Lienhard Research Group

Seeking energy efficient solutions for clean water supplies, recent papers in heat transfer, heat diffusion during thin-film composite membrane formation.

heat transfer research paper

Schematic illustration of heat transfer in during interfacial polymerization for the fabrication of thin-film composite membrane selective layers

Thin-film composite (TFC) membranes, the backbone of modern reverse osmosis and nanofiltration, combine the high separation performance of a thin selective layer with the robust mechanical support. Previous studies have shown that heat released during interfacial polymerization (IP) can have a significant impact on the physical and chemical structure of the selective layer. In this study, we develop a multilayer transient heat conduction model to analyze how the thermal properties of the materials used in TFC fabrication impact interfacial temperature, focusing on support-free (SFIP), conventional (CIP), and interlayer-modulated IP (IMIP). Using a combination of analytic solutions and computational models, we demonstrate that the thermal effusivities of fluid and material layers can have a significant effect on the temporal evolution of interfacial temperature during IP. In CIP, we show that the presence of a polymeric support adjacent to the reaction interface yields a 20% to 60% increase in interfacial temperature rise, lasting for ∼ 0.1 s. Furthermore, we demonstrate that inorganic or metallic interlayers, which have high thermal effusivities, can lead to short-lived order-of-magnitude reductions in interfacial temperature rise. Finally, we provide analytical approximations for transient heat conduction through multilayered systems, enabling rapid evaluation of the thermal impact of novel membrane support and interlayer materials and structures on interfacial temperature during TFC fabrication. Quantifying how the thermal properties of solvents, support layers, and interlayers affect interfacial temperature during IP is critical for the rational design of new TFC membranes.

A. Deshmukh, J.H. Lienhard, and M. Elimelech, “Heat Diffusion During Thin-Film Composite Membrane Formation,” J. Membrane Science , 696: 122493, March 2024. Editor’s Choice Article for March 2024. There are still fun things to do with classical heat conduction!

Heat transfer in flat-plate boundary layers: a correlation for laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow

Proposed correlation, Eq. (9), compared to constant heat flux data of Blair for three levels of free stream turbulence.

Proposed correlation, Eq. (9), compared to constant heat flux data of Blair for three levels of free stream turbulence.

J.H. Lienhard V, “Heat transfer in flat-plate boundary layers: a correlation for laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow,” J. Heat Transfer , online 31 March 2020, 142 (6):061805, June 2020. ( doi: Open access ) ( presentation ) ( one-page summary ) (DSpace)

Accurate linearization of non-gray radiation heat exchange

The internal emissivity based on mean temperature is in good agreement with the exact heat exchange for even extremely non-gray surfaces.

The internal emissivity based on mean temperature is in good agreement with the exact heat exchange for even extremely non-gray surfaces.

J.H. Lienhard V, “Linearization of Non-gray Radiation Exchange: The Internal Fractional Function Reconsidered,” J. Heat Transfer , online 3 Dec. 2018, 141 (5):052701, May 2019. ( OPEN ACCESS ) (preprint) (presentation)


Heat Transfer Research Magazine cover

Published  18  issues per year

ISSN Print: 1064-2285

ISSN Online: 2162-6561


DESCRIPTION OF PAPERS CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION: Heat Transfer Research (HTR) presents archived theoretical, applied, and experimental papers selected globally. Selected papers from technical conference proceedings and academic laboratory reports are also published. Papers are selected and reviewed by a group of expert associate editors, guided by a distinguished advisory board, and represent the best of current work in the field. HTR is published under an exclusive license to Begell House, Inc., in full compliance with the International Copyright Convention. Subjects covered in HTR encompass the entire field of heat transfer and relevant areas of fluid dynamics, including conduction, convection and radiation, phase change phenomena including boiling and solidification, heat exchange design and testing, heat transfer in nuclear reactors, mass transfer, geothermal heat recovery, multi-scale heat transfer, heat and mass transfer in alternative energy systems, and thermophysical properties of materials.

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Nield, D.A. and Bejan, A., , New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 125–176, 2005.
Buyevich, Yu.A. and Alexandrov, D.V., , Connecticut: Begell House, accessed May 5, 2005, from, 2005.
Yang, W. and Kim, J.H. Eds., , New York: Begell House, 1992.
Nishikawa, K. and Ito, T., Augmentation of Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer by Prepared Surfaces, in , T. Mizushima and W.J. Yang, Eds., Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing, pp. 111–1182, 1982.
Ma, T.M., Effects of Geometrical Shapes of Reentrant Grooves on Boiling Heat Transfer from Porous Surfaces, ., San Francisco, CA, vol. , pp. 2013–2018, 1987.
Richmond, J., Steady State Thermal Conductivity, PhD, University of Connecticut, 2004.
Nakayama, W. and Nakajima, T., Effects of Pore Diameters and System Pressure on Saturated Pool Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer from Porous Surfaces, ., vol. , no. 2, pp. 286–291, 1982.
Author, A.A., and Author, B.B., Title of Article. , vol. , accessed June 10, 1999, from, 1995.
Nesterov, D. and Dmitriev, G., Investigation of Loop Heat Pipe Oscillating Behavior using Numerical Simulation, ., vol. , nos. 1-2, pp. 25-49, 2015. DOI: 10.1615/HeatPipeScieTech.2015012224
Authani A.R., Lang LE, Thomas I.M., and Leena V.W., Scientific Images that Change the World, paper presented at, , Madrid, Spain, 2012.
Inventor, A.A., Inventor, B.B., and Inventor, C.C., Cement Admixture. US Patent 4,586,960, filed June 26, 1984, and issued May 6, 1986.
Robert, E.E. et al., Oxygen Absorption in the Atmosphere, Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles, CA, Tech. Rep. TR-0200 (4230-46)-3, Nov. 1988.
Author, A.A. and Author, B.B., Title of Article, in (chapter or section number), accessed April 1, 2014, from, 2000.
Author, A.A. and Author, B.B., , accessed August 27, 2013, from, 2011.
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Heat Transfer Research

