Education with Teaching and Learning

Top 10 Communication Skills For Teachers: A Depth Discussion

Teachers are the main backbone of our education; they make things easy for us and possible in some easy steps. Communication skills for teachers can make the education process easy and help students to understand smoothly. Let’s discuss the thing in detail today.

Teachers play a major role in our classroom-based education system. They help children and adults learn and study. Many students look forward to school and learning as it brings them happiness. A teacher makes things easy for their students.

Students need a teacher who can make things simple and easy to study. Teachers make their students study and follow through with their homework easily. They motivate them to do their best.

Table of Contents

Best Methods of Communication Skills for Teachers

There are several methods of communication skills for teachers that they can use and make their classes enjoyable. So, we will discuss some effective skills that can make your classes more live and interactive. Those are:

  • Interactive lesson delivery
  • Ask Questions
  • Q&A Sessions
  • Group Discussion
  • Class Tests

With these methods, a teacher can communicate properly with his students, and in this way, students can learn better lessons. Teachers should cope with all these techniques, and you can get better results from these methods.

The importance of communication skills for teachers

Communication skills are essential for teachers, not only because they are responsible for ensuring that pupils learn effectively, but also because good communication can break down barriers and build relationships. Good communication allows teachers to understand their pupils’ feelings and motivations, which helps them to better intervene when needed. It also enables teachers to provide clear instruction and enforce rules in a non-harsh way. Furthermore, effective communication between parents and teachers promotes positive student outcomes by establishing trust and cooperation between the two parties involved in raising children.

Communication skills are critical for you as an instructor. Everyone benefits from good communication. It has a positive impact on relationships, insight, and modeling good interactions.

Teachers need to be able to listen attentively and understand the needs of their students to provide quality education. They also need to be skilled at building relationships with their students and colleagues, as well as maintaining constructive communication throughout the school year.

Effective communication can help prevent conflicts from arising and enable an effective collaboration between teachers and students. It can also promote creativity by allowing educators to share new ideas or strategies with their peers easily. Finally, good communication skills allow educators to effectively resolve issues that may arise.

In short, being able to make successful connections with others is an essential skill for anyone in today’s society, which includes teachers.

Importance of communication in teaching

Teachers know about their subjects properly and need to communicate with the students. They conduct sessions and teach students, so communication skills here are very important. We understand that a teacher can teach a student well with proper communication.

There are many things teachers have to think about when they are teaching classes. They have to consider all of the student’s individual needs and desires. Teachers must ensure that they prepare their lessons to match the class’s interests. In addition, teachers must ensure that they involve the students in positive discussions and engagements that will make them interactive.

They should take time to teach students and be friendly to each other.

The best teachers are also enthusiastic. They show excitement about what they are teaching and can even involve the students in learning. Students should be motivated to listen to what the teacher says and how they get results. You should encourage them to ask questions if they need help understanding something. Finally, they should enjoy their classes.

Communication for teachers

Communication is very important for teachers; they need to develop their skills to reach close to their students. As we discuss communication skills, online and offline courses will develop your skills. You, both the party, have to communicate with each other from the heart. Best Parent Teacher Communication App helps you to know details about their communication.

Many people want to teach and may have a passion for it. A teacher should teach adequately; then, they should ask the students to ask him questions. If there is no question, they should ask the students about their understanding. Communication between teachers and students is the key to education.

In this way, student and teacher communication is fruitful. You have to make things easy for the students, and in this way, they will also learn better. It is also an excellent way to establish a relationship with the students. You can use some tools in your lessons to assist you in achieving this goal.

Top 10 Communication Skills For Teachers

here is a unique top 10 Communication Skills for Teachers:

  • Active Listening:  This involves paying close attention to what students are saying, both verbally and nonverbally. It also means asking clarifying questions and showing that you understand their perspective.
  • Clear and Concise Communication:  Use language that is appropriate for the age and developmental level of your students. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that they may not understand.
  • Positive Body Language:  Make eye contact, smile, and use open gestures to convey warmth and approachability.
  • Empathy:  Try to understand how your students are feeling and respond accordingly. Be patient and supportive, especially when they are struggling.
  • Respectful Tone:  Treat all students with respect, regardless of their academic ability, background, or behavior. Avoid using sarcasm, put-downs, or other forms of negativity.
  • Effective Questioning:  Use a variety of question types to assess student understanding, promote critical thinking, and encourage participation.
  • Timely Feedback:  Provide feedback to students in a timely and constructive manner. Be specific about what they did well and how they can improve.
  • Cultural Sensitivity:  Be aware of and respect the cultural backgrounds of your students. Avoid using stereotypes or making assumptions about their beliefs or values.
  • Technology Integration:  Use technology to enhance communication, such as online discussion forums, instant messaging, or video conferencing.
  • Collaboration:  Collaborate with other teachers, parents, and administrators to ensure that all students are receiving the communication they need to succeed.

By developing these communication skills, teachers can create a more positive and productive learning environment for all students.

What is communication in teaching and learning

For teaching, you have to communicate with the students properly, and they will be able to learn better. In the case of learning, you have to reach your teacher or mentor to know better; these are both sides of communication where you can do better. Both student and teacher should have a straightforward relationship to reach each other.

Students usually enjoy learning a lot more when taught with another person’s help. This means that you must always work together when you are in school. It is very important that you are a team member and then you can learn better. You know how to play and win when you both play as a team.

If you are a student, you might find it challenging to follow your teacher when you have to learn alone. It would help if you were a student to know what your teacher wants you to understand, then stick to it and do some after-research. When you are working with another person, you will be able to learn better than you would when you are alone.

Read to know: Are Public School Teachers Federal Employees ?

Effective communication in the classroom

In the classroom, the teacher should adequately explain the subject very well. Also, eye contact is very important when you reach every student individually. Also, the Q&A session will improve your communication with students in the classroom.

We should focus more on teaching children about learning skills. We should help them learn how to communicate in the classroom and discuss with others. To help children better understand, we should use many different ways to teach them. One of the most effective ways to help children is to apply some games and activities there.

