points; the absence of quality points may negatively impact the ability of the student to count the course(s) for credit when seeking licensure or certification. It is the responsibility of the student to determine how the course will affect their status and future plans. Students should contact the Graduate School with questions.

Admission Application Procedures (U.S. citizens)

Application Procedure:

  • The applicant must submit a separate online application for each program to which they are applying and pay a fee for each application. The online application can be accessed at www.usm.edu/graduate- admissions/index.php . The fee may be paid by credit or debit card.
  • All credentials required in the application must be submitted to Graduate School Admissions via the online application by the deadline published on the Graduate School website or by specific school deadlines, whichever comes first.
  • Letters of recommendation must be uploaded into the application portal by the recommender.
  • If multiple applications are submitted, each application must include all required documents.
  • Official transcripts must be sent by the university, and official test scores must be sent by the testing agency.
  • After all credentials are received, Graduate School Admissions staff will compute the applicant’s grade point average and will forward the application, transcripts, and any other program-required documents to the appropriate school.
  • Following review of the application and a decision by the school, the decision will be reviewed by the Graduate School. If the decision complies with graduate admissions policies, the applicant will receive official notification of acceptance from the Dean of the Graduate School.

An applicant’s admission status is good for a maximum of 2 consecutive admitting semesters, including the original semester of admission. (Fall admits may defer until the following spring; spring admits may defer until the following summer or fall. Students accepted to programs that offer admission once per year [fall, spring, or summer] may defer to the next admitting semester).  Some schools require a new application if the applicant does not enroll the semester they are admitted. Applicants must secure school approval to change their admission date. Once an applicant’s admission window closes, the applicant must reapply for admission (not readmission).

Immunization Requirements:

All students must comply with immunization requirements. Information on immunization requirements is located on the Graduate School website and below.

Procedures for Applying for Admission (Non-U.S. citizens/International)

Office of International Admissions The University of Southern Mississippi 118 College Drive #5135 Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001 U.S.A. (601) 266-5645 email:  [email protected]  

The Office of International Admissions processes all international applications, evaluates foreign academic credentials, and issues the appropriate immigration documents for non-immigrant foreign students.

The Office of International Admissions disseminates USM information to foreign schools, U.S. embassies/consulates abroad, and non-profit international organizations (such as the Institute for International Education). 

  • All credentials and supporting documents (an official transcript sent by each institution attended, certified English translations, and other documents) must be submitted to International Admissions.  Test scores must be submitted by the testing agency.
  • The application and supporting documents must be received by the deadlines published on the Graduate School website or by specific school deadlines, whichever comes first.
  • Letters of recommendation must be uploaded into the application portal by the recommender. If applying to more than one program, applicants must submit separate applications and include all materials.
  • Application materials submitted to the University will not be returned.
  • After all credentials are received, admissions staff will compute the applicant’s grade point average and will forward the application and transcripts to the appropriate school. Following review of the application and a decision by the school, the decision will be reviewed by the Graduate School. If the decision complies with graduate admissions policies, the applicant will receive official notification of acceptance from the Dean of the Graduate School.

English Proficiency Exams:

Applicants whose native language is not English and have recently come to the United States are required to take the TOEFL, IELTS, iTep, or PTE exam to demonstrate English proficiency. Exceptions may be made if the applicant has earned a degree from an accredited U.S. university or an English-speaking university. More information can be found at https://www.usm.edu/graduate-admissions/international-admissions/index.php . 

Financial Resources:

To meet requirements for entry into the United States for study, applicants are required by federal law to demonstrate sufficient financial resources. Students must be prepared to provide proof that they have sufficient funds to cover the first year of study. In addition, students must demonstrate financial solvency for future years of study to establish that they will not become a public charge. Applicants must provide documented evidence of their financial resources for university study since the University has no special fund for financial assistance to international students.

