• Type I vs Type II Errors: Causes, Examples & Prevention


There are two common types of errors, type I and type II errors you’ll likely encounter when testing a statistical hypothesis. The mistaken rejection of the finding or the null hypothesis is known as a type I error. In other words, type I error is the false-positive finding in hypothesis testing . Type II error on the other hand is the false-negative finding in hypothesis testing.

To better understand the two types of errors, here’s an example:

Let’s assume you notice some flu-like symptoms and decide to go to a hospital to get tested for the presence of malaria. There is a possibility of two errors occurring:

  • In type I error (False positive): The result of the test shows you have malaria but you actually don’t have it.
  • Type II error (false negative): The test result indicates that you don’t have malaria when you in fact do.

Type I error and Type II error are extensively used in areas such as computer science, Engineering, Statistics, and many more.

The chance of committing a type I error is known as alpha (α), while the chance of committing a type II error is known as beta (β). If you carefully plan your study design, you can minimize the probability of committing either of the errors.

Read: Survey Errors To Avoid: Types, Sources, Examples, Mitigation

What are Type I Errors?

Type I error is an omission that happens when a null hypothesis is reprobated during hypothesis testing. This is when it is indeed precise or positive and should not have been initially disapproved. So if a null hypothesis is erroneously rejected when it is positive, it is called a Type I error.

What this means is that results are concluded to be significant when in actual fact, it was obtained by chance.

When conducting hypothesis testing, a null hypothesis is determined before carrying out the actual test. The null hypothesis may presume that there is no chain of circumstances between the items being tested which may cause an outcome for the test.

When a null hypothesis is rejected, it means a chain of circumstances has been established between the items being tested even though it is a false alarm or false positive. This could lead to an error or many errors in a test, known as a Type I error.

It is worthy of note that statistical outcomes of every testing involve uncertainties, so making errors while performing these hypothesis testings is unavoidable. It is inherent that type I error may be considered as an error of commission in the sense that the producer or researcher mistakenly decides on a false outcome.

Read: Systematic Errors in Research: Definition, Examples

Causes of Type I Error

  • When a factor other than the variable affects the variables being tested. This factor that causes the effect produces a result that supports the decision to reject the null hypothesis.
  • When the result of a hypothesis testing is caused by chance, it is a Type I error. 
  • Lastly, because a null hypothesis and the significance level are decided before conducting a hypothesis test, and also the sample size is not considered, a type I error may occur due to chance.
Read: Margin of error – Definition, Formula + Application

Risk Factor and Probability of Type I Error

  • The risk factor and probability of Type I error are mostly set in advance and the level of significance of the hypothesis testing is known.
  • The level of significance in a test is represented by α and it signifies the rate of the possibility of Type I error.
  • While it is possible to reduce the rate of Type I error by using a determined sample size. The consequence of this, however, is that the possibility of a Type II error occurring in a test will increase.
  • In a case where Type I error is decided at 5 percent, it means in the null hypothesis ( H 0), chances are there that 5 in the 100 hypotheses even if true will be rejected.
  • Another risk factor is that both Type I and Type II errors can not be changed simultaneously. To reduce the possibility of one error occurring means the possibility of the other error will increase. Hence changing the outcome of one test inherently affects the outcome of the other test.
Read: Sampling Bias: Definition, Types + [Examples]

Consequences of a Type I Error

A type I error will result in a false alarm. The outcome of the hypothesis testing will be a false positive. This implies that the researcher decided the result of a hypothesis testing is true when in fact, it is not. 

For a sales group, the consequences of a type I error may result in losing potential market and missing out on probable sales because the findings of a test are faulty.

What are Type II Errors?

A Type II error means a researcher or producer did not disapprove of the alternate hypothesis when it is in fact negative or false. This does not mean the null hypothesis is accepted as positive as hypothesis testing only indicates if a null hypothesis should be rejected.

A Type II error means a conclusion on the effect of the test wasn’t recognized when an effect truly existed. Before a test can be said to have a real effect, it has to have a power level that is 80% or more.

This implies the statistical power of a test determines the risk of a type II error. The probability of a type II error occurring largely depends on how high the statistical power is.

Note: Null hypothesis is represented as (H0) and alternative hypothesis is represented as (H1)

Causes of Type II Error

  • Type II error is mainly caused by the statistical power of a test being low. A Type II error will occur if the statistical test is not powerful enough. 
  • The size of the sample can also lead to a Type I error because the outcome of the test will be affected. A small sample size might hide the significant level of the items being tested.
  • Another cause of Type Ii error is the possibility that a researcher may disapprove of the actual outcome of a hypothesis even when it is correct.

Probability of Type II Error

  • To arrive at the possibility of a Type II error occurring, the power of the test must be deducted from type 1.
  • The level of significance in a test is represented by β and it shows the rate of the possibility of Type I error. 
  • It is possible to reduce the rate of Type II error if the significance level of the test is increased.
  • In a case where Type II error is decided at 5 percent, it means in the null hypothesis ( H 0), chances are there that 5 in the 100 hypotheses even if it is false will be accepted.
  •  Type I error and Type II error are connected. Hence, to reduce the possibility of one type of error from occurring means the possibility of the other error will increase.
  • It is important to decide which error has lesser effects on the test.

Consequences of a Type II Error

Type II errors can also result in a wrong decision that will affect the outcomes of a test and have real-life consequences.  

Note that even if you proved your test hypothesis, your conversion result can invalidate the outcome unintended. This turn of events can be discouraging, hence the need to be extra careful when conducting hypothesis testing.  

How to Avoid Type I and II errors

Type I error and type II errors can not be entirely avoided in hypothesis testing, but the researcher can reduce the probability of them occurring.

For Type I error, minimize the significance level to avoid making errors. This can be determined by the researcher. 

To avoid type II errors, ensure the test has high statistical power. The higher the statistical power, the higher the chance of avoiding an error. Set your statistical power to 80% and above and conduct your test.

Increase the sample size of the hypothesis testing.

The Type II error can also be avoided if the significance level of the test hypothesis is chosen.

How to Detect Type I and Type II Errors in Data

After completing a study, the researcher can conduct any of the available statistical tests to reject the default hypothesis in favor of its alternative. If the study is free of bias, there are four possible outcomes. See the image below;

Image source: IPJ

If the findings in the sample and reality in the population match, the researchers’ inferences will be correct. However, if in any of the situations a type I or II error has been made, the inference will be incorrect. 

Key Differences between Type I & II Errors

  • In statistical hypothesis testing, a type I error is caused by disapproving a null hypothesis that is otherwise correct while in contrast, Type II error occurs when the null hypothesis is not rejected even though it is not true.
  • Type I error is the same as a false alarm or false positive while Type II error is also referred to as false negative.
  • A Type I error is represented by α while a Type II error is represented by β.
  • The level of significance determines the possibility of a type I error while type II error is the possibility of deducting the power of the test from 1.
  • You can decrease the possibility of Type I error by reducing the level of significance. The same way you can reduce the probability of a Type II error by increasing the significance level of the test.
  • Type I error occurs when you reject the null hypothesis, in contrast, Type II error occurs when you accept an incorrect outcome of a false hypothesis

Examples of Type I & II errors

Type i error examples.

To understand the statistical significance of Type I error, let us look at this example.

In this hypothesis, a driver wants to determine the relationship between him getting a new driving wheel and the number of passengers he carries in a week.

Now, if the number of passengers he carries in a week increases after he got a new driving wheel than the number of passengers he carried in a week with the old driving wheel, this driver might assume that there is a relationship between the new wheel and the increase in the number of passengers and support the alternative hypothesis.

However, the increment in the number of passengers he carried in a week, might have been influenced by chance and not by the new wheel which results in type I error.

By this indication, the driver should have supported the null hypothesis because the increment of his passengers might have been due to chance and not fact. 

Type II error examples

For Type II error and statistical power, let us assume a hypothesis where a farmer that rears birds assumes none of his birds have bird-flu. He observes his birds for four days to find out if there are symptoms of the flu.

If after four days, the farmer sees no symptoms of the flu in his birds, he might assume his birds are indeed free from bird flu whereas the bird flu might have affected his birds and the symptoms are obvious on the sixth day. 

By this indication, the farmer accepts that no flu exists in his birds. This leads to a type II error where it supports the null hypothesis when it is in fact false.

Frequently Asked Questions about Type I and II Errors

  • Is a Type I or Type II error worse?

Both Type I and type II errors could be worse based on the type of research being conducted.

A Type I error means an incorrect assumption has been made when the assumption is in reality not true. The consequence of this is that other alternatives are disapproved of to accept this conclusion. A type II error implies that a null hypothesis was not rejected. This means that a significant outcome wouldn’t have any benefit in reality.

A Type I error however may be terrible for statisticians. It is difficult to decide which of the errors is worse than the other but both types of errors could do enough damage to your research. 

  • Does sample size affect type 1 error?

Small or large sample size does not affect type I error . So sample size will not increase the occurrence of Type I error.

The only principle is that your test has a normal sample size. If the sample size is small in Type II errors, the level of significance will decrease.

This may cause a false assumption from the researcher and discredit the outcome of the hypothesis testing.

  • What is statistical power as it relates to Type I or Type II errors

Statistical power is used in type II to deduce the measurement error. This is because random errors reduce the statistical power of hypothesis testing. Not only that, the larger the size of the effect, the more detectable the errors are.

The statistical power of a hypothesis increases when the level of significance increases. The statistical power also increases when a larger sample size is being tested thereby reducing the errors. If you want the risk of Type II error to reduce, increase the level of significance of the test.

  • What is statistical significance as it relates to Type I or Type II errors

Statistical significance relates to Type I error. Researchers sometimes assume that the outcome of a test is statistically significant when they are not and the researcher then rejects the null hypothesis. The fact is, the outcome might have happened due to chance.

A type I error decreases when a lower significance level is set.

If your test power is lower compared to the significance level, then the alternative hypothesis is relevant to the statistical significance of your test, then the outcome is relevant.

In this article, we have extensively discussed Type I error and Type II error. We have also discussed their causes, the probabilities of their occurrence, and how to avoid them. We have seen that both Types of errors have their usefulness and limitations. The best approach as a researcher is to know which to apply and when.


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  • alternative vs null hypothesis
  • hypothesis testing
  • level of errors
  • level of significance
  • statistical hypothesis
  • statistical power
  • type i errors
  • type ii errors
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Type 1 and Type 2 Errors in Statistics

Saul McLeod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul McLeod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

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A statistically significant result cannot prove that a research hypothesis is correct (which implies 100% certainty). Because a p -value is based on probabilities, there is always a chance of making an incorrect conclusion regarding accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis ( H 0 ).

Anytime we make a decision using statistics, there are four possible outcomes, with two representing correct decisions and two representing errors.

type 1 and type 2 errors

The chances of committing these two types of errors are inversely proportional: that is, decreasing type I error rate increases type II error rate and vice versa.