The more we involve children in learning, the better they will be. Teaching methods and techniques used to teach children should be exciting and easy for them to follow. Teachers must know what the students are learning and where they are struggling.

The Importance of communication in schools

In school, the kids are not adults; they need more care and attention to teach things. The importance of communication in schools for learning if their communication is truly effective. But on the other hand, they can learn new things quickly as they are new learners that should have proper input from teachers. If the teacher gives better effort, they can handle the school students better, and you can disseminate new things. On the other side, students should be interested in learning it and complying accordingly.

Children need more patience than adults. They are still in the stage of learning, and they still need to be able to think rationally. The teacher should be patient when the children don’t pay attention to the teacher or don’t listen to them. Don’t worry that your students may not hear you, and they may be rude to you.

The teacher must accept the students’ behavior and explain things to them patiently, even though they do not like it. It’s also easy to learn a new topic from younger kids. When you teach your children something new, you are helping them to learn a few new things. Similarly, when the students are interested in learning things, the teacher will get interested too.

How to communicate effectively as a teacher

To be a teacher, you have to deliver your knowledge to students; for this purpose, you have to make it easy, and, on the other hand, they can make the students communicate with them. The teaching style should be communicative, and students will cope with that.

For those who want to teach, knowing that students learn better when they love it and feel interested is essential. To be a good teacher, you must have an open mind and a pleasant attitude. Understanding what makes your students respond to the teacher’s query is necessary. It is also significant to have a way of discussing with your students early. When the students have much interest, they will focus on the topic, and similarly, the teacher will appeal to explain it easily.

Students learn best when they have an opportunity to communicate with you. They need to be encouraged to feel free to knock you for any information and queries. They will learn faster if they have an opportunity to ask you questions. Being friendly is essential too.

Be familiar with your students so they will want to learn from you. Students will do a better job if you are friendly. Students who like you will learn from you. Similarly, a teacher can select some kids who are their favorite to him to learn things.

Effective communication with teachers

Students also need to communicate with teachers; they should ask questions and be clear about the topics. As you ask questions, you will have a clearer idea about your subjects. This way, you can communicate appropriately with teachers and clarify your queries.

When you ask a question, you are interested to know something. Sometimes, you will ask questions only to clarify certain things. In these situations, you should not feel guilty or inadequate. You can learn a lot by asking something to your teacher. You can also use these questions to clarify what you are supposed to understand. A teacher usually tells a story so that it can help his students to understand things better.

If you need clarification about a specific topic, you should ask someone who has already gone through that situation.

How can a teacher make effective communication in the classroom

Q&A session is convenient; after teaching any matter, the teacher should ask students to ask questions. On the other hand, the teacher can also ask students questions. This way, both parties, teacher, and students, can communicate better and learn more.

This is an excellent way for teachers to communicate with their students. Teachers are great communicators, and they know what they are teaching. A teacher can efficiently conduct a class with this method. It is also an excellent way for a teacher to learn something that he hasn’t known before.

After they have taught a subject to their class, they should answer as many questions as possible. They should also get the students’ feedback. There are several ways to ask questions in a classroom.

There are many reasons why teachers should take a question and answer those queries with their students; it will make the students feel free with the teacher. It is the best way to improve teacher and student communication . You will also know how well the students understand the teacher is teaching and how they are disseminating the message. This way, you can be communicative in the classroom as a teacher.

How teachers communicate with students

Generally, students feel shy to ask things of teachers; the teacher should be easygoing and let students speak. In this way, the teacher can ask students what they have understood.

They should feel comfortable when they are asking the teacher questions. When the students feel comfortable, it will be easy for them to ask things and be very clear on any subjects. They should feel free to talk to the teacher whenever they think to ask anything; in this way, they can be better communicative and get better responses.

If you think that you understand a topic, then ask about it. By doing this, the teacher will let you speak and will be able to communicate with you. Let the teachers know what you have learned so that the teachers can help you to understand topics better.

A good teacher has to be friendly and approachable. He should be ready to listen to his students’ needs and questions. The teacher should refrain from forcing the students to learn what he wants them to. He should respect the different learning levels and abilities of the students.

Role of communication skills in the teaching-learning process

Both parties, student, and teacher, should be communicating; they should talk with each other and improve their learning. So, not only the teachers but also the students should be communicative. Here they both will be getting benefits from this. Besides, it is an essential part of the communication between parents and teachers, for helping students’ successive careers.

Communication is an essential thing in any both-party relationship. Both parties, the student and the teacher, should be open and communicative. It’s necessary to communicate when you are doing something together or when you are doing something related to each other. Teachers should teach the students, and the students should learn what they are taught.

The most important thing about communication is that the audience should listen to what the other person is saying, and in this way, the people get better results. This way, both parties will understand the message more clearly. You can use the phone, text messaging, e-mail, and face-to-face contact. In the olden days, people communicated using letters, but those days were gone.

Why are communication skills important in education?

There are many reasons why good communication skills are important in education. First and foremost, effective communication is essential for sharing information effectively. Teachers need to be able to communicate clearly with their students so that they can understand the material being taught, and students need to be able to listen attentively and engage in class discussions if they want to learn effectively.

Effective communication also helps teachers keep track of student progress, eliminates misunderstandings between students and educators, encourages collaboration among classmates, leads to positive classroom dynamics, enhances teacher-student relationships overall, promotes active learning behavior in pupils, and facilitates disciplinary action when necessary (such as handing out punishment tickets). Supports assignment compliance rates within a school district or university setting…the list goes on. In short – good communication skills promote success both inside and outside the educational institution.

Why are communication skills important for teachers?

Having proficient communication skills is crucial for teachers as it enables them to develop a deeper understanding of their students and foster positive connections with them. Furthermore, effective communication skills assist teachers in resolving conflicts and effective classroom culture management . Teachers need to possess the ability to communicate both with their students and parents .

What should the communication skills of a teacher explain?

A teacher’s communication skills should explain complex concepts clearly, foster student engagement, promote a positive classroom environment, and facilitate effective parent-teacher collaboration.

