speech on poverty

6 Speech On Poverty You Should Know

According to the latest statistics on poverty, 8.6% of the world, or 736 million people, live in extreme poverty. As we all know, poverty is the state of being poor and lack of the means to provide necessary needs. Going by the basic definition of poverty, 736 million people lack the means to provide necessary needs and it shouldn’t be so.

In this article, we have collated a list of speeches on poverty to inspire the fight against poverty and also help you create wonderful content about poverty. These speeches on poverty were made by influential voices addressing the ever existing social issue, poverty.

Here are the 5 speech on poverty to inspire you to fight against poverty:

1.) Former U.N Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, Address on the International Day For The Eradication Of Poverty, 17 October.

In this address, Kofi Annan highlighted the need of working together to end poverty. He said: “But poverty is an old enemy with many faces. Defeating it will require many actors to work together.”

2.) Ban Ki-moon Speech At The 66th General Assembly .

On September 2011, the former U.N Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, gave a speech at the 66th General Assembly. In that speech, Ki-moon linked the fight for poverty to some important social issues. In his words: “Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth … these are one and the same fight.”.

“We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.” Ban Ki-moon also said in the speech.

3.) Nelson Mandela Make Poverty History Speech in Trafalgar Square

Nelson Mandela gave a speech about poverty in London’s Trafalgar Square on February 3, 2005. Just like most speeches about poverty, Nelson Mandela’s speech is where most quote about poverty comes from.

The former president of South Africa made an important point that poverty doesn’t only affect those who can barely provide their necessary needs but everyone, rich and poor. Mandela said: “As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest.”

He also noted that poverty is a denial of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life. In his words: “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.”

4.) Teva Sienicki TEDxMileHighWomen Speech

Teva Sienicki, president and CEO of nonprofit organization, Growing Home, which provides dual-generation programs to nurture children, strengthen families, and create community.

In Sienicki’s inspiring TEDx speech, she offers an efficient way to ending poverty. Sienick tells the world that we need to not just treat the symptoms of poverty, but treat the root causes of poverty.

Sienicki argues that one can end poverty by bringing equity and reforming systems in communities.

5.) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture

In 1964, in a Nobel Peace Prize lecture which took place at Oslo, Norway, renowned American activist, Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke about poverty. He called on nations to end poverty. Martin Luther King Jr also argued that there’s no deficit in human resources but human will in the fight against poverty.

6.) Harry Belafonte Speech About Poverty

At a town hall in America, in the year 2005, Jamaican-American singer, songwriter, activist, and actor  dubbed “King of Calypso”,  Harry Belafonte gave a wonderful speech about poverty in America. Though, he was talking about poverty in America he made important points as regards to poverty. “We have to look at ourselves because I think the last frontier of truth and hope in this country are the people themselves.” Harry Belafonte says, calling for people to realize that we can bring the change we want.


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Poverty Persuasive Speech Sample

This poverty persuasive speech sample seeks to persuade that audience that too little is being done to deal with poverty in America. This page provides series of resources to help our reader write their a speech on the poverty topic, including a free sample persuasive speech about poverty and a possible theme analysis.

Summary of the Topic - Poverty in America

  • Outline of the Poverty Persuasive Speech
  • Related Ideas for Development

Written Poverty Speech Essay on Poverty in America

  • Theme Idea for a Persuasive Speech about Poverty in America
  • Sources for More Information to Write a Poverty Persuasive Speech

poverty persuasive speech

Poverty is a complex issue that affects millions of people in the United States, and addressing it requires a multi-faceted approach. Many programs and initiatives are in place at the federal, state, and local levels to address poverty and support those in need. These include programs that provide financial assistance, such as temporary cash assistance and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and programs that aim to improve access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities.

At the same time, it is widely recognized that more needs to be done to address poverty in the United States. Despite these programs' efforts, the country's poverty rate remains high, with millions of people struggling to make ends meet and access the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

There are many challenges to addressing poverty, including a lack of affordable housing, limited access to quality education and job training, and systemic inequalities that disproportionately impact marginalized communities. To truly make a dent in poverty rates, addressing these underlying issues and working towards more comprehensive, long-term solutions will be necessary.

The poverty persuasive speech sample outline and written poverty speech essay below turn the above summary into a full sample speech to provide an example of the speech writing process. Combine the speech sample with the theme idea of a ladder, and this could become an very persuasive speech to advocate changes in policy. 