Certificate of Eligibility:

A Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (Form DS-2019 for a J-1 visa) or a Certificate of Eligibility for Student Status (Form I-20 for an F-1 visa) is issued only to those applicants who have been officially admitted to the University.

International students must comply with immunization requirements. Information on immunization requirements is located on the Graduate School website  and below.

Immunization Requirements

All students (excluding fully online) entering USM for the first time and enrolling for academic credit must document proof of immunization for measles and rubella.

Proof of immunization may be documented in the following manner:

  • Certificate of Compliance with Immunization (Form No. 121-C), obtained from a local Mississippi State Board of Health office, if a resident of the state of Mississippi. Two doses of measles vaccine are required. All international students must have a chest X-ray to screen for tuberculosis
  • Documentation (month and year) of immunization that was received after the first birthday
  • Positive measles and rubella serology titer with date
  • Physician-documented history of having had measles with date of disease. History of rubella is not acceptable.

Temporary exceptions - one semester:

  • Pregnant women
  • Women suspecting pregnancy
  • Women anticipating pregnancy within three months

Permanent exceptions:

  • Medical disease that will cause a permanent contraindication to immunization
  • All persons born prior to 1957

Office of Registration & Scheduling Services

  • Graduate Programs
  • Online Programs
  • Youth Programs
  • Professional Development
  • Lifelong Learning
  • How to Apply
  • Costs & Financial Aid
  • Scholarships
  • Living on Campus
  • Student Clubs & Organizations
  • Student Engagement & Leadership
  • Intercultural Student Affairs
  • Prospective Students
  • Adult Learners
  • Parents & Families
  • Current Students
  • Faculty & Staff
  • Academic Calendar
  • Registration

Course Search

  • Academic Catalog
  • Learning Commons
  • Student Financial Services
  • Technology Support
  • Equity & Inclusion
  • Office of the President
  • News & Press
  • University Store
  • Calendar of Events
  • Commencement

How to register

You can  register for courses  online, by phone, or in person.

Admitted undergraduate students: You will register for courses during an  Advising & Course Selection (ACS) appointment .

Admitted graduate students: Contact your advisor  to determine which courses to take before registering for classes in MaineStreet.

Non-degree-seeking students: Call 207-780-5230 or  submit a request to register .

All students: Log in to MaineStreet to register for courses 24 hours a day during designated registration periods .

Degree-seeking students : We recommend reviewing your course selection choices with your Academic Advisor before registering.

ACC 105 Show Me the Money

TuesdayTuThursdayTh 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM Luther Bonney 523 - P 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024

ACC 110 Financial Accounting Information for Decision Making

MondayMoWednesdayWe 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM Luther Bonney 523 - P 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024
TuesdayTuThursdayTh 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Luther Bonney 510 - P 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024
n/a Online 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024

ACC 211 Managerial Accounting Information for Decision Making

MondayMoWednesdayWe 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Payson Smith 201 - P 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024
MondayMoWednesdayWe 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Payson Smith 42 - P 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024

ACC 295 Internship in Accounting

n/a Arranged 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024 TBA

ACC 301 Financial Reporting I

TuesdayTu 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Luther Bonney 202 - P 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024

ACC 302 Financial Reporting II

TuesdayTuThursdayTh 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM Payson Smith 201 - P 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024

ACC 329 Accounting Information Systems

TuesdayTuThursdayTh 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Luther Bonney 202 - P 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024

ACC 395 Internship I

n/a Arranged 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024

ACC 396 Internship II

Acc 410 auditing and assurance.

