45 Student Survey Questions for Useful Feedback

45 Student Survey Questions for Useful Feedback

Student surveys are more important today than they’ve ever been, especially as teacher’s work to discover how the last few years of less-than-ideal learning has influenced their students.

Taking the time to check-in and ask students what they need, what they’re struggling with, and what issues they have in class can be eye opening. More importantly, the information can help teachers adjust how they teach and relate to students, helping those students perform better.

While students should always be the primary reason for administering surveys, these tools are also beneficial for teachers and staff. Student surveys are powerful data gatherers , allowing administration the data they need to see trends and (hopefully) student improvement.

We’ve put together a list of 45 student survey questions you can use in your classroom to get useful, actionable feedback.

General Questions

survey questions about homework

These general questions are ideal to ask at the beginning of the year or regularly at the beginning of class. Using surveys consistently throughout the year gets students used to the format and more comfortable answering questions honestly.

1. How much time do you spend on homework every night?

2. What extracurricular activities are you involved with at school or outside of school?

3. On a scale from 1-10, how supportive do you find your teacher?

4. On a scale from 1-10, how supportive do you find your classmates?

5. Have you ever been in trouble at school? Briefly describe your experience.

6. Does anyone help you with your homework at home? If so, what is their relation to you?

7. What’s the easiest way for you to respond in class? Raising your hand? Shouting out an answer? Using a device to answer anonymously?

8. What is one thing you want your teacher to know about you?

9. What motivates you to learn?

10. What would motivate you to spend more time studying?

End of Lesson/End of Year Overview Questions

survey questions about homework

This set of questions is all about checking in with students to gauge their understanding of the past lesson or the year in general. Using these answers, teachers can adjust their lessons or teaching methods to best help their students.

11. Rank this year’s/weeks lessons from easiest to hardest.

12. How did you find this month/week’s course load?

13. What things would increase your interest in the class?

14. Which classroom activities helped you learn the most?

15. What’s one thing you’re most proud of accomplishing this year?

16. What one thing would you improve about this class?

17. What would you like to learn next?

18. If you could give advice to students coming into this class next year, what would you tell them?

19. Our next topic is ________. How much do you know about that topic?

Confirming Understanding Questions

survey questions about homework

The questions in this section are ideal for using at the end of the day or a specific lesson. Teachers can use the answers to decide whether or not to spend more time on a section or to reassess how well students are working together.

20. How well did you understand today’s lessons?

21. What one area do you think needs more explanation?

22. How do you feel what you learned today could be applied in the real world?

23. What’s the best way you think you could practice what we learned in class today?

24. What confused you today?

25. How did you contribute in class today?

26. What was your favorite thing you learned in class today?

27. What are you most proud of accomplishing today?

28. Did any other student help you learn today?

29. Did you work with others today? How did it make you feel?

Well-Being Questions

survey questions about homework

Mental and emotional health are more important today than they have ever been, especially for students. Taking a break from schoolwork to check how students are feeling mentally can give teachers understanding of certain behaviors or attitudes at any given time during the school day.

30. How are you feeling today?

31. Did you get enough rest last night?

32. Do you feel like you can ask for help when needed?

33. Do you feel like your voice is heard in this classroom?

34. How do you feel about your overall understanding of class work?

35. What would help you feel in a better mood in this class?

36. What emotion are you feeling the most today?

37. What was the best part of your week?

38. What was the worst part of your week?

39. How did you feel included in class today?

40. What’s one thing I can do to make your days easier?

Just for Fun Questions

Surveys don’t have to just be about assessing the serious things in the classroom. Sometimes, taking a break to ask fun questions helps students relax and gets them ready to continue with the day.

41. Cats or dogs?

42. Are hotdogs sandwiches or tacos?

43. What’s your favorite animal?

44. What’s your favorite meal?

45. If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Slides with Friends Surveys

Slides with Friends has spent months working with teachers to figure out their needs in the classroom, including how the quickest and easiest way to run a student survey . Use one of our pre-made slide decks to copy-paste any of the questions above into an easy-to-run presentation.

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Best student survey questions to ask

11 Best Student Survey Questions to Ask [Examples + Template]

Osama Tahir

Senior Writer

Claire Broadley

Content Manager

survey questions about homework

Are you trying to think of the best student survey questions to collect insightful feedback for your class?

Class surveys are great for determining the satisfaction level of your students and identifying areas of improvement for your learning environment.

However, it’s important to include good survey questions for students so you can obtain the most relevant information about their overall experience.

For this post, we’ve put together a list of survey questions examples for students to ensure your survey is successful and show how to create one for your WordPress site.

In This Article

1. What Are Your Favorite/Least Favorite Subjects

2. which subjects are you struggling with, 3. how accessible is your teacher for questions and assistance, 4. how comfortable are you seeking assistance from classmates, 5. is the school providing adequate learning resources, 7. how many hours do you spend on homework each day, 8. what are your proudest achievements this year, 9. what would you like to change about class or the lessons, 10. what do you like most/least about school, 11. after school activities and hobbies, faq – student survey questions.

Create Your Student Survey Form Now

How Do You Make Survey Questions for Students?

Online survey forms are ideal in a variety of different contexts including distance learning or traditional classrooms. For WordPress websites, the easiest way to prepare a student survey is by using the plugin WPForms.

This is because WPForms has over  1,900+ WordPress form templates including a whole category of education forms .

We’ll be using WForms’ class survey form template in this example, which has some great questions that allow students to participate in course evaluation.

Plus, we’ll be adding a bunch of other questions to the form to gather comprehensive responses regarding different aspects of class and coursework.

class survey template

You can use this format to prepare different kinds of student surveys depending on your goals. For instance, you can create questionnaires that focus on student engagement and student perception.

Make sure you have a WPForms license  and then install the WPForms plugin on your site . You’ll also need the Surveys and Polls and Form Locker addons to create this student survey form.

Best Survey Question Examples for Students

A good online survey for students consists of a mix of close-ended and open-ended questions. The common aim of a student survey is to gather feedback about your educational institute and teaching methods.

The questions below focus on a number of different topics and issues in the context of schools. These questions are suitable for high school, middle school, or a university class survey.

Remember that writing a good summary of survey results is just as important as running the survey in the first place, so we have a few tips for you.

Every student is different with their own unique interests. But as a teacher, it’s important for you to be well aware of the academic interests of your students.

You can only prepare a good teaching strategy for your students if you understand where their interests truly lie and what subjects they enjoy in the syllabus.

WPForms’ built-in class survey template includes this question. It is a close-ended question that has all the subjects listed as possible options for your students to choose from. You can see our guide on creating your first form for instructions on making a form and customizing it.

Class survey question about subject interest

If you want to add more options or edit existing ones to this field, you can easily do it by going into Field Options.  For more information about the Checkboxes field, see our doc on customizing the Checkboxes field in WPForms .

By default, WPForms’ class survey template only inquires about your student’s favorite subjects. But you can also easily add another question to identify their least favorite subjects, which can help provide a fuller understanding of your student’s likes and dislikes.

The easiest way to add another field for least favorite subjects is to duplicate the pre-made favorite subject field. You can do that in WPforms by hovering your mouse over an existing field and pressing the duplicate icon.

Duplicate favorite subject field

This will add a new field right with the same name and options right below the original field. You can then simply click on the new field to open Field Options,  edit the field name, and type in an appropriate phrasing for the question as shown below.

Least favorite subject question

Just as every student has different subject preferences, they also have different struggles when it comes to academics. Although good teachers can often tell which students are struggling in certain areas, it’s always helpful to hear directly about a student’s struggles.

Subjects struggle question

Like before, you can simply duplicate one of the fields you used earlier and edit the field label to match this new survey question. This will save you from having to add all the subject options all over again.

One of the most critical survey questions for students is whether they’re able to reach their teachers for any questions or help.

Teacher accessibility student survey question

When your students feel comfortable asking questions, it helps foster a positive learning environment for everyone in the class. Many topics require repeated and sometimes alternative explanations before students can fully grasp a concept.

This is the kind of question that you should always include in your student satisfaction survey, as it allows you to gauge the comfort level of your students around your teaching staff.

Every school year poses different sets of challenges for young students. The struggles that they might have faced last year may no longer be a big concern today, which is why it’s important to conduct surveys frequently as conditions change.

The teacher-student interaction is only a tiny part of a student’s overall learning experience. Peers and classmates also play an important role in a student’s learning and development.

The following is an example of a Likert scale type question .

comfort level survey question

But some students may have a harder time connecting with others, making learning even more challenging for them.

With this question, you can identify students that might have issues socializing and provide them with the help they need.

A student survey is an excellent opportunity to find out how students actually feel about the learning resources you’re providing. Are the majority of the students happy with it? Or is it the other way around?

You can only know your student’s opinions for sure if you ask. Some constructive criticism and feedback can go a long way in improving your systems and methods throughout the school year.

student survey - learning resource adequacy

But what does it really mean if a student responds “no” to this question? To pinpoint the reason why a student thinks the learning resources aren’t adequate, you can ask a follow-up question. Ideally, this question should only appear in your student survey form when their response is “no”.

Thankfully, WPForms lets you hide such questions for all students except those responding with a “no”.

For example, you can add a Single Line Text field to ask for suggestions to improve your learning resources. Then, you can apply WPForms’ Conditional Logic  so that the follow-up question only shows for students that chose the “no” option in the preceding question.

How to improve learning resources

If you want to learn more about Conditional Logic , see this guide on how to use Conditional Logic with WPForms .

6. Which Classroom Activities Do You Find the Most Enjoyable?

Classroom activities are highly effective in building greater interest and engagement for a subject. If you’re a proactive teacher, you’ve probably tried different approaches to learning to keep your students more engaged.

But which classroom activities are your students enjoying the most? There’s only one way to find out.

student survey - classroom activites

Hopefully, you’ll be able to focus more on including those activities that your students are loving for better learning outcomes.

It’s no secret that no one likes to do homework. Although some homework is necessary to reinforce learning, too much of it can take a toll on the students’ health. Research suggests that more than two hours of homework a day can lead to stress and make for poor balance in life.

This is why it’s very important for school administration to carefully consider their homework policies.

You can use WPForms’ Slider Number field to allow respondents to quickly specify how much time they’re spending on homework.

hours spent on home student survey question

Or you can simply use a Multiple Choices questions.

Either way, it’s critical to discover how busy your students are with homework each night. You might have to rethink the length or amount of homework assignments you’re giving students to redress some balance.

Don’t forget to ask your students about their achievements and what makes them proud. Letting your students express their thoughts on their own accomplishments helps you assess their self-image.

Plus, they’ll appreciate you for letting them have a moment of spotlight focused entirely on their achievements in your survey.

Proudest achievements student survey

This is the perfect type of student survey question to leave open-ended, allowing your students to freely speak their minds.

This is another open-ended question that can provide a lot of valuable insight into possible ways you can improve classes and lessons.

Changes about class question

Sometimes, sourcing ideas for improvements from a group of people who are most likely to benefit from these is the best way to move forward. So if you’re looking to obtain high-quality zero-party data from your students, it’s a good idea to ask more questions like these.

The WPForms’ class survey template includes two open-ended questions focusing on what students like the most and also the least about school. These are two of the broadest questions on this list, but they’re not any less valuable than the ones listed above.

What do you like the most and least about school

You might be surprised by how students respond to these questions. The responses can range all the way from the most trivial of complaints to small things your school does very well that students wholeheartedly appreciate.

Extra-curricular activities have a place of their own. But teachers aren’t always aware of the hobbies and after-school interests of their students.

Learning about the non-academic passions of your students may help you connect with your class in a better way. It’s one of those survey questions for students that they’ll definitely enjoy responding to.

The class survey form template has a series of pre-written questions concerning your student’s after-school activities.

Hobbies student survey

You can edit options in existing fields or add new fields entirely if you’d like to learn more about your students.

And there you have it! You now know what are the best student survey questions to ask and how WPForms lets you easily create a class survey form.

Remember that you can easily translate your forms if English isn’t the language of your school.

We get lots of questions about different kinds of surveys. Here are some frequently asked questions about student survey questions, specifically.

Why should I use student surveys?

Student surveys are important because they give educators and educational institutions an idea of the student experience. After collecting data from student surveys, educational leadership can use it to make informed decisions about policies, curriculum, and school activities to help students get the most from their educational experience.

How often should we conduct a student survey?

You should conduct your student surveys at least once a year. While you can do them twice a year or even quarterly, you might not be able to gauge much by way of change in that short period of time. Annual surveys let you compare year-over-year data.

Should student surveys be anonymous?

Yes, to protect students’ identities and allow them to answer honestly about their experiences, student surveys should always be anonymous.

How can I encourage students to participate in our school survey?

Everyone loves free stuff, so you could try incentivizing participation. Maybe each person who responds gets a confirmation number that’s entered into a drawing. Letting parents know about the survey is another way to increase participation, along with distributing the survey in class.

