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The Evil Within Wiki

Multiple game modes are available to play in both games of The Evil Within series and their DLCs, The Assignment and The Consequence .

  • 1.1 New Game+
  • 1.2 Difficulty settings
  • 2 Additional settings
  • 3.2 Classic
  • 4.1 The Evil Within
  • 4.2 The Evil Within 2
  • 5.1 General
  • 5.2 New Game+
  • 5.3 Classic

Overview [ ]

Gameplay modes in The Evil Within and its sequel are divided into two primary categories: Difficulty settings and New Game+ .

New Game+ [ ]

New Game+ is unlocked as soon as the story is completed, and allows the player to start the game again with any progress to upgrades and collectible retained, along with additional unlockable items. A cleared save can then be used to start a New Game+ at any time regardless of completion, and progress will be copied over from that point. A New Game+ can only be started on the highest difficulty setting it was completed on and below.

Enemies slain during a New Game+ drop more items than usual, to aid with unlocking Sebastian's remaining upgrades. Completing the main campaign of both games also grants the player additional resources upon starting New Game+, though this bonus is one-time only, and any promotional items given at the start of the first playthrough are not granted again.

Starting a New Game+ in The Evil Within allows the player to select which chapter they'll begin from, while The Evil Within 2 lacks this option.

Difficulty settings [ ]

At the outset of both games and the DLCs, only a limited handful of modes are available to play, but harder settings can be unlocked by completing the story once. The sole exception to this rule is The Executioner , which is hard-coded to always play in Survival mode at all times.

With the exception of the aforementioned DLCs, the higher difficulty levels cannot be chosen for a New Game+ when first unlocked to prevent cheesing with upgraded/unlocked gear, thus requiring the player to start multiple playthroughs to unlock everything. Higher difficulty settings usually have special gimmicks that make gameplay more challenging, but will award useful items or upgrades once completed.

Lowering gameplay difficulty mid-game is possible, though the play mode cannot be tuned back up without starting a new game.

Casual is the easiest setting of The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2 , and offers more of a narrative experience than actual survival horror. Enemies encountered in this mode are expectedly weak, dumb, and bosses do not take much effort at all to kill. Burning corpses with matches or torches in the first game is almost redundant on Casual due to the reduced enemy health and abundant ammo finds. Auto-aim is enabled by default and enemy awareness icons are fully-visible.

Survival is the default difficulty setting of both the games and DLCs. Featuring a balanced mix of challenge and casual gameplay, enemies are more aware than on Casual and takes more damage to drop. Ammunition are rather sparse and most downed enemies require matches to effectively kill. Most bosses are amped up to the point where reckless combat is inadvisable. Auto-aim is enabled by default and enemy awareness icons are fully-visible.

Nightmare is the optimal or "intended" mode that The Evil Within games are to be played on. Enemies on Nightmare are intelligent, strong, and hardy, with erratic patrol patterns and are very capable of mobbing/ambushing tactics that prove fatal if Sebastian is caught off-guard. Bosses are highly encouraged to be fled from, and are super tough resource sinks when they have to be fought. Stealth play is all but mandatory on Nightmare, though not strictly required if the player knows what to do. Auto-aim is disabled on Nightmare and enemy alertness icons are not visible.

悪夢 -AKUMU- ( lit. "Nightmare" ) is the absolute worst The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2 has to offer. While the basics are identical to Nightmare, AKUMU itself has one big twist: taking any damage at all kills Sebastian instantly, regardless of health upgrades. This includes even the most minor and sometimes self-inflicted instances like detonating an Agony / Warden Bolt too close to oneself or stepping into a burning oil spill.

Uncommon enemies appear much sooner than normal (e.g. Doppelgangers can appear as early as Chapter 3). Enemies drop less Green Gel when killed, and ammo is even less common than it already is, forcing the player to be frugal and sneaky. Overall AKUMU demands a great deal of skill and finesse from the player, or else the checkpoint loading screen will be the most common thing they'll be seeing in a while.

AKUMU is unlocked by completing the game once. Completing the game on either Nightmare or AKUMU unlocks the Brass Knuckles for Sebastian to use during the next run.