MondayMo 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Payson Smith 200 - P 9/3/2024 - 12/13/2024
  • Organisation Chart
  • Our Location
  • Potential Supervisors
  • Research @ USM
  • Check Application Status
  • Research Mode Programme
  • Coursework and Mixed Mode Programme
  • Renewal Registration
  • Confirmation and Overall Letter
  • Exam - Coursework and Mixed Mode
  • Exam - Research Mode
  • Graduation Requirement
  • USM Policy on Plagiarism
  • Graduation in Council
  • Convocation
  • Financial Assistances
  • Candidature

Institute of Postgraduate Studies  |  Universiti Sains Malaysia

  • Current Student
  • Candidature Matters

Coursework And Mixed Mode Programme

A foreign student must ensure that a student’s pass has been approved by the Immigration Department of Malaysia before entering Malaysia. For issues pertaining to immigration matters, visas, student’s pass, please contact the Officer-in-Charge at the International Office, USM.

Registration of a research mode student is based on the semester system and the date will be determined when the student registers. The period for Semester I is from the month of September-February while that of Semester II is from the month of March-August .

The registration date will take effect based on the following:

  • If a student registers on or before the 15th of the month, the effective date is the 1st of that month. If a student registers after the 15th of the month, then the effective date is the 1st of the following month.

A student who is registered for a Masters or PhD degree must fulfill the duration of candidature as follows:

  • Minimum - 4 semesters
  • Maximum - 10 semesters
  • Minimum - 6 semesters
  • Maximum - 15 semesters
  • Minimum - 2 semesters
  • Maximum - 6 semesters
  • Subject to the programme structure

It is the responsibility of a student to renew his/her registration every semester and make payment of tuition fees within the renewal registration period.

Renewal registration process is complete upon the completion of the progress report and tuition fees payment. For the students who received sponsorship, they MUST submit the copy/proof of sponsor letter to the Bursary Department according to the campus they registered. Failure to complete the renewal of registration process will result in the termination of the candidature.

Renewal of registration can be done online through CampusOnline portal ( https://campusonline.usm.my ). 

If any course(s) to be registered for that semester is not offered, students can apply for postponement of studies for that semester. Hence, renewal of registration is not required but the postponement request must be made before the date of the new semester commence.

Coursework and Mixed-Mode Full-time students must register for at least two (2) courses each semester. Part-time students are required to register for at least one (1) course each semester (excluding project/dissertation/repeating courses). This is not applicable for Master of Medicine and Research Mode students.

Course(s) offered for every semester can be referred to respective School/Centre/Institute.


Compulsory for all international students and to be passed prior to graduation. The minimum required passing grade for this course is C. Student can register for this course online through Online Registration system during the stipulated duration for course registration (usually two months before semester begin until 2nd week of the semester).

Exemption can be given to students who have taken and pass the equivalent course. Application for exemption must be submitted for approval to the Dean, School of Languages, Literacies and Translation.

PRE-REQUISITE COURSE(S) – other than LKM111 and RM course

Registration of all pre-requisite courses (if applicable) must be done latest by the second week of the semester. Student can register for this course online through Online Registration system during the stipulated duration for course registration (usually two months before semester begin until 2nd week of the semester).

A student can apply for conversion of his/her status from full-time to part-time or vice-versa. Application for conversion must be made using  IPS/HEP – 03 . Approval must be obtained from the respective Dean/Director of the School/Centre/Institute. The conversion of status is permitted twice only during the entire period of candidature.

An application for extension must be made two (2) months prior to the date before the expiration of the candidature.

This application must be made officially to the Dean/Director of the respective School/Centre/Institute using form IPS/HEP – 03 . The duration for the extension applied should be stated. IPS will process and update accordingly upon receiving the official endorsement from School/Centre/Institute. The MAXIMUM period of extension allowed is two (2) semesters only.

A student who wishes to change his/her mode of study must submit a NEW application form to IPS. A processing fee will be charged for this.

Withdrawal from programme can be made by sending a withdrawal letter to Dean/Director of School/Centre/Institute.

IPS will process and update accordingly upon receiving the official endorsement from School/Centre/Institute.

Coursework/Mixed mode student - Refund of all fees (except registration and smart card fees) will be made for withdrawals up to two (2) weeks from the date of registration.

coursework usm

A student can apply to postpone his/her studies for a period not exceeding one (1) year.

