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List of 200+ Philosophy Essay Topics and Questions For Students

Updated 04 Jul 2024

Philosophy Essay Topics

While the majority of university students may assume that choosing a philosophy essay topic is easy, it does not work well in practice. Depending on what philosophy school you would like to choose, you should think of a list that must be brainstormed. Therefore, our philosophy essay topics below are meant to keep you inspired and help you see practical examples that can serve as a starting point. You will also learn how to write a philosophy essay and how to tell a good topic from a poor one. When you have a good idea to start with, you will already overcome the challenges of finding a good topic.

✍️ Writing Philosophy Essay: Definition & Tips

Before you start with philosophy paper topics, ensure that you know the basics of essay writing. Begin with essay structure to academic features, take time to study your grading rubric and ask our  essay service questions when something is unclear. Here is what you must consider:

  • Ensure that you envision your philosophy essay’s topic by narrowing things down.
  • Create an outline by choosing various key arguments.
  • Read various literature dealing with the things that interest you.
  • Focus on your weaknesses by looking up terms and facts.
  • Choose your research methodology: persuasive, argumentative, explanatory, etc.
  • Create a bibliography to support chosen ideas with reliable sources.

Your philosophy research paper topics structure should follow these aspects:

  • Compose a strong thesis statement.
  • Use your key arguments as the body paragraph topic sentences.
  • Add a hook sentence to your introduction part.
  • Provide evidence for each idea that is not yours.
  • Present your ideas with the help of bridging words.
  • Add counter-argument ideas if it is necessary to support your point.

Tips on Writing Philosophy Essay

  • Explain a philosophical concept.
  • Provide real-life examples to help your audience understand complex aspects.
  • Compare theories by seeking contrasts.
  • Structure your philosophical ideas from easy to complex.
  • Provide personal analysis to support each argument.

Once again, always provide due evidence if you are using any external ideas!

What are some Philosophy topics?

Some topics may deal with the nature of human existence, the things we know, the definition of concepts, and moral ethics. It is also possible to choose case study examples by turning to the works of Socrates, Plato, or more modern philosophers like John McDowell.

📙 50 Philosophy Essay Topics

We shall start with not-so-difficult philosophical ideas that will deal with the general subjects related to this challenging field of science. While Philosophy is about thinking and analysis, your research writing should not be vague or unclear. Read your chosen topics aloud, change the wording, and see whether you can support some paradigms with good sources and explanatory analysis.

  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Rights and Wrongs
  • Existentialism in the 21st Century: Relevance and Application
  • The Philosophy of Mind: Consciousness and Identity
  • Stoicism as a Way of Life: Practical Applications
  • The Impact of Nietzsche's Übermensch on Modern Society
  • The Concept of Justice in Plato’s Republic
  • Free Will vs. Determinism: The Philosophical Debate
  • The Role of Suffering in Human Development According to Buddhism
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering: Playing God or Advancing Humanity?
  • The Influence of Social Media on Personal Identity
  • The Philosophy of Language: Meaning and Interpretation
  • Environmental Ethics: Responsibilities to Nature and Future Generations
  • The Problem of Evil: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives
  • The Concept of Happiness in Aristotelian Ethics
  • Feminist Philosophy: Theories and Implications
  • The Intersection of Philosophy and Science: Conflicts and Complementarities
  • The Philosophy of Education: Purpose and Approach
  • The Concept of Liberty in Political Philosophy
  • The Ethics of Care: A Challenge to Traditional Moral Theories
  • The Philosophy of Art: Aesthetics and Meaning
  • The Notion of Self in Eastern and Western Philosophies
  • The Ethics of Animal Rights and Welfare
  • The Philosophy of Religion: Faith vs. Reason
  • The Impact of Technology on Society: A Philosophical Inquiry
  • The Concept of Duty in Kantian Ethics
  • The Philosophy of History: Patterns, Progress, and Purpose
  • The Role of Intuition in Philosophical Thought
  • The Ethics of Euthanasia: Autonomy and Morality
  • The Philosophy of Space and Time: Understanding the Universe
  • The Notion of Justice in Rawls vs. Nozick
  • The Philosophy of Friendship: Aristotle’s View and Modern Perspectives
  • The Concept of Beauty: Subjective vs. Objective Standards
  • The Ethics of Globalization: Economic Justice and Human Rights
  • The Influence of Hegel’s Dialectics on Contemporary Thought
  • The Philosophy of Sport: Fair Play, Competition, and Virtue
  • The Notion of Truth in Postmodern Philosophy
  • The Ethics of Immigration: Rights, Policies, and Morality
  • The Role of Logic in Philosophical Argumentation
  • The Philosophy of Love: From Plato to Modern Times
  • The Ethics of Surveillance: Privacy vs. Security
  • The Concept of Power in Foucault’s Philosophy
  • The Philosophy of Leisure: The Value of Free Time in a Productive Society
  • The Ethics of Consumption: Materialism and Sustainability
  • The Notion of Community in Communitarian Philosophy
  • The Philosophy of Language and Technology: Communication in the Digital Age
  • The Ethics of War: Just War Theory and Pacifism
  • The Concept of Alienation in Marxist Philosophy
  • The Philosophy of Humor: What Makes Something Funny?
  • The Ethics of Cloning: Human Dignity and Reproductive Technology
  • The Philosophy of Aging: Wisdom, Ethics, and the Value of Life

Remember that you can always narrow things down to what fits your essay!

📝Easy Philosophy Paper Topics

These easy Philosophy essay topics should provide you with a basic idea before we proceed with more complex ideas:

  • The Concept of Happiness: What Makes Life Fulfilling?
  • Free Will vs. Determinism: Do We Truly Have Choices?
  • The Ethics of Animal Rights: Should Animals Have the Same Rights as Humans?
  • The Impact of Technology on Society: A Philosophical Perspective
  • The Philosophy of Friendship: What Makes a Good Friend?
  • Introduction to Stoicism: How Can Stoic Principles Improve Our Lives?
  • The Role of Education in Shaping Society
  • Personal Identity: What Makes You, You?
  • The Ethics of Euthanasia: Right to Die or Duty to Live?
  • The Philosophy Behind Environmental Conservation
  • Happiness vs. Pleasure: Understanding the Difference
  • The Importance of Ethics in Business
  • Understanding Empathy: Its Importance and Impact
  • The Concept of Justice in Modern Society
  • Mindfulness and Philosophy: Living in the Moment
  • The Influence of Media on Public Opinion: A Philosophical Analysis
  • The Philosophy of Art: What is Artistic Beauty?
  • The Concept of Duty: Kantian Ethics Explained
  • Philosophical Perspectives on Poverty and Wealth
  • The Role of Intuition in Decision Making

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☝️ Argumentative Philosophy Essay Topics

They are meant for clear arguments where you make a stand with an aim to defend what you believe in or bring up arguments to discuss things with your fellow students. Here are some ideas:

  • Is Morality Relative or Absolute?
  • Can Free Will Exist in a Deterministic Universe?
  • Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat to Human Existence?
  • Do Humans Have an Obligation to Preserve the Natural Environment?
  • Is the Concept of the Social Contract Relevant in Today's Society?
  • Should Genetic Engineering Be Subject to Ethical Limitations?
  • Is Democracy the Best Form of Government?
  • Can War Ever Be Justified Ethically?
  • Is Capital Punishment Morally Defensible?
  • Does the Existence of Evil Disprove the Existence of God?
  • Is Euthanasia Ethically Permissible?
  • Should Wealth Redistribution Be a Central Aim of Society?
  • Is Education a Right or a Privilege?
  • Does Technology Enhance or Diminish Human Interaction?
  • Is Animal Testing Justifiable?
  • Can Objective Truth Exist in Morality?
  • Is the Pursuit of Happiness a Worthwhile Life Goal?
  • Should Privacy Be Sacrificed for Security?
  • Is Censorship Ever Justifiable in a Free Society?
  • Does Society Have a Duty to Provide Healthcare to All Its Citizens?

📚 Practical Philosophical Topics For Essays

If you can apply a school of philosophy or some subject in practice, take a look at these Philosophy essay ideas:

  • The Ethics of Consumerism: Philosophical Perspectives on Consumption and Sustainability
  • Philosophy in the Workplace: Ethical Leadership and Corporate Responsibility
  • The Role of Philosophy in Education: Teaching Critical Thinking and Ethical Reasoning
  • Mental Health and Well-being: A Philosophical Examination of Happiness and Fulfillment
  • Digital Life: The Impact of Social Media on Identity and Relationships
  • Environmental Ethics: Philosophical Approaches to Climate Change and Conservation
  • The Philosophy of Science: Understanding the Limits and Possibilities of Scientific Knowledge
  • Philosophical Perspectives on Gender Equality and Feminism
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Rights, Responsibilities, and the Future of AI
  • Philosophy of Religion: Faith, Rationality, and the Meaning of Life
  • The Intersection of Philosophy and Art: Aesthetics and the Value of Art
  • Philosophical Approaches to Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding
  • The Ethics of Healthcare: Patient Rights, Access, and the Doctor-Patient Relationship
  • Philosophy and Political Activism: The Role of Ideas in Social Movements
  • The Philosophy of Language: Communication, Misunderstanding, and Meaning
  • Ethical Consumerism: The Moral Implications of Our Purchasing Choices
  • The Ethics of Technology: Privacy, Surveillance, and Freedom in the Digital Age
  • Philosophy of Education: The Purpose and Value of Learning
  • The Ethics of Immigration: Rights, Policies, and Global Responsibility
  • Philosophical Perspectives on Aging and Mortality

🌎 Worldview Essay Topics

This section is dedicated to those subjects that reflect how a person sees the world. It brings up philosophy essay questions that sum up what a person beliefs in. For example:

  • The Influence of Culture on Moral Values: A Comparative Analysis
  • Existentialism and the Search for Meaning in the Modern World
  • The Impact of Religion on Worldviews: A Global Perspective
  • Humanism vs. Spiritualism: Contrasting Life Philosophies
  • The Role of Science in Shaping Contemporary Worldviews
  • Eastern vs. Western Philosophies: Diverse Paths to Understanding Reality
  • The Concept of Karma in Different Cultural Contexts
  • Materialism and Consumer Society: Philosophical Critiques
  • The Philosophy of Time: How Different Cultures Understand Time
  • Environmental Worldviews: From Anthropocentrism to Eco-centrism
  • The Digital Age and Its Impact on Human Perception and Interaction
  • Fate vs. Free Will: Determining the Course of Our Lives
  • The Notion of the Self in Philosophy and Psychology
  • Globalization and Its Effects on Cultural Identity and Worldviews
  • Postmodernism: Challenging Traditional Narratives and Beliefs
  • The Concept of Utopia: Visions of a Perfect Society
  • Ethical Relativism: Understanding Morality in a Pluralistic World
  • The Intersection of Art and Philosophy in Shaping Worldviews
  • Philosophical Perspectives on Death and the Afterlife
  • Technology and Transhumanism: Redefining Human Nature and Future

📖 Plato Essay Topics

It is hard to find another personality that would be as important for the field of Philosophy as Plato. Here are several philosophy topics for essays that deal with Plato’s beliefs and the timeless heritage. For example:

  • The Theory of Forms: Understanding Plato's Concept of Reality
  • Plato's Allegory of the Cave: Interpretations and Implications
  • Justice in Plato's Republic: An Analysis of His Ideal State
  • Plato and Democracy: Critique and Perspectives
  • The Role of the Philosopher-King in Plato's Ideal Society
  • Plato's Concept of the Soul: Tripartite Structure and Its Significance
  • Education in Plato's Republic: Methods and Philosophical Foundations
  • Plato's Views on Art and Imitation: An Examination of the Ion and the Republic
  • The Significance of Plato's Academy in the Development of Western Philosophy
  • Comparative Analysis: Plato and Aristotle on Virtue and Happiness
  • Plato's Symposium: Love, Beauty, and the Path to the Divine
  • The Influence of Socratic Method on Plato's Dialogues
  • Plato's Critique of Sophistry and Its Relevance Today
  • The Concept of Eudaimonia in Plato's Ethical Philosophy
  • Plato's Timaeus: Cosmology and the Nature of the Physical World
  • Plato and the Theory of Knowledge: Justified True Belief
  • The Role of Myth in Plato's Philosophy: From the Gorgias to the Phaedrus
  • Plato's Political Philosophy: The Challenges of Realizing the Ideal State
  • The Immortality of the Soul in Plato's Phaedo: Arguments and Critiques
  • Plato's Influence on Christian Thought and Theology

💡 Enlightenment Essay Topics

This section explores interesting topics that relate to the period of Enlightenment. Here is the list to consider:

  • The Role of Reason in the Enlightenment: A New Approach to Knowledge
  • Voltaire and the Fight for Religious Tolerance
  • The Impact of the Enlightenment on Modern Democratic Thought
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Concept of the Social Contract
  • Enlightenment Critiques of Monarchy and the Path to Republicanism
  • The Influence of Enlightenment Thought on the French Revolution
  • Comparative Analysis of the Scottish and French Enlightenment
  • Women of the Enlightenment: Contributions and Challenges
  • The Enlightenment and Its Role in the Development of Modern Science
  • Immanuel Kant and the Enlightenment: The Pursuit of Freedom
  • The Enlightenment and the Arts: A New Aesthetic for a New Time
  • Deism and the Enlightenment: Rethinking the Divine
  • The Legacy of the Enlightenment in Contemporary Education
  • Enlightenment Philosophers on Human Rights and Equality
  • Economic Thought in the Enlightenment: The Beginnings of Modern Economics
  • The Enlightenment’s Influence on Modern Legal Systems
  • Critiques of the Enlightenment: Romanticism and Counter-Enlightenment Thoughts
  • The Spread of Enlightenment Ideas Through Europe and Beyond
  • The Enlightenment and the Birth of Modern Political Ideologies
  • Philosophical Debates on Morality and Ethics During the Enlightenment

📜 Transcendentalism Essay Topics

In simple terms, Transcendentalism is a philosophy that came to be in the 19th century, aiming for self-sufficiency. The main belief states that people are originally good but are corrupted by society and the wrong teaching or negative examples. It is one of the most varied branches of philosophy as can be seen from the topics below:

  • The Core Principles of Transcendentalism: An Introduction
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Philosophy of Self-Reliance
  • Henry David Thoreau’s Walden: Living in Harmony with Nature
  • Transcendentalism and Its Influence on American Literature
  • Margaret Fuller: A Transcendentalist Feminist Perspective
  • The Role of Nature in Transcendentalist Thought
  • Transcendentalism and Its Critique of Materialism
  • The Social and Political Activism of Transcendentalists
  • Transcendentalism: A Predecessor to Environmental and Ecological Movements
  • The Concept of Individualism in Transcendentalist Writings
  • Transcendentalism and Education: The Legacy of Bronson Alcott
  • The Influence of Eastern Philosophies on Transcendentalist Thought
  • Transcendentalism in Contemporary Society: Relevance and Reflections
  • The Relationship Between Transcendentalism and Romanticism
  • Transcendentalist Views on Religion and Spirituality
  • The Impact of Transcendentalism on Civil Disobedience and Social Change
  • Transcendentalism and the Arts: Exploring Aesthetic Expressions
  • Critiques of Transcendentalism: Limitations and Counterarguments
  • The Legacy of Transcendentalism in Modern American Culture
  • Exploring the Concept of the Over-Soul in Transcendentalist Literature

❓ Philosophy Essay Questions

When you choose a good Philosophy essay topic, always ask yourself a question. Take a look at how it has been done below:

  • What is the nature of reality, and how can we truly know anything about it?
  • Is free will an illusion, and are our choices predetermined by external factors?
  • Can moral judgments be objective, or are they entirely subjective?
  • What is the role of consciousness in defining personal identity?
  • How do language and thought influence our perception of the world?
  • Is it possible to achieve true happiness, and what would it entail?
  • What is justice, and how can a society ensure its fair distribution?
  • Can artificial intelligence ever attain consciousness or moral reasoning?
  • What does it mean to live a good life, and how should individuals strive to achieve it?
  • How should we balance individual freedom with social responsibility?
  • Is there a universal standard for beauty, or is beauty entirely subjective?
  • What is the significance of death in giving meaning to life?
  • How do power dynamics shape ethical considerations and social structures?
  • Can science and religion coexist, or are they fundamentally incompatible?
  • What is the ethical responsibility of humans towards the environment and non-human life?
  • How does the concept of the self evolve in the digital age?
  • Is there an ethical obligation to pursue truth, even at the expense of personal happiness?
  • What role does suffering play in personal growth and the development of character?
  • How can societies best balance tradition and innovation in shaping the future?
  • What are the ethical implications of genetic engineering and biotechnology on future generations?

What is a good topic for a philosophy paper?

One of the most popular topics in Philosophy today is whether people are born as good beings or we already come to this world with all the negative traits. While it is popular, you can narrow things down by focusing on criminals, youth gangs, or volunteers (as an example of the good ones).

How to Find Excellent Philosophy Essay Topics?

When you have a plethora of philosophy ideas, it is easy to get lost, which is why you should follow these simple Philosophy topic choice tips:

  • Find something that truly inspires you. If your topic does not motivate you, it will always show.
  • Choose a certain school of philosophy as your methodology.
  • Read on various philosophers and examine their famous works.
  • Narrow things down and change the wording.
  • Research similar works on the topic.

When you have already chosen something, read it aloud and try to think about keywords by writing them down in a list. Once done, connect your essay topic with the thesis statement. Choosing the right philosophy essay topics can be overwhelming, so if you're struggling, you might consider seeking professional help to write my philosophy paper and ensure your arguments are well-structured and compelling.

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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120 Philosophy Essay Topics

How to choose a topic for your philosophy essay:.


Philosophy Argumentative Essay Topics:

  • The existence of God: Can the existence of a higher power be proven or disproven?
  • The problem of evil: How can the existence of evil be reconciled with the concept of a benevolent God?
  • Free will vs determinism: Are our actions predetermined or do we have the freedom to choose?
  • The nature of reality: Is reality objective or subjective?
  • The mind-body problem: Is the mind separate from the body, or are they one and the same?
  • Ethical relativism vs ethical absolutism: Are moral values relative or are there universal moral truths?
  • The nature of consciousness: What is consciousness and how does it arise?
  • The concept of personal identity: What defines our sense of self and continuity over time?
  • The problem of induction: Can we justify our beliefs based on past experiences and observations?
  • The nature of knowledge: What is knowledge and how do we acquire it?
  • The philosophy of mind: Can machines or artificial intelligence possess consciousness?
  • The nature of beauty: Is beauty subjective or objective?
  • The ethics of euthanasia: Is it morally permissible to end someone’s life to alleviate suffering?
  • The ethics of animal rights: Do animals have rights and how should they be treated?
  • The philosophy of science: What is the nature of scientific knowledge and how does it differ from other forms of knowledge?

Philosophy Persuasive Essay Topics:

  • The existence of free will: Determinism vs libertarianism
  • The ethical implications of artificial intelligence
  • The nature of consciousness: Materialism vs dualism
  • The problem of evil: Can an all-powerful and benevolent God coexist with evil?
  • The ethics of animal rights: Should animals have the same moral status as humans?
  • The concept of personal identity: Is the self defined by physical or psychological continuity?
  • The morality of euthanasia: Should individuals have the right to choose when to end their lives?
  • The nature of knowledge: Can we truly know anything with certainty?
  • The ethics of genetic engineering: Should we manipulate the genetic makeup of humans and other organisms?
  • The philosophy of mind: Can machines ever possess consciousness?
  • The morality of capital punishment: Is it ever justified to take a life as punishment for a crime?
  • The problem of induction: Can we rely on past experiences to make predictions about the future?
  • The ethics of abortion: When does personhood begin and what are the rights of the fetus?
  • The philosophy of time: Is time an illusion or a fundamental aspect of reality?

