
Access to BAIS applications from off the network

How to Use ASL Interpretation in Zoom

How to add captions to a video

How to enable Chrome to download reports from Aspen

How to request captions and transcripts for videos from 3Play Media

Joining Zoom from your browser or a Chromebook

Do I have a virus or malware on my computer?

Getting Started with Microsoft 365

How to access EdPlan

How to change your last name and BPS email address

How to create or re-enable a Sponsored Account

How to enable/disable a Sponsored Account

How to login (or reset your password) for the DESE Security Portal

How to request access to PeopleSoft

I Am Getting "You Have Successfully Logged Out" Message When Signing into Peoplesoft Financials.

New Employee Guide

Staff Passwords: How to reset/change

What is the BPS Acceptable Use Policy?

Athletics Registration Workflow

Athletics Registration Workflow - Athletic Administrators

Athletic Filters

Athletics Program - District View

How Students are Enrolled in the Athletics Program

How to Manually Enroll Students in the Athletics Program

How to Remove Students from Athletic Sections

How to Schedule Students into Athletic Sections

How to Update Physical Exam Information for Athletics - Nurses

How to Update Student Athletic Information - Program Tab

How to Update Student Athletic Information - Student Tab

How to view Student Sports Registration Information - Coaches

How to view and print student Athletic Program records

How to "Push" Daily Attendance to all Classes

How to Add Attendance for One or More Students for Multiple-Dates

How to Automatically Create Journal Entries by Running Attendance Letters

How to Change Attendance Records

How to Change Daily Attendance Preferences to Period

How to Edit Daily Attendance (Teacher)

How to Make Constructively Present or any other Attendance Input Buttons Available to Your School

How to Mark Attendance Complete (to enable the daily call)

How to Reassign Calendar Days in Aspen

How to Reconcile Daily and Class Attendance

How to Run Attendance History for a Specific Code

How to Run Class Attendance Post Verification Report

How to Run Daily Attendance Post Verification

How to Take Attendance in the Daily Office in School View (For Attendance Managers)

How to Take Class Attendance (Teachers)

How to Take Daily Attendance in Aspen (Teachers)

How to Update Student Calendars to Make Students In-Session for Attendance Input

How to add a Tardy and Dismissal for a Student in Aspen

How to run the Perfect Attendance Report in Aspen

How to update Withdrawal Codes for DNR Students

How to use the Principal's Attendance Report in Aspen

Managing Attendance Intervention Plans

Overview of Attendance Intervention Plans in Aspen (video)

Recommending an Attendance Plan for Court

Communicating Through Aspen

How to Create and Send Administrator Notifications (Computer & Mobile)

How to Download and Activate the Follett Notifications App (Mobile)

Using the CK Editor - Announcements, Emails, Banners

Hearing Notification and Suspension Letters

How to Add a Student Conduct Incident (For Conduct Managers)

How to Assign Students to Administrators for Conduct Referrals

How to Enter Emergency Conduct Removal

How to Generate a Conduct Letter in Aspen

How to Run Student Journal and Conduct Reports

How to Submit a Conduct Referral - For Teachers

How to Submit a Conduct Referral in Aspen (For Teachers)

End-of-Year Processes

End Of Year Rollover Information/FAQ

How to Enter Student Homerooms After the End-of-Year Rollover

How to Enter a Student's Next Year Homeroom in School View

How to Promote or Retain Non-Senior Students

How to Set Promotion Status for Seniors

Technology Returns for Transferring & Departing Employees

Linking Siblings on Registrations

Family Portal

How do I create a parent/family portal account in Aspen?

How to Find the Password Verification Code in a Family Aspen Account.

How to Generate Parent Letters with Security Code

How to Navigate the Parent Portal (In English and other Languages)

How to Publish Reports to the Parent and Student Portal

How to See your Child's TerraNova Score on Family Portal

How to Update Contact Portal Login with email address

How to see Your Child's GPA - Family Portal View

Parent Passwords: How to Reset a Parent Portal Account/Password (For School Staff)

Parent Passwords: How to Reset your SIS Family Portal Account Password

Elementary/Standards Based Specific

How to Post K0-K2 Grades in Aspen

How to Post Remote Learning K0-K2 Grades

What are the Reporting Standards for My Class?

What is the Rating Scale for My Class?

Middle and High School Specific

How to Enter Teacher Course Recommendations for the Next School Year

How to Post Term 4 and Final Grades

Quick Reference Cards

Advanced Gradebook Quick Reference Card

Beginning of the Year Gradebook Checklist

Gradebook Basics

Teacher Class Groups and Pages

Creating Special Codes in your Gradebook

Example 0-4 Grade Scale

How the Final Grade is Calculated

How to Attach Your Own Grade Scale to Sections or Assignments

How to Auto Calculate and Post Grades in the Gradebook

How to Create Your Own Grade Scale

How to Create a Grading Column with Assignment Averages

How to Fix Expanding Columns Issue in Chrome

How to add a Class Announcement with Zoom Link

How to add resources to a gradebook assignment

How to create and post a Class Announcement - Staff View

How to use the Google Classroom Gradebook Sync to Aspen

Locking Scores in your Gradebook

Setting up your Gradebook Preferences

Teacher Gradebook PowerPoint

Grades Management

Grade Point Average (GPA)

GPA Frequently Asked Questions

How to see Student GPAs from the Student Tab

How to view an Individual Student's Grade Point Average (GPA)

What are the different types of GPAs and GPA Reports?

What are the point values of a grade?

Grade Scales

Alternate Pass/Fail Grade Scale

Assignment Pass/Fail Grade Scale

BPS Final Grade Scale

BPS Grade Scales

BPS Standard 1-5 Grade Scale

BPS Standard A-F Grade Scale

BPS Standard Kindergarten Grade Scale

IB Grade Scale

What is the MFG Grade?

Where are the Grade Scales in Aspen?

Work-Based Learning Grade Scale

Report Cards

How to Print a Report Card for One Student

How to Run Report Cards in Aspen


Finding all Transcripts Record for a Student

How to Change an Elementary Transcript Record

How to Enter Transfer-in Transcript Records

How to Enter and Post Elementary Grades in Aspen

How to Find Missing Final Grades

How to Run Qualification Lists (Honor Roll, D&Fs, Eligibility Lists)

How to See a List of Failing Students in One or More Terms

How to Update the Gradebooks with the Transcript Grades

How to run a merge drop/add transcript records

Grading Manager

How to Calculate Averages - Final Grades

How to Calculate Credits - Populate Credit on Transcript Records

How to Correct MFG and Empty Transcript Records (School View)

How to Find NC Grades for Past Years

How to Post Grades for the Entire School

How to Re-Open Grading Window

How to See Students Grades by Class and Grade Level

How to Update the Grade Cover Term Map and Reassign Calendar Dates for Attendance Input

How to find Specific or Missing Term Grades - District View

How to find Specific or Missing Term Grades - School View

How to run the Grade Post Verification Report in Aspen

How to view MFG and Empty Transcript Records - District View

School Preferences - Grade Category

Student Records Requests

Graduation Requirements

How to Run Report to Check MCAS Status

Absence Letter (Nudge Attendance Letter) Report and sending through School Messenger

How to Run The Official Student Transcript Report

How to Run the Class Office Period Attendance Report

How to setup and run the Out of District Official School Transcript report

Top 10 Aspen Reports for Principals and School Administrators

Career and Vocational/Technical Education (CVTE)

Aspen Tables and Fields with CVTE Data

How to See District Level CVTE Courses

How to see School Course Sections of CVTE Courses

How to see Students Scheduled into CVTE Sections

How to see schools with CVTE courses

Committing Your Schedule

Committing the Master Schedule

How to Commit a Schedule

Daily/Walk-in Scheduling

Counselor Fundamentals and Daily/Walk-In Scheduling

How to Schedule a New Student in Aspen (Grades K0-5)

How to Schedule a New Student or Make Changes to a Student's Current Schedule (Grades 6-12)

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment Partners

How to Schedule Dual Enrollment

Group/Homeroom Scheduling

Change a Student's Homeroom and Reschedule into New Sections

Create and Assign Platoon Codes for Elementary Scheduling

Elementary Group Scheduling: Multi Grade Homerooms or Mix Grade Classes

How to Run Group Scheduling based on Platoon

Schedule Build

How to Copy the Course Catalog to the Build Year

How to Copy the Courses In the Master Schedule to the Build Year Course Catalog

How to Create a Scenario or Copy the Current Year Schedule to the Build View

How to Enter Next Year School to be Able to See Returning Students in the Build View

