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Best Practices for 30-60-90 day sales plan

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan

A new sales rep needs time to adjust to a new role, company or industry. Factoring in this period of change is crucial for a seamless transition. A 30-60-90-day sales plan provides structure and guidance when building a sales team .

In this article, we’ll define a 30-60-90-day sales plan and identify why it’s important. We’ll then discuss the benefits and when and how to use the sales plan. We’ll finish with examples and cover post-plan steps.

What is a 30-60-90 day sales plan and why is it important?

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a three-month strategy designed to onboard new sales team members or sales managers. You can also use it to help guide reps in expanding to new territories or implementing new tools or processes.

The distinguishing feature of the 30-60-90 day plan for sales lies in the name. Each 30-day chunk represents a new area of focus:

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Days 1–30, Learning. Reserve the first month for learning. New hires should learn about the company’s products and services, sales process , geographical area and demographics. This builds a comprehensive picture of the company and the industry.

Days 31–60, Implementing. Design the second month around implementation. Integrate learning as you start tracking sales and performance.

Days 61–90, Improving. Focus the third month on analyzing the actions and outcomes of the previous 30 days. Identify strengths and weaknesses and set goals and plans for improvement.

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Benefits of a 30-60-90 day sales plan

Whether using a 30-60-90 day sales plan to bring on a new hire or to make a great interview impression, an in-depth plan has a range of benefits.

Reduces the pressure of onboarding . A three-month plan clarifies expectations for a new employee. It helps them hit the ground running to ramp up productivity. It also lets them know where to focus their time and energy, minimizing the risk of burnout.

Offers clear goals for sales managers to monitor. When you set goals with measurable outcomes, you help sales leadership track progress. The goals provide a baseline for measuring success and help managers ensure the sales rep’s work aligns with company objectives.

Improves time management. Whether you’re a new manager, embarking on a new sales job or entering new sales territory , getting up to speed quickly can be a challenge. A 30-60-90 day sales plan encourages realistic time management.

Builds trust in a new work environment. A plan encourages conversations with managers and coworkers. It helps create a collaborative environment, building connections and, more importantly, trust in the work environment.

Develops a framework for continuous improvement. A 30-60-90 day sales plan template is a foundation for fast improvement. It also offers a framework for ongoing growth. Leaders can use the sections on implementing and improving as a template for development efforts going forward.

Makes a lasting impression (in the interview process ). Creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan for an interview shows initiative. It can help job seekers stand out in a sea of candidates.

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When to use a 30-60-90 day sales plan

A 30-60-90 day plan is most effective during career transition periods. The “learning, implementing and analyzing” structure is perfect for onboarding. It’s also helpful for continual improvement. Some of the most popular times to use 30-60-90 sales plans include:

Interviewing for a new sales position. Presenting an action plan shows hiring managers a candidate has done their research. It can also provide a great structure for onboarding if they get the job.

In the first week of a new job . A sales manager may provide a 30-60-90 day sales plan within the first week of a new hire’s start date. If a sales plan isn’t part of the standard company onboarding process, new employees may find it beneficial to draft their own.

As a new sales manager . A sales plan can help newly promoted leaders get up to speed so they know how to help their team accomplish company objectives. It can develop great sales managers by helping them make changes and implement feedback without disrupting processes that work.

When improving sales skills. If you’re looking to secure a promotion or boost company sales, a 30-60-90 day plan can help. It lets you create actionable steps with measurable outcomes to improve sales skills .

During times of change. Whether it’s starting in a new territory or switching to new processes or technology, a 30-60-90 day sales plan can help sales reps get up to speed quickly.

How to create a 30-60-90 day sales plan

A 30-60-90 day sales plan should be simple, concise and easy to follow.

It can be much easier to visualize a personal plan by using a template for reference. If you have a connection with a mentor or trusted peer, ask if they are willing to share their 30-60-90 day plan for sales.

What to include in a 30-60-90 day sales plan

While every sales plan will be different depending on intent, there are some basic elements common to all plans.

A focus for each time frame. As mentioned above, each month of the plan serves a different purpose. It may vary from plan to plan, but generally, the focus for each will be along the following lines.

Days 1–30: Learning, where the user spends time getting up to speed with the company and their role in it

Days 31–60: Implementing, where the user begins setting and working toward goals

Days 60–90: Improving, where the user and their manager evaluate performance and make changes

Company values and objectives. The plan should share the company mission and overall sales objectives . This will help the rep or manager align their efforts and keep the company on track.

Clear and measurable goals . Each phase of the plan should outline specific goals. These include learning goals, performance goals and personal goals. They should also be SMART goals – each should be specific, have a timeline to follow and include a way to measure progress and success.

Metrics. You need to know how you’ll determine the success of each phase. Your plan should break goals into activities with set metrics. For example, the goal “Learn about the company’s services” is vital but hard to measure. You can make it easier by breaking it down into achievable chunks with a clear metric:

Study company services for 30 minutes daily

Read a minimum of 30 customer reviews each week

Chat with a minimum of 1 colleague about company services daily

Metric: Able to discuss services on a customer call for 10 minutes without referring to company material

All these elements will help ensure your plan is useful and covers the basics. You can see a sample of specifics you might include in the sales 30-60-90 day plan examples below.

How long should a 30-60-90 day sales plan be?

The length of a 30-60-90 day sales plan depends on the purpose of the plan.

In an interview scenario, for example, a shorter sales plan is a wise choice. It’s meant just as an overview of the candidate’s approach. It won’t go into the same detail as an action plan produced by the company.

Similarly, an internal employee who’s been promoted to a sales manager role might not need as much detail as an external hire. A longer, in-depth plan that tackles goals on a weekly/daily basis may be beneficial for a new role.

The sales plan should only be as long as it needs to be to cover all the elements listed above. If the plan meets the user’s needs, it is successful.

Sales 30-60-90 day plan examples

A 30-60-90 day plan template can make building a sales plan much easier. Here are examples of plans for new sales reps/job candidates and sales managers.

30-60-90 day plan: New sales reps/job candidate example

A 30-60-90 day sales plan created for a job interview contains much of the same DNA as a plan for a new hire.

Though plans created for the interview process may be shorter and less detailed, both share the same information. We’ve combined the two below to create a comprehensive plan for new hires.

Phase 1 (Days 1–30)

Complete all company sales training and onboarding tasks

Learn the company’s mission values and goals

Learn the names and roles of people within the team/company

Familiarize yourself with all company products/services

Research company target markets

Generate ideal customer profiles

Become familiar with the company’s competition/rivals

Phase 2 (Days 31–60)

Shadow a different member of the sales team each week

Mock selling calls with colleagues and managers

Communicate with leads to gain sales experience

Record all sales activities

Set sales goals

Create a customer list and begin optimizing

Phase 3 (Days 61–90)

Review your sales record and identify both strong and weak areas

Create sales goals for the upcoming month

Repeat and optimize strong sales areas

Trial new techniques and strategies for weak sales areas

Create a daily structure to maximize productivity

Set up meetings/calls with regional managers to discuss progress

30-60-90 day plan: Manager example

Although the plan follows a similar format, a 30-60-90 day plan for a manager is different from a new sales rep plan. It focuses more on building the team and understanding/improving processes. The goal is to improve at managing a sales team .

View each phase of the plan in detail below.

Complete all company training and onboarding tasks

Get to know each of your direct reports

Create connections within the company

Observe current workflows and document inefficiencies

Identify any sales management tools you may need (e.g., a CRM)

Familiarize yourself with team structure and individual strengths/weaknesses

Research your company’s competitors

Request company/managerial feedback from employees

Make one minor feedback-focused change

Request feedback from initial minor change

Identify gaps in the team (skillset, software, etc.)

Build data-driven reports for sales data

Create report-based sales goals for the month ahead

Make a minimum of one feedback-focused change

Request feedback on further changes

Set up meetings/calls with sales team members to discuss progress

Using the customer journey to achieve sales success

Best practices: Use software to create and track a 30-60-90 day plan

Building a sales plan takes time. The right tools can make planning and tracking goals much more efficient.

A solution like customer relationship management (CRM) software has a range of sales reporting and analytics tools that can help you determine goals and measure success, all under the same digital roof.

Here are some of the features to look for and how they can help:

Dashboards . Visual data representation can show you where performance is on track and where there may be room for improvement. Customize and share dashboards with others in the company to keep sales leadership and team members in the loop.

Customizable activities and goals . A CRM allows you to create goals based on deals or activities. Tracking these activities helps you know your reps have everything they need to do their jobs.

A good CRM will let you set goals and watch your team’s performance. You’ll see when a new hire is succeeding or is falling short of the mark. This will enable you to step in and make adjustments, like offering tailored training or extra coaching.

Sales forecasting . Forecasting can also help you set useful milestones. Users can create a clear sales forecast, view projected revenues and put numbers to the goals. Knowing what to expect can help you understand which deals and activities your reps should focus on to reach your sales targets .

Reports and insights . A CRM solution will generate reports that help you set and measure goals. Customize the metrics to measure a new hire’s progress on targeted KPIs.

For instance, generate reports that tell you which accounts bring in the most revenue. Get a clear understanding of progress by viewing reports on individual and team performance. See how many opportunities reps win or lose and understand why.

What next? How to follow up on a 30-60-90 day plan

The rigid structure of a 30-60-90 day plan provides a safety net for those in a transition period. It can also support ongoing growth as you continue the process beyond day 90.

You can repeat the two later phases of the plan (days 31 to 90) to put new goals into practice and evaluate as necessary.

Managers or new hires can modify the model to keep implementing and improving in 30-day cycles.

Final thoughts

From the interview process to the third month on the job. The 30-60-90 day sales plan is one of the most valuable tools for salespeople .

Whether you’re new to the industry, changing companies or refocusing a territory, a clever sales plan can make for a painless transition. Use software to keep track of your goals with data-driven visuals and make smart decisions faster with trackable metrics.

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How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan [Template + Examples]

How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan [Template + Examples]

Casey O'Connor

What Is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

What are the benefits of implementing this sales plan, how to create a 30-60-90-day sales plan, 30-60-90-day sales plan template, 30-60-90-day sales plan examples.

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a three-month sales plan that outlines the approach and specific strategies that a new sales rep or sales manager will take in their first 90 days on the job.

When a new sales rep creates a well-thought-out 30-60-90 day sales plan, it demonstrates to their team and manager that they’re a self-starter and have the skills and strategy to do their job effectively and efficiently.

In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about the 30-60-90 day sales plan, including why it’s so important, how to make your own, and a few examples to help you get started.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan
  • 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Template
  • 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Examples

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a clear outline of what a new salesperson or sales manager plans to learn and achieve in their first three months in the role.

Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to create your own 30-60-90 day sales plan any time you begin a new sales role. This demonstrates to the hiring manager — and, later, your new sales manager and colleagues — that you:

  • Take initiative to plan for your success
  • Look forward to learning about the company and integrating with the current team 
  • Have specific ideas about how to add value to the organization

If you don’t create your own 30-60-90 day sales plan, some managers will make one for you. They may ask you to adhere to it as they evaluate your progress and offer feedback about your initial performance.

Each 30-60-90 day sales plan is unique, as they’re created based on the specific goals, skills, and organizational specifics of each individual sales professional and their company. 

That being said, they all generally tend to follow a similar framework: learn – implement – analyze & optimize.

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

This kind of initiative does not go unnoticed in a sales interview, and — when you eventually get the job — will help the onboarding process run as smoothly as possible. A great 30-60-90 day sales plan can significantly reduce ramp-up time and increase productivity in new hires. 

There is very little downside to creating and implementing a 30-60-90 day sales plan. Although there is a bit of legwork involved in the process, the results are well worth it. Remember — failure to plan is a plan to fail.

The benefits of this plan, on the other hand, are numerous and significant. Both individual sales reps/managers and overall organizations alike benefit from the structure and focus on results that 30-60-90 day sales plans provide.

Empowers Employees to Position Themselves for Success

When a salesperson takes on a new position, a 30-60-90 day sales plan can help them onboard with intention.

Not only does this kind of plan demonstrate to the manager that you’re serious about your (and the company’s) success, but it also helps outline the responsibilities of your new role for your own day-to-day benefit. It gives you an easy-to-follow plan as you navigate the challenges of starting a new position.

It also helps new sales reps and managers create and work toward sales goals in a scalable and sustainable way.

Enables Managers to Maximize Their Resources

Every sales manager appreciates when a new employee creates their own 30-60-90 day sales plan. Not only does it help ensure the success of the incoming rep, but it also enables the sales manager to make the most of their new talent and appropriately plan the way they’re going to use their resources.

A 30-60-90 day sales plan can also help highlight any misconceptions or misalignments the new employee has relative to their new role, or the organization as a whole. It creates a good opportunity for management and new hires to become fully in sync as they understand the scope of the job and define success in the role.

Creates Team-Wide Transparency

A 30-60-90 day sales plan can help foster trust between a new sales hire and their colleagues. It proves that the new hire is capable of taking initiative and meeting goals independently, and gives a clear indication of how the new hire will contribute to the team.

As mentioned above, each 30-60-90 day sales plan is highly unique. There is no one formula that will help sales professionals create a “perfect” plan.

There is, however, a general framework of steps that you can follow that will help you create a robust 30-60-90 day sales plan that’s specific to the organization with which you’re working. 

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: SMART Goal

1. Research Your New Employer

Before a sales interview, or at least before onboarding at a new company, learn as much as you can about their business — who they serve, what they offer, and with whom they mainly compete. Generate a list of questions to ask about their operation and/or their goals.

2. Identify Your New Organization’s Goals

As soon as you can, try to find out some of the company’s business or sales goals. You might learn about these through a sales interview ; you could also gather this kind of information from social media or through LinkedIn. 

The point is to learn enough about some of the things the company is hoping to achieve; you can then speak to those goals in your 30-60-90 day sales plan. 

You’ll also want to ask if they have any goals for you as an individual. They might, for example, have a certain sales quota they’d like you to meet. These should also be incorporated into your 30-60-90 day sales plan. 

This takes a little extra effort, but it’s likely to resonate with a hiring or sales manager. It shows that you’re a team player, and that you have the skillset to help the company successfully reach their goals. 

3. Determine Your Own Priorities

It’s also important to take into consideration your own strengths and career goals when you’re making your 30-60-90 day sales plan. 

See how closely you can align your own professional priorities with those of the company; the more you can find ways to show that the two complement one another, the better off you’ll be.

4. Create a Timeline and Indicate How You’ll Measure Success

Some parts of your 30-60-90 day sales plan might be easy to measure. In Phase 2, for example, you might indicate that you plan to make 50 sales calls per day. That’s a metric that will be easy to account for and evaluate. 

Other components, though, might be tricker to define. In Phase 3, you might plan to “improve the way you handle objections.” This isn’t the most straightforward or tangible progress indicator, but it can be measured. 

A sales rep might determine that they’ve met this goal when they can speak confidently to a range of objections during a role play exercise, with fewer than 5 “errors,” with errors defined as extended pauses or verbal miscues. 

You’ll also want to assign timelines to each action or intended achievement. Being able to measure and put a timeframe on your goals are both important parts of the SMART goal framework.

The more specifically you can measure your progress, the more effective your plan will b e.

Tip: Growing your sales team? Grab some data-backed findings and strategies below.

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The following template is an extensive and overarching checklist; not every item will apply to every salesperson or company. Similarly, you may find that you need to add additional components that are unique to your employment situation.

30-60-90 day sales plan template

To make it your own, click “File” and select “Make a copy.”

Feel free to remove or add any items from this list; treat this as a template or guide and edit as needed for your circumstances.

Below are three examples of real-world 30-60-90 day sales plans. The first two are great examples of use cases we’ve outlined here in this article: a new sales rep and a new sales manager. 

Note, though, that there’s a third use case that we didn’t explore as fully: a new sales territory . The same basic principles of the 30-60-90 day sales plan apply similarly to this topic. 

As always, feel free to use and adapt as you see fit according to your specific circumstances.

New Sales Rep

This 30-60-90 day sales plan example is perfect for a salesperson starting a new position as a sales rep. 

  • Complete all company-run onboarding, training, and/or coaching
  • Learn about the company’s mission, values, and culture
  • Become fluent in the specifics of the product and/or service
  • Research the target market and ICP, and learn how to reach and communicate with your specific buyer personas
  • Learn the names and roles of everyone on the team
  • Schedule periodic check-ins with a mentor and/or managers to discuss progress
  • Research your company’s competitors
  • Identify a top performer who is willing to let you shadow them, and schedule a few times to do so
  • Practice interacting with prospects
  • Role play different sales scenarios with your mentor or other top performers
  • Set sales goals using the SMART goal framework
  • Keep a clear record/detailed notes about all of your sales activities so that you can optimize the process in the future
  • Create a follow-up strategy and schedule
  • Review your notes and identify areas of strength and improvement
  • Make tweaks to your sales process and test them
  • Create and stick to a daily schedule that aligns with your productivity goals
  • Solicit feedback and incorporate it into your process

New Sales Manager

This 30-60-90 day sales plan example is perfect for a salesperson starting a new position as a sales manager.

  • Identify key professional and personal pieces of information about every team member (i.e., birthday, kids’ names, preferred work environment, preferred method of communication)
  • Identify any sales management tools you need, including technology like a CRM system
  • Perform thorough research on the competition and current and historical market trends
  • Study team sales reports to identify collective and individual strengths and weaknesses
  • Observe and record the day-to-day operations of team members
  • Implement at least one small change based on feedback from the team
  • Identify skills gaps or areas of growth, both individually and team-wide
  • Set new SMART goals for the team based on analysis and sales reports
  • Make at least one small change to support the team
  • Continue collecting and analyzing data
  • Meet 1:1 with team members to offer and solicit feedback 
  • Create a strategy for new training / coaching
  • Collect data and run analysis on how your new strategy could generate more revenue
  • Create a structured schedule that implements any changes

New Sales Territory

This 30-60-90 day sales plan example is perfect for a sales team that’s entering into a new sales territory.

  • Define the market/trends of the new sales territory 
  • Learn about the competition in the new territory, local or otherwise
  • Study and understand the demographics of the new territory
  • Identify ways to tweak your sales strategies based on demographics
  • Perform a SWOT analysis to determine viability 
  • Build the ICP and buyer personas for the new territory
  • Identify the most profitable accounts in the new territory
  • Create SMART sales goals
  • Decide which KPIs to focus on and design a system for tracking and recording them
  • Generate new leads
  • Ask for feedback from team members, prospects, and customers
  • Implement feedback as you optimize your process
  • Outline your sales forecast for the next quarter/remainder of the year
  • Create a sales process and workflows that align with your goals and forecast

Have you created and/or followed a 30-60-90 day sales plan before? How did it improve your sales process ? Would onboarding have been more challenging without one?

Tip: Looking for more sales plan templates? Grab them here –> 13 Sales Plan Templates .

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  • June 27, 2024

How to Write an Effective 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan (With Template)

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan


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If you’re interviewing for a field sales position you may be asked to provide a 30 60 90 day sales plan. Or, your new sales manager might create one for you. This plan helps a new or potential employer evaluate a candidate or new hire’s ability to prioritize, understand how they define success, and discern whether they fully understand the scope of the job.

So what is a 30 60 90 sales plan, and what should it include? Read on to learn how to create a three-month sales plan for any outside sales career.

What is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

A 30 60 90 day sales plan explains the measurable goals for a new hire’s first three months on the job and demonstrates their commitment to personal accountability. More importantly, a 30 60 90 day plan shows management that new hires will be focused on results, even during the onboarding process.

Ultimately, the plan helps sales reps and managers agree on what success will look like in the first 30, 60, and 90 days. It leaves very little ambiguity for measuring a successful transition.

Why Do You Need A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

Sales managers and new sales reps both benefit from a 30 60 90 day sales plan, because it documents progress, challenges, and wins.

Sales leadership can use this plan to ensure sales team members are growing in their role, and to identify any need for additional training or guidance. For both managers and employees, documenting goals and accomplishments is helpful for the sales performance review process — both parties can see details that they might’ve otherwise forgotten over time.

What to Include in a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

Whether you’re creating one for yourself or for a new employee, each phase of your 30-60-90 day plan should detail a specific focus, priorities, sales goals, and a plan for measuring success.

Consider the following when creating your plan:

Align with sales team goals

To set your own priorities, you must first understand your company mission and team’s goals. These are typically defined by management.

During the interview process, ask questions about sales team goals, the strategy for achieving them, and what success looks like for the new sales team members.

Measure progress and success

SPOTIO sales activity tracker

A plan is not a plan without a clear way to measure success. Include a way to measure each objective in your 30-60-90 day sales plan. Depending on the activity , your goals should tie to one of the following:

  • What you’ve learned
  • How well you’ve adjusted and integrated into your new sales team
  • How ready you are to perform your role without extra support

If, like most successful sales professionals, you have at least one mentor you can count on for advice, ask them to share their own 30 60 90 day sales plan example with you for inspiration.

Five Scenarios That Call for a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

A 30 60 90 day sales plan takes some time to put together, but you won’t have to do it often. Following are four scenarios in which you may need to create such a plan:

During the interview process

Most sales job interviews today involve multiple steps and stakeholders — from the initial screening and job interview with an HR generalist, to the final meeting with high-ranking decision-makers. If you clear the first hurdle in the hiring process, you should start working on your sales plan.

A hiring manager may informally ask you how you would approach your first 30, 60, and 90 days on the job. That’s your opportunity to make a great impression — instead of simply answering the question, you can present a copy of your formal plan that shows the hiring managers that you’re thinking ahead and serious about the job.

First week on the job

In some cases — especially a new sales position or if you’ve earned an internal promotion — you may not need to present a 30 60 90 day sales plan until your first week on the job. Even if you’re not asked to provide a plan right away, doing so can help you demonstrate your commitment to your new role.

New territory assignments

Territory management feature

If your role is expanding to include management of new territories , create a 30-60-90 day plan for new sales territory areas . Your plan should define geographic boundaries for territories, which sales reps are responsible for those territories, and the metrics you’ll use to evaluate territory performance.

Onboarding new sales managers

A 30 60 90 day sales plan is also useful if you’re onboarding a new sales manager. You can show new sales managers what sales processes or systems they’ll be learning about in the first 30 days, define expectations for the first three months, and explain how you assess performance and communicate feedback.

Building Sales Skills

Companies may expect their new sales reps to be continuously improving upon their skills — and to identify opportunities for doing so. Once you’ve settled into your new role, you might need a new 30 60 90 day sales plan that defines:

  • How you’ll research new technology that improves your efficiency
  • Your timeline for implementing new technology
  • How you’ll share new knowledge with your team

You might also use a three-month sales plan to outline your goals for improving your sales strategy, and the sales quota you’re aiming for.

Key Steps for Writing an Effective 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

Ready to get started on your plan? Follow these action steps:

1. Create an outline. Begin by sorting your ideas based on each 30-day increment:

  • Onboarding/learning (first 30 days)
  • Executing your plan (days 31-60)
  • Improving upon your plan (days 61-90)

2. Define your goals. Be ambitious — but realistic — about what you want to achieve personally, and on behalf of your employer, in your first 90 days on the job.

3. Define your metrics. How will you measure your goals? In the first 30 days, your “metrics” may be as simple as “Review employee onboarding videos,” or “Complete CRM platform training.” Metrics will tend to become more granular as you settle into your new role.