Philosophy Compare and Contrast Essay Topics:

  • Dualism vs Materialism: Examining the nature of mind and body
  • Rationalism vs Empiricism: Contrasting approaches to acquiring knowledge
  • Utilitarianism vs Deontology: Evaluating ethical theories on the basis of consequences and moral duties
  • Existentialism vs Nihilism: Exploring the meaning of life and existence
  • Plato’s Theory of Forms vs Aristotle’s Theory of Substance: Comparing their views on the nature of reality
  • Determinism vs Free Will: Analyzing the compatibility of human freedom and determinism
  • Hedonism vs Stoicism: Contrasting philosophies on achieving happiness and fulfillment
  • Egoism vs Altruism: Examining self-interest versus concern for others in ethical decision-making
  • Epistemological Relativism vs Objectivism: Evaluating the nature of truth and knowledge
  • Aesthetics of Beauty vs Aesthetics of Sublime: Comparing different approaches to appreciating art and beauty
  • Social Contract Theory vs Natural Law Theory: Contrasting views on the origin and legitimacy of political authority
  • Feminism vs Postmodernism: Analyzing different perspectives on gender, power, and identity
  • Idealism vs Realism: Examining different ontological views on the nature of reality
  • Pragmatism vs Essentialism: Contrasting approaches to understanding the essence and purpose of things
  • Eastern Philosophy vs Western Philosophy: Comparing and contrasting different philosophical traditions and their core concepts

Philosophy Informative Essay Topics:

  • The concept of free will and determinism: Exploring the debate between human agency and predestination
  • The philosophy of mind: Examining the mind-body problem and different theories of consciousness
  • Ethics and moral relativism: Analyzing the idea that moral principles are subjective and vary across cultures
  • The nature of reality: Investigating different metaphysical theories, such as idealism, materialism, and dualism
  • The philosophy of language: Exploring the relationship between language, thought, and reality
  • The problem of evil: Examining the existence of evil in a world governed by an all-powerful and benevolent God
  • The philosophy of science: Analyzing the nature of scientific knowledge and the scientific method
  • The concept of identity: Investigating the philosophical questions surrounding personal identity and the self
  • The philosophy of aesthetics: Exploring the nature of beauty, art, and the role of aesthetics in our lives
  • The philosophy of religion: Examining different arguments for and against the existence of God
  • The philosophy of time: Analyzing the nature of time, its relation to causality, and the possibility of time travel
  • The philosophy of education: Investigating different theories of education and their implications for teaching and learning
  • The philosophy of technology: Exploring the ethical and metaphysical implications of technological advancements
  • The philosophy of happiness: Analyzing different theories of happiness and the pursuit of a meaningful life
  • The philosophy of politics: Examining different political ideologies and their underlying philosophical foundations

Philosophy Cause and Effect Essay Topics:

  • The impact of existentialism on individual freedom and responsibility
  • The influence of utilitarianism on ethical decision-making
  • The consequences of Descartes’ mind-body dualism on the understanding of human nature
  • The effects of Nietzsche’s concept of the will to power on the pursuit of personal goals
  • The relationship between Kant’s categorical imperative and moral duty
  • The cause and effect of Plato’s theory of forms on the understanding of reality
  • The consequences of Aristotle’s concept of virtue ethics on moral character development
  • The impact of John Locke’s theory of tabula rasa on the understanding of human knowledge
  • The influence of Sartre’s concept of bad faith on personal authenticity
  • The effects of Hume’s skepticism on the nature of knowledge and belief
  • The relationship between Hegel’s dialectic and historical progress
  • The consequences of Rawls’ theory of justice on social equality
  • The impact of feminist philosophy on gender equality and women’s rights
  • The influence of Confucianism on social harmony and moral values in East Asian societies
  • The cause and effect of Schopenhauer’s pessimism on the perception of human suffering

Philosophy Narrative Essay Topics:

  • The Search for Meaning: A Personal Journey
  • The Paradox of Free Will: Exploring the Boundaries of Choice
  • The Nature of Reality: A Philosophical Reflection
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: A Moral Dilemma
  • The Existential Crisis: Navigating Life’s Uncertainties
  • The Problem of Evil: Examining the Coexistence of Good and Bad
  • The Philosophy of Happiness: Pursuit or Illusion?
  • The Mind-Body Problem: Exploring the Connection between the Physical and Mental
  • The Ethics of Animal Rights: Balancing Human Interests and Animal Welfare
  • The Philosophy of Time: Is it Linear or Cyclical?
  • The Meaning of Beauty: A Philosophical Exploration
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering: Playing God or Advancing Humanity?
  • The Philosophy of Education: Shaping Minds and Cultivating Knowledge
  • The Nature of Consciousness: Unraveling the Mystery of Self-Awareness
  • The Philosophy of Death: Contemplating the Afterlife and the Meaning of Mortality

Philosophy Opinion Essay Topics:

  • The nature of reality: Idealism vs materialism
  • The problem of evil: Does the existence of evil contradict the existence of a benevolent God?
  • The ethics of artificial intelligence: Should AI be granted moral rights?
  • The concept of personal identity: Is personal identity based on physical or psychological continuity?
  • The mind-body problem: Is the mind separate from the body or are they one and the same?
  • The ethics of euthanasia: Is it morally permissible to assist someone in ending their own life?
  • The ethics of genetic engineering: Should we have the right to modify our own genetic makeup?
  • The problem of induction: Can we justify our beliefs based on past experiences?
  • The ethics of capital punishment: Is the death penalty morally justifiable?
  • The nature of time: Is time an objective reality or a subjective construct?
  • The ethics of abortion: Is abortion morally permissible?

Philosophy Evaluation Essay Topics:

  • Evaluating the concept of free will in a deterministic universe
  • Assessing the moral responsibility of corporations
  • The validity of utilitarianism as a moral theory
  • Evaluating the existence of objective moral values
  • Assessing the ethical implications of genetic engineering
  • The concept of personal identity: evaluating the mind-body problem
  • Evaluating the role of reason in ethical decision-making
  • Assessing the compatibility of faith and reason
  • The concept of justice: evaluating different theories
  • Evaluating the ethical implications of animal rights
  • Assessing the concept of beauty in art and aesthetics
  • The problem of evil: evaluating the existence of God
  • Evaluating the ethical implications of climate change
  • Assessing the concept of happiness in different philosophical traditions

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100+ Philosophy Research Paper Topics

philosophy paper topics

One of the most difficult tasks philosophy students faces each year is in having to come up with a philosophy topic to write a paper on. Students can get notifications of big projects months ahead of time and then spend weeks trying to figure out whether their philosophy essay topics are good enough to earn a good grade.

We get it. It’s hard to pull this task together with schedules and responsibilities. This is why we work to find philosophical topics that are current and relatable. We stick to important issues that are at the forefront of the discipline and bring them to you in one convenient philosophical topic for the essay list.

Finding the right philosophy topics can turn regular assignments into A+-winning assignments and we’ve done the work to help you and hundreds of other students get started with these philosophy paper topics. Here are our top 100 philosophy topics for the current school year:

Argumentative Philosophy Research Paper Topics

  • Do people naturally have good and bad qualities?
  • Do we need family support to find happiness?
  • How humans can be happy without reproduction?
  • What is the definitive explanation of happiness?
  • Do most people feel they aren’t living their full lives?
  • Would you marry for money if it meant you could never be happy?
  • Would you like to live your life more than once?
  • Would you rather work vocationalation job or a high-paying job?
  • Are personalities unique or are they just template?
  • Do you think that it is moral to follow all the rules?

Good Philosophy Paper Topics for All Levels

  • Does one need to lead a moral life to achieve happiness?
  • Why do people find life harder than expected?
  • Which is the better teacher? Experience or learning?
  • Do people always do what they want at that moment?
  • Is truth universal or does it change because of perspective?
  • Do animals have a better sense of morals than humans?
  • Can people gain an education without proper schooling?
  • Does one need to be literate to understand philosophy?
  • Which ie preferable? Determinism or Free Will?
  • Is capital punishment ethical in today’s world?

Controversial Topics in Philosophy

  • How does society shape a person’s life and beliefs?
  • Do you need a lot of money to live a rich life?
  • Why are some people living without actually experiencing things?
  • Is spiritual power more important than free will?
  • Do genetics play a bigger role in the way people behave?
  • What impact does the word “love” have on positivity?
  • What is the real reason we live our lives?
  • Is it possible to form a perfect world?
  • Do religion and philosophy contradict one another?
  • Can a world exist without laws or regulations?

Fun Philosophy Paper Topics for High School

  • What would be your form ideal government?
  • What are the different ways in which humans understand each other?
  • How is the concept of happiness defined by different philosophers?
  • Is existence simply a dream experienced by a larger being?
  • If you can spend a week in any period, which would it be?
  • Are we alone in our galaxy or are there other intelligent life forms?
  • What does it mean to have free will versus determinism?
  • If you can change one thing from your past, what would it be?
  • Does religion limit our abilities to explore the meaning of life?
  • What does it mean to be loved or to love others?

Topics for Philosophy Paper on the Classics

  • What does it mean to understand our universe?
  • Does happiness come from our actions toward others?
  • Are our thoughts evidence that we exist?
  • What is the definition of evil as it relates to the modern world?
  • Could societies exist without laws and regulations?
  • Are people born good or evil or are they raised to be one or the other?
  • Is torture a justifiable form of punishment?
  • How can past leaders influence today’s youth positively?
  • Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder?
  • Can we refocus our minds to think more positively?

Easy Philosophy Paper Topics for High School

  • What does it mean to be moral in today’s world?
  • Can wars be justified if it supports the greater population?
  • What does it mean to be a postmodern philosopher?
  • What are today’s most important life values?
  • What is the current perspective on the definition of loneliness?
  • How does one prepare for life after death?
  • Would you like to repeat your life with full knowledge of the prior?
  • Does something better than nothing always lead to benefits?
  • Do people choose to suffer or is it a feeling beyond our control?
  • Should people have to right to die by suicide?

Philosophy Topics to Write About Quickly

  • Do we exist in some form after death?
  • Do supernatural entities exist in the world?
  • Are video games negatively impacting people’s moral values?
  • How does one boost his or her ability to be creative?
  • Is it important to spend your entire life learning?
  • What does it mean to be mentally conscious?
  • What is the definition of loneliness and have you experienced it?
  • What are the most important character traits for leaders to have?
  • Does one need a lot of money to be considered rich?
  • Are we alone in the universe or is there another life?

Philosophical Topics for Essays on Current Issues

  • Are parents responsible for how their children behave?
  • Are the U.S. and U.K. meritocratic societies?
  • Has social media had an impact on people’s morals?
  • Do you agree with the notion that love only exists for 3 years?
  • Are humans more likely to cause trouble because of boredom?
  • Is capital punishment morally justified in modern society?
  • Do humans have the same ideas about what is right and what is wrong?
  • How does death affect how humans view life?
  • Is it complicated to live a life of happiness?
  • Should teenagers be given the responsibility to make their own choices?

Philosophy Thesis Topics for a Big Project

  • Do religion and the belief in God change a person’s behavior?
  • Are Machiavellian ideals still relevant in today’s government?
  • Is animal experimentation ever justified to protect humans?
  • What are the pros and cons of a utilitarian society?
  • What are the pros and cons of a communist government?
  • Why are humans the only species to be violent?
  • Is economic justice more important than legal justice?
  • Should women have univerabortion rightstion?
  • What impact did the 20th-century wave of philosophy have on the U.S.?
  • How do you know that you are different from other people?

Philosophy Research Paper Topics

  • What are the tendencies we see most in humans?
  • Are our morals connected to or influenced by culture?
  • Would you live your life a second time?
  • Should religion have a voice in a nation’s government?
  • What do you think makes for an ideal society?
  • Are truths relative to specific situations or circumstances?
  • What is the most important aspect to gain human knowledge?
  • What is something that veritably upsets you?
  • What is something in your life that you would like to change?
  • What is the most effective way to increase one’s IQ?

Getting a good grade on a philosophy research paper requires you to consider several different options and narrow down those options to a topic you feel you can conduct complete philosophy research on. The topic should also be something that interests you and verges into new areas in the discipline and area of study. This can be a difficult task for many students, so we create custom philosophy research topics to suit every situation. If you can’t find a topic you like from this list, just give us a call, email us, or send us a message via chat. We can direct you to a qualified philosophy expert writer to create a custom list of philosophical ideas to fit your assignment needs.

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100+ Philosophy Essay Topics


Table of Contents

What is a Philosophy Essay?

A philosophy essay is an analytical piece of writing where the author critically explores philosophical concepts, theories, and arguments. Unlike typical essays that simply present information, a philosophy essay demands that you present a clear thesis or a specific point of view and then provide arguments or evidence to support or challenge it. The nature of philosophy is often abstract, dealing with questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language, thus requiring a thoughtful approach and careful analysis.

Guide to Choosing a Philosophy Essay Topic

Selecting the right topic for your philosophy essay is essential for laying the foundation for an intriguing and insightful paper. Here’s how:

  • Identify Your Interest : Pick topics that genuinely intrigue you. Philosophy is vast; find your niche!
  • Consider Your Audience : Who will read the essay? Tailor your topic to match their level of understanding and interest.
  • Research and Familiarize : Ensure you have enough resources and knowledge to write extensively on the chosen topic.
  • Challenge Yourself : Opt for topics that allow you to analyze and present unique perspectives critically.

Philosophy Essay Topics Lists


  • Is there a purpose to life, or is existence merely accidental?
  • Can the idea of an omnipotent and benevolent God coexist with the presence of evil in the world?
  • What is the nature of reality – is it objective or subjective?
  • Do human beings have free will, or are our actions predetermined?


  • What is the nature and scope of human knowledge?
  • Can we ever know something with absolute certainty?
  • How do belief, knowledge, and truth interrelate?
  • Is skepticism about the external world justified?
  • Is morality absolute or relative?
  • What makes an action morally right or wrong?
  • Is there a universal standard of good, or is it culture-specific?
  • How does self-interest play into moral decisions?
  • What defines beauty in art or nature?
  • Can art be morally wrong and still be considered great art?
  • Is the appreciation of beauty purely subjective?
  • How does cultural context influence our interpretation of art?

Social and Political Philosophy

  • Is democracy the best form of governance?
  • How should resources be distributed in a society – equally or based on merit?
  • Is there a right to privacy in the digital age?
  • Should there be limits to freedom of speech?


  • What is the essence of human existence?
  • How does one find meaning in a seemingly meaningless world?
  • Is authenticity necessary for a fulfilled life?
  • How do death and the finite nature of life influence human behavior?

Ancient Philosophy

  • How did Socratic irony influence philosophical dialogue?
  • Plato’s allegory of the cave: What does it reveal about human perception?
  • Aristotle’s conception of virtue ethics.
  • Stoicism and its relevance in today’s world.
  • Epicureanism: The pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.

Philosophy of Religion

  • The problem of evil: Challenges to religious belief.
  • Pascal’s Wager and its criticisms.
  • Arguments for and against the existence of God.
  • Religion and science: Are they compatible or conflicting?
  • The concept of the afterlife in different religious traditions.

Philosophy of Mind

  • Mind-body dualism: Arguments and implications.
  • Is artificial intelligence capable of consciousness?
  • The problem of other minds: How do we know others have consciousness?
  • Emergent properties and the nature of consciousness.
  • The philosophical implications of neuroscientific discoveries.

Feminist Philosophy

  • The role of gender in epistemology.
  • Feminist critiques of traditional ethical theories.
  • The concept of the “male gaze” in feminist aesthetics.
  • How does intersectionality reshape philosophical discussions on identity?
  • The influence of Simone de Beauvoir on contemporary feminist thought.

Eastern Philosophy

  • The Daoist conception of the “Way” and its significance.
  • Buddhist philosophy on suffering and the path to enlightenment.
  • Confucian values in modern Asian societies.
  • The philosophy of karma and reincarnation.
  • Comparing Western and Eastern notions of the self.

Philosophy of Science

  • The demarcation problem: What distinguishes science from pseudoscience?
  • Philosophical challenges posed by quantum mechanics.
  • Scientific realism vs. anti-realism: Is science discovering truth?
  • The role of paradigms and revolutions in the history of science, as posited by Thomas Kuhn.
  • The ethics of genetic engineering and human enhancement.

Environmental Philosophy

  • Deep ecology vs. shallow ecology: Different environmental ethics.
  • The intrinsic value of nature: Should we value nature for its own sake?
  • Philosophical perspectives on climate change and human responsibility.
  • The rights of non-human animals: Ethical considerations.
  • The anthropocentrism vs. biocentrism debate.

Postmodern Philosophy

  • The nature of truth in a postmodern world.
  • Derrida’s concept of deconstruction and its implications.
  • The philosophical underpinnings of postmodern art and literature.
  • Critiques of grand narratives and meta-narratives.
  • Postmodernism and its impact on ethics and morality.

Logic and Argumentation

  • The nature and types of logical fallacies.
  • Inductive vs. deductive reasoning: Strengths and limitations.
  • The paradoxes of Zeno and their resolutions.
  • The importance of soundness and validity in argumentation.
  • The challenges and limitations of formal logic in philosophical argumentation.

Applied Philosophy

  • The ethics of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  • Philosophical arguments for and against capital punishment.
  • The moral implications of global economic inequality.
  • The philosophical challenges of privacy in the age of digital surveillance.
  • The ethics of war: Just War Theory and its criticisms.

Philosophy of Language

  • Wittgenstein’s “language games” and their implications for meaning.
  • The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: Does language shape our reality?
  • Deconstructionism: How does language conceal and reveal truth?
  • The philosophy of names: What’s in a name?
  • Metaphor in language: More than just a linguistic device?

Continental Philosophy

  • Heidegger’s notion of “Being” and its significance.
  • Sartre and existential freedom: Are we condemned to be free?
  • Foucault’s philosophy of power: How is power dispersed in society?
  • Husserl’s phenomenology: A fresh approach to consciousness.
  • Derrida vs. Foucault: Debating the nature of discourse and power.

African Philosophy

  • Ubuntu: The African conception of community and humanity.
  • African communitarianism vs. Western individualism.
  • Oral traditions in African philosophy: A different way of knowing?
  • Colonialism and its effects on African philosophical thought.
  • The concept of time in African philosophy.

Philosophy of Education

  • The Socratic method: Is questioning the best way to teach?
  • Education for liberation: Paulo Freire’s pedagogical approach.
  • Philosophy in the classroom: Should ethics be a mandatory subject?
  • The hidden curriculum: What are schools really teaching?
  • Moral education: Can virtue be taught?

Are you stuck on how to approach your chosen topic? Dive deep into philosophical insights with WriteOnDeadline’s essay writing service. Our expert writers are well-versed in all philosophical realms and can craft an insightful, cogent essay tailored just for you. Let’s make your philosophical journey an enlightening one.

Useful References

  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • PhilPapers: Online Research in Philosophy
  • MIT’s Free Philosophy Course Materials

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100 Philosophy Essay Topics For Students

This article will consider what a philosophical essay is and what philosophy essay topics are. We will consider how one type of paper differs from another. In addition, we will tell you by what criteria and how to choose a topic for your essay and give some ideas and examples of philosophy essay topics (created with our professional) to practice.

What Is a Philosophy Essay?

Philosophy is one of the oldest sciences that arose with the first intelligent thought of man. The concept of “philosophy” is translated as “search for truth.”

How much do we want to know about this world and its order or disorder if we succeed? How necessary is this knowledge for us? Any academic writing that defends a claim that can be proven valid can be considered a philosophy essay.

Argumentative philosophy essay topics follow a strictly basic format that must always be considered. When you write, you present your statement or fact as a reality throughout the essay.

Throughout the article, the writer seeks to defend his statement and provide a wide range of facts that support it.

How to Come Up With a Topic For the Philosophy Essay?

