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La Stratégie de communication dans le business plan


Organiser et anticiper sont deux facteurs clés de succès pour une entreprise. En ce sens, développer une bonne stratégie de communication en fait partie que ce soit en interne ou en externe, celle-ci pourra permettre à l’entreprise d’avoir une meilleure visibilité, d’accroitre son chiffre d’affaire et souvent d’améliorer son image de manière globale.

Les 8 étapes suivantes vous permettront de construire une stratégie de communication gagnante dans votre business plan ou votre prévisionnel

Rappel : Le prévisionnel financier c’est la partie financière du business plan,  mais le prévisionnel n’est pas un business plan à lui tout seul, en savoir plus

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Mais avant toute chose, que signifie stratégie de communication ?

La stratégie de communication est un ensemble de process permettant la coordination d’un certain nombres d’actions visant à réaliser ses objectifs.

En définissant une stratégie de communication claire, vous aurez une vision globale sur les actions à réaliser, en-cours ou passées qui vous permettront d’en évaluer leur efficacité et par conséquent, de réajuster ou d’optimiser le budget relatif à celle-ci.

Plusieurs types de communication (institutionnelle, financière, interne, externe, produit, crise…) peuvent participer à la stratégie de communication, on appelle cela le mix communication.

Le mix communication est l’ensemble des moyens déployés pour transmettre votre message au public ciblé (consommateur, fournisseur, partenaire, salarié ou encore investisseur). Trois aspects sont à dissocier et à prendre en compte en adoptant une stratégie de mix communication : affectif, cognitif et conatif.

L’objectif affectif visera à faire aime, l’objectif cognitif à faire connaître et l’objectif conatif à faire agir.

Les 8 étapes clés pour réussir une bonne stratégie de communication

  • Définir les objectifs de sa stratégie de communication

Connaître la cible et l’appréhender

Qualifier son positionnement, caractériser sa communication.

  • Construire son budget

Sélectionner ses canaux de communication

Formuler le message à transmettre.

  • Etablir son plan de communication

Définir les objectifs de sa stratégie de communication dans le business plan

Suivant les objectifs que vous souhaitez atteindre, à savoir développer vos ventes, mettre en avant votre marque ou un produit ou encore améliorer votre visibilité sur les réseaux sociaux, il vous faudra les énumérés avec clarté et le plus précisément possible.

Pour vous assurer de la pertinence d’un objectif dans votre business plan , nous vous conseillons d’utilisez la méthode SMART. L’objectif doit être :

  • Spécifique (une action, un objectif clairement défini)
  • Mesurable (un objectif, un indicateur de résultat, l’objectif doit être quantifiable)
  • Atteignable (quelles sont les étapes à franchir ? Assurez vous des ressources à votre disposition)
  • Réaliste (quels sont les moyens pour y parvenir ? Assurez vous de sa pertinance)
  • Temporel ( un planning, une date, fixer une échéance dans le temps)

Pour que cette méthode soit efficace, vous devez être très précis dans l’initulé de votre/vos objectif(s).

Pour exemple, privilégiez «  gagner 3000 abonnés sur Twitter » à la place d’améliorer la visibilité sur les réseaux sociaux.

Identifier le public cible (clients, partenaires, collaborateurs…) avec exactitude vous permettra entre autre à définir des actions en adéquation avec leurs attentes.

Optimiser son budget est toujours un sujet que vous devez avoir en tête. Meilleure sera cette identification, meilleure sera votre optimisation!

Une fois votre cible connue, identifiée, vous devez la comprendre. Pour cette étape, vous devez recenser sexe, âge, profession, CSP, géographie, besoins, valeurs, médias utilisés… Plus vous aurez d’information sur votre cible, plus vous vous assurerez de la pertinence de votre stratégie de communication car vous serez en mesure de la personnifier.

La qualification ou définition de son positionnement est une étape cruciale dans la construction de votre stratégie de communication. Cette phase contribuera aux différentes prises de décisions pour une entreprise.

Il convient de mettre en évidence deux éléments bien distincts dans la définition de son positionnement :

  • La position que vous occupez pour vos consommateurs
  • La position que vous souhaitez occuper sur le marché

Dès lors que ces deux positions sont en adéquation, vous avez réussi à établir votre positionnement avec succès !

Pour bien définir ce positionnement, vous devrez être en mesure de connaître votre cible, vos concurrents et identifier votre marché.

Plus votre positionnement sera accessible et compréhensible rapidement, meilleur il sera. La simplicité dans ce cas de figure sera gage de pertinence.

Pour vous aider dans cette phase de définition de positionnement, nous vous conseillons d’utiliser la méthode SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats respectivements Forces, Faiblesses, Opportunités, Menaces).

Cette outil vous permettra ainsi d’analyser l’environnement auquel vous vous confronter. Il est de plus en plus demandé dans l’étude de marché  du business plan

Déterminer et employer un axe de communication en adéquation avec les valeurs de votre entreprise, vos objectifs, mais aussi et surtout avec votre cible est une étape fondamentale. C’est d’ailleurs votre cible qui déterminera en quelque sorte votre style. Le ton que vous allez adopter pour faire passer vos messages doit être en phase avec votre public. Vous devrez donc vous adapter à celui-ci. Il pourra être sérieux, enfantin, humoristique ou tout autre.

Vous devrez garder ce style de communication, ce « code de conduite » à chaque message transmis afin d’être reconnaissable rapidement par votre cible et vos clients et ce quelque soit le moyen de communication appliqué. Vous créerez alors un lien émotionnel.

Attention néanmoins à ne pas se focaliser uniquement sur la cible pour établir un style de communication. Les valeurs, la vision et les objectifs de votre entreprise sont tout aussi importants.

Pour compléter la définition de votre style de communication, vous pourrez également mettre en place une charte de graphique et une charte de communication.

Construire son budget de communication dans l’étude de marché

Etablir un budget est une phase fondamentale dans la définition de votre stratégie de communication. Planifier les dépenses en établissant un pan média vous permettra de mettre en avant les actions prioritaires et d’avoir une visibilité sur toutes vos actions dans le temps.

Afin d’établir un budget de communication réaliste, il faut respecter trois principes :

  • Dédier une partie de son chiffre d’affaire (en pourcentage)
  • Intégrer chaque action au budget de communication (création d’un site web, distribution de flyers, salons…)
  • Evaluer son ROI, Return On Investment (mesurer le retour sur investissement)

Vous allez consacrer un pourcentage de votre CA pour votre communication, ce montant sera intimement lié à la situation de votre entreprise, son secteur et la taille de son marché, sa cible ou son positionnement.

Vous listerez ensuite toutes les actions liées à votre communication et les échelonnerez dans le temps afin d’avoir un planning bien défini et une meilleure visibilité des actions. N’oubliez pas d’évaluer le temps passé au travail sur chacune de ces actions qui doit aussi être budgétisé.

Et enfin, vous évaluerez le retour sur investissement de vos actions c’est-à-dire que vous vous assurerez de la qualité et de la pertinence de vos actions en mesurant et analysant les résultats. Pour exemple via Google Analytics lorsqu’il s’agira de mesurer une action liée au Traffic sur votre site internet ou encore l’évolution du nombre d’abonnement, de like ou de follower sur un réseau social.

Le maître mot dans l’établissement d’un budget communication reste la cohérence !

Aujourd’hui, nombreux sont les moyens de communication : la communication média (télévision, presse, affichage, radio et cinéma) et la communication hors-média (qui répond aux objectifs conatifs vus précédemment tels que e-mailing, streetmarketing, jeux concours, sponsoring, foires et salons…).

Le choix d’un moyen de communication plutôt qu’un autre s’effectue notamment de par la cible visée. Par exemple, nous osons espérer que vous n’utiliserez pas Instagram en 2020 pour viser une population de personnes âgées ; cet outil de communication est aujourd’hui à privilégié pour les populations beaucoup plus jeunes. Il est par conséquent capital de connaître rigoureusement l’environnement de votre entreprise et de vos produits au sein de celui-ci.

Le choix d’un moyen de communication se fera également par rapport au budget que vous aurez prédéterminé. Tous les canaux de communications ont leurs différences et leurs tarifications peuvent varier du simple au double voire bien plus !

Que vous choisissiez un type de communication humoristique, sérieux et/ou professionnel, votre annonce doit être claire, concise et facilement interprétable. Un seul message ou image doit rester dans l’esprit de la cible visée. Il faut donc que votre message soit marquant.

Vous devrez rester sur la ligne de style de communication adoptée au préalable y compris concernant votre identité graphique (typographies, couleurs…) ce qui vous permettra d’être reconnaissable et remarquable du grand public.

Votre message doit pouvoir se distinguer de celui de vos concurrents, transmettre vos valeurs et bien évidement promouvoir votre produit, marque ou entreprise.

Etablir son plan de communication dans le business plan

Une fois les sept étapes précédentes effectuées, vous détenez maintenant les différentes données qui vont vous être utiles et nécessaires à l’établissement de votre plan de communication dans votre business plan .

Ce plan de communication représentera les différentes actions et à mener sous forme de planning avec une périodicité à respecter pour chacune d’entre elle.

Ce document a aussi pour but de faciliter la communication entre les différents acteurs participants à la stratégie de communication et leur coordination.

Il doit comporter :

  • L’objectif à accomplir
  • Le canal de communication adopté
  • La périodicité
  • Les ressources
  • La portée, le résultat de l’action

Vous avez maintenant toutes les clés pour établir une bonne stratégie de communication. Il faut néanmoins rester vigilant sur les bonnes pratiques de communication en y apportant les bons reflexes ou gestes.

Gardez alors toujours en têtes les principes suivants :

  • Se construire une bonne réputation (et la surveiller)
  • Etre réactif
  • Prendre des risques, soyez original !
  • S’informer régulièrement sur les dernières tendances
  • Utiliser la publicité sur les réseaux sociaux
  • Ne pas oublier la communication interne

Enfin, soyez à l’écoute de feedbacks. Négatifs ou positifs, ils vous aideront à réajuster votre stratégie de communication pour le futur.

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Vous voulez un business plan et un prévisionnel PRO !

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Tarifs raisonnables

  • Auto-Entrepreneur
  • Création SARL
  • Création SAS
  • Création EURL
  • Création SASU
  • Création établissement
  • Changement de Président SAS SASU
  • Changement de gérant SARL EURL
  • Changement nom de société
  • Changement nom commercial
  • Changement d’objet social
  • Transfert de siège social
  • Transfert ou fermeture établissement
  • Modification date de clôture
  • Cession des parts SARL EURL
  • Cession d’actions SAS SASU
  • Augmentation du capital
  • Perte de la moitié du capital social
  • Mise en sommeil et reprise activité
  • Dissolution et liquidation
  • Business plan et prévisionnel
  • Site internet
  • Fiches pratiques

Digital + Events + Branding

  • We are LA Communications.

We’re here to elevate your digital footprint with strategy and creative that work for your business. Our team will develop a unique plan to ensure your social media presence is felt. Focused on data and conversions our team will deliver quantifiable results.

  • We are digital.
  • We are events.
  • We are branding.

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We are LA Communications

Digital media management.

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What we offer

Social media management, strategy development and execution, general analysis and marketing integration, management of day to day activity.

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Photo And Video

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Traditional Advertising

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Guerilla Marketing

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Social Media Strategy Content Creation Platform Management Community Management Analytics & Reporting

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Content Production

Creative/Art Direction Photography Graphic Design Video

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Digital Marketing

Marketing Strategy Email Marketing Paid advertising SEO Website Management

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Experiential Marketing

Strategic Partnerships  Influencer Marketing  Events & Conferences   Collaborations

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Digital + Events + Branding

We are a boutique creative communications agency specializing in social media management and events.  We’re here to elevate your digital footprint with strategy and creative that work for your business.  Focused on increasing engagement rates based on compelling story telling through imagery and content creation, we amplify your brand’s message online while maintaining a cohesive feel across all platforms.

Our team will develop a unique plan to ensure your social media presence is felt. Focused on data and conversions our team will deliver quantifiable results. 

We thrive on bringing experiential marketing to life and delivering your vision in inventive and unconventional ways. It’s not enough to follow industry trends, we stay ahead of them by learning about your brand and giving it a unique voice.

Whether its social media management, strategic planning, innovative branding, or events to grow your business. 

We are here to help you.

Our CMO & Founder

Whether she’s lending a helping hand or generating buzz as a marketing maven, you can always count on Luisaura Alvarez to serve. She is our Founder and CMO,  marketing and branding is where she excels at bringing her clients’ visions to life in the digital space.

Luisaura is passionate about mentorship and serving the community by empowering today’s youth to share their voices and influence change. She was recognized by the City of Coral Gables Chamber as a finalist at the 2023 Equitable Advisors Businesswoman of the Year Awards as an Outstanding Philanthropist. She volunteers at Camillus House, His House Children’s Home, and Ronald McDonald House. Luisaura served as Youth Ambassador Committee Chair for the Junior Orange Bowl for 7 years, she sat on the Board of Directors as Secretary.

Popsugar Article: How This Latina Small-Business Owner’s Family and Heritage Inspired Her ‘Fighting Spirit’

Hello Frances Podcast

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Scope Of Work

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Platform Specifics

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Build a personal connection with fans using tailored alresponses, in unison with creation of compelling content to generate post engagement and increase page likes.

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Adapting your brand's message to a conversational tone so that users feel engaged with every interaction.

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Creation of posts and stories that maintain your brand's aesthetic while bringing it to life in an engaging wa

Our Clients

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Réussissez le business plan de votre agence de communication grâce à cet exemple gratuit

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Nos experts ont réalisé un pack complet pour une agence de communication , modifiable.

Vous êtes passionné par le monde de la communication et envisagez de lancer votre propre agence ? Vous êtes au bon endroit.

Dans cet article, nous vous proposons un guide gratuit pour élaborer un business plan sur mesure pour une agence de communication.

Un business plan rigoureux est essentiel pour tout entrepreneur ambitieux. Il sert de feuille de route, détaillant votre vision, vos objectifs et la stratégie à adopter pour faire prospérer votre entreprise dans un secteur compétitif.

Pour démarrer sur des bases solides et gagner du temps, découvrez notre modèle de business plan pour une agence de communication. Nos spécialistes sont également à votre disposition pour le réviser et vous offrir leurs conseils avisés sans frais.

Si vous souhaitez mettre toutes les chances de votre côté, sachez que nous avons également un pack complet pour agence de communication , contenant un business plan, un prévisionnel financier, une étude de marché et un executive summary.

Comment réussir le business plan de votre agence de communication?

Un bon business plan pour une agence de communication doit refléter les spécificités de ce secteur dynamique et en constante évolution.

Pour commencer, il est crucial de présenter une vue d'ensemble claire du marché de la communication et du marketing. Il faut fournir des statistiques à jour et également identifier les tendances émergentes du secteur, comme nous l’avons fait dans le modèle de business plan pour une agence de communication .

Ensuite, il est important de décrire votre projet de manière persuasive. Cela inclut votre vision, l'identification de votre marché cible (par exemple, petites et moyennes entreprises, grandes corporations, secteur public), et le positionnement unique de votre agence (créative, axée sur le digital, spécialisée dans un certain type de média, etc.).

La section suivante devrait se concentrer sur l'analyse de marché. Cela implique une étude approfondie de la concurrence, des tendances du marketing et de la communication, et des besoins spécifiques des clients.

En tant qu'agence de communication, une attention particulière doit être accordée aux services que vous proposez.

Détaillez vos offres - relations publiques, publicité, marketing digital, création de contenu, stratégie de marque - et expliquez comment elles répondent aux exigences de votre clientèle cible.

Le plan opérationnel est également essentiel. Il doit inclure l'emplacement de votre agence, la structure de votre équipe, les outils et technologies utilisés pour la création et la distribution de contenu, et les partenariats stratégiques.

Pour une agence de communication, il est important de souligner la créativité, l'expertise technique, et la capacité à mesurer l'efficacité des campagnes.

Ensuite, abordez votre stratégie marketing et de vente. Comment allez-vous attirer et fidéliser les clients ? Pensez aux méthodes de promotion de vos services, à la construction de relations durables avec les clients, et aux stratégies de networking.

Les stratégies numériques, telles qu'un site web optimisé pour le référencement ou une présence active sur les réseaux sociaux, sont cruciales pour une agence de communication moderne.

La structure financière est un autre élément clé. Cela comprend le budget de démarrage, les prévisions de revenus, les coûts opérationnels, et le seuil de rentabilité.

Dans une agence de communication, la gestion efficace des ressources et la capacité à s'adapter rapidement aux changements du marché sont essentielles, il est donc important de planifier avec soin et de comprendre vos chiffres. Pour cela, vous pouvez utiliser notre prévisionnel financier pour une agence de communication .

Concernant les différences par rapport à d'autres business plans, une agence de communication doit mettre l'accent sur l'innovation, la capacité à suivre les évolutions technologiques, et l'importance d'une marque forte et d'une réputation solide.

Un business plan bien conçu aidera le porteur de projet non seulement à clarifier sa vision et ses stratégies, mais aussi à attirer des investisseurs ou obtenir des financements.

Les prêteurs et investisseurs cherchent à voir une analyse de marché robuste, une planification financière réaliste, et une compréhension claire de la gestion quotidienne d'une agence de communication.

En présentant un plan détaillé et bien fondé, vous démontrez votre crédibilité et votre engagement envers le succès de votre entreprise.

Si vous souhaitez atteindre ces objectifs tout en économisant du temps, complétez simplement notre modèle de business plan pour une agence de communication .

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Un exemple de business plan pour une agence de communication

Nous proposons ici un exemple succinct et illustratif de business plan pour une agence de communication créative.

Cet exemple vise à offrir un aperçu des composants essentiels d'un business plan. Il convient de noter que cette version est uniquement résumée. En l'état, ce business plan n'est pas suffisamment élaboré pour soutenir une stratégie de rentabilité ou convaincre une banque d'accorder un financement.

Pour être efficace, le business plan devrait être nettement plus approfondi, incluant des données de marché à jour, des arguments plus persuasifs, une étude de marché approfondie, un plan d'action triennal, ainsi que des tableaux financiers détaillés, tels qu'un compte de résultat prévisionnel, un bilan prévisionnel, un budget de trésorerie, et une analyse du seuil de rentabilité.

Tous ces éléments ont bien été inclus par nos experts dans le modèle de business plan qu’ils ont conçu pour une agence de communication .