As the significance level (α) increases, it becomes easier to reject the null hypothesis, decreasing the chance of missing a real effect (Type II error, β). If the significance level (α) goes down, it becomes harder to reject the null hypothesis , increasing the chance of missing an effect while reducing the risk of falsely finding one (Type I error).

Type I error 

A type 1 error is also known as a false positive and occurs when a researcher incorrectly rejects a true null hypothesis. Simply put, it’s a false alarm.

This means that you report that your findings are significant when they have occurred by chance.

The probability of making a type 1 error is represented by your alpha level (α), the p- value below which you reject the null hypothesis.

A p -value of 0.05 indicates that you are willing to accept a 5% chance of getting the observed data (or something more extreme) when the null hypothesis is true.

You can reduce your risk of committing a type 1 error by setting a lower alpha level (like α = 0.01). For example, a p-value of 0.01 would mean there is a 1% chance of committing a Type I error.

However, using a lower value for alpha means that you will be less likely to detect a true difference if one really exists (thus risking a type II error).

Scenario: Drug Efficacy Study

Imagine a pharmaceutical company is testing a new drug, named “MediCure”, to determine if it’s more effective than a placebo at reducing fever. They experimented with two groups: one receives MediCure, and the other received a placebo.

  • Null Hypothesis (H0) : MediCure is no more effective at reducing fever than the placebo.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1) : MediCure is more effective at reducing fever than the placebo.

After conducting the study and analyzing the results, the researchers found a p-value of 0.04.

If they use an alpha (α) level of 0.05, this p-value is considered statistically significant, leading them to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that MediCure is more effective than the placebo.

However, MediCure has no actual effect, and the observed difference was due to random variation or some other confounding factor. In this case, the researchers have incorrectly rejected a true null hypothesis.

Error : The researchers have made a Type 1 error by concluding that MediCure is more effective when it isn’t.


Resource Allocation : Making a Type I error can lead to wastage of resources. If a business believes a new strategy is effective when it’s not (based on a Type I error), they might allocate significant financial and human resources toward that ineffective strategy.

Unnecessary Interventions : In medical trials, a Type I error might lead to the belief that a new treatment is effective when it isn’t. As a result, patients might undergo unnecessary treatments, risking potential side effects without any benefit.

Reputation and Credibility : For researchers, making repeated Type I errors can harm their professional reputation. If they frequently claim groundbreaking results that are later refuted, their credibility in the scientific community might diminish.

Type II error

A type 2 error (or false negative) happens when you accept the null hypothesis when it should actually be rejected.

Here, a researcher concludes there is not a significant effect when actually there really is.

The probability of making a type II error is called Beta (β), which is related to the power of the statistical test (power = 1- β). You can decrease your risk of committing a type II error by ensuring your test has enough power.

You can do this by ensuring your sample size is large enough to detect a practical difference when one truly exists.

Scenario: Efficacy of a New Teaching Method

Educational psychologists are investigating the potential benefits of a new interactive teaching method, named “EduInteract”, which utilizes virtual reality (VR) technology to teach history to middle school students.

They hypothesize that this method will lead to better retention and understanding compared to the traditional textbook-based approach.

  • Null Hypothesis (H0) : The EduInteract VR teaching method does not result in significantly better retention and understanding of history content than the traditional textbook method.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1) : The EduInteract VR teaching method results in significantly better retention and understanding of history content than the traditional textbook method.

The researchers designed an experiment where one group of students learns a history module using the EduInteract VR method, while a control group learns the same module using a traditional textbook.

After a week, the student’s retention and understanding are tested using a standardized assessment.

Upon analyzing the results, the psychologists found a p-value of 0.06. Using an alpha (α) level of 0.05, this p-value isn’t statistically significant.

Therefore, they fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the EduInteract VR method isn’t more effective than the traditional textbook approach.

However, let’s assume that in the real world, the EduInteract VR truly enhances retention and understanding, but the study failed to detect this benefit due to reasons like small sample size, variability in students’ prior knowledge, or perhaps the assessment wasn’t sensitive enough to detect the nuances of VR-based learning.

Error : By concluding that the EduInteract VR method isn’t more effective than the traditional method when it is, the researchers have made a Type 2 error.

This could prevent schools from adopting a potentially superior teaching method that might benefit students’ learning experiences.

Missed Opportunities : A Type II error can lead to missed opportunities for improvement or innovation. For example, in education, if a more effective teaching method is overlooked because of a Type II error, students might miss out on a better learning experience.

Potential Risks : In healthcare, a Type II error might mean overlooking a harmful side effect of a medication because the research didn’t detect its harmful impacts. As a result, patients might continue using a harmful treatment.

Stagnation : In the business world, making a Type II error can result in continued investment in outdated or less efficient methods. This can lead to stagnation and the inability to compete effectively in the marketplace.

How do Type I and Type II errors relate to psychological research and experiments?

Type I errors are like false alarms, while Type II errors are like missed opportunities. Both errors can impact the validity and reliability of psychological findings, so researchers strive to minimize them to draw accurate conclusions from their studies.

How does sample size influence the likelihood of Type I and Type II errors in psychological research?

Sample size in psychological research influences the likelihood of Type I and Type II errors. A larger sample size reduces the chances of Type I errors, which means researchers are less likely to mistakenly find a significant effect when there isn’t one.

A larger sample size also increases the chances of detecting true effects, reducing the likelihood of Type II errors.

Are there any ethical implications associated with Type I and Type II errors in psychological research?

Yes, there are ethical implications associated with Type I and Type II errors in psychological research.

Type I errors may lead to false positive findings, resulting in misleading conclusions and potentially wasting resources on ineffective interventions. This can harm individuals who are falsely diagnosed or receive unnecessary treatments.

Type II errors, on the other hand, may result in missed opportunities to identify important effects or relationships, leading to a lack of appropriate interventions or support. This can also have negative consequences for individuals who genuinely require assistance.

Therefore, minimizing these errors is crucial for ethical research and ensuring the well-being of participants.

Further Information

  • Publication manual of the American Psychological Association
  • Statistics for Psychology Book Download

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  • Type I & Type II Errors | Differences, Examples, Visualizations

Type I & Type II Errors | Differences, Examples, Visualizations

Published on January 18, 2021 by Pritha Bhandari . Revised on June 22, 2023.

In statistics , a Type I error is a false positive conclusion, while a Type II error is a false negative conclusion.

Making a statistical decision always involves uncertainties, so the risks of making these errors are unavoidable in hypothesis testing .

The probability of making a Type I error is the significance level , or alpha (α), while the probability of making a Type II error is beta (β). These risks can be minimized through careful planning in your study design.

  • Type I error (false positive) : the test result says you have coronavirus, but you actually don’t.
  • Type II error (false negative) : the test result says you don’t have coronavirus, but you actually do.

Table of contents

Error in statistical decision-making, type i error, type ii error, trade-off between type i and type ii errors, is a type i or type ii error worse, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about type i and ii errors.

Using hypothesis testing, you can make decisions about whether your data support or refute your research predictions with null and alternative hypotheses .

Hypothesis testing starts with the assumption of no difference between groups or no relationship between variables in the population—this is the null hypothesis . It’s always paired with an alternative hypothesis , which is your research prediction of an actual difference between groups or a true relationship between variables .

In this case:

  • The null hypothesis (H 0 ) is that the new drug has no effect on symptoms of the disease.
  • The alternative hypothesis (H 1 ) is that the drug is effective for alleviating symptoms of the disease.

Then , you decide whether the null hypothesis can be rejected based on your data and the results of a statistical test . Since these decisions are based on probabilities, there is always a risk of making the wrong conclusion.

  • If your results show statistical significance , that means they are very unlikely to occur if the null hypothesis is true. In this case, you would reject your null hypothesis. But sometimes, this may actually be a Type I error.
  • If your findings do not show statistical significance, they have a high chance of occurring if the null hypothesis is true. Therefore, you fail to reject your null hypothesis. But sometimes, this may be a Type II error.

Type I and Type II error in statistics

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how to avoid type 1 error in research

A Type I error means rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s actually true. It means concluding that results are statistically significant when, in reality, they came about purely by chance or because of unrelated factors.

The risk of committing this error is the significance level (alpha or α) you choose. That’s a value that you set at the beginning of your study to assess the statistical probability of obtaining your results ( p value).

The significance level is usually set at 0.05 or 5%. This means that your results only have a 5% chance of occurring, or less, if the null hypothesis is actually true.

If the p value of your test is lower than the significance level, it means your results are statistically significant and consistent with the alternative hypothesis. If your p value is higher than the significance level, then your results are considered statistically non-significant.

To reduce the Type I error probability, you can simply set a lower significance level.

Type I error rate

The null hypothesis distribution curve below shows the probabilities of obtaining all possible results if the study were repeated with new samples and the null hypothesis were true in the population .

At the tail end, the shaded area represents alpha. It’s also called a critical region in statistics.

If your results fall in the critical region of this curve, they are considered statistically significant and the null hypothesis is rejected. However, this is a false positive conclusion, because the null hypothesis is actually true in this case!

Type I error rate

A Type II error means not rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s actually false. This is not quite the same as “accepting” the null hypothesis, because hypothesis testing can only tell you whether to reject the null hypothesis.

Instead, a Type II error means failing to conclude there was an effect when there actually was. In reality, your study may not have had enough statistical power to detect an effect of a certain size.

Power is the extent to which a test can correctly detect a real effect when there is one. A power level of 80% or higher is usually considered acceptable.

The risk of a Type II error is inversely related to the statistical power of a study. The higher the statistical power, the lower the probability of making a Type II error.

Statistical power is determined by:

  • Size of the effect : Larger effects are more easily detected.
  • Measurement error : Systematic and random errors in recorded data reduce power.
  • Sample size : Larger samples reduce sampling error and increase power.
  • Significance level : Increasing the significance level increases power.

To (indirectly) reduce the risk of a Type II error, you can increase the sample size or the significance level.

Type II error rate

The alternative hypothesis distribution curve below shows the probabilities of obtaining all possible results if the study were repeated with new samples and the alternative hypothesis were true in the population .

The Type II error rate is beta (β), represented by the shaded area on the left side. The remaining area under the curve represents statistical power, which is 1 – β.

Increasing the statistical power of your test directly decreases the risk of making a Type II error.

Type II error rate

The Type I and Type II error rates influence each other. That’s because the significance level (the Type I error rate) affects statistical power, which is inversely related to the Type II error rate.

This means there’s an important tradeoff between Type I and Type II errors:

  • Setting a lower significance level decreases a Type I error risk, but increases a Type II error risk.
  • Increasing the power of a test decreases a Type II error risk, but increases a Type I error risk.

This trade-off is visualized in the graph below. It shows two curves:

  • The null hypothesis distribution shows all possible results you’d obtain if the null hypothesis is true. The correct conclusion for any point on this distribution means not rejecting the null hypothesis.
  • The alternative hypothesis distribution shows all possible results you’d obtain if the alternative hypothesis is true. The correct conclusion for any point on this distribution means rejecting the null hypothesis.