The first challenge of writing a philosophy essay is choosing a philosophy paper topic. The first step in selecting good philosophy paper topics is choosing the most appropriate field of study within philosophy. It is necessary to apply critical thinking in knowledge, which concerns the five branches of philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics.

When it comes to writing a philosophy essay, it can be difficult to come up with topics. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources available to help students brainstorm and come up with topics for their essays. For instance, a quick search online can lead to a wealth of resources such as articles, books, and websites that discuss a variety of philosophy topics. Additionally, it is possible to buy college essay papers specifically tailored to cover a range of philosophical topics.

Good Philosophy Essay Topics

These ideas are classic but, at the same time, well-suited to modern philosophical questions. By choosing one of these philosophy topics for essays, you can reveal one or another relevant philosophical question that is relevant nowadays.

  • Being, substance, and matter: What is movement? What is space for you? What is the time?
  • The problem of “dialogue” between a person and computer systems.
  • Consciousness is a necessary condition for the restoration of culture.
  • Is it possible to know the world altogether?
  • Man and woman: equal or unequal?
  • Death penalty: to be or not to be?
  • Under what conditions do you consider euthanasia acceptable?
  • Nonviolence is a categorical moral prohibition.
  • The problem of human death and immortality.
  • Modern civilization and childbirth. Your attitude to abortion.
  • Childfree and large families.
  • Artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood, adoption, or loneliness?
  • Your mindset to monogamy and polygamy.
  • Religion and atheism in the 21st century.
  • Unequal marriage: pros and cons.
  • Love and love. Do we know how to love?
  • Man and nature: unity or opposition?
  • Gender diversity in the 21st century.
  • Parents in the life of an adult.
  • Nationalism or cosmopolitanism: Which ideology is relevant in today’s world?

Easy Philosophy Essay Topics

The philosophy topics ideas below are suitable for beginners or people for whom philosophy is not the science they study at the university. These easy philosophy paper topics can lead you to specific philosophical thoughts, but creating a unique essay on one of them will not be difficult.

  • How does music affect the way we live?
  • Big money in sports is the essence of competition.
  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – is it relevant in the 21st century?
  • Personality tests – help you find yourself or drive you to limits.
  • Traumatic events should be openly discussed, not hidden.
  • Are people who love animals generally kinder and more optimistic?
  • Is it true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
  • For or against keeping animals in zoos?
  • How can technology be used to preserve the environment?
  • Describe how you made the decision about which career to choose.
  • Should modern education eliminate evaluation systems – yes or no?
  • A phrase that changed my life.
  • What is the difference between courage and fear?
  • What internal prisons have you already built from your fears?
  • Are people inherently more good or bad?

Political Philosophy Essay Topics

Politics is an integral part of our life. These essay topics will help you look at ethical issues of the critical social components from a philosophical point of view. By writing philosophy paper topics from this list, you will be able to understand better what politics is. So check these expository essay ideas .

  • Reasons for high unemployment.
  • Is money a tool or the goal of life?
  • Why do athletes become more socially active and proactive?
  • My ambitions are how I see my life in 10 years.
  • What does it take to become a politician?
  • In the world, everyone in it will do their own thing.
  • The development of the world is a chain of transformations of possibility into reality.
  • Social ontology. Image of flat ontologies.
  • We don’t have time to be ourselves.
  • The concept of fact in modern politic
  • Concept of person, individual in politics.
  • The concept of experiment in politics.
  • Humans as the main subject of political analysis
  • The concept of equilibrium in modern political philosophy.
  • The concept of risk in politics.

Ancient Greek Philosophical Topics for Essays

Mentioned below are philosophy topics to write a paper on your own for those who want to know more about the most magnificent world’s philosophy period. So, check these narrative essay topics , which can help better grasp that period.

  • Rational knowledge is supplemented by wisdom as an understanding of people’s life experiences.
  • The thoughts of the sophists (Protagoras, Gorgias, Antiphon, etc.).
  • Man is the measure of all things.
  • Is everything wrong in cognition?
  • Nothing exists, and if it does exist, it is incomprehensible.
  • A person should take care of himself first of all.
  • Is self-knowledge a requirement of reason?
  • Goodness begins with presentation and knowledge of it.
  • The sense organs give us information only about unrealities.
  • Being exists, and non-being does not have the unity of matter and form.

Philosophy Of Mind Essay Topics

These interesting philosophy paper topics often relate to the human mind, the study of the depths of human understanding of specific issues. Writing an essay on one of these topics will enable you to comprehend how the mind works from a philosophical perspective. If you feel you have little experience with such topics, you can get help from custom essay writing services .

  • The nature and essence of man: Freedom, choice, and responsibility
  • Man in biological and social dimensions
  • Meaning of life. Death and immortality.
  • The concept of risk in classical science.
  • The idea of risk in non-classical science.
  • The concept of sustainability in modern science.
  • The idea of the soul in European science.
  • The concept of the mind in Eastern science.
  • How does Eastern science understand “internal” knowledge?
  • “Everything was old; everything will happen again.” O. Mandelstam

Modern Philosophy Paper Topics

While studying the phenomenon of modernism in philosophy, it is possible to single out several questions that need explanation: this is the problem of the chronological status of modernism, the relationship between modernism and the modern, the prerequisites for the emergence of modernism, the connotations of modernism and its essential features. Also, you can ask some professionals to help you with writing a philosophy paper . Examining our suggested essay topics will allow you better understand these questions.

  • The transition of philosophy to other principles of self-determination. Concepts of marginality and liminality
  • The philosophy of cinema. The theory of photography by S. Sontag, R. Barth, and V. Fluser
  • Linguistic turn – the transition of philosophy to a concept value.
  • Iconic, visual turn / from the power of ideologues to the power of hieroglyphs.
  • The speech factor of polarization of modern philosophical science.
  • Problems and concepts of analytical philosophical science.
  • The main directions and problematic field of continental philosophical science.
  • Postpostmodernism: conditions of emergence and approaches to classification.
  • Postmodernism as pure proceduralism and postmodernism as reflection

Argumentative Philosophy Essay Topics

These essay topics require specific skills and a certain level of knowledge from the author. If the topics presented in the previous sections seem too easy for you, we advise you to choose one of these. Also, you can ask for some assistance from an argumentative essay writer .

Philosophy of Science Essay Topics

The topics we gathered for you will help you gain a deeper understanding of the science of philosophy . Writing philosophy papers on one of these topics requires some scientific knowledge, so we advise you to think carefully before you start to write your philosophy paper .

  • Social conditions of formation of philosophical science.
  • Spiritual sources of philosophical science.
  • Correlation between philosophical and generally scientific methods.
  • The subject of philosophical science and its historical evolution.
  • How does worldview determine worldview?
  • Philosophy is a unique form of social consciousness.
  • Forms and methods of philosophical science.
  • Prove that philosophy is a methodology of scientific knowledge.
  • How the “main question of philosophical science” is transformed within the limits of the theory of knowledge.
  • The relationship between ideology and politics.

Every essay topic in this article can help students better understand philosophy as a science, proving that interesting philosophy exists. So look at our lists of philosophy essay topics and choose the one or a few you like the most.

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good philosophy essay topics

691 Philosophy Essay Topics & Good Ideas

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Philosophy essay topics are vast, engaging, and intellectually stimulating, focusing on metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, aesthetics, and more. They challenge students to ponder on fundamental questions, from the nature of reality and existence to the basis of morality, the meaning of life, and the intricacies of human knowledge. From exploring ancient philosophies to scrutinizing contemporary philosophical debates, various concepts are designed to ignite critical thinking, enhance argumentative skills, and deepen students’ understanding of the world, themselves, and their place within it. Thus, philosophical essay topics, by their nature, encourage students to develop and formulate their own unique perspectives, fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and rigorous analysis.

Best Philosophy Topics

  • Unraveling Kant’s Perspective on Moral Imperatives
  • Analyzing the Concept of Existentialism in Sartre’s Works
  • Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”: A Modern Interpretation
  • Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence: A Philosophical View
  • Nihilism’s Influence on Contemporary Thought and Culture
  • The Intersection of Eastern Philosophy and Modern Science
  • Nietzsche’s “Will to Power”: Relevance in the 21st Century
  • Stoicism and Resilience: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life
  • Deciphering the Notion of “Tabula Rasa” in Locke’s Philosophy
  • Dialectical Materialism: The Backbone of Marxist Philosophy
  • Heidegger’s “Being and Time”: A Deep-Dive Into Existential Analysis
  • Conceptualizing the “Simulated Reality” Hypothesis From a Philosophical Perspective
  • Philosophical Implications of Quantum Physics: Bridging the Gap
  • Utilitarianism vs. Deontology: An Ethical Debate
  • Contributions of Indian Philosophy to Global Philosophical Discourse
  • Philosophical Roots of Feminist Theory
  • Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics: Relevance in Modern Society
  • Philosophy of Language: Wittgenstein’s Revolutionary Viewpoint
  • Re-Examining Solipsism in the Digital Age
  • The Notion of “Free Will”: Philosophical Perspectives
  • Descartes’ Meditations: Rationalism and Skepticism
  • Spinoza and Pantheism: An Intriguing Relation
  • Causality and Hume: Breaking Down Empiricism
  • The Role of Suffering in Buddhist Philosophy
  • The Paradox of Time Travel: A Philosophical Enquiry

Philosophy Essay Topics & Good Ideas

Easy Philosophy Topics

  • Epicurus on Pleasure: Hedonism Redefined
  • The “Butterfly Effect” Concept: Philosophical Underpinnings
  • Schopenhauer’s Pessimism: Understanding the Philosophy of Suffering
  • Transcendental Idealism: Unpacking Kant’s Epistemology
  • Philosophical Investigations Into the Nature of Consciousness
  • Probing Into the Ethics of Cloning: A Philosophical Examination
  • Postmodernist Views on Objective Reality: A Critical Evaluation
  • Analyzing Ethical Egoism: An Inquiry Into Self-Interest
  • Ayn Rand’s Objectivism: A Philosophical Analysis
  • The Concept of “The Other” in Existential Philosophy
  • Philosophical Assumptions in Freud’s Theory of Psychoanalysis
  • Taoist Philosophy and Its Relevance to Sustainable Living
  • Rethinking the Philosophy of Death: Perspectives on Mortality
  • Philosophy of Mathematics: Beyond Numbers and Equations
  • Metaphysical Debates Surrounding the Existence of God
  • Interpreting the Principle of “Ma” in Japanese Aesthetics
  • Philosophical Perspectives on the Dichotomy of Good and Evil
  • Assessing the Phenomenological Approach in Philosophy
  • Heraclitus’ Philosophy of Change: A Dynamic View of Reality
  • The Mind-Body Problem: Insights From Dualism and Monism
  • Evaluating Zeno’s Paradoxes: A Philosophical Perspective
  • The Notion of Justice in Rawls’ Theory of Fairness
  • Pyrrhonian Skepticism: An Examination of Radical Doubt
  • Impacts of Existential Crisis on Human Behavior: A Philosophical Investigation

Interesting Philosophy Paper Topics

  • Rousseau and the “Noble Savage”: Revisiting Romanticism in Philosophy
  • Debating the Ethics of War: A Philosophical Approach
  • The Perception of Reality in Hindu Philosophy: Maya and Brahman
  • Analyzing the Philosophy of Crime and Punishment: Dostoevsky’s Perspective
  • The Golden Mean: Aristotle’s Take on Balance and Moderation
  • Philosopher Kings: Plato’s Vision of Ideal Rulership
  • A Deeper Look Into the Philosophy of Stoic Joy
  • Exploring the Boundaries of Human Knowledge: An Epistemological Enquiry
  • The Socratic Method: Its Philosophical Foundations and Educational Implications
  • Understanding the Notion of “The Absurd” in Camus’ Works
  • Critical Examination of Hobbes’ “State of Nature”
  • Kierkegaard’s Leap of Faith: A Philosophical Analysis
  • Transhumanism and Its Philosophical Implications: A Critical Study
  • Philosophy of Art: Aesthetic Theory and Practice
  • Evaluating the Existentialism of Nietzsche’s “Ubermensch”
  • Jung’s Archetypes: Unveiling the Philosophical Underpinnings
  • Moral Obligations Towards Future Generations: A Philosophical Perspective
  • Zen Buddhism: Its Philosophy and Influence on Eastern Thought
  • Philosophical Perspectives on Human Rights: Defining Dignity and Freedom
  • Confucius’ Philosophy of Harmony: Relevance in Contemporary Society
  • The Evolution of Social Contract Theory: From Hobbes to Rawls
  • Tracing the Evolution of Moral Relativism in Philosophy
  • The Philosophical Aspects of Happiness: A Comparative Study
  • Platonic Love: Its Philosophical Underpinnings and Influence on Western Thought

Argumentative Philosophy Topics

  • Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Ethics
  • Death Penalty: Deterrent for Crime or Infringement on Rights?
  • Free Will vs. Determinism: Influence on Human Behavior
  • Assisted Suicide: Compassionate Choice or Ethical Misstep?
  • Objectivity in History: Fact or Interpretation?
  • Truth of Absolutism: Unwavering Certainty or Egotistical Illusion?
  • Validity of Censorship in Safeguarding Public Morality
  • Role of Religion: Source of Morality or Cause of Conflict?
  • Virtue Ethics: Ideal Moral Compass or Unrealistic Standard?
  • Merit of Utilitarianism in Policy-Making Decisions
  • Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering in Humans
  • Vegetarianism: Moral Obligation or Personal Preference?
  • Pacifism: Cowardice or Bravery in the Face of Conflict?
  • Cultural Relativism: Respect for Diversity or Excuse for Human Rights Violations?
  • Existentialism: Path to Authenticity or Descent into Nihilism?
  • Intellectual Property: Protection of Creativity or Hindrance to Progress?
  • Aesthetic Judgements: Subjective Preference or Objective Criteria?
  • Human Nature: Innately Good or Inherently Evil?
  • Moral Responsibility of Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries
  • Ethical Dimensions of Universal Basic Income
  • Privacy in Digital Age: Fundamental Right or Sacrifice for Security?

Philosophy Proposal Essay Topics

  • Exploration of Ethical Implications Surrounding Genetic Engineering
  • Unveiling Truth: An Investigation Into Epistemological Theories
  • Analyzing Moral Dilemmas: A Deep Dive Into Kantian Ethics
  • Perspectives on Existentialism: Influences and Repercussions
  • Rationality vs. Emotion: A Comparative Study in Decision-Making
  • Dialectics of Master and Slave: Hegelian Theory Revisited
  • Nature of Reality: Examination of Metaphysical Concepts
  • Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics: Relevance in Contemporary Society
  • Buddhist Philosophy and Its Impact on Modern Mindfulness Practices
  • Nietzsche’s “Übermensch”: Interpretation and Implications for Modern Man
  • Empathy’s Role in Ethical Decision-Making: A Philosophical Perspective
  • Aesthetic Judgement: Kant’s Analysis in the Modern Context
  • Phenomenology’s Evolution: Sartre and Husserl Comparative Analysis
  • Postmodern Deconstruction: Derrida’s Influence on Contemporary Thought
  • Quantum Mechanics and Philosophy: Revisiting Determinism and Indeterminism
  • Platonist Views on Love: An In-Depth Review
  • Mysticism and Rationalism: Contrasting Views on Human Experience
  • Panpsychism Reconsidered: Consciousness in the Universe
  • Multiverse Theory: Philosophical Discussions and Considerations
  • Nihilism in the 21st Century: An Evaluative Study

Philosophy Research Paper Topics

  • Ethical Conundrums of Genetic Engineering: A Philosophical Analysis
  • Unraveling Hegel’s Dialectics: The Synthesis of Thesis and Antithesis
  • Tracing the Origin and Development of Libertarianism
  • Environmental Ethics: Gaia Theory and Deep Ecology
  • The Trolley Problem: A Philosophical Conundrum
  • Examining “The Myth of Progress” From a Philosophical Lens
  • The Philosophical Basis of Humanism: Secular and Religious Perspectives
  • The Enigma of Time in Philosophy: Exploring Different Theories
  • The Moral Dimension of Veganism: A Philosophical Exploration
  • Materialism vs. Idealism: An Enduring Philosophical Debate
  • The Philosophy of Music: From Pythagoras to Nietzsche
  • Understanding the Philosophy of Education: Teaching and Learning Deconstructed
  • The Role of Doubt in Philosophy: A Discourse on Skepticism
  • Insights Into the Philosophy of Love: From Plato to Fromm
  • Unpacking the Concept of “Collective Consciousness” in Durkheim’s Works
  • Revisiting “The Allegory of the Sun” in Plato’s Republic
  • A Phenomenological Approach to Perception: Merleau-Ponty’s Perspective
  • Philosophical Implications of the Multiverse Theory: An Analysis
  • Exploring the Concept of Karma in Indian Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Space and Time: Unveiling the Mysteries

Comparative Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Exploring the Distinctions Between Eastern and Western Concepts of Justice
  • Contrasting Confucianism and Platonism: Ethics and Education
  • Buddhism vs. Stoicism: A Comparative Study of Approaches to Suffering
  • Existentialism in West versus Absurdism in East: Differing Views on Meaning of Life
  • A Comparative Analysis of Aristotle’s and Confucius’s Views on Friendship
  • The Role of Intuition in Eastern Mysticism and Western Rationalism
  • Daoism and Epicureanism: Different Paths to Tranquility
  • Relevance of Kant’s Categorical Imperative in the Context of Buddhist Ethics
  • The Influence of Taoist Philosophy on Western Environmental Ethics
  • A Comparative Study: Greek Hedonism and Indian Philosophy of Ananda
  • Comparative Evaluation of Duty in Kantian Ethics and Dharma in Hindu Philosophy
  • Parallel Themes in Zoroastrianism and Platonism: A Comparative Analysis
  • Comparative Examination of Eastern and Western Perspectives on Forgiveness
  • Kierkegaard’s Leap of Faith and Zen Buddhism’s Sudden Enlightenment: A Comparative Study
  • A Comparative Analysis of Schopenhauer’s Will and Buddhism’s Desire
  • Comparing Hindu Karma and Aristotelian Virtue Ethics: A Study of Moral Responsibility
  • Nietzsche’s Eternal Recurrence and the Buddhist Notion of Samsara: A Comparative Analysis
  • Analyzing the Differences in Hegelian and Taoist Dialectics
  • Examining Sufism and Christian Mysticism: Comparative Analysis of Divine Love
  • Understanding Free Will: A Comparative Study Between Sartre’s Existentialism and Islamic Determinism

Practical Philosophical Topics for Philosophy Essays

  • Altruism vs. Egoism: Which Guides Humanity?
  • Happiness Pursuit: The Role of Virtue Ethics
  • Consequentialism and Its Impact on Decision-Making Processes
  • Existentialism: Understanding Our Purpose and Meaning
  • Justice Examination: Balancing Equality and Fairness
  • Animal Rights: Ethical Obligations Towards Non-Human Creatures
  • Perception of Reality: An Analysis of Solipsism
  • Morality Origin: Divine Command Theory or Secular Humanism?
  • Feminist Philosophy: Promoting Gender Equality and Justice
  • Dilemmas in Bioethics: Dealing With Life and Death Decisions
  • Vegetarianism Advocacy: A Case of Moral Obligation
  • Capital Punishment: Weighing Retribution Against Rehabilitation
  • Personal Identity: Analyzing Persistence Over Time
  • War Ethics: Deciphering Justified Conflict
  • Environmental Ethics: Our Responsibility Toward Nature
  • Kant’s Imperative: Its Application in Modern Ethics
  • Stoicism Influence: Practical Philosophy for Modern Living
  • Political Philosophy: Understanding Social Contract Theory
  • Business Ethics: Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholder Theory
  • Utilitarianism: Critiquing Its Feasibility as a Moral Framework
  • Metaphysics of Mind: Analyzing Dualism vs. Physicalism

Philosophy Essay Questions

  • How Does Plato’s Theory of Forms Influence Modern Philosophy?
  • What Are the Ethical Dimensions of Nietzsche’s “Will to Power”?
  • In What Ways Does Kant’s Transcendental Idealism Contribute to Epistemology?
  • How Does Existentialism Manifest in Kierkegaard’s Philosophical Writings?
  • Which Holds Greater Influence: Empiricism or Rationalism?
  • What Role Does Phenomenology Play in Husserl’s Thought?
  • Can Derrida’s “Of Grammatology” Be Deconstructed?
  • How Can Philosophical Perspectives Shed Light on Artificial Intelligence Ethics?
  • What Are the Philosophical Implications of Quantum Physics?
  • How Does Epicurus’ Philosophy Contribute to the Art of Happiness?
  • How Does Camus’ Concept of the Absurd Explore the Search for Meaning?
  • How Does Hegel’s Dialectic Theory Influence His Phenomenology of Spirit?
  • What Are Feminist Perspectives Presented in Simone de Beauvoir’s “The Second Sex”?
  • How Does Postmodernism Reflect in Baudrillard’s “Simulacra”?
  • How Does Leibniz’s Monadology Shape the Metaphysics of His Time?
  • Does the Paradox of Free Will Undermine the Concept of Personal Autonomy?
  • How Does Popper’s Falsification Theory Reinforce the Philosophy of Science?
  • How Has Wittgenstein’s Linguistic Turn Shaped Analytic Philosophy?
  • What Insights Does Heraclitus Provide on the Philosophy of Constant Change?
  • How Does Sartre’s Phenomenological Ontology Emerge in Being and Nothingness?
  • How Does Singer’s Utilitarian Ethics Shape the Argument for Animal Rights?

