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What are the advantages of publishing a research paper?
Publishing a research paper can have many advantages for researchers, including: Career advancement, professional recognition, opportunities for collaboration, increased visibility, impact on society, credibility and trust, professional development, inspiration for future research, and contribution to the field. It can help researchers to establish themselves as experts in their field, open doors to new opportunities, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in a specific field.
- Career Advancement: Publishing a research paper is often a requirement for academic promotions and tenure. It can also help researchers to establish themselves as experts in their field and to gain recognition for their work. This can lead to new opportunities for advancement and can help researchers to build a reputation for high-quality research.
- Professional recognition: Publishing a research paper in a reputable journal can lead to professional recognition and prestige, both within the academic community and outside of it. This can open doors to new opportunities, such as funding, collaborations, and speaking engagements.
- Opportunities for collaboration: Publishing a research paper can lead to opportunities for collaboration with other researchers and institutions, both within the researcher’s field and across different fields. This can help to further the research and accelerate progress.
- Increased visibility: Publishing a research paper can increase visibility for the researcher and their work, which can lead to new opportunities, funding, and collaborations.
- Impact on society: Publishing a research paper can have a positive impact on society by contributing to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in a specific field. This can lead to new discoveries, technologies, and understanding that can improve people’s lives.
- Credibility and trust: Publishing research papers in reputable journals lends credibility to the researcher and the research, and can increase public trust in the researcher and their work. This can help the researcher to secure funding, collaborations, and other opportunities.
- Professional development: Publishing a research paper is a process that requires the researcher to conduct a thorough literature review, to understand the research methodologies and the ethical considerations, it helps the researcher to develop their skills and knowledge in their field.
- Inspiration for future research: Publishing a research paper can inspire future research by identifying gaps in the literature or by suggesting new directions for research. This can help researchers to identify new opportunities for investigation and to stay at the forefront of their field.
- Contribution to the field: Publishing a research paper adds to the body of knowledge in the field. It helps researchers and practitioners to understand the current state of research and knowledge in the field and it helps to advance the field.
Overall, publishing a research paper can be a valuable experience for researchers, providing opportunities for career advancement, professional recognition, collaboration, and impact on society. It can also help researchers to develop their skills and knowledge, and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field.
What is the difference between a Research Paper and a Review Paper?
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National Research Council (US) Committee on Responsibilities of Authorship in the Biological Sciences. Sharing Publication-Related Data and Materials: Responsibilities of Authorship in the Life Sciences. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2003.
Sharing Publication-Related Data and Materials: Responsibilities of Authorship in the Life Sciences.
- Hardcopy Version at National Academies Press
2 The Purpose of Publication and Responsibilities for Sharing
The roots of scholarly scientific publishing can be traced to 1665, when Henry Oldenburg of the British Royal Society established the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society . Oldenburg was motivated, in part, by a desire to remove himself as diplomatic interlocutor between the dispersed, independent scientists of the time with whom he communicated individually. The aim of the new publication was to create a public record of original contributions to knowledge and to encourage scientists to “speak” directly to one another. By providing intellectual credit publicly for innovative claims in natural philosophy, the journal encouraged scientists to disclose knowledge that they might otherwise have kept secret.
The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society created a sense of competition among scientists to be the first to publish a new scientific finding, an incentive that is continued in modern scientific journals. If the journal is a prominent one, publication endows the author with an extra measure of prestige. In addition, as Cell editor Vivian Siegel and other workshop participants noted, publications also yield indirect rewards. For example, they affect a researcher's job prospects and ability to be promoted or gain tenure. Publishing a scientific paper can result in fruitful new scientific collaborations, including financially profitable arrangements for authors in academe, as a result of commercial overtures for collaboration or consultancy.
Publishing also holds some risks for an author. Competitors might use results presented in a paper to advance their own research and “scoop” the original author in future publications. The careers of young scientists might be particularly vulnerable to having prospective research “picked off” by others. (However, if a researcher chooses not to publish his or her results or chooses to delay publication, someone else might publish the same findings first and receive the credit.) Another risk associated with publishing is that other researchers will use information presented in a paper to invalidate or question the author's own findings, and publish conflicting results.