The details of your plan will depend upon your role. For example, a 30 60 90 day business plan for sales managers is likely to be more external-facing, with a focus on how to learn about the daily routines of your direct reports. If you’re joining a company as a new territory sales rep, your 30 60 90 day plan should focus more on how you will develop your skills.

Milestones for a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

Now that you understand the value of a 30-60-90 day sales plan, let’s talk about the appropriate milestones for each phase.

30-Day Plan

You’re starting from scratch, and should begin by answering, “What does success look like in the first 30 days?”

In many cases, the first 30 days should include completing your company/role training plan, understanding the target market, mastering the company’s products or services, and getting to know your colleagues.

Here’s a sample checklist of points s to consider for the first 30 days:

  • Have you completed all required company training?
  • Do you understand the high-level priorities for your company and team?
  • What are the goals your company plans to achieve in the next year?
  • Do you have a complete understanding of the target market?
  • Do you understand your company’s key products and/or services?
  • Do you understand what makes your company unique?
  • Do you understand the competition?
  • Have you developed connections within the organization?
  • Do you have a clear sales plan?

This part of the plan should be heavy on information gathering.

For each of the items in the plan, and any others you add, schedule weekly checkpoints to track progress. This may be a 1:1 with your manager or mentor. At the end of the first 30 days, be prepared to report back on your completion of the plan.

If you didn’t complete a key commitment, that’s OK. As you become more familiar with the job, items on your list may be deprioritized and rolled into the next phase.

60-Day Plan

During the second month, new sales reps are able to spend more time in the field. During this phase of the plan, the focus should be getting to know the market, nurturing relationships with prospects and clients, and understanding the customer experience, including what’s working well and where the team can better support customers.

During the 31-60 day period, you should ask for feedback from your manager, sales team members, and customers about what you’re doing well and what you can improve.

During this time, you should also be looking for opportunities to learn from your peers and identifying ways to work more efficiently. This shows your sales manager that you are eager to keep up with the team and that you want to help move the company forward.

Here’s a sample checklist of points to consider for your 60-day plan:

  • Have you introduced yourself to key clients and prospects?
  • Have you completed a customer experience and satisfaction review?
  • Have you participated in adequate job shadowing with peers and management?
  • Have you completed all formal training requirements?
  • Have you started developing new leads ?
  • Do you have a tool to help you map out sales routes ?

By the 60-day checkpoint, you should be able to show that you can handle the workload and that you’re ready to succeed on the team. Between days 31 and 60, you should have enough of an understanding of the business to speak up, ask questions, share ideas, and engage in discussion.

90-Day Plan

Days 61-90 are all about building on what you learned during the first 60 days and making an impact. This may mean you start optimizing your prospect list with larger, more strategic clients. It may also mean revisiting cold leads to see whether you can initiate new conversations.

Your plan for days 61-90 should cover how you’ll establish and build relationships with clients and prospects, as well as how you’ll implement feedback to become better at your job and help support your team.

Here’s a sample checklist of points to consider for your 90-day plan:

  • Have you met all key accounts and started developing relationships?
  • Have you started prospecting for new leads?
  • Have you actively asked for feedback from your peers and management?
  • Have you used feedback to adjust your strategy and approach?
  • Have you established a schedule that works for you, your clients, and your team?
  • Have you established credibility within the team?
  • Do you feel successfully “on board”?

At 90 days, you should feel confident in your new role and sales position. While nobody will expect you to be a seasoned expert, you should know enough to perform critical sales tasks without a lot of guidance.

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Building A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

You should be off to a great start in developing your 30 60 90 day sales plan. But, as with anything, things can easily get derailed.

In this section, we’ll cover common mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Failing To Include Details

As you’ll recall, the most important function of your plan is to clearly outline your objectives . Make sure that your plan has no room for misinterpretation. Include specifics in your plan such as dates, percentages, and other figures.

2. No plan to measure success

Sales performance report

It’s not really a plan if there is no way to measure success. Within each phase of your plan, be specific about what constitutes successful completion of a task.

3. A fixed mindset

When you start a new role, you have a lot to learn. By the time you start executing a plan, you’ll likely find some of your assumptions incorrect, and you’ll need to adjust the plan accordingly.

Don’t let this bog you down, or worse, stop you from following through. Make sure your plan is flexible enough to make adjustments as needed.

4. Not Following Up With Your Manager

A 30-60-90 day sales plan requires ongoing two-way communication between employee and manager. Without ongoing feedback, there’s no way to know if you’re truly meeting expectations.

90 day business plan for sales

Ready. Set. Plan.

Your 30-60-90 day sales plan should serve as a tool to establish yourself in a new role and organization, and to promote your growth and development.

Coming to the table with a plan is the best way to hit the ground running, build credibility, and show team members you are eager and prepared.

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30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: The Complete Guide

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: The Complete Guide

Sales reps who use the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan are  30%  more successful than those who don’t. This clearly supports the fact that without a structured plan, you might face stress and the risk of not meeting your targets, which can be frustrating.

Don’t know where to start?

This guide provides a step-by-step 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan. It helps you set clear goals, understand important strategies, and use the first three months effectively to achieve long-term success. Let’s dive in and boost your sales journey!

  • What is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?
  • Empowers Sales Reps with a 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan
  • Maximizes Resources with a Strategic 30 60 90 Sales Manager Plan
  • Fosters Team Unity through Transparent 30 60 90 Day Objectives

Interviewing for a New Sales Position

On a new job, assignment to a new territory, creating a leadership strategy, leveling up sales skills, 30-day sales plan (day 1–30), 60-day sales plan (days 31–60), 90-day sales plan (days 61–90), 90 day sales plan (day 61-90).

  • 30-60-90 day plan: Manager example
  • 30-60-90 day plan: New sales territory example

Not including details

No plan to measure success, making an unclear plan, a fixed mindset, not following up with your manager, exceeding expectations with the 30-60-90 day sales plan, what is a 30-60-90 day sales plan .

A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is a plan that new salespeople use for their first three months on the job. It helps them set goals and know what to do.

Days 1- 30:  In the first month, new reps focus on learning about the company, its products, and how sales work.

Salespeople start by making connections with coworkers and customers. They learn what customers need and get to know the tools and resources they can use for sales.

Days 31-60:  During the second month, sales reps implement their strategies more. They identify target clients, develop sales techniques, and refine their pitch.

In the second month, they talk to more customers and find more people who want to buy things.

Days 61-90:  In the third month, the focus shifts towards expansion and refinement. Sales reps concentrate on closing deals, meeting targets, and exceeding customer expectations.

They improve by listening, assessing their progress, and planning.

During this time, they set bigger goals and prepare for the coming months.

What are the benefits of creating a 30-60-90 day plan? 

What are the benefits of creating

Following are some benefits of creating a 30-60-90 day plan:

1. Empowers Sales Reps with a 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan

A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan serves as a transformative guide for sales reps new to the field. This structured approach breaks down the initial three months into distinct phases, offering a comprehensive sales plan template adaptable to various sales scenarios. It empowers reps with examples and templates, aiding in the creation of tailored plans for sales territories and individual growth.

The plan isn’t just about numbers; it’s a strategic 60-day sales business plan merged with a 90-day action plan, enhancing the performance of sales teams. It fosters skill development, boosts confidence, and aligns with strategic sales goals. Moreover, it supports the creation of free sales plan templates that encourage team collaboration, ensuring all team members contribute to the shared objectives.

2. Maximizes Resources with a Strategic 30 60 90 Sales Manager Plan

For sales managers, the 30-60-90 Sales Manager Plan optimizes resource allocation. It streamlines tools, training, and support, precisely matching them with outlined tasks and objectives. This plan empowers managers to curate sales action plans, enhancing team performance and driving toward set sales goals within the designated 30-60 90-day sales plan template.

The flexibility of this plan lies in its adaptability to diverse sales scenarios: a 90-day sales plan, a 30-60 90-day plan for sales territory management, or even a free sales plan template encouraging creative approaches. It doesn’t just assign tasks; it fosters collaboration, empowering managers to facilitate collective problem-solving among sales team members.

3. Fosters Team Unity through Transparent 30 60 90 Day Objectives

The cornerstone of our approach is the creation of a transparent 30 60 90 Day Plan that aligns with team objectives. This plan establishes shared goals and examples, encouraging open communication among sales team members. It nurtures a collaborative environment where discussions flow freely, aiding in the creation of effective sales plans and problem-solving strategies.

Transparent goal-setting ensures accountability, encouraging sales team members to take ownership of their responsibilities within the 30-60 90-day sales plan. 

When To Use A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan? 

When To Use A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

You can use the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan at different career stages as a sales professional in various situations. It helps you succeed and grow.

Here’s how and when you can use this plan:

When applying for a new sales position, a well-crafted 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan can impress potential employers. 

It showcases your preparedness and strategic thinking, making you a standout candidate.

For new hires, this plan acts as a roadmap, easing the transition into the new role. 

It provides precise tasks and goals for the first three months, ensuring a smooth onboarding process.

As a sales rep in a new area, you can use this plan to learn about the market, make connections, and become well-known. 

It assists in adapting strategies according to the specific needs of the new territory.

As a sales manager and leader, you can use the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan to guide your teams. 

It helps in setting clear objectives, aligning sales efforts, and achieving team-wide goals.

If you are looking to enhance your sales skills, this plan acts as a self-improvement tool. 

It enables focused learning, goal setting, and skill development within a structured timeframe.

How Do You Create A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan? 

Creating a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is a strategic process that sets the stage for your success in a new sales role. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a plan tailored to your specific goals and the demands of your position:

Begin by understanding your current situation. Assess your strengths, weaknesses, and the unique challenges of your sales role. 

Identify key areas that need improvement and consider the goals you want to achieve within the next 90 days.

Understand Your Environment: 

Dive into your new workplace. Familiarize yourself with the company culture, products, and services. 

Learn about your colleagues, customers, and competitors. Understanding your environment is essential for effective sales strategies.

Build Relationships: 

Make friends with your coworkers, both in your sales team and in other parts of the company. 

Building relationships creates a foundation for trust and future business.

Master the Basics: 

Ensure you have a solid grasp of sales techniques, product knowledge, and internal processes. 

This foundational understanding is crucial for effective communication with clients and team members.

Improve your way of talking: 

Look at how you talked to customers at first and make it better based on their responses.

Identify what works and what doesn’t. 

Adjust your approach to align with customer needs and preferences.

Strengthen your existing connections and expand your network further. Attend industry events, conferences, or networking sessions. 

Expand Your Network: 

A broader network opens doors to new opportunities and potential clients.

Focus on Productivity: 

Streamline your workflow, use sales tools, and focus on tasks. Improve your time management skills to maximize productivity. 

Efficient use of resources ensures you can handle a larger volume of clients.

Optimize Strategies:  

Analyze the results of your previous efforts and optimize your strategies. Identify successful techniques and emphasize them in your approach. Address any challenges or roadblocks.

Set Ambitious Goals: 

Based on your understanding of the market and your performance, set ambitious yet achievable goals for the upcoming months. 

These goals should challenge you and drive your continuous improvement.

Seek Feedback: 

Request feedback from clients, colleagues, and supervisors. This is because constructive criticism helps you refine your skills and approaches. Act on the feedback received to enhance your performance.

30-60-90 day plan examples 

Here are two examples that show how people can adapt this plan for different roles.

30-60-90 day plan: Manager example  

First 30 Days (Day 1-30):

  • Conduct one-on-one meetings with team members to understand strengths and challenges.
  • Go through historical sales data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Start team training sessions focusing on product knowledge and advanced sales techniques.

Goals: Boost team collaboration, enhance product expertise, and address immediate sales hurdles.

Next 30 Days (Day 31-60):

  • Analyze team performance data and adjust strategies.
  • Introduce a new sales method based on market trends and customer feedback.
  • Track individual progress and provide tailored coaching to team members.

Goals: Increase sales by 15%, make the team work better, and use two new successful sales methods.

Final 30 Days (Day 61-90):

  • Conduct a team review session to gather feedback on implemented changes.
  • Refine sales strategies based on team and market responses.
  • Develop long-term sales goals and action plans for the upcoming months.

Goals: Keep selling more, make things better all the time, and plan for success in the long run.

30-60-90 day plan: New sales territory example 

  • Immerse in the new territory, understanding local market dynamics and customer preferences.
  • Nurture existing relationships and identify potential clients.
  • Focus on building a trustworthy bond with clients.
  • Learn more about the product to sell it better.
  • Use existing connections to get new customers and grow.
  • Install targeted marketing strategies tailored to local details.
  • Deepen market penetration and increase brand visibility.
  • Collaborate with local businesses and engage in community involvement for enhanced reputation.
  • Gather customer feedback for necessary adjustments and ensure satisfaction.
  • Build lasting relationships and offer customized solutions to clients.
  • Establish the company as a trusted entity within the territory.

Goals: Ensure steady revenue streams, create future opportunities, and solidify the company’s reputation.

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Building A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan 

A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is powerful, but certain mistakes can negatively affect its effectiveness. Here are the common errors you should avoid:

Not including details

One of the primary mistakes is creating an unclear plan lacking specific details. Not explaining what you want to achieve, how you plan, and the steps to take can confuse your team and make them less productive.

No plan to measure success

With a defined method to measure success, it’s easier to test the plan’s effectiveness. Setting quantifiable targets and implementing key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial. This data-driven approach ensures you can track progress and make informed adjustments.

Making an unclear plan

An unclear plan often results in misunderstandings and misaligned efforts. It’s vital to express your expectations. Lack of clarity can result in team members working at cross-purposes, diminishing the plan’s impact.

A fixed mindset

A rigid approach, unwillingness to adapt, and resistance to change can hinder growth. Embrace flexibility and openness to new ideas. A fixed mindset limits innovation and obstructs the plan’s ability to adapt to evolving market demands.

As a sales rep, lack of communication with your manager is a significant pitfall. Regular updates and feedback sessions are crucial. Not telling your manager how you’re doing, what problems you face, and what you’ve achieved can make it harder for everyone to work together.

In the fast-paced sales world, the 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is a smart strategy. 

This guide reveals the details of this helpful approach, whether you’re new, leading, or improving in sales. It empowers you to succeed.

It’s not about setting goals; it’s about crafting a tailored journey to success. With a clear understanding of products and strong customer connections, you’re set for success. 

With this guide as your companion, step into the sales arena with confidence.

And don’t forget to thank us later. 

Q1: What is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan is a framework designed to guide sales professionals in their first three months on a new job. It outlines specific tasks and goals for each phase, ensuring a structured approach to success.

Q2: Who can enjoy a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

Salespeople, managers, and those starting new roles or in new areas can enjoy this plan. It offers a clear guide, helping improve skills, set goals, and use effective sales strategies.

Q3: How do I create a personalized 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

To make your plan, consider what you’re good at and what needs work. Learn about your surroundings, set goals, and adjust your methods based on feedback and outcomes. The guide provides detailed steps for crafting your unique plan.

Published On: February 14, 2024

Written by: sushant shekhar, categories: sales sales tips, you might also like.

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How To Create a Winning 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan (+ Sales Plan Template)

You’ve got a job interview for your dream sales job.

You have the experience and a track record of success. The only thing between you and your offer letter is your (hopefully) future sales manager.

Impress them with your exceptional selling skills and expertise, and you’ve got the job.

But the question is: how?

This sales plan template guide will show you how to put together a winning 30-60-90 day sales plan to impress your sales manager with your sales knowledge and expertise and nab your dream sales position.

90 day business plan for sales

What Is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan?

A 30-60-90 day sales plan outlines the measurable goals for your first three months on the job. Think of it as your personal value proposition that shows your superiors you’re a self-starter and helps you be laser-focused on achieving results.

It expands on what success looks like in the first 30, 60, and 90 days, respectively. The idea here is to lay out your clear-cut plans for measuring a successful transition and keeping everyone focused in the right direction.

Why Do You Need a 30, 60, 90 Day Plan?

Your dream sales job is also somebody else’s dream job. This means you have to stand out in your interview and make sure the hiring manager can see what a great addition you can be to the organization.

The only way to do this effectively is to create a sales plan that shows your vision of the future of the sales territory or customers you’ll be taking over. It should outline your interaction with your sales team, sales strategies, sales cycle, target audience and revenue goals.

Each aspect of your 30-60-90 day sales plan should detail a specific focus, your priorities and goals, and a plan for measuring success. Getting this right will help you maximize your progression into a new role by identifying potential partners to sell two and establishing a general framework for success.

Here’s are the biggest benefits of developing a 30-60-90 day plan:

  • Creates a clear focus for your first 90 days on the job, boosting your productivity and maximizing results
  • Ensures your goals are set properly in your 30-60-60 day plan, letting you integrate quickly and smoothly into the organization
  • Proves you’re capable of self-management and achieving goals and are an employee worthy of development.

If you bring in a well-thought-out plan into a job interview , you’ll have an advantage over other under-prepared candidates, significantly improving your chances of getting hired.

Other Scenarios Where Having a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Makes Sense

Putting together a 30-60-90 days sales plan takes time and effort, but the good news is you don’t have to do it often. When you write a sales plan it becomes a sales tool that can be used over and over.

Besides the interview process, you can also use your sales plan for the following circumstances:

Scenario 1: First Week on the Job

You got a brand-new job—or maybe you’ve earned an internal promotion.

Regardless of the circumstance, you should create a 30-60-90 days sales plan within the first week on the job. Doing this will demonstrate your commitment to your new role and give you a well-defined plan to ensure you’re off to a good start.

Scenario 2: New Territory Management Assignments

If your company follows the territory management approach, creating a 30 60 90 day plan for new sales territory is a no-brainer.

Your plan should clearly define geographic boundaries for territories you’re responsible for and the metrics you’ll use to evaluate territory performance. It should include any new business goals, changes in the company mission or types of sales that you'll be making.

Steps To Create a Winning 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Template

Next, let’s understand how you can draft an effective 30 60 90 day sales strategy plan.

Step 1: Know Who You’re Creating the Plan For

You should know who you’re making the plan for. This involves thinking from the perspectives of two stakeholders: your team and you.

A) Align Your Plan With Your Organization’s Goals

Understand your sales team’s priorities and goals and align your sales plan with them.

For a job interview, try to connect with a salesperson already working with the company on LinkedIn. Strike a polite conversation and ask them what goals they’re being pushed towards corporately.

If you’re new on the job or handling a new territory, speak to your sales manager and ask them about goals that matter most to the organization.

Find out current revenue targets, sales and marketing initiatives and any strategies and tactics that are working for the sales team.

B) Identify Your Own Priorities

What are your current priorities and personal goals? 

Do you want to earn more money? Or do you want to focus on building now to set up your territory for even bigger successes? Maybe you want to position yourself as a legendary adviser for all things sales.

You must identify your own priorities before you start building your 30 60 90 day plan. This will give you a clearer perspective on how to approach things and set yourself up for success.

Do you want to install new sales tools, motivate your team or start pushing a new product or service? Creating your sales plan can reduce the time to implement a more effective sales action plan.

Don’t worry; we’ll also share a super-easy template you can follow and ensure better outcomes.

Step 2: Figure Out How to Measure Your Success

Now that you know your sales goals, your next step is to measure progress against those goals.

In the words of Peter Drucker, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” When you know how to measure success, you can improve your plan further by identifying and eliminating weak aspects.

Here are a few tips to help you get started on the right track:

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of product features
  • Have the ability to demo the product at a high level
  • Have built key relationships built-in potential growth accounts
  • Developing a more targeted customer profile
  • Become known, liked, and trusted with all current partners
  • Improved sales performance or increased sales activities
  • Have a list of 100 potential partners to prospect over the next 12 months

Step 3: Draft Your 30-60-90 Day Plan Breakdown

At this point, you’ve already done most of the hard work.

You can now focus on documenting the information you currently have to create a more formal 30-60-90 day sales plan that you can then share with your sales manager. For each section of your plan, ask yourself “what does success look like?“.

Note: We’ve also added critical questions below to help you create a more impressive sales plan.

Stage 1: 30 Days

As mentioned, the first step is to ask yourself what success looks like after 30 days are complete.

When applying for a job, success in the first 30 days is likely completing your onboarding and training process successfully. In addition, you can also add the following criteria if you want to be more specific:

  • Understanding corporate priorities, new roles and responsibilities
  • Intermediate knowledge of key products and services
  • Knowing the product's position in the market vs. the competition
  • Developing key connections within the organization with customer support, sales leadership, team members etc
  • Going through previous rep's sales CRM data and outlining a few key accounts to target

The 30-day section of your sales plan should define your success goals and briefly explain how you plan on achieving them. It should also share how you‘ll know you’ve been successful in meeting these goals. 

Let’s explain this using an example.

  • Success goal: Having intermediate knowledge of key products and services offered by the organization.
  • To complete I will: Spend an hour every week with the product specialist for each product and have them quiz me on my knowledge.
  • I will have success if: In the 30-day review meeting with my sales manager, they can quiz me about our product range like a potential partner would and I can answer their questions confidently.

This will allow you to show off your self-starting nature and help you understand your responsibilities better.

Be sure to schedule a meeting with your sales manager to discuss successes and any issues you had during the 30 days before moving on to the 60-day and 90-day time periods. It’ll make the transition smoother.

Stage 2: 60 Days

With the first 30 days up, you have to amp up your sales efforts in the second month.

You’ll be spending more time in the field or talking to potential partners at this stage. Keeping this in mind, you should understand your marketplace and products at a high level. Regardless of what you’re selling, after 60 days of being immersed in it, you should know everything related to the offering—big or small.

Another good tactic is to role play with co-workers and shadow your senior sales professionals to understand their sales processes and approaches.

Here are some pointers to include in the 60-day section of your sales plan. Notice how some of them are mandatory, while others are more flexible depending on your role, experience, and onboarding process.

  • Started developing at least five new leads — Mandatory 
  • Have shadowed the top two performing sales reps in the company — Mandatory 
  • High-level understanding of key products — Mandatory 
  • Completed role-playing sessions with other sales professionals in the team
  • Have contributed to a sales meeting by adding value to the conversation
  • Completed all formal sales onboarding or training that needs to be done

Of course, these objectives will vary depending on why you’re drafting the 30-60-90 day sales plan. For instance, if you’re an experienced sales professional who has been recently assigned a new sales territory, your success criteria will look something like this:

  • Knowing your target territory — Mandatory 
  • Setting measurable and realistic setting goals — Mandatory
  • Developing a territory management plan — Mandatory
  • Recording daily development in CRM
  • Attending meetings with other sales professionals

Information overload, we know. But getting this step right will help you achieve greater success. Plus, once you get the hang of things, everything will become easier. 

Stage 3: 90 days

This is where you hit the ground running.

Your 31-90 day plan sets out what you’re planning on doing for the rest of the time in the specific sales role. Here, you should have an optimized prospecting list and have your foot in the door with at least a couple of potential new key accounts. 

Only a few things can go wrong at this point, which might stop your 30-60-90 day sales plan from being fabulous. Don’t worry, though. We’ll cover 30-60-90 day sales plan mistakes later to make sure all your hard work pays off.

At this point in your new sales role you should have a lead generation strategy, be on top of all the new sales enablement tools and content, understand your customer pain points and have a few new customers on the go.