Aesthetics Philosophy Topics

  • Significance of Form in Aesthetic Appreciation
  • Relationship Between Aesthetics and Emotion
  • Impacts of Culture on Judgments of Beauty
  • Evolution of Aesthetic Taste Throughout History
  • Aesthetic Philosophy and the Nature of Creativity
  • Concept of the Sublime in Aesthetic Experience
  • Philosophy of Aesthetics and the Perception of Art
  • Roles of Imagination in Aesthetic Appreciation
  • Aesthetic Judgment and Criteria for Beauty
  • Philosophy of Aesthetic Experience and the Mind-Body Problem
  • Aesthetics and the Interpretation of Art
  • Connections Between Aesthetics and Ethical Values
  • Aesthetic Education and Development of Artistic Taste
  • Influence of Technology on Aesthetic Perception
  • Authenticity in Art and the Philosophy of Aesthetics
  • Aesthetics and the Concept of Artistic Intention
  • Temporal Perception in Aesthetic Experience
  • Philosophy of Art Restoration and Aesthetic Preservation
  • Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature and the Environment
  • Aesthetics and the Ethics of Environmental Responsibility
  • Philosophy of Architecture and Aesthetic Design
  • Aesthetic Pleasure and the Concept of Catharsis

Analytic Philosophy Essay Topics

  • The Epistemological Significance of Conceptual Analysis
  • Language’s Roles in Analytic Philosophy
  • Exploring the Ontological Status of Abstract Objects
  • Ethical Considerations in Language and Communication
  • The Problematic Nature of Induction in Scientific Reasoning
  • Mental States: Identity or Functionalism?
  • Unveiling the Metaphysics of Causation and Determinism
  • The Logical Structure Underlying Scientific Explanation
  • Perception and Sense Data: Epistemological Insights
  • Philosophical Perspectives on Mathematics: Platonism vs. Nominalism
  • Exploring Consciousness: Physicalism or Dualism?
  • The Epistemology of Testimony and Trustworthiness
  • Philosophy of Time: Presentism or Eternalism?
  • Understanding the Nature of Natural Laws
  • Ethical Dimensions of Human Enhancement Technologies
  • The Problem of Personal Identity and Continuity
  • The Epistemology of Scientific Realism and Anti-Realism
  • Philosophy of Language: Referentialism or Pragmatism?
  • Analyzing the Concept of Analyticity in Language Philosophy
  • Ethics of Animal Rights and Welfare

Ancient Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Stoicism and the Pursuit of Apatheia: Examining Emotional Detachment
  • Epicurus’ Hedonistic Philosophy and Its Critique of Pleasure
  • The Significance of Reason in Seneca the Younger’s Philosophy
  • Divine Providence in Stoic Metaphysics: Unraveling Its Meaning
  • Pythagorean Ethics: The Interplay of Virtue and Mathematics
  • Heraclitus’ Doctrine of Flux: A Paradigm Shift in Ancient Thought
  • Pythagorean Philosophy: Exploring the Harmony of Body and Soul
  • Aristotle’s Ethics: The Concept of Telos and Human Flourishing
  • Parmenides’ Metaphysics and Its Influence on Pre-Socratic Philosophy
  • Epictetus on the Integration of Reason and Passion in Moral Development
  • Zeno’s Paradoxes: The Philosophy of Paradox in Ancient Greece
  • Neoplatonism and the Anima Mundi: Unveiling the Cosmic Soul
  • The Aesthetic Dimension in Ancient Greek Philosophical Thought
  • Ethics and Politics: The Interconnectedness in Aristotle’s Philosophy
  • The Influence of Sophists on Rhetoric and Philosophical Discourse
  • The Logos: Stoic and Heraclitean Perspectives on Rationality
  • Divine Retribution in Ancient Roman Philosophical Thought
  • Skepticism and the Quest for Knowledge: An Ancient Philosophical Inquiry
  • Marcus Aurelius: Reason and Virtue in Stoic Philosophy
  • Stoicism and Epicureanism: Exploring the Concepts of Fate and Destiny
  • The Interplay of Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato’s Philosophy
  • Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”: Political Philosophy and the Quest for Truth

Continental Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Metaphysical Foundations of Existentialism
  • Phenomenological Analysis of Perception and Reality
  • Language and Interpretation in Hermeneutics
  • Hegelian Dialectics: Freedom Unveiled
  • Merleau-Ponty’s Embodied Phenomenology: Corporeality, Perception, and the World
  • Ethics of Care: Feminist Perspective in Continental Philosophy
  • Power’s Ontology: Foucault’s Discourse Analysis
  • Deconstruction: Critiquing Binary Oppositions
  • Emmanuel Levinas: Exploring the Notion of “Otherness”
  • Hannah Arendt: Political Philosophy and the Power of Action
  • Spirit’s Absolute Nature: Hegelian Philosophy
  • Sartre’s Existentialism: Crisis of Meaning
  • Heidegger’s Analysis of Being-in-the-World: Authentic Existence
  • History’s Roles in Walter Benjamin’s Philosophy
  • Bergson’s Philosophy of Duration: Time Unveiled
  • Ethics of Alterity: Julia Kristeva’s Perspective
  • Phenomenology of Love: Jean-Luc Marion’s Insights
  • Alienation: Marx and Adorno’s Conceptual Framework
  • Desire’s Philosophy: Gilles Deleuze’s Perspective
  • Sublime Aesthetics: Immanuel Kant’s Notions
  • Poststructuralist Critique: Challenging Essentialism and Identity

Eastern Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Analyzing the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism
  • Non-Attachment in Advaita Vedanta: A Transcendent Concept
  • The Significance of Mindfulness in Eastern Philosophies
  • Eco-Philosophy: Embracing the Way of Nature
  • Karma Yoga: Selflessness in Hinduism
  • Leadership and Daoism: The Way to Govern
  • Exploring the Three Jewels of Buddhism
  • The Paradox of Wu: Unveiling Daoist Mysteries
  • Impermanence: A Key Tenet in Buddhist Philosophy
  • Neo-Confucianism’s Influence on East Asian Societies
  • The Bhagavad Gita: Self-Realization through Yoga
  • Daoist Alchemy: Inner Transformation and Eternal Life
  • Shintoism: Rituals and Their Significance
  • Zen Koans: Illuminating Enigmatic Teachings
  • Qi: Vital Energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Philosophy
  • Laozi’s Teachings: Insights From “The Dao De Jing”
  • Asceticism: Renunciation in Indian Philosophy
  • Yogic Perspectives: Mind, Consciousness, and Beyond
  • Tea Ceremony: Harmony and Zen Aesthetics
  • Confucianism’s Ethical Teachings in Modern Society

Enlightenment Philosophy Essay Topics

  • The Influence of Descartes’ Dualism on Enlightenment Thought
  • Voltaire’s Critique of Religious Dogma and Superstition
  • Kant’s Concept of Reason and Its Role in Enlightenment Thinking
  • Empiricism in Hume’s Philosophy and Its Impact on Enlightenment
  • Locke’s Theory of Natural Rights and Its Influence on Enlightenment Politics
  • Rousseau’s Social Contract and the Idea of Popular Sovereignty
  • The Enlightenment’s Impact on the American Revolution
  • Montesquieu’s Theory of Separation of Powers and Its Influence on Modern Governments
  • The Feminist Critique of Enlightenment Philosophy
  • Diderot’s “Encyclopédie” and the Dissemination of Enlightenment Ideas
  • Enlightenment’s Influence on the French Revolution
  • Spinoza’s Pantheism and Its Relation to Enlightenment Metaphysics
  • Skepticism’s Roles in Enlightenment Philosophy
  • The Ethical Implications of Enlightenment Rationalism
  • Enlightenment’s Impacts on Education and the Spread of Knowledge
  • Critique of Colonialism in Enlightenment Philosophy
  • Aesthetics in Enlightenment Thought and Its Significance
  • Leibniz’s Monadology and Its Relation to Enlightenment Metaphysics
  • Newtonian Physics’ Influence on Enlightenment Philosophy
  • Freedom of Speech in Enlightenment Thinking and Its Importance
  • The Concept of Happiness in Enlightenment Ethics

Epistemology Philosophy Topics

  • The Nature of Knowledge: Exploring Epistemological Foundations
  • Rationality and Reasoning: Investigating Logic in Knowledge Attainment
  • Inductive Dilemma: Assessing Generalization Validity
  • Skepticism and Certainty: Unveiling Limits to Human Understanding
  • Empiricism vs. Rationalism: Contrasting Approaches to Epistemology
  • Epistemic Relativism: Evaluating Subjectivity in Knowledge
  • Warranted Belief: Examining Criteria for Epistemic Justification
  • Intellectual Virtues: Identifying Knowledgeable Traits
  • Foundationalism vs. Coherentism: Analyzing Knowledge Justification Theories
  • Gettier’s Challenge: Critiquing Traditional Knowledge Definition
  • Epistemic Authority: Investigating the Role of Experts
  • Ethical Dimensions of Knowledge: Exploring Epistemic Responsibility
  • Social Epistemology: Understanding Social Factors in Knowledge Acquisition
  • Epistemic Norms: Evaluating Standards for Knowledge
  • Testimony and Trustworthiness: Assessing Reliability in Second-Hand Knowledge
  • Internalism and Externalism: Contrasting Perspectives on Justification
  • Reliabilism: Analyzing Cognitive Processes in Knowledge Formation
  • A Priori vs. A Posteriori Knowledge: Distinguishing Analytic and Synthetic Truths
  • Epistemic Closure Principle: Assessing Knowledge Inference
  • Pragmatic Epistemology: Considering Practical Consequences of Beliefs

Existentialism Philosophy Topics

  • Existentialist Perspectives on Life’s Purpose
  • Freedom and Authenticity in Existentialist Thought
  • The Absurdity of Human Existence: An Existential Inquiry
  • Existential Anxiety and Dread: Navigating the Uncertainty
  • The Existential Crisis: Questioning the Fundamentals of Existence
  • Reflecting on the Nature of Being in Existentialist Philosophy
  • God and Existentialism: Exploring the Existential Dimension
  • Mortality and Existentialism: Reflections on Life and Death
  • Individualism and Authenticity in Existentialist Ideology
  • Ethical Dilemmas and Freedom of Choice in Existentialism
  • Human Condition: An Existentialist Perspective
  • The Existential Hero: Embracing Freedom and Responsibility
  • Existential Angst: Navigating the Depths of Existence
  • The Search for Meaning: Existentialism and the Void
  • The Quest for Authenticity in an Existentialist Framework
  • Phenomenology of Existence: Exploring the Essence of Being
  • Embracing Uncertainty: Existentialism and the Unknown
  • Personal Fulfillment: Existentialist Insights and Perspectives
  • The Paradox of Freedom: Choices and Limitations in Existentialism
  • Existential Responsibility: The Weight of Our Choices
  • Rejecting Objective Morality: Existentialist Perspectives

Feminist Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Intersectional Feminism: Exploring the Interconnected Struggles of Gender, Race, and Class
  • Agency and Autonomy: Reconceptualizing Women’s Empowerment in Feminist Thought
  • Ethics of Care: Rethinking Relationships and Responsibilities in Feminist Philosophy
  • Embodiment and Subjectivity: The Role of the Female Body in Feminist Philosophy
  • Epistemology of Gender: Challenging Male-Centered Knowledge Systems
  • Gender and Power: Analyzing Patriarchy’s Impact on Women’s Lives
  • Feminist Perspectives on Sexuality and Desire: Embracing Pleasure and Liberation
  • Reproductive Justice: Examining Women’s Rights Over Their Bodies and Reproduction
  • Environmental Feminism: Valuing Women’s Contributions to Sustainability
  • Language and Gender: Deconstructing Gendered Discourse and Linguistic Norms
  • Capitalism and Feminism: Unveiling Gendered Exploitation and Economic Inequalities
  • Sexual Violence and Consent: Reshaping Consent Culture in Feminist Philosophy
  • Feminist Ethics in Healthcare: Redefining Medical Decision-Making
  • Feminist Philosophy of Science: Challenging Biases in Scientific Research
  • Gender Identity and Transgender Rights: Recognizing Diverse Experiences
  • Feminist Perspectives on Marriage and Family: Reimagining Relationships and Roles
  • Feminist Pedagogy: Transforming Education to Empower Women
  • Body Politics: Exploring Appearance and Beauty Standards in Feminist Philosophy
  • Feminist Perspectives on Globalization: Analyzing Neoliberal Policies’ Impact on Women
  • Feminist Approaches to Political Theory: Reconceptualizing Power and Democracy

Metaphysics Philosophy Topics

  • The Essence of Reality: Unveiling the Fundamentals of Existence
  • Consciousness and Its Role in Metaphysics: Exploring the Mystery
  • Causality and Determinism: Investigating the Link Between Cause and Effect
  • Metaphysical Dualism: Examining the Mind-Body Connection
  • Free Will and Determinism: Reconciling Human Choice With Universal Laws
  • Ontological Arguments for the Existence of God: Unraveling Deity’s Nature
  • The Problem of Evil: Addressing Suffering in a Perfect World
  • Time and Temporality: Delving Into the Nature of Chronology
  • Personal Identity and the Self: Defining Being’s Essence
  • Metaphysics of Space: Exploring Universe’s Dimensions and Boundaries
  • The Nature of Knowledge: Epistemological Considerations in Metaphysics
  • Essentialism and Nominalism: Debating Universals’ Nature
  • Teleological Arguments for God’s Existence: Examining Design in the Universe
  • Metaphysics of Morality: Investigating Ethical Principles’ Foundation
  • Substance and Attribute: Understanding Objects’ Fundamental Properties
  • Identity and Individuation: Exploring Criteria for Personal Distinction
  • Metaphysics of Language: Analyzing Words’ Relationship With Reality
  • Idealism and Realism: Examining Diverse Views on the World’s Nature
  • Metaphysical Paradoxes: Investigating Logical Inconsistencies in Reality
  • The Problem of Induction: Evaluating Generalized Knowledge’s Validity
  • Theories of Universals: Debating Abstract Concepts’ Existence

Modern Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Ethical Implications of Technological Advancements
  • Epistemological Challenges in the Digital Era
  • Consciousness and Selfhood in Contemporary Metaphysics
  • Impacts of Postmodernism on Art and Aesthetics
  • Existentialist Perspectives on Freedom and Responsibility
  • Power Dynamics and Oppression in Critical Theory
  • Feminist Philosophy: Embodiment and Phenomenology
  • Ethics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
  • Consumer Culture: The Paradox of Choice
  • The Intersection of Philosophy and Science in the Mind
  • Language, Communication, and Analytic Philosophy
  • Environmental Ethics in the Anthropocene Era
  • Exploring Evil: Contemporary Philosophy of Religion
  • Temporal Concepts in Contemporary Metaphysics
  • Cultural Diversity and Moral Relativism
  • Animal Rights: Ethics and Contemporary Philosophy
  • Transhumanism: Technology and Human Flourishing
  • Quantum Philosophy: Understanding Reality
  • Social Contract Theory and Political Legitimacy
  • Philosophy of Education in a Globalized Context

Phenomenology Philosophy Topics

  • Human Consciousness and the Lived Experience
  • Intentionality in Phenomenological Analysis
  • Embodiment and the Phenomenology of Perception
  • Temporality and the Experience of Time in Phenomenology
  • Social Interactions and Intersubjectivity in the Phenomenological Context
  • Phenomenology of the Other: Encounter With Alterity
  • Emotions and Their Role in Phenomenological Investigation
  • Authenticity: Exploring the Phenomenology of Being
  • Place and Space: Phenomenological Perspectives
  • Selfhood and the Phenomenology of Identity
  • Existential Inquiry: Unveiling Meaning Through Phenomenology
  • Embodied Mind: Phenomenological Reflections on the Body-Mind Relationship
  • Art and Aesthetics: Phenomenological Engagement
  • Temporality: The Structuring Principle of Consciousness in Phenomenology
  • Language and Its Significance in Phenomenological Discourse
  • Ethics of Care: Phenomenological Considerations
  • Objectivity and Intentionality in Phenomenology
  • Perception and Its Role in Phenomenological Inquiry
  • Technology and Its Impact on Phenomenological Reflection
  • Lifeworld: Foundation of Phenomenology

Philosophy Ethics Topics

  • Freedom, Responsibility, and Existential Ethical Inquiry
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Medical Decision-Making
  • Feminist Ethics: Gender, Equality, and Justice
  • Moral Relativism and Cultural Diversity
  • Capital Punishment: An Ethical Assessment
  • Ethical Considerations in Artificial Reproduction
  • Implications of Human Cloning: An Ethical Examination
  • Ethics of War and Justifications for Violence
  • Ethical Issues in Biomedical Research
  • Ethical Dimensions of Privacy and Surveillance
  • Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Ethical Perspectives
  • Moral Realism vs. Subjectivism: A Philosophical Debate
  • Ethical Challenges in Globalization and Trade
  • Corporate Ethics: Responsibilities and Accountability
  • Resource Allocation in Healthcare: Ethical Considerations
  • Ethical Questions in Genetic Privacy and DNA Analysis
  • Obligations Toward Future Generations: An Ethical Inquiry
  • Artificial Intelligence in Warfare: Ethical Implications
  • Criminal Justice Ethics: Balancing Punishment and Rehabilitation
  • Ethical Considerations in Organ Transplantation
  • Human Enhancement and Transhumanism: Ethical Perspectives