How to create a Clever Sync Block

Patterns and Pattern Sets

School Courses

Course Attributes

How to add a Course to Your School Course Catalog

How to Add a Teacher to Multiple Course Sections

How to Change Course Section Details

How to Create a New Course Section

How to Remove a Co-Teacher from a Class in Aspen

How to Transfer Students From one Section to Another and Keep the Grades

How to change a Primary Teacher in Aspen

Restore Deleted Section

Student Course Requests

How to Find Unscheduled Student Course Requests

CTE Data Analytic for DOE 35, 43, 44

How to Add A Schedule to a Middle School or ESL Class to Allow Class Attendance Input

How to Add Schedule to a Class

How to Assign a Schedule to Homeroom sections to Enable them to Appear on Panorama

How to Balance Sections by Student Cohort Code

How to Create Platoon Codes

How to Create a Report for Students Registered in Online Courses Only

How to add a Co-Teacher to a Class

How to add a Student Secondary School Association

Quick Status Alert and Bell Schedules

STRIVE Program set up and Schedule

State and Federal Reporting

State Reporting

Creating an Import file for EPIMS Staff WA07 Role and WA08 Import

Locating EPIMS Reports 02

Run Individual Staff Reports

Update MEPID characteristics

Using EPIMS Template

Using Pando for EPIMS

Graduation Rate Reports and Dropout Data Summary Report in Security Portal

DH Appendices

How to input Early College and Innovation Pathway participation in Aspen for SIMS

Accessing Services only Students in At Home School

Adding Future Capacity, Proposed Fields

Finding Students with missing schedules by Subject

Home Learning Tips for Students & Families

How to Accept a New Student to Your School in Aspen

How to Add an Internship Program in Aspen

How to Assign Locker Numbers to One or More Students

How to Change Student Cell Phone Numbers in Aspen

How to Create a Fieldset and Generate a Spreadsheet or Report

How to Enter a Single Student Journal Entry

How to Filter for a Specific Cohort of Students

How to Generate a Parent Email List

How to Run the Student Sibling Report

How to See Next Year Student Assignments, Incoming Students, and Wait List Totals

How to Update ESL Minutes, Instruction Type and Teacher in Aspen

How to Update Parent Emails and Phone Numbers

How to Upload Individual student Photos

How to Upload Student Photos into Aspen

How to Upload a Document in Aspen

How to View Low Income or Food Status (For Principals Only)

How to Withdraw or Discharge a Student in Aspen

How to add Journal Entries for one or more Students

How to add an alert on the student record

How to enter in Student Next Homeroom in School view from the Student top tab

How to search for a Student by Address

How to search for a student by name or ID number

How to see Detailed Information about Pending Students Assigned to your School

How to update data sharing opt-outs in Aspen

How to view students who have opted out of the media release

How to view the change history for a record

Methods to enter in Student Next Year Homeroom

School Leader Guide: Spring 2021 Cohort + Learning Models

Updating Students' Next Year Homeroom

Student Portal

How Can Students View their Report Card/Progress Report Grades in the Student Portal

How to Change Student Passwords in Clever

How to Register for Athletics - Student View

How to view your Grade Point Average (GPA)

Summer School

Dropping a Student(s) from a Summer School Class Section

How Can Students see their Summer School Schedule in Aspen

How Teachers can see their Summer Classes in the Gradebook

How teachers can see their Summer School Schedule in Aspen

How to Access your Summer School

How to Add Your Current School Staff to your Summer School

How to Add a Schedule to a Summer Class to Allow Attendance Input

How to Create Summer School ESY Classes and Add Students and Teachers For Attendance Input

How to Create a New Summer Program in Aspen (Central Office Staff Only)

How to Enroll a Student in a Summer Program in the BPS View (BPS Central Office Summer Staff Only)

How to Enter and Post Summer School Grades on the School View (For Site Coordinators)

How to Import School Mint Students Into Summer Programs in Aspen (For Central Office Staff Only)

How to Import Students Into Summer Programs (For Central Office staff Only)

How to Remove Students from Summer School

How to See a Summer School Program Capacity

How to See the Student list for your Summer Program from your Summer School

How to Select a School in the School View in Aspen

How to Take Summer School Attendance (For credit bearing non-5th Quarter programs)

How to Take Summer School Attendance on the Daily Office in School View

How to Update the Details of an Existing Summer Program (Central Office Staff Only)

How to View Registered Summer School Students from your Current School

How to View Summer School Grades

How to View your Summer Students from the Student top-tab in your Summer School

How to add Courses to Summer Programs to Allow School Staff to Enroll Students (BPS Central Office Summer Staff Only)

How to run the Grade Post Verification Report for a Summer School

How to view Summer School Grades on Transcripts

How to Register a Student to a Summer Credit Recovery Program

Summer School Registration 2024

How to Import Locker Number and Lock Combinations

How to Import MEPIDs

Are my Grades Posted?


Aspen Transportation Reports

How to Assign T-Pass to a Student

How to Run the Alpha List Report or Student Directory with AM and PM bus

How to Create an Aspen Announcment

What are Aspen Widgets?

Creating a Snapshot

How to Add My Classes to my Pages tab

How to Add Parent Gender in Aspen

How to Add a Page to the Pages tab

How to Add the Tasks Widget to Your Home Page

How to Change Your Default View in Aspen

How to Create or Edit a Field Set

How to Remove Staff from your Roster

How to Switch to the School View

How to Use Mass Update to Quickly Make Data Changes

How to use Modify List to Quickly Make Data Changes

Query By Grade Level and ELD Level

Troubleshooting Aspen-Google Classroom Sync Issues

Withdrawal Code Guidance


How to See Assessment Scores for Multiple Students

How to access Panorama Student Success

How to configure your Chromebook for the WIDA/Access test

How to view an individual student's assessment scores

MAP Troubleshooting

MCAS 2.0 Test Coordinators Handbook

How to Access the Bullying Prevention and Intervention 24-25 Course

How to access BPSLearns in D2L Brightspace

How to access the Conflict of Interest Law Training

How to access the Custodial Asbestos Awareness Training

How to access the De-Escalation Training

How to access the FERPA 101 Training

How to access the Health Services Staff Training

How to access the Special Education courses in BPSLearns

How to get started with GoGuardian for Teachers

How to receive an L4L (Teacher Macbook)



How to access ParentSquare

How to update language settings in ParentSquare

ParentSquare Absent\Tardy Calls


Creating a New Self-Service Document in School Messenger

How do I get started with School Messenger?

How to Email Students with School Messenger

How to Enable/Modify Absence/Tardy Broadcast in School Messenger

How to Send Report Cards or Progress Reports through School Messenger

How to Send a Text Message in School Messenger

How to use the Safe Mode Templates in SchoolMessenger

How to view contact information by phone or email in School Messenger

Fixing hanging in video chat apps like Zoom and Hangouts

How do I get started with Google Meet?

How do I get started with Zoom?

How to Add Authentication Exceptions in Zoom

How to Help Students Who Are Unable to Join Zoom Meetings with User Authentication

How to Live Stream Using Zoom

How to Run a Successful Video Conference

How to Set Up Zoom Meetings as a Sub

How to Set Up and Use Spoken Language Interpretation in Zoom

How to Use Zoom AI Companion

How to enable live transcript CC in Zoom

Recommended Zoom Settings for Security

Zoom Basic vs. Zoom Edu Pro: What are the Differences?

Zoom Instructions for Students

Zoom Meeting Pro vs. Zoom Webinar: What Are the Differences?

Access your BPS phone voice message system

Blocking or Unblocking a Phone Number in School Messenger

How do I send or receive a fax?

How to Setup your BPS Email (on a mobile device)

How to View a Contact’s Call Record in School Messenger

How to access TalkingPoints

How to maintain student privacy online

Set call forwarding on a BPS Phone

Zoom vs. Google Meet: When Should I Use Each Tool?

Zum Transportation

How to enable Airtame with MacOSX Catalina

Setup and Placement of Airtame 2


Access 4 All Chromebook Initiative

Access 4 All Chromebook Repair Process

Common Chromebook Issues & Quick Fixes

Disperse Collected Devices from a Group

Running Reports on TDT Asset (One2One)

TDT Asset Collection and Deployment Process

TDT-Asset (formerly One2One) Helpdocs Hub

TDT-Asset (formerly One2One) Navigation

Understanding Incidents in TDT-Asset (formerly One2One Manager)

What are some free/low cost internet options?

Connecting a Chromebook or Android to BpsStaff/Student

Create an Incident in TDT-Asset (formerly One2One Manager)

Getting Chromebook IP address and WiFi MAC address

How Do I Update the Chrome OS Version on a Chromebook?

How do I configure Chromebooks that I received from Donor's Choose?

How do I take a screenshot of my Chromebook screen?

How to Block Youtube on your Child's Chromebook

How to Factory Reset a BPS Chromebook

How to Install a Printer on a Chromebook

How to use Kiosk Apps (aka locked browsers) on Chromebooks

Tips for keeping student devices clean

What does it mean when a Chromebook is "end of support"?

