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[Updated 2023] Top 25 Cybersecurity PowerPoint Templates To Safeguard Technology 

[Updated 2023] Top 25 Cybersecurity PowerPoint Templates To Safeguard Technology 

Malvika Varma


In today’s connected world, it is impossible for an individual to function without a computer or a smart phone. For businesses, this dependence is a 1,000X more. Being tech-savvy and a functional know-how of computers, the internet and associated cyber security measures is an absolute must to function well. 

Cyber security attacks are like natural calamities for businesses. You must be prepared or face long disruptions if your cyber security is weak or fails to prevent data breaches or loss of critical financial information. 

If you want to prepare cyber security proposals, these are also available with us. Click here to access these cyber security proposals to get clients. 

If you want to ensure the longevity of business, mastery of cyber security is a non-negotiable skill. To this end, SlideTeam has curated C yber Security PPT Templates to help you stand your ground, and even prevent cyberattacks. These slides on cyber security are all 100% customizable and editable. 

The content-ready feature means you get the starting point and the much-need structure. With editability, you can tweak the presentation to your unique audience preferences. 

Let us explore this world-class template on cyber security solutions that will help you draw up a roadmap. 

Template 1 Preventing Data Breaches Through Cyber Security Awareness PPT Presentation Slides

This complete deck PPT Presentation in 78 slides is a comprehensive resource to help companies create awareness on cyber security among employees. Use this PPT Layout to draw up a three-step agenda to build a cyber security team, which will be responsible for identifying and mitigating cyberattacks. The concepts covered are meant to prevent fraud and data breaches. The eight chapters outlined in the hands-on course are a security blanket against attacks. Starting with an overview of cyber security awareness, we conduct a current state assessment of the enterprise. Recognizing cyberattacks is another core competence that needs to be drilled into the cybersecurity team. The four major mediums/platforms for raising cyber security among employees are also covered; the four tools outlined are online courses, automation tools, general strategies, and an In-House Training Plan. The USP of this presentation template is the slide on cyber security awareness trends in 2023, an almost real-time repository of information. Statistics on the lack of cybersecurity awareness create an urgency about the issue that it deserves. Download this slide now and master your defences against the unseen warrior.

Preventing Data Breaches Through Cyber Security Awareness

Download this template now

Template 2 Cyber Security IT PPT Presentation Slides 

What is cyber security and how it works is the fundamental question this PPT Template answers. Divided into 13 sections, the educative bundle provides dashboards for cybersecurity tracking. This makes the presentation template extra special as you become more compliant and, hence, more organized using it. Cyber risk identification and cyber security implementation in the company are covered in detail. Preparing and deploying strong IT policies and setting up measures for secure communication are essential aspects covered. The algorithm for ensuring cyber security is also studied and will get your massive recall. Get your hands on this brilliantly-conceived PPT with a download now!

Cyber Security

Download now!

Template 3 Cyber Security Risk Management PPT Presentation Slides

With the business world increasingly using the internet as a significant raw material in its processes, this presentation template details how to handle cybersecurity threats and secure digital assets. Use this template to showcase your expertise in handling kinds of insider digital threats, ranging from malicious, negligent, or third-party insiders. As almost all industries are vulnerable to cyberattacks, a slide is devoted to addressing cyber threats across industries. The tabular format gives an interesting perspective with the four major heads mapped together. These are the industry kind, the attack it faces, the cyber-attackers' method, and the outcome. The PPT bundle includes slides on threat management action plans, a slide on the ideal cybersecurity team structure, selecting a secured threat management structure software, and so on. The three dashboards, specifically the one on the cyber threat management dashboard (includes top 5 organizational vulnerabilities) and a risk-rating breakdown, complete the well-structured logical template that is your one-stop shop for cyber security risk management.

Cyber Security Risk Management

Template 4 Introducing a Risk-Based Approach to Cyber Security PPT Presentation Slides

Security against cyberattacks is driven by the risk assessment and levels of threat businesses perceive themselves to be under. This PPT Template is the answer to how enterprises ensure cyber-safety in a world, which is shifting to Internet of Things (IoT) products. The presentation templates include slides on defining business priorities to ensure organization information security. The three pillars are efficient risk management, a standardized incident management process, and transparent communication. Get your hands on a threat vulnerability asset matrix and a summary of your existing security management capabilities with a download of this deck. You will feel safe after implementing the steps given in this presentation template.

Introducing a Risk-Based Approach to Cyber Security

Template 5 Enterprise Cyber Security Awareness Employees Training Complete Deck

This complete deck is a comprehensive guide to train employees on enterprise cyber security, with the primary aim being awareness, eventually leading to the prevention of such attacks. Use this presentation template to start with a slide on the current scenario, which lists problems, the most vulnerable departments, and a look at past attacks. Then, an entire segment of slides is devoted to finding gaps in security programs. Before starting the training using this downloaded complete deck, kindly review the security awareness program checklist. Spread your expertise with a slide on automated security awareness platforms and cost. The frameworks and formats for the training also get their due. Finally, the deck takes you through organization impact metrics on behavior and strategy. Download this template now to get one-pagers on the ROI of the security awareness training. The timeline of the program and three KPI dashboards are part of the training curriculum.  

Security Awareness Employees Training

Template 6 Cyber Security and Phishing Awareness Training PPT Presentation Slides 

Awareness starts with realization. This comprehensive PPT Template is a must-have in your presentation library, encompassing a slide (numbered 7) as the starting point. The layout lists the cyberattacks your company faced over the past year. Familiarize your team with the types of cyberattacks using this presentation template that lists the five major ones as phishing; network intrusion; inadvertent disclosures; stolen or lost devices on record, and system misconfiguration. Also, get access to dashboards, a communication plan to transform the training into a permanent fixture on your business calendar, and so on. Special slides are included on the budget and the timeline of the awareness program to make this a treasure house of implementable information. Download it now!   

Cyber Security & Phishing Awareness Training

Template 7 Case-Study:  Overcoming the challenge of cyber security in healthcare complete deck

This case study documents the travails and the final triumph of a healthcare company, ABS, against toxic cyberattacks and data breaches. The presentation template starts with an overview of the company and the scale of the problem it faces viz-a-viz cyberattacks. As you will see in the slides, its records hit by malware increased, worryingly, from 10% to 36% over four years. The template studies three challenges and their corresponding solutions in the detailed guide of a PPT. Download now, and see how the same challenges and solutions fit your business. At the very most, you need to tweak it to apply the solutions to your workspace. The presentation devotes three slides to strategies against cyberattacks. The SWOT analysis of the company is also demonstrated. Download this template now to get the hang of the measures that overcome cybersecurity threats in your business.  

Case Competition Overcome the Challenge of CYBER SECURITY

Template 8 Cyber Security Strategy PowerPoint Template Bundles

Use this template to dig deep and implement the eight key elements of a cyber security strategy it documents. Also, showcase your expertise in designing an organizational framework of your cyber security strategy in terms of leadership elements and managing the threat per se. The importance of risk management in cyber security strategy is demonstrated in a special slide, with a content-ready cyber security strategy also a part of the deck. The best practices slide against cyber threats also acts as the USP. With bonus icon slides included, this presentation template is an absolute masterpiece. Get it now with a click below.

Cyber Security STRATEGY

Template 9 Cyber Security Incidents PowerPoint Template Bundles

Use this presentation template to learn about the six cyber security incident response steps. This involves preparation, detection, analysis, containment, eradication, and recovery. Also, get world-class expertise in the included slides on strategies for efficient cyber security incident management. Also, understand how regular training and a dedicated incident response team are essential requirements. The PPT Template also explains how the cyber security incident response framework enhances business performance. Get a content-ready format for cyber security incident reports to stand out for your professionalism. A KPI Dashboard where you get consolidated figures by alarm number and types completes this nuanced, hands-on take on cyber security incidents. Download now!

Cyber Security Incident

Template 10 Cyber Security Incident Response PowerPoint Template Bundles

This template ensures that your response to any cyber security incident is top-notch and well-prepared. Use it to divide the response into four categories of identification and detection; containment; eradication and recovery, and finally, the response post-recovery. All four stages are mapped to resources needed to enhance preparation. This hands-on PPT bundle also includes a software checklist to respond to cybersecurity incidents. In the tracking dashboard for a response, present all know-how about the severity of the incidents, along with risk ratings in the form of a heat map. 

Download this response code to cyber security incidents now!

Cyber Security Incident Response

Template 11 Cyber Security Elements IT PowerPoint Template Bundles 

This PPT Preset highlights how Information Technology (IT) provides cyber security elements. The fundamental slide lists the leading information security principles, abbreviated to CIA or Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Use this presentation template to showcase expertise in the operational security elements of cyber security, end-user security, and cloud security aspects. The slides on types of cyber attackers and tools for cyber security goals for each pillar of the CIA ensure you have all the IT tricks up your sleeve. Get this perfect defensive template now!