  • Keys, however, are useful to get, since the lockers they open can provide Sebastian with precious resources.
  • Due to their high utility values, focus on upgrading Explosive, Flash and Freeze bolts to make the most out of the Crossbow. Harpoon bolts can also be situationally useful when maxed out as well.
  • Kneecapping enemies with the Handgun and burning clumps of them with a match is a viable strategy in the early game. Once the Critical upgrades have been maxed out, aim for the head for instant kills, which can be a lifesaver later on.
  • Save Green Gel for the Magnum damage upgrades. Maximize this stat and save it for bosses. The most viable combo against bosses on AKUMU is " Freeze → Magnum " (i.e. one Freeze bolt followed by one to three Magnum shots), repeat as necessary. This can decimate the likes of the Sadist , Laura and Quell in seconds, and The Keeper in one square hit.
  • Snipe as much as one's ammo stock allows for to thin out the herd. The Amalgam Alpha is especially vulnerable against a sniping Sebastian. Simply hide behind a large pillar and take potshots at the creature. Shooting its eye will stun it for a short period, where one follow up shot will severely damage it (don't fire more than once, as this gives away Sebastian's location). Repeat this once to send the boss into phase 2, at which point the " Freeze → Magnum " combo can be pulled off to decimate it in moments.
  • Memorize where traps are to lure powerful enemies into them. The Chapter 3 Sadist in particular has plenty of mines and tripwires in and around the arena for Sebastian to utilize, though always remember to keep a healthy distance away from the traps to avoid cheap deaths. Bosses can take many trap hits before dying, Sebastian can only take one.
  • Always keep an Axe on hand. One may never know when the nearest Haunted may suddenly make a U-turn and foil the attempted sneak attack with a one-hit kill.
  • If a sneak attempt goes wrong and powerful/many enemies are abound, HIDE! And wait for them to disperse before leaving cover.
  • If all else fails, running IS an option in certain cases, as with the exception of bosses, most enemies will get bored and stop pursuit after Sebastian is far enough away from them. Invest heavily into Sprint upgrades to make this viable.
  • The invisible Haunted can be a tremendous threat on AKUMU if Sebastian cannot predict where they will come from. If an invisible one is making its way towards the player, try to place as many movable objects between the two parties so that the Haunted will give its position away by bumping into them.

KURAYAMI ( lit. "Darkness" ) is the most challenging difficulty setting in The Assignment and The Consequence . In contrast to AKUMU or Nightmare, KURAYAMI does not beef up the enemies that Juli Kidman encounters on her journey, but instead covers the entire map in pitch darkness that is only maneuverable with the flashlight on, or with thrown chemical lights in the second DLC.

Completing either DLC unlocks KURAYAMI as an available mode for its next run.

  • While enemies can see Juli, they don't react to her flashlight, allowing for easier maneuverability with it toggled on. Thrown chemlights are likewise ignored unless they hit an enemy.
  • Always keep an Axe handy. Unlike Sebastian, Juli doesn't have a knife to freely stealth kill enemies with, so axes must be spent wisely. Only kill an enemy if there's no other choice.
  • Most enemies don't react to Juli peeking around or over cover unless at very close ranges. Use this along with the flashlight to your advantage.

Classic mode is a new setting available in The Evil Within 2 . In basic gameplay principles it is identical to Nightmare, with enemies both dealing and taking the same damage values as on said mode, though due to certain technical difficulties in operating the STEM system, saving is restricted to manual only, and can only be done seven times across the game's 17 chapters. Enemies no longer drop Crafting parts or Green Gel when slain due to the removal of upgrades.

Additional settings [ ]

Introduced in Update 1.05 for The Evil Within 2 are four bonus additions to the game, of them three are considered "cheats".

These new modes are AKUMU , One-Shot Kill , Invincibility and Infinite Stamina , which are self-explanatory. While AKUMU is a selectable difficulty when starting a new game, the other three settings are found under the Options menu, and can be toggled on and off freely during play.

