essay 2022 upsc

UPSC Essay Topic wise Question Papers of last 31 years (1993-2023) for Civil Services IAS/IPS Exam Free Download

In the UPSC mains examination, essay paper is worth 250 marks and three hours. Here is the topic wise questions from the earlier years for the benefit of civil service IAS IPS aspirants.

1.1 India Since Independence

1.2 federalism, decentralization, 1.3 administration, 1.4 judiciary, 1.5 poverty, social justice, 1.6 indian society, culture and values, 1.7 media, tv & cinema, literature, 2.1 growth vs development, 2.2 environment vs development, 2.4 sectors of economy, 3.1 values in education, 3.2 scheme implementation, 3.3 higher education, 4.1 character, honesty, ethics, 4.2 knowledge, 4.3 compassion, 4.4 truth and reality, 4.5 youth, discipline, 4.6 towards excellence, 5.1 @national politics, 5.2 @world / quote type, 5.3 empowerment overall, 5.4 compared to men, 6.1 globalization, 6.2 international org./ bilateral, 6.3 security, 6.4 history, 7.1 science and religion, 7.2 science and education, 7.3 computer and internet, 7.4 sci-tech: others, appendix: linear paper of upsc essay 2023, appendix: linear paper of upsc essay 2022, appendix: model answer pe free lecture & powerpoint, appendix: syllabus of essay paper in upsc, 1 india: democracy, administration, society, culture.

  • Is the Colonial mentality hindering India’s Success? -2013
  • In the context of Gandhiji’s views on the matter, explore, on an evolutionary scale, the terms ‘Swadhinata’, ‘Swaraj’ and ‘Dharmarajya’. Critically comment on their contemporary relevance to Indian democracy -2012
  • Dreams which should not let India sleep. -2015
  • Why should we be proud of being Indians? -2000
  • Whither Indian democracy? -1995
  • How far has democracy in India delivered the goods? -2003
  • What we have not learnt during fifty years of independence. -1997
  • What have we gained from our democratic set-up? -2001
  • My vision of India in 2001 a.d. -1993
  • Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India. -2017
  • Water disputes between States in federal India. -2016
  • Cooperative federalism : Myth or reality. -2016
  • Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative, economic and developmental implication -2011
  • Evaluation of panchayati raj system in India from the point of view of eradication of power to people. -2007
  • Water resources should be under the control of the central government. -2004
  • The language problem in India: its past, present and prospects. -1998
  • There are better practices to “best practices”. -2021
  • How should a civil servant conduct himself? -2003
  • Politics without ethics is a disaster. -1995
  • The VIP cult is a bane of Indian democracy -1996
  • Need for transparency in public administration -1996
  • The country’s need for a better disaster management system. -2000
  • Politics, bureaucracy and business – fatal triangle. -1994
  • We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws. -2017
  • Justice must reach the poor -2005
  • Judicial activism and Indian democracy. -2004
  • Judicial activism. -1997
  • A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity. (- जिस समाज में अधिक न्याय होता है उस समाज को दान की कम आवश्यकता होती है।) – 2023
  • There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless (बिना आर्थिक समृद्धि के सामाजिक न्याय नहीं हो सकता, किन्तु बिना सामाजिक न्याय के आर्थिक समृद्धि निरर्थक है ) -2020
  • Neglect of primary health care and education in India are reasons for its backwardness. -2019
  • The focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the ‘haves’ of our society. -2009
  • Food security for sustainable national development -2005
  • Reservation, politics and empowerment. -1999
  • Culture is what we are, civilization is what we have (जो हम है, वह संस्कार; जो हमारे पास है, वह सभ्यता ) -2020
  • Indian culture today: a myth or a reality? -2000
  • Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical values. -2000
  • The composite culture of India. -1998
  • The Indian society at the crossroads. -1994
  • From traditional Indian philanthropy to the gates-buffet model-a natural progression or a paradigm shift? -2010
  • New cults and godmen: a threat to traditional religion -1996
  • Biased media is a real threat to Indian democracy. -2019
  • Responsibility of media in a democracy. -2002
  • Role of media in good governance -2008
  • Does Indian cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it? -2011
  • How has satellite television brought about cultural change in Indian mindsets? -2007
  • Is sting operation an invasion on privacy? -2014
  • Mass media and cultural invasion. -1999
  • The misinterpretation and misuse of freedom in India. -1998
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world (कवि संसार के अनधिकृत रूप से विधायक होते हैं) – 2022

2 Economy, Development

  • Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere. -2018
  • Digital economy: A leveller or a source of economic inequality. -2016
  • Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare. -2016
  • Near jobless growth in India: An anomaly or an outcome of economic reforms. -2016
  • Crisis faced in India – moral or economic. -2015
  • Was it the policy paralysis or the paralysis of implementation which slowed the growth of our country? -2014
  • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would be the right indices for judging the wellbeing of a country-2013
  • Can capitalism bring inclusive growth? -2015
  • Resource management in the Indian context. -1999
  • Economic growth without distributive justice is bound to breed violence. -1993
  • Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence (आर्थिक समृद्धि हासिल करने के मामले में वन सर्वोत्तम प्रतिमान होते हैं।) – 2022
  • Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India. -2018
  • Should a moratorium be imposed on all fresh mining in tribal areas of the country? -2010
  • Urbanisation and its hazards -2008
  • Protection of ecology and environment is essential for sustained economic development. -2006
  • Urbanization is a blessing in disguise. -1997
  • Ecological considerations need not hamper development. -1993
  • Globalization would finish small-scale industries in India. -2006
  • Multinational corporations – saviours or saboteurs -1994
  • Special economic zone: boon or bane -2008
  • Is the criticism that the ‘Public-Private-Partnership’ (PPP) model for development is more of a bane than a boon in the Indian context, justified ?-2012
  • Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for majority of farmers in India. -2017
  • BPO boom in India. -2007
  • Tourism: Can this be the next big thing for India? -2014
  • Are our traditional handicrafts doomed to a slow death? -2009

3 Education

  • Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in – school. (- शिक्षा वह है जो विद्यालय में विधालय में सीखी गई बातों को भूल जाने के बाद भी शेष रह जाती है।)
  • Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms. -2017
  • Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a man more clever devil-2015
  • Independent thinking should be encouraged right form the childhood. -2007
  • Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress? -2014
  • Irrelevance of the classroom. -2001
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? -2014
  • Literacy is growing very fast, but there is no corresponding growth in education. -1996
  • Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses ? -2008
  • What is real education? -2005
  • “Education for all” campaign in India: myth or reality. -2006
  • Restructuring of Indian education system. -1995
  • Privatization of higher education in India. -2002
  • Credit – based higher education system – status, opportunities and challenges -2011

