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10 Sample Long Service Award Speeches (by Employee)

Congratulations! You’ve stumbled upon a goldmine of inspiration for long service award speeches. Whether you’re an employer looking to honor a loyal team member or an employee tasked with giving a heartfelt speech, you’re in the right place.

Get ready to explore ten sample speeches that cover all bases, from short and sweet to long and detailed. Each one comes with a handy commentary to help you pick the perfect fit for your event. So, let’s jump right in and discover how to make your long service award speech shine!

1. The Quick Thank You (Short Speech)

“Thank you all for being here today. I’m truly grateful for this recognition of my 10 years with the company. It’s been a fantastic journey, and I’m looking forward to many more years ahead. Thanks to my colleagues, managers, and everyone who’s made this such a great place to work. Here’s to the next decade!”

Commentary: This brief speech works well for more informal settings or when time is limited. It’s perfect for employees who prefer to keep things short and sweet while still expressing gratitude.

2. The Team Player (Medium-Length Speech)

“Wow, 15 years! Time sure flies when you’re having fun. I still can’t believe I’ve been part of this amazing team for so long. When I first started, I never thought I’d be standing here today, receiving this award.

To my colleagues, past and present, thank you for your support, friendship, and for making every day at work enjoyable. To our leadership team, thank you for creating an environment where we can grow and thrive.

This award isn’t just about me. It’s about all of us working together, pushing each other to be better, and achieving great things as a team. I’m proud to be a part of this company and excited for what the future holds. Thank you all for this honor.”

Commentary: This speech strikes a balance between personal reflection and acknowledging the team. It’s suitable for mid-level employees who want to emphasize collaboration and company culture.

3. The Career Highlight Reel (Long Speech)

“Thank you all for being here to celebrate this milestone with me. Twenty years with this company – it’s been quite a ride!

I still vividly recall my first day. I was nervous, excited, and had no idea what to expect. Little did I know that this job would become such a big part of my life.

Over the past two decades, I’ve had the privilege of working on some incredible projects. Remember the Johnson account? We worked day and night to land that one, and it turned out to be a game-changer for the company. Or how about the product launch of 2015? That was a wild time, but we pulled it off beautifully.

But more than the projects and the successes, it’s the people I’ve met along the way that have made this journey so special. To all my colleagues, both past and present, thank you for your support, your friendship, and for making work feel less like work.

To the leadership team, thank you for believing in me and giving me opportunities to grow. I’ve learned so much under your guidance.

To my family, thank you for your understanding during those long nights and busy weekends. Your support has meant everything.

As I look back on these 20 years, I’m filled with gratitude and pride. I’m grateful for the challenges that have helped me grow, the successes we’ve celebrated together, and even the failures that have taught us valuable lessons.

This award is a wonderful recognition, but the real reward has been the journey itself. Here’s to the next chapter and to many more years of success for all of us. Thank you!”

Commentary: This comprehensive speech is ideal for long-term employees in senior positions. It allows for personal anecdotes, acknowledges various stakeholders, and reflects on career highlights.

4. The Humorous Take (Medium-Length Speech)

“Well, folks, they say time flies when you’re having fun. But 25 years? That’s not flying, that’s time-traveling! When I started here, we were still using fax machines and dial-up internet. Now we have AI that can probably write this speech better than I can!

But seriously, I’m incredibly honored to receive this award. Over the past quarter-century, I’ve seen this company grow from a small startup to the industry leader it is today. And somehow, they’ve kept me around despite my terrible jokes and my insistence on wearing Hawaiian shirts on casual Fridays.

To my colleagues, thank you for putting up with me all these years. Your patience is truly award-worthy. To the management team, thanks for not firing me when I accidentally sent that company-wide email with my vacation photos. And to the IT department, thanks for always being there when I inevitably forget my password.

On a more serious note, I’m genuinely grateful for the opportunities I’ve had here. This company has become my second home, and you’ve all become my second family. Here’s to another 25 years… or until they finally figure out how to replace me with a robot. Thank you all!”

Commentary: This lighthearted speech uses humor to engage the audience while still expressing genuine gratitude. It’s suitable for employees known for their sense of humor or for more relaxed company cultures.

5. The Inspirational Message (Long Speech)

“Thank you all for being here today. As I stand before you, accepting this award for 30 years of service, I’m filled with a sense of awe and gratitude.

Three decades ago, I walked through these doors as a young, ambitious individual with big dreams. Today, I stand here not just as an employee, but as a proud member of a family that has shaped my professional and personal growth in ways I could never have imagined.

Throughout these years, I’ve seen our company evolve, adapt, and thrive. We’ve weathered economic storms, embraced technological revolutions, and consistently pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in our industry. And through it all, one thing has remained constant: the incredible spirit of the people who make up this organization.

To my colleagues, both past and present, you’ve been the driving force behind my longevity here. Your dedication, creativity, and unwavering support have inspired me every single day. We’ve laughed together, faced challenges together, and celebrated victories together. You’ve made these 30 years feel like a blink of an eye.

To the leadership team, thank you for fostering an environment where growth is not just encouraged but expected. Your vision has guided us through both calm and turbulent waters, and your trust in your employees has allowed us to reach heights we never thought possible.

To the newer members of our team, let me say this: embrace every opportunity that comes your way. This company is a place where dreams can become reality if you’re willing to work hard and stay committed. The path may not always be easy, but it’s always rewarding.

As I reflect on my journey, I’m reminded of a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” That’s what we’ve done here. We’ve blazed trails, set new standards, and redefined what success looks like in our industry.

This award is not just a recognition of my time here; it’s a testament to the power of perseverance, teamwork, and shared vision. It’s a reminder that when we come together with a common purpose, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.

As I look to the future, I’m filled with excitement. The landscape of our industry is changing rapidly, presenting us with new challenges and opportunities. But I have no doubt that with the incredible team we have, we’ll continue to lead the way.

Thank you for this honor, for your trust, and for making these 30 years the most fulfilling of my professional life. Here’s to the future and to the continued success of our amazing company. Thank you.”

Commentary: This inspiring speech is perfect for long-term employees in leadership positions. It reflects on personal and company growth, offers advice to newer employees, and looks towards the future.

6. The Grateful Heart (Short Speech)

“Thank you for this recognition. Five years have flown by, and I’m grateful for every moment. To my team, you make coming to work a joy. To our leaders, your guidance has been invaluable. I’m excited for what’s ahead and proud to be part of this fantastic company. Thank you all.”

Commentary: This concise speech is ideal for employees early in their careers or for those who prefer to keep their remarks brief but heartfelt.

7. The Industry Veteran (Long Speech)

“Thank you all for gathering here today. Forty years. It’s hard to believe I’m standing here, celebrating four decades with this incredible company.

When I first joined, our industry looked vastly different. We’ve gone from handwritten ledgers to cloud-based systems, from local operations to global reach. Through all these changes, our company has not just survived; it has thrived.

I’ve had the privilege of working in almost every department over the years. From the mailroom to the boardroom, I’ve seen firsthand how each role contributes to our success. To every colleague I’ve worked with, thank you for your dedication and for teaching me something new every day.

I’ve seen leaders come and go, each leaving their mark on our company’s legacy. To all the managers and executives I’ve worked under, thank you for your guidance and for trusting me with increasing responsibilities over the years.

To the clients and partners who have been with us through thick and thin, your loyalty and support have been the bedrock of our success. Thank you for growing with us and challenging us to be better.

To the new generation of employees joining our ranks, I say this: you are the future of this company. Embrace the opportunities, learn from those around you, and don’t be afraid to bring fresh ideas to the table. The next 40 years of innovation and success rest in your capable hands.

As I look back on my career, I’m filled with pride. Pride in the work we’ve done, the lives we’ve impacted, and the industry we’ve helped shape. This award is a wonderful honor, but the real reward has been the journey itself.

To my family, thank you for your understanding and support throughout the years. The late nights, the business trips, the weekend work – none of it would have been possible without your love and patience.

As I near the end of my professional journey, I’m excited to see where this company will go next. The future is bright, and I’m confident that the values and work ethic that have brought us this far will continue to drive us forward.

Thank you for this recognition, for the memories, and for allowing me to be part of this incredible organization for 40 wonderful years. Here’s to the future and to the continued success of our company!”

Commentary: This comprehensive speech is perfect for long-term employees nearing retirement. It reflects on industry changes, offers advice to younger employees, and expresses gratitude to various stakeholders.

8. The Rising Star (Medium-Length Speech)

“Thank you all for being here today. Receiving this award for five years of service feels surreal. It seems like just yesterday I was the nervous new hire, trying to remember everyone’s names and figure out how the coffee machine worked!

These past five years have been a whirlwind of growth, challenges, and incredible experiences. I’ve had the opportunity to work on projects I never dreamed I’d be part of, and I’ve learned more than I ever thought possible.

To my mentors and colleagues, thank you for your patience, guidance, and support. You’ve pushed me to be better every day and believed in me even when I doubted myself.

To our leadership team, thank you for creating an environment where young professionals like myself can thrive. The trust you’ve placed in me and the opportunities you’ve provided have been instrumental in my growth.

This award isn’t just a recognition of my time here; it’s a testament to the collaborative spirit of our team and the supportive culture of our company. I’m excited for what the future holds and grateful to be part of this amazing organization.

Thank you all for this honor. Here’s to many more years of learning, growing, and achieving great things together!”

Commentary: This speech is well-suited for younger employees receiving their first long service award. It emphasizes personal growth, expresses gratitude for mentorship, and shows enthusiasm for the future.

9. The Department Head (Long Speech)

“Thank you all for joining me in celebrating this milestone. Twenty-five years with this company – it’s been an incredible journey.

When I first joined as a junior analyst, I never imagined I’d one day be leading our entire department. But that’s the beauty of this organization – it recognizes potential and provides opportunities for growth.

Over the past quarter-century, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most talented individuals in our industry. To my team, past and present, thank you for your hard work, your innovative ideas, and your unwavering commitment to excellence. Our successes have been a direct result of your efforts.

I’ve seen our department evolve from a small support function to a key driver of the company’s success. We’ve navigated through technological revolutions, market upheavals, and global challenges. Through it all, we’ve not just adapted; we’ve thrived.

To the leadership team, thank you for your trust and support. The autonomy you’ve given me to shape our department has been both a challenge and a privilege. Your vision has guided us through both smooth sailing and rough waters.

To my colleagues in other departments, thank you for your collaboration and partnership. Our cross-functional projects have often been the source of our most innovative solutions.

To the clients we serve, thank you for your trust in our capabilities. Your challenges have pushed us to be better, to think differently, and to constantly raise the bar for ourselves.

As I reflect on these 25 years, I’m filled with pride – not just in what I’ve accomplished, but in what we’ve achieved together as a team and as a company. This award is a wonderful recognition, but the real reward has been the journey itself – the relationships built, the challenges overcome, and the impact we’ve made.

Looking ahead, I’m excited about the future of our department and our company. The landscape of our industry is changing rapidly, presenting us with new challenges and opportunities. But I have no doubt that with the incredible team we have, we’ll continue to lead the way.

Thank you for this honor, for your trust, and for making these 25 years the most fulfilling of my professional life. Here’s to the future and to the continued success of our amazing company. Thank you.”

Commentary: This speech is ideal for long-term employees in senior management positions. It reflects on personal growth within the company, acknowledges various stakeholders, and looks towards the future.

10. The Heartfelt Farewell (Lengthy Speech)

“Thank you all for gathering here today. As I stand before you, accepting this award for 35 years of service, I’m overwhelmed with emotion. This award not only marks a significant milestone in my career but also serves as a bittersweet reminder that my journey with this incredible company is coming to an end.

Thirty-five years ago, I walked through these doors as a young, eager professional, ready to take on the world. Today, I stand here as a person shaped by countless experiences, challenges, and triumphs that this company has afforded me.

Over these three and a half decades, I’ve witnessed our company transform from a local business to a global leader in our industry. We’ve weathered economic storms, embraced technological revolutions, and consistently pushed the boundaries of what’s possible. Through it all, one thing has remained constant: the incredible spirit of the people who make up this organization.

To my colleagues, both past and present, you’ve been the heart and soul of my journey here. We’ve celebrated victories together, supported each other through challenges, and created bonds that extend far beyond the workplace. You’ve made coming to work each day a joy, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.

To the various leaders I’ve had the privilege to work under, thank you for your guidance, trust, and the opportunities you’ve provided. Your vision has steered our company through both calm and turbulent waters, and your faith in your employees has allowed us to reach heights we never thought possible.

To the newer members of our team, let me share a piece of advice: embrace every opportunity that comes your way. This company is a place where dreams can become reality if you’re willing to work hard and stay committed. The path may not always be easy, but it’s always rewarding.

As I prepare to bid farewell, I can’t help but reflect on some of the defining moments of my career here. I remember the excitement of my first big project, the nervousness of my first presentation to the board, and the pride I felt when we launched our most successful product line. Each of these moments, and countless others, have woven together to create the tapestry of my career.

To the clients and partners we’ve worked with over the years, thank you for your trust and loyalty. Your challenges have pushed us to innovate, to think differently, and to constantly improve. Our success has been intrinsically linked to yours.

To my family, words cannot express my gratitude for your unwavering support throughout my career. The late nights, the missed weekends, the stress of big projects – you’ve been there through it all, offering love, understanding, and encouragement. This award is as much yours as it is mine.

As I look to the future of this company, I’m filled with optimism. The talent, dedication, and innovative spirit I see in my colleagues give me confidence that the best is yet to come. While it’s bittersweet to be leaving, I know I’m leaving the company in extremely capable hands.

Thank you for this honor, for the memories, and for allowing me to be part of this incredible organization for 35 wonderful years. As I prepare for the next chapter of my life, I leave with a heart full of gratitude and a lifetime of cherished memories. Thank you all, and farewell.”

Commentary: This lengthy speech is perfect for long-term employees who are retiring or leaving the company after many years of service. It allows for extensive reflection on personal and company growth, expresses deep gratitude to various stakeholders, and provides a heartfelt goodbye.

speech on long service

Long Service Award Sample Speech

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and honored guests,

Today, we gather here to celebrate and honor a remarkable milestone: the Long Service Award ceremony. It is with great pleasure and pride that we recognize the dedicated individuals who have committed themselves to our organization for many years, contributing their time, talent, and unwavering commitment to its success.

In a world that often values change and novelty, it is truly remarkable to witness the steadfast loyalty and dedication demonstrated by our esteemed awardees. Each passing year has been a testament to their dedication, resilience, and the profound impact they have had on our organization.

As we bestow this prestigious recognition, it is essential to reflect on the profound influence our long-serving employees have had on shaping our culture, values, and the very essence of who we are as an organization. They have played an instrumental role in the growth and success of our company, providing a wealth of experience, expertise, and mentorship to their colleagues.

Their dedication and loyalty have undoubtedly been a source of inspiration for the entire team. Through their commitment to excellence, they have not only achieved personal growth and success but have also nurtured an environment of camaraderie and support that has permeated throughout our organization.

Let us take a moment to reflect on the countless memories and achievements that have been made possible by the unwavering commitment of our long-serving employees. They have witnessed the organization evolve, adapt, and overcome various challenges over the years, and yet, their passion and determination have remained unwavering.

As we honor our esteemed awardees today, we also extend our gratitude to their families and loved ones. Their unwavering support and understanding have allowed our awardees to dedicate themselves fully to our organization, making it stronger and more resilient with each passing year.

In conclusion, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to each of our Long Service Award recipients. Your remarkable journey with us is a testament to your exceptional character, dedication, and resilience. You have exemplified the true spirit of loyalty, and we are deeply grateful for your contributions to our organization's success.

As we move forward, let us all be inspired by the example set by our awardees and strive to build upon the strong foundation they have laid. Together, as a united team, we will continue to scale new heights and achieve even greater milestones.

Thank you and congratulations to our Long Service Award recipients!

speech on long service

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Sample Employee Appreciation Messages for Years of Service Awards

Author: Alexis Matheny

It's important to recognize employees on their service anniversaries and significant milestones. Many companies give years of service awards to their employees and write a message of appreciation to accompany the award. If you're struggling to find the words to write to your employee for their years of service milestone, check out these 12 sample employee appreciation messages for inspiration to help get you started!

“We are so proud to have you as part of our work family. We hope that you keep up the good work for many years to come!”

“Congratulations on achieving this anniversary with us! We know you have worked hard for this accomplishment and we truly appreciate your dedication.”

“Thank you for being such a valuable member of our team. Wishing you the best for continued success!”

“Congratulations on your service anniversary today! You have been such significant part of our team and we couldn't imagine our workplace without you.”

“We applaud the determination and effort you have demonstrated during your time with us. We look forward to seeing all of the great things we know you will accomplish in the upcoming years!”

“Happy anniversary! Thank you for the all of the contributions you have made in making our company successful. ”

“We are so happy and proud of you for all you've accomplished. Thank you for staying with us through the years. Happy anniversary!”

“Through the years, your talents and efforts have helped our success. Together, we take pride in your accomplishment and your commitment to excellence. Congratulations on your anniversary!”

“We are proud to have you on our team and offer our congratulations on this service milestone. Best wishes to you for these many years to come.”

“I want to express my personal appreciation for your achievement of this milestone. Loyal and dedicated employees like you are the foundation to any successful company. Thank you for your contribution to our success!”

“We sincerely appreciate your hard work and efforts year over year. Thank you for your many wonderful years of service!”

“Thank you for all of the motivation and encouragement you've given throughout the years. May you continue to inspire us for many years to come!”

If you're struggling to find the right words to say, just remember that even a few short sentences can make a world of difference. For additional inspiration and ideas, try further  personalizing your messages  or boosting employee morale by including some motivational quotes and sayings . 

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Guide: How to Say Thank You for Receiving a Long Service Award

Receiving a long service award is a special occasion that deserves a heartfelt thank you. Whether it’s for your dedication, perseverance, or years of service, expressing gratitude properly is essential. This guide explores both formal and informal ways to say thank you, with tips and examples to help you convey your sincere appreciation.

Table of Contents

Formal Ways to Say Thank You

Saying thank you formally can be appropriate in professional settings, such as corporate environments, formal ceremonies, or in letters. Here are a few examples to inspire you:

1. Simple and Appreciative

Dear [Name of award presenter], I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the long service award I received. It is an honor to be recognized for my years of dedication and commitment to [company/organization name]. I am truly humbled and thankful for this recognition. Thank you once again for valuing my contributions. I am proud to be part of such an esteemed organization. Sincerely, [Your Name]

2. Highlight Accomplishments

Dear [Name of award presenter], I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for the long service award you presented me with. Receiving this recognition serves as a reminder of the milestones we have achieved together during my time at [company/organization name]. It is a testament to the collaborative efforts and support from my colleagues. Thank you for acknowledging not just my tenure but also the results we have accomplished as a team. This award motivates me to continue striving for excellence in my role. Gratefully, [Your Name]

3. Show Dedication

Dear [Name of award presenter], I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks for the long service award I received. Being recognized for my dedicated service and commitment to [company/organization name] has left me deeply honored. Your support and encouragement have been invaluable throughout my journey here. This award undoubtedly strengthens my determination to continue working diligently towards the goals we share. I am truly grateful for this acknowledgment. Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

Informal Ways to Say Thank You

Informal expressions of gratitude can be used when you share a close relationship with the award presenter or in less formal settings. Consider these examples:

1. Express Genuine Emotion

Hey [Name of award presenter], I can’t find the right words to describe how grateful I am for the long service award. It means the world to me! Getting acknowledged for sticking with [company/organization name] for so long is honestly incredible and boosts my spirits like nothing else. Please know that I deeply appreciate the recognition and all the good vibes that come with it. Thank you a million times over! Warmly, [Your Name]

2. Add a Personal Touch

Dear [Name of award presenter], I wanted to take a moment to send you a note of heartfelt thanks for the beautiful long service award. Your thoughtful gesture means a lot to me. I never imagined I would be acknowledged in such a special way. I feel incredibly lucky to have you as a colleague/mentor/friend, and receiving this award makes me appreciate our connection even more. Thank you for always believing in me and for making my journey at [company/organization name] unforgettable. With warm regards, [Your Name]

3. Share Future Commitment

Hi [Name of award presenter], Wow! Thank you so much for the long service award. I’m genuinely touched by this recognition. Receiving it reminds me of how much I cherish my time at [company/organization name]. I’m excited to continue giving my all to this amazing team. This award motivates me further to strive for excellence and contribute even more in the coming years. Thank you for inspiring me! Warmest regards, [Your Name]

Tips for Saying Thank You

Here are some additional tips to help you express your gratitude effectively:

  • Be genuine: Sincerity is key when saying thank you. Express your honest emotions and make the other person feel truly appreciated.
  • Use specific details: Describe what the long service award means to you and how it impacts your motivation or feelings about your role or the organization.
  • Keep it concise: While heartfelt, your gratitude should be expressed succinctly. Avoid excessive verbosity and stay on point.
  • Consider a handwritten note: In certain situations, writing a physical note can add a personal touch and make your appreciation even more memorable.
  • Follow any company guidelines: If your organization has specific protocols or expectations for expressing gratitude, ensure you comply with them.

Remember, saying thank you for receiving a long service award is an opportunity to express your heartfelt appreciation. Take the time to craft a thoughtful and sincere message that conveys your gratitude in the most meaningful way. Whether you choose a formal or informal approach, the most important thing is to let the award presenter know how genuinely grateful you are for their recognition.

Related Guides:

  • Guide on How to Say Thank You for Receiving an Award
  • How to Say Thank You for Receiving an Award Email
  • Guide: How to Say Thank You When Receiving an Award
  • How to Say Thanks After Receiving an Award
  • How to Say Thanks for receiving an Award
  • How to Say Congratulations for Long Service Award: A Comprehensive Guide with Tips and Examples
  • How to Say Thank You for Long Service Award

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Anita Virginia


15 of the Best Employee Recognition Messages For Years of Service

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Professional Etiquette

15 of the Best Employee Recognition Messages For Years of Service

Being an employer is like being the captain of a ship. To keep your crew satisfied and feeling appreciated, it’s important to send employee recognition messages for years of service after reaching certain milestones.

Their years of service are an integral part of why your company has been kept afloat, and they should not go overlooked.

It has been proven that employee recognition in various forms can help to keep a workforce motivated and dedicated to their tasks and duties.