Sample Persuasive Speech Outline of the Topic - Poverty in America

Here is a possible outline for a speech to convince others that more needs to be done about poverty in the United States:

I.  Introduction      a.  A brief overview of the topic of poverty in America      b.  Thesis statement: Despite the efforts of existing programs and initiatives, more needs to be done to address poverty in the United States. II.  Overview of poverty in America      a.  Statistics on poverty rates in the United States      b.  Examples of the challenges and difficulties faced by those living in poverty, such as limited access to resources and opportunities, and the impact on overall health and well-being III.  Current efforts to address poverty      a.  Description of existing programs and initiatives, such as financial assistance and job training programs      b.  Evaluation of the effectiveness of these efforts in reducing poverty rates IV.  The need for more comprehensive solutions      a.  Examination of the underlying causes of poverty, such as systemic inequalities and a lack of affordable housing and quality education      b.  How addressing these root causes is necessary to reduce poverty rates effectively V.  Conclusion      a.  Recap of the main points of the speech      b.  Call to action for others to join in the fight against poverty in America

Potential Ideas Related to the Poverty Speech Topic for Development

Related Ideas

Here are a few topics related to poverty in the United States that a person could explore:

  • The impact of poverty on children: Poverty can have severe and long-lasting effects on children's development and well-being. Exploring this topic could involve researching how poverty can affect children's health, education, and overall prospects for the future.
  • The intersection of poverty and race: Poverty disproportionately affects marginalized communities, particularly people of color. Exploring this topic could involve examining how systemic racism and discrimination contribute to poverty and the efforts being made to address these issues.
  • The role of social safety net programs: The United States has a range of programs in place to provide financial assistance and other support to those in need. Exploring this topic could involve looking at the history and effectiveness of these programs and the ongoing debates around their funding and implementation.
  • The link between poverty and poor health outcomes: Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand, with those living in poverty more likely to experience a range of adverse health outcomes. Exploring this topic could involve examining how poverty contributes to poor health and the efforts being made to address these issues.
  • The impact of poverty on mental health: Poverty can have a significant impact on mental health, with those living in poverty more likely to experience stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. Exploring this topic could involve researching how poverty can affect mental health and the efforts being made to support those in need.

How could you use these topics related to the persuasive poverty speech sample? Take item #4 for instance, you might expand on a major point of the speech by discussing the link between poverty and poor health. Most can relate to the importance of health, and audience may find this a persuasive point of information.

Persuasive Poverty Speech Sample Heading


Good evening, everyone.

Today, I want to talk to you about an issue that affects millions of people in our country: poverty. Despite the efforts of existing programs and initiatives, more needs to be done to address poverty in the United States. 

Main Body Part I - Overview of the Problem:

According to the latest statistics, nearly 10% of Americans live in poverty, including over 13 million children. These numbers represent people who struggle to make ends meet and access the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

Poverty has severe and long-lasting consequences for those who experience it. Poverty can impact every aspect of a person's life, from health and education to job prospects and overall well-being. For children, growing up in poverty can have particularly severe consequences, as it can limit their ability to reach their full potential and succeed in the future.

Main Body Part 2 - Current Efforts 

Many programs and initiatives are in place to address poverty and support those in need. These include financial assistance programs, such as temporary cash assistance and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), as well as job training and education programs. While these efforts have certainly helped many people, the poverty rate in the United States remains high, and more needs to be done to address this pressing issue.

Main Body Part 3 - The Ongoing Need for Solutions

To truly make a dent in poverty rates, we must go beyond providing temporary assistance and address the root causes of poverty. The future steps include addressing systemic inequalities that disproportionately impact marginalized communities and addressing issues like a lack of affordable housing and quality education. We can only effectively reduce poverty rates and create a more equitable society for all by addressing these underlying issues.


In conclusion, poverty is a complex and pressing issue that affects millions of people in the United States. While there are already efforts to address poverty, more must be done to address the root causes of poverty and create a more equitable society for all. Please join me in the fight against poverty and work towards more comprehensive, long-term solutions. Thank you.

Theme Idea for a Poverty Persuasive Speech Sample

The symbol of a ladder could add colorful imagery to the poverty persuasive speech sample, making the delivery more persuasive and relatable..

ladder theme poverty in america

One possible theme that could be added to the speech as an analogy or story is the idea of a ladder . The ladder could symbolize the many factors contributing to poverty and how people can climb out of poverty with the proper support and resources.