Are the benefits and risks of publishing any different for companies whose investigators publish than those for academic scientists? It was pointed out at the workshop that companies whose scientists publish their findings typically receive the intellectual credit, recognition, and prestige that come with such disclosure to the entire scientific community. Such nonfinancial benefits can translate into increased publicity and increased perceived value of a company to potential investors and business partners. They also strengthen the scientific reputation of companies in the eyes of potential collaborators. By encouraging others to use their methods and materials, companies can develop a net of researchers who are extolling and extending the value of the technology that the company has published. Moreover, companies that encourage their investigators to publish are attractive to employees or potential employees who wish to build and maintain their publication record, either in anticipation of someday returning to academe, as a vehicle for facilitating their participation in and recognition by their peer scientific community, or in buttressing their own career prospects within the company.
For a for-profit research entity, publication also carries financial risks. By revealing proprietary data or other trade secrets, publishing may harm a company's competitiveness in the marketplace and thus endanger the return to investors. A competitor might use information disclosed in a scientific paper to develop a competing product or otherwise gain commercial advantage or to discredit the product claims of the company making the disclosure.
While companies whose scientists publish may worry about their competitive edge in the commercial market, researchers in academe worry about gaining a competitive edge in the rewards process and about getting their research grants renewed. Where academics are rewarded by priority, “fame,” and career advancement, companies whose investigators publish receive benefits in terms of visibility, public relations, and validation. Although there are different tradeoffs involved in publishing, in practice, researchers from these two worlds often have similar goals and are motivated by common incentives. Their common interests converge in the forum of scientific publication.
By facilitating communication between individuals who had worked in isolation from one another, the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society also contributed to the development of a scientific community. As a result, modern journals do more than simply register the intellectual accomplishments of individual scientists; they record a collective body of knowledge. Journals are a centerpiece of the scientific enterprise and serve as a focal point for the description of scientific results. Journal articles supply information that helps scientists to develop new hypotheses, and they provide a foundation on which new scientific discoveries and inventions are built. As Eric Lander noted at the workshop, “science is fundamentally a cumulative enterprise. Each new discovery plays the role of one more brick in an edifice.” Authors cite previously published papers to make a case for their conclusions that is based on a combination of previously documented scientific evidence and the new information they have gathered. Scientific journals, many established by learned societies, provide a forum for a continuing dialogue of sorts, as authors discuss findings that add new pieces to others' previously published results or announce alternative conclusions to those made by other authors or contradict them. Science moves forward in this way.
Because publication is central to the activity of the scientific community, and consequently, to scientific progress, principles and standards that govern an author's responsibilities related to publication have always been paramount. As the 1992 National Research Council report Responsible Science observed, “For centuries scientists have relied on each other, on the self correcting mechanisms intrinsic to the nature of science, and on the traditions of their community to safeguard the integrity of the research process. This approach has been successful largely because of the widespread acknowledgement that science cannot work otherwise, and also because high standards and reputation are important to scientists” ( NRC, 1992 ).
Because standards related to publication are so important to the functioning of the community, calls for the publication system to adapt to the different risks of publication to scientists working in different circumstances are not easily implemented. Chapter 5 addresses specific arguments related to exceptions, but in general, applying a standard to some authors and not others weakens the incentive of distinction that has attracted scientists since Oldenburg's day to publish publicly in a journal. When exceptions to the community standard are sought and granted, there is a danger that the value of publishing is diminished, not only for the author who requests an exception, but for the entire community. Moreover, if the same standard does not apply to all authors, then the community cannot assume that the quality of scientific papers and the information they purport to represent is reliable. That jeopardizes the integrity of the publication system.
That is not to say that publication-related community standards are insensitive to other important societal interests, such as protecting the identities of research subjects. Measures to protect that information do affect how data are reported and made available to other investigators; nevertheless, the community has striven to find ways to maximize the availability of relevant data without compromising privacy.
A current topic of discussion in the scientific community is the possibility that published information in the life sciences will be exploited by bioterrorists. It is too early to say where those discussions will lead, but current community standards abide by regulations on access to some research materials (for example, radioisotopes, explosives, controlled substances, and pathogens) for good reason. If additional safeguards are found to be necessary in providing access to research data and materials, the community must make accommodations for them.