One form of employee recognition you can use is a card that will be cherished when combined with something that will last for a long time like a trophy or award. This will reinforce their love for the job and for you!

Here are 15 of the best employee recognition messages for years of service that are sure to make your staff feel appreciated.

Employee recognition messages for 5 years of service

  As a professional manoeuvres the working world, they may move from company to company until they find the right fit.   The fact that your employee has stuck around for the past five years is a good indication that they have found it.   Use any of these three employee recognition messages for years of service to thank them for making the right choice:  

multiracial businesswomen with laptop talking about work wearing black sleeveless and blue longsleeves


women working laptop office

Employee recognition messages for 10 years of service

  After a decade, an employee has proven to be a dedicated member of your team.   This dedication should not go unnoticed, especially if they play a vital role in the success of the company.   Here are five employee recognition messages for years of service that should make any employee feel appreciated:  

man and woman coworker happy high five office working formal attire laptop wooden table

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Heartfelt Messages for 15 years of service

  Fifteen years at any company could not have been a walk in the park. Unfortunately, sometimes, employers overlook this feat.   Don’t let your employee’s hard work go unnoticed! Here are 4 employee recognition messages for years of service:  

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50+ Sincere and Motivational Words of Recognition for Employees

Employee Recognition Messages For Years of Service over 20 years

  20 years is more time than most people spend at a single company. 20 years is more time than some companies have even been in existence.   To have an employee that has been dedicated to your company for over 20 years is a great asset, regardless of job title or role.   Show your eternal thanks with these employee recognition messages for years of service that exceed 20 years:  

two women talking sitting on leather chairs in front of wooden table

  Many employers make the mistake of not recognizing what their employees contribute to their company. This lowers morale and makes it harder for companies to retain great employees.   But this isn’t the case with you. Now that you have these 15 employee recognition messages for years of service, all of them will feel appreciated and proud to work alongside you!  

12 Sample Employee Appreciation Messages for Years of Service Awards

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Janine Townsend

All employees want to feel appreciated for their efforts, and it goes without saying that the ones who have devoted multiple years of their career to your company certainly deserve to feel the love. Finding the right words to can sometimes be difficult, so we consulted Awards Network for some sample employee appreciation messages for years of service awards, which you can personalize for an added sprinkle of employee appreciation, and deliver using your employee motivation / employee retention app .

Sample appreciation messages appropriate for years of service awards

1. “We are so proud to have you as part of our work family. We are confident that you will keep up the good work for many years to come!”

2. “Congratulations on achieving this anniversary with us! We know you have worked hard for this accomplishment and we truly appreciate your dedication.”

3. “Thank you for being such a valuable member of our team. Wishing you the best for continued success!”

4. “Congratulations on your service anniversary today! You have been such a significant part of our team and we couldn’t imagine our workplace without you.”

5. “We applaud the determination and effort you have demonstrated during your time with us. We look forward to seeing all of the great things we know you will accomplish in the upcoming years!”

6. “Happy anniversary! Thank you for the all of the contributions you have made in making our company successful.”

7. “We are so happy and proud of you for all you’ve accomplished. Thank you for staying with us through the years. Happy anniversary!”

8. “Through the years, your talents and efforts have helped our success. Together, we take pride in your accomplishment and your commitment to excellence. Congratulations on your anniversary!”

9. “We are proud to have you on our team and offer our congratulations on this service milestone. Best wishes to you for these many years to come.”

10. “I want to express my personal appreciation for your achievement of this milestone. Loyal and dedicated employees like you are the foundation to any successful company. Thank you for your contribution to our success!”

11. “We sincerely appreciate your hard work and efforts year after year. Thank you for your many wonderful years of service!”

12. “Thank you for all of the motivation and encouragement you’ve given throughout the years. May you continue to inspire us for many years to come!”

Messages like these show that employers care enough about their staff to keep a record of when they started out at the company, that they value their employees’ efforts and support, and highlight their desire for an employee to stay on due to their valuable contributions to the company’s success. Receiving a service award gift or certificate is meaningful, but becomes even more encouraging and touching when paired with a thoughtful message of appreciation. Say it in person, write a card, make it public using your employee motivation app ’s Activity Feed or Recognition functionality – whichever avenue you choose, say it sincerely.

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Receiving a Twenty Year Service Award from the Webster Company

Dear directors and colleagues: It is an honor for me to stand here and receive such an award. When I was told that I needed to make an acceptance speech, I was embarrassed because I am not very good at speech-making. But then, I thought that I have much to tell our younger employees. I would like to thank my coworkers and teammates who have made my life here interesting and enjoyable. I would also like to thank Executive Director Paul Bonnee for his leadership and support during these twenty years.

Twenty years of service! I have never mentioned to anyone that I’ve been working here for such long time. I was sitting at my desk giving instructions to my new employees about this time last year. Now, I look around the room and realize that for about a decade, I was senior engineer in this department. It is a reflective moment. My career started here with the position of junior engineer assistant. I was young and full of great expectations. I worked very hard that year and to my surprise, I was promoted. I was assigned to a part of a project and a permanent place in the laboratory. During my experience at Webster, I have learned that progress does not stand still. Every year I follow the news in the world of engineering. It has allowed me to develop in the direction of today’s needs. The inspiration that the information gave me became a driving force for achieving new goals. I am thankful that the company provided me with opportunities for self-development. So, my advice is to use every opportunity to do your work to the best of your ability.

Now I wish to share with you some of my thoughts about our profession. Those who know me, be aware of my passion for this profession and my addiction to work! I believe most of you in this room will agree that we have pretty awesome jobs – engineering is both an exciting and intimidating profession. We make the lives of people easier and more enjoyable. A new world needs new inventions and contributions, and it all depends on your desire to bring to life something innovative and useful. If you understand and enjoy your vocation, be confident that the next several years of work will pass with lightning speed. Of course, commitment is not easy. As the saying goes “No pain, no gain.” However, success makes sacrifices worthwhile. It is a thousand pities that many individuals I started with are not sitting here with us today. However, I appreciate even more those of you who remain here. You remind me of how we began.

Let me close with a quote from a great Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Thank you again for this honor and the opportunity to share my thoughts and memories. I hope we will continue to do our best for our company and experience a huge success. Thank you!

1. Detz, Joan. “How to Write and Give a Speech,” 2002. Gallo, Carmine. “10 Simple Secrets of the World’s Greatest Business Communicators,” 2006. 2. Dowis, Richard. “The Lost Art of the Great Speech: How to Write One–How to Deliver It,” 1999. 3. Fraleigh, Douglas M. “Speak Up: An Illustrated Guide to Public Speaking,” 2011. 4. Lucas, Stephen E. “The Art of Public Speaking, 10th Edition,” 2008.

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Written Samples

10 award acceptance speech samples.

Crafting the perfect acceptance speech is an art form, a delicate balance of gratitude, humility, and celebration. It’s a moment to acknowledge those who have contributed to your success, reflect on your journey, and inspire others who may follow in your footsteps.

Whether you are a seasoned professional accustomed to the spotlight or a first-time honoree feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, these sample speeches are designed to help you convey your message with eloquence and sincerity.

Award Acceptance Speech Samples

Let these speeches guide you in sharing your story, expressing your gratitude, and celebrating your achievements with an audience who is eager to celebrate with you.

1. The Journey to Excellence

Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you, humbled and honored to accept this prestigious award. This moment is not just a personal milestone; it is a culmination of years of hard work, relentless dedication, and an unwavering belief in the pursuit of excellence. I am here because of the countless individuals who have shaped my journey—the mentors who guided me, the colleagues who supported me, and the family who stood by me every step of the way.

This award is a testament to the power of collaboration, passion, and perseverance. It symbolizes not only what one can achieve with determination but also what we can accomplish together as a community. As I accept this honor, I am reminded of the early days of struggle, the setbacks that seemed insurmountable, and the victories that were all the sweeter for their difficulty.

To all aspiring individuals out there, let this be a message of hope and inspiration. Your dreams are valid, your hard work will pay off, and your journey, though unique, is a part of a larger story of human endeavor and resilience. Thank you for this incredible honor, and may we all continue to strive for excellence in all that we do.

2. A Tribute to Teamwork

As I accept this award, I am acutely aware that no achievement is an island. This is not just my success, but a shared victory for everyone who has been part of this incredible journey. To my team, you are the unsung heroes, the backbone of every project, and the spirit behind our success. Your dedication, creativity, and spirit of collaboration have not only made our work outstanding but have also made every challenge a joy to overcome.

To our clients and partners, your trust and support have been invaluable. You have challenged us to push boundaries, innovate, and exceed expectations at every turn. And to my family, your love and unwavering belief in me have been my anchor and my guiding light.

This award is a reminder of what we can achieve when we work together towards a common goal. It is a tribute to teamwork, partnership, and shared dreams. Thank you for walking this path with me, for sharing in the hard work and the celebrations, and for being an integral part of this story.

3. Reflecting on the Path of Persistence

Today, as I stand before you, I am filled with a sense of profound gratitude and reflection. This award is a significant milestone, but it is also a moment to look back on the journey that brought me here. It has been a path marked by persistence, learning, and the constant pursuit of improvement. There have been moments of doubt and failure, but each has been a stepping stone to greater understanding and achievement.

I want to express my deepest thanks to those who have been my mentors and guides. Your wisdom and encouragement have been my compass in times of uncertainty. To my peers in the industry, your work continues to inspire and challenge me to be better. And to my family, your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed; your support is the foundation of everything I am.

This award is not the end, but rather a marker along a continuing journey. It is a reminder to keep striving, keep learning, and keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Thank you for this honor, and may we all continue to grow and excel in our endeavors.

4. A Celebration of Vision and Innovation

Receiving this award is a moment of immense pride and joy. It is a recognition of a vision that dared to look beyond the conventional, to innovate and redefine what is possible. I am incredibly grateful to be surrounded by a team of visionaries, thinkers, and creators who share a commitment to excellence and innovation.

Our work is a testament to what can be achieved when you dare to imagine and have the courage to implement those ideas. This award is not just for me; it is for all those who believed in the vision, who contributed their time, talent, and passion to bringing it to life.

I would also like to thank our community and industry for embracing our ideas and allowing us the opportunity to contribute. Your acceptance and recognition are what drive us to keep innovating and striving for better. Thank you for this honor, and here’s to a future of continued innovation and success.

5. Gratitude and Aspiration

This evening, I am filled with gratitude as I accept this award. It is a reflection of not just my work, but the belief, effort, and aspiration of everyone who has been part of this journey. I am deeply thankful for the opportunities I’ve had, the challenges that have made me stronger, and the successes that have been all the more sweet for their difficulty.

To the young individuals looking up to this moment, let this be a symbol of what you can achieve with passion and perseverance. Let it inspire you to set high goals and to keep reaching for them, even when the path is steep and the obstacles many.

My aspiration is that this award not only serves as an acknowledgment of past achievements but also as an inspiration for future endeavors. May we all aspire to create, contribute, and make a difference in whatever field we choose. Thank you for this great honor, and may we all look forward to a future filled with achievement and purpose.

6. Dedication to Craft

Standing here today, I am reminded of the countless hours of dedication, the relentless pursuit of perfection, and the unwavering commitment to our craft. This award is a testament to that dedication and a celebration of the artistic and technical excellence we strive for in our work.

I am immensely grateful to my colleagues, whose talent and commitment are the heartbeat of our success. To our mentors and leaders, thank you for setting the bar high and for guiding us with your wisdom and experience. And to our families and loved ones, your support and sacrifice make all the difference.

This moment is a culmination of many moments, a tapestry woven from our collective passion and dedication. It is an honor to receive this recognition, and I am inspired to continue pushing the limits of our craft. Thank you for this incredible honor, and let us all continue to dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of excellence.

7. A Journey of Growth and Impact

Today is a significant milestone in a journey that has been filled with growth, learning, and impact. Receiving this award is not only a personal honor but also a reflection of the collective effort and commitment of everyone involved in our mission. Our work is driven by a desire to make a difference, to contribute to our field, and to impact the world positively.

I am deeply grateful for the support and collaboration of my colleagues and partners. Your expertise, passion, and dedication have been instrumental in our achievements. To the mentors who have guided me, your wisdom has been invaluable. And to my family, your love and encouragement have been the cornerstone of everything I do.

This award is a reminder of the responsibility we carry to continue growing, innovating, and contributing. It is an encouragement to keep striving for excellence and making an impact in the world. Thank you for this honor, and may we all continue on this path of positive change.

8. Embracing Challenges, Celebrating Success

In accepting this award, I am reminded of the myriad challenges we faced, the obstacles we overcame, and the successes we celebrated. Each step on this journey has been an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to excel. This award is a celebration of that journey, an acknowledgment of the resilience and determination it takes to succeed.

I am immensely grateful to my team, whose hard work and innovation have been the key to our success. Your courage to embrace challenges and your commitment to excellence are what set us apart. To our clients and supporters, your faith in us fuels our ambition and drives us to do better. And to my family, your love and support mean everything.

As we celebrate this success, let us also look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. May we continue to embrace them with the same courage and determination, and may our future endeavors be even more successful and impactful. Thank you for this honor, and here’s to a future of continued success and innovation.

9. Building a Legacy of Excellence

Receiving this award is a profound honor and a moment to reflect on the legacy we are building. It is a recognition of past achievements and a foundation for future ones. Our work is not just about individual success; it is about setting standards, inspiring others, and contributing to a legacy of excellence in our field.

I am deeply thankful to everyone who has been a part of this journey. To my mentors, your guidance has shaped my path. To my colleagues, your talent and dedication make our work outstanding. To our industry, your recognition motivates us to continue setting benchmarks of excellence. And to my family, your love and support are my constant source of strength.

This award is a milestone in our continuing journey of excellence. It is a motivation to keep pushing boundaries, keep innovating, and keep inspiring. Thank you for this honor, and may we all continue to contribute to a legacy of excellence and achievement.

10. A Vision Realized, A Future Inspired

As I accept this award, I am filled with gratitude for the vision that inspired our journey, the hard work that turned it into a reality, and the people who have been part of this remarkable adventure. This recognition is not just for what has been achieved but also for what is yet to come. It is an encouragement to continue pursuing our vision with passion and determination.

To everyone who has supported this journey, your belief in our vision has been the fuel for our success. Your encouragement, advice, and feedback have been invaluable. To the leaders and innovators in our field, your work continues to inspire us. And to my family, your love and support make everything possible.

This award is a reflection of a vision realized and a future inspired. It is a commitment to continue our pursuit of excellence, to keep innovating, and to keep making a difference. Thank you for this tremendous honor, and let’s all look forward to a future of continued success and innovation.

In crafting these speeches, the aim is to provide a template for articulating gratitude, acknowledging the contribution of others, reflecting on the journey, and inspiring future success.

Each speech is an opportunity to connect with the audience, share personal stories, and celebrate the achievements that have led to the moment of recognition. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or preparing for your first acceptance speech, these samples are designed to help you deliver your message with confidence and grace.

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Sample Employee Appreciation Letters for Years of Service Awards

It's important to let your employees know how much you value their loyalty. A letter of thanks along with the long service award adds a personal touch that shows you truly care. However, finding the right words to appreciate an employee's service can be difficult. So we've created templates for letters expressing appreciation for different years of service. We've also added subject lines for those who prefer to send these out as e-mails.

1 Year of Service

Subject: Thanks for choosing Acme

It's your 1st anniversary with Acme Industries! I am glad you decided to join us and grow with us. You are a great addition to our team and we look forward to growing together in the future. Happy work anniversary!

Regards, Fred Young President, Acme Industries

3 Years of Service

Subject: Happy 3rd Work Anniversary, John!

Congratulations on your 3rd year Work Anniversary at Acme Industries.

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on this milestone. Please know that you are an important member of our team and your abilities and contribution are an important part of our continued success. People are our greatest asset. Thank you for all you do.

Sincerely, Fred Young President, Acme Industries

5 Years of Service

Subject: Congratulations on 5 Years of Service

On behalf of everyone at Acme, I congratulate you on the 5th anniversary of your employment with Acme. This year signifies a key milestone in your service and we'd like to celebrate your achievements with you today.

We know that our growth and success is dependent on having devoted and capable team members such as you, and we want to recognize the contributions you have made in helping us achieve our goals. To honor your service, I would like to present you with the prestigious Service Award. We hope that this award will always remind you of our appreciation for your hard work and dedication.

Thank you for everything you have done during these 5 years of service and for your ongoing commitment to our success.

7 Years of Service

Subject: We have been lucky for 7 years now

Happy 7th work anniversary to you!

This does seem a good time for me to acknowledge that we are truly lucky that you have for stayed with us through the years. The successful growth of Acme is the direct result of you, our valued employees. Your contributions serve as a vital link in the chain which drives our business operations. In recognition of that commitment, I am pleased to present you with the Excellence in Service Award.

We applaud the determination and effort you have demonstrated during your time with us. We look forward to seeing all of the great things we know you will accomplish in the upcoming years!

Gratitude and regards, Fred Young President, Acme Industries

10 Years of Service

Subject: A decade of outstanding service


Today, you complete 10 years of service with Acme, a significant milestone in your career and also an important day for our company.

On this special occasion, we would like to honor a decade of outstanding service during which you have made impressive contributions that have shaped us into an industry leader. Your hard work and commitment is evident, and your journey from a management trainee to Vice President (Marketing) serves as inspiration to each of us at Acme Industries.

The company applauds you for your glorious performance and we would be presenting you with a Service Award at the upcoming all-hands meeting. We also look forward to hearing anecdotes from your journey.

Thank you for your invaluable contribution. I look forward to celebrating future successes together.

15 Years of Service

Subject: Congratulations and thank you

On behalf of the entire team, I'd like to thank you for being part of the Acme family for 15 years.

This long and cherished association stands testimony to the trust that the organization and you have in each other and this unique bond will indeed last a lifetime. Needless to say, it is a matter of pride to have you as our loyal team member, having not just witnessed the growth of the organization, but also having played a vital role in shaping it to what it is today.

Our values-based rich heritage belongs as much to you as it does to us, and I am sure that as you look back and recount memories of the path that we have traversed, your heart will be full of pride at how far we have come.

John, you symbolize all that we stand for and we are happy that you chose to make us an integral part of your professional journey. I am honored to have you as part of our legacy and would like to express my gratitude for walking the extra mile each time you have been called upon.

We thank you once again on completing 15 glorious years with Acme Industries. Here's wishing us an even more successful partnership ahead and may we enjoy many more years of togetherness.

20 Years of Service

Subject: 20 years of exemplary service

For more than 60 years, Acme Industries has embraced its mission to create 'better technology' for the world. During this journey, we have had a fair share of ups and downs, all of which have only made us a better and more successful organization. However, the real foundation on which the organization has been built is the value-driven service and loyalty of it's people.

Thank you for 20 years of exemplary service in bringing our Mission, Vision and Values to life. Since you joined, Acme has expanded in to 30 countries, the team has grown from 75 to 3000, our revenues have grown 75 times, and we have earned the love and respect of over 150 million customers. I know that none of this would have been possible without you.

Also, my heartiest congratulations to you for reaching this important milestone. I know that all Acme colleagues are family to you and this is your second home. Thank you for all of the motivation and encouragement you’ve given us throughout the years. May you continue to inspire us for many years to come.

Before you go:

Are you looking to change the Service Awards at your organization? If yes, you should consider our lovingly-crafted long service awards. Take a good look at them here .

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How to Show Appreciation to Your Long Serving Staff

As resignation rates are rising, it's a better time than ever to consider showing appreciation for your staff for their years of loyal service. You can do this by offering them a long service award.

In our 20 years of experience, we've helped some of the worlds biggest companies with employee reward and recognition programs and long service awards. These include Capita, Landsec, Nexperia, Nike, Schuh and many more.

In this guide, we'll explore some of the benefits of staff loyalty, long service awards and some creative ways to show your appreciation.

Benefits of Staff Loyalty

Loyal employees should be the backbone of your business as they are hugely beneficial to their organisations.

Benefits for employers

Loyal employees are more driven to go the extra mile when needed and are deeply invested in their work. Research has found that happy workers are 12% more productive than their less satisfied counterparts and this can promote loyalty amongst customers as well. As a result, this can make you a more profitable organisation. By keeping your best staff you can dramatically reduce your staff turnover rate. Saving you the time, costs and resources involved in recruiting, onboarding and training new staff.

"It costs about 20% of an average employee's salary to replace that employee" - GBS Corporate Training

When your staff feel valued, they have a reason to support your business goals, values and share in your vision. The positive atmosphere they create can help drive your company forward with innovative new ideas and attract the best talent. They are the advocates for your brand and can build your business reputation. This is more important now more than ever when prospective employees are likely to be attracted or deterred based on the reviews of your employee's experience on sites such as Glassdoor.

Benefits for employees

People will have different reasons for leaving a company. One study showed 89% of employees leave for better pay and another found 88% did so for other reasons. For your employees who do leave it's important to find out why. Whatever their reasons for leaving are, there's one thing they usually have in common. The belief there is a better option for them out there.

Many employees often overlook the benefits of staying loyal to a company. Whilst everyone can be tempted at times to jump ship, especially during difficult times, real growth comes from overcoming adversity. Those who do accumulate years of service for their employer naturally increase their salaries as they build their influence and position within the company hierarchy. Only by staying can they learn intimate knowledge of how your business and the people within it work. Developing these positive relationships is a key to a happy worker. That's why it's often said people leave managers, not companies. When an employee has familiarity with the company processes, values and products gained with experience it can make everything flow like a well-oiled machine and make them super confident and happy in what they are doing.

What is a Long Service Award?

A long service award is a recognition given to an employee to appreciate their years of service working within your company. These are typically given at important anniversary milestones, such as every 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years and so on, with increasing rewards based on the length of service.

Traditionally many companies would consider 20+ years as long service, however, we think this is a bit outdated in today's environment where employees change roles much more often. For many, a job for life is a thing of the past and therefore 5 years may more realistically reflect what long service is. This depends though on the context. For example, 5 years in a call centre may be considered a very long time, whereas in education this may not be the case. If you have a high turnover of staff you may want to consider recognising their efforts as early as 1 year of service to show your appreciation early on. Showing your appreciation more often can help create a positive atmosphere and make your workforce much happier and productive.