For example, the speech could begin with a story about a person struggling to climb out of poverty but constantly held back by obstacles such as a lack of education, affordable housing, and job opportunities. These obstacles could be compared to the rungs of a ladder that are missing or broken, making it difficult for the person to make progress.

The speech could then discuss the various programs and initiatives to help people climb out of poverty, such as financial assistance and job training programs. These tools help repair the missing rungs on the ladder, allowing people to progress and achieve a better life.

However, the speech could also emphasize the need for more comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of poverty, such as systemic inequalities and a lack of affordable housing and quality education. These solutions are the foundation of the ladder, supporting the entire structure and enabling people to climb out of poverty and reach their full potential.

In conclusion, the ladder analogy could be used to emphasize the importance of addressing the immediate challenges of poverty and the underlying causes to create a more equitable society for all.

What is the best theme for a persuasive poverty speech sample that you can think of? How about a using a visual aid such as a table with inexpensive staple foods of limited quantity for a family? 

Great sources for more information with citations and content summaries

1. “how poverty in the united states is measured and why it matters.” prb, 2022,  https://www.prb.org/resources/how-poverty-in-the-united-states-is-measured-and-why-it-matters/ ..

ruler measuring poverty in America

The US government has provided billions of dollars in emergency relief through various acts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic effects, including the Build Back Better Act, a $1 trillion reconciliation bill proposed by the Biden administration to support American children and families in need. The Build Back Better Act uses multiple poverty measures to determine eligibility for benefits and allocate funds. The current measure of poverty, the official poverty measure, has been in use since the 1960s and is based on a family's pretax cash income. Many believe this measure is flawed and recommend alternative measures considering non-cash benefits and the cost of living in different regions.

2. “Poverty Facts.” Povertyusa.org, 2020,  www.povertyusa.org/facts .

source for poverty facts

Facts are important for the persuasive poverty speech sample. Here's a synopsis of the facts page provided by Poverty USA Org.

Poverty in the United States affects a significant portion of the population, particularly children, seniors, and certain racial and ethnic groups. In 2020, the poverty rate was 11.4%, but the supplemental poverty measure, which considers programs designed to reduce poverty, dropped to 9.1%. Many people in poverty struggle to make ends meet and do not have access to resources and opportunities that can help them improve their circumstances. The US government has implemented various programs and initiatives to address poverty, including financial assistance and job training. Still, more must be done to address the root causes of poverty and create a more equitable society.‌

3. McCarty AT. Child Poverty in the United States: A Tale of Devastation and the Promise of Hope. Sociol Compass. 2016 Jul;10(7):623-639. doi: 10.1111/soc4.12386. Epub 2016 Jul 4. PMID: 28890733; PMCID: PMC5589198.

Brief Summary of the McCarty Paper: 

Child poverty is a significant issue in the United States, affecting education and health outcomes. It disproportionately affects certain social groups and geographic areas, and is influenced by a lack of resources, cultural factors, and stress. To address child poverty, it is necessary to increase incomes and support children's skill development, and improve the communities in which poor families live. Further research is needed to understand and address the issue fully.

Who is Alyn McCarty and why is this source reliable? 

Alyn McCarty is a research associate at Research for Action, where she leads a multi-year evaluation of an early literacy program in Philadelphia and conducts research on other projects. Before joining Research for Action, McCarty worked as a Health Disparities Research Scholar and Research Scientist, focusing on how socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in early health contribute to inequality in health and education. McCarty received a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Texas-Austin, an M.S. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Related Informative Topics

Not interested in poverty but would like to give a speech about money issues? How about choosing one of these topics?

  • Savings and budgeting : managing one's money in a way that allows for long-term financial stability and the ability to save for future expenses or goals.
  • Investment : using money to generate additional income or wealth by acquiring assets such as stocks, bonds, or real estate.
  • Debt : the borrowing of money, often with interest, to be paid back at a later date.
  • Credit : the ability to borrow money or access financial services, often through credit scores and credit reports.
  • Financial planning : setting and working towards financial goals, including creating a budget, saving for retirement, and managing debt.

Related Persuasive Speech Topics

Want to give a speech about the equitable treatment of others but with a different focus than provided by the persuasive poverty speech sample? Consider these topics.