heat transfer research paper

Subject Area and Category

  • Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Condensed Matter Physics

Begell House Inc.

Publication type

1992-1993, 1995-2023


How to publish in this journal

heat transfer research paper

The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

Condensed Matter Physics1999Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2000Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2001Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2002Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2003Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2004Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2005Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2006Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2007Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2008Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2009Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2010Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2011Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2012Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2013Q3
Condensed Matter Physics2014Q3
Condensed Matter Physics2015Q2
Condensed Matter Physics2016Q3
Condensed Matter Physics2017Q3
Condensed Matter Physics2018Q4
Condensed Matter Physics2019Q3
Condensed Matter Physics2020Q3
Condensed Matter Physics2021Q3
Condensed Matter Physics2022Q3
Condensed Matter Physics2023Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes1999Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2000Q4
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2001Q4
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2002Q4
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2003Q4
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2004Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2005Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2006Q4
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2007Q2
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2008Q4
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2009Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2010Q4
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2011Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2012Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2013Q2
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2014Q2
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2015Q2
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2016Q2
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2017Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2018Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2019Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2020Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2021Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2022Q3
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes2023Q2
Mechanical Engineering1999Q3
Mechanical Engineering2000Q4
Mechanical Engineering2001Q4
Mechanical Engineering2002Q4
Mechanical Engineering2003Q4
Mechanical Engineering2004Q3
Mechanical Engineering2005Q3
Mechanical Engineering2006Q4
Mechanical Engineering2007Q3
Mechanical Engineering2008Q4
Mechanical Engineering2009Q3
Mechanical Engineering2010Q4
Mechanical Engineering2011Q4
Mechanical Engineering2012Q3
Mechanical Engineering2013Q3
Mechanical Engineering2014Q3
Mechanical Engineering2015Q2
Mechanical Engineering2016Q2
Mechanical Engineering2017Q3
Mechanical Engineering2018Q3
Mechanical Engineering2019Q3
Mechanical Engineering2020Q3
Mechanical Engineering2021Q3
Mechanical Engineering2022Q3
Mechanical Engineering2023Q3

The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.


Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.


This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

Cites per documentYearValue
Cites / Doc. (4 years)19990.008
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20000.003
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20010.003
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20020.004
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20030.004
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20040.011
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20050.026
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20060.022
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20070.085
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20080.029
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20090.122
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20100.133
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20110.180
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20120.361
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20130.492
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20140.644
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20151.000
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20160.940
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20170.821
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20180.836
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20190.992
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20201.436
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20211.623
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20221.642
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20231.772
Cites / Doc. (3 years)19990.008
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20000.004
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20010.005
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20020.005
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20030.005
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20040.014
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20050.034
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20060.032
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20070.077
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20080.033
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20090.138
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20100.153
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20110.214
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20120.447
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20130.587
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20140.724
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20151.000
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20160.904
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20170.888
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20180.457
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20191.112
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20201.632
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20211.914
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20221.776
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20231.814
Cites / Doc. (2 years)19990.013
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20000.000
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20010.007
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20020.000
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20030.007
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20040.014
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20050.048
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20060.040
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20070.098
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20080.009
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20090.129
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20100.190
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20110.303
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20120.470
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20130.488
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20140.582
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20151.000
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20160.954
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20170.514
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20180.463
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20191.304
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20202.125
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20212.168
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20221.758
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20231.923

Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.

Self Cites19991
Self Cites20000
Self Cites20010
Self Cites20020
Self Cites20030
Self Cites20042
Self Cites20054
Self Cites20060
Self Cites20072
Self Cites20081
Self Cites20099
Self Cites20100
Self Cites20115
Self Cites20129
Self Cites20134
Self Cites20146
Self Cites201512
Self Cites201612
Self Cites201722
Self Cites201817
Self Cites201969
Self Cites202096
Self Cites2021103
Self Cites202296
Self Cites202367
Total Cites19992
Total Cites20001
Total Cites20011
Total Cites20021
Total Cites20031
Total Cites20043
Total Cites20057
Total Cites20066
Total Cites200714
Total Cites20086
Total Cites200925
Total Cites201027
Total Cites201137
Total Cites201268
Total Cites201384
Total Cites201497
Total Cites2015132
Total Cites2016142
Total Cites2017166
Total Cites2018112
Total Cites2019317
Total Cites2020501
Total Cites2021582
Total Cites2022522
Total Cites2023526

Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.