Long Service Award Gift Ideas

Choosing the right options for your long service awards gifts can be tricky as no one solution fits all. Whatever you choose, make sure it's something that fairly reflects the years of loyal service of your employees. You'll want to be in no doubt that it's something your staff values and shows just how much you appreciate all they've done for you. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Additional holiday time.
  • Travel - such as a weekend break.
  • Experiences - such as spa breaks, track days, afternoon tea or something which is specifically relevant to the staff member.
  • A choice of vouchers or gift cards.
  • Merchandise - such as bicycles, hampers, tech, wine. Again, make sure it's something suitable for each employee.

Many employees like to receive public recognition for their work and contribution - as well as a gift. We've worked with some companies who make an event out of it where the employee receives a certificate, a personal letter of thanks as well as a big round of applause from all their peers. This can create an emotional connection which becomes much more memorable than just sending a reward. Adding that personal touch can go a long way to making your staff feel appreciated, so think carefully about personalised, bespoke rewards over the old-school standard of a watch and a handshake.

How to Show Employee Appreciation

Showing employees that you appreciate them can improve productivity, engagement, morale and employee retention whilst reducing your costs . There are many ways that you can show your appreciation for your long-serving members of staff, here are 11 ideas we've found to be effective.

Give praise

Although a thank you can go a long way, when someone has dedicated years of their life to helping your business they deserve more. To make appreciation part of your company culture you should praise them publicly to recognise their achievements. You can do this via social media, your company website or a social recognition platform .

Give a personalised gift

As an employer, you can show that you know and understand your employees by providing personalised gifts. This will help to create that emotional connection and deepen relationships with something they'll value which is specific to their interests.

Financial rewards

How much you choose to give is up to you, but as a general rule of thumb, the value should increase based on their length of service. Reward codes are a great option here as you can avoid choosing the wrong gift by letting your employees choose from hundreds of vouchers and gift cards to make sure they'll get something they want.

Increasing annual paid holiday time at key service milestones

Giving additional annual leave can be a great morale booster . After years of service, who doesn't need (and deserve) a break? This is a great employee benefit that your current employees will appreciate and may also help you attract new staff.

Have senior management take them out to dinner

Strengthen your relationships and show your gratitude by taking your employee out for their favourite meal .

Offer flexible working options

Sometimes a gift is nice but employees would much rather have a better work/life balance. Offering flexible working options can be life-changing for those who crave it. It also shows you trust your staff and can make them more dedicated in the long term.

Have a staff party to celebrate long service achievements

Company celebrations can help with team-building and bring everyone together.

Provide a long service award trophy

Providing a trophy can be a great way for the employee to show off their achievement, especially in competitive environments such as sales.

Present long-serving staff with written accolades garnered from their workmates

Personal messages from the whole team can feel special. It shows not only does management appreciate your efforts, but everyone does.

Feature long-serving loyal staff members on a ‘wall of fame’

Whether this is in your office, or online, a 'wall of fame' can help create a positive atmosphere and show a celebration of your staff.

Offer long-serving staff training opportunities to learn new skills

Learning new skills and opportunities shows you believe in your staff and want the best for them. This is a great company benefit for investing in people.

Appreciating your long-serving staff can work wonders for the stability and growth of your business. It can help boost productivity and cultivate a positive environment where your employees will want to stay and can help attract new talent. How you show your appreciation should be a carefully considered approach . Getting it wrong can with unthoughtful gifts leave a bad impression on your staff and have the opposite of the desired effect. Before starting a long service award scheme, consider what your employees will value and what kind of culture you want to foster.

If you need help or advice setting up your staff loyalty program, then get in touch with our experts or book a demo for our rewards and recognition services.

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  •  Rewards and Recognition

Long Service Awards: Effective Ways to Recognise Tenure

Discover the effective ways to recognise tenure, offer unique long service awards and much more in this extensive article on service awards.

Malavika Mallya

Table of Contents

What is a long service award.

  • Engaging tenured employees in your company

Creative long service awards ideas

Why are long service awards important, long service awards to avoid, partnering with empuls for long service awards.

Employees are the most significant assets of any organization. The ones who have been associated with us for a long time are the most important. Today, people are more mobile and potentially more likely to change jobs regularly. Retaining them is a tough job.

Long service employees possess valuable business knowledge, work experience, and problem-solving perspective that are hard to replace.

If and when they quit, organizations lose all the tacit understanding that they carry away along with them. Median employee tenure for men was 4.3 Years, and for women, 4.0 Years in January 2018.

Thus, appreciating them through long service awards and recognizing them becomes crucial. Length of service is also one of the top five recognition programs.

Employee long service awards vary from organization to organization. Long service awards are a way of saying thank you to the employees and recognizing their contributions over a period of years.

Xoxoday Long service awards

Employees are no more rewarded with gold watches or carriage clocks. Instead, the new trends are the use of gift vouchers, electrical goods, experience gifting, etc. Long service awards have become an essential recognition offering.

Today most of the companies offer them. Studies tell us that such employee recognition improves employee engagement , boosts productivity, and increases profits too.

Engaging tenured employees in your company with long service awards

Loyal employees spend a considerable time of life in their organization. Their sense of ownership and commitment is so strong that simple monetary rewards or traditional gifts fall short when it comes to appreciating their contribution.

Intricately designed and well-thought-through ideas for long service awards would allow the employer to say a genuine and heartfelt 'Thank You' to employees for their unwavering loyalty.

It is possible to inspire loyal performers to stay on board and save time and money in reinventing talent for the business. Organizations can choose to recognize loyalty and longevity with an award for significant milestones.

Engaging Tenured Employees with Long Service Awards

Employees want to make every moment of their lives count and render every memory of their past cherishable and worth sharing like a story.

They want to look back at their past with pride, enjoy every moment in the present and leave the future full of adventure and uncertainty.

They love to be open to life, meet new people, have lots of fun, and regret nothing at the end of the day.

1. Celebrate early employee milestones

A 5-year starting milestone is outdated and no longer used.

Furthermore, a recent survey has shown that 1/3rd of new hires quit their jobs within 6 months of starting.

Employee tenure facts

It’s no longer the norm to put in multiple years at the first job out of college in the same profile. In the gig economy, more and more individuals opt for the self-employed or freelance route.

Which makes employees that do stay with a company even more invaluable. Instead of waiting for a five, ten, or twenty-year work anniversary—rethink your timeframe for employee long service awards.

What’s the lifecycle of your employees? On average, how long do they stay with the company? Use this data to refigure the timelines for long service awards.

Also, consider smaller annual rewards which will show appreciation on a consistent basis. Annual rewards combined with employee-long service awards can significantly boost your employee retention rate.

If your HR team doesn’t have the bandwidth to rework your current program, outsource to an employee rewards system that will do the hard work for you.

2. Enable management communication

Most of the organizations run employee-long service awards programs. But communicating it in a better way can drive them more efficient results. The long service awards program recognizes the time employees’ spent with your company.

Do you wish to make your recognition program more effective and inspiring? If your answer is yes, then give personalized awards to your employees. Make sure that your awards are tied back to your organization's values .

While celebrating your employee’s longevity, your managers should reflect on the values the employee excels in showing. They should talk about the extra milestones the employee has achieved since the last service awards.

3. Make it social

Long service anniversaries are a big deal. Especially when employees seem to be hopping from one job to another within short intervals. Educate your employees about what is long service award is and your long service awards offerings.

Your offerings should excite them. Give a shout-out and recognize long service employees. You could do it at all-employee meetings and at special occasions. By doing this you are showcasing yourself as a caring employer.

CEO, President, or Division Head must present the long service awards to their employees. Again this depends upon the size of your organization. Getting the news out could prove to be engaging.

Research states that employees who are highly engaged are happy and more productive. They also don’t look for jobs elsewhere. What does this show? It indicates that this leads to a reduced turnover. This further would help a company to save a lot of money every year.

4. Engage employees with experiences

Try and reward your employees with experiences . What if you got a skydiving or jet skiing experience from your company? Wouldn’t you love to recall these memories for your life? Definitely, yes!

Experiences like these form the best moments and the best moments promote happiness. Since we spend most of our waking hours at work, happiness is necessary. It helps to promote a positive work culture.

According to Incentive Research Foundation, 42% of long service awards program owners are increasing the number of ‘experiential rewards’ within their current offering.

Experiential travel rewards[emphasis added] create lasting memories and positive associations with the organization that provided the reward.

The emphasis is on offering genuine, unique, customized experiences for employees delivered throughout the program. Giving an employee an experiential gift as a reward becomes very personal.

5. A proactive approach towards long service awards

Every company should operate a long service awards program. But this again may be different for each organization. As every organization has a different vision, values, and goals.

When you invest in long service awards for an employee it has a positive impact on retention. It also has an impact on employee well-being, employee engagement, and culture

6. It’s time to personalize and offer a choice

When selecting rewards for employees, HR and management teams should focus on personalization. Think–what would that specific employee want the most? This is especially true for long service awards.

Each employee has offered unique value to your company during their tenure and you want to recognize that with individualized rewards. Employees even value the ability to choose their rewards and recognition .

When you give experiences for a long service award, the possibilities are endless—a hotel stay, a concert, sporting event, etc etc. Unless your HR team intimately knows all employees, it would be difficult to identify the correct experience for each individual.

This is why offering the ability to select experiences for themselves is best practice.

The annual Deloitte Human Capital survey said it best; “talent today wants a custom rewards experience that reflects how they live, work, and communicate—not a one-size-fits-all approach rooted in the past.”

Take the time and effort to show employees that you truly appreciate their hard work and dedication. If your company creates an individualized and dynamic rewards program, you’ll not only boost the morale of current staff but also give your organization an advantage in today’s job market.

Develop an amazing rewards program with unique ways to celebrate longtime employees and use it as PR (but not in the tired ‘employee of the month’ fashion).

Such changes in your corporate culture will not only bolster the engagement of current employees but also help to attract new talent.

7. Streamlining the award process

Automation is a wonderful thing, and employee recognition for Long Service is no exception. The use of a rewards and recognition platform should enable you to automate most of the long service rewards.

1. Gift cards or vouchers

Many prefer to receive gift cards or vouchers as a reward and a long service award is not an exception. These vouchers or cards come in various forms like an electronic voucher or plastic card.

You can load both with monetary value. Gift cards give employees the flexibility to choose their own reward. Further, personalizing your gift card with the organization's brand and the employee's name over it exemplifies its impact.

Gift cards and vouchers serve two purposes:

  • One they have a monetary value which is an obvious way to show how valued the employee is for you. It also reflects on the thought that as an employer you do care for your employees.
  • The other is that it gives an opportunity for the employee to select their own gifts. This prevents you from giving inappropriate gifts to your employees. This curtails the risk of whether the gift is liked or not by the employee.

2. Electrical items

Today the world has seen a lot of advancements in technology. Everyone wants to have electrical items like iPads, 3D Televisions, high-tech phones, and high-tech watches too.

When employers offer the staff a flexible choice of reward, chances are that employees may have electrical goods at the top of their wish lists.

3. Sabbaticals holidays/travel voucher

Tough competition in the market makes life very stressful for employees in any organization. It’s time for employers to think for their employees. Who would not love to have a little time away?

Employers usually prefer to reward an employee with extra paid holidays or travel vouchers. They offer such rewards when they have completed say around 10, 20, or 30 long years of service.

A travel voucher seems like a significant gesture. It’s a reward given to employees who have completed a long tenure. Employees can redeem the travel voucher for different purposes.

They could use it for a weekend away, an overnight stay, or even a family package holiday. This will also let your employees share their rewards with their loved ones.

4. Wellness kit

When you are single things are different. The story of a married person with the family is altogether a different situation. You have pressure coming from all ends – work, children, spouse, money, savings, and the list can go on and on.

Give your employees an opportunity to stay healthy. Try to keep them associated with your brand for a longer tenure. Employers can reward their staff with a wellness kit.

This will let your employees become health conscious. It will also pamper your employees. With this, they become aware of the fact that they do matter a lot to your organization. This will energize and revitalize their spirits to enhance their performance.

5. Employee memorabilia

One of the most popular employee years of service gift ideas is to create portraits or images of an employer’s memorabilia such as pens. Plaques or trophies are alternatives of recognition used by employers today.

Use designed plaques that display the organization's brand, culture. Also, it should signify employees’ achievements. Employers could even offer employees luxury gifts such as premium watches, cufflinks, and case cards.

Emboss the employee's name on the gift. This will give a personal touch and a valued feeling to your employees.

6. Experience boxes

Of the many employee years of service gift ideas, experience boxes are the most exciting ones. Experience boxes come with an array of themes and exciting experiences.

This could be anything from a helicopter ride to a romantic candlelight dinner in a five-star hotel. It can also range from paragliding to snorkeling and wellness retreats.

Experience boxes can have the employee’s name cared about it. This would give the experience box a personalized touch as well as a rich look to the gift.

Long Service Awards for completion of 10 Years in one company is a big achievement for both the employee and the company. Here's how Accenture rewarded one of their employees for successfully completing 10 years.

The idea of giving long service awards, trophies, mementos, etc. is not about recognition. It’s something far beyond that.

1. Employee recognition and appreciation

Long service awards serve as a great way to thank your employees. It’s more like appreciation awards for employees. It’s an occasion where you can appreciate their commitment level towards your company.

2. Motivates employees

Motivated employees strive hard to deliver productive results even under pressure. Employers use long service awards to motivate employees to exceed their own accomplishments.

3. Employee satisfaction

A satisfied employee’s efforts never go unnoticed. Have you thought about whose efforts are there behind your satisfied customer? It’s your employees’ efforts. Behind every satisfied customer, there is a motivated and loyal employee.

4. Employee retention

If you want to retain the talents you need to recognize them. You need to offer them opportunities to grow. Long service awards serve as a platform for employers. Through the long service awards program, they can appreciate the loyalty of their employees.

5. Strengthening an organization’s culture

What does the implementation of a long service awards program in an organization convey? It conveys the willingness of an organization. Willingness to recognize an individual and their contribution towards the business.

6. Permanent productivity

One of our goals when designing an effective, unique long service award program is to help retain the key talent that has stayed in the organization for so long. This is great for retention, but productivity also benefits.

A study by the University of Warwick found that happy workers were approximately 12% more productive.

The number of unique long service awards is as diverse as the people who receive them; however, poor tenure recognition ideas are easy to list.

On the surface, this long service award may seem logical. Everyone has expenses, and a little extra cash gives people a chance to indulge. Unfortunately, it does nothing to express gratitude.

Money is fleeting. The effects wear off once the funds are gone, making it ineffective from both a practical and financial standpoint.

In the words of the IRF : “Cash is easy. It requires little thought, it can be transferred electronically, everyone is certain of its worth and recipients can spend it on whatever they most want”.

However, they warn that this leads to “mental accounting.” This means that the money is spent on necessities, causing recipients to perceive the bonus as part of their salary.

While making an extra credit card payment or getting car repairs might bring peace f mind, it hardly feels like a reward. Further compounding the problem is the level of entitlement cash rewards can generate.

Employees who receive a 5% bonus at ten years might expect a 10% reward at 20. This snowballs into collective dissatisfaction if all eligible employees do not receive what they expect: “…if cash rewards are removed, motivation, performance, and engagement among past recipients may drop even below levels that existed before the reward was introduced…”

While raises are a more permanent financial reward, they can still backfire. Pay increases should be based on merit, not tenure. An employee who spends 20 years putting in minimal effort does not deserve a raise more than a newer worker who does an exemplary job.

3. Fixed prizes

Although this has been covered, it is a critical point that deserves to be summarized. A long service award should never be limited to a small pool of options – or worse, just one.

The simple reason is that not everyone values the same things. For instance, giving an iPad to someone who barely understands technology will not serve many purposes.

Odds are the individual will simply sell it, the message of gratitude completely lost on them.

  • Elegant Packaging : We provide customized, memorable, and long-lasting gift and experience boxes to your employees for their long service awards.
  • Reporting and Tracking : We believe in maintaining transparency with our clients. With the help of the dashboard, you can track the deliveries.
  • Dedicated Customer Service : We offer you constant and dedicated customer support to give your customers a flawless experience.
  • Quick Turnaround Time : We see that your reward program goes live within a span of a few days.
  • Personalized Rewards : Make appreciation awards for employees more special. Give your employees a personalized touch with our personalized long service rewards. Our gift boxes come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. It also has the company’s brand logo and the employee's name embossed on it.

Bottom Line

Finding, engaging, and retaining employees is a major concern in the current workforce.

When polled, 37% of the management-level staff recognized employee reward programs as very important. Yet, only 9% feel they are prepared to take on the challenge of employee rewards.

While employee appreciation programs might have made recent cultural shifts, that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult to figure out.

Recognize and reward 🥇🏆 employees consistently along their career path with your company, don’t wait for far-off milestones. Utilize an integrated rewards system to set up consistent benchmarks.

Even if you choose to recognize smaller milestones, don’t let that diminish long service awards. Work anniversaries should be celebrated with unique and dynamic long service awards that reflect an employee’s true values.

Build a culture of employee appreciation with Empuls . Automate rewards and incentives delivery by connecting your applications with RaaS APIs. Want to know more? Book a demo or start a free trial.

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Malavika Mallya

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Malavika Mallya is a Marketing and Pre-Sales specialist from Bengaluru, Karnataka.

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An easy to manage rewards and recognition platform to run effective rewards and recognition programs.

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Readings With Hope

140 Congratulations on Years of Service Messages

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In business and professional endeavors, time often seems to fly by. Before we know it, days become months, and months transform into years. 

Amidst this, it’s essential to pause, reflect, and recognize the milestones achieved, both big and small. 

One such significant milestone is the anniversary of an employee’s tenure with an organization. Recognizing years of service not only honors the individual’s dedication and commitment but also reinforces the values of loyalty and perseverance. 

Whether it’s your colleague’s first anniversary or their 24th, a heartfelt message can make all the difference. 

Dive in as we explore some congratulations messages that perfectly encapsulate gratitude, admiration, and the joy of celebrating years of service.

Congratulations on Years of Service Messages [Our Top Picks]

  • Amazing! Another year chalked up, and you continue to inspire us with your dedication. Cheers to all the years you’ve given and here’s to many more !
  • The pages of this company’s story are illuminated by your hard work and passion . Congratulations on reaching this milestone!
  • Time flies when you’re making a difference . Kudos to you for another year of excellent service!
  • Your dedication isn’t just about the years; it’s about the invaluable moments and lessons you’ve shared with us. Congrats!
  • Celebrating not just the duration, but the quality of your service. Well done on another year!
  • Years come and go, but your unyielding spirit remains constant . Cheers to your years of service!
  • It’s not just a number. It’s countless days of perseverance and commitment . Congratulations!
  • Here’s to another year of your stellar contribution . You’re an indispensable part of our journey!
  • As the years pile on, your dedication only grows stronger . Congrats on your service anniversary!
  • Not everyone can maintain excellence year in, year out. But you? You make it look effortless .

Congratulations on Years of Service Messages

  • Cheers to the memories created, challenges overcome, and the bright future that awaits. Congratulations on your years of service!
  • Behind this service milestone lies boundless dedication and relentless hard work. Well done!
  • The best part about celebrating your service is witnessing the impact you’ve made over the years. Congrats!
  • We don’t count the years; we count the memories, hard work, and growth . Kudos to you!
  • Every year you surpass the last with your dedication and enthusiasm. Cheers to all the years gone by and the ones to come!
  • With every year, you add a new chapter of inspiration to our company’s history. Congratulations!
  • Service years are just numbers, but the legacy you’re creating here is timeless . Congrats on your anniversary!
  • Each year with you has been a journey of discovery , growth, and success. Thank you for your commitment!
  • It’s not the years in the service, but the service in the years that truly matter . Congrats!
  • Every service year milestone deserves recognition, but yours deserves a standing ovation . Congratulations!