In order to access the new modes, an account link to is required. Unlike Console commands , using the three "cheats" does not void achievement progress.

  • Sebastian will only die from damage taken during normal play. Scripted events where he is supposed to be struck by enemies (e.g. being sliced in the leg by the Sadist in Chapter 1, being rammed by the Amalgam Alpha before the boss fight, etc...) will have him survive as usual.

Classic [ ]

  • The bonus weapon parts (both common and High-grade) from The Last Chance Pack are still given at the start of Chapter 3, however these will be unusable due to the lack of an Upgrade screen.
  • Viewing Photographic Slides no longer gives Green Gel , though synchronizing Residual Memories still does.
  • The shooting gallery offers herbs and gunpowder only, making it a good source of crafting ingredients.

Achievements [ ]

The evil within [ ].

in KURAYAMI mode.

The Evil Within 2 [ ]


General [ ]

  • While the series is known for its survival horror roots and nature, creator Shinji Mikami actually intends for the games to be played on Casual difficulty if possible, as he felt the added challenge on higher modes distracts from the game's narrative and causes needless frustrations to players newer to the genre.
  • Starting a New Game+ in The Evil Within 2 has the camera transit to the scene of the burning house instead of slowly zooming into the newspaper on the desk when starting a fresh playthrough.

TEW2 Classic Clear

  • A black cat similar to Juli Kidman's STEM companion can be seen playing with the family in said screen, albeit now wearing a blue collar instead of red.
  • Classic mode actually allots the player 8 save attempts instead of 7, as it still allows one to make a cleared game save at the end of Chapter 17 even if the allowed 7 have all been exhausted.
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  • The Evil Within
  • 2 Sebastian Castellanos

Task Search

Not afraid of the dark.

KURAYAMI Mode cannot be played until the DLC has been completed. When you do start on this mode it will be in complete darkness with the exception of your flashlight. The lights will not be turned off until you have been giving the shot and dose off. If you're having trouble reaching the flashlight head to the gate and go left making your way around the plastic covering.

When you begin The Assignment you are asked to choose your brightness settings. It would be wise to set it brighter than you normally would. You can adjust the brightness at anytime by pressing the options button and going over to graphics then hitting on brightness adjusting your setting.

No enemies are added to the difficulty to make it even more difficulty. No background color will be given or flashes so be ready for that as well. The hardest part of the DLC will most likely be the duel with Joseph as you cannot see where he is or much of the cover you can use in addition to Joseph being able to found you much easier while taking shots with his handgun.

Up Next: Walkthrough

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The Evil Within: The Assignment

What is KURAYAMI Mode in The Evil Within?

KURAYAMI is a new mode unlocked by completing The Assignment . In KURAYAMI, STEM is in complete darkness and all you have is your flashlight to guide the way.

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Not Afraid of the Dark achievement in The Evil Within

Clear The Assignment in KURAYAMI Mode.

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  • The Assignment

Kurayami: What were your clear stats?

By Aeirou March 12, 2015 in The Assignment

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Jar of Mayo

I just finished my 100% run of the DLC and ended with the KURAYAMI run. What were your clear stats?

I did my Survival run in 3:02:46 with 4 deaths.

My KURAYAMI run took 1:36:31 with 14 deaths.

There's a few tricky parts to navigate through in the dark, but overall coming from Survival run you should be fairly confident moving through each area.

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Share on other sites, valiantwarrior94.

My Kuriyama run was the exact same to be fair

Died quite a few times against the.giant twin at the end

The Joseph boss was ridiculously easy as was Spotlight the second time through

My Kuriyama run was the exact same to be fair Died quite a few times against the.giant twin at the end The Joseph boss was ridiculously easy as was Spotlight the second time through

For the giant, you just wait until he walks to the left behind the second set of boxes and crouch walk passed him. As soon as you are close enough, break into a full sprint towards the gate.

Yeah Joseph was easy, but a couple of my deaths were to the flashlight.

I kept getting seen as I slowly moved from box to box

Still, so much easier than even Nightmare in the main game


My clear time was around 1 hr 45 minutes. I died 6 times.