What do schools do with the survey data?

Schools review the survey data and use it to make recommendations about improvements in the school system. After those changes and improvements are implemented, future surveys will gauge their success year-over-year.

Next, Let Your Students Preview Forms Before Submitting

It’s always a good idea to show a preview of the survey responses your students have entered before they’re ready to submit. WPForms has an entry preview feature that lets users preview their entries before submission.

Also, it might be a good idea to add an NPS field to your student survey questionnaire .

Wondering if you should use a chatbot to conduct surveys instead? Check out our detailed guide on the benefits of forms vs chatbots .

If you want to add a search feature on your WordPress site, SearchWP is one of the best options available. See our SearchWP review  for a detailed analysis of this plugin.

Ready to build your student survey form? Get started today with the easiest WordPress form builder plugin. WPForms Pro includes lots of free templates and offers a 14-day money-back guarantee.

If this article helped you out, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more free WordPress tutorials and guides.

Disclosure : Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. See how WPForms is funded, why it matters, and how you can support us .

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Osama Tahir

Osama is a Senior Writer at WPForms. He specializes in taking WordPress plugins apart for testing and sharing his insights with the world. Learn More

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Home Surveys Academic Research

Top 16 Student Survey Questions for Student Feedback

Student survey

Student survey questions are a quick and intelligent way to collect accurate and honest information from students and alumni about school-related issues. With the help of this tool, all the people studying in an institution share their thoughts, keeping them on the path to success.

A student survey or school survey is carried out to gather the opinion of students on various aspects of their educational institute. Each survey question must be framed so that the answer can benefit the performance of the school site. Let’s talk about that.

What are the types of student surveys?

Educational institutes run multiple student surveys for colleges or schools to gather feedback about various topics. Here’s a list of some popular survey questions for students:

Types of student surveys

  • School climate surveys: These surveys address issues like student-teacher relationships, faculty involvement, student mental health, student tobacco, alcohol, and drug use, and student relationships.
  • Student mental health and bullying surveys: It is highly essential to assess student mental health and address issues at the beginning before they bloom into bigger ones. Institutes must run surveys like peer relationship surveys, bullying behaviors, childhood trauma , social skills surveys, and substance abuse surveys to identify their mental health .
  • Course evaluation surveys:   Student feedback is vital to understanding the shortcomings of courses and identifying gaps that impact learning. As students are the best critics on courses, you must run surveys to capture their feedback about the class to make their learning experience more fun and fruitful.
  • Faculty evaluation surveys : Students and faculty interact almost daily. The faculty must get feedback from students about different aspects like preparedness, subject matter knowledge, problem-solving approach, grading, time management, talent management , etc. to name a few. The institute also keeps track of student feedback to help teachers deliver the best education that suits students’ needs.

LEARN ABOUT: course evaluation survey examples

What are student survey questions?

Student feedback is essential for teachers and academic institutes to improve continuously. If you work in academia, it is a great idea to know the perceptions and opinions of students. Educational institutes conduct surveys to gather actionable feedback from students about the institute and its faculty. Schools run surveys for kids at the start, the middle, or the end of the academic year.

Frame questions in a way that the answer to each question benefits the educational institute in one form or another. Survey students to improve the educational institute’s overall functioning by analyzing the feedback received from student surveys.

Top 16 student survey questions for academic feedback

Here are the top 16 student survey questions to capture academic feedback. We’ve divided them into two categories – Questions about the class and issues about the teacher.

Student perception survey questions about the class

Academic institutions continuously run course experience surveys among students to know more about their feelings towards the classes. Here are some essential questions to ask students.

1. Which activities in the classroom do you enjoy the most?

  • Treasure Hunt

Teachers are generally aware of the most loved classroom activities, but knowing it directly from the students is an assurance. An assurance that students enjoy the tasks performed in class.

2. Given a chance, what is one change that you would like to see?

  • Teaching method
  • Time taken to complete a chapter
  • Extracurricular activities

A student’s opinion is always unadulterated; it feels like a breath of fresh air in teaching monotony. Gain insights about what the students think the teacher or the institute must do differently and regularly implement these changes.

Learn more about academic surveys here !

3. Do you have supportive classmates?

  • Yes, extremely supportive
  • They are neither supportive nor unsupportive
  • No, extremely unsupportive

Growing up, every child needs a productive ecosystem. Schools and universities are among the most influential parts of a child’s ecosystem, and support of classmates/friends matters to each child. Analyze whether the child is having trouble with his/her classmates. Check whether the lack of support is disrupting their overall growth.

4. What motivates you to learn more?

  • Asking a lot of questions to the teacher
  • Completing various assignments
  • Sports and other extracurricular activities

If conducted at the beginning of the year, this survey can be encouraging to the students and insightful for teachers. Teachers can create their lesson plans according to the response to this question. By including this question in a student survey conducted towards the end of the year can help boost a student’s confidence in making their own academic decisions.

5. Do you think that the school provides you with adequate sports facilities?

Sports is a very good teacher. and is essential for the overall development of the student. It helps them build a strong mind. Ensure to provide students with adequate sports facilities to keep their minds strong.

Student perception survey questions about the teacher

Teacher feedback is also essential for the institute. Here are some critical questions to ask about the teachers and faculty members:

6. On a scale of 0-10, please rate your teacher – This rating scale question is the most basic yet essential question for a teacher. Ratings reflect the teacher’s performance. In case the average score is 8 or above, it indicates that the teacher’s work is appreciated and needs to be maintained. In other instances where the ratings are lower, the teacher needs to understand the reason and work towards improvement.

LEARN ABOUT: System Usability Scale

7. How much time do you spend every day on homework?

  • <2 Hours
  • >5 Hours

Homework is something that most students do not enjoy. If a student spends a significant time duration doing homework, there are higher chances that he/she dislikes attending the classes too. Homework often induces stress in students, which can lead to health scares, and as a class teacher, it is essential to ensure that the students are mentally secure and healthy. Authorities can ask this question so that they can analyze the answers to minimize or eliminate the stress of homework.

8. What are some achievements you’re proud of?

  • Securing the 1st rank
  • Participating in an inter-school debate competition
  • Participating in a culture-exchange program
  • Representing the school/university at a national level

Every student is unique. Their achievements will be different, and each of these achievements should be celebrated. It is practically impossible to celebrate them in class after a class test or an activity. Know from the students about what they think are their achievements and create a list. Teachers can reward all the students periodically to maintain student satisfaction and happiness.

9. Does your teacher encourage you to perform better?

  • Yes, all the time
  • Only sometimes
  • No, not at all

Students need constant encouragement to push their boundaries so that they perform well academically as well in terms of extracurricular activities. Teachers or school management can ask this close-ended question to understand whether the students feel encouraged to perform better or not. By evaluating the answers to this question, the management can either prompt teachers to be more encouraging or train them to be more empathetic towards their class.

10. How would you evaluate the overall academic experience you had with this professor in our university program?

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Not Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

Schools and colleges must evaluate the performance of teachers from time to time and understand if students face difficulties with the professor.

11. Please share your agreement with this statement: “My teacher has fair rules for the class and is extremely impartial.”

  • Strongly Agree
  • Strongly Disagree

Teachers are expected to be fair in their judgment towards every student. There can be instances where the students may not feel that their teacher is fair. The management should include the Likert scale question in their student perception survey to learn about a teacher’s classroom behavior.

12. Please share your agreement with this statement: “My teachers asks each one of us whether we have understood what she taught and helps us in case we have doubts.”

A classroom is where children learn the most, and a teacher is whom each turns to, in case of doubts and troubles. Ask this Likert Scale question to evaluate how good a teacher is at addressing and solving doubts.

13. Does your teacher appreciate the times when you work hard towards scoring well in a test or performing well in extracurricular activities?

  • Yes, she/he always appreciates my hard work
  • No, she/he never appreciates my hard work

The primary goal of a teacher should be the overall progress of a student. Learn from the students whether their teacher appreciates their hard work and reassures them to keep working hard or not.

14. Does your teacher guide you in setting personal targets and developing strategies to achieve that target

  • Yes, she/he always guides me to set targets
  • In most situations, she/he guides me to set targets
  • She/he rarely guides me to set targets
  • No, she/he never guides me to set targets

Children need to understand the importance of setting personal goals and striving to achieve them. Teachers play a critical role in teaching a habit of setting targets in school and working hard. Learn from the students whether they resonate with the teacher’s guiding method to set personal goals.

Learn more:  Sex Education Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template & Travel Survey Questionnaire

15. After each test, does your teacher help you in understanding ways to improve your grades?

Marks/grades are a significant part of a student’s life at school. A teacher should help students understand where they go wrong while answering, how they can improve their performance after each test etc.

LEARN ABOUT:  Social Communication Questionnaire

16. Top 3 things that your teacher can improve – There are specific open-ended questions such as this one, leading to accurate feedback. Teachers or management can analyze and collect insights obtained for this question and start working towards improving their class performance.

Steps to conduct a student survey

Follow these steps to gather honest feedback from your students and keep them engaged throughout the student perception survey.

Step 1:   Decide the approach and tone of the student survey .

Every teacher has their style of communicating with the students. This internal communication evaluation pattern differs from teacher to teacher. Each teacher can design a student interest survey based on the type of bond they share with their class. The tone of the study will change with the type of information expected from this survey.

LEARN ABOUT: Testimonial Questions

Step 2: Send out the student survey

Teachers can send out surveys via convenient mediums. The advantage of using online survey software is that teachers can send surveys via email . For high school and university teachers and professor evaluation , it is very convenient to conduct student perception surveys since the main task they have to do is send an email for the survey. 

Learn more:  School Cheating Survey Questions

Step 3: Analyze the collected data

After sending out the survey and receiving responses, teachers can analyze the opinions and feedbacks. What do most of their students have to say? Where do the students need help? How can they change their teaching methods to accommodate the less inclined students? What did most students appreciate? What made most students unhappy? – Answers to such questions can be analyzed using a student interest survey . With online survey software such as QuestionPro , teachers, professors, and management can analyze a central dashboard’s response.

Step 4: Take actions

After analyzing the collected information, teachers can contemplate the changes which can be implemented based on that information. You can obtain insights into details such as improvement in teaching methods, attention to weaker students, or fun activities on a specific day of the week.

How to create a free student survey in minutes?

Follow these steps to create simple student surveys from scratch:

1. Create a FREE account with QuestionPro

Student survey questions

2. Give your survey a name and hit ‘Create Survey.’

Free student survey

3. Add an intro to introduce the topic of your survey or just start adding questions.

Student feedback survey

4. Choose from 25+ question types – all for free

Free School student survey

You can also import a Word document or use any of our existing survey templates . A lot of features make QuestionPro stand out as a robust survey partner, between multiple customization options, and an intuitive layout, you can create multiple surveys that fit your many needs.

Example of a good survey for students

Here is a student survey example. This template is free to download.


Ask students consistent questions that help them capture attention, explore information and promote their knowledge. Being responsive is crucial. It is recommended to accept any answer so that, based on them, direct new questions that lead to the correct information. You should ask the necessary questions until you understand the topic.

  • Advanced logic and workflows for more intelligent surveys
  • Over 5000 universities & colleges and over 1 million+ students use QuestionPro
  • Academic license supports multi-admin role environment

LEARN ABOUT: Behavioral Competency

Whether you need a simple survey tool or a collaborative research solution, with our Academic licenses for universities and educational institutions, you get access to all the best features used by our Enterprise research clients. Try it today!


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Student Satisfaction Survey Questions, 100 Samples, & Free Survey Template

blog author

Kate William

Last Updated: 23 July 2024

21 min read

Student Satisfaction Survey Questions, 100 Samples, & Free Survey Template

Table Of Contents

  • Student Satisfaction Survey Questions
  • Student Satisfaction Questions On Teachers
  • Student Satisfaction Questions On Courses & Evaluation Methods
  • Online Student Satisfaction Survey Questions
  • Student Satisfaction Survey Questions For Campus Environment & Bullying!
  • Student Satisfaction Survey Questions On Personal Engagement
  • Student SatisfactionSurvey QuestionsOn Stress Levels

“I don’t understand why our students aren’t responding well to the curriculum.”

“Maybe they want something else.” 

“What is that?” 

If you’re a teacher or the head of an educational institution, you must be familiar with such conversations. A curriculum has always room for improvement. After all, it’s rarely a perfect fit for everyone. 

As such, student satisfaction survey questions reveal exactly what your students need and how they think changes could be brought for good. In this blog, we will:

  • Discover why student survey questions – & student feedback in general – are helpful
  • Explore six types of student satisfaction survey questions that you need to ask
  • Understand the twelve factors that influence student satisfaction

Looking for an Easy Student Satisfaction Survey ? We’ve Got You Covered!