Cyber Security Elements (IT)

Template 12 Cyber Roadmap PowerPoint Template Bundles

Cyber security has a negative connotation, but opportunities are also associated with it. This PPT Template brings you opportunities up to speed on your career roadmap in this growing field. Then, we have another roadmap on offer in this comprehensive, complete deck. Know how you reduce risk over the five-stage roadmap on cyber security. It comprises securing, defending, containing, managing, and anticipating. You can also track program maturity and program cost with the use of this well-researched presentation template. Get it now!

Cyber Security Roadmap

Template 13 Cyber Security Awareness Program PPT Template Bundles 

This PPT Template on cyber security awareness starts with outlining its four phases in Slide 1. Then, we move on to expert certification programs for you to learn; around 15 such certifications are listed. The essential disciplines of a cyber security program: End-users, applications security auditing, security technologies, security services, and policy standards are tabulated against the topics to be tackled and segmented into modules. As the organization head, you will find the slide on the five pillars of the cyber security program especially useful. Get versed in ensuring you are always primed to ward off cyber attackers with this template. Get it now.

Cyber Security Awareness Program

Template 14 Cyber Security Training PPT Template Bundles

This PPT template is a great starting point for conveying your messages and building collaboration. The twelve slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow help you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This PPT Template is suitable across businesses and industries. It includes both quarterly and weekly awareness schedules for awareness and training programs. The timeline suggested is borne out of years of hands-on experience and work. Also, find a format that helps you calculate and track your return on investment from cyber security training programs. The presentation template also lets you document improvement in incident response rate from employees post the training. Get this practical template that allows you to showcase your intimate knowledge of cybersecurity training.

Cyber Security Training

Template 15 Cyber Security KPI PPT Template Bundles

This PPT Layout is the perfect answer to assess your progress in ensuring the cyber security of your organization’s systems and processes. Each of the 17 slides in the complete deck is related to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), giving you ample time to analyze the cyber security threats that you have been able to neutralize or prevent. Use this PPT to conduct a two-year comparative analysis of measures taken, like the speed of response in terms of days to patch a piece of software. The risk analysis KPI dashboard is the USP here, with the cost calculated for critical risk events, medium-level risk events, etc. Get this template now and start a fantastic journey of being immune to cyber threats.

Cyber Security KPI

Template 16 Implementing Cyber Security Incident Management 

This hands-on PPT Template is meant to address cyber security incidents that mar the operational performance of businesses. The slides enclosed deal with gap analysis representing the current cyber security incident management scenario. The USP is the best practice for cyber security incident management, which starts with forming a team and conducting regular drills to assess preparedness. Checklists form an essential part of this complete deck. A timeline for crisis management is included. Get this exciting template now!

Implementing CYBER SECURITY Incident Management

Template 17 Enabling Automation in Cyber Security Operations PPT Slides

With the core agenda of integrating cyber security automation tools in business processes, this PPT Template starts with the timeline for fixing errors. Get your audience in tune with the security automation architecture and its importance. Find in our slides the criteria to automate and understand security processes that you cannot automate. Download it now to have peace of mind.

Enabling Automation in Cyber Security Operations

Template 18 Raising Cyber Security Awareness in Organizations: Tools and Tactics  

Use this presentation template to plan and deliver an interactive cyber security awareness program. It starts with four major variety elements: high-quality content, personalization, and gasification. The complete deck in 19 slides also provides the ideal template for creating cybersecurity awareness. Use this Preset to also compare security awareness training software on parameters of phishing simulation and industry-specific training plans. Up to four software packages can be assessed using this template. Finally, we close the presentation with a slide on the Dos and Don'ts of cyber security awareness. Download this template now!

Raising Cyber Security Awareness in Organizations Using Various Tools and Tactics

Template 19 Big Data For Improved Cyber Security in Banking Training PPT 

For a cyber fraudster, banks are the most lucrative target. This PPT Template is a must-have for banks to shore up their cyber defense using big data. This involves hiring a data science firm that analyses data using real-time machine learning and predictive modeling. Use this layout to understand the role of big data use-cases in improving banks' cyber security. The case study quoted in the PPT is Citibank's investment in Feedzai. Download this slide now and get an extensive security blanket around your financial institution.

Raising Cyber Security Awareness in Organizations Using Various Tools and Tactics

Template 20 Five-step approach in cyber security strategy framework

This slide represents a five-step approach in the cyber security strategy framework. This starts with identifying, protecting, detecting, responding, and recovering. Each step involves doing something to make it work as an effective strategy and feed into the following action in the chain. For instance, the three areas identified in the first step could be asset management, risk assessment, governance, and compliance. Once this is done, you protect assets through access control. In this way, a chain of defense is ringed around an organization. Get this template now!

5 step approach in cyber security strategy framework

Template 21 Cyber Security IT Dashboard for Threat Tracking in Cyber Security PPT Tutorials 

This PPT Dashboard on threat tracking is an absolute must-have for organizations to stay vigilant on cyber security. This slide covers monthly threat status; current risk status; threats based on the role; threats that business owners may pose themselves. A consolidated threat report is also studied. The threat report lists the probability of a particular attack materializing based on color. In the threat graph based on role, the insiders are the most vulnerable due to the all-pervasive access they usually have. Download this precise template now and stay free of threats.

Dashboard for Threat Tracking in Cyber Security

Template 22 Business Cyber Security Business Model 

This PPT Template showcases a framework for cyber security risk governance and management model to align business and IT objectives. It includes key components such as analysis, design, specification, implementation, testing, production, operation etc. Use this presentation template to demonstrate key insights into elements that make up an ideal cybersecurity governance model. These are risk management, continuous audit, vulnerability handling and risk monitoring. The idea behind the model is to ensure that resources are judiciously used and there is always a layer of cyber security that governs the organization.  

Business cyber security governance model

Download now

Template 23 Cyber Security Attacks Response Plan & Systems Monitoring Report 

You can resolve a problem only when you are aware of the exact magnitude of it. It is only then that the quality of your intervention can be monitored. This PPT Template represents the most practical format of a report to monitor the networks and systems of the organization effectively. It includes KPIs such as total intrusion attempts, mean detection time of a cyber attack, and mean time to resolve the issue. Other significant parameters that you can track are intrusion attempts by week, phishing test success rate by week, and even intrusion attempts by malware type. Get this presentation template now to start a fruitful journey of better tracking and a more robust prevention process.

Cyber security systems monitoring report

Template 24 Organization Cyber Security Dashboard Template 

As the IT head of a business organization, you must be detailed and thorough in your work. Use this PPT Template to showcase your attention to detail and thoroughly map the organization's cyber security based on how the executives and non-executives fare on encryption and knowledge of primary cannons of being secure on the web. The parameters covered are application (app) health, device license consumption, data encryption, and more. With attractive pie charts and bar graphs, this is a pro’s guide to showcasing the effort to secure a business against cyber-attacks. Get the template now!   

Organization Cyber Security Dashboard

Template 25 Organizational Framework of Cyber Security Strategy 

This PPT Template frames cybersecurity as an essential part of corporate governance, ensuring it gets the importance it deserves. The idea is to cover all critical bases of a business organization. These include leadership, data security charter, risk management, security plans, etc. The four significant umbrellas covered in cyber security are Governance, management, HR security, and measurement. Infrastructure security, for instance, is a big piece in preventing any cyber security breach from the management side of the organization. Get this template now to create a plan that stands the test of time.

Organizational framework of cyber security strategy


There are no second-chances in cyber safety. Valuable business data or financial assets can disappear in the blink of an eye for businesses not careful enough to safeguard their digital information. Cybersecurity is indispensable for all businesses today. You will do well to have it work for you, and the only solution you need are the templates showcased above. Get this now to start on a fruitful journey to complete cyber security.

FAQs on Cyber Security Awareness

What are examples of cyber threats.

Some examples of cyberthreats are a malware attack, in which cyber criminals inject malicious software into your system network. Then, we have phishing attacks, password attacks, the man-in-the-middle attack and so on. The denial-of-service attack and the insider threat are other significant tools that cyber-criminals deploy and make life difficult for businesses to operate normally.   

What are the basics of cyber security?

Traditionally, cyber security involves dealing with the 5Cs that contribute meaningfully to the creation of a layer of protection around the cyber assets of a business. These ensure that there is always some element of cover available to a business. The idea is to be mindful of the Cs of compliance, change, cost, continuity, and coverage. Each of these involves the active cooperation of all people in the organization. Sometimes, to ensure cyber security, even external contributors must be made more compliant. 

What are the three major types of cyber security?

Network, cloud and physical security forms the triad of cyber security that each business needs to ensure in one form or the other. Though, if you change the classification criteria a bit, there is also the domains of end-point security, mobile security, IoT security and application security to take care of. In each of these cyber security types, there are measures to be taken like data and access controls for network; and controls and policies that work for cloud security. 