Congratulations on Years of Service Messages

Congratulations on Years of Service Messages to Boss

  • Boss, every year with you at the helm has been inspirational . Congratulations on your service milestone!
  • Under your leadership, we’ve witnessed the true meaning of commitment and vision . Kudos on another year well served!
  • Leading with grace and steering us to greatness, you’ve truly been the guiding star . Congrats on your years of service!
  • It’s not just another year; it’s another year of outstanding leadership . Congratulations, Boss!
  • Your dedication serves as the benchmark for all of us. Here’s to your remarkable years of service!
  • Boss, with each passing year, you continue to set the bar high . Congratulations on your service anniversary!
  • Your years of service aren’t just numbers; they’re a testimony of your legendary leadership .
  • Cheers to the captain of the ship for steering us through thick and thin. Happy Anniversary on your service years!
  • The number of years might tell how long you’ve been here, but your leadership tells the story of success . Congratulations!
  • Every year under your guidance has been a masterclass in dedication and vision . Congrats, Boss!

speech on long service

  • Leadership, mentorship, and ceaseless dedication – all bundled in the years you’ve given. Kudos to you!
  • Not just a boss, but a beacon whose years of service light up our paths to success . Congratulations!
  • It’s an honor to commemorate the service years of a leader who’s been both a guide and a mentor . Congratulations!
  • Years of service reflect not just time, but the magnitude of positive influence you’ve instilled. Cheers, Boss!
  • Your journey, Boss, has been nothing short of inspirational . Here’s to many more years of leading us!
  • Every year you’ve served is a testament to your exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment . Congrats!
  • To the boss who transforms challenges into opportunities, your years of service are a badge of honor and respect .
  • Here’s to the leader who’s been the constant north star , guiding us through every challenge. Happy service anniversary!
  • In celebrating your years of service, we’re actually celebrating years of growth and achievements under your leadership.
  • Boss, the years might age, but your vision and dedication remain timeless . Congratulations on your service anniversary!

speech on long service

Congratulations on Years of Service Messages to Coworker and Colleagues 

  • Sharing the workspace with you has been a journey of learning, growth, and countless memories. Cheers to your impressive years of service!
  • Watching you pour dedication and passion year after year is truly inspiring . Congratulations on another service milestone, dear colleague!
  • Every team needs its pillars, and you, my friend, are one of ours. Heartfelt congratulations on your service anniversary!
  • To the coworker who turns mundane Mondays into memorable ones, kudos on your years of service!
  • Here’s to celebrating not just the years you’ve served, but the countless moments of laughter, learning, and collaboration we’ve shared.
  • With every year, you add a new chapter of dedication and brilliance to our collective journey. Congratulations!
  • Working alongside you has been nothing short of an adventure. Cheers to the many years of service and the memories we’ve forged!
  • Here’s to a colleague who’s been the constant source of positivity and drive. Congratulations on another year of unmatched dedication!
  • The coffee breaks, the brainstorming sessions, the late-night projects – every moment with you has been a lesson in commitment. Happy service anniversary !
  • Year after year, you’ve been the embodiment of dedication and perseverance. Kudos to your commendable service, dear coworker!

speech on long service

  • Your journey is a testament to the saying, “It’s not about the destination, but the journey and the company .” Congrats on your service years!
  • To the colleague who’s more like family now, your years of service have been a blend of professionalism and warmth. Congratulations !
  • Every year with you has brought new stories, challenges, and achievements. Here’s to celebrating your stellar service !
  • Behind every successful project and coffee-spilled keyboard, there’s been your unwavering spirit. Cheers to your years of service!
  • You’re not just a coworker but an institution of knowledge and dedication in yourself. Happy anniversary on your service years!
  • Your commitment isn’t measured in years, but in the countless contributions and smiles you’ve brought. Congrats , dear colleague!
  • Celebrating a coworker whose service years are filled with tales of passion, determination, and endless camaraderie .
  • The years may have flown by, but the impact you’ve made in this workplace is timeless. Congratulations on your service milestone!
  • Here’s to another year of celebrating you – the coworker who makes workdays brighter and challenges more bearable .
  • In celebrating your years of service, we’re actually celebrating the essence of teamwork and unity. Heartfelt congratulations !

speech on long service

Congratulations on Years of Service Messages to Manager 

  • Managing isn’t just about overseeing; it’s about leading with heart and vision . Congratulations on your years of impactful service!
  • The journey has been long, and the challenges many, but you’ve stood tall and guided us all. Kudos on your years of service, dear Manager!
  • Through every high and low, your leadership has been the steady force pushing us forward. Congrats on another year of remarkable service!
  • The chapters of our team’s success are incomplete without your invaluable leadership . Cheers to your years of service!
  • Here’s to the manager who’s not just counting years but making the years count . Congratulations!
  • Every year, you redefine what it means to be a dynamic leader . Congratulations on your service anniversary!
  • Seasons change, but your commitment and dedication remain unwavering . Hats off to your years of service!
  • Not all managers can turn challenges into milestones the way you do. Congratulations on another year of proven leadership!
  • To the manager who’s been the backbone of our achievements: your years of service are a testament to excellence .
  • Your journey is a masterclass in leadership and perseverance. Bravo on your commendable years of service!

speech on long service

  • Celebrating not just the years you’ve served, but the countless lives you’ve touched and inspired . Congrats, Manager!
  • Here’s to a manager whose years of service speak volumes about commitment and passion . Well done!
  • The milestones achieved, the growth witnessed – all have your imprint . Congratulations on your years of service!
  • Behind every great team is a manager who’s given years of dedication and heart . Cheers to you!
  • Your service years are a journey of resilience, determination, and endless inspiration . Congratulations, dear Manager!
  • Through your years of service, you’ve not just managed teams, but also dreams and aspirations. Kudos to you!
  • Here’s to celebrating the years you’ve transformed challenges into achievements. Heartfelt congratulations , Manager!
  • As you mark another year of service, know that your leadership has been the lighthouse in our professional storms. Congrats!
  • Celebrating a manager who, year after year, turns visions into realities. Congratulations on your service milestone!
  • Each year with you as our manager has been a lesson in excellence and commitment. Cheers to your distinguished service!

speech on long service

Funny Congratulations on Years of Service Messages

  • Here’s to another year of you barely getting caught sleeping at your desk. Just kidding! Congrats on your service!
  • Is it just me, or did this year have more coffee breaks than work days? Cheers to another year of caffeinated service!
  • They say time flies when you’re having fun. Or was it when you’re hiding from the boss? Either way, congratulations on another year!
  • Another year of service? You deserve a medal… or at least a bigger coffee mug !
  • Look at you, racking up years like they’re loyalty points at a coffee shop. Happy service anniversary !
  • Congratulations on another 365 days of expertly pretending to look busy! Well played .
  • Did you know? Every year of service adds another layer to your professional superhero cape. Fly high , my friend!
  • Here’s to you: dodging work disasters and office drama for another year like a pro! Congrats on your service!
  • Another year of service, and you’ve still not shared the secret of your eternal youth. What’s up with that? Cheers !
  • I’d say ‘Congrats on another year!’ but I’m just here for the anniversary cake. Pass a slice !

speech on long service

  • Here’s to another year of mastering the art of looking productive while doing the least. You’re an inspiration !
  • Another year, and your service plant hasn’t withered! That’s a win in itself. Happy anniversary !
  • Cheers to the only person I know who has made it this long without being abducted by aliens for research. Happy service year !
  • They say time flies; you must be the pilot because look at all these service years! Landing smoothly , aren’t we?
  • Year after year, you prove that the office chair doesn’t wear out as easily as we thought. Kudos to you!
  • Another year down, and not a single office pen lost. Now that’s an achievement! Congratulations !
  • Here’s to the unsung hero who’s survived another year of office air conditioning wars. Cheers to your service!
  • Congratulations on being a year closer to retirement… or at least a year closer to thinking about thinking about it.
  • Another year of service, and the office plants are still alive! Either you’re good luck, or you’re the only one watering them. Congrats .
  • On your service anniversary, let’s raise a toast: to all the work you’ve done and all the work you’ve delegated . Cheers!

speech on long service

Congratulations on 25 Years of Service Messages

  • A quarter of a century, laden with dedication and unwavering commitment! Your 25 years of service are truly legendary . Congratulations!
  • Celebrating 25 years is not just marking time, but celebrating the countless milestones and memories. Kudos to your outstanding service!
  • Two and a half decades of excellence and still counting! Your journey is nothing short of inspirational . Congratulations on 25 years!
  • Every year in your 25 has been a beacon of commitment, passion, and sheer hard work. Cheers to your remarkable service!
  • Silver jubilees are reserved for the legends, and you, without a doubt, are one. Congratulations on 25 years of unmatched dedication!
  • 25 years! It’s not just a number but a journey filled with stories, achievements, and boundless inspiration . Kudos to you!
  • Your 25-year journey is a perfect mix of hard work, perseverance, and countless successes. Heartfelt congratulations on this milestone!
  • Quarter of a century and still radiating passion like it’s day one! Your 25 years of service are truly commendable .
  • In celebrating your 25 years, we’re not just marking time, but honoring an era of dedication and achievement . Congratulations!
  • From day one to year twenty-five, your journey has been an epitome of commitment and excellence. Cheers to your stellar service!

speech on long service

  • To 25 years of making a difference, leaving an imprint, and inspiring all around you. Congratulations on this grand milestone!
  • Celebrating 25 years isn’t just about tenure, but about the timeless legacy you’re creating. Kudos on this remarkable journey!
  • Here’s to 25 years of turning challenges into opportunities and visions into realities. Heartfelt congratulations !
  • Quarter of a century seems like a long time, but with your passion, it seems you’ve only just begun. Cheers to 25 years!
  • Not everyone can say they’ve dedicated 25 years to excellence. But you? You’ve lived it, and we’re all inspired . Congratulations!
  • 25 years, and every day you’ve showcased what dedication and love for one’s work truly looks like. Congratulations on this grand achievement!
  • Your 25-year journey is filled with tales of determination, growth, and boundless achievements. Cheers to your service!
  • Marking 25 years is about celebrating the fire that still burns bright and the passion that never wanes. Kudos to you!
  • A silver jubilee in service is a testament to golden qualities of perseverance and commitment. Congratulations on your 25 years!
  • Here’s to the legend who’s made every year of these 25 count with hard work and sheer dedication. Bravo on your service milestone!

speech on long service

Congratulations on 50 Years of Service Messages

  • Half a century of service is not just a milestone, it’s an epic saga of dedication. Unparalleled congratulations on your golden jubilee!
  • Celebrating 50 years of turning challenges into achievements and visions into legacies. Your journey is nothing short of historic . Congratulations!
  • Half a century and your passion still burns brighter than ever. Kudos to your unmatched commitment of 50 years!
  • Your 50-year service is a timeline of hard work, perseverance, and countless inspirational tales. Heartfelt congratulations on this monumental achievement !
  • Here’s to 50 years of relentless pursuit of excellence, to the legend that you’ve become. Cheers to your golden service anniversary!
  • 50 years is not just about time; it’s about a lifetime of dedication, hard work, and lasting impacts. Congratulations on reaching this remarkable milestone!
  • To the timeless gem who’s given half a century to crafting a legacy of excellence – congratulations on your 50 years of service!
  • Few can claim a 50-year journey of unwavering commitment and passion. You’re in a league of your own. Bravo on reaching this pinnacle!
  • From year one to year fifty, your journey has been a beacon for all to follow. Heartfelt congratulations on your golden service jubilee!
  • Decades come and go, but the legacy you’ve built over 50 years stands tall, inspiring all. Cheers to your phenomenal service!

speech on long service

  • A 50-year odyssey filled with tales of dedication, challenges, and boundless achievements. Congratulations on this grand journey!
  • Here’s to celebrating half a century of unparalleled commitment, passion, and trailblazing achievements. Kudos to your 50 years of service!
  • The golden mark of 50 years isn’t just a milestone, it’s a testament to the timeless impact you’ve made. Heartfelt congratulations !
  • 50 years of service showcases not just longevity but a lifetime of passion, growth, and dedication. Bravo on this landmark achievement!
  • Your 50-year service journey is an encyclopedia of hard work, dedication, and lessons for all. Cheers to your golden anniversary!
  • Through half a century, your dedication has been unwavering, and your contributions immeasurable. Congratulations on this monumental milestone!
  • As you mark 50 years of service, know that you’ve created more than just a legacy; you’ve crafted an era of excellence. Heartfelt congratulations !
  • Every decade in your 50 years has been a chapter of commitment, growth, and inspiration. Kudos on reaching this golden milestone!
  • 50 years, and every day you’ve epitomized what dedication and love for one’s work truly mean. Congratulations on this grand achievement !
  • To 50 golden years of turning dreams into realities and challenges into stepping stones – congratulations on your unparalleled journey!

speech on long service

Founder @ ReadingsWithHope.com

I make sure that your cards don't go empty handed.

  • Recognition Practices
  • Recognition Programs

Right Words of Recognition for Years of Service

By roy saunderson, ma, crp.

speech on long service

W hat do you say to a person who reaches a specific milestone level in their years of service with the company?

This is something that is very important but frequently overlooked.

Over the years I have seen different milestones of recognition celebrated at many years of service award events.

Too often the years of service recognition is relegated to an online or manual process that makes things happen.

But planning the right words of acknowledgment to use isn’t always in the mix.

There should be thought put into the right words of recognition to use that accompany the event, the one on one encounter between a manager and employee, or the gift given to the employee.

I will give you some guidelines to consider for the right words of recognition.

A Typical Milestone Recognition Situation

Whether self-managed or through vendors, the milestone recognition scenario tends to repeat itself and may look something like this:

  • Employee is emailed or spoken to and acknowledged for their upcoming milestone with the company about a month or more before the actual anniversary date.
  • They may receive with the email a digital or printed congratulatory certificate.
  • They are invited to go to an online portal to select a gift award from a catalog or use a hardcopy catalog with the gift selections specific to the monetary value associated with the employee’s milestone year.
  • The selection may consist of lifestyle gift award items or manufactured items such as rings or other jewellery.
  • The employee’s immediate manager or supervisor is also notified so they can personally express acknowledgment to the employee for their anniversary and encourage them to select a meaningful gift.
  • An invitation may be extended for a celebration event that is held on a monthly or annual basis depending on how the milestone recognition is celebrated at the company.
  • A presentation package with the selected gift may be shipped to their manager for a formal presentation to the employee.
  • If there is an awards ceremony there is finalizing the names for each milestone year level, printing programs, event organization, rehearsals and event catering.

There are lots of permutations and combinations of how the process is done but this gives a general idea of what you are likely most familiar with.

Getting the Recognition Words Right

Key to choosing the right spoken and written words to use in recognizing employees for their years of service is remembering the purpose of milestone recognition.

You want to create an experience they won’t forget. You also want to honor your employees or colleagues with their service award.

Here are some guidelines for you to consider as you start pondering what you will say to the celebrating employee.

1. Purpose of Service Awards

Ask yourself the following questions.

  • Why are we honoring this employee?
  • What should we be remembering?
  • How do we want them to feel

Remember that a person’s length of service to the company has been their life‘s contribution to wanting to make a difference. Identify with others the contributions they have truly made to colleagues, customers and the company.

e.g. “John delivers a level of competence in his services that very few people ever achieve.”

There are always personal qualities that people are known for. Find out the attributes of this individual so they can be shared, if appropriate, within the presentation.

e.g. “Maria is a positive person whose smile brings light and comfort to all she works with.”

Each of us sees the results of the actions we do at work. But do you know what is most important to the individual? Discover what is most meaningful in this person’s work and then honor them for it.

e.g. “Malcolm’s personal mission is to provide the best patient-care that he can, and I believe that he does that in an exceptional manner.”

2. Gearing Up for the Presentation

Consider these questions to stimulate some ideas.

  • What is ONE thing you could do to turn this into a “celebration” and not just a “presentation”?
  • Can you connect this person’s contributions to the organization’svalues?
  • Are you prepared to sincerely and specifically thank them for all that they have done?

Presenting a person’s milestone award can make a lasting impact or ruin everything they hold dear to them about your company. That’s why it is so important to write down meaningful, memorable and motivational words to honor them.

Make a positive memory in everything you do for this honoree. Craft a story or simply a sentence that captures everything about them.

Treat them as a star celebrity because on this day they really are. This is a chance to create a headline that says it all about the employee.

Remember to acknowledge their achievements and the difference they have made. People want to know their contributions have been valued and this is a great opportunity to highlight one or two.

Solicit input from the employee’s managers(s) and fellow employees. Get a sentence or two from their manager that you might use verbatim.

Final Suggestions for Right Words

  • Be specific about their contributions and their attributes
  • Indicate the impact their work and actions have made
  • Keep verbal acknowledgements short and sweet, as there are a lot of other milestone recipients.
  • Use the longer content you’ve collected to print in a card signed by their manager(s) to accompany the gift.

Question: Are you making enough time to craft the right words to acknowledge your milestone award recipients?

Roy is no longer writing new content for this site (he has retired!), but you can subscribe to Engage2Excel’s blog as Engage2Excel will be taking Roy’s place writing about similar topics on employee recognition and retention, leadership and strategy.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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Celebrating Staff Loyalty: 10 Creative Long Service Award Ideas

Photo of Andy Cakebread

In a job market where 40% of workers plan on leaving their current employer within the next 12 months, acknowledging the individuals who form the backbone of your organisation goes a long way.

Worrying statistics like this highlight the important role that recognising staff loyalty plays in retaining and motivating your employees— especially those who have been by your side through the ups and downs.

With traditional gifts like gold watches becoming old-fashioned, personalised rewards like Thankbox are taking over . So, if you’re wondering how to show your employees that their hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!

What is a long service award?

Long-service awards express appreciation to employees who have been with your company for a significant amount of time. Generally, employers celebrate milestones such as five , ten , twenty or more years of service. 

Long service awards are a common way for companies to say “thank you” for their team's hard work and commitment, while motivating them to stay with the company for many more years to come.

However, as we touched on earlier, it's becoming more important to acknowledge and celebrate loyalty and commitment from the get-go . Thus, some organisations celebrate first employee anniversaries with service awards.

Ten unique long service award ideas

As long-service awards change with time , traditional methods of showing gratitude are falling by the wayside. Don’t worry, though—we’ve created this list with a mix of modern gifts and timeless classics to help get you thinking.

Let’s dive into our top ten long-service award ideas : 

1) Say “thanks a million” with Thankbox

What better way to toast long service than by celebrating with the friends you’ve made along the way ? With our chic e-card designs, you and your team can easily craft heartfelt messages to celebrate your long-term employees.

Thankbox Thank You card homepage

Thankbox allows team members to add personalised messages to say thank you , along with GIFs, images, and videos to make the online congratulations card even more special. With a few clicks, you can create a long-service award that they will cherish for years to come.

2) Surprise your employees with a personalised digital gift card 

In addition to creating custom e-cards, Thankbox offers the option to set up a group gift collection for your outstanding long-service employees. Recipients can choose to claim the cash value as a gift card or receive a prepaid debit card, giving them the freedom to use it however they please. 

Thankbox Gift Card - how it works illustration

Your team can easily and securely contribute and collect money online. And with access to over 700 popular retailers globally and the ability to redeem in over 150 currencies, every gift you give is hassle-free and flexible.

3) Monthly rewards via paid subscriptions

As you’ll know your long service employee inside and out , offering paid subscriptions based on their interests is a creative way to show appreciation and demonstrate that you care. Provide a range of subscription options such as beauty boxes, music streaming, and wellness app subscriptions for them to pick from.

4) Who doesn’t love experience days?

If your recipient loves trying new things , experience days are an ideal option. Abseiling or bungee-jumping days are perfect for those Indiana Jones- types itching for adventure. And for those cuisine aficionados, restaurants with a view or gin experiences are just the ticket!

An image of a person on a mountain summit

There's something for everyone when it comes to experience days, making them a unique and thoughtful way to show appreciation for an employee's long-term commitment.

5) Did you say bonus?

Even though it may be considered a traditional way to show appreciation, it’s a classic for a reason . To make the act more memorable and impactful, consider pairing it with other gestures of gratitude, like a heartfelt “Thank You” card or framed certificate. 

Remember to provide a significant bonus amount to express gratefulness ( particularly if they have over ten years of service ).

6) Turn the music up! 

What better way to celebrate than by throwing a surprise party ? Either fill the office with festivities and anniversary-themed decorations, or hire an outside venue. The recipient will see just how how much they’re appreciated as they dance the night away.

People partying al fresco at sundown

Since it’s a special occasion, invite senior leaders to present their thank you’s in person, ensuring a memorable evening no one will ever forget.

7) Name a meeting room in their honour

For those with over 25 years of service, naming a meeting room in their honour cements a lasting legacy for all to see. The recipient will feel recognized and appreciated whenever they or their colleagues utilise the meeting room.

To implement this idea, choose a meeting room in your office that’s frequently in use and designate it with their name. Their sign should highlight the number of years of service as well.

8) Make a charitable donation in their name

Offer your long-term employee the opportunity to pick a charity that’s close to their heart. This will make their reward even more personal and meaningful . Either issue a one-time donation or arrange a regular contribution in the employee's name.

Not only does this gesture show appreciation for their service, but it celebrates the gift of giving .

9) Enjoy the glitz and glamour of an awards show

There's no better way to celebrate than by hosting an awards show where they’re the guest of honour . Invite colleagues to make speeches and showcase photos from their first day to add a personal touch. 

A set of balloons at a gala

As a memorable conclusion to the evening , award the employee with a trophy and the stage to make a speech (but don’t press the dreaded walking-off music if they overrun!).

10) Create a timeless gift with a milestone scrapbook

Fair warning, get the tissues ready because there might be tears. In your milestone scrapbook, gather memorable photos, quotes, and notes that reflect the employee's time at your company . 

Additionally, have coworkers sign and write thoughtful messages in the scrapbook. This timeless gift lets employees take a trip down memory lane whenever they want. 

Reward staff loyalty with Thankbox

It's important to take the time to acknowledge and celebrate employees who have dedicated a significant portion of their careers to your company, and the ideas presented here offer a great starting point for doing so.

To really personalise your long service awards , Thankbox can guide you in the right direction. With our gorgeous work anniversary cards , recipients know their loyalty and dedication haven’t gone unnoticed.

Image sources:

Neon sign - Person on mountain - Party - Balloons


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Thankbox is the easiest way to group together to celebrate someone’s special occasion. Make their day with a modern digital card full of messages, images, videos, GIFs and cash.


Use These Employee Appreciation Speech Examples In 2024 To Show Your Team You Care

Business People Laughing During Meeting

The simple act of saying “thank you” does wonders.

Yet sometimes, those two words alone don’t seem to suffice. Sometimes your team made such a difference, and your gratitude is so profound, that a pat on the back just isn’t enough.

Because appreciation is more than saying thank you . It’s about demonstrating that your team is truly seen and heard by thanking them for specific actions. It’s about showing that you understand and empathize with the struggles your team faces every day. And it’s about purpose too. True appreciation connects your team’s efforts back to a grand vision and mission.

According to Investopedia ,

“Appreciation is an increase in the value of an asset over time.”

So it’s time to diversify your portfolio of reliable tips and go-to words of wisdom for expressing your undying appreciation. After all, you diversify your portfolio of investments, and really, workplace appreciation is an investment.

Let’s set aside the standard definition of appreciation for a second and take a look at the financial definition.

In the workplace, appreciation increases the value of your most important assets—your employees—over time.

Here are some ways appreciation enhances employee relations:

  • Appreciation makes employees stick around. In fact, statistics suggest that a lack of appreciation is the main driver of employee turnover , which costs companies an average of about $15,000 per worker .
  • Appreciation reinforces employees’ understanding of their roles and expectations, which drives engagement and performance.
  • Appreciation builds a strong company culture that is magnetic to both current and prospective employees.
  • Appreciation might generate positive long-term mental effects for both the giver and the receiver.
  • Appreciation motivates employees. One experiment showed that a few simple words of appreciation compelled employees to make more fundraising calls.

We searched through books, movies, songs, and even TED Talks to bring you 141 amazing motivational quotes for employees you’ll be proud to put in a Powerpoint, an intra-office meme or a foam board printing cutout! Find plenty of fantastic workplace quotes to motivate any team.

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in American business built companies, and lasting legacies, by developing employees through the simple act of appreciation.

Charles Schwab, founder of the Charles Schwab Corporation, once said:

“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a person as criticism from superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving a person incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anything, I am hearty in my appreciation and lavish in my praise.”

Boost your ability to arouse enthusiasm by learning how to deliver employee appreciation speeches that make an impact. Once you master the habits and rules below, sincere appreciation will flow from you like sweet poetry. Your employees are going to love it!

Page Contents (Click To Jump)

The Employee Appreciation Speech Checklist

Planning employee appreciation speeches can be fast and easy when you follow a go-to “recipe” that works every time. From a simple thank you to a heart felt work anniversary speech, it all has a template.