I died once on purpose during the Joseph fight out of frustration after messing up the start though.

Overall, I think the atmosphere is way more tense and fun in Kurayami mode. Being forced to rely on your flash light really enforces stealth and patience; however, I pretty much botched the last area before the giant boss arena. I threw a bottle to lure the two exploding corpses away and ended up aggroing the whole area. I basically had to just sprint through that area to the bell and then run out. I was so caught off guard that I was just running in the dark in panic mode. In hindsight, I don't know how it worked out so well, honestly.

The room with the spike traps in chapter 2 is also kind of a bitch in the dark. I ended up doing it without killing either of the two haunted in the second room with the switch and gate, but it was pretty intense.

I had 1hr 39min on my clock and I died 8 times.

It was very manageable and the only "hard" part was Joseph for me...even though it's a pretty quick "boss" I couldn't see sh!t. The lighthouse gal was really easy since she always checked the same rows. Since I will never be able to finish the main game (it's just too damn hard for me) I'm glad to 100%ed this VERY GOOD DLC:)


1 hr, 38 mins with 16 deaths.

Very fun mode and really enhanced the survival horror element.

Took me around 90 minutes plus and total death of 12.

KURAYAMI run took 1:55:47 with 14 deaths (darn you Joseph!)

I did struggle with Joseph but everything else was easy!

My clear time was 1hour and 11mins, with 5 deaths.

And all those deaths were down in the tunnel when you gotta get the 3 fuse-boxes. It was such dumb deaths..

My clear time was 1hour and 11mins, with 5 deaths. And all those deaths were down in the tunnel when you gotta get the 3 fuse-boxes. It was such dumb deaths..
I had a difficult time with the trap rooms with those two with the knife. They would either kill me or the trap would spring but not kill them. I'm surprised the big guy never killed me though.

Yeah. 3 of them deaths were those 2 bastards. Last 2 were actually the big guy. 1 of them were me trying to be smart and rush past him, and open the 2nd gate. But didnt really work out. Smacked me in the back of the head while turning the wheel. Last one was just cause i couldnt see him. So wasnt even a terrible run. Just dumb deaths.

Survival - 3:18:00 hours with 10 deaths

KURAYAMI - 1:47:47 hours with 3 deaths

I died 2 times against Cadavers (one to get a collectible in the Biometrics Area, and one to get a trophy) and the third time against Joseph.

My Survival run - 2:42:24 with 8 deaths

My KURAYAMI run - 1:22:47 with 5 deaths.

Those of you that handled Akumu, This difficulty has nothing on it.. Still had a great time playing this DLC!


Clear time:1.51

Had to get some of the collectibles which was a pain in the ass in the darkness.


Clear Time: 1:15:37

Total Deaths: 3

I really enjoyed that difficulty though. Was a very inventive way to add challenge without being cheap like the main game. I hope they either bring that back for the second part or come up with something else just as cool.

  • 8 months later...

1 hour and 36 minutes with one death. Very quick and easy compared to the main game but such a good DLC. They did a great job using the lighting to really affect how you play. Few games do this and fewer do it well.

  • 1 year later...

1hr 31mins. died 13 times. Only the waiting for the elevator part and JoJo part gave me tough times.

  • 3 weeks later...


Survival: 3:09:04 - 23 deaths

Kurayami: 2:26:34 - 21 deaths

Kurayami was going so smoothly until I got to the server room Dr. Franknfurter lighthouse fight. I spent 36 minutes accrued most of my deaths there. The Joseph fight tripped me up for deaths and time too.

  • 4 years later...


Actually got farmed at the Clutch location like janne-da-arc24

On 3/21/2015 at 11:49 PM, janne-da-arc24 said: Died the most to the guys where you get the clutch trophy 😕 I died about 3 times there

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The Evil Within: The Assignment and The Consequence review

Asylum partners.

If last year's The Evil Within saw Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami reclaiming the survival horror gameplay he popularised, this double-whammy of DLC sees the genre pioneer playing around with toys from other horror games' playroom.