External Cites per document19990.004
External Cites per document20000.004
External Cites per document20010.005
External Cites per document20020.005
External Cites per document20030.005
External Cites per document20040.005
External Cites per document20050.015
External Cites per document20060.032
External Cites per document20070.066
External Cites per document20080.027
External Cites per document20090.088
External Cites per document20100.153
External Cites per document20110.185
External Cites per document20120.388
External Cites per document20130.559
External Cites per document20140.679
External Cites per document20150.909
External Cites per document20160.828
External Cites per document20170.770
External Cites per document20180.388
External Cites per document20190.870
External Cites per document20201.319
External Cites per document20211.576
External Cites per document20221.449
External Cites per document20231.583
Cites per document19990.008
Cites per document20000.004
Cites per document20010.005
Cites per document20020.005
Cites per document20030.005
Cites per document20040.014
Cites per document20050.034
Cites per document20060.032
Cites per document20070.077
Cites per document20080.033
Cites per document20090.138
Cites per document20100.153
Cites per document20110.214
Cites per document20120.447
Cites per document20130.587
Cites per document20140.724
Cites per document20151.000
Cites per document20160.904
Cites per document20170.888
Cites per document20180.457
Cites per document20191.112
Cites per document20201.632
Cites per document20211.914
Cites per document20221.776
Cites per document20231.814

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.

YearInternational Collaboration

Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.

Non-citable documents19990
Non-citable documents20000
Non-citable documents20010
Non-citable documents20020
Non-citable documents20030
Non-citable documents20041
Non-citable documents20051
Non-citable documents20061
Non-citable documents20070
Non-citable documents20080
Non-citable documents20090
Non-citable documents20101
Non-citable documents20115
Non-citable documents20127
Non-citable documents20136
Non-citable documents20145
Non-citable documents20153
Non-citable documents20166
Non-citable documents20175
Non-citable documents20185
Non-citable documents20193
Non-citable documents20201
Non-citable documents20213
Non-citable documents20223
Non-citable documents20235
Citable documents1999253
Citable documents2000227
Citable documents2001210
Citable documents2002204
Citable documents2003209
Citable documents2004209
Citable documents2005204
Citable documents2006188
Citable documents2007181
Citable documents2008182
Citable documents2009181
Citable documents2010175
Citable documents2011168
Citable documents2012145
Citable documents2013137
Citable documents2014129
Citable documents2015129
Citable documents2016151
Citable documents2017182
Citable documents2018240
Citable documents2019282
Citable documents2020306
Citable documents2021301
Citable documents2022291
Citable documents2023285

Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.

Uncited documents1999252
Uncited documents2000226
Uncited documents2001209
Uncited documents2002203
Uncited documents2003208
Uncited documents2004207
Uncited documents2005200
Uncited documents2006184
Uncited documents2007173
Uncited documents2008176
Uncited documents2009161
Uncited documents2010156
Uncited documents2011153
Uncited documents2012119
Uncited documents2013103
Uncited documents201491
Uncited documents201576
Uncited documents201692
Uncited documents2017117
Uncited documents2018175
Uncited documents2019161
Uncited documents2020168
Uncited documents2021131
Uncited documents2022124
Uncited documents2023110
Cited documents19991
Cited documents20001
Cited documents20011
Cited documents20021
Cited documents20031
Cited documents20043
Cited documents20055
Cited documents20065
Cited documents20078
Cited documents20086
Cited documents200920
Cited documents201020
Cited documents201120
Cited documents201233
Cited documents201340
Cited documents201443
Cited documents201556
Cited documents201665
Cited documents201770
Cited documents201870
Cited documents2019124
Cited documents2020139
Cited documents2021173
Cited documents2022170
Cited documents2023180

Evolution of the percentage of female authors.

YearFemale Percent

Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.


Evoution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.


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ISO Abbreviation J. Heat Mass Transf. Res.
Start Publication 2013
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Number of Volumes 11
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Number of Articles 209
Number of Contributors 482

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Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes

Mechanical Engineering

Condensed Matter Physics

The Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research is an international, bi-annual publication (both in print and online) established in 2013 by Semnan University Press . The journal disseminates cutting-edge and innovative research findings in the domain of heat and mass transfer. This encompasses various subfields including conduction, convection, radiation, phase change phenomena, heat exchanger design and testing, nuclear reactors, geothermal heat recovery, and alternative energy systems. Additionally, it covers emerging technologies such as Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), micro-channels, fuel cells, bio- and nano-technology, transport in porous media, ice formation and melting, reactor design, microreactors, multiphase reactors, multiscale modeling, and gas-solid reactions, as well as heat transfer in machinery and welding operations.

The Journal encourages contributions that facilitate the exchange of ideas and foster scholarly dialogue between practitioners, educators, and researchers in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering globally. The journal’s scope includes peer-reviewed original research articles, technical reports, review papers, short communications, and editorial notes. It welcomes high-quality research papers and reviews on any aspect of heat and mass transfer, whether theoretical, numerical, or experimental. The journal is published in English, with accepted papers available online immediately and subsequently in print.