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Student Satisfaction Survey Template for Free

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 Student Satisfaction Survey Template for Free

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Okay, now to the details…

How Do Student Satisfaction Survey Questions Help?

Student satisfaction survey questions help us understand the aspects of an educational institution that contribute to a student’s satisfaction and engagement. We also aim to find what resonates with students and what doesn’t.

The answers and overall feedback give enough reasons for the decision-makers to make changes, if needed, quickly. 

Additionally, every student satisfaction survey is an opportunity for students to let their voices get heard. It’s a chance for them to put their points across. And this is really pivotal in 2024 and beyond. 

100+ Student Satisfaction Survey Questions That You Need to Ask + Free Template

Time to let the cat out of the bag. Here are 100+ absolutely top student satisfaction survey questions in 6 categories that always deliver results.

#1. Student Satisfaction Questionnaire On Teachers

Let’s start with student satisfaction survey questions on the quality of teachers, their experience levels, teaching style, and more. This student satisfaction questionnaire is a mix of rating scale, open-ended and closed-ended feedback. 

  • Are you satisfied with all your teacher’s knowledge base? 
  • What type of teaching style do you like the most? 
  • What are your thoughts on teachers using practical examples to teach a concept?
  • Do you think that teachers should prioritize reason over discipline?
  • How best should teachers handle differences among students, according to you?
  • Do you find your [Subject Name] teacher’s knowledge base excellent?
  • Are all your doubts attended to in the classroom by teachers?
  • Do you enjoy the approach towards topics that [Subject Name] teacher uses?
  • What would you suggest as an area of improvement for teachers here?
  • Are student suggestions received well by teachers in the classroom?
  • Would you recommend the [Subject Name] teacher for other classrooms?
  • When the [Subject Name] teacher talks about the course material, do you have complete clarity?
  • What level of experience would you appreciate in a faculty?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, rate how prepared the [Subject Name] teacher comes for the class?
  • Out of the 4 options, how’s the environment when the [Subject Name] teacher is in the class?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how easy is it to contact a teacher of [Institution Name] outside the class? 
  • Has [Subject Name] teacher improved your motivation levels?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate [Subject Name] teacher?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate [Institution Name] teachers?

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#2. Student Satisfaction Questionnaire On Courses & Evaluation Methods

This part of the student satisfaction survey questionnaire highlights the courses offered, their quality, and the evaluation methods teachers use to score students. 

  • Are you satisfied with the courses offered at [Institution Name]?
  • Are you happy with the topics the [Course Name] course will cover?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you reciprocate with the course material?
  • Can the monthly course load distribution improve according to you?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how consistent is the quality across all your courses? 
  • Does [Course Name] evoke positive discussions in the classroom because of its material?
  • What do you think the college should do to make [Course Name] better?
  • How many hours a day after school do you like investing in [Course Name]?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, what’s your level of interest in the [Course Name] class?
  • Are all [Course Name] lectures, assignments, and tests perfectly synced?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your [Course Name] evaluation grade?
  • Are you satisfied with the overall course evaluation method?
  • Do you feel the learning was much more than the course grades you received?
  • Do you feel the tests and assignment types for [Course Name] should change?
  • What improvements would you want to make in the [Course Name] material, session structure, and evaluation methods? 

Using SurveySparrow’s interactive survey builder, you can include as many questions as you want in our pre-built student survey templates . Additionally, you can customize it to create your own mobile form or chat survey . 

With an online survey tool like SurveySparrow, you can easily share surveys and collect responses from multiple channels. Moreover, it will generate dynamic reports that refresh with each new response.

Create your first survey in minutes with a free account. Sign up below. 

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#3. Online Student Satisfaction Questionnaire For Remote Learning

Just like remote work, remote learning played a crucial role during the pandemic, as it made sure a student’s learning didn’t stop. But how effective was it? You can gauge the results with this online student satisfaction survey questionnaire.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your remote learning experience?
  • Was remote learning stressful for you during the Covid-19 pandemic?
  • Is the remote learning program working well for you?
  • Do you enjoy learning remotely? If yes, what are your reasons?
  • How’s the environment at home when you’re learning remotely?
  • As a remote learner, are you keeping up with the number of hours you committed to studying in school?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think you manage your time while learning remotely?
  • How’s the online curriculum different from the normal one?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think the online curriculum works for you?
  • Are you satisfied with the technology and software being used for remote learning?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is face-to-face communication while learning remotely?
  • How often do you talk to your [school/university name] classmates in a week?
  • Are you getting all the help you need with your coursework?
  • What has been the hardest part about completing your coursework?
  • How difficult or easy is it for you to connect to the internet to access your coursework?
  • When you have your online classes, how often do you have the technology (laptop, tablet, etc) you need?
  • What do you not like about your remote learning classes?
  • What do you like about your remote learning classes?
  • How difficult or easy is it to use remote learning technology (computer, video conferencing tools , online learning software, etc.)?
  • How difficult (or easy) is it to stay focused on your coursework?
  • What projects or activities do you find the most engaging in this class?
  • How do you know when you are engaged in your online classes?
  • If you were teaching an online class yourself, what is the one thing you would do to make it more engaging?

student satisfaction survey questions template for free

#4. Student Satisfaction Questionnaire For Campus Environment & Bullying

Here’s the fourth category – student satisfaction survey questions for campus environment, bullying, and all types of harassment.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how safe do you feel inside the college/school campus?
  • How would you score the campus on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • What do you find best about the campus environment?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, is a good campus environment crucial for both physical and mental well-being?
  • What do you like the most about the campus environment?
  • Have you been bullied inside or outside the campus this academic session?
  • Can you talk about how you got bullied?
  • From the given options, select the frequency of bullying inside [Institution Name]?
  • Select the type of harassment prevalent inside [Institution Name].
  • From the given options, select the area inside the campus where bullying occurs the most?
  • Have you talked to the authorities or your faculty about bullying and harassment?
  • What do you think is/are the reason(s) behind bullying?
  • How can [Institution Name] stop bullying?
  • Is trolling on social media prevalent during online education?
  • What will be your first course of action if you encounter harassment?
55-56 percent.  That’s the average satisfaction level of college students in the US. In contrast, online learners had an impressive satisfaction level of 73 percent.  These stats are from the 2021 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report which surveyed 397,571 students from 260 institutions.

#5. Student Satisfaction Questionnaire On Personal Engagement 

Personal engagement plays a massive role in learner satisfaction – both in online and offline education. Let’s discuss student survey questions related to that.

  • What value did you receive from [Course Name]?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how focused do you feel inside the classroom?
  • Do you like participating in active discussions inside the classroom?
  • What resources should the college offer for improved student satisfaction?
  • What aspects of learning do you find the least exciting?
  • Do you feel hesitant in clearing doubts with the faculty?
  • How excited are you about studying [Course Name] in the future?
  • How motivated are you on a scale of 1 to 10 about investing daily time on [Course Name]?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, do you miss the college, classroom, and everything related to campus life when away?
  • Is online education improving your satisfaction levels as a learner?

student satisfaction survey questions

#6. Student Satisfaction Questionnaire On Stress Levels

Lastly, we look at student satisfaction survey questions to gauge the stress levels of students in schools and colleges.

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how stressed did you feel on a daily basis during the year?
  • What do you think are some common causes of stress in your life?
  • How exactly do you experience stress? Tell us a little bit about the sensations you get when you’re stressed.
  • What are your methods to relieve stress?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think you cope with study-related stress?
  • What are your biggest stressors from school/college?
  • What are the common psychological effects of stress you’ve noticed on yourself?
  • What’s something our school/university could do to help lower your stress?
  • I find it difficult to pay attention in class. (Yes/No)
  • I don’t fully understand what my teacher teaches. (Yes/No)
  • I’m not sure if I’m able to do well in school. (Yes/No)
  • My attendance is poor. (Yes/No)
  • I feel there is a great deal of homework to do. (Yes/No)
  • I’ve got too many assignments to complete. (Yes/No)
  • I am often late for class. (Yes/No)
  • I have trouble getting along with my family and friends. (Yes/No)
  • I’ve got no friends. (Yes/No)
  • I feel insecure because there’s too much competition for getting good grades and a good job. (Yes/No)
  • I’m left with hardly any time for physical activities after school/college. (Yes/No)
  • I have gained/lost weight due to the school/college curriculum. (Yes/No)
  • I’m tired and sleeping more/less than normal due to the curriculum. (Yes/No)

12 Factors Determining Student Satisfaction

Many factors determine a student’s satisfaction in schools or colleges. Some are so deeply rooted in an educational institute that it’s hard to change, and some can change for good with the right action and effort.

You must’ve got a good understanding of the six categories and the 100+ questions in it. They are a part of this discussion, and then there are more factors to discuss. Therefore, on we go. 

The History

The history of an institution might not be the brightest when it comes to accepting diversity and giving each student an equal opportunity to shine.

That creates unrest and becomes a point of dissatisfaction for students who want their schools and colleges to be the leaders of change, forward-thinking, and innovation. Sticking to all its historical ideals and way of working might not be the best idea for an educational group. 

Courses Offered

Not just ethnic, but students appreciate the diversity in courses also. No student wants limited course options. They want as many choices as possible.

It can be difficult, as there are factors like quality teachers, lab, and equipment shortages for several courses. But this is where student satisfaction survey questions help, as they reveal a pattern where identifying the in-demand courses becomes easy.

Taking action remains after that. Otherwise, it leads to dissatisfaction and a disconnect between students with their schools and colleges.

Quality Of Courses

We partly covered this factor above, as not the number but the quality of courses define student satisfaction. No learner wants subjects with no good teachers or infrastructure. 

This factor has grown In the post-pandemic world, where online studying has enough great courses. You can see this trend with every online student satisfaction survey questionnaire. So it’s time all educational establishments start focusing on the core quality of courses, as student satisfaction hinges heavily on it. 

Quality Of Teachers

Obviously, one of the most crucial factors that affect student satisfaction is teaching quality. That includes course curriculum, teaching techniques, practical approach, and testing methods.

Undergrads perform at their best when the teacher is excellent in his craft. And the same is true vice-versa. As you saw, student satisfaction survey questions on faculty assessment made a good chunk of the questions we gave, and rightly so. Ensuring optimum teaching quality is too big to miss out on for any educational establishment. Period. 

Campus Infrastructure

The related aspect to quality teaching is the availability of strong campus infrastructure.

It will be wrong to say a faculty is not good enough when he does not have the right labs to conduct experiments, study material to conduct classroom sessions, and enough space to conduct practical examples. And this not just dissatisfies students, but teachers, too.

Campus Environment

Students should enjoy roaming freely on campus. That’s how the campus environment should be.

A focus on well-built roads, greenery, and open grounds let students relax and de-stress. And it also allows faculties to conduct practical, real-life experiments with great effect. Both of which add to a student’s satisfaction levels. 

We know that having a large campus is not always possible, but doing the best with the existing area is surely a possibility, isn’t it? 


One of the prime motivators for someone to join a particular educational foundation is its opportunities. The opportunities to learn, experiment, collaborate and build something.

As such, learners need the right opportunities to compete, intern, or get a job while studying. And it becomes pretty obvious if they’re satisfied with the existing opportunities by reading the responses to student satisfaction survey questions. If people are satisfied, great. If not, time to change and do it quickly.

Testing & Evaluation Methods

“On what basis has she scored my report?”

“I don’t believe the grade I got. I deserved so much better.”

“Whatever I do, I’m not gonna get a better grade with him.”

If you’ve heard such statements from students, it’s time you sit with all faculties and review the testing and evaluation methods. Make sure it’s not old and redundant. And if it is, don’t hesitate in overhauling it completely. The satisfaction of your students greatly depends on the evaluation methods in use. 


The mundane college or school life can get boring very quickly.

As such, extracurricular activities like sports, art and cultural competitions, events, and trips give a much-needed breather for everyone to refresh and get going again. And although not the most crucial factor, it becomes a major cause of dissatisfaction among students if ignored. Remember that.

Any educational institution needs to make sure students aren’t being bullied inside the campus. Bullying has been shown to have a direct impact on people’s mental health and is one of the biggest causes of unrest and dissatisfaction among the student community. 

Specific questions, like the ones we gave, related to bullying and other harassment in your student satisfaction survey will highlight if it’s a cause of concern or not. And addressing it right at the beginning is the best way to deal with it. 

Food & Accommodation

Food and accommodation might not have an instant impact on learners’ satisfaction levels, but if left unattended, the dissatisfaction slowly adds up. So make sure to keep it under check with satisfaction surveys. 

Lastly, the often ignored aspect of safety. Yes, everybody talks in detail about how crucial the safety and well-being of students and faculties are, but it often gets ignored compared to other factors. 

We feel that ensuring the safety of everyone inside the campus should be the first step towards generating good satisfaction levels, as it sets the tone for a great campus environment. One where students feel safe and at home so that they can focus completely on their work and learning. 