Type I and Type II errors occur where these two distributions overlap. The blue shaded area represents alpha, the Type I error rate, and the green shaded area represents beta, the Type II error rate.

By setting the Type I error rate, you indirectly influence the size of the Type II error rate as well.

Type I and Type II error

It’s important to strike a balance between the risks of making Type I and Type II errors. Reducing the alpha always comes at the cost of increasing beta, and vice versa .

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For statisticians, a Type I error is usually worse. In practical terms, however, either type of error could be worse depending on your research context.

A Type I error means mistakenly going against the main statistical assumption of a null hypothesis. This may lead to new policies, practices or treatments that are inadequate or a waste of resources.

In contrast, a Type II error means failing to reject a null hypothesis. It may only result in missed opportunities to innovate, but these can also have important practical consequences.

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Measures of central tendency
  • Correlation coefficient
  • Null hypothesis


  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Types of interviews
  • Cohort study
  • Thematic analysis

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Survivorship bias
  • Availability heuristic
  • Nonresponse bias
  • Regression to the mean

In statistics, a Type I error means rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s actually true, while a Type II error means failing to reject the null hypothesis when it’s actually false.

The risk of making a Type I error is the significance level (or alpha) that you choose. That’s a value that you set at the beginning of your study to assess the statistical probability of obtaining your results ( p value ).

To reduce the Type I error probability, you can set a lower significance level.

The risk of making a Type II error is inversely related to the statistical power of a test. Power is the extent to which a test can correctly detect a real effect when there is one.

To (indirectly) reduce the risk of a Type II error, you can increase the sample size or the significance level to increase statistical power.

Statistical significance is a term used by researchers to state that it is unlikely their observations could have occurred under the null hypothesis of a statistical test . Significance is usually denoted by a p -value , or probability value.

Statistical significance is arbitrary – it depends on the threshold, or alpha value, chosen by the researcher. The most common threshold is p < 0.05, which means that the data is likely to occur less than 5% of the time under the null hypothesis .

When the p -value falls below the chosen alpha value, then we say the result of the test is statistically significant.

In statistics, power refers to the likelihood of a hypothesis test detecting a true effect if there is one. A statistically powerful test is more likely to reject a false negative (a Type II error).

If you don’t ensure enough power in your study, you may not be able to detect a statistically significant result even when it has practical significance. Your study might not have the ability to answer your research question.

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Bhandari, P. (2023, June 22). Type I & Type II Errors | Differences, Examples, Visualizations. Scribbr. Retrieved September 23, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/statistics/type-i-and-type-ii-errors/

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Statistics By Jim

Making statistics intuitive

Type 1 Error Overview & Example

By Jim Frost Leave a Comment

What is a Type 1 Error?

A type 1 error (AKA Type I error) occurs when you reject a true null hypothesis in a hypothesis test. In other words, a statistically significant test result indicates that a population effect exists when it does not. A type 1 error is a false positive because the test detects an effect in the sample that doesn’t exist in the population.

Caution! Type 1 errors can occur in hypothesis testing.

By rejecting a  true  null hypothesis, you incorrectly conclude that the effect exists when it doesn’t . Of course, you don’t know that you’re committing an error at the time. You’re just following the results of your hypothesis test.

Type 1 errors can have serious consequences. When testing a new medication, a false positive could mean putting a useless drug on the market. Understanding and managing these errors is essential for reliable statistical conclusions.

Related post : Hypothesis Testing Overview

Type 1 Error Example

Let’s take that technical information and bring it to life with an example of a type 1 error in action. For the study in this example, we’ll assume we know that the effect doesn’t exist. You wouldn’t know that in the real world, which is why you conduct the study!

Suppose we’re testing a new medicine that is completely ineffective. We perform a study, collect the data, and perform the hypothesis test.

The hypotheses for this test are the following:

  • Null : The medicine has no effect in the population
  • Alternative : The medicine is effective in the population.

The analysis produces a p-value of 0.03, less than our alpha level of 0.05. Our study is statistically significant . Therefore, we reject the null and conclude the medicine is effective.

Unfortunately, these results are incorrect because the medicine is ineffective. The statistically significant results make us think the medicine is effective when it isn’t. It’s a false positive. A type 1 error has occurred and we don’t even know it!

Learn more about the Null Hypothesis .

Why Do They Occur?

Hypothesis tests use sample data to infer the properties of populations. You gain incredible benefits by using random samples because it is usually impossible to evaluate an entire population.

Unfortunately, using samples introduces potential problems, including Type 1 errors. Random samples tend to reflect the population from which they’re drawn. However, they can occasionally misrepresent the population enough to cause false positives.

Type 1 errors sneak into our analysis due to chance during random sampling. Even when we do everything right – following assumptions and using correct procedures – randomness in data collection can lead to misleading results.

Imagine rolling a die. Sometimes, purely by chance, you get more sixes than expected. Similarly, randomness can produce unusual samples that misrepresent the population.

In short, the luck of the draw can cause Type 1 errors (false positives) to occur.

Learn more about Representative Samples and Random Sampling .

Probability of a Type 1 Error

While we don’t know when studies produce false positive results, we do know their rate of occurrence. The probability of making a Type 1 error is denoted by the Greek letter alpha (α), which is the significance level of the test. By choosing your significance level, you’re setting the false positive rate.

A standard value for α is 0.05. This significance level produces a 5% chance of rejecting a true null hypothesis.

A critical benefit for hypothesis testing is that when the null hypothesis is true, the probability of a Type 1 error (false positive) is low. This fact helps you trust statistically significant results.

Related posts : Significance Level and How Hypothesis Tests Work: Alpha & P-values .

Minimizing False Positives

There’s no way to eliminate Type 1 errors entirely, but you can reduce them by lowering your significance level (e.g., from 0.05 to 0.01). However, lower alphas also lessen the probability of detecting an effect if one exists.

It’s a balancing act. Set α too high, and you risk more false positives. Set it too low, and you might miss real effects ( Type 2 errors or false negatives ). Choosing the right α depends on the context and consequences of your test.

In hypothesis testing, understanding Type 1 errors is vital. They represent a false positive, where we think we’ve found something significant when we haven’t. By carefully choosing our significance level, we can reduce the risk of these errors and make more accurate statistical decisions.

Compare and contrast Type I vs. Type II Errors .

Acosta, Griselda; Smith, Eric; and Kreinovich, Vladik, “ Why Area Under the Curve in Hypothesis Testing? ” (2019). Departmental Technical Reports (CS) . 1360.

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Which Statistical Error Is Worse: Type 1 or Type 2?

Topics: Hypothesis Testing , Statistics

People can make mistakes when they test a hypothesis with statistical analysis. Specifically, they can make either Type I or Type II errors.

As you analyze your own data and test hypotheses, understanding the difference between Type I and Type II errors is extremely important, because there's a risk of making each type of error in every analysis, and the amount of risk is in your control.   

So if you're testing a hypothesis about a safety or quality issue that could affect people's lives, or a project that might save your business millions of dollars, which type of error has more serious or costly consequences? Is there one type of error that's more important to control than another? 

Before we attempt to answer that question, let's review what these errors are. 

The Null Hypothesis and Type 1 and 2 Errors

) not rejected ) rejected
  Null (H ) is true.   Correct conclusion. 
Null (H ) is false. Correct conclusion. 

These errors relate to the statistical concepts of risk, significance, and power.

Reducing the Risk of Statistical Errors

Statisticians call the risk, or probability, of making a Type I error "alpha," aka "significance level." In other words, it's your willingness to risk rejecting the null when it's true. Alpha is commonly set at 0.05, which is a 5 percent chance of rejecting the null when it is true. The lower the alpha, the less your risk of rejecting the null incorrectly. In life-or-death situations, for example, an alpha of 0.01 reduces the chance of a Type I error to just 1 percent.   A Type 2 error relates to the concept of "power," and the probability of making this error is referred to as "beta." We can reduce our risk of making a Type II error by making sure our test has enough power—which depends on whether the sample size is sufficiently large to detect a difference when it exists.  

The Default Argument for "Which Error Is Worse"

Let's return to the question of which error, Type 1 or Type 2, is worse. The go-to example to help people think about this is a defendant accused of a crime that demands an extremely harsh sentence.

The null hypothesis is that the defendant is innocent. Of course you wouldn't want to let a guilty person off the hook, but most people would say that sentencing an innocent person to such punishment is a worse consequence.

Hence, many textbooks and instructors will say that the Type 1 (false positive) is worse than a Type 2 (false negative) error. The rationale boils down to the idea that if you stick to the status quo or default assumption, at least you're not making things worse .   

And in many cases, that's true. But like so much in statistics, in application it's not really so black or white. The analogy of the defendant is great for teaching the concept, but when we try to make it a rule of thumb for which type of error is worse in practice, it falls apart.

So Which Type of Error Is Worse, Already? 

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but as with so many things in life and statistics, the honest answer to this question has to be, "It depends."

In one instance, the Type I error may have consequences that are less acceptable than those from a Type II error. In another, the Type II error could be less costly than a Type I error. And sometimes, as Dan Smith pointed out in Significance a few years back with respect to Six Sigma and quality improvement, "neither" is the only answer to which error is worse: 

Most Six Sigma students are going to use the skills they learn in the context of business. In business, whether we cost a company $3 million by suggesting an alternative process when there is nothing wrong with the current process or we fail to realize $3 million in gains when we should switch to a new process but fail to do so, the end result is the same. The company failed to capture $3 million in additional revenue. 

Look at the Potential Consequences

Since there's not a clear rule of thumb about whether Type 1 or Type 2 errors are worse, our best option when using data to test a hypothesis is to look very carefully at the fallout that might follow both kinds of errors. Several experts suggest using a table like the one below to detail the consequences for a Type 1 and a Type 2 error in your particular analysis. 

true, but rejected  false, but not rejected
Medicine A does not relieve Condition B, but is not eliminated as a treatment option.  Medicine A relieves Condition B, but is eliminated as a treatment option.
Patients with Condition B who receive Medicine A get no relief. They may experience worsening condition and/or side effects, up to and including death. Litigation possible. A viable treatment remains unavailable to patients with Condition B. Development costs are lost. Profit potential is eliminated.

Whatever your analysis involves, understanding the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 errors, and considering and mitigating their respective risks as appropriate, is always wise. For each type of error, make sure you've answered this question: "What's the worst that could happen?"  

To explore this topic further, check out this article on using power and sample size calculations to balance your risk of a type 2 error and testing costs, or this blog post about considering the appropriate alpha for your particular test. 

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Type I Error

"False positive" error

What is a Type I Error?

In statistical hypothesis testing, a Type I error is essentially the rejection of the true null hypothesis. The type I error is also known as the false positive error. In other words, it falsely infers the existence of a phenomenon that does not exist.

Note that the type I error does not imply that we erroneously accept the alternative hypothesis of an experiment.