  • The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • The impact of systemic racism and discrimination on marginalized communities
  • The need for equal pay for equal work
  • The role of privilege and how to be an ally
  • The benefits of promoting equal opportunities for all individuals

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Speech on Poverty

Poverty is not just a lack of money, it’s a complex issue that touches many areas of life. It’s about not having enough food, a safe place to live, or access to basic services like education or healthcare.

You might think poverty only affects people in far-off places, but it’s closer than you think. Even in the wealthiest countries, many people struggle every day just to meet their basic needs.

1-minute Speech on Poverty

Hello, friends!

Let’s talk about a critical issue – poverty. It’s the state when people can’t get the basic things they need to live, like food, clothes, and a place to live. It’s a problem not just in one country or one region, but all over the world.

Imagine not knowing if you’ll eat today or not. Imagine wearing the same clothes every day, no matter if they’re torn or dirty. It’s a tough life, right? That’s what poverty looks like. Many people face this situation every day. It’s sad, but it’s the truth.

Now, why does poverty exist? Some people are born into poor families. Some lose their jobs and can’t find a new one. Sometimes, natural disasters like floods or earthquakes destroy everything they have. The reasons are many, and they’re all hard to control.

We can’t end poverty in one day. It’s a big task. But every small action counts. If every one of us does a little bit, we can make a big change. Remember, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

In the end, let’s not forget about poverty. Let’s keep talking about it, learning about it and doing what we can to help. Because in a world as rich as ours, no one should have to live in poverty. Thank you.

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2-minute Speech on Poverty

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In our modern world, it’s surprising that poverty still exists. It’s sad to see that in a world full of riches, some people go to bed hungry every night. In some parts of the world, kids don’t go to school because they can’t afford books or uniforms. They have to work instead, to help their families. It’s not fair, is it?

Poverty is like a big, scary monster. It’s not just about being hungry or cold. It affects people’s health too. When people are poor, they can’t afford to see a doctor or buy medicine. They get sick more often and stay sick longer. It makes life very hard and stressful.

But why does poverty exist? There are many reasons. Sometimes, it’s because of bad luck. Maybe there’s a drought, and the crops fail. Or maybe someone gets sick and can’t work. But often, it’s because of things that are unfair. Maybe some people have a lot of money and power, and they don’t share it with others. Or maybe the rules of the society are not fair, and they make it hard for poor people to improve their lives.

So, what can we do about poverty? It’s a big problem, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight it. We can start by being aware of the problem. We can learn about poverty and talk about it. And we can help. We can donate money or food to people who need it. We can also volunteer our time to help in soup kitchens or community centers. And we can make sure that our leaders know that we care about poverty, and we want them to do something about it.

Remember, every person can make a difference. You might think that you’re just one person, and you can’t do much. But that’s not true. If each one of us does a little bit, it adds up to a lot. And together, we can beat the monster of poverty.

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To End Poverty, Give Everyone the Chance to Learn

Paul Romer, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, World Bank End Poverty Day event, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

Arithmetic tells us that a nation can reduce its rate of poverty with more economic growth or a more equal distribution of income. A simple saying, oft repeated because it sounds so plausible, frames this arithmetic as a grim choice between growth and equality. "You can make the pie bigger or divide it up more evenly, but you cannot do both."

Despite its appeal, this intuition is wrong, and wrong not just about the details, wrong not just by a little. It is totally off the mark. We know from the recent experience in Bangladesh that it is possible to have more growth and more equality. I am also convinced that it is possible to sustain a pattern of growth via equality as it evolves into a middle income country, but only if the government takes on new responsibilities and makes the new types of investments required to give everyone the chance to learn.

When growth speeds up, income inequality can increase temporarily. When it does, this seems to confirm our fears about the grim tradeoff. But this type inequality arises because the benefits that all can ultimately share diffuse slowly. At first, only a few people have access to the chance to learn from new ideas. Then as others gain access, they learn too. During this second, catch-up phase, the diffusion of ideas increases growth as it equalizes income. The experience in Bangladesh shows that it is possible to diffuse new ideas quickly enough to avoid even this temporary increase in inequality. The question is what it must do to sustain this high rate of diffusion as the economy becomes more sophisticated.