4 Quote based, Philosophy, Ethics

  • A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities (हर असमंजस के लिए मुस्कराहट ही चुनिन्दा साधन है) – 2022
  • Philosophy of wantlessness is a Utopian, while materialism is a chimera. -2021
  • Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me. -2021
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (सरलता चरम परिष्करण है ) -2020
  • Ships don’t sink because of water around them ships sink because of water that gets into them (जहाज अपने चारों तरफ के पानी के वजह से नहीं डूबा करते, जहाज पानी के अंदर समां जाने की वजह से डूबता हैं ) -2020
  • Life is a long journey between being human and being humane.  (मनुष्य होने और मानव बनने के बीच का लम्बा सफर ही जीवन है)-2020
  • Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be -2019
  • Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society -2019
  • Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success -2019
  • Wisdom finds truth -2019
  • A people that values its privileges above its principles loses both. -2018
  • Customary morality cannot be a guide to modem file. -2018
  • Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed. -2016
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. -2015
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. -2014
  • Words are sharper than the two-edged sword. -2014
  • Attitude makes, habit makes character and character makes a man. -2007
  • He would reigns within himself and folds his passions and desires and fears is more than a king. -1993
  • Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team. (- सोच एक खेल की तरह है, यह तब तक शुरू नहीं होता है जब तक कि एक विपरीत टीम/पक्ष न हो।) – 2023
  • Mathematics is the music of reason. (- गणित ज्ञान का संगीत है।) – 2023
  • The real is rational and the rational is real. -2021
  • Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self (विचारपरक संकल्प स्वयं के शांतचित्त रहने का उत्प्रेरक है )-2020
  • ‘The past’ is a permanent dimension of human consciousness and values. -2018
  • A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. -2018
  • There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. -2003
  • Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the lifeblood of civilisation. -1995
  • Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. -2017
  • Compassion is the basic of all morality of the world -1993
  • Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole. -2015
  • Be the change you want to see in others (Gandhi)-2013
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right (केवल इसलिए कि आपके पास विकल्प हैं, इसका यह अर्थ कदापि नहीं है कि उनमें से किसी को भी ठीक होना ही होगा) – 2022
  • Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it. -2018
  • Truth is lived, not taught -1996
  • When money speaks, the truth is silent. -1995
  • Search for truth can only be a spiritual problem. -2002
  • The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining (छप्पर मरम्मत करने का समय तभी होता है, जब धूप खिली हुई हो) – 2022
  • You cannot step twice in the same river (आप उसी नदी में दोबारा नहीं उतर सकते) – 2022
  • Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin -2008
  • Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret -1994
  • If youth knew, if age could. -2002
  • Youth culture today. -1999
  • Fifty Golds in Olympics: Can this be a reality for India? -2014
  • Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. (- दूरदर्शी निर्णय तभी लिए जाते है अंतर्ज्ञान और तर्क का परस्पर मेल होता है।) – 2023
  • Not all who wander are lost. (- भटकने वाले सभी गुम नहीं हो जाते।) – 2023
  • Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane (- रचनात्मकता की प्रेरणा अलौकिक ता में चमत्कार ढूंढने के प्रयास से उपजति है) – 2023
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for (जहाज बन्दरगाह के भीतर सुरक्षित होता है, परन्तु इसके लिए तो वह होता नहीं है) – 2022
  • Quick but steady wins the race. -2015
  • Useless life is an early death. -1994
  • Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. -1995
  • The paths of glory lead but to the grave. -2002
  • The pursuit of excellence. -2001

5 Women empowerment

  • Greater political power alone will not improve women’s plight. -1997
  • Women’s reservation bill would usher in empowerment for women in India. -2006
  • The new emerging women power: the ground realities. -1995
  • Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. -2021
  • If women ruled the world -2005
  • The hand that rocks the cradle -2005
  • Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant structure of social inequality (पितृ-सत्ता की व्यवस्था नजर मैं बहुत काम आने के बावजूद सामाजिक विषमता की सबसे प्रभावी संरचना है) -2020
  • Fulfilment of ‘new woman’ in India is a myth. -2017
  • If development is not engendered, it is endangered. -2016
  • Whither women’s emancipation? -2004
  • Empowerment alone cannot help our women. -2001
  • Women empowerment: challenges and prospects. -1999
  • Woman is god’s best creation. -1998
  • Men have failed: let women take over. -1993
  • Managing work and home – is the Indian working woman getting a fair deal ?-2012

6 International issues, Internal Security, History

  • South Asian societies are woven not around the state, but around their plural cultures and plural identities. -2019
  • Modernisation and westernisation are not identical concepts. -1994
  • ‘globalization’ vs. ‘nationalism’ -2009
  • National identity and patriotism -2008
  • Globalizations and its impact on Indian culture. -2004
  • The masks of new imperialism. -2003
  • As civilization advances culture declines. -2003
  • The implications of globalization for India. -2000
  • My vision of an ideal world order. -2001
  • India’s contribution to world wisdom. -1998
  • The world of the twenty-first century. -1998
  • Preparedness of our society for India’s global leadership role. -2010
  • Technology as the silent factor in international relations (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंधों मैं मौन करक के रूप मैं प्रौद्योगिकी) -2020
  • Has the Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world ? -2017
  • Restructuring of UNO reflect present realities -1996
  • The global order: political and economic -1993
  • India’s role in promoting ASEAN co-operation. -2004
  • Importance of Indo-US nuclear agreement -2006
  • Management of Indian border dispute is a complex task. -2018
  • In the Indian context , both human intelligence and technical intelligence are crucial in combating terrorism -2011
  • Are we a ‘soft’ state ? -2009
  • Good fences make good neighbours -2009
  • Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanization? -2007
  • Terrorism and world peace -2005
  • True religion cannot be misused. -1997
  • History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. -2021
  • Geography may remain the same ; history need not. -2010

7 Science-Technology

  • Spirituality and scientific temper. -2003
  • Science and Mysticism : Are they compatible ?-2012
  • What is research, but a blind date with knowledge! -2021
  • Modern technological education and human values. -2002
  • Value-based science and education. -1999
  • The march of science and the erosion of human values. -2001
  • The process of self-discovery has now been technologically outsourced. -2021
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling. -2019
  • ‘Social media’ is inherently a selfish medium. -2017
  • Cyberspace and Internet : Blessing or curse to the human civilization in the long run -2016
  • Increasing computerization would lead to the creation of a dehumanized society. -2006
  • The cyberworld: its charms and challenges. -2000
  • Computer: the harbinger of silent revolution. -1993
  • Technology cannot replace manpower. -2015
  • Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation-2013
  • The modern doctor and his patients. -1997
  • The lure of space. -2004

Section-A (write any one)

  • Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team. (- सोच एक खेल की तरह है, यह तब तक शुरू नहीं होता है जब तक कि एक विपरीत टीम/पक्ष न हो।)
  • Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic. (- दूरदर्शी निर्णय तभी लिए जाते है अंतर्ज्ञान और तर्क का परस्पर मेल होता है।)
  • Not all who wander are lost. (- भटकने वाले सभी गुम नहीं हो जाते।)
  • Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane (- रचनात्मकता की प्रेरणा अलौकिक ता में चमत्कार ढूंढने के प्रयास से उपजति है)

Section-B (write any one)

  • Girls are weighed down by restrictions, boys with demands – two equally harmful disciplines. (-लड़कियां बंदिशों के तथा लड़के अपेक्षा के बोझ तले दबे हुए होते हैं दोनों ही समान रूप से हानिकारक व्यवस्थाएं हैं।)
  • Mathematics is the music of reason. (- गणित ज्ञान का संगीत है।)
  • A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity. (- जिस समाज में अधिक न्याय होता है उस समाज को दान की कम आवश्यकता होती है।)

Answer one-one essay from each section in 1000-1200 words

  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man (इतिहास वैज्ञानिक मनुष्य के रूमानी मनुष्य पर विजय हासिल करने का एक सिलसिला है।) – 2022
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for (जहाज बन्दरगाह के भीतर सुरक्षित होता है, परन्तु इसके लिए तो वह होता नहीं है) & 2022
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right (केवल इसलिए कि आपके पास विकल्प हैं, इसका यह अर्थ कदापि नहीं है कि उनमें से किसी को भी ठीक होना ही होगा) – 2022
Year Lectures Powerpoint
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2022 Free Lecture: Free Powerpoint:

Essay: Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact expression.

  • IAS Preparation
  • UPSC Preparation Strategy
  • UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Question Paper

UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Question Paper - Download PDF

The UPSC Mains Essay paper was conducted on Friday, 16th September 2022, in the forenoon session (9 AM to 12 PM). The UPSC Mains 2022 is set to take place on 16, 17, 18, 24 and 25th September 2022.