Type I Error

The probability of committing the type I error is measured by the significance level (α) of a hypothesis test. The significance level indicates the probability of erroneously rejecting the true null hypothesis. For instance, a significance level of 0.05 reveals that there is a 5% probability of rejecting the true null hypothesis.

How to Avoid a Type I Error?

It is not possible to completely eliminate the probability of a type I error in hypothesis testing . However, there are opportunities to minimize the risks of obtaining results that contain a type I error.

One of the most common approaches to minimizing the probability of getting a false positive error is to minimize the significance level of a hypothesis test. Since the significance level is chosen by a researcher, the level can be changed. For example, the significance level can be minimized to 1% (0.01). This indicates that there is a 1% probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis.

However, lowering the significance level may lead to a situation wherein the results of the hypothesis test may not capture the true parameter or the true difference of the test.

Example of a Type I Error

Sam is a financial analyst . He runs a hypothesis test to discover whether there is a difference in the average price changes for large-cap and small-cap stocks.

In the test, Sam assumes that the null hypothesis is that there is no difference in the average price changes between large-cap and small-cap stocks. Thus, his alternative hypothesis states that the difference between the average price changes does exist.

For the significance level, Sam chooses 5%. This means that there is a 5% probability that his test will reject the null hypothesis when it is actually true.

If Sam’s test incurs a type I error, the results of the test will indicate that the difference in the average price changes between large-cap and small-cap stocks exists while there is no significant difference among the groups.

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A guide to type 1 errors: Examples and best practices

how to avoid type 1 error in research

When managing products, product managers often use statistical testing to evaluate the impact of new features, user interface adjustments, or other product modifications. Statistical testing provides evidence to help product managers make informed decisions based on data, indicating whether a change has significantly affected user behavior, engagement, or other relevant metrics.

how to avoid type 1 error in research

However, statistical tests aren’t always accurate, and there is a risk of type 1 errors, also known as “false positives,” in statistics. A type 1 error occurs when a null hypothesis is wrongly rejected, even if it’s true.

PMs must consider the risk of type 1 errors when conducting statistical tests. If the significance level is set too high or multiple tests are performed without adjusting for multiple comparisons, the chance of false positives increases. This could lead to incorrect conclusions and waste resources on changes that don’t significantly affect the product.

In this article, you will learn what a type 1 error is, the factors that contribute to one, and best practices for minimizing the risks associated with it.

What is a type 1 error?

A type 1 error, also known as a “false positive,” occurs when you mistakenly reject a null hypothesis as true. The null hypothesis assumes no significant relationship or effect between variables, while the alternative hypothesis suggests the opposite.

For example, a product manager wants to determine if a new call to action (CTA) button implementation on a web app leads to a statistically significant increase in new customer acquisition.

The null hypothesis (H₀) states no significant effect on acquiring new customers on a web app after implementing a new feature, and an alternative hypothesis (H₁) suggests a significant increase in customer acquisition. To confirm their hypothesis, the product managers gather information on user acquisition metrics, like the daily number of active users, repeat customers, click through rate (CTR), churn rate, and conversion rates, both before and after the feature’s implementation.

After collecting data on the acquisition metrics from two different periods and running a statistical evaluation using a t-test or chi-square test, the PM * * falsely believes that the new CTA button is effective based on the sample data. In this case, a type 1 error occurs as he rejected the H₀ even though it has no impact on the population as a whole.

A PM must carefully interpret data, control the significance level, and perform appropriate sample size calculations to avoid this. Product managers, researchers, and practitioners must also take these steps to reduce the likelihood of making type 1 errors:

Steps To Reject

Type 1 vs. type 2 errors

Before comparing type 1 and type 2 errors, let’s first focus on type 2 errors . Unlike type 1 errors, type 2 errors occur when an effect is present but not detected. This means a null hypothesis (Ho) is not rejected even though it is false.

In product management, type 1 errors lead to incorrect decisions, wasted resources, and unsuccessful products, while type 2 errors result in missed opportunities, stunted growth, and suboptimal decision-making. For a comprehensive comparison between type 1 and type 2 errors with product development and management, please refer to the following:

Type 1 Vs. Type 2 Errors

To understand the comparison table above, it’s necessary to grasp the relationship between type 1 and type 2 errors. This is where the concept of statistical power comes in handy.

Statistical power refers to the likelihood of accurately rejecting a null hypothesis( Ho) when it’s false. This likelihood is influenced by factors such as sample size, effect size, and the chosen level of significance, alpha ( α ).

how to avoid type 1 error in research

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how to avoid type 1 error in research

With hypothesis testing, there’s often a trade-off between type 1 and type 2 errors. By setting a more stringent significance level with a lower α, you can decrease the chance of type 1 errors, but increase the chance of Type 2 errors.

On the other hand, by setting a less stringent significance level with a higher α, we can decrease the chance of type 2 errors, but increase the chance of type 1 errors.

It’s crucial to consider the consequences of each type of error in the specific context of the study or decision being made. The importance of avoiding one type of error over the other will depend on the field of study, the costs associated with the errors, and the goals of the analysis.

Factors that contribute to type 1 errors

Type 1 errors can be caused by a range of different factors, but the following are some of the most common reasons:

Insufficient sample size

Multiple comparisons, publication bias, inadequate control groups or comparison conditions, human judgment and bias.

When sample sizes are too small, there is a greater chance of type 1 errors. This is because random variation may affect the observed results rather than an actual effect. To avoid this, studies should be conducted with larger sample sizes, which increases statistical power and decreases the risk of type 1 errors.

When multiple statistical tests or comparisons are conducted simultaneously without appropriate adjustments, the likelihood of encountering false positives increases. Conducting numerous tests without correcting for multiple comparisons can lead to an inflated type 1 error rate.

Techniques like Bonferroni correction or false discovery rate control should be employed to address this issue.

Publication bias is when studies with statistically significant results are more likely to be published than those with non-significant or null findings. This can lead to misleading perceptions of the true effect sizes or relationships. To mitigate this bias, meta-analyses or systematic reviews consider all available evidence, including unpublished studies.

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When conducting experimental studies, selecting the wrong control group or comparison condition can lead to inaccurate results. Without a suitable control group, distinguishing the actual impact of the intervention from other variables becomes difficult, which raises the likelihood of making type 1 errors.

When researchers allow their personal opinions or assumptions to influence their analysis, they can make type 1 errors. This is especially true when researchers favor results that align with their expectations, known as confirmation bias.

To reduce the chances of type 1 errors, it’s crucial to consider these factors and utilize appropriate research design, statistical analysis methods, and reporting protocols.

Type 1 error examples

In software product management, minimizing type 1 errors is important. To help you better understand, here are some examples of type 1 errors from product management in the context of null hypothesis (Ho) validation, alongside strategies to mitigate them:

False positive impact of a new feature

False positive correlation between metrics, false positive for performance improvement, overstating the effectiveness of an algorithm.

Here, the assumption is that specific features of your software would greatly improve user involvement. To test this hypothesis, a PM conducts experiments and observes increased user involvement. However, it later becomes clear that the boost was not solely due to the feature, but also other factors, such as a simultaneous marketing campaign.

This results in a type 1 error.

Experiments focusing solely on the analyzed feature are important to avoid mistakes. One effective method is A/B testing , where you randomly divide users into two groups — one group with the new feature and the other without. By comparing the outcomes of both groups, you can accurately attribute any observed effects to the feature being tested.

In this case, a PM believes there is a direct connection between the number of bug fixes and customer satisfaction scores (CSAT) . However, after examining the data, you find a correlation that appears to support your hypothesis that could just be coincidental.

This leads to a Type 1 error, where bug fixes have no direct impact on CSAT.

It’s important to use rigorous statistical analysis techniques to reduce errors. This includes employing appropriate statistical tests like correlation coefficients and evaluating the statistical significance of the correlations observed.

Another potential instance comes when a hypothesis states that the performance of the software can be greatly enhanced by implementing a particular optimization technique. However, if the optimization technique is implemented and there is no noticeable improvement in the software’s performance, a type 1 error has occured.

To ensure the successful implementation of optimization techniques, it is important to conduct thorough benchmarking and profiling beforehand. This will help identify any existing bottlenecks.

A type 1 error occurs when an algorithm claims to predict user behavior or outcomes with high accuracy and then often falls short in real-life situations.

To ensure the effectiveness of algorithms, conduct extensive testing in real-world settings, using diverse datasets and consider various edge cases. Additionally, evaluate the algorithm’s performance against relevant metrics and benchmarks before making any bold claims.

Designing rigorous experiments, using proper statistical analysis techniques, controlling for confounding variables, and incorporating qualitative data are important to reduce the risk of type 1 error.

Best practices to minimize type 1 errors

To reduce the chances of type 1 errors, product managers should take the following measures:

  • Careful experiment design — To increase the reliability of results, it is important to prioritize well-designed experiments, clear hypotheses, and have appropriate sample sizes
  • Set a significance level — The significance level determines the threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis. The most commonly used values are 0.05 or 0.01. These values represent a 5 percent or 1 percent chance of making a type 1 error. Opting for a lower significance level can decrease the probability of mistakenly rejecting the null hypothesis
  • Correcting for multiple comparisons — To control the overall type 1 error rate, statistical techniques like Bonferroni correction or the false discovery rate (FDR) can be helpful when performing multiple tests simultaneously, such as testing several features or variants
  • Replication and validation — To ensure accuracy and minimize false positives, it’s important to repeat important findings in future experiments
  • Use appropriate sample sizes — Sufficient sample size is important for accurate results. Determine the required size of the sample based on effect size, desired power, and significance level. A suitable sample size improves the chances of detecting actual effects and reduces type 2 errors

Product managers must grasp the importance of type 1 errors in statistical testing. By recognizing the possibility of false positives, you can make better evidence-based decisions and avoid wasting resources on changes that do not truly benefit the product or its users. Employing appropriate statistical techniques, considering effect sizes, replicating findings, and conducting rigorous experiments can help mitigate the risk of type 1 errors and ensure reliable decision-making in product management.

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  • Type I & Type II Errors | Differences, Examples, Visualizations

Type I & Type II Errors | Differences, Examples, Visualizations

Published on 18 January 2021 by Pritha Bhandari . Revised on 2 February 2023.

In statistics , a Type I error is a false positive conclusion, while a Type II error is a false negative conclusion.

Making a statistical decision always involves uncertainties, so the risks of making these errors are unavoidable in hypothesis testing .

The probability of making a Type I error is the significance level , or alpha (α), while the probability of making a Type II error is beta (β). These risks can be minimized through careful planning in your study design.

  • Type I error (false positive) : the test result says you have coronavirus, but you actually don’t.
  • Type II error (false negative) : the test result says you don’t have coronavirus, but you actually do.

Table of contents

Error in statistical decision-making, type i error, type ii error, trade-off between type i and type ii errors, is a type i or type ii error worse, frequently asked questions about type i and ii errors.