Ici, nous reprenons la même structure que dans notre modèle.

Opportunité de marché

Chiffres et données de marché.

Le secteur de la communication et du marketing est un domaine dynamique, caractérisé par une évolution rapide et des chiffres impressionnants.

Le marché mondial de la publicité et de la communication est estimé à plusieurs centaines de milliards de dollars, avec une croissance soutenue par la digitalisation des entreprises et l'augmentation des investissements en publicité numérique.

En France, le secteur de la communication représente une part importante de l'économie avec des milliers d'agences spécialisées, allant des petites structures indépendantes aux grands groupes internationaux.

Ces données soulignent l'importance stratégique de la communication pour les entreprises de toutes tailles et la nécessité d'une approche professionnelle et créative pour se démarquer.

Les tendances actuelles dans le secteur de la communication montrent une nette préférence pour le numérique, avec une augmentation constante de la publicité en ligne par rapport aux médias traditionnels.

La personnalisation des messages et l'utilisation de données pour cibler précisément les audiences sont devenues des pratiques courantes, grâce à l'avancée des technologies de big data et d'intelligence artificielle.

Les réseaux sociaux continuent de jouer un rôle central dans les stratégies de communication, avec l'émergence de nouveaux formats comme les stories et les vidéos courtes.

La responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) et le marketing éthique gagnent en importance, les consommateurs étant de plus en plus attentifs aux valeurs et à l'impact des marques.

Enfin, l'interactivité et l'expérience utilisateur sont au cœur des préoccupations, avec le développement de campagnes immersives et l'utilisation de la réalité augmentée ou virtuelle.

Ces tendances illustrent la manière dont les agences de communication doivent innover et s'adapter pour répondre aux attentes changeantes des clients et aux nouvelles possibilités offertes par la technologie.

Facteurs de succès

Les facteurs de succès d'une agence de communication résident dans plusieurs éléments clés.

La créativité et l'originalité des campagnes sont cruciales pour captiver l'attention du public et se démarquer dans un marché saturé.

La capacité à intégrer les dernières technologies et tendances numériques est également essentielle pour offrir des solutions innovantes et efficaces.

Un réseau solide et des partenariats stratégiques peuvent grandement contribuer au succès en offrant une plus grande portée et des ressources supplémentaires.

La compréhension approfondie des besoins et des objectifs des clients permet de fournir des services personnalisés et de construire des relations durables.

Enfin, une gestion efficace des projets et une communication transparente avec les clients sont indispensables pour assurer la satisfaction et la fidélité de la clientèle.

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Présentation du projet

Notre agence de communication vise à fournir des solutions créatives et stratégiques pour les entreprises cherchant à améliorer leur visibilité et à renforcer leur marque dans un marché concurrentiel.

Située au cœur d'un centre d'affaires dynamique, notre agence offrira une gamme complète de services de communication, incluant le marketing digital, les relations publiques, la création de contenu, le branding et la publicité.

Nous mettrons l'accent sur l'innovation, la pertinence et l'impact des campagnes pour garantir une communication efficace et ciblée.

Notre agence aspire à devenir un partenaire incontournable pour les entreprises de toutes tailles, en les aidant à se démarquer et à atteindre leurs objectifs de communication et de marketing.

Proposition de valeur

La proposition de valeur de notre agence de communication repose sur la création de stratégies sur mesure qui s'alignent avec les objectifs spécifiques de nos clients.

Notre engagement envers la créativité, l'efficacité et l'adaptabilité offre une valeur ajoutée significative, tout en contribuant au succès et à la croissance de nos clients.

Nous nous engageons à établir des relations de confiance et de transparence avec nos clients, et nous visons à devenir un prolongement de leur équipe en offrant un soutien continu et des conseils experts.

Notre agence aspire à être un catalyseur de changement positif pour les marques, en les aidant à naviguer dans le paysage médiatique complexe et en maximisant leur retour sur investissement.

Le porteur de projet

Le porteur de projet est un professionnel aguerri de la communication avec une vision stratégique et créative.

Avec une solide expérience dans le domaine de la communication et du marketing, ainsi qu'une compréhension approfondie des tendances actuelles, il est déterminé à créer une agence qui se distingue par son approche innovante et ses résultats mesurables.

Animé par une passion pour la communication et un désir d'apporter une valeur ajoutée aux entreprises, il est résolu à offrir des services de haute qualité qui répondent aux défis uniques de chaque client.

Son engagement envers l'excellence et sa capacité à anticiper les besoins du marché font de lui le leader idéal pour ce projet, visant à propulser les marques vers de nouveaux sommets de reconnaissance et de succès.

L'étude de marché

Les segments de marché.

Les segments de marché pour une agence de communication se divisent en plusieurs catégories.

Tout d'abord, il y a les entreprises de toutes tailles, des startups aux multinationales, qui ont besoin de services de communication pour promouvoir leur marque, leurs produits ou leurs services.

Ensuite, il y a les organisations non gouvernementales et les associations qui cherchent à sensibiliser le public à leurs causes et à mobiliser des soutiens.

Le marché comprend également les institutions publiques et les collectivités qui souhaitent améliorer leur communication avec les citoyens et promouvoir des initiatives locales.

Enfin, les entrepreneurs individuels et les professionnels libéraux constituent un segment important, car ils ont souvent besoin d'une aide spécialisée pour établir leur présence en ligne et gérer leur réputation.

Une analyse SWOT de ce projet d'agence de communication révèle plusieurs aspects.

Les forces comprennent une expertise en stratégie de communication, en marketing digital et en relations publiques, ainsi qu'une capacité à s'adapter rapidement aux tendances du marché.

Les faiblesses pourraient inclure une forte concurrence dans le secteur de la communication et la nécessité d'une veille constante pour rester à la pointe de la technologie et des méthodes de communication.

Les opportunités résident dans l'expansion de la clientèle grâce à l'offre de services innovants, comme le marketing d'influence ou le storytelling, ainsi que dans le développement de partenariats stratégiques.

Enfin, les menaces pourraient inclure l'évolution rapide des algorithmes des plateformes de médias sociaux et les changements dans les réglementations de la publicité et de la protection des données.

L’analyse des concurrents

L'analyse des concurrents dans le secteur de la communication révèle une compétition dynamique.

Parmi les concurrents directs, on trouve d'autres agences de communication offrant des services similaires, ainsi que des consultants indépendants et des agences spécialisées dans des niches spécifiques.

Ces acteurs rivalisent pour attirer une clientèle diversifiée, en quête de créativité et d'efficacité.

Les avantages compétitifs potentiels incluent la créativité des campagnes, la qualité du service client, la maîtrise des outils numériques, ainsi que la capacité à fournir des résultats mesurables.

Une compréhension approfondie des forces et faiblesses des concurrents est essentielle pour élaborer des stratégies efficaces de différenciation et de fidélisation de la clientèle.

Les avantages concurrentiels

Notre agence de communication se distingue par son approche créative et stratégique dans la conception de campagnes de communication.

Nous offrons des solutions personnalisées qui répondent précisément aux besoins de nos clients, en utilisant les dernières technologies et tendances en matière de marketing digital.

De plus, notre engagement envers la transparence et l'analyse de performance nous permet de construire des relations de confiance avec nos clients et de démontrer l'efficacité de nos actions.

Nous sommes fiers de notre capacité à innover et à nous adapter rapidement, ce qui nous permet de toujours offrir des solutions à la pointe de l'industrie de la communication.

agence de communication plan d

La stratégie

Le plan de développement.

Notre plan de développement sur trois ans pour l'agence de communication est ambitieux et adapté aux défis du marché actuel.

Durant la première année, nous nous attacherons à construire une base solide de clients locaux en offrant des services de communication innovants et personnalisés.

La deuxième année, nous prévoyons d'étendre nos services à l'international en exploitant les outils numériques et en établissant des partenariats stratégiques avec des agences étrangères.

La troisième année sera consacrée à l'élargissement de notre offre avec des solutions de communication intégrées, incluant le marketing digital, les relations publiques et la publicité créative.

Nous resterons fidèles à nos valeurs de créativité, de réactivité et d'excellence pour répondre aux besoins évolutifs de nos clients et renforcer notre position sur le marché.

Le Business Model Canvas

Le Business Model Canvas de notre agence de communication cible les entreprises cherchant à améliorer leur visibilité et leur image de marque.

Notre proposition de valeur repose sur une approche créative et stratégique, personnalisée selon les besoins spécifiques de chaque client.

Nos services sont proposés à travers divers canaux, tels que des consultations en personne, des plateformes en ligne et des webinaires.

Les activités clés incluent la conception de campagnes de communication, la gestion de la réputation en ligne et l'analyse des données de marché.

Nos revenus proviennent des honoraires de consultation, des contrats de service et des campagnes publicitaires, tandis que nos coûts sont liés principalement à la main-d'œuvre qualifiée et aux technologies de pointe.

Retrouvez un vrai Business Model Canvas complété et modifiable dans notre modèle de business plan .

La stratégie marketing

Notre stratégie marketing est centrée sur la création de valeur et la différenciation.

Nous visons à établir une présence forte sur le marché en mettant en avant notre expertise et notre capacité à générer des résultats mesurables pour nos clients. Nous utiliserons des études de cas, des témoignages et des démonstrations de réussite pour convaincre de nouveaux clients.

Nous envisageons également de nouer des partenariats avec des influenceurs et des leaders d'opinion pour accroître notre visibilité.

Les médias sociaux, le content marketing et les événements de networking seront au cœur de notre stratégie pour atteindre et engager notre public cible.

La politique de risque

Notre politique de risque est conçue pour minimiser les risques associés à l'évolution rapide du secteur de la communication.

Nous nous engageons à rester à jour avec les dernières tendances et technologies pour éviter l'obsolescence. Nous investissons dans la formation continue de notre équipe pour maintenir un haut niveau de compétence.

Nous pratiquons une gestion financière prudente pour assurer la stabilité de l'agence et nous avons des plans de contingence pour faire face aux changements soudains du marché.

En outre, nous avons des assurances professionnelles pour couvrir les risques liés à notre activité de conseil.

Pourquoi notre projet est viable

Nous avons pour vision de devenir une agence de communication de référence, capable de répondre aux besoins complexes et diversifiés des entreprises modernes.

Avec notre engagement envers l'innovation, la stratégie personnalisée et la qualité de service, nous sommes confiants dans notre capacité à prospérer dans cet environnement concurrentiel.

Nous sommes passionnés par l'impact positif que notre travail peut avoir sur la réussite de nos clients et sommes déterminés à nous adapter et à évoluer pour atteindre nos objectifs.

Nous sommes impatients de voir notre agence de communication se développer et devenir un acteur clé du secteur.

Le prévisionnel financier

Bien entendu, le texte présenté ci dessous est largement insuffisant pour servir d’analyse financière solide et crédible face à une banque ou à un investisseur potentiel. Ces derniers attendent des chiffres précis, des tableaux financiers et des graphiques prouvant la rentabilité de votre projet.

Tous ces éléments existent bien dans notre modèle de business plan pour une agence de communication et notre prévisionnel financier pour une agence de communication .

Les dépenses de départ pour notre agence de communication incluent l'acquisition d'équipements technologiques de pointe, la conception et l'aménagement de nos bureaux pour créer un environnement de travail stimulant, l'achat de logiciels spécialisés pour la gestion de projets et la création de contenu, la formation continue de notre équipe pour rester à la pointe des tendances en communication, ainsi que les coûts liés à l'établissement de notre identité de marque et au déploiement de stratégies de marketing digital pour atteindre notre public cible.

Nos hypothèses de revenu sont basées sur une évaluation approfondie du marché local et régional en matière de services de communication, en prenant en compte la demande croissante pour des solutions de marketing intégrées et personnalisées.

Nous anticipons une augmentation graduelle des ventes, en commençant par une clientèle de base et en élargissant notre portefeuille clients à mesure que la réputation de notre agence de communication se renforce.

Le compte de résultat prévisionnel présente les recettes attendues de nos services de communication, les coûts de production (création de contenu, main-d'œuvre, licences logicielles), ainsi que les charges d'exploitation (loyer, marketing, salaires, etc.).

Il en résulte un bénéfice net prévu qui est essentiel pour juger de la rentabilité de notre agence au fil du temps.

Le bilan prévisionnel illustre les actifs spécifiques à notre agence, tels que le matériel informatique, les logiciels, et les stocks de créations en cours, ainsi que les passifs, y compris les emprunts et les dépenses à venir.

Il indique la santé financière globale de notre agence de communication à la fin de chaque exercice.

Notre budget de trésorerie prévisionnel détaille les entrées et sorties de fonds, nous permettant d'anticiper nos besoins en liquidités à tout moment. Cela est crucial pour une gestion financière efficace et pour éviter les problèmes de flux de trésorerie.

Le plan de financement prévisionnel énumère les sources de financement que nous envisageons d'utiliser pour supporter nos dépenses initiales.

Le besoin en fonds de roulement pour notre agence sera suivi de près pour garantir que nous disposons des ressources nécessaires pour financer nos opérations courantes, y compris l'achat de logiciels, la gestion des projets et le paiement des salaires.

Le seuil de rentabilité pour notre agence est le volume d'affaires nécessaire pour couvrir tous nos coûts, y compris les dépenses initiales, et commencer à générer des profits.

Il nous indiquera le moment où notre entreprise deviendra rentable.

Les indicateurs de performance que nous suivrons incluront le taux de marge bénéficiaire sur nos services, le ratio de liquidité pour évaluer notre capacité à répondre à nos obligations financières à court terme et le retour sur investissement pour mesurer l'efficacité de notre capital investi dans l'agence.

Ces indicateurs nous aideront à mesurer la santé financière et le succès global de notre agence de communication.

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur les éléments financiers liés à cette activité, vous pouvez également lire notre article sur la rentabilité financière d'une agence de communication .

Cet article est uniquement à titre informatif et ne doit pas être considéré comme un conseil financier. Les lecteurs sont invités à consulter un professionnel qualifié avant de prendre des décisions en matière d'investissement. Nous n'assumons aucune responsabilité pour les actions entreprises en se basant sur les informations fournies.

  • le choix d'une sélection entraîne une actualisation complète de la page

la communication business plan

Due to recent expansions in US sanctions against Russia and Belarus as well as existing country-level sanctions in Iran, North Korea, Syria, Cuba, and the Crimea region (each a “sanctioned country”), Zapier will no longer be able to provide services in any sanctioned country starting September 12, 2024. These sanctions prohibit US companies from offering certain IT and enterprise software services in a sanctioned region.

Starting September 12, 2024, Zapier customers will no longer be able to access Zapier services from a sanctioned country. We understand this may be inconvenient and appreciate your understanding as we navigate these regulatory requirements.

la communication business plan

How to Write an Effective Communication Plan [+ Template]

Kayla Carmicheal

Updated: June 05, 2024

Published: September 17, 2019

Guess what’s common among the top organizations like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon? An effective communication plan.

service leader builds an effective communication plan

Be it the content strategy, a product launch, a campaign announcement, or a customer escalation, a robust communication strategy holds every part of your organization firmly.

A survey by The State of Business Communication revealed that 72% of business leaders credit effective communication for their team’s productivity.

Without an organized communication plan, even the strongest strategies can fall apart, breaking your business. Writing an effective communication plan isn’t a tedious process if you have pre-made internal communication plan templates in place.

In this post, you’ll learn how to create an effective communication plan that prepares you and your company for any situation — and I’ll provide some templates to help you in the process.

Table of Contents

What is a communication plan?

How to write a communication plan, communication plan templates.

A communication plan enables you to effectively deliver information to appropriate stakeholders. The plan will identify the messages you need to promote, to whom you're targeting those messages, and on which channel(s). communication plans can be used in times of crises, but they are also used when pitching new initiatives or launching new products.

A descriptive business communication plan answers the where, why, and how of your campaigns. From product launch to advertising, running social media promotions, or addressing a crisis, a communication strategy details the messages to deliver, to which audiences, and through which channel.

For instance, if I were to create a communication plan for a data breach crisis in an IT company, I’d need to create an immediate crisis plan to communicate with the crisis team. The plan will outline the goals, stakeholders’ comments, plan of action, communication medium, and due date.

la communication business plan

Crisis Communication and Management Kit

Manage, plan for, and communicate during your corporate crises with these crisis management plan templates.

  • Free Crisis Management Plan Template
  • 12 Crisis Communication Templates
  • Post-Crisis Performance Grading Template
  • Additional Crisis Best Management Practices

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Click this link to access this resource at any time.

It’s also important to name the person or a team responsible for the specific issues and include the customer problems within.

In my opinion, it’s impractical to use one type of communication template for various communication types. A social media communication plan, for example, will have the key components as campaign objectives, communication channel, frequency, audience type, and date of posts.

For the same organization, a product launch template will have a different layout — consisting of product launch type, deliverables for clients, leads, stakeholders, and social media. This also requires a public relation, so you’ll need a tab for covering the media news.

I’d also consider different formats for different communication plans. While a social media or a product launch communication plan looks more organized in the table format, a strategic communication plan is understandable in a horizontal text format.

Need a free, easy-to-use communication plan template? HubSpot has 12. Check out this toolkit for everything you need to build your own.

This is part of a template offered in the toolkit. For this particular template, the organization is separated into phases, a description of that phase, and who needs to complete that action.

Download These Templates for Free

Now that we’ve gone over how a communication plan can be helpful, let’s learn how to write one that will be effective.

  • Use pre-built communication plan templates.
  • Conduct an audit of your current communication materials.
  • Set SMART goals for your communication plan based on the results from your audit.
  • Identify the audience to whom you plan to deliver your communication plan.
  • Outline and write your plan, keeping your audiences in mind.
  • Determine the channel(s) on which you need to deliver your messages.
  • Decide which team members are responsible for delivering the message.
  • Estimate a timeline for how long each step should take.
  • Measure the results of your plan after presenting to stakeholders, and determine successes and areas for improvement.

1. Use pre-built communication plan templates.

If I had to write a communication plan for a social media campaign, a crisis management message, or a public relations campaign, I would consider using different layouts for each.

For each of these communication plans, it is essential to stay consistent with the structure and layout. There are a multitude of communication plan apps and tools to write effective communication and automate the plans — but that comes with a catch.

The tools can’t be a suitable pick for large teams with a multitude of objectives and goals. Also, the technicalities within these tools aren’t suitable for every team member or manager at various levels.