Final words

Some students like to act tough and intimidate others. If you’re having problems with these students, don’t get into arguments. You must remain calm in these situations and discuss the issue directly with them. Tell them what you expect from them and explain to them why.

We have discussed the Communication skills of teachers. Also, we have mentioned some tips for teachers and students so they can communicate better. Now you know how to develop yourself and be a good teacher in your classroom.

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Teaching Communication Skills

A framework for exploring with students what good communication looks like and for helping them develop the necessary skills.

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student boy presenting in class

Picture a great speaker—a famous politician, maybe, or a poet or performer. Maybe you’re thinking of someone speaking to an audience in a high-stakes scenario.

Most of the talk that happens in your classroom does not look like this. In small group or whole class discussions, students are more concerned with learning than with audience: Their talking is exploratory rather than presentational.

This is one of the challenges of teaching communication skills: What “good” looks like depends on the context. The skills needed to speak in front of an audience and hold a room are different from those needed to solve a problem or engage in a group discussion. If what you’re trying to teach is slippery and hard to define, how can you go about teaching it?

A Framework for Looking at Communication

Academics at Cambridge University and teachers at my school created a framework for describing good communication skills in different contexts. It divides these skills into four distinct but interlinked strands:

  • Physical: How a speaker uses their body language, facial expressions, and voice.
  • Linguistic: The speaker’s use of language, including their understanding of formality and rhetorical devices.
  • Cognitive: The content of what a speaker says and their ability to build on, challenge, question, and summarize others’ ideas.
  • Social and emotional: How well a speaker listens, includes others, and responds to their audience.

This framework provides a starting point for working out what exactly constitutes great communication in different situations. But how can a teacher create a classroom culture that values and actively develops students’ communication skills?

Start by talking explicitly with your students about what good communication looks like for a given context. While there are plenty of examples of great public speakers to hold up and analyze, it can be harder to find examples of excellent exploratory discussions. One fun way to explore what makes a great discussion is to film a group of teachers having a terrible discussion (fidgeting, going off topic, one person dominating and making irrelevant points while others aren’t listening) and then look at a really strong example (listening, building on or challenging each other’s ideas, working together to reach consensus). Comparing the two discussions, you and your students can start to build a shared understanding of what “good” looks like.

You can use this understanding to write, with your students, a set of discussion guidelines, including things like:

  • We build on, challenge, summarize, clarify and probe each other’s ideas
  • We are prepared to change our minds.
  • We include everyone by inviting them into the discussion.

Creating guidelines with your students provides an opportunity to establish a positive culture for talk. It also enables you to dispel any negative, perhaps unspoken, misconceptions students may have about discussion, such as: “She always does well on tests, so I’ll just say what she says,” or “He’s my friend, so I shouldn’t disagree with him.”

Of course, creating discussion guidelines alone is unlikely to transform talk in your classroom—your students will need each skill to be explicitly taught, modeled, and praised, at least initially. You can establish the culture by saying things like, “I listened to what X said, and actually it’s made me think differently—I’m starting to change my mind,” or, “I’m not totally sure yet, but I think _____. What do you think?”

You’ll also need to explicitly and deliberately teach many communication skills. Take for example the skills involved in summarizing a discussion. Your students need to know what a summary is. They may also need some sentence stems to scaffold summarizing a discussion (“The main points you raised were...,” “In summary, we talked about...”). They may also need practice judging when it’s useful to summarize a discussion.

Over time, you can work on each guideline in turn and strengthen your students’ understanding of it. Continually returning to your discussion guidelines provides an opportunity for students to reflect on and talk about talking—to engage metacognitively in the learning process.

Supporting Quiet Students

For quieter students, increasing the amount of talk in your classroom may feel daunting. Ensuring that you have a guideline that requires all students to be included in discussions gives more confident students a responsibility to ensure that everyone is heard from. Again, you may need to explicitly teach what it means to invite someone into a discussion: developing an awareness of who has and hasn’t spoken yet, and turning your body to face someone who has been quiet and saying their name or asking them a question.

You can also support quieter students by providing them with scaffolds such as sentence stems, or by giving them a specific role, such as summarizer, that provides a clear route into discussion. Increasing the number of low-stakes opportunities to speak, in a supportive environment, may give some quieter students the confidence they need to find their voice.

If a student isn’t speaking as frequently as their peers, you needn’t assume that they aren’t benefiting from the increase in talking in your classroom. It’s likely that they’re listening carefully and taking in what is being said, so it’s vital to praise and celebrate listening skills as well as speaking skills.

Ultimately, learning is a process of sharing, engaging with, and responding to new and different ideas. As Professor Frank Hardman has said, talk is “the most powerful tool of communication in the classroom, and it’s fundamentally central to the acts of teaching and learning.”

Teachers’ Communication Skills for Students’ Academic Success Essay (Critical Writing)

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

General Design

Literature review.

The selected research article for this discussion is “Communication Skills of a Teacher and Its Roles in the Development of the Students’ Academic Success” by Alamgir Khan, Salahuddin Khan, Syed Zia-Ul-Islam, and Manzoor Khan. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and critique it.

After going through the document, it is agreeable that it is not well written. Some of the sentences are poorly punctuated or grammatically incorrect. For example, the paper reads: “As the variety of skills are needed for good teaching and teachers” (Khan, Khan, Zia-Ul-Islam, & Khan, 2017, p. 18). Although the authors have avoided the use of jargon, it is evident that the article is poorly organized.

The title of the report is ambiguous, unclear, and poorly formulated or developed. However, the abstract gives a clear overview of the entire study, including the sample, research problem, methodology, findings, and conclusions.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate and understand the role of practical communication skills in supporting students’ performance. The authors present such a purpose in a transparent manner. However, they failed to offer a problem statement for the study.

Research Aims/Objectives/Questions

The researchers have identified the aims and hypothesis of the intended study clearly. It is also evident that they reflect the ideas and discussions presented in the document’s literature review (Khan et al., 2017). This approach explains why the information guides the targeted readers effectively.