Taken together, The Assignment and The Consequence tell the story of Juli Kidman, erstwhile partner of the main game's hero, Sebastian, and explain just what she was up to during her prolonged absences from the core plot. It turns out that not only was she facing her own gauntlet of creepy beasts and unnerving boss fights, she was also involved in a plot that is arguably more important than Sebastian's B movie blundering.

Kidman is on the trail of Leslie Withers, the young male patient whose disappearance kicks off The Evil Within's original campaign. We learn that far from being some rookie partner cop, she's actually working undercover for a sinister agency, overseen by an ominous boss who is part Half Life's G-Man and part Slender. The storyline that follows is largely incomprehensible even by survival horror standards, told as it is largely through optional audio logs and text documents, with only the key plot points being laboriously spelled out in florid cut-scene dialogue.

It's in gameplay terms that this double bill of side story differentiates itself from its parent title. Where The Evil Within was pure survival horror, with ammo management, exploration and inventory-based puzzling, The Assignment and The Consequence are both stripped back to the bone. For the vast majority of their playing time, Kidman has no weapons and is armed only with a flashlight. Instead, evasion is her main skill. There were flourishes of this cover-based sneaking in the main game - most notably in that opening slaughterhouse chase - but this is pretty much a pure stealth game.

the assignment kurayami

It's a choice that ensures these expansions feel very different, but it also pushes the game engine beyond what it's comfortably capable of. The jerky camera and stiff movement, so devilishly nostalgic during Sebastian's adventure as he roamed mansion corridors and carefully lined up headshots, prove far more deadly when used to deliver this amount of creeping around.

Entering and exiting cover is a stodgy affair, while running away when spotted is rarely successful thanks to Kidman's wheezing lack of fitness. She can jog maybe ten feet before stopping to catch her breath, and since these stories offer no upgrade paths, you're stuck with this bizarre lethargy for the duration. Balancing this out is the fact that you don't need health syringes to patch yourself up after a scrap. Simply remain still, or hide in cover, and Kidman is back to full health in a few seconds.

Recharging health in a survival horror game? You can probably hear the genre purists sucking their teeth in disapproval already, and it does feel that the odd balancing of the DLC is down to the limitations of the original engine coupled with make-do solutions to the problems that throws up.

The result is an experience that is both surprisingly easy and often frustrating. Whenever you die it's generally because of sluggish movement or unhelpful camera angles, but then trial and error gets you past most enemies without too much fuss. They're never very smart, but most are at least unique to this DLC.

the assignment kurayami

There are blind crab-like corpse creatures that scuttle about in fixed patterns, only attacking with an instant death explosion if you bump into them. There are invisible enemies that only appear when caught in the glare of your flashlight. At best, you're able to take them down by finding hatchets and using them for a stealth kill. Inexplicably - and illogically - you can only do this once, the effort of retrieving these useful weapons from the bodies of enemies apparently too much effort for Kidman.

There are only a few moments where guns are used. One, in The Assignment, is a stationary shooting gallery where you don't get to keep the gun afterwards. The Consequence is a little more action-oriented, eventually granting you a pistol and later a shotgun. These prove essential against the game's Keeper boss character, which is basically Rocky Horror's Frank N. Furter crossed with a lighthouse by way of BioShock 's Big Daddy.

In terms of pure mechanics, it's a real mixed bag. It's the context that really makes the difference, as both episodes are even weirder than the main game and take great delight in f***ing with your head. The bewildering location shifts come thick and fast - one of the benefits of having a mind-messing machine as your McGuffin of choice - and you're never entirely sure what's coming next.

Often, a new enemy or gameplay idea will be introduced for only a short while and then never used again. When so much DLC is blatantly an excuse to recycle assets, the willingness here to add fresh things is worthy of praise. When it does bring you back to familiar locations, it's always for a clever reason - playing with your knowledge of what else has happened in that spot, or offering a genuinely ingenious alternative perspective on things you did in the main story.

the assignment kurayami

That generosity continues throughout, too. The collectables are nothing to get excited about - the same files and recordings scattered throughout the core game - and the only puzzles are simple and small in nature compared to Mikami's previous work. They really only come into play via a series of hidden safes, inside of which you'll find fragments of letters. Tucked away in self-contained secret areas, the solutions are almost always in the same room.