BPS Wireless Phones

T-Mobile Project 10Million

"MacOS Could not be installed on your computer" screen after start up

5 Tips to Improve Macbook Performance

How do I install GarageBand or iMovie?

How to Connect a Mac to BpsStaff/Student

How to Install the Tap Card (Follow You) Printers on your Mac

How to back-up your data on a Mac

How to convert a PDF into a Word document

How to downgrade your Airtame app on your Mac

How to enable screen recording in macOS

How to redact information on a PDF without Adobe Acrobat

How to remove Malware from your Macbook

Managing Loaner Macs

Mirrored vs. Extended Display Settings

My Mac won't let me install a program.

Staff Passwords: How to sync with your Macbook

How to Connect a PC to BpsStaff/Student

How to Install a FollowYou Printer on a PC

Safe Mode on Windows Device

Polycom Studio

How to Pair the Polycom Studio Remote

How to fix a blinking yellow light on the Polycom Studio

Polycom Studio Camera Setup

ViewBoard Basics: Install vCastSender App to Enable Touchscreen

ViewBoard Basics: Toolbar & Control Panel Guide

ViewSonic ViewBoard Interactive Display Guidance

How to Activate a New iPad

How to find a web address for an iPad App/IOS Request form

My wireless keeps disconnecting or changing networks!

e-Waste & IT Recycling Guidance

Digital Citizenship & Cyber Security

How Does the BPS Filter work?

How does the "Document Sensitivity" label work in Google Drive?

How to stay SAFE when shopping online

Internet Safety Resources

Phishing/Spam emails

Adding/subscribing to another Google Calendar

Google Classroom Interactive YouTube Questions

Google Classroom Practice Sets

How does the Google Classroom roster sync work?

How to archive a class in Google Classroom

How to remove Extensions from Chrome

Reset Google Chrome Settings

How to View Immunization Records

How to upload documents in Aspen (For Nurses and Paras)

Learning Apps

Clever Troubleshooting and Adding Apps

Digital Whiteboard Tools

Getting Started with Google Classroom (Teachers)

How do I use Bookshare?

How to Access Reading Horizons

How to Run a Google Classroom Student List as a Teacher

How to Run a Google Classroom Student List as an Admin

How to Upload your Google Classroom List to your Drive to open it in Google Sheets

How to access & use Nearpod

How to access Activate Learning

How to access Adobe Express

How to access

How to access Canva

How to access Clever

How to access Clever at Home

How to access CommonLit

How to access dbq online, how to access defined learning.

How to access EVERFI

How to access EdOptions Academy

How to access Edmentum Courseware

How to access Exact Path

How to access Gale & Nat Geo Kids

How to access Goalbook

How to access Google Classroom (Students)

How to access IXL Learning

How to access Illuminate

How to access Imagine Learning

How to access Legends of Learning

How to access Lexia

How to access LiveSchool

How to access McGraw Hill products

How to access Mystery Science

How to access Naviance

How to access Open eBooks

How to access Read&Write for Google Chrome & OrbitNote (PDF Reader)

How to access Rosetta Stone

How to access ST Math

How to access Savvas Realize

How to access Seesaw

How to access Sora by Overdrive

How to access StudySync

How to access Sworkit

How to access ThinkLink

How to access Vista

How to access n2y

How to access the BPS Lending Library (myTurn)

How to install Android apps on a Chromebook

How to troubleshoot "Offline" status in Seesaw

How to unblock Flash Player in Chrome

How to use Clever Badges

I am a co-teacher and I do not see my students in Clever.

I have a student missing from my class in Clever

My students cannot login to an app in Clever

Problems accessing Youtube for parent and teachers?

What is a Clever School Tech Lead and what can they do?

When I log in to Clever, I get an "Uh oh!" (sad robot) error message.



SIS ODS Check Every Hour

Can I show a Movie in my Classroom?

Editing Ticket Fields in Kace via email

Guidance on the use of Artificial Intelligence in BPS

How to Add a New Staff Member to Your School in Aspen

How to Create a Course in Vector

How to access Vector (Evaluation and PD platform)

How to get a list of attendees by email on Vector

How to sign up for PD in Vector Solutions

How to submit vaccine proof to the City of Boston

How to use the PingID App with AccessBoston

Loading StaffSchoolAssociation data to ODS 2025

Maximo - Building Maintenance Request - Work Order

Updating or adding phone numbers in Employee Self Service

Work from Home (WFH) Tips

Table of Contents

What is dbq online and who has access, chromebook, tablet or laptop:, what devices is it compatible with, what online training is available for dbq online, what dbqs are recommended for my grade level, who should i contact if i have questions about dbq online.

  • ​Learning Apps

Rhianon Gutierrez

DBQ Online is the digital platform for the DBQ Project, which provides short units of study across grade levels to assist in teaching reading and writing in social studies. These units are grounded in engaging document-based questions that progressively get more complex as they guide students through various documents. 

How do I login to DBQ Online?

To login to DBQ Online, teachers and students must enter through the BPS Clever Portal: using their BPS Gmail and password.

Look for the DBQ Online icon under History and Social Studies.

how to submit an assignment on dbq online

Teachers will be able to create classrooms and share a class link URL to students.

DBQ Online works on laptops, desktops, Chromebooks, and iPads.

The DBQ Online “Getting Started” Guide provides brief webinars broken into three levels depending on our level of familiarity with The DBQ Project and DBQ Online. 

  • Level 1 - The DBQ Basics : teachers who are brand new to The DBQ Project and the DBQ 6-step method.
  • Level 2 - Getting Started with DBQ Online: familiar with the DBQ print resources and the DBQ pedagogy, but NOT familiar with DBQ Online.
  • Level 3 - DBQ Online ad Remote Learning: familiar with The DBQ Project pedagogy and DBQ Online, and are looking for ways to use the platform for remote learning. 
  • Level 4 - Teaching “Live” with DBQ Online in Remote Settings: familiar with The DBQ Project pedagogy and DBQ Online, and are looking for ways to use the platform for remote learning. 

The BPS History Department has put together a recommended list of Mini-Qs for Spring 2020 .

Technical Support: [email protected]

Pedagogical Support: [email protected]

How did we do?

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DBQ Online: Student Login

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  • April 11, 2024 22:30


This guide demonstrates how to login in to DBQ Online as a student.

Step 1: Login with Google

Visit and under the Google Login box, click on Login with Google .  You must log in with Google to access your IUSD DBQ account. 


Use your IUSD Google Login to sign in to DBQ Online:


You will see the following message the first time you log in to DBQ Online.  Once you click Allow the first time, you will not be prompted with the message in the future.


At IUSD, we are committed to ensuring our students' safety and privacy online.  The district-supported software listed here meet State ( AB-1584  and  California Education Code section 49073.1 ) and Federal ( FERPA ) legal requirements and IUSD policy regarding data privacy. For more information about IUSD's technology safety efforts, visit our   Privacy  and  Digital Citizenship  pages.

Step 2: Join a Class

You will now see your Student Dashboard.  The first time you log in, you will be asked for a 5-letter code to join your class.  If you don't have a code, please contact your teacher for assistance.


Enter your 5-letter code and click Join A Class .


You should now see your class and any current assignments:


This document was created for Irvine Unified School District by the Information Technology Department.

If you have any questions,  submit a new ticket  or email us at  [email protected]

Last updated 12/6/23 CK

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Accessing DBQ Online with a Direct Login

Modified on Fri, 28 Jul, 2023 at 12:39 PM

A rare integration type for teachers, but is often given to admins and non-classroom staff! This guide covers how to access DBQ Online with a direct login, and how to get started in DBQ Online.

We're excited to work with you and help you get started with our platform. Below are several resources to help you launch the year.
(image below) ) )
Once you've logged in, you're ready to set up classes and create assignments! Click the button below to learn how to get started with DBQ Online.
Looking for more help? We would love to demo our platform for you! Please reach out to us at with some dates and times that would work for you.

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What Is A DBQ Essay? Tips + Examples

how to submit an assignment on dbq online

By Eric Eng

student at a political science university in Europe

So, you’re staring at an essay prompt asking for a DBQ essay , and you’re wondering, “ What is a DBQ essay? ” You’re not alone! A DBQ, or Document-Based Question essay, is a type of writing you’ll commonly come across in history classes, especially AP courses. The good news? It’s not as scary as it sounds once you get the hang of it. The key to mastering a DBQ is all about analyzing provided documents and using them to craft a strong, evidence-based argument.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about a DBQ. We’ll cover how to write one, what a DBQ example looks like, how long it should be, and more. 

What Does DBQ Stand For?

How to write a dbq essay, example dbq essay and analysis, frequently asked questions.