For other papers in the Mains segment of UPSC, candidates can further check the UPSC Mains 2022 Question Papers page at their own behest.

UPSC Mains Essay Questions 2022 – Download PDF Here

UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Questions

The UPSC Essay paper segment consists of two sections. They are Section A and Section B. Both sections have about four questions each. The candidates have to choose one topic from each section, thus having to answer 2 essay questions in total.

The word limit for each question is to be within the range of 1000-1200 words. The mark for each question is 125, thus, the total allotted marks are about 250.

The paper will be included in the merit ranking.

The Essay Topics asked in the UPSC Mains 2022 are given below:

  • Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence.
  • Pets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man.
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for.

Section – B

1. The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.

2. You cannot step twice in the same river.

3. A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities.

4. Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

Candidates can also refer to the UPSC Mains 2021 Essay Questions , in the given link.

Some of the useful links for the candidates to prepare for an essay paper are as follows:


The candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. While answering the essay questions, the aspirants are expected to keep close to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in an orderly manner and to write concisely. It is important to remember that credit will be given for effective and exact expression.

To download the question paper PDFs of General Studies papers, the aspirants can check the links below:

The candidates can also download the question paper PDFs of UPSC Mains 2022 Optional Paper from the linked article.

IAS General Studies Notes Links

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Essay (UPSC Mains) - Previous Year Questions

Looking for comprehensive preparation for the UPSC Mains Essay paper? Explore our collection of previous year questions from 2013 to 2024. Get insights, practice, and boost your chances of success with Past year questions and answers.

Essay Paper - UPSC Mains PYQs

  • Forests precede civilizations and deserts follow them.
  • The empires of the future will be the empires of the mind.
  • There is no path to happiness; Happiness is the path.
  • The doubter is a true man of science.
  • Social media is triggering 'Fear of Missing Out' amongst the youth, precipitating depression and loneliness.
  • Nearly all men can stand adversity, but to test the character, give him power.
  • All ideas having large consequences are always simple.
  • The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing.
  • Thinking is like a game; it does not begin unless there is an opposite team.
  • Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic.
  • Not all who wander are lost.
  • Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in the mundane.
  • Girls are weighed down by restrictions, boys with demands — two equally harmful disciplines.
  • Mathematics is the Music of Reason.
  • A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity.
  • Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

Value based / Ethical Issues

  • A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities.
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.


  • The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
  • You can not step twice in the same river.
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for.

Miscellaneous / Mixed

  • Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence. (Environment / Economics)
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world ( Literature / Socio-political-economic impacts)
  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man ( History / Values / Philosophy)
  • Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me.
  • Philosophy of wantlessness is Utopian, while materialism is a chimera.
  • The real is rational and the rational is real.
  • Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

History / Culture

  • History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce.

Science and Technology

  • What is research, but a blind date with knowledge!
  • There are better practices to “best practices”. ( Multiple Themes )
  • The process of self-discovery has now been technologically outsourced. ( Philosophy / Technology)
  • Life is long journey between human being and being humane.
  • Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self.
  • Ships do not sink because of water around them; ships sink because of water that gets into them.
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
  • Culture is what we are, civilization is what we have.

Social Issues

  • There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless.
  • Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant structure of social inequality.
  • Technology as the silent factor in international relations ( Technology / International Relation ).
  • Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be.
  • Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success.
  • Wisdom finds truth.
  • South Asian societies are woven not around the state, but around their plural cultures and plural identities.
  • Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society.
  • Neglect of primary health care and education in India are reasons for its backwardness.

Science & Technology

  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling.
  • Biased media is a real threat to Indian democracy.
  • A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
  • A people that value its privileges above its principles lose both.
  • “The past’ is a permanent dimension of human consciousness and values.
  • Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life.
  • Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it.
  • Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere.


  • Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India.

IR & Security

  • Management of Indian border disputes – a complex task.
  • Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.
  • Fulfilment of ‘new woman’ in India is a myth.
  • Social media is inherently a selfish medium Domain.
  • Has the Non- Alignment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multi-polar world Domain.
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[Download pdf] UPSC IAS Mains 2022 – Essay Question Paper

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UPSC IAS Mains 2022 Examinations have started with the essay paper. After the completion of the examination in the first session, UPSC IAS Mains 2022 Essay Question Paper is out. If you are preparing for the 2023 examination, you can go through the question paper and check the type of topics that are being asked.

Download pdf of UPSC IAS Mains 2022 – Essay Question Paper or View the Images of UPSC IAS Mains 2022 – Essay Question Paper below:

  • Forests are the best case studies of economic excellence
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world
  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic men
  • A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what a ship is meant for
  • The time to repair the roof is when sun is shining
  • You cannot step twice in the same river
  • A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right

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Important Updates , UPSC MAINS 2022 QUESTION PAPERS

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1) Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence.

2) Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

3) History is a series of victorious won by the scientific man over the romantic man.

4) A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is for.

1) The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.

2) You cannot step twice in the same river.

3) A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities.

4) Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Paper Discussion – By Sunil Oberoi Sir Retd. IAS

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UPSC Civil Services Mains 2022 Essay Paper

UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2022: The Union Public Service Commission started the UPSC Civil Services Main Exam 2022 on September 16, 2022. The UPSC mains exam started on September 16, 2022 , and will be held on 17, 18, 24, and 25, 2022, at various locations around the country. GeeksforGeeks have brought the UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2022 to make your exam preparation perfect. 

The highest score in the Mains Written level is crucial since 7 out of 9 papers are counted for merit ranking. Preliminary level marks, on the other hand, are not counted for merit ranking. As a result, the candidate’s attention should not only be on passing the exam but also on obtaining the best and highest possible grades. 

To gain a notion of Important Essay Topics for UPSC 2023 , one needs at least to look at the previous seven years of UPSC Essay Topics. Practicing the UPSC Essay Topics of Previous Years helps throughout the UPSC Mains exam, and the aspirant may ace the essay paper with enough preparation.

UPSC 2022 Mains Essay Question Paper:

The UPSC Essay paper is divided into two portions. Section A and Section B are the two. Each segment has four questions. Candidates must select one topic from each section, resulting in a total of two essay questions.

The word count for each question should be between 1000 and 1200 . Each question is worth 125 marks , thus the total number of marks is 250. The question paper will be evaluated on merit.

The Essay Topics asked in the UPSC Mains 2022 are given below:

1) Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence.

2) Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.

3) History is a series of victorious won by the scientific man over the romantic man.

4) A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is for. 

1) The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. 

2) You cannot step twice in the same river. 

3) A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities. 

4) Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

Aspirants can evaluate and plan their approach for the Civil Services Examination’s Mains level based on the question paper of 2022. UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Paper UPSC Mains 2022 GS Paper 1 UPSC Mains 2022 GS Paper 2 UPSC Mains 2022 GS Paper 3 UPSC Mains 2022 GS Paper 4

UPSC Mains Essay Previous Year Question Paper:

  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2021
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2020
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2019
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2018
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2017
  • UPSC Mains Essay Paper  2016 

How to Score Marks on UPSC Mains Essay Topics?

Writing provides insight into your cognitive process. This is precisely what the examiner looks at when reading your answer script. An essay is essentially a well-organized collection of ideas on any given topic. Mastering the skill of getting the highest possible grade on a test involves a lot of effort and dedication. The UPSC Mains essay is more than just a test of factual knowledge; it is also a test of creativity and confidence. 

Follow these strategies to get high marks in the UPSC Mains Essay paper:

1. Choose your topic carefully

The UPSC Essay paper 2022 is divided into two portions, and applicants must write one essay from each area. Both essays are worth 125 points and are 1000-1200 words long. Before choosing a topic, consider if it is too contentious or whether you have enough facts to write about it.