Similarly, the community complies with prohibitions imposed by some nations on the distribution of biological materials and organisms collected in those countries. Biological materials that are paleontological, archeological, or anthropological in nature, and sometimes samples of organisms, may by national law be required to be deposited in the country of origin, and even when material is allowed to be exported, there are often legal restrictions on its subsequent distribution and use. For example, the commercial use of such samples may be prohibited or restricted. Nonetheless, all such material is made fully available for study at the repository, and not normally under the control of the authors who published results derived from studying it. The details of the results of the original study, and images, DNA sequences, and other information derived from the specimens, are also made available.
The principles and standards of scientific publication are also consistent with society's interest in the applications of scientific knowledge and their economic and other benefits. An author who publishes a paper is expected to share materials related to that publication to other scientists for research purposes, but that does not prevent an author from seeking intellectual property rights protection in order to realize the commercial value of those materials. To encourage the disclosure of scientific information, the patent system bestows inventors of a novel, nonobvious, and useful innovation with the right, for a limited time, to prevent others from making or using that innovation, unless licensed to do so. Scientific publication provides no such incentive, but to the contrary, encourages other scientists to use and integrate into new research those things described in a scientific publication. An author who publishes a scientific paper describing a patented process, for example, may have a legal right to prevent others from using it, but the scientific community holds the expectation that an author will make available a license to use that process for research. From a social perspective, the two systems are complementary: patenting fosters the commercialization of ideas; scientific publication communicates the ideas that build the edifice of science. Scientific publications also influence the issuance of patent rights by defining the landscape of the “prior art” and “obviousness” criteria used in assessing the novelty of putative patent claims.
Journals have their own policies that describe an author's responsibilities related to publication and sharing publication-related data and materials. Publishers of journals include for-profit companies and not-for-profit enterprises, such as university presses, scientific societies, and associations, and each publisher is motivated by the intellectual objectives and fiduciary responsibilities of its own constituencies. Journal editors often compete for papers that increase the impact and standing of their journals in the scientific community and their mass media coverage. On occasion, journal editors have been willing to make exceptions to their usual policies on data sharing in return for the opportunity to publish a paper they believe will be of high impact in the scientific community and, increasingly, in the general public.
The extent to which journals state their policies for the sharing of materials and data is highly variable ( Table 2-1 ). That variability and the diverse nature of journals might suggest that common principles and standards do not exist. But even the stated policies of journals do not capture what are generally recognized as accepted practices and expectations of the community. For example, most journals today explicitly require that authors provide enough detail about their materials and methods to allow a qualified reader to replicate all experimental procedures. A logical, often implicit, extension of that requirement is that authors must make available the data and materials needed for others to verify or refute the findings reported in a paper. Thus, for example, in a paper citing genetic results from one or a series of organisms, voucher specimens should be cited and deposited in an appropriate public repository where the identity of the organisms can be checked by subsequent workers (with the obvious exception of well-known and easily-available strains). Insofar that scientific publication is central to the forward progress of the scientific community, it is presumed that an author must provide data and materials in a way that others can build on them. These widely held expectations are not necessarily incorporated in current journal policies.
Policies of 56 Most Frequently Cited Life-Science and Medical Journals.
At the workshop and in its deliberations, the committee attempted to distill the community's most basic interests in the process of publication. It found that a majority of the scientific community held common ideas and values about publication and the role it plays in science, and that those ideas have guided the development of community standards that facilitate the use of scientific information and ensure its quality. Central to those ideas is a concept the committee called “the uniform principle for sharing integral data and materials expeditiously (UPSIDE),” as follows:
Community standards for sharing publication-related data and materials should flow from the general principle that the fundamental purpose of publication of scientific information is to move science forward. More specifically, the act of publishing is a quid pro quo in which authors receive credit and acknowledgment in exchange for disclosure of their scientific findings. An author's obligation is not only to release data and materials to enable others to verify or replicate published findings (as journals already implicitly or explicitly require) but also to provide them in a form on which other scientists can build with further research. All members of the scientific community—whether working in academia, government, or commercial enterprise—share responsibility for upholding community standards as equal participants in the publication system, and all should be equally able to derive benefits from it.