Maritz®studies human behavior and highlights relevant findings that could impact the workplace. They developed the Maritz Recognition Model to help everyone deliver the best appreciation possible. The model asserts that effective reward and recognition speech examples touch on three critical elements: the behavior, the effect, and the thank you.

Here’s a summary of the model, distilled into a checklist for your employee appreciation speeches:

  • Talk about the behavior(s). While most employee appreciation speeches revolve around the vague acknowledgment of “hard word and dedication,” it’s best to call out specific actions and accomplishments so employees will know what they did well, feel proud, and get inspired to repeat the action. Relay an anecdote about one specific behavior to hook your audience and then expand the speech to cover everyone. You can even include appreciation stories from other managers or employees in your speech.
  •  Talk about the effect(s) of the behavior(s). What positive effect did the employee behaviors have on your company’s mission? If you don’t have any statistics to share, simply discuss how you expect the behaviors to advance your mission.
  •  Deliver the “thank you” with heartfelt emotion. Infusing speeches with emotion will help employees feel your appreciation in addition to hearing it. To pinpoint the emotional core of your speech, set the “speech” part aside and casually consider why you’re grateful for your employees. Write down everything that comes to mind. Which aspects made you tear up? Which gave you goosebumps? Follow those points to find the particular emotional way you want to deliver your “thank you” to the team .


Tips and tricks:

  • Keep a gratitude journal (online or offline) . Record moments of workplace gratitude and employee acts you appreciate. This practice will make you feel good, and it also provides plenty of fodder for appreciation speeches or employee appreciation day .
  • Make mini-speeches a habit. Try to deliver words of recognition to employees every single day. As you perfect small-scale appreciation speeches, the longer ones will also feel more natural.
  • When speaking, pause frequently to let your words sink in.
  • Making eye contact
  • Controlling jittery gestures
  • Acting out verbs
  • Matching facial expression to words
  • Moving around the stage
  • Varied pace. Don’t drone on at the same pace. Speak quickly and then switch to speaking slowly.
  • Varied volume. Raise your voice on key points and closings.

Employee Appreciation Speech Scripts

Build on these customizable scripts to deliver employee appreciation speeches and casual meeting shout-outs every chance you get. Each script follows the 3-step approach we discussed above. Once you get the hang of appreciation speech basics, you’ll be able to pull inspirational monologues from your hat at a moment’s notice.

Swipe the examples below, but remember to infuse each speech with your own unique perspectives, personality, and heartfelt emotions.


All-Purpose Appreciation Speech  

Greet your audience..

I feel so lucky to work with you all. In fact, [insert playful aside: e.g. My wife doesn’t understand how I don’t hate Mondays. It drives her nuts!]

Thanks to you, I feel lucky to come to work every day.

Talk about behaviors you appreciate.

Everyone here is [insert applicable team soft skills: e.g. positive, inspiring, creative, and intelligent ]. I’m constantly amazed by the incredible work you do.

Let’s just look at the past few months, for example. [Insert bullet points of specific accomplishments from every department].

  • Finance launched an amazing new online payroll system.
  • Business Development doubled their sales last quarter.
  • Human Resources trained us all in emotional intelligence.

Talk about the effects of the behaviors.

These accomplishment aren’t just nice bullet points for my next presentation. Each department’s efforts has deep and lasting impacts on our business. [Explain the effects of each highlighted accomplishment].

  • The new payroll system is going to save us at least $20,000 on staff hours and paper.
  • Revenue from those doubled sales will go into our core investments, including a new training program .
  • And I can already see the effects of that emotional intelligence training each time I’m in a meeting and a potential argument is resolved before it starts.

Say thank you.

I can’t thank you enough for everything you do for this company and for me. Knowing I have your support and dedication makes me a better, happier person both at work and at home.


Formal Appreciation Speech

Greet your audience by explaining why you were excited to come to work today..

I was not thrilled when my alarm went off this morning, but I must admit, I’m luckier than most people. As I got out of bed and thought about doing [insert daily workplace activities that inspire you], I felt excitement instead of dread. It’s an incredible feeling, looking forward to work every day, and for that, I have each and every one of you to thank.

Just last week, [insert specific anecdote: e.g. I remembered, ironically, that I forgot to create a real-time engagement plan for TECHLO’s giant conference next month. As you all know, they’re one of our biggest clients, so needless to say, I was panicking. Then I sit down for my one-on-one with MEGAN, worried that I didn’t even have time for our meeting, and what does she say? She wants to remind me that we committed to submit a promotional plan by the end of the week. She had some ideas for the TECHLO conference, so she went ahead and created a draft.]

[Insert the outcome of the anecdote: e.g. Her initiative dazzled me, and it saved my life! We met our deadline and also blew TECHLO away. In fact, they asked us to plan a similar initiative for their upcoming mid-year conference.]

[Insert a short thank-you paragraph tying everything together: e.g. And you know what, it was hard for me to pick just one example to discuss tonight. You all do so many things that blow me away every day. Thank you for everything. Thank you for making each day of work something we can all be proud of.]

Tip! Encourage your entire team to join in on the appreciation with CareCards ! This digital appreciation board allows you to recognize your colleague with a dedicated space full of personalized well wishes, thank-yous, and anything else you want to shout them out with! To explore Caroo’s CareCard program, take this 60-second tour !

Visionary Appreciation Speech

Greet your audience by explaining why you do what you do..

Here at [company name] we [insert core competency: e.g. build nonprofit websites], but we really [insert the big-picture outcome of your work: e.g. change the world by helping amazing nonprofits live up to their inspiring visions.]

I want to emphasize the “we” here. This company would be nothing without your work.

Talk about behaviors and explain how each works toward your mission.

Have you guys ever thought about that? How what you do [recap the big-picture outcome at your work: e.g. changes the world by helping amazing nonprofits live up to their inspiring visions]?

[Insert specific examples of recent work and highlight the associated outcomes: e.g. Let’s explore in terms of the websites we launched recently. I know every single person here played a role in developing each of these websites, and you should all be proud.]

  • The launch of foodangel.org means that at least 500 homeless people in the greater metro area will eat dinner tonight.
  • The launch of happyup.org means thousands of depressed teenagers will get mental health counseling.

Now if that’s not [recap the big-picture outcome], then I don’t know what is.

Thank you for joining me on the mission to [big-picture outcome]. With any other team, all we’re trying to do might just not be possible, but you all make me realize we can do anything together.


Casual Appreciation Speech

Greet your audience by discussing what upcoming work-related items you are most excited about..

I’ve been thinking nonstop about [insert upcoming initiative: e.g. our upcoming gallery opening]. This [initiative] is the direct result of your amazing work. To me, this [initiative] represents [insert what the initiative means to you: e.g. our true debut into the budding arts culture of our city.]

You’ve all been pulling out all the stops, [insert specific example: e.g. staying late, making 1,000 phone calls a day, and ironing out all the details.]

Because of your hard work, I’m absolutely confident the [initiative] will [insert key performance indicator: e.g. sell out on opening night.]  

Thank you, not just for making this [initiative] happen, but also for making the journey such a positive and rewarding experience.

Funny Appreciation Speech

Greet your audience by telling an inside joke..

I want to thank you all for the good times, especially [insert inside joke: e.g. that time we put a glitter bomb in Jeff’s office.]

Talk about behaviors you appreciate and highlight comical outcomes.

But seriously, you guys keep me sane. For example [insert comical examples: e.g.]:

  • The Operations team handled the merger so beautifully, I only had to pull out half my hair.
  • The Marketing team landed a new client, and now we can pay you all for another year.
  • And thanks to the Web team’s redesign of our website, I actually know what we do here.

Talk about the real effects of the behaviors.

But for real for real, all your work this year has put us on a new level. [Insert outcomes: e.g. We have an amazing roster of clients, a growing staff, and an incredible strategic plan that makes me feel unqualified to work here.] You guys made all this happen.

So thank you. This is when I would usually tell a joke to deflect my emotions, but for once in my life, I actually don’t want to hide. I want you all to know how much I appreciate all you do.

That was hard; I’m going to sit down now.

Appreciation Speech for Employee of the Month

Greet your audience by giving a shout-out to the employee of the month..

Shout out to [insert employee’s name] for being such a reliable member of our team. Your work ethics and outstanding performance are an inspiration to all of us! Keep up the amazing work!

Talk about behaviors you appreciate in them and highlight their best traits.

It’s not only essential to work diligently, but it is likewise crucial to be kind while you’re at it–and you’ve done both wonderfully!

Talk about the effects of their behaviors on the success of the company.

You bring optimism, happiness, and an all-around positive attitude to this team.

Thank you bring you!

Appreciation Speech for Good Work

Greet your audience with a round of applause to thank them for their hard work..

You always put in 100% and we see it. Proud of you, team!

Talk about behaviors you appreciate in your team members.

You work diligently, you foster a positive team environment, and you achieve or exceed your goals. 

Talk about the effects of your team’s behaviors on the company.

Your dedication to the team is commendable, as is your readiness to do whatever needs to be done for the company – even if it’s not technically part of your job description. Thank you.

No matter the situation, you always rise to the occasion! Thank you for your unwavering dedication; it doesn’t go unnoticed.

People Also Ask These Questions:

Q: how can i show that i appreciate my employees .

  • A: An appreciation speech is a great first step to showing your employees that you care. The SnackNation team also recommends pairing your words of appreciation with a thoughtful act or activity for employees to enjoy. We’ve researched, interviewed, and tested all the best peer-to-peer recognition platforms, office-wide games, celebration events, and personalized rewards to bring you the   top 39 recognition and appreciation ideas to start building a culture of acknowledgment in your office.

Q: What should I do after giving an appreciation speech? 

  • A: In order to drive home the point of your employee appreciation speech, it can be effective to reward your employees for their excellent work. Rewards are a powerful tool used for employee engagement and appreciation. Recognizing your employees effectively is crucial for retaining top talent and keeping employees happy. To make your search easier, we sought out the top 121 creative ways that companies can reward their employees that you can easily implement at your office.

Q: Why should I give an employee appreciation speech? 

  • A: Appreciation and employee motivation are intimately linked together. A simple gesture of an employee appreciation gift can have a positive effect on your company culture. When an employee is motivated to work they are more productive. For more ideas to motivate your team, we’ve interviewed leading employee recognition and engagement experts to curate a list of the 22 best tips here ! 

We hope adapting these tips and scripts will help you articulate the appreciation we know you already feel!

Free Download:   Download this entire list as a PDF . Easily save it on your computer for quick reference or print it for future team gatherings.

Employee Recognition & Appreciation Resources:

39 impactful employee appreciation & recognition ideas [updated], 12 effective tools & strategies to improve teamwork in the workplace, your employee referral program guide: the benefits, how-tos, incentives & tools, 21 unforgettable work anniversary ideas [updated], 15 ideas to revolutionize your employee of the month program, 16 awesome employee perks your team will love, 71 employee recognition quotes every manager should know, how to retain employees: 18 practical takeaways from 7 case studies, boost your employee recognition skills and words (templates included), about snacknation.

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SnackNation is a healthy office snack delivery service that makes healthy snacking fun, life more productive, and workplaces awesome. We provide a monthly, curated selection of healthy snacks from the hottest, most innovative natural food brands in the industry, giving our members a hassle-free experience and delivering joy to their offices.

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great piece of work love it, great help, thanks.

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great tips !!!!

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Helpful piece. LAVISH MAYOR

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Enjoy reading this. Nice work

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Thank you. Very helpful tips.

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This is the most helpful and practical article I have found for writing a Colleague Appreciation speech. The Funny Appreciation Speech section was written for me 🙂 Ashley Bell, you’re a rock star!

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Very nice speech Well explanation of words And very helpful for work

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Hi, Your notes are awesome. Thank you for the share.

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Your article is very helpful. Thankyou :).

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Your stuff is really awesome. Thankyou for sharing such nice information

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Home » Communication » 50 Long Thank You Notes for Employees (Year End & Speeches)

50 Long Thank You Notes for Employees (Year End & Speeches)

The following exceptional thank you notes to employees are perfect samples of the type of sentiments and messages you can use among your employees and staff, either by themselves or as part of a letter or speech.

Thank You to Employees for Hard Work Year End Thank You Messages to Employees Short Employee Appreciation Speeches

Thank You to Employees for Hard Work

1. Isaac Newton said that everything he achieved was the result of standing on the shoulders of giants. I couldn’t put it any better. All of our success is down to your skills and untiring application. Every day, I am amazed by the effort you put in and the sacrifices you make. I just want you all to know how much I appreciate all your hard work.

2. It always seems to be the architect that gets the praise, but the builders do all the hard work. Well, that’s not fair. All of you in this brilliant team are the builders of everything that we achieve. I know how unselfishly you work together to get results every time, and I want to thank you sincerely. I’m flattered and honored to be able to work with you all in such a fantastic team. Let’s keep building together for the future.

3. Skill without effort doesn’t get you anywhere. The same goes for effort without skill. Thankfully, though, all of you are enormously talented and always put in the absolute maximum effort to achieve our goals. Our success comes down to your application and expertise. I want to offer you my profound gratitude for everything that you give to this job. It is a pleasure to work with such professional, hardworking, and personable people.

4. You are all talented, and hopefully, you already know that. You wouldn’t have been hired if you weren’t. Some people say that hard work beats talent. We are grateful that we don’t need to know if that’s true or not, because you have shown us how talent works hard. We see each of you motivated to be better and each of you getting better than you were before. We appreciate your excellent performance and sincerely thank you for your dedication.

5. You have all proven yourselves to be reliable and dedicated to your duties and obligations, and this is much appreciated by myself and the rest of the senior management. We have noticed some exceptional leadership skills and how well you cooperative as a team under pressure. We are extremely grateful to you all for being passionate about your roles, and we could not ask for a better team.

6. On behalf of [company] and myself, I would like to pass on our thanks for your exceptional work. In general, it is never easy when we are up against deadlines or have targets to meet, but knowing that I have this hardworking team by my side makes my job so much easier. You all really make me look good, and for that, I am grateful.

7. Everyone here shows their dedication to [company] daily. I have had the pleasure of watching you grow as a team and work consistently to obtain the best results. You have demonstrated a wide range of skills among yourselves and are able to work together in such an organized manner. Many thanks for your hard work, and congratulations on a job well done. I hope you are all proud of your accomplishments.

8. I would like to open with the obvious: a well-deserved, heartfelt thank you. Although you have faced some challenges at times, you got the job done, on time and to specification. Through your continued hard work, we have been able to accomplish so much at [company] and meet the demands of our clients. Thank you.

9. Many thanks for the contributions you have made to [company] as a team. You never fail to demonstrate the skills required to meet our goals, and I have received excellent feedback on your performance from our clients. I have noticed how well you manage your workload among yourselves and support each other along the way. Well done.

10. Today we celebrate some great results for [company], and I wanted to thank you for your continued support. We cannot succeed without you. Having hardworking and reliable staff is a cornerstone to any business, and this organization is fortunate to have some of the best employees. Congratulations on a job well done and thank you for helping us achieve our targets.

11. I wanted to pass on my warmest thanks for the first-rate results you have achieved. You have shown true grit and determination to meet deadlines, and your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Everyone has played a crucial role within the team, and you have worked together as a solid unit, supporting each other.

12. You have all achieved so much as a team, and your combined efforts have made a positive impact on our business. I recognize how well you manage your tasks and projects, and it is a pleasure to watch each of you develop professionally. Your dedication and hard work are greatly appreciated.

13. Please accept my sincere gratitude for all the hard work you have done. Your drive, determination, and effort have been exceptional. Your cooperation within the team has been truly outstanding, and together you have achieved first-class results. Congratulations on your success, and I am proud of your accomplishments.

14. It is with great pride I can share the good news with you on your performance. You have all worked incredibly hard, and with your combined efforts, we have reached all our targets as a business. You have all made fantastic individual contributions, and I can clearly see the progress you are all making. Thank you for exceeding all expectations.

Year End Thank You Messages to Employees

1. They say that a chain is only as strong as the weakest link, but I wouldn’t know because this team doesn’t have one. Because of your unrelenting hard work, we have become a streamlined unit. I want to say thank you to every single one of you for making all of our achievements over the last year possible. No bridge is too far for you guys and no challenge too great. Thanks for climbing every mountain to make this a great year.

2. The end of the year is a great time to look back and celebrate what we’ve achieved together over the last 12 months. And it’s all down to you. Everyone in this all-star team works for each other, and that’s a beautiful thing to see. Every day, rain or shine, I see all of you giving everything they have to this job. I’m proud and humbled by you all, and I just want to thank you for all of your hard work.

3. As another year comes to a close, it can seem that time is just flying by, but then I think about everything that this team has achieved in the last year. I marvel at how we’ve managed to fit in all those successes and fantastic results into just twelve months. I know what you special people have given of yourselves to achieve this: the late nights, the self-sacrifice, and commitment to each other and our team. You are all amazing. I can’t wait to see what we can achieve in the future.

4. What a great year we have had. When we look back on all of our highlights, I want you to think back on your contributions. It’s easy just to remember the successes and not all the innovation, application, and sheer hard work that you put in to make them possible. I want to tell you all that I see and marvel at what you put in to get these results. You should all stand tall and appreciate how excellent you are. I can’t thank you enough.

5. What a superb year we have had. I’ve watched you sow the seeds of our success with your admirable dedication and super talents. Your concentration and commitment to excellence have carefully nurtured everything we’ve achieved this year. Now, as we reap the harvest of all that effort, I want to remind you that it is all down to you. Thanks and thanks again for your hard work.

6. In the last year, each and every one of you has tirelessly given your time, skills, and positive can-do attitudes to the job. When the going got tough, you got going. Countless times your professionalism and expertise have brought us over the line. I just want you all to know how much that means to me. A thousand thank you’s for all your hard work.

7. As we come close to the end of the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank every one of you for making this a fantastic place to work, and for making our team the best on the street. Time after time, you have supported each other and pitched in where it was needed to get the job done. You have sacrificed your personal time for the sake of the job, and have proven to me that there is no “I” in “team.” I want you to know that I recognize all you have done this past year, and I am excited about the year ahead. Together, we will continue to do great things, and I look forward to helping you all continue your professional growth.

8. As another year draws to an end, I wanted to express my warmest thanks to each and every one of you. You have all had a part to play in our business, and without your continued support and dedication to your workload, we would not have met our annual goals. I look forward to progressing together next year with confidence that we can meet any challenges we face. It has brought me great satisfaction this year to see how you have worked as a group to reach our goals, and you should all feel confident in your professional abilities. I commend the quality of your work and you all for maintaining such high standards day after day. As we reflect on this year at [company], I hope you feel proud of your achievements and the determination you have shown.

9. As we approach the end of [year], I am delighted with what we have achieved. There are always ups and downs within any organization, but together you have met all challenges with passion and drive. I hope [company] can continue to rely on such fantastic staff, and we can continue to work together as a strong team going forward.

10. Looking back on the last 12 months, it is apparent how much you have all contributed to [company], and for this, I want to thank you. Your loyalty and support have been extraordinary. You have all proved that we are on our way to having the best team-oriented culture in our industry. Many thanks for making this a fantastic place to work and for maintaining such high standards.

11. This year has been a good year for [company]. We have kept on track with our business goals, and much of our success is due to the hard work from you, our fantastic staff. As a team, we have faced a few challenges, but we have seen considerable improvements throughout the company. It is a great honor to have such a dedicated and trustworthy group of employees. Please accept my genuine appreciation for all you have contributed this year.

12. I am pleased to state that there is only positive news to share this yearend. As a company, we have worked with enthusiasm and commitment throughout the year. Each member of this group has played their part, and I am grateful to have witnessed a high standard of work. I hope you share my pride in your achievements.

13. As this year closes and we look to the future, I wanted to thank you for your involvement. We would not be where we are today as a company without our team of talented and loyal employees. Your passion for success has been recognized, and I have received a wide variety of glowing client feedback throughout the year. Congratulations on your achievements, and I am looking forward to working together in the coming year.

Short Employee Appreciation Speeches

1. Neil Armstrong was the guy who got to step on the moon first, but he had some brilliant minds behind him. That’s how I feel when I look at everything that you do to get results. Time and again, you go the extra mile to ensure that all of our projects get off the ground. I offer you my deep appreciation and sincere thanks for digging deep and giving so much to this team. Let’s keep shooting for the moon.

2. Giving 110% has become a cliche, and it doesn’t nearly express how hard you all apply yourselves to the challenges that we face together. So, I’m going to have to find another way to say it. How about, “this team doesn’t just go the extra mile, it does the Ironman”? Or, “we don’t just bend over backward, we do backflips?” But then, really, the best way to say it is just to say it. You are a fantastic team. What you achieve is incredible, the way you achieve it is even better, and I offer you my sincere thanks.

3. As I look around at you guys, I see a very talented group of individuals. But, more than that, what I see is an extraordinary team. And the best thing for me is that it’s a team I’m a part of. I just want to tell you all how proud I am of everything that we have achieved together. I can’t wait to continue on with our adventure and see what marvels our super team can perform next.

4. What we have created here is an exceptional thing, make no mistake about that. It isn’t every day that a group of individuals come together in a workplace and choose to channel their skills for the common good. But all of you guys give your all for your team, every time. Your collaborative spirit has created something magical here. Thanks so much for daring to dream.

5. I want to thank you all, deeply and sincerely, for building this team’s success. You all work tirelessly for the common good, and that’s why we get such great results. I know that you all are absolutely committed to our success, and your professionalism is awe-inspiring. There’s no need for me to say, “keep up the good work,” because I know that you will. It is a privilege and an honor to work with you all.

6. There is a time for modesty, but this isn’t it. So, I’m just going to come right out and say it. We’re a superb team. When all of you guys combine your talents, hard work, and incredible application, the results are stunning. I’m proud of you all and humbled to work with you in this world-class team.

7. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that not only I, but the entire management team, appreciates your commitment to your jobs and your professionalism. Not everyone can say they work with a team that are self-motivated and driven to performing with excellence every single day. It is that excellence in performance that makes me confident that we will continue to conquer new challenges as a team. It is each one of you performing to your highest standards and working with each other toward shared goals that allows us to deliver what and how we do. I hope you are proud of the important role you play in our success, and know that we are very grateful for you.

8. I wanted to gather you together today to say thank you. Each one of you adds such value to the team, and your efforts have not gone unnoticed. It has been rewarding to watch you reach goals as a solid unit. The way you listen to each other and show respect is commendable. Your hard work is much appreciated, and I see a bright future for you all here at [company].