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2 thoughts on “[updated 2023] top 25 cybersecurity powerpoint templates to safeguard technology ”.

Roger Parsons

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  • Presentations

20 Best Free Cyber Security PowerPoint Templates to Download 2024

Barni Rajah

Do you need to create a cyber security PowerPoint presentation?

Create one fast and easy with a cyber security PowerPoint template.

Cyber Security PPT Template a premium template on Envato Elements

Do you need to market your company or educate your audience about security threats? Are you looking for a cyber security PowerPoint template? You've come to the right place!

The ultimate goal is to present all your content to impress your audience. A pre-built cyber security background template will help you achieve that goal.

Leave the design aspect to the experts with a cyber security PPT download.

Premium pre-built cyber security PPT templates are a great choice. Check out premium computer security PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements. 

Let's get started and have a look at some options. We've got top cyber security PPT's. It's time to find the best cyber security PowerPoint presentation template for you!

10 Best Premium Cyber Security PowerPoint Templates for 2024 From Envato Elements

Looking for the best P owerPoint templates for cyber security? Discover premium cyber security PPT templates from Envato Elements. Get all the cyber security presentation ideas you need.

Here are twenty examples of the best cyber security presentation PPT:

1. Modern Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

Cyber Security is a PowerPoint template

Check out this top-notch computer security PowerPoint template. It's a top choice for your next cyber security presentation. Its features include:

  • fully organized file
  • image placeholders
  • 20 PowerPoint slides
  • quick edits with master slides
  • ideal for a startup or business

2. Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

Use this template to make a presentation on cyber security, information, and more. The possibilities are infinite!

With this multipurpose download, you can enjoy:

  • editable graphics
  • free fonts included
  • clean, minimalist design
  • drag-and-drop image placeholders

3. Cyber Security Presentation

Cyber Security presentation

What about this cool and modern cyber security template? It's the perfect cyber security PPT for your upcoming project. Featuring:

  • light background
  • minimalist design
  • help guide included

4. Business Cyber Security PowerPoint Infographics

Business cyber security PowerPoint infographics

If you're looking for high-quality infographics, check out this cyber security theme!

Not only does this template offer tons of them, but also has:

  • colorful design
  • easily editable files
  • fully customizable elements

5. Minimal Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

Cyber security PowerPoint template

Take your cyber security PPT to the next level with this multipurpose template.

It offers premium features, such as:

  • free fonts used
  • device mockups
  • clean, modern design
  • easily and fully editable elements

6. Cyber Security PowerPoint Background Template

Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

Check out this premium computer security PowerPoint template. You can recolor, reshape, edit and move all elements in this presentation.

The cyber security theme comes with:

  • 20 master slides
  • 2 slide sizes to pick from
  • matching charts, diagrams, tables, and more elements

7. Intsec - Cyber Security PowerPoint Background Template

Intsec Cyber Security PowerPoint background template

Intsec is a modern cyber security presentation idea with themed illustrations.

It's a top option for cyber security PPT with:

  • fun characters
  • slide animations
  • editable elements only
  • help documentation included

8. iTech - Computer Security PowerPoint Template

iTech Computer Security PowerPoint Theme

iTech is a multipurpose cloud cyber security PPT template that can be used for any security or tech company. It comes with:

  • premade sections
  • 3 premade colors
  • picture placeholders
  • background color options

9. Cyberspace PPT on Cyber Security

Cyberspace cyber security PPT

Looking for cyber security presentation ideas? Here is a cyber security theme with plenty of style for 2024. It includes:

  • fully animated file
  • 64 multipurpose slides
  • unlimited color options
  • charts and infographics

10. Technology - Cyber Security Template

Technology cyber security presentation PPT 2022

  • proposed sections
  • 3 premade color themes
  • dark and light backgrounds

20 Top Free Cyber Security PowerPoint Templates to Download in 2024

Would you like to try out premium creative assets at no cost to you? Check out Envato's monthly free offerings.

Yo can get 12 unique files monthly for free: templates, photos, music, video, fonts, and more! Create a free account or log in to download this month's free premium assets .

These free files vary monthly, so you may be in luck. A premium computer security PowerPoint template could be among this month's offerings. 

Looking to make a presentation on cyber security ? A cyber security PPT template may not be on offer this month. Your next best option is a free cyber security PowerPoint template from the web. 

Let's explore 20 free cyber security theme options found online:

1. Digital Security - Free Computer Security PowerPoint Template

This cyber security PPT template comes with a red background and an image of a thumb impression on a keyboard.

2. Free Cyber Security PowerPoint Background

This comes with a map background image and a lock icon on a laptop. Great for global cyber security strategy PPT presentation.

3. Security Agency - Free PPT on Cyber Security

This is a technical computer background design with numbers and icons in blue. It can be helpful to create a simple cyber security presentation.

Security Agency - Free Cyber PowerPoint Template

4. Data - Cyber Security PPT Template Free Download

This template comes with a city skyline and three computer monitors. Use this theme for a presentation on cyber security or network security.

5. Free Business Cyber Security PowerPoint Theme  

This cyber security presentation idea is great for security planning and strategizing. It has an image of a big key is the main focus of this background. 

6. Cybercrime Prevention - Free Cyber Security PPT Template

If you want to create a cyber security PowerPoint strategy, this is a great option. It includes an image of a shield or security logo is part of this background. The primary colors are black and orange.

7. Technology - Cyber Security PowerPoint Templates Free Download

This template comes with an image of a person working on a laptop. It also has technical computer background designs. 

8. Cybercrime - Free Cyber Security Template

This is a simple background design in blue, yellow, and black. It's a great cyber security PPT you can try for free. 

Cybercrime Free Security PowerPoint Templates

9. Technology Security - Free Cyber Security Presentation Template

For a PPT on cyber security, this is a great option. It has a blue background with a hand illustration and squares. 

10. Iron Lock - Cyber Security PPT Template Free Download

This template comes with a main and two internal slides. It's an image of a lock logo on a green background. It works as a cyber security template PPT. 

11. Security Business - Free Cyber Security PowerPoint Theme

This template is a great option for a business cyber security presentation. It uses an image of a cursor pointing to the word security. 

12. Data Security - Cyber Security PPT Template

This is a simple background for cyber security PPT presentations. It includes an image of not one but two locks is the main focus of this template. 

13. Computer - Free Cyber Security PowerPoint Templates

This template comes with an image of a laptop with a massive lock on its screen. It's a pretty neat choice if you need to create a PPT on cyber security.

Computer - Free Security PowerPoint Templates

14. Laptop - Free Cyber PowerPoint Templates

This template has an image of a person using a laptop and is suitable for any computer-related presentation. It could work to design a roadmap presentation on cyber security . 

15. Norris - Cyber Security PowerPoint Templates Free Download

This free template uses a red gradient background with computer-related outlined icons. 

16. Online Computer Repair PowerPoint Diagram

Here's a free computer-themed template. It's a little basic design, but it'll get the job done. Try this as a cyber security PPT for free. 

17. Free Computer Hardware Technology PowerPoint Templates

All images come with this template. But pictures in the placeholders aren't included. It's a good place to start to create a PPT in cyber security.

18. Free Twitch Cyber Security Presentation PPT Template  

This template uses a gradient dark blue background. Great to keep a simple and creative look for a a cyber security presentation PPT.

Twitch and play is a gamer presentation template

19. Computer Bug Recovery PowerPoint Diagram  

This template comes with a white background and an infographic of a sitting subject using a laptop. It also comes with text and icon placeholders.

20. Computer Network-Business PowerPoint Templates

This uses a light background with bright blue elements. It comes with computer and tech-related icons, as well as text placeholders.

How to Quickly Customize a Cyber Security PowerPoint Presentation in 2024

Now you’ve got your cyber security PPT for 2024 picked out. It’s time to start customizing it.

With pre-built cyber security PowerPoint presentation templates, this only takes a few clicks. Use these five quick steps to get started.

Follow along by downloading the premium Cyber Security PowerPoint Infographics Slides .

Cyber security PPT

It’s a cyber security PPT download with countless options packed inside.

Let's get started:

1. Edit the Text

A cyber security PPT 2024 download saves you precious time. It does it with placeholders: pre-built elements that you can quickly adapt to your own use. Text boxes are a great example.

Cyber security presentation PPT 2023

Add text to your cyber security presentation PPT for 2024. Go ahead and select the contents of any text box. Then, simply start typing in your own words.

Repeat throughout your slide deck. This makes adding content a breeze.

2. Add the Text Effects

After you add text to your cyber security PowerPoint presentation, you can put effects to it. With text selected, find the Font section of the Home tab on PowerPoint’s ribbon.

Cyber security PPT 2023

Here, you’ll see a variety of options. Choose a new font style and size from the dropdown menus. Or click the buttons to apply effects like Bold , Italic , Underlines , and more.