The authors have managed to identify what is known regarding the suggested topic. For instance, they begin by highlighting the unique attributes associated with communication skills in the learning environment and how they can empower learners to achieve their aims. However, the authors indicate that the existing ideas regarding the role of such competencies in improving or undermining the academic success of the targeted learners are limited (Khan et al., 2017). In order to address such gaps, the authors believe that a detailed research study can present evidence-based concepts for empowering future teachers and students.

The use of different articles and publications to develop the work’s literature appears outstanding. This approach made it possible for the authors to present detailed background information about the topic. However, the researchers failed to utilize recent sources since some of them were published over 20 years ago. This means that the information was not up-to-date and could have affected the anticipated outcomes (Khan et al., 2017). The use of classic articles is not evident in the selected theme. However, there are some publications dated less than five years that make the report more informative to the reader.

Some of the sources consulted during the study were primary, thereby making the final document meaningful. Consequently, the literature is well-organized and capable of adding information to the selected field.

Due to the nature of this study, the researchers did not include a control group. Multiple settings were not used for the survey since a general target population was considered (Khan et al., 2017). The selected group was treated equally to ensure that the recorded results or findings were homogenous.

The article clearly identifies the target population. It is notable that 30 percent of physical education students from Pakistan universities were selected for the study (Khan et al., 2017). This sample size was capable of delivering desirable outcomes or findings. Unfortunately, the included and exclusion criteria were not correctly identified. Instead, the authors reveal how 30 percent of the targeted population were considered to be part of the study.

Based on the study design, the sample size was sufficient. The rationale behind this argument is that the participants were capable of presenting timely insights and views regarding the importance of specific communication skills in supporting the learning process of different students.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical consideration remains a critical issue to consider when completing research studies targeting human subjects. The scholars ensured that every participant was informed and updated about the nature of the intended research. The concepts of confidentiality and autonomy were considered throughout the process (Khan et al., 2017). They were also protected from any form of abuse and harm. The relevant authorities or bodies granted ethical approval for this study.

The researchers failed to identify or define the significant concepts and significant that was intended for the study. This gap explains why the reader would be forced to research them in order to understand their meaning and relevance to the entire report.

Study Methods

The research design is clearly identified since the authors developed a powerful tool and used it to pose one-on-one questions to the targeted respondents. They also selected professional attitude skills (PAS) as an appropriate data-gathering instrument. The researchers presented such a model and gave it to field experts. However, the reliability and validity tests were not undertaken while their results were not reported. Additionally, a pilot study was not undertaken.

The authors describe the data collection methods in a transparent manner. It is notable that they developed PAS for the exercise. This model was also presented to 20 field experts to ensure that it was appropriate for the intended study. The researchers relied on the use of personal contact surveys whereby respondents answered specified questions (Khan et al., 2017). This means that the data collection methods have been defined or outlined clearly. The response rate was >25percent, thereby making the study successful.

Study Results

The undertaken statistical test was that of Regression. SPSS Version 20 was used as the best statistical tool for testing the outlined hypothesis and analyzing data. This approach was appropriate based on the nature of the collected information. The total sample is significant to the recorded findings (Khan et al., 2017). It is evident that the researchers managed to present the collected data and results in a proper manner. The narrative is also consistent with the table content.

After going through the selected document, the reader realizes that the results resonate with the discussions and ideas presented in the literature review. Additionally, the promoted communication skills are critical determinants of students’ academic performance and success. The research hypothesis, questions, and objectives have been met after the successful completion of the study (Khan et al., 2017). This fact explains why the reader can acquire numerous insights for empowering more students.

The authors present the implications and significance of the study results. For instance, they explain why policymakers and teachers should consider such insights to improve communication in the learning environment and maximize students’ outcomes (Khan et al., 2017). Unfortunately, they fail to address the limitations of this study. The results obtained after the successful completion of this study inform such conclusions.

The references cited in the text have been indicated in the reference list. This approach makes the selected document convincing and informative to the reader.

Khan, A., Khan, S., Zia-Ul-Islam, S., & Khan, M. (2017). Communication skills of a teacher and its roles in the development of the students’ academic success. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(1), 18-21.

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IvyPanda. (2021, June 30). Teachers’ Communication Skills for Students’ Academic Success.

"Teachers’ Communication Skills for Students’ Academic Success." IvyPanda , 30 June 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Teachers’ Communication Skills for Students’ Academic Success'. 30 June.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Teachers’ Communication Skills for Students’ Academic Success." June 30, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Teachers’ Communication Skills for Students’ Academic Success." June 30, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Teachers’ Communication Skills for Students’ Academic Success." June 30, 2021.

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Effective Communication in the Classroom: Skills for Teachers

Communication is key in the classroom: successful teaching is generally considered to require only 50% knowledge to 50% communication skills. As a result, a teacher should be proficient in all four modes of communication – listening, speaking, reading, and writing – and should know how to utilise this proficiency effectively in a school environment. Being able to do this has been proven to impact the success students achieve in their academic lives, as well as the teacher’s own career success.

In this article, we will outline the reasons why classroom communication has such importance. You will also learn some of the strategies you can use to help you and your students attain your best outcomes.

teacher and communication skills essay

Why is it Important for Teachers to Have Effective Communication Skills?

Teachers benefit from good communication skills in three different areas: when communicating with students, with parents, and with colleagues.

Communicating with Students

Communication skills are most vital for interactions with students, because the act of teaching itself requires them. In your role, you are responsible for comprehending and breaking down complex information, conveying this information clearly to your students (both verbally and in written resources), presenting in a manner that sustains their attention, and listening to and resolving their questions or problems.

You are also required to adapt content for different learning styles, motivate students to learn, build supportive relationships using encouragement and empathy, manage the classroom, and give feedback – making your classroom a safe and supportive learning environment. All of these things require good communication skills.