There are many visible examples of the benefits that people receive from the diffusion of ideas. In 1980, there were about 300 million phones on earth. Today, there are more than 6 billion, and the vast majority of people who got the new phones lived in a low or middle income country. But what we see when a country such as Bangladesh or China opens itself up to inflows of ideas is not simply that people have the chance to buy a phone that is much less expensive. The more profound benefit from the diffusion of ideas is that people gain access to the chance to learn. Access to new ideas lets them acquire more human capital. 

Because opening up lets them acquire more human capital, a shrinking number of agricultural workers can supply all the food for everyone else. A growing number of workers can escape the hardship and risk of small-holder agriculture and switch to jobs in manufacturing, then in services. Many women get their first chance to be paid a wage for the work that they do. All these workers get more than a wage. They get the chance to learn on the job. They absorb such basics as the importance of strict adherence to quality standards when work is done by a large team. These basics open up opportunities for new types of employment. These workers also learn from the stimulation of richer social environment offered by the cities they move to.

In the data, the extra human capital shows up not just in the changing mix of jobs, but also in higher wages. As the World Bank's new report on Poverty and Shared Prosperity shows, in the last few decades, this catch-up process means that income have been rising more rapidly at the bottom end of the worldwide distribution of income. As a result, the worldwide distribution of income is becoming more equal.

The dynamic I am describing shows up both in comparisons between countries and also in comparisons across people within a country. New ideas spur growth. Income inequality goes up because in the beginning, only a few have access to the chance to learn from them. Frequently, those few are the lucky ones who live in its cities. If better policy could speed up the rate of diffusion of access to new ideas, growth will be faster and the temporary period of increasing inequality will be shorter, perhaps might even be skipped entirely.

So today, on End Poverty Day , my goal is to convince you that the strategy based on catch-up growth that has worked for your nation can work equally well as you strive to sustain your rate of growth and keep reducing poverty. You do not face a tradeoff of growth versus equality. You have a chance to pursue growth via equality.

The highest returns may come from investing in the people who have the biggest opportunity to catch up with everyone else. All they need is a chance.

There is a tradeoff that you will face, a tradeoff between government and the market. But here too, the familiar story misleads when it suggests that to sustain growth, an economy needs less government. The government can get in the way, and the economy does need less of this, but in Bangladesh, and in many similarly situated countries, the real problem is too little of the type of government that the market needs to keep generating more sophisticated jobs. Only the government can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn from new ideas. As an economy develops, providing this type of access becomes ever more challenging.

Let me illustrate what I mean when I say “give people the chance to learn.” The government can make it possible for a foreign firm to enter and open a factory. Workers in this factory learn on the job, and as a result, accumulate human capital and earn wages that are higher with each year of experience. Typically, this means that within a few years, the worker moves to a job that can use her new skills, often in a different firm, perhaps one that the worker starts. Just as some schools give students a better chance to learn, some jobs offer better chances to learn. Firms that have access to more modern technology and more skilled managers are likely to offer the best chance to learn. This chance is a particularly important one because it gives people who are no longer in school a chance to keep learning. Even when schools fail, there is another way for someone to learn.

Bangladesh has clearly been very successful at offering many workers this chance to learn on the job. In the early stages of the growth process, a government can offer this opportunity merely by welcoming foreign firms. But very quickly, the amount of room that is available in a nation's cities becomes a binding constraint. To offer this opportunity to everyone, the government must take the lead in expanding its urban area to make room for all the firms and workers who want to benefit by working together. The congestion for which Dhaka is now famous suggests that the plan for urban expansion throughout the country was not ambitious enough to meet the rapidly growing demand.

The more familiar way to offer a chance to learn, the one that the World Bank has with good reason, been emphasizing for years, is by having the government provide good schools. When a young person spends an extra year in a good school, this increases the amount that he or she will produce and earn on the job. Sadly, many schools fail to deliver on this promise. It is not enough to get children to sit in a classroom. An effective government ensures that children actually learn more with each year of seat-time.

As development takes place, providing equalizing access to the chance to learn requires even more sophisticated government services. Many children start life with a disadvantage because disease and poor nutrition leave them with a smaller body and a less developed brain. The experience in Peru demonstrates that an effective government can use modest expenditures to reduce the fraction of children who suffer from this type of stunting. The experience in other countries also demonstrates that a government can devote resources to this type of effort and end up with nothing to show for its efforts.