At the 90-day meeting with your sales manager, discuss any 3-4 points from the following success criteria:

  • Clear and optimized prospecting list in use — Mandatory
  • Daily schedule established for prospecting, following up and staying on top of everything else — Mandatory
  • Become a solid member of the team — Mandatory
  • Had at least one round of feedback on performance from the sales manager
  • Closed at least a couple of deals without too much babysitting from others
  • Foot in the door with a couple of exciting key accounts

And that’s it! That’s how you create a solid 30-60-90 day sales plan.

Mistakes To Avoid When Creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan

The whole point of creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan is to give you a clear direction in your new sales role. But there are a few errors that may make it less effective…

Mistake 1: Not Including Success Measurement

We get it: you don’t want to make promises you can’t keep. But not including specific ways of measuring your success on your sales business plan is a huge red flag that may cause your sales manager to question your capabilities. 

You must be willing to put your money where your mouth is. So make sure you include measurable success criteria for each section of your 30-60-90 day sales plan.

Mistake 2: Making an Ambiguous Plan 

Planning is about being specific and granular. 

If you’re going to be ambiguous, your plan isn’t going to inspire confidence in your new sales leadership role and may fall flat.

Sales managers want to see numbers and progress towards a target rather than vague business strategy and generic sales plans.

Mistake 3: Lack of Sales Manager Follow-ups

Similar to how following up is necessary to win deals, holding meetings with your sales manager is important for improving your 30-60-90 day sales plan and self-improvement. Don’t forget to schedule meetings with your sales manager at the 30, 60, and 90-day points to review your progress and ask for advice on your sales process.

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template

As promised, right click and save as to download your 30 60 90 day sales plan template . This free template will take you through the process of creating a sales plan.

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The Complete 30-60-90 Day Plan for a New Sales Territory (Plus Templates for Interviews and Managers)

Oct 11, 2020

A new sales position can be daunting. After all, you’ve just been entrusted with a big bucket of potential, and it’s your job to turn it into gold (. . . or revenue, but you get it). It’s your name on the spreadsheet, your prospects to win or lose, and your commissions for the taking.

Working with new leadership can be daunting too, since they want to make sure that you are on the same page with the company. It’s hard to prove that you are doing your job while you are still trying to learn the ropes and your metrics need time to line up with your colleagues.

No pressure, right?

During these critical early days, a game plan is essential. An organized schedule can help you prioritize all the vital tasks and adapt to your new environment. That’s where 30-60-90 day sales plans come into the picture.

90 day business plan for sales

A sales plan can help you figure out exactly how you will best execute your new position. For sales reps, it also helps take the pressure off of sales management with clear timelines and goals that they can monitor. For leadership, coming up with the right sales plan will make sure that sales reps are completing what they need to be successful and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

We’re going to show you how to build out a strategy that will help you go from getting the territory to absolutely crushing it in just three months . And the best part is, you even will know when to implement what .

90 day business plan for sales

Here’s what you need to know about 90 days sales plan and 30-60-90 day sales templates to get you started.

Table of Contents

1. What Is a 30-60-90 Day Plan?

2. When to Use a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

3. How Long Should a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Be?

4. 30-60-90 Day Plan Templates for Better Sales

Template #1: 30-60-90 Day Plan for an Interview

Template #2: 30-60-90 day plan for a new sales territory, template #3: 30-60-90 day plan for managing a new team.

5. Day 91: What Now?

What Is a 30-60-90 Territory Plan?

Simply put, a 30-60-90 plan is when you strategize action steps and goals to accomplish in the first 30, 60, and 90 days of a new sales territory or position.

The plan is helpful not only for keeping yourself focused on specific targets but also for keeping your manager in the loop. The truth is, managers love 30-60-90 plans. Often, hiring managers will even ask potential sales reps to lay one out in their interview process. It’s good stuff.

Graphic that states "30 days: understand; 60 days: evaluate; 90 days: optimize"

There’s not a single “right way” to do these plans. But generally, they’re broken down like this:

  • Days 1 through 30: Learn all you can
  • Days 31 through 60: Put a plan into action
  • Days 61 through 90: Make the plan better

Getting down to the details and being on the same page with your manager is a fantastic way to avoid stresses down the road for all parties. For example, if your manager knows you have a big push planned for days 31 to 60, then they’ll be able to take a breath and give you a bit more space to get acquainted with your territory from 1 to 30.

Alright, now that you know what we’re talking about, let’s get into it.

When to Use a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

A 30-60-90 day plan is useful for mapping out the transitions in your career. Whether starting, taking on new responsibilities, or ready for growth, you can tailor your plan to meet whatever your environment. How you want to structure your sales plan depends heavily on what you want to use it to achieve. Some of the most common times that a sales plan is used include:

90 day business plan for sales

Interviewing for a New Sales Position

You nailed the initial interviews, have the experience and references to land a great sales job. As you enter the final round of interviews, though, you’ll be up against other candidates that are just as likable and qualified as you. A sales plan is a great way to highlight exactly what you can bring to their company.

It’s common for hiring managers to ask about a sales plan, and it’s a critical way for you to distinguish yourself from the other candidates. Often, the manager may casually ask what your plan is for the first 30, 60,  and 90 days on the job. In most cases, you would benefit from having a formal plan drawn up to show that you have carefully thought through how you will tackle the job.  Done well, a sales plan will enable your hiring manager to view you in your position and what would make you excel in the company.

On a New Job

Another situation that you may find yourself crafting a sales plan is early into a new job, typically during the first week. Outlining your 30-60-90 day plan will allow you to communicate with leadership so they understand how you operate and how they can best support you during the onboarding and ramp-up process. It is also a chance for you to discuss how your goals align with the company goals and discuss any questions or concerns you have about your new role.

Once you start a new job, you’ll have a clearer picture of the company’s goals to align your sales plan. Even if you came up with a sales plan during the interview process, it is time to review your plan in light of your better understanding of your new company.

Starting a new job can be overwhelming. Even if you are not required to create a sales plan when you start at a company, creating one for yourself might provide you with the clarity and vision you need to excel as quickly as possible.

Assignment to a New Territory

Sales is fluid, and even the most senior reps may find change necessary during their careers. Whether a change in a territory or learning new technology, you will likely find yourself starting over again while working for the same company.

A 30-60-90 sales plan during this time can be critical to ensure your success during the transition. It can offer organization and clarity necessary so you can concentrate on what is important and make things as smooth as possible.

If you’ve been assigned to a new territory or part of your region has shifted, you’ll want to develop a 30-60-90 day plan to get ahead of it. It’s no easy task to become acquainted with a new market. Sometimes managers will require this, but if not, you should come up with a focused plan to get organized.

Create a Leadership Strategy

Entering a company as a leader can be a challenging prospect. Each company has its own unique goals, objectives, and values that leaders need to learn. Plus, every team has a different dynamic with unique strengths and weaknesses. Even experienced managers and leaders need time to understand these before making changes. However, they may feel pressure to make immediate improvements to establish their worth.

A 30-60-90 plan is a valuable tool for new managers to establish themselves. It allows them to stay on the same page with the rest of leadership and create a strategy for making improvements. The right strategy will allow them time to understand the dynamics of the company and team they will lead so that they can manage effectively.

Leveling Up Sales Skills

Success in sales does not happen by accident. It takes intentionality and drive to make sure you are hitting not only your quotas but your own professional goals as well.

It’s not a bad idea to implement these kinds of plans on a semi-regular basis. You can use a 30-60-90 plan to audit the way you’re approaching your customers and improve upon your messaging. It’s especially helpful during times of change — for instance, during an economic downturn or when your organization is adjusting their product/market fit is an excellent time to use a 30-60-90 plan.

Whether you want to move up in your company or just want a larger commission check, a sales plan can help you start making your dreams a reality.

How Long Should a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Be?

The length of a sales plan can vary widely. The average length typically spans anywhere from 3-8 pages.

How in-depth should your plan be? It depends on what you are using your plan for. If you have a new position with multiple responsibilities, you might benefit from a longer document that can tackle your goals and plans for each part of the job. For an interview, a shorter plan would be better to keep your answer from being long and rambling (a classic interview mistake).

Your sales plan should be as long as you need it to be. Don’t feel pressured to make it longer if there is not as much to tackle, but make sure that it is adequate to address all of your needs.

30-60-90 Day Plan Templates for Better Sales

90 day business plan for sales

Now that we’ve discussed the general outline of a sales plan, it’s time to dive into what that means specifically. We have broken down what your plan should look like based on what you are using it to accomplish.

Some of the most common templates for 30-60-90 day sales plans include:

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for your big interview. Even if the hiring manager doesn’t ask about your plan, it is a critical opportunity for you to research and strategize to be prepared.

Days 1-30: Gain an Understanding of the Company Values and Analyze Your Market

Coming up with the right sales plan from scratch is all about defining what success looks like in the beginning.

When it comes to a sales plan for an interview, it takes some more creative thinking to define and segment your goals. It is especially challenging because you most likely have not received clear company goals to outline.

However, you can still get a general outline to differentiate yourself from the other candidates. Take a careful look at the job description to find the necessary responsibility and qualifications for the position. What is emphasized in the description and qualifications? Is there any overlap in the two that seem significant? You can use these to distinguish goals to create an effective plan.

At its most basic, your first 30 days should include:

  • Completing company training to learn valuable skills and their objectives . This goes beyond simply completing a training course and getting insights into your company and team’s high-level priorities. Understand their objectives for the future and the core goals to get you there.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the company products or services. Your goal should be to gain mastery as soon as possible to help you advise customers and provide valuable information.
  • Understand. who your target market is. Research to find out more about them. This is the time, for example, to research buyer personas and how your product or service uniquely serves them.
  • Create connections in your organization . Not only should you be connecting with your sales team, but also key players for your customers. For example, you should get to know customer service and IT to create one comprehensive team for your clients.

Incorporating all of these elements should give you the chance to schedule weekly checkpoints to spend 1:1 time with a mentor or leadership to report on your progress. It is also a critical time to get support and advice for anything that comes up during this time.

90 day business plan for sales

Days 31-60: Get On-The-Ground Training

The first 30 days are critical to getting a solid foundation and understanding of your company. While you may still be speaking with customers depending on the company, most of your energy will be spent getting a general understanding of the company, your team, and customers. The next phase of your training plan, then, is making this theoretical knowledge practical.

The 60-day portion of your plan will likely concentrate on getting practical, on-the-ground training to put the knowledge you gained in the first 30 days to use:

  • Set and revise your sales goals . You can decide what works well and resonates with customers, and what does not.
  • Get to know your prospects and how you can improve the customer experience. Your hands-on experience should also give you a better understanding of your market and where you can support your customers.
  • Find a mentor or more experienced team member during this time. You can shadow them to see how they best manage their territories and make sales. You can also role-play with them to sharpen your skills.

Days 61-90: Refining Your Goals and Plans

Now that you have received critical training and an in-depth understanding of your company, team, and customers, the last part of your sales plan should put that all together. It is a chance to put everything you learned together to make the most impact.

The last part of your plan should include these elements:

  • Adjust your goals in light of everything you have learned.
  • Optimize your list of prospects and customers to ensure you are reaching the maximum number of people possible.
  • Think through your schedule . Are there certain days or times that are better for prospecting? Can you batch your schedule or schedule routes to make the most use of your time? Make the most of your time to set yourself up for success.
  • Get feedback from team members and leadership. Their experience can help guide you to be as effective as possible and line up your goals with your organization. Actively seek feedback and use it to shape your strategy and goals.

The final step in a general, interview-ready sales plan is refining and perfecting your sales strategy. Now is the time to learn, adjust, and optimize your sales approach.

Although a territory change does not require as much adjustment as starting at a new company from scratch, it does come with unique challenges. A solid sales plan will help ensure that you continue to meet and exceed your sales goals no matter where you are.

Here is a sample template for a territory change:

Days 1-30: Understand and Analyze Your Market with a Strategic Sales Plan

When you are just handed a brand-new territory, it pays off to do your research and understand the direction you need to go in before diving into a set plan. Rather than sprinting off blindly into the distance, let’s take these next thirty days to get fully acquainted with the market and create a strategic sales territory plan .

Sales territory plans help you orient yourself and lay out a clear, intentional approach to your sales. This is essential because when you are intentional, you’re better able to measure your results and optimize down the road.

This may seem a bit simple, but it’s imperative— don’t skip it! Before you can do anything, you need to define your market and environment quantitatively . Get started by asking specific questions with objective answers:

  • What are the literal geographical bounds of this territory?
  • How big is the Serviceable Addressable Market (or SAM ) in this territory? Or what is the value of this specific territory? You can look at profitability, potential deal values, total number of prospects, or leads—whatever is the most relevant KPI for your goals.
  • How big is your Share of the Market (SOM)? Or, how much of the SAM can your company reasonably serve? Think about your available resources.

Figure illustrating Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM) and Share of Market (SOM)

  • What are the demographics of this territory? Are the companies large or small? What industry are they in? How educated are they about your solution?
  • What spending power do these prospects have?
  • What competitors are already here?

The more interview questions you ask, the better prepared you will be down the road—so don’t be afraid to dig in.

Once you’ve collected your data, it’s time to make sense of it. Analyze your leads and evaluate them based on overall quality .

Your business goals define “quality.” If your current goal is to maximize revenue, you should look at potential revenue as your main KPI . If your goal is to minimize churn, you should look at the likelihood that the prospects would stick around.

Finally, you can divide your market into segments that help you target them more efficiently and effectively . It’s important to remember that segments aren’t made arbitrarily. Instead, they are defined by four things:

  • Substantiality : Are there enough leads to make this segment worthwhile?
  • Measurability : Can you easily identify who belongs in this segment?
  • Accessibility : Does this segment represent actual prospects in your territory?
  • Responsiveness : Does this segment require different sales or marketing tactics than other segments?

Typically, segments that meet these four criteria will be related to a relevant to your target KPI (noticing a theme here?). Some salespeople choose to create three segments based on the amount of “touch” (or work) involved in converting them: low touch, medium touch, and high touch. The choice is yours!

Complete a SWOT Analysis

Now that you know the basics about your territory, it’s time to evaluate your team’s relationship to it with a SWOT analysis.

“SWOT” is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Like most great tools, it seems simple at first, but you’ll find it to be invaluable as we build up our strategic sales plan.

SWOT analysis chart

“Strengths” and “Weaknesses” both look at the internal advantages and disadvantages your team has in this particular territory. They are directly related to your team—for example, the number of resources at your disposal.

“Opportunities” and “Threats” are external advantages and disadvantages. This has to do with the territory itself and the environment. For example, you may include competitors with a strong foothold as a threat or an underserved market as an opportunity.

Complete your own SWOT analysis by dividing a piece of paper into four columns and giving yourself some time to brainstorm. Take this exercise seriously—it’s going to come in handy soon when we start planning action steps.

Define Success

By now, the answer may be obvious, but it’s still essential to write it out explicitly and concisely: what exactly would success look like in this territory? What is your most important KPI ? Based on your research, what is a reasonable but challenging expectation for you to achieve?

This is when you want to set tangible goals for yourself—a process called sales accountability , which has been shown to drive productivity, increase sales, and improve customer satisfaction. Sales accountability is all about setting specific sales quotas and goals and holding yourself accountable for hitting them.

When deciding what your goals should be, choose something that’s SMART—you know, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely . (We’re really all about the acronyms here at MMC.)

Create Action Items

Finally, what we’ve all been waiting for: action items. This is the final step of creating your strategic sales territory plan. Now, you’re going to write out the blueprint that will be your guide for the following thirty days.

To find specific actions you should take to reach your SMART goals , return to your SWOT analysis, ask yourself how to take advantage of your Strengths and Opportunities, and neutralize your Weaknesses and Threats. For example:

  • Is there an untapped market you can reach? How will you reach it?
  • Who is your biggest competitor here? Why is your company the better choice? How will you convey this to your prospects?
  • How can you let each of the team members at your disposal shine? How can you utilize their skills?

Write it out. This is going to be your guide for the next 30 days when you execute and evaluate.

Days 31-60: Execute Your Plan and Get Qualitative Feedback

For days 31 through 60, it’s time to put the pedal to the metal, for the rubber to hit the road, to make like Nike and “just do it.” It’s time to put your strategic sales territory plan into action.

For these thirty days, you’re going to have a fuller calendar than you could imagine. Your goal is to keep your head up and keep moving forward. Think of it like a writer’s first draft—you need to get something on the page to improve upon it later.

In addition to hitting your action items, here are some critical tasks for you to complete during this time.

Find New Leads

There are always more leads out there, and the more acquainted you get with your territory, the better you’ll know how (and where) to look for new customers.

The best way to find new leads is to excel at serving the customers you currently have . When you leave a path of satisfied customers in your wake, you increase your referral rate and generate free positive “press” (people talk!). Even better, these leads are warm, which means less work for a higher close rate.

Optimize Your Route

Now that you know where you need to go, you can start optimizing your route . Use a digital tool like Map My Customers to discover how to get from Customer A to Customer B and then to Customer C more efficiently —and, better yet, what order to visit them in.

See a hands-on product tour of Map My Customers

Depending on your priorities, you can choose to optimize for time spent driving, distance covered, or a specific order in which you need to meet with clients. You can save up to 30% on gas just by making this simple change!

Get Qualitative Feedback

At this point in the game, it’s too early to have a significant amount of meaningful numerical data. Instead, it’s the perfect time to lean into qualitative feedback from your own team, your customers, and your prospects.

Be sure to regularly check in with your team to see how they think things are going and if they have any ideas. A good way to do this is to schedule a time in advance for a quick touch-base with each person. Try to come to that meeting ready to listen.

You can also meet with a mentor figure at your company . This person may be in another team or higher up. The point is that they have the experience, and you value their opinion. Ask to grab coffee with them and show them what you’re up to. See if they have any useful pointers.

And, of course, you can always get feedback from your customers—and even the deals that don’t go through (which, as sad as it is, is typically the most helpful of all).

Graphic explaining the A.C.A.F Customer Feedback Loop

Lastly, use surveys, questionnaires, and interviews to gather as much information as possible from your customers about why they did or didn’t buy, what other solutions they considered, what they think of your business so far, etc. As they say, the customer is always right—so figure out what they think!

90: Optimize and Implement New Strategies by Using Sales Analytics

You’re nearly there—it’s the home stretch! These final thirty days are all about taking what you did up to now and doing it better . Fortunately, you should finally have some of your very own data to work with, which will give you an enormous advantage.

Run the Numbers

Now that you’ve had time for data to accumulate, we can finally get to analyzing. This is the back end of that “sales accountability” we talked about before—it’s time to see if you hit your goals.

By referencing your CRM , lay out your data in a way that helps you to make sense of it all (we love graphs). Be sure to look not just as your main KPI but at all relevant data points. Review the results with your entire team to see where you did well, where you can improve, and what was successful .

Example of a sales forecast graph

Look at the numbers and the qualitative feedback you collected side-by-side. What’s the story here? It can be useful at this point to also evaluate how specific action steps you took played out. Did they help you to address the Weakness or Threats that you identified? Or do you need a new plan?

Then, take the numbers even further. Go beyond what’s currently happening with your customers and discern what is likely to happen down the road with predictive analytics and sales forecasting .

For example, if you notice a customer has been calling into customer support more than usual—a red flag that they may churn soon—you can reach out to them with a special or thoughtful offer to keep them on board.

Individual Account Reviews

Often, figuring out the best way to serve a current customer is as simple as just asking. Maintaining a positive relationship with your customers is all about staying one step ahead and showing them that you’re thinking of them. Accomplish this by scheduling individual account reviews for each of your clients .

In these meetings, you can ask critical questions to help you better serve your client. For example:

  • How has our service been?
  • Have we been able to help you improve your KPI?
  • How could we serve you better?
  • What else are you working towards or struggling with?

This is an opportunity to gather invaluable qualitative feedback and upsell or cross-sell existing customers. Whatever you do, be sure to be empathetic —only sell what you genuinely think will be good for them

Automate Your Sales Processes

It’s hard to automate systems before you’ve worked out the kinks, but by now, you should be prepared to switch some tasks over to some handy-dandy robots (or software, but same thing).

To find the best ways to automate your processes, first, take a day or two to organize your CRM .

When you adjust to a new territory, it’s normal to be overwhelmed and make silly mistakes with your CRM. Go back through and make sure that you’ve logged all the relevant information completely and correctly.

Then, you can take a look at some of the easiest ways to automate (and the best tools out there ). That way, you can focus less on menial tasks and more on selling.

90 day business plan for sales

A 30-60-90 day plan is not just for sales reps. It’s a critical tool for leadership to make concrete plans to meet their goals as well. With different roles and goals, though, the 30-60-90 day plan will look far different than a general sales plan:

Day 1-30: Get to Know Your Team

The first month of any job requires getting to know the company. You should be taking this time to learn about policies, goals, and how the company works. For leadership, in particular, this includes getting to know your team and how it currently operates.

The first month should dive deep into learning about your company in general. You should be learning about your product or service, the target market, metrics, and trends. Your team will rely on your expertise, so an in-depth understanding will be vital to your position.

Beyond the technical expertise, use this time to have conversations with your direct reports and get to know them. They can provide valuable insights to help direct your goals and understand each team member’s strengths and weaknesses.

No two teams are exactly alike. Each person brings something different to the team, and each team has different strengths and weaknesses. It’s impossible to be an effective leader and keep your team happy and motivated if you don’t take the time to understand their unique dynamics. A deep team understanding is critical to good leadership.

Days 31-60: Bringing Your Skills to the Team

While the first 30 days are about getting a more in-depth understanding of your company and team, the next 30 days are your chance to start making tangible and useful changes. You are hired for your unique skill set, so now is the time to impart that onto your team.

Take this time to identify any skills gap on your team. For example, does your team lack a tech expert to help other members navigate their sales technology? See where you can offer your expertise and where training might be necessary.

Based on what you have observed in your team and your understanding of your company, now is also a time to create goals for your team. Being able to impart a vision to your team is valuable for maintaining morale and guiding their decisions. With measurable goals, you can help shape how the team operates to meet the overall company goals.

Days 61-90: Develop and Draft a Training Strategy

Having identified your team’s gaps and goals, your final 30 days might be developing a training strategy to overcome any skills gaps and guide your direct reports into their roles in the future. It is where you take practical steps to address what you have learned and identified in the first 60 days.

While you may not be promoting people quite yet, your time so far should give you a sense of everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. Your final process should be coming up with the best plan to coach them to where they can be and want to be in the future.

Day 91: What Now?

Congratulations! You’ve officially gone from getting a new sales job or territory to crushing it in just 90 days. How does it feel?

Remember that “crushing it” is all about constant improvement. If you’re trying new things, looking for new opportunities, seeking out new leads, and generally playing an active role in your position, you’ll always be crushing it—even if one specific campaign isn’t a resounding success.

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Free 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Templates and Samples

By Joe Weller | September 4, 2020

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In this article, we’ve compiled a variety of useful 30-60-90-day business plan templates. Download them in PDF, Word, and Excel formats for free.

On this page, you’ll find a one-page 30-60-90-day business plan template , a sample 30-60-90-day business plan for startups , a sample 90-day business plan template with timeline , and more that you can use to develop an actionable plan.

Simple 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Template

Simple 30 60 90 Day Business Plan Template

Use this simple 30-60-90-day business plan template to map out main goals and deliverables. You can easily break down your high-level plan into bite-sized chunks to create an effective roadmap for accomplishing business goals. Add key tasks and descriptions, assign ownership, and enter deadlines to keep plans on track.