DBQ stands for Document-Based Question. This type of essay is designed to test your ability to analyze historical documents and use them to form an argument.

You’ll most often encounter DBQs in Advanced Placement (AP) history courses, like AP World History, AP U.S. History, or AP European History . They help test your knowledge of historical content and your skills in critical thinking and writing.

Writing a DBQ essay might feel overwhelming at first, but once you have a clear strategy, it’s pretty manageable. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown to help you out:

1. Understand the prompt.

First things first, read the prompt carefully. You need to know what you’re being asked before you dive into the documents. The prompt will often ask you to take a position or explain a historical issue using the documents provided. 

2. Analyze the documents.

Next, spend some time analyzing the documents given to you. These could be anything from primary sources like letters, speeches, or photos to secondary sources like scholarly articles. Take notes on what each document says and how it connects to the essay prompt.

3. Write a strong thesis statement.

Your thesis is the core of your DBQ essay . After analyzing the documents, decide on the main argument you’re going to make. A strong thesis directly answers the question in the prompt and gives a roadmap for the rest of your essay.

Here’s an example of a weak thesis statement : “The American Revolution happened for many reasons.”  

This thesis is vague and doesn’t provide any clear direction for the essay. It fails to identify specific causes or how those causes will be addressed.

Now, look at a strong thesis statement : “The American Revolution was sparked by the colonists’ growing resentment of British policies, specifically due to unfair taxation, trade restrictions, and a lack of political representation.”  

This thesis directly answers the prompt, identifies three specific causes, and gives the reader a clear understanding of what the essay will cover. It provides an outline for the argument, making the essay much more focused and organized.

4. Organize your essay.

Plan your essay by organizing the documents into categories that support your thesis. Each body paragraph should focus on one key point and use the documents as evidence to back it up. You can also bring in your knowledge of the historical period to add more context to your argument.

5. Write your DBQ.

Now that you’ve got your plan, it’s time to start writing. In your introduction, introduce the topic, state your thesis, and give a brief preview of the points you’ll be making. Each body paragraph should include topic sentences, evidence from the documents, and analysis of how the evidence supports your thesis. Finally, wrap it all up with a conclusion (yes, you need a conclusion in your DBQ essay).

6. Proofread and revise.

Before turning in your DBQ, take a few minutes to reread your essay and check for any spelling or grammatical errors. Make sure your argument flows smoothly and that you’ve clearly supported your thesis with the documents.

How long should a DBQ essay be?

Good question! While there’s no hard-and-fast rule, most DBQ essays are typically around 500-700 words long, depending on the complexity of the prompt and the number of documents provided. In general, aim for about five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs (or more if needed), and a conclusion.

It’s important to stay concise while making sure you fully explain your points and back them up with evidence. Don’t feel pressured to write a super long DBQ essay. You should focus on quality over quantity. As long as you are able to answer the prompt, use the documents effectively, and build a strong argument, you’re golden.

Do you need a conclusion in a DBQ essay?

Yes, you absolutely need a conclusion in a DBQ! The conclusion is your chance to wrap up your argument and leave a lasting impression on your reader (or your grader). In your conclusion, restate your thesis in a new way and briefly summarize the key points you made in your essay.

But don’t just repeat everything word-for-word. Instead, tie everything together by showing how the documents you analyzed and the arguments you made paint a clear picture of the historical issue you were asked to address. You can also use the conclusion to reflect on the broader significance of the topic or its implications for the future.

Let’s look at a quick DBQ example to bring everything into perspective. Suppose you’re given the prompt: “ Analyze the causes of the American Revolution. ” You would be given several documents, like excerpts from colonial leaders, British officials, or other relevant texts. Here’s a basic outline of what an example DBQ essay on this topic might look like:

Let’s break down why each part of this DBQ example works well for the prompt: “Analyze the causes of the American Revolution.”

Thesis statement

The American Revolution was caused by growing tensions between Britain and the American colonies, fueled by unfair taxation, restrictions on colonial trade, and a lack of representation in British Parliament.

Why it’s good:   

  • Provides a clear argument. The thesis directly answers the prompt by identifying the main causes of the American Revolution: taxation, trade restrictions, and lack of representation.
  • Specific. Rather than vaguely stating “tensions,” the thesis explains exactly what tensions the essay will focus on, making it easier to build an argument in the body paragraphs.
  • Gives a preview of your structure. It gives a roadmap for the essay, which helps guide the reader. The three causes listed here will likely correspond to the main points in the body paragraphs to create a well-organized essay.

Body paragraph 1

Topic sentence: The imposition of taxes like the Stamp Act and Tea Act ignited colonial anger toward Britain.  

Why it’s good:  

  • Directly connects to your thesis statement. The topic sentence ties back to one of the key causes identified in the thesis: unfair taxation.
  • Gives a specific example. Naming specific acts, like the Stamp Act and Tea Act, makes the argument more concrete and grounded in historical facts, which is essential for a DBQ.

Evidence from document: A letter from a colonial leader complaining about taxation without representation.  

  • Relevant. The evidence is directly related to the topic sentence and demonstrates the colonists’ anger over taxation without representation.
  • Uses a primary source. Using a letter from a colonial leader shows the perspective of someone directly affected by British policies. This strengthens your argument.

Analysis: This document shows that unfair taxation policies led many colonists to question British authority and demand more autonomy.   

  • Interprets the document. The analysis doesn’t just summarize the document but explains how it supports the argument, linking unfair taxation to a desire for autonomy.
  • Connects to the prompt. It ties the evidence back to the broader issue of growing tensions, showing how taxation contributed to the Revolutionary cause.

Body paragraph 2

Topic sentence: British trade restrictions and the enforcement of mercantilist policies limited colonial economic freedom.  

  • Addresses another cause. The topic sentence moves the essay forward by tackling the second key cause from the thesis: trade restrictions.
  • Gives an economic focus. By focusing on trade and economics, it expands the scope of the essay and provides a different angle than taxation, making the argument more well-rounded.

Evidence from document: A colonial newspaper article criticizing the Navigation Acts.  

  • Supports the topic sentence. The newspaper article directly addresses trade restrictions and proves that this was a significant issue for the colonies.
  • Provides a broader perspective. A newspaper represents public opinion at the time, showing that dissatisfaction wasn’t limited to political leaders but was also widespread among colonists.

Analysis: This source highlights how economic policies imposed by Britain were seen as a threat to the prosperity and independence of the colonies.  

  • Connects economic issues to rebellion. The analysis clearly explains how the economic frustrations fueled a desire for independence. This aligns with the overall argument of growing colonial dissatisfaction.
  • Provides insight. It moves beyond just stating that trade restrictions were unpopular, adding depth by discussing the threat to colonial prosperity and independence.

Body paragraph 3

Topic sentence: The lack of colonial representation in British Parliament increased political tensions.  

  • Addresses the final cause. The third key cause of the thesis, political representation, is introduced here. This makes sure all points of your thesis are covered.
  • Broadens your argument. Shifting the focus to political issues adds variety to the essay and widens the argument beyond just economic concerns.

Evidence from document: A petition from the Continental Congress requesting greater representation.  

  • Solid evidence. The Continental Congress was a key player in the Revolution. This document provides strong, relevant evidence to support the argument about lack of representation.
  • Historical significance. The petition is an official, important document. This shows the seriousness of the colonial demands and adds weight to the argument.

Analysis: The frustration over not having a voice in British decision-making drove many colonists to consider rebellion as their only option.  

  • Explains the consequences. The analysis doesn’t just restate the evidence but explains how the lack of representation pushed colonists toward rebellion. This ties directly back to your thesis.
  • Focuses on the prompt. It keeps the focus on “growing tensions,” which directly answers the question and makes sure that your essay stays on track.

The American Revolution was not an overnight event but the result of a series of escalating tensions between Britain and its American colonies. From unfair taxation to restrictive trade policies and the colonists’ growing frustration with their lack of representation in Parliament, each issue chipped away at the loyalty once felt toward the Crown. The documents illustrate how these grievances led colonists to question British authority, ultimately pushing them toward the pursuit of independence. By examining these documents, it’s clear that the revolution was born from a desire for autonomy—both politically and economically—that could no longer be ignored. The American Revolution was as much a response to systemic oppression as it was a fight for a new identity, one built on the principles of freedom and self-governance.

  • Reinforces the argument. The conclusion ties everything together and reminds the reader that the documents are meant to support the broader argument about the causes of the Revolution.
  • Encourages deeper thinking. It emphasizes the importance of analyzing the documents, not just summarizing them. This is a crucial skill for DBQ essays .
  • Broadens the perspective . It ties the American Revolution to broader themes of freedom and self-governance. This gives the essay a sense of closure and elevates the significance of the analysis.
  • Strong final sentence : The last sentence leaves a lasting impression, connecting the causes of the Revolution to larger ideals. This resonates well with your readers and makes the argument feel more complete.