2. Think about the subject

Once you’ve decided on a topic, think about it and jot down the essential keywords you’ll use in your essay. Try to take a multifaceted approach to the essay and stick to a decent format of introduction, body, and conclusion.

3. Structure the essay in a proper manner

The opening paragraph is the heart of the essay and should provide a clear overview of the issue. The main focus should be on your thoughts on the subject. The primary body of the essay should be broken into little paragraphs that are interconnected nicely. The essay’s wording should be simple, clear, and easy to grasp. 

The UPSC Mains essay assesses your critical thinking abilities rather than your use of fancy language. Facts and statistics should be supplied whenever necessary. The use of quotations and sayings strengthens the essays. The final paragraph should speak for itself. Candidates should aim to write the essay in an unbiased or balanced manner.

Economic Growth, women empowerment, art & culture, media & society, social justice or poverty, education, renowned quotes from notable individuals , and other themes are among the UPSC Essay Topics.

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Essay Syllabus – Civil Services Mains Exam UPSC

Last updated on April 3, 2024 by Alex Andrews George

Essay Syllabus – Civil Services Mains Exam UPSC

Table of Contents

Tips for UPSC Essay Paper from

Do keep in mind the below-mentioned tips. Following these strategies can make a huge boost in your Essay Paper marks .

  • Try to write a few essays in full during your preparation, simulating the environment in the examination hall.
  • Familiarize yourself with previous essays asked by UPSC so that you will have a clear picture of the type and standard of questions to be expected.
  • UPSC/the examiner normally gives credit to new perspectives and fresh analysis.
  • Avoid verbosity and flowery language. Use a simple style instead.
  • You may use relevant quotes to reinforce your arguments. But never try to alter the quotes of great personalities.
  • Good handwriting is always an asset. If your handwriting is not legible, put some effort into that area.
  • Make your statements precise. Avoid guesses.
  • The introductory paragraph should have clear indications about what you are going to write in the essay.
  • You may show your inferences in the concluding paragraph.

Also read:   ClearIAS launches Essay Writing Course for UPSC

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About Alex Andrews George

Alex Andrews George is a mentor, author, and social entrepreneur. Alex is the founder of ClearIAS and one of the expert Civil Service Exam Trainers in India.

He is the author of many best-seller books like 'Important Judgments that transformed India' and 'Important Acts that transformed India'.

A trusted mentor and pioneer in online training , Alex's guidance, strategies, study-materials, and mock-exams have helped many aspirants to become IAS, IPS, and IFS officers.

Reader Interactions

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October 16, 2015 at 12:03 am

Hello sir…. May I know what is the language to write an essay…. I mean English or hindi…thanks

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August 8, 2016 at 7:44 pm

Your exam medium is essay langauge

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July 7, 2022 at 1:37 am

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May 12, 2016 at 12:59 am

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August 28, 2020 at 7:20 am

Make any one of the optional subject as your UG stream .it will help you in the preparation

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May 23, 2016 at 7:03 am

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October 5, 2016 at 12:25 pm

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December 2, 2016 at 9:15 pm

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January 7, 2017 at 4:53 pm

Wt is the medium of essay writing Any language…? We can choose

February 18, 2017 at 9:25 pm

suggest some topics for essay writing

October 13, 2017 at 3:24 pm

Which syllabus for essay writing

October 13, 2017 at 3:26 pm

which topics for essay writing tell me please

April 7, 2017 at 4:45 pm

One of the most discriptive and very helpful website for civil services aapirants..

November 8, 2018 at 1:36 pm

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November 22, 2018 at 11:45 am


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August 5, 2019 at 9:49 am

my mother tongue is Bengali .can I give the mains exam in Bengali??

August 10, 2019 at 1:15 pm

Hello sir!! Can I know from which topic these essays will be given. Like, generally or from optional subjects we choose?!

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September 14, 2019 at 12:39 pm

Go through the previous years question papers to find out what type of essay do UPSC ask

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October 13, 2019 at 10:52 am

Sir , What are those tips & advices you are gonna give for school students who’s aim is to become an IAS officer ?

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(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Essay Exam Question Paper - 2022


(Download) UPSC Mains 2022 Question Paper: Essay Compulsory

  • Marks : 250 (125x2)
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Exam Date:  16-09-2022
  • Year : 2022
  • Exam Date : 

Write Two Essays, choosing One from each of the Sections A and B, in about 1000-1200 words each.

Section-a (125 marks) - choose any one essay, q-1.forests are the best case studies for economic excellence., q-2.poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world., q-3.history is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man., q-4.a ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for., download upsc mains essay (compulsory) papers pdf, section-b (125 marks)- choose any one essay, q-1.the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining., cannot step twice in the same river., q-3.a smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities., q-4.just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right., click here to download full papers pdf, (e-book) upsc mains essay (compulsory) papers ( 2000-2020 ) pdf, download upsc mains gs 10 year papers pdf, download upsc pre gs 10 year papers pdf, download upsc mains gs solved papers pdf, printed study material for ias mains general studies, printed study material for ias mains essay, << go back to main page.

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Make Your Note

  • 04 Oct 2022

Q1. Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence

Q2.  Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world

Q3. History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man

Q4. A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for

Q1. The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining

Q2. You cannot step twice in the same river

Q3. A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities

Q4. Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right

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IAS Gyan


On September 20, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducted the Essay paper for the Civil Service Examination (CSE) Mains 2024. The Essay Paper in the UPSC Civil Services Main exam tests a candidate's ability to express ideas clearly, coherently and concisely on a wide range of topics.

The UPSC MAINS 2024 Essay Paper is divided into two sections, each containing four topics. Candidates need to write essays on two topics, one from each section. Each essay should be written in approximately 1,000 to 1,200 words.

Structure of the UPSC MAINS 2024 Essay Paper

The Essay paper in the UPSC Main exam is divided into two sections; Section A and Section B.

Each section consists of four topics.

Candidates should choose one topic from each Section (one topic from Section A and one topic from Section B) and write an essay on it.

Each Essay should be written in approximately 1,000 to 1,200 words.

Each Essay carries 125 Marks, a total of 250 marks for 2 essays.

The Essay Paper carries a total of 250 Marks

The total duration of the Essay paper is 3 hours.

UPSC MAINS 2024 Essay Paper Instructions

The ESSAY must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided.

No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.

Word limit, as specified, should be adhered to.

Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet must be clearly struck off:

UPSC Civil Services Mains 2024 Essay Question Paper  

Write two essays, choosing one topic from each of the following Sections A and B, in about 1000 - 1200 words each:

Forests precede civilizations and deserts follow them.

The empires of the future will be the empires of the mind., there is no path to happiness; happiness is the path., the doubter is a true man of science., social media is triggering ‘fear of missing out’ amongst the youth, precipitating depression and loneliness., nearly all men can stand adversity, but to test the character, give him power., all ideas having large consequences are always simple., the cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing., how to attempt the upsc mains essay paper.

The essay in the UPSC Civil Services Mains exam carries 250 marks and has the potential to increase your overall score significantly. A well-written essay not only demonstrates a candidate’s knowledge; But it also reflects your personality, values, and clarity of thought.

The Essay Paper consists of two sections, with four topics in each section. A Candidate must write 2 essays - one for each section.

Candidates should take the time to read each section carefully before choosing the topic, because choosing the right topic is important in writing a good essay that includes comprehensive understanding, carefully explaining and balancing arguments.

How To Choose The Right Topic For The Essay?

Familiarity with the topic:

 Choose a topic that you are comfortable with in depth knowledge or a topic where you can provide insights, arguments, and examples.

Scope of expression:

Look for topics that are broad enough to allow multidimensional exploration (social, political, economic, philosophical, historical) but specific enough to provide concrete arguments and examples.