Philosophy of Education Essay Topics

  • The Role of Ethics in Educational Practices: Cultivating Moral Responsibility
  • Examining the Influence of Technology on Teaching and Learning: Enhancing Educational Approaches
  • Philosophy of Inclusion: Embracing Diversity Within Educational Settings
  • Constructivism and Its Impact on Education: Fostering Active Knowledge Construction
  • The Importance of Critical Thinking in Educational Environments: Nurturing Analytical Minds
  • Play-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education: Promoting Holistic Development
  • Examining the Purpose of Education: Cultivating Lifelong Learners
  • Ethics of Standardized Assessment: Balancing Accountability and Student Well-Being
  • Existentialism in Education: Nurturing Authenticity and Personal Freedom
  • The Significance of Emotional Intelligence in Educational Contexts: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning
  • Promoting Creativity in Education: Unlocking the Potential of Imagination
  • Exploring Cultural Education: Celebrating Diversity and Promoting Intercultural Understanding
  • Examining Progressivism in Education: A Student-Centered Approach
  • The Importance of Education for Sustainable Development: Fostering Environmental Responsibility
  • Addressing Gender Equity in Education: Promoting Equality and Inclusivity
  • Perennialism in Education: Cultivating Enduring Knowledge and Universal Truths
  • Ethical Considerations in Classroom Management: Balancing Discipline and Empathy
  • Philosophy’s Roles in Teacher Education: Shaping Educators’ Perspectives and Practices
  • The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Education: Addressing Educational Disparities
  • Philosophy of Epistemology in Education: Examining the Nature of Knowledge Acquisition

Philosophy of Language Topics

  • Linguistic Constructs: Exploring the Role of Language in Shaping Reality
  • Verbal Determinism: Examining the Influence of Language on Thought
  • Expressive Boundaries: Unraveling the Ineffability of Linguistic Expression
  • Intentional Communication: Understanding Meaning in Verbal Acts
  • Referential Dynamics: Investigating the Relationship Between Words and the World
  • Social Significance: Analyzing Power Dynamics in Linguistic Interactions
  • Semantics and Truth: Exploring the Correspondence Between Language and Reality
  • Contextual Meaning: Examining Pragmatics in Language Usage
  • Language Acquisition: Unveiling the Process of Learning and Acquiring Verbal Skills
  • The Challenge of Indeterminacy: Exploring Ambiguity and Vagueness in Language
  • Figurative Language: Analyzing Metaphors and Metonymy in Linguistic Representation
  • Linguistic Influence on Identity: Investigating Language’s Impact on Personal and Cultural Identities
  • The Nature of Naming: Understanding the Significance of Lexical Representation
  • Theories of Referentiality: Comparing Descriptive, Causal, and Direct Reference
  • Linguistic Relativity Debate: Examining the Influence of Language on Thought and Perception
  • Evolutionary Aspects of Language: Tracing the Origins and Development of Human Communication
  • Meaning in Interpretation: Exploring Context, Intention, and Understanding
  • Language and Power Structures: Investigating the Relationship between Linguistics and Social Hierarchies
  • Translation Challenges: Unraveling the Philosophical Implications of Language Transfer
  • Cognitive Representations: Examining the Connection Between Language and Thought
  • Logical Structures: Analyzing the Formalism of Language and Reasoning
  • Language and Technological Influence: Exploring the Impact of Digital Communication on Linguistic Practices

Philosophy of Law Essay Topics

  • Ethical Dilemmas in Legal Punishment
  • Reasoning and Decision-Making in Legal Systems
  • Metaphysics of Rights and Legal Personhood
  • Intersection of Morality and Legal Enforcement
  • Epistemological Foundations of Legal Systems
  • Ontological Status of Legal Norms and Obligations
  • Concept of Justice in Legal Theory
  • Hermeneutics of Legal Texts and Interpretation
  • Relationship Between Law and Social Change
  • Teleology of Legal Institutions and Systems
  • Deontological Perspective on Legal Ethics
  • Aesthetics of Law and Legal Systems
  • Pragmatism in Legal Positivism
  • Roles of Equality in Legal Rights and Obligations
  • Existential Dimensions of Legal Responsibility
  • Dialectics of Individual Liberty and Legal Constraints
  • Precedents and Case Law: Hermeneutics and Interpretation
  • Phenomenology of Legal Authority and Obedience
  • Ethics of Civil Disobedience and Legal Reform
  • Epistemological Challenges of Legal Realism

Philosophy of Mind Topics

  • The Conceptualization of Consciousness: Exploring Self-Awareness Phenomena
  • Dualism and Materialism: Examining Mind-Body Relationship Nature
  • Embodied Cognition: Understanding Role of Body in Cognitive Processes
  • Free Will and Determinism: Investigating Boundaries of Human Agency
  • The Problem of Other Minds: Unveiling Understanding of Mental States in Others
  • Intentionality and Mental Representation: Unraveling Nature of Cognitive Content
  • Personal Identity: Analyzing Self-Continuity Over Time
  • The Nature of Qualia: Discussing Subjective Experience of Sensations
  • Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness: Exploring Potential Machine Sentience
  • Epistemological Challenges of Perception: Examining Reliability of Senses
  • Mental Causation: Investigating the Relationship Between Mental Events and Physical Events
  • Panpsychism: Contemplating Mind Presence in All Things
  • Reductionism and Emergence: Analyzing Explanation Levels in Mind-Body Problem
  • Consciousness and Brain Activity: Linking Neural Processes to Subjective Experience
  • Philosophy of Memory: Understanding the Nature of Remembering
  • The Problem of Induction: Examining Justification for Generalizing From Experience
  • The Nature of Belief: Investigating Epistemology of Mental States
  • Philosophy of Emotion: Exploring Subjective Experience of Feelings
  • Philosophy of Language: Analyzing the Relationship Between Language and Thought
  • Introspection and Self-Knowledge: Reflecting on Inner Experience Nature
  • Mental Imagery and Perception: Examining Role of Mental Images in Cognition

Philosophy of Religion Essay Topics

  • The Existence of God: A Critical Examination
  • The Problem of Evil: Reconciling Divine Omnipotence and the Presence of Suffering
  • Religious Pluralism: Is There One Ultimate Faith?
  • The Teleological Argument: Investigating Design and Purpose in the Cosmos
  • The Cosmological Argument: Exploring the Origin of the Universe
  • The Ontological Argument: Examining the Concept of a Necessary Existence
  • Faith and Reason: Coexistence or Conflict?
  • Mystical Encounters: Understanding the Significance of Spiritual Experiences
  • The Euthyphro Dilemma: Does Morality Depend on Divine Commands?
  • Divine Hiddenness: Why Does God Not Reveal Himself Universally?
  • Supernatural Interventions: Exploring Miraculous Events
  • Divine Foreknowledge and Human Free Will: A Philosophical Inquiry
  • Religious Language: Expressing the Ineffable?
  • Soul and Personal Identity: Investigating Immortality and the Self
  • Theodicy: Justifying God’s Actions in the Face of Evil
  • Religion and Science: Navigating the Relationship Between Two Ways of Knowing
  • Pascal’s Wager: Rationality in Belief
  • Ineffability: The Challenge of Describing the Divine
  • Afterlife Beliefs: Exploring Concepts of Existence Beyond Death
  • Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom: A Paradoxical Connection

Philosophy of Science Essay Topics

  • The Epistemological Significance of Experimentation in Scientific Inquiry
  • The Role of Induction in Scientific Theory Formation
  • Metaphysical Implications of Quantum Mechanics
  • Ethical Considerations in Scientific Research
  • The Nature of Causality in Scientific Explanations
  • Time’s Concept in Philosophy of Science
  • Observation-Theory Relationship in Scientific Practice
  • Social Dimensions of Scientific Knowledge Production
  • Underdetermination Problem in Scientific Theories
  • Mathematics’ Roles in Scientific Understanding
  • Exploring Life and Its Fundamental Principles in Philosophy of Biology
  • Objectivity’s Concept in Scientific Inquiry
  • Falsification Methodology in Science
  • Models and Simulations in Scientific Explanation
  • Space’s Philosophy: Examining the Nature of Physical Reality
  • Epistemological Status of Scientific Laws
  • Explanation’s Concept in Science
  • Ethics of Animal Experimentation in Science
  • Philosophy of Neuroscience: Understanding Mind and Brain
  • Rationality in Scientific Reasoning
  • Emergence Concept in Complex Systems Science

Plato Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Metaphysical Concepts in Plato’s Philosophy
  • Forms and Their Role in Plato’s Theory of Ideas
  • Epistemological Foundations: Understanding Plato’s Philosophy
  • Ethical Implications: Exploring Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
  • Political Idealism: Plato’s Vision in the Republic
  • Recollection and Knowledge: Unraveling Plato’s Theory
  • The Philosopher-King Concept: Plato’s Ideal Ruler
  • Reason and Knowledge: Key Elements in Plato’s Philosophy
  • Dialectic Method: Examining Plato’s Dialogues
  • Education in Plato’s Philosophy: Unlocking the Mind
  • Justice: Plato’s Concept in the Republic
  • The Dualistic Nature of the Soul: Plato’s Unique Perspective
  • Love’s Philosophy: Analyzing Plato’s Symposium
  • Immortality of the Soul: Plato’s View in the Phaedrus
  • Beauty’s Essence: Plato’s Philosophical Reflection
  • Poetry’s Significance: Exploring Plato’s Republic
  • Critique of Democracy: Plato’s Examination of Governance
  • Body and Soul Relationship: Plato’s Intriguing Connection
  • Mathematics: Plato’s Philosophical Exploration
  • Virtue’s Essence: Unpacking Plato’s Ethics

Political Philosophy Essay Topics

  • The Role of Democracy in Modern Governance
  • Ethical Implications of Political Authority
  • Justice and Equality in Political Systems
  • Examining the Nature of Political Obligation
  • Conceptualizing Freedom in Political Philosophy
  • Ethics Surrounding Political Violence
  • The Interplay of Ethics and Politics
  • State’s Responsibility in Safeguarding Individual Rights
  • Justifying Political Authority Legitimacy
  • Ethical Challenges in Political Campaigning
  • Civil Disobedience as a Democratic Instrument
  • Consent as the Basis of Political Legitimacy
  • Ethics of Promoting Political Correctness
  • Political Philosophy’s Roles in Policy Formation
  • Balancing State Intervention in Economic Affairs
  • Significance of Political Ideologies in Contemporary Politics
  • Moral Foundations of Social Welfare Programs
  • Moral Dilemma of Political Power
  • Ethics in Global Political Governance
  • Educational Influence on Political Philosophy
  • Linking Political Stability to Economic Development

Postmodern Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Deconstruction and Its Impact on Language
  • The Influence of Postmodernism on Contemporary Art
  • Identity Construction in the Postmodern Era
  • Epistemological Challenges in Postmodern Philosophy
  • Postmodern Ethics and the Question of Moral Relativism
  • The Role of Power in Postmodern Political Thought
  • Postmodernism and the Crisis of Metanarratives
  • Language Games and Meaning in Postmodern Philosophy
  • The Rejection of Objectivity in Postmodern Thought
  • The Relationship Between Postmodernism and Postcolonial Theory
  • Aesthetics in the Postmodern Era: The Collapse of Beauty Standards
  • The Fragmentation of Self in Postmodern Philosophy
  • Deconstructing Gender: Postmodern Feminist Perspectives
  • Consumer Culture Critique in Postmodern Philosophy
  • Enlightenment Dialectics: Postmodern Interpretations
  • Challenging Traditional Design Principles: Postmodern Architecture
  • Rethinking Authorship in Postmodernism
  • The Critique of Modern Science in Postmodern Philosophy
  • Postmodernism and Literary Theory: Influence and Implications
  • The Crisis of Representation in Postmodern Visual Arts

Transcendentalism Essay Topics in Philosophy

  • The Influence of Nature in Transcendentalist Philosophy
  • Self-Reliance: A Core Tenet of Transcendentalism
  • Intuition’s Roles in Transcendentalist Thought
  • Transcendentalist Perspectives on Divinity
  • Individualism vs. Society in Transcendentalism
  • Transcendentalism’s Quest for Truth
  • Imagination’s Significance in Transcendentalist Philosophy
  • Nonconformity as an Ethical Principle in Transcendentalism
  • Transcendentalism’s Oversoul Concept
  • Transcendentalism’s Impacts on American Literature
  • Mind-Body Connection in Transcendentalist Philosophy
  • Transcendentalism’s Environmental Ethics
  • Seeking Spiritual Enlightenment in Transcendentalism
  • The Self in Transcendentalist Thought
  • Transcendentalism’s Influence on Civil Disobedience
  • Transcendentalism’s Embrace of Immediacy
  • Transcendentalism’s Critique of Materialism and Consumerism
  • Universal Truths in Transcendentalism
  • Art and Spirituality in Transcendentalist Philosophy
  • Transcendentalism’s Rejection of Traditional Institutions
  • Nonviolence as an Ideal in Transcendentalism

Worldview Philosophy Topics

  • Metaphysics of Reality: Exploring the Nature of Existence
  • Ethical Dilemmas in a Globalized Society
  • Technological Advancements: Ethical Implications and Considerations
  • Aesthetics: The Philosophy of Art Appreciation
  • Epistemology: Foundations of Scientific Inquiry
  • Mind-Body Dualism: Understanding the Relationship
  • Reason’s Roles in Ethical Decision-Making
  • Identity Construction: Gender, Race, and Social Constructs
  • Searching for Meaning in an Absurd Universe
  • Free Will’s Significance in Human Action
  • Environmental Ethics: Conservation and Sustainability
  • Ontological Arguments for God’s Existence
  • Philosophy of Language: Meaning and Communication
  • Political Authority: Justification and Statehood
  • The Problem of Evil: Philosophical Reflections
  • Epistemology of Perception: The Limits of Knowledge
  • Biomedical Research Ethics: Human Experimentation
  • Philosophy of History: Understanding the Past’s Significance
  • Temporal Metaphysics: Exploring the Nature of Time
  • Authenticity and Personal Freedom: An Existentialist Perspective

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160 Philosophy Essay Topics

An essay on a philosophical topic can be challenging in several different ways. If you haven’t been assigned a topic, then you need to carefully consider both the type of philosophy you want to illuminate as well as the topic and the philosopher who originally championed the idea. This calls for a fair amount of research. If you need a place to start, there is an extensive list of topics below that are broken down by the schools of thought and/or the eras that inspired them.

Researching a Philosophy Topic

Philosophers are the embodiment of deep thinkers, and many of the best ones have offered up theories and perspectives that have gone on to influence the world. It helps to pick a specific school of thought, whether it is the classical Greek, Transcendentalism, Rationalism, or another, and then research the school of thought as well as the era that inspired them. This often calls for researching the specific philosophy and accomplishments of a specific philosopher.

While researching a topic or a school of thought try to think of examples you can cite in the body of the essay. This might be a historical example from the era the philosopher lived in or a real-world example that is pertinent today. A concept that was pertinent when it was originally written and is still relevant now will lend strength to your essay.

Tips for Writing a Philosophy Essay

Ideally, you want to choose a topic for your philosophy essay that has a strong and defensible position, as well as relevance in the present day. The research you have already done will provide you with an intellectual foundation to make a strong and well-supported argument.

When writing a philosophy essay, you want to compose it from a third-person point of view. This gives the essay an objective perspective that engages the reader while making it clear that the ideas being presented are not coming from your own personal bias. When providing supporting facts in your argument, make sure to quote them directly, include the source, and a relevant composition that it came from. You might also need to provide the date it was originally published.

How to Structure a Philosophy Essay

Depending on the required length of the philosophy essay, you can use a standard five-paragraph structure and expand the number of body paragraphs if necessary. This will give your philosophy essay a natural flow that makes it easy for the reader to follow.

This essay structure includes an introduction with a strong thesis statement, which might include a direct quote from a well-known philosopher. You then follow up with supporting body paragraphs that have their own distinct point that is supported by strong evidence, rather than flowing together into a single idea. Then you finish with a strong conclusion that illustrates the point or demonstrates its historical relevance or relevance in present times.


A philosophy essay needs to directly state the topic in the introduction while enticing the reader to want to learn more about the topic. It’s best to use authoritative language, while also making sure that you are speaking to the reader, rather than talking down to them about a subject that might be disagreeable.

A strong thesis statement is a critical component of a philosophy essay’s introductory paragraph. The end of the introduction should include a sentence of two that leads into the first body paragraph.

Body Paragraphs

The first paragraph of your philosophy essay should have a strong connection to the thesis statement while also offering supporting evidence. This might include a direct quote from a philosopher or a well-known historical figure. Then make sure to document when it was said and who made the statement.

Each body paragraph should be its own idea and includes well-documented examples. If another philosopher argued against the thesis, you can include that information as well to demonstrate the counterpoint.

Each body paragraph should conclude with a sentence of two that leads into the next body paragraph’s point or central theme. If you are writing a topic that compares and contrasts two opposing opinions, you can give each view its own body paragraph.

The conclusion of your philosophy essay needs to have an assertive tone while providing a definite answer to the topic. This might be demonstrating why one view is more applicable to the modern world or why one view won out over the opposing view. If there is some lingering controversy about the topic, you should try to win encourage the reader to reexamine their own personal opinions on it.

Choosing the right topic for your philosophy essay can be challenging. There are many different schools of thought spanning thousands of years and historical eras. The following list of the topic below have been broken down into the schools of philosophy and relevant themes. They are a great jumping-off point for your research process.

Classical Greek and Roman Philosophy Topics

  • Did Socrates really exist, or did Plato make him up to offer perceived validity to his own Philosophy?
  • Does Aristotle’s concept of The Hearthless man have an equivalent in the modern age?
  • Is Aristotle’s notion of Eudaimonia akin to the pursuit of happiness, or can Eudaimonia be accomplished like the Buddhist idea of Nirvana?
  • In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics he discusses the different forms of human friendship. Compare and contrast the differences between Telia Philea and friendships of convenience. Using modern-day examples.
  • Was Socrates’ decision to drink the hemlock the correct moral choice, or was he driven to accept suicide by his ego?
  • Does Plato’s Republic make sexism acceptable in his age, or was Plato uninformed about the importance of equality in ancient Greek society?
  • Aristotle’s idea of Hexus notes that nature fits us with emotion for a reason and that no emotion is morally wrong. Instead, Aristotle notes that it is the reason or virtue behind that emotion that constitutes a good or a bad Hexus. With this in mind can you give real-world examples of when Anger was virtuous and Happiness was devoid of moral virtue?
  • What did Socrates mean when he said that “The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living?
  • Are the stoic philosophers the bridge between classical Roman polytheism and Christianity?
  • Would the Renaissance Era have been possible, had it not been for the Golden Age of Islam preserving Greek & Roman philosophy during the European Dark Ages?
  • What Did Plato Mean when he said “Those who tell the stories rule society.”
  • Explain Aristotle’s view on the importance of intellectual virtue.
  • Was Aristotle correct when he said, “The Moral Virtues Are Not Innate?”
  • What did Plato mean when he said, “knowledge only comes when we are able to justify and account for our true beliefs.”
  • Why did Cicero convalesce to stoicism?
  • What is the Epicurean philosophy of life?
  • What do epicureans believe about happiness?
  • Does epicurean philosophy have a place in modern life?
  • Compare and contrast the difference between how pleasure is valued in epicurean philosophy compared to how to is valued in hedonism?
  • Compare and contrast the difference between epicurean happiness and Artistotle’s view on eudaimonia.

Stoicism Topics

  • What are the three main beliefs of stoicism?
  • Did the stoics see Gods as omnipotent apart from nature, or integrated as an active element of the natural world?
  • Why is self-control a critical component of stoic philosophy?
  • How do the Stoics believe happiness is achieved?
  • What are the two duties of stoicism?

Hedonism Topics

  • Does hedonism recognize other motivations besides please and pain?
  • How does hedonistic philosophy define good and evil?
  • What is hedonist moral philosophy?
  • How does hedonistic philosophy interpret the appreciation of art?
  • What is aesthetic hedonism?
  • Does hedonism promote substance abuse?
  • Does hedonism encourage the objectification of women?
  • Does hedonism promote internet pornography?
  • Is the drive to legalize marijuana a form of hedonistic philosophy?
  • Does hedonism treat alcoholism as permissible?