Along with UPSIDE, five additional principles guide the development and implementation of community standards. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss those principles and the nuances of how they are embodied in examples of community standards for sharing data, software, and materials. New community standards are likely to evolve as science itself changes, but the principles remain a fundamental underpinning of the their development. The principles motivate the creation of standards that maximize the value of scientific findings to the community, because this has proved to be the way that science progresses most rapidly. In addition to the principles of publication, Chapters 3 and 4 include the Committee's recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of community standards for sharing data and materials.
- Cite this Page National Research Council (US) Committee on Responsibilities of Authorship in the Biological Sciences. Sharing Publication-Related Data and Materials: Responsibilities of Authorship in the Life Sciences. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2003. 2, The Purpose of Publication and Responsibilities for Sharing.
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Benefits of publishing your research paper in a journal.
There are several benefits to publishing your research paper in a journal, including:
1. Increased visibility and recognition: Publishing your research paper in a journal can help increase its visibility and recognition within the academic community, as well as with the general public. This can lead to greater citation rates and a wider impact of your research.
2. Double Blind Peer review and feedback: Journals typically use a double blind peer review process to evaluate the quality and validity of submitted research papers. This process can provide valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement, and can help strengthen your research findings.
3. Career advancement: Publishing in a journal can be an important factor in career advancement, particularly for academic researchers. It can demonstrate your expertise in a particular area of study , and help you gain recognition and credibility within your field.
4. Access to funding opportunities: Many funding agencies and institutions require evidence of publications in reputable journals as a requirement for grant applications. Publishing your research paper in a journal can help increase your chances of receiving funding opportunities.
5. Contribution to knowledge: By publishing your research paper in a journal, you are contributing to the advancement of knowledge in your field. Your research can help inform future studies and contribute to the development of new ideas and theories.
Overall, publishing your research paper in a journal can offer numerous benefits, from increasing the visibility and recognition of your research to advancing your career and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in your field.
LAMBERT Academic Publishing
The Importance of Publishing in Academia & Key Benefits
Publishing plays a pivotal role in the academic world, serving as a cornerstone for the dissemination of knowledge, fostering intellectual discourse, and contributing to the continuous advancement of various fields of study.
This article underscores the importance of publishing and highlights the multifaceted benefits of self-publishing a book, particularly in the context of academic publications and research papers.
Why Publishing is Important in Academia?
Sharing knowledge and advancing fields of study.
The importance of publication in academia cannot be overstated. It allows researchers and academics to share their findings, theories, and ideas with peers and the broader community.
Through the publication of research papers and academic writing, scholars can contribute to the development of their field, building upon the collective body of knowledge and pushing the boundaries of understanding.
Receiving Feedback and Peer Review
Publication ethics play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and quality of academic writing and publishing. By submitting research or master’s thesis for publication , academics open themselves up to feedback from experts in their field.
This critical evaluation not only helps to refine and improve their work but also upholds the standards of the academic community.
Career Advancement and Professional Recognition by katemangostar on Freepik
Publishing a research paper is often essential for career progression within academia. A robust publication record can lead to promotions, tenure, and other professional opportunities, serving as a measure of a scholar’s contributions to their field.
Furthermore, publishing allows academics to establish themselves as experts, enhancing their professional reputation and opening doors to collaborations and networking opportunities.
Contributing to the Collective Body of Knowledge
By publishing their work, academics play a vital role in contributing to the cumulative knowledge of their discipline. This shared resource is essential for the ongoing growth and evolution of academic fields, providing a foundation for future research and inquiry.
Now that we’ve seen why publishing is important in academia, let’s explore the benefits it brings for the authors.”
4 Benefits & Advantages of Self-Publishing
Self-publishing offers academics a unique pathway to share their work, bypassing traditional publishing barriers and enjoying a range of advantages.
Control Over the Publishing Process
One of the principal benefits of self-publishing a book is the unparalleled control it offers authors over every aspect of their publication, from content to design. From the content and formatting to the cover design and marketing strategy, academics can ensure their research is presented precisely as they envisioned.