Extra mental stimulation, especially more exposure to the words said by an adult, can help a child be ready to learn when he or she starts school. This extra stimulation can help so much that it offsets the disadvantage of stunting. We know from the experience in Bangladesh that civil society can step in to fill gaps and provide services that improve health for everyone. Nevertheless, in most countries, only the government can provide the targeted assistance that removes disadvantage and ensures that every student starts school with a realistic chance to keep up with the other children.

Once children are in school, the best school systems make extra investments in the children that would otherwise fall behind. Throughout primary school, anyone who lags gets extra instruction time by the most experienced teachers. With these compensating investments, the school system can keep all children in at the same level of achievement. For example, some children take a little longer to learn to read. These compensating investments make sure that this minor and short-lived problem does not turn into a self-reinforcing cycle of discouragement and reduced effort that ends with an early departure from school.

All these investments can be justified on the basis of a commitment to equality. The point I want to emphasize is that they can also be justified purely on the basis of a commitment to economic growth. The return on an investment that prevents someone from giving up the chance to learn is likely to be much higher than the return that would follow if the same resources were used to help children who will learn in any case.

So to conclude, you do not face a choice of growth versus equality. You have the chance to pursue growth via equality. Government investments that pay the highest returns are likely to be the ones that provide people the chance to catch up by learning, and these investments also reduce income inequality.

It is an easy strategy to endorse, but not an easy one to implement. Many countries miss this opportunity because the government is not effective enough to make the investments that make it possible for everyone to have a realistic chance to learn.

As Bangladesh strives to move from a low-middle-income country to middle-income, End Poverty Day provides an opportunity to ask whether its government is keeping up with the rapidly evolving economy. Is there room in its cities for all who want to come? Can people in these cites get to and from work? Can firms get the inputs they need on a timely basis and ship out the goods they produce? Does the average student actually learn something during each year spent in school? Do the schools and government service providers make the compensating investments needed to ensure that small disadvantages that can easily be addressed do not deprive any child of the opportunity that everyone wants, the chance to keep learning?

Let me confess that there are comparable questions that you should ask me as Vice President with direct responsibility for the research efforts of the World Bank. Are we providing relevant guidance to a government such as yours? If you came to us and said “what specific steps should we do to reduce stunting quickly, or ensure that children are ready to learn, or to plan for rapid but orderly expansion of your urban area, would we be able to respond? I think we too can do better. As we both strive to do better, perhaps we will find opportunities to work together.

If Bangladesh and the World Bank can soon answer yes to such specific questions as these, Bangladesh will be able to sustain its recent pattern of rapid growth and more equality. All countries will be better able to learn from its experience. Then we will have a realistic chance to lift everyone out of extreme poverty.

But we must move quickly. Every day of delay wastes precious human potential. Every person, young or old, rich or poor, should have the chance to keep learning.

Thank you very much. 

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Persuasive Speech - Poverty

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Speaking To Persuade                                                                                          Amy Collins

     The gap between the world’s rich and poor has never been wider. While wealthy individuals are relishing in a lavish life of luxury, millions are being forced to endure an insufferable daily reality of poverty, conflict and lack of food. For these disadvantaged people, the hunger is unrelenting and the desperation is overwhelming. The time for a drastic change has arrived. It is up to you and I to make a difference before a significant proportion of the world’s population drown in an ocean of poverty. We must save lives.

     Shockingly, a child dies every three seconds from AIDS and severe starvation. I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that this infant mortality rate is unacceptably high. Something must be done in order to help countless families escape the famine pandemic.

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This is a preview of the whole essay

     Unsurprisingly, there is sufficient food in the world to cater for everyone’s needs. So why do so many find themselves ensnared by extreme poverty? Millions of people worldwide are trapped on an incessant downward spiral, frenetically fighting for food, education…and their lives. These people lack money; they are unable to purchase enough food to nourish themselves and their families. Inevitably, this continuous malnutrition leads their physical and mental condition to deteriorate, therefore decreasing their ability to work. With no employment, their finances continue to diminish, leaving only one conclusion – death. This unjust reality must be brought to an end before even more lives are lost.

     How would you feel if you were one of the 800million people who went to bed ravenously hungry each and every night? You would lay, shivering, listening to the unbearable sound of your stomach crying out in starvation, whilst billions of individuals around the world binged on excessive amounts of food. How would you feel if you knew that the same insatiable people were squandering their surplus cash on unnecessary luxury items rather than donating just a few pounds to life-changing charities? £5 may just be spare change to us, yet it can feed an African family of 4 for over a week; for them it is a matter of life and death.