Using hypothesis testing, you can make decisions about whether your data support or refute your research predictions with null and alternative hypotheses .

Hypothesis testing starts with the assumption of no difference between groups or no relationship between variables in the population—this is the null hypothesis . It’s always paired with an alternative hypothesis , which is your research prediction of an actual difference between groups or a true relationship between variables .

In this case:

  • The null hypothesis (H 0 ) is that the new drug has no effect on symptoms of the disease.
  • The alternative hypothesis (H 1 ) is that the drug is effective for alleviating symptoms of the disease.

Then , you decide whether the null hypothesis can be rejected based on your data and the results of a statistical test . Since these decisions are based on probabilities, there is always a risk of making the wrong conclusion.

  • If your results show statistical significance , that means they are very unlikely to occur if the null hypothesis is true. In this case, you would reject your null hypothesis. But sometimes, this may actually be a Type I error.
  • If your findings do not show statistical significance, they have a high chance of occurring if the null hypothesis is true. Therefore, you fail to reject your null hypothesis. But sometimes, this may be a Type II error.

Type I and Type II error in statistics

A Type I error means rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s actually true. It means concluding that results are statistically significant when, in reality, they came about purely by chance or because of unrelated factors.

The risk of committing this error is the significance level (alpha or α) you choose. That’s a value that you set at the beginning of your study to assess the statistical probability of obtaining your results ( p value).

The significance level is usually set at 0.05 or 5%. This means that your results only have a 5% chance of occurring, or less, if the null hypothesis is actually true.

If the p value of your test is lower than the significance level, it means your results are statistically significant and consistent with the alternative hypothesis. If your p value is higher than the significance level, then your results are considered statistically non-significant.

To reduce the Type I error probability, you can simply set a lower significance level.

Type I error rate

The null hypothesis distribution curve below shows the probabilities of obtaining all possible results if the study were repeated with new samples and the null hypothesis were true in the population .

At the tail end, the shaded area represents alpha. It’s also called a critical region in statistics.

If your results fall in the critical region of this curve, they are considered statistically significant and the null hypothesis is rejected. However, this is a false positive conclusion, because the null hypothesis is actually true in this case!

Type I error rate

A Type II error means not rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s actually false. This is not quite the same as “accepting” the null hypothesis, because hypothesis testing can only tell you whether to reject the null hypothesis.

Instead, a Type II error means failing to conclude there was an effect when there actually was. In reality, your study may not have had enough statistical power to detect an effect of a certain size.

Power is the extent to which a test can correctly detect a real effect when there is one. A power level of 80% or higher is usually considered acceptable.

The risk of a Type II error is inversely related to the statistical power of a study. The higher the statistical power, the lower the probability of making a Type II error.

Statistical power is determined by:

  • Size of the effect : Larger effects are more easily detected.
  • Measurement error : Systematic and random errors in recorded data reduce power.
  • Sample size : Larger samples reduce sampling error and increase power.
  • Significance level : Increasing the significance level increases power.

To (indirectly) reduce the risk of a Type II error, you can increase the sample size or the significance level.

Type II error rate

The alternative hypothesis distribution curve below shows the probabilities of obtaining all possible results if the study were repeated with new samples and the alternative hypothesis were true in the population .

The Type II error rate is beta (β), represented by the shaded area on the left side. The remaining area under the curve represents statistical power, which is 1 – β.

Increasing the statistical power of your test directly decreases the risk of making a Type II error.

Type II error rate

The Type I and Type II error rates influence each other. That’s because the significance level (the Type I error rate) affects statistical power, which is inversely related to the Type II error rate.

This means there’s an important tradeoff between Type I and Type II errors:

  • Setting a lower significance level decreases a Type I error risk, but increases a Type II error risk.
  • Increasing the power of a test decreases a Type II error risk, but increases a Type I error risk.

This trade-off is visualized in the graph below. It shows two curves:

  • The null hypothesis distribution shows all possible results you’d obtain if the null hypothesis is true. The correct conclusion for any point on this distribution means not rejecting the null hypothesis.
  • The alternative hypothesis distribution shows all possible results you’d obtain if the alternative hypothesis is true. The correct conclusion for any point on this distribution means rejecting the null hypothesis.

Type I and Type II errors occur where these two distributions overlap. The blue shaded area represents alpha, the Type I error rate, and the green shaded area represents beta, the Type II error rate.

By setting the Type I error rate, you indirectly influence the size of the Type II error rate as well.

Type I and Type II error

It’s important to strike a balance between the risks of making Type I and Type II errors. Reducing the alpha always comes at the cost of increasing beta, and vice versa .

For statisticians, a Type I error is usually worse. In practical terms, however, either type of error could be worse depending on your research context.

A Type I error means mistakenly going against the main statistical assumption of a null hypothesis. This may lead to new policies, practices or treatments that are inadequate or a waste of resources.

In contrast, a Type II error means failing to reject a null hypothesis. It may only result in missed opportunities to innovate, but these can also have important practical consequences.

In statistics, a Type I error means rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s actually true, while a Type II error means failing to reject the null hypothesis when it’s actually false.

The risk of making a Type I error is the significance level (or alpha) that you choose. That’s a value that you set at the beginning of your study to assess the statistical probability of obtaining your results ( p value ).

To reduce the Type I error probability, you can set a lower significance level.

The risk of making a Type II error is inversely related to the statistical power of a test. Power is the extent to which a test can correctly detect a real effect when there is one.

To (indirectly) reduce the risk of a Type II error, you can increase the sample size or the significance level to increase statistical power.

Statistical significance is a term used by researchers to state that it is unlikely their observations could have occurred under the null hypothesis of a statistical test . Significance is usually denoted by a p -value , or probability value.

Statistical significance is arbitrary – it depends on the threshold, or alpha value, chosen by the researcher. The most common threshold is p < 0.05, which means that the data is likely to occur less than 5% of the time under the null hypothesis .

When the p -value falls below the chosen alpha value, then we say the result of the test is statistically significant.

In statistics, power refers to the likelihood of a hypothesis test detecting a true effect if there is one. A statistically powerful test is more likely to reject a false negative (a Type II error).

If you don’t ensure enough power in your study, you may not be able to detect a statistically significant result even when it has practical significance. Your study might not have the ability to answer your research question.

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Bhandari, P. (2023, February 02). Type I & Type II Errors | Differences, Examples, Visualizations. Scribbr. Retrieved 23 September 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/stats/type-i-and-type-ii-error/

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Pritha Bhandari

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CRO glossary: type 1 error

What is a type 1 error?

Type 1 error is a term statisticians use to describe a false positive—a test result that incorrectly affirms a false statement about the nature of reality.

In  A/B testing , type 1 errors occur when experimenters falsely conclude that any variation of an A/B or  multivariate test  outperformed the other(s) due to something more than random chance. Type 1 errors can hurt conversions when companies make website changes based on incorrect information.

Type 1 errors vs. type 2 errors

While a type 1 error implies a false positive—that one version outperforms another—a type 2 error implies a false negative. In other words, a type 2 error falsely concludes that there is no  statistically significant  difference between conversion rates of different variations when there actually  is  a difference.

Here’s what that looks like:

What causes type 1 errors?

Type 1 errors can result from two sources: random chance and improper research techniques. 

Random chance:  no random sample, whether it’s a pre-election poll or an A/B test, can ever perfectly represent the population it intends to describe. Since researchers sample a small portion of the total population, it’s possible that the results don’t accurately predict or represent reality—that the conclusions are the product of random chance.

Statistical significance  measures the odds that the results of an A/B test were produced by random chance. For example, let’s say you’ve run an A/B test that shows Version B outperforming Version A with a statistical significance of 95%. That means there’s a 5% chance these results were produced by random chance.You can raise your level of statistical significance by increasing the sample size, but this requires more traffic and therefore takes more time. In the end, you have to strike a balance between your desired level of accuracy and the resources you have available. 

Improper research techniques : when running an A/B test, it’s important to gather enough data to reach your desired level of statistical significance. Sloppy researchers might start running a test and pull the plug when they feel there’s a ‘clear winner’—long before they’ve gathered enough data to reach their desired level of statistical significance. There’s really no excuse for a type 1 error like this.

Why are type 1 errors important?

Type 1 errors can have a huge impact on conversions. For example, if you A/B test two page versions and incorrectly conclude that version B is the winner, you could see a massive drop in conversions when you take that change live for all your visitors to see. As mentioned above, this  could  be the result of poor experimentation techniques, but it might also be the result of random chance. Type 1 errors can (and do) result from flawless experimentation.

When you make a change to a webpage based on A/B testing, it’s important to understand that you may be working with incorrect conclusions produced by type 1 errors. 

Understanding type 1 errors allows you to:

Choose the level of risk you’re willing to accept (e.g., increase your sample size to achieve a higher level of statistical significance)

Do proper experimentation to reduce your risk of human-caused type 1 errors 

Recognize when a type 1 error may have caused a drop in conversions so you can fix the problem 

It’s impossible to achieve 100% statistical significance (and it’s usually impractical to aim for 99% statistical significance, since it requires a disproportionately large sample size compared to 95%-97% statistical significance). The goal of CRO isn’t to get it right every time—it’s to make the right choices  most  of the time. And when you understand type 1 errors, you increase your odds of getting it right. 

How do you minimize type 1 errors?

The only way to minimize type 1 errors, assuming you’re A/B testing properly, is to raise your level of statistical significance. Of course, if you want a higher level of statistical significance, you’ll need a larger sample size.

It isn’t a challenge to study large sample sizes if you’ve got massive amounts of traffic, but if your website doesn’t generate that level of traffic, you’ll need to be more selective about what you decide to study—especially if you’re going for higher statistical significance.

Here’s how to narrow down the focus of your experiments.

6 ways to find the most important elements to test

In order to test what matters most, you need to determine what really matters to your target audience. Here are six ways to figure out what’s worth testing.

Read reviews and speak with your Customer Support department : figure out what people think of your brand and products. Talk to Sales, Customer Support, and Product Design to get a sense of what people really want from you and your products.

Figure out why visitors leave without buying:   traditional analytics  tools (e.g., Google Analytics) can show where people leave the site. Combining this data with Hotjar’s  Conversion Funnels Tool  will give you a strong sense of which pages are worth focusing on.

Discover the page elements that people engage :  heatmaps  show where the majority of users click, scroll, and hover their mouse pointers (or tap their fingers on mobile devices and tablets). Heatmaps will help you find trends in how visitors interact with key pages on your website, which in turn will help you decide which elements to keep (since they work) and which ones are being ignored and need further examination.

Gather feedback from customers : on-page surveys,  polls , and feedback widgets give your customers a way to quickly send feedback about their experience your way. This will alert you to issues you never knew existed and will help you prioritize what needs fixing for the experience to improve.

Look at   session recordings : see how individual (anonymized) users behave on your site. Notice where they struggle and how they go back and forth when they can’t find what they need.  Pro tip : pay particular attention to what they do just  before  they leave your site.