1. How do I write a thesis for a DBQ essay?

Your thesis should directly answer the prompt by clearly stating your argument or the main point of your essay. It should be specific and outline the key reasons or factors that you’ll explore in your body paragraphs. Make sure your thesis addresses all parts of the prompt and hints at the structure of your essay.

2. How many documents should I use in my DBQ essay?

Generally, you should aim to use most, if not all, of the provided documents to support your argument. However, it’s essential to go beyond simply quoting or summarizing the document. You should analyze them and explain how they connect to your thesis. Depending on the exam or assignment, you may need to use a minimum number of documents, so make sure to always check the guidelines provided by your professor.

3. Do I need to include outside knowledge in a DBQ essay?

Yes, in addition to the documents, you should incorporate your own knowledge of the historical context. Outside knowledge helps strengthen your argument by showing you understand the broader events, causes, or effects related to the prompt. It’s important to blend your analysis of the documents with historical facts you already know.

4. Do I need a conclusion in a DBQ essay?

Absolutely! A conclusion is essential to wrap up your essay and restate your argument. In your conclusion, summarize the main points you’ve made, and show how the documents and your analysis answer the prompt. A strong conclusion reinforces your thesis and provides closure for your reader.

  • The DBQ essay is built around analyzing historical documents to answer a specific prompt. You must use these documents as evidence to support your thesis while also incorporating your own knowledge of the topic.
  • Having a strong thesis is essential. Your thesis should directly address the prompt and provide a clear, specific argument. It should outline the main points of your essay, guiding your analysis in the body paragraphs.
  • You should be able to balance document evidence with outside knowledge. While the documents are important, you should also use outside historical knowledge to strengthen your argument, adding depth and context to the analysis.
  • A well-written conclusion restates your thesis, summarizes your key points, and shows how your analysis of the documents fully addresses the essay prompt.
  • Should you need help in writing a DBQ essay for one of your subjects, you might want to consider talking to a private consultant for guidance.


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How to Write a DBQ (Ultimate Guide, Examples, Templates)

Writing a Document-Based Question (DBQ) can feel like solving a mystery.

You’ve got clues (documents), a mystery to solve (the question), and your wits to put it all together.

Here is a quick summary of how to write a DBQ:

Write a DBQ by analyzing the prompt, examining and grouping documents by themes, crafting a clear thesis, outlining your essay, writing with evidence from the documents, and proofreading for clarity and coherence. Organize your argument logically and support it with historical evidence.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to write DBQs, plus plenty of examples and full templates.

What Is a DBQ?

A student working on a DBQ -- How to Write a DBQ

Table of Contents

A Document-Based Question (DBQ) is an essay prompt used in exams like AP History. It requires you to analyze and synthesize historical documents to create a coherent argument. Think of it as being a historian, piecing together evidence to support a thesis.

Types of DBQs

  • Historical DBQs : Focus on specific historical periods or events, such as the American Revolution or World War II.
  • Thematic DBQs : Explore broader themes like political movements, social changes, or economic trends.
  • Comparative DBQs : Compare different periods, regions, or themes to draw broader conclusions about historical processes.

Step-by-Step Guide to DBQ Bliss

I’ve done my best to outline each step with examples of specific “how-to” tips.

Follow this guide to learn how to write a DBQ you and your teacher will love.

1. Read the Prompt

Understand what the question is asking. Look for key terms, time periods, and specific directives. Knowing exactly what is required will help you focus your analysis and writing.

Example : “Analyze the causes of the American Revolution.”

Here is how to do it:

  • Identify the time frame: Late 18th century.
  • Recognize key terms: “Analyze” (break down into components) and “causes” (reasons or factors).
  • Note any specific instructions: Are you asked to consider political, economic, or social causes?

2. Analyze the Documents

Examine each document carefully.

Identify the author’s perspective, the context, and how it relates to the prompt. Take notes on key points and underline or highlight important information.

Example : A letter from a colonial leader expressing frustration with British taxes.

  • Determine the author’s background: Is the author a colonial leader, British official, or ordinary citizen?
  • Contextualize the document: When was it written? What events were happening at that time?
  • Analyze the content: What is the main message or argument? How does it relate to the prompt?
  • Identify bias or perspective: Is the author supporting or opposing the British policies?

3. Group the Documents

Group documents that share similar viewpoints or themes. This helps in organizing your essay and ensures that your argument is coherent and well-structured.

Example : Group documents showing economic grievances, political dissatisfaction, and social unrest.

  • Identify common themes: Are there multiple documents discussing taxes, political representation, or social issues?
  • Create categories: Economic grievances, political dissatisfaction, social unrest.
  • Note connections: How do these themes interrelate? Can one category lead to another?

4. Develop a Thesis Statement

Craft a clear, concise thesis that answers the prompt and reflects the grouped documents. Your thesis should serve as the backbone of your essay, guiding your arguments and analysis.

Example : “The American Revolution was driven by economic, political, and social factors.”

  • Address all parts of the prompt: Ensure your thesis covers the main aspects asked by the question.
  • Be specific: Instead of saying “various factors,” specify “economic, political, and social factors.”
  • Be concise: Your thesis should be one or two sentences long.

5. Outline Your Essay

Create a detailed outline. Each paragraph should focus on a specific group of documents and support your thesis. This ensures that your essay is logically organized and easy to follow.

  • Introduction : Thesis statement
  • Body Paragraph 1 : Economic grievances
  • Body Paragraph 2 : Political dissatisfaction
  • Body Paragraph 3 : Social unrest
  • Conclusion : Restate thesis and summarize main points
  • Introduction: Start with a hook to grab attention, provide background information, and present your thesis.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea. Use evidence from the documents to support your points. Include outside knowledge to add depth to your analysis.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis in a new light. Offer a final thought or insight.

6. Write the Essay

Follow your outline. Use evidence from the documents and your own knowledge to support your thesis. Make sure to integrate quotes and evidence smoothly into your writing.

  • Introduction : “The American Revolution, fueled by economic, political, and social factors, marked a pivotal moment in history.”
  • Body Paragraph 1 : “Economic grievances, such as unfair taxation, sparked colonial anger. For example, Document 1 shows a colonial leader’s frustration with the Stamp Act…”
  • Body Paragraph 2 : “Political dissatisfaction with British rule led to a desire for independence. Document 2, a pamphlet by Thomas Paine, argues for the colonies’ right to self-govern…”
  • Body Paragraph 3 : “Social unrest, driven by Enlightenment ideas, encouraged a revolutionary spirit. Document 3, an excerpt from a speech, highlights the influence of Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke…”
  • Conclusion : “In conclusion, the American Revolution was a multifaceted event driven by economic, political, and social causes. This period of upheaval set the stage for the birth of a new nation…”
  • Introduction: Provide context and clearly state your thesis.
  • Body Paragraphs: Start each paragraph with a topic sentence. Use evidence from the documents and outside information. Analyze the evidence and connect it back to your thesis.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your arguments. Restate your thesis in a new way and offer a final insight or implication.

7. Proofread and Revise

Check for clarity, coherence, and errors. Make sure your argument flows logically and your writing is clear and concise. Revise for content, structure, and grammar.

Here is how to do it :

  • Read your essay aloud: This helps catch awkward phrasing and errors.
  • Check for consistency: Ensure that your thesis and arguments are consistent throughout the essay.
  • Verify document usage: Make sure you have used all the required documents and cited them correctly.
  • Look for clarity: Ensure that each paragraph flows logically and your points are clearly expressed.

Here is a good video about how to write a DBQ:

DBQ Examples

Read through these DBQ examples to learn how to apply all of the tips and steps covered earlier in this guide.

Let these examples prompt you to write your own original DBQs.

Example 1: The American Revolution

Prompt : Analyze the causes of the American Revolution.

Thesis : The American Revolution was driven by economic, political, and social factors.

Documents :

  • A letter from a colonial leader expressing frustration with British taxes.
  • A British tax document detailing the Stamp Act.
  • An excerpt from a revolutionary pamphlet by Thomas Paine.

Essay : The American Revolution, fueled by economic, political, and social factors, marked a pivotal moment in history. Economic grievances, such as unfair taxation, sparked colonial anger.

Document 1, a letter from a colonial leader, expresses frustration with the Stamp Act, highlighting the economic burden placed on the colonies. Political dissatisfaction with British rule led to a desire for independence. Document 2, a British tax document, shows the imposition of the Stamp Act, which further fueled the desire for political representation. Social unrest, driven by Enlightenment ideas, encouraged a revolutionary spirit.

Document 3, an excerpt from Thomas Paine’s pamphlet, argues for the colonies’ right to self-govern and the influence of Enlightenment thinkers. In conclusion, the American Revolution was a multifaceted event driven by economic, political, and social causes.