The better your communication skills, the more effectively you can perform these tasks. In turn, your students will make more academic progress. Studies have found that the success of students is directly related to interactive, engaging teaching environments formed by able teachers (see Mashburn et al., 2008). Additionally, the way that you communicate with your students can positively affect their perceptions of school, their role in the classroom, themselves and their abilities, and their motivation to succeed (see Dobbs & Arnold, 2009).

teacher and communication skills essay

However, this works both ways: poor communication skills – and thus poor methods of teaching – causes students’ comprehension levels to drop, and may affect their academic progress negatively. It could also lead to students lacking motivation, disliking school, and believing themselves to be unable to achieve. This could have consequences for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, effective communication between teachers and students is extremely important. It allows you to perform your job well, with positive results for your pupils. An added benefit is that your class can use you as a model for improving their own communication skills, which are critical for their development and future learning.  

Effective coaching and mentoring can help boost your communication with students as you focus on three key areas: foundations, principles and practice.

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Looking to learn more?

Explore how to coach with consistency and plan for an effective mentoring session with our Coaching and Mentoring course which has been designed to give you the practical skills needed to get started with your successful teaching career.

Communicating with Parents

As a teacher, you will also need to communicate effectively with parents. This could take place through a variety of mediums, including phone calls, emails, and in-person meetings, so you must be skilled with both verbal and written language.

This is particularly important because you will often have to discuss sensitive subjects – such as behaviour issues, learning problems, and the student’s strengths and weaknesses – without making the parent feel confused or defensive. It is vital that you are clear, but tactful, at all times. Failing to communicate well with parents could lead to doubts on their part about your ability to teach, and possible complaints, as well as a lack of understanding of their child’s performance and educational needs.

teacher and communication skills essay

Communicating with Colleagues

Teaching does not always involve independent work – it also requires collaboration. Whether you are planning lessons together, updating your colleagues on certain students’ progress, or sharing tips about how to handle issues in the classroom, good communication skills will be of use to you.

You might also utilise these skills in staff meetings and training sessions – being able to lead meetings, present in front of varied audiences, and give feedback to other staff could illustrate to your colleagues and superiors that you are a good candidate for promotion.

As we have demonstrated, there are many reasons why effective communication skills are imperative in a teaching career. In the next section, we will give you some strategies to improve your communication in the classroom.

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Strategies for Effective Communication in the Classroom

What we classify as ‘good’ or ‘effective’ communication depends on the context. When you are presenting in front of the class, you will use different strategies than when you are facilitating a group discussion, or speaking to a student one-to-one.

Here, we will suggest eight strategies that are applicable to each of the contexts that you may encounter.

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1. Create a safe learning environment with supportive relationships

It has been proven that supportive relationships between students and teachers have a positive impact on class engagement, participation, and the students’ achievements. It has even been suggested that these supportive relationships may negate the tendency for low-income students to have poorer school outcomes (see O’Connor & McCartney, 2007).

This is because, when students feel supported, they are more comfortable expressing their own thoughts and ideas in class discussions, attempting challenges, and asking when they need help. Higher levels of engagement and participation then lead to better developed knowledge and greater achievement.

A supportive learning environment is built using communication: you should get to know your students well, and show them that they are safe from judgement or humiliation in your classroom. It is a good idea to learn students’ names early in the year, and use them often. Have an open-door policy for students to come and talk to you about any issues, and be empathic and caring when you interact with them at all times: don’t tell them off for not understanding and don’t ridicule their thoughts and ideas.

Additionally, you should recognise that some students don’t feel comfortable talking in front of the class. If you do ask them to participate, you could use scaffolding (such as sentence starters) to make them feel safer doing so. However, forced participation is usually unnecessary: it is likely that quieter students have excellent listening skills, and are learning just as much, despite not sharing their own thoughts.

teacher and communication skills essay

2. More teamwork

Teamwork and group discussions contribute to making the classroom a more comfortable environment. By working in small groups, students are able to share their ideas more easily, and improve their own communication skills. These activities also give them a good opportunity to ask you questions and get feedback on their work, leading to effective communication between you, better understanding of the lesson, and academic benefits.

You could also try to improve your communication skills through teamwork with your colleagues. Planning more lessons together, sharing ideas, and problem-solving together will develop the way that you interact.

3. Body language

Communication is not only verbal, but also non-verbal: you should ensure that the signals you are giving out through your body language are positive, confident, and engaging.

For example, making eye contact with students when you are talking to them shows that you are being supportive and attentive. Making eye contact is also important when you are presenting to the whole class – it motivates everyone to pay attention, which helps them to learn, as well as making them feel involved. In order to make more eye contact, you may have to learn your lesson content more thoroughly in advance, so that you don’t have to look away to read your notes.

teacher and communication skills essay

As you teach, you should use gestures to emphasise your words. This increases the interactivity of the lesson, making it more visually interesting and hence, more memorable. Keep your arms open – do not fold them – and use smiles, nods, and thumbs up to encourage students when they participate. Moving around the classroom while you teach can help to remove the barrier between you and your students, and gives them less opportunity to zone out or get distracted.

Body language is also important when dealing with negative behaviour. To avoid being confrontational, ensure that you don’t stand directly above or in front of a student, point, or invade their personal space. It may be effective to get down to their level and talk quietly about their behaviour, or speak to them outside the classroom, to avoid drawing too much attention. Remember that students’ behaviour is also a form of communication, and think about what it is telling you.

You can find out more about dealing with challenging behaviour from our dedicated article: ‘ How to Deal with Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom ’.

4. Active listening

The ‘listening’ component of communication should not be overlooked – over 60% of all misunderstandings result from poor listening (Caruso, Colombi, & Tebbit, 2017).

Practising good listening in the classroom can benefit you in two ways. Firstly, you will be a model for your students, who will improve their own listening skills, and thus retain lessons better. Secondly, by using active listening , you can correct misunderstandings and extend learning, resulting in a better education for your students.

Active listening involves listening carefully to what your students say, checking that you have understood them correctly (for example, repeating back to them what you think they have said), building on their ideas, and challenging or questioning them. It is the best approach to use to foster understanding in the classroom, and is an excellent example of effective communication.  

teacher and communication skills essay

5. Feedback

Feedback is also an important component of communication in the classroom. There have been many studies focusing on feedback in recent years. It has been shown that positive feedback (i.e. praise) builds students’ confidence – making them more likely to believe that they can succeed – and helps to create a supportive environment and increase academic success.