3. Customize the Infographics

A premium cyber security PPT download like this includes custom infographics. These help you illustrate data and ideas stylishly.

Find a slide with an infographic on it to get started. From here, you’re essentially repeating the steps we’ve already performed. Select text and type over it.

Click and drag on text boxes and other placeholders to move them around the slide.

Cyber security PPT download

To create a successful cyber security presentation PPT 2024 deck, always try infographics. They’re sure to wow your audience.

4. Change the Shape Colors

Slides like this one contain colorful shapes. While the default color palette looks great, it’s easy to add custom colors to a cyber security PPT. This is especially useful if you want to match your branding.

Cyber security PowerPoint presentation

To change shape colors, click to select the part of any shape that you want to change. Then, choose the Shape Format tab on the ribbon. Finally, click on the Shape Fill dropdown.

This will launch a color chooser, and you can click any color to apply it.

5. Reorder the Slides

Cyber security PowerPoint presentation designs aren't static. You may want the slides in a different order. Fortunately, PPT makes this easy to fix - no extra work required.

Custom cyber security PPT

On the sidebar on the left side, click and drag on any slide thumbnail to change up its order. Drop it into a new position, and repeat with other slides as needed.

5 Quick PowerPoint Cyber Security Presentation Slide Design Tips for 2024

Have you found the right cyber security PowerPoint templates (free to download or premium)? It's time to make the most of it.

Here are five tips to create the best computer security PowerPoint presentation:

1. Use Custom Image Masks

Try out custom image masks to spice things up and create modern presentations.

Modern and creative premium cyber security PowerPoint themed templates include custom image masks. All you've got to do is drag and drop your image. 

iTech - Computer Security PowerPoint Theme, a premium template from Envato Elements that comes with custom image masks

2. Try Device Mockups

Do you have an app or software to show your audience? Why not make the experience as real as possible?

Add your screen recording or screenshot to a device mockup to create a very impressive explainer slide. 

Device Mockup PPT Template, a premium template on Envato Elements

3. Stay Consistent With Your Brand

Once you get a premium modern and creative template, the next step is to customize it according to your brand identity. This is an essential process, as the presentation needs to look like it's part of your business.

Here's a quick checklist of elements to customize:

presentation for security

4. Add Infographics With Simple Animation Effects

Infographics help turn facts and figures into visual graphics that are easier to understand and follow. Add some simple animation effects to your infographics and watch them come to life.

Here are tutorials that explain infographics and animations in detail: 

presentation for security

5. Keep It Short and Sweet

Keep your content focused and presentation short. Avoid creating cluttered slides that are full of texts. Turn texts to graphics or summarize as much as you can.

iTech - Computer Security PowerPoint Theme, a minimalistic cyber security template on Envato Elements

5 Cyber Security PowerPoint Presentation Trends for  Slide Designs in 2024

A cyber security presentation PPT 2024 is a great start for modern slides. But to impress this year, you need to take advantage of the top trends.

These five will kickstart your presentations in 2024:

1. Data Visuals

As we’ve already seen, infographics are key parts of cyber security PPT 2024 designs. These data visuals deliver both style and substance.

They ensure you communicate complex ideas clearly. These are a top trend in 2024 because of their versatility and utility.

Cyber security PPT template

2. Heavy Use of Images

Infographics are one way to avoid cluttered slides in your cyber security PPT. Images are another. By using photos, you can add visual interest and cut down on the number of words on any slide.

Need images for your slide deck? Remember, many online photos are copyrighted. That’s why you should always turn to Envato Elements.

As a subscriber, you've got access to unlimited downloads of beautiful stock imagery . It’s a great resource for PPT designers. 

Visit our full PPT image tutorial to learn how to work with photos:

presentation for security

3. Custom Image Masks

Square and rectangular images are out. In 2024, look for image masks as the hot new trend. They’re included in many premium cyber security PPT download packs.

An image mask transforms images into cool and unique shapes. All you've got to do is drop your image file onto the placeholder, and PPT templates will do the rest.

Cyborge cyber security PPT download

4. Sleek Animations

Your cyber security PowerPoint presentation will benefit from sleek and stylish animations. They’re easy to add in PPT, and they help style every slide in a memorable way.

Be careful, though. Too many animations will simply distract your audience. The key is to keep things subtle.

To help you get started, we built a full tutorial on PowerPoint animation. Check it out:

presentation for security

5. Modern Layouts

A trendy 2024 cyber security PPT should incorporate modern layouts. Dated designs put off audiences and won’t be appreciated.

By adopting the latest in visual styles, you can truly connect with your audience on a personal level.

Datasafe - Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

Browse thousands of custom PPT decks on Envato Elements to find a perfect modern layout. After all, cyber security is a hot topic. Your slides about it need the latest styles.

Discover More Top Microsoft PowerPoint Template Designs

Do you need more inspiration?

Here are more modern and creative PowerPoint templates for you to check out:

presentation for security

5 Benefits of Using the Best Cyber Security PPT PowerPoint Templates With Pro Designs

Still trying to decide whether to use a premium cyber security PPT?

You may wonder about the value offering and what it means to you.

Here are five top reasons to use a premium cyber security PPT download template today:

  • You boost your style. When you use premium cyber security PPT 2024 designs, they're made by creative experts. They deliver styling that you can’t build yourself. Nor will you find it in free cyber security PPT download templates.
  • You save valuable time . Premium cyber security PowerPoint presentation templates have pre-built layouts. That means you only have to swap out placeholder content. You’ll save time by never having to build slides from scratch.
  • You get design ideas. Those same pre-built slides give you design ideas. At a loss for what to include in your cyber security PPT? Scroll through a premium template and gain ideas from the existing content on the slides.
  • You focus on your message. By saving time and giving you ideas, premium cyber security PPT 2024 designs help you stay on track. You’ll have the time to focus on building a powerful message, because you won’t spend all your time building slides.
  • You keep creative control . Just because premium slides are pre-built doesn’t mean you give up creative control. Most of these templates are fully customizable. You can enjoy their existing designs, but you can easily change them up to best fit your needs.

Common Microsoft PowerPoint Questions Answered (FAQ)

Still learning Microsoft PowerPoint? You might have questions about how to work with your cyber security PPT 2024 file in the app.

Let's look at five of the most common questions. Learn the solution to each of them:

1. What Version of PowerPoint Should I Use?

When you're working with cyber security PPT files, you might be wondering: " which version of PowerPoint should I use? " There's PowerPoint Online, Office 365, and PowerPoint 2021.

With the help of our tutorial, we'll help you choose the right version for you. You'll even learn which version works best with cyber security PPT 2024 designs.

presentation for security

2. How Do PowerPoint Templates Work?

If you started working with cyber security presentation PPT 2024 options in this tutorial, you've seen the power of templates.

With a few clicks, you can load custom PowerPoint templates, including cyber security PPT downloads.

Learn how to download templates and switch between them easily at the link below. You'll see that it's easier than you think to change your template and adapt your design.

presentation for security

3. Can I Lock a PowerPoint Presentation?

Prevent unwanted changes with PowerPoint password protection. Use password protect PowerPoint features to secure your slides. It only takes a few quick steps.

Learn how to lock your cyber security PPT 2024 designs with this tutorial:

presentation for security

4. How Can You Make Cyber Security Presentation PPT Files More Engaging?

With the help of PowerPoint animation, you can add more interest to your cyber security PowerPoint presentation. With a bit of motion, content is much more interesting.

Of course, it's a balancing act when you start adding PowerPoint animations. You don't want to add so much animation that your cyber security PPT becomes distracting.

Learn the tricks of the trade and add them to your presentation with this tutorial:

presentation for security

5. What Formats Does PowerPoint Support on Export?

Your finished PowerPoint can take on formats other than a simple PPTX. Let's say that you've got a cyber security PPT you want to share, but your audience doesn't have PowerPoint installed. How can you share it?

You can export your finished PowerPoint to a video file, including with cyber security PPT downloads. Learn how to take a standard PowerPoint and create a video file that plays on any device with this tutorial:

presentation for security

Learn More About Making Great PowerPoint Presentations in 2024

Pin our How to Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide) to your browser as a quick reference for when you get stuck creating presentations. It's a compilation of bite-sized how-to tutorials to help you without getting distracted with online research.

New to creating PowerPoint presentations? Not a problem with this quick guide!

Here are three tutorial examples from this guide:

presentation for security

The Best Premium Cyber Security PowerPoint Templates on Elements for 2024 (Unlimited  Use)

You might still be considering free cyber security PowerPoint templates that are found online. They have limited features and common design. 

Find premium cyber security PowerPoint background templates on Envato Elements. There's a huge library of creative assets, such as stock photo and video , web templates , and more. All of it for a low, monthly free.

Download as many premium cyber security templates as you need, as often as you need them!

Cyber Security PPTs

Plus, now Envato Elements has introduced an AI-powered search feature ! This new tool allows you to input a description of your project to effortlessly locate the finest human-crafted resources. 