The postponement is only allowed after registration and completion of at least one (1) semester except for medical or valid personal reasons. Apart from medical reasons, approval can also be given if a student has presented one seminar (if this regulation is stipulated in the entry requirement).

Application for postponement can be made online through CampusOnline portal.

The University reserves the right to terminate a student’s candidature based on:

  • Student’s failure to renew the registration before new semester commences.
  • Unsatisfactory academic performance (Coursework/Mixed mode) / Research progress (Research mode).
  • Failure to pay the tuition fees.
  • Maximum candidature.

Disclaimer:  Universiti Sains Malaysia shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the usage of any information obtained from this web site. We reserve the right to revise any information from time to time at our absolute discretion without prior notice and shall not be liable for any loss or damage on any ground due to such revision.



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Admission  @Universiti Sains Malaysia


  • Applied Sciences Coursework
  • Master of Digital Transformation - School of Computer Sciences

Master of Digital Transformation - School of Computer Sciences

Introduction and Objective

The goal of this programme is to produce workforce/human resources who are capable of using digital technology and applications to improve existing processes and workforce efficiency, enhance customer experience, and launch new products or business models. Therefore, the objectives of this programme are to produce computing practitioners who:

  • have advanced knowledge in Digital Transformation who are capable of adopting best methodologies and techniques in providing innovative solutions across various sectors
  • have leadership skills and are able to communicate as well as interact effectively with diverse stakeholders
  • have positive attitudes, engaging in lifelong learning activities and having entrepreneurial mind-set for successful career
  • uphold and defend ethical and professional practices in maintaining self and professional integrity

Program Structure

Credit requirements: 44 units

Core Courses: 24 units (Code: C)

  • CDT541/4 – Industrial Digital Transformation
  • CDT542/4 – Digital Entrepreneurship
  • CDT543/4 – Systematic and Lean Innovation Management
  • CDT544/4 – Enterprise Architecture for Digital Business Transformation
  • CDS501/4 – Principles and Practices of Data Science and Analytics
  • CDS506/4 – Research, Consultancy and Professional Skills

Elective Courses: 8 Units (Code: E)

Choose any two (2) courses from the electives below:

(i) Digital Infrastructure

a. CDT545/4 – Cyber Security in Digital Transformation b. CDS504/4 – Enabling Technologies and Infrastructures for Big Data

(ii) Business and Organisation

a. CDS511/4 – Consumer Behavioural and Social Media Analytics b. CDS512/4 – Business Intelligence and Decision Analytics

Project (Core): 12 units (Code: C)

CDT594/12 – Digital Transformation Project and Practicum

This experiential work-based learning course designed to equip students to confidently help conceive, lead and execute digital transformation initiatives and develop new business models for existing organizations through the implementation of a consultancy project. Students are required to complete the practicum at their respective workplaces or their chosen/assigned organisations. Students work under the supervision of a lecturer and an industry supervisor. The students are required to solve a real-world problem or tap opportunities related to digital transformation during their practicum. The prerequisite of this course is CDS506 which must be taken in the preceding semester. The students are required to secure practicum placement together with project proposal during CDS506.

At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Devise a solution to the real-world problem using digital innovation and transformation technique appropriately.
  • Practice effective oral communication regarding the progress and achievement of the practicum.
  • Perform work collaboratively in a multi-ethnic environment with superiors, colleagues, staff and supervisors.
  • Display professional behaviours such as trust, honesty and not violating predefined policies of the workplace.
  • Display confidence and ability to overcome challenges in completing the project and practicum.
  • Perform the project with proper planning to meet project milestones.
  • Display high level of responsibility and accountability to lead the project independently.