Interest and participation:

If the topic interests you, it is more likely that you will write an essay that is enthusiastic and comprehensive.

Find your strengths:

Are you better at writing philosophical essays or are you an expert on current affairs and sociopolitical issues? Choose the topic of your Interest.

Balanced complexity:

Avoid topics that are too simple or too complex.Topics that seem too simple may lack the depth needed to build a thorough argument. While very complex topics can cause confusion or incomplete arguments.

Planning and Structuring Essay:

After selecting a topic, allow roughly 10 to 15 minutes to plan your draft. A well-structured essay demonstrates clarity of thought and organization, which is highly valued by the examiner.

Brainstorming and creating outlines:

1)Write down the key points, arguments, and examples in your mind. It will help not to lose important points later.

2)Organize your thoughts into an outline:

a)Introduction: Start with engaging quotes, definitions, and reports, and present a clear interpretation of the topic.

b)Content: Structure or main content in 3-4 paragraphs. Each paragraph focuses on a different dimension. (History, society, economics, politics, ethics, etc.)

c)Conclusion: Summarizes the argument and presents a balanced conclusion. This may suggest a direction to follow or provide a philosophical perspective.

Balanced approach:

Remember to keep the outline balanced in defending the position.

Accept other points of view and deal with conflicting arguments.

Examples and information

Use examples, facts, and relevant information to support your argument, for example when discussing social issues, discuss the government's plans, historical examples or international examples.

Don't include too many facts in your essay. Analyzing and connecting ideas is the most important thing.

Avoid common Mistakes

1)Don't deviate from the Essay Theme.

2)Keep focus on the topic to ensure that each paragraph is relevant to the Essay Theme.

3)Avoid too much technical language.

4)UPSC expects balanced and reasoned arguments rather than rigid and one-sided opinions.

Time Management

   a)Take 30 minutes to choose a topic and outline each essay.

   b)It takes 1 hour and 15 minutes to write each essay.

   c)Take 5 to 10 minutes to review each essay to look for errors.

Presentation and Language

1.Use simple and precise language. Avoid long, complex sentences that might confuse the examiner. The clarity of his thought process should be reflected in his writing.

2.Write in an organized and easy-to-read manner. Space your paragraphs appropriately to ensure that your essay is properly written.

Adopt the examiner Approach:

Always remember that the UPSC expect:

a)Clarity of thought

b)A balanced argument

c)Extensive knowledge base

d)Original view

e)Maturity and compassion in approach

UPSC Mains 2024 Essay Paper Analysis

This quote emphasizes the important relationship between nature and human society. Early societies built their homes in forests where they had easy access to food, wood, and iron. However, as these societies grew, dependence on these resources led to environmental degradation, people cut down trees and cleared land for agriculture to support population growth. This practice leads to the slow transformation of a vibrant landscape into a barren land.

Ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia flourished in fertile regions that benefited from the river and its wealth, with time unsustainable agricultural and irrigation practices resulted in salinization and desertification. Today, we see a similar pattern in places like the Aral Sea. Excessive water extraction has turned productive areas into wastelands.

This statement also has importance for modern issues such as climate change.Sustainable practices conservation efforts and a commitment to protecting our natural environment can ensure that future civilizations do not follow the same path of destruction.

This quote emphasizes the changing power dynamics in our world. Traditional empires were built on land and military power, but future empires will be built from knowledge and innovation.

In the current global situation countries and companies that use technology and control data have enormous power. Large companies like Google and Facebook have modernized communication and have access to the personal information of billions of people, they can influence public opinion and shape cultural narratives. It is an example of how controlling opinions is more important than controlling territory.

Countries that invest in education, research and technological development are positioning themselves as leaders in the global platform. Leading countries in artificial intelligence and scientific research hold the key to future progress.

In this context, Focusing on creativity and education to prepare future generations for this new era would help individuals and nations to develop in this increasingly connected world.

This philosophical quote challenges the common idea that happiness is destiny. Instead of waiting to achieve some goal such as wealth or success. This philosophy encourages us to find joy in our daily experiences.

Instead of saying, “I will be happy when I reach my goals.” We should learn to appreciate the little moments that make us happy. This is consistent with practices and philosophies such as Buddhism that emphasize living in the present and engaging yourself in everyday life.

Different cultures view happiness in different ways. But the common thread is the importance of gratitude and happiness. Instead of pursuing or achieving material success, we can cultivate happiness through relationships, experiences, and a positive mindset.

When we focus our attention on the present and find beauty in everyday life. We nourish our well-being. This shift in mindset will not only increase our happiness but also influence those around us and develop a positive impact on our community.

This quote highlights the essence of scientific research: questioning and treating bigotry. True scientists don't just take information at face value, they undoubtedly agree that scrutinising is an important part of the scientific process as science is a dynamic subject, and there is a continuous need for updating and testing the knowledge by continuously asking questions and searching for evidence. These things will push the limits of knowledge and understanding.

Take APJ Abdul Kalam and Stephen Hawking, they challenge traditional thinking and have an important role in humanity. Kalam also known as "India's missile home" has revolutionized India's defense capabilities. Hawking, despite suffering from a debilitating disease, has challenged existing theories about the universe in his book A Brief History of Time, paving the way for new insights. Both exemplify the power of curiosity, perseverance, and the quest for understanding in driving scientific progress.

In today's world which is rich in information, critical thinking is more important than ever. We face a constant flow of information and opinions, which makes it necessary to examine sources and challenge beliefs. By promoting a culture of inquiry in our society we can encourage future generations to move towards more critical thinking and doubt traditional beliefs while tackling complex issues.

Social Media has become an important part of the lives of today's young people. It determines how they connect, communicate, and recognize themselves. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok offer an endless supply of scripted highlights from other people's lives. This phenomenon often leads to fear of missing out (FOMO); the feeling that everyone is making the most of life while you're out of the race.

When browsing social media, it is easy to fall into the trap of constant comparison. You might see your friends at a party, travel to exotic places or achieve a goal, but this can cause feelings of inadequacy. This constant comparison can cause anxiety and dissociation. It makes young people question their self-esteem and happiness.

Research has also shown that excessive use of social networks is associated with mental health problems. Young people who spend more time online often report feelings of depression and loneliness. They constantly say that their lives aren't as lofty as the highlights presented by their friends.  

To resist these feelings, there is a need to find balance in lifestyle. Taking regular breaks on social media can help refresh your perspective. Engaging in real-life connections and experiences can deliver satisfaction that online interactions often lack. By prioritizing real relationships and activities that bring happiness. Young people can combat the negative effects of FOMO and build a positive self-image.

The phrase “May all men be able to endure adversity. But to be tested or confronted, give power” says a lot about human nature. Adversity reveals resilience, but power reveals true character. When a person finds himself in a position of power their actions and decisions will reflect their core values. History is full of examples of leaders who ruled with power with grace, and those who succumbed to corruption.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India is an example of outstanding leadership with grace, vision, and commitment to democratic ideals. Nehru led India during the transition from colonial rule to independence in 1947, facing enormous challenges. The partition of India fueled communal violence and mass displacement of people. Despite these chaotic situations, Nehru remained dedicated to building an inclusive and secular nation that embraced diversity.

Nehru's leadership during difficult times showed that true character shines in adversity. Instead of using authoritarian measures, he seeks to inspire and unite the people of India and promote a sense of hope and possibility for the future.  

On the contrary, Adolf Hitler became chancellor in 1933, taking advantage of Germany's post-World War I economic turmoil and political instability, but instead of promoting unity and progress, it promoted division and hatred. Hitler's leadership was characterized as dictatorial by the unilateral suppression of disagreement.

It shows that power can destroy even the most well-intentioned individuals. The difference lies in how to approach leadership. Good leaders care about the welfare of others, show sympathy and behave ethically regardless of the situation.

