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Chapter 2: Linear Relations and Functions

  • Chapter Readiness Quiz
  • Chapter Test
  • Concepts in Motion
  • Problem of the Week Cards
  • Real-World Careers
  • California Standards Practice (STP)
  • Vocabulary Review

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  • TeachEngineering
  • Coordinates and the Cartesian Plane

Lesson Coordinates and the Cartesian Plane

Grade Level: 8 (7-9)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Lesson Dependency: The Challenge Question Walk the Line: A Module on Linear Functions

Subject Areas: Algebra

  • Print lesson and its associated curriculum

Curriculum in this Unit Units serve as guides to a particular content or subject area. Nested under units are lessons (in purple) and hands-on activities (in blue). Note that not all lessons and activities will exist under a unit, and instead may exist as "standalone" curriculum.

  • The Challenge Question
  • Club Function
  • Graphing Equations on the Cartesian Plane: Slope
  • Matching the Motion
  • Spring Away!
  • Can You Resist This?
Unit Lesson Activity

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Many important engineering relationships are easily understood in the form of graphs. Graphing is essential to understanding the mathematics involved in all types of engineering. For example, civil engineers must understand graphing to be able to determine certain areas of stresses and strain within the building plans for bridges and other structures. In journal questions 1-5 (in the Assessment section), students consider the importance of creating visual representations of data, as well as possible data sources.

After this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Describe the Cartesian plane and correctly label its parts.
  • Explain the source of the name "Cartesian."
  • Describe the naming convention for coordinates in the form (x, y).
  • Explain what a function is and how to tell if a set of coordinates is a function.
  • Determine the domain and range of a set of points.
  • Plot a set of data points.
  • Explain how understanding graphing will help with solving the challenge.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L ( In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

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Familiarity with the coordinate plane, coordinates and equations are helpful but not required.

(In advance, make copies of the Work It Out Worksheet .Then prepare to shows students the 11-slide Linear Functions Presentation PowerPoint® file, which provides notes for them. The presentation is composed of three sections, delineated by three different slide background colors [blue, gray, gold]. The slides are "animated," so click the mouse [or space bar] to make the next items appear. Show slides 1-4 with the Introduction/Motivation section. Show slides 4-8 when presenting the Lesson Background information. Use slides 9-11 in conjunction with the associated activity, Club Function ; they are included in this lesson presentation as a teacher preview of the activity.)

(While showing slides 1-4, present the following information to students.)

Have you ever liked two things so much that you wanted to combine them to make one amazing thing? (Listen to student comments.) For example, think about peanuts and chocolate chips. Combined together, they can make peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips on top! Or what about the game of Slamball? It combines the fun of jumping on a trampoline with the rules of basketball. Both great ideas, and there are many more.

One interesting combination has to do with a French man who really liked math back in the 1600s. His name was Rene Descartes, and he liked both algebra and geometry, but back then people did not think those two topics were very much related. Decartes started looking for ways to combine them so that they could be used together for important applications. He came up with this neat way of taking numbers that belong in the realm of algebra and plotting them visually onto a geometric coordinate plane to show how they are related. This coordinate plane became known as the "Cartesian plane," named after him.

Several parts of the coordinate plane are important to understand before we can learn how to use it. In today's lesson, you will learn about it and how it is used.

(Hand out the worksheets and continue on to present students with the Lesson Background content.)

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

While still showing slide 4 of the attached PPT file, cover the following information with students, as they make notes on the worksheet:

  • Take students through labeling the axes with "x" and "y," as well as adding arrows to the ends of each axis to show it goes on forever.
  • Talk about the Cartesian plane quadrants, having students label them "I, II, III and IV."
  • Point out which directions are positive (right on the x-axis and up on the y-axis) and which directions are negative (left on the x-axis and down on the y-axis), and have students mark out scales on each axis.
  • Point out the origin, the point (0,0).

This is an image of a coordinate plane with one point plotted on it.