Applicants should possess the following:

a) A BSc degree in Computer Science/Information Technology degree with a CGPA of at least 2.75/4.00 or equivalent; or

b) CGPA of 2.5 - 2.74/4.00 with: -Research experience – 1 year; or -Professional experience in related field- 1 year; or -One(1) academic publication in related field; or  -Grade B for major/ elective courses or Grade B+ for final year project.

c) CGPA of 2.00 - 2.49/4.00 with: -Research experience - 5 years; or -Professional experience in related field - 5 years, AND -One (1) academic publications in related field; or -Grade B for major/elective courses or Grade B+ for final year project.

(Applicable for International Applicants Only)

The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements.

  • A minimum of Band 5 for IELTS; or
  • A minimum score of 40 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or
  • A minimum of Band 7.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or
  • A minimum score of 154 for Cambridge English: Advance (CAE)/Proficiency (CPE) /Preliminary (PET) /First (FCE)/ Linguaskill Online min. score 154; or
  • A minimum score of 47 for Pearson Test of English (PTE); or
  • A minimum of Band 107 for CIEP Level (ELS); or
  • A minimum of Band 3.5 for Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

Exemption is given to candidate if:

  • English is the candidate’s mother tongue or National Language; or
  • Candidate graduated from an Institution of Higher Learning in which the medium of instruction at Bachelor and/or Master degree level is English (statement of proof required)

IMPORTANT: Candidates are required to provide any of the above English result upon application. Incomplete application will be rejected.

  • Full-time: Min 3 semesters / Max 6 semesters
  • Part-time: Min 4 semesters / Max 8 semesters

April & October

** Fees are subject to change

Institute of Postgraduate Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Penang, Malaysia. Tel : +604 653 2606 Fax : +604 653 2940 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Student Admission Unit Academic Management Division Registry, Level 2, Chancellory Building Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia. Tel : 1 300 888 876 / +604-6533196 Fax : +604 653 3328 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Universiti Sains Malaysia shall not be liable for any inaccuracies, errors, or misunderstandings arising from the use of Google Translator. Users are encouraged to approach translations with awareness and consideration for the limitations of machine translation technology. Information published on the English version will be used in the case of discrepancies.

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English Language Section

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School of Languages, Literacies & Translation  |  Main Campus

Timetable for Language Courses (Semester 1 2024/2025)

  • Students have to register for language courses themselves via the E-Daftar portal .
  • If you have any general enquiries , please email the Programme Chairperson of the course/language .
  • If you have any enquiries about a specific course , please email the Course Leader(s) of the course/language .
  • The course registration period is 23 September 2024   - 10 October  2024 .
  • For  appeal cases , please  email the Course Leader(s)  AFTER the E-Daftar period.

Purchase of textbook for English language courses

https://medubooks.com/product-category/usm/ Students can order/purchase the book (for the registered course) once they secure a place for the course. Do  NOT  order/purchase the book before securing a place for the course. 


ppbltpic a


English language timetable             .

English language courses - Important information

Appeal for English language courses ( AFTER the E-Daftar period)


Programme chairperson.

Bahasa Malaysia Section

Ms. Wan Azni Bt Wan Mohamad

[email protected]

Ms. Geetha Munusamy

[email protected]

Ms. Roni Kae Mery Pranchis

[email protected]


Malay language timetable        , english language timetable      , foreign language timetable      .

Ms. Aida Shuhaida Mustafa

[email protected]


Timetable (all language courses)   .

Ms. Enikartini Daud

[email protected]

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Southern Miss Business Recognized Among the Best MBA Programs for 2025 by Fortune

Tue, 09/24/2024 - 04:45pm | By: Bailey Harris Shoemake


The College of Business and Economic Development at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) continues to elevate its reputation for excellence, earning national recognition in Fortune’s rankings of the Best MBA Programs for 2025. For the first time, Southern Miss has been featured in this highly competitive ranking, placing at #61 in the Best MBA Programs category. This reflects the college’s commitment to providing innovative and impactful education for its MBA students.  