9. I wanted to express my gratitude to you for your ongoing hard work and support. As a team, you have demonstrated some model qualities and behaviors. Moreover, you have been key contributors to our success. I am inspired by your enthusiasm and energy on a daily basis, and I hope you all feel supported in your professional development. Thank you for all your endeavors.

10. It has come to my attention that we have met our objectives, and I wish to pass on my sincere thanks for all your support. I have been so impressed with your positive attitude and the way you have worked together as a united team. I know there is real talent within your group, and I hope you continue to work and learn together to keep succeeding.

11. May I take this opportunity to appreciate the contribution you have made to [company]. You are all great assets to our organization, and I truly admire all your ongoing achievements. Thank you for always showing up and being a trusted team that gets fantastic outcomes. I hope your motivation will remain, and together we can continue to exceed expectations.

12. It is important for me to convey on behalf of the management our appreciation for your performance. I recognize the efforts you have put in to make this team work so well together. You show consideration for your colleagues, which fits well with our company values, and I believe your joint effort is what sets you apart. Congratulations on your success.

13. I am delighted to pass on my congratulations on a job well done. I was pleased to see how well you have coped when complex issues have arisen. It has been impressive to see you work together to solve problems and overcome obstacles. Your attitudes have been sensational, and you can be proud of your outstanding performances.

Best Quotes for Thank You Notes to Employees (Year End & Speeches)

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.” Colin Powell

“When it is obvious that goals can’t be reached, don’t adjust the goals, but adjust the action steps.” Confucius

“There may be people who have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do – and I believe that.” Derek Jeter

“Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn’t what you get for it, but what you become for it.” Steve Maraboli

“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” Leonardo da Vinci

“In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: people, products, and profits. Unless you’ve got a good team, you can’t do much with the other two.” Lee Iacocca

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” Pelé

“Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” Barack Obama

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk…In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Mark Zuckerberg

“I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. That is when I start counting, because then it really counts. That’s what makes you a champion.” Muhammed Ali

Many employees are recognized for their years of service with a company, for their high performance and for their positive attitudes. Creating a culture of recognition and appreciation will increase morale among all employees while growing an environment for teamwork and increased contributions. The majority of employees strive to receive some form of recognition every 7 days. The below infographic outlines some great statistics and facts regarding employee thank you’s.

Best Ways for Employee Appreciation

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UN Staff Union New York

UN Staff Union New York

Long service award ceremony.

The remarks of the President of the UN Staff Union

Good morning colleagues,

Welcome to the Long Service Award Ceremony.

Today, we are gathered here to celebrate our long-serving and dedicated staff members, whose achievements are nothing less than a mark of passion, dedication and perseverance. It has been a long journey full of both challenges and opportunities. Seeing you here today proves loyalty and a strong sense of belonging so, let’s give you a round of applause!

Staff members receiving certificates today are acknowledged and commended for their hard work on reaching various milestones in their service, namely 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years. We also have colleagues who dedicated a lifelong service to this Organization and are due to retire this year. Thank you so much to all of you for your time and contributions to the United Nations and for helping transform it into what it is today.

It is needless to say that our greatest asset in fulfilling the purpose of the United Nations is our staff. As the United Nations becomes more diverse and the challenges, we face more complex, we must continue to invest in policies to recruit, retain, and develop the best and brightest from around the world. Our drive, our diversity and openness, our boundless capacity for risk and reinvention means that the future should be ours.

So many of the vital services that the world’s most vulnerable people depend on cross your desks every day. Your work is essential to the United Nations. You are the ones who help to create the conditions that allow peace to hold and flourish. You guard and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. You continue to coordinate humanitarian relief operations due to natural and man-made disasters in areas beyond the relief capacity of national authorities alone. You help healthcare and education to reach more people?   You promote diplomacy and development. So whatever or whoever inspired you to join the United Nations – whether you’re a young person who just the joined the Organization because you want to make a difference, or someone who has dedicated your life to that pursuit – I want you to know that it has been my privilege to call you my colleagues.

On the other hand, while we are going through some difficult times, we are now most in need of colleagues like you. We need to draw from a strong sense of belonging and team spirit in order to be able to take on new challenges and explore new opportunities along our way. So, keep up the good work! With the support and solidarity of every member of staff, we shall persevere, with the loyalty, discretion and awareness of the functions entrusted to us as international civil servants of the United Nations.

I’m excited to see what all of you do next. On behalf of the Staff Union and myself, thank you again for working so hard every single day in the service of the United Nations that we love so much.

Congratulations to those that are receiving the awards today and let me wish all of you the very best.

I now have the privilege of introducing our keynote speaker, the Deputy Secretary-General, Ms. Amina Mohammed. Thank you very much.

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Great Talks Most People Have Never Heard

Not long ago, I came across a little-known speech titled, “You and Your Research”.

The speech had been delivered in 1986 by Richard Hamming, an accomplished mathematician and computer engineer, as part of an internal series of talks given at Bell Labs. I had never heard of Hamming, the internal lecture series at Bell Labs, or this particular speech. And yet, as I read the transcript, I came across one useful insight after another.

After reading that talk, I got to thinking… what other great talks and speeches are out there that I’ve never heard?

I’ve been slowly searching for answers to that question and the result is this list of my favorite interesting and insightful talks that are not widely known. You may see a few famous speeches on this list, but my guess is that most people are not aware of many of them—just as I wasn’t when I first started looking around.

As far as I know this is the only place where you can read transcripts of these speeches in one place.

Famous Speeches and Great Talks

This list is organized by presenter name and then speech topic. Click the links below to jump to a specific speech. On each page, you’ll find a full transcript of the speech as well as some additional background information.

  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, “The Danger of a Single Story”
  • Jeff Bezos, “Statement by Jeff Bezos to the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary”
  • Jeff Bezos, “What Matters More Than Your Talents”
  • John C. Bogle, “Enough”
  • Brené Brown, “ The Anatomy of Trust “
  • John Cleese, “Creativity in Management”
  • William Deresiewicz, “Solitude and Leadership”
  • Richard Feynman, “Seeking New Laws”
  • Neil Gaiman, “Make Good Art”
  • John W. Gardner, “Personal Renewal”
  • Elizabeth Gilbert, “Your Elusive Creative Genius”
  • Albert E. N. Gray,  “The Common Denominator of Success”
  • Bill Gurley, “Runnin Down a Dream”
  • Richard Hamming, “Learning to Learn”
  • Richard Hamming, “You and Your Research”
  • Steve Jobs, “2005 Stanford Commencement Address”
  • Peter Kaufman,  “The Multidisciplinary Approach to Thinking”
  • C.S. Lewis, “The Inner Ring”
  • Admiral William H. McRaven, “Make Your Bed”
  • Arno Rafael Minkkinen, “Finding Your Own Vision”
  • Charlie Munger, “2007 USC Law School Commencement Address”
  • Charlie Munger, “A Lesson on Elementary, Worldly Wisdom”
  • Charlie Munger, “How to Guarantee a Life of Misery”
  • Charlie Munger, “The Psychology of Human Misjudgment”
  • Nathan Myhrvold, “ Roadkill on the Information Highway “
  • Randy Pausch, “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”
  • Randy Pausch, “Time Management”
  • Anna Quindlen,  “1999 Mount Holyoke Commencement Speech”
  • John Roberts, “I Wish You Bad Luck”
  • Sir Ken Robinson, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”
  • J.K. Rowling, “The Fringe Benefits of Failure”
  • George Saunders, “Failures of Kindness”
  • Claude Shannon, “Creative Thinking”
  • BF Skinner, “How to Discover What You Have to Say”
  • Jim Valvano, “Don’t Give Up”
  • Bret Victor, “Inventing on Principle”
  • David Foster Wallace, “This is Water”
  • Art Williams, “Just Do It”
  • Evan Williams,  “A Journey on the Information Highway”

This is an on-going project. If you know of another great talk, please contact me .

30 Days to Better Habits: A simple step-by-step guide for forming habits that stick

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NBC New York

‘Stand up and fight': Read Tim Walz's full speech to the Democratic National Convention

Walz highlighted his small-town values and decades-long service in the national guard in a speech to the dnc in chicago, published august 21, 2024 • updated on august 21, 2024 at 11:53 pm.

Editor's note: The text of the speech below is as prepared. His actual delivery may have varied.

Thank you, Vice President Kamala Harris, for putting your trust in me and for inviting me to be part of this incredible campaign. Thank you to President Joe Biden for four years of strong, historic leadership. And it is the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the United States.

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We’re all here tonight for one beautiful, simple reason—we love this country! So thanks to all of you here in Chicago and watching at home tonight—for your passion, for your determination, for the joy that you’re bringing to this fight.

I grew up in the small town of Butte, Nebraska, population 400. I had 24 kids in my high school class and none of ’em went to Yale. Growing up in a small town like that, you learn to take care of each other. The family down the road—they may not think like you do, they may not pray like you do, they may not love like you do, but they’re your neighbors. And you look out for them, just like they do for you.

Everybody belongs, and everybody has a responsibility to contribute. For me, it was serving in the Army National Guard. I joined up two days after my 17th birthday and I proudly wore our country’s uniform for 24 years. My dad, a Korean War-era veteran, died of lung cancer a couple years later and left behind a mountain of medical debt. Thank God for Social Security survivor benefits. And thank God for the GI Bill that allowed both my dad and me to go to college—just like it has for millions of Americans.

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Eventually, I fell in love with teaching, just like the rest of my family. Heck, three out of four of us even married teachers. I wound up teaching social studies and coaching football at Mankato West High School. Go Scarlets! We ran a 4-4 defense, played through the whistle every single down, and even won a state championship. Never close that yearbook, people.

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It was my students who first inspired me to run for Congress. They saw in me what I hoped to instill in them—a commitment to the common good. An understanding that we’re all in this together. And a true belief that one person can make a real difference for their neighbors.

So there I was, a 40-something high school teacher with young kids, zero political experience, no money, and running in a deep-red district. But you know what? Never underestimate a public school teacher.

I represented my neighbors in Congress for 12 years and I learned an awful lot. I learned how to work across the aisle on issues like growing rural economies and taking care of our veterans. And I learned how to compromise without compromising my values.

Then I came back home to serve as governor and we got right to work making a difference in our neighbors’ lives. We cut taxes for middle-class families. We passed paid family and medical leave. We invested in fighting crime and affordable housing. We cut the cost of prescription drugs and helped people escape the kind of medical debt that nearly sank my family. And we made sure that every kid in our state got breakfast and lunch at school. So while other states were banning books from their schools, we were banishing hunger from ours.

We also protected reproductive freedom because, in Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make. And even if we wouldn’t make the same choices for ourselves, we’ve got a Golden Rule—mind your own damn business.

That includes IVF and fertility treatments. This is personal for Gwen and me. Let me just say this—even if you’ve never experienced the hell of infertility, I guarantee you know somebody who has. I remember praying each night for a call with good news, the pit in my stomach when the phone would ring, and the agony when we heard the treatments hadn’t worked. It took me and Gwen years. But we had access to fertility treatments and when our daughter was finally born, we named her Hope. Hope, Gus, Gwen—you are my whole world. I love you all so much.

I’m letting you in on how we started our family because that’s a big part of what this election is about—freedom. When Republicans use that word, they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office. Corporations free to pollute the air and water. Banks free to take advantage of customers. But when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean your freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people you love. The freedom to make your own health care decisions. And, yeah, your kids’ freedom to go to school without worrying they’ll be shot dead in the halls.

Look, I know guns. I’m a veteran. I’m a hunter. I was a better shot than most Republicans in Congress and I have the trophies to prove it. But I’m also a dad. I believe in the Second Amendment. But I also believe that our first responsibility is to keep our kids safe. That’s what this is all about. The responsibility we have to our kids, to each other, and to the future we’re building together—a future in which everyone is free to build the kind of life they want.

But not everyone feels the same sense of responsibility. Some folks just don’t understand what it means to be a good neighbor. Take Donald Trump and JD Vance—their Project 2025 will make things much, much harder for people who are just trying to live their lives. They’ve spent a lot of time pretending they know nothing about it. But look, I coached high school football long enough, I promise you this—when somebody takes the time to draw up a playbook, they plan on using it.

We know what they’ll do if they get back in the White House. They’ll jack up costs on middle-class families. They’ll repeal the Affordable Care Act. They’ll gut Social Security and Medicare. They’ll ban abortion across America, with or without Congress.

It’s an agenda that nobody asked for. It’s an agenda that serves nobody but the richest people and the most extreme voices in our country. An agenda that does nothing for our neighbors in need. Is it weird? Absolutely. But it’s also wrong. And it’s dangerous. It’s not just me saying so. It’s Trump’s own people. They were with him for four years. And they’re warning us that the next four years would be much, much worse.

When I was teaching, we would always elect a student body president. And you know what? Those teenagers could teach Donald Trump a lesson about what it means to be a leader. Leaders don’t spend all day insulting people and blaming people. Leaders do the work. I don’t know about you all, but I’m ready to turn the page on these guys. So say it with me: “We’re not going back.”

We’ve got something better to offer the American people. It starts with our candidate, Kamala Harris. From her first day as a prosecutor, as a district attorney, as an attorney general, as a U.S. senator, and then, as our vice president, she’s fought on the side of the American people. She’s taken on predators and fraudsters. She’s taken down transnational gangs. She’s stood up to powerful corporate interests. She’s never hesitated to reach across the aisle if it meant improving lives. And she’s always done it with energy, passion, and joy.

Folks, we have a chance to make Kamala Harris the next president of the United States. But I think we owe it to the American people to tell them exactly what she’d do as president before we ask for their votes. So here’s the part you clip and save and send to that undecided relative.

If you’re a middle-class family or a family trying to get into the middle class, Kamala Harris is gonna cut your taxes. If you’re getting squeezed by the price of your prescription drugs, Kamala Harris is gonna take on Big Pharma. If you’re hoping to buy a home, Kamala Harris is gonna help make it more affordable. And no matter who you are, Kamala Harris is gonna stand up and fight for your freedom to live the life you want to lead. Because that’s what we want for ourselves. And that’s what we want for our neighbors.

You know, I haven’t given a lot of big speeches like this one in my life. But I’ve given a lot of pep talks. So let me finish with this, team. It’s the fourth quarter. We’re down a field goal. But we’re on offense. We’re driving down the field. And, boy, do we have the right team to win this. Kamala Harris is tough. She’s experienced. And she’s ready. Our job is to get in the trenches and do the blocking and tackling. One inch at a time, one yard at a time, one phone call at a time, one door knock at a time, one $5 donation at a time. We’ve only got 76 days to go. That’s nothing. We’ll sleep when we’re dead. And we’re gonna leave it all on the field.

That’s how we’ll keep moving forward. That’s how we’ll turn the page on Donald Trump. That’s how we’ll build a country where workers come first, health care and housing are human rights, and the government stays the hell out of our bedrooms. That’s how we make America a place where no child is left hungry. Where no community is left behind. Where nobody gets told they don’t belong.

That’s how we’re gonna fight. And as the next president of the United States says, “When we fight, we win!” When we fight, we win! When we fight, we win! Thank you, and God bless America!

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speech on long service

  • Coffee House

Full text: Keir Starmer’s Labour conference speech

  • 24 September 2024, 3:17pm

speech on long service

Keir Starmer

speech on long service

Thank you, Conference. And I do mean that from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, Conference for everything you have done to fulfil the basic duty of this party – our clause one – so we can return this great nation to the service of working people. Thank you, Conference.

People said we couldn’t do it, but we did. And we did it together. And look at this now, a record-breaking conference. The biggest attendance ever in our history. And such a far cry from my first conference speech to a live audience of one – the camera man. Socially distanced, in an arts centre in Doncaster. Remember that? Don’t worry, most people don’t. Not even the camera man.

Conference, make no mistake, the work of change has begun

But I bet you do remember the year after, Conference. In Brighton – three years ago. The turning of the tide. A fight for the heart and soul of this party. People said we were going too far. People said we were going too fast. They didn’t want to face the country. They wanted to go back to a comfort zone, take the easier road to nowhere, duck the challenge of change. But we stood firm, Conference. We stood together, Conference, and we won.

So take pride in your victory. Take pride that Labour won in every single region of England. Take pride that Labour won in Wales. Take pride that Labour won in Scotland. But never forget that this opportunity is only here because we changed the party.

Country first, party second – that isn’t a slogan. It’s the foundation of this project. A pact with working people we must fulfil to retain the privilege of serving their interests: on economic stability, national security, wealth creation, protecting our borders, rooting out anti-Semitism, standing with Nato and Ukraine.

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Fraser nelson, michael gove is the new editor of the spectator.

speech on long service

The changes we made are permanent. Irreversible. And the work of service never stops. Country first, party second.

But Conference, for many people in this city the speech they may remember was the one here two years ago. Because that’s when I promised, on this stage, that if I ever had the privilege to serve our country as prime minister, one of my first acts would be to bring in a Hillsborough law – a duty of candour. A law for Liverpool. A law for the 97. A law that people should never have needed to fight so hard to get, but that will be delivered by this Labour government.

It’s also a law for the sub-postmasters in the Horizon scandal. The victims of infected blood. Windrush. Grenfell Tower. And all the countless injustices over the years, suffered by working people at the hands of those who were supposed to serve them. Truth and justice concealed behind the closed ranks of the state.

And Conference, this is the meaning of clause one. Because today I can confirm that the duty of candour will apply to public authorities and public servants, the Bill will include criminal sanctions, and that the Hillsborough law will be introduced to parliament before the next anniversary in April.

It’s work that shows how a government of service must act in everything it does. Our driving purpose. To show to the working people of this country that politics can be a force for good. Politics can be on the side of truth and justice. Politics can secure a better life for your family through the steady but uncompromising work of service.

Because service is the responsibility and opportunity of power. The pre-condition for hope. The bond of respect that can unite a country, bind us to the politics of national renewal. Service doesn’t mean we’ll get everything right. It doesn’t mean everyone will agree. But it does mean we understand that every decision we take, we take together and that it is our duty to the British people to face up to necessary decisions in their interest. And I mean Conference, you know me by now, so you know all those shouts and bellows, the bad faith advice from people who still hanker for the politics of noisy performance, the weak and cowardly fantasy of populism – it’s water off a duck’s back. Mere glitter on a shirt cuff. It’s never distracted me before, and it won’t distract me now.

This is a long-term project. I never said otherwise, not even in the campaign. But Conference, make no mistake, the work of change has begun. The patient, calm, determined era of politics as service has begun.

Our economy: stabilised. The foundations of this country: fixed. Tory rot: cleared away

Planning: reformed. Doctors: back in theatre. New solar projects. New offshore wind projects. The onshore ban: lifted. Great British Energy: launched. One-word Ofsted judgements: ended. A Border Security Command. A National Wealth Fund: getting Britain building again. The Renters Reform Bill: stopping no fault evictions. And the Railway Services Bill: bringing railways back into public ownership.

And we’re only just getting started. A crackdown on knife crime. A real living wage. A modern industrial strategy. A 10-year plan for our NHS. Devolution to our nations, regions and cities. The biggest levelling-up of workers’ rights in a generation. More teachers. More neighbourhood police. More operations. Rebuilding our public services.

Change has begun – and every single one a necessary step on a longer journey. Five national missions that will deliver the higher growth, the safer streets, the cleaner energy, the greater opportunities, the healthier society that I know the British people want and need. The mandate that we won. But also something even more precious. Our economy: stabilised. The foundations of this country: fixed. Tory rot: cleared away. So brick by brick, we can build a new home. A better home. Built to last. Built with pride. But above all built together.

A nation rebalanced so it once again serves the interests of working people. And through the power unleashed by that process, a renewal of who we are. A country that gives equal voice to every person. A country that won’t expect you to change who you are just to get on. A country that doesn’t just work for you and your family but one that recognises you, sees you, respects you as part of our story. A Britain that belongs to you.

Because make no mistake that is the Britain we are building. ‘Change’ isn’t a few extra lines on a graph moving in the right direction. ‘Change’ isn’t a good Labour policy or two delivered while the broader settlement remains untouched. No, change must mean nothing less than national renewal. Not a return to old ways, nor a new path entirely. But a rediscovery, in the full glare of the future, of who we are.

The trouble is, Conference, just as we found with the Labour party four years ago, Britain is no longer sure of itself. Our story is uncertain. The hope – beaten out of us. There is pride – of course there is. Pride in our communities especially. And there is respect too, all around the world.

Trust me, nobody anywhere doubts that this is a great nation. A nation known for our creativity. Our artistic skill. Our scientific genius. And of course, our pragmatism. Qualities that, combined with the industry and pride of working people, have not just rewritten our own story but also that of the world. We could do that again. In fact, we must.

Technology. Climate change. The ageing population. The movement of people. This is a time when great forces demand a decisive government prepared to face the future. We can see that again in the Middle East today. So I call again for restraint and de-escalation at the border between Lebanon and Israel. I call again for all parties to pull back from the brink. I call again or an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the return of the sausages hostages and a recommitment to the two-state solution: a recognised Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel.

And that’s the message I will take to the UN General Assembly when I travel there later today. Alongside our steadfast support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. And in this uncertain world, I also pay tribute to our armed forces for all they do to keep Britain safe.

But Conference, strength in this dangerous world depends on strength at home. And yet look at our country. Look at our country. Do you see a Britain where people feel, with the certainty that they deserve, that the future will be better for their children? Because when I was growing up, that’s what we believed.

People of a completely ordinary working-class background like mine, we took it for granted. We built our lives around it. But that is not the country we inherited in July. That confidence, that certainty, it’s brittle and fragile. And so we have to restore it. That is the mandate we won. The meaning of change. And it all comes back to that question: can politics be a force for good in peoples’ lives? There’s no time to waste wondering why people think politics has failed. We have to show what it can do for their lives. Restore, after fourteen years of chaos, faith in the values that have always guided this nation.

The stability, the moderation, the common sense. Keeping a cool head. Staying the course. Facing the future. The defiance of ambition. The determination of service. And above all, our faith, no matter the challenge, in practical solutions that work. Not the easy answers that may well move a crowd but do not move a nation forward.

No, Conference. We know that way lies ruin. We have seen it in our party and we changed it. And for fourteen years, against our country’s best traditions, we have seen it in Britain. And now we must change that too.