Instead, the pre-built templates can be a good starting point for writing an effective communication plan. These templates can be downloaded in various formats — Excel, Word, PDF, or any editable format.

From time tracking to goal planning, from conducting regular meetings to complying with regulations, the business templates can be a great time-saver for large project teams.

These business templates by HubSpot , for example, offer free downloadable templates for various communication plan types — action plans, annual reports, business proposals, business cases, etc.

2. Conduct an audit of your current communication materials.

Renowned U.S. retailer John Wannamaker once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted and the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

If you’re sailing on the same boat, you might need a thorough communication audit. A communication audit analyzes the current communication material and provides relevant data and insights on future plans.

For example, I’d need to perform an audit on brand messaging, intended effects, and product progress before starting a product launch communication plan.

The audit will help me identify the major gaps in the marketing materials and a topic that is discussed but aligns well with the new product. Hence, the communication audit upfront will let me know what to include in the communication plan.

To conduct an audit, you’ll need to carefully gather and interpret data on your current marketing plan performance and build a path forward based on those results.

It is also imperative to host focus groups or send surveys to the audiences to find gaps in the current communication materials.

Of course, you’ll want to have the goal of your communication plan in mind when conducting an audit.

For instance, if you’re launching a new email marketing tool and you notice you’re lacking content on Google Ads, this might not be relevant information for your communication plan.

However, if you’re missing content on email marketing best practices, that’s important information you can use to tailor your communication plan appropriately.

The following template considers the five Ms for a successful communication audit. The top leadership and the head of the project can leverage elements to understand the current communication scenario.

writing effective communication plan, conducting communication audit

This example from Smartsheet is a nine-step roadmap that includes space for a mission statement, executive summary, situation analysis, key messages, and more.

The key components of this three-page communication template are:

  • Executive summary.
  • Target audience.
  • List of stakeholders.
  • Communication medium.
  • Competitive analysis like SMART goals.
  • Budget plans.
  • Situation analysis, including the PESTLE and SWOT analysis.

Documenting details like PESTLE analysis and SWOT analysis will give your internal stakeholders a clear picture.

What I like: I like this template because of its comprehensive communication elements such as key messages, tools, and tactics for communication, budget, and a milestone chart. This chart lists all the tasks, the owner, and due date, which brings transparency to the communication.

6 . Crisis Communication Plan Template

This communication checklist below, by Prezly , gives a great overview of the details of a crisis plan from beginning to end. It can be used as an effective guide when drafting a crisis management strategy.

A crisis communication plan lays out the actions that you need to take before an unlikely event. These actions include scrutiny and legal issues, compliance with regulations, and the necessary escape.

The template also includes the representative who should be a spokesperson for this crisis with additional resources such as press releases or announcements on social media or email.

The template stands out for its simplicity and accessibility in the Excel format, making it customizable. This Prezly crisis template has tabs that segment different phases of crisis: pre-crisis, live crisis, and post-crisis.

la communication business plan

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Manage, plan for, and communicate during a corporate crisis.

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15 Communication Plan Templates for Professional Use (2024)

15 Communication Plan Templates for Professional Use (2024)

Written by: Orana Velarde

la communication business plan

Communication plans can help you deliver information timely and effectively to stakeholders in various situations — from a PR crisis to a new product launch. They are excellent tools to share with your team and prepare them to communicate properly in any given situation.

If you're intimidated by the idea of creating a communication plan from scratch, it's okay. You can simply use a pre-designed communication plan template to speed up the process.

We've put together a list of 15 professional communication plan examples for various use cases.

The best part?

You can edit these communication plan templates online and download them or share them with your team.

Here's a short selection of easy-to-edit Communication plan templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more below:

la communication business plan

Just choose the category from the list below that best describes your needs and start designing a successful communication strategy.

15 Communication Plan Templates for Professionals

Template #1: strategic communication plan, template #2: crisis communication plan, template #3: it communication plan, template #4: project management communication plan, template #5: internal communication plan, template #6: event communication plan, template #7: simple communication plan, template #8: change management communication plan, template #9: stakeholder communication plan, template #10: donor communication plan, template #11: school communication plan, template #12: emergency communication plan, template #13: marketing communication plan, template #14: product launch communication plan, template #15: diversity and inclusion communication plan, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Before you start scrolling, here’s a video on how to create attractive documents with Visme to get your creative juices flowing.

Strategic communication plans are essential documents that corporations, organizations and companies use to maintain stable and constant communication with their audiences. Below is an example of a communication plan template you can use to streamline communication.

la communication business plan

This sleek strategic communication plan uses contrasting desaturation with bright colors to bring attention to the content. The placeholder sections in the table of contents include:

  • Executive Summary
  • Situational Analysis
  • Demographics

Adding your content is easy as all you have to do is copy and paste into the template and adjust as needed. If you want to add pages with a type of graph or more text content, just duplicate a page. Use the same colors as the rest of the design to have a balanced look and feel.

And if you’re short on time, you can use the Visme AI document generator to generate your communication plans or any other document in a matter of seconds. Just type in your prompt, provide a bit more context, select your preferred design and watch the tool produce your first draft in seconds.

Check out how the AI document generator tool works.

Every startup, company or enterprise is bound to have a moment of crisis to deal with. It could be an unhappy customer or a global pandemic. For that reason, you need a crisis communication plan to specify actionable practices in any crisis.

la communication business plan

Create your own Communication Plan with this easy-to-edit template! Edit and Download

With crisis communication plan templates like this one, all involved parties have access to the necessary information. Our designers have put together a collection of pages and sections to get you started, including:

  • Crisis Communication Policy
  • Crisis Command Center Team
  • CCC Activation Hierarchy
  • Media Liaison

To personalize your brand’s communication plan, simply change the colors and fonts using your Brand Kit . If you need more pages for more key messaging sections, it’s easy to duplicate the pre-designed pages and add your content.

You’ll need to adjust the layout a bit, so the pages don’t look the same. Change the image background for another and customize the text boxes and icons to match your content.

Here’s another great example of a communication plan. Share your project ideas and future goals effectively with our easy-to-use IT communication plan template. It's designed to help you choose the right communication channels and strategies for your IT projects.

IT Communication Plan

The communication template has a bold dark and red design theme that sets a powerful visual tone. With eye-catching visuals and straightforward layouts, this template makes it simple to present your project proposals, timelines, and resource allocation.

Collaborating with your team becomes a seamless experience, ensuring that your message is conveyed accurately and efficiently to all stakeholders.

Upgrade your project communication with this attention-grabbing dark and red-themed IT communication plan template, and make a lasting impression while conveying your ideas and goals with impact.

Is your team working on a project together and you need to keep everything in check and on track? Are you looking for a way to let everyone know what needs to be done and when?

This project management communication plan sample is just what you need as the basis of your action plan.

la communication business plan

Be clear and direct about what needs to be done, by whom and when. Putting it all in this project management communication framework template is going to create transparency within your team.

Your job as a project manager is to make sure everything is taken care of correctly and on time. When you use project communication plan templates like this one, your success rates go up.

Use the table of contents in this project management plan to outline all necessary information and key messaging. Explain how and when deliverables are to be expected and who are the key stakeholders in the process.

Link to collaboration channels and give instructions on how to use them best. Give instructions on how to name files and where everything is stored in the cloud.Use the Visme workflow tool to assign and manage each task, set deadlines and review and approve projects—all within your workspace.

Working on a project together takes careful planning. A project manager needs to ensure that everyone knows what’s expected of them and who to contact about different things. That's where an internal communication strategy comes in play.

This internal communications strategy template is just what you need to keep the team on track.

la communication business plan

Our professionally designed internal communication plan is easy to use and customize with your content. The sections are separated as follows:

  • Stakeholders
  • Implementation
  • Team Involved

If you plan to share your communication plan as a digital PDF, add links to the respective pages. This way, the reader can navigate to their desired content from the table of contents .

Use the timeline feature in the implementation section to visually schedule the tasks for the project. If you need to make the timeline longer, simply duplicate the page. Customize the colors and fonts for your brand using your Brand Kit.

Simplify the process of planning, organizing, and executing your events with our outstanding event communication plan template.

This complete communication strategy template comes equipped with step-by-step instructions, enabling you to seamlessly coordinate crucial event particulars, create detailed timelines, and ensure your guests are well-informed, all within a single platform.

Event Communication Plan

Featuring captivating visuals, contemporary fonts, and customizable color schemes, this template not only enhances the functionality of your event communication plan. The rich blend of serene blues, pristine whites, and vibrant pinks also adds an aesthetic touch that will leave a lasting impression.

Add flipbook effects so readers can interact with the document as if they are reading a book. Make event planning a breeze while keeping everything visually appealing with this versatile template.

Communications planning doesn’t always need to be complicated. A simple communication plan will do the job for any small project. All you need for effective communication is the key messaging and the relevant links to the preferred communication channels.

la communication business plan

This corporate communication plan template is simple and keeps things to only two pages. It effectively uses icons , progress bars and a table format to visualize possible situations of crisis and the appropriate response to each situation.

You can remove the cover page and download your communication plan as a single-page infographic . Or you can add more pages to turn it into a more comprehensive document.

If you’ve ever had to change something inside a company, you know how difficult it can be to it seamlessly. Change can be about a piece of software, a physical working location, a process or system.

A change management communication plan will help everyone involved in the transition by making sure they’re all on the same page.

la communication business plan

This change management communication plan designed by our Visme designers uses placeholder content for a change in CRM. The sections apply to any type of change and are:

  • Summary: What is changing and why?
  • Stakeholders: Who is involved in the change and how?
  • Phases: How will the change take place with the help of a timeline?

This is the perfect communication plan template to help your team change something seamlessly without affecting other aspects of your work.

When working on your plan, use Visme’s shortcut tool to easily find anything you want in the editor. Simply type forward slash (/) on your keyboard and search bar will appear. Type in a keyword to easily find design assets, tools and features in the Visme editor.

Having many stakeholders aiming for the same goal requires good organization and planning. Make sure everyone’s on board with this stakeholder communication plan example.

la communication business plan

This professionally designed template offers all the pages you need to organize the information for your stakeholders. Share everything they need to know about your company, the goals, objectives, changes, projections and more.

Plus, share all relevant information like the dates for team meetings, a project roadmap , and the manager’s phone number.

If you need more pages than the template provides, simply duplicate and add your content in text boxes. Also, maintain a visual balance in the general look-and-feel of the page.

To keep the communication plan easy to read and understand, link to longer content with popups or external hyperlinks. Make sure to share the finished communication plan as a digital PDF file.

A well-planned donor communication strategy is essential to the success of any fundraising campaign. With our user-friendly template, you can impress your donors and streamline your fundraising efforts. This comprehensive tool includes easy-to-follow sections for outlining your donor engagement strategy, establishing effective communication channels and tracking the progress of your campaigns.

Donor Communication Plan

Our template features engaging graphics and icons, sleek fonts, and customizable colors that not only make it visually appealing but also allow you to tailor it to your organization's unique branding.

Every part of this template is customizable. With Visme’s intuitive editor, you can change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding. Elevate your fundraising endeavors and make a lasting impression on your valued supporters with this visually captivating and user-friendly template.

Ensuring that all communication levels are clear and concise within a school setting can be difficult without a communication plan. That's because precise instructions and direction are often essential for teachers, staff, parents and managerial positions.

la communication business plan

Our school communication plan sample was created especially for you by our Visme designers. The three main sections cover communication strategies at three different levels:

  • Academic Communication
  • Staff Communication
  • School-Wide Communication

Customize the tables with your school colors and input your specific information into the cells. Make your communication plan interactive by adding links to the correct communication channels for direct messaging and virtual or in-person meetings, and then share it online.

An effective emergency communication plan is vital for ensuring the safety and well-being of your team members. When a disaster strikes, a well-structured and thorough plan can ensure swift, coordinated responses and minimize risks.

Emergency Communication Plan

Prepare your organization for emergency situations by sharing proven methods and solutions with this invaluable template. This stunning and user-friendly template simplifies the process, allowing you to outline essential procedures, contact information, and crucial resources. It provides indispensable guidance to your personnel in times of crisis, ensuring they are well-prepared and can respond effectively when needed most.

What makes this template shine are the striking images, visuals and design elements. In Visme’s library, you’ll find tons of visuals and design assets to communicate your ideas. Feel free to swap the template color theme to match your branding.

Need help writing or proofreading content for your plan? Visme’s AI writer is your handy assistant. All you need to do is write an accurate prompt that reflects your need and watch the magic happen.

Marketing and social media campaigns are successful when everyone involved knows what their part is in the process and what their tasks are. Setting every team member up with the information they need to reach a common goal is the primary purpose of this marketing communication plan.

la communication business plan

This marketing communication plan example has a colorful, modern feel. Circles form a big part of the visual layout, making the content easier to digest and more interesting to look at.

In this marketing communication plan template, there are four sections for your key messaging:

  • Goal and Objectives
  • SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis page is a practical guide to see where your project has weaknesses and what strengths will pull it through. On the last page, you’ll find a timeline to help keep every team member on track of their tasks and in what timeframe.

Easily customize the template to match your brand by using your Brand Kit. Share the template with team members to get feedback and collaborate on the final design. Track how many people have viewed or taken action on your plan using our analytics feature .

When launching a new product, it’s good practice to work as a team. The best way to make sure all the pre-launch tasks are taken care of is to create a product launch communication plan.

la communication business plan

In the six pages of this attractive product launch communication plan, you can lay out all the steps for your product’s pre and post-launch activities.

Use the timeline page to explain in detail what needs to happen. Specify which communication teams take care of what tasks, like the press release and influencer outreach emails.

Use hyperlinks to more in-depth content for specific teams and don’t forget to share the links to relevant communication platforms.

Use the sections set up for you in the template or create your own. Your key messaging will probably be similar to this but it’s easy to personalize or add more.

  • Launch Phases
  • Pre-Launch Activities
  • Post-Launch Follow Up

Make sure to include the steps for recording post-launch metrics as these are just as important as the ones done pre-launch. Plus, measurable insights can help with other product launch projects in the future.

Achieving diversity and inclusion in the workplace requires a clear and comprehensive communication plan. A plan will serve as a strategic framework to promote diversity and inclusion initiatives across your organization.

Diversity and Inclusion Communication Plan

This remarkable, fully customizable template is your compass for systematically advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within your organization. The template has a clean and creative design layout with high-quality images and graphics that add visual excitement.

The eye-catching images are carefully selected to support your narrative and enhance the overall aesthetic of your plan. With its captivating design, you can effortlessly engage your entire workforce, presenting your vision, initiatives, and progress with impact and clarity.

There are multiple options for sharing your plan with stakeholders. You can share it online with a link or embed it on your website or landing page. Alternatively, you can download it in multiple formats.

Design Your Own Communication Plan Online

Creating a communication plan is easy when you have practical and inspiring templates to guide you. To get started with designing your communication plan, simply choose the template that best fits your vision and input your content.

If you're new to Visme, use one of the free templates and adjust the content accordingly. That said, you’d be surprised at what you can do with a premium Visme subscription .

With a premium subscription, not only will you get access to premium templates and graphic assets, you'll also be able to create any type of visual — from documents and presentations to infographics, charts, surveys, social media graphics and more.

You'll also be able to download your designs in multiple formats, from image to PDF to HTML5, work in collaboration with your team, create a Brand Kit and much more.

Ready to get started? Sign up for a free Visme account today and create a great-looking, comprehensive communication plan to share with your team.

Are you still weighing your options about creating a communication plan? Hopefully, the templates on this list inspired you to take a look and give them a try.

But you might still need a little help deciding if this is a suitable document for what you need. That’s why we’ve put together the most common questions asked about communications plans.

Q1. What is a communication plan?

A communication plan is a strategic document that shares coordinated, consistent and directed messaging for achieving a specific goal, such as managing a PR crisis or successfully launching a new product.

A communication plan can be printed, sent via email as a PDF or shared as a live online link. A well-structured and effective communication plan is the single most crucial factor of project management in any industry and for every use case.

Q2. What is the purpose of a communication plan?

The primary purpose of a communication plan is to deliver consistent information about a shared goal. It keeps everyone on the team on the same page about what needs to be done, how and when.

A communication plan solves many problems that teams usually face when there’s no clear direction for everyone involved. With a clear communication plan, everything is explained in detail and easy to follow.

All communication needs are laid out in detailed sections covering topics from goals and objectives to timelines and schedules . A communication plan brings together all the communication channels into one single document. From there, team members can spread out through relevant links and supplementary documents.

Q3. What’s included in a communication plan?

Every communication plan example is different, just how every project is different. But what remains the same across the majority of communication plans is the relevant and strategic information.

A standard communication plan includes sections like:

  • Short and long-term goals for the project.
  • A set of key messages to be explained in detail, separated into sections.
  • Strategies for communication, both in-house and outbound.
  • Details about the people involved in the project.
  • A schedule and timeline for specific events, deadlines and reporting.
  • Further communication methods.
  • Specific instructions about your company’s communication process.
  • Strategies for measuring success.

Apart from the list above, a communication plan must also include details pertinent to the specific project. If there are folders or systems that people need to access for the project’s success, list them and explain how to use them.

Q4. What is the first step in communication planning?

The first step in communication planning is to define the goals you and your team want to achieve. Outline both short and long-term goals so it’s easier to plan the project as pieces of a whole.

Following the goals, set the objectives. Explain how you plan to achieve these with the help of timelines, schedules, and tables. Include a list of involved stakeholders and links to further means of collaboration.

Q5. What are the key messages of a communication plan?

A communication plan’s specific key messages will depend on what you want to achieve and who your target audience is. Your key messages are the most essential communication points for any particular project.

For example, let’s say you’re creating a communication plan for a product launch. The key messages would cover;

  • The goals and objectives of the product launch.
  • The reason and story about why this product was created and what problem it solves for people.
  • A timeline of pre-launch activities including who will be contacted for outreach and what information will be shared with them.
  • What messaging and visual strategies to use for social media and advertising.

An excellent way to make sure all key messaging is clear is to add each one as an item in the Table of Contents.

Q6. What’s the best tool to create a communication plan online?

If you want to create a communication plan that makes an impact, use Visme! Our professionally designed communication plan templates will look amazing with your content and be super easy to customize.

With a Visme communication plan, you can include data visualizations using data from a Microsoft Excel sheet. In fact, if you’ve been creating project communication plans in an Excel spreadsheet, it’s time to upgrade your communication efforts!

Knock your team out of their seats with your impactful communication plan!