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Heat transfer enhancement in a 3d-printed compact heat exchanger.

heat transfer research paper

1. Introduction

1.1. additive manufacturing, 1.2. heat exchange in complex structures, 2. the experimental facility, 3. experimental data, 4. conclusions.

  • The test results confirmed that the HTC value has a slight dependence on the heat flux density during refrigerant condensation. The heat exchange coefficient gradually increases with the heat flux density. However, a four-fold increase in q causes only a 10% increase in the value of the α on the cooled surface.
  • The thermal power strongly depends on the type of coolant. The highest values were observed during cooling with a 10% mPCM slurry. The lowest heat flux values were noted for water cooling. It was also found that the heat flux increases during the PCM phase transition. The influence of mass share on the value of heat flux was also observed. The higher the mass fraction of mPCM in the mixture, the greater the heat flux.
  • The OHTC also depends on the type of coolant. The lowest values were observed during water cooling. The highest overall heat exchange coefficient values were noted during the 10% mPCM slurry cooling. It was also found that the overall heat exchange coefficient increased during the PCM phase transition. For the 10% mPCM, there was an over 11% increase in the overall heat exchange coefficient. The influence of mass share on the value of heat flux was also observed. The higher the mass fraction of mPCM in the mixture, the greater the heat flux.
  • The refrigerant’s HTC values depend on the thickness of the condensate film. The HTC values decrease significantly between 0.00003 and 0.001 m of the thickness of the condensate film.
  • The value of the HTC is proportional to the increase in the velocity of the condensate, which results from the laminar nature of the condensate flow. An increase in the condensate velocity reduces the thickness of the condensate layer, which reduces the value of thermal resistance and increases the value of the HTC.
  • The authors demonstrated the possibility of using Equation (9) to determine the value of the HTC during condensation of the refrigerant on the surface of a smooth pipe bundle inside a compact heat exchanger made by 3D printing. This equation can be used in compact heat exchanger projects.
  • The research results indicate the need to conduct further experimental research on the heat exchange enhancement regarding the impact of process parameters such as Δt log , or the mass fraction of the mPCM in the cooling liquid, and the internal geometry of 3D-printed mini heat exchangers.
  • The future direction of the experimental research is to determine the effect of the state of matter of the phase change material mixture on the flow resistance in compact heat exchangers, and the impact of deposits of cooling mixtures on the operating parameters of heat exchangers.

Author Contributions

Data availability statement, conflicts of interest, nomenclature.

Aarea (m )
ddiameter (m)
Gmass flux density (kg·m ·s );
henthalpy (kJ·kg )
Llength (m)
mass flow rate (kg·h )
NuNusselt number
qheat flux density (W·m )
Qheat flux (W)
rheat of condensation/evaporation (J·k )
ReReynolds number
ttemperature (°C)
Ttemperature (K)
ccondensation, coolant
rheat of phase change
wwall, water
Greek symbols
αheat exchange coefficient (W·m ∙K )
λthermal conductivity (W·m ·K )
νkinematic viscosity (m s )
HEheat exchanger
HTCheat exchange coefficient
OHTCOverall heat exchange coefficient
mPCMmicroencapsulated phase change material
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Click here to enlarge figure

internal diameter d 2 mm
volume3.754 × 10 m
materialSteel alloy SS316L
number of channels18
roughness R 11.9 μm
roughness R 62.2 μm
roughness R 74.8 μm
Temperature [°C]Density
[kg/m ]
Heat Conductivity
Coefficient [W/mK]
Specific Enthalpy [kJ/kg]
% % % % % %
Mass flow rateMass flow meters0–450 kg·h ±0.15%
PressurePressure sensor0–2500 kPa±0.05%
Differential pressure sensor0–50 kPa±0.075%
TemperatureThermocouples TP-201K-1B-100−40−+475 °C±0.2 K
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Kruzel, M.; Bohdal, T.; Dutkowski, K. Heat Transfer Enhancement in a 3D-Printed Compact Heat Exchanger. Energies 2024 , 17 , 4754.

Kruzel M, Bohdal T, Dutkowski K. Heat Transfer Enhancement in a 3D-Printed Compact Heat Exchanger. Energies . 2024; 17(18):4754.

Kruzel, Marcin, Tadeusz Bohdal, and Krzysztof Dutkowski. 2024. "Heat Transfer Enhancement in a 3D-Printed Compact Heat Exchanger" Energies 17, no. 18: 4754.