     Zahra is an Ethiopian orphan who, this time last year, lived in an impoverished shanty town. Tragically, she had lost both parents to famine and had negligible prospects for the future. Each day she would make an exhausting seventeen mile round-trip to the nearest river, collecting contaminated water to drink, irrigate the crops and wash with. She was just eight years old. Zahra’s chances of a decent life were slowly slipping away.

     Fortunately, a well known charity has transformed her life forevermore. With a little financial support, they have managed to install thousands of fresh water pumps throughout Africa, one of which is just ¼ mile away from Zahra’s home. Moreover, she is now able to attend one of the hundreds of schools that have recently been developed. Zahra has a future.

     Elsewhere, aid organizations such as MakePovertyHistory and Comic Relief are initiating “food for work” schemes throughout the developing world. These are programmes where adults are rewarded with food for their families when they build schools, dig wells and construct roads within their community. Such schemes are profoundly effective as they both nourish the citizens and supply infrastructure to terminate the poverty. Slowly but surely, considerable changes are being implemented.

     However, these self-help schemes come at a cost. Although the aid organizations do everything within their reach, none of it would be possible without charitable contributions from you and I. By donating just a minimal amount of money, we can all play a part in the prevention of worldwide poverty. We can save lives.

Teacher Reviews

Here's what a teacher thought of this essay.


Victoria Cooke

This is an excellent piece of writing which uses structure and language to meet the purpose and have the desired impact on the audience. The writer uses a mixture of devices to make the piece interesting and different. The use of the second person is effective. In order to improve the writer needs to think about structure, in particular the ending. It is preferable to make the beginning and the ending link in some way. Here the writer could have mentioned the gap between the rich and the poor. An excellent and enjoyable piece of writing though. *****

Persuasive Speech - Poverty

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  • Word Count 621
  • Page Count 1
  • Subject English

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8 powerful quotes from Mandela’s ‘Make Poverty History’ speech

persuasive speech poverty

In 2005, Nelson Mandela gave his famous speech at the Make Poverty History rally in London’s Trafalgar Square, and called on world leaders to make poverty history.

Addressing a staggering crowd of 22,000 people, Nelson Mandela, along with Bob Geldof, outlined the three demands that underpinned the Make Poverty History campaign, carving the way for the eradication of extreme poverty. He said:

“The steps that are needed from the developed nations are clear. The first is ensuring trade justice. I have said before that trade justice is a truly meaningful way for the developed countries to show commitment to bringing about an end to global poverty. The second is an end to the debt crisis for the poorest countries. The third is to deliver much more aid and make sure it is of the highest quality.”

Although we have achieved a lot over the last 15 years, and progress is definitely being made, these powerful quotes still ring true today.

1. “Do not look the other way; do not hesitate. Recognise that the world is hungry for action, not words. Act with courage and vision.”

2. “Massive poverty and obscene inequality are such terrible scourges of our times — times in which the world boasts breathtaking advances in science, technology, industry and wealth accumulation — that they have to rank alongside slavery and apartheid as social evils.”

3. “As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest.”

4. “In this new century, millions of people in the world’s poorest countries remain imprisoned, enslaved and in chains. They are trapped in the prison of poverty. It is time to set them free.”

5. “Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the action of human beings.”

6. “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.

7. “While poverty persists, there is no true freedom.”

8. “Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation.”

If Nelson Mandela’s words have inspired you to create change, then join us in the fight against extreme poverty today!

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Poverty Persuasive Speech Sample

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

Published on 23 September 2024

Poverty is a horrifying reality that has plagued the world for many decades. And no matter how much we all deny it, most of us have been very ignorant about this problem. So, a Poverty Persuasive Speech is a good way to draw people’s attention towards this concern and change their perspectives for good.

But to prepare such an emotionally charged speech that persuades the audience to contemplate this problem is definitely not a cakewalk. Therefore, we are here to provide you with worthy help. Today’s article will share worthwhile information that will help you prepare a compelling and impactful Poverty Persuasive Speech.

Also, we will share a sample of a well-structured and worded speech that will give you a good idea to construct your own speech.


So, if you are told to prepare and deliver a persuasive speech on poverty, check out this complete article to get some good insights.