Head over to Visme's professional document creator and look through the template library, or click on any of the communication plan template buttons in the list above.

Q7. How to Write a Communications Plan

  • Audit Your Existing Communication Plan: Before you put pen to paper, do a situational analysis of communications in your company. The goal is to identify gaps, problem areas and opportunities for improvement.
  • Set SMART Goals: Based on the audit results, highlight SMART goals you want to achieve with your communications plan. An example of a SMART communication goal would be to improve client response time to complaints from six hours to three hours within the next 2 months.
  • Identify Your Target Audience: Are you working with media outlets, customers, partners, investors, employees, customers or the government? Understand who your intended audience is. Consider their demographics, interests, needs, and communication preferences. This will help you tailor your messages and select appropriate channels.
  • Communication methods, both in-house and outbound.
  • Team members responsible for delivering communication
  • Escalation plan
  • Communication channels
  • Choose appropriate and effective channels: Consider using a combination of channels such as email, meetings, presentations, the intranet, newsletters, social media, or face-to-face interactions. Adapt your channels based on the nature of the message and the preferences of your audience.
  • Assign responsibilities: Determine who will be responsible for executing different aspects of the communication plan. Assign roles and responsibilities to team members or stakeholders involved in the process. Clearly define each person's tasks and deliverables.
  • Set a timeline for execution. It's important to have a rough estimate of the time required for each step in implementing your strategy. For example, if your plan involves sharing information from top-level management to employees, it's wise to consider the duration it will take to go through the chain of command.
  • Regularly review and assess your communication plan's performance : Evaluate the effectiveness of your messages, channels, and activities. Identify areas for improvement and make adjustments accordingly.

Q8. What are the Top Communication Planning Tips?

When it comes to communication planning, here are some tips to ensure effective and successful communication:

  • Define clear objectives and identify the target audience: Whether it's providing information, generating buy-in, or addressing concerns, having clear objectives will guide your communication strategy. Understanding who your target audience is will help you tailor your communications to their needs, interests, and preferences.
  • Be consistent and transparent: Maintain consistency in your messaging across different channels and ensure transparency throughout the change process. Share relevant information, progress updates, and any challenges or risks involved. This helps build trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Engage leaders and influencers: Leverage the support of influential leaders and stakeholders within the organization. Engage them early on and involve them in the planning process to help drive change and promote a culture of open communication.
  • Establish a feedback loop: Create channels for employees to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. Actively listen and respond to feedback to build trust and engagement.
  • Evaluate and Adapt: Gather feedback, track engagement, and assess whether your communication objectives are being met. Use the insights gained to adapt and refine your communication plan as needed.

Q9. How to Use Communication Plan Templates

To effectively use communication plan templates, follow these steps:

Choose a suitable template: Select a communication plan template that aligns with your specific needs and goals. Visme has a comprehensive library of templates that provide a comprehensive structure and include sections relevant to your project or initiative.

Gather relevant information: Collect the necessary information to complete each section of the template.

This may include objectives, target audience details, key messages, communication channels, timelines, budgets, and evaluation methods. Refer to existing documentation, conduct research, and consult with stakeholders as needed to gather accurate and relevant information.

Customize the template: Tailor the template to fit your specific requirements.

  • With Visme's intuitive editor, you can easily modify section headings, add or remove sections as needed, and adapt the content to align with your project or organization.
  • Customize the visual elements of the template to match your branding or style guidelines by adding your logo, adjusting colors, and modifying fonts.
  • Access a rich library of images, videos and design assets to make your plan visually appealing.
  • Automatically generate and incorporate captivating images, art, and graphics into your plan using Visme’s AI image generator .

Share and collaborate: Share the completed communication plan with relevant team members and stakeholders using Visme's collaboration features . Encourage them to provide feedback, input, and suggestions for improvement.

Implement and monitor : Implement the communication plan and monitor the progress and effectiveness of your communication efforts. Make adjustments as needed based on feedback, data, and changing circumstances.

Create a effective communication plans in minutes with Visme

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About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at oranavelarde.com

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  • Why a clear communication plan is more ...

Why a clear communication plan is more important than you think

Julia Martins contributor headshot

More often than not, clear communication can make or break successful projects. Clear communication in project management isn’t just about where you should be communicating—it’s also about which team members should be receiving which types of messages.

The good news is, creating an effective communication plan isn’t difficult. All you need to do is define your communication channels and align on when team members should use each. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to set up a communication plan and show you a template so you can create your own.

What is a communication plan?

Sharing a communication plan can give your team clarity about which tools to use when and who to contact with each of those tools. Without a communication plan, you might have one team member trying to ask questions about work in a tool that another team member rarely checks. Rather than being able to clearly communicate and move forward with work, each team member would end up frustrated, confused, and disconnected from the work that matters. Then, if they don’t have clear insight into who is responsible for each channel, they might end up reaching out to an executive stakeholder with questions that person can’t answer. What started out as a simple miscommunication has spiraled into three frustrated team members—and all the while, work isn’t moving forward.

What should a communication plan include?

Your communication plan is your one-stop-shop for your project communication strategy. Team members should be able to use the communication plan to answer project questions like:

What communication channels are we using? What is each channel used for?

When should we communicate in person vs. asynchronously?

What are the project roles? Who is the project manager ? Who is on the project team? Who are the project stakeholders ?

How are important project details, like project status updates, going to be communicated? How frequently will these be shared?

What shouldn’t be included in a communication plan?

A communication plan will help you clarify how you’re going to communicate with your project team and project stakeholders—whether these are internal team members that work at your company, or external stakeholders like customers or contractors.

A communication plan in project management is not a PR plan. This plan will not help you align on your social media strategy, identify a target audience, or establish key messages for different demographics. If you need to build out those plans, consider creating a  social media content calendar  or a  business strategy plan .

The benefits of a communication plan

Obviously  clear communication in the workplace  is a good thing. But do you really need a written communication plan to do that?

In a word: yes. A good communication plan can help you communicate the right information to the right project stakeholders. Executive stakeholders don’t need to be notified about every project detail—similarly, every project team member might not need to be on a conference call with your external partners. By clarifying where and how you’ll be communicating, you can reduce the guessing game and unblock your team.

Less app switching

We recently interviewed  over 13,000 global knowledge workers  and found that the average knowledge worker switches between 10 apps up to 25 times per day. Instead of focusing on high-impact work or even collaborating effectively with their team members, knowledge workers are sinking hours into simply trying to figure out where they should be communicating.

A communication plan can eliminate this guessing game. For example, if your team knows that you only communicate about work in a  work management tool , they can search for key information there—instead of digging through document folders, Slack messages, and multiple email chains. Similarly, when you know that a team member is only tangentially working on the project—and is only being looped in during high-level status reports—you won’t bother them with a question about when the next  project deliverable  is due.

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We have created communication guidelines around what software or what tools are best for what. Asana is for action, Slack is for quick responses or answers to things that are floating around. Email is more official and mostly external facing. By doing that, and creating the proper communications guidance, it really helps reduce the noise.”

Increased collaboration

Team collaboration isn’t an effortless process that happens by itself—it’s a skill that you and your team have to build. One part of creating effective  team collaboration  is clarifying your team’s communication conventions. That’s because a big barrier to effective collaboration is feeling comfortable communicating—especially if you work on a  remote or distributed team . If your team feels unsure because they’re still trying to figure out how or where to communicate, they won’t be fully comfortable talking to one another.

Your communication plan is a chance to clarify where team members should be communicating. Depending on the level of detail, you can also include when team members should be communicating—and clarify team conventions towards setting “Do not disturb” mode or snoozing notifications.

By providing these guidelines, you’re effectively removing one of the biggest barriers to easy communication and collaboration between team members. When team members know where to communicate—and just as importantly, where not to communicate—they can be confident they’re sending the right message at the right time.

Less duplicative work

Currently, knowledge workers spend  60% of their time on work about work  like searching for documents, chasing approvals, switching between apps, following up on the status of work, and generally doing things that take time away from impactful work. Part of this work about work is not knowing where things should be communicated.

If team members don’t have a clear sense of where information is shared—things like your  project plan  or  project timeline —then they’ll have to dig through multiple tools or ask several team members just to find the right information. As a result, team members who are unclear about where they should be communicating about work also have a harder time simply finding existing work.

Work about work leads to more manual, duplicative work and less clarity overall. In fact, according to the  Anatomy of Work Index , we spend 13% of our time—236 hours per year—on work that’s already been completed. By sharing your communication plan, you can give your team clarity into exactly where work lives, so they don’t have to spend all that time finding it themselves.

How to write a communication plan

A communication plan is a powerful tool—but it’s also relatively easy to create. You can create a communication plan in four steps.

1. Establish your communication methods

The first step to creating a communication plan is to decide where your team will communicate—and about what. This includes when to use which tools and when to communicate live vs. asynchronously. Live, synchronous communication is communication that happens in real time. Conversely, asynchronous communication is when you send a message without expecting someone to reply right away. We all use asynchronous communication every day without realizing it—most notably, every time we send an email.

As you define your communication plan, identify what to use each tool for. For example, you might decide to use:

Email to communicate with any external stakeholders.

Slack for synchronous communication about day-to-day updates and quick questions.

Asana to communicate asynchronously about work, like task details, project status updates , or key project documents.

Zoom or Google Meet for any team meetings, like project brainstorms or your project post mortem.

2. Align on communication cadence

Now that you know where you’ll be communicating, you also have to identify how frequently you’ll be communicating. Your communication cadence is your action plan for updating different stakeholders about different project details.

For example, you might decide to schedule:

Weekly project status updates posted in Asana to all project stakeholders and sponsors.

Monthly project team meetings to unblock any work or brainstorm next steps.

Asynchronous project milestone updates in Asana as needed.

3. Add a plan for stakeholder management

Running a successful project often depends on getting stakeholder support and buy-in. At the beginning of the project, you’ll do this during the  project kickoff meeting —but it’s also critical to maintain stakeholder support throughout your project.

Take some time as you’re drafting your communication plan to detail when to communicate with each project stakeholder, and about what. Some people, like your key project team members, will be communicating about this project regularly—maybe even daily. Other project stakeholders may only need to be looped in during project status updates or maybe just at the final readout.

By listing out how you’ll be managing communication with stakeholders, you can ensure they’re being contacted at the right time about the right things. The communication they recieve should answer questions at their level of detail and with a focus on business results and overall, high-level impact.

4. Share your communication plan and update it as needed

Once you’ve created your communication plan, it’s time to share it with your project team. Make sure your communication plan is accessible in your central source of truth for all project information. We recommend using  Asana  to track all project communication and work, so you can talk about work where you’re working.

If any changes impact your project communication plan, make sure you update it and communicate those changes. That way, team members always have access to the most up to date information.

Example communication plan

[inline illustration] Communication plan for brand campaign in Asana (example)

Communication plan template

Description of communication.

What type of communication is it?

How often will you be communicating?

Which tool will you be using? Is this synchronous or asynchronous communication?

Who is receiving this communication?

Who is in charge of sending out this communication?

Good communication starts with a communication plan

Clear communication can help you send the right message at the right time. Empower effortless collaboration while also ensuring every team member is being looped in at the right times. That way, your team can spend less time communicating about work and more time on high-impact work.

Related resources

la communication business plan

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How to Write a Communication Plan in 10 Steps

A communication plan can help you effectively communicate with your audience, employees, and stakeholders. Read this guide to learn the basics.

Effective communication can help improve every aspect of your business by enabling you to share information with customers and the public. However, your communication shouldn't be spontaneous because saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can damage your reputation.

How do you communicate with your customers? Successful businesses know they can't respond to every customer inquiry, concern, or public relations issue as they happen; you must have a communication plan to help you prepare for answering tough questions.

A communication plan can help you respond to customers and the public, get the word out about new products and services, deliver your key brand messaging, and recover when there's a public relations blunder. If you're wondering how to market your business , you'll need to start with a comprehensive plan of action.

la communication business plan

What is a communication plan?

A communication plan is a thorough plan explaining the actions you'll take to communicate information to stakeholders . It ultimately identifies your essential brand messaging, including branding basics like your value proposition, while using different types of storytelling to share information with the public. In addition, every communication plan has a crisis management strategy built in to help you respond in times of a crisis, so it's important to have conflict resolution skills .

Communication plans can be used for almost every aspect of your marketing strategy throughout different types of marketing , enabling you to communicate your key messages. It may also help you identify which personalized campaigns you'll use to share this information. Your communication plan will cover everything from discussing product launches with the media to handling a crisis.

Companies without plans are unprepared when there's a potential threat to their reputation. For example, if your product was misused and caused harm, you'll need a strategy for how to deal with the repercussions, including how to answer journalist questions. Most small businesses don't have to worry about worldwide PR nightmares, but reputation management is still vital to any effective communications plan.

How to write a communication plan

Your plan is part of your communication strategy . It'll need to cover several elements, including how you'll talk about your products and services and how your business will handle a crisis. For example, a project communication plan can help you discuss new products with investors, while an all-encompassing plan can be used to support key stakeholders deal with potential disasters.

Here's how to write an effective communication plan.

Review your existing methods of communication and guidelines

Your strategic plan should reflect on existing communication methods and guidelines to determine what works and doesn't. Some small businesses might not have a plan at all, allowing them to start fresh. However, if you have a plan, you'll need to go through it to determine if any areas are still relevant to your company.

For example, if you're writing a project communication plan for a new business, you'll need to convey different messages to stakeholders, such as deadlines and action items. Meanwhile, if you're writing a communication plan for a product launch, reviewing your marketing strategies to ensure they align with your new messaging is a good idea.

Identify the objectives based on your findings

Always define your goals after analyzing the existing communications materials. During your audit, you may have missed key marketing collateral like flyers or packaging designs to launch your new product effectively. Laying out your goals after identifying gaps is crucial to ensure you have a successful plan in place.

It's best to have specific and measured goals before starting your communications planning to ensure it can accomplish all essential objectives. For example, a company launching a new product might have a goal of increasing sales within the first month by 15%.

Different departments in your organization might have different communications plans. For example, your warehouse management team may have a plan to pitch new packaging to save money on shipping costs. This team would then need to identify specific goals, such as reducing shipping costs by x amount.

No matter the goals, they can help you have something to aim for with your communications plan. They'll also give you something to measure against after you get your initial baseline metrics.

Pinpoint your target audience

Identifying your target audience before writing your communications strategy is crucial because you need to understand who the plan is for. If you're writing a crisis communications plan, you'll write it for stakeholders like the CEO or a PR representative to speak on behalf of the company. In addition, if you're writing a communications plan for launching a new product, you'll need to consider who your customers are and how you'll market to them.

Make a draft

Now that you know your goals and who you're writing for, you can begin your first draft. If you already have a template to work from, you can start filling it in. However, if this is your first time writing a communications plan, you can begin with an outline to help you identify the essential messaging points.

Your communication plan should have information detailing what the plan is used for. For example, if it's used for product marketing, it should clearly state its purpose and appropriate times to use it. It should also include a crisis communication plan describing how potential problems will be handled and by whom.

Depending on your communication plan type, you may also specify different marketing campaigns or ways you'll achieve your goals, including steps to reach your objectives.

Obtain feedback

Get feedback from the appropriate team or audience to help you identify pain points and areas of improvement in your plan.

For example, if your communications plan is meant to help stakeholders deal with crises and threats to the company's reputation, you can talk to stakeholders directly about different responses to common issues. Many project stakeholders are experts in their fields and may have experienced some of these crises within their careers, which can help you get valuable feedback on handling them.

Additionally, if you're creating a communications plan for employees, you can speak to them directly or send them your draft to obtain feedback.

Determine which communication channels you'll use to distribute your message

How and where you distribute your message depends on the type of communication plan you have. For example, if you create a communications plan for employees, you'll likely distribute it internally via email.

However, if you make a communications strategy for stakeholders, you can discuss it with them in person to help them understand what it's for and how to use it.

Meanwhile, if you're trying to share your message with customers, you might use email marketing newsletters, leverage social media, or put it on your website in a strategic place, depending on what the message is.

Create a schedule

The timing of your message is just as important as the message itself. For example, if there's a crisis and you don't act fast enough, it can be challenging to recover, which is why a plan is vital in the first place.

Let's say you have a PR nightmare on your hands, and the media is making misleading claims about your company. In this case, you'll need to act fast to refute those claims and use various small business PR strategies to get your message out, including using social media to communicate with customers and the public and scheduling interviews with journalists to tell your side of the story.

The same is true if you're launching a product. Timing your message can help generate buzz and excitement before the release date. Then, when your product launches, you already have customers interested in purchasing it.

Know who's responsible for delivering the message

The type of communications plan you create will dictate who is responsible for delivering the message. For example, if you're launching a new product, your marketing team will likely market it through various strategies and channels. Meanwhile, if there's a reputation crisis, your CEO or a representative from the company will probably deliver the message to the public.

Conduct a final review

Once you've finished your communications plan, give it one more review with the team to ensure everyone is on the same page. By now, you should have all the information you need in terms of feedback, but reviewing it one more time can help you catch any potential issues, including grammatical mistakes or confusing action items.

Test and analyze your results

Once your communications plan is complete, you can start testing it and measuring your results. As you already know, you should always continue improving on your strategies. You can measure the results of your plan after it's presented. For example, if you launched a new product intending to increase sales by 15%, you can measure your progress throughout the campaign.

If you don't reach your goals, you at least now have a baseline to help you create more realistic objectives for your next communication plan.

Top components of an effective communication plan

To build an effective communications plan for any department, you'll need these elements:

la communication business plan

  • Intended audience: Who is your message intended for? Depending on your goals, this could be anyone, from customers to internal employees.
  • Message format: What will your plan look like? The format of your message depends on what you've used in the past and what has worked. For example, you may use a simple PDF structure when working directly with stakeholders so everyone has a copy.
  • Distribution: How will you share your message? How you share your message depends on what type of message it is. For example, if you're sharing news of a new product, you have many channels to choose from, including ads and social media.
  • Timeline: When will your plan begin and end? Your plan timeline varies depending on the project, but you should always have a start and end date to ensure you can effectively measure your performance and progress.
  • Message source: Who will share your message? The person who shares your message could be anyone, from the head of HR to the CEO, depending on your type of communication plan.

Why is communication planning important?

Communication planning is important because it can help you effectively communicate with your audience, giving you the right thing to say at just the right time. It can also help everyone understand their role in the strategy. For example, for a product launch, product development is responsible for creating the product, while marketing is in charge of getting the word out to the public.