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Hybrid Nanoparticle-Enhanced Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Behaviors in a Parabolic Cavity with a Heat Source

  • Research Article-Chemical Engineering
  • Open access
  • Published: 23 September 2024

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heat transfer research paper

  • Rasul Mohebbi 1 &
  • Yuan Ma 2  

Natural convection of nanofluids holds considerable importance in both scientific research and engineering applications due to their exceptional heat transfer capabilities, which occur spontaneously without the need for additional energy input. In this paper, the natural convection of nanofluid inside a parabolic cavity containing a hot obstacle is studied numerically. The shape of the hot obstacle is selected as either circular or elliptical. Additionally, the effects of the Rayleigh number, nanoparticle volume fraction, and the position of the heat source are investigated. The computational fluid dynamics model was computed using COMSOL Multiphysics. It is observed that the average Nusselt number tends to increase with both the Rayleigh number and the volume fraction of nanoparticles in the fluid. When the heat source moves from the bottom region to the top area, the heat transfer performance of the heat source increases. When Ra ≤ 10 5 , the cases with circular heat sources exhibit better heat transfer performance than those with elliptical heat sources. However, at Ra = 10 6 , the average Nusselt number of the elliptical heat source is higher than that of the circular one.

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1 Introduction

Improving heat transfer efficiency is crucial not only for increasing energy utilization but also for reducing environmental pollution [ 1 , 2 ]. The improvement in heat transfer efficiency of a system is limited by the thermal properties of the heat transfer fluid. Therefore, it is essential to explore heat transfer fluids with excellent thermal properties to enhance heat transfer efficiency. Nanofluid is a composite material formed by suspending nanoparticles in a base fluid. These nanoparticles can be made of various nanomaterials, such as metals, oxides, or carbon nanotubes. Nanofluid possesses many unique properties, such as enhanced thermal conductivity, improved rheological properties, and higher surface activity.

Due to their excellent thermal properties, nanofluids are widely utilized in the field of heat transfer. Yadav et al. [ 3 ] performed experiments and numerical simulations to study the Fe 3 O 4 /water nanofluid heat transfer in a tube. Ma et al. [ 4 ] compared the heat transfer performances of Al 2 O 3 /water and TiO 2 /water nanofluids natural convection inside a U-shaped enclosure. The results indicate that for nanoparticles with identical diameters, Al 2 O 3 exhibits greater effectiveness than TiO 2 in enhancing heat transfer. Furthermore, additional types of nanoparticles, such as CuO[ 5 ], Cu[ 6 ], clove-treated graphene nanoplatelet [ 7 ], and ZnO [ 8 ], have also been investigated in this study.

Besides nanofluids composed of a single type of nanoparticle, those consisting of two or more types are referred to as hybrid nanofluids. Al 2 O 3 -MWCNT/water hybrid nanofluid has been used by Giwa et al. [ 9 ] to enhance the heat transfer performance in a differentially heated square enclosure. The integration of hybrid nanofluids has been noted to improve both the thermal and flow characteristics of the base fluid. As a result, the natural convection behavior of this novel category of nanofluids is improved. Goudarzi et al. [ 10 ] analyzed the effect of nanoparticle migration on the natural convection behavior of Ag-MgO/Water hybrid nanofluid. The findings of the study demonstrate that an increase in thermophoresis diffusion for both types of nanoparticles leads to an 11% increase in the Nusselt number. Reddy et al. [ 11 ] numerically studied the Ag-TiO 2 /water hybrid nanofluid natural convection in an inclined cavity. The Zn-TiO2/water hybrid nanofluid is used by Yasir et al. [ 12 ] to enhance the mixed convective flow. The results from their investigation suggest that the mixed convection parameter exerts a positive influence on rate of heat transport for the upper branch while exerting a negative influence on these factors for the lower branch.

In recent years, there has been increasing attention on natural convection inside wavy enclosures, attributed to the complexity and variability of the boundary. Chuhan et al. [ 13 ] investigated the influence of an inclined magnetic field on entropy generation within natural convective flow in a wavy enclosure filled with a non-Newtonian Casson fluid. They discovered that there is an inverse correlation between the Nusselt number and Lewis number, while the Sherwood number demonstrates a positive correlation with the Lewis number. Rashid et al.[ 14 ] conducted a numerical investigation on the mass and heat transfer characteristics of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Casson fluid flow within a wavy cavity containing a circular heat source. They observed that the heat and mass transfer rates decreased as the Hartmann number increased. Roy and Monira [ 15 ] conducted a study on the natural convection behavior of a reacting hybrid nanofluid within an open porous cavity featuring vertical wavy walls while considering the effects of an inclined magnetic field. They observed that regardless of the parameter values, the streamlines within the cavity formed two counter-rotating cells, with the highest intensities occurring near the open end. Geridonmez and Atilgan [ 16 ] utilized machine learning modeling to obtain the average Nusselt number, which resulted from numerical simulations of the natural convection of nanofluid in a wavy cavity. Their findings reveal that trilayer neural network modeling is a feasible alternative for obtaining immediate and expected outcomes, as opposed to repeatedly performing numerical simulations for the average Nusselt number at specific parameter settings. Alazzam et al. [ 17 ] performed a numerical investigation on the natural convection of NePCM confined within a wavy enclosure. Saha et al. [ 18 ] nanofluid natural convection inside a cavity with a top wavy wall and a heated single fin.