Yet when you finish both The Assignment and The Consequence, you'll unlock a New Game + option for those who fancy another run through, and Kurayami Mode, which ups the difficulty by switching off all the lights and forcing you to rely only on your flashlight to see what's going on. Coupled with the decent length of the episodes themselves - each lasting between three and four hours on average - and you've got DLC that goes above and beyond what is generally expected from add-ons released six months after a blockbuster launch.

I just wish it wasn't so clumsy where it counts, since there are few gameplay styles more off-putting than poor stealth, and the stealth here is often very poor indeed. Fans committed to the loopy storyline will probably be able to look past that and enjoy the surreal ride for its narrative and atmospheric pleasures. However, such frustrations can't help but drive a large rusty nail into the heart of an otherwise generous pair of expansions.

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the assignment kurayami

The Evil Within

the assignment kurayami

Originally posted by BlackWater : Um A tip, when you re-play in Kurayami, have Kidman take a look around where you start, check everywhere, focus that Flashlight :)
Originally posted by DogMeat : Yes... right after you first get your flashlight turn around to the starting room and explore it. If you find something that looks... out of place... focus your flashlight on it.
Originally posted by BlackWater : You gave an answer in my "Which would win" thread and I was very confused by your answer, until now :)
Originally posted by clueless : OK finished the normal play through started Kurayami mode searched the room with the flashlight found one thing..which dosent really effect the game play a snail which when picked up ..unlocked a model in the title screen is that right?
Originally posted by BlackWater : I wish these could be reset, so i could light them all up again.

the assignment kurayami

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9 years ago#1 , unless I'm missing something.
9 years ago#2
9 years ago#3
9 years ago#4

9 years ago#5
9 years ago#6
9 years ago#7
9 years ago#8 So yeah, the gameplay is pretty bare bones. The design is interesting and varied at least. You're always doing and seeing different things.

She probably will have a weapon in the second DLC, though.
9 years ago#9
9 years ago#10

We're having some serious fun speedrunning this. Lots of little glitches have been discovered already, and lots of risky (or safer) strats to get past enemies quickly.

It's very different and worth playing again on this mode.

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  4. The Evil Within: The Assignment

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  5. The Evil Within The Assignment

    the assignment kurayami

  6. The Evil Within The Assignment Walkthrough Kurayami Part 7 (Ss_HaDeS_sS

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  2. ギフト (GIFT)

  3. Kurayami Matsuri (Darkness Festival) May 2022

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  1. The Evil Within The Assignment

    The Evil Within The Assignment DLC full wlakthrough on KURAYAMI difficulty, meaning complete darkness! this is the full DLC walkthrough.

  2. Game Modes

    KURAYAMI (lit. "Darkness" ) is the most challenging difficulty setting in The Assignment and The Consequence . In contrast to AKUMU or Nightmare, KURAYAMI does not beef up the enemies that Juli Kidman encounters on her journey, but instead covers the entire map in pitch darkness that is only maneuverable with the flashlight on, or with thrown ...

  3. Not Afraid of the Dark

    KURAYAMI Mode cannot be played until the DLC has been completed. When you do start on this mode it will be in complete darkness with the exception of your ... When you begin The Assignment you are ...

  4. What is KURAYAMI mode? :: The Evil Within General Discussions

    KURAYAMI (lit. "Darkness") is the most challenging difficulty setting in The Assignment and The Consequence. In contrast to AKUMU or Nightmare, KURAYAMI does not beef up the enemies that Juli Kidman encounters on her journey, but instead covers the entire map in pitch darkness that is only maneuverable with the flashlight on, or with thrown chemical lights in the second DLC.

  5. The Evil Within

    Clear The Assignment in KURAYAMI Mode. Kurayami, appropriately meaning "darkness" in Japanese is a mode in which the game is shrouded in overwhelming darkness. The only way to see is by using your flashlight and other light sources in the environment.

