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Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review
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Learning how to effectively write a literature review is a critical tool for success for an academic, and perhaps even professional career. Being able to summarize and synthesize prior research pertaining to a certain topic not only demonstrates having a good grasp on available information for a topic, but it also assists in the learning process. Although literature reviews are important for one's academic career, they are often misunderstood and underdeveloped. This article is intended to provide both undergraduate and graduate students in the criminal justice field specifically, and social sciences more generally, skills and perspectives on how to develop and/or strengthen their skills in writing a literature review. Included in this discussion are foci on the structure , process, and art of writing a literature review. What is a Literature Review? In essence, a literature review is a comprehensive overview of prior research regarding a specific topic. The overview both shows the reader what is known about a topic, and what is not yet known, thereby setting up the rationale or need for a new investigation, which is what the actual study to which the literature review is attached seeks to do. Stated a bit differently (Creswell 1994, pp. 20, 21) explains: The literature in a research study accomplishes several purposes: (a) It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the study being reported (Fraenkel & Wallen, 1990. (b) It relates a study to the larger, ongoing dialog in the literature about a topic, filling in gaps and extending prior studies (Marshall & Rossman, 1989). (c) It provides a framework for establishing the importance of the study. As an overview, a well done literature review includes all of the main themes and subthemes found within the general topic chosen for the study. These themes and subthemes are usually interwoven with the methods or findings of the prior research. Also, a literature review sets the stage for and JOURNAL
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Home > Journals > Affiliated Journals > MISQ > Vol. 26 > Iss. 2 (2002)
Management Information Systems Quarterly
Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: writing a literature review.
Jane Webster , Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University Follow Richard T. Watson , Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia Follow
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ISSN: ISSN 0276-7783/ISSN 2162-9730
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Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review Author (s): Jane Webster and Richard T. Watson Source: MIS Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Jun., 2002), pp. xiii-xxiii Published by: Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota Stable URL: Accessed: 04/08/2010 19:3...
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Webster, Jane and Watson, Richard T.. 2002. "ANALYZING THE PAST TO PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE: WRITING A LITERATURE REVIEW," MIS Quarterly, (26: 2).
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This study reviews 110 papers from 2002 to 2023 to synthesize the use of social media across three phases: discovery, development, and launch, and develops an organizing framework to guide practitioners on how to adopt social media to achieve better NPD performance.
Analyzing the past to prepare for the future: Writing a literature review Jan Webster; Richard T Watson MIS Quarterly; Jun 2002; 26, 2; ABI/INFORM Global pg. R13
A review of prior, relevant literature is an essential feature of any academic project. An effective review creates a firm foundation for advancing knowledge. It facilitates theory development, closes areas where a plethora of research exists, and uncovers areas where research is needed.