Communication plans can also improve stakeholder and client relationships by helping everyone get on the same page and plan easily. With a good communication plan, no one is left in the dark. Additionally, it can help those using the communication plan to articulate smart responses quickly, which can be beneficial when your reputation is at risk.

la communication business plan

To summarize, a few of the advantages of communication planning include:

  • Effectively communicate with your audience
  • Understand individual and team responsibilities
  • Improve stakeholder and client relationships
  • Articulate smart responses quickly

Avert a crisis with comprehensive communication planning

Communication planning is key to the success of any company because it can improve internal communication and your relationships with the public. Anyone can write a communications plan and share it, but what's most important is the message.

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3 Templates and Examples: Craft an Effective Communication Plan Easily

By Status.net Editorial Team on February 28, 2024 — 28 minutes to read

  • Fundamentals of Communication Planning Part 1
  • Setting Communication Objectives Part 2
  • Small Business Communication Plan Template Part 3
  • Example: Small Business Communication Plan Part 4
  • Non-Profit Organization Communication Plan Template Part 5
  • Example: Non-Profit Organization Communication Plan Part 6
  • Corporate Communication Plan Template Part 7
  • Corporate Internal Communication Plan Example Part 8
  • Implementing the Communication Plan Part 9
  • Communication Plan Monitoring and Adjusting Part 10
  • Measuring Impact and ROI of a Communication Plan Part 11
  • Best Practices for Communication Plans Part 12
  • Tips for Maintaining Stakeholder Engagement Part 13
  • Frequently Asked Questions Part 14

A well-structured communication plan helps you to ensure that all the pertinent information is relayed to the right stakeholders at the right time. Crafting a detailed communication plan not only helps to avoid miscommunication, but it may also foster deeper connections and support collaboration among team members.

Part 1 Fundamentals of Communication Planning

A well-thought-out communication plan is key to successfully meeting your project goals and objectives. In this section, we will walk you through the essential elements that should be included in your communication plan.

  • To begin with, you need to define your communication objectives . This means determining the desired outcomes of your communications, such as raising awareness about a product, informing employees about a change, or motivating your team. Setting clear objectives will help you stay focused on what’s important throughout the project.
  • Next, identify your target audience . This means specifying the groups of people who need to be informed or influenced by your communications. Different audiences may require different methods and messages, so it’s important to consider this when crafting your plan.
  • Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s time to map out your key messages . These are the main points you want to convey to your audience. Make sure your messages are clear, concise, and relevant to your audience’s needs and concerns. For example, if you’re informing employees about changes in their work schedule, your key message might be: “We’re shifting to flexible hours to better accommodate your personal lives, and here’s how it will work.”
  • Now it’s time to select your communication channels . This involves choosing the medium or platforms that will best reach and engage your target audience. Examples include face-to-face meetings, emails, town halls, or social media. When selecting your channels, consider your audience’s preferences and the nature of the message you want to convey.
  • Timing and frequency are significant aspects of a communication plan. You need to plan when you’ll communicate your key messages, and how often you’ll need to update or reinforce them. You might decide, for example, to hold a team meeting on a specific day of the week, or to send out reminders every month.
  • Another important element in your communication plan is the responsibility and ownership of your communications. This includes assigning roles and responsibilities to the team members who will be delivering your messages. Make sure to specify who is responsible for writing, reviewing, approving, and distributing your communications.
  • Lastly, establish a system for monitoring and measuring the success of your communication plan. This means setting up metrics and gathering data to evaluate the effectiveness of your messages, channels, and timing. By doing so, you can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments as needed.

Part 2 Setting Communication Objectives

Identify target audiences.

When developing a communication plan, it’s important to first identify your target audiences. These groups are the people who will be receiving and acting upon the messages you create in your plan. Consider demographics, psychographics, and any other relevant factors while doing this. For example, if you’re launching a new product, your target audiences might include potential customers, existing customers, and industry influencers.

Outline Key Messages

Next, you’ll want to outline the key messages you want to convey to your target audiences. These messages should be clear, concise, and relevant to each audience. To ensure each message addresses your audience’s needs and concerns, consider using the following structure:

  • Problem: Explain the issue or challenge your audience is facing.
  • Solution: Describe how your product, service, or initiative can help solve the problem.
  • Benefit: Highlight the advantages or value your solution provides.

For instance, if you’re promoting a project management app, a key message for potential customers might be:

  • Problem: Managing multiple projects with teams can be chaotic and time-consuming.
  • Solution: Our app streamlines project planning and collaboration, making it easier to manage projects and teams.
  • Benefit: With our app, you can save time, reduce stress, and boost overall productivity.

Define Success Metrics

Lastly, defining success metrics is an essential part of your communication plan. These metrics are measurable indicators that help you evaluate the effectiveness of your communication efforts. By setting and tracking specific goals, you can continuously refine your communication plan because you’ll know what works and what doesn’t.

Some common success metrics for a communication plan include:

  • Increase in website traffic
  • Number of new leads or inquiries
  • Growth in social media followers
  • Improved customer satisfaction ratings
  • Sales growth or revenue generation

For example, if your communication plan focuses on promoting a new product, you could set success metrics like: achieve a 15% increase in website traffic, generate 100 new leads, and increase sales by 10% within the first three months.

Communication Plan Templates and Examples

Communication plans are essential tools for creating effective and organized strategies within any company or organization. They facilitate clear communication, alignment of objectives, and smooth collaboration among team members. It’s important to find a template that works best for your company’s specific needs and modify it accordingly. Here are three templates for different types of companies along with examples to help illustrate how to use them.

  • Small Business

For small businesses, a simple yet detailed communication plan is important. The main elements to focus on include:

  • Communication objectives
  • Target audience
  • Key messages
  • Responsibilities

Part 3 Small Business Communication Plan Template

I. Executive Summary – Brief overview of the communication plan’s purpose and importance for the business.

II. Introduction – Description of the current communication situation and the need for a structured plan.

III. Communication Objectives – Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for the communication plan. Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3:

IV. Target Audience – Identification and segmentation of the key audiences for the communication messages. Audience 1: – Demographics: – Psychographics: – Preferred Communication Channels: Audience 2: – Demographics: – Psychographics: – Preferred Communication Channels: Audience 3: – Demographics: – Psychographics: – Preferred Communication Channels:

V. Key Messages – Main points that need to be communicated to each target audience. For Audience 1: – Message 1: – Message 2: For Audience 2: – Message 1: – Message 2: For Audience 3: – Message 1: – Message 2:

VI. Channels – The mediums through which the key messages will be delivered. Offline Channels: – Print Media (Flyers, Posters, etc.) – Events (Workshops, Seminars, etc.) Online Channels: – Email Newsletters – Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) – Company Website/Blog

VII. Timeline – Schedule for when communications will be developed, delivered, and reviewed. Initial Launch: – Date: – Activities: Ongoing Communication: – Frequency: – Activities: Review Points: – Dates: – Evaluation Activities:

VIII. Responsibilities – Roles and responsibilities for each part of the communication process. Strategic Oversight: – Person/Team: Content Creation: – Person/Team: Distribution: – Person/Team: Monitoring and Evaluation: – Person/Team:

IX. Budget – Estimated costs associated with the execution of the communication plan. Development Costs: Distribution Costs: Miscellaneous Costs:

X. Monitoring and Evaluation – Methods and metrics for assessing the effectiveness of the communication efforts. Metrics: – Reach: – Engagement: – Conversion: Evaluation Frequency: Tools for Measurement:

XI. Contingency Plans – Alternate strategies for potential challenges or changes in the communication plan.

XII. Appendices – Any supporting documents or additional information relevant to the communication plan.

Part 4 Example: Small Business Communication Plan

I. Executive Summary – This document outlines the communication strategy for “Fresh & Local Groceries” , a small business focused on providing locally sourced produce to the community.

II. Introduction – “Fresh & Local Groceries” has been experiencing a disconnect in communicating its values and services to potential customers. This plan aims to enhance visibility and customer engagement through targeted communication efforts.

III. Communication Objectives Objective 1: Increase brand awareness within the local community by 25% within the next six months. Objective 2: Grow our email subscriber list by 40% by the end of Q3. Objective 3: Boost customer engagement on social media by 30% in the next quarter.

IV. Target Audience Audience 1: Local Residents – Demographics: Ages 25-45, health-conscious individuals, parents. – Psychographics: Values sustainability, quality produce, community involvement. – Preferred Communication Channels: Social media, community events. Audience 2: Local Businesses – Demographics: Local restaurant owners, cafe operators. – Psychographics: Interested in quality ingredients, reliable suppliers, bulk purchasing. – Preferred Communication Channels: Email, direct meetings, networking events.

V. Key Messages For Audience 1: – Message 1: “Your local source for fresh, organic produce.” – Message 2: “Join our community-focused initiatives and events.” For Audience 2: – Message 1: “Reliable partnerships for sourcing high-quality, local ingredients.” – Message 2: “Support local farming with our business-to-business bulk offers.”

VI. Channels Offline Channels: – Print Media: Monthly flyers in local community centers. – Events: Bi-weekly farmer’s markets, cooking classes. Online Channels: – Email Newsletters: Weekly newsletter with recipes and store updates. – Social Media: Daily posts on Instagram, weekly Facebook live sessions.

VII. Timeline Initial Launch: – Date: April 15, 2024 – Activities: Launch of new Instagram campaign with hashtag #FreshLocalLove. Ongoing Communication: – Frequency: Daily for social media, weekly for newsletters. – Activities: Regular posts, updates, and newsletter content creation. Review Points: – Dates: End of each month for social media, quarterly for email campaigns. – Evaluation Activities: Analytics review, customer feedback surveys.

VIII. Responsibilities Strategic Oversight: – Person/Team: Marketing Manager Content Creation: – Person/Team: Social Media Coordinator, Content Writer Distribution: – Person/Team: Social Media Coordinator, Email Marketing Specialist Monitoring and Evaluation: – Person/Team: Marketing Analyst

IX. Budget Development Costs: $1,000 for content creation tools and software. Distribution Costs: $500 for social media advertising, $200 for email marketing services. Miscellaneous Costs: $300 for unexpected expenses.

X. Monitoring and Evaluation Metrics: – Reach: Number of new followers on social media, email open rates. – Engagement: Likes, comments, shares on social media, click-through rates on emails. – Conversion: Sign-ups for the newsletter, inquiries from local businesses. Evaluation Frequency: Monthly for social media, quarterly for email campaigns. Tools for Measurement: Google Analytics, social media insights, email marketing analytics.

XI. Contingency Plans – Adjust social media ad budget based on performance. – Explore alternative channels such as local radio if the targeted reach is not achieved.

XII. Appendices – A: Social Media Content Calendar – B: Email Newsletter Schedule – C: Flyer and Poster Designs – D: Community Event Calendar

  • Non-profit Organization

Non-profit organizations often require clear communication plans to get their message across to their audience and garner support. Key components of a non-profit communication plan include:

  • Communication goals
  • Monitoring and evaluation

Part 5 Non-Profit Organization Communication Plan Template

I. Executive Summary – A concise summary explaining the purpose and overarching goals of the communication strategy for the non-profit organization.

II. Background – A brief description of the non-profit’s mission, vision, and the role communication plays in achieving its objectives.

III. Communication Goals – Clearly defined goals that the communication efforts aim to achieve, aligned with the organization’s overall mission. Goal 1: Goal 2: Goal 3:

IV. Target Audience – Detailed profiles of the key audience segments the non-profit aims to reach and influence. Audience Segment 1: – Characteristics: – Communication Preferences: Audience Segment 2: – Characteristics: – Communication Preferences: Audience Segment 3: – Characteristics: – Communication Preferences:

V. Key Messages – The core messages that need to be conveyed to each target audience to support the communication goals. For Audience Segment 1: – Key Message 1: – Key Message 2: For Audience Segment 2: – Key Message 1: – Key Message 2: For Audience Segment 3: – Key Message 1: – Key Message 2:

VI. Channels – The communication mediums to be used for message dissemination. Traditional Media: – TV/Radio – Print Media (Brochures, Newsletters) Digital Media: – Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) – Email Campaigns – Organization’s Website/Blog Community Outreach: – Public Speaking Engagements – Community Events and Workshops

VII. Timeline – A detailed schedule for the planning, execution, and review of communication activities. Campaign Launches: – Dates: – Key Activities: Ongoing Activities: – Frequency: – Types of Content: Review and Adjustment Periods: – Dates: – Review Activities:

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation – Strategies and tools for tracking the effectiveness of communication efforts and making data-driven decisions. Metrics: – Reach and impressions – Engagement rates – Donation or volunteer sign-ups Tools: – Social Media Analytics – Google Analytics – Survey Feedback Reporting Frequency: – Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly (as appropriate)

IX. Roles and Responsibilities – Clear delineation of who is responsible for each component of the communication plan. Strategic Planning: – Assigned Leader/Team: Content Creation and Curation: – Assigned Leader/Team: Distribution and Outreach: – Assigned Leader/Team: Monitoring and Evaluation: – Assigned Leader/Team:

X. Budget – An outline of the projected costs associated with the implementation of the communication plan. Content Development: Channel Utilization: Monitoring Tools: Miscellaneous Expenses:

XI. Approval and Implementation – Steps for plan approval from the organization’s leadership and the process for putting the plan into action.

XII. Appendices – Any supporting documents, additional information, resources, or templates that support the communication plan.

Part 6 Example: Non-Profit Organization Communication Plan

I. Executive Summary – This communication plan outlines the strategy for “Green Future Initiative,” a non-profit focused on environmental preservation, to raise funds for its new “Save the Wetlands” conservation project.

II. Background – “Green Future Initiative” has a mission to protect and restore natural habitats. Communication is a vital tool to mobilize resources and public support for our conservation efforts.

III. Communication Goals Goal 1: Raise $50,000 for the “Save the Wetlands” project within the next four months. Goal 2: Increase awareness about the importance of wetland conservation by reaching 100,000 people through various communication channels. Goal 3: Recruit 200 new volunteers for upcoming conservation events and activities.

IV. Target Audience Potential Donors: – Characteristics: Environmentally conscious individuals, previous donors, philanthropists. – Communication Preferences: Email campaigns, social media updates, direct mail. Community Supporters: – Characteristics: Local community members, schools, environmental groups. – Communication Preferences: Community events, local media, educational workshops.

V. Key Messages For Potential Donors: – Key Message 1: “Your donation helps protect vital ecosystems and combat climate change.” – Key Message 2: “Join us in leaving a lasting legacy of conservation for future generations.” For Community Supporters: – Key Message 1: “Get involved locally to make a global impact on environmental preservation.” – Key Message 2: “Every action counts – volunteer, educate, and help us spread the word.”

VI. Channels Traditional Media: – Press Releases to local newspapers and radio stations. Digital Media: – Social Media Campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. – Monthly Email Newsletters with updates and donation appeals. – Blog Posts on the organization’s website featuring success stories and project impacts. Community Outreach: – Hosting informational booths at local farmers’ markets. – Educational seminars at schools and community centers.

VII. Timeline Campaign Launch: – Date: May 1, 2024 – Key Activities: Kick-off social media campaign, send initial email blast, press release distribution. Ongoing Activities: – Frequency: Weekly social media posts, monthly email newsletters. – Types of Content: Donor spotlights, project updates, volunteer testimonials. Review and Adjustment Periods: – Dates: Bi-monthly reviews on the 15th of each month. – Review Activities: Analyze campaign metrics, adjust strategies as needed.

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation Metrics: – Fundraising progress towards the $50,000 goal. – Social media engagement and reach. – Email open and click-through rates, number of new newsletter sign-ups. Tools: – Social Media Insights tools. – Email Marketing Software Analytics. – Donation tracking software. Reporting Frequency: – Bi-monthly to coincide with review periods.

IX. Roles and Responsibilities Strategic Planning: – Assigned Leader/Team: Communications Director Content Creation and Curation: – Assigned Leader/Team: Marketing Coordinator, Volunteer Writers Distribution and Outreach: – Assigned Leader/Team: Social Media Manager, Email Marketing Specialist Monitoring and Evaluation: – Assigned Leader/Team: Data Analyst

X. Budget Content Development: $2,000 for professional copywriting and graphic design. Channel Utilization: $1,500 for social media advertising and email marketing platforms. Monitoring Tools: $500 for analytics software subscriptions. Miscellaneous Expenses: $1,000 for unforeseen costs.

XI. Approval and Implementation – The plan will be presented to the Board of Directors on April 15, 2024, for approval. Upon approval, the implementation phase will begin according to the outlined timeline.

XII. Appendices – A: Detailed Social Media Strategy and Calendar – B: Email Newsletter Templates – C: Press Release Template and Media Contact List – D: Community Outreach Schedule and Materials

  • Large Corporation

Large corporations usually need comprehensive communication plans that ensure everyone is on the same page. Elements of a corporate communication plan include:

  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Crisis communication strategies

Part 7 Corporate Communication Plan Template

I. Executive Summary – A brief overview of the communication plan, highlighting its significance and alignment with corporate goals.

II. Introduction – An explanation of the context and need for a structured communication approach within the corporation.

III. Communication Objectives – Clear and measurable objectives that the communication efforts aim to achieve. Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3:

IV. Stakeholder Analysis – Identification and categorization of all stakeholders relevant to the corporation’s communication efforts. Internal Stakeholders: – Employees – Management – Board Members External Stakeholders: – Customers/Clients – Suppliers – Media – Investors – Community

V. Key Messages – Central themes and information points that need to be consistently communicated to stakeholders. For Internal Stakeholders: – Message 1: – Message 2: For External Stakeholders: – Message 1: – Message 2:

VI. Channels – The mediums through which the corporation will deliver its key messages. Internal Channels: – Intranet – Email Bulletins – Town Hall Meetings External Channels: – Press Releases – Corporate Website – Social Media Platforms – Public Relations Events

VII. Timeline – A schedule detailing when and how communication activities will be carried out. Initial Rollout: – Date: – Activities: Ongoing Communication: – Frequency: – Activities: Milestone Reviews: – Dates: – Review Activities:

VIII. Responsibilities – Allocation of roles and duties to team members for executing the communication plan. Strategic Planning: – Person/Team: Content Development: – Person/Team: Message Distribution: – Person/Team: Monitoring and Feedback: – Person/Team:

IX. Crisis Communication Strategies – Predefined actions and protocols for managing communication during potential crises. Crisis Identification: – Signals and Triggers: Crisis Communication Team: – Roles and Contact Information: Key Messages During Crisis: – For Employees: – For Media: – For Other Stakeholders: Communication Channels for Crisis: – Primary: – Secondary:

X. Monitoring and Evaluation – Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the communication efforts and making necessary adjustments. Metrics: – Employee engagement levels – Media coverage quality and sentiment – Social media analytics Evaluation Tools: – Surveys – Media Monitoring Software – Social Media Listening Tools

XI. Appendices – Any additional documents, guidelines, or resources that support the communication plan

Part 8 Corporate Internal Communication Plan Example

I. Executive Summary – (Summary of the plan’s purpose, which is to enhance internal communication and collaboration through the implementation of a project management tool.)