Example 2: The French Revolution

Prompt : Evaluate the causes of the French Revolution.

Thesis : The French Revolution was caused by economic hardship, political corruption, and social inequality.

  • A tax record from a French peasant showing high taxes.
  • A speech by a revolutionary leader denouncing the monarchy.
  • An excerpt from a political manifesto calling for equality.

Essay : The French Revolution was caused by economic hardship, political corruption, and social inequality. Economic hardship, exemplified by high taxes and poor harvests, burdened the peasantry. Document 1, a tax record from a French peasant, illustrates the heavy tax burden that contributed to widespread discontent. Political corruption within the monarchy led to widespread disillusionment.

Document 2, a speech by a revolutionary leader, denounces the corruption and incompetence of the monarchy, calling for change. Social inequality, highlighted by the privileges of the nobility, fueled revolutionary fervor. Document 3, an excerpt from a political manifesto, calls for equality and the abolition of privileges, reflecting the revolutionary ideals.

In conclusion, the French Revolution was a complex event driven by economic, political, and social factors.

Example 3: The Civil Rights Movement

Prompt : Analyze the impact of the Civil Rights Movement.

Thesis : The Civil Rights Movement significantly advanced racial equality through legal victories, social activism, and cultural change.

  • A court ruling on school desegregation.
  • A speech by Martin Luther King Jr.
  • A newspaper article on the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Essay : The Civil Rights Movement significantly advanced racial equality through legal victories, social activism, and cultural change. Legal victories, such as landmark court rulings, dismantled institutional racism. Document 1, a court ruling on school desegregation, highlights the legal strides made toward equality. Social activism, including protests and marches, raised public awareness.

Document 2, a speech by Martin Luther King Jr., exemplifies the powerful rhetoric that mobilized masses and brought attention to civil rights issues. Cultural change, driven by influential figures and media, shifted societal attitudes.

Document 3, a newspaper article on the Montgomery Bus Boycott, shows the impact of collective action on public transportation policies and societal views on segregation.

In conclusion, the Civil Rights Movement was instrumental in advancing racial equality through a combination of legal victories, social activism, and cultural change. These elements collectively helped dismantle systemic racism and promote greater social justice in America.

Example 4: Industrial Revolution

Prompt : Analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution on European society.

Thesis : The Industrial Revolution significantly transformed European society by altering economic structures, social hierarchies, and urban landscapes.

  • An excerpt from a factory worker’s diary.
  • A government report on urbanization.
  • A political cartoon depicting child labor.

Essay : The Industrial Revolution significantly transformed European society by altering economic structures, social hierarchies, and urban landscapes. The new economic structures, driven by industrialization, created a shift from agrarian economies to industrial economies.

Document 1, an excerpt from a factory worker’s diary, highlights the grueling conditions and long hours faced by industrial workers, reflecting the changing labor dynamics. Social hierarchies were also impacted, with a growing middle class and a widening gap between the rich and poor.

Document 2, a government report on urbanization, details the rapid growth of cities and the emergence of new social classes. Urban landscapes were drastically changed as factories and tenements replaced rural areas. Document 3, a political cartoon depicting child labor, underscores the social issues and urban challenges brought about by industrialization.

In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution reshaped European society through significant changes in economic structures, social hierarchies, and urban environments.

Example 5: The Cold War

Prompt : Evaluate the causes and effects of the Cold War on global politics.

Thesis : The Cold War, driven by ideological conflicts and power struggles, had profound effects on global politics by shaping international alliances, fostering proxy wars, and influencing domestic policies.

  • A speech by Winston Churchill on the Iron Curtain.
  • A CIA report on Soviet activities in Latin America.
  • A newspaper article on the Vietnam War.

Essay : The Cold War, driven by ideological conflicts and power struggles, had profound effects on global politics by shaping international alliances, fostering proxy wars, and influencing domestic policies. Ideological conflicts between capitalism and communism created a deep divide between the United States and the Soviet Union. Document 1, a speech by Winston Churchill on the Iron Curtain, illustrates the ideological divide and the emerging tension between East and West.

These ideological battles led to the formation of international alliances, such as NATO and the Warsaw Pact, which defined global politics for decades. Document 2, a CIA report on Soviet activities in Latin America, highlights the extent of Cold War influence in regional politics and the strategy of supporting proxy wars. The Vietnam War, as shown in Document 3, a newspaper article, reflects the Cold War’s impact on domestic policies and the significant toll it took on both superpowers involved.

In conclusion, the Cold War reshaped global politics through its ideological battles, formation of alliances, and influence on both international and domestic spheres.

DBQ Templates You Can Use Today

You can copy and paste these DBQ templates to start writing your assignment today.

Template 1: Causes of a Historical Event

Prompt : Analyze the causes of [Historical Event].

Thesis : [Historical Event] was driven by [Cause 1], [Cause 2], and [Cause 3].

  • A [type of document] from [perspective].
  • An excerpt from a [type of document].

Essay : [Historical Event], driven by [Cause 1], [Cause 2], and [Cause 3], marked a pivotal moment in history. [Cause 1], exemplified by [specific example], sparked [reaction]. Document 1, a [type of document] from [perspective], highlights [aspect of Cause 1]. [Cause 2], highlighted by [specific example], led to [reaction]. Document 2, a [type of document] from [perspective], underscores [aspect of Cause 2]. [Cause 3], driven by [specific example], encouraged [reaction]. Document 3, an excerpt from a [type of document], reflects [aspect of Cause 3]. In conclusion, [Historical Event] was a multifaceted event driven by [Cause 1], [Cause 2], and [Cause 3].

Template 2: Impact of a Social Movement

Prompt : Analyze the impact of [Social Movement].

Thesis : [Social Movement] significantly advanced [Goal] through [Method 1], [Method 2], and [Method 3].

  • A [type of document] on [Method 1].
  • A [type of document] on [Method 2].
  • An excerpt from a [type of document] on [Method 3].

Essay : [Social Movement] significantly advanced [Goal] through [Method 1], [Method 2], and [Method 3]. [Method 1], such as [specific example], achieved [result]. Document 1, a [type of document] on [Method 1], illustrates [aspect of Method 1]. [Method 2], including [specific example], led to [result]. Document 2, a [type of document] on [Method 2], underscores [aspect of Method 2]. [Method 3], driven by [specific example], shifted [aspect]. Document 3, an excerpt from a [type of document] on [Method 3], highlights [aspect of Method 3]. In conclusion, [Social Movement] was instrumental in advancing [Goal] through [Method 1], [Method 2], and [Method 3].

Template 3: Comparing Historical Periods

Prompt : Compare and contrast the impacts of [Period 1] and [Period 2] on [Aspect of Society].

Thesis : Both [Period 1] and [Period 2] significantly impacted [Aspect of Society], but they did so in different ways through [Factor 1], [Factor 2], and [Factor 3].

  • A [type of document] from [Period 1] on [Factor 1].
  • A [type of document] from [Period 2] on [Factor 1].
  • An excerpt from [Period 1] on [Factor 2].
  • An excerpt from [Period 2] on [Factor 2].
  • A [type of document] from [Period 1] on [Factor 3].
  • A [type of document] from [Period 2] on [Factor 3].

Essay : Both [Period 1] and [Period 2] significantly impacted [Aspect of Society], but they did so in different ways through [Factor 1], [Factor 2], and [Factor 3]. [Factor 1] in [Period 1] led to [outcome]. Document 1, a [type of document] from [Period 1], highlights [aspect of Factor 1]. Conversely, [Factor 1] in [Period 2] resulted in [different outcome]. Document 2, a [type of document] from [Period 2], reflects [aspect of Factor 1]. Similarly, [Factor 2] affected [Aspect of Society] differently in each period. Document 3, an excerpt from [Period 1], shows [aspect of Factor 2], while Document 4, an excerpt from [Period 2], illustrates [different aspect of Factor 2].

Lastly, [Factor 3] in [Period 1] had [impact], as shown in Document 5, while [Factor 3] in [Period 2] had [another impact], as evidenced by Document 6. In conclusion, [Period 1] and [Period 2] both significantly influenced [Aspect of Society], but through different factors and outcomes.

Template 4: Evaluating Historical Policies

Prompt : Evaluate the effectiveness of [Policy] in achieving its goals.

Thesis : [Policy] was [effective/ineffective] in achieving its goals due to [Reason 1], [Reason 2], and [Reason 3].

  • A government report on [Policy].
  • A public opinion survey on [Policy].
  • An excerpt from a speech by a [Policy] advocate.
  • An excerpt from a critique by a [Policy] opponent.
  • A statistical analysis of [Policy]’s outcomes.
  • A newspaper article on [Policy]’s impact.