This discussion of power also invites a deeper examination of what constitutes effective leadership. Qualities such as humility, responsibility, and a genuine desire to serve others are essential. In the final analysis, understanding power dynamics helps us recognize the characteristics that promote true leadership and character.

The power of simplicity in thought cannot be underestimated. Two of the most transformative concepts in history include democracy, freedom and equality. It has a simple basis, but it has an incredible impact. These straightforward concepts work for people because they are easy to understand and relate to.

Democracy principle highlights that everyone should have a voice in governance, it is clear and convincing and inspired movements and revolutions around the world because people understood its importance. On the contrary Complex theories can confuse or alienate individuals.  

Simple ideas often serve as meeting points for social change. The civil rights movement around the world was driven by the simplest yet most deeply understood ideas of equality. It has mobilized many people to fight for justice. In the same way, the concept of environmental sustainability encourages us to take care of our planet. This is a simple but significant message.

Simplicity turns concepts into more accessible and communicable. When people can easily understand the concept, they are more likely to adopt it and turn it into reality. This phenomenon highlights the importance of clear communication to bring about change and inspire action.

The quote emphasizes the importance of action. Even at the risk of making mistakes. When acting, you may make mistakes. However, these mistakes often lead to learning and growth. Inaction, on the other hand, can result in missed opportunities and fatigue.

Mistakes provide valuable lessons. They help you understand what works and what doesn't. Such knowledge may be crucial to future success. Taking a position has its costs. If you don't take action You may lose potential benefits. Those missed opportunities may be more biased than mistakes made just to entice you.

Many innovations and advancements come from trial and error. If it all goes wrong, progress will be halted. Taking risks and learning from failure drives innovation.

This phrase promotes proactive behavior. It shows that the benefits of taking action outweigh the risks of making mistakes. When you take action, you will open the door to new opportunities and growth, while not taking action can lead to missed opportunities and regret.

Preparation Strategy for the UPSC Mains 2025 Essay Paper

a)Study a range of subjects, including philosophy, sociology, and history.

b)Current events, books, essays, and essays can expand your understanding from a variety of perspectives.

c)Reserve your time to write essays on various topics. Start writing based on your interests and slowly move to more complex topics.

d)Create exam conditions to practice time management. This practice will help you manage your writing speed effectively during the actual exam.

e)After writing your essay, share it with a friend, mentor, and teacher to get constructive criticism.

f)Use feedback to refine your writing, and improve your weak points.

By developing understanding and analytical skills, practicing writing, connecting concepts with real-world examples and seeking advice, candidates will develop the confidence and skills needed to excel in the challenging elements of this exam.

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1.(a) Wisdom lies in knowing what to reckon with and what to overlook. An officer being engrossed with the periphery, ignoring the core issues before him, is no rare in the bureaucracy. Do you agree that such preoccupation of an administrator leads to travesty of justice to the cause of effective service delivery and good governance? Critically evaluate. (Answer in 150 words) 10

1. (b) Apart from intellectual competency and moral qualities, empathy and compassion are some of the other vital attributes that facilitate the civil servants to be more competent in tackling the crucial issues or taking critical decisions. Explain with suitable illustrations. (Answer in 150 words) 10

2. (a) The Rules and Regulations provided to all the civil servants are same, yet there is difference in the performance. Positive minded officers are able to interpret the Rules and Regulations in favour of the case and achieve success, whereas negative minded officers are unable to achieve goals by interpreting the same Rules and Regulations against the case. Discuss with illustrations. (Answer in 150 words) 10

2.(b) It is believed that adherence to ethics in human actions would ensure in smooth functioning of an organization/system. If so, what does ethics seek to promote in human life? How do ethical values assist in the resolution of conflicts faced by him in his day-to-day functioning? (Answer in 150 words) 10

3.(a) Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have the right to do and what is right to do.’-Potter Stewart . (Answer in 150 words) 10

3.(b) “If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.” – Abdul Kalam. (Answer in 150 words) 10

3.(c) “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.” Dalai Lama. (Answer in 150 words) 10

4. (a) What do you understand by term ‘good governance’? How far recent initiatives in terms of e-Governance steps taken by the State have helped the beneficiaries? Discuss with suitable examples. (Answer in 150 words) 10

4.(b)Online methodology is being used for day-to-day meetings, institutional approvals in the administration and for teaching and learning in education sector to the extent telemedicine in the health sector is getting popular with the approvals of the competent authority. No doubt it has advantages and disadvantages for both the beneficiaries and system at large. Describe and discuss the ethical issues involved in the use of online method particularly to vulnerable section of society. (Answer in 150 words) 10

5. (a) Russia and Ukraine war has been going on for the last seven months. Different countries have taken independent stands and actions keeping in view their own national interests. We are all aware that war has its own impact on the different aspects of society, including human tragedy. What are those ethical issues that are crucial to be considered while launching the war and its continuation so far? Illustrate with justification the ethical issues involved in the given state of affair. (Answer in 150 words) 10

5. (b) Write short notes on the following in 30 words each :

(i) Constitutional morality

(ii) Conflict of interest

(iii) Probity in public life

(iv) Challenges of digitalization

(v) Devotion to duty

6.(a) Whistle blower, who reports corruption and illegal activities, wrongdoing and misconduct to the concerned authorities, runs the risk of being exposed to grave danger, physical harm and victimization by the vested interests, accused persons and his team. What policy measures would you suggest to strengthen protection mechanism to safeguard the whistle blower? (Answer in 150 words) 10

6.(b) In contemporary world, corporate sector’s contribution in generating wealth and employment is increasing. In doing so, they are bringing in unprecedented onslaught on the climate, environmental sustainability and living conditions of human beings. In this background, do you Responsibility (CSR) is efficient and sufficient enough to fulfill the social roles and responsibilities needed in the corporate work mandated? Critically examine. (Answer in 150 words) 10

7. Prabhat was working as Vice President (Marketing) at Sterling Electric Ltd., a reputed multinational company. But presently the company was passing through the difficult times as the sales were continuously showing downward trend in the last two quarters. His division, which hitherto had been a major revenue contributor to the company’s financial health, was now desperately trying to procure some big government order for them. But their best efforts did not yield any positive success or breakthrough.

His was a professional company and his local bosses were under pressure from their London-based HO to show some positive results. In the last performance review meeting taken by the Executive Director (India Head), he was reprimanded for his poor performance. He assured them that his division is working on a special contract from the Ministry of Defence for a secret installation near Gwalior and tender is being submitted shortly.

He was under extreme pressure and he was deeply perturbed. What aggravated the situation further was a warning from the top that if the deal is not clinched in favour of the company, his division might have to be closed and he may have to quit his lucrative job.

There was another dimension which was causing him deep mental torture and agony. This pertained to his personal precarious financial health. He was a single earner in the family with two school-college going children and his old ailing mother. The heavy expenditure on education and medical was causing a big strain to his monthly pay packet. Regular EMI for housing loan taken from bank unavoidable and any default would render him liable for severe legal action.

In the above backdrop, he was hoping for some miracle to happen. There was sudden turn of events. His Secretary informed that a gentleman Subhas Verma wanted to see him as he was interested in the position of Manager which was to be filled by him in the company. He further brought to his notice that his CV has been received through the office of the Minister of Defence.

During interview of the candidate-Subhash Verma, he found him technically sound, resourceful and experienced marketeer. He seemed to be well-conversant with tendering procedures and having knack of follow-up and liaising in this regard Prabhat felt that he was better choice than the rest of the candidates who were recently interviewed by him in the last few days.