  6. Guide for The Evil Within

    Cleared The Assignment in KURAYAMI Mode. Fumbling in the Dark. Turned on the generator using no more than 10 chemical lights. (Ch. 3) Things Fall Apart. Cleared Chapter 3, "Illusions."

  7. THE ASSIGNMENT: Kurayami Difficulty (No Damage/No Death ...

    Here is the first chapter of the DLC The Assignment with Juli Kidman. On this walkthrough i don't show collectibles. Playing on KURAYAMI. Thanks for watching...

  8. What is KURAYAMI Mode in The Evil Within?

    KURAYAMI is a new mode unlocked by completing The Assignment. In KURAYAMI, STEM is in complete darkness and all you have is your flashlight to guide the way. KURAYAMI is a new mode unlocked by completing The Assignment .

  9. The Evil Within

    The Evil Within DLC: The Assignment Kurayami All Collectibles Snails & Soundtracks Walkthrough!Playlist:

  10. Did anyone else hate Kurayami mode in the Assignment DLC?

    CyberLance26 9 years ago #5. Kurayami mode felt almost the same as the normal mode to me because as long as you have the flashlight on you can see just fine. The boss fight against Joseph was the only thing on kurayami mode that felt harder to me. And i dont think the enemes can notice the flashlight. I got it on all the time and can sneak fine ...

  11. KURAYAMI Mode Video Walkthrough

    Here is my video walkthrough on how I handled both chapters for KURAYAMI Mode. Honestly its not as hard as it sounds I think I only died 4-6 times and a couple of those were me just being dumb and doing literally the same thing that got me killed to begin with (Do you know what the definition of ...

  12. Not Afraid of the Dark achievement in The Evil Within

    Clear The Assignment in KURAYAMI Mode. 0. 1 guide. Share . Hide ads. How to unlock the Not Afraid of the Dark achievement. K3rd B3rglar. 12 Mar 2015 12 Mar 2015. 31 0 9. Actions.

  13. The Evil Within

    The Evil Within: The Assignment. This is the first of a two-part, story driven experience where players take on the role of detective Juli Kidman, Sebastian ...

  14. Kurayami: What were your clear stats?

    I just finished my 100% run of the DLC and ended with the KURAYAMI run. What were your clear stats? I did my Survival run in 3:02:46 with 4 deaths. My KURAYAMI run took 1:36:31 with 14 deaths. There's a few tricky parts to navigate through in the dark, but overall coming from Survival run you sho...

  15. The Evil Within: The Assignment and The Consequence review

    One, in The Assignment, is a stationary shooting gallery where you don't get to keep the gun afterwards. ... and Kurayami Mode, which ups the difficulty by switching off all the lights and forcing ...

  16. Tips for Shade in KURAYAMI mode?

    I feel like the assignment, Kurayami will be a breeze for the most part. Except when it comes to the damn light-head. Are there any good tips or videos I can follow to really get through it a little easier? Even in normal mode those were the encounters I died the most on.

  17. The Evil Within: The Assignment

    STEAM - - -

  18. Not Afraid Of The Dark...Assignment DLC :: The Evil Within General

    i dont see Kurayami mode as an option when i start a new game for the Assignment do i need to complete the DLC first to get the option to play in Kurayami mode? in other words..2 playthroughs needed to get this achievement? i have completed the main game in Akumu mode so i thought perhaps i could shoot straight to Kurayami mode for the Assignment and do it in one playthrough

  19. Anyone else think Kurayami is kinda lame? : r/theevilwithin

    I just began Kurayami within the last hour and honestly I find it to be more annoying than it is frightening or even challenging. I got held up for like 4 minutes just trying to GET TO the flashlight holding the door shut. And in fact, I get through the parts with Shade even easier than I did in the standard DLC difficulty. ...

  20. What's the point of new game + for The Assignment?

    Yeah, it's just for collectables and chapter select. Kidman doesn't have a weapon or upgrades in The Assignment, no. She can't find healing items either, she auto heals instead. The only items you can collect and use during gameplay are bottles and axes. So yeah, the gameplay is pretty bare bones. The design is interesting and varied at least.