Enhanced Accessibility and Speed of Publication
The traditional publishing route can be slow, with long periods between submission and publication. Self-publishing, however, enables scholars to release their work swiftly, making it particularly advantageous for time-sensitive research.
This speed in publishing facilitates quicker engagement with the academic community and the public, amplifying the benefits of publishing a research paper .
Financial Benefits
Higher Profit Margins and Copyright Retention
Self-publishing allows academics to retain copyright to their work, potentially leading to higher earnings from sales compared to traditional publishing, where copyright often transfers to the publisher.
Broadening Audience Reach
Accessibility to a Global Audience
With self-publishing, academics are not limited by the distribution channels of traditional publishers. Digital platforms and the benefits of print-on-demand services enable them to reach a global audience, increasing the impact of their research.
Is it Worth it to Self-Publish a Book?
Given the comprehensive benefits of self-publishing a book , it is an attractive option for academics seeking to navigate the complexities of academic writing and publishing . If you ever consider publishing here are four simple steps on how to publish a research .
While it demands dedication and may involve upfront investment, the potential for professional growth, wider impact, and financial return makes self-publishing a compelling choice for many scholars.
The importance of publishing and the importance of publication in academia are fundamental, serving as the:
- linchpin for knowledge dissemination;
- academic advancement;
- scholarly integrity.
Self-publishing stands out as a powerful medium for authors to share their research, offering significant advantages that align with today’s academic community’s dynamic needs and aspirations…
Are you a researcher or an author struggling to get your academic work published? Look no further than Lambert Academic Publishing ! We offer an easy and affordable publishing process that allows you to share your research with a global audience. With no publishing contract required and professional editing and formatting services included, publishing your thesis with us has never been easier. Plus, our worldwide distribution network ensures that your work will be seen by a wider audience. Don’t let your research go unnoticed – publish your thesis with Lambert Academic Publishing today and take the first step towards sharing your findings with the world!
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Guide to Getting Published in Journals
- Why publish in journals?
- Identifying potential journals
- Creating a journal comparison spreadsheet
- Aims & Scope
- Editorial Board
- How different journals approach peer review
- Different open access models
- Interpreting traditional metrics like the Impact Factor
- Alternative metrics
- Ethics and malpractice statements
- Recognising and avoiding predatory journals
- Instructions for authors
- Submitting your paper
What is a journal? And why is important to publish your work in one? Finding the right journal for your work can make a big difference to the way it is received, so the process of selecting a journal can be an important one.
There are several key benefits to publishing research in journals:
- Publishing in journals can give your work visibility among other researchers in your field, outside of your immediate circle of contacts and colleagues.
- Journals can makes your work more discoverable, as they are already being read by circles of interested readers.
- Journals often have sophisticated distribution networks, placing work into libraries, organisations and institutes, and through letterboxes of readers around the world.
- Journal publication helps to preserve your work in the permanent records of research in the field.
- Adding your work to this record involves you in the active research community for a topic, helping to expand your professional network, increasing potential for collaboration and interaction with peers.
- Publishing your work through visible sources helps others to learn. By adding your experiences to the literature of the field, it helps to build the corpus of knowledge in your subject area.
- The peer review process helps improve the presentation and communication of research. The feedback can help you to frame your arguments in the most effective ways, and may even present valuable new insights into your own work. In addition, the peer review process can also help you reach peers and senior members of the research community by having journal editors, editorial boards and reviewers read your work.
- Selecting the appropriate journals can help add information to the public discussion of contemporary topics, beyond academic circles.
- You may be required by funding agencies to publish your work in certain journals, as open access, or meeting other criteria stipulated in your grant award.
- As well as the publication itself, particular journals may help you to engage with audiences, and meet requirements to achieve or provide certain impact metrics, evidence of engagement and interaction with your work.
- Publishing in particular journals can be an essential component to advance your career, by meeting necessary assessment criteria and output performance targets.
- And last but by no means least, publishing your work can prevent waste and increase efficiencies, by enabling others to build on your achievements or avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts.
As you can see, your choice of journal can make a significant difference to the impact your paper may have. With much to consider, choosing the right journal for your research is both important and difficult.