Subhash Verma also indicated that he was in possession of the copies of the bid documents that the Unique Electronics Ltd. would be submitting the next day to the Defence Ministry for their tender. He offered to hand over those documents subject to his employment in the company on suitable terms and conditions. He made it clear that in the process, the Sterling Electric Ltd. could outbid their rival company and get the bid and hefty Defence Ministry order. He indicated that it will be win-win situation for both-him and the company.

Prabhat was absolutely stunned. It was a mixed feeling of shock and thrill. He was uncomfortable and perspiring. If accepted, all his problems would vanish instantly and he may be rewarded for securing the much awaited tender and thereby boosting company’s sales and financial health. He was in a fix as to the future course of action. He was wonder-struck at the guts of Subhash Verma in having surreptitiously removing his own company papers and offering to the rival company for a job. Being an experienced person, he was examining the pros and cons of the proposal/situation and he asked him to come the next day.

(a) Discuss the ethical issues involved in the case.

(b) Critically examine the options available to Prabhat in the above situation.

(c) Which of the above would be the most appropriate for Prabhat and why? (Answer in 250 words) 20

8. Ramesh is State Civil Services Officer who got the opportunity of getting posted to the capital of a border State after rendering 20 years of service. Ramesh’s mother has recently been detected cancer and has been admitted in the leading cancer hospital of the city. His two adolescent children have also got admission in one of the best public schools of the town. After settling down in his appointment as Director in the Home Department of the State, Ramesh got confidential report through intelligence sources that illegal migrants are infiltrating in the State from the neighbouring country. He decided to personally carry out surprise check of the border posts along with his Home Department team. To his surprise, he caught red-handed two families of 12 members infiltrated with the connivance of the security personnel at the border posts. On further inquiry and investigation, it was found that after the migrants from neighbouring country infiltrate, their documentation like Aadhaar Card, Ration Card and Voter Card are also forged and they are made to settle down in a particular area of the State. Ramesh prepared the detailed and comprehensive report and submitted to the Additional Secretary of the State. However, he has summoned by the Additional Home Secretary after a week and was instructed to withdraw the report. The Additional Home Secretary informed Ramesh that the report submitted by him has not been appreciated by the higher authorities. He further cautioned him that if he fails to withdraw the confidential ort, he will not only be posted out from the prestigious appointment from the State capital but his further promotion which is due in near future will also get in jeopardy.

(a) What are the options available to Ramesh as the Director of the Home Department of the bordering State?

(b) What option should Ramesh adopt and why?

(c) Critically evaluate each of the options.

(d) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Ramesh?

(e) What policy measures would you suggest to combat the menace of infiltration of illegal migrants from the neighbouring country?

(Answer in 250 words) 20

9. The Supreme Court has banned mining in the Aravalli Hills to stop degradation the forest cover and to maintain ecological balance. However, the stone mining to still prevalent in the border district of the affected State with connivance of certain corrupt forest officials and politicians. Young and dynamic SP who was recently posted in the affected district promised to himself to stop this menace. In one of his surprise checks with his team, he found loaded truck with stone trying to escape the mining area. He tried to stop the truck but the truck driver overrun the police officer, killing him on the spot and thereafter managed to flee. Police filed FIR but no breakthrough was achieved in the case for almost three months. Ashok who was the Investigative Journalist working with leading TV channel, suo moto started investigating the case. Within one month, Ashok got breakthrough by interacting with local people, stone mining masia and government officials. He prepared his investigative story and presented to the CMD of the TV channel. He exposed in his investigative report the complete nexus of stone mafia working with blessing of corrupt police and civil officials and politicians. The politician who was involved in the mafia was no one else but local MLA who was considered to be very close to the Chief Minister. After going through the investigative report, the CMD advised Ashok to drop the idea of making the story public through electronic media. He informed that the local MLA was not only the relative of the owner of the TV channel but also had unofficially 20 percent share in the channel. The CMD further informed Ashok that his further promotion and hike in pay will be taken care of in addition the soft loan of 10 lakhs which he has taken from the TV channel for his son’s chronic disease will be suitably adjusted if he hands over the investigative report to him.

(a) What are the options available with Ashok to cope up with the situation?

(b) Critically evaluate/examine each of the options identified by Ashok.

(c) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Ashok?

(d) Which of the options, do you think, would be the most appropriate for Ashok to adopt and why?

(e)In the above scenario, what type of training would you suggest for police officers posted to such districts where stone mining illegal activities are rampant? (Answer in 250 words) 20

10. You have done MBA from a reputed institution three years back but could not get campus placement due to COVID-19 generated recession. However, after a lot of persuasion and series of competitive tests including written and interview, you managed to get a job in a leading shoe company. You have ageur parents who are dependent and staying with you. You also recently got married after getting this decent job. You were allotted the Inspection Section which is responsible for clearing the final product. In first one year, you learnt your job well and was appreciated for your performance by the management. The company is doing good business for last five years in domestic market and this year it is decided even to export to Europe and Gulf countries. However, one large consignment to Europe was rejected by their Inspecting Team due to certain poor quality and was sent back. The top management ordered that ibid consignment to be cleared for the domestic market. As a part of Inspecting Team, you observed the glaring poor quality and brought to the knowledge of the Team Commander. However, the top management advised all the members of the team to overlook these defects as the management cannot bear such a huge loss. Rest of the team members except you promptly signed and cleared the consignment for domestic market, overlooking glaring defects. You again brought to the knowledge of the Team Commander that such consignment, if cleared even for domestic market, will tarnish the image and reputation of the company and will be counter-productive in the long run. However, you were further advised by the top management that if you do not clear the consignment, the company will not hesitate to terminate your services citing certain innocuous reasons.

(a) Under the given conditions, what are the options available to you as a member of the Inspecting Team?

(b) Critically evaluate each of the options listed by you.

(c) What option would you adopt and why?

(d) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by you?

(e) What can be the consequences of overlooking the observations raised by the Inspecting Team?

11. Rakesh was working as a Joint Commissioner in Transport department of a city. As a part of his job profile, among others, he was entrusted with the task of overseeing the control and functioning of City Transport Department. A case strike by drivers’ union of City Transport Department over the issue of compensation to a driver who died on duty while driving the bus came up before him for decision in the matter.

He gathered that the driver (deceased) was plying Bus No. 528 which passed through busy and congested roads of the city. It so happened that near an intersection on the way, there was an accident involving the a middle-aged man. It was found that there was altercation between the driver and the car driver. Heated arguments between them led to fight and the driver gave him a a blow. Lot of passerbys had gathered and tried to intervene but without success. Eventually, both of them were badly injured and profusely bleeding and were taken to the nearby hospital. The driver succumbed to the injuries and could not be saved. The middle-aged driver’s condition was also critical but after a day, he recovered and was discharged. Police had immediately come to the spot and FIR was registered. Police investigation revealed that the quarrel in was started by the bus driver and he had resorted to physical violence. There exchange of blows between them.

The City Transport Department management is considering of not giving any extra compensation to the driver’s (deceased) family. The family is very aggrieved. depressed and agitated against the discriminatory and non-sympathetic approach of the City Transport Department management. The bus driver (deceased) was 52 years of age, was survived by his wife and two school-college going daughters. He was the sole earner of the family. The City Transport Department workers’ union took up this case and when found no favourable response from the management, decided to go on strike. The union’s demand was two fold. First was full extra compensation as given to other drivers who died on duty and secondly employment to one family member. The strike has continued for 10 days and the deadlock remains.

(a) What are the options available to Rakesh to meet the above situation?

(b) Critically examine each of the options identified by Rakesh

(c) What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Rakesh?

(d) What course of action would Rakesh adopt to diffuse the above situation?