Find the best human-made assets, with the power of AI-search

Start experimenting with this enhanced search tool! Discover the ideal PowerPoint templates for your cyber security presentations in 2024.

Get a Premium Cyber Security PowerPoint Template Today!

Head on to Envato Elements and start looking for a premium computer security PowerPoint template .

Sign up for a monthly subscription and get unlimited access to millions of creative assets (not just PPT templates). Take your professional or personal projects to new heights. 

Envato Elements is a great option for anyone looking for premium PPT templates. But if you're on a tight budget, going premium may not be possible now.

Avoid starting from scratch and check out the 20 free cyber security PowerPoint templates from the web. 

Work smart and create a presentation with a premium template from Envato Elements!

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Lex Soto , Andrew Childress , and Renata Martín Intriago . Lex and Renata are staff writers for Envato Tuts+. Andrew is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.

Barni Rajah

Cyber Security Presentation Templates That Engage

Go beyond PowerPoint . Use the best interactive cyber security presentation templates with themes and slides that are easy to use and impossible to break.

presentation for security

Create story from scratch

cyber security presentation template

Choose template by:

A business solution you can trust

What makes a great cybersecurity presentation?

To make a great presentation you’ll want to use as little text as possible and apply white space to reduce the cognitive load of reading the presentation.

The best approach to achieve a cyber security presentation with high engagement is to go beyond your everyday static PPT slides and create interactive storytelling experiences with modern-day slides built for web reading.

What should a cyber security template include?

An effective cyber security template will normally include 8 basic slides:

  • Cover (strong visual hook)
  • Hook (your elevator pitch)
  • Company intro
  • Problem and solution (+use cases)
  • Overview (in numbers)
  • Features and benefits
  • Our clients (testimonials, reviews, logos, or video recommendations)

Static vs interactive cyber security presentation templates

The main difference between static cyber security PowerPoint templates and interactive presentation templates is that the former is hard to read and frustrating to navigate, while the latter is easy to follow and simple to understand.

The reason is that modern reading is down by scrolling down a page, where we are exposed to limited content at any given time. This lets us focus on a small bit of information without getting mentally fatigued.

Types of cyber security templates

5 commonly used types of cyber security PowerPoint presentation templates:

  • Company intro one-pager
  • Sales one-pager template
  • Investor pitch deck template
  • Project proposal template
  • General proposal template

Engaging decks. Made easy

Create your best deck to date.

Stop losing opportunities to ineffective presentations. Your new winning deck is one click away!

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Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

Purple Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

Number of slides: 10

Cyber security is the set of practices and techniques to defend networks, servers, or electronic devices from malicious cyber-attacks. This is especially important in companies that work with lots of data in its operations. Use this PowerPoint template to train teams on cyber security. You’ll be able to cover from what cyber security means to the best cybersecurity practices in the world.

  • About this template
  • How to edit
  • Custom Design Services

Free Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

Cyber security overview slide.

First things first. Introduce your audience to the basic concepts of cybersecurity. What is cyber security? What’s the importance of cybersecurity? Make sure to connect its benefits to real-life examples from your company.

Cyber Security Map Slide

This slide is ideal to address the best practices of cybersecurity around the world. It has a global map graphic where you can display facts and figures. You can also talk about the biggest cyber attacks in history, so your audience can understand how important this topic is for the company.

Cyber Security Tips Slide

Halfway through your presentation, it is likely that people will be eager to protect their data right away. So, if you’re doing a cyber security 101 session, use this slide to share some tips for beginners. And in case your public is more specialized, give them advice on safe practices to lower the risks of losing their data.

Cyber threats

Some common types of cyber threats include malwares, phishing, trojans, data breaches. Don’t forget to talk about them in your presentation.

Modern technology template

The Cyber Security PowerPoint template has a creative purple-and-blue layout that gives your whole presentation a professional and modern look.

Cyber security icons

You’ll find cyber security icons that will help you organize your content and keep the visual interest on every slide.


Todd Speranzo

VP of Marketing at Avella

"24Slides helps us get PowerPoints on-brand, and improve overall design in a timeframe that is often “overnight”. Leveraging the time zone change and their deep understanding of PowerPoint, our Marketing team has a partner in 24Slides that allows us to focus purely on slide content, leaving all of the design work to 24Slides."

Gretchen Ponts

Strata Research

"The key to the success with working with 24Slides has been the designers’ ability to revamp basic information on a slide into a dynamic yet clean and clear visual presentation coupled with the speed in which they do so. We do not work in an environment where time is on our side and the visual presentation is everything. In those regards, 24Slides has been invaluable."

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  • Resource Center

Security awareness

  • A Checklist for Every Security Awareness Presentation

Peter Lindley

As an IT Security Officer for a large financial services organization, maintaining a high level of staff awareness is a key aspect of my role.

While we have been fortunate enough to date (touch wood, fingers crossed, etc., etc.!) to have avoided any major security incident, my experience would bear out the widely-acknowledged view that the weakest point in the security regime is most likely to be the user. Incidents caused by the user – usually inadvertently - represent the highest percentage by far of those reported or detected.

Phishing simulations & training

Phishing simulations & training

And so, an effective security awareness program is one of the most important measures to safeguard against the potentially significant, if not catastrophic, business impact to an organization such as ours arising from a major security breach whether in terms of financial loss or damage to reputation.

The priority given to security awareness, which our organization's chief executive and senior management team have endorsed, may be a key reason for our good fortune up to now. (Again, touch wood, fingers crossed, etc.!). This has helped to embed a culture of good practice in relation to security within our organization.

Security Awareness presentations are a vital part of any awareness program (but not the only one and I will touch on other components that should also be considered later), and a useful checklist for a security awareness presentation would be as follows:

Security Awareness Presentation Checklist

1. Planning

Ensure you are clear as to what the content of the presentation is going to be. Identify any key points in your security policies and security-operating procedures that you need to reinforce.

For example, what are the requirements and arrangements for reporting any actual or suspected security incidents? Who should be notified? What is meant by a security incident? Which leads on to number 2.

2. What is meant by Security and what would constitute a breach?

The good old C,I,A trinity – Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability – are useful to help with these definitions. That is, anything that might adversely impact any of these three factors could be considered a security incident. Referring to one or two topical incidents from the media (and there is usually no shortage of these) helps focus minds on the potential impact when things go wrong - although I believe this is can be overdone at times and I would try not to over-hype the threat landscape.

3. Keep it as simple as possible

Focus on the key requirements. Ask yourself what would the average staff member need to be aware of to avoid any security issues in carrying out their normal daily duties. Don't include all aspects of the security policies and procedures – much of which will be irrelevant (and boring) to the average member of staff. Use a simple structure for presentation slides and handouts.

For example, in the past I have a used a small set of slides focused on three key areas: "dos", "don'ts" and "what you need to be aware of" with the content put together from the previous two steps above. Be prepared – for example, by adding notes to the relevant slides - to be able to provide clarification as to why each requirement is important. What is the potential adverse impact to the organization – or the individual members of staff - if the requirement does not receive compliance. A few pages covering key aspects of your security policy and procedures should be sufficient as a handout.

4. Keep it light

Avoid text-heavy slides and technical jargon – and encourage questions.

5. Guidance on personal IT security

Providing some guidance that is also relevant for staff concerning their own personal, home IT use also helps maintain interest and achieve commitment to good practice generally. Advice in relation to the use of social media would be a good example. In particular, ensuring that staff are aware that they must not use their official work account password as the same password for their social media site.

6. Do the presentation yourself

A key benefit of delivering the security awareness presentations is not so much to do with the content but rather that staff can now put a face to the name when it comes to their IT Security Manager. They will know whom to contact if they have any concerns or need any guidance on Security matters and – importantly - to whom they should report any security incidents.

If you don't have the necessary experience or training to deliver the presentations yourself and have delegated this to your training team, make sure you are present at least - to be introduced and to cover any questions.

7. Consider the line manager's role

Line managers are normally best placed to oversee staff compliance with security policy and procedures and, for example, to ensure that any security incidents within their area of responsibility are reported. In our organization, this responsibility was added to the formal job description of those with a line management role. I underlined this during the awareness training presentations while making clear also my availability to provide advice and guidance and support when needed.

8. Provide details of resources for further guidance

The IT Security manager's contact details are the most important but include also any other relevant resources – for example, if you have an Intranet site with an area on security guidance or policy, provide details of the links.

9. Not a one-off event

Ensure that all staff attends the presentations and "mop-up" sessions are arranged as required. Then revisit the security presentations for new staff and as refresher training for all staff at least every 2 years.

10. Get feedback and act on it

It's important to get feedback on the security awareness presentation - via questionnaires completed by the attendees, for example – to identify any changes that might be useful when carrying out any future presentations.