II. Introduction – (Explanation of the current state of internal communication and the need for improved processes and tools to facilitate better teamwork and project tracking.)

III. Communication Objectives Objective 1: Achieve 100% team member adoption of the project management tool within two months of rollout. Objective 2: Reduce email reliance for project updates by 50% within three months. Objective 3: Increase project delivery efficiency by 20% within six months as measured by project completion rates and stakeholder feedback.

IV. Stakeholder Analysis Internal Stakeholders: – Employees: All levels of staff who will be using the project management tool. – Management: Supervisors and managers who will oversee and track project progress. – IT Department: Support staff responsible for implementing and maintaining the tool.

V. Key Messages For All Employees: – Message 1: “The new project management tool will streamline our workflows and enhance collaboration.” – Message 2: “Comprehensive training and support will be provided to ensure a smooth transition.” For Management: – Message 1: “Real-time project tracking will provide better oversight and resource allocation.” – Message 2: “Your leadership is key to the successful adoption of the project management tool.”

VI. Channels Internal Channels: – Intranet Announcements – Email Bulletins with progress updates and tips – Training Workshops and Webinars – Q&A Sessions and Feedback Forums

VII. Timeline Tool Launch: – Date: August 1, 2024 – Activities: Initial tool training session, access provision to all team members. Ongoing Communication: – Frequency: Weekly updates, monthly training refreshers, quarterly feedback collection. – Activities: Progress tracking, success stories sharing, addressing questions and concerns. Milestone Reviews: – Dates: End of each month for the first three months, then quarterly. – Review Activities: Assess tool adoption rates, survey employees for feedback, adjust training as needed.

VIII. Responsibilities Strategic Planning: – Person/Team: Internal Communications Manager Content Development and Training: – Person/Team: HR and IT Department Collaborative Effort Message Distribution: – Person/Team: Departmental Team Leaders Monitoring and Feedback: – Person/Team: Project Management Tool Implementation Committee

IX. Crisis Communication Strategies Crisis Identification: – Signals and Triggers: Low adoption rates, negative feedback, technical issues with the tool. Crisis Communication Team: – Roles and Contact Information: Internal Communications Manager, IT Support Lead. Key Messages During Crisis: – For Employees: “We are aware of the issues with the tool and are working diligently to resolve them.” Communication Channels for Crisis: – Primary: Intranet, direct emails. – Secondary: Impromptu meetings or conference calls if needed.

X. Monitoring and Evaluation Metrics: – User login and activity rates in the project management tool. – Reduction in project-related email traffic. – Feedback from employee satisfaction surveys regarding internal communication. Evaluation Tools: – Project management tool analytics. – Internal survey tools. – Email analytics for tracking communication volume.

XI. Appendices – A: Project Management Tool User Guide – B: Training Workshop Schedule – C: FAQ Document for Tool Implementation – D: Feedback Form Template

Part 9 Implementing the Communication Plan

Action plan and timeline.

To effectively implement your communication plan, it’s important to create an action plan and timeline . This will help you structure your project in a way that ensures your objectives will be achieved. Start by breaking down your goals into smaller tasks or steps, and determine the deadlines for each task.

For example, suppose your goal is to launch a new marketing campaign. Your action plan might include:

  • Researching your target audience (by March 10th)
  • Creating marketing materials (by March 20th)
  • Distributing materials (by March 25th)
  • Monitoring responses (from March 25th to April 10th)

Having a clear timeline allows you to stay on track with your project, and it provides a useful reference for you to update your stakeholders on the progress of the communication plan at any given time.

Assigning Roles and Responsibilities

Another crucial aspect of implementing the plan is assigning roles and responsibilities to your team members. Determine who is best suited for each aspect of the plan and delegate the tasks accordingly.

  • Identify the desired outcomes for each project/task
  • List the skills and resources needed to achieve those outcomes
  • Match team members based on their skills, expertise, and availability

For example, in the marketing campaign mentioned earlier, you might assign roles like this:

  • Research: marketing analysts
  • Creating materials: graphic designers and copywriters
  • Distribution: social media managers and email marketing specialists
  • Monitoring: data analysts

By doing so, you ensure that everyone understands their part in the project and can focus on their assigned responsibilities. This also makes it easier for you to track and manage progress on each aspect of the communication plan, leading to a smoother and more efficient implementation overall.

Part 10 Communication Plan Monitoring and Adjusting

In a well-structured communication plan, it’s important to regularly monitor progress and make adjustments as needed. This is where the “Monitoring and Adjusting” section comes into play. By keeping an eye on the implementation of your plan and gathering feedback, you can refine your approach and maximize effectiveness.

Feedback Mechanisms

To ensure your communication plan is on the right track, you’ll need to establish feedback mechanisms. These help you understand if your messages are well-received or if they need adjustments. Some options for gathering feedback include:

  • Surveys or questionnaires
  • Focus groups with your target audience
  • Observations of communication in action
  • Social media monitoring and analytics

By using these tools, you’ll identify areas where your communication plan could be more effective. Keep in mind that understanding your audience’s needs, preferences, and concerns is key to effectively adjusting your strategy.

Iterative Process

Your communication plan is an evolving document. As you gather feedback and learn more about your audience, you should be open to making changes. This continuous improvement is essential for achieving your goals. Here’s how you can implement iterative improvements:

  • Monitor the effectiveness of your communication channels and tactics.
  • Identify areas where your plan can be improved, and prioritize these improvements.
  • Make adjustments to your plan based on the data you’ve gathered.
  • Continue monitoring your plan’s effectiveness and make changes when necessary.

Embracing this iterative process is important, as it helps you stay flexible and adapt your approach as needed. By continuously refining your communication plan, you’re better equipped to reach your objectives and maintain a strong connection with your audience.

Part 11 Measuring Impact and ROI of a Communication Plan

In order to gauge how effective your communication plan is, it’s important to conduct accurate measurement and analysis. This section discusses two key methods for evaluating the success of your plan: quantitative analysis and qualitative insights.

Quantitative Analysis

When it comes to measuring the impact of your communication plan, numerical data can provide valuable insights. You may want to consider tracking metrics such as:

  • Engagement : Track the number of likes, shares, comments, and click-throughs on your content.
  • Reach : Measure how many people your messages are reaching by monitoring the total number of impressions or views.
  • Conversion : Assess how well your communication plan is driving users to take desired actions, like signing up for newsletters, making purchases, or registering for events.
  • Retention : Examine if your messages are keeping your audience engaged and invested by reviewing metrics like repeat visits or subscriptions.

For example, if you’re using social media to communicate with your customers, look at the engagement rate of your posts. This can help you determine which types of content resonate the most with your audience and how well your communication strategy is performing overall.

Qualitative Insights

While quantitative data is crucial for understanding the impact of your communication plan, it’s also important to gather qualitative feedback. This means collecting opinions, thoughts, and experiences from your target audience. Some ways you can gather this information include:

  • Surveys: Send out surveys or questionnaires to your audience to gather their thoughts on your communication efforts.
  • Focus groups: Organize a focus group with a representative sample of your target audience and facilitate a discussion on your communication plan.
  • User tests: Invite users to test your communication materials or channels and provide feedback on their experiences.

For instance, you may conduct a survey asking your employees about their experiences with your internal communication tools. By understanding their experiences and preferences, you can improve your communication plan to better serve their needs.

Measuring the impact and ROI of your communication plan is essential in ensuring its effectiveness. By using both quantitative analysis and qualitative insights, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how well your plan is performing and how to improve it for greater success.

Part 12 Best Practices for Communication Plans

When creating a communication plan, it’s important to consider some best practices to ensure that your plan is effective and reaches its intended audience. Below are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • Goals and Objectives : Clearly define your communication goals and objectives. Be specific about what you want to achieve and how you plan on measuring success. For example, if your objective is to increase team engagement, consider using metrics such as response rates or participation in events to determine if your plan is successful.
  • Know Your Audience : It’s important to consider who your target audience is so that you can tailor your messages accordingly. Make sure to understand their needs, preferences, and communication channels because audience plays a crucial role in determining how effective your plan will be.
  • Prioritize Messages: Determine which messages are most important or relevant to your audience. Having clear priorities for the topics and key messages you want to communicate will help ensure that the most important information is conveyed effectively.
  • Choose the Right Channels: Use the appropriate channels to reach your target audience. This could include email, internal platforms, face-to-face meetings, or social media platforms, depending on your audience and objectives. Be sure to consider their familiarity and comfort level with the selected channels.
  • Clear and Concise Messaging: Keep your messages simple, easy to understand and to the point. Avoid using complex language or jargon that may be confusing to your audience. Clear communication is essential for conveying the most important information.
  • Create a Timeline: Develop a timeline to plan and schedule your communication activities. This will help ensure that communications are consistent and messages don’t get lost in the shuffle. Include key dates, milestones and desired outcomes on the timeline to keep everyone informed.
  • Be Flexible and Adaptable: While it’s important to have a plan, be prepared to adjust your approach if necessary. Be willing to adapt and change your communication strategy if it’s not meeting your objectives. Keep an open mind and be receptive to feedback from your audience.
  • Evaluate and Improve: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your communication plan by measuring its success against your objectives. Use the insights gathered to refine your approach and make improvements as needed. Learning from your successes and failures will ensure that your communication plan continues to evolve and improve.

Part 13 Tips for Maintaining Stakeholder Engagement

To ensure the success of your communication plan, it’s important to maintain stakeholder engagement throughout the process. Here are some tips to help you achieve this goal.

First, create a list of all stakeholders involved in the project. Being aware of who they are and their roles will help you tailor your communication strategies accordingly. For example, if you’re working with a branding team, consider holding regular meetings to provide updates on the latest designs and their impact on the project.

When communicating with stakeholders, make sure to be transparent and open. This means being honest about the project’s progress as well as any obstacles or challenges you may face along the way. By maintaining transparency, you can build trust with stakeholders and effectively manage their expectations.

To further boost stakeholder engagement, consider using a variety of communication channels. You might use different channels depending on the information being shared, the urgency of the message or the preferences of your stakeholders. Examples of effective communication channels include:

  • Newsletters
  • Social media platforms
  • Instant messaging tools
  • Video conferencing

In addition, give your stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback on the project’s progress. This can be done through meetings or online surveys, for example. By opening up lines of communication and actively seeking their input, you demonstrate your commitment to collaboration and partnership.

Another important aspect of maintaining stakeholder engagement is providing regular updates on the project’s progress. Schedule periodic status updates, which allow stakeholders to see the current state of the project and understand any changes that have occurred. Be sure to emphasize accomplishments as well as challenges, because highlighting both will offer a balanced view of the project’s development.

Lastly, show appreciation and recognition for your stakeholders’ time and effort. This doesn’t have to be an extravagant gesture, a simple thank you email or acknowledging their contributions in a meeting can go a long way. By expressing gratitude and acknowledging their hard work, you can foster a positive working relationship that benefits everyone involved.

Maintaining stakeholder engagement in your communication plan is vital to ensuring project success. By incorporating these tips into your strategy, you can effectively keep your stakeholders informed, involved, and committed to the project’s objectives.

Part 14 Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements to include in a communication plan.

A communication plan should include the following key elements:

  • Goals and objectives: Clearly define the purpose of your communication efforts, outlining your desired outcomes.
  • Target audience: Identify your intended recipients, understanding their needs and preferences.
  • Key messages: Determine what information you want to convey, ensuring it is clear and concise.
  • Communication channels: Choose the most effective means for delivering your messages, such as email, social media, or in-person meetings.
  • Timelines and milestones: Establish a schedule for your communication activities, setting deadlines for important tasks.
  • Resources and budget: Assess the financial and human resources available to support your communication efforts.
  • Measurement and evaluation: Set criteria for tracking progress, and be ready to adjust your plan as needed.

Can you provide an outline for constructing an effective communication strategy?

Here’s a simple outline to help you construct an effective communication strategy:

  • Establish your goals and objectives.
  • Identify your target audience.
  • Develop key messages tailored to your audience.
  • Select appropriate communication channels.
  • Create a timeline and milestones for your communication activities.
  • Allocate the necessary resources and budget.
  • Monitor progress and measure success, modifying the plan as necessary.

How do I tailor a communication plan to suit my organization’s needs?

To create a communication plan that addresses your organization’s unique needs, consider the following steps:

  • Assess your organization’s values, mission, and objectives.
  • Identify your communication goals, aligning them with your organizational objectives.
  • Understand your target audience, considering their communication preferences and needs.
  • Develop key messages that resonate with your audience and reflect your organization’s values.
  • Choose communication channels that are best suited for your audience and message.
  • Create a schedule for your communication activities, ensuring it aligns with your organization’s timeline.
  • Evaluate success regularly, adapting the plan to meet changing needs and opportunities.

How can different types of communication plans be applied to various projects?

Different types of communication plans can be adapted to fit different project requirements. For example:

  • Internal communication plans can be tailored to the specific needs of your team, focusing on improving communication within your organization.
  • Crisis communication plans can be designed to address potential challenges and unexpected situations, guiding your team’s response during a crisis.
  • Marketing communication plans can be developed to promote your product or service, shaping public perception and driving sales.
  • Stakeholder communication plans can be customized to address the diverse interests of various stakeholders, ensuring transparent and open communication between your organization and these key groups.

The key to creating a successful communication plan is to understand the unique needs of your project and tailor the plan to meet those needs.

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More From Forbes

Five components of a successful strategic communications plan.

Forbes Communications Council

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Director of Marketing at  haseebtariq.com.  I help fix large revenue retention & growth issues.

Communication is a critical part of any organization's success. Once, I was working closely with the senior leadership to create an email that addressed late deliveries. I remember that when we first started, there were so many ideas swirling in our heads about how to approach this project and what tone of voice would be best for our company. I wished I had someone with a communications strategy plan who could tell me the "best" way to approach this project in order to be successful.

I started reading and researching, looking for what I felt was a good strategy to communicate with our target audience. Luckily, after some research and conversations with others who had more experience than myself on the topic at hand, what finally developed was a communications strategy plan that we used over and over again for all of our marketing and communication efforts.

What Is A Communications Strategy Plan?

A communications strategy is a plan for communicating with your target audience. It includes who you are talking to, why you are talking to them, how and when you will talk to them, what form of communication the content should take and what channels you should use to share it.

1. What Is The Purpose Of Your Communications Plan?

A clear purpose helps keep everyone on board. Make sure the right people hear your message when they are ready and in a way that you want them to hear it. Your communication objectives should be to answer these questions: Who do I need to reach? Why do I need to reach them? What will my communications say? How will I deliver this message at the time that will have the best impact on my audience (and for me)? And what channels am I using or can I use for delivery?

2. Who Are You Communicating With (Or Who Is Your Target Audience) And What Message Do They Need To Hear?

Target audiences can vary from one time to another and may include your customers, employees or the media. Define who needs to hear what is happening in your organization. Every communications plan is different, but they should never be one-size-fits-all. It's a good idea to create an audience map that identifies key audiences and the messages they need to hear about your organization or cause in order for them to take action.

3. How Will This Message Be Communicated?

Your communications strategy provides the framework for the company's outreach activities, including what needs to get out there through communication channels like social media, email marketing, blog posts, video content on YouTube or Vimeo and so on. In my experience, the more specific you are with your messaging (and visuals) — even if it seems repetitive — the better your chances of getting people engaged and taking action are.

4. When Should This Communication Happen — Right Now Or Later On?

Organizations have to use their communications wisely and strategically in order to be successful with them. But the importance of timing is also important for communicating effectively. Your communications strategy should specify when the message should be communicated, including whether that's right now or later on. Your communications team should take these considerations into account as they develop your messaging and timing plan. In addition, I recommend developing two equally effective strategies: one for "now" and another that can be deployed in anticipation of events that might happen later down the road. A crisis communication plan helps cushion against unexpected turns of events, no matter what happens.

5. Who Will Be Responsible For The Communication?

Communications professionals should be the ones responsible for communicating with external audiences, and they should do so often during a crisis. However, human resources departments may also need to communicate internally about any changes that may affect employees. Define key messages, and then decide who will deliver them. Define the audience and focus on what they need to know about this change. Be sure to provide information in a timely way, but also keep the message concise so that employees can digest it easily.

Bottom Line

A strategic communications plan can help you communicate your message to the right people at the most opportune time. By considering these five components, you can put together a solid strategy that could drive more success for your business and bring about your desired results in less time. 

Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising agencies. Do I qualify?

Haseeb Tariq

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6-Step Guide to Crafting the Perfect Communication Plan


A communication plan is a key to developing an effective and consistent messaging strategy.

It helps guide the process of setting measurable goals for your strategy, profiling your target audience and creating and successfully delivering your message.

What is a Communication Plan

Components of a Communication Plan

Steps to communication planning, step 1 – perform a situation analysis, swot analysis, pest analysis, perceptual map, step 2 – identify and define objectives / goals, step 3 – understand and profile your key audience, step 4 – decide the media channels and create a strategy, step 5 – create a timetable for publishing, step 6 – monitor and evaluate the results, common mistakes to avoid when creating communications plans, faqs about communication plans, what’s your approach to writing a communication plan, what is a communication plan.

A communication plan outlines how teams can communicate important information to key stakeholders. It highlights what information should be shared, when, to which audience and via which channels.

Having a solid communication plan in place will help ensure that the communication objectives of your organization are met and that all assets that you send out are aligned with the core communications strategy of the company.

In marketing and public relations, communication plans are used to plan how important information about products and services will be communicated to target audiences, including customers, clients, media and the general public. Companies also use communication plans to maintain consistent and effective internal communications within the organization. These may include internal newsletters, intranet updates and team Wikis. In project management, communication plans are used to highlight how information will be communicated within teams and relevant stakeholders, throughout the lifecycle of the project. Overall, communications plans offer a structured approach to plan, implement and evaluate communication efforts to optimize the effectiveness of communications.