Wrapping Up

Student surveys always bring rich data with minimal efforts that help alter the education model for better results. The student satisfaction survey questions are the main catalyst for that. These surveys highlight the problem areas for the decision-makers to act on it with emphasis. 

Start conducting these surveys then. Use the 100+ questions to carry out not just one but multiple satisfaction surveys. For a student satisfaction template or a query, talk to us here 24/7.  Ciao!

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8 student survey questions to gather valuable feedback

Last updated

13 January 2024

Reviewed by

Miroslav Damyanov

Here are some of the most important things to know about creating quality surveys and using the information you obtain from them.

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survey questions about homework

  • What are the different types of student surveys? 

The best student surveys typically include questions about a range of topics. You can use a more specialized option if you’re gathering information about a specific area.

Some common types of student surveys are:

Satisfaction surveys

Engagement surveys

Motivation surveys

Overall feedback surveys

  • How to choose what questions to ask in a student survey 

While certain general questions should be included in most student surveys, others should be chosen with your specific class in mind.

Thorough surveys should ask plenty of questions about:

What students thought of your course material and teaching methods

How much effort they put into homework and studying

What concepts or lessons they found interesting, uninteresting, easy, or difficult

What they would like to see done differently.

Quality surveys address not only general topics that could apply to any class but also areas specific to the material taught in each course and subject.

  • Student survey questions for academic feedback 

Asking the right questions is key to ensuring the information you obtain from your surveys is as valuable as possible. Comments that are too general do not give you ideas for specific actions to improve your teaching and your students' performance. Focusing on particular questions gives you more specific information to draw from when finding ways to improve.

Some of the most important questions may be specific to your curricular area, but others can benefit most teachers in some way.

Here are a few of the most important questions to consider including in your student surveys to help you compile the best feedback!

Rank this year's lessons from easiest to hardest  

Even seasoned teachers should be searching for ways to adjust specific lessons to improve performance from year to year. Understanding what concepts your students struggled with or found easy to understand will help you identify specific areas in which you should spend more or less time in the future.

While your students likely have a variety of natural strengths and weaknesses that may impact how they feel about each of your lessons on an individual level, creating a list of topics that many students identify as especially difficult can be a helpful starting point for determining which lessons to give more attention to next year.

You may find you underestimated the time to spend on certain lessons about notoriously difficult topics. If you discover students are finding easy concepts difficult, you may not have taught these topics as clearly as you thought.

Spending less time on concepts that many students understood more easily than you expected can free up time to be reallocated to more challenging lessons. This can significantly boost the average amount your students learn in your limited amount of instruction time. 

How much time do you spend on homework every night? 

The quality of your teaching does not always correlate with the amount of effort your students put in. Determining how the balance between your teaching and your students' home-studying impacts their performance can provide insights into where you can personally benefit from improvement and where your students' performance is beyond your control.

Many students underestimate the amount of time they should spend on each course to thoroughly understand the material. Others know they should be studying more but struggle to find enough time or simply choose not to. Other students may not perform at the level you expect, despite putting in an amount of effort adequate for most students.

These insights can help you make recommendations for those students who might benefit from extra help next year. Knowing how long each student spends on homework can be useful if a grade is questioned. This knowledge can be used as evidence that a particular student's performance is not a reflection of your teaching.

Which classroom activities do you learn from the most?  

Not every activity will go as well as you expect. Determining which ones your students got the most out of can help you identify the best formats to focus on next year.

The most engaging activities are often the most enjoyable and also result in the highest levels of learning and retention. Discovering which activities your students prefer can help you create more enjoyable and impactful lessons.

Asking your students which activities were less beneficial to them can help you work out what to eliminate and free up time for activities your students will learn more from.

This question can also help you determine how many students prefer individual independent learning, lecture-format classes, or small group activities. You can use this feedback to redesign some lessons to a format that better matches your students' learning styles.

As classes are made up of diverse students with a variety of learning styles, it would be impossible to perfectly match every student's preference every time. However, knowing where your class's average learning styles fall can help you determine which instruction methods would benefit the majority of students.

What three things could improve this class the most? 

You may already have plans for how to use the information you gather from specific survey questions to make changes to your future instruction. Your students probably have their ideas about how they could get more out of your class—ideas you may not have thought of.

Including this kind of open-ended question at the end of the survey allows students to share their thoughts about specific changes that are not relevant to the other questions you asked. This can give you even more ideas for adjusting your instruction to reach your students better next year.

Although you do not have to ask for a specific number of suggestions, doing so encourages your students to think deeper about how they would personally learn better and connect more with course material. While this may be one of the questions most likely to result in some joke answers, the students who take it seriously may provide invaluable information about what current students are looking for.

Rate your teacher. What could they do better? 

Your students' performance is not usually a perfect reflection of your teaching because their strengths and effort also factor into the equation. However, you should always be striving to improve your teaching and your ability to connect with your students.

Being intentional about asking your students what they thought of your teaching and specific ways you can improve may not be easy, but the information can be invaluable for turning good teaching into outstanding instruction. You may even earn a spot as one of the few teachers your students will always remember.

Teachers who truly connect with their students may not always teach the most exciting content. Nonetheless, finding unique ways to make concepts interesting and relatable can go a long way toward engaging your students and raising their estimation of you. 

What are your proudest achievements this year?  

This question allows your students to reflect on what they have learned and how their new skills can benefit them in future classes and the real world. It can help them consider how much more capable they are now than a few months ago. Instead of dwelling on day-to-day frustrations of finding time to get things done and not noticing short-term progress, they will take a bird’s eye view and see how your class has benefited them.

Students who take the time to think critically about their accomplishments, such as handling more challenging concepts or earning higher grades as a result of studying more, will realize they are more capable than they thought. This can increase their motivation and interest in future classes, significantly improving their future opportunities.

What advice would you give to students in next year's class?  

Your view of how your students should approach your course does not always align with theirs. If future students hear from past students about how they tackled elements of the course, it can help them take your class more seriously and decide how to approach the material.

Every teacher considers their class to be among the most important. Hearing similar information from every teacher may cause students to tune out solid advice. Hearing it from past students may help it to stick.

Students may point out they needed to study more than they expected. They could let future students know you’re serious about something you say every week. Maybe they identify specific projects that future students should expect to spend a significant amount of time on.

Hearing this key information from recent students early on in the academic year can help your students bear in mind the most important steps to success.

What do you want to learn next? 

You may not be responsible for what your students learn next year. However, learning about your students' strongest course-related interests can help you determine whether your lessons are encouraging them to think critically about course material and whether everything fits together as well as you hoped.

You may be teaching the next course that your students will be progressing to next year. If so, you can use the information they provide about the topics they’re most interested in to plan that course. While you may not be able to incorporate every idea they suggest, fitting in as many indicated topics as possible can help keep their interest in future classes.

What is the objective of a student survey? 

Student surveys provide teachers with a range of information about what students think about a course. This information can be used to improve future classes and better understand student performance.

How do you introduce a student survey?

  Making sure your students understand what you’re hoping to get out of their answers can encourage them to provide more thoughtful answers than simply seeing it as another boring assignment. In the survey introduction, explain you’re hoping to better understand their thoughts about your class and make improvements for future students.

What are the benefits of student surveys?

Student surveys provide a wide range of information that can be used to improve future courses and make them better align with students' preferences. They can also tell you what students thought about your class and how their performance was impacted by the balance between your teaching and their personal effort.

Should student surveys be anonymous?

Keeping surveys anonymous can help you get the most honest information, but this is not an option if you’re looking for individual students' thoughts. Considering what you’d like to do with your survey results is an important step in deciding whether or not to keep them anonymous.

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Student survey questions that will provide valuable feedback

Blocksurvey blog author

The results of student surveys may be helpful for both instructors and students in terms of analysis. Organizing a survey helps teachers better structure lessons, find weak spots, and fine-tune strategies. Surveys are as useful for instructors as most popular tutoring websites are for students. It's a great way to work on your flaws, fix your mistakes, and achieve your academic goal. Comparably, teachers resort to surveys to detect problems and eliminate them. But not all questions are helpful. Read on to find those that provide valuable feedback.

The first one on our list of survey questions for students is as follows. Asking your students to rank lessons from easy to challenging is a great way to find out what they are having trouble with. The solutions will shed light on the most complex topics. It helps you to better adapt to subsequent lessons. As an example, plan a review session after that lesson. Or invest more resources towards enhancing its teaching materials. Be wary of overwhelming the test taker with too many choices. If you have more than 10 possible choices for a response, it may be too much for your responders to consider.

Although homework is beneficial in that it helps students retain what they have learned, doing too much of it may be stressful. More than half of college kids report that homework is the leading cause of anxiety. Contrary to stereotypes, long home learning hours can undermine education quality. Young people should have enough rest to study better. So it's crucial to know about the hours spent doing assignments. The form also matters. Use a multiple-choice or slider question to find the answer.

Survey questions examples for students should include the call for an assessment. The most precise answers are the most useful. In a comment box, have your students share the positives and negatives they've experienced during your lectures. There is a lot of area for students to discuss anything they choose in this free-form inquiry, including dynamics, management, the curriculum, or anything else. It is essential to give the students the word. They must feel that they are heard and understood. Also, after receiving the answers, it is worth making the corresponding changes. Otherwise, the next time the survey will not be taken seriously.

Most educators lack the courage to seek out students' perspectives actively. While it's natural to feel anxiety about asking for some critics, doing so and learning to take it in stride can help you perform at your highest potential. Have your pupils score you on a numerical or sliding scale to get a feel for how you're doing as a teacher. While the ranking isn't beneficial, it might serve as a good measuring stick as you improve.

It's one of the most useful education survey questions. Critical thinking is replaced with creative problem-solving, thanks to this question. Adopting one or more proposals tells the audience you care. But you will undoubtedly have to sift through their suggestions depending on what is possible. Of course, one must be prepared that not all proposals will be adequate. But you will be surprised how reasonable and consistent some answers can be. Be open to dialogue.

Knowing the answers at the beginning of the year might help you create engaging and relevant lessons. Asking this question at the end of the year can get your pupils thinking about their passion for studying. If you want to ensure that their knowledge is not lost between this school year and the next, you may wish to share their responses with their future instructor.

How did they feel after they completed an assignment, exam, or project that demonstrated their hard work and achievement? Rarely do we take time to applaud a single student's achievement. Therefore, it is essential that pupils can recognize and communicate their successes. This is particularly significant since taking pleasure in one's education has been related to greater academic achievement. Here are some more things motivating kids to succeed if you are interested in the topic.

Student feedback is crucial in enhancing the educational process. That's why surveys are so in demand. You can find out what works well and what's not. It will direct your attention to the most effective ways to enhance your job as a teacher. Also, the education of your pupils will improve as a result. We hope that our examples of questionnaires for students will really help you in that way.

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blog author description

Afifa Hanif

Afifa is a content writer, proofreader and a ghostwriter. She has won a gold medal in English Language Studies and is currently pursuing her Master of Philosophy in English Literature. She has extensive experience of writing Web3 blog posts and articles.

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survey questions about homework

52 Effective Parent Survey Questions For Meaningful Feedback

parent engagement ideas

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Each family survey question, when carefully crafted, can be a powerful tool to leverage when you need information from your staff, families, or students. Asking what families need, when they are best able to attend events, and what they are thinking about is a major step toward building relationships with parents and increasing their engagement. As we know, family engagement is a critical lever to boost student outcomes . 

You may want to ask about communication, academic support, a recent event, or more. Getting this feedback can be scary – but you can win at parent engagement ! 

What should be included in a parent survey?

When deciding on the questions you want to ask your families, first, you will want to consider what decisions you need to make with the information, and how specifically you will use the answers. Some schools use annual surveys that take parents 15-20 minutes to complete, and include dozens of questions. At Possip, we offer this through our Long Form or Strategic Surveys. Questions may include everything from impressions about school climate, reflections on school-sponsored events, thoughts on academic preparation, barriers, and needs, and ideas and questions.

We’ve found that simply asking if parents are happy with their child’s school, what ideas or feedback they have, and one additional custom question (we call it a Bonus Question) can yield incredible data. We call these Pulse Checks®. With short and simple surveys, parents are more likely to respond and even more likely to complete the entire survey. They also get used to the cadence (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc), and if they know the school is responsive to their feedback , parents will consistently use the quick survey to voice their opinions. Short and simple surveys are easier to translate into more languages accurately, helping you engage with and include more of your families.

What is an example of a good survey question?

One key decision you’ll want to make is whether to ask an open-ended question or a closed-ended one, where you provide the answer choices.  When deciding between an open-ended or closed-ended question, it can be helpful to think about what you want to learn and the nuances of each question type:

Do you want to explore a topic and generate a list of ideas or praise? If so, using an open-ended question will give you a lot of feedback and ideas.