As mentioned earlier, a security awareness program is more than just presentations. Other measures to complement the presentations would include: the development of a Security area on the organization's Intranet; regular email reminders to all staff – preferably endorsed by the chief executive - summarizing key security policy requirements; posters with key security messages to be put up in the building elevators and other appropriate locations (other media could also be considered for such key messages e.g. mousemats or other promotional material); and security articles in any in-house magazine.

Security awareness presentations are an essential measure to help embed a culture of good practice in relation to security within an organization.

Presentations should be carefully planned and the key messages from your security policies and procedures identified and used as the content. Think about what you can exclude, so you avoid boring staff with stuff they don't really need to know. Focus on what is essential to help staff comply with good security practice in their day-to-day work.

Remember that security awareness presentations should not be a one-off event but need to be carried out regularly.

Pete is an IT Security Manger for a large financial services organization in the UK with many years experience implementing and managing Information Security Management Systems and acting as the single point of contact for advice and guidance in relation to all IT security issues.

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  • Reduce security events
  • Reinforce cyber secure behaviors
  • Strengthen cybersecurity culture at your organization

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  • What is a social engineering attack?
  • Biggest cybersecurity mistakes by large organizations
  • 4 common social media scams (and how to avoid them)
  • From theory to practice: Designing a successful security awareness training program
  • Understanding cyberattacks: Types, risks and prevention strategies
  • Securing digital frontiers: The importance of information and IT security awareness training
  • Optimizing your corporate security awareness training: Strategies and techniques
  • What is security awareness: Definition, history and types
  • Top 10 security awareness training topics for your employees in 2023 and beyond
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Mary K. Pratt

12 tips for effectively presenting cybersecurity to the board

Don't let your board presentation miss the mark. follow these best practices and common mistakes to avoid when communicating cybersecurity risk to the board..

office meeting / silhouettes with devices and data in the foreground

Cybersecurity is a top concern for boards of directors.

In fact, 42% of the nearly 500 leaders surveyed by the National Association of Corporate Directors listed cybersecurity risks as one of the five most pressing concerns they’re facing — just behind changes in the regulatory climate and an economic slowdown.

As a result, security executives are increasingly going before boards to brief them on the risks they face and strategies to mitigate them.

“More boards are saying, ‘Talk to us, tell us what we need to know,’” says Gary Hayslip, CISO of internet security company Webroot and a veteran board member.

Yet, many board members find that they’re not getting the information they need from their chief information security officers.

“Board members are talking about cyber risk, and risk and audit committees are spending a lot of time grilling the CISOs, and they’re generally dissatisfied with the experience,” says David Chinn, a senior partner with management consulting firm McKinsey & Co.

There are steps that CISOs can take to avoid such negative reviews. Here, several experienced leaders share their advice for presenting to the board:

1. Do more prep work

Executives are expected to prepare written reports for distribution to board members in the weeks ahead of presenting to the board in person. Some think that advance work is enough, but experienced executives and leadership advisors say CISOs (especially those with limited time before boards) need to do more focused prep work or even receive specific training.

Before Hayslip presented to a new board for the first time, he asked his CFO to connect him with a director who would be willing to help him prepare for his presentation. “If I’m going to report to the board and I have never spoken to them before, I don’t want to come into that boardroom cold. I don’t know what kind of questions they’ll ask. I don’t know what they want to know. So I’ll talk to my peers, ask other executives who report to the board and get their feedback — who is there, what are they like, what questions they ask — so I’ll know who I’m going to talk to and how they like to have data presented,” he says.

2. Offer an assessment

Hayslip says that prep work along with his subsequent experiences presenting to boards has taught him something about what directors want to know — that is, an assessment of the company’s cybersecurity posture and how it needs to improve.

“Tell them where you are and where you need to be. And every time you come in, you share information about new risks and new opportunities to improve, building on the information presented in the prior [presentation],” he says. “Tell them, this is where we’re at, here’s where we’re immature and where the risks are, and from a threat profile this is what we should be prioritizing and why … and where we stand against competitors.”

3. Be transparent

Assessments shouldn’t obfuscate the risks to the enterprise, experts say, so CISOs should be upfront and present relevant information in a straightforward, accessible manner.

“Many organizations have a threat intelligence department, and they’re packaging up that information for the board so board members feel like they’re in the know,” says Chinn. “Board members want to know the enterprise risk, the business impact of that risk, to what extent their investments have turned into controls and whether it yielded a meaningful reduction in risk.”

He cites as a strong example of how to offer such information one organization where the CISO implemented a self-service application that board members could use to access that information on demand.

4. Anticipate the (tricky) questions

The boardroom is no place for surprises. So Rob Clyde, chair of the board of directors with IT governance association ISACA, advises CISOs to anticipate the questions they’ll get from board members — particularly the questions that are most difficult to answer, such as “How good is our security?” and “Are we safe?”

CISOs often struggle to appropriately answer those types of questions and as a result tend to provide inadequate or confusing responses when answering on the fly, Clyde says.

He advises CISOs to think ahead and develop go-to responses. He also recommends CISOs use a cybersecurity maturity framework, such as the one offered by ISACA’s CMMI Institute, to offer an articulate, insightful response to those tricky questions.

Similarly, he says CISOs shouldn’t surprise the board, other executives and the CEO with their responses to such questions. Clyde says CISOs should share their responses to the anticipated questions with their CEOs; in fact, CISOs should be sure that their CEOs are briefed on any information they’ll present so they’re not putting their CEOs in any awkward situations.

5. Be honest about limits

On a related note, experienced executives says CISOs should be realistic when responding to questions about organizational risk and cybersecurity posture — even if they fear their responses might make them look ineffective. “Some boards will ask, ‘Are we 100 percent secure?’ You should never answer in the affirmative or answer it inaccurately by giving unfounded assurances,” Clyde says.

6. But don’t scare the board either

CISOs see the growing volume and increasing sophistication of cybersecurity attacks , so it’s not surprising they seek to share such information with their boards while explaining the resources they need to counteract all those threats.

“You have some CISOs who go in and list all the bad things that are happening and make it seem like the sky is falling,” Hayslip says, “but that [climate of] fear, uncertainly and doubt doesn’t really work for the board, and a CISO might get away with it once but all he’s going to do is tick off the board if he does it again.”

Boards certainly want data, he says, but they want that information in ways that allow them to make informed decisions about where to best place their security investments to mitigate their greatest risks.

7. Get a champion

James Carder, CISO of security solutions company LogRhythm, cultivated a relationship with a board member who had a technical background and sought him out as a mentor who could help him prepare for board meetings, review material being submitted to the board, and advocate for security strategies on his behalf.

He advises other CISOs to do the same.

“Get a champion on the board. They’ll give you feedback before you present to the board, [advising on] what words are important and what will resonate with the rest of the members. And that champion can have the conversations on security with the board when you’re not there and drive the changes you want,” Carder says.

8. Get to the point

CISOs are used to presentations at conferences where there’s a buildup to the main point, but that kind of approach doesn’t work well for boards that put a premium on time.

“Don’t hold the punchline. Get to the point right from the start. The board wants to know up front why you’re there,” Clyde says. “And if there’s something the board needs to take action on — for example, they need to consider buying cybersecurity insurance or figure out a policy on whether to pay ransom if there’s a ransomware attack — identify that and identify that right up front.”

He says CISOs can provide supporting information as time allows, realizing that the board members can access any needed information in the written material submitted in advance of the meeting.

9. Skip the tech talk

Carder says he once over-communicated his security work to the board, a mistake he knew he made when board members repeatedly had to stop his presentation to ask about the terms he was using used and concepts he was describing.

“I assumed they knew certain security tech terminology,” he says, “and then I realized that I was over-communicating all these details vs. being concise and communicating the risks.”

Carder is now more conscious of leaving deeply technical information out of his presentation; there are no details about the latest exploits or the newest data loss prevention technologies or choice SIEM vendors or intrusion detection products. Instead, he focuses the conversation on high-level points around security and presents the information in plain business terms.

10. Present the business value

Many CISOs have trouble calculating the business ROI of their security investments, yet what boards want to know is the business impact of their security risks and investments.

That’s what Hayslip aims to deliver. “I show how my programs impact teams that make money; it’s showing how we’re helping them do what they do,” he says.

He once worked at a company that had some 50 machines taken offline each month due to malware , so he invested in technologies to reduce that monthly average. When he went before the board, Hayslip didn’t focus on the cost of the new technologies but rather in the value that investment brought to the organization through lower remediation costs and reduced downtime.

“That’s the kind of value story you have to talk about, plus the fact you’re reducing risk,” he says.

11. Determine measures of success

CISOs should reflect on whether they’re adequately conveying information to their boards, knowing that how well they’re communicating the business impacts of their security strategies correlates with how much support and funding they’ll get for their security strategy, Chinn says.

Chinn knows one CISO who judged his success in this area by how his board members react when corporate data breaches make the news.