Explore usability testing : can help you understand how people see and experience your website. Capture spoken feedback about issues they encounter, and discover what could improve their experience.

Pro tip : do you want to improve  everyone’s  experience? That may be tempting, but you’ll get a whole lot further by focusing on your ideal customers. To learn more about identifying your ideal customers, check out our blog post about  creating simple user personas .

Find the perfect elements to A/B test

Use Hotjar to pinpoint the right elements to test—those that matter most to your target market.

Statistical significance

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Unique selling proposition

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Type 1 and Type 2 Errors: What They Are and How to Avoid Them

how to avoid type 1 error in research

When gearing up to run a test on your website it’s critical to have an understanding of the errors you may come across when analyzing the results of your experiment. Why? Because in statistical hypothesis testing , no test can ever be 100% decisive.

When running a website test, we seek out statistically significant results, meaning that the results of the test are not due to chance. The practical purpose of this is to allow for the results to be attributed to a specific cause (e.g. a change made to our  site) with a high level of confidence.

When testing, marketers should aim for statistical significance at a P-value of 5% , which means that there is only a 5% chance that a test has produced incorrect results, and a confidence level of 95% that the results are correct. This is the threshold implied when “statistical significance” is used throughout this article. 

Even though hypothesis tests are considered to be reliable, because of statistical significance variance errors can still occur leading to false positives and false negatives. The two types of errors are called type 1 and type 2– keep reading to learn what these errors are and how to avoid them.

how to avoid type 1 error in research

What is a type 1 error?

A type 1 error is when you reach a false positive aka when you reject your null hypothesis because you believe your test made a difference when it really didn’t. Sometimes a false positive can occur randomly (e.g. it falls in the 5% of statistical significance variance), or there may be another variable that you didn’t originally account for that affects the outcome. 

Type 1 error example

You’ve chosen to run an A/B test on your ecommerce website over a period of time that overlaps with a winter holiday . Because online shoppers’ habits differ during this period of time, you may be led to believe that a certain variation is a winner. In reality however, had you run the test during a more steady period of time, the results may have shown little to no change.

How can I avoid a type 1 error?

Unfortunately, there is no way to completely avoid type 1 errors. That said, here are a few tips you can implement to reduce the likelihood of a type 1 error during your next website test:

  • Increase your sample size. To achieve a significance level of 95% you’ll need to run tests for an increased amount of time and across many site visitors. Be mindful that, if you choose a lower statistical significance threshold (e.g. 90%), your likelihood of type 1 errors increases. Additionally, increasing your Minimum Detectable Effect (MDE) to reduce the sample size needed to reach statistical significance can mean you miss out on non-trivial performance improvements for the sake of achieving high significance in a reasonable amount of time.  
  • Be mindful of external variables. When running tests on your website, think about external variables that may impact the results of your test. As in the above type 1 error example, the results of the test were affected by the fact that the test was run during the holiday shopping season.

What is a type 2 error?

A type 2 error is essentially a false negative , meaning you’ve accepted the null hypothesis when there is a difference between the control group (null hypothesis) and the variation. This can occur when you don’t have a large enough sample size or your statistical power isn’t high enough.

Unlike a type 1 error, type 2 errors can have serious ramifications for your experimentation program. You’re not only missing out on learnings and valuable customer insights but, more importantly, a type 2 error could potentially send your testing roadmap in the wrong direction. 

Type 2 error example

Let’s just say that you’re interested in running an A/B test on your B2B website to increase the number of demo requests your company receives. In the variation, you’ve chosen to change the color of the demo request button on your homepage from blue to green. After running the test for four days you see no clear winner and stop the test. 

The following quarter you try the test out again, except this time you leave the test running for fourteen days, covering two full business cycles. Much to your surprise, this time around the green button is the clear winner! 

What happened? Likely, the first time you ran the test you encountered a false negative because your sample size was not large enough.

How can I avoid a type 2 error?

Like type 1 errors, it is not possible to entirely eradicate the possibility of encountering a type 2 error in your website tests. But, there are ways to reduce the likelihood of type 2 errors, here’s how:

  • Increase your sample size. As in the type 2 error example, you will need to run your tests for longer and across a larger audience to gather an adequate amount of data.
  • Take big swings. Large changes—or the larger the expected impact on your conversion rate (i.e. the MDE)—lower the required volume to reach statistical significance and maintain high statistical power. 

Understanding how these errors function in the world of statistical hypothesis testing will allow you to keep an informed and watchful eye over every website test your run. Happy testing! ‍

how to avoid type 1 error in research

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The statistical practice of hypothesis testing is widespread not only in statistics but also throughout the natural and social sciences. When we conduct a hypothesis test there a couple of things that could go wrong. There are two kinds of errors, which by design cannot be avoided, and we must be aware that these errors exist. The errors are given the quite pedestrian names of type I and type II errors. What are type I and type II errors, and how we distinguish between them? Briefly:

  • Type I errors happen when we reject a true null hypothesis
  • Type II errors happen when we fail to reject a false null hypothesis

We will explore more background behind these types of errors with the goal of understanding these statements.

Hypothesis Testing

The process of hypothesis testing can seem to be quite varied with a multitude of test statistics. But the general process is the same. Hypothesis testing involves the statement of a null hypothesis and the selection of a level of significance . The null hypothesis is either true or false and represents the default claim for a treatment or procedure. For example, when examining the effectiveness of a drug, the null hypothesis would be that the drug has no effect on a disease.

After formulating the null hypothesis and choosing a level of significance, we acquire data through observation. Statistical calculations tell us whether or not we should reject the null hypothesis.

In an ideal world, we would always reject the null hypothesis when it is false, and we would not reject the null hypothesis when it is indeed true. But there are two other scenarios that are possible, each of which will result in an error.

Type I Error

The first kind of error that is possible involves the rejection of a null hypothesis that is actually true. This kind of error is called a type I error and is sometimes called an error of the first kind.

Type I errors are equivalent to false positives. Let’s go back to the example of a drug being used to treat a disease. If we reject the null hypothesis in this situation, then our claim is that the drug does, in fact, have some effect on a disease. But if the null hypothesis is true, then, in reality, the drug does not combat the disease at all. The drug is falsely claimed to have a positive effect on a disease.

Type I errors can be controlled. The value of alpha, which is related to the level of significance that we selected has a direct bearing on type I errors. Alpha is the maximum probability that we have a type I error. For a 95% confidence level, the value of alpha is 0.05. This means that there is a 5% probability that we will reject a true null hypothesis. In the long run, one out of every twenty hypothesis tests that we perform at this level will result in a type I error.

Type II Error

The other kind of error that is possible occurs when we do not reject a null hypothesis that is false. This sort of error is called a type II error and is also referred to as an error of the second kind.

Type II errors are equivalent to false negatives. If we think back again to the scenario in which we are testing a drug, what would a type II error look like? A type II error would occur if we accepted that the drug had no effect on a disease, but in reality, it did.

The probability of a type II error is given by the Greek letter beta. This number is related to the power or sensitivity of the hypothesis test, denoted by 1 – beta.

How to Avoid Errors

Type I and type II errors are part of the process of hypothesis testing. Although the errors cannot be completely eliminated, we can minimize one type of error.

Typically when we try to decrease the probability one type of error, the probability for the other type increases. We could decrease the value of alpha from 0.05 to 0.01, corresponding to a 99% level of confidence . However, if everything else remains the same, then the probability of a type II error will nearly always increase.

Many times the real world application of our hypothesis test will determine if we are more accepting of type I or type II errors. This will then be used when we design our statistical experiment.

  • Type I and Type II Errors in Statistics
  • What Level of Alpha Determines Statistical Significance?
  • What Is the Difference Between Alpha and P-Values?
  • The Runs Test for Random Sequences
  • What 'Fail to Reject' Means in a Hypothesis Test
  • How to Construct a Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion
  • How to Find Critical Values with a Chi-Square Table
  • Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis
  • An Example of a Hypothesis Test
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  • How to Find Degrees of Freedom in Statistics
  • Confidence Interval for the Difference of Two Population Proportions
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Perspective on reducing errors in research

Hanan aboumatar.

a Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, JHU, Baltimore, MD, USA

b Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, JHSOM, JHU Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, USA

c Department of Health, Behavior, and Society, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, USA

d Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Carol Thompson

e Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Center, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Emmanuel Garcia-Morales

f Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Ayse P. Gurses

g Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, USA

h Division of Health Sciences Informatics, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, USA

i Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Mohammad Naqibuddin

Jamia saunders, samuel w. kim, robert awise.

j Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Efforts to ensure research integrity has mostly focused on research misconduct. However, the complexity of research operations and processes makes research work also prone to unintentional errors. To safeguard against errors and their consequences, strategies for error reduction, detection, and mitigation can be applied to research work. Nurturing a scientific culture that encourages error disclosure and rectification is essential to reduce the negative consequences of errors. Creating repositories where errors can be reported can enable learning from errors and creation of more robust research processes.

1. Background

Efforts to ensure research integrity has to date been mostly focused on research misconduct. Research misconduct involves intentional actions to produce false research findings. Less attention has been devoted, however, to unintentional errors that would similarly result in reporting of incorrect research findings. The magnitude and importance of this matter is unknown. Many of the errors may remain undetected by researchers, or discovered post publication and not reported. Research work typically involves multiple team members and the research process is complex with ample opportunities for errors. Thus, it is unrealistic to expect research work to be error-free without deliberate actions to reduce the likelihood of error occurrence and increase researchers’ ability to detect and mitigate them once they occur. To our knowledge, there are no guidelines that discuss how to approach unintentional errors in research.

We recently discovered a serious statistical programming error in one of our trials. This had a profound impact on the interpretation of our research findings and led us to initially report incorrect research conclusions [ 1 ]. Subsequently, we conducted a grounds-up reanalysis of the trial's data from which we gained insight about several aspects of the research process that may make it vulnerable to errors. In this brief paper, we share what we learned and describe error reduction, detection, and mitigation strategies that have been used in healthcare and can be applied to research work.

2. Findings from grounds-up reanalysis

The involved trial tested the impact of a support program for patients hospitalized for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on acute care use (number of visits to hospital and emergency department) and health-related quality of life (score on the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire [SGRQ]; score range 0 (best) −100 (worst)). The identified error was in a file used for preparing the datasets for statistical analysis, and occurred when the variable referring to the study group assignment was recoded to change the randomization assignment variable format of “1, 2” to “0, 1” for analysis. This was performed incorrectly and resulted in a reversed coding of the study groups leading us to interpret the differences between study groups in a direction opposite to what occurred. This did not raise suspicion of an error to our investigative team because the findings of this erroneous analysis supported our study hypotheses. The programming error was discovered during a secondary data analysis of the economic impact of the study outcomes. After discovering the programming error, we conducted a grounds-up reanalysis starting from re-exporting the data from the study's secure online database system where the data were directly entered by the research team via tablet devices, and then repeating all data preparation, programming, and analysis. During this process, we detected three other errors and one of those had an impact on interpretation of study findings. In this study, we imputed the worst possible SGRQ score (100) for participants who died. However, a few participants had missing SGRQ score at 6 months but died after that timepoint. A value of 100 was incorrectly imputed for their missing score instead of leaving it as missing. After correcting this error, the significant difference in health-related quality of life between the study groups was no longer present. The other two errors occurred in summarizing the baseline medication classes in the patient characteristics and a missed count of two hospitalizations among participants [ 1 ]. We subsequently retracted the original study publication and republished the results of the reanalysis [ 1 , 2 ].