  • Open-ended questions allow you to explore, and you may learn more than you expected. People may share feedback or ideas that you didn’t anticipate. This can be beneficial in helping you learn more about a topic. 
  • To be effective with open-ended questions, you’ll want to ensure your question wording is very clear so that the answers provided serve your needs. 

Do you need input on specific options or choices? Are there only certain answers that are feasible or relevant to your decision? In this case, a close-ended question that includes predefined answer options is best. 

  • Since close-ended questions ask people to select from a list of predefined responses, you won’t end up with answers that you weren’t expecting. Responses will be consistent and relevant to the question.
  • Do you want a quantitative analysis? Closed-ended questions with a list of options or Yes/No answers are the most appropriate for a quick and clear analysis–a graph of your results at both a school and district level. 

In some cases, Possip can help you get a quantitative analysis, even from an open-ended question. Possip Partners, reach out to your Possip Relationship Manager or our Possip Support Team to explore this option if you need to quantify open-ended input. For more guidance on writing great questions, check out this article .

We’ve compiled a list of effective parent survey questions to consider and sorted them for you by topic!

Example Parent Survey Questions

Parent survey questions for the beginning of the year.

Sample questions to ask in the first month of school:

  • Do you have the materials and resources you need for your student to succeed in school this year: Yes or No? If No, please tell us more about your needs.
  • Do you feel you received enough school communication to start the school year? Yes, Mostly, or No
  • Please share one thing your student’s teacher did to make them feel excited to start the year.
  • Please share something specific that had a positive impact on your student during the first few weeks of school. (i.e. extracurriculars, academics, registration, teacher, etc.)
  • How do you prefer to receive communication from the school? Please reply with the number of your choice below: 1) Text 2) Email 3) Social Media 4) Newsletter 5) Robocall
  • We’re planning family and parent events for the school year. Please reply with the number of the one event you’re most interested in. (List your potential events here, i.e. 1) Back to School BBQ 2) Turkey Bingo, etc.)

Parent Survey Questions for Academics: Curriculum & Support

Sample questions to ask about curriculum, grades, and academic support:

  • What types of academic support would you like to see at school this year? Please respond with the number of all supports you would like to see provided. 1) Tutoring; 2) Advanced work; 3) Small group support; 4) Homework help;  5) Other
  • What academic support does your student need at this time?
  • What academic goals do you have for your student this year?
  • Are you able to clearly understand your student’s academic performance and progress (e.g. assignments, grades, attendance) using our school’s online tools? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No
  • Do you contact your student’s teachers when you have concerns about their academic progress? Please reply: Yes, Sometimes, or No.
  • Do you feel informed about your student’s academic progress? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • Do you feel our school supports your student successfully in terms of their academic needs?
  • What resources do you need to support your student’s learning at home? Please reply with your top choice: 1) Tips for learning at home; 2) Tutoring; 3) Tools for standardized test preparation; 4) 504 support; 5) Tools for emotional and social learning 6) Other, please explain 7) None
  • Are you satisfied with the amount and quality of homework your student receives? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • How do you feel about how much your student uses technology at school?  Please reply: 1) Too much 2) Too little  3) Just enough

Parent Survey Questions for Attendance

Sample questions to learn more about barriers to student attendance:

  • Attendance every day is critical. Do you have any barriers that prevent your student from attending school?
  • Are you concerned about your child’s school attendance? Please reply: Yes or No. If yes, let us know why and please share your name so we can help.
  • Do you have any barriers to getting your students to school each day? Please reply: Yes or No.  If yes, please reply with your top barrier. 1) Health 2) Transportation 3) Suspension 4) Language barriers 5) Other
  • Would any of the following help encourage your student to attend school every day? Please reply with all that apply: 1) Transportation assistance 2) Language assistance 3) School breakfast 4) More extracurricular activities 5) Emotional-support centers in school 6) A support person, like a mentor
  • What motivates your child to attend school? Please reply with all that apply. 1) Getting to be with friends; 2) Teachers/Staff Members; 3) Course choices; 4) Becoming college ready; 5) In-school activities; 6) After-school activities; 7) Other (please explain what else motivates your child to attend)

Parent Survey Questions for Carline and Bus Transportation

Sample questions about the family experience with the school carline and bus transportation:

  • Are you currently satisfied with school bus transportation this year? Please reply: Yes or No.  If no, please share why.
  • Is our carline running safely and efficiently? Please reply: Yes or No. If no, please share any suggestions you have for improving the carline.
  • Have you seen improvement in the carline since the start of the year? Please reply: Yes or No, and tell us why.

Parent Survey Questions for Registration and Enrollment

Sample questions to ask to assist with registration, enrollment, and re-enrollment:

  • Will you be enrolling your student for the next school year? Please reply: Yes, Maybe, No or Graduating
  • How would you rate your experience with the 20xx-20xx school year registration process? 1) Very easy 2) Somewhat easy 3) Somewhat hard 4) Very hard  5) Other – please specify

Parent Survey Questions to Gather Praise

  • What is one specific way your student has grown academically or socially since being at [school name]? 1) Organizational skills, 2) Study skills, 3) Academic progress, 4) Improved time management, 5) Other, please explain
  • What is one specific way your child has felt celebrated this year? 1)Teacher email, 2) Award Ceremony, 3) Certificate of recognition, 4) Honors List, 5) Awards breakfast/lunch
  • What is something specific that had positive impact on your student during the first few weeks of school? [timeline can be changed i.e. month, quarter, semester] 1) Teacher, 2) Support Staff (Guidance, Social Worker, Dean), 3) Extracurricular Activity, 4) Classroom Environment, 5) Peer interactions
  • As we prepare for the end of the semester, we want to recognize the positive impact our teachers and staff have had on your students. Please share where you’ve seen or heard our staff support your child, and Select all that apply. 1) Offered extra academic support, 2) Created a positive learning environment, 3) Encouraged classroom engagement, 4) Collaborated with support services, 5) Demonstrated empathy and understanding, 6) Celebrated student progress 7) Other, please explain

Parent Survey Questions for Teacher Appreciation

  • What do you like most about [school name]? 1) Sense of community 2) Academic opportunities 3) Opportunity for social/emotional development 3) Teachers and staff 4) Strong sense of school spirit 4) Extracurricular offerings 5) Level of support offered to my child 6) Other, please share
  • Does your student have a teacher that does a great job engaging them in class? Please respond: Yes, Mostly, or No.  If Yes, what does that teacher do?
  • Are there specific school programs that you believe have been beneficial for your student this [insert time frame]? (Option to include list of programs offered)
  • What has made you feel welcomed at your student’s school this year? 
  • Please share the name of a teacher or team member at your child’s school who has made positive impact on your child this year. What did they do?
  • In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, is there a teacher or staff member you’d like to recognize with praise? Reply with a comment for us to share with them.

Parent Survey Questions for Teacher and Grade Communication

Sample questions about communication with and by teachers or about grades:

  • Are you happy with the communication you get from your student’s teachers? Please reply: Yes, Mostly. or No.
  • Did you attend the recent parent-teacher conferences? Please reply: Yes or No, and if no, please let us know why: 1)Transportation 2) Language differences 3) Scheduling conflict 4) Did not receive an invitation 5) Other, please explain
  • Did our Parent Teacher Conferences help you better understand your student’s progress? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • How useful was your recent Parent Teacher Conference in understanding your student’s experience at our school?  Please respond 1) Very useful 2) Useful 3) Somewhat useful 4) Not useful
  • Do you find it easy to contact your student’s teacher when you need to? Please reply Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • Have you heard from all of your student’s teachers? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • Do you need additional support with any of the following? Please select all that apply: 1) Knowing how to access your student’s grades 2) Contacting your student’s teacher 3) Understanding assignments
  • State testing begins next month (insert dates). What resources would be most helpful as we think about testing? Please select all that apply.1)Tips on how to support your student on test-taking days 2) Support in understanding your student’s scores 3) A calendar with specific dates and content area tested each day 4) A list of what students needs to bring 5) Info on any schedule changes 6) Other – please share!
  • Do you feel confident that {{School Name}} is preparing your child to succeed academically? Please reply Yes, Mostly, or No.

Parent Survey Questions for Family Engagement

Sample questions to ask about family events and experiences in your school community:

  • Do you feel a part of the community in our school? Please reply: Yes, Maybe, or No, and share why
  • What kind of family information sessions or family activities would you like to see at school?
  • What feedback do you have for our recent _____ event?
  • Are you coming to the event “___________” on “_________(date)”? Please reply: Yes, Maybe, or No. Learn more about the event here: ADD LINK WITH INFO
  • Did you attend the recent parent-teacher conferences? Please reply: Yes or No, and if no, please let us know why: 1) Transportation 2) Language differences 3) Scheduling conflict 4) Did not receive an invitation 5) Other, please explain
  • Are there any barriers that prevent you from attending our family events? Please select all that apply: 1) Transportation 2) Language 3) Work 4) Time conflict 5) Childcare Challenges (Options can be customized) 

In addition, check out how Better Questions to Increase Family Turnout .

The Possip team is ready to help you ask effective parent survey questions. We have examples that cover additional topics like school safety and AI. Then, we’ll do the heavy lifting of analyzing the results for you so you can focus on how you’re going to use this valuable information!

parent engagement ideas

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Table of contents.


Homework Survey

A homework survey is a questionnaire used by teachers to find out how students are doing on homework assignments.

  • Education Forms
  • School Surveys

A homework survey is a questionnaire used by teachers to find out how students are doing on homework assignments. Whether you teach at a kindergarten, middle school, high school, college, or university, use this free Homework Survey to collect feedback from your students online! Just customize the forms to match the way you teach, embed the form on your website, or share it with a link, and start collecting responses instantly. It’s ideal for remote classrooms — helping you collect the feedback you need, fast.

Make this Homework Survey template your own by adding or updating questions, changing fonts and colors, or adding widgets to collect information in different ways. If you’d like to send responses to your other accounts — such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, or Google Sheets — do it automatically with Jotform’s 100+ free integrations. You can even analyze survey results with Jotform Tables or Jotform Report Builder! Collect the feedback you need and make the most of it with Jotform’s free online Homework Survey.

Class Poll Form Template

A class poll is a survey used by teachers to quickly collect feedback from students in their class. Collect the data you need while looking good!

Teacher Observation Form Template

Teacher Observation Form

Use this Teacher Observation form template for rating your faculty members in their teaching practices. Just copy this form into your Jotform account for free and modify it by dragging and dropping fields to your form. It's easy!

Parent Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Parent Satisfaction Survey

A Parent Satisfaction Survey is a form template designed to assess the quality of educational programs and measure parent satisfaction

Teacher Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Teacher Satisfaction Survey

Make the teachers happy by attending to their needs and listening to their feedback by using this Teacher Satisfaction Survey. This form template contains all the required questions when building a survey.

Student Daily Feedback Form Template

Student Daily Feedback Form

A student daily feedback form is a form used by teachers to get daily feedback from the student.

Multiple Intelligence Survey Form Template

Multiple Intelligence Survey

Determine the intelligence type of students, clients, or patients. Collect survey responses securely online. Easy to customize, share, and embed in your site.

School, Education and Teaching Surveys

Student Survey Form Template

Student Survey

Find out what students think about topics like curriculum, materials, and facilities with Student Survey.

Teachers Assessment Form Template

Teachers Assessment Form

Set your institutional standards using this Teacher Assessment Form Template. Get their strengths and weaknesses and help them improve their teaching practice. Get this template free form Jotform!

Classroom Observation Survey Form Template

Classroom Observation Survey

Does your school accommodate external reviews by conducting class observations? Once the reviewer is done, observation survey forms would surely help in letting them share their feedback. This classroom observation template will ask the panel the teachers/classes they observed, the grade level, how the environment was throughout the session, and the overall knowledge, skills, behavior, class management, and the overall impression of the class. Use this observation survey template to improve your teachers and students alike.

Student Interest Survey Form Template

Student Interest Survey

Encourage the students to enjoy the school year by making them interested in the school activities and class lessons. In order to identify their expectations, have them fill up this Student Interest Survey form.

Student Stress Survey Form Template

Student Stress Survey

A student stress survey is a student-administered tool used to examine stress levels in students. Use this free Student Stress Survey to find out how your students are coping with the demands of schoolwork and other activities.

Student Peer Evaluation Form Template

Student Peer Evaluation Form

A student peer evaluation form is a tool used by teachers to collect feedback about students from their peers. No coding!

Class Feedback Survey Form Template

Class Feedback Survey

A class feedback survey is a form template designed to collect feedback about the course from their students.

Student Satisfaction Survey Form Template

Student Satisfaction Survey

Collect feedback from your students online. Great for remote learning. Customize in a few clicks. Easy to share or embed in your site. Analyze results with Jotform.