Download Simple 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Template

Word | PDF | Smartsheet

One-Page 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Template

One Page 30 60 90 Day Business Plan for Template

Document key goals and tasks with this single-page 30-60-90-day business plan template. This template can help you create a high-level view of main business objectives and track the status of your goals in an organized and scannable manner. 

Download One-Page 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Template

Word | PDF  | Smartsheet

Sample 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Startup 

Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup

Use this sample 30-60-90-day plan as a basis to build out and develop your organization’s startup business plan. This template enables you to produce and implement a plan of action — from idea conception to business plan finalization. There is also space to detail main goals and deliverables, assign task ownership, and set due dates to ensure your plan stays on track.

‌Download Sample 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Startup Template 

Sample 90-Day Business Plan Template with Timeline

Sample 90 Day Business Plan Template with Timeline

This sample 90-day business plan template is customizable and doubles as an action plan and timeline so you can track progress in 30-day increments. Easily break your plan into phases, then add key tasks, task ownership, and dates for each activity. You can also fill in and color-code the cells according to the respective start and end dates to create a visual timeline. 

Download Sample 90-Day Business Plan Template with Timeline - Excel

30-60-90-Day Business Plan to Increase Sales (With Gantt Chart)

30 60 90 Day Business Plan to Increase Sales with Gantt Chart

Use this template to develop a 90-day action plan to increase sales for your business. This customizable template is designed to help you reevaluate and improve your sales strategy and business plan. Broken up into 30-day increments, this template comes pre-filled with actionable tasks, like defining and prioritizing goals, conducting market research, evaluating current processes, finding untapped opportunities, and refining your sales plan to reach sales goals.

Download 30-60-90-Day Business Plan to Increase Sales

Excel | Smartsheet

For additional resources to create and enhance the sales plan portion of your business plan, visit “ All about Sales Plans: Definitions, Tips, and Free Templates .”

30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Marketing

30 -60-90 Day Business Plan for Marketing

This 30-60-90-day business plan for marketing features a simple and scannable design to help stakeholders track the progress of key marketing goals and activities. Use this customizable template to provide an overview of main objectives and the status of tasks you need to complete.

Download 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Marketing

Excel | Word | PDF

For additional resources to help develop the marketing plan portion of your business plan, view “ Free Marketing Plan Templates, Examples, and a Comprehensive Guide .”

Purpose of a 30-60-90-Day Business Plan

Unlike a 30-60-90-day plan used to interview for or transition into a new role, a 30-60-90-day business plan is a useful document for developing a roadmap covering the first 90 days of your business planning process.  

Small-business owners, entrepreneurs, and established organizations use a 30-60-90-day business plan to do the following: 

  • Establish high-level goals, objectives, and deliverables for the first 30, 60, and 90 days.
  • Align your team’s goals with overarching business goals.
  • Outline key business activities needed to accomplish the established goals.
  • Determine the necessary resources to effectively complete the tasks.
  • Define success metrics.
  • Assign activity ownership, define milestones, and create a timeline to keep the plan on track.

Looking for additional resources to help you develop your business plan? Visit the following pages for more free templates:

Simple Business Plan Templates

One-Page Business Plan Templates

Fill-in-the-Blank Business Plan Templates

Business Plan Templates for Startups

Business Plan Templates for Nonprofits

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90 Day Sales Plan | Free Download

  • Iain Swanston
  • Sales Performance

90 Day Sales Action Plan - Top Question from Google

How do write a 90 day sales action plan.

Here’s the short answer: To write a 90-day sales action plan, your sales team should follow these steps:

  • Identify measurable goals: The first step in creating a 90-day sales action plan is to identify your specific goals. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that will help you to achieve success within the next 90 days. The sales goals in your plan should always be aligned with the companies overall sales and business strategy.  Focus your goals on sales activities and behaviours, rather than revenue – if you do the right behaviours the revenue takes care of itself.
  • Break down your goals into actionable tasks: Once you have identified your goals, you will need to break them down into smaller, actionable tasks. What is it that you need to do to achieve the goals?    These should be specific and achievable steps that you can take to move closer to your goals. Again avoid thinking about revenue.  As an example; look at your sales process and identify where you can either increase the volume new sales enquires generated and increase the conversion ratio of the deals you are generating.
  • Assign deadlines and priorities: For each task, assign a deadline and a priority level. This will help you to stay organized and focused, and ensure that you are making progress towards your goals.  Use the 30, 60 and 90 day milestones to hold yourself accountable rather than waiting till the end of the 90 day period.
  • Create a timeline: Use a timeline or calendar to visualize your progress and keep track of your tasks and deadlines. This will help you to stay on track and stay focused on your goals. We’re great fans of vision boards so make sure all the salespeople create and maintain a personla vision board.
  • Monitor and review your progress with your Sales Manager: Regularly review your progress to ensure that you are on track to achieve your goals. If you are not making the progress you expected, adjust your plan as needed to get back on track.
  • Make yourself accountable: Planning is great, however, doing is better.  The best sales plan in the world is worthless if you do not execute the actions within the plan.  B2B sales can be a tough environment and it helps to have the support of others around you like a sales manager to help hold you accountable to your new sales plan.

Top tip: include the four high value areas of sales (Finding, Klozing, Growing and Developing) in your sales plan to ensure you allocate the right amount of time for your circumstances.  For example some salespeople may need to focus on generating new leads, whilst others need to develop relationships with existing customers. Check out the FREE template below as an example of this.

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1. Why are 90 day sales plans important?

90-day sales plans are important because they provide a clear, focused framework for sales reps to work towards specific goals and objectives over a defined period of time. A well-crafted 90-day sales plan can help the entire team to:

  • Stay focused and organized: Sales is the easiest job in the world but the most difficult to be effective.  With so many distractions planning is an important part of sales success. By breaking down goals into specific tasks and assigning deadlines and priorities, a 90-day sales plan can help sales professionals to stay organized and focused, and ensure that they are making progress towards their goals.
  • Track progress and make adjustments: Schedule weekly checkpoints to track progress, a 90-day sales plan can help sales professionals to identify areas of sales activities where they are falling behind, and need to make up the numbers to get back on track. In addition to sales activities the plan can help identify skills gaps where reps are doing the activity, but not getting the results. 
  • Increase personal motivation and accountability: There is something comforting and reassuring about having a plan and then working the plan. By setting clear goals and tracking progress, a 90-day sales plan helps sales professionals to stay motivated and accountable, and feel more engaged in their work.
  • Enhance communication and collaboration: Often times the sales leadership in a company are unsure of exactly what their direct reports are doing.  90 Day plans are a great way to ensure that sales reps are working on the right activities at the right time.  By working towards shared goals, your 90-day sales plan can help sales professionals to improve communication and collaboration with their sales leadership and colleagues in their team.

Overall, a 90-day sales plan is a valuable tool that can help sales reps to focus their efforts, track their progress, and stay motivated and accountable as they work towards specific goals and objectives.

2. Are 90 day sales plans for a sales manager different to one for a sales person?

A 90-day sales plan for a sales manager will be different from a 90-day sales plan for a salesperson, as the responsibilities and goals of the two roles differ.

For a sales manager, a 90-day sales plan may focus on goals such as improving team performance, increasing team productivity, improving the sales skills of the team, or building relationships with key clients. 

It may also include tasks such as conducting performance evaluations, providing training and development opportunities for team members, or creating strategies to target new markets.

90 day plans are a great tool to help new sales managers to demonstrate an impact in a new position.  In addition to their management responsibilities many new sales managers also have a sales quota and are directly responsible for a few strategic clients.

For a salesperson, a 90-day sales plan may focus on goals such as increasing sales revenue, closing new deals, or improving customer retention. It may also include tasks such as identifying and qualifying leads, making presentations, or following up with prospects and customers.

Like the salespeople’s 90 day plans, the sales managers plans should always be linked to the company’s overall business plan and sales strategy.  

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3. Who should create the sales plans - the Reps or the Manager?

Sales plans should always be created by the salespeople who are responsible for executing the plan even when they are new sales reps to the company.  

Here are a few factors to consider when creating your 90-day sales plans:

a) Modern sales management is an extremely busy role and creating action plans for every member of your team takes time because of the variables involved.  

b) Where new hires lack the skills or experience to create their own 90 day plans,  sales managers should use the planning process to help train and coach their direct reports to be more self sufficient. 

The sales manager should always be involved as they ultimately have to sign off the plans. However, giving responsibility to the salespeople, helps build their skills and more importantly  give them a sense of ownership of the plan, which in turn provides better engagement across the team.

4. How do I choose the right Goals and Objectives for my plan?

The goals and objectives in a 90-day sales plan should be aligned with the company’s overall sales strategy. Your sales strategy is your long-term plan that outlines the approach and tactics that your company will use to achieve its sales goals. By aligning the goals and objectives of the 90-day sales plan with the overall sales strategy, sales reps and sales managers can ensure that they are working towards the same overall goals and objectives as the company.

Here are a few ways to align the goals and objectives in a 90-day sales plan with the company’s sales strategy:

Identify the measurable goals of the company: The first step in aligning the 90-day sales plan with the company’s sales strategy is to understand the overall sales goals of the company. These may include goals such as increasing sales revenue, expanding into new markets, or improving customer retention.

Determine how the 90-day sales plan fits into the overall strategy: Once you have identified the overall sales goals of the company, you can determine how the 90-day sales plan fits into the overall strategy. This may involve identifying specific tactics or approaches that the team can use to contribute to the overall sales goals.

Use  OKRs  to set goals:  The  OKR system is a business goal setting framework  used by many companies to drive growth and improvements. We use this in our own business and with our clients who love it.  

Overall, aligning the goals and objectives in a 90-day sales plan with the company’s sales strategy can help sales reps and sales managers to work towards the same overall goals and objectives as the company, and contribute to the success of the overall sales strategy.

free 90 day sales planning template

5. How do I implement 90 day action plans with my sales team?

Salespeople can be a tough audience and they especially don’t like change or something they feel threatening.  This is why it’s so important to take a collaborative approach and make sure you win their hearts as well as their minds.  This is as much about Change Management as it is about sales.  

With that in mind, facilitate a workshop and with your team: 

  • Identify the goals and objectives of the team: The first step in creating a 90-day sales plan is to identify the specific goals and objectives that the team should work towards. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that will help the team to achieve success within the next 90 days.
  • Break down the goals into actionable tasks: Once you have identified the goals of the team, you will need to break them down into smaller, actionable tasks. These should be specific and achievable steps that the team can take to move closer to the goals.
  • Assign deadlines and priorities: For each task, assign a deadline and a priority level. This will help the team to stay organized and focused, and ensure that they are making progress towards the goals.
  • Create a timeline: Use a timeline or calendar to visualize the team’s progress and keep track of the tasks and deadlines. This will help the team to stay on track and stay focused on the goals.
  • Communicate the plan to the team: Once the plan is complete, communicate it to the team and make sure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.
  • Monitor and review progress: Regularly review the team’s progress to ensure that they are on track to achieve the goals. If the team is not making the progress you expected, adjust the plan as needed to get back on track.

Remember the most powerful workshops are those where the salespeople get to talk, are heard and believe its their own ideas they are about to go out and execute.  

6. How do I hold my sales team members accountable to the 90 day plans?

A culture of accountability is essential for any business to be successful and all sales plans are worthless unless they are delivered.  If you are introducing sales plans for the first time you should set the activity bar low so it’s achievable.  You can gauge this by the activity level of the top performer and by using them as a benchmark you can immediately remove the argument that it cannot be done because everyone is too busy. 

Communicate the plan clearly: Make sure that the salespeople understand their goals and the specific tasks that they need to complete in order to achieve them. Clearly communicate deadlines and priorities, and provide any necessary resources or support to help them succeed.

Set up regular check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with sales team members to review their progress and provide support and guidance as needed. These check-ins can be conducted in person, over the phone, or via video conference.

Track progress and review results: Use tools such as dashboards or performance tracking software to track the progress of sales team members towards their goals. Regularly review these results to identify areas where team members are falling behind, and provide additional support as needed.

Provide feedback and coaching: Offer constructive feedback, training and coaching to sales team members to help them improve their performance and achieve their goals. This can include providing guidance on best practices, identifying areas for improvement, and offering support and resources to help team members succeed.

Set consequences for non-compliance: Establish clear consequences for sales team members who are not meeting their goals or following the plan. These consequences could include additional training or coaching, reduction in commissions or bonuses, or even termination if necessary.

The art of sales management is to push your sales force, however, if you push too hard you will lose them mentally.  Better still link their personal goals to your business goals and watch them push themselves.

Be sure to get include a “Commitment Statement” in your plan and get your Reps to read it an sign it.  This is great for setting the scene and reminding them that they are responsible for their own results.

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7. 90 day sales plan for new hires vs sales plan for existing salespeople?

A 90-day sales action plan for a new salespeople should be very different to this 90-day sales action plan which is designed for existing salespeople.  In most cases the hiring manager will use the first 30 days to provide what we call non sales training to a new sales rep.  As part of the initial onboarding and training process a new employee would be given training on the new company’s vision, the company’s mission, product training and industry knowledge,

Next up during the 60 – 90 day sales plan the training quickly focuses more on sales knowledge topics.  This should include, the value proposition, target markets, generating new leads and key clients that need to be prioritised.

Here are some additional things you should consider for new sales team members:

Focus: A 90-day sales action plan for those in a new sales job should focus more on onboarding and training, while a 90-day sales action plan for existing salespeople, may focus more on specific goals and objectives. For example, new sales team members will need more support understanding their sales territory, the sales process, background to any key accounts they are taking over.

Tasks: A 90-day sales action plan for new hires may include tasks such as learning about the company’s products and services, meeting with key stakeholders, and observing sales calls, while a 90-day sales action plan for existing salespeople may include tasks such as making presentations, following up with leads, and closing deals.

Goals: A 90-day sales action plan for new hires may include goals such as becoming familiar with the sales process and building relationships with key stakeholders, while a 90-day sales action plan for existing salespeople may include goals such as increasing sales revenue or improving customer retention. It’s important that every new sales rep understands how the company defines success and 

Overall, the focus and tasks included in a 90-day sales action plan may vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the sales team or individual, as well as their experience and expertise in sales. It is important to choose goals and tasks that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) in order to maximize the chances of success.  This includes weekly personal goals, following the companies sales processes, and producing high quality work that measurably impacts their sales quota.rep

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Iain Swanston has spent over 30 years in B2B sales selling, training and leading teams both domestically and internationally.  In addition he serves as an Associate at Strathclyde University Business School where he has delivered the sales content for the Masters in Entrepreneurship since 2015.

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How to create a 30-60-90 day sales plan? [ With template ]

Key takeaways.

  • A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a structured roadmap designed to outline specific goals and strategies for achieving sales success within the first three months of a new role or project.
  • The first month on the job is crucial, and you should learn about the company, its products, processes, and CRM.
  • You start selling in the second month, and you should focus on strategies to achieve your sales quota.
  • You should be vocal about ideas to improve team processes starting in the second month.

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is like finding the best route to success in your sales job, especially when you consider that 80% of all sales are made by just 20% of salespeople. 

This statistic highlights the importance of solid strategy and being part of a top-performing group. 

With the right plan, you can organize your first three months with clear steps and aim to hit your sales targets. This plan is great for anyone starting a new sales job, looking to improve, or preparing for a job interview. 

We’re here to guide you on how to make a 30-60-90 day sales plan that works for you. 

We’ll also cover the benefits, explain when it’s best to implement this plan, and guide you through building your own 30-60-90 day sales plan with the help of free templates and examples. 

  • What is a 30-60-90 day sales plan? 

Benefits of a 30-60-90 day sales plan 

Things to know before creating a 30-60-90 days sales plan, how to create a 30-60-90-day sales plan.

  • Checklist for 30-60-90 day sales plan 
  • 30-60-90 day sales plan template free 
  • 30-60-90 day sales plan examples 

Mistakes to avoid while creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan 

  • Best practices: Use software to create and track a 30-60-90 day plan 

What is a 30-60-90 day sales plan?  

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a clear course of action for the first three months of your new sales job. By strategizing and setting goals, you can transition smoothly or stress-free into the new organization as a sales rep. 

With this plan in action, you’ll be on the right track from the very first day. A well-thought 30-60-90 day sales plan helps you get off the ground and make a good first impression. 

Besides, your sales manager will be able to see how you are planning to move ahead in the organization and adapt to the new role. It gives your manager an idea of your first 30-60-90 days in the company. 

It is your golden chance to get in the good books of your sales managers. Your enthusiasm toward your new role and self-learning attitude can help you earn your manager’s confidence and trust. 

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. – Robert Collier 

Incorporating a 30-60-90 day sales plan offers numerous advantages for sales professionals and managers. 

Below are the 6 reasons why a 30-60-90 day sales plan is important- 

1. Efficient new rep onboarding  

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a foundational blueprint for onboarding and training processes.  

This ensures new sales reps are systematically introduced to the company’s sales strategies, techniques, and critical accounts. 

This structured approach accelerates the new hire’s ability to understand the target market and the company’s mission, enabling them to contribute effectively to the sales goals from an early stage. 

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2. Defined goals & metrics  

By breaking the plan down into 30-day segments, sales professionals and managers can set clear, achievable goals. 

This clarity helps measure success or progress, allowing for timely adjustments in sales strategies and efforts to ensure the sales targets are met or exceeded, thus enhancing sales performance across the board. 

3. Enhanced sales strategy development  

The 30-60-90 day plan for sales executives and managers facilitates a deeper understanding of the sales territory, including competition and critical clients. 

This period of analysis and adjustment helps to develop refined sales strategies that align with the market needs and company goals, ensuring a more robust sales process or better sales results. 

4. Fast track to new territory success  

For sales managers entering new sales territories, the 30-60-90 day sales plan offers a systematic approach to understanding and conquering the market. 

By setting specific objectives for learning, applying, or optimizing sales strategies, sales managers can achieve quicker success in new territories, establish key connections, and secure exciting key accounts more efficiently. 

5. Better team cohesion  

Implementing a 30-60-90 plan for managers ensures that all team members, including direct reports and other sales professionals, are aligned with the team’s goals and sales efforts. 

Regular sales meetings to review progress against the plan foster open communication, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working cohesively towards common objectives. 

6. Preparation for sales manager interviews  

For individuals interviewing for sales manager positions, preparing a 30-60-90 day sales plan for interview showcases strategic thinking, initiative, and a commitment to contributing to the company’s success from day one.  

It signals to the hiring manager that the candidate is proactive about their sales role and possesses a solid strategy to make an immediate impact, distinguishing them from other candidates.  

Integrating these benefits into a sales strategy makes the onboarding process more efficient and establishes a clear roadmap for sales professionals and managers to follow. This leads to enhanced sales performance, better team unity, and the successful achievement of sales goals. 

Entering a new sales territory is like migrating to a foreign country. A 30-60-90 day sales plan can be your GPS to move in the right direction and understand your target market. 

It’s important to immerse yourself in the company’s culture, understand its products, and get to grips with the sales CRM .  

Building strong relationships early on and understanding what the team and management expect from you will give you a competitive edge. All this effort lays the groundwork for success. 

Before developing your 30-60-90 sales plan, here is what you must do. 

1. Do your research  

Before you start your 30-60-90-day sales plan, it’s crucial to understand your job. 

This means knowing the sales targets you need to hit, how the company likes to sell its stuff ( sales process ), and what everyone expects you to achieve. 

Think of this step as setting up your GPS in the vast world of sales. 

By knowing your destination and the path, you can chart out a plan that gets you there smoothly, making sure every goal you set is something that moves you and the company forward. 

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. – Zora Neale Hurston   

2. Be realistic  

Be realistic and honest while creating the 30-60-90 day sales plan. No one knows your limits or capabilities better than you. So only include things that you will be able to do. Do not write things only to impress the sales manager. You must do something you’ve written to satisfy your manager. 

So, ponder over your strengths and weaknesses. Find out what you can do, align it with the management’s expectations as well as the goals of your sales team, and then create the sales plan. 

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3. Stay focused

The journey will seem difficult initially, but if you stay focused, you can succeed. It would help if you did all it takes to prove that the company didn’t make any wrong decisions by hiring you. 

Starve your distractions. Feed your focus – Anonymous

Your journey won’t end when you only create the sales plan. You’ll have even to execute it successfully. For that, you need to be focused throughout the 90-day plan. Your management should be able to see that you are capable of self-management and achieving goals. 

Creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan is a strategic step toward ensuring success in your sales role. 

It’s about setting clear intentions and aligning your efforts with broader team objectives. The first 90-day plan is crucial. 

And here is how you can do that. 

1. Define goals during the first week of the job  

Start by setting specific, achievable goals within your first week.  

This could involve understanding the sales process, getting to know your sales team and manager, and beginning to familiarize yourself with your sales territory.

This one step- Choosing a goal and sticking to it – changes everything – Scott Reed

Your initial goals in the 30-60-90 day sales plan should include learning about the company’s products or services, the target market, and key accounts. 

Establishing these foundational goals early sets the stage for a successful ramp-up period, ensuring you’re ready to hit the ground running. 

2. Make sure your goals align with the team’s goals

It’s crucial that your objectives within the 30-60-90 day sales plan not only serve your personal growth but also contribute to the team’s broader sales targets. 

Engage with your sales leadership and peers to understand the team’s goals and how your role fits into the broader sales strategy.  

Unity is strength… When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. – Mattie Stepanek

This alignment ensures that as you work towards your milestones, you actively support the team’s efforts towards achieving shared objectives, enhancing overall sales performance. 

3. Be clear about your priorities

With numerous tasks and goals, clarity on your priorities is essential. 

In the 30 60 90 day business plan, define which objectives are most critical in each phase—starting with onboarding or training processes, advancing to deeper engagement, and eventually focusing on closing deals or expanding your sales territory. 

Prioritizing tasks will help you manage your time effectively, ensuring you’re focusing on activities that drive the most value for your role and the sales team. 

Checklist for 30-60-90 day sales plan  

Starting a new sales job means adapting to a new environment where what worked before might not work now. 

Each company is unique, with its goals and ways of doing things. It’s essential to go slow at first, learn about the company and build a strong foundation. 

This approach is essential for creating a successful 30-60-90 day sales plan that guides you through learning, fitting in, and finally, excelling in your new role. 

Below is the checklist for the 30-60-90 days sales plan that you can create- 

1. Checklist for 30 day sales plan  

The first month of any new job is crucial, as this is where you’ll get acquainted with the company and its process. So, here’s how you can get a headstart on your job – 

  • Once you’ve completed onboarding and training, study the company’s vision and mission. Then, visit its website and social media pages. 
  • Invest time in understanding the company’s history, work culture, strategic business plan, and success. 
  • Study the market and ongoing sales trends.
  • Analyze the competitors and their strengths as well as weaknesses. 
  • Review all the written material like brochures, blogs, industry publications, and other content. 
  • Meet the product team and understand every point (why the product was developed, sole motive, features, functionality, value, propositions, etc.). 
  • Meet with the manager to understand the sales priorities, goals, and current issues. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the sales methodologies and sales process followed by the team.  
  • Study the ideal customer persona(Find out what the best fit company looks like and who should be targeted in the prospect’s company, i.e., decision maker) 
  • Study the case studies of satisfied customers and find out how the product helped the customer. 
  • Get familiarized with the past customers and the few key accounts the sales teams are working on. 
  • Schedule a meeting with the top performers to understand how they approach sales. 
  • Shadow your teammates and listen to how they conduct sales calls.  
  • Listen to the sales call recorded by the top performers and note the phrases, rapport-building techniques, and closing strategies they use. 
  • Learn how long it takes to convert a deal into sales and which steps are involved. 
  • Take training on using CRM and other tools used by the sales team.  
  • Analyze the new role and responsibilities and your current skills, and identify what new things you’ll need to learn. 
  • Spend time with the marketing and customer support team to understand how they function. 