3. Strategies to reduce errors and their consequences in healthcare

In 1999, the National Academy of Sciences in the United States published its landmark report “To Err is Human” which highlighted the fact that medical errors do occur and have severe consequences [ 3 ]. This report helped accomplish the essential first step towards solving any problem which is to acknowledge its presence no matter how unpleasant that acknowledgment might be. Since then steady efforts have been made to address medical errors in patient safety research, healthcare professionals’ education, clinical practice, health system design, and policy/regulation. Strategies to reduce errors and their consequences that have been used in the manufacturing, nuclear power, and aviation industries are being applied to healthcare with important impacts on the fields of anesthesia and pharmacy among others. The goal is to reduce the likelihood of error occurrence as much as possible, and maximize the chance of detecting and addressing it before it reaches the patient and results in possible harm. A hierarchy of strategies exists where the most effective is to prevent the error (eliminate possibility of its occurrence) whenever possible. Next is to detect the error and correct it before it reaches the patient. And, last is to mitigate the effects of the error which involves minimizing its negative consequences on the patient (e.g. providing prompt resuscitation treatment after a medication overdose is administered to a patient) [ 4 ]. Safety research has increasingly focused on the importance of maintaining a workplace culture where it is accepted that despite best efforts to prevent errors, some will still occur and systems must be in place to detect them and mitigate their effects [ 5 ]. Several safety practices have since been shown to reduce risk of adverse events in healthcare [ 6 ].

4. Reducing errors in research

In their 2017 editorial Correcting the Medical Literature: “To Err Is Human, to Correct Divine”, Christiansen and Flanagin urged researchers who discover errors to report them [ 7 ]. That step, though extremely important, will only help mitigate the effects of discovered errors on the published medical literature. But what about the errors that we do not discover and may lead us to wrong pathways of thinking, inquiry, and clinical practice? Calls have been made for replicating research, data sharing, and making statistical code available for review [ 8 , 9 ]. Though these are important approaches, they are not sufficient to safeguard research against errors and their consequences. Creating more robust and resilient research processes requires a close examination of work practices, identification of potential failure modes, and development of best practices that safeguard against them. Table 1 depicts strategies to reduce errors and their consequences, with examples of how they have been applied to healthcare and could be applied to research work.

Strategies to reduce errors and their consequences, with examples of application to healthcare and research work.

Strategy descriptionExample of how it has been applied to healthcareExample of how it can be applied to research work
Prevent Error
Establish a reliable process (standardize whenever possible)Consistent use of a checklist that details steps for safe insertion of central lines prevented catheter-related blood stream infections [ ].Create a study data management plan that details how data elements will be handled and adequately train research team members performing data handling tasks. For example, describe how missing values will be exported and coded distinguishing the handling of zero values, codes for missing values (like 999), and out of range/impossible values. Also, specify the type of data (dates, text, numbers) and pre-define a value range to identify out of range/impossible values.
Change process (or device) so that it is impossible to make the error anymoreA safety system was incorporated in the design of the anesthesia machine that safeguarded against the possibility of delivering the wrong gas supply. The system included a specific pin configuration for the Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide gas cylinders which made the user unable to connect the cylinder to the incorrect plug [ ].Use statistical software that allows for programming and direct export of tables and any associated text instead of copying/pasting values from analytic output. This eliminates possibility of errors from copying the wrong values or pasting them incorrectly into the table.
Eliminate unneeded tasks or partsThe concentrated injection solution of esmolol HCl (250 mg/mL) used to treat cardiac arrythmias was discontinued to prevent medication overdoses that resulted from failure to dilute it. Currently, this medication is available in ready-to-use 10-mg/mL vial (does not require dilution) [ ].Use direct data entry into computer devices (e.g use tablets or laptops to directly enter data as you collect it) rather than writing on paper forms and then reentering the data into computer. The data entry programs should include checks for inconsistencies or out-of-range responses.
Avoid variable recoding as much as possible (if needed, clearly name and label the recoded variable for audit).
Facilitate the work, reducing complexity and ambiguity, so that it is less likely to make a mistake (e.g. use checklists and well documented procedure manuals)Use of electronic medical record systems with built in algorithms facilitated decision-making and prescribing of venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis medications [ ].
Tall-man lettering on medication vials is used to prevent mixing up look-alike drugs [ ].
Create a process for data managers and analysts to become familiar with research study background, design, and all input forms and instruments, before proceeding to data preparation and analysis. ( E.g. hold dedicated meetings for this purpose prior to starting any data preparation for analysis)
Maintain a single electronically-locked master data file from which data can then be exported for specific analytic purposes. Any version of a master data file should be annotated with a datetime stamp to confirm the latest version to be used. Documentation should note the reasons for subsequent master data files.
Create work environment that strives to prevent errors and supports teamworkIn response to high rates of preventable adverse events post hospital discharge, interventions have been implemented to facilitate coordination between inpatient and outpatient providers, including adding dedicated case managers and transition coaches on healthcare teams to help with discharge planning, and addressing patients' needs [ ].Consider handoffs of information and responsibilities (e.g. with team member turnover) as high risk/error-prone periods. Ensure sufficient communication and clarity on who is doing what at such times, and how any questions will be resolved.
Detect error
Make errors more visible/discoverablePatient identification bands are used to avoid patient misidentification errors [ ].
Electronic prescribing system alerts to prevent medication errors [ ].
Use variable names that refer to specific forms so that they can be audited back to their source document, making errors more visible/discoverable. (Use industry standards and best practices as applicable)
Run range checks and challenges for improbable and impossible values. Check consistency of values across study visits.
Create redundancy (i.e. multiple checks}Independent double check of medication doses for high-alert medications [ ].Have critical and error-prone tasks performed by two independent individuals. This includes checks if summary tables and values have been copied/pasted. (Have this checking plan specified ahead of time so the two independent individuals apply the same rules).
Mitigate the effect of errors
Minimize direct effects of the errorsRapid resuscitation measures for victims of medication overdose.Report corrections for all published work that is affected by errors.
Learn from mistakes to prevent similar future eventsPromoting safety culture and use of voluntary error- reporting systems to learn from errors and institute measures to prevent their recurrence [ ].Promote a culture that encourages admission of errors, discussion of underlying causes, and learning from them. This would require a collective ongoing effort from research leaders and funders to acknowledge that errors do occur in well conducted research, encourage reporting of those errors, and support those who report them.

5. Conclusions

Like any other field, research work is prone to errors. Despite researchers’ best efforts to be vigilant, given the complexity of research operations and processes, it is unrealistic to expect research work to be devoid of errors. Without deliberate actions to detect errors, they may go undiscovered and result in incorrect conclusions that can negatively impact clinical practice and contribute to the inconsistency in research findings across studies. Similar to healthcare, increasing awareness about errors in research, and applying systematic strategies to prevent and detect them is warranted. Nurturing a scientific culture that encourages error disclosure and rectification is essential to reduce the negative consequences of errors. Creating repositories where errors can be reported and later analyzed can enable learning from them, and inform best practices development and creation of more robust research processes.

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  • Zhuoqiao He 1 , 2 ,
  • Qingying Zhang 3 ,
  • Manshu Song 2 ,
  • http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4489-9498 Xuerui Tan 1 , 4 , 5 ,
  • Wei Wang 2 , 4 , 6 , 7
  • 1 Department of Cardiology , First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College , Shantou , Guangdong , China
  • 2 Centre for Precision Health, School of Medical and Health Sciences , Edith Cowan University , Perth , Western Australia , Australia
  • 3 Department of Preventive Medicine , Shantou University Medical College , Shantou , China
  • 4 Clinical Research Centre , First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College , Shantou , Guangdong , China
  • 5 Human Phenome institute, Guangdong Engineering Research Center of Human Phenome , Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Guangdong Laboratory , Shantou , Guangdong , China
  • 6 Institute for Glycome Study , Shantou University Medical College , Shantou , Guangdong , China
  • 7 School of Public Health , Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences , Tai’an , Shandong , China
  • Correspondence to Dr Xuerui Tan; tanxuerui{at}vip.sina.com ; Dr Manshu Song; m.song{at}ecu.edu.au


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  • Evidence-Based Practice


Diagnostic tests are frequently applied within clinical practice to assist with disease diagnosis, differential diagnosis, disease grading and prognosis evaluation. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis is one common approach for analysing discriminative performance of a diagnostic test, where it can determine the optimal cut-off value with the best diagnostic performance. 1 However, as a majority of clinicians are non-statisticians, several errors have been observed in clinical research when applying ROC curves. These errors may be misleading in the selection of diagnostic tests and disease diagnosis, thus adding to patient burden. To address these errors, clinicians do not need a deep understanding of the intricate mathematical formulas of ROC analysis, but should develop basic knowledge and skills to prevent or avoid commonly overlooked mistakes. This article aims to guide clinicians to avoid common pitfalls in ROC analysis.

Basic knowledge of ROC curve

General operations of roc analysis.

Below is an example to guide clinicians in performing ROC analysis using SPSS V.26.0, a commonly used statistical analysis software. It is established that N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and ejection fraction (EF) are used for the diagnosis of heart failure (HF). When comparing their diagnostic performances using ROC analysis, NT-proBNP and EF are considered ‘test variable’, whereby the presence ‘1’ or absence ‘0’ of HF is considered the ‘state variable’. The ‘value of state variable’ indicates which category should be considered positive, with the presence of HF generally considered a positive state (‘1’ in this example, figure 1a ). To proceed, ‘options’ can be clicked to select the ‘test direction’ ( figure 1b ). If higher test results increase the likelihood of HF, choose ‘larger test result indicates more positive test’. Conversely, if lower test results suggest a higher likelihood of HF, select ‘smaller test result indicates more positive test’. 6 Accordingly, for NT-proBNP, choose ‘larger test result indicates more positive test’, and for EF, select ‘smaller test result indicates more positive test’.

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(a) The ROC analysis operation box in SPSS. (b) The box for the option of ‘Test Direction’ in SPSS. EF, ejection fraction; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide; ROC, receiver operating characteristic.