The different modules will dig further into the ideas presented here, helping you identify the journals that will maximise the potential in your paper, reach the most appropriate audiences, and enhance your career.
- << Previous: Getting started
- Next: Identifying potential journals >>
- Last Updated: Sep 18, 2023 1:28 PM
- URL:
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How To Publish A Research Paper? | A Step-By-Step Guide
Published by Alvin Nicolas at September 23rd, 2024 , Revised On October 24, 2024
The process of publishing a research paper can be confusing to many students or first-time authors. It requires careful planning, attention to detail, using academic sources and submitting your manuscript through the submission system.
After writing a research paper comes the most significant step of all. Yes, of course, we are talking about getting it published in a journal. This blog provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to publish your research paper and share it with academic professionals all over the world.
What Is A Research Paper?
A research paper is a piece of academic writing that presents your interpretation, evaluation and findings on a specific topic. It involves extensive research data collection through qualitative and quantitative methods to validate your hypothesis .
A research paper is not easy to write, as it involves understanding the research paper format and guidelines of many journals. It typically consists of an abstract, introduction, literature review, methodologies, results and discussion. But it doesn’t end here, as you need to publish it in well-known journals to create an impact on your work worldwide.
Advantages Of Publishing A Research Paper
Before we dive into the process of publishing a research paper, let’s understand the advantages and benefits of publishing a research paper.
Criteria For Publishing A Research Paper
A well-crafted research paper proves to be a valuable resource in academic fields. However, it should meet specific criteria to be eligible for publishing in journals. These criteria can vary from journal to journal, however, here are some common requirements to publish a research paper:
The research paper should be original and should not have been published anywhere else or previously in some other journal. Also, it should provide advanced knowledge on the chosen topic. The figures included in the manuscript should not be published anywhere else.
High-Technical Standards
Any research methodology or reagent used in the research should be mentioned in a comprehensive manner. The experiment must be carried out properly, with the sample size large enough for robust results. Moreover, the data presented must support the conclusions drawn.
Scientific Merit
The manuscript must be clear and concise for peers and other academic researchers to understand. The research must be ethical and of the highest standards with clear objectives. All ethical considerations should be taken into review such as transparency, accuracy, data privacy, participant’s consent and animal welfare in the case of experiments.
Relevance To Journal
The research paper must be relevant to the journal approached for publishing, and it must focus on the key areas of it. Every journal has its publication criteria, ethical considerations, figure assessment and more, which should all be taken into account.
Standard English
Authors should avoid using unambiguous words that are difficult to understand. Each journal urges that the research work be in standard English. In case of any problem, authors can seek scientific editing services or manuscript editing services online for ease.
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Steps In Publishing A Research Paper
Publishing a research paper involves a great deal of steps. Here is the process of publishing a research paper:
Step 1: Choose A Journal
The first step in getting your paper published is choosing the right journal. The best way to identify the best journal for your paper is by looking at the reference section of your manuscript. Journals only publish manuscripts of topics they have previously published.
Moreover, the tone, format and writing style must be similar to that of articles and papers published by the journal. Another way to find the right journal is by using a journal finder. This helps specify journals related to your work and also mentions journal rankings. For a better understanding, the following questions must be taken into view while selecting a journal for your paper:
- What is my target audience?
- Which journal fits my manuscript?
- Which journals are ranked better and have a higher impact?
- Which journals are open access and which are subscription-based?
- What is the publishing fee for journals?
Some well-known online journals in academic fields are:
- ResearchGate
- Chemical Reviews
- Nature Medicine
- World Psychiatry
Step 2: Prepare Your Paper
After selecting a journal, you should prepare your paper for submission. The tone, structure and format must be according to the journal you chose. Certain journals have a particular format for how tables, figures, and other materials are presented. You should always keep in mind your target journal, and your audience, and use keywords accordingly. Lastly, it is necessary to be aware of the editorial policies of the journal, to avoid any complications in future.
Step 3: Editing And Revising
Before submitting your paper, it is wise to revise it and correct any factual errors and knowledge gaps that might have occurred.
Step 4: Submit Your Paper
After completing the above steps, submit your paper to the journal. Each journal will have specific journal requirements that should be followed. There is no set time when you can expect to hear from the editor. However, a desk rejection may occur if the editor rejects your paper or sends it back for revision and resubmission.