2. Checklist for 60 days sales plan  

In any company, the first month goes into learning and adapting to the surrounding environments. In the second month, you face the real challenges when you get on the field and start selling. 

So the second month should be planned carefully. The real battle starts when you get the quota and need to strategize to achieve the sales quota . You must begin contributing to your sales team’s growth from the second month. Voice your thoughts and give ideas to improve the team’s processes. 

During 31- 60 days, you must connect and develop relationships with prospective buyers and other sales professionals. In the second month, explore your sales CRM and enter details.  

Developing weekly personal goals during this period can help you stay on track. Even teaming up with coworkers for mock calls can help boost your confidence and prepare you for future sales challenges. 

Below is the checklist for the second-month sales plan that you can create. 

  • Have a mock call session with the team. 
  • Create milestones that must be achieved to create value for the company. 
  • Create a clear sales workflow map. 
  • Strategize outbound activities. 
  • Enter data into CRM and explore its various features.  
  • Explore multiple sales channels for connecting with prospects. 
  • Create sales email templates and save them in the CRM simultaneously.  
  • Collect sales leads and plan them for the week.  
  • Evaluate leads against the buyer persona.  
  • Prepare for prospecting calls. 
  • Research and collect information about potential prospects.  
  • Make at least 40 calls per day. (spend 10 minutes on each call) 
  • Create a cold calling script . 
  • Create a list of questions for lead qualification.  
  • Set time for qualifying the leads.  
  • Prepare for discovery calls. 
  • Block time for setting appointments.  
  • Create a strategy for sales follow-up. 
  • Prioritize activities for each day. 

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3. Checklist for 90 days sales plan   

By the third month, you’ll be able to blend in with the new sales environment. The third month will be about putting what you learned in the first sixty days into action.  

During the 61-90 days, you’ll have to speed up the process and start closing deals to achieve your sales quota. From tweaking strategies to nurturing relationships, a lot must be done in the third month. 

You’ll have to track and analyze your sales approach to see what’s not working and make real-time amendments. 

During the 61-90 day period, you’ll have to make your sales manager and the team realize you are valuable. It is your last chance to prove everything you claimed during the interview process. So, make a strong game plan for the third month. 

Below is the checklist for the third-month sales plan that you can create. 

  •  Block time for nurturing activities. 
  •  Create impactful presentations for the sales meetings. 
  •  Prepare for the presentations. Make points to discuss for each slide of the display.  
  •  Create strategies to handle objections. 
  •  Set the time for following up after the presentation and address concerns.  
  •  Create a strategy for closing the deals. 
  •  Block time for coordinating with prospects who are in the closing stage. 
  •  Create sales reports and analyze sales performance.  
  •  Tweak the process for improving the conversion rate. 

30-60-90 day sales plan template free  

You know what to follow when creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan, but how do you assemble these tasks and execute them? Well, we’ve created an extensive 30 60 90 day sales plan template so that you can easily manage all your tasks from one place. 

Click on the link below to get a 30 60 90 day sales plan template free and crush your sales goals! 

30-60-90 day sales plan examples  

Making a 30-60-90 day sales plan is key for new and experienced salespeople to do well. It helps set clear goals for the first three months.  

Here are some examples of 30-60-90 day sales plans- 

30-60-90 day plan: New sales rep   

This plan serves as a roadmap for new sales reps or job candidates, offering a structured approach to mastering their new role and demonstrating their preparedness during the interview process. 

Phase 1 (Days 1–30): Understand   

  • Complete all onboarding and training processes to understand the sales strategies and processes.  
  • Learn about the company’s mission, sales goals, and the key players within the organization.  
  • Get acquainted with the company’s products/services and target market and what industry certificates they have. 
  • Conduct research on key accounts and the competitive landscape.  

Phase 2 (Days 31–60): Implement   

  • Shadow experienced sales team members to learn from real interactions.  
  • Practice sales pitches and calls with sales managers and peers.  
  • Start engaging with potential clients to build your sales rep experience.  
  • Begin tracking all sales activities and setting initial sales targets.  
  • Compile a list of prospective customers and start outreach efforts.  

Phase 3 (Days 61–90): Optimize  

  • Evaluate your sales performance, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.  
  • Set sales goals for the following month, focusing on enhancing sales strategies.  
  • Refine your approach based on successful outcomes and explore new methods for areas lacking results.  
  • Establish a daily routine to boost productivity and plan regular reviews with sales leadership to discuss progress.  

30-60-90 Day Plan: Sales manager example   

A sales manager’s plan emphasizes team building, process optimization, and leadership skills to elevate the entire sales team’s performance. 

  • Complete necessary company onboarding and familiarize yourself with sales leadership tools and processes.  
  • Meet with each of your direct reports to understand their strengths, challenges, and goals.  
  • Assess the current sales process or identify inefficiencies and areas for potential improvement.  
  • Research competitors and gather feedback from team members on the existing sales strategy or management practices.  
  • Implement changes based on initial assessments and feedback.  
  • Identify skill gaps within the team and consider training process enhancements or tool integrations.  
  • Develop data-driven strategies for improving sales performance and set achievable sales goals for the team.  
  • Introduce at least one change based on team feedback to foster a culture of continuous improvement.  
  • Solicit feedback on recent changes and assess the impact on team dynamics or sales results.
  • Establish a structured daily routine to maximize team productivity and efficiency.  
  • Organize regular meetings with team members to discuss progress, challenges, and future sales strategies.  
  • Make adjustments based on feedback, focusing on long-term sales goals and team development.  

These examples showcase a comprehensive approach for new sales reps and managers to navigate their roles effectively, setting a strong foundation for success in the competitive sales game.

A 30-60-90 day sales plan gives you a clear direction in the new job. It shows you what you’ll be doing in the first three months.

You will be able to reach your destination when you have a clear map. The 30-60-90 day sales plan should be tactfully developed. Here are the mistakes you must avoid while making the 30-60-90 day sales plan. 

Mistake 1 – Having a vague plan  

An ambiguous plan is like a foggy morning that can mislead you. Your sales plan should tell you what exactly needs to be done in the first three months. Be specific while writing the program. Include the date, number, or anything that’s required. 

In fact, only 60% of sales reps meet their quota . This shows how important it is to have a clear and measurable plan. 

For instance, “I will make 40 calls in a day”. With just one glance, you should know what needs to be done. This way, you will save time and do what’s essential for meeting the sales quota. 

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Mistake 2 – Not getting feedback   

Feedback is crucial for refining your 30-60-90-day sales plan. Feedback lets you determine whether you are on the right path or need to change your approach. 

So, once you create your entire sales plan, please share it with your manager and experienced team members. 

They might advise you to add more points or edit the existing ones. So, make sure you approach your manager or team’s top performers for some valuable feedback. 

Mistake 3 –  Not being flexible  

When you enter a new place, you don’t know much. You observe, research, and try to create a plan. 

When you start executing your project, you might discover that some things aren’t how you assumed them. 

You might have to adjust the schedule. Don’t get discouraged; instead, be flexible and make the change immediately to reach your goals. 

Best practices: Use software to create and track a 30-60-90 day plan  

Using CRM software significantly streamlines the creation and tracking of 30-60-90 day sales plans .

This technology integrates sales reporting and analytics into one platform, enhancing goal setting and success measurement. 

Essential CRM features

  • Dashboards : Visualize performance metrics to pinpoint successes and areas needing improvement. Sharing dashboards keeps sales teams and leadership aligned. 
  • Custom Goals : CRMs enable personalized goal setting linked to specific deals or tasks, ensuring sales reps have clear objectives. 
  • Performance Tracking : Monitor team achievements and identify when additional support, such as training or coaching, is necessary. 
  • Forecasting : Helps in setting realistic milestones with projections of revenue, guiding focus towards achieving sales targets. 
  • Insightful Reports : Tailored reports on KPIs and account performances provide clarity on team and individual progress, facilitating strategy adjustments. 

Adopting CRM for your 30-60-90 day plan not only simplifies its development but also enhances the ability to monitor and adapt sales strategies, aiming for continuous improvement in meeting sales goals. 

Wrapping up  

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is your roadmap for success in a new sales role. 

By setting clear goals, seeking feedback, and staying adaptable, you lay down a solid foundation for your journey. 

Remember, the key to a great plan is not just in the planning but in the doing and tweaking as you go. 

Stick to this approach, and you’ll confidently navigate your first three months, setting yourself up for a winning streak in the competitive sales world. 

Keep it specific, open to input, and flexible – and watch as your sales plan turns into sales success. 

Frequently Asked Question  

A 30-60-90 plan breaks down your goals for the first 30, 60, and 90 days in a new role or project. It begins with setting learning goals, continues with applying that knowledge, and finishes with actions to achieve your objectives. 

A sales manager 30 60 90 plan is a clear guide for new sales managers to hit the ground running.  

In the first 30 days, it’s all about understanding the team and how things work, which is key for a good 30 60 90 day plan for sales managers.  

The next 60 days are for putting what you’ve learned into action, improving sales strategies, and helping your team get better, fitting into a sales manager 90 day plan.  

The last 30 days are about making sure you and your team are on track to meet your sales goals.  

Following a 30-60-90 day plan sales manager example helps you lead your team effectively right from the start, making the 30 60 90 day sales manager plan really important for success. 

Sure, for a sales manager role, presenting a well-structured 30-60-90 day sales plan during an interview is crucial.  

This plan should outline a clear strategy that demonstrates your approach to achieving success within the first three months on the job. Typically, the plan is broken down into three phases: 

  • 30 day sales plan (Assessment and Learning)  

Under the sales manager 30 60 90 plan, the initial month is about orientation and assimilation. 

This involves understanding the company’s sales processes, products, and team dynamics. 

The goal is to assess the current sales strategies, team strengths, and areas for improvement. You’ll also establish relationships with your team and other key departments. 

  • 60 day sales plan (Strategic Planning and Integration)  

The sales manager 60 day plan focuses on using insights gained in the first 60 days to develop and integrate strategic sales initiatives. 

This may include implementing new sales methodologies, training sessions to address identified skill gaps, or restructuring the sales territory for better coverage. 

Additionally, you’ll start setting measurable goals for the team and individual sales representatives. 

  • 90 day sales plan (Implementation and Execution)  

By now, your 90 day plan for sales manager should shift towards full-scale execution. 

This means actively managing your sales team towards the new objectives, monitoring performance, and making necessary adjustments. 

It’s time to solidify your leadership position, drive sales efforts forward, and demonstrate tangible results from the strategies you’ve implemented. 

For a 30-60-90 day plan for sales manager interview, it’s essential to articulate how each phase will contribute to the overall sales targets and team development. 

Highlighting your proactive steps for learning, strategic planning, and execution shows your potential employer that you have a concrete, actionable plan for making a significant impact in your role as a sales manager. 

Riyanshi Chaplot

Riyanshi is an enthusiastic content creator and SEO strategist at Salesmate who curates information on marketing, sales, and customer experience. She loves to explore new places and meet new people when she is not working.

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How to Write a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan

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3 Stages of writing a 30-60-90 day plan and why it matters

30-60-90 day sales plans have been used as a way to ensure success for new sales team members with clearly outlined actions and goals. If you haven’t heard of or used this plan before, now is a great time to start for your next job interview, new sales job, or even for your personal life. See below what a 30-60-90 day plan is, the elements of it that you should consider, when to write one, and why it’s important.

What is a 30-60-90 Day Plan?

The 30-60-90 day plan is a three-month strategy for successfully training new sales team members or selling in new territories. It clearly lays out all the actions and goals that will help salespeople get to know their new company or region and learn how to best reach their highest (and healthiest) level of productivity. With a robust 30-60-90 day sales plan, businesses are much more likely to make the most of new territories, reps, and managers.

Why Write a Sales Plan?

Coming into a job interview or new sales job with a detailed 30-60-90 day sales plan will show the manager:

  • You know what you’re doing
  • You’re confident in your abilities
  • That you’ve carefully thought out crucial elements to ensure success
  • You’ll hit the ground running if hired

We all know to be prepared when starting a new job or interviewing for one, but having a plan like this laid out will take you to another level above other candidates.

3 Stages to Writing Your Plan

Like we’ve discussed, having a 30-60-90 day sales plan prepared is going to set you apart from less-prepared sales reps. If you’re unsure of where to start, the first steps are to:

  • Aligning the current teams goals
  • Identify your own priorities

Writing a sales plan is not just about you, the sales team also needs to be considered. In the interview process, ask the current sales reps what their goals are and what they’re being pushed to. After finding out where the current reps are, identify your own success. Here are some examples of goals you can use and measure at the end of 90 days:

  • Have the ability to demo the product at a high level.
  • Become known, liked and trusted with all current customers.
  • Have a list of 100 potential customers to prospect over the next 12 months.

It’s important to answer these questions before writing your plan to provide direction. Now let’s get to writing your sales plan .

Stage 1: 30 Days

When applying for a job, success in the first 30 days is likely completing your onboarding and training process successfully. In addition, you can also add the following criteria if you want to be more specific:

  • Understanding corporate priorities, new roles and responsibilities
  • Intermediate knowledge of key products and services
  • Knowing the product’s position in the market vs. the competition
  • Developing key connections within the organization with customer support, sales leadership, team members etc
  • Going through previous rep’s sales CRM data and outlining a few key accounts to target

The 30-day section of your sales plan should define your success goals and briefly explain how you plan on achieving them. It should also share how you‘ll know you’ve been successful in meeting these goals.

Stage 2: 60 Days

With the first 30 days up, you have to amp up your sales efforts in the second month. Here are some pointers to include in the 60-day section of your sales plan. Notice how some of them are mandatory, while others are more flexible depending on your role, experience, and onboarding process.

  • Started developing at least five new leads — Mandatory 
  • Have shadowed the top two performing sales reps in the company — Mandatory 
  • High-level understanding of key products — Mandatory 
  • Completed role-playing sessions with other sales professionals in the team
  • Have contributed to a sales meeting by adding value to the conversation
  • Completed all formal sales onboarding or training that needs to be done

Stage 3: 90 days

Your 31-90 day plan sets out what you’re planning on doing for the rest of the time in the specific sales role. At the 90-day meeting with your sales manager, discuss any 3-4 points from the following success criteria:

  • Clear and optimized prospecting list in use — Mandatory
  • Daily schedule established for prospecting, following up and staying on top of everything else — Mandatory
  • Become a solid member of the team — Mandatory
  • Had at least one round of feedback on performance from the sales manager
  • Closed at least a couple of deals without too much babysitting from others
  • Foot in the door with a couple of exciting key accounts

Let’s Talk About it

Your success as a sales rep rests largely on how prepared you are with goals and objectives for success. If you want to chat about it more and how we can get you set up with tools for you and your team, schedule a free demo now ! Comment down below if you have a 30-60-90 day sales plan or will be making one now.

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30-60-90 Day Plan: 2024 Guide + Example

Kimberlee Leonard

Updated: Apr 17, 2024, 11:50am

30-60-90 Day Plan: 2024 Guide + Example

Table of Contents

What is a 30-60-90 day plan, benefits of a 30-60-90 day plan, elements of a 30-60-90 day plan, when to make a 30-60-90 day plan, how to make a 30-60-90 day plan in 5 steps, 30-60-90 plan example, frequently asked questions (faqs).

It can take new employees time to settle in and learn the ropes of a new position. However, employers want to see productivity sooner than later. This is why developing a 30-60-90 day plan is a good idea. It’s a plan that outlines target milestones for employees to hit in the first 30, 60 and 90 days of employment. Follow along to learn more about the 30-60-90-day plan and how to create your own. To help give your employees the best start possible.

A 30-60-90 day plan is a document that is created either by a new employee or a hiring manager and outlines the goals to be accomplished during the first three months of employment. It breaks goals down into 30-, 60- and 90-day increments. Employees work to hit set milestones that are aligned with the mission of the organization. The goal is to maximize employee output in the first days of being hired, days which can be overwhelming and confusing in many cases. The plan helps simplify what the employee should be doing and focusing on.

The 30-60-90 day plan can be written by the employee or by the hiring manager. Managers may want employees to create their own plans to get the buy-in for the milestones and goals.

What Makes a Good 30-60-90 Day Plan?

A good 30-60-90 day plan takes larger goals and breaks them down into smaller, more digestible milestones. The plan has an ultimate goal set for 90 days and shows steps that are accomplished along the way at the 30- and 60-day marks. While the goals should be accomplishable, they should also be challenging.

A good plan also aligns with the mission of the company. Managers want employees to work on goals that move the company forward. Otherwise, the company may not meet its objectives and goals.

When managers utilize a 30-60-90 day plan for onboarding new employees , they help identify the key goals for the employee in the early days of employment. Not only does it set the parameters for success, but it also empowers employees to manage their own work to a large degree. When employees know what is expected of them, they can spend their day focusing on achieving those goals rather than on tasks that don’t support the plan. The 30-60-90 day plan is the roadmap for success.

A good 30-60-90 day plan has common components that are designed to explain expectations clearly. The first element of the plan is to have the company mission or purpose of the work stated. Then, of course, there are the goals. Goals should be concrete with measurable objectives. A good 30-60-90 day plan also lists resources to help employees accomplish their goals.

Make a 30-60-90 day plan when you onboard a new employee. It will serve as a way to help transition them from a new employee to a valuable team member in a short amount of time. You can also use a 30-60-90 day plan when rolling out new initiatives. This will help existing employees understand the goals and provide a workable path to accomplishing them.

It may also be helpful for a prospective employee to create a 30-60-90 day plan when preparing for an interview. This will show the hiring manager that you are serious about hitting the ground running and making an impact toward objectives and goals.

A 30-60-90 day plan doesn’t need to be complicated. It simply outlines the main objectives of a new employee and gives them guidance on how to accomplish them.

Here’s how to create a 30-60-90 day play in five easy steps:

1. Write the company mission

The very first thing that you should do when creating a 30-60-90 day plan is to identify and write down the company mission. Remember that the plan should align with the company’s mission and goals. By having it on the page for the employee to review, you can help the employee understand their role in the bigger picture.

2. Create the first 30 days’ objectives

Write down the goals for the first 30 days. Limit the goals to three to five to keep things clear. For each goal, write down a key metric that will be used to measure whether the goal is achieved or not.

3. Create the next 60- and 90-day objectives

Just as you did for the first 30 days, write down key goals for the first 60 days. Remember to keep goals limited to three to five goals for clarity. Have a key metric stated for each goal. Do the same for the first 90 days.

4. Provide ample resources for the employee

Because the plan is a guide, you should include any relevant resources that will help the employee accomplish their goals. Resources may include listing certain people to speak with or using certain computer-led tutorials. Give the employee the resources needed to succeed with as little oversight as possible.

5. Evaluate progress

For a 30-60-90 day plan to work, you need to give it time (as the name suggests). Part of the plan is to give said time and then follow-up with an evaluation. Did the employee manage to use the resources provided to hit their objectives?

Plan For: Employee name Date: August 1, 2022

Company Mission: To help consumers find the right resources for retirement and invest their money with our firm.

Goal 1: To complete all onboarding training. All boxes should be checked as complete in the employee file. Goal 2: Review investment products and become familiar with the key benefits. Goal 3: Pass state and federal licensing requirements to sell investment products.

Goal 1: Make first sales calls to potential clients. Goal 2: Work with your manager to develop a key product list to offer clients. Goal 3: Get the first sale in the program.

Goal 1: Consistently make 50 outbound calls per day. Goal 2: Hold at least three sales appointments per day. Goal 3: Generate at least $500,000 in sales.

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Bottom Line

A 30-60-90 day plan is a great way to help onboard new employees (or get an edge in an interview process) because it shows the key objectives for the first three months of employment. It aligns with the company’s mission, helping the employee integrate quickly into becoming a valuable team member. Set realistic goals in a 30-60-90 day plan to see success and build confidence in new team members.

The 30-60-90 day plan is just one tool in the employer’s toolkit. For more insights into managing staff and building strong teams, check out our article on strategic human resource management .

How do I answer what I will do in the first 30-60-90 days?

Prepare for this question in an interview. Make sure you approach it from the perspective of the company’s goals and say what you plan on accomplishing based on what you know about the job description. Don’t hesitate to ask questions to clarify the role before answering the question.

How many slides should a 30-60-90 day plan be?

If you are presenting a plan in a PowerPoint, you want to use three to four slides. The first slide should outline the mission and overall objective of the company, while the next three slides review the goals. Use one slide for each month.

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Kimberlee Leonard has 22 years of experience as a freelance writer. Her work has been featured on US News and World Report, and Fit Small Business. She brings practical experience as a business owner and insurance agent to her role as a small business writer.

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30-60-90 Day Sales Plan: Winning Sales Reps' Strategy

Just landed your new sales job? Are you brainstorming ideas and methods to impress your fellow sales team members and sales manager? Or establish your prowess as a sales leader? Having a strategic sales plan, especially in the first three months is critical to proving your worth. An organized sales plan can help you prioritize and pivot through all the learnings, and tasks at hand, and adapt to your new environment. A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a proven and essential strategy for a seamless transition, providing structure and guidance from day one.In this article, we will explore the importance of a 30-60-90 day plan for newly appointed sales representatives and sales leaders, and how it serves as a crucial instrument for achieving success.


  • What is a 30-60-90 day sales plan?
  • When to create a 30-60-90 plan?
  • Benefits of Implementing a 30-60-90 plan for Sales Reps
  • Benefits of Implementing a 30-60-90 plan for Sales Leaders
  • Creating a 30-60-90-Day Sales Plan

How to Create a 30-60-90-Day Sales Plan

What to include in a 30-60-90 day sales plan.

  • Examples of 30-60-90 Day Sales Plans for Various scenarios

Mistakes to Avoid While Creating a 30-60-90-Day Sales Plan

What is a 30-60-90 day sales plan.

A 30-60-90 day plan is typically for new hires, that lays out the game plan for the first three months, breaking down goals into manageable 30-day chunks. These milestones are all about syncing up with the organization's mission. It provides the new joinees with  a clear path forward during those early days that can feel a bit chaotic.

Who creates it? Well, it could be either the new hire or their manager, but regardless, it's a collaborative effort. Managers may encourage new hires to develop their own plan to ensure alignment with the outlined goals and milestones. Ultimately, it's all about setting the new hire up for success right from the start!

With a robust 30-60-90 day sales plan, organizations are more likely to level up their new sales reps to make the most of their new territories, environment, and people.

Besides, the sales manager can also gauge how you are moving ahead in the organization and adapting to your new role. Get visibility into your sales team’s performance with Salesken, learn more.

When to Make a 30-60-90 Plan?

Onboarding new employees.

  • Create a 30-60-90 day plan to facilitate the transition of new employees into valuable team members quickly.
  • The plan serves as a structured approach to help new hires understand their roles, responsibilities, and goals within the organization.
  • By breaking down tasks and objectives into 30-day increments, new employees can focus on achieving short-term goals while gradually integrating into their new role and team.