While still showing slide 4 , begin talking about coordinates: What does (0,0) mean? Students may say moving to 0 units to the left or right on the x-axis and moving 0 units up or down on the y-axis. Prompt them further to tell you which is x and which is y. Then tell them that we can generally write the format as (x,y), and have them fill that in on their worksheets.

Go through the process of plotting a couple of points with them. Depending on their level of familiarity with the topic, little prompting may be necessary. When they understand the concept, have them practice plotting the coordinates on the bottom of their worksheets. Then review the answers as a class and clarify any misconceptions. (This is a good stopping place for shorter class periods, as students can finish plotting points as homework.)

While showing slides 5 – 8 , teach students the definition of a function. Use the slides to define relations, functions, domain, range, and linear functions. Have students do the practice problems on slide 8 and discuss their answers as a class.

For homework, assign students to complete the worksheet (if not done in class) and the Lesson 2 Practice Sheet Homework on the coordinate plane, function, domain and range.

Note: Slides 9 – 11 explain the Club Function game activity rules (only included here for teacher preview). Refer to the associated Club Function activity for detail and examples.

  • Club Function - Students learn about relations and functions through an interactive modeling game.

Practice: During the lesson (or as homework), have students complete the Work It Out Worksheet to practice plotting some coordinates on their own.

Journal Questions : At lesson end, have students create in their journals small graphs of the data points from the grand challenge data set. Graph the first 10 points. Create the appropriate scale and approximate the location of each point. Then have them write answers to the following questions.

  • Do you see a trend forming?
  • Draw a line approximating this trend.
  • What did this graph tell you that you did not already know from looking at the data?
  • Why is graphing a set of data important?
  • Where do you think this data could have come from?

Homework: Assign students to complete the Lesson 2 Practice Sheet Homework on coordinate plane, functions, domain and range to give them practice determining whether a group of points is a function, and determining the domain and range of sets of points.

lesson 2 homework practice relations

Students explore the definition of a function by playing an interactive game called "Club Function." Through this activity students come to understand that one x-coordinate can only have one corresponding y-coordinate while y-coordinates can have many x-coordinates that correspond to it.

preview of 'Club Function' Activity

Students learn about the first attempts at machine learning and specifically about the perceptron model—a simplified model of a biological neuron.

preview of 'How Does Machine Learning Work? ' Lesson

Students learn about linear programming (also called linear optimization) to solve engineering design problems. They apply this information to solve two practice engineering design problems related to optimizing materials and cost by graphing inequalities, determining coordinates and equations from ...

preview of 'All about Linear Programming' Lesson

Students learn about an important characteristic of lines: their slopes. Students get an explanation of when and how these different types of slope occur.

preview of 'Graphing Equations on the Cartesian Plane: Slope' Lesson


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The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under National Science Foundation RET grant nos. 0338092 and 0742871. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the NSF, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: May 23, 2019

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Unit 3 – Linear Functions, Equations, and Their Algebra

Direct Variation





Average Rate of Change

Forms of a Line

Linear Modeling

Inverses of Linear Functions

Piecewise Linear Functions

Systems of Linear Equations (Primarily 3 by 3)

Unit Review

Unit 3 Review – Linear Functions



Unit 3 Assessment Form A


Unit 3 Assessment Form B

Unit 3 Assessment Form C

Unit 3 Assessment Form D

Unit 3 Exit Tickets

Unit 3 Mid-Unit Quiz (Through Lesson #4) – Form A

Unit 3 Mid-Unit Quiz (Through Lesson #4) – Form B

Unit 3 Mid-Unit Quiz (Through Lesson #4) – Form C

Unit 3 Mid-Unit Quiz (Through Lesson #4) – Form D

U03.AO.01 – Forms of a Line – Desmos Activity


U03.AO.02 – Forms of a Line – Teacher Directions

U03.AO.03 – Piecewise Linear Function Practice

U03.AO.04 – Inverses of Linear Functions – Practice

U03.AO.05 – Practice with Linear Modeling

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  1. PDF NAME DATE PERIOD Lesson 2 Homework Practice

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    Then state the domain and range. 9. {(3, −4), (2, 0), (−4, −1), (0, −3)} 10. TELEVISION Alton pays $48 per month for satellite television service. Make a table of ordered pairs in which the x-coordinate represents the number of months and the y-coordinate represents the total cost for 1, 2, 3, or 4 months. Graph the ordered pairs.