This is one of many rankings the Southern Miss MBA Program has earned from Fortune recently. For 2024, the college was featured at #12 Best Online MBA Programs in the South , #19 Most Affordable Online MBAs , and #31 Best Online MBA Programs , moving up 17 spots compared to the Best Online MBA Program 2023 rankings. The Southern Miss MBA program is one of 554 AACSB-accredited business master’s programs in the Americas.

"This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our faculty, staff, and students, as well as the high-quality education we provide,” said Dr. Bret Becton, Dean of the College of Business and Economic Development. “Our commitment to innovation, experiential learning, and leadership development has made our MBA program a top choice for aspiring business leaders, and we will continue to strive for excellence in preparing our graduates for success in a rapidly changing business world."  

The college continues to improve the MBA program’s curriculum, recently removing prerequisites barriers and allowing students more flexibility in their elective course selection. The program has become a top choice for professionals seeking career advancement with courses available online and at night. Working professionals can complete the program part-time in two years while full-time students can complete the degree in as little as one year. The program is available fully online or in-person at the University’s Hattiesburg campus.

“It is great to see our MBA program’s return on investment reflected in Fortune’s rankings,” said Dr. Steven Stelk, MBA Director. “Students are also noticing. Applications for Fall 2024 were up almost 20% compared to the previous year, and enrollment set a record at more than 200 students.”

The Fortune Best MBA Programs rankings are determined through a rigorous evaluation process. Their team analyzed data from nearly 100 MBA programs and considered 11 key ranking factors, including base salaries of recent graduates, cost of tuition, graduation rates, and the number of MBA alumni now serving in Fortune 1000 C-suite positions.

Learn more about the Fortune Education Best MBA Programs for 2025 .

Categories: Business and Economic Development

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USM Board of Regents Recognizes Winners of Annual Staff Awards

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Southern Maine Athletics


Men's Golf 9/22/2024 7:56:00 PM Riley Driscoll, Athletic Media Associate

Men’s Golf Wins USM Husky Classic, Poirier Ties for Second

  • Poirier had three birdies and shot par on 13 holes.
  • Moore had four birdies.
  • Freshman Taylor Farr (Gorham, Maine) placed eighth with a 77 (+5).
  • Freshman Alex Fournier (Augusta, Maine/Cony), freshmen Alex Grant (St. Albans, Maine/Nokomis Regional), junior Sam Farr (Gorham, Maine) and senior Owen Doyle (Gardiner, Maine) were among a group of seven golfers that tied for ninth. Each player carded a 78 (+6).
  • Freshman Colby Pope (Pembroke, N.H./Pembroke Academy) had a 79 (+7) to place 16th.
  • Sophomore Jackson Horne (Woodsville, N.H.) tied for 29th with an 84 (+12).
  • Senior Colin DeWitt (Newington, Conn.) tied for 36th with a score of 89 (+17).
  • Southern Maine White 302, +14 
  • Nichols College 308, +20
  • Husson 315, +27
  • Saint Joseph's 317, +29 
  • Southern Maine Navy 318, +30
  • U New England 321, +33 
  • Maine Maritime 329, +41

Players Mentioned

Colin DeWitt

Colin DeWitt

Owen Doyle

Jackson Horne

Taylor Farr

Taylor Farr

Alex Fournier

Alex Fournier

Alex Grant

Jaden Poirier

Colby Pope

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  1. Course Descriptions

    Applied Technology. • APT 400 - Applied Technology Leadership. • APT 410 - Applied Technology. Architectural Engineering Technology. • ACT 234 - Architectural CADD. • ACT 235 - Architectural Working Drawings I. • ACT 235L - Architectural Working Drawings I Laboratory. • ACT 261 - Residential Planning and Design.

  2. University of Southern Mississippi

    Welcome to the Online Academic Bulletin. The academic catalog management system (Acalog™) contains a number of features to assist you, including advanced search options, intuitive navigation, and a personal portfolio to store favorite programs and courses. If you would like to learn more about our online bulletin, take a guided tour with the ...