Nihilism Topics

  • What are the four different types of nihilism and what makes them different?
  • Is Nihilism inherently pessimistic or realistic?
  • Can nihilism co-exist with religious belief?
  • What did Nietzsche mean when he said “God Is Dead?”
  • Why did Nietzsche believe that all imposed values and meanings need to be repudiated

Existentialism Topics

  • Explain the relationship between Anxiety and Authenticity through the lens of existentialist philosophy.
  • Explain Irrationality/Absurdity through the lens of existentialist philosophy.
  • What is Cartesian Dualism?
  • What did Des Carte mean when he said “I think therefore I am?”
  • Explain Kierkegaard’s writing in the context of his approach to Christianity.
  • Why do existentialist philosophers believe that it is impossible to find the true reasons and explanations of events?
  • Explain Jean-Paul Sartre’s Opinions on Existentialism and Human Emotions.
  • What is the influence of existentialism in Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage?
  • What is the influence of Existentialism in the Literature of Samuel Beckett?
  • How did existentialism influence Psychoanalysis, and Behaviorism?

Topics on Transcendentalism

  • What did Emerson mean when he said “The mind once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions?”
  • Did the philosophy of Emerson influence John Muir’s views on naturalism?
  • What did Thoreau mean when he said a higher law than civil law demands the obedience of the individual.
  • What is the common thread between the transcendentalist concepts of individualism, idealism, and the divinity of nature?
  • What is the significance of the battle between the red ants and the black ants in Thoreau’s book On Waldon Pond?
  • What did Thoreau mean when he wrote “I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.”
  • Compare and contrast the differences between Kant & Hume on the concept of transcendentalist idealism.
  • Does transcendentalism offer a philosophy that promotes “The truest way of life?”
  • Why is time in nature away from civilization a critical component of transcendental philosophy?
  • What is the significance of Emerson’s “Consequences of Self-Doubt.”
  • How does Transcendentalism make a link between philosophy and science
  • Compare and contrast the differences between the American 19 th Century version of transcendentalism and the Eastern notions of transcendentalism.
  • Explain transcendentalism’s conflict with the industrial revolution.
  • Was John Muir a transcendentalist?
  • Are Luddites their own philosophical system or an extreme version of transcendentalism?

Marxism Topics

  • Has the negative relationship with failed communism hindered Marxism as a contemporary school of philosophy?
  • What is the relationship between Marxism and social science?
  • Explain Karl Marx’s Theory of Alienation.
  • Do the ideologies of Marxism affect 21 st Century western culture?
  • Why does Spencer believe that human nature is flexible and is in the process of advancement?
  • How doe the concept of Surplus Value influence the division of social & economic classes?
  • Why does Marxism devalue the importance of religion?
  • Explain why the Young Hegelians refute religion in place of a philosophical system?
  • Explain Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s view on the role of money in human life.
  • Compare and contrast the differences between Marx’s view of socialism and the communism of Russia in the 20 th

Eastern Philosophy Topics

  • Compare and contrast Zazen and Rinzai Zen forms of Buddhism.
  • Is the “Ah-Ha” moment of “Satori” a requirement in the pursuit of nirvana as it is recognized in modern-day Buddhism?
  • Is Buddhism a religion, a philosophical life practice, or both?
  • The philosophy of the Buddha and Jesus of Nazareth are very similar. Though they both came from a completely different upbringing. Does this affect the principles of the religions they founded or is the exposure to the poverty of Jesus’ childhood and the wealth of the Buddha’s early years merely background details in their stories?
  • When the Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree he said “As the earth is my witness. Seeing this morning star, all things and I awaken together.”
  • Why is begging for one’s meal an important tenant of classic Buddhist daily practice?
  • How do Siddhartha’s four sights on the road influence the Buddha’s teaching about the four noble truths?
  • What is the relationship between the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold path?
  • When Siddhartha gives up asceticism he takes food from a peasant woman, what does this symbolize, and does it influence his eventual awakening as the Buddha?
  • Does Herman Hess’ novel Siddhartha make Buddhism more or less accessible for Western culture to assimilate?
  • What did the Buddha mean when he said “If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.”
  • Is the Caste system of India based on moral philosophy and religious beliefs or is it a form of discrimination and classism?
  • In Hindu philosophy what is the difference between dharma, and karma?
  • Can the concept of Karmic rebirth be used to forgive someone’s misdeeds in this current life?
  • Compare and contrast the moral influence of reincarnation offered by many Eastern Religions and the concept of eternal life offered by Christianity. How do these different philosophical concepts affect the choices made in everyday life?
  • Do the six systems of Hindu philosophy Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa, and Vedanta work together seamlessly?
  • Is Sun Tzu’s The Art of War a philosophy text or an ancient military guide?
  • What is the relationship of ren (humanity) and li (ritual propriety) in the philosophy of Confucius?
  • Explain the Confucian concept of de “Virtue.”
  • How did the philosophy of Mencius and Xunzi differ from the philosophy of Confucius?
  • How does the philosophy of Confucius address Family, filial piety,and ancestor worship?
  • Is Neo-Confucian critical of Daoism and Buddhism
  • Does Neo-Confucian philosophy offer up effective solutions to the problem of evil?
  • Explain the Cheng-Zhu theory of human nature.
  • Explain Neo-Confucian theories of mind and how it applies to modern culture
  • What are the main tenents of Taoism?
  • How are currents interpreted in Taology?
  • Does the Tao concept of Letting Go have value in modern western culture?
  • In Taoism is there a connective relationship between simplicity, patience, and compassion.
  • Does Daoism compete with Confucianism or stand beside it?

Philosophy in Modern Literature and Movies

  • Is the novel Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance truly about the Metaphysics of Quality, or is it Robert Pirsig attempting to cope with his electroshock therapy experience?
  • Does William Van De Wettering’s novel The Empty Mirror make the Zen practice of Koan study more feasible, or less accessible to Westerner modalities of thinking?
  • In Kahlil Gibran’s book The Prophet he says “If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don’t, they never were.” What did he mean by this?
  • In Primo Levi’s book Bear Meat, he said “the sea’s only gifts are harsh blows and, occasionally, the chance to feel strong. Now, I don’t know much about the sea, but I do know that that’s the way it is here. And I also know how important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feel strong, to measure yourself at least once, to find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions, facing blind, deaf stone alone, with nothing to help you but your own hands and your own head.” What does he mean by this?
  • Is Dan Millman’s book “The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior” a bridge between Buddhist philosophy and Western Culture or is it a standalone philosophy onto itself?
  • Explain the existentialist philosophy of the Shawshank Redemption?
  • In Into The Wild does Chris McCandless succeed in “Killing The False Being Within?”
  • Does the philosophy of the Celestine Prophecy offer a realistic way of life, or is it better off being classified as fiction?
  • Does the heightened compassionate approach to the medical philosophy of Patch Adams have a place in modern medicine?
  • Is transcendentalism properly represented in the movie Dead Poet’s Society?

Rationalism Topics

  • Compare and contrast the differences between rationalism and empiricism.
  • Is rationalism’s view of questioning everything tediously unnecessary?
  • Is Des Carte truly a rationalist philosopher.
  • Is there a difference between traditional rationalism and the Scottish Englightenment?
  • What caused the Scottish Enlightenment.
  • Compare and contrast the differences between the philosophy of David Hume and Adam Smith.
  • Compare and contrast the differing philosophies of David Hume and Des Cartes.
  • How does rationalism address the theory of knowledge?
  • What is the conflict between rationalism and the romantic movement?
  • Is constructivism a separate philosophy or a form of rationalism?

Humanism Topics

  • Does humanist philosophy promote atheism?
  • What are the three core beliefs of humanism philosophy?
  • How has humanism philosophy influenced modern psychology?
  • How has humanism philosophy changed over the last century?
  • As a metaphysical doctrine, how does humanism related to the natural world?
  • Does humanism reject the philosophical divinity of nature in transcendentalism?
  • Humanism borrows many aspects of Aristotle’s notion of Eudaimonia, but not all of them, why?
  • What is the importance of self-determination in humanism philosophy?
  • Does humanism support scientific skepticism?
  • How has humanism influenced modern politics?

Middle Eastern Philosophy

  • Has the Koran discouraged the development of Middle Eastern Philosophy
  • Is Islam a philosophy or a religion?
  • Is Arabian philosophy a derivative of Classical Greek philosophy?
  • Was the Golden Age of Islam bolstered by Classical Greek philosophy?
  • What is Arabic Logic?
  • Platos influence on Ab? Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyy? al-R?z?.
  • How the philosophy of Saadia Gaon influenced Jewish Law.
  • How did Yahya ibn Adi use philosophical knowledge to produce defenses of Christian theology that were grounded in classical thought?
  • The influence of Aristotle on Avicenna.
  • How did Aristotle influence Sohrevardi in founding the Islamic school of Illuminations?
  • How did Fakhr al-Din al-Razi integrate philosophy into his model for the cosmos?
  • How did the philosophy of Kâtip Çelebi influence 16th and 17th-century social change in the Ottoman empire
  • How did the philosophy of Dara Shikoh find common underpinnings shared by Hinduism and Islam?
  • How did the philosophy of Muhammad Abduh help introduce liberal thought to the Islamic world?
  • How did Fatema Mernissi address the conditions for women in the Islamic world?

Political Philosophy Topics

  • How do ethics affect socio-political policy?
  • Is agrarianism philosophy represented in today’s political parties?
  • How did the Federalist papers influence our modern democratic system?
  • What is the difference between liberalism and socialism?
  • What is the difference between conservatism and fascism?
  • What is libertarian political philosophy?
  • Does paternalism still affect political philosophy?
  • What is progressivism in political philosophy?
  • Is effective altruism necessary for globalism to thrive?
  • How would Socrates view our current notions of Civil Disobedience?

Let us know if you would like us to help you with your Philosophy Essay – we are glad to make it easier for you to success in your classes.

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Group 6

How to Write a Philosophy Essay: Ultimate Guide

good philosophy essay topics

What Is a Philosophy Essay: Definition

Philosophical writing isn't your typical assignment. Its aim isn't to provide an overview of professional philosophers' works and say whether you agree with them.

Philosophy demands becoming a philosopher for the time of writing, thinking analytically and critically of ideas, pondering the Big Questions, and asking 'Why?'. That's why it requires time and energy, as well as a lot of thinking on your part.

But what is philosophy essay, exactly? If you're tasked with writing one, you'll have to select a thesis in the philosophical domain and argue for or against it. Then, you can support your thesis with other professional philosophers' works. But it has to contain your own philosophical contribution, too. (This is only one definition of philosophy essay, of course.)

What's a Good Philosophy Paper Outline?

Before you start writing your first line, you should make a philosophy essay outline. Think of it as a plan for your philosophy paper that briefly describes each paragraph's point.

As for how to write a philosophy essay outline, here are a few tips for you:

  • Start with your thesis. What will you be arguing for or against?
  • Read what philosophical theory has to say and note sources for your possible arguments and counterarguments.
  • Decide on the definitions of core concepts to include precise philosophical meanings in your essay.
  • After careful and extended reflection, organize your ideas following the structure below.

How To Structure a Philosophy Paper?

Like any other essay, a philosophy paper consists of an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion. Sticking to this traditional philosophy essay structure will help you avoid unnecessary stress.

Here's your mini-guide on how to structure a philosophy essay:

  • Introduction - Clarify the question you will be answering in your philosophy paper. State your thesis – i.e., the answer you'll be arguing for. Explain general philosophical terms if needed.
  • Main body - Start with providing arguments for your stance and refute all the objections for each of them. Then, describe other possible answers and their reasoning – and counter the main arguments in their support.
  • Conclusion - Sum up all possible answers to the questions and reiterate why yours is the most viable one.

What's an Appropriate Philosophy Essay Length?

In our experience, 2,000 to 2,500 words are enough to cover the topic in-depth without compromising the quality of the writing.

However, see whether you have an assigned word limit before getting started. If it's shorter or longer than we recommend, stick to that word limit in writing your essay on philosophy.

What Format Should You Use for a Philosophy Paper?

As a service we can attest that most students use the APA guidelines as their philosophy essay format. However, your school has the final say in what format you should stick to.

Sometimes, you can be asked to use a different college philosophy essay format, like MLA or Chicago. But if you're the one to choose the guidelines and don't know which one would be a good philosophy argumentative essay format, let's break down the most popular ones.

APA, MLA, and Chicago share some characteristics:

  • Font: Time New Roman, 12 pt
  • Line spacing: double
  • Margins: 1" (left and right)
  • Page number: in the header

But here's how they differ:

  • A title page required
  • Sources list: 'References' page
  • No title page required
  • Sources list: 'Works cited' page
  • Sources list: 'Bibliography' page
  • Footnotes and endnotes are required for citations

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Guideline on How to Write a Philosophy Essay

If you still don't feel that confident about writing a philosophy paper, don't worry. Philosophical questions, by definition, have more than one interpretation. That's what makes them so challenging to write about.

To help you out in your philosophical writing journey, we've prepared this list of seven tips on how to write a philosophy essay.

guide philosophy essay

  • Read Your Sources Thoughtfully

Whether your recommended reading includes Dante's Divine Comedy or Jean-Paul Sartre's Existentialism Is a Humanism , approach your sources with curiosity and analytical thinking. Don't just mindlessly consume those texts. Instead, keep asking yourself questions while you're reading them, such as:

  • What concepts and questions does the author address?
  • What's the meaning behind key ideas and metaphors in the text?
  • What does the author use as a convincing argument?
  • Are there any strange or obscure distinctions?

As for which sources you should turn to, that all depends on your central question; philosophy topics for essay are diverse and sometimes opposed. So, you'll have to do your fair share of research.

  • Brainstorm & Organize Your Ideas

As you're reading those texts, jot down what comes to your mind. It can be a great quote you've stumbled upon, an idea for an argument, or your thoughtful, critical responses to certain opinions.

Then, sort through and organize all of those notes into an outline for your essay in philosophy. Make sure that it holds up in terms of logic. And ensure that your arguments and counterarguments are compelling, sensible, and convincing!

Now, you might be wondering how to write a philosophy essay introduction. Don't worry: there's an explanation right below!

  • Craft Your Introductory Paragraph

Think of your introduction as a road map preparing your reader for the journey your essay will take them on. This road map will describe the key 'stops' in your essay on philosophy: your topic, stance, and how you will argue for it – and refute other stances.

Don't hesitate to write it out as a step-by-step guide in the first or third person. For example: 'First, I will examine... Then, I will dispute... Finally, I will present….'

Need an example of an excellent introduction for a philosophy paper? You’ll be thrilled to know that we have one of our philosophy essay examples below!

  • Present Your Key Arguments & Reflections

Philosophy papers require a fair share of expository writing. This is where you demonstrate your understanding of the topic. So, make your exposition extensive and in-depth, and don't omit anything crucial.

As for the rest of the main body, we've covered how to structure a philosophy essay above. In short, you'll need to present supporting arguments, anticipate objections, and address them.

Use your own words when writing a philosophy paper; avoid pretentious or verbose language. Yes, some technical philosophical terms may be necessary. But the point of a philosophical paper is to present your stance – and develop your own philosophy – on the topic.

  • Don't Shy Away from Critical Ideas

Whenever you examine a philosophical theory or text, treat it with a fair share of criticism. This is what it means in practice – and how to structure a philosophy essay around your critical ideas:

  • Pinpoint what the theory's or idea's strengths are and every valid argument in its support;
  • See the scope of its application – perhaps, there are exceptions you can use as counterarguments;
  • Research someone else's criticism of the theory or idea. Develop your own criticism, as well;
  • Check if the philosopher already addressed those criticisms.
  • Ponder Possible Answers to Philosophical Questions

Writing an essay in philosophy is, in fact, easier for some students as the topic can always have multiple answers, and you can choose any of them. However, this can represent an even tougher challenge for other students. After all, you must consider those possible answers and address them in the paper.

How do you pinpoint those possible answers? Some of them can come to your mind when you brainstorm, especially if you'll be writing about one of the Big Questions. Others will reveal themselves when you start reading other philosophers' works.

Remember to have arguments for and against each possible answer and address objections.

  • Write a Powerful Conclusion

The conclusion is where you sum up your paper in just one paragraph. Reiterate your thesis and what arguments support it. But in philosophical writing, you can rarely have a clear, undebatable answer by the end of the paper. So, it's fine if your conclusion doesn't have a definitive verdict.

Here are a few tips on how to write a conclusion in a philosophy essay:

  • Don't introduce new arguments or evidence in conclusion – they belong in the main body;
  • Avoid overestimating or embellishing the level or value of your work;
  • Best conclusions are obvious and logical for those reading the paper – i.e.; a conclusion shouldn't be surprising at all;
  • Stay away from poorly explained claims in conclusion.

Philosophical Essay Example

Sometimes, it's better to see how it's done once than to read a thousand guides. We know that like no one else, so we have prepared this short philosophy essay example to show you what excellent philosophy papers look like:

Like this example? Wondering how to get a perfect philosophy essay as great as it is? You're in luck: you can leave " write my philosophy paper " request and buy online essay at EssayPro without breaking the bank! Keep in mind: this example is only a fraction of what our writers are capable of!

30 Philosophy Paper Topic Ideas

Philosophical writing concerns questions that don't have clear-cut yes or no answers. So, coming up with philosophy essay topics yourself can be tough.

Fret not: we've put together this list of 30 topics for philosophy papers on ethics and leadership for you. Feel free to use them as-is or tweak them!

15 Ethics Philosophy Essay Topics

Ethics deals with the question of right and wrong. So, if you're looking for philosophy essay topic ideas, ethics concerns some of the most interesting – and most mind-boggling – questions about human behavior.

Here are 15 compelling philosophy essay topics ethics has to offer you:

  • Is starting a war always morally wrong?
  • Would it be right to legalize euthanasia?
  • What is more important: the right to privacy or national security?
  • Is justice always fair?
  • Should nuclear weapons be banned?
  • Should teenagers be allowed to get plastic surgery?
  • Can cheating be justifiable?
  • Can AI algorithms behave ethically?
  • Should you abide by an unfair law?
  • Should voting become mandatory?
  • When can the right to freedom of speech be limited?
  • Is it the consumers' responsibility to fight climate by changing their buying decisions?
  • Is getting an abortion immoral?
  • Should we give animals their own rights?
  • Would human gene editing be immoral?

15 Leadership Philosophy Essay Topics

You're lucky if you're tasked with writing a leadership philosophy essay! We've compiled this list of 15 fresh, unconventional topics for you:

  • Is formal leadership necessary for ensuring the team's productivity?
  • Can authoritative leadership be ethical?
  • How do informal leaders take on this role?
  • Should there be affirmative action for formal leadership roles?
  • Is it possible to measure leadership?
  • What's the most important trait of a leader?
  • Is leadership an innate talent or an acquired skill?
  • Should leadership mean holding power over others?
  • Can a team function without a leader?
  • Should you follow a leader no matter what?
  • Is leader succession necessary? Why?
  • Are leadership and power the same?
  • Can we consider influencers contemporary leaders?
  • Why do people follow leaders?
  • What leadership style is the most ethical one?

7 Helpful Tips on Crafting a Philosophical Essay

Still, feeling stuck writing a philosophical essay? Here are seven more tips on crafting a good philosophy paper that can help you get unstuck:

  • Write the way you would talk about the subject. This will help you avoid overly convoluted, poor writing by using more straightforward prose with familiar words.
  • Don't focus on having a definitive answer by the end of your philosophical essay if your conclusion states that the question should be clarified further or that there are multiple answers.
  • You don't have to answer every question you raise in the paper. Even professional philosophers sometimes don't have all the answers.
  • Get straight to the point at the start of your paper. No need to warm up the reader – and inflate your word count.
  • Avoid using quotes. Instead, explain the author's point in your own words. But if you feel it's better to use a direct quote, explicitly state how it ties to your argument after it.
  • Write in the first person unless your assignment requires you to use the third person.
  • Start working on your philosophical essay well in advance. However much time you think you'll need, double it!