Use this communication plan template to develop your strategy and deploy it.

Communications Plan Template

Why is a Communication Plan Essential?

Clear communication is the backbone of any successful initiative. A communication plan ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing the risk of confusion, missed deadlines, and unmet expectations. It fosters trust, ensures transparency, and can be the difference between project success and failure.

Who Should Use a Communication Plan?

A communication plan isn’t just for large corporations or project managers. It’s for anyone aiming to streamline interactions, whether you’re a small business owner, a team leader, or an individual looking to improve personal projects. Understanding your audience and tailoring your communication strategy to them is the first step.

When Should You Implement a Communication Plan?

The best time to implement a communication plan is at the onset of a project or initiative. However, it’s never too late. Whether you’re starting a new project, revamping an old one, or looking to improve ongoing communications, a well-structured plan can make a difference.

Where Does a Communication Plan Apply?

While often associated with business projects, communication plans apply everywhere: from community events, educational programs, to personal projects. Any scenario that requires organized communication can benefit.

Your communications plan should include the following key elements.

1. Target Audience

Who is Your Target Audience? All strategic communications should be directed at a specific audience. Accordingly, the message you send out should be tailored to their level of knowledge, understanding and trust in your brand or organization.

What is the Context of Your Message? The next step is to define the context of your message. Identify key events that may be significant to the audience that you are aiming to reach. The context defines what should be included in the message and how your audience will relate and respond to it.

3. Outcomes

What Do You Aim to Achieve with Your Message? The outcome of your message is the ‘call to action’. Define what people need to know, believe and do after receiving the message. Create a ‘message pyramid’ with an attention grabbing headline, followed by ‘reasons why’ and proof points. This helps the audience understand your core message and then consider the proof points which are relevant to their context, and there by act based on your call-to-action.

Which Media Channels Will You Use? Media are the channels through which your message is communicated. These may vary depending on the content, context and audience of the message. For instance, if you want to reach a younger tech-savvy audience, you may choose a social media platform that may be popular among them.

5. Messengers

How Will You Choose Your Messengers? The primary messenger may not always be the most ‘effective’ messenger. The messenger’s ethos should resonate credibility, status and power, expertise and relationship.

Why do most companies get their CEOs or members of the senior management to conduct new product launches or convey important product information? It is because audiences tend to have confidence in people with big titles who have an influence in the organization. They are also experts in their subject area and have a strong relationship with the company.

6. Measurement

How Will You Measure Success? It is important to cultivate strategies to measure the effectiveness of your communications. Include KPIs for your communication activities and document the results. This also helps build a repository of information which will be useful when planning future communications activities.

Whether you are creating a marketing communication plan or a strategic communication plan, the following steps will help guide you.

Situation analysis helps assess the capabilities of and health of things in an organization. It’s the ideal way to understand the current status of your organization’s communication.

You can gather as much information as needed from conducting an audit .

To gather relevant information from situation analysis, you can consult departmental heads, process owners and other internal staff members.

In a situation analysis, you need to examine both the internal and external environments. To do so, you can use the following tools

You can use a SWOT analysis to examine the strengths and weaknesses within your organization, and opportunities and threats that you can find in your external environment.

SWOT Analysis for Situation Analysis

With a PEST analysis , you can examine political, environmental, social and technological factors, all of which exist in the external environment of your organization, but can have a significant impact on the way things run in your business.

PEST Analysis for Situation Analysis

One good competitor analysis technique is the perceptual map. It helps you make sense of how your customers perceive the brands of your competitors in the market compared to yours.

Perceptual Map for Situation Analysis

Once you know where you stand, you can find your direction. The next step is to define your goals.

Think of what outcomes/results you want to achieve from your communication plan. These will become your goal/s as you develop your communication plan.

Make sure that the goals you select are SMART :

SMART Goals Analysis

Who are you creating this communication plan for? Understanding your audience and their requirements, characteristics etc. is key to creating an effective message and delivering it successfully.

Your key audience could be within your organization or your customers. Either way, you should gather information on them and create simple audience personas.

These personas could include a variety of data that ranges from their age and gender to the challenges they face.

Audience Profile for Communications Plan

As you conduct research on your target audience you would get to know that their requirements and preferences are diverse.

It’s clear that you won’t be able to reach all of them through one media channel or retain their attention with one type of content.

Consider the most effective channels you can think of when creating your media channel strategy. Make sure to select the ideal channel when you are targeting different audience segments.

Media Channel Strategy for Communication Plan

When do you want your audience to hear your message and how often? Have a content calendar or create a Gantt chart outlining a timeframe for your publishing strategy.

Gantt Chart for Communication Plan

You may also need to take the resources available to you into consideration. If you have one content writer, publishing quality blog posts on a daily basis would be ineffective.

Constantly monitor and track your results in order to understand whether you are any closer to achieving your goals. If you have failed, proceed to mark it down so you can make necessary improvements next time.

Creating a communication plan for your non profit organization? Check out this resource for some great tips.

Overcomplicating the Plan

Trying to include too many channels or too much information may complicate the plan. This can lead to confusion and dilute the effectiveness of your messaging. Stick only to key messaging and channels that are most effective in reaching and engaging the target audience.

Not Considering the Timing

Timing is crucial in communication planning. It is important to consider the timing of the messaging and ensure that they are aligned with key events or milestones. Don’t send out important communications during periods of high volume or noise, such as during holidays or major news events.

Not Adapting to Changes

Communication plans should be adaptable and flexible to changes in environment or audience. It is important to regularly review and update plans to keep up with emerging trends (to make sure that your plan stays relevant and effective). Failing to adapt to changes may cause missed opportunities and ineffective messaging.

How often should a communications plan be updated?

A communications plan should be updated regularly to reflect changes in the organization’s goals, priorities, audiences, or external environment. The frequency of updates will depend on the pace of change in the organization and the industry. A good rule of thumb is to review the communications plan annually and update it as needed. However, if there are major changes in the organization, such as a merger, acquisition, or crisis, the communications plan should be updated immediately to ensure that communication is timely, accurate, and effective.

How can an organization measure the effectiveness of its communications plan?

An organization can measure the effectiveness of its communications plan by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) related to its communication goals and objectives. These KPIs may include website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, media coverage, customer satisfaction surveys, or sales figures. By tracking these KPIs over time, the organization can assess whether its communication activities are achieving the desired results and make adjustments as needed. It’s important to set realistic goals and benchmarks for each KPI and to ensure that the data is collected consistently and accurately. Additionally, feedback from stakeholders, such as customers, employees, and investors, can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the organization’s communication activities.

A successful communication plan will get your message delivered across to your audience effectively while ensuring that you are on track to accomplishing your business objectives.

Follow the simple steps above to create a winning communication plan. If you have any other tips, do share them with us in the comment section below.

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

Free Communication Plan Templates

By Kate Eby | February 27, 2023

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Below, you’ll find the best free communication plan templates for your organization. These templates are fully customizable and available in multiple formats. Pick the one that’s right for you.

On this page, you’ll find a communication plan template that allows for full customization and the inclusion of numerous important details; a strategic communication plan template that helps you develop a granular and highly focused communication strategy; and a business communication plan template that enables you to align your business plan and mission statement with your communication plan.

Communication Plan Template

Communication Plan Template

Download a Communication Plan Template for  Excel | Microsoft Word | Google Sheets

Use this communication plan template to develop a clear and organized plan for disseminating information throughout your organization. Enter important details, such as stakeholders, deliverables, priority, delivery method, and frequency of communication. You can use this template in its current form, or you can adapt it to suit your specific needs. A good communication plan streamlines your workflow and reduces redundant or unnecessary communication while ensuring the efficient distribution of all vital details to every interested party. 

For additional information on communication plans, including more templates and professional advice, check out this comprehensive guide to project communication plans .

Strategic Communication Plan Template

Strategic Communication Plan Template

Download a Strategic Communication Plan Template for  Excel | Adobe PDF | Google Sheets

Use this strategic communication plan template for a complete and detailed look at your organization’s communication needs. This template helps you develop a strategic plan that takes into consideration your mission, executive strategy, situational analysis, stakeholders, key messages, and more. This tool gives you the ability to create a customized plan that encompasses all your needs.

Check out these free communication templates for more options and information about communication plans.

Business Communication Plan Template

Business Communication Plan Template

Download a Business Communication Plan Template for  Excel | Adobe PDF | Google Sheets

A business communication plan is crucial for setting and meeting organizational goals. Use this template to align your business plan and mission statement with your communication plan. Fill in all the crucial details concerning your business and mission to create a fully formed communication plan that streamlines and strengthens the connection between your business, clients, and stakeholders. 

To learn more about creating your own communication plan, visit this highly informative page of free communication strategy templates, examples, and expert tips .

What Is a Communication Plan Template?

A communication plan template is a tool for organizing and planning a communication strategy for a project or program. The template format can range from a simple chart to a multistep plan. Adapt the template to meet your organization’s needs.

A communication plan is essential for creating and implementing a predictable, reliable, and timely system of communication within your organization. Use a communication plan template to ensure that you’re accounting for all stakeholders and disseminating key information in a timely and constructive manner.

What Should a Communication Plan Include?

A communication plan should include goals and objectives; stakeholders and audiences; key messages; and a timeline for the dissemination of important communication. As your plan evolves, you can add details, such as multistep solutions or changes of task ownership. 

The nature of your plan’s content depends partially on the type and size of your organization. Still, most communication plans share a basic framework. To learn more, check out the key elements of a communication plan .

How to Write a Strategic Communication Plan

When writing a strategic communication plan, first decide on your goals. Next, consider what you need to communicate and to whom. Then write and obtain approval for your message. Finally, create a schedule and share your message with the team.

Your plan will vary, depending on your specific circumstances, but expect to follow these steps:

  • Establish Your Communication Needs Figure out what you require in order to communicate important messages within your organization: What types of technology do you need to share information? With whom do you need to share information? What is the appropriate tone for sharing information? By answering these questions, you gain a firm grasp of what you need before you move on to the next step. 
  • Decide on Your Communication Goals Determine what you want to say, to whom you want to say it, and how and why you want to say it. Write down the answers to these questions. Stay focused on your communication goals by making sure that you don’t include redundant or unnecessary information. Follow these steps to create the basis of your written plan. 
  • Develop a Communication Schedule Establish the time frame of your project. Is it a short- or long-term project? An ongoing project requires consistent, recurring updates; a short-term project requires only a few updates (e.g., at the outset of the project, at the midway point, and at the conclusion). Once you determine the frequency of your communication, then you can pinpoint the timing of your updates based on the nature of your content. Deliver a recap or a low-priority message at or near the end of the week; share an important message early in the week or at a team meeting. Follow these steps to develop a precise communication schedule. 
  • Consolidate Information into One Document Adapt one of the templates on this page to meet your needs. Once you’ve done so, make sure the entire team has access to the document. That way, you can ensure that everyone is working in lockstep.

How to Use Communication Plan Templates

As communication plans evolve, you can easily adapt by using a template. Pick an editable template that meets your needs. Complete the relevant fields with your specific information. As clients or stakeholders change, so should your communication plan. 

Use the following step-by-step instructions to get the most out of the templates on this page:

  • Download the communication plan template in Microsoft Word.
  • Save the template to your drive using a meaningful and unique title (e.g., “Marketing Department Communication Plan”).
  • Stakeholders
  • Deliverables for each stakeholder
  • Frequency of communication
  • Preferred delivery method
  • Team or owner of each project
  • Fill in the corresponding fields in your template.
  • Review and adjust your plan as necessary.
  • Share your plan with key stakeholders.
  • Revisit and adapt your plan as necessary using your downloaded template.

Master Your Communication Strategy with Free Templates from Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.

A business person communicating on a mobile device

How effective business communication can transform your company

The right business communication solutions and strategies can boost team morale and productivity.

By the team at Slack April 15th, 2024

People spend the vast majority of their workweek—88%—communicating, according to Grammarly’s 2024 State of Business Communication report . So when it comes to company success, a strong business communication strategy can go a long way.

Effective business communication helps promote collaboration, mitigate conflicts and encourage creative thinking among employees. By communicating thoughtfully, you can reduce misunderstandings and errors within your workplace and ensure that every team member gets the support they need.

Let’s explore communication tools and methods that can help you build better relationships with your employees, colleagues and clients.

Types of business communication

Communication can flow in several different directions within a company.

  • Upward: Communication flows upward when an employee responds to messaging from leaders or managers, such as when a customer service rep responds to feedback from a supervisor.
  • Downward: Downward communication happens when higher-ups cascade information to lower-level employees, such as when the CEO issues an announcement to mid-level managers, who then relay the message to their direct reports.
  • Lateral: Communication moves laterally when it flows between colleagues at the same hierarchical level. This might occur among managers in a strategy meeting or HR employees discussing policies and procedures.
  • External: External communication flows out of the organization, such as when a sales rep talks to a prospective client or a vendor.

Written vs. verbal vs. nonverbal communication in business

  • Written communications use written words as their medium. These might include company newsletters , marketing emails or blog posts.
  • Verbal communication can take place over the phone, in a video conference or in person. Verbal business communications happen during meetings, presentations, business workshops, and even spontaneous Slack huddles and informal watercooler chats.
  • Nonverbal communication uses wordless cues such as physical gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice and even emoji to relay information . For example, a manager might react with a 🙌 :thankyou: emoji to a direct report’s progress update in Slack to indicate a job well done.

What are the different methods of business communication?

From direct messages in Slack to external press releases, you can convey information using many business communication methods , but some methods work better than others for certain audiences or types of messaging. Let’s look at some of the most common business communication mediums.

  • Business messaging: Platforms like Slack support business messaging in either direct messages or channels . Use threads to organize conversations about specific topics, create a collaborative Slack canvas to record notes from a team meeting and use emoji to convey nonverbal messages.
  • Meetings: Meetings are ideal for discussions that require immediate feedback, such as brainstorming or planning sessions. You can conduct a meeting either in person or virtually by using video-conferencing software.
  • Phone calls: Phone calls enable quick information exchanges and urgent updates, often in a less formal environment than video conferencing.
  • Emails: Email is a relatively quick, efficient and informal way to deliver updates, responses and feedback. However, it lacks many of the collaborative features and dynamic characteristics of an intelligent productivity platform such as Slack.
  • Reports: Reports are detailed, formal knowledge sharing documents that present research findings, analyses or updates to either internal team members or external stakeholders.
  • Press releases: These are official statements distributed to media outlets to announce new developments, events or achievements.
  • Memos: A staple of internal business communication, memos are often used for company announcements such as policy or staffing changes.

Developing effective communication strategies

Regardless of your chosen medium, you should choose your business communication techniques wisely. As you set up a business communication process for your company, keep a few best practices in mind.

Adapt the message to your audience

Customize your message to your intended audience. Regardless of what you’re trying to communicate, you’d deliver the message differently to a group of kindergartners than you would to tech CEOs, or cattle farmers, or personal trainers. Evaluate your audience to make sure you provide an appropriate amount of context and assume a suitable tone.

Consider how you’ll present yourself

Your presentation is particularly important if you’re holding a meeting in person or through video conferencing. Take a few deep breaths, and evaluate your body language: Are you open and inviting? Are you making eye contact (or looking into the camera)? Maintaining a relaxed demeanor can help others feel relaxed too.

Whether you’re communicating in a video conference, over the phone or in person, stay enthusiastic and engaged while you’re speaking.

Manage nonverbal signs to control the message

Consider what you might be communicating with your nonverbal signals. In an in-person meeting, avoid glancing at the clock or the door. In a video meeting, try not to look at your phone or your second monitor. Otherwise, your audience may think you’re not engaged.

Nonverbal communication is even important on text-dominant platforms like Slack. A survey by Slack and Duolingo found that 53% of respondents use emoji when messaging their colleagues, and 67% feel closer and more bonded when their recipient understands the emoji they’re using.

Plus, emoji make professional conversations more efficient. Fifty-four percent say emoji can make workplace communication faster; 58% say emoji allow them to communicate nuanced messages in fewer words.

But not all emoji are appropriate, of course: 💋 : kiss: , 👅 :tongue: , 💩  :poop: and 🍆 :eggplant: rank among the most off-limits emoji to use at work.

Practice active listening when people respond to you

Active listening involves asking questions and giving thoughtful responses to show that you’re engaged with the discussion. By demonstrating your interest in the other person’s message, you’ll strengthen your relationship with them and make it easier to remember details from the conversation. Active listening matters no matter which communication method you’re using.

Ask for feedback from team members

One of the most effective and efficient ways to improve your communication practices is by asking for feedback. Implement a process for delivering feedback, and make sure your teammates feel comfortable using it. This could be a brief post-meeting survey or a thread or quick huddle in Slack .

Handle conflicts respectfully

Even with a flawless communication strategy, disagreements will inevitably crop up. When you don’t see eye to eye with a teammate, manager or direct report, ensure that you continue to communicate thoughtfully and respectfully.

Addressing common barriers in business communication

Communication problems arise due to various factors, including interpersonal differences and tech-related snafus. Let’s explore some of the most common barriers and how you can break them down for better business communication on your team.

Technological hurdles

Technology lets colleagues communicate instantaneously, seamlessly and cost-effectively, even across long distances. But software glitches, connectivity issues and hardware malfunctions are also commonplace and can significantly disrupt communication flow.

Make it a point to:

  • Regularly update hardware and software
  • Train employees on best practices for using communication technology
  • Implement backup methods to ensure continuity in case of system failures
  • Establish communication protocols in case primary systems fail

Email overload

Ever find yourself avoiding your email inbox on a Monday morning? Email overload can make it easy to lose track of important messages or fall behind on responding to colleagues.

To curb the negative effects of email overload:

  • Use folders, filters and labels to organize email by priority or project
  • Limit email checking to specific times of the day
  • Unsubscribe from non-essential notifications or newsletters
  • Train employees on email best practices, such as how to write subject lines and when to CC other team members
  • Shift to a more efficient team chat platform like Slack for quick questions and updates, reserving email for more formal communications

Language and cultural differences

Nonverbal cues, such as direct eye contact, convey different meanings across cultures. For example, Americans regard it as a sign of honesty and confidence, while the Japanese perceive it as disrespectful, even confrontational.