Poverty Persuasive Speech

How to Construct a Memorable Poverty Persuasive Speech?

To construct a memorable Poverty Persuasive Speech, you must thoroughly research the topic. Dig out some shocking facts about the situation of Poverty in the world to profoundly impact the audience.

By giving true facts about the problem of Poverty to the audience, you will make them rethink the way they perceive it. Once your research is complete, prepare an outline for your Persuasive Speech on poverty. Give a proper structure to your thoughts and neatly write them down.

If you are finding it difficult to prepare an outline then you can check out the elaborate Poverty Persuasive Speech outline we have shared below in the article.

Tips for a Poverty Persuasive Speech

Grab the Attention of the Audience with a Powerful Introduction

In order to persuade the audience with your speech , you need to grab their attention from the beginning of the speech itself. An attention-getter is also necessary for your speech to set its tone. One of the easiest ways to get your audience’s attention is by sharing a perplexing statistic with them.

For example, you can start your speech with a sentence like “There are approximately 2.2 billion children in this world, and 1 billion of them are enduring the evil of poverty every day” .

This will provide the necessary hook to your persuasive speech on poverty and you will compel the audience to pay attention to the rest of your speech.

Give an Overview of the Situation of Poverty in the World

As you normally do in a persuasive speech, you establish your argument after getting the audience’s attention. So, for this, you must provide your audience with an overview of the world’s poverty situation.

Give them brief insights about the challenges millions of people face due to poverty. Share the horrifying numbers regarding poverty. This will neatly establish your argument, which you can expand on in the rest of the speech.

You must only share true facts and figures in this part of your poverty persuasive speech to establish your argument in a solid manner.

Share the Specifics of Current Efforts for Reducing Poverty

After telling the audience the horrifying facts and figures about the poverty situation, let them know the efforts being made to reduce it. Also, expand on your argument by addressing the fact that these efforts are far from enough actually to be effective.

This will propel the audience to make some effort to save the poverty situation from worsening. You can also applaud the current initiatives whose efforts you appreciate and encourage the audience to be a part of them.

Address the Need for Some More Worthy Solutions

Once you inform the audience about the current good initiatives that are helping reduce Poverty, you must also address that there is a need for additional worthy solutions for this problem. Moreover, if you have thought of a comprehensive and long-term solution, you can also share that with the audience.

Conclude Your Speech with a Call to Action

After establishing and expanding your arguments, it is time to wrap up the speech with an impactful conclusion. For this, you must summarize your main points in one or two sentences and ask the audience to take some serious sets to get rid of the problem of poverty.

To make this call to action more effective, you can also let the audience know what will happen if your speech does not persuade them. Finally, end your speech with a powerful takeaway sentence that lingers in the head of the audience even after the completion of the speech.

You can check out the following Poverty Persuasive Speech Sample for more insights into constructing your speech.

“More than 785 Million people in the world cannot access basic water services. The global rise in poverty in 2020 and 2021 was 150 million people. So many children die every day due to malnutrition. These numbers may sound unbelievably shocking for the 21st Century, but they are all true”.

Hello everyone, today I will talk about an issue we are all familiar with, yet our blissful ignorance towards it is horrifying. It pains my heart to realize that millions of people in this world cannot even fulfil their daily basic needs. Children are dying even before reaching adulthood, adults are unemployed , and old people are roaming around the streets begging for money and food.

I am not saying that our government and people are not making efforts to reduce poverty. There have been many initiatives and programs that provide financial assistance and shelter to the poor. But all these efforts provided the sufferer of poverty with only momentarily respite.

It is about time we start serious efforts to help needy people in the long term. I urge everyone here to make some worthy contributions individually to at least marginally reduce this worldwide concern.

Seeing the current situation of Poverty , it may seem impossible to get rid of it completely, but if we all make small efforts from our side, we can make a little difference at least. Otherwise, our people will continue suffering like this, and their coming generations will also face the same fate, and we will not be able to do anything about it.

Final Words

We hope our article provided you with adequate information to guide you in preparing your Poverty Persuasive Speech. If you have any queries, please let us know by commenting below. Plus, if you want to consume interesting content like this regularly, stay connected to us through the NVSHQ Homepage .

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Persuasive Speech About Helping The Homeless

  • Categories: Homelessness Poverty in America Social Justice

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