12. You are appointed as an officer heading the section in Environment Pollution Control Board to ensure compliance and its follow-up. In that region, there were large number of small and medium industries which had been granted clearance. You learnt that these industries provide employment to many migrant worker. Most of the industrial units have got environmental clearance certificate in their possession. The environmental clearance seeks to curb industries and projects that supposedly hamper environment and living species in the region, But in practice. most of these units remain to be polluting units in several ways like air, water and soil pollution. As such, local people encountered persistent health problems.

It was confirmed that majority of the industries were violating environmental compliance. You issued notice to all the industrial units to apply for fresh environmental clearance certificate from the competent authority. However, your action met with hostile response from a section of the industrial units, other vested interest persons and a section of the local politicians. The workers also became hostile to you as they felt that your action would lead to the closure of these industrial units, and the resultant unemployment will lead to insecurity uncertainty in their livelihood. Many owners of the industries approached you with the plea that you should not initiate harsh action as it would compel them their units, and cause huge financial loss, shortage of their products in the market. These would obviously add to the sufferings of the labourers and the consumers alike. The labour union also sent you representation requesting against the closure of the units. You simultaneously started receiving threats from unknown corners. You however received supports from some of your colleagues, who advised you to act freely to ensure environmental compliance. Local NGOs also came to your support and they demanded the closure of the polluting units immediately.

(a) What are the options available to you under the given situation?

(b) Critically examine the options listed by you.

(c) What type of mechanism would you suggest to ensure environmental compliance?

(d) What are the ethical dilemmas you faced in exercising your option?

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  1. Essay Paper UPSC 2022 (Mains): Question Paper and Analysis

    UPSC conducted the Essay Paper, as part of the Civil Services Main Exam 2022 on 16-09-2022. The question paper was not as shocking as last year. There were 8 Essay topics, out of which candidates were asked to write on two topics in 3 hours. Candidates were supposed to answer about 1000 words for each essay (about 10-12 pages).

  2. ESSAY QUESTION PAPER : UPSC Civil Services IAS Exam MAINS 2022

    DOWNLOAD General Studies 4 QUESTION PAPER : UPSC CSE MAINS 2022. ESSAY QUESTION PAPER - UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains - 2022 . Section A. 1. Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence. 2. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. 3. History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man

  3. Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2022

    Official page for UPSC Civil Services (Main) Examination 2022, providing important notices and question papers.

  4. UPSC Essay Topic wise Question Papers of last 30 years (1993-2022)

    In the UPSC mains examination, essay paper is worth 250 marks and three hours. Here is the topic wise questions from the earlier years for the benefit of civil service IAS IPS aspirants. 1 India: Democracy, administration, Society, culture. 1.1 India Since Independence. 1.2 Federalism, Decentralization.

  5. PDF UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Paper Synopsis

    A brainstorming outline for the essay topic "Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence" for UPSC Mains 2022. It covers the economic benefits, restoration and conservation, and challenges of forests for sustainable development.


    Essay Paper UPSC 2022 Instructions. Total Marks: 250 marks, Time duration: 3 hours. The essay must be written in the medium authorized in the admission certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this question-cum-answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in the medium other than the ...

  7. UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Question Paper

    Find the essay topics, word limit, mark scheme and download link for the UPSC Mains 2022 Essay paper. The paper was conducted on 16th September 2022 and had four questions in each section.

  8. Weekly Upsc Ias Essay Writing Challenge

    WEEKLY UPSC IAS ESSAY WRITING CHALLENGES - 2022. December 25, 2022 : To tolerate is purely an act of mind; December 18, 2022 : The arc of moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice; December 11, 2022 : Religion is a culture of faith; Science is a culture of doubt.

  9. Model Essays

    Reach Us 12, Main AB Road, Bhawar Kuan, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, 452007 641, 1 st Floor, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-110009 ; 21, Pusa Rd, WEA, Karol Bagh, Delhi-110005

  10. Essay (UPSC Mains)

    Explore our collection of previous year questions from 2013 to 2023. Get insights, practice, and boost your chances of success with Past year questions and answers. 2023. Thinking is like a game; it does not begin unless there is an opposite team. Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic.

  11. PDF Welcome to UPSC

    The ESSAY must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized ... 9/16/2022 12:39:54 PM ...

  12. VisionIAS UPSC Toppers' Answer Copies

    VisionIAS UPSC Toppers' Answer Copies - Learn from the Best. Visit Prev Website. Call Us. +91 8468022022, +91 9019066066. Email Us. [email protected]. Social Media. Register.

  13. UPSC Essay Topics From PYQs (2013-2022)

    By analyzing the further given UPSC Essay previous year's question papers, aspirants can understand the nature and scope of the UPSC exam, identify the important topics, and prepare accordingly. UPSC'S Last 10 Years (2013-2022) Questions Compilation : UPSC CSE ESSAY PYQs COMPILATION. UPSC CSE - 2022 (Essay Paper PYQs)

  14. UPSC IAS Mains 2022

    UPSC IAS Mains 2022 Examinations have started with the essay paper. After the completion of the examination in the first session, UPSC IAS Mains 2022 Essay Question Paper is out. If you are preparing for the 2023 examination, you can go through the question paper and check the type of topics that are being asked.


    1) The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. 2) You cannot step twice in the same river. 3) A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities. 4) Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right. UPSC Mains 2022 Essay Paper Discussion - By Sunil Oberoi Sir Retd. IAS.

  16. UPSC Civil Services Mains 2022 Essay Paper

    The UPSC mains exam started on September 16, 2022, and will be held on 17, 18, 24, and 25, 2022, at various locations around the country. GeeksforGeeks have brought the UPSC Mains Essay Paper 2022 to make your exam preparation perfect. The highest score in the Mains Written level is crucial since 7 out of 9 papers are counted for merit ranking.

  17. Essay Writing for Civil Services Examination

    Writing An Essay. Sticking to the time limit. In the CSE, one has to write two essays in 3 hours which translates into 1 hour 30 minutes for each essay. Out of this, around 45 minutes to 1 hour will be required to write one essay. One can add another 10 minutes for the revision of one essay.

  18. Essay Syllabus

    UPSC Civil Service Mains Paper 1 (popularly known as essay paper) is now of 250 marks. Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep close to the subject of the essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact expression.

  19. (Download) UPSC IAS Mains Essay Exam Question Paper

    DOWNLOAD UPSC MAINS ESSAY (Compulsory) PAPERS PDF Section-B Section-B (125 marks)- Choose any one Essay Q-1.The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. Q-2.You cannot step twice in the same river. Q-3.A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities. Q-4.Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

  20. Essay

    UPSC Essay paper is one paper where you can get more output with little effort with the right strategy. The right strategy consists a clear structure, right thesis, better practice and the best guidance. Keeping this in mind, Vision IAS has created a unique Essay Enrichment Programme for civil services. This programme would consist of 5 classes ...

  21. 2022

    Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence. Q2. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. Q3. History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man. Q4. A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ship is for.

  22. Upsc Civil Services Mains 2024 Essay Paper Analysis

    Each Essay carries 125 Marks, a total of 250 marks for 2 essays. The Essay Paper carries a total of 250 Marks. The total duration of the Essay paper is 3 hours. UPSC MAINS 2024 Essay Paper Instructions. The ESSAY must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum ...

  23. UPSC Mains Exam 2024 Ethics paper: Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, Artificial

    UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam's Ethics paper wasn't a usual paper like the past year. Questions in section A challenged candidates to apply ethics to contemporary issues and prove that this exam isn't about ethical knowledge but ethical competency. The length of the paper tested the examinees ...

  24. [ General Studies Paper

    download essay question paper : upsc cse mains 2022. download general studies 2 question paper : upsc cse mains 2022. download general studies 3 question paper : upsc cse mains 2022. download general studies 4 question paper : upsc cse mains 2022 .

  25. [ General Studies Paper