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Philosophy Writing

Sometimes, knowing what you shouldn't do in a philosophical essay is also helpful. Here are seven common mistakes that often bring down students' grades – but are easily avoidable:

guide philosophy essay

  • Appealing to authority – in philosophy, strive to develop your own stance instead;
  • Using convoluted sentences to appear more intelligent – instead, use simpler ways to deliver the same meaning;
  • Including interesting or important material without tying it to your point – every piece of evidence and every idea should explicitly support your arguments or counterarguments;
  • Inflating your word count without delivering value – in the writing process, it's crucial to 'kill your darlings';
  • Making poorly explained claims – explicitly present reasons for or against every claim you include;
  • Leaving core concepts undefined – explain what you mean by the words like 'free will' or 'existentialism' in the introduction;
  • Worrying about being wrong – no one can be proven wrong in philosophy!

Realize that your draft contains those mistakes, and it's too late to fix them? Then, let us help you out! Whether you ask us, 'Fix my paper' or ' Write my paper from scratch,' our philosophy writers will deliver an excellent paper worth the top grade. And no, it won't cost you a fortune!

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190 Top-Notch Philosophy Essay Topics For All

philosophy Topics

Philosophy is a vast academic field that tackles every aspect of human life. Contrary to how most college and university students believe, philosophy essays are not walking in the park. Like writing essays in technical fields, philosophy papers demand a little critical analysis alongside extensive reading and massive research. There is a broad spectrum of philosophy topics you can choose to handle.

Nonetheless, it is hard to come by a case that compliments your interest besides being easy to write about in college. We have compiled exceptional philosophy essay topics that will quickly get you to the top of your class. Check them out below.

Interesting Philosophy Topics

  • Examine the freedom teenagers should have
  • Explain why success is so vital to people’s lives
  • Evaluate whether people can free themselves from all material thoughts
  • Discuss whether coma patients should be on life support
  • Examine the importance of preserving cultural heritage
  • What is the link between genetics and human personalities?
  • Evaluate whether there will be an end to technological progress
  • Examine whether democracy is an effective way of government
  • Explain if it is possible to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich in society
  • Elaborate how the development of AI will affect the world
  • What is the association between beauty and morality in today’s world
  • Determine if thoughts can exist without language
  • Investigate if it is possible to find all questions about the universe
  • Explain the role of religion in the modern world

Top Topics In Philosophy

  • Outline the constituents of a good life
  • Elaborate the likely ethical questions regarding postmortem autopsies
  • Point out the difference between unethical and ethical marketing
  • Discuss the role of ethics in higher education
  • Examine conscience and its key features
  • What are the issues and principles of ethics in psychotherapy?
  • Discuss the difference between hedonism and utilitarianism
  • What are the possible moral barriers if parent-child relationships
  • Explain the definition and problems related to informed consent
  • Examine whether humans and animals should have the same rights
  • Discuss the significant moral advantages and disadvantages of human enhancements

Great Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Elaborate the link between moral agency and neutrality in ethics of technology
  • Explain the link between ethics and aesthetics in axiology
  • Outline the main issues associated with manifest destiny
  • What are the central moral issues related to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
  • Investigate the concept of responsibility and freedom as it relates to metaethics
  • Explain the distinctive critical attributes of morality
  • Take a look at the specifics of feminist ethics
  • Discuss the ethics of religious beliefs as it relates to Buddhism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity
  • Elaborate the critical challenges related to deontological ethics
  • Define virtue ethics and highlight its key concepts
  • Define utilitarian ethics and explain its fundamental principles

Top-Grade Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • Explain the role of classical pragmatism in the development of feminist theories
  • Highlight the main features of empiricism
  • Point out the influence of Russian cosmism on space exploration
  • Explain the prominent contributions of Edmund Husserl’s to the field of phenomenology
  • Define the concept of the Other and elaborate how it is in film, psychology, and philosophy
  • Discuss the influence of globalization and war on the late 20 th -century anarchism
  • Examine critical figures associated with existentialism in France after WWII
  • What are the basic concepts of existentialism
  • Explain how the theory of quantum mechanics and relativity affected the 20 th century
  • Examine the role of Plato and Aristotle in classical German philosophy
  • Elaborate the Schleiermacher’s influence on knowledge and psychology
  • Highlight Karl Marx’s concepts of capital, class, and labor
  • Investigate the contributions of Johanna Charlotte Unzer towards feminism

Easy Philosophy Paper Topics

  • Explain the critical attributes of Pietism
  • Point out Christian Thomasius’ thoughts on prejudice and reason
  • Discuss moral philosophy and ethics in Nietzsche, Kant, and others
  • Discuss the political, intellectual, and philosophical conditions that led to the reformation
  • Explain how Martin Luther’s theology impacted Europe
  • Elaborate the problem of theodicy in medieval philosophy
  • Discuss what characterized Albert of Saxony’s metaphysics and logic
  • Explain the concepts of divine providence and sin
  • Highlight the problem of free will from a theological point of view
  • Compare the theological approached of Saint Augustine and Thomas of Aquinas
  • Explain what characterized the problem of universals in medieval philosophy
  • Investigate medieval theology as a philosophy of religion
  • What is the link between faith and reason in medieval philosophies

A-Grade Philosophical Questions

  • Evaluate how to integrate secular learning and sacred doctrine in medieval philosophy
  • Discuss metempsychosis as the concept of reincarnation
  • Explain different forms of the good according to Plato’s Republic
  • Define the idea of “becoming” in atomism
  • Explain the concept of moral intention as detailed in philosophy
  • Examine Homer’s influence on Greek philosophy
  • Discuss the constantly changing nature of reality in ancient philosophy
  • Define the concept of “logos” in different philosophies
  • Discuss the ideas of principal substances in Greek philosophy
  • What is the relationship between the doctrine of Pythagoreans and Mathematics

Argumentative Philosophy Essay Topics

  • Elaborate the main attributes of Skepticism
  • What influence do movies and video games have on our morals
  • Explain the impact of social media on our moral values
  • Explain the purpose behind evil and good
  • Discuss whether it is possible to live without regulations and laws in the world
  • Define death and explain its purpose
  • Investigate whether knowledge is a result f experience and learning
  • Explain whether or not morality should be subjective
  • Discuss the future of humans and humankind
  • What are critical moral issues around genetically modified products
  • What are the reasons and solutions to mass panic and hysteria
  • Explain why governments should conceal the evidence of extraterrestrial life

College Topic For Philosophy Paper

  • Examine why modern celebrities should be positive models for modern teenagers
  • Define the American dream and explain if it exists
  • Highlight postmodernism ideas in philosophy
  • Discuss the idea that there is life after death
  • Investigate the concept of happiness through the eye of modern youths
  • Explain the basic principles and ideas that a family file should have
  • Discuss the ethics behind the application of Bitcoin and other digital currencies

Excellent Topics For Philosophy Paper

  • Evaluate why violent and offensive content should not be on the internet
  • Define patriotism and explain why it should be a virtue
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of child-free families
  • Assess whether it is ethical to have zoos and circuses
  • Is death the beginning of something new or the final point of human life
  • Discuss ethical issues surrounding organ transplant
  • Explain why it is essential to lie sometimes
  • Evaluate whether governments should legalize abortion
  • What is the connection between culture and morals
  • Define communism and explain its pros and cons

General Philosophy Research Paper Topics

  • What is the essence of religious sects, and should they be legalized?
  • What impact does the belief in God have on humans
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of committing suicide
  • Define the concept of Supernatural and highlight any proof of its existence
  • What are the best methods to solve issues between children and their parents
  • How are war and peace interrelated to each other?
  • What impact has the church had on US politics in the past ten years?
  • Define free will and determinism and point out which one you support
  • Define a perfect life and explain what keeps people from living it
  • Discuss why folks need education and how its significance has changed over the years

World-Class Philosophy Topics For Essays

  • Elaborate five key character traits that determine who you are and state whether you would change any of them
  • Explain why some individuals may live life without feeling alive
  • Elaborate the role society plays in the formation of one’s personality
  • Discuss ethical questions that revolve around Covid-19 and examine the response to the pandemic
  • Outline the reasons for banning hate speech on social media and the internet
  • Define ageism and explain how we can tackle it
  • Explain why white Americans should be held responsible for the disadvantaged position of black Americans
  • Is feminism opposed to religion?
  • Examine the goals that feminism as a movement has achieved so far
  • Investigate if gender parity is attainable

Brilliant Philosophical Topics For Essays

  • What should come first; economic benefits or morality
  • What are the ethical issues around using embryos in genetic engineering research
  • Is it ethical to invest in pet operations when people in developing countries still lack primary health care?
  • Explain why it is our moral duty to take care of the environment
  • Discuss whether environmental awareness should be a virtue
  • Investigate the moral responsibility that developed countries hold in tackling hunger issues in the world
  • Determine if charity should be a moral obligation
  • What ethical questions surround the use of drugs enhancing cognition?
  • Explain why cloning is ethically admissible
  • Elaborate ethical reasons behind mass surveillance

Philosophy Term Paper Topics

  • Discuss if a convict should have the freedom to accept the death penalty or serve a life sentence
  • Explain why abortion is wrong on moral grounds
  • Evaluate moral rules that enslave people
  • Assess if people can violate moral rules to achieve a common good
  • Examine whether science is compatible or incompatible with religion
  • Discuss the impact of colonialism on the behavior of modern-day colonists
  • Explain the key differences between Freudism and Marxism
  • Highlight how modernism reflects societal changes
  • What are the effect of quantum mechanics and relativity on idealism

Fun Philosophy Paper Topics

  • Examine whether getting information out of the outer world is real
  • Investigate the synthetic propositions of the Kantian modes of thinking
  • Define probability and explain why it might be a construct of the mind
  • Assess if magic draws inspiration from science
  • Discuss the effects of divination and alchemy on modern society
  • Outline how the biological and spiritual aspects of life coexist

Good Philosophy Paper Topics

  • Explain the potential limitations of the concept of Utopia
  • Analyze the impacts of influences and legacy
  • Discuss the free will in man from a theological point of view
  • Evaluate how doctrines shape a group’s belief system
  • Define atomism and outline its principal characteristics
  • What is the impact of Augustine’s ethics in the context of Christianity?
  • Compare and contrast between Epicureanism and Stoicism
  • Explain if Platonic realism affects modern realism

Philosophy Topics To Write A Paper On

  • Discuss how the feminine gender was in ancient Greece
  • Investigate how natural philosophy impacts science
  • Detail the contrast between mythology and philosophy in explaining natural phenomena
  • Show whether there exists a unity of opposites within the universal flux?
  • Elaborate if philosophy is the ultimate answer to all questions in life
  • Explain what attracts short ladies to tall boyfriends and vice versa
  • Discuss what matters between the lives of citizens and the economy in the event of a pandemic
  • Explain why anxiety may be an indication that you are not well prepared
  • A case study of the psychology behind cheap products and their quality
  • Examine if someone can mentally offend another without necessarily inflicting any physical damage

Amazing Philosophical Essay Topics

  • What is the truth of the statement that critics are mean people who only want their ideas to prevail?
  • Is it possible to provide help to a stranger without doubting their intentions?
  • Explain whether achieving self-development has anything to do with self-esteem
  • Discuss the attributes that define beautiful and excellent among women and men
  • Explain whether endorsement has anything to do with acceptance of a particular cause
  • A case study of how community-guided practices impact the lives of its inhabitants
  • Elaborate the role of interests and abilities in shaping a person’s decisions in life
  • Investigate why conceptual rigor and argumentative rigor are necessary when handling life issues

World-Class Philosophy Essay Questions

  • Explain the link between the natural world and the spirit
  • Discuss who should determine the ethics and morals of a community
  • Explain whether it is worth preserving memories of past events even though we cannot relive them
  • Investigate why our superstitions and cultural myths about life and death are important
  • What are the philosophical effects of staying up too late at night?
  • Explain the essence of matter, space, and time in the study of philosophy
  • Discuss whether everyone has a choice or obligation towards a particular responsibility
  • Which is more important, to be loved by someone or to love someone?

Additional Philosophy Paper Ideas

  • Explain if there are any situations in particular where it is better to lie than tell the truth
  • Discuss whether capital punishment is morally justified in today’s world
  • Explain the effect of the philosophical wave of the 20 th century
  • What is the most crucial attribute to gain human knowledge?
  • Investigate whether our morals are influenced by or connected to culture
  • Would you please explain the difference between economic justice and legal justice and show which of them is most important
  • Examine if Machiavellian ideals are still applicable in today’s government
  • Elaborate whether teenagers should have the responsibility to make their own choices
  • Examine if humans have the same perception about what is wrong and what is right
  • A case study of the main character traits that an ideal leader possesses
  • Define the term mentally conscious and how it applies to human life
  • Examine how to get ready for life after death

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152 Stereotypes Essay Topics

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357 Philosophical Topics to Write About for Essays & Term Papers

  • 🔝 Top-10 Philosophy Topics
  • ⛪ Philosophy of Religion
  • 🗳️ Political Philosophy
  • ⚖️ Philosophy of Law
  • 🔬 Philosophy of Science
  • 😊 Easy Philosophy Topics
  • 😀 Fun Philosophy Topics

✅ Philosophy Argumentative Essay Topics

📝 philosophy term paper topics, ✒️ philosophical topics to write about, ❓ philosophy essay questions.

  • ✍️ Bonus: 17 Writing Tips

There is a joke that in successful relationships, one becomes happy, and in unsuccessful, one becomes a philosopher. Unfortunately, that could be true only if the person read philosophical books on philosophy or developed their philosophical research theories in the latter case.

Philosophy is a Greek word meaning “love for wisdom”.

Philosophy is a Greek word meaning “love for wisdom.” It analyzes how we perceive the outside and inner world using logic and reason. This discipline teaches us close reading, clear writing, critical thinking, and logical analysis. These methods try to formulate the appropriate language to describe reality and our place in it.

🔝 Top-10 Philosophy Essay Topics

  • How does death shape the meaning of life?
  • Do our senses reflect the accurate picture of the world?
  • Why do we consider some actions to be morally incorrect?
  • Is there a correct way to live a life?
  • What makes humans different from other mammals?
  • If art is subjective, how can we tell whether a given artist is talented or not?
  • Knowledge can hurt. Why do we strive for it?
  • Idealism: A way to perfection or fantasy?
  • Does love have a meaning beyond itself?
  • Should happiness be the ultimate purpose in life?

⛪ Philosophy of Religion Topics

  • Do religious beliefs contradict scientific thinking?
  • Does religion improve or degrade humanity?
  • Religion and Politics in Durkheim’s Theories .
  • The belief system of each person limits their faith.
  • How do different faiths envision the ultimate reality?
  • Islam and Its Influence on the World Society.
  • Can God’s existence be justified on rational grounds?
  • If God exists, does it mean that only one religion is genuine?
  • Same-sex Marriage as a Religious Issue .
  • Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent: Is that true?
  • What is the source of any religious belief?
  • Descartes’ proof of the existence of God.
  • Philosophy and religion: theory and practice.
  • Differences between religion and philosophy of religion.
  • Does philosophy admit that god exists?
  • Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  • Harmonization of god’s purposes with human goods in Kant’s philosophy.
  • Reason and religious belief. An introduction to The Philosophy of Religion’ by M. Peterson.
  • Religious Studies and Theology.
  • Aristotle’s god: the universal source of change in the universe.
  • Human rights from the perspective of Islam .
  • Christian Religious Fundamentalism and Family Role Identities .
  • Do you think the five philosophical proofs of god’s existence are trustworthy?
  • Evangelical theology: Jesus Christ.
  • Does Hegel’s doctrine of god match Christian theology ?
  • Religion and public life in “American Grace” by Putnam.
  • Pragmatic views in “The Will to Believe” by William James.
  • God in Descartes and Nietzsche.
  • Which model of faith do you prefer?
  • Sociology of religion: purpose and concept.
  • Describe the constant conflict of creationism.
  • Relation between god, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Can religious experiences confirm the existence of ultimate reality?
  • Islamic civilization: religious practices.
  • How could one distinguish the genuine experience of god from the ungenuine?
  • What is the highest good in Buddhism ?
  • Descartes and God’s existence.
  • Is morality possible without religion?
  • Buddhism: teachings of Buddha.
  • Can there be free will if god is omniscient?
  • Afterlife in different world cultures.
  • Miracle: A transgression of the natural law or a transgression of our understanding of it?
  • Which side of the mind-body debate would you take?
  • Religious beliefs and political decisions.
  • Establish the relationship between a person’s belief in the afterlife and their theistic position.
  • Karma, dharma, and samsara in Indian religions.
  • How to make sense of religious diversity?
  • Conceptions of Christ.
  • Can the language of god be understood from the human position?
  • Judaism concepts.
  • The nature of miracles in the philosophy of religion.
  • Moses in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
  • The difference in the conceptions of god in monotheist and pantheist religions.
  • World religions studies and key concepts.
  • Does the doctrine of the trinity relate Christianism to pantheism?
  • What is the logical problem of evil?

🗳️ Topics in Political Philosophy

  • Why is the term “political” a problem in philosophy?
  • The Research of Morality in Politics.
  • Why is climate change an issue for political philosophy?
  • Political Science, Philosophy & Social Criticism.
  • Is it possible to establish global justice?
  • What does it take to be a free citizen?
  • Political Ideologies From the Philosophic Point of View.
  • Does a fair way to distribute wealth exist?
  • Does a nation owe anything to another country?
  • Utopia: ideal state basic principles.
  • What are the limits of the legal obligations of a citizen?
  • The destructive nature of capitalism.
  • Civil liberties in the supreme court.
  • Nationalism vs. Cosmopolitanism: A comparative study.
  • Political justice: Muslims discrimination.
  • The equality in opportunity for racial justice.
  • Marxism and realism in international relationships.
  • What are an individual’s rights against the state?
  • Karl Marx’s ideas: society alienation and conflict theory.
  • Alternative theories in international relations.
  • Is democracy another unattainable ideal?
  • International relations theories: realism & green politics.
  • To which degree should the state force its people to do something for their own good?
  • Democracy: pluralist theory and elite theory.
  • Realist versus liberal international relations theory.
  • Democracy vs. Epistocracy: which one do you support and why?
  • Realism and idealism in modern international relations.
  • Does the government have the moral right to ban unhealthy behavior?
  • Liberal international relations theories and global security.
  • Explain the importance of political philosophy in the education of future citizens.
  • Italian fascism and German nazism contrast analysis.
  • What could Aristotle tell us about the world of globalization: A critical study of ancient philosophy.
  • Political realism is the theory of international relations.
  • Why are there no permanent answers in political philosophy?
  • The role of the state: ideologies and policies.
  • What are the principal goals of a decent society?
  • Marxism philosophy, a constitutional republic, and American criminal justice.
  • Why should a person obey the law?
  • The Idea of Republican Theory
  • What is the basis of human dignity: freedom, virtue, friendship, and love?
  • Neoliberalism: history and modern perception.
  • What are the meeting points between the philosophy of religion and political philosophy?
  • “The german ideology” by Karl Marx and materialism.
  • Is there a single best political regime?
  • Karl Marx’s theory of exploitation: a critical analysis.
  • Can humanity exist without wars?
  • Tocqueville and the idea of America moving toward communism.
  • The mechanism of redirecting conflict to the common good in politics.
  • The essential concepts and principles of democracy.
  • Is international politics a sum of the regimes of the member countries?
  • Concept and the significance of soft power.
  • What is the standard character type of a democratic society
  • Democratic society and the capitalist system.
  • What is the most praiseworthy thing for a community?
  • “Civil disobedience” essay by Henry David Thoreau.
  • Do you believe that humanity will find something better than democracy in the future?
  • Bureaucracy and its role in society.
  • Are people capable of establishing a government based on reflection and choice?
  • Federalism: challenges and debates.
  • What are the qualities of successful and wise statesmanship?
  • Neoliberalism and human suffering.