  3. General Education Curriculum

    General Education Curriculum Syllabi. Syllabi of courses in the General Education Curriculum must include a statement or description of: (a) GEC Student Learning Outcomes addressed in the course; (b) course content and related activities; (c) student reading and writing requirements, where appropriate; (d) instructional methods and resources ...

  4. FAQs Academic Standards

    An undergraduate student will be allowed to continue in the university as long as the USM cumulative grade point average (GPA) is a minimum of 2.00. A higher minimum GPA is sometimes specified by specific programs within the university. In such cases, a student must adhere to the higher GPA requirement for as long as they are in that program.

  5. Course Descriptions

    Accounting. • ACC 512 - Seminar on Contemporary Accounting Topics. • ACC 560 - Managerial Accounting. • ACC 598 - International Accounting Seminar Abroad. • ACC 605 - Current Accounting Theory & Research. • ACC 610 - Advanced Auditing. • ACC 620 - Advanced Cost/Managerial Accounting. • ACC 630 - Tax Seminar I.

  6. Courses in USM

    Courses in USM. Apply Now. Arkib - Temui Kami. Arkib - Galeri. Postgraduate. Pure Sciences Research. Pure Sciences Mixed. Pure Sciences Coursework. Applied Sciences Research.


    PhD / DOCTORATE. Qualifications (any of the below): Master degree (Coursework or Mixed Mode) A) CGPA of at least 3.00 / 4.00; or. B) CGPA of 2.50 - 2.99 with; or. Research experience - 2 years; or. Professional experience in related field - 2 years; or. Two (2) academic publications in the field; or.

  8. Office of Online Learning

    Office of Online Learning. Our mission is to provide support to online students, to faculty teaching online courses, and to units seeking to develop, grow, or improve online programs at The University of Southern Mississippi.

  9. Master of Design in Creative Industry

    OVERVIEW. Master of Design in Creative Industry by Coursework is a new programme that aims to produce Professional Graduates with Creative Thinkers, ensure Professional Practice & Ethics in the field of design are always maintained and be able to solve problems innovatively using the latest software and technology in the field of design.


    Disclaimer. Universiti Sains Malaysia shall not be liable for any inaccuracies, errors, or misunderstandings arising from the use of Google Translator. Users are encouraged to approach translations with awareness and consideration for the limitations of machine translation technology.

  11. Home [ips.usm.my]

    Renewal Registration & Course Registration for Semester I, Academic Session 2024/2025. 06 August 2024.

  12. General Academic Information

    This policy applies only to USM courses and does not affect transfer credit. It may adversely impact student financial aid eligibility and may not be honored at other educational institutions. Students should also note that some departments and majors have degree progression requirements that prevent students from taking a course multiple times ...

  13. Certificate Programs

    Coursework: (12 hours) BA 650: Marketing Foundations; BA 600: Management Foundations; BA 611: Accounting Foundations; BA 670: Finance Foundations Sport Security Management The Sport Security Management program is designed to provide the necessary management capabilities and knowledge needed to meet the safety and security challenges in a sport ...

  14. Marine Biology BS

    Marine Biology BS. Summer coursework at the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL) is required for students earning a Bachelor of Science in marine biology. Coursework taken within the area of biological sciences can be applied to only one major. Students seeking a second baccalaureate in biological sciences typically complete the same course ...

  15. Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    A minimum CGPA of 2.75/4.00 or equivalent and a minimum of 1 year working experience; or. A minimum CGPA of 3.50/4.00 or equivalent (without working experience); or. Pass the interview and/or test to determine the ability of prospective students to undergo the MBA program. LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS.

  16. Admission Requirements and Procedures

    Up to 12 hours of coursework taken at USM as a non-degree student may be applied to a graduate degree program with the approval of the graduate committee chair and/or graduate committee if the student is admitted later to a degree program. Non-degree coursework to be used in a degree program is subject to time limits.