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Reopening School Survey

Get parent input about whether to send their children to school. Free survey for school administrators. Easy to customize and embed. Works on any device.

School Survey For Parents Form Template

School Survey For Parents

Whether you’re teaching young students in-person or online, it’s important to understand how their parents are involved with their education. Find out how involved parents are with their children’s schooling with our free School Survey for Parents.

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School Withdrawal Survey

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Parent Roles And Responsibilities Survey

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Sex Education Survey Form Template

Sex Education Survey

A sex education survey is a questionnaire used by teachers, parents, health professionals, and counselors to obtain feedback from students on their sex education. No coding!

Preschool Parent Survey Form Template

Preschool Parent Survey Form

Would you like to know how satisfied parents are with your school with the Preschool Parent Survey Form? If yes, let's get you here. By the way, no code required!

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Course Evaluation Survey

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Bullying Survey

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About School, Education and Teaching Surveys

Whether you’re looking to collect feedback from students, parents, or staff, do it more efficiently with Jotform’s free online School Surveys! Choose a template below that most closely matches your needs, then customize it in just a few clicks with our drag-and-drop Form Builder. Once you’ve shared your survey or embedded it in your website, you’ll be able to collect responses and view them on any device. All submissions are stored securely in your Jotform account and protected with GDPR and CCPA friendly features, a 256-bit SSL connection, and optional HIPAA features for medical information.

Be sure to ask the right questions by customizing your chosen School Survey template. Just drag and drop to add new form fields, change fonts and colors, upload images and logos, include e-signature and appointment fields, and more. Sync submissions to 100+ apps — including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box — to automatically store survey feedback in your other accounts. You can even convert survey data into reports using Jotform Report Builder, to gain new insights and better analyze your data! Efficiently collect feedback for your classroom with Jotform’s free online School Surveys.

If you need to start from scratch, get started with your own online survey now! In just a few minutes, you can build the best survey you need.

Challenge Success

Student Surveys

Designed to help schools make data-driven decisions that improve student well-being, belonging, and engagement with learning. .



The student survey.

The Student Survey (also known as the Challenge Success-Stanford Survey of School Experiences) is an approximately 30-minute, online survey for middle and high school students that helps schools gather data and insights that lead to actionable changes designed to improve student well-being, belonging, and engagement with learning. Over 250,000 students have taken this survey since it was developed by researchers at the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2007.

Topics covered in survey

  • Physical health and well-being
  • Academic engagement
  • Support and belonging at school
  • Homework and extracurriculars
  • Grades and assessment
  • Parent expectations

survey questions about homework

What’s included

  • SURVEY : Support administering one online survey
  • DASHBOARD : Interactive, online dashboard of results with executive summary
  • PEER SCHOOL PROFILE : Access to a dashboard of data from similar schools
  • DEBRIEF CALL : Video call with members of our Research or Program teams to debrief results and recommend next steps
  • RESEARCH TEAM OFFICE HOURS : Access to a member of the Research team on Thursdays at 12pm PT for follow-up questions.

Want to go deeper? Consider a student survey with a “fishbowl” focus group to gather both quantitative and qualitative data.

Many schools have accessed state, local, and community funding to support this work. Learn more about potential sources of funding  here . Challenge Success strives to offer need-based financial assistance in an effort to support schools and organizations with limited resources. We believe that cost should not be a deterrent to accessing quality programs. To apply, please complete this form . All requests will be reviewed by our Executive Director.

survey questions about homework

Interested in bringing a Student Survey to your school? We’d love to hear from you! Tell us more about your school, the challenges you’re facing, and the goals you’re trying to achieve using the form below.

How schools benefit, our surveys help schools make positive changes like these.

average sleep/night
students report /night of students were or

. . .

average sleep/night
students report /night of students were “ or


“The compelling data generated by the survey of our own students shows the undeniable need for changes at our school that will balance students’ academic progress and mental/emotional/physical well-being.” HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR
“The data we collected really helped us understand better the stresses our students faced and what levers we could pull to help students get beyond ‘doing school’ and become more curious and engaged in their learning.” MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR


Below you’ll find a selection of sample questions from several sections of our Student Survey.

Belonging at School

  • I feel like I belong at this school.
  • I feel that other students at this school like me the way that I am.

Academic Worry

  • How often does the amount of schoolwork you have keep you from getting enough sleep?
  • How often do you worry about school assignments?
  • How much do you worry about getting into the college of your choice?

Homework and Extracurriculars

  • On a typical weekday, how many hours do you spend on school-assigned homework (do not include time spent taking breaks, texting, using the computer for non-academic work, etc.)?
  • During a typical week, from Monday through Friday, how much time do you spend participating in these activities outside of school hours? (Do not include hours spent doing jobs or paid work.)

Student Engagement

  • How often do you try as hard as you can in school?
  • How often do you find your schoolwork meaningful?
  • How often do you find your schoolwork valuable?

Want to see more sample questions? Get in touch with our team to discuss survey solutions for your school.

survey questions about homework

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Reach out to our team directly for more information: [email protected]

survey questions about homework

About the Survey

The Student Survey measures middle and high school students’ perspectives on homework, extracurricular activities and free time, sleep, physical health, school-related stress, parent expectations, academic engagement, academic integrity, and support & belonging at school. See a comparison of the categories covered in the Student and Parent surveys  here .

The survey was originally developed in 2007 by Stanford University researchers and is overseen by Stanford’s Administrative Panels for the Protection of Human Subjects.

Survey findings can help schools make data-driven policy and practice decisions that improve student well-being and engagement with learning. For instance, based on results from the survey, some schools have revised homework policies, changed bell schedules, given parent and student education workshops on sleep and physical health, and revised their honor codes.

Administering the Survey

We recommend you administer the survey during a time that is typical for students at your school. Students should not take the survey right before or after exams or during the first few weeks of school. 

We recommend that you include information about the survey in a school newsletter and talk about it with students prior to survey administration. You can use some of the information from our website to explain the benefits and get your school community excited about what you might learn from the results.

Schools are required to provide survey information to all parents prior to survey administration. Challenge Success will provide schools with materials that can be shared with parents electronically.  Parents who wish to decline their child’s participation must sign and return the form that is included. If they  do not  return the form, the student has permission from the parent to take the survey.

The survey has about 70 questions and takes 30-40 minutes to complete.

We recommend that you encourage all students to participate.  We aim for a response rate of at least 70%.

Students do not have to take the survey. Before beginning the survey, students are given an online assent form, which offers them an opportunity to opt out.  

Students can choose not to answer any or all questions.  

No, it is not essential that students take the survey at the same time. However, we ask that all students taking the survey do so over the course of 7 or fewer days. Some schools administer the survey during a class that all students take (e.g. English or PE). Others offer it during an advisory or assembly period. However you structure it, each individual student must complete the survey in one sitting.   

We recommend that students take the survey during a period that’s at least 45 minutes in length. Each student will need access to a computer or tablet as well as a reliable internet connection. Challenge Success will email you a link to a secure website, which you can distribute to your students when they sit for the survey.

Yes, we ask that a staff member read a script to students before they take the survey and stay in the room while they take it.

The staff member may answer any questions students have about the survey (for example, they can help if the student doesn’t understand the question) but should not provide the answer to specific survey questions.

Survey Results

Survey results are kept strictly confidential. Students are not asked to provide their names and can opt out of answering any or all questions.

It takes the Challenge Success research team approximately 4-6 weeks to process your survey data and prepare an online dashboard of the results. Explore  this example  of the dashboard. Once complete, we will set up an hour-long video call with representatives from your school to debrief the results. During this call, you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions about the data, consider ways to build upon your school’s strengths, and discuss areas of need or concern.

Additional reports with survey data may be provided for a fee. 

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75+ Student Survey Questions to Collect Valuable Students Feedback

survey questions about homework

Market Research Specialist

Emma David, a seasoned market research professional, specializes in employee engagement, survey administration, and data management. Her expertise in leveraging data for informed decisions has positively impacted several brands, enhancing their market position.

student survey questions

Student survey questions help school administrators to periodically collect feedback and suggestions from the students to improve student engagement.

This can be simply done by frequently sending out student surveys .

A perfect blend of funny and serious student survey questions helps in bridging the gap between students’ expectations and reality about a school’s educational practices.

What are Student Survey Questions?

Student survey questions are often sent out by educational institutes at the beginning, middle, or end of the school year to measure student engagements. Such questions help students to voice their opinions, needs, and desires. High school student surveys are crucial because the collected information is the insights from your students, who have been with you all year. It encompasses several highlights about the key areas of improvement, including school curriculum, safety, education models, teachers, and more.

For example, “ How interesting does this teacher make this subject? ” Or “ How excited are you about going to this class? ”.

75+ Student Survey Questions for Valuable Students Feedback

For best results and meaningful data, the type of survey questions for students should be chosen in accordance with the survey goals. Else, it may confuse the students and you may end up gathering inaccurate data and lower survey response rates.

Student Engagement Survey Questions

Student engagement surveys act as a guide for understanding how engaging and valued your students find your lesson and courses. Then the collected information can be well-utilized to make lessons even more engaging and useful.

Below are some  of the questions you can use to easily gather data on student engagement.

1. How did you find this month’s course load?

  • relatively easy
  • very difficult

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: I found value in what I have been learning so far this month ?

  • I somewhat agree
  • I was not paying attention

3. Do you feel focused in your class

4. Do you feel this month’s learning was exciting?

5. What could compel students to participate in class discussions?

6. What more resources do you think the college should offer?

7. During the last 3 months:

  • I have approached a school representative for advice or guidance
  • I have participated in a school activity
  • I have attended a social event organized  by the college

8. How many hours a week do you spend participating in school’s extracurricular activities?

9. Overall, how interested are you in your classes?

10. Which aspects of the class do you find least engaging?

11. How do you know when you are feeling engaged in your class?

12. How keen are you to participate in your class activities and discussions?

13. What aspects of the school do you like the most?

14. What aspects of the school do you dislike the most?

15. Is it easy for you to stay focused on your classes?

Student Satisfaction Survey Questions

A student satisfaction survey enables administrators to analyze how satisfied the students are with their learning environment, school facilities, and other aspects of the school curriculum.

For measuring students’ satisfaction, try to ask relevant and to-the-point questions. For example, asking about their last year’s school trip is unlikely to collect student satisfaction about the quality of food service in the school cafeteria.

Therefore, choose the student satisfaction survey questions from the list below to collect accurate information about students’ satisfaction.

1. How helpful is your course advisor?

2. How safe do you feel while being on the school campus?

3. How helpful is the school staff with administrative and other issues?

4. How satisfied are you with the hostel facilities?

5. How satisfied are you with the quality of extracurricular activities offered at school?

6. How satisfied are you with the overall experience studying at this school?

7. How easy it is to get/access the resources from the school library?

8. How well-maintained are the school and hostel facilities?

9. How satisfied are you with the quality of the food served at the school cafeteria?

10. How convinced are you with the school policies?

11. How likely are you to continue attending this school/university next school year?

12. How likely are you to recommend this educational institution to others?

13. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the quality of the following facilities at your school:

  • School campus
  • Classroom and laboratory facilities
  • School library
  • School parking
  • Public transportation
  • Student hostel
  • Food and cafeteria services
  • Sports and gym facilities
  • Career counseling and placement services

Create your own student survey

Student Course Evaluation Survey Questions

With a course evaluation survey, you can ask students -about various aspects of their courses including course structure, mentor feedback, course material, teaching aids, etc. The collected data helps administrators to improve the overall education quality of their schools, aiding in future course creation decisions.

Below are the questions that you could include in a course evaluation survey:

1. Do the lectures, tests, and assignments complement each other?

2. Do the resource materials, including books, readings, handouts, study guides, lab manuals, and software, help increase your knowledge and skills in the specific subject?

3. Does the course help you understand the fundamental concepts?

4. Does the course give you the confidence to do more advanced work in the subject?

5. Do the examinations and projects help you measure your knowledge of the course material?

6. Do you believe that what’s been asked to learn in this course is important and practical?

7. Would you recommend this course to other students?

8. Overall, does this course meet your expectations?

9. Was the course helpful in progressing toward your degree?

Teacher Evaluation Survey Questions

A student survey for teachers is essential to evaluate their teaching methods and attitude towards students. Such surveys are beneficial in highlighting the possible issues students encounter while dealing with their course teachers.

The responses collected by the student-teacher survey questions help schools in improving the behavior and teaching model of their teaching staff.