⚖️ Philosophy of Law Topics

  • Should we obey the law because of fear of punishment or because it is good?
  • Capital Punishment: The Philosophical Perspective.
  • Why cannot humanity adopt single legislation for all countries?
  • Individual and Social Theories in Explaining a Crime .
  • The difference between consequential and categorical moral reasoning of crimes.
  • The theory of rational choice in criminology.
  • Are the institutions of punishment morally justifiable?
  • Stanford Prison Experiment and Its Consequences.
  • Wrongful conviction in the criminal court system.
  • A Utilitarian Approach to Capital Punishment.
  • What distinguishes law from ethical norms?
  • Crime theories and countermeasures.
  • How did the principal legal issues transform through the ages?
  • Assisted suicide: euthanasia and self-determination.
  • Do the changes in morality entail changes in the legal systems?
  • The common law background of the Fourth Amendment.
  • Is morality objective or subjective?
  • Is healthcare a civil or human right?
  • Can the empowerment of a certain population group limit the opportunities for another?
  • Rights protected by the Second Amendment.
  • Where is the line between the right to free speech and discrimination?
  • Poverty or low income as a cause of crime.
  • Can we say that law has conventional nature?
  • Constitution and system of separation of powers.
  • A legal system requires a sanction for non-compliance.
  • Rights and freedoms in the US.
  • Legal realism: the law is the product of court decisions.
  • The financial cost of crime to society.
  • The law of human interpretation in law.
  • Is the Bill of Rights necessary or not?
  • Deontology : preserving the autonomy of other people.
  • Importance of drug legalization in the USA.
  • The abortion debate – understanding the issues.
  • Life in prison and death penalty comparison.
  • Capital punishment and the concept of redemption.
  • Death penalty for and against.

👼 Philosophy & Ethics Topics

  • Moral right and wrong vs. moral good and evil: A personal experience.
  • Capital Punishment and Its Ethics.
  • Any society has its specific moral outlook.
  • Positive Psychology and Philosophical Concepts.
  • Ethics and morality: Interchangeable terms?
  • Ethical Decision-Making & Counseling on Abortion.
  • Will humanity ever find a correct way to live?
  • Philosophical Ethical Theories: Kantianism and Utilitarianism .
  • Should secondary education comprise ethics?
  • What is the current theory of ethics prevailing in philosophy?
  • Death Penalty: Crime and Morality.
  • Ethics in Descartes and Nietzsche.
  • Does the level of schooling define a person’s morality?
  • “The Allegory of the Cave” – The philosophy of Plato and Socrates.
  • Is there a moral justification for the class system?
  • Is there anything morally wrong with abortions?
  • Moral Philosophy and Peter Singer.
  • Lawyers and ethics: the attorney-client privilege.
  • Mass surveillance as an anti-crime measure: An ethical perspective.
  • Equal consideration of interests to non-human animals.
  • Is honesty a must for a moral person?
  • Police ethics and misconduct.
  • Wealth: A prerequisite for charitable actions?
  • Do we have a moral responsibility over developing countries?
  • The ethics of cloning: morality and issues.
  • The ethical side of human cloning.
  • Should governments consider the ethical aspects of new laws?
  • Morality, ethics, and ethical integrity.
  • The ethics of discrimination: is there any?
  • Censorship: should we ban morally harmful content?
  • Lifestyles in Don Giovanni and Dangerous Liaisons.
  • Are criminals evil by nature?
  • Animal experiments: benefits, ethics, and defenders.
  • Do you support or discard utilitarianism ?
  • Do you think there is such a thing as a moral fact?
  • Animal research, its ineffectiveness, and amorality.
  • Can ethical rules limit free will?
  • Ethical life issues in works by Cicero and C.S. Lewis.
  • Write a dissertation on the drivers of human behavior.
  • The problem of moral superiority.
  • Socrates and Thrasymachus’ views on justice in Plato’s Republic.
  • Do we have the right to restrict the immigrant inflow?
  • Does every action presuppose an intent?
  • Plato and Kant’s understanding of justice.
  • Does the current state of morality make us civilized?
  • Case study on models of making ethical decisions.
  • Is a good death possible?
  • Al-Ghazali philosophy.
  • Deontological ethics vs. value ethics: Research project.
  • Does there exist a bad motivation for procreation?
  • Euthyphro’s definition of “Holiness” or “Piety.”
  • Ethics in the institutions of global governance.
  • Nihilism in Nietzsche’s, Kierkegaard’s, and Heidegger’s views.

🔬 Philosophy of Science Essay Topics

  • The future of technology : The responsibility of philosophers?
  • Human Being in the Modern Science.
  • Time travel: Should we learn to do that?
  • Thinking and Intelligence in Psychological Science.
  • Is artificial intelligence our only hope for unparalleled technological development?
  • Explain the distinction between science and non-science.
  • Einstein and his Contribution to Science .
  • What are the ultimate aims of science?
  • Is there a universal way to interpret scientific findings?
  • St. Thomas Aquinas’ cosmological argument analysis.
  • A scientific theory and antirealism: Useful but not trustworthy.
  • Is the philosophy of science useful for scientists?
  • Debates of Using Animals in Scientific Analysis .
  • Theory vs. empirical data: What comes first?
  • Hobbes and Locke in the state of nature.
  • What is a measurement in science?
  • The Vienna Circle of Positivism: A historical outlook.
  • Legal Positivism and Natural Theory .
  • How and why did the science of ecology emerge?
  • Popper’s philosophy of science and falsification.
  • Describe the difference between a semantic view and a model-based approach.
  • Which research problems compose the evolutionary theory ?
  • Philosophical views and cultural influences.
  • What does it take to obtain authoritative knowledge ?
  • Analyze the social nature of any scientific knowledge.
  • Clifford’s and James’ knowledge theories.
  • Does gender define trust in science?
  • What does it mean to be an objective scientist?
  • Feminist Approaches to Gender and Science Issues.
  • Mind plus computer: Homunculus theory.
  • Compare Aristotle’s and Plato’s approaches to knowledge.

😊 Easy Philosophy Paper Topics

  • Do you believe in the extra-sensory powers of some people?
  • In which ways does God speak to people?
  • Death as the Final Destination.
  • Describe the future of humanity in 200 years.
  • Aristotle and relationships at work.
  • The way we treat nature is worse than ever before.
  • Describe the ideal society.
  • The Role of the Belief System in Projecting the Future.
  • Analyze the most famous words of your favorite philosopher.
  • Dreams: A parallel world or our fears and wishes?
  • A fallacy: term definition and examples.
  • Heaven and hell are our visions of good and evil.
  • What is the nature of intuition?
  • Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill’s Moral Theories .
  • Why do people lie?
  • Mind-body relationship.
  • Onlooker’s responsibility: When should you not interfere?
  • When do children become adults?
  • Skepticism Theory of Knowledge .
  • Each death is a tiny end of the world.
  • People and the meaning of life.
  • Can international relations be moral?
  • Happiness or success: What is our purpose?
  • The Concept of Justice According to Socrates and Augustine .
  • Are human virtues so good for everyone?
  • Plato’s allegory of the cave.
  • What would happen if animals spoke?
  • Luck is a form of optimism.
  • The relationship between money and happiness.
  • Where does responsibility come from?
  • Virtue and Human Good by Aristotle and Socrates .
  • Tolerance: A gateway to discrimination?

😀 Fun Philosophy Paper Topics

  • Why are clowns scary and fun at the same time?
  • How do our names define our personalities?
  • Why Do We Make Bad Decisions?
  • Light meal vs. large snack: How do we form our eating habits?
  • How do you know you are not sleeping now?
  • Why Do People Behave the Way They Do?
  • Why don’t passengers get a parachute on a plane?
  • How do you think your pet calls you?
  • What Justifies My Existence?
  • What makes you “elderly?”
  • Why Do Adolescents Engage in Risk-Taking Behaviors?
  • Embalming the dead: The pointless attempt to stop decomposition.
  • What is the gap between living and existing?
  • Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized?
  • Is it moral for a vegetarian to eat animal-shaped cookies?
  • Most time-saving devices are a total waste of time.
  • Why Does Crime Require Punishment?
  • Does a white painting on white paper exist?
  • If you plan to fail, do you succeed when it happens?
  • Why Should We Pay for Music?
  • Everyone can be replaced.
  • What would happen if you told only the truth?
  • Why Are Reality Shows So Popular ?
  • Knowing the date of your death: The best motivator?
  • Who do we owe for our success?
  • Courage and Fear: What Do You Know About Them?
  • How do you know that something has a meaning?
  • What does it mean to control your life?
  • What Is Consciousness and How Does It Work?
  • What comes first: the ends or the means?
  • Is utilitarianism morally correct?
  • Should abortion be legal around the world?
  • Are current policies properly protecting individuals from discrimination?
  • Does Plato provide a compelling argument for the immortality of the soul?
  • Al Gore and Steven Koonin have competing views on climate change awareness. Which one is better?
  • Should hate speech on the Internet and social media be prohibited?
  • Has feminism as a movement accomplished all of its goals?
  • Is presentness a real property of events?
  • Is it acceptable to have zoos and circuses?
  • Do wealthy countries have a moral obligation to help reduce global hunger?
  • Does faith in God transform a person?
  • Michael Bloomberg and Wayne LaPierre have opposite views on gun control. Which one is better?
  • The development of the notion of government by social contract.
  • The issues of democracy and possible solutions.
  • Civil disobedience and its efficiency in advancing social change today.
  • The role of government in the distribution of economic justice.
  • The textual genesis of Wittgenstein’s philosophical investigations.
  • The defense of Julian Simon’s views of the environmental crisis.
  • The essence of time: how do we perceive the past, present, and future?
  • The current status of measures of spirituality.
  • The problem of free will in the context of metaphysics.
  • Analysis of Isaiah Berlin’s understanding of “positive” and “negative” liberty.
  • The key principles of just and unjust wars.
  • The morality of field research on animals.
  • The absolute way to achieve a happy state of mind.
  • What is the problem with synthetic a priori knowledge?
  • The role of AI technologies in wiping humanity.
  • True beauty: subjective or objective?
  • The meaning of rich and poor in the modern world.
  • The importance of having a perfect life.
  • Does religion have an impact on scientific thinking?
  • The role of spirituality in a world of material prosperity.
  • Life purpose and methods to find it.
  • The possibility of time travel in the modern world.
  • The methods to control human thoughts.
  • Is it beneficial to be aware of your consciousness?
  • How can we know for certain that there is an afterlife?
  • Why are people the biggest threat to humanity?
  • Does religion provoke more conflict than it solves?
  • Does effective time management make our lives more meaningful and happier?
  • Can money buy happiness?
  • Why do we respect dead people more than the living?
  • Is peace the only way to stop war?
  • What is the primary goal of humanity?
  • How does consciousness fit into the physical world?
  • Will stronger regulations create a better world?
  • How do we know about what there is outside of ourselves?
  • Do guns protect people or kill people?

✍️ Bonus: 17 Tips on Writing a Philosophy Paper

When you’re assigned a philosophy paper, it can be a perfect moment to obtain a philosophical attitude: “This too shall pass.” However, while working on it, it’s better to concentrate and make maximum effort to do it right. Here are 17 quick tips that can help you a lot.

  • The OALster database
  • Internet Public Library
  • Biblioscape
  • Brainstorm your topic. This simple method can save you plenty of time and bring surprising results. Set a timer and try to generate as many ideas as possible within a chosen time period. Make it a rule to write down every idea crossing your mind (even if it seems crazy). You’ll have time to sort out your ideas later.
  • Create an outline. After you choose all major arguments, work on the logical structure of your paper. As an option, draw a mind map for your would-be paper.
  • Create a thesis statement. Just like any other academic paper, your Philosophy term paper will require a strong thesis statement, the last sentence in the introduction part, and briefly summarizing the main idea of your paper.
  • Write a stunning introduction. Start with an attention hook – a quote, a rhetorical question, striking stats, or an interesting fact.
  • Explain why you chose this topic.
  • Write an effective literature review. Divide your sources into groups according to the authors’ conclusions. Point out the gap in the literature.
  • Make transitions between sections. Make your Philosophy term papers flow. Just a couple of words connecting sections can improve the logical structure of your paper.
  • Use hamburger paragraph structure. Start every paragraph with a topic sentence – a brief summary of what you’re going to discuss in the paragraph. Complete every paragraph with a concluding sentence – a brief repetition of what you’ve just said. It’s a great way to make your writing more logical and convincing.
  • Spend 70% of word count on your own ideas. One of the best things about Philosophy writing is that you should include your own vision of the problem. Instead of jumping from one quote to another one, balance the quotes you use by adding your own ideas.
  • Align your ideas with your course readings. Include a couple of terms you discussed in class or heard in lectures in your Philosophy term papers to impress your teachers.
  • Discuss counterarguments. Show your deep understanding of the topic, shedding light on the conflicting points of view.
  • Point out the limitations. Show your analytical thinking. Make it obvious that you understand that any research can have certain flaws, such as sampling or research method.
  • Use spell, grammar, style, and plagiarism checkers. The software can help you improve the quality of your writing and help you avoid trouble.
  • Cite all sources. Make sure that you give credit to the authors whose writing you used.
  • Write a logical conclusion. Briefly repeat what you have said in your paper and add a new perspective – ideas for further research. Avoid including any new information in the conclusion of your Philosophy term paper.

We hope that our examples of philosophy topics for essays have inspired your philosophical thinking. Still, if you haven’t found what you are looking for, try out the topic generator . Enter the related keyword and check dozens of philosophy of science essay topics, philosophy of law topics, and many more.

❓ Philosophy Essay FAQ

What topics are in philosophy.

Philosophy topics for essays are subdivided into topics on law, politics, science, ethics, existential issues, and philosophy of religion topics. You can also research feminism, logical argumentation, human rationality, empiricism, stoicism, metaphysics, and epistemology. The broadest and the most exciting title could be: What is the world we live in really like?

How to Come up With a Topic in Philosophy?

  • Select the domain. Would you like to discuss ethics, metaphysics, or epistemology? These are the three pillars of philosophy.
  • If you prefer something more practical, choose topics on political philosophy.
  • Read through your notes over the last semester. You will find an interesting research question.

What Is a Good Philosophy Essay Topic?

A good philosophy topic for an essay does not reveal your position but instead suggests an argumentative question. Does life have a superior meaning? Does an individual have the right to suicide? Can we build a happy society without international conflicts? Such questions allow you to develop arguments and explain your opinion.

What Are Easy Topics to Write About on Philosophy?

Philosophy ethics topics are probably the easiest papers to write because each person has their moral code, which could serve as a reference point. Consider the following:

  • Why do all societies have different moral standards?
  • Is there a universal paradigm of ethics?
  • Is it ethical to apply euthanasia?

🔗 References

  • Why Study Philosophy? | University of Washington
  • Research Areas | Department of Philosophy
  • How death shapes life | The Harvard Gazette
  • Reflections on Death in Philosophical/Existential Context
  • Research Overview | Department of Philosophy
  • Philosophy of art | Britannica
  • Research Clusters – Philosophy – Columbia University
  • Political philosophy | Britannica

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good philosophy essay topics

105 Philosophy Essay Topics for You

choose philosophy essay topic

Philosophy is a broad academic field that encompasses all aspects of human life. Contrary to popular belief among most college and university students, writing a philosophy essay is not as simple as stringing alphabets and words together to form sentences and paragraphs. Even though philosophy is not strictly a science, it still requires a great deal of effort to think and write, just like any other pure science subject like math or chemistry.

Writing an excellent philosophy paper will necessitate a great deal of pre-writing work, additional reading, and adherence to standard rules. To write a superb essay, you must carefully select topics that pique your interest so that you are eager to do the research. But getting good philosophy topics is not the easiest thing in the world. That’s why we have put together a list of philosophy essay topics to help you and make your writing easier. We have also put together a quick guide that shows you how to structure your philosophy essay .

Check out these philosophy essay topic ideas and take a look at the tips on structuring your essay to help you write a better essay that includes what your professor expects to see.

What Makes a Philosophy Essay Different From Other Essays?

You’re undoubtedly curious as to what distinguishes philosophy papers from the rest of your college writing projects. Despite the fact that all essays share some characteristics (e.g., structure, thesis statement writing, tone, etc.), you will quickly notice that your philosophy teacher’s assignments are unlike any other essays you have written.

After you’ve thoughtfully chosen a topic from our list of philosophy essay topics, you’ll need to figure out what message you want to send to your audience. The goal is to persuade the readers and demonstrate the credibility of your argument, which is different from simply stating your point of view. Readers should, in theory, embrace your point of view as their own. That is why it is critical to draw inspiration from fascinating philosophical issues—you can only persuade someone if you believe in what you are saying.

Philosophy Essay Structure

Make sure you have a clear picture in your mind of the idea you want to convey; otherwise, you may find it difficult to develop a consistent work with the right flow. It’s only natural to assume that your lack of understanding of the issue prohibits you from presenting your ideas clearly and persuasively.

Although there are unlikely to be many A-grade essays in your class, those students who do produce exceptional papers always follow the steps below:

  • They make a compelling thesis statement.
  • They explain it to the reader and provide proof to back it up.
  • They provide credible data to back up their claims.
  • They put their thoughts in a logical arrangement.
  • They make sure to use proper sentence flow.

You can simply follow this structure or note the tips if you’re unsure how to create a philosophy paper.

Philosophy Argumentative Essay Topics

The goal of argumentative philosophy topics for essay is to select a side in an argument and defend what you believe in or to bring up an argument to discuss things with your fellow students. Here are a few suggested topics for argumentative philosophy essays:

  • Real-life idealism is difficult to attain.
  • The theory of feminine fashion and its impact on the masculine concept.
  • Are personalities one-of-a-kind or do they follow a pattern?
  • Do you believe that following all of the regulations is moral?
  • Do people have good and bad attributes by nature?
  • Define death and its significance.
  • Examine whether knowledge comes from experience and learning.
  • Discuss the prospect of living in a world free of regulations and laws.
  • Describe the impact of social media on our moral ideals.
  • What impact do movies and video games have on our values?

Political Philosophy Essay Topics

Most philosophy essays address a wide range of topics in society, making it tough to reduce your focus to a single topic. You may gather all the material you need to write a top-tier philosophy essay by looking through our list of philosophy essay topics below for any political philosophy essay topic.

Some of these interesting political philosophy topics for essay include:

  • Should civil disobedience be justified in a democratic state?
  • Compare and contrast the election systems of several emerging countries around the world.
  • Globalization’s negative impact on the global economy.
  • Politics’ beginnings and philosophical endings.
  • The benefits of a decentralized government system.
  • Terrorism’s impact on politics.
  • Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of totalitarianism.
  • Explain why international relations are important in emerging countries.
  • The relationship between politics, the media, and the people.
  • The relationship between morality and power.

Philosophy Essay Topic Ideas

Finding the perfect philosophy essay topic concept for your article might be tough, especially if you are new to the field. This is why we’ve compiled a list of a few political essay topics that may be useful to you. Worry no longer! The following suggestions can help you:

  • Examine whether or how our morality is influenced by or linked to culture.
  • Discuss whether or not teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions.
  • Investigate whether humans share the same understanding of what is wrong and what is right.
  • Describe the qualities that an excellent leader should possess.
  • Investigate how to prepare for life after death.
  • Define mentally conscious and explain how it applies to human life.
  • Explain the differences between economic and legal justice, as well as which is more vital.
  • Are there supernatural beings in the world?
  • Do we take a certain form once we die?
  • Should possessing a lot of money be a criterion for determining wealth?

Ancient Greek Philosophy Essay Topics

The term “ancient Greek” alludes to the birthplace of western philosophy. Many of the first elites to challenge the world around us were Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and others. We’ve compiled a selection of ancient Greek philosophy topics for essay that you