You can also use positive feedback to modify students’ behaviour: for example, praising a student for having their hand up is likely to cause the students around them to stop ‘shouting out’ and copy this behaviour, in order to be praised themselves (Howell, Caldarella, Korth, & Young, 2014).

However, positive feedback can be detrimental to learning if it is used without being deserved, or too frequently (Cannella, 1986). Phrases such as ‘good job’ or ‘beautiful’ may not motivate students, because they do not understand what they are specifically being praised for, while over-praising can cause children to lack interest in situations where they are not being praised (e.g. Howell et al., 2014). As a result, you should give specific, deserved positive feedback – use the student’s name, explicitly state what they are doing right, and thank them enthusiastically.

teacher and communication skills essay

Negative feedback is used more often in the classroom than positive feedback, and many researchers have argued that this should not be the case. While negative feedback can help students to improve – for example, by changing their behaviour, or trying harder at a task (Conroy et al., 2014) – it does also contribute to conflictual relationships with students (e.g. Allen et al., 2013). It has also been suggested that it can cause lower levels of academic success (e.g. Wu et al., 2010).

These disadvantages are compounded by the fact that the negative feedback is not always successful – students tend to continue the behaviour despite negative feedback around 20% of the time – and it tends to decrease students’ motivation and interest in a task (e.g. Spilt et al., 2016). Other consequences include decreased self-worth, which impacts children’s academic success (e.g. Harter, 2012).

As such, you should ensure that you use negative feedback only sparingly; for general classroom management, using positive feedback to illustrate the behaviour that you want to see is much more effective. In situations where you do have to use negative feedback, you should explicitly address the behaviour you want to stop, give an explanation why (e.g. ‘don’t do that. I don’t think it is safe’), allow the student to think about morality (e.g. ‘are you doing the right thing?’), or use a simple form of ‘no’ (e.g. ‘no’, ‘mm mm’). These techniques increase the effectiveness of negative feedback, and decrease any detrimental impact that it might have.

Finally, you should give students the opportunity to give you feedback on your lessons or teaching styles. This shows that you value their opinion, increases communication between you, and helps you to improve your teaching and their learning.

teacher and communication skills essay

6. Sense of humour

The use of humour in the classroom has been found to increase learning, self-motivation, and positive relationships between students and teachers (see Segrist & Hupp, 2015). It allows you to establish a rapport with your class, and keep them interested in the lesson.

For example, you might tell jokes or funny anecdotes, give light-hearted personal examples, or laugh at students’ own jokes. However, you should ensure that you don’t use negative humour – where you demean or embarrass students – or humour that is either irrelevant to the lesson, disturbing, violent, sexual, or forced. Only continue to use humour that has received a positive response from the class (such as laughing).

7. Technical skills

Using up-to-date teaching aids such as computers, videos, and online resources is another way to keep students engaged and reinforce their understanding. It can also increase the effectiveness of your communication with students with different learning styles, who may benefit more from online resources than more old-fashioned ones. Try to work some of these aids into your lessons on a regular basis.

teacher and communication skills essay

8. Be clear

Good communication – and good teaching – is about understanding and being understood. For this reason, you should always be clear and unambiguous, and adapt your words to your audience. Think about this while writing lesson plans (ensure that you break complex ideas down into simple, logical parts for your audience to understand), but also while you interact with the children after presenting the lesson. For example, you may wish to check that your teaching was clear by asking your students questions, or requesting summaries of the lesson in their own words.

When you ask your students questions, use appropriate scaffolding to ensure that they understand exactly what you are asking. If you teach in a primary school, your students’ language abilities won’t yet be fully developed. Closed questions (eliciting yes/no responses), forced alternatives (such as ‘is he angry or happy?’), and sentence starters (e.g. ‘a noun is…’) are most effective for communicating with younger children. For older children, open-ended questions (such as ‘how do you think…’ or ‘tell me about…’) allow them to extend their thinking and develop their problem-solving skills.

teacher and communication skills essay

The importance of effective communication in the classroom should not be underestimated – it can have an impact on your students’ academic progress, feelings of self-worth, perceptions of school, and your own career. Using communication strategies like the ones we have detailed above could allow you to become a more successful teacher who better meets your students’ needs.

Further Resources:

  • CPD Courses for Teaching Staff
  • What is Effective Questioning & Why Should I Use it in My Classroom?
  • Professional Development Plan for Teachers
  • What is Contextual Safeguarding & Why is it Important?
  • Marking Symbols: A Guide for Primary School Teachers
  • How to Set Behaviour Expectations in the Classroom
  • How Understanding Different Types of Memory Can Help in Teaching
  • What is Adaptive Teaching?
  • Metacognition in the Classroom: Benefits & Strategies
  • How to Create a Positive Learning Environment
  • How to Use Assessment for Learning in Schools
  • Promoting Effective Communication with Parents in Education
  • Communication Skills Quiz

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Why Is It Important for Teachers to Have Good Communication Skills?

Teaching is all about communication - listening, speaking, reading, presenting and writing. Teachers who hone their communication skills are prepared to instruct, advise and mentor students entrusted in their care. Additionally, teachers must communicate well to effectively collaborate with colleagues and update administrators on student progress. Frequently, parents call, visit or email, so teachers must be adept at answering questions verbally and in writing.

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Teaching Individuals and Groups

Communication is both receptive and expressive. Teachers must be skilled at listening to their students as well as explaining things clearly. Teachers need clarity of thought to present the material. They must be able to break down complex ideas into simpler parts and smaller steps to transmit to their students. They must be able to adapt their methods of communication to all students regardless of ability or learning style. They are able to "read" their students and adapt to the needs of the individual. Effective communication includes transforming the boring into the interesting and having good presentation skills.


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In addition, good teachers communicate concern and caring by their tone of voice and use of body language. They transmit genuine commitment and affection for their students. Good teachers care about their students' progress and let their students know it at all times. They learn their students' names early in the school year and use their names when addressing them. They get to know their students' hopes, fears and preferences and communicate this knowledge to their students. They communicate their appreciation for what their students do by celebrating their successes and constantly encouraging them. This helps students feel recognized and validated.