“He says he knows he’s doing a good job informing the board when board members ask intelligent questions or no questions at all after news of a breach, because it shows they trust him as CISO,” Chinn says.

12. Capitalize on the opportunity

CISOs should present to the full board, Clyde says, noting that many CISOs present not to the full boards of directors but to audit and risk committees. And they should take the initiative to get on their boards’ agendas if they’re not already.

Moreover, CISOs should see their time in front of boards as opportunities to evangelize on the importance of a strong cybersecurity program as well as to educate on the strengths, gaps and strategies of the organization’s cybersecurity function. ISACA recommends that CISOs meet with their boards at least once a year, Clyde says.

“It’s about building up trust,” Hayslip says. “The board can see you’re getting things done, and they know not only that you know your job but that you understand the business, and you’re aligning your security program to support that.”

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Mary K. Pratt

Mary K. Pratt is a freelance writer based in Massachusetts.

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CISO Board Presentations: 9 Key Slides You Need

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The end of the quarter is fast approaching and it’s time to put together your slide deck for the board meeting. Before you begin creating bulleted slides for all the projects your team is working on, take a moment to zoom out. What do your board of directors and C-suite colleagues really want to know?

Most executive leaders have 3 main questions about cybersecurity :

  • Where are we?
  • Where do we want to be?
  • How will we get there?

Answering these questions succinctly is no easy feat, so using a concise and simple narrative to guide your presentation is important. Your goal with this presentation is to help the Board meet its fiduciary duties. In order to do this, you will need to inspire the board’s trust and confidence in you and provide assurance that your function is effectively managing information risk.

4 Key Sections In Your Board Presentations

There are 4 key parts to your board presentation:

1. Summarize the last meeting and refresh your Board about your cybersecurity framework

Summarize the takeaways from the previous Board presentation. Follow-up on unresolved issues or any unanswered questions from the previous meeting. Refresh the Board on your security framework.

2. Present your risk dashboard and review events and changes in risk landscape

Update the Board on the overall risk landscape for your organization, including and notable events. Highlight risks that require immediate action. Present mitigation strategies and explain how the Board can help.

3. Review progress against your strategic Infosec roadmap

Present Infosec’s progress towards your strategic objectives that you presented earlier to the Board. Be Transparent about any setbacks and say how you are managing through these.

4. Review any special topic

Discuss any topics that fall outside the scope of the other agenda topics. For example, relevant topics include M&A activity, a data breach, etc.

You can download a powerpoint template that will help you organize your presentation to the board of directors. If you are a new CISO and presenting to your board for the first time, you should use a variation of this template which can be downloaded here .

“Automating” your board-level presentations

Sorry, can’t be done.

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Security PowerPoint Templates are used to make high-tech presentations on technology, cyber security, scam alert, data protection, and other security-related concepts.

Where can we use these Security PPT Slides?

We can use these Security PPT Slides in meetings, workshops, seminars, training programs, etc. These templates are helpful in business, education, technology, cyber security, and other fields.

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You can employ readymade Security PPT Slides available on the internet. Our YouTube tutorials and how-to tutorials can help you learn the ways to make slides by yourself.

Who can use these Security PowerPoint Templates?

Teachers, students, research scholars, and business people can use these Security PowerPoint Templates.

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Using these Security PowerPoint Templates, we can make informative presentations to educate the audience about security. As these templates come with creative illustrations, it will be easy for your audience to understand the security protocols and other information.

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Small Business Cybersecurity Corner

Nist cybersecurity fundamentals presentation.

Download the Slides

Managing a small business is always challenging but keeping up with cybersecurity threats can be overwhelming. How do you learn about the latest threats? How do you educate your staff about best practices? NIST has prepared a training presentation (draft) that you can use to self-teach and help your team learn at the same time. Please download the slides so you can use them at your convenience.

Each slide includes speaker’s notes – so you will be able to understand and share the material and find links to resources to learn more. You can go through the materials as quickly or slowly as you need, knowing that the recommendations come from the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

The material is in sections: Cybersecurity Basics; Cybersecurity Threats; Risk Management; Cybersecurity Framework; and Small Business Cybersecurity Resources. You and your team will become familiar with common threats like phishing and ransomware, understand steps you can take every day to prevent falling victim and steps to take to recover should trouble strike.

We welcome your feedback on this draft presentation and will incorporate improvements in the future.


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  • Last updated August 6, 2024
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Top 10 Popular PPT in Cybersecurity Topics On Slideshare

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  • Published on August 12, 2019
  • by Ambika Choudhury

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Securing networks and protecting data from breaching has become one of the crucial motives in an organisation. Cybercrime has eventually risen with the widespread use of emerging technologies and we have been witnessing data breaches and other hacks for a few years now. In this article, we list down 10 popular presentations on cybersecurity one must read on Slideshare.

1. Artificial Intelligence And Cybersecurity

This presentation was published in March 2019 by Olivier Busolini, a cybersecurity professional who also works with AI in cybersecurity. This presentation includes a basic introduction to AI, an overview of AI technologies, an overview of machine learning underlying technologies, basics of deep learning, introduction to red and blue AI, emerging usages of blue AI, difficulties faced during developing AI solutions and tips for cybersecurity strategy.

2. Cyber Crime And Security

This powerpoint presentation was published by Lipsita Behera, a software developer and it has gathered more than 350,000 views till now. In this PPT, you can understand the basics of cybersecurity such as how cybersecurity emerged, know about cyber threat evolution, types of cybercrime, how to take preventive measures in order to control the threats, learn various security reasons as well as methods.

3. Cybersecurity

This presentation has got more than one lakh viewers and more than 700 clipping. Here, the author introduces the basics of cybersecurity and what is the actual need of cybersecurity, what are the major security problems, different viruses and worms and its solutions, brief introduction of hackers and measures to prevent hacking, what are malware and steps to stop malware, what are trojan horses and safety measures to avoid trojans, password cracking and securing password, cybersecurity strategy in India and much more.

4| Combating cybersecurity Using Artificial Intelligence

Combating Cybersecurity using Artificial Intelligence was published in January this year by Inderjeet Singh, Director – Strategic Accounts. This presentation discusses the threats with AI and machine learning. Here, you can learn about the advanced behavioural attacks, applications of emerging technologies in cybersecurity, various malicious activities,  including the future of AI and machine learning in cybersecurity.

5. Cyber Crime And Security

This powerpoint presentation was published by Aeman Khan, an automation test engineer and it has crossed over 410,000 views till now. Here, the writer discusses the basics of cybersecurity such as its introduction, history, the various categories of cybercrime, its types, how cybersecurity threatens national security, advantages of cybercrime and other safety tips to cybercrimes including cyber law in India.

6. Cybersecurity

This ppt is published by Bijay Bhandari, an engineer and project manager by profession. It has been viewed for over 210,000 times where the author discusses how to take action against cybercrime. You will know about the basics of cybersecurity and cybercrime, what constitutes cyber crimes, protection measures for cybercrime, advantages of cybersecurity and various safety measures.

7. Cyber Crime

This presentation has been viewed for over 294,000 times and it includes a basic introduction to cybercrime. You will get to know about the variants of cybercrime such as phishing, vishing, cyberstalking, cost of cybercrime in India, cyber laws, various ACTs including the preventive measures for such activities.

8. Overview Of Artificial Intelligence In cybersecurity

This presentation, an overview of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity was published in June 2019 by Olivier Busolini, a cybersecurity professional. Here, he talks about artificial imitation augmented intelligence, basic types of AI and machine learning, difficulties to develop AI solutions, challenges in machine learning, AI in cybersecurity, key flaws of cybersecurity, AI risk framework, basic introduction to defensive AI, adversarial AI as well as offensive AI and much more.

9 . Security Automation And Machine Learning

The security automation and machine learning ppt is published by Siemplify, a security platform in January this year and has got more than 100 viewers. It includes a basic introduction to cybersecurity and machine learning, types of machine learning techniques, security analysis for machine learning, threats on machine learning, machine learning for prevention, detection, incident response and SOC management. 

10. The Role Of Big Data, AI And ML In Cyber Intelligence

The role of big data, AI and ML in cyber intelligence ppt was published by Aladdin Dandis, an information security manager who gives a brief introduction to cyber intelligence, raw threat data and threat intelligence, understanding AI and machine learning drivers, various kinds of cybersecurity options such as phishing, anti-malware, fraud detection, cyber intelligence framework and its challenges.

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Public Safety Officer II at Mount San Antonio College

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8/28/2025 11:55 PM Pacific

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Public Safety Officer II

Position Number: CM-128-2024

Department: Police & Campus Safety

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Term (months/year):

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Salary Range:

Salary: Steps 1 - 6: $6,288 - $8,025 monthly

Shift Differential: Shift differential eligibility based on the current collective bargaining agreement.