Rolling Out New Initiatives

  • Utilize a 30-60-90 day plan when introducing new initiatives within the organization.
  • The plan acts as a roadmap for existing employees, providing clarity on the goals of the initiative and outlining actionable steps to achieve them.
  • By breaking down the implementation process into 30-day intervals, employees can effectively understand, adopt, and contribute to the success of the new initiative.

Preparing for Interviews

  • Prospective employees can benefit from creating a 30-60-90 day plan when preparing for job interviews.
  • Presenting a detailed plan demonstrates to hiring managers a proactive approach and readiness to contribute to the organization's objectives.
  • The plan showcases the candidate's commitment to making an immediate impact and aligning with the company's goals and vision.

What are the Benefits of Implementing a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan for Sales Reps?

Although a 30-60-90 day sales plan is to help new sales team members transition into their roles, it should also serve as a roadmap for their career development.

Here are some benefits of a 30 60 90 day sales plan for sales reps:

1. Clarity and Focus

A well-designed 30-60 90-day sales plan provides clarity and focuses to the sales rep by outlining specific goals and objectives for each phase of their onboarding process. This helps them stay focused on the tasks at hand and avoid getting overwhelmed.

2. Prioritization

The plan helps the sales rep prioritize their tasks by breaking down their goals into smaller, achievable objectives. This enables sales reps to upskill and work more efficiently.

3. Faster Ramp-Up Time

By providing a roadmap for the sales rep to follow, a 30-60 90-day sales plan can help them quickly get up to speed on the job and start making meaningful contributions to the team.

4. Increased Accountability

A sales plan provides a measurable framework for assessing the sales rep's progress and performance. This increased level of accountability can motivate the sales rep to work harder and achieve their goals.

5. Better Communication with Management

A 30-60 90-day sales plan can be used as a communication tool between the sales rep and their management team. It allows both parties to be on the same page regarding expectations and progress, fostering a more collaborative and productive working relationship.

Benefits of a 30-60-90-Day Sales Plan for Sales Leaders

1. structured framework for delegation.

  • A 30-60-90 Day Plan offers sales leaders a structured framework for delegating tasks and responsibilities to their team members.
  • By clearly defining objectives and action steps for each phase of the plan, leaders can effectively communicate expectations and allocate tasks based on individual strengths and capabilities.
  • This structured approach to delegation ensures that team members understand their roles and responsibilities within the broader sales strategy, fostering efficiency and productivity.

2. Effective Resource Allocation

  • The detailed nature of a 30-60-90 Day Plan enables sales leaders to allocate resources such as time, budget, and personnel strategically.
  • By identifying key priorities and objectives for each phase of the plan, leaders can allocate resources where they will have the greatest impact, maximizing efficiency and optimizing results.
  • This effective resource allocation ensures that resources are utilized judiciously, minimizing waste and maximizing the return on investment for the sales organization.

3. Fosters a Culture of Accountability and Continuous Improvement

  • Implementing a 30-60-90 Day Plan fosters a culture of accountability within the sales team, where each team member is responsible for achieving their designated goals and milestones.
  • By setting clear expectations and tracking progress against predefined metrics, sales leaders can hold team members accountable for their performance, driving a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  • Additionally, the structured nature of the plan facilitates ongoing evaluation and feedback, allowing sales leaders to identify areas for improvement and implement corrective actions as needed.
  • This culture of accountability and continuous improvement promotes a dynamic and results-oriented sales environment, where team members are motivated to strive for excellence and exceed expectations. ‍

If you're looking for the secret sauce to succeed in sales, then a well-crafted 30-60-90 day sales plan is your recipe for success. 

According to statistics , sales reps who implement a 30-60-90 day sales plan achieve a 30% higher success rate than those who don't. 

Here's how to create a 30-60-90 day sales plan that will set you up for success:

1. Define the Company Mission

Start by identifying and writing down the company mission. This step is crucial as the plan should align with the company’s mission and goals. By having a clear understanding of the mission, the sales rep can better comprehend their role in the company.

2. Set 30-day Objectives

Write down three to five goals that the sales rep should aim to achieve in the first 30 days. It is essential to include key metrics for each goal, which will help measure success.

3. Set 60-day and 90-day Objectives

Similarly, write down three to five goals that the sales rep should aim to achieve in the next 60 and 90 days, respectively. Once again, including key metrics is crucial to track progress.

4. Provide Ample Resources

To help the sales rep accomplish their goals, including any relevant resources such as contact information for key personnel or online tutorials. The aim is to provide the necessary support and guidance for the sales rep to succeed with minimal oversight.

5. Evaluate Progress

It is crucial to evaluate the sales rep's progress regularly.

To do so, set a specific timeline for follow-up and review the sales rep's accomplishments against the goals set out in the plan. Evaluating the plan's effectiveness helps identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement. According to a survey conducted by The Bridge Group , sales reps with a 30-60-90 day plan were 79% more likely to achieve their targets than those without a plan. 

By following the above-mentioned five steps, you can help ensure that your sales rep is equipped with the tools and resources necessary to achieve their sales goals.

The first step in creating a sales plan is to identify and write down the company's mission and goals. Understanding the company's mission will help the sales rep comprehend their role in the bigger picture. It will enable them to align their sales strategy with the company's objectives and work towards achieving the same.

Next, the sales rep should set specific, measurable, and achievable goals for the first 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. The goals should be limited to three to five to ensure clarity and focus. Each goal should have a key metric that can be used to measure success.

The goals should be realistic, and challenging, and should align with the company's mission and objectives.

Examples of 30-60-90 Day Sales Plans for Various Scenarios

30-60-90 day sales plan for newly joined sales reps, phase 1: days 1-30.

  • Complete all onboarding and training.
  • Familiarize yourself with the company’s culture, mission, and values.
  • Learn about the company’s products and/or services in detail, including pricing, features, and benefits.
  • Research the company's existing clients and their needs.
  • Meet with the sales team and learn about their current sales strategies.
  • Schedule regular meetings with your sales manager to discuss progress and receive feedback.
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the sales process, including lead generation, prospecting, and closing deals.

Phase 2: Days 31-60

  • Review your progress over the past 30 days and identify areas for improvement.
  • Shadow top-performing sales reps to learn their tactics and strategies.
  • Attend sales meetings and presentations to learn how to effectively communicate with clients.
  • Develop a target list of prospects and create a plan for reaching out to them.
  • Conduct market research to identify new opportunities and develop a strategy for pursuing them.
  • Set specific, measurable sales goals and establish a plan for achieving them.

Phase 3: Days 61-90

  • Review your progress and results from the previous 60 days.
  • Continue to refine and improve your sales techniques, based on feedback from managers and colleagues.
  • Use customer feedback to make adjustments to your sales approach and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Develop and implement a follow-up strategy to nurture leads and close deals.
  • Network with industry professionals and attend relevant events to build your sales pipeline.
  • Conduct a thorough review of your sales activities and results over the past 90 days, and create a plan for ongoing improvement.

‍ 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan for Newly Joined Sales Managers

  • Complete all onboarding and training, including company policies and procedures.
  • Meet with your team members and learn about their current roles and responsibilities.
  • Review the company's sales goals and objectives, as well as the current sales strategies.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the team's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Develop a plan to improve team performance, such as setting performance goals, creating incentives, and offering training opportunities.
  • Schedule regular check-ins with each team member to discuss progress and provide feedback.
  • Build relationships with key stakeholders, such as clients, partners, and vendors.
  • Evaluate the team's performance over the past 30 days and identify areas for improvement.
  • Develop and implement a plan to address any weaknesses or gaps in the team's performance.
  • Meet with key clients to understand their needs and challenges, and develop a plan to address their concerns.
  • Review and refine the sales process to optimize efficiency and productivity.
  • Attend sales meetings and provide coaching and feedback to team members.
  • Develop a plan to improve communication and collaboration among team members.
  • Review the team's progress and results over the past 60 days.
  • Implement ongoing training and development programs to ensure the team has the skills and knowledge to succeed.
  • Develop and implement a plan to expand the company's customer base and increase revenue.
  • Analyze the competition and develop strategies to stay ahead of them.
  • Develop and implement a plan to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Conduct a comprehensive review of the team's performance and results over the past 90 days, and develop a plan for ongoing improvement.

‍ 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan for New Sales Territory

  • Gather information about the new territory, including market size, competition, and demographics.
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the company's products and services.
  • Identify key accounts and prospects in the territory and develop a plan to prioritize them.
  • Create a sales territory map to visualize the distribution of prospects and customers.
  • Schedule introductory meetings with key stakeholders, including clients, partners, and vendors.
  • Meet with the sales team to discuss the territory's potential and challenges.
  • Develop a deep understanding of the needs and challenges of your target market.
  • Build relationships with key prospects and clients, including decision-makers and influencers.
  • Create and execute a plan for lead generation and prospecting.
  • Identify and engage with referral sources to expand the customer base.
  • Attend industry events and network with other professionals in the territory.
  • Set specific, measurable sales goals for the territory and establish a plan for achieving them.
  • Refine and optimize your sales strategies based on feedback from clients and team members.
  • Conduct a comprehensive review of the territory's performance, including sales metrics and customer satisfaction.
  • Develop and implement a plan to expand the customer base and increase revenue.
  • Identify and capitalize on opportunities to improve operational efficiency and increase profitability.

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan for Newly Hired Sales Leadership

  • Meet with each member of the sales team to understand their roles, responsibilities, and performance.
  • Evaluate the existing sales strategies and identify areas for improvement.
  • Develop a deep understanding of the company's products and services, as well as the target market and ideal customer profiles.
  • Meet with key stakeholders, such as senior management, marketing, and customer service teams, to understand the company's overall strategy and goals.
  • Review the team's performance over the past 30 days and identify areas for improvement.
  • Build relationships with key clients and prospects to understand their needs and challenges.
  • Develop and execute a plan for lead generation and prospecting.
  • Identify opportunities to improve operational efficiency and increase profitability.

When creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan, there are several mistakes that you should avoid to ensure that your plan is effective and helps you achieve your sales goals. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Not Setting Specific Goals : Your sales plan should have clear and specific goals for every 30 days. Avoid setting vague or unrealistic goals that are difficult to measure.
  • Focusing Too Much on Short-Term Goals: While it's important to have short-term goals, it's also important to consider the long-term impact of your sales plan. Make sure that your short-term goals align with your long-term sales strategy.
  • Neglecting Research and Analysis: Before creating your sales plan, it's important to research your target market, competitors, and industry trends. Neglecting this research can lead to a plan that is ineffective and doesn't meet the needs of your customers.
  • Not Taking into Account the Strengths and Weaknesses of your Sales Team: Your sales plan should take into account the strengths and weaknesses of your sales team. Make sure that you're assigning tasks and responsibilities to team members based on their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Not Tracking Progress: It's important to track your progress toward your sales goals and adjust your plan as needed. Avoid neglecting this step, as it can help you identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to your plan to ensure success.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a 30-60-90 day sales plan that is effective, realistic, and tailored to the needs of your business and customers.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, a 30-60-90 day sales plan is a powerful tool that can help sales reps achieve success by setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, and tracking progress. 

By avoiding common mistakes and tailoring the plan to the needs of your business and customers, you can increase your chances of meeting and exceeding your sales targets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should be in a 30-60-90 day sales plan.

A 30-60-90 day sales plan should outline specific focuses, priorities, and sales goals for each phase, along with success metrics, whether it's for you or a new hire.

What should be included in a 30 60 90 day plan?

While there's no set length for a 30-60-90 day plan, it should include information about onboarding and training, set goals that you're expected to hit by the end of each phase, and all the people to meet and resources to review in support of those goals.

script, and a follow-up plan, cold calling can effectively generate leads, build relationships, and close sales.

How does a 30-60-90 day plan help new sales managers succeed from the start?

A 30-60-90 day plan is a step-by-step guide for new sales managers.

  • First 30 Days: Learn about your team and the sales process.
  • Next 60 Days: Start using what you've learned to improve sales and help your team perform better.
  • Last 30 Days: Make sure you and your team are on track to hit your sales targets.

This plan helps new managers lead effectively right from the beginning.

Andy Smith

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90 day business plan for sales

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9 Stunning Sales Business Plan Templates to Close Deals

9 Stunning Sales Business Plan Templates to Close Deals

Written by: Orana Velarde

9 Stunning Sales Business Plan Templates to Close Your Next Deal

When sales and marketing teams work together, amazing things can happen for a business. Take, for example, the creation of an integral sales business plan that covers not only the goals the team aspires to but also all the data to support the actions, timelines, roadmaps and org charts.

Your business plan for sales and marketing activities is the guideline by which both teams undertake their tasks, aiming for a common goal. Creating a sales business plan collaboratively can help the teams see the big picture faster and be ready for any eventuality along the way.

In this guide, we will share nine business plan templates to help you build the perfect plan for your teams to work with. Share it digitally with your sales and marketing teams; they will be more productive and close more deals.

Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

What is a sales business plan, what is the sales business planning process, what goes in a sales business plan template, 9 business sales plan templates, sales plan faqs.

  • A sales business plan is a document that outlines the goals, strategies and tactics of a company’s sales department, including current state and future plans.
  • The sales business planning process includes figuring out the scope, organizing the team and assigning roles, collecting critical information in a centralized location, setting up branded templates, customizing the templates and collaborating with the team to finalize the document.
  • The five different types of strategic sales planning are goal-oriented planning, account-based planning, product planning, relationship planning and sales process planning.
  • Explore the nine templates provided according to sales business plan examples and choose the one that matches your sales goals.
  • Sign up for Visme to create your sales business plans and all your sales and marketing collateral without needing any design skills.

A sales business plan—sales plan for short—is a document or presentation that defines the strategies your team will undertake to close deals, retain clients and bring in new leads. With a business plan , sales are contrastingly better overall.

Each section defines the steps toward hitting milestones and achieving goals. It lays a forecast for all activities that have to do with selling and hitting sales targets. The team members who benefit the most from a sales business plan are the sales reps and marketing strategists. It gives them all a vision of the big picture, a mission to aim for and a roadmap to achieving the goal.

Overall, a well-crafted sales business plan is crucial for optimizing the sales cycle and achieving success in the competitive world of sales.

To create a business plan for sales activities, follow an industry-standard format and add your team's unique content plus the company’s branded elements. Build a sales action plan based on your strategies and goals, backed up by your chosen sales plan template .

Here’s the path to take:

1. Figure out the scope

First, you need to know the scope of possibilities for the sales business plan you’re working on.

To figure this out, you need to answer these questions:

  • What do you intend to cover in your sales plan?
  • What aspects of the business will the sales plan cover?
  • How far can this plan take you?
  • Will it span weeks, months, a quarter, or an entire year?
  • How many people will need to work together from how many teams?

This is the perfect opportunity to use mind maps . Visualizing your scope with mind maps makes it easy for you to organize the information and communicate it with everyone. And if you want to gather ideas from your sales team, brainstorming is the way to go.

Read this article to learn how to maximize your brainstorming meetings using online whiteboards.

Brainstorm the sales plan with your team using Visme’s infinite whiteboard . Our infinite whiteboard supports real-time collaboration and has more than enough space for you to lay out all the information.

Once you’ve mapped out your scope, create an outline for the overall plan. The outline will be the foundation for the pages and sections in your sales business plan. The next section, “What goes in a business plan” includes a list of essential sections that will help create a business plan for sales.

90 day business plan for sales

2. Organize the team and roles within the team

Part of the planning includes organizing a group of people who will work together to meet the goals laid out in the plan. Create a branded org chart visualizing team roles and responsibilities. Include this chart on a page in your sales plan; make it part of the process.

Using hotspots and hyperlinks, connect each team member's photo to their task list on or your favorite productivity platform.

Do you need more people to achieve the goals you’re pitching? Use this template to assign roles and tasks to team members.

Yearly Team Assignments Gantt Chart

3. Collect all information, analysis and data in one digital location.

No plan gets anywhere without data. Research, analysis, and investigation are your best friends at this point. Collect all the data you need and organize it in an accessible way. This will help immensely when building the sales plan .

Gather raw data about your current sales activities and performance, competitors, user persona, target market, industry analysis and more. Keep all visual documentation and relevant research samples inside a folder in your Visme workspace and name it accordingly.

Give access to those folders only to people involved in the project. The permission settings are in the brand controls for your workspace.

When you take advantage of the workspace organization features in your Visme account, you can plan your team's activity productively.

4. Set up a branded template

Are you regularly creating the same document more than once to share with different people? Branded templates are your secret weapon for any visual asset creation task. It saves time and serves as the guideline for all future versions of that document.

Applying your brand to industry templates is simple. First, pick one of our professionally designed templates, and then use our intuitive editor to change the color scheme, fonts and other design elements. You can also create a master layout to control fonts and logo placements.

Better yet, try Visme's Brand Wizard feature . Input your website URL and follow the steps. In the end, you’ll have a full set of templates with your brand colors and fonts.

90 day business plan for sales

5. Create each page in the document/slide in the deck

Transfer content from the outline to the document, section by section. Analyze and customize the visualization of each slide or page so it's optimized for the story you will tell. Yes, even sales plans can use storytelling techniques to be functional and effective. It’s the single most important communication tool in your arsenal.

Customize the sections, pages and slides with all the design elements available inside your Visme editor. Tap into all the interactive features to create an interactive sales business plan experience or make your digital PDF more engaging.

Take note of all the pages and slides as you create them to help you build the "table of contents" page. Use hyperlinking to let readers navigate the sales business plan however they wish.

6. Collaborate with the team

Involve the teams from the start. Task them with providing information or creating sections of the plan that pertain to their sector. Create the pages together, tag team members and leave comments to share information.

Ask managers for feedback through the Visme workspace; send them a live link to the project where they can leave notes and comments for edits.

Use a template to create an org chart that explains and details everyone’s role in the plan moving forward. When you make the process, plan and action collaborative, the team culture is strengthened. It’s a win-win in all directions.

7. Finalize and Share Your Plan

Take care of the last edits and proofread all the content. Double-check all image permissions and finalize all the layouts. Now that all the slides or pages are ready, it’s time to share and present the finished project. Use Presenter Studio to add a personalized message to the sales plan presentation, which is ideal for remote teams.

How do you wish to share the sales business plan with your team?

If there's any degree of interactivity in your plan, digital is the way to go. In the settings tab, publish your Visme project to the web and generate a live link to share with anyone you wish.

Download or share your sales business presentation as a video, a flip book, an interactive PDF or an interactive digital experience. All of these and more are possible with Visme.

There are templates, and then there are branded templates. A regular template has a color palette chosen by our designers for anyone to use. A branded template has all your company colors and fonts ready to fill up with content and finalize.

Here's a comprehensive list of the actual slides or pages in a sales business plan template. These apply to the document or presentation format of a top-down sales business plan.

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

 Start with the stunning cover page, then follow up with an interactive table of contents and other pages such as:

  • Executive summary. Summarize your company goals, sales objectives, revenue targets, and top-level strategies. This lays the foundation for the rest of your document.
  • Business goals (SMART goals & KPIs). Provide clear goals that you'll use to guide your sales plan activities and resources. 
  • Current sales performance.  Use data visualization to present an overview of your current sales performance. 
  • Industry and market overview.  Provide actionable insights on data or trends to support your sales plan.
  • Description of sales strategies and tactics.  Break down the sales techniques that will be used to execute your plan.
  • Customer segments.  Define your customer persona , target audience or segmentation, answering the question, "Who do you plan to sell to."
  • SWOT Analysis.  Take a look at your sales team or brand's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and potential threats. 
  • Resources and team capabilities. Using the organizational chart , visualize the team roles and list resources to accomplish your goal.
  • Timeframe for execution.  Provide an estimated timeframe you'll need to execute your sales plan. 
  • Budget.  State how much you plan to spend or need to accommodate your sales plan's resources.  

Here’s the collection of sales business plan examples you’ve been looking for. They are available in different selling styles, covering an array of industries. Simply add your brand content with elements of storytelling to make it unforgettable.

If time is running out or you need a speedy start for your sales business plan, Visme's AI business plan generator can get it done in just a few minutes.

These business sales plans are a great starting point for sales managers looking for more templates to use with their team.

1. New Product Sales Plan

Plan the sales strategy for a new product with a new product sales plan template. Put together a strategy to promote the new product to existing clients and new prospects. Look at the data from previous campaigns and use it as the foundation for future product launches and sales plans.

The document-style sales business plan template below has all the pages you need to share information about the products, the goals, the KPIs to follow and the team in charge of getting it done. Finally, there are data pages for the budget and market analysis.

90 day business plan for sales

2. SaaS Sales Plan

SaaS companies need effective sales plans to grow their client base and increase quarterly revenue. A comprehensive sales plan for a SaaS company needs specific sections for each item and clear strategies for reaching team goals. Link to the materials the sales team will use, like sales playbooks and surveys .

This sales plan sample template, designed especially for SaaS companies, concentrates on the strengths, opportunities and unique selling points. The color blocks and data widgets offer a quick overview of the foundation, goals and team in charge of taking care of it.

Beyond creating a sales plan, you want to visualize your sales pipeline to see where your sales prospects are in the purchasing process.

90 day business plan for sales

3. 30-60-90-day Sales Plan

Maximize the efficiency of your sales team by utilizing this comprehensive sales action plan template. This 30 60 90 day sales plan example template is based on the idea of time. The strategies in the plan are laid out in three sections of one month each. Roadmaps have a timeframe, and there are three sets of goals. The purpose is to integrate new technology better or train a new sales rep into the team.

Get the most from your 30-60-90 sales business plan with the template below. Each page concentrates on the dedicated time period, explaining everything expected from the employee or the team.

90 day business plan for sales

4. Territory Sales Plan

Territory sales business plans are based on a specific geolocation or localization where the sales will occur. You need this type of sales plan if your company has client bases in different areas of the country or world. Culturally, each location can have different approaches and sales tactics. Use the dynamic fields feature to reuse territory sales presentations and easily change the location information.

Across nine pages in a purple color scheme, this territory sales plan is ready for your team’s detailed strategic planning. Create a document per location, or use interactivity to create hotspots that change the data or information according to the reader’s choice.

90 day business plan for sales

5. Business Development Sales Plan

Strategic business development can mean increasing client reach, improving business partnerships and many other business activities that increase revenue. Using this business development sales plan, your team can strategize different approaches to achieve positive goals.

In the business development sales plan template below, you’ll find all the graphic organizers to help your team see the big picture across different factors. Create timelines , Gantt charts and roadmaps to organize tasks and measure goals.

90 day business plan for sales

6. Market Expansion Sales Plan

Expanding the market is a large part of many sales strategies. And it also needs a solid sales business plan for the team and higher-ups to know what they can expect. To expand your target market efficiently, you’ll need to do a lot of research. All the data you collect goes on the pages of the market expansion sales plan in attractive data visualizations and infographic layouts.

Get inspired to set bold market expansion goals with this colorful and clean-cut template design. Each page has a specific function and purpose, and charts and data visualizations grace the pages without visual obstacles. This template is great for fast and easy information sharing.

90 day business plan for sales

7. Revenue-based Sales Plan

The name of this sales plan says it all. The entirety of this plan stems from revenue-how much there is, how much the company wants, and how to get it. These are ideal for sales teams that separate the big picture into actionable parts.