Some examples of such questions are:

1. Do you find your teacher knowledgeable?

2. Does your teacher answer your doubts on their subject?

3. How effectively does your teacher react to students’ suggestions?

4. Would you recommend this teacher to the other classes?

5. How clearly did your teacher explain the course material?

6. Was your teacher concerned that students were learning the material?

7. How organized for the class was your teacher?

8. How well does your teacher answer students’ questions?

9. Was the speed for presenting course material too fast, too slow, or about right?

10. Did you find homework assignments relevant to understanding the course material?

11. Is it easy to contact your teacher outside of class?

12. What are the areas where your teacher did really well?

13. Are there any areas that should be improved?

Student Harassment Survey Questions

Student harassment survey a.k.a. bullying survey helps administrators to pinpoint and analyze various aspects that lead to an act of bullying in schools. One can use student harassment questions to stop bullying at their schools and provide students with a healthy learning environment.

Below are the questions that you could include:

1. Do you feel safe at your school?

2. During this academic session, how many times have you been bullied?

3. Can you tell us how you were bullied?

4. Have you talked to anyone about being bullied?

5. How many students have bullied you?

6. Where do you think bullying occurs the most?

7. This year, how many days have you missed school because you felt unsafe coming to school?

8. Would you take action if you saw someone being bullied at school?

9. Do you experience violence at home?

10. Why do you think some students are bullies?

11. What do the adults in your school campus do when they see bullying?

12. Have you ever carried a weapon to the school?

13. What can the school do to stop bullying?

14. Have you ever been arrested by the police?

Back-to-School Student Survey Questions

At the start of each school year, it may be difficult for teachers to get to know their students. Every student possesses different characteristics – some are friendly and talkative while others may be more introverted and shy.

For this reason, you can send out back-to-school student surveys to learn more about each of the students.

Below are some questions that you could include in your questionnaire:

1. What’s your full name?

2. Have you ever been known by a nickname? If yes, what is it?

3. What quality do you think is the most important in a teacher?

4. What career do you want to pursue in the future?

5. Do you want to go to college? Why or why not?

If you want to go to college, which one do you want to attend?

6. In what position do you see yourself in five years?

7. Do you have a college preference?

8. What do you wish to learn in this classroom?

9. Which school activities would you like to participate in?

10. Are you interested in any extracurricular activities like a band, sports, or theater?

11. Do you have friends in this classroom?

12. What do you typically do in your leisure time?

13. Do you have any hobbies?

14. What are you looking forward to this year the most?

Best Question Types for an Engaging Student Survey

Less engaging surveys often capture inaccurate results and experience lower survey response rates. Hence, including the relevant and diverse question types can help you capture genuine student feedback and achieve a higher survey response rate .

1. Closed-ended questions: Closed-ended questions are helpful in capturing qualitative data  and are easy to answer. Such questions generally start with ‘Can’, ‘Did’, ‘Will’ or ‘Have’. The data collected from close-ended questions are easy to analyze as it is available in a tabular format, which assists decision-makers to make decisions quickly.

2.  Open-ended questions: These questions cannot be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Instead, they require the respondent to explain their viewpoints in a few words. You can use open-ended questions to allow students to openly share their opinions/concerns around a specific topic.

For example:

survey questions about homework

3. Multiple choice questions: Multiple choice questions are the most commonly used survey question type. Respondents find it easier to select one or more options from a list of defined answers. MCQs make surveys easy, which helps produce easy-to-analyze data.

survey questions about homework

4. Preference questions: As the name suggests, this question helps gauge respondents’ preference about a specific topic. You can include this question type to collectively understand your students’ likes and dislikes about something.

“ When preparing for an exam, what would you prefer the most”?

  • Easy-to-learn notes
  • One-on-one session with a teacher
  • Online resources
  • Group studies

5. Ranking questions: This question type offers quantitative data by allowing respondents to identify which objects are most and least preferred. You can use the ranking questions to analyze the order of importance the items have in the minds of students.

survey questions about homework

Steps to Conduct a Student Survey

Now that you are familiar with the best survey question types , you should follow these steps to create an effective student survey.

 1. Set your Goals and Objectives

For your surveys to yield higher response rates and accurate information, you need to set your goals right. This will help you decide the survey tone and the good survey questions for students you should choose.

For instance, if you want to know the student’s perception of the course, then you should ask questions like – “ How satisfied are you with the course material ?”

Therefore, setting up your goals and objectives is the first thing you must do cautiously before creating a student survey.

2. Set Up a List of Student Survey Questions and Create the Survey

Once you have decided on your survey goals, you can choose the question types you can include to gather accurate information from the students. Now, make use of online survey software to start creating your survey.

Also, while drafting the school survey questions, keep the language as simple as possible. Use images, gifs, and conditional branching to offer the best survey experience.

3. Send the Survey 

With online survey tools such as ProProfs Survey Maker and Qualaroo , you can easily share surveys via email , social media platforms, direct links or you can easily embed them to your company’s website, blog, or Facebook page.

4. Analyze the Responses

Once you start getting feedback from students, share the results with your team members and start analyzing the results via charts and graphs for quick reference. Look for the trends and patterns that will help you take necessary actions for improving the overall effectiveness of your school.

How to Create a Student Survey Using ProProfs Survey Maker

After deciding upon the survey goals and types of questions that you will be using, all you need to do is select the right platform to create and share your survey. If you have the right tool at your disposal,  you can effortlessly create a student survey in minutes.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Choose an Online Tool

The best online survey software supports easy survey creation via an intuitive dashboard. They also provide useful reports and rich insights. ProProfs Survey Maker is the perfect example here, which features advanced filters, drop-down options, and customized reports for easy analysis of the research data.

To create a quick survey, select “ create a survey ” tab from the dashboard.


Step 2: Use Ready Made Templates

For a quick survey creation, choose a ready-made survey template that provides you with a starting point. Choose from a variety of available educational survey templates available, including student surveys, faculty satisfaction, parent engagement, teacher feedback, course evaluation, and more.

Also, you can choose to create a survey from scratch.

create-a-student-survey – 1

Step 3: Choose Questions

As discussed above, you can make use of various question types including open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, etc to capture student opinions. ProProfs Survey Maker has a library of question templates, including thousands of question types like multiple choice, rating scales, NPS , Likert scale, and more that makes survey creation a simple task.

Here are some examples of the common education survey questions:

  • Would you recommend this course to other students?
  • Overall, does this course meet your expectations?
  • How satisfied are you with the hostel facilities?

You can find hundreds of sample survey questions for students to build a survey in minutes.

Step 4: Survey Branding and Customization

Giving a personalized touch to a student survey is essential for better engagement. With ProProfs Survey Maker users have the leverage to choose various customization options to add company logo, colors, and images.

For creating a beautiful survey, you can select a predefined theme or upload your custom logo, backgrounds, fonts, etc.

survey questions about homework

Step 5: Apply Skip Logic

The success of a survey depends on how well it’s been tailored to the respondent. Advanced features like skip logic and branching help you create interactive surveys that ask only the relevant questions to the user.

You can apply skip logic , also known as conditional branching, to present the next question to the students based on their answer to the current question. Meaning, the answer to the previous question will tell which question needs to be presented to the students next.

Skip logic benefits student surveys in the following ways:

  • Get detailed insights with follow-up questions
  • Filter out questions that are irrelevant to a particular student
  • Offer personalized experience to each student
  • Improve survey completion rates by keeping surveys short and to the point

Step 6: Preview and Send Your Survey

Once you are done with formatting, branding, and customizing your student survey, make sure to preview your survey before finally sending it to students. This will help you check if there are any mistakes or logic issues.

Choose the Preview option from the top bar.

survey questions about homework

Proprofs Survey Maker enables you to preview how your survey will appear on different screens, including desktops, tablets, smartphones, and popups.

survey questions about homework

Once you’re done with the preview, you can click done. Now you are ready to send it out and collect your survey responses.

Choose the Best Student Survey Questions

Students always have so much to share and you never know how it could help in transforming the way your education model works. Hence, student surveys cannot be discounted. It can bring in thousands of thoughtful feedback with minimal effort.

All you have to do is select the right set of student survey questions because it will make it much easier to motivate students to provide honest answers. And the collected feedback will undoubtedly assist you with a precise focus on the key areas that need improvements and a chance to know the best aspects of your institute.

Also, don’t overlook using a survey tool such as ProProfs Survey Maker or Qualaroo that will help you with easy survey creation and sharing via social media, email or website. The tool comes with 100+ pre-built survey templates.

Emma David

About the author

Emma David is a seasoned market research professional with 8+ years of experience. Having kick-started her journey in research, she has developed rich expertise in employee engagement, survey creation and administration, and data management. Emma believes in the power of data to shape business performance positively. She continues to help brands and businesses make strategic decisions and improve their market standing through her understanding of research methodologies.

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Do you want to create free survey about:

Benefits of Homework Survey?

Or maybe something else?

or use this template:

Benefits of Homework Survey

Explore the impact of homework on academic success with our Benefits of Homework Survey.

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Startquestion is a free survey platform which allows you to create, send and analyse survey results.

Unveiling the Academic Gains: Benefits of Homework Survey Revealed

As we delve into the realm of academic excellence, our Benefits of Homework Survey sheds light on the importance of homework in enhancing learning outcomes. Through insightful questions such as 'Do you believe doing homework helps improve academic performance?' and 'Which subjects benefit the most from homework?', participants gain valuable insights into the impact of homework on academic success. The survey explores the correlation between homework completion and exam preparation, as well as the role of homework in reinforcing learning concepts. It also delves into the benefits of homework assignments, including improved understanding of concepts, practice and reinforcement of skills, and development of time management skills. Participants are also asked to share their challenges when completing homework assignments, providing valuable feedback on potential areas of improvement. The survey raises thought-provoking questions about the ideal duration for completing homework each day, the impact of the amount of homework on student performance, and the effectiveness of group homework assignments in promoting collaboration. Insights from the survey suggest that homework plays a crucial role in fostering independent learning, improving critical thinking skills, and aiding in the retention of information. Participants are also invited to share their suggestions on making homework more effective for academic learning, providing a platform for creative solutions and innovative ideas. In conclusion, the Benefits of Homework Survey reaffirms the significance of homework in the educational landscape, highlighting its role in enhancing academic performance, fostering independent learning, and stimulating critical thinking skills. Take the survey today and uncover the invaluable benefits of homework for academic success!

Improving Teaching With Expert Feedback—From Students

Teachers can improve their practice by giving students a voice in the classroom.

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Students are working on their writing.

A student survey allows students to voice their issues, needs, and desires, giving feedback on how a teacher can change his or her instruction to help them perform better in class.

When Christopher Pagan, a physics teacher at Trinidad Garza Early College High School, reflected on his students' performance, he realized that they weren't meeting his expectations or their own potential. "I needed to come up with some way where I could improve how they were performing in class," recalls Pagan.

He didn't have all the answers, so he came up with an idea: he'd ask his students.

Knowing that his students had a hard time learning the content, Pagan wanted them to reflect on what would make them more successful in his class, how do they learn best, and what kind of in-class activities would benefit their learning the most. Furthermore, many of his students were not retaking the tests on which they underperformed and were turning in their homework late, or not at all. He incorporated questions around those problems as well to learn how he could best help his students.

The survey he developed took about five to ten minutes for students to fill out during class. "He got the information back, changed how he taught, and changed how he tutored," says Dr. Janice Lombardi, Trinidad Garza's principal. “It changed and informed his instruction. As a result, last year, his students' physics scores phenomenally increased. We decided this might be one of our best practices.”

Now, Trinidad Garza administers student surveys twice a year for all classes.

How It's Done

Step 1. Build a Small Group of Advocates:  Start with one or more teachers who are enthusiastic about adopting student surveys. Track their data and impact over a year. By building small successes with this core group, other teachers will see the impact, you can share real-life success stories from your school, and you'll have a strong group of advocates who will support you throughout this process.

At Trinidad Garza, Principal Lombardi was able to share Pagan's success. This helped to bring other teachers on board.

Step 2. Get Schoolwide Teacher Buy-In:  Ease your teachers into the new practice. Take your time with introducing student surveys to your staff before having them implement them. Lombardi familiarized her faculty with student surveys over a number of meetings before they actually started using them. All staff went through a trial run of having their students take the surveys, and attended two mandatory presentations during a staff development and faculty meeting. After these presentations, any future meetings about surveys were optional.

Preview the survey questions with your teachers. It can be intimidating for teachers to receive feedback from their students on how they teach. Will the questions enable students to vent their frustration and take revenge on a teacher they don't like? Can these questions threaten a teacher's job? These were some of the concerns that Trinidad Garza’s teachers had. Cynthia Hess, a Trinidad Garza English teacher, recalls, "My initial reaction was a little tinge of worry. Am I putting my professional hands in the opinions of a 17-year-old?"

When reviewing the questions with your teachers, share the purpose behind each question, and allow teachers to ask questions and share their thoughts and concerns.

"Once we were given the opportunity to look at the questions, we saw that the questions were designed to inform instruction," reflects Hess. “The questions weren't open-ended questions where a kid could be upset with you and take revenge if they were failing your class or didn't like you. Knowing that gave me a good degree of comfort.”