Communicating to Parents

Teachers must be able to express themselves both verbally and in writing in order to report student progress to parents. They need to explain the strengths and weaknesses of their students so that parents will understand the message and be receptive rather than defensive. This is especially important when the teacher conveys a difficult message about the student's misbehavior or learning problems. The message must be delivered clearly and with tact. Teachers should be comfortable communicating with parents regularly, with phone calls and informal notes in addition to formal report cards.

Interacting with Colleagues and Supervisors

Although teaching is often done in the isolation of a classroom without the presence of other adults, good teaching involves consultation with colleagues. Schools that see themselves as professional learning communities encourage teachers to plan lessons together and learn from one another. They take a team approach when problem-solving, especially for difficult students. This all requires excellent communication. Teachers stay abreast of new developments in education by reading journals, listening to new ideas from their administrators and school board consultants, and sharing and discussing these ideas with colleagues.

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Freddie Silver started writing newsletters for the Toronto District School Board in 1997. Her areas of expertise include staff management and professional development. She holds a master's degree in psychology from the University of Toronto and is currently pursuing her PhD at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, focusing on emotions and professional relationships.

Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Effective Communication — Effective Communication: The Key to Building Strong Connections


Effective Communication: The Key to Building Strong Connections

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Words: 791 |

Published: Sep 12, 2023

Words: 791 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

The importance of effective communication, key elements of effective communication, barriers to effective communication, strategies for improving communication, 1. building relationships:, 2. resolving conflicts:, 3. achieving goals:, 4. personal development:, 5. success in the workplace:, 1. clarity:, 2. active listening:, 3. empathy:, 4. nonverbal communication:, 5. respect:, 1. misunderstandings:, 2. lack of active listening:, 3. emotional barriers:, 4. assumptions and stereotypes:, 5. lack of feedback:, 1. practice active listening:, 2. foster empathy:, 3. be mindful of nonverbal cues:, 4. seek feedback:, 5. adapt to your audience: h3>, 6. practice constructive communication:, 7. educate yourself:.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Communication Skills: Top Priority of Teaching Competency

Teachers' competence has been identified as the most effective contributor to student’s achievement. Despite high expectations, diversity of backgrounds and student variations have led to the teaching and learning process to be challenging, causing teachers to be less clear to choose the best teaching method to be implemented in the classroom. This study was conducted to develop a model for determining the best constructs and skills to measure teaching competence. This cross-sectional survey study involved 328 teachers of secondary schools at province of Terengganu, Malaysia. The data were collected through questionnaires and analysed using SEM-AMOS by emphasizing four main elements of measurement such loading factor, convergent validity, discriminant validity and composite reliability. This study had successfully developed a measurement model of teacher's teaching competency that contains constructs of (i) communication with students, (ii) teaching strategies, and (iii) classroom management. The findings also identified 21 behavioural skills that teachers can use to improve their teaching competence. It is recommended to all parties whether teachers or educational leaders to utilize this result towards empowering the quality of teacher’s teaching, especially in terms of improving the training curriculum, teaching supervision, incentive schemes, promotions and so on.

Alam, M. J. (2019). Critical Views on Implementing English Language Teaching Curriculum with Native & Non-Native English Language Teachers. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(7):200-212

Alsalkhi, M. J. (2019). Spiritual Intelligence and Its Relation with Psychological Stability of a Sample of Students from the College of Arts and Sciences in the University of Petra. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(3): 142-163

Al-Amarat, M. S. (2011). The classroom problems faced teachers at the public schools in Tafila Province, and proposed solution. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(1): 37-47.

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Ibrahim, M. Y. (2014). Model of e-leadership, intra-team communication and job satisfaction among school leaders in Malaysia. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(23), 1927-1931.

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Jadán-Guerrero, J., Guevara, C., Lara-Alvarez, P., Sanchez-Gordon, S., Calle-Jimenez, T. Salvador-Ullauri, L., Acosta-Vargas, P. and Bonilla-Jurado, D. (2020). Building Hybrid Interfaces to Increase Interaction with Young Children and Children with Special Needs. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 959 (2020): 306-314

Jusuf, R., Sopandi, W., Wulan, A. R. and Sa'ud, U. S. (2019). Strengthening Teacher Competency through ICARE Approach to Improve Literacy Assessment of Science Creative Thinking. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(7): 70-83

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e-ISSN: 1694-2116

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Tips For Teachers To Improve Communication Skills

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  • September 9, 2022

Table of Content

Communication is the primary key to success in any profession. Being a teacher means you need to have  great communication skills  to be a successful teacher. Communicating with your students is a very difficult job because every student is different from the others.  Effective communication  is a way of creating a stable and understanding relationship between students and teachers. To create such relationships, teachers need to master their communication skills .

There are many  communication skills for teachers  that help them with students and their development. Good communication skills are 50% responsible for molding students.

Different strategies to improve communication skills 

Communication skills for teachers  are like a silver lining on the white cloud. Teachers can opt for some strategies that can help them  improve their communication skills and grow personally and professionally. Here are some strategies for teachers that will help them improve their skills.

1. Pay attention to body language and voice tone

It is important to pay attention to one’s body language because the first communication is through body language and then through words. Positive body language helps to create a positive environment for the conversation. Similar to body language, voice tone also matters. 

Keeping a correct voice tone matters a lot to make the listener understand your message. A teacher must have a professional yet friendly voice tone and positive body language. A teacher’s behavior impacts their students in many ways. 

(Suggested – Body Language Tricks for Teachers And Why It Is Important in Teaching )

To improve body language and voice tone communication skills, a teacher should:

  • Stay relaxed
  • Must not slouch (sitting while keeping your shoulders forward)
  • Maintain eye contact
  • Keep a smile on your face
  • Keep a calm voice tone 
  • Practice breathing exercise

2. Practice active listening

Active listening is very important for teachers to ensure  effective communication . This is one of the  communication skills for teachers  that helps them to improve their understanding of students and help them further.