Essay : [Policy] was [effective/ineffective] in achieving its goals due to [Reason 1], [Reason 2], and [Reason 3]. [Reason 1] is illustrated by Document 1, a government report detailing [aspect of Policy]. Public opinion also reflects [Reason 1], as shown in Document 2, a public opinion survey. [Reason 2] is supported by Document 3, an excerpt from a speech by a [Policy] advocate, and Document 4, an excerpt from a critique by a [Policy] opponent. Both documents highlight differing perspectives on [Policy]. Document 5, a statistical analysis, provides evidence of [Reason 3], showing [data related to Policy’s outcomes].

Finally, Document 6, a newspaper article, discusses the broader impact of [Policy], reinforcing [Reason 3]. In conclusion, [Policy] was [effective/ineffective] due to [Reason 1], [Reason 2], and [Reason 3].

Final Thoughts: How to Write a DBQ

Think of writing a DBQ as a journey through time.

You’re not just analyzing documents; you’re stepping into the shoes of historical figures, experiencing their world, and understanding their challenges. Each essay is an opportunity to bring history to life. Make your readers feel like they’ve traveled back in time with you.

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How to Write a DBQ Essay? A Comprehensive Writing Guide

What Is a DBQ Essay? | Instant Assignment Help

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If you are wondering how to start a DBQ essay, then this blog will help you to dive into the great world f learning and expertise. Before writing a DBQ, it is crucial to understand its structure and functions. To resolve your query about how to write a DBQ essay, we have written a complete guide. It will help you to understand what a DBQ essay is and how to write it with efficiency.

You don't have to take extra stress for this work; just simply write a DBQ essay with vital data and facts. It will help you to get high academic scores in this work. Now let's begin with an understanding of what is a DBQ essay.

What Is a DBQ Essay?

DBQ stands for document-based questions, which are assigned in academic papers. This initiative is a part of the AP U.S. History Exam (AAPUSH) that is orchestrated by the United States College Board. A DBQ essay consists of several factors that assess the student's knowledge of a certain topic with its evidence. This work helps you to achieve success in the exams and academics. When you face issues in writing task get assignment help USA   from our platform. Our professional team can assist you in thesis, assignments, and dissertations with ease.

Now let's move forward to understand the tips and instructions that help write a DBQ essay.

How to Write a DBQ Essay?

DBQ essay writing consists of multiple elements. You must mention accurate and reliable information in this section for academic growth. Before writing this document, it is crucial to plan the theme and context of the work. This helps you to create the introduction and body of the essay.There are multiple ways through which you can write this essay, starting by the planning and introduction section of the document.

How to Write DBQ Essay

Planning is an initial part of essay writing. Before starting the work, it is crucial to assess the reference and source of the work because it will help in theme creation. In this part, you need to analyze the crucial part of the work and take notes for all the key points. This is an essential activity you must conduct before writing an essay.

The introduction is the starting part of the document. You must keep this section brief and descriptive so readers can understand. In this section, it is important to add an introductory sentence for accuracy. This is not necessary that you directly answer the question in this section. That is because this part just provides a quick overview of the essay to readers.

The thesis is a separate part of an essay that requires three paragraphs for the DBQ. This section consists of claims made by you and gets support from the evidence. The second paragraph consists of a description of the document. The final section includes the format of how you are going to answer the questions.

The body is an essential part of the document; it consists of well-structured paragraphs. Each section must include a single point for better understanding. Every time, avoid mixing ideas in the paragraph because it harms the quality of the work. Each paragraph should link itself to an essay. Include answers to the DBQ in this section so readers can assess them easily.

A conclusion is the final part of an essay that plays a vital role in persuading the audience. If you aren't precise in this section, it may impact the quality of the document. For a well-written conclusion, it is crucial to summarize the entire paper. Always link the end section to the essay and provide answers to the questions.

Proofreading is a crucial part of the entire document. It helps you to remove the mistakes and errors from the write-up. Always analyze the content because issues will harm your academic scores. You can use an online grammar checker tool  to assess the work. These tools will remove the errors from an essay and give a mistake-free task for submission.

After understanding how you can write a DBQ essay, let's begin to understand its format.

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How to Format a DBQ Essay?

A DBQ essay has a format that consists of document-based suggestions and explanations. The APUSH exam generally consists of 3 hours and 15 minutes. In this, you have to divide the time so you can give personal attention to each section of the work. The questions that the DBQ format asks are dependent on the internal and external knowledge of the individual. If you face challenge in this task try our AI essay writer.

In the exams, you can spare specific 60 minutes for the essay. Divide the time accordingly, giving 15 minutes for the planning of work and the rest 45 minutes for the writing. If you have a query, how many paragraphs should a DBQ be? It consists of a minimum of 5 to 6 paragraphs. The number of these sections is not compulsory; they can change according to the writer. The majority of DBQ essays are 2,3 pages that are sufficient for the entire content.

Now let's move forward to understand the example of a DBQ essay that is effective for you in the situation of research.

A Quick DBQ Essay Example

A DBQ essay is a difficult task that consists of crucial factors. Below we have mentioned an example of a DBQ essay that is useful for the preparations. You can review this example for an understanding of DBQ structure.

DBQ Essay Example:

"The Great War and Europe's second conflict had a critical role in expanding women's rights. During World War II, the British government pushed housewives to do labour that was traditionally done by males. Growing crops and butchering animals, for example, were widely seen as "men's work." One of the slogans was "dig for victory." The reason for this was to allow people to care for themselves during the difficult days of rationing..."

After understanding a quick example of a DBQ essay, hopefully, you have understood its gist. If you have issues with DBQ essay creation, talk to our experts.

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DBQ essay writing is composed of multiple elements and factors. It is a crucial task that requires constant practice and effort. Instant Assignment Help has professionals who can assist you in essay writing. Our experts have exceptional knowledge and skills that are helpful in the writing. They can guide you to write a 1000-word essay and many other academic things with ease.

Hopefully, this blog has resolved your queries regarding the DBQ and its essay creation. If you still have the query of how to write a DBQ essay? Then reach out to our experts and get instant help for your issue. They are 24/7 available to assist you in your academic work. 

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When you write a DBQ by hand, it should be on three pages. As for the total word count of its essay, it can be between 700 and 1000 words, depending upon the topic.

Mention an introduction section and line that help the reader assess the components of an essay. Write one clear statement that indicates the main body and context of the DBQ essay.

The seven steps of a DBQ essay are planning, introduction, thesis, main body, conclusion, and proofreading. These steps determine the structure and flow of entire essay.

Generally, a DBQ essay has around 700-1000 words. They can change according to the given topic and writers point of view. In this work add multiple sections for the relevancy and accuracy.

The three major parts of a DBQ essay are introduction, document analysis, and outside evidence. There all create the structure and format of an essay.

Introduction, body paragraph, and and conclusion are the crucial part of the DBQ. Always use prominent and accurate data in this section for the accuracy and relevancy.

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Online Learning: How to Submit Assignments

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Where did you store that file, attachments uploading papers and projects.

If there’s a secret to using this feature, it’s knowing how to upload and hitting the Submit button until you receive confirmation. In most systems, you look for a button labeled Add a File or Upload. This prompts you to browse your computer to find the file. (See why knowing where you stored it is important?) Usually, you click Open after you identify the file you want and then click Submit. The next screen you see should be a confirmation that the file has been uploaded. This figure shows what this looks like from the Student view in Canvas.

A dropbox in Canvas.

If your instructor doesn’t have this tool available, they may ask you to attach your work to an email. This process works the same as attaching photos to send to your dear cousin Ted. You find the Attachment icon (usually a paper clip), browse for the file, and upload. The uploading skill seems to be universal, whether you’re attaching a document to an email or a discussion board posting.

Some learning management systems connect to your Microsoft 365 or Google file structure, so you may be able to upload files from there.

Post, Emily! Submitting discussion posts

  • Compose: Look for this button if you need to start a new discussion, one that isn’t attached to anyone else’s idea.
  • Reply: Use this button when you want to respond to something another person wrote. Here’s a super tip: Copy and paste one or two lines from the original text (delete the rest) so that you can quote the first author and focus your comments.
  • Post: After you have composed or replied, you must remember to hit Post or Submit. Otherwise, your great ideas don’t appear on the discussion board.