Conversely, natural convection within cavities containing internal heat sources has found widespread applications and is gaining increasing attention. Nabwey et al. [ 19 ] conducted a numerical investigation of natural convective flow in an inclined wavy porous cavity filled with a square obstacle. Kumar and Mahapatra [ 20 ] conducted an experimental and numerical analysis focusing on natural convection within a partially open enclosure containing a cylindrical obstacle. Franco et al. [ 21 ] explored the impacts of discrete conductive blocks on natural convection within an open cavity. Their findings revealed that as the solid is progressively diminished in size and augmented in quantity, it hampers the growth of the boundary layer along the hot wall, thereby causing a decrease in the heat transfer process.

To the author's knowledge, no prior research exists on the natural convection of nanofluids within a parabolic-shaped cavity containing a circular heat source. Nonetheless, exploring this phenomenon holds considerable significance owing to the distinctive surface boundary of the parabolic cavity [ 22 , 23 ]. Moreover, the coupling effect between internal heat sources and nanofluids is expected to significantly influence both flow patterns and heat transfer processes. This study investigates the natural convection of nanofluids within a parabolic-shaped cavity featuring a circular heat source. We examine the impacts of Rayleigh number (Ra), volume fraction of nanoparticles, positions, and shapes of obstacles on flow characteristics and heat transfer rates.

2 Physical and Mathematical Depiction

Figure  1 shows the schematic diagram of the present work. As seen in this figure, a heat source is placed inside a parabolic-shaped enclosure. It is worth noting that, in the current study, the heat source has two shapes: circular and elliptical.

figure 1

Schematic diagram of nanofluid natural convection inside a parabolic-shaped enclosure with an obstacle

The MWCNT-Fe 3 O 4 /water hybrid nanofluid is used in the present work to enhance the heat transfer performance. The parabolic shape of the cavity is determined by the following equation:

where H represents the height of the cavity, and L represents the width of the cavity.

As illustrated in the figure, the heat source is located at the position along the central axis of the cavity, at a distance (a) from the upper wall. The top wall surface of the cavity serves as the cold wall, with a fixed temperature of T c . The heat source surface is also set at a fixed temperature, T h . The remaining walls, which are the curved surfaces of the cavity, serve as adiabatic walls.

3 Numerical Method and Strategy

When the fluid is subjected to non-uniform temperature and gravity fields, it often exhibits natural convective transport phenomena observed in various real-world scenarios. This natural phenomenon drives the circulation of fluids and the transfer of energy within a system. Specifically, the Boussinesq approximation can govern fluid and heat transport in the system by utilizing continuity, momentum, and energy equations. These equations describe the relationships between various parameters such as the velocity vector ( u ), density of the nanofluid ( \({\rho }_{nf}\) ), time ( t ), pressure ( p ), dynamic viscosity of nanofluid ( \({\mu }_{nf}\) ), thermal conductivity of nanofluid ( \({k}_{nf}\) ), specific heat capacity at constant pressure ( C p ), and the local ( T ) and reference temperatures ( T r ). By analyzing and understanding these equations, we can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of the natural convective transport phenomenon and how it affects fluid and energy transfer in different systems. The continuity, momentum, and energy equations can be obtained as follows:

The dimensional analysis of the governing equations mentioned earlier reveals that the problem is primarily characterized by two dimensionless parameters: the Rayleigh number and the Prandtl number. The former is determined by the thermal buoyancy force ( β ), the gravitational acceleration ( g ), the height of the cavity ( H ), and the temperature difference between the hot and cold walls ( T h and T c ), divided by the product of kinematic viscosity ( v ), and thermal diffusivity ( α ), hence expressed as:

Likewise, the latter is measured by the ratio of kinematic viscosity, v, to thermal diffusivity, α, as indicated:

For simulating nanofluids, a single-phase nanofluid model is employed. Specific details can be referred to in previous literature 24 . Table 1 displays the thermal properties of MWCNT-Fe 3 O 4 /water hybrid nanofluid at different volume fractions.

To quantitatively evaluate the heat transfer characteristics of the system and assess the impact of different parameters on these characteristics, we introduce the Nusselt number. The Nusselt number allows for the determination of the convective heat transfer rate by comparing the conductive and convective heat transfer at a fluid–solid interface. The local Nusselt number ( Nu loc ) which is defined as

where n is the coordinate normal to the wall. In some cases, it is necessary to determine an average Nusselt number over a given time or spatial domain. The average Nusselt number, also called Nu ave , is obtained by averaging Nu loc over both time and space. Its value provides insight into the overall heat transfer characteristics of the system being studied. Importantly, it should be noted that for steady-state flow (when conditions within the system are unchanging over time), the average Nusselt number is solely determined by the spatial average of Nu loc . This is because the time-averaged Nusselt number is equal to the steady-state Nusselt number.