Active listening skills build up confidence and create trust in the speaker’s mind that you are interested in what they are saying. This is a great way to build trust and understand the student’s needs.

3. Take considerate feedback

Feedback is really important to  improve communication skills . Communication skills are important for teachers to be successful, but so is feedback from their mentors or colleagues. It gives the area that has a scope of improvement and can grow faster and bring improvement in yourself.

As a teacher, feedback is helpful to  improve teaching methods , the ways to deal with students, and self-growth, which is really important for teachers. You can take feedback in various ways, such as through direct questioning, questionnaire, group discussion, and many other ways.

4. Have control over emotions

Sometimes miscommunication can lead to major misunderstandings, and that can lead to overwhelming behaviors such as yelling, crying, etc. In the teaching profession, students’ behavior can sometimes lead to emotions like anger in teachers, which is why teachers must have a hold of emotions. 

To deal with this, keep in mind a few things, such as staying calm and remaining positive and respectful. This will surely help to deal with other overwhelming emotions.

5. Use visual

A human’s visual memory is stronger than any other. You must have heard somewhere, “What you see remains longer than what you heard. The use of visuals in education is really helpful because it helps to retain information for a longer period of time.

Communicating through visuals such as photographs, pictures, and videos can be helpful for teachers in order to help students and  improve their communication  with students 

How do communication skills help teachers?

Communication skills for teacher s are very important because communication is the key to everything. Having  great communication skills  helps teachers to teach with multiple teaching methods that are helpful for their students as well.

Communication is required at different levels of teaching, and it is important to understand how to communicate with students, parents, and other teachers.

1. Communication with students

Communicating with students is the primary thing a teacher does. The  communication skills of teachers  are most used in dealing with their students. A teacher listens to their students as active listener and helps them in improving themselves.

The body language and voice tone of a teacher certainly helps to encourage students’ impersonal growth. Communicating through visuals might help teachers to create a better understanding of students and learn more effectively.

Suggested – How To Teach Visual Communication To Students?

2. Communication with parents 

Communication with parents is important. Parents must know the progress updates of the children. A teacher must frequently attend meetings with parents in order to inform them about their children’s good and bad results.

The communication relationship between parents and teachers should be so strong that teachers can easily convey their messages, and both teachers and parents can work on the improvement of their students.

Suggested – How To Improve School Communication With Parents

3. Communication with colleagues

Apart from parents and students, teachers communicate with their fellow teachers as well. It is important to keep a harmonious relationship between teachers to keep a positive and healthy working environment.

A positive environment is important for working effectively, and communication with teachers or other colleagues can be helpful in one’s growth.

Communication is an art that is learned with practice and patience. Teachers must have  great communication skills  that help them to grow and help their students as well. There are many platforms that help teachers to grow and build their journey, and one such platform is Classplus.

This platform empowers teachers to create their own app, a platform where they can teach their students as per their requirements because their app is custom-built. To know more about it, take a demo right away.

Improve communication skills for teachers FAQs

Effective communication in teaching means that the students are able to completely understand what the teacher is teaching them. Teaching can only be effective when communication is both ways.

Some good communication skills are knowing your audience, getting to the point, being a good listener, being confident while you speak, keeping your body language formal, maintaining voice tone, and many others.

Verbal communication is the most effective communication. In this, the message is easily given and received. The message is easily understood as well.

Communication skills are important to be professional and achieve success. Without proper communication skills, no one can be successful because, without communication, you won’t be able to convey your message properly.

[Classplus Official Demo] How to Teach Online+Offline Together?

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Gauri Sharma

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Essay on Importance of Communication for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of communication:.

Communication is one of the important tools that aid us to connect with people. Either you are a student or a working professional, good communication is something that will connect you far ahead. Proper communication can help you to solve a number of issues and resolve problems. This is the reason that one must know how to communicate well. The skills of communication essential to be developed so that you are able to interact with people. And able to share your thoughts and reach out to them. All this needs the correct guidance and self-analysis as well.

essay on importance of communication

Meaning of Communication

The word communication is basically a process of interaction with the people and their environment . Through such type of interactions, two or more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other.

Such interactions happen through the exchange of information through words, gestures, signs, symbols, and expressions. In organizations, communication is an endless process of giving and receiving information and to build social relationships.

Importance of Communication

Communication is not merely essential but the need of the hour. It allows you to get the trust of the people and at the same time carry better opportunities before you. Some important points are as follows –

Help to Build Relationships 

No matter either you are studying or working, communication can aid you to build a relationship with the people. If you are studying you communicate with classmates and teachers to build a relationship with them. Likewise in offices and organizations too, you make relationships with the staff, your boss and other people around.

Improve the Working Environment 

There are a number of issues which can be handled through the right and effective communication. Even planning needs communication both written as well as verbal. Hence it is essential to be good in them so as to fill in the communication gap.

Foster strong team

Communication helps to build a strong team environment in the office and other places. Any work which requires to be done in a team. It is only possible if the head communicates everything well and in the right direction.

Find the right solutions

Through communication, anyone can find solutions to even serious problems. When we talk, we get ideas from people that aid us to solve the issues. This is where communication comes into play. Powerful communication is the strength of any organization and can help it in many ways.

Earns more respect

If your communication skills are admirable, people will love and give you respect. If there is any problem, you will be the first person to be contacted. Thus it will increase your importance. Hence you can say that communications skills can make a big change to your reputation in society.

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Don’t Go Overboard With Your Point

The conversation is about to express your thoughts. And to let the other person know what you feel. It is not mean to prove that your point is correct and the other person is wrong. Don’t Overboard other With Your Point.

Watch Your Words

Before you say something to Watch Your Words. At times, out of anger or anxiousness, we say somethings that we must not say. Whenever you are in a professional meeting or in some formal place, where there is a necessity of communicating about your product or work then it is advised to practice the same beforehand

Communication is the greatest importance. It is important to sharing out one’s thoughts and feelings to live a fuller and happier life. The more we communicate the less we suffer and the better we feel about everything around. However, it is all the more necessary to learn the art of effective communication to put across ones point well.

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