Certain nonverbal cues, idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms may not translate well across different cultures. This even applies to emoji: While many Americans might consider 🍑 :peach: flirty and inappropriate for work, 71% of Korean respondents to Slack’s survey interpreted the emoji as a literal peach. Similarly, 56% of Chinese respondents see 🍆 :eggplant: as simply an eggplant.

To enhance cross-cultural communication in business:

  • Invest in employee cultural training to prepare them for the nuances of working with diverse teams
  • Use professional interpreters and translators to prevent misunderstandings
  • Be ready to adapt strategies, communication methods and decision-making processes to accommodate cultural differences

Send the right message at the right time and place

Effective business communication takes time and effort. It’s up to team leaders to implement strong systems and processes to ensure that communication flows smoothly through their organizations.

Slack provides a feature-rich, scalable, AI-powered platform that easily integrates with third-party applications. No matter where your teammates are located around the world, Slack makes it easy for them to collaborate, stay informed and drive projects forward.

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Blog Graphic Design 5 Ways to Make an Exciting Business Communication Plan

5 Ways to Make an Exciting Business Communication Plan

Written by: Daleska Pedriquez Sep 28, 2021

5 Ways to Make an Exciting Business Communication Plan Blog Header

Good communication is a very important aspect of our lives.

A business with struggling internal and external communications often lags behind in growth and suffers from poor employee retention.

That is why most organizations learn how to create a  business communication  plan.

This ensures that the company won’t fall prey to any of the pitfalls above and ensures seamless communication.

Don’t know how to start creating a communications plan? No problem. With Venngage’s plan templates, you can design effective plans without design experience.


Click to jump ahead:

  • What is a communication plan in business ?

What are the benefits of having a good business plan communication?

Examples of business communication strategies, business communication plan templates, what is a communication plan in business.

Business communication can be divided into two categories: internal and external.

Internal communications deal with how effectively anybody within the company communicates with each other.

It deals with issues regarding the flow of information, processes, and ideas in more specific terms.

On the other hand, the external part deals more with communication with the shareholders and the customers.

However, an internal communication plan, like this project plan template , is effective if the target audience in the organization understands and embraces it.

Simple Business Communication Plan Template


It is not as simple as putting all those strategies in a manual, handing them out to your employees, and telling them to go nuts with it. Obviously, that won’t work.

A good communication plan needs to be able to seep itself slowly but effectively into your company’s culture and values.

Employees need to eat, sleep, and breathe good communication.

This is the reason why you need to have solid communication strategies in business . Be strategic about it, like with this crisis communication plan, and include some out-of-the-box ideas.

A business communication plan needs to have consistency, variety, informativeness, and entertainment.

Simple Crisis Business Communication Plan Template

That is what we want to help you with today. We want to give exciting business plan strategies that you can implement to boost your organization’s communication exponentially.

But before we go into that, let us dive into the importance of a communication plan.

Once your branding has been imported, you can add your  brand colors  to all templates with one click.

Related: 8 Steps to Create an Actionable Employee Development Plan [with Templates & Examples]

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Let us get to know first what great things will happen if communication is seamless within the company.

Things get done faster.

Nonprofit Healthcare Business Communication Plan Fact Sheet Template

You can also use this template to convince investors and partners about the benefits of working with your company.

Design infographics like the above example using Venngage’s extensive icon library. We offer 40,000 icons as well as diverse people icons .

With a good business communication plan, the target audience within the organization knows the proper flow of information and absorbs the key messages.

Employees will also know whom they can talk to about certain things and whom they can’t talk to. The result? The communication strategy will help tasks around the company get done faster.

Solving issues and problems is quicker.

Problems and issues will always arise if you have a thriving business. Whether it’s logistics, sales, marketing, operations, etc., challenges abound almost daily.

For example, this sales action plan outlines how the business works, as well as performance indicators. This will help team members understand the budget and their goals.

Gradient Sales Action Business Communication Plan Template

With good communication channels, any issues with workflow get solved faster, and the company keeps moving forward and growing.

Design plans effectively with Venngage’s real-time collaboration feature, available with every Venngage Business account.

Employees feel more valued.

A company that fosters great internal communications with its people will always gain the latter’s loyalty. That loyalty can kick-start a lot of things like better efficiency and output.

Teams will also grow closer and form bonds. That is when the company can maximize even a small workforce.

Related:  How to Improve Employee Engagement with Visuals

Customer service improves.

Good communication plans also extend to one’s target audience. Customers always love swift, timely, and helpful responses. Using White Label VoIP , you can provide efficient and branded communication services, ensuring a seamless and professional customer experience.

A customer service mind map, like this example below, will make it easier for businesses to keep customers happy.

Gradient Customer Service Mind Map Template


If your company knows how to communicate its key messages with customers properly, you will react quicker than if you do not.

Employee retention rate increases.

What happens when employees feel more valued and have an easier time communicating with each other?

You get a lot of people willing to stay for a long time.

Bad employee retention rates cost companies a lot of money and task stagnation. Create an internal communication plan to manage this strategy, like this performance review process mind map.

Simple Performance Review Mind Map Template

Pair the communications strategy with effective communication channels to boost employee retention.

Create personalized documents with the  Venngage for Business  account. You can upload your own images to the editor. Or use one of the images from Venngage’s stock photo library.

Now that we have learned the benefits of a great business communication plan, let’s find out some of the most effective and exciting strategies out there.

Integrate fun videos into your communications strategy

If you want a good business communication plan example, then think of a video.

It’s no secret that videos can help people be more engaged, learn effectively compared to reading and writing, and understand key messages faster.

This one is really a no-brainer for external and internal communications.

An example of video communication is this video series about racial healing.

Other good examples of using videos in your business plan communication are monthly messages from the CEO.

Challenges and appreciative messages from the head of the company can easily be relayed to the employees. This is something that your people will surely love.

What is a communications strategy that works? Scheduled open meetings.

Scheduled open meetings are helpful for the company’s growth and can be something employees really look forward to.

How are they impactful for internal communications? And why should they be included in a communications strategy mind map, like this one? There are several great benefits that we should talk about.

Business Communication Plan Mind Map Template

First, open meetings encourage employees to share their thoughts and ideas.

This allows people to help grow into leadership roles while helping the company flourish by getting lots of fresh ideas.

Secondly, it can also be a place for employees to give their feedback. This helps the company continuously learn how their people feel so they can adjust accordingly.

Lastly, open meetings help empower employees and make them feel that they have a voice within the company. Issues also get resolved faster through these meetings.

For these reasons, every internal communication plan should include room for open meetings.

How to create a communication plan? Employee newsletters.

Another asset that should be added to an internal communication plan is employee newsletters , like this example.

All-Company Business Communication Newsletter Template


These help teams easily assimilate information in an entertaining and informative way.

Employee newsletters should be equal parts informative, professional, and sometimes silly.

If you look at an internal communication plan example from a company, it should include newsletters.

They are a great way to learn about new protocols, new products, and emergency news around the company, like in this reopening guide email.

Internal Back To Work Announcement Email Newsletter Template

With a  Venngage for Business  account, you can access the export as HTML feature. This makes it easier to import your design into Mailchimp or Outlook for a clickable email campaign.

Don’t forget to put stuff like fun and inspirational news about your people, whether it’s a bit personal (as long as it is still within respectable boundaries) or professional.

Related:  65+ Engaging Email Newsletter Templates and Design Tips

Good business plan communication strategies make training interesting.

During internal communications planning, the first thing that you need to think about is training or, more specifically, how you continuously and effectively train the workforce.

Jazz up your seminars by using entertaining tools like  infographics  and short videos. Infographics like a  project timeline template are also a great way to improve internal communications.

Project Plan Timeline Infographic


Infographics are a fun and effective way to summarize data and information through the use of charts and eye-popping graphics.

Fire up the Venngage app and start making an infographic using hundreds of ready-made templates.

Use the large database of images, icons, and charts to give your training that much-needed punch.

Next, try to implement fun video slideshows in their training to keep their visual minds stimulated.

Videos are by far more effective than oral learning, so use those to your advantage.

Keep things consistent. Training shouldn’t be done just once and never again. Have a monthly training session if you can. And use visuals like this microlearning infographic.

Team Player Microlearning Infographic Template

Just make sure that you keep them entertained while you are at it.

Remember, when it comes to training, if they snooze, you lose.

Related:  How to Make Engaging Training Materials with Visuals (+ 20 Template Examples)

Another good business communication plan example? Use digital workspaces.

Digital workspaces allow teams to work and complete projects in a more efficient and timely manner.

That is why it is always a great idea to use those apps as part of your business plan communication strategy. You can adapt the communication plan below to accommodate digital workspaces.

Project Management Communication Plan Template

With digital workspaces, everything is done online, so people can work faster even if they are at home.

This also allows them to communicate and post updates wherever they are.

Best of all, every step of the project is recorded with timestamps, so everyone can easily backtrack tasks and conversations.

Related:  18+ Project Management Infographics for Pain-Free Project Planning

You now know the importance of a communications plan. Here are some templates that will help you build better plans for your company.

Nonprofit campaign communications plan template

Nonprofit Capital Campaign Timeline Infographic Template

Using colors and lines, the template divides each section so the team is completely aligned. And you can adapt the visual for other types of companies, as well.

Marketing plan template

There are so many processes in a business. Keeping managers and team members on the same page can be a challenge.

Marketing Plan Mind Map Template

This template can be customized for a variety of purposes, including creating a communications plan for a company.

Business update newsletter

We’ve already mentioned how useful newsletters are for boosting internal and external communications.

This customizable newsletter template is perfect for sharing updates with customers. It can easily be adapted to share news within a company, as well.

Business Update Newsletter

 Informational infographic template

Sharing information with employees doesn’t have to be boring. With this template, you can educate your target audience effortlessly.

The template has plenty of room to share information via text. But you can also add a diagram to illustrate your point.

Simple ADDIE Model Infographic Template

Did you know you could create Smart Diagrams  with Venngage? Look for the Smart Templates tag in the Venngage library and start creating for free.

Customer onboarding plan

What’s one of the most important facets of a customer-facing business? Onboarding the customers efficiently.

Boost your communications plan by adding the following customer onboarding process infographic .

Instruction Customer Onboarding Process Job Aid Template

This template uses text, icons, and colors to make it more readable. These elements also make the steps in the infographic easy to follow and implement.

Good communication goes a long way.

Learning how to create a communication plan means that you need to understand how to make things fun for people. That is why you need to implement some out-of-the-box ideas and refine the more traditional ones.

Get successful at this, and your company will reap the big benefits.

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How to write a communication plan (with template and examples)

la communication business plan

Communication is one of the product manager’s primary responsibilities. After all, a PM can’t do their job without effectively communicating risks, dependencies, and changes.

How To Write An Effective Communication Plan With Examples

In small companies, communication is somewhat more intuitive and often easier to manage. The problems begin to appear when the company grows.

A bigger company means more teams, more stakeholders, more initiatives, and more of everything. Beyond scale-ups, communication often becomes either too chaotic or too infrequent.

In cases like that, having a robust communication plan can be a life saver. In this guide, we’ll demonstrate how to write a communication plan in six easy steps. You can also use our free communication plan template , which contains both a blank spreadsheet for you to fill out and a practical example to help you get started.

What is a communication plan?

A communication plan is an inspectable artifact that describes what information must be communicated as well as to whom, by whom, when, where, and via what medium that information is to be communicated. In addition, a communication plan outlines how communications are tracked and analyzed.

A communication plan can take various forms. For example, it might take the form of a(n):

  • Weekly checklist
  • Spreadsheet
  • Automated Trello board

In general, a communication plan should be whatever works for you and your team, as long as it allows you to inspect and adapt your approach to communicating with others.

Benefits of a communication plan

Investing time in creating and maintaining a communication plan brings many benefits. A communication plan serves as a(n):

Checklist and reminder

Inspectable artifact, alignment with stakeholders.

Who hasn’t forgotten to inform some critical stakeholder about a recent change/discovery?

Product management is such a fast-paced and dynamic profession that it’s very easy to let small details slip. Unfortunately, it’s these small details that often matter the most.

A written communication plan serves as a checklist that ensures minute details don’t slip too often. Whenever something relevant happens, you can easily refer to your communication plan to double-check whether you’ve connected with everyone who needs to be in the loop.

A tangible communication plan allows product managers to slow down, inspect, and adapt their current processes.

Whenever there’s a communication mishap, they can review what led to it and adjust their approach to communication. A concrete plan makes a vague and sometimes intimidating term such as “communication” more tangible.

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la communication business plan

A communication plan, when done well, brings alignment and facilitates input from other stakeholders. It also lays out expectations of how communication is being handled and executed.

If stakeholders feel they aren’t getting all the relevant information, they can quickly check the communication plan to see what they are missing and what is lacking in the communication process that is causing them to miss that information. If they find the communication inadequate, they can share their feedback with the communication plan owner.

It’s easier to facilitate feedback and alignment when something is on paper.

How to create a communication plan in 6 steps

As mentioned above, there are various ways to create a communication plan.

A simple way to write a communication plan is to answer six questions:

  • What type of information do you produce?
  • Who should receive that information?
  • How often should they receive it?
  • What channels are most appropriate for this type of information?
  • When is communication done for that type of information?
  • Who should make sure it happens?

1. What type of information do you produce?

Start by reviewing what information you produce and process.

If you manage roadmaps , you probably produce a lot of information regarding roadmap changes, delays, and anything else that may relate to roadmaps.

If you manage releases, you also produce information regarding the release progress, stage, and anything else that related to releases.

Capture it all.

To make it easier, start with the broader, more general concepts. And if you notice the need for more precision, split them into more detailed communication positions.

2. Who should receive that information?

For a given type of information you produce or process, who should receive it? These are usually people who are:

  • Direct stakeholders
  • Dependent on the initiative
  • Contributing to the initiative

Investing some time in defining the receipts has two main benefits.

First, it ensures you don’t miss a critical person in your communication flow, but it also helps you answer the question of who is not interested in certain information. Over-communication creates noise and should be avoided.

3. How often should they receive it?

You should identify the frequency of updates being sent out depending on the information being shared and which stakeholders are included. Should it be daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly?

You probably won’t nail it at first, but that’s OK. What’s important is to search for a sweet spot between over-communication and under-communication.

Although it might seem excessive at first, finding the right balance will be increasingly important as the amount of and need for communication grows over time.

4. What channels are most appropriate for this type of information?

What medium is most suitable for a given type of information?

For example, it would be silly to inform someone about a mission-critical dependency in a comment under a Jira ticket. At the same time, you shouldn’t spam other people’s Slack with every minor change.

Before sending out an update, ask yourself:

  • Where would people seek such information?
  • How fast should it reach the audience?
  • How critical is it?
  • Is it a one-sided update or a potential conversation starter?

The answers to these questions will help you find the best channel for the given information piece.

5. When is communication done for that type of information?

Many people fall into the concept trap that once you send out a message, your communication responsibility is over. This is not always the case.

If you send a company-wide FYI update, then yes, your job is probably completed when you press send, but what if you have roadmap changes that impact multiple teams. Shouldn’t you be making sure everyone on those teams are informed?

In cases like that, you can’t say you are done just because you’ve sent a message. You should chase all key stakeholders and ensure that they have read and understood your message to avoid any misconceptions.

Let’s face it: messages sometimes slip. Your job isn’t to send messages, but to ensure everyone is on the same page. It’s not the same thing.

I’m a fan of having a simple definition of done for communication items. Sometimes, it’ll just mean pushing an update. Other times, it might mean getting a signature of approval from another stakeholder.

6. Who should make it happens?

Last but not least, if it’s everyone’s responsibility to make sure communication happens, then it’s no one’s responsibility.

Although the whole team should be responsible for ensuring effective communication, I believe in having a dedicated owner for a given communication stream. The owner can be permanent or rotate every sprint.

If you have communication owners in place, the chance of communication actually taking place increases dramatically.

Communication plan example

Let’s take a look at an example of a communication plan created using the framework I just outlined:

Communication Plan Example

This communication plan can now serve as an artifact for alignment, process improvement, and double-checking if everything is communicated as needed.

Since some of the items in the communication plan happen as needed, it’s imperative to review the artifact on a regular basis. Otherwise, details are bound to slip sooner or later.

Communication plan template

To make it easy to get started with creating your own communication plan, we’ve created a communication plan template for you. Click File > Make a copy to customize the template.

When you start, ask yourself:

  • What you want to communicate
  • By what channel
  • When you consider the communication as done
  • Who should own the given communication item

Although it may lack in the beginning, use it as an inspectable artifact to improve your communication approach every sprint. I promise you, it’ll make your job as a product manager significantly easier.

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Le plan de communication

Le plan de communication - 6e édition

Existe au format livre et ebook.

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Présentation du livre

Le plan est le pivot central de la communication de l’entreprise : il en indique les objectifs, définit les messages, sélectionne les cibles, délimite les moyens. Pratique et didactique, cet ouvrage constitue un guide d’élaboration du plan de communication .

  • Comment rédiger un plan de communication ?
  • Comment le faire reconnaître dans l’entreprise ?
  • Comment le piloter et le mettre en oeuvre ?

Cette 6 e édition , entièrement actualisée , propose des conseils , des avis d’experts   (directeurs de la communication d'EDF, de Lactalis, de JC Decaux) et des modèles de plans de communication thématiques : interne, financière, de crise, de développement durable… Elle insiste davantage sur l'imprévisibilité à prendre en compte lors de l'élaboration du plan  (référence aux plans de communication  chamboulés par  la crise covid et la guerre en Ukraine) et la place plus importante des outils numériques dans les plans de communication.  Elle est accompagnée de compléments en ligne offrant des outils supplémentaires pour concevoir efficacement un plan de communication.  

Sommaire de l'ouvrage

Concevoir le plan de communication . Le plan de communication dans l'entreprise. Les préalables au plan de communication. Les différentes formes de communication. Réaliser le plan de communication . L'audit : première phase du plan de communication. Définir l'objectif. Positionnement et messages. Cibles et moyens. Piloter et suivre le plan. Les plans thématiques . Les plans par cible. Les plans par thème. Les plans liés à un projet ou à un événement. Les plans selon le statut de l'organisation. Testez vos connaissances .

En complément du livre, retrouvez ci-dessous des modèles supplémentaires de plans de communication, des témoignages de responsables de communication ainsi que de nombreux conseils.  

1 Compléments

Auteur(s) de l'ouvrage.

Libaert Thierry

Caractéristiques du livre

Ean ebook : epub, suggestions personnalisées.

La communication interne des entreprises

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