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  5. Student Answer Keys

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  6. PDF Chapter 2: Linear Relations and Functions

    Chapter 2 Linear Relations and Functions 54F Algebra 2 Lesson Alge2PASS Lesson 2-2 3 Graphing Linear Equations on the Coordinate Plane 2-7 4 Graphing Linear Inequalities on the Coordinate Plane ALEKS is an online mathematics learning system that adapts assessment and tutoring to the student's needs. Subscribe at For more information on Reading and Writing in

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  8. Lesson 2.1 Relations and Functions

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like domain, range, one-to-one function and more.

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    Complete Lesson 2 Homework Practice Relations online with US Legal Forms. Easily fill out PDF blank, edit, and sign them. Save or instantly send your ready documents.

  10. Unit 2, lesson 1-6 : Linear Equations and Functions

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like y = 2/3 x + 8, 5x - y = 7, a set of ordered pairs and more.

  11. relations and functions algebra 2

    This unit includes PowerPoints, notes, classwork, homework, warm-up activities, quizzes, and more for each of the following lessons. Lesson 1: Relations and Functions Lesson 2: Linear Equations Lesson 3: Slope Lesson 4: Writing Linear Equations Lesson 5: Scatterplots Lesson 6: Special Functions Lesson 7: Linear Inequalities.

  12. PDF NAME DATE PERIOD Lesson 2 Skills Practice

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  16. Chapter 2: Linear Relations and Functions

    Chapter 2: Linear Relations and Functions. Chapter Readiness Quiz. Chapter Test. Concepts in Motion. Problem of the Week Cards. Real-World Careers. California Standards Practice (STP) Vocabulary Review.

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    Unit 3 - Functions. In this unit we review the basic concept of a function and emphasize multiple representations of these foundational tools. Graphical features of functions, including maximums, minimums, intervals of increase and decrease along with domain and range are introduced.

  18. PDF Inverse Relations and Functions

    Two relations are inverse relationsif one relation contains elements of the form (a, b) when the other relation contains the elements of the form (b, a). Two functions fand gare inverse functionsif and only if both of their compositions are the identity function.

  19. PDF 2 Skills Practice Linear Relations And Functions

    2 Skills Practice Linear Relations And Functions: Algebra 2, Homework Practice Workbook McGraw-Hill Education,2008-12-10 The Homework Practice Workbook contains two worksheets for every lesson in the Student Edition This workbook helps students Practice the skills of the lesson Use ... lesson as additional practice or for second day teaching of ...

  20. Lesson Coordinates and the Cartesian Plane

    Use the slides to define relations, functions, domain, range, and linear functions. Have students do the practice problems on slide 8 and discuss their answers as a class. For homework, assign students to complete the worksheet (if not done in class) and the Lesson 2 Practice Sheet Homework on the coordinate plane, function, domain and range.

  21. Unit 2


  22. Unit 2

    Unit 2 - Linear Relations and Functions. This unit reviews and reinforces students previous knowledge of linear relationships. Students explore the meaning of slope as rate of change. They develop equations for representing linear functions. Using these equations, students model linear phenomena, both with physics based and regression based ...

  23. Linear Functions, Equations, and Their Algebra

    Lesson 7. Systems of Linear Equations (Primarily 3 by 3) LESSON/HOMEWORK. LESSON VIDEO. ANSWER KEY. EDITABLE LESSON. EDITABLE KEY.