4 Validation and Grid Independence

Figure  2 shows the isothermal lines and streamlines of a benchmark problem of natural convection inside a square cavity at different Rayleigh numbers. The present results can be compared with the works by Davis 25 . By comparison, it can be observed that both the isothermal lines and streamlines are consistent with the findings from previous literature. To quantitatively assess the accuracy of the obtained results, we performed calculations for natural convection inside a square cavity with a circular heat source. The average Nusselt number over the surface of the circular heat source was then calculated. Table 2 shows the comparisons of the average Nusselt numbers.

figure 2

The isothermal lines and streamlines by the present work [ 25 ]

To select a suitable grid while ensuring computational accuracy and precision, a grid-independent study was conducted. The case of a circular heat source located above the cavity with φ = 0.003 and Ra = 10 6 was simulated using various grids. Table 3 illustrates the average Nusselt number obtained on the heated surface for different mesh numbers. From the figure, it can be observed that the difference in the average Nusselt numbers calculated for grid resolutions of 16,785 and 21,461 is 0.013. Therefore, to account for both the accuracy of the computational results and computational resources, the grid resolution of 16,785 is adopted.

5 Numerical Results and Discussions

In this section, we will investigate the effects of different Rayleigh numbers, volume fractions of nanofluids, positions of the heat source, and shapes of the heat source on flow dynamics, temperature fields, and heat transfer characteristics.

Figure  3 depicts the comparison of streamlines between the pure water (φ = 0) and nanofluid (φ = 0.03) for the case when the circular heat source located on the bottom of the cavity for low (Ra = 10 3 ) and high Rayleigh numbers (Ra = 10 6 ). Firstly, due to the symmetry of the geometry and the steady-state nature of the flow, the flow structure within the cavity is also symmetrical. At Ra = 10 3 , the shape of the vortex is approximately elliptical, and the streamlines around the vortex are nearly identical, with only variations in size. When the Ra increases to 10 6 , the shape of the streamlines in the inner and outer layers undergoes a change. The streamlines in the outer layer become closer to the shape of the wall boundary. This is due to the increase in convection intensity caused by the increase in the Rayleigh number. The subsequent analyses will involve a quantitative assessment of the impact of the nanofluid.

figure 3

Comparison of streamlines for the case when the circular heat source is located on the bottom of the cavity for different Ra

Figure  4 illustrates the isothermal lines for the case when the circular heat sources are located on the bottom for different Ra at φ = 0 and φ = 0.003. It should be noted that the color bar used in the temperature contour maps remains consistent. Therefore, the color bar will not be displayed in the subsequent sections. It can be observed that at Ra = 10 3 , the main heat transfer mode is conducted through heat conduction due to the weak convective intensity and low flow velocity within the cavity compared to Ra = 10 6 . Therefore, the isotherms are relatively flat and evenly spaced. When the Ra increases to 10 6 , thermal plumes form above the heat source and directly impinge on the top wall of the cavity, leading to the formation of two vortices on the left and right sides. It is worth noting that at high Rayleigh numbers, due to the generation of thermal plumes and the increase in convective intensity, the isotherms are no longer evenly distributed.

figure 4

Isothermal lines for the case when the circular heat source located on the bottom of the cavity for different Ra at φ = 0 and φ = 0.003

To quantitatively evaluate the heat transfer performance of the system, Fig.  5 presents the Nusselt number for the case when the circular heat source is located at the bottom for different values of φ and Ra. It can be observed that the average Nu increases with increasing φ and Ra. It is noteworthy that as Ra increases, the improvement in heat transfer characteristics achieved by using nanofluids becomes more pronounced compared to pure fluids.

figure 5

The Nusselt number for the case when the circular heat source is located on the bottom for different φ and Ra

On another hand, in addition to the Rayleigh number and the nanoparticle volume fraction φ, this paper also investigates the impact of the vertical position of the heat source. Figure  6 shows the streamlines and isothermal lines for the case when the circular heat source is located on the top of the cavity for different Ra at φ = 0. It can be observed that at Ra = 10 3 and 10 4 , the streamlines and isothermal lines exhibit similar patterns. The distribution of the isothermal lines appears relatively uniform, without the presence of thermal plumes. However, as the Ra increases to 10 5 and 10 6 , the isothermal lines become noticeably curved, indicating the presence of significant thermal plumes. The streamlines also indicate an evident increase in convection intensity. Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that when the Ra is below 10 4 , the dominant heat transfer mechanism is conduction.

figure 6

Streamlines and isothermal lines for the case when the circular heat source is located on the top of the cavity for different Ra at φ = 0

On the other hand, when Ra exceeds 10 5 , the primary heat transfer mechanism is thermal convection. Therefore, the critical Ra at which the transition between these two heat transfer mechanisms occurs lies between 10 4 and 10 5 . Additionally, according to Fig.  3 , it can be observed that when the heat source is located below the cavity, even at a high Ra number (10 6 ), only two vortices form within the cavity. However, when the heat source is positioned at the top (Fig.  6 ), in close proximity to the cold top wall, two smaller vortices form between the cold and heat sources. This corresponds to the presence of two thermal plumes at the top of the heat source.