We must build a new Britain. Built from that age-old spirit of creativity and enterprise. The pride and ambition of working people. That, when matched by a government of service – a decisive government, a government prepared to use its power for justice, opportunity and equal respect – can deliver a Britain that belongs to you.

A Britain that belongs to you, because politics sees public service as a privilege. Not privilege as an entitlement to public service. A Britain that belongs to you, because government is mission-driven and serious. Clear, measurable targets. Progress displayed publicly. So every single person in this country can judge our performance on actions not words.

A Britain that belongs to you, because we maintain our focus, at all times, on fixing those foundations for working people. Those five national missions – providing the security and control they need. But also protecting us from the whims of Westminster, making sure that we don’t get blown off course. And a Britain that belongs to you, because we came together. And together we built it. Because this has to be a partnership. We won’t achieve our missions alone.

I understand the power and responsibility of government. The way it can make or break a life. When you are chief prosecutor, when you look into the eyes of victims who have lost everything – parents whose daughter was raped and murdered, as I did with Penny and John – trust me, you learn about what government can and must do.

But I also know from the campaigners who have inspired me. Pooja and Nikita Kanda. Figen Murray. People who fight tirelessly against murder and terrorism so no other family will suffer their awful pain. Nathaniel Dye, who fights for a better NHS so no other person will suffer his fatal late cancer diagnosis. The families and survivors of Grenfell Tower, whose dignity, for seven years, held up a mirror to this nation and asked us – do we really give everyone an equal voice?

They have all shown that the difference between service and government – true service – is that service must listen to people far beyond the walls of the state and empower them to make our country better. Because trust me, that is without question the quickest way to clear away the Tory rot and build that Britain that belongs to you.

And so change begins. Because there is another injustice hiding in plain sight in our streets. In every town and city in this country, people who were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, who put their lives on the line to protect all of us, but who will not have a safe place to sleep tonight. We cannot stand by and let this happen anymore.

And so today, I can announce that this government will respect that service. We will repay those who served us. And house all veterans in housing need. Homes will be there for heroes.

And because we have started the hard yards of planning reform, because we are facing up to decisions ignored for years, because we are introducing new planning passports that will turbo-charge housebuilding in our inner cities, we can make the very same promise to other people at risk of homelessness. Young care leavers. Victims of domestic abuse. They will have the security they deserve. They will have a roof over their head. Because Britain belongs to them.

And another thing, Conference. Another promise kept. We said GB Energy – our publicly-owned national champion, the vehicle that will drive forward our mission on clean energy – we said it belonged in Scotland. And it does. But the truth is, it could only really ever be based in one place in Scotland. So today I can confirm that the future of British energy will be powered, as it has been for decades by the talent and skills of the working people in the Granite City with GB Energy based in Aberdeen.

The politics of national renewal, they’re collective. They involve a shared struggle

This is how the work of change happens. A decisive mission-led government, moving our country forward, step by step. Focused on a long-term plan. That first, we stabilise our economy. Second, we fix the foundation. And third, we build, with pride and determination, a Britain that belongs to you.

But it will be hard. That’s not rhetoric – it’s reality. It’s not just that financial black hole. The £22 billion of unfunded spending commitments, concealed from our country by the Tories. It’s not just the societal black hole. Our public services: decimated; communities held together with little more than good will. It’s also the political black hole.

Because the politics of national renewal, they’re collective. They involve a shared struggle. A project that says to everyone: this will be tough in the short-term, but in the long-term it’s the right thing to do for our country. And we all benefit from that. To coin a phrase: ‘We’re all in it together’.

But that’s just it, isn’t it? People have heard it all before. And they listened. I ran a public service in the early days of austerity. People did everything asked of them to find a way forward. They did it in the pandemic, as well. Saved the lives of people they will never meet. All while their government broke the very rules that they followed.

And so people ask us now, as we seek patience in pursuit of national renewal: ‘What will we get to show for it?’ I understand that. After all, what they are used to is a lie, an act, a charade, a performance.

You can call it populism – many people do. But I prefer to call it the politics of easy answers. Because at its core that’s what it is: a deliberate refusal to countenance tough decisions because the political pain is just too much to bear. Party first, country second.

Take Rwanda, a policy they knew from the beginning would never work, was never supposed to work. £700 million of your money, frittered away on something that was never a credible option because politically it was an easier answer. And just look at the difference you can make if you bring the curtain down on the show. A 23 per cent increase in returns of people who have no right to be here, compared with last summer.

But it’s not just Rwanda. It was the same story on everything. Energy security. The housing crisis. Telling people they’re tough on crime, without building enough prison places. Fourteen years of performance. Fourteen years of exploiting problems not solving them. Mining the pits of division. Searching them for conflict. Fixing your attention on those issues, not on growth, technology, climate change, public services, the ageing population, the cost of living crisis or any of the challenges that this country desperately needed to face up to.

Well, those challenges are still here, Conference. And we are facing up to them. But do not forget what they did and do not let them attempt to shift the blame because the state of our country is on them.

Why must we release prisoners early? Because the Tories served themselves. Why are our public services on their knees? Because the Tories served themselves. Why is crime routinely unpunished? Our rivers polluted? Borders insecure? School roofs crumbling? Child poverty rampant? Nothing seems to work? Our public finances broken? Because for fourteen years the Tories performed the politics of easy answers rather than use the power of government to serve our country.

Yet still those wounds of trust must be healed. Still that question calls to us, ‘What will we get to show for it?’ So let me answer that directly and address anyone nervous about the difficult road ahead, because I know this country is exhausted by and with politics. I know that the cost-of-living crisis drew a veil over the joy and wonder in our lives, and that people want respite and relief. May even have voted Labour for that reason.

So first, let me be clear. Our project has not and never will change. I changed the Labour party to restore it to the service of working people and that is exactly what we will do for Britain. But I will not do it with easy answers. I will not do it with false hope. Not now, not ever. That is how we got here in the first place.

So I know, after everything you’ve been through, how hard it is to hear a politician ask for more. But deep down, I think you also know that our country does need a long-term plan and that we can’t turn back. The state of our country is real.

However, I would also say this. This is a government of service. And that means, whether we agree or not, I will always treat you with the respect of candour, not the distraction of bluster. And the truth is that if we take tough long-term decisions now, if we stick to the driving purpose behind everything we do – higher economic growth so living standards rise in every community; our NHS facing the future, waiting lists at your hospital down; safer streets in your community; stronger borders; more opportunities for your children; clean British energy powering your home – then that light at the end of this tunnel, that Britain that belongs to you, we get there much more quickly.

And look, I understand many of the decisions we must take will be unpopular. If they were popular, they’d be easy. But the cost of filling that black hole in our public finances, that will be shared fairly. We will get the welfare bill down because we will tackle long-term sickness and support people back to work. We will make every penny work for you because we will root out waste and go after tax avoiders.

There will be no stone left unturned. No innovation ignored. And no return to Tory austerity. We will rebuild our public services, protect working people, and do this in a Labour way. And that is a promise.

The time is long overdue for politicians to level with you about the trade-offs this country faces

And if you can’t take that on faith, perhaps because you’re concerned about the winter fuel allowance, then I get that. As I say, if this path were popular or easy we would have walked it already. But the risk of showing to the world – as the Tories did – that this country does not fund its policies properly, that is a risk we can never take again.

Stabilising our economy is the first step of this long-term plan. The only way we keep prices low, cut NHS waiting lists, and secure the triple lock so that every pensioner in this country – every pensioner – will be better off with Labour.

But more broadly, I also say this. That, as we take on those massive challenges the Tories ignored, the time is long overdue for politicians to level with you about the trade-offs this country faces. Because if the last few years have shown us anything, it’s that if you bury your head because things are difficult, your country goes backwards.

So if we want justice to be served, some communities must live close to new prisons. If we want to maintain support for the welfare state, then we will legislate to stop benefit fraud and do everything we can to tackle worklessness. If we want cheaper electricity, we need new pylons overground otherwise the burden on taxpayers is too much. If we want home ownership to be a credible aspiration for our children, then every community has a duty to contribute to that purpose. If we want to tackle illegal migration seriously, we can’t pretend there’s a magical process that allows you to return people here unlawfully without accepting that process will also grant some people asylum. If we want to be serious about levelling up, then we must be proud to be the party of wealth creation. Unashamed to partner with the private sector.

And perhaps most importantly of all, that just because we all want low taxes and good public services, it does not mean that the iron law of properly funding policies can be ignored, because it can’t. We have seen the damage that that does and I will not let that happen again. I will not let Tory economic recklessness hold back the working people of this country. And let me tell you something else I won’t let happen. I will never let a minority of violent, racist, thugs terrorise our communities.

Look, I have always accepted concerns about immigration are legitimate. It is – as point of fact – the policy of this government to reduce both net migration and our economic dependency upon it. I have never thought we should be relaxed about some sectors importing labour when there are millions of young people, ambitious and highly talented, who are desperate to work and contribute to their community. And trust me, there are plenty of examples of apprenticeship starts going down at the very same time that visa applications for the same skills are going up, and so we will get tough on this.

But at the same time, we’ll also get our skills system right. We’ve got to give businesses more flexibility to adapt to real training needs and also unlock the pride, the ambition, the pull of the badge of the shirt that young people feel when building a future, not just for themselves but for their community.

So we will introduce new foundation apprenticeships. Rebalance funding in our training system back to young people. Align that with what businesses really need. The first step to a youth guarantee that will eradicate inactivity and unemployment for our young people – once and for all.

But Conference, whatever anyone thinks about immigration, I will never accept the argument made not just by the usual suspects, but by people who should have known better, who said that millions of people concerned about immigration are one and the same thing as the people who smashed up businesses. Who targeted mosques. Attempted to burn refugees. Scrawled racist graffiti over walls. Nazi salutes at the cenotaph. Attacked NHS nurses. And told people, with different coloured skin, people who contribute here, people who grew up here, that they should ‘go home’.

No Conference, people concerned about immigration were not doing that because they understand that this country, this democratic country, is built on the rule of law. The ballot box. The common understanding that we debate our differences. We do not settle them with violent thuggery. And racism is vile. And Conference, so to those who equivocate about this, I simply say – the country sees you and it rejects you.

And to those who say that the only way to love your country is to hate your neighbour because they look different, I say not only do we reject you, we know that you will never win. Because the British values we stand for, not just the rule of law, but a love for this country and our neighbours, the respect for difference under the same flag, that is stronger than bricks and you know it. It’s what you cannot stand about our country – our reasonable, tolerant country – but it is absolutely who we are.

No, the debate is not about the worth of migrants. That is toxic and we must move beyond it. It’s about control of migration. It’s always been about control. That is what people have voted for time and again. And look – they weren’t just ignored after Brexit, the Tories gave them the exact opposite: an immigration system deliberately reformed to reduce control – because, in the end, they are the party of the uncontrolled market.

Now don’t get me wrong, markets are dynamic. Competition is a vital life force in our economy. This is a Labour party proud to say that. We work hand-in-hand with business. But markets don’t give you control – that is almost literally their point. So if you want a country with more control, if you want the great forces that affect your community to be better managed – whether that’s migration, climate change, law and order, or security at work – then that does need more decisive government, and that is a Labour government. Taking back control is a Labour argument.

It’s why I say we are rebalancing our country to serve working people – because this is a question of balance. We can’t afford any more polluted rivers. We can’t afford any more Covid contracts. We can’t afford any more Grenfell Towers. We have to become serious and mission-led; have to put respect and service deep in the bones of our institutions. That’s not a debate about investment or reform. It’s always been both.

But again, I have to warn you: working people do want more decisive government. They do want us to rebuild our public services and they do want that to lead to more control in their lives. But their pockets are not deep – not at all. So we have to be a great reforming government: our NHS reformed so patients have more control over their health; our energy system reformed so our country has more control over its security; police and justice reformed, so communities have more control of their streets; education reformed, so children have more control of their future and our economy reformed with the unique force that is economic growth. Giving every community the breathing space, the calm, the control to focus on the little things they love in life, not the anxiety and insecurity we have now.

Because we do need joy. We do need that in our lives. And one place that has always done that for me, Conference – I told you about it last year – it’s the Lake District. A place my Mum loved, not just because of what it meant to her – her determination to show she could walk in a place like that – but because of the beauty, everywhere.

Last year I took my family to the old cottage where we used to stay as children. So we walked up to the cottage and stood outside. It must have looked a little odd. And so the couple who now live there came out and they were lovely. And when we told them why we were there, they said come inside, go upstairs, take a walk down memory lane.

So we did and we’re back outside, chatting. Then she stopped, suddenly, and said someone’s nicking your car. I said no, that’s the police moving the car. And that, that really confused her.

One of the other things that gave me great joy as a kid – as well as the football, obviously – was the flute

Anyway, at this point her husband comes in. He said: ‘You haven’t clocked, have you?’ ‘He’s the Leader of the Opposition, a politician.’ And she stops. She smiles. Laughs. And says politely – ‘oh, if I’d known that you were a politician, I’d have pushed you down the stairs when I had the chance!’ The beauty of the Lake District and the heart of the British people, in a nutshell.

But seriously, when you’re there walking around a place like Langdale Valley, when you can see the grass there every bit as green as it was fourteen years ago, it’s a reminder and an inspiration that yes things change and some things need to change. But some things do not. And the joy and wonder of our nation, the spirit of its people – the cleaners, drivers, small business owners, teachers, teaching assistants, the people who came out and cleaned the streets, the brickies who rebuilt the broken walls in Southport – the backbone of this country. They are just as resilient as they were fourteen years ago. And no matter what loudmouths say on social media, their values are the same.

So we will turn our collar up and face the storm. We will rise above the challenges that we’ve inherited. Because this is a country with fairness in the water, that believes in justice, and that wants working people to be respected.

And also, for opportunities to be there for your children. Because Conference, one of the other things that gave me great joy as a kid – as well as the football, obviously – was the flute. Don’t think you were expecting that, were you?

But seriously, the flute gave me so many opportunities. My first ever trip abroad was to Malta with the Croydon Youth Philharmonic Orchestra. And I’m sure everyone here will know the feeling of being drawn in by music, getting lost in something bigger than yourself, or being moved by a book, a painting, a play. Even now I turn to Beethoven or Brahms in those moments when, how to put it, the reviews aren’t so good. I’ve got some Shostakovich lined up for tomorrow. But these early encounters with art and culture, they change us forever, and we are brilliant at them in this country. Brilliant.

But those opportunities don’t go to every child, do they? My brother – who had difficulties learning – he didn’t get those opportunities. Every time I achieved something in my life, my dad used to say: ‘Your brother has achieved just as much as you, Keir.’ And he was right. I still believe that.

But this is what we do in this country now, isn’t it? We elevate the stories of the individuals who go to the Guildhall School of Music. The prime minister from a pebble-dashed semi. The working class few who do break through the class ceiling. I don’t blame anyone for that – I’m guilty of it. It gives people hope. It’s important to tell those stories. But it’s not everyone, is it?

And we must remember everyone, Conference. Because everyone deserves the chance to be touched by art. Everyone deserves access to moments that light up their lives. And every child deserves the chance to study the creative subjects that widen their horizons, provide skills employers do value, and prepares them for the future, the jobs and the world that they will inherit.

But more than that. Every child, every person, deserves to be respected for the contribution they make. My sister was a care worker in the pandemic. She’s still a care worker. Work that surely we know by now is so important for the future of this country. So, Conference, wouldn’t it be great if this was also a country, where because of that contribution, that vital, life-affirming work, she could walk into any room and instantly command the same respect as the prime minister?

Because those are my values. That is what I believe. And those are the values of the Britain that we will build. What will people get to show for it? They’ll get a country with its future back, renewed by respect and service, rebalanced towards the interests of working people, confident in its values and story because together, we took action.

Millions who feel better off, without just being told they’re better off by politicians. Going to the supermarket without a calculator, because the nation’s numbers now add up. More money in their pocket to do the things they love. And more faith in their public services because once again Labour rebuilt them. An NHS facing the future. More security and dignity at work. Town centres – thriving. Streets – safe. Borders – controlled at last. Clean energy – harnessed for national renewal. New homes, new towns, new hospitals, roads and schools. A new future for our children. That is what people will get, and mark my words – we will deliver it.

People said we couldn’t change the party, but we did. People said we wouldn’t win across Britain, but we have. People say we can’t deliver national renewal, but we can and we will. We will stabilise our economy, clear out the Tory rot, fix the foundations and deliver the mandate of change. A Britain built to last, built with respect and built with pride. Because together, we have shown that Britain belongs to you.

Thank you, Conference.

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SM Lee Hsien Loong at the Annual Public Service Leadership Ceremony 2024

Transcript of speech by Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Annual Public Service Leadership Ceremony 2024 on 17 September 2024.

Minister-in-charge of the Civil Service, Mr Chan Chun Sing; Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Mr Lee Tzu Yang, and members of the PSC; Head Civil Service, Mr Leo Yip; Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen;

A very good afternoon


The last time I spoke at the Public Service Leadership Ceremony was four years ago, in 2020. I am very happy to be back, this time in a different role as Senior Minister.

I am very glad that the leadership transition has gone smoothly. A new generation of political leaders has taken charge, with PM Lawrence Wong at the helm. In the public service too, every year we welcome new cohorts of Public Service Leaders. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the 30 newly appointed Public Service Leaders and 113 PSLP officers. You are part of our continuing efforts to refresh our leadership cadre with fresh perspectives, talent, and energy. Leadership renewal is key to the public service, but new generations of leaders can expect to build on strong foundations, you do not start from a blank slate. I would like to acknowledge the many years of dedication and service of the two retired Permanent Secretaries – Ravi Menon and Gabriel Lim – and 14 other senior leaders in the public service who have relinquished their appointments this year. We will continue to benefit from their experience and expertise, as they serve or support the public service in other capacities.

When I attended this annual ceremony in 2020, I spoke about the need for the public service to work with the political leadership to deliver good government for Singapore. That was four years ago, but the theme remains salient as we go through this period of transition. So today, I would like to share my thoughts on how both sides need to continue to work together to take the country forward.

What does it take to govern well?

Singapore has come a long way since the tumultuous early days of nationhood. For six decades, we have made steady progress. The economy has been totally transformed. Singapore has become an important regional hub and global node. Rising incomes have enabled everyone to enjoy a much higher quality of life – better education, better healthcare, better housing, and better jobs. We have overcome major crises together as a nation: severe recessions, regional troubles, and the COVID-19 pandemic. And in doing so, we have become a more cohesive and united people. And because we got things right domestically, we could stand tall internationally.

All this has only been possible because Singapore has been well-governed all these years. The fundamental question is, what does governing Singapore well take? In my view, there are three key factors, first, good policies and good politics. Second, a good public service and a good political leadership, and third, the right relationship between the public service and the political leadership. Let me explain.

The public service is principally concerned with making and implementing policies. Getting policies right is crucial, because only good policies can turn dreams and aspirations into reality. As public officers, you know better than most that policy making is very hard. You first need to identify the right objectives in order to tackle the correct problems. Then, you need to devise sound plans and actions to address these objectives. You need to understand the issues thoroughly, come up with imaginative ideas, work out coherent and effective schemes, anticipate difficulties, and plan well ahead. Having settled on the policies, you have to implement them, track how they work out, and how people are responding to them. Then you must revise and improve them, and make sure they continue working for Singaporeans, and so the cycle begins afresh. This is a very demanding task, it takes knowledge, experience, creativity, a practical touch, and organisational ability. But unless this hard work is done, and done well, all our goals and ambitions will remain empty slogans, and the government will fail to deliver results to Singaporeans. That is why it is vital to have a competent, professional, and high quality public service.

The public service has to stay out of politics. Public officers cannot get embroiled in political debates or party politics. You need to stay impartial. But the public service does not make policies in a technocratic vacuum. To function effectively, you must understand the political context within which the government functions. You must understand the external strategic environment in which we exist, the national challenges we face, the hopes and concerns of the people, and the overarching national objectives we are striving to achieve. And you have to embrace these hopes, concerns, and objectives.

For their part, the political leadership are principally concerned with the political aspects. Ministers have to set the overall direction for the nation, with the best interests of Singapore and Singaporeans at heart. They respond to the strategic needs of the country, and the deep aspirations of the population. They make political choices on how the country should move forward. They must hold their own in the political contest, winning the public debate by persuading those who hold opposing views, rebutting wrong criticisms, while adopting useful ideas. They do their best to win support both for the government and for their political party so that at the end of their term, if the Ministers have done a good job of governing the country, they can again secure the mandate of voters and continue to serve the nation well.

But Ministers cannot confine themselves narrowly to politics. Ministers who just preside ceremonially over their ministries, setting grand objectives, and then leaving the hard work of getting things done to the public officers, add no value. To be effective, Ministers must master the policies too, only then can they give clear guidance and direction to their officials, and work closely together with the public service to develop good policies. Only then will they be able to make sound political decisions on which path to take, and how to make the trade-offs which are unavoidable in government. Only then will they carry conviction when they pitch their policies to the public, having been personally involved in working them out, and grasping why things have to be done in one way and not another. This is what we, and the public, expect of Ministers in Singapore. We have held ourselves to this standard all these years. It is an important reason why we have been able to come up with and implement good policies for the nation.

As public officers, you know this already, that to do your jobs well, you need to serve under good Ministers. Public officers are very polite, but they compare notes with one another. All prefer to work for Ministers who have a reputation for decisiveness, give clear directions to the staff, and master the intricacies of their briefs. You also know that it makes no sense to claim that it is easy to be a Minister in Singapore, because we already have such a capable public service, as some people do. Indeed, we have a very capable public service. But on the contrary, the stronger the public service, the better the political leadership needs to be. Because only then can the Ministers command respect from their officials, lead them effectively, and get the best performance out of the team.

Just as important as having good ministers and a good public service, is establishing the right relationship between the two. Each has its respective role and must do it well. The respective responsibilities have to be kept clear, and the lines properly drawn, so that the system can work properly. But at the same time, both sides must work closely together, with mutual trust, respect and understanding, to achieve the ideal combination of the policies and politics to deliver results for the country.