With the template below, your team can create an actionable sales plan that moves the needle forward. The angled leading lines on each page take the reader on a visual journey across goals and timelines to success. Part of the plan is to inspire the team members and stakeholders to believe in the process and work together.

90 day business plan for sales

8. Real Estate Sales Plan

In real estate, you’ll have to plan strategies for your agents and teams to follow together. Real estate agents must work with the marketing team to be on the same page about messaging, strategies and goals. With a sales plan, you can put it all together into one.

In this template, all the marketing, prospecting, and target market calculations work together to improve your sales strategies. Strategic planning can improve revenue for the agency, the agents, and the homeowners.

90 day business plan for sales

9. Sales Training Plan

New sales reps perform better when their onboarding and training are inspiring and motivating. Use this template to plan your training and onboarding strategies and create a better company culture. Instruct new hires in the systems and explain timelines of expected performance during the probation and orientation phase.

The choice of color palette and design elements is important for telling the story of your sales training plan. Cover both high and low levels of the sales process by training efficiently. Plan how to train and get results.

90 day business plan for sales

After personalizing your preferred sales business plan template, the next step is to download and share it with your team and stakeholders.

With Visme, you have complete freedom over how you use your documents. You can download the design in various formats, such as PDF, JPG, PNG, and HTML5, or share it online via email or a shareable link.

You can even publish your content anywhere on the internet by generating a snippet of code from the Visme app.

One of our satisfied customers, shares their positive experience with Visme's templates and sharing options.

Matt Swiren

Manager of Partnership Marketing

Q. What Are the Different Types of Strategic Sales Planning?

As a sales leader, it is crucial to avoid poor planning, as it can result in missing up to 10% of annual sales opportunities . Your responsibility is to ensure that your company does not experience this setback.

To help you avoid this pitfall, here are five distinct approaches, each with its own unique flair.

1. Goal-Oriented Planning: This approach begins with setting ambitious yet achievable revenue targets, followed by reverse-engineering your sales process to identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) necessary to reach those targets. Sales activities are then meticulously aligned with the overarching goals to create a cohesive roadmap to success.

2. Account Planning: It focuses on developing a comprehensive strategy for managing individual accounts. This type of planning involves researching the account, identifying key stakeholders, and creating a plan to engage with them. Account planning benefits businesses that rely on a small number of large accounts for their revenue.

3. Product Planning: Product planning involves the development of a strategy for selling a particular product or product line. This type of planning focuses on understanding the market for the product, identifying key features and benefits, and developing a plan for promoting and selling the product.

4. Relationship Planning: Relationship selling is a long-term approach focusing on building strong customer relationships. It involves understanding the customer's needs, building trust and providing ongoing support and value. This approach requires excellent communication skills, a customer-centric mindset and a commitment to delivering exceptional service.

5. Sales Process Planning: This involves developing a comprehensive plan for managing the sales process, from lead generation to closing the sale. This type of planning involves identifying the critical steps in the sales process, developing a plan for each step, and establishing metrics to measure the effectiveness of the process.

Q. How Do I Write a Sales Business Plan?

After learning about the various types of sales planning and their advantages, as well as the components of a sales business plan, it's time to delve into the process of drafting one. Let's explore some tips for writing a successful sales business plan.

  • Define Your Sales Objectives: Start by defining your sales objectives. What are your revenue goals? What products or services do you want to sell? Who is your sales ICP ? Defining these objectives will help you create a clear roadmap for achieving your sales goals.
  • Conduct a Market Analysis: Conduct a market analysis to identify opportunities and threats in the marketplace. Analyze your industry, competitors, and target audience. This will help you understand how to position your product or service in the market.
  • I dentify Your Unique Selling Proposition: Identify your unique selling proposition (USP)—what makes your product or service different from your competitors? What are the benefits of your product or service? Understanding your USP will help you market and sell your product or service better.
  • Develop a Sales Strategy: Develop a sales strategy that aligns with your sales objectives. This should include a plan for lead generation, lead qualification and the sales process. You can revisit the types of strategic sales planning sections to choose the one that fits your sales goals. Consider the sales channels you'll use, the sales team structure and the sales tools you'll need.
  • Define Sales Metrics: Define sales metrics that will help you measure your progress toward achieving your sales objectives. This could include revenue, sales growth rate, conversion rate and customer acquisition cost.
  • Develop a Sales Budget: Develop a sales budget that aligns with your sales strategy and objectives. This should include expenses related to lead generation, sales team compensation, sales tools, and marketing.
  • Review and Refine: Review and refine your sales business plan regularly. This will help you stay on track toward achieving your sales goals and make adjustments as needed.

Additionally, you can read this article on creating a strategic sales plan to get more help writing your own sales business plan.

Create Your Sales Business Plan With Visme

Jumping right into a project isn’t always the best idea; you won’t be prepared for the obstacles and hurdles. Every layer of your sales stack should be potentially planned and brainstormed for optimal results.

This is where sales business plans come into play. With well-designed and personalized plans, you create meaningful connections with prospects, turning them into loyal clients.

Create an interactive sales business plan to engage your team in a shared journey toward a common goal. Designate roles and link them together in the sales plan and your productivity platform so everyone is always on track.

Visme has plenty of features to help you and your team close deal after deal. Not only can you create a sales business plan collaboratively, but you can also brainstorm, create other content, share it online, track performance and keep all assets organized within your workspace. Make your team more efficient at creating visual content at every level of your organization using our third-party integrations .

Ready to up your company's sales game and close more deals? Book a demo or sign up today to see how we can help your sales team succeed.

Easily put together winning sales business plans in Visme

90 day business plan for sales

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90 day business plan for sales

About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

90 day business plan for sales

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template Examples & Ideas For Best Sales

Sales plans can be tough, but with the help of a dedicated sales plan template, you can ensure your success in this competitive market. In this article, we've compiled a list of 30 60 90 day sales plan template examples to help you get started.

90 day business plan for sales

What are the 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template Examples and Why Should You Use It?

The 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan is a method of planning out your orders to meet your quota and earning more money in the process. It is most commonly referred to as a month-to-month plan, but it can also be used for any time frame that you want. It's widely used among businesses, particularly ecommerce businesses such as Amazon.

A sales plan is not only used to track your sales but it is one of the most important tools in any manager's toolbox . The 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template Examples are a great way to help you create and organize your plan.

A 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Templates Examples is a document that can be used to plan out a sales strategy for the next 30, 60, or 90 days. The method of planning depends on the type of business you are in. This template is great for any business owner who needs some help with how to time their sales efforts and what they should do each week.

The 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Templates Example is a sales plan template that helps you outline what you want to achieve in the first 30 and 60 days of your sales process. Instead of using your own personal beliefs, this template helps you focus on your customer's journey and how to deliver immediate results.

This sales plan template is easy to follow, but it can be very effective if used properly by identifying various touch points along the customer's path.

How to Start Your Business Using the 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan?

The 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan is a simple, yet effective sales template that can help you focus on creating a sustainable business. It's a great way to set your business goals for the short-term and long-term. Create a 30, 60 or 90 day sales plan to help you establish your target numbers and figure out what your marketing and other expenses will be.

To start your business, you'll need a plan. 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template are an easy way for people to plan out their businesses with a step by step process that doesn't require much time at all. There are many templates to choose from that work in different types of businesses, including software and consulting.

Maybe you have a business idea that you've been mulling over for some time. Maybe it's not just an idea, though, but a game plan. Maybe you've created a 30 60 90 day plan that you're ready to put into action.

You might want to start small and see what happens before putting all your eggs in one basket. If this is the case, then take these examples of how to create and start your own business as a guide for creating your own plan and laying out your vision for success.

90 day business plan for sales

How long should a 30 60 90 day plan be?

There is no set answer for how long a 30 60 90 day plan should be, as it will depend on the goals and objectives of the individual. However, a good rule of thumb is to create a plan that covers at least the first three months, while also taking into account seasonal changes and fluctuations in the market.

It depends on the goals and objectives that you have for your business. However, it is important to keep in mind that a plan should be flexible so that you can make changes as needed.

A good way to start is by creating a basic outline of what you want to achieve within the first 90 days. This will help you focus on the most important tasks and avoid getting overwhelmed. After you have created your outline, begin working on specific tasks that will help you reach your goals.

Finally, be patient and consistent with your efforts; it will take time but the rewards will be worth it!

Types of Business That Can Be Monetized with a 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan

A 30, 60 or 90 day sales plan is a business owner's tool for success. There are many types of businesses that can be monetized with a 30 60 90 day sales plan. However, the most important part of selling your product or service is knowing how to market it.

A 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan is a strategy that can be implemented by any type of business that generates revenue from the sale of products. It can be used to help create and grow revenues. The plan is flexible and allows you to make changes as needed.

There are many different types of businesses that can be monetized with a 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan. Some of these include service-based businesses and technology-based businesses. It is crucial to do research on your own specific industry to see if there are any opportunities for you to raise capital or create a product.

There are many types of businesses that can be monetized with a 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan. Some of these include online businesses, e-commerce businesses, physical sales businesses and even non-profit organisations. I've listed some examples of how each type of business could be monetized with this strategy below. 

90 day business plan for sales

Online Businesses: There are many different ways to raise capital for an online business. You can offer equity in the business, create a revenue-sharing agreement or product release schedule with a partner, offer a revenue share on your existing product(s) or even find a co-founder to take the lead in marketing/sales. 

E-commerce Businesses: You can advertise on Amazon, eBay, Craigslist or search engine listing sites and begin to build a list of interested buyers. With some careful planning, you should be able to build up a decent following for any product(s) you sell . 

Media Businesses: You can either take out a loan or use other financing methods to purchase advertising space in the right media outlets. If you own a website, you can begin to sell banner ads on your site. 

Start-up Costs: Depending on your location and the products you are looking to sell, the cost of setting up your own business can be anywhere from $0 to several thousand dollars. The smaller and more niche set-ups will have lower start-up costs. Others will require more time and money to get off the ground. 

Depending on your location and the products you are looking to sell, the cost of setting up your own business can be anywhere from $0 to several thousand dollars. The smaller and more niche set-ups will have lower start-up costs. Others will require more time and money to get off the ground. 

Pros and Cons

  • You set your own hours, set your own prices, and make all of your money. If you like to work hard and don't mind doing a few extra tasks here and there, then you will be able to make a lot of money with your own business. 
  • If you don't have enough one-on-one time with your customers, you may not be able to get your product or service out to them as quickly as you would like to. 
  • If you don't have enough one -on-one time with your customers, you may not be able to get your product or service out to them as quickly as you would like to.

The Importance of a Proper Marketing Strategy

Marketing is a vital part of any business, but it should not be the only tactic used to grow a company. A good marketing plan will complement other tactics such as advertising and PR to build a cohesive strategy that can drive success.

Creating a marketing strategy that is successful can help to increase brand awareness, maximize profits, and boost your business. Monetizing Your Brand With Social Media. Social media is a great way to build brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. 

However, if you don’t plan properly, it can be a very expensive mistake. While social media is free, it shouldn’t come at the expense of your budget. Identify Your Target Audience and Then Create Campaigns That Will Attract Them.

If you don’t know who you are targeting with your social media campaign, you’re wasting a lot of time and money. The best way to identify your target audience is to look at your website stats.

Social media is a great way to reach new people, but if you don’t have enough old customers to make up for the new customers, you’ll spend a lot of time and money attracting people who aren’t even interested in your business.

If you don’t know who you are targeting with your social media campaign, you’re wasting a lot of time and money. The best way to identify your target audience is to look at your website stats. Social media is a great way to reach new people,

Well, now you are ready to build your sales plan. The process will not be easy but it is worth it. Now that you have a plan, you can execute this plan and start growing your business all while having more time for yourself and family.

I will help you to develop a sales plan template and provide you with ideas for the best sales plan. Please read 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Template Examples & Ideas For Best Sales.

90 day business plan for sales

Vartika Sharma

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5 Steps to Creating An Effective 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan with Xara + Examples

Published by Kimberley DERUDDER

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90 day business plan for sales

If you’re looking to elevate your business’s strategy or want to step up the recruitment process as a hiring manager, a 30-60-90 day plan is a perfect solution.

We know that new operating procedures can be tough to implement once an organizational culture is formed.

Still, given today’s highly competitive markets, updating your strategy and standard operating procedures (SOPs) as a hiring manager has become as common as updating your phone.

The truth is everyone needs a competitive advantage. So, what if your next cutting-edge practice starts with something as simple as editing a template? More specifically, we’re talking about this 30-60-90 day sales plan template .

Instead of struggling to keep up with modern hiring practices and tech-savvy start-ups, use free customizable templates and get ahead of the game immediately.

Let’s explore the step-by-step approach to creating an effective 30-60-90 day sales plan below!

What Is a 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan And How To Use One As A Sales Manager?

Sales managers are responsible for hiring, training, and motivating sales reps to ensure they’re hitting their goals. But how do you know if the reps you’ve hired fit your company’s culture?

One way is by using a 30-60-90 day sales plan. A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a sales management tool that helps sales managers stay more organized and perform better.

An action plan like this can help you determine goals and expectations, evaluate the performance of new hires, and adjust training accordingly.

  • The 30-day plan is an evaluation period where you can see which new employees have the knowledge and skills to be successful in the role. The first 30 days are for mapping out goals and setting the pace.
  • The 60-day plan is where you should see them applying what you taught them in the 30 days and improving on those skills. During this phase, you get to change what’s not working and adapt your initial strategy.
  • The 90-day plan is practical and definitory. During the 90-day plan, you’ll host plenty of constructive feedback sessions and set up operating procedures that work.

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a way of thinking about your sales strategy. It’s not a set of instructions or steps to follow. Instead, it’s an action plan for you to use as you map out your strategy and team goals.

The idea behind the 30-60-90 day sales plan is that you should have a vision of what success looks like for your business.

It will help you articulate why you want to be in the market, your goals, and how you want to manage them.

What To Include In A 30-60-90 Day Plan For Sales

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Template from Xara Cloud

When you’re hiring a salesperson, you want to know that they’re going to be successful. You can’t just hire them and then sit back and hope they do well—you need to give them the tools to succeed.

One of the best ways to do that is through a 30-60-90 day sales plan that outlines their responsibilities, goals, and performance metrics. This lets you set clear expectations of what it means for someone to be successful in the role. It also gives you a concrete schedule to follow when you’re trying to help them develop those skills.

Here is what a 30-60-90 day sales plan should include:

The 30-day plan

  • Formal training
  • Mission, vision, and goals
  • Organizational structure
  • Benchmark external influencers

The 60-day plan

  • Best activities to pursue
  • Understanding competition
  • Set expectations for needed change
  • Establish key metrics

The 90-day plan

  • Contribution to long-term growth
  • Set up the planning process
  • Establish regular feedback loops
  • Demonstrate learning

Our 30-60-90 day sales plan template will help you create a plan to improve your sales and make sure you’re getting the most out of your resources.

How To Create An Effective 30-60-90 Plan In 5 Easy Steps

Realtor creating a 30-60-90 day sales plan

To map out a results-driven plan based on the long-term goals of your sales department, you need a practical approach. Start with micro plans on how to get to your goal, who will help make it happen, and what resources will be required.

After you’ve mapped out everything, make sure to allocate resources and prioritize tasks. The 30-60-90 day sales plan will help you figure out all these aspects. Now, let’s see how to create one!

Here are five easy steps required to create an effective 30-60-90 day sales plan:

  • Start With A 30-60-90 Plan Template (Free)
  • Customize The Template For Your New Employees
  • Be Specific and Include Planned Sales When Setting A Target For Your Team
  • Make The Sales Plan Easy To Understand And Highly Actionable
  • Set KPIs To Measure Success But Be Flexible When Necessary

Now, let’s take each of these steps and study them in detail so that you can set clear expectations and drive better performance with your sales team!

1. Start With A 30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Template (Free) and Write Down Your Goal

30-60-90 Day Sales Plan Template In Xara Cloud

Start with Xara’s free 30-60-90 day sales plan template, a versatile template that helps hiring managers set concrete goals and accomplish them on time.

The idea behind this action plan is simple: If you’re a new manager or taking on a big task, you set goals for this new job.

Given that you’ve already gone through the interview process and the onboarding process of your new hire/ hires, the first step is to write down the common objective for yourself and the team.

Make sure you include specific details about what you want to achieve. For example, write down who your target audience is, what resources are available to help you reach this goal (ex: skillsets), and where everything fits into the 30-60-90 day sales plan.

Take the first week of this new task to make sure you set reasonable goals, as they’re the foundation of your sales project.

Once you’ve written down your objective, break it down into three parts: 30 days (your short-term goal), 60 days (medium-term goal), and 90 days (long-term goals).

2. Customize The Sales Plan Template And Impress Your New Employees

Now that you have a broad idea of your 30-60-90 day sales plan, it’s time to customize the template using our platform.

  • To start, click on the text box that you wish to change and rewrite your input.
  • If you want to be consistent in your materials, you can automatically apply your brand’s guide (fonts, logos, colors) to match your brand’s aesthetics and the company’s mission throughout the entire document.
  • You can then play around with our extensive editing features to customize the template according to your preferences.
  • Click on the ‘download’ button to get your file or the ‘share’ button to let your teammates in on the project.

Pro tip: With Xara, you can share any file that you’re working on and allow live collaboration with your colleagues or have them pick up the project from where you’ve previously left it.

3. Be Specific and Include Planned Sales When Setting A Target For Your Team

When presenting a 30-60-90 day sales plan to your new hires, you need to be specific and include expected sales and targets for the next three months.

If you’re looking for a new employee to join your work environment, set clear expectations from the beginning.

A great way to do this is by using the SMART method for setting goals. SMART stands for:

  • Specific – Be specific in your goal formulation. (E.g. We need to increase the revenue of the sales department using sales funnels)
  • Measurable – Set a goal using numbers and targets to reach instead of just words. Aim for quantifiable goals that can be quantified in figures. (E.g. We need to increase these sales by 20%)
  • Achievable – Unrealistic expectations will make your team’s spirit die down. Keep your objectives down-to-earth by setting achievable goals, which will also increase the chances of reaching your target.
  • Relevant – Set goals that make sense for your team, company, and yourself. Don’t be unrealistic, as it will inhibit motivation and lead to unsatisfactory results for the company. A goal followed by a plan of action is to increase productivity and performance, so set a goal with the bigger picture in mind.
  • Time-Bound – Deadlines are highly effective when it comes to completion rates. They make everyone work harder and strive to meet indicators. Use them to enhance performance and get things done in a set time.

If you’re not specific in the early days of a new job, you and your new team will have difficulty collaborating simply because they won’t get the message.

You want to ensure that everyone understands their role at their new job and how they fit into the larger picture. A template like this one can help you touch these relevant matters of your 30-60-90 day sales plan and set milestones that fit the job description.

4. Make The Sales Plan Highly Actionable And Easy To Understand

You want your new hire to feel excited about their new job and motivated to do well from the first day. Therefore, both the employer and the company culture should be friendly and inviting in the development stage of your project.

As a team leader, it’s your job to offer training and teach them about how the team operates, what’s is like to work at this new company, what the job role consists of, and offer additional training when needed.

Your 60-90 day plan that follows the initial phase needs to be actionable. Case studies, competitor research, and understanding where the company positions itself on the market are all relevant learning goals.

In the 90-day plan, the long-term focus should already be defined. Everyone should know their job and place in the business. They must know their job responsibilities, day-to-day tasks, and direct reports from the management team.

If your 30-60-90 day sales plan is actionable and concise, by 60-90 days, or the 90-day at the latest, any new employee will understand the step-by-step process of their job and be able to demonstrate their learnings.

If not, perhaps you should reconsider other candidates who initially applied for the job. After all, managers need to prepare their staff to bring back a positive ROI.

5. Set KPIs To Measure Success, But Be Flexible When Necessary

Performance goals must be measured according to KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to quantify the return on your invested resources.

To measure performance goals, you need to determine your KPIs or how many of your smart goals are being achieved. If you’ve achieved them, it’s time to determine if they brought in more returns than the original investment required to pursue this 30-60-90 day sales plan.

Some examples of solid KPIs for your 30-60-90 day sales plan include:

  • Number of cold calls made
  • Number of meetings scheduled
  • Number of meetings converted to leads
  • Number of new clients
  • Number of qualified sales opportunities (QSOs) generated
  • Average revenue generated
  • Customer retention rate

KPIs are meant to show what is working and what isn’t, where you can improve, and how to better target efforts.

In the end, you’re looking to generate more revenue with your 30-60-90 day sales plan. Focus on the areas of your work that generate income, and invest less in the areas that are lacking performance.

Keep Employees In The Loop With A Template For Every SOP

Sales team celebrating their sales planning

Employees will always require clarity and direction from their team leader. And this is regardless of their experience, whether it’s a new job or how well the team collaborates.

Time and time again, great businesses proved that high performance starts with making employees work in an enjoyable environment. They need reliable and professional colleagues and supervisors who are on the same page as them (meaning that they also want to keep the workplace healthy and thriving).

Templates can be a great way to help you get your strategy together and become more successful by saving time and focusing on what matters. They can be used across multiple projects and help you plan your goals more complexly than just general ideas.

The 30-60-90 day sales plan is one of Xara’s most popular templates .

It helps sales managers and their teams by providing them with a step-by-step action plan to improve their sales planning strategy over time. The result? Increased clarity, better-targeted efforts, and reduced waste in the process.

If you want to improve other areas of your SOPs, get started with our customizable templates for free now !


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90 day business plan for sales

How to create a 90-day plan for new hires

Borrow our templates for a 90-day onboarding plan that will help new hires succeed.

Jamey Austin

Writer, Editor, Beard Puller

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5-second summary

  • A comprehensive 90-day plan doesn’t just set expectations for new hires – it makes them feel welcome and included.
  • Using the “buddy system” can make a 90-day plan even more effective.
  • Building in milestones for checkpoints at 30, 60, and 90 days will ensure that new team members are set up for success throughout the onboarding process.

The first 90 days of a new job usually involve a pretty steep learning curve; so much information to absorb, so many people to meet. If you’re the new hire, you want to prove yourself. If you’re the hiring manager, you want to set your new teammate up for success.  

Based on our own onboarding practices, we’ve learned that using a 90-day plan can make it easier for newbies to get up to speed, understand their roles, and establish a strong team and company culture. Check out our templates below to see what we include. If you’re starting at a new company that doesn’t already use 90-day plans, consider using these templates as a starting point for gathering information. Schedule time with your new manager or a veteran coworker to fill in the blanks.

What is a 90-day plan?

Our definitive, road-tested virtual onboarding checklist

Our definitive, road-tested virtual onboarding checklist

A 90-day plan is a framework for planning out how to onboard, acclimate, and educate new team members. It sets expectations for what the person will be expected to deliver in their first 90 days, which can include both learning goals and performance goals. Some people also refer to it as a 90-day action plan, which adds a nice emphasis on proactivity.

A 90-day plan should define the specific details that will allow the new employee to achieve success. A well-written plan should spell out how this person’s new role and day-to-day duties level up to company metrics and long-term plans. It should help them define priorities and checkpoints for follow-ups on their progress.

Ideally, a 90-day plan should:

  • Serve as a single reference point for resources, outlets for support, and clarity on responsibilities and goals
  • Introduce and foster an environment that supports regular growth conversations with managers so the employee can envision their path for advancement
  • Orient the new employee to company and team culture by emphasizing relationships and shared objectives
  • Reinforce strategies that support a growth mindset and a proactive work style

What should a 90-day plan include?