Open Date: 02/21/2024

Initial Screening Date: 03/13/2024

Open Until Filled: Yes

Application Procedure:

Health & Welfare:

• Mt. San Antonio College offers a competitive and excellent benefits package providing medical, dental, and vision benefits to eligible employees and their dependents. Lifetime supplemental medical benefits are also available for eligible retirees.

• The College contributes an annual premium up to the family coverage amount equivalent to Kaiser Permanente $15 office visit medical, DeltaCare HMO dental, VSP vision and life insurance plans for eligible employees.

The District participates in the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) retirement programs, and National Benefit Services.

*Note: The District does not cover Medicare expenses. Please visit the for further information. Salary and Health & Welfare Benefits are subject to change based on the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Basic Function/Overview:

Essential Duties/Major Responsibilities:

Other Duties:

Knowledge Of:

Skills and Abilities:

1. Advocate for and communicate the College's vision and commitment to creating a diverse, equitable, inclusive, socially just, anti-racist, and accessible academic and work environment.2. Participate in addressing gaps in diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, anti-racism, and accessibility in the recruitment and retention of staff.3. Participate in providing resources and support towards the goal of a diverse, equitable, inclusive, socially just, anti-racist, and accessible academic and work environment.4. Learn, interpret, apply, explain, and ensure compliance with Federal, State, and campus policies and procedures, laws, codes, regulations, and ordinances.5. Properly use authorized tactics, equipment, and techniques including the appropriate use of force.6. Obtain necessary information from individuals in stressful or emergency situations.7. Assess and respond to situations that may put public safety at risk.8. Analyze situations and identify possible problems/issues; collect relevant information; evaluate realistic options; and recommend/implement appropriate course of action.9. Observe accurately, recall faces, names, descriptive characteristics, facts of incidents, and places.10. Operate radio communication equipment.11. Operate a patrol vehicle and patrol emergency equipment in a safe and effective manner.12. Conduct investigations and interviews concerning crime, traffic, and related incidents.13. Encourage adherence to safety standards.14. Perform basic first aid and CPR procedures, including the operation of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).15. Prepare clear, comprehensive, and concise reports and other information related to observed violations.16. Work confidentially with discretion.17. Understand scope of authority in making independent decisions.18. Operate modern office equipment including computer equipment and specialized software applications programs.19. Use English effectively to communicate in person, over the telephone, and in writing.20. Learns and applies emerging technologies and, as necessary, to perform duties in an efficient, organized, and timely manner.21. Review situations accurately and determine appropriate course of action using judgment according to established policies and procedures.

Minimum Qualifications/Education & Experience:


Any combination of training and experience which would provide the required knowledge, skills, and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the required qualifications is listed in the Minimum Qualifications section.

Preferred Qualifications:

License(s) & Other Requirements:

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Working Environment:

Physical Demands:

Incumbents work indoors and outdoors, and are frequently exposed to dust, fumes, and allergens and occasionally exposed to loud noise levels, inclement weather conditions, chemicals, mechanical and/or electrical hazards, and hazardous physical substances. Incumbents may interact with staff and/or public and private representatives in interpreting and enforcing departmental policies and procedures.

Conditions of Employment:

The person holding this position is required to be present on Mt. San Antonio College's campus to perform all essential duties and responsibilities.

Official offers of employment are made by Mt. San Antonio College Human Resources and are made contingent upon Board approval. It is also required that a final offer of employment will only be made after the candidate has successfully been live-scanned and clearance for employment is authorized by Human Resources. Costs for live-scan services shall be borne by the candidate.

Notice to all prospective employees - The person holding this position is considered a ‘mandated reporter' under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in Administrative Procedure 3518, titled Child Abuse Reporting, as a condition of employment.

As required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the Mt. San Antonio Community College Annual Security Report is available here:

The person holding this position is considered a ‘Responsible Employee' under Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972 and is required to report to the College's Title IX Coordinator all relevant details reported to him or her about an incident of alleged sexual misconduct including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence and stalking.

Typing Certificate Requirements:

Special Notes:

Foreign Transcripts:

Transcripts issued outside the United States require a course-by-course analysis with an equivalency statement from a certified transcript evaluation service verifying the degree equivalency to that of an accredited institution within the USA. This report must be attached with the application and submitted by the filing deadline. Accredited evaluation agencies can be found on the


Human Resources

1100 N. Grand Avenue, Walnut, CA 91789-1399

Phone: (909) 274-4225

E-mail: [email protected]

Selection Procedure:

A committee will evaluate applications, taking into account breadth and depth of relevant education, training, experience, skills, knowledge, and abilities. The screening committee reserves the right to limit the number of interviews granted. Meeting the minimum qualifications for a position does not assure the applicant of an interview.

Interviews may include a writing sample, committee presentation, and/or performance test. The start date will be following Board approval and receipt of live scan clearance.

Special Instructions to Applicants:

EEO Policy:

Conflict of Interest:

Mt. San Antonio College employees and the Board of Trustees members shall not engage in any employment or activity that is inconsistent with, incompatible with, or in conflict with Mt. San Antonio College's Administrative Procedures (AP 2710 Conflict of Interest, AP 2712 Conflict of Interest Codes).

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    It has an image of a big key is the main focus of this background. 6. Cybercrime Prevention - Free Cyber Security PPT Template. If you want to create a cyber security PowerPoint strategy, this is a great option. It includes an image of a shield or security logo is part of this background.

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  11. 12 tips for effectively presenting cybersecurity to the board

    3. Be transparent. Assessments shouldn't obfuscate the risks to the enterprise, experts say, so CISOs should be upfront and present relevant information in a straightforward, accessible manner ...

  12. Cyber Security Training Online. Free Presentation Template

    Free Canva presentation template. Elevate your cybersecurity awareness with our dynamic Violet Illustrated Presentation Template, tailored specifically for business professionals. Perfect for workshops, seminars, and team meetings, this slideshow template is designed to make complex concepts accessible and engaging.

  13. SEC403: Secrets to Successful Cybersecurity Presentation

    SEC403: Secrets to Successful Cybersecurity Presentation. SEC403 shows you how to put together an effective security briefing, secure the interest and engagement of your audience, and confidently deliver presentations to a variety of groups. You will learn effective techniques to secure management approval for new security projects and tools ...

  14. IT Security Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    These presentation templates are suitable for presentations on IT security. They can be used by professionals in the field of cybersecurity, IT managers, or anyone looking to educate or raise awareness about IT security risks and best practices. Use these IT security templates to create secure and informative presentations that protect your data.

  15. Cyber Security Roadmap

    This Cyber Security Roadmap template for Google Slides and PowerPoint provides a roadmap to ensure the safety of your digital assets. Constructed with a cool, modern blue aesthetic, it instills both confidence and serenity. It showcases a range of factors from threat identification to mitigation measures. This visual timeline indicates the ...

  16. CISO Board Presentations: 9 Key Slides You Need

    There are 4 key parts to your board presentation: 1. Summarize the last meeting and refresh your Board about your cybersecurity framework. Summarize the takeaways from the previous Board presentation. Follow-up on unresolved issues or any unanswered questions from the previous meeting. Refresh the Board on your security framework. 2.

  17. Free Security Google Slides Themes & PowerPoint Templates

    Enhance evolving security controls to stay ahead of the curve. In that case, our Free Security PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes provide all the requirements for descriptions. Keep it simple. Don't make it complicated! CCTV Introduction PPT Presentation Template & Google Slides. CCTV Presentation Templates PowerPoint and Google Slides.

  18. NIST Cybersecurity Fundamentals Presentation

    Managing a small business is always challenging but keeping up with cybersecurity threats can be overwhelming. How do you learn about the latest threats? How do you educate your staff about best practices? NIST has prepared a training presentation (draft) that you can use to self-teach and help your team learn at the same time.

  19. Top 10 Popular PPT in Cybersecurity Topics On Slideshare

    This powerpoint presentation was published by Lipsita Behera, a software developer and it has gathered more than 350,000 views till now. In this PPT, you can understand the basics of cybersecurity such as how cybersecurity emerged, know about cyber threat evolution, types of cybercrime, how to take preventive measures in order to control the threats, learn various security reasons as well as ...

  20. Free Cyber PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Free Cyber Slide Templates for an Engaging Slideshow. Protect your presentations from cyber threats with a cyber PowerPoint template. Whether you're a cybersecurity professional, IT student, or business owner, these templates will help you communicate complex concepts in a clear and engaging way. With customizable slides, you can effectively ...

  21. Staff Picks for Splunk Security Reading August 2024

    Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Splunk staff picks blog. Each month, Splunk security experts curate a list of presentations, whitepapers, and customer case studies that we feel are worth a read. Check out our previous staff security picks, and we hope you enjoy.

  22. Public Safety Officer II at Mount San Antonio College

    Costs for live-scan services shall be borne by the candidate. Notice to all prospective employees - The person holding this position is considered a 'mandated reporter' under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in Administrative Procedure 3518, titled Child Abuse ...