This is how we have been able to maintain political stability, and deliver good government for Singapore, and kept it going through many terms of government. And this is most remarkable, it happens in very few countries. Do not get me wrong, other countries do not lack for talent or ideas. Their public servants are often as committed as ours. They have political leaders who understand the country’s problems and know what needs to be done. Still, often they cannot do it. The problems remain unresolved or worsen, the country stays stuck and cannot advance. And why cannot they get things to work? Jean Claude Juncker, former Luxembourg Prime Minister and later a European Commission President, explained it well. He said “we all know what to do, but we don’t know how to get re-elected once we have done it”. In other words, in those countries, governments find that doing the right thing is not politically feasible, and then political leaders of all parties default to populism or short-termism to stay in power.

Thankfully, Singapore has been an exception to this rule. Take public finance for example, in many countries, politicians are more than happy to promise higher subsidies or increase social spending, but funding these expenses is a different matter altogether. As a result, these countries run up deficits, which grow over time, and eventually things get out of hand. It is not as if Singapore did not face political pressures to spend more or tax less, or did not have people who will come up and make these seductive arguments – “we can afford it”, “spend a little more”, “you will not go broke”. But successive generations of Ministers knew that avoiding the problem and running a deficit would be irresponsible because it would simply pass the burden to future generations. Instead, we did the opposite. We were prudent with our spending, saving a little bit every year, and by investing these savings wisely, we gradually built up our reserves. We also instituted rigorous safeguards to protect these reserves – to make sure we only spent the money when we really, really needed to. These reserves gave us the resilience and confidence to tide us through tough times – whether major financial crises, or more recently, the COVID pandemic.

We have been able to keep our finances sustainable, while delivering high quality public services, only because we run a tight ship. We maintain a lean and efficient government. Government taxes and fees make up only about 15% of GDP, much lower than many other developed countries. 15% of GDP is, like what France or Italy spend on state pensions alone; in France they spend 14% on pensions, and Italy, 15%. But to be lean and efficient requires discipline on the part of political leaders – to spend only on what we really need, including social safety nets that are good and adequate but not excessive. It requires a first-class public service that can come up with policies, implement them well, and in doing so, deliver good results for the people very efficiently. And it also requires political nous and courage, because as our spending needs increase, we need to make sure revenues continue to keep up, and that means taking difficult political decisions to raise taxes when we need to.

Take the GST for example: Our GST system is clean, efficient, and broad-based. It is an important source of revenue – lower only than the Corporate Income Tax, and until this year the Personal Income Tax (PIT); and this year it is a little bit more than the PIT. We have known for quite a while that a GST increase would be needed at some point, in particular to fund more healthcare services to support our rapidly ageing population. We studied the issue carefully together with the officials and the political leadership prepared the ground systematically over a long time.

Honest, consistent public messaging was crucial. In the 2011 General Election campaign, more than a decade ago, we said that we did not need to increase the GST just yet. In the 2015 General Election campaign, we assessed we could still hold on, and said we did not need a GST increase immediately, but we could see the need for one down the road. After that election, Ministry of Finance studied the projections again, and convinced ourselves that an increase could not be avoided within a decade. So the Ministers decided that we would do it after the next General Election. The Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat announced this in the 2018 Budget and to make sure – make absolutely sure – everyone got the message, I said this again the next year at the 2019 PAP Party Convention. This was a political decision. We knew it would cost the ruling party some votes, but we felt strongly that we needed to be responsible and upfront with voters. It was important that people voted fully informed about the upcoming increase, so that we maintain their trust and support. Of course, we also took a political decision to do everything we could to help Singaporeans and reassure them that they would be able to cope with the GST increase. We worked out and announced a comprehensive offset package to cushion the increase, especially for lower income households, and the Minister for Finance announced the details in the pre-election budget in 2020, even before the election was held, and way before the tax increase itself.

As it turned out, the 2020 General Election took place in the midst of COVID-19. After the pandemic had subsided, we still needed to go through with the GST hike, but the question was how to implement it. We then made another political decision, to split the increase into two-steps: from 7% to 8% in 2023, and then from 8% to 9% 1 January 2024. I highly doubt that the public service on its own would have preferred such a two-step increase. It means twice as much administrative overheads, twice the system updates for businesses, and twice the engagements with businesses and the public. But doing it in two steps would acknowledge the public’s concerns about the tax increase. It would show that the government recognised that conditions had not fully returned to normal, and it was doing what it could to give people more time to adjust to a more gradual hike.

Today, the GST increase to 9% – the full increase – is done, the support packages have been rolled out. And I can say in all good conscience, that the government has done the right thing, and in a way which minimises the pain and maximises the acceptance of the change.

Raising taxes is never easy – just look at any other country. But in Singapore, the Ministers and the public service worked closely together. The Ministers doing the political work, preparing the ground, deciding on support measures, providing the political leadership to the population, and political cover for the public service to do its work; and the public service advising the Ministers, executing the increase, and designing and implementing the support package. Neither could have done it without the other. We can be proud that together, we managed to make a difficult move to put our finances on a sound footing for quite some time to come, and secure Singapore’s best interests for the long term.

The political leadership and the public service will need to work closely together like this on a whole range of other strategic issues, whether it is public transport, immigration, or income inequality. Each will need to do its part, so that together the political leadership and the public service can come up with good policies, persuade Singaporeans to support them, and make the policies succeed. And if I may say so, therefore, enable our politics to succeed. We must do our best to keep our government functioning in this way for as long as we can.

What does this depend on? At the national level, we need to maintain and renew a high-quality political leadership, continue to attract good people to join politics, renew the trust and confidence between the political leaders and the population from generation to generation, and ensure a well-functioning political system, which will enable the public service to make its full contribution.

For its part, the public service plays a major role in keeping Singapore exceptional. We place high demands on our public servants, and especially on this group, our Public Service Leaders. You have to set the tone and direction in your respective organisations and show your colleagues and subordinates, by personal example, what the public service stands for. And while you can look forward to good careers in the public service, I am sure you appreciate that this is much more than just a job or a career. Unlike working in the private sector or a commercial organisation, public service is a mission. You are in this to serve Singapore and Singaporeans. The public service must always be driven by and committed to that mission. And what does this mean? It means that you must continue to maintain the high standard of professionalism and excellence in your work. You must uphold the public service ethos, and understand why you are doing this, and why this is worth doing. You must also appreciate the bigger picture - the strategic and political realities the country faces, and the deepest concerns and aspirations of Singaporeans. And you must work closely with the political leadership to deliver results for Singapore.

Our founding leaders understood this right from the very beginning. In 1959, a few months after Singapore attained self-government, Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his team set up the Civil Service Political Study Centre – to bring the public service on board with the political leadership, to understand the political urgency to get things right, and to work together to solve the nation’s many pressing problems. Our founding leaders knew they only had one shot to get things right. If they failed, not only would the new government fall, but the democratic system in Singapore would have crumbled, as was happening in many other post-colonial states. As Mr Lee Kuan Yew said at the opening of the Political Study Centre:

“We, the elected ministers, have to work through you and with you to translate our plan and policies into reality. You should give of your best in the service of our people…It is in our interest to show that under the system of “one-man-one-vote” there can be an honest and efficient government which works through an efficient administration in the interests of the people.”

That effort to educate a generation of public servants succeeded. The officers gave their hearts and souls to their task and worked closely with the political leadership to confront the fire. Together, they delivered on their mission, and created what we have today.

Keeping our system going in the years ahead

Singapore has come a long way since 1959. Today, we are in a much stronger position. Our economy is much larger and more developed. The SAF and Home Team vigilantly deter threats to our country and keep our families safe. Our housing, education, healthcare, transport, and social infrastructure all rank among the best in the world. Singaporeans’ lives have improved tremendously. After many years steadily building up its capabilities, our public service too is in a much stronger position. This is so whether in terms of the organisations and institutions that we have developed to fulfil our missions and deal with the issues of the day, or in terms of the quality of our public officers – their ability, development, experience, and motivation.

But Singapore faces formidable challenges in the years ahead. Externally, we live in an increasingly turbulent world, with intensifying great power contestation, deglobalisation, and climate change. This will greatly impact a trade-dependent, open economy like ours. Domestically, we also face difficult challenges – economic transformation, an ageing population, integrating immigrants and work pass holders, and preparing for net zero. Prime Minister Lawrence Wong has outlined his plans through the Forward Singapore exercise, and recently in his National Day Rally. We have a full agenda in the years ahead – upgrading our economy, maintaining our relevance on the international stage, caring for an ageing population, and consolidating our racial harmony and social cohesion. The task of preparing for the future never ends, but we must give ourselves every chance to keep on succeeding.

Remember Juncker’s dictum: that governments know what they need to do, but none of them know how to get re-elected after doing it. Singapore has been a counterexample, so far, but we are by no means exempt from the rule. We too are subject to the same political pressures and incentives that other countries face. Singaporeans’ expectations and aspirations are rising, and so too their demands on the government. As growth becomes harder to come by, as revenues becomes less buoyant, and as our politics become more fiercely contested, things can go wrong for us too. If electoral margins get slimmer, the government will have less political space to do the right things. It will become harder to disregard short-term considerations in decision-making. The political dynamics will become very different. Singaporeans must understand the dangers this creates, and so must the public service.

I am sounding this caution because it is a different world out there, as the world changes, and as the generations change, we must do our best to renew our system – to ensure that it continues to work well for us, even as things change. Good policies and good politics will continue to be key. At the same time, we must have a public service that is driven by the right values and ethos, that has the capability and operational know-how to design and implement the right policies, and that continually improves and innovates, working hand-in-glove with a political leadership that has the political courage, conviction, and touch to convince and inspire the people, win their mandate, and to deliver what is very rare in the world, but what Singaporeans have shown we can do – good government and steady progress.

Therefore, let us transmit to the new generation the conviction and sense of mission to serve Singapore, and renew the relationship between the public service and the political leadership. You can depend on the Ministers to do our part, and I trust that you will do your utmost as leaders in the public service, working together with the Ministers to take Singapore forward, with a new generation at the helm.

Thank you very much.

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I grew up in the small town of Butte, Nebraska, population 400. I had 24 kids in my high school class and none of ’em went to Yale. Growing up in a small town like that, you learn to take care of each other. The family down the road—they may not think like you do, they may not pray like you do, they may not love like you do, but they’re your neighbors. And you look out for them, just like they do for you.

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It was my students who first inspired me to run for Congress. They saw in me what I hoped to instill in them—a commitment to the common good. An understanding that we’re all in this together. And a true belief that one person can make a real difference for their neighbors.

So there I was, a 40-something high school teacher with young kids, zero political experience, no money, and running in a deep-red district. But you know what? Never underestimate a public school teacher.

I represented my neighbors in Congress for 12 years and I learned an awful lot. I learned how to work across the aisle on issues like growing rural economies and taking care of our veterans. And I learned how to compromise without compromising my values.

Then I came back home to serve as governor and we got right to work making a difference in our neighbors’ lives. We cut taxes for middle-class families. We passed paid family and medical leave. We invested in fighting crime and affordable housing. We cut the cost of prescription drugs and helped people escape the kind of medical debt that nearly sank my family. And we made sure that every kid in our state got breakfast and lunch at school. So while other states were banning books from their schools, we were banishing hunger from ours.

We also protected reproductive freedom because, in Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make. And even if we wouldn’t make the same choices for ourselves, we’ve got a Golden Rule—mind your own damn business.

That includes IVF and fertility treatments. This is personal for Gwen and me. Let me just say this—even if you’ve never experienced the hell of infertility, I guarantee you know somebody who has. I remember praying each night for a call with good news, the pit in my stomach when the phone would ring, and the agony when we heard the treatments hadn’t worked. It took me and Gwen years. But we had access to fertility treatments and when our daughter was finally born, we named her Hope. Hope, Gus, Gwen—you are my whole world. I love you all so much.

I’m letting you in on how we started our family because that’s a big part of what this election is about—freedom. When Republicans use that word, they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office. Corporations free to pollute the air and water. Banks free to take advantage of customers. But when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean your freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people you love. The freedom to make your own health care decisions. And, yeah, your kids’ freedom to go to school without worrying they’ll be shot dead in the halls.

Look, I know guns. I’m a veteran. I’m a hunter. I was a better shot than most Republicans in Congress and I have the trophies to prove it. But I’m also a dad. I believe in the Second Amendment. But I also believe that our first responsibility is to keep our kids safe. That’s what this is all about. The responsibility we have to our kids, to each other, and to the future we’re building together—a future in which everyone is free to build the kind of life they want.

But not everyone feels the same sense of responsibility. Some folks just don’t understand what it means to be a good neighbor. Take Donald Trump and JD Vance—their Project 2025 will make things much, much harder for people who are just trying to live their lives. They’ve spent a lot of time pretending they know nothing about it. But look, I coached high school football long enough, I promise you this—when somebody takes the time to draw up a playbook, they plan on using it.

We know what they’ll do if they get back in the White House. They’ll jack up costs on middle-class families. They’ll repeal the Affordable Care Act. They’ll gut Social Security and Medicare. They’ll ban abortion across America, with or without Congress.

It’s an agenda that nobody asked for. It’s an agenda that serves nobody but the richest people and the most extreme voices in our country. An agenda that does nothing for our neighbors in need. Is it weird? Absolutely. But it’s also wrong. And it’s dangerous. It’s not just me saying so. It’s Trump’s own people. They were with him for four years. And they’re warning us that the next four years would be much, much worse.

When I was teaching, we would always elect a student body president. And you know what? Those teenagers could teach Donald Trump a lesson about what it means to be a leader. Leaders don’t spend all day insulting people and blaming people. Leaders do the work. I don’t know about you all, but I’m ready to turn the page on these guys. So say it with me: “We’re not going back.”

We’ve got something better to offer the American people. It starts with our candidate, Kamala Harris. From her first day as a prosecutor, as a district attorney, as an attorney general, as a U.S. senator, and then, as our vice president, she’s fought on the side of the American people. She’s taken on predators and fraudsters. She’s taken down transnational gangs. She’s stood up to powerful corporate interests. She’s never hesitated to reach across the aisle if it meant improving lives. And she’s always done it with energy, passion, and joy.

Folks, we have a chance to make Kamala Harris the next president of the United States. But I think we owe it to the American people to tell them exactly what she’d do as president before we ask for their votes. So here’s the part you clip and save and send to that undecided relative.

If you’re a middle-class family or a family trying to get into the middle class, Kamala Harris is gonna cut your taxes. If you’re getting squeezed by the price of your prescription drugs, Kamala Harris is gonna take on Big Pharma. If you’re hoping to buy a home, Kamala Harris is gonna help make it more affordable. And no matter who you are, Kamala Harris is gonna stand up and fight for your freedom to live the life you want to lead. Because that’s what we want for ourselves. And that’s what we want for our neighbors.

You know, I haven’t given a lot of big speeches like this one in my life. But I’ve given a lot of pep talks. So let me finish with this, team. It’s the fourth quarter. We’re down a field goal. But we’re on offense. We’re driving down the field. And, boy, do we have the right team to win this. Kamala Harris is tough. She’s experienced. And she’s ready. Our job is to get in the trenches and do the blocking and tackling. One inch at a time, one yard at a time, one phone call at a time, one door knock at a time, one $5 donation at a time. We’ve only got 76 days to go. That’s nothing. We’ll sleep when we’re dead. And we’re gonna leave it all on the field.

That’s how we’ll keep moving forward. That’s how we’ll turn the page on Donald Trump. That’s how we’ll build a country where workers come first, health care and housing are human rights, and the government stays the hell out of our bedrooms. That’s how we make America a place where no child is left hungry. Where no community is left behind. Where nobody gets told they don’t belong.

That’s how we’re gonna fight. And as the next president of the United States says, “When we fight, we win!” When we fight, we win! When we fight, we win! Thank you, and God bless America!

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    At such a young age, you have accomplished more than many others have after 5 years of service and that is something you should be proud of. May you continue on your path to achieving your goals and finding success in this field. 03 Happy five-year anniversary at [insert name of company].

  7. 12 Sample Employee Appreciation Messages for Years of Service Awards

    Thank you for your contribution to our success!". 11. "We sincerely appreciate your hard work and efforts year after year. Thank you for your many wonderful years of service!". 12. "Thank you for all of the motivation and encouragement you've given throughout the years. May you continue to inspire us for many years to come!".

  8. Acceptance Speech Sample: Receiving a Twenty Years Service Award

    Receiving a Twenty Year Service Award from the Webster Company. Dear directors and colleagues: It is an honor for me to stand here and receive such an award. When I was told that I needed to make an acceptance speech, I was embarrassed because I am not very good at speech-making. But then, I thought that I have much to tell our younger ...

  9. How to Give the Best Employee Recognition Speech

    Step 3: Customize the Environment to Your Employee's Preferences. Informal recognition speech: When giving informal recognition, try to adapt the environment to make the recipient comfortable. If you are recognizing an employee whose culture doesn't value public praise, make sure to recognize the person privately.

  10. 10 Award Acceptance Speech Samples

    Let these speeches guide you in sharing your story, expressing your gratitude, and celebrating your achievements with an audience who is eager to celebrate with you. 1. The Journey to Excellence. Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you, humbled and honored to accept this prestigious award.

  11. 10 steps to deliver a meaningful and inspiring recognition speech

    Follow these 10 Simple Steps. Your recognition presentation can compare to the most experienced circuit speaker with the help of this basic outline and a few important tips. 1. Prepare a 3-5 minute outline ahead of time. A rule of thumb is to write a script that is between 3-5 minutes in length. However, the length isn't nearly as important ...

  12. Employee Appreciation Speech: Example and Writing Tips

    An employee appreciation speech is a public announcement that recognizes an employee for their hard work. Its purpose is for a supervisor, manager or employer to show gratitude to the employee for making positive contributions to the company. Professionals may present appreciation speeches to associates who dedicated years of service to the ...

  13. Sample Employee Appreciation Letters for Years of Service Awards

    7 Years of Service. Subject: We have been lucky for 7 years now. Dear John, Happy 7th work anniversary to you! This does seem a good time for me to acknowledge that we are truly lucky that you have for stayed with us through the years. The successful growth of Acme is the direct result of you, our valued employees.

  14. How to Show Appreciation to Your Long Serving Staff

    A long service award is a recognition given to an employee to appreciate their years of service working within your company. These are typically given at important anniversary milestones, such as every 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years and so on, with increasing rewards based on the length of service. Traditionally many companies would consider 20+ years ...

  15. PDF Long Service Speech June 2019

    Long Service Speech June 2019 Dear Colleagues It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this Long Service Award Ceremony today. Congratulations on achieving a significant milestone in your career. It is indeed a special occasion- Special because we don't often get the

  16. Long Service Awards: Best Ways to Recognize Tenure

    Creative long service awards ideas. 1. Gift cards or vouchers. Many prefer to receive gift cards or vouchers as a reward and a long service award is not an exception. These vouchers or cards come in various forms like an electronic voucher or plastic card. You can load both with monetary value.

  17. 140 Congratulations on Years of Service Messages

    Kudos to your commendable service, dear coworker! Your journey is a testament to the saying, "It's not about the destination, but the journey and the company.". Congrats on your service years! To the colleague who's more like family now, your years of service have been a blend of professionalism and warmth.

  18. Right Words of Recognition for Years of Service

    Getting the Recognition Words Right. Key to choosing the right spoken and written words to use in recognizing employees for their years of service is remembering the purpose of milestone recognition. You want to create an experience they won't forget. You also want to honor your employees or colleagues with their service award.

  19. Celebrating Staff Loyalty: 10 Creative Long Service Award Ideas

    3) Monthly rewards via paid subscriptions. As you'll know your long service employee inside and out, offering paid subscriptions based on their interests is a creative way to show appreciation and demonstrate that you care. Provide a range of subscription options such as beauty boxes, music streaming, and wellness app subscriptions for them ...

  20. Use These Employee Appreciation Speech Examples (2024)

    The Employee Appreciation Speech Checklist. Planning employee appreciation speeches can be fast and easy when you follow a go-to "recipe" that works every time. From a simple thank you to a heart felt work anniversary speech, it all has a template. Maritz®studies human behavior and highlights relevant findings that could impact the workplace.

  21. 50 Long Thank You Notes for Employees (Year End & Speeches)

    Many thanks for your hard work, and congratulations on a job well done. I hope you are all proud of your accomplishments. 8. I would like to open with the obvious: a well-deserved, heartfelt thank you. Although you have faced some challenges at times, you got the job done, on time and to specification.


    The remarks of the President of the UN Staff Union. Good morning colleagues, Welcome to the Long Service Award Ceremony. Today, we are gathered here to celebrate our long-serving and dedicated staff members, whose achievements are nothing less than a mark of passion, dedication and perseverance. It has been a long journey full of both ...

  23. Famous Speeches: A List of the Greatest Speeches of All-Time

    Great Talks Most People Have Never Heard. Not long ago, I came across a little-known speech titled, "You and Your Research". The speech had been delivered in 1986 by Richard Hamming, an accomplished mathematician and computer engineer, as part of an internal series of talks given at Bell Labs.

  24. Read: Tim Walz's full speech to the DNC

    Walz highlighted his small-town values and decades-long service in the National Guard in a speech to the DNC in Chicago Published August 21, 2024 • Updated on August 21, 2024 at 11:53 pm Andrew ...

  25. Read: Tim Walz's full speech to the DNC

    Walz highlighted his small-town values and decades-long service in the National Guard in a speech to the DNC in Chicago Published August 21, 2024 • Updated on August 21, 2024 at 8:53 pm Andrew ...

  26. Full text: Keir Starmer's Labour conference speech

    This is a long-term project. I never said otherwise, not even in the campaign. But Conference, make no mistake, the work of change has begun. The patient, calm, determined era of politics as ...

  27. PMO

    Minister-in-charge of the Civil Service, Mr Chan Chun Sing; Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Mr Lee Tzu Yang, and members of the PSC; Head Civil Service, Mr Leo Yip; Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen; A very good afternoon. Introduction. The last time I spoke at the Public Service Leadership Ceremony was four years ago, in 2020.

  28. Toddlers' use of gesture and speech in service of emotion regulation

    Research on the intersections of young children's emerging communication skills and emotion regulation has increased, following recognition of the link between these skills as they emerge in toddlerhood and the long‐term impact of these skills on academic success. However, little is known about how toddlers use gesture and emerging language for emotion regulation. The current study describes ...

  29. Read: Tim Walz's full speech to the DNC

    Walz highlighted his small-town values and decades-long service in the National Guard in a speech to the DNC in Chicago Published August 21, 2024 • Updated on August 21, 2024 at 11:53 pm Andrew ...