Step 5: The Peer-Review Process
A peer review is an independent assessment of your work by experts in your field. A few research papers get immediate acceptance from peer-reviewed journals. However, rejection is not something to be scared of. It simply means that the journal requires changes before the publication can be considered. Often you will be asked to revise your paper and resubmit it for further feedback. You can also track your paper by the reference number given to you by the journal.
Step 6: The Production Process
When your paper is accepted for publication, it heads into production. Then it is prepared for publishing in the journal that has accepted your research work.
Step 7: Share And Promote
When your research paper is successfully published, access your article on its impact. Sharing research and making notable achievements can get you recognition in the field.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to publish a research paper in an international journal.
To publish a research paper in an international journal, it is necessary to research international journals that specialise in your field. Your paper should adhere to all international standards. Meeting international researchers and developing connections can also be a plus point. Hence, you can submit a cover letter that highlights your work and its need to be published internationally .
What is the average time to publish a research paper?
The process of publication can vary from journal to journal. It can take a few months to over a year.
How to publish a legal research paper?
To submit your legal research paper, you need to choose a solid legal topic. Write a well-structured paper on it, citing any sources and mentioning all references. Lastly, submit it to legal journals that align with your work.
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Department of Microbiology, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Pondicherry, 605006, India
Subhash Chandra Parija
Department of Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Pondicherry, 605006, India
Vikram Kate
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Correspondence to Vikram Kate .
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Department of Microbiology, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India
Department of Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, India
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Parija, S.C., Kate, V. (2017). Why Write a Scientific Research Paper. In: Parija, S., Kate, V. (eds) Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper. Springer, Singapore.
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Published : 29 July 2017
Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore
Print ISBN : 978-981-10-4719-0
Online ISBN : 978-981-10-4720-6
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Increased visibility: Publishing a research paper can increase visibility for the researcher and their work, which can lead to new opportunities, funding, and collaborations. Impact on society: Publishing a research paper can have a positive impact on society by contributing to the advancement of knowledge and understanding in a specific field.
Another risk associated with publishing is that other researchers will use information presented in a paper to invalidate or question the author's own findings, and publish conflicting results. Are the benefits and risks of publishing any different for companies whose investigators publish than those for academic scientists?
There are several benefits to publishing your research paper in a journal, including: 1. Increased visibility and recognition: Publishing your research paper in a journal can help increase its visibility and recognition within the academic community, as well as with the general public. This can lead to greater citation rates and a wider impact ...
Self-publishing, however, enables scholars to release their work swiftly, making it particularly advantageous for time-sensitive research. This speed in publishing facilitates quicker engagement with the academic community and the public, amplifying the benefits of publishing a research paper. Financial Benefits
There are several key benefits to publishing research in journals: DISCOVERABILITY. Publishing in journals can give your work visibility among other researchers in your field, outside of your immediate circle of contacts and colleagues. Journals can makes your work more discoverable, as they are already being read by circles of interested readers.
However, there are additional benefits to having a manuscript published because the publishing process aids in developing key skills. For example, the publication process refines writing skills (Lawson & Smith, 1996; Peden, 1991) and gives you the opportunity to learn from constructive feedback provided by reviewers.
Writing and publishing puts your research into larger context. Your published paper can help in the public understanding of a research question. Having a robust body of published works helps advance your career as you are considered for academic appointments and promotions. Publishing helps establish you as an expert in your field of knowledge.
Criteria For Publishing A Research Paper. A well-crafted research paper proves to be a valuable resource in academic fields. However, it should meet specific criteria to be eligible for publishing in journals. These criteria can vary from journal to journal, however, here are some common requirements to publish a research paper: Originality
Writing and publishing a scientific paper in academic journals is a highly competitive, time-consuming stepwise process. The road to scientific writing and publication is rarely straightforward.
Publication of research paper may also help young researchers to connect with researchers in other fields, providing new opportunities for interdepartmental and inter-institutional collaboration and future research. 1.2.3 To Enhance Academic Career. Publication of research paper in scientific journals improves your academic profile and resume.