The Submit button on quizzes and tests

Submit button

Tips for submitting any assignment

Whether you’re working with papers, projects, discussion posts, quizzes, or tests, consider the following general pointers: Submit early, have a backup plan, and keep a copy. Here’s why these are important:

  • Submit early, when possible, in case of problems: What if you plan to submit your assignment at 11:56 p.m. on the night it’s due by midnight and the whole system crashes or your hard drive freezes? You don’t have a lot of time to remedy that situation. A safer bet is to submit your work during normal working hours, well before you need to. That way, if you encounter a problem, you’re more likely to contact a real-life tech support person who can assist you.
  • Attach to email when technology fails: Still on the 11:56 p.m. track? When all else fails, send the same assignment as an attachment to an email to your instructor. Include a polite note explaining that the system wasn’t cooperating and that you wanted to be sure to get the assignment turned in, one way or another. This shows good problem-solving skills.
  • Keep a copy: Always, always keep copies of your work for the term of the course. You never know when you might need them. It’s common for the system to freeze up when you’re trying to submit a great discussion post (always when you’ve written something worthy of a Pulitzer), so if you first compose in a word processor and then copy and paste to the discussion area, you’re safe in knowing that you have the original text. Should there be any question, you can find the file and resubmit it.

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IGNOU Assignment Submission Link For December 2024 Examination

  • September 18, 2024

Many IGNOU Regional Centers have started offering online submission for assignments. If you’re searching for the submission link or Google form for the December 2024 exams, we’ve posted a complete list of Regional Centers. We keep this list updated regularly.

List Of IGNOU Regional Center For Online Assignment Submission

Students can find the assignment submission link on the IGNOU Regional Center website under the news and announcements section. However, to make it easier, we’ve compiled a list of direct links from all the Regional Centers. This way, if you’re having trouble locating the submission link on the IGNOU RC website, you can easily find the one you need.

Note:- Currently, DELHI-1, DELHI-3, Cochin, and Shimla allow online submission of assignments. For other Regional Centers, we will update this section once any new information is released. Kindly check back later for further updates.

With the IGNOU assignment submission link, you can now easily submit your assignments online. This makes the process of submitting assignments a lot easier and faster. All you need to do is to visit the link and fill in the required details.

if you are not getting the link/guidelines in the Above list, then you have to post your assignments to the study center, visit your study center and give them a hard copies of your assignments. We have also cover that how you can submit online and offline process of assignments submission click here to read the complete post.

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  • How To Write IGNOU Assignment To get Good Marks
  • How To Submit IGNOU Assignment(Online And Offline Process)
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  • IGNOU Assignment Submission Links

Advantages and disadvantages of Submission Of assignments via link

One of the main advantages of online assignment submission is that it is very easy for the students. They can submit their assignments anytime and anywhere. All they need is a computer or a mobile with an internet connection. Another advantage of this system is that it saves a lot of time. The students do not have to go to the IGNOU center to submit their assignments.

However, there are some disadvantages to the online submission process as well. The first disadvantage is that the students need to have a good internet connection. If the internet connection is not good, then the students will not be able to send their assignments. The second disadvantage is that the students need to be very careful while submitting their assignments. If they make any mistakes, then their assignments will be rejected. it is also hard for the teachers to evaluate the assignments from the online scan copies.

if you have still any query then please leave us a comment thank you

100 thoughts on “IGNOU Assignment Submission Link For December 2024 Examination”

I submitted my assignments in April 2024 offline, while my re-registration is for the December session of the 3rd year. I have done all my assignments properly keeping my sessions in mind. I did not know that those taking the December session have to submit their assignments in September. Is there any problem in this?

Since you submitted during the wrong session, you may need to resubmit your assignments in September-October for the December session. kindly contact your study center for further guidance.

submission link of delhi 3 thank in advanc

I registered for PGDFM in the June 2022 session but so far haven’t submitted any assignments. What can I start with? Can I submit my first semester assignments in this session before 31st March 2024?

Hi, I am a MEC Jan 2022 session student. I’ve visited my sub-centre for submitting assignments where the centre was found locked, and when enquired from the nearby residing members, I’ve learnt that the centre had been kept Closed since for the last 3-4 months. Now, where do I submit my assignments? (Centre code: 1802) Please help.

Please log in your account and check the current center first

Hi, I am a BCOMG Jan 2023 session Student who missed to submit the assignment where the last date was Oct 31, 2023. Which assignment to be submitted, if submitting by Dec 31, 2023? Which assignment to be selected July2023–January2024 or Valid from 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023?

The Last To Submit the assignments is recently extended upto 30th November you can still submit your assignments please write the latest assignment and submit at your study cenetr

I need MA assignment submission link of atmaram sanatan dharm college

I need link for MBA programme submission assignment

Can I submit my assignment for June 2023? Exam is going on last date of assignment submission is over..

I want to submit my assignment My session jan 2023 CUL 6th month program Assignment last date not confirmed

Now Submit In September 2023

i have submitted my assignment online with the mail id the college provided , now i wanted to confirm it that is it submitted or not ?

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  1. DBQ Online Tips

    DBQ Online Tips and Tricks Clever Logging into DBQ Online 1. Go to your school's Clever portal. Ask your teacher for the portal link. 2. Find and click on the DBQ Online icon. ... Now, you can begin working on your assignments by clicking "Vie w . "Annotation Tools Click on each image to learn more about the annotation tools! Color coding For ...

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  3. PDF Guide to Getting Started with DBQ Online

    Guide to Getting Started with DBQ Online Watch 4-minute video on first 3 steps for you and your students. • Setting up a Class • Creating an Assignment • Viewing Student Work and ProvidingFeedback • Overview of Annotation Tools andNavigation How to Set Up a Class: 1. After logging into DBQ Online, click "Classes and 2.

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  6. How to access DBQ Online

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  7. DBQ Online: How To Turn in

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  8. DBQ Online: Student Login

    This guide demonstrates how to login in to DBQ Online as a student. Step 1: Login with Google... Submit a request Sign in. ... You should now see your class and any current assignments: ... submit a new ticket or email us at [email protected]. Last updated 12/6/23 CK. Was this article helpful? 29 out of 51 found this helpful. Have more questions?

  9. DBQ

    My school uses a unique google email account to login (not your personal account). Login with Google. Need help? Learn more about logging in with Google. DBQ Direct Login. If you have a unique id and password provided by DBQ, enter below. Login. Reach out to our amazing (friendly) support team. Contact Support.

  10. PDF How to login with Google

    Online Assignments Student Dashboard you are a teacher. please contact [email protected] for assistance. Welcome to DBQ Online You are almost there. Check with your teacher to get your class link. Once you c ick on the link, your class and assignments will be displayed. Note; If you do not have any assignments, please contact your teacher ...

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  12. DBQ Online Terms of Use

    Online Conduct. You must exhibit appropriate online conduct when using DBQ Online including the following: You agree not to employ automated systems (including crawlers, spiders, robots, etc.) that send more requests. to and servers than possible to do by a human using a.

  13. What Is A DBQ Essay? Tips + Examples

    A DBQ, or Document-Based Question essay, is a type of writing you'll commonly come across in history classes, especially AP courses. The good news? It's not as scary as it sounds once you get the hang of it. The key to mastering a DBQ is all about analyzing provided documents and using them to craft a strong, evidence-based argument.

  14. Ready To Upload DBQ's Online. Please help!!!

    Ready To Upload DBQ's Online. Please help!!! VA Disability Claims . Share Sort by: Best. Open comment sort options. Best. Top. New ... Yeah so to upload private DBQs just complete your claim through like you have in the picture and then submit the DBQ, and anything else via quick submit. Here's the link… ...

  15. How to Write a DBQ (Ultimate Guide, Examples, Templates)

    Here is a quick summary of how to write a DBQ: Write a DBQ by analyzing the prompt, examining and grouping documents by themes, crafting a clear thesis, outlining your essay, writing with evidence from the documents, and proofreading for clarity and coherence. Organize your argument logically and support it with historical evidence.

  16. How to Write a DBQ Essay: Steps, Format & Insights

    A DBQ essay is a difficult task that consists of crucial factors. Below we have mentioned an example of a DBQ essay that is useful for the preparations. You can review this example for an understanding of DBQ structure. DBQ Essay Example: "The Great War and Europe's second conflict had a critical role in expanding women's rights.

  17. Online Learning: How to Submit Assignments

    Usually, you click Open after you identify the file you want and then click Submit. The next screen you see should be a confirmation that the file has been uploaded. This figure shows what this looks like from the Student view in Canvas. A dropbox in Canvas.

  18. Assignments

    Records - Viewing, adding, and editing assignments. Search tips. To search in a subset of topics, click in the search field and select a filter. To search for a specific word or phrase, add quotation marks around it (example: "budget column") in the search field. To remove highlighting on the search terms in a topic, click. To search within a topic, click, press Ctrl+F, and enter the search term.

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  21. IGNOU Assignment Submission Link For December 2024 Examination

    Join Telegram For IGNOU Updates. IGNOU Assignment Submission Link For December 2024 Examination. September 18, 2024. IGNOUBABA. Many IGNOU Regional Centers have started offering online submission for assignments. If you're searching for the submission link or Google form for the December 2024 exams, we've posted a complete list of Regional ...