Error 1:AUC<0.5

For clinicians, it is important to recognise that a realistic diagnostic test should have an AUC of at least 0.5, since random guessing (or flipping a coin) produces a diagonal line with an area of 0.5 3 (ie, the discriminative power of a diagnostic test should be greater than that of tossing a coin). When an ROC curve significantly descends towards the lower right half of the graph, this implies that the diagnostic accuracy of the test is lower than random chance. This could result from an incorrect state value or a wrong test-state association direction for determining a positive test result, which has been selected in the ‘test direction’ section of the ‘ROC curve: options’ ( figure 1b ). 6 Clinicians, therefore, should select the ‘test direction’ correctly. For example, one study has compared discriminative performances of several ECG algorithms using ROC analysis, whereby five of the eleven AUC values were smaller than 0.5 ( figure 2a ). 7 Among these, taking the Transitional Zone (TZ) Index (AUC>0.5) and Combined TZ Index and V2 S-wave amplitude/V3 R-wave amplitude (Combined Index) (AUC<0.5) as examples, larger values of the TZ Index indicate increasing likelihood of the state value, while smaller values of the Combined Index indicate increasing likelihood of the state value. 7 As noted above, AUC<0.5 is incorrect, where it should be larger than 0.5 after changing the ‘test direction’ (ie, selecting the ‘larger test results indicate more positive tests’ for the TZ Index, whereas selecting the other one for the Combined Index). This type of error can be remedied (as shown in figure 2b and our previous publication 8 ).

(a) The ROC curves of ECG algorithms from Qiu et al . 7 (b) Published data based on our previous study 8 20 is used to compare different ECG algorithms, including the TZ Index and Combined TZ Index and V2S/V3R. After changing the ‘test direction’ for the Combined TZ Index and V2S/V3R, the ROC curves for all ECG algorithms appear above the reference line in two distinct graphs. (c) The ROC curves of four ECG algorithms in Yoshida et al ’s study 12 are modified, where TZ score of OT-VA and R-wave duration index have an equal AUC. The grey area represents the partial AUC, which can be compared between these two ROC curves within a specific false positive rate range (e 1 =0.4, e 2 =0.6) (Rightslink License Number 5846520834586). (d) DeLong test can be performed to assess the discriminative power of models. (e) A single cut-off ROC curve in Wang et al ’s study 19 (Rightslink License Number 5837510051304). (f) Published data based on previous study 20 is used to plot ROC curves with the test variable being a continuous variable and a binary variable, respectively. AUC, area under the curve; OT-VA, outflow tract ventricular arrhythmia; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; TZ, Transitional Zone; V2S, V2 S-wave amplitude; V3R, V3 R-wave amplitude.

Error 2:intersection curve

The second error related to AUC comparison occurs when two ROC curves intersect. While computation of AUC is a well-established measure of the discriminative power of different diagnostic tests, 9 10 simply comparing AUC values is only meaningful when two ROC curves do not intersect (ie, one curve is consistently above the other). 11 If two curves intersect, solely using AUC values to evaluate diagnostic performance is insufficient. In such cases, it is crucial to consider additional metrics such as partial AUC (pAUC), which compute AUC in the area of the ROC space that corresponds to interesting (ie, practically viable or acceptable) values of FPR and TPR. Other important metrics include accuracy (the ratio of correct predictions to total predictions), precision (the ratio of true positives to total positives) and recall (which is equivalent to TPR/sensitivity). As an example, one study comparing the discriminative performance of four ECG algorithms found that although the two AUC values for the TZ score of outflow tract ventricular arrhythmia (OT-VA) and the R-wave duration index were the same (AUC=0.74), 12 this does not necessarily indicate equivalent diagnostic performance. The TZ Score of OT-VA can be superior in a specific region of the curve (high FPR range), whereas the R-wave duration index may excel in another region (low FPR range). In such scenarios, pAUC, computed as the AUC where e 1 ≤FPR≤e 2 (FPR 1 =e 1  and FPR 2 =e 2 ), 5 should be presented to provide a more detailed assessment of performance in specific regions of the curve 1 13 ( figure 2c ). Further, metrics including accuracy, recall and precision should also be evaluated to provide a comprehensive assessment. 3 In clinical settings, the choice of a diagnostic test should be tailored to the specific diagnostic scenario. For primary screening among healthy subjects, tests with high sensitivity (high TPR or recall) are preferred. Conversely, for diagnosing suspected patients, tests with high specificity are more appropriate. 14 When the cost of a false positive is high, such as in cancer diagnosis, a test with high precision ensures that patients identified as having cancer are indeed likely to have it, reducing unnecessary stress and invasive treatments.

Error 3:comparison between AUCs

The third error in AUC comparison occurs when diagnostic tests have similar AUC values. In such cases, a simple comparison of absolute AUC values may not be sufficient. To make a further comparison, additional statistical tests should be used. For ROC curves derived from the same subjects, DeLong test is appropriate for comparison. 15 16 For ROC curves derived from two independent sample sets, the Dorfman and Alf method could be used. 17 However, this critical point has been often overlooked. For example, one study compared discriminative performances among clinical (AUC=0.87), radiomics (AUC=0.92) and combined clinical–radiomics (AUC=0.95) models using ROC analysis ( figure 2d ). The study concluded that the combined model is superior to the other two based solely on absolute values of AUC. 18 In cases like this, DeLong test can help assess the statistical significance of differences between the ROC curves, ensuring that even minor differences are evaluated appropriately.

Error 4:single cut-off ROC curve

The last error identified in this paper involves the occurrence of a single cut-off ROC curve when determining the optimal cut-off value for a test. This type of ROC curve features only one inflection point and two straight lines ( figure 2e ). When a test variable (diagnostic test) is continuous or involves multiple classes, each possible test value can be considered a potential cut-off point, determining the corresponding TPR and FPR. The optimal cut-off value is then selected based on specific clinical requirements. 1 3 However, if a test variable is binary, the ROC curve is sharply shaped by a single cut-off point, with TPR and FPR calculated based on the outcomes of binary classification at that fixed threshold. 3 For example, one study developed an intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) scoring system (ie, −2.474−2.554×elevated Alpha-fetoprotein+2.537×elevated CA 19-9+2.451×obscure lesion boundary+3.164×Rim-like hyperenhancement+1.976×wash-out onset within 45s+2.976×marked wash-out within 3 min). 19 ROC analysis was performed in the study to determine the optimal cut-off value for the score ‘1.322’ ( figure 2e ). 19 The ICC score is a continuous variable, but this ROC curve presented a single cut-off shape. To overcome this issue, we use our published data as an example 20 : test variable A, a continuous variable equivalent to ICC score in the above case, yields a curve with the optimal cut-off value shown in figure 2f . However, when we convert test variable A into a binary variable based on this cut-off value and plot ROC curve again, the result is a single cut-off curve ( figure 2f , test variable A as binary variable). Therefore, for an ROC curve based on the ICC score presented as a single cut-off curve, it can be speculated that either the ICC score has only two values or that binary classification defined by the optimal cut-off value has been used for plotting. Regardless of the reason, this occurs because a binary variable was used to plot the ROC curve.

This article identifies four often overlooked errors in statistical analysis within diagnostic medicine during ROC analysis. Errors 1, 2 and 3 can lead to a misleading assessment of the discriminative power of a diagnostic test, while error 4 may result in an incorrect optimal cut-off value. Thus, it is crucial for clinicians to understand these common pitfalls to prevent and avoid these mistakes in their statistical analyses and data presentation in academic publications.

Ethics statements

Patient consent for publication.

Not applicable.

Ethics approval

  • Habibzadeh F ,
  • Habibzadeh P ,
  • Yadollahie M
  • Li X , et al
  • Bitterlich N ,
  • Schneider J ,
  • Janzen A , et al
  • Streiner DL ,
  • Yoshida N ,
  • Uchikawa T , et al
  • O’Malley AJ ,
  • Bantis LE ,
  • Hanley JA ,
  • DeLong ER ,
  • DeLong DM ,
  • Clarke-Pearson DL
  • Dorfman DD ,
  • Lisson CS ,
  • Wolf D , et al
  • Shen YT , et al
  • Yu M , et al

Contributors ZH wrote the first draft of the manuscript. QZ contributed to statistical expertise. WW contributed to the conceptualisation and critical review. XT and MS contributed to the conceptualisation and manuscript revision. All authors reviewed the manuscript and approved the final version to be published.

Funding This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 82073659), the Funding for Guangdong Medical Leading Talent, the First Affiliated Hospital, Shantou University Medical College (SUMC), China, and the Grant for Key Disciplinary Project of Clinical Medicine under the High-level University Development Program, Guangdong, China (2023-2024). MS is supported by the Western Australian Future Health Research and Innovation Fund (Grant ID WANMA/Ideas2023-24/10) . QZ is supported by the 2021 Guangdong Graduate Education Innovation Plan Project (2021SFKC039). ZH is a PhD candidate supported by the ECU-SUMC collaborative PhD project.

Competing interests None declared.

Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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How can type 1 and type 2 errors be minimized?

how to avoid type 1 error in research

To be "honest" from intellectual, practical, and perhaps moral perspectives, however, the threshold value should be picked based on the minimal "important" difference from the null value that you'd like to be able to correctly detect (if it's true). Therefore, the best thing to do is to increase the sample size.


The level of significance #alpha# of a hypothesis test is the same as the probability of a type 1 error. Therefore, by setting it lower, it reduces the probability of a type 1 error. "Setting it lower" means you need stronger evidence against the null hypothesis #H_{0}# (via a lower #p# -value) before you will reject the null. Therefore, if the null hypothesis is true, you will be less likely to reject it by chance.

Reducing #alpha# to reduce the probability of a type 1 error is necessary when the consequences of making a type 1 error are severe (perhaps people will die or a lot of money will be needlessly spent).

Once a level of significance #alpha# has been decided on. To reduce the probability of a type 2 error (because the consequences could be severe as well), you can either increase the sample size or choose an alternative value of the parameter in question that is further from the null value.

By increasing the sample size, you reduce the variability of the statistic in question, which will reduce its chances of failing to be in the rejection region when its true sampling distribution would indicate that it should be in the rejection region.

By choosing a threshold value of the parameter (under which to compute the probability of a type 2 error) that is further from the null value, you reduce the chance that the test statistic will be close to the null value when its sampling distribution would indicate that it should be far from the null value (in the rejection region).

For example, suppose we are testing the null hypothesis #H_{0}:mu=10# versus the alternative hypothesis #H_{a}:mu>10# and suppose we decide on a small value of #alpha# that leads to rejecting the null if #bar{x}>15# (this is the rejection region). Then an alternative value of #mu=16# will lead to a smaller than 50% chance of incorrectly failing to reject #H_{0}# when #mu=16# is assumed to be true, while an alternative value of #mu=14# will lead to a greater than 50% chance of incorrectly failing to reject #H_{0}# when #mu=14# is assumed to be true. In the former case the sampling distribution of #bar{x}# is centered on 16 and the area under it to the left of 15 will be less than 50%, while in the latter case the sampling distribution of #bar{x}# is centered on 14 and the area under it to the left of 15 will be greater than 50%.

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