  17. Course Search

    You can register for courses online, by phone, or in person.. Admitted undergraduate students: You will register for courses during an Advising & Course Selection (ACS) appointment. Admitted graduate students: Contact your advisor to determine which courses to take before registering for classes in MaineStreet. Non-degree-seeking students: Call 207-780-5230 or submit a request to register.

  18. Master of Public Administration

    Master of Public Administration - School of Social Sciences. Course Structure. The programme incorporates a balance among the various kinds of knowledge and skills required by a public administrator. Candidates are required to accumulate 44 units from core and elective courses. Core Courses (32 units)

  19. Coursework And Mixed Mode Programme

    Coursework And Mixed Mode Programme. A foreign student must ensure that a student's pass has been approved by the Immigration Department of Malaysia before entering Malaysia. For issues pertaining to immigration matters, visas, student's pass, please contact the Officer-in-Charge at the International Office, USM.

  20. Master of Digital Transformation

    Elective Courses: 8 Units (Code: E) Choose any two (2) courses from the electives below: (i) Digital Infrastructure. a. CDT545/4 - Cyber Security in Digital Transformation b. CDS504/4 - Enabling Technologies and Infrastructures for Big Data (ii) Business and Organisation. a. CDS511/4 - Consumer Behavioural and Social Media Analytics b.

  21. Uncrewed Maritime Systems (UMS) Certificate Programs

    Next Course Delivery: October 14 - November 15, 2024. Class size is limited to 15 students. ... Yes, but it may not be possible to take other USM full-semester in-class courses in the semester that you sign up for the UMS courses. We have had a student that was able to successfully complete two USM on-line courses in the same semester that she ...

  22. PDF Out of Career Coursework

    Out of Career Coursework (Approval to enroll in Graduate Coursework during the Undergraduate Career) The University of Southern Mississippi Graduate School 118 College Drive #5024 Hattiesburg MS 39406 This PDF form is fillable. Handwritten forms will not be accepted. Submit completed form via email to [email protected].

  23. Timetable for Language Courses (Semester 1 2024/2025)

    IMPORTANT! Students have to register for language courses themselves via the E-Daftar portal.; If you have any general enquiries, please email the Programme Chairperson of the course/language.; If you have any enquiries about a specific course, please email the Course Leader(s) of the course/language.; The course registration period is 23 September 2024 - 10 October 2024.

  24. PDF Out of Career Coursework

    Coursework during the Graduate Career) The University of Southern Mississippi Graduate School . 118 College Drive #5024 Hattiesburg MS 39406 . This PDF form is fillable. Handwritten forms will not be accepted. Please submit completed form via email. to [email protected]. Complete separate form for each course. Student ID:

  25. Southern Miss Business Recognized Among the Best MBA Programs for 2025

    The College of Business and Economic Development at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) continues to elevate its reputation for excellence, earning national recognition in Fortune's rankings of the Best MBA Programs for 2025. ... The program has become a top choice for professionals seeking career advancement with courses available ...

  26. USM Board of Regents Recognizes Winners of Annual Staff Awards

    The USM also includes three regional centers—the Universities at Shady Grove, the University System of Maryland at Hagerstown, and the University System of Maryland at Southern Maryland—at which USM universities offer upper-division undergraduate and graduate courses. USM universities and programs are among the nation's best in quality ...

  27. Men's Golf Wins USM Husky Classic, Poirier Ties for Second

    Story Links. Results; PORTLAND, Maine - Freshman Jaden Poirier (White River Junction, Vt./Hartford) shot even-par (72) to tie for second at the USM Husky Classic at Riverside Golf Course. The Huskies carded a 302 (+14) as a team to win the event. Freshman Owen Moore (Pittsfield, Maine/Maine Central Institute) fired a 74 (+2) to place fourth. Nichols College placed second with a team score of ...