Keep in mind that an effective 90-day plan will vary depending on your company, goals, and the employee’s needs. 

Here are some great questions to think about when writing a 90-day plan for a new team member:

  • How can you use this plan to help a new team member succeed?
  • What quick wins can they ship to gain momentum?
  • Who are the key stakeholders this person needs to know about?
  • Since this person is coming in with a “clean slate” mindset, are there fresh insights you’d like them to contribute? 
  • What feedback and observations would you like the new hire to include in a 90-day wrap-up blog or other written summary? 

As you’ll see in our templates, our 90-day plans lead off with an introduction. That helps the rest of the team experience someone’s writing voice, see pictures of family and friends, and learn about interests, hobbies, and whatever else they’d like to offer about themselves. One way to make a 90-day plan more effective is to use a kind of buddy system. Buddies show new teammates the ropes, introduce them to other Atlassians, and act as go-to resources for questions.

The first 90 days are precious. It’s important to have the right plan – and people – to act as a guide.

How to create a 90-day plan

Generally speaking, there are a few organizing principles to focus on.

  • 90-day plans are often broken into three phases: Days 1-30, Days 30-60, and Days 60-90.
  • Don’t overwhelm your newbies! You can’t learn everything there is to know about a job or a company in three short months. Focus on what matters most, and what’s realistic in the timeframe you’re working with.
  • Consistent, frequent check-ins are very important, since you’ll be defining goals for what should be learned or delivered in each phase.
  • Both the new hire and their manager should feel empowered to give honest and timely feedback (about systems, company habits, points of uncertainty, you name it) – don’t wait until the 90 days to clear up any points of friction.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of open communication – it can mean the difference between clarity and confusion or empowerment and ineffectiveness.

90-day onboarding plans are good for your company culture

A 90-day plan isn’t just a task list – it’s the foundation for working together, learning together, and understanding team and company culture.

At Atlassian, we don’t think of a new hire’s first 90 days as a trial period or proving ground. Rather, we encourage an emphasis on knowledge gathering and sharing and relationship building. Initial tasks, goals, and deliverables should focus on helping someone feel more comfortable and confident about the road ahead.

Regular check-ins, honest feedback, and the support of learning (and failing), help establish a bedrock of trust, which should underpin all team and company interactions – during the first 90 days and beyond.

Advice, stories, and expertise about work life today.

30-60-90 day sales plan for managers, reps and sales territories

Establish credibility and confidence with a clear 30-60-90 day sales plan.

By Donny Kelwig, Contributing Writer

Last updated April 3, 2023

30-60-90 day sales plan

Writing a 30-60-90 day plan for success

A new sales rep isn’t going to magically outsell the top performers the first day on the job. Before a new rep can begin to hit and exceed quotas, they need time and a well defined plan. One of the most popular plans for success in a new environment is the 30-60-90 day plan.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a useful three month plan for managers, sales reps and new territories. We’ll also provide several 30-60-90 day sales plan examples that you can use to inspire your own.

But first, we need to set out exactly what a 30-60-90 day sales plan is and why it’s important.

What is a 30-60-90 day plan?

The 30-60-90 day plan is a three month strategy for successfully training new sales team members or selling in new territories. It clearly sets out all the actions and goals that will help salespeople get to know their new company or region and learn how to best reach their highest (and healthiest) level of productivity. With a robust 30-60-90 day sales plan, businesses are much more likely to make the most of new territories, reps and managers.

This three month plan is also a great tool for salespeople who want to make a strong impression in their interview for a new position — showing up with a plan demonstrates your sales knowledge and helps you stand out from other candidates. Plus, it gives managers and reps a realistic view of how successful a new hire or territory will be in the long run.

30-60-90 day sales plan outline

90 day business plan for sales

There’s no single way to format a 30-60-90 day plan. You can create a version that works best for you. The basic idea is that each 30-day chunk represents a new area of focus: learning, implementing and improving.

Such an outline might look something like this:

  • Days 1–30: Learning In this stage, a new hire learns everything they possibly can about the company, its products or services, and its customers. With a new sales territory , the sales team and managers spend this time learning about the geographic area, its demographics, the market and their ideal customers.
  • Days 31–60: Implementing In this phase, a new sales rep or manager starts implementing what they’ve learnt and diving into the sales and performance tracking process. Likewise with new territories, the sales team and managers begin to test the waters, finding new leads and building relationships.
  • Days 61–90: Improving In the third month, you examine the actions and outcomes of the preceding month to identify disappointments and successes. You’ll refine your process wherever improvement is needed and then turn your attention towards the future.

The key is to not get ahead of yourself. A 30-60-90 day sales plan that’s rushed or muddled won’t help you reap any rewards.

What are the benefits of creating a 30-60-90 day plan?

Whether you’re looking to set yourself apart during the interview process or seeking to make an impact during your first few weeks on the job, writing a three month plan has various benefits.

  • Make a lasting impression: Showing up prepared proves that you’re serious about success. This is especially true when businesses are hiring a sales rep . Recruitment managers are usually very impressed (and grateful) when a sales rep shows up to the interview with a 30-60-90 day sales plan already laid out.
  • Avoid burnout: When leaping into a new role, you may put pressure on yourself to take on a lot of work at once, but you run the risk of burning out. A three month plan helps you create a sustainable pace that allows you to work hard without stretching yourself too thin.
  • Gain better control of time management: When you’re starting something new, you’re always going to be slower at it than someone who’s been doing it longer. But coming in with a plan empowers you to manage your time with precision, giving you more flexibility to spend time on tasks that really need your focused attention.
  • Build trust with managers and colleagues: Setting goals that require conversations with your peers and higher-ups is a great way to learn more about the company. As a bonus, it helps establish trust between you and your coworkers . Starting in a new role or territory can be difficult, but you’re more likely to find success if you make the effort to connect with people who can provide guidance.
  • Obtain the tools to keep improving: When the first 90 days are over, the planning isn’t done. But once you’ve successfully carried out a 30-60-90 day plan, you’ll have a solid framework for setting objectives and following through on them in the future. You’ll also have tools for tracking your goals, measuring your success and refining your skills.

Now that you know the basic layout of a 30-60-90 day sales plan and the advantages of using one, let’s take a look at some specific examples.

30-60-90 day plan examples

Here are generic examples of what different 30-60-90 day sales plans might look like. Keep in mind that each goal can (and should) be split into many smaller goals so they can fit neatly into a daily schedule.

30-60-90 day sales plan: New sales reps example

Recruitment managers love it when sales rep candidates come into the interview with a 30-60-90 day sales plan already prepared. This is a great tactic for showing companies that you know how to set goals and plan ahead. Otherwise, new sales reps might create a plan with the help of their manager during the first few days on the job.

Below is an example of what a 30-60-90 day plan might look like for a new sales representative:

  • 1. Complete all onboarding and training
  • 2. Become familiar with the company’s mission
  • 3. Learn about the company’s products and/or services
  • 4. Research the target market and ideal customer profiles
  • 5. Learn the names and roles of everyone on the team and/or in the company
  • 6. Schedule weekly check-ins with regional managers to discuss progress
  • 7. Research the competition

90 day business plan for sales

Customisable sales plan template

Use our free sales plan template to outline your sales goals for the upcoming year and define the strategies your team will use to achieve them.

  • 1. Shadow a top sales team member
  • 2. Get hands-on experience interacting with prospects
  • 3. Role play interactions with managers/team members
  • 4. Set sale goals
  • 5. Keep a clear record/journal of all sales activities
  • 1. Review your record/journal and identify areas for improvement
  • 2. Test new approaches
  • 3. Craft a daily schedule that aligns with company operations
  • 4. Solicit feedback from team members and regional managers

30-60-90 day plan: Manager example

Motivational sales quotes are great, but you need more to manage a new sales team successfully. When acclimating a new manager to a sales team, a solid three month plan is an effective tool for setting expectations and learning how people respond to incremental changes.

Below is a 30-60-90 day plan for district sales managers:

  • 1. Learn key pieces of information (birthdays, likes/dislikes, etc.) about every team member
  • 2. Identify any sales management tools you might need, such as a CRM
  • 3. Do in-depth research on the competition and current market trends
  • 4. Study team reports to become familiar with individual strengths and weaknesses
  • 5. Observe and record the daily activities of team members
  • 6. Make at least one small change to operations based on feedback from the team
  • 1. Identify skills gaps within the team
  • 2. Set new measurable goals for team members based on the reports
  • 3. Make at least one small change to support the team
  • 4. Write a plan of action for the next 30 days
  • 1. Strategise for new training/coaching sessions
  • 2. Collect the data needed to project how a new strategy could generate greater payoff
  • 3. Create a structured schedule that implements the proposed changes

Keep in mind that some of these goals will be hard to meet if you have to manually create reports and analyse data. Use a solid CRM platform and sales funnel software to speed up time consuming tasks — like generating reports and calculating performance metrics — so you can meet your goals faster and with better accuracy.

30-60-90 day plan: New sales territory example

Selling in a new territory can come with a lot of unknowns. Taking the time to write a robust 30-60-90 day plan for new sales territory helps ensure you’re setting yourself up for longevity and profit in an unfamiliar area.

Here’s an example of a new territory 30-60-90 day plan:

  • 1. Define the market/environment of the new territory
  • 2. Learn about the competition
  • 3. Study and understand the demographics
  • 4. Perform a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
  • 5. Build the ideal customer profile
  • 6. Identify the most profitable accounts in the region
  • 7. Identify the most important sales KPIs for the territory
  • 8. Write a plan of action for the next 30 days
  • 1. Clearly define your sales goals (make sure they’re SMART — specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely)
  • 2. Decide which KPIs to focus on
  • 3. Find new leads
  • 4. Create an optimised route for connecting sales reps with prospects and customers
  • 5. Write a plan of action for the next 30 days
  • 1. Gather feedback from sales team members, prospects and customers
  • 2. Refine your plan based on the feedback
  • 3. Perform a sales forecast for the rest of the year
  • 4. Set a standardised schedule that aligns with the sales strategy

Make sure you build a plan specific enough to follow but flexible enough to adjust if needed. We’ll show you how to do just that in the next section.

How to write a 30-60-90 day sales plan

There’s no hard-and-fast rule for what a 30-60-90 day plan should look like. The key is to make it simple to follow, which means keeping it concise and organised. Most plans range from three to eight pages. Anything longer is too much. But anything less and you might seem too unambitious.

What to include in a 30-60-90 plan

Every plan should include clear and realistic goals, a timeline for reaching those goals and a method for measuring your success.

Let’s look at one of the examples from the previous section: the 30-60-90 day plan for a new sales rep. One of the Phase 1 goals is to learn about the company’s products. Obviously, you need to understand how a product works and why it’s valuable if you’re going to sell it. Though there isn’t exactly a quantifiable metric for measuring how well you know a product, you can still assess your knowledge using other methods.

In your full 30-60-90 day sales plan, you might write out this goal, metric and timeline as follows:

Goal: Learn about the company’s products

Review product catalogue for at least 30 minutes every day.

Talk to at least three colleagues about the product every week.

Read at least 20 product reviews from customers every day.

Metric: Be able to speak with someone about the product for 15 minutes unprompted and answer all questions — without having to look at the catalogue — by the end of the month .

Keep in mind that everyone learns in different ways. Your plan may look similar to someone else’s, but the finer details should be personalised to fit how you learn and operate best.

Use software to execute a successful 30-60-90 day plan

Creating a plan is the easy part. Carrying it out is where the hard work comes in — but using software can help.

Zendesk Sell is a cloud-based, all-in-one CRM that makes setting goals and measuring success simple and hassle-free. With powerful reporting and analytics features, as well as performance metrics and task management tools, our software shows you how close you are to meeting your objectives and where you should be making improvements.

Register for a demo today, and see how Zendesk’s user-friendly platform can help your sales team set — and achieve — actionable sales goals.

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Plan Templates

8+ 90 day sales plan templates – pdf, word.

A 90 day sales plan is an excellent way to start a proper business sales plan. It gives you a means of quarterly performance reviews and a process you can evolve over time.So, what does the best 30-60-90 day plan look like? Essentially it is just a breakdown of your annual sales plan. By breaking it down into units we are able to better analyse current strategies so that we may upgrade as needed. You may also see plan samples .

90 day business plan for sales

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90 Day Sales Action Plan

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90 Day Sales Action Plan Example

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How to Build a Business Plan that will set you up for success?

  • You have to plan, set objectives, or more all, know yourself. What are your qualities? What are your shortcomings? In what capacity will these influence everyday activities?
  • You will be in it for the whole deal. Utilize what you gain from the SWOT examination to thoroughly consider what you need your life to resemble, not exactly what you need from your business. You may also see Sales Plan Templates .

Reasons to build a business plan

  • A decent business design can enable you to achieve your intended interest group, help your client base, and at last, increment your primary concern. It’s frequently required when looking for financing and causes you set clear, practical and quantifiable targets for your business.
  • Building up a business design requires research, time and responsibility, yet is an extremely profitable process that can enormously add to your business achievement.
  • One of the best advantages of building up a business design is that it causes you to center your assets and plan for your business development.
  • The planning procedure encourages you to comprehend the distinctive factors that may influence your prosperity. Rather than stressing over the future, you can really have a feeling of control over your business and job. Go through the sample strategic sales plan .

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90 Day Sales Success Plan

0 day sales success plan

90 Day Sales Director Plan

0 day sales director plan

90 Day Sales Business Plan

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Tips for writing an effective business plan

  • Your objective isn’t to just hotshot all that you know. You will probably cultivate more viable correspondence with this contracting supervisor about the monthly sales plan .
  • You would like to demonstrate that you comprehend and can carry out this activity. This is the reason it’s so critical to fuse brilliant activity steps and be as particular as you can with the subtle elements.
  • This arrangement is helping you offer yourself for the activity by demonstrating to them what you can improve the situation them.
  • You need to remove the hazard factor from employing you. When you walk them through your arrangement and your musings about how you will approach this activity, they can perceive what you will do. Know about 30 60 90 day plan templates .
  • You need to ensure you and that employing administrator are in agreement. I’ve seen numerous a man begin an occupation and acknowledge they committed an error in taking it.
  • Running over your arrangement with your future manager guarantees that you and they concur on what ‘effective’ means for this part. This will be imperative for execution audits, raises, advancements, and proposals down the line.

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90-Day Sales Plan

90 day business plan for sales

When you are doing business, the planning and preparation stage can consume most of your time as compared to the implementation stage. It is important that you have a very strong foundation before you step on the implementation stage. Having a frail and feeble start of your business would signify that it is going to be a hard route toward the completion of your mission and goals.You may also see  30 60 90 day sales plan examples .

  • 12+ Monthly Sales Plan Examples
  • 10+ Annual Sales Plan Examples

Simple 30 60 90 Day Sales Plan

30 60 90 Day Sales Plan Example

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90-day Sales Plan Template

90 day Sales Plan Template

90-Day Sales and Marketing Plan for Farmers Example


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However, many marketers would still find it hard to create a sales plan that would actually work.Before you go out there and market and sell your products and services, you need to have a sufficient sales plan that would cover the tasks and objectives that you are going to do and must achieve toward having a successful implementation and increase in your sales. Hence, in this article, you can find examples of different sales plan that are actually useful in your operations. Check them out in the next section.You may also see  90-day action plan examples .

90-Day Strategic and Sales Plan Example


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Comprehensive 90-Day Sales Plan Example


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Tactical Steps in Creating an Effective Sales Plan

The first steps in planning and preparation are indeed the toughest stage since you need to spend more time in understanding more about the goals of your entity as well as the market whom you are offering our products and service. Moreover, this is also the stage where you need to analyze trends, understand behavior, and think of some practical solutions to your weak areas.You may also see  onboarding 30-60-90–day plan examples

In planning, especially in sales, you need to create sales plan that is effective in achieving your planned sales goals. You must carefully set plans in order to have a smooth ride toward what you are trying to achieve. You want that everything is set in place before your plans are placed into actions.You may also see marketing action plan examples .

Hence, your plans must be something that can be easily understood and it must specify the way on how you can achieve your desired goals. Here are some steps that you must consider when creating a sales plan.

Concise 90-Day Sales Plan Example


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Detailed 90-Day Business and Sales Plan Example


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 Set Sales Goals

Firstly, you must set a realistic sales goal for your company. To create a realistic goal, you must base it on the size of your market, the goals of your company, as well as the experience and resources available. More often, people will fall into the pitfalls of setting goals which are as follows:

1. Wishful Thinking

Sometimes, people may tend to be over-optimistic since it is our desire for our business to grow. However, you must be practical. At the very least, analyze your last year’s forecast and results if you were being realistic on the past year. Avoid being biased by working out the level of sales you need to be viable and putting this as your figure. Remember that your goal must be something achievable.You may also see  sales action plan examples .

2. Ignoring Assumptions

When you make a forecast for your sales, make sure that it is based on your assumptions about your market. If you have assumptions that the market is going to decline, you must not forecast an increased sales as this just does not make sense and is contrary to your assumptions.

3. Moving Goal Posts

There are times that you want to immediately complete your sales plan so you can right away start implementing it that you tend to be overly optimistic or pessimistic in your sales plan. In this case, avoid moving the goal post and make adjustment as this should be your benchmark to judge and know your success and failure. Instead, proceed to what you have planned and try to do better next time.You may also see  hotel sales plan examples .

4. Not Consulting

Always consult the team when making decisions as it is really true that more heads are better that one. Not consulting will result to limited ideas and opinions. Maybe there are many other members of your team who probably have more knowledge about your customers. Thus, ask their opinions, give them time to talk and listen to them, and come to an agreement about your sales plan.

5. Not Asking for Feedback

If you have set your goals, you need people to challenge it and say something about it whether it might be positive or negative. Hiring an experienced person is a great idea so that someone can review your whole document for taking it company wide.You may also see  90-day workout plan examples .

6. Clearly Define Deadlines

Next, you must clearly define your deadlines for the small tasks that you are working on. These are called milestones which are helpful in tracking whether or not you are still on the right path as regards your sales plan.

You may start by referring to your last year’s performance. You may also ask your team what they are currently doing and how they manage tasks. This will give you a realistic overview on what they can potentially achieve and what milestones you are going to set.You may also see  sales training proposal examples .

Finally, set individual milestones for your sales team so you can keep track on what they are doing and how close they are to achieving the desired outcome.

Discussion on 90-Day Sales Plan Example


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Medical 90-Day Sales Plan Example


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New Enterprises 90-Day Sales and Distribution Plan Example


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7. Pick a Niche to Focus On

In business, what is a niche? This is what your business specializes in, the space you are occupying, the culture of your company, your branding, your message, and a lot more. Basically, this is how people identify with you which makes them choose you over the other competitors.You may also see management plan examples.

A market niche is something that would help you focus on your strengths and what you can do and offer to your market. The more visibility you can have in your niche, the greater the chance that can hit the goals as well as milestones in your sales plan.

8. Know Your Target Market

You are just wasting your money, effort, and time when you chase the wrong person to buy your products or avail of your services. Now that you have a clear understanding of your niche, you must know and understand who your target market is. Commonly, you can set your target market based on your company size, geographical information of a group of people, their industry, their job title, and many other traits.You may also see  restaurant marketing action plan examples .

When you perfectly know and understand your target market, you can use this as your advantage in creating an ideal customer profile which you can set as your basis when you want to launch a new product or services. The moment that you look up the profile, you can immediately know how and what to sell to your customer because you have already understood and know his or her wants and needs.You may also see project action plan examples .

9. Map Out the Journey of Your Customer

What do you need to know about your future customers? Here are some basic questions that you can ask:

  • What do you want our product to do for you?
  • For you, what are the significant features for this product?
  • How much would you allocate for this?
  • Currently, how are you solving this problem?

When you involve customers in your decision, it conditions their mind and makes them imagine buying for you. This is indeed a wonderful tool that does not only help you know their preferences but also help you uncover potential roadblocks.You may also see  school action plan examples .

10. Fit to Your Customers’ Needs

Now that you clearly know your business niche as well as your customers and their journey, you need to fit yourselves into it in the best way possible by defining your competitive advantage over the other competitors. This is something that sets you apart from the competition. You can start by asking these questions:

  • Why do customers buy from us?
  • On the other side, why do customers buy from our competitors and not us?
  • Why do other customers not buy at all?
  • What do we need to do in order for us to be successful?

When you are describing your value proposition, it is not recommended that you will just talk about you, what you do, or what you have made. Instead, focus on what your product can do for them and what problems your products can solve.You may also see  teacher action plan examples .

11. Create a List of Prospects

Since you already know the types of customers that you are after as well as the methods on how you are going to sell your products and services to them, you must also build a list of prospects to test out your theories. This will help you try and test whether your methods will work or not and whether or not you will put this section in your sales plan and put them into action.

12. Leverage on Your Current Customers

You must also use your current customers as a leverage to increase sales. Keep in touch with these customers for they can be your long-term loyal customers. They can also be a source of word-of-mouth marketing, a very effective marketing strategy in boosting your sales. For example, when they get satisfied with your products and services, they will surely recommend your store to their family and friends. Remember that people will tend to trust on the recommendations on someone they knew more than the sales pitch from a sales lady. You may also see  strategic sales plan examples .

Recruitment 90-Day Sales Plan Example


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Short 90-Day Sales Plan Example


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13. Look for Strategic Partners

No man is an island. This is a very common saying that most of us perfectly know and understand. This is indeed true especially in the business world. You really need to look for strategic partners to work with you. They can be individuals, organizations, or companies that reach the same customers as you. They are not your competitors; instead, they are someone who offers products and services that complements yours.You may also see  personal sales plan examples .

14. Measure and Monitor

Although you might think that you have a very strong foundation in your planning and preparation, you must sit back and relax after you created your plan. You must constantly monitor you and your team’s performance and observe if you are still on track toward achieving your goals.You may also see  daily sales plan examples .

You must also measure how much you have achieved so far and how much more you need to do to achieve what you have planned.

A Kick Start for Your Start-up

A lot of business companies would fail during their first year of operation not because they do not have enough capital or manpower but mainly because they do not have the right and sufficient preparation and planning. Since we already know that planning and preparation are the essential foundation in achieving a successful sales implementation, it is now time to put our knowledge into action by creating a sales plan that would help us become successful in achieving our sales goals.You may also see  monthly sales plan examples .

There are few simple but important points that you must remember when you want to create a sales plan, and these are as follows: set sales goals, clearly define deadlines, pick a niche to focus on, know your target market, map out the journey of your customer, fit to your customers’ needs, create a list of prospects, leverage on your current customers, look for strategic partners, and measure and monitor your sales plan.You may also see  territory sales plan examples .

Additionally, with proper implementation, you can surely have a great kick start in your sales and marketing. No doubt, you will never be one of those companies that shut down during their first year of operation. With the right marketing strategy and materials, your plans would actually work toward achieving your sales goals.


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  20. 8+ 90 Day Sales Plan Templates

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    They plan for the entire year. This sort of annualized planning has become outdated. I believe you should set a plan every 90-days. This plan should include daily accountability, weekly benchmarks, monthly evaluations, and quarterly assessments. We can break it down into a science to drastically increase the probability of closing more deals.

  22. 90-Day Sales Plan

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