Gather and share research, benefits, and examples. Gather research to share out with your staff about how student surveys can improve their teaching practice. Using educational websites, Lombardi found research that showed the impact of student surveys and examples of other schools that were successfully using them.

This is what she shared with her teachers during a professional development session:

  • " 5 Reasons You Should Seek Your Own Student Feedback " (Cult of Pedagogy)
  • " Gathering Feedback From Students " (Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University)
  • " 3 Ways of Getting Student Feedback to Improve Your Teaching " (Vicki Davis, Edutopia)

Lombardi also had Pagan present his experience and results with using student surveys in his physics classes. "I was able to look at both my first and second semester data and share how this survey really helped in my classroom," says Pagan. “One of the most striking things was the students’ satisfaction with their grades. That jumped about two or three points per class period, and the percentage of students that were turning in their homework in on time -- or almost always on time -- greatly increased.”

Reinforce the purpose of implementing student surveys. Trying out a new practice can seem stressful, and many teachers will be concerned about adding one more thing to their workload. Be clear on the purpose of student surveys, reinforcing how they will benefit your teachers in the classroom.

"As the time for surveys approached, Dr. Lombardi reminded us and we talked about their purpose again," says Hess.

Be clear about the process of implementing student surveys. Be transparent with your teachers about what implementing this practice will entail, what their role in it will be, and the support they'll have.

  • What will administering the student survey look like?
  • What will reviewing the student feedback look like?
  • Are these evaluative surveys that will impact their job security?

Step 3. Create Your Schoolwide Survey:  If you're a teacher and want to adopt this practice in your classroom right away, you can use the Trinidad Garza survey —or use these tips on how to create your own questions.

Keep the focus on your instruction, suggests Pagan. He explains, "The purpose of this survey is to give my students a voice to tell me what changes I can make and what practices can I implement to help them perform better in class. It has nothing to do with content. There's no questions on there about physics. It's general to what can I do to help my students."

He also suggests keeping it simple. "Think of one problem area in your class and set up some questions around that. Also, leave some open-ended questions to surface problem areas that you didn't think about."

Pagan's problem areas were homework and quizzes. Many of his students weren’t turning in their homework at all or were regularly turning it in late. He wanted to know why, and he wanted to know how he could help them fix the problem. Also, many of his students weren’t retaking quizzes on which they’d underperformed, and he wanted to learn how he could change that.

When brainstorming questions for his survey, he thought of open-ended questions like, "What can I do to help you?" and "What would be beneficial that I could change?" He also brainstormed questions specific to homework and tests: "Do you turn your homework assignments in on time? And if so, or if not, why?" and "How do you perform on tests and quizzes? If you don't do well, why is that? If you do well, why is that? Do you retake tests when you perform low on them? Why or why not?"

Step 4. Help students feel comfortable responding to the survey:  The first time that students take a survey, most are surprised that they're being asked to give their opinion, and Pagan remembers that a few were apprehensive. They often have questions like:

  • Are we going to be able to say whatever we want?
  • Do we have to put our name on it?

Students do not have to add their names to the surveys. To preserve students' anonymity, the teachers step out of the classroom, and school counselors come in to administer the surveys. They give the surveys twice a year, about six to eight weeks into each semester, allowing students to discover what does and doesn't work for them in the classroom before taking the survey.

The counselors emphasize the importance of responding honestly and the power in using their voice, and over time, when teachers change their instruction based on their feedback, students see the impact of their honest responses.

Step 5. Review the survey results with your teachers:  Either Trinidad Garza's principal or assistant principal shares the survey feedback with teachers in a one-on-one, non-evaluative session. They have two ways of looking at the student feedback: a four-point scale on close-ended questions and qualitative feedback from open-ended questions. The point scale highlights teacher strengths and areas of improvement, and the written feedback lets teachers know their students' experience in the classroom and how they can specifically help them.

A non-evaluative feedback review is important in creating an atmosphere where teachers feel supported and encouraged to take risks in their classroom, emphasizes Lombardi. "I do not include any kind of judgement,” she says. “I want it to really be their professional growth, and as a consequence, we have teachers who do change the way that they teach. For example, in one case, the students said that the class was not rigorous. The teacher had an a-ha moment. 'I thought I was really rigorous, and I'm not. Let me reevaluate what I'm asking them to do,' she told me. That's how those surveys work."

The principal and teacher weed out surveys from disgruntled students, as well as those with over-the-top praise. "There were two or three students who used the survey as an opportunity to say, 'I'm going to voice every problem I've ever had,' says Hess. "But together, Dr. Lombardi and I sorted out the outliers and established a range, grouping the rest of the surveys by common themes that were coming up."

Step 6. Take action on your survey feedback:  Pagan had included questions about homework on his student survey because a lot of his students weren't turning theirs in on time, or at all. From the survey feedback, he learned that students became frustrated when they got stuck on a problem, and wouldn't turn in their homework because it wasn't complete. "Students want to make sure they get everything correct, but it's a problem for them if they're not turning in their work," he says.

Once he knew the issue behind his students not turning in their homework, he started each class by asking them to vote for one or two homework questions they found the most difficult, and then they reviewed those together in class.

"That was something I did last year, and I've carried that over to this year," adds Pagan. “This year, I found out that some of the students need more help with tests or quizzes.”

To help his students improve on their quizzes, he begins class on quiz days with a pre-quiz to review the topics they'll need to know later in the day. "If they don't yet have the topics mastered at the start of class,” he says, “we can go over those questions through the progression of class, and hopefully by the end, they'll have mastered those concepts."

The surveys help students reflect, become more self-aware, and adopt agency and ownership over their learning. "By giving my students surveys, they realize that I care about how they're doing," reflects Pagan. “Some students that were always turning in homework one or two days late, now they're turning in their homework on time. Students that had a hard time turning in homework at all, now they start to get it in more often. The student surveys allowed them to reflect and realize that if they want to reach their goals, they're going to have to put in more work, and that I'm there to help them along the way.”

Trinidad Garza Early College High School

Per pupil expenditures, free / reduced lunch, demographics:.


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    survey questions about homework

  3. Questions About Homework on the Student Survey Administered at the End

    survey questions about homework

  4. Student Survey for End of Year Class/Teacher Feedback

    survey questions about homework

  5. Homework survey

    survey questions about homework

  6. Homework Questionnaire Doc Template

    survey questions about homework


  1. Conduct a survey.. maths holiday homework.... survey project

  2. Summer homework questionnaire survey never expected

  3. Designing of primary survey based on diverse research problems

  4. Surveyor Interview Questions and Answers

  5. Do your homework and earn million; Now everyone can earn millions💞💞💞


  1. Top 9 student survey questions to gather feedback

    Key questions to ask your students in a survey. 1. Rank this year's lessons from easiest to hardest. Find out what type of subject material your class struggles with by asking students to rank the most important lessons from easiest to hardest.

  2. Top 50 Student Survey Questions For Enhanced Student Experience

    Overall Satisfaction: Question Type: Rating Scale. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with your overall experience at the university? 1 (not satisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). Read More: Student Satisfaction Survey Questions: 100 Samples + Template.

  3. 45 Student Survey Questions for Useful Feedback

    These general questions are ideal to ask at the beginning of the year or regularly at the beginning of class. Using surveys consistently throughout the year gets students used to the format and more comfortable answering questions honestly. 1. How much time do you spend on homework every night? 2.

  4. 11 Best Student Survey Questions to Ask [Examples + Template]

    So if you're looking to obtain high-quality zero-party data from your students, it's a good idea to ask more questions like these. 10. What Do You Like Most/Least About School. The WPForms' class survey template includes two open-ended questions focusing on what students like the most and also the least about school.

  5. Time Spent in Homework

    Our survey, titled 'Time Spent in Homework', delves deep into the habits and perceptions surrounding homework completion. Through a series of single choice, multiple choice, and open-ended questions, we aimed to uncover valuable insights regarding students' study habits, challenges, and preferences.

  6. Top 16 Student Survey Questions for Student Feedback

    Student perception survey questions about the teacher. Teacher feedback is also essential for the institute. Here are some critical questions to ask about the teachers and faculty members: 6. On a scale of 0-10, please rate your teacher - This rating scale question is the most basic yet essential question for a teacher.

  7. Student Satisfaction Survey Questions, 100 Samples, & Free Survey

    Time to let the cat out of the bag. Here are 100+ absolutely top student satisfaction survey questions in 6 categories that always deliver results. #1. Student Satisfaction Questionnaire On Teachers. Let's start with student satisfaction survey questions on the quality of teachers, their experience levels, teaching style, and more.

  8. 8 student survey questions to gather valuable feedback

    Thorough surveys should ask plenty of questions about: What students thought of your course material and teaching methods. How much effort they put into homework and studying. What concepts or lessons they found interesting, uninteresting, easy, or difficult. What they would like to see done differently.

  9. Student survey questions that will provide valuable feedback

    Written by Afifa Hanif. May 2, 2023 · 5 mins read. The results of student surveys may be helpful for both instructors and students in terms of analysis. Organizing a survey helps teachers better structure lessons, find weak spots, and fine-tune strategies. Surveys are as useful for instructors as most popular tutoring websites are for students.

  10. Student survey questions that will provide valuable feedback

    Student surveys are valuable sources of feedback for teachers and self-reflection for students. Surveys at the beginning, middle, or end of the school year can help you plan effective classes, reach struggling students, and improve your teaching methods. Of course, not all student survey questions provide useful responses.

  11. 52 Effective Parent Survey Questions For Meaningful Feedback

    Please reply with your top choice: 1) Tips for learning at home; 2) Tutoring; 3) Tools for standardized test preparation; 4) 504 support; 5) Tools for emotional and social learning 6) Other, please explain 7) None. Are you satisfied with the amount and quality of homework your student receives?

  12. Homework Survey Form Template

    It's ideal for remote classrooms — helping you collect the feedback you need, fast. Make this Homework Survey template your own by adding or updating questions, changing fonts and colors, or adding widgets to collect information in different ways. If you'd like to send responses to your other accounts — such as Google Drive, Dropbox ...

  13. 33 School Survey Questions + [Template Examples]

    Surveys. 33 School Survey Questions + [Template Examples] School surveys are an excellent tool for understanding what people (students, teachers, and parents) think about your school policies, teaching methods, etc. It fosters communication between the different educational stakeholders and provides valuable information that improves teaching ...

  14. Take a survey

    Survey findings can help schools make data-driven policy and practice decisions that improve student well-being and engagement with learning. For instance, based on results from the survey, some schools have revised homework policies, changed bell schedules, given parent and student education workshops on sleep and physical health, and revised their honor codes.

  15. 75+ Student Survey Questions to Collect Valuable Students Feedback

    Step 6: Preview and Send Your Survey. Once you are done with formatting, branding, and customizing your student survey, make sure to preview your survey before finally sending it to students. This will help you check if there are any mistakes or logic issues. Choose the Preview option from the top bar.

  16. Factual question about homework

    The survey explores questions related to time management, resource utilization, subject preferences, problem-solving skills, and the impact of homework on social and extracurricular activities. With such comprehensive data, educators can develop strategies to enhance the effectiveness and relevance of homework.

  17. PDF Homework Survey

    Since district policy on homework neither requires nor prohibits the grading of homework, this change was intended to clarify expectations about our practice relative to graded homework throughout the Merrimack School District. Since we are now at the mid-year point, the following brief survey is intended to provide parents and teachers with

  18. Key Lessons: What Research Says About the Value of Homework

    Homework has been in the headlines again recently and continues to be a topic of controversy, with claims that students and families are suffering under the burden of huge amounts of homework. School board members, educators, and parents may wish to turn to the research for answers to their questions about the benefits and drawbacks of homework.

  19. Benefits of Homework Survey

    The survey raises thought-provoking questions about the ideal duration for completing homework each day, the impact of the amount of homework on student performance, and the effectiveness of group homework assignments in promoting collaboration. ... In conclusion, the Benefits of Homework Survey reaffirms the significance of homework in the ...

  20. Improving Teaching With Expert Feedback—From Students

    Step 6. Take action on your survey feedback: Pagan had included questions about homework on his student survey because a lot of his students weren't turning theirs in on time, or at all. From the survey feedback, he learned that students became frustrated when they got stuck on a problem, and wouldn't turn in their homework because it wasn't ...

  21. PDF How much homework do you think students receive?

    Parent, Staff and Pupil Survey on Homework 2019 Three questionnaires were shared with the staff, students and parents/carers at St ... Below is a table of results which give an overview of the questions asked how the participants responded: 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Too much Appropriate amount Too little ge How much homework do you think

  22. PDF Forms Homework Survey

    FormsHomework Survey - TeachersIn Fall 2017, all six schools in the Merrimack School District implemented the. actice of NOT grading homework. Since district policy on homework neither requires nor prohibits the grading of homework, this change was intended to clarify expectations about our practice relative to graded homework througho.