Figure  7 shows the average Nusselt numbers at different φ and Ra values when the heat source is located at the top. By comparing Fig.  5 and Fig.  7 , it can be observed that when the heat source moves from the bottom to the top, the average Nusselt number increases at any Ra value. This is because when the heat source is located at the top, it is closer to the cold source, leading to a significant improvement in heat transfer characteristics.

figure 7

The Nusselt number for the case when the circular heat source is located on the top for different φ and Ra

Figure  8 presents the streamlines and isothermal lines for the scenario where the circular heat source is positioned in the middle of the cavity, with Ra = 10 5 and φ = 0.001. From the streamlines and isothermal lines, it can be observed that thermal plumes have emerged, and the main mechanism of heat transfer is convection. This is consistent with the previous analysis, which indicates that the change in the heat transfer mechanism is mainly affected by the Rayleigh number, with little influence from the heat source position.

figure 8

Streamlines and isothermal lines for the case when the circular heat source located in the middle of the cavity for Ra = 10. 5 and φ = 0.001

To further analyze the impact of the transition in heat transfer mechanisms on heat transfer efficiency, a plot of the variation in local Nusselt number along the surface of the heat source is depicted when the obstacle is in the middle of the cavity. Figure  9 illustrates the distribution of the local Nusselt number on the heated surface at φ = 0.001 for varying Rayleigh numbers. It can be clearly observed that the local Nusselt number remains relatively low and exhibits minimal variation when the Rayleigh number is equal to 10 3 and 10 4 . However, for Ra = 10 5 and 10 6 , the curve of Nu loc exhibits a consistent pattern, featuring a trough corresponding to the location of thermal plumes on the heated surface. This is due to different heat transfer mechanisms. As above-mentioned, at Ra = 10 3 , heat conduction is the primary heat transfer mechanism. As shown in Fig.  4 , the isotherms are relatively evenly distributed, with the density of isotherms near the heat source directly above significantly higher than on both sides, resulting in a higher Nu loc . However, when Ra = 10 6 , the convective intensity significantly increases, forming plumes above the heat source, creating two vortices on the left and right. The cold fluid will impact the sides of the heat source, leading to higher Nu loc on both sides. The occurrence of thermal plumes causes a significant increase in the Nu loc in the surrounding area, resulting in a substantial enhancement of the average Nusselt number.

figure 9

The distribution of local Nusselt number on the heated surface at φ = 0.001 for different Ra

Figure  10 shows the Nusselt number for the case when the circular heat source is located in the middle for different φ and Ra. By comparing with Fig.  5 and Fig.  7 , it can be observed that when the heat source is positioned at the center of the cavity, the heat transfer characteristics also lie in the intermediate range. In other words, as the heat source moves upward from the bottom, there is an increase in the heat transfer characteristics.

figure 10

The Nusselt number for the case when the circular heat source is located in the middle for different φ and Ra

The influence of the shape of the heat source was introduced in the following sections. Figure  11 shows the streamlines inside the cavity with circular and elliptic heat sources at φ = 0.003 and different Ra. As previously mentioned, when the heat source is circular, there is no need to elaborate further here; this section will focus solely on the impact of shape variations. When the shape of the heat source changes from circular to elliptical, the number of vortices remains unchanged, but the shape of the vortices differs due to variations in the boundary.

figure 11

Streamlines inside the cavity with a circular and elliptical heat source at φ = 0.003 and different Ra

The similar changes can be observed in the temperature distribution. Figure  12 depicts the temperature distribution inside the cavity with circular and elliptical heat sources at φ = 0.003 and different Ra. When the heat source changes into an elliptical shape, at low Ra (10 3 ), the temperature distribution remains similar with only a change in shape. However, due to an increase in length in the horizontal direction, the distance at which thermal plumes occur increases at high Ra (10 6 ).

figure 12

Temperature distribution inside the cavity with circular and elliptical heat sources at φ = 0.003 and different Ra

Figure  13 shows the average Nusselt number of the circular and elliptical heat sources at φ = 0.003 and different Ra. It can be observed that Nu ave increases with increasing Ra and φ, regardless of the circular or elliptical heat source. Moreover, at Ra ≤ 10 5 , the case with circular heat sources exhibits better heat transfer performance. However, at Ra = 10 6 , the average Nusselt number of the elliptical heat source is higher than that of the circular one.

figure 13

The average Nusselt number of the circular and elliptical heat source at φ = 0.003 and different Ra

6 Conclusion

In this study, we investigate the natural convection of nanofluid inside a parabolic cavity with a heat source, which can be either circular or elliptical in shape. We analyze the impact of Ra, nanoparticle volume fraction, and heat source position on the convection process. Our observations reveal that the average Nusselt number increases with higher Rayleigh numbers and nanoparticle volume fractions. Additionally, relocating the heat source from the bottom region to the top area enhances its heat transfer performance. For Rayleigh numbers less than or equal to 10 5 , the circular heat source exhibits better heat transfer performance compared to the elliptical heat source. However, at a Rayleigh number of 10 6 , the average Nusselt number of the elliptical heat source surpasses that of the circular one.

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School of Engineering, Damghan University, P.O. Box: 3671641167, Damghan, Iran

Rasul Mohebbi

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China

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Mohebbi, R., Ma, Y. Hybrid Nanoparticle-Enhanced Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Behaviors in a Parabolic Cavity with a Heat Source. Arab J Sci Eng (2024).

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Received : 19 March 2024

Accepted : 09 September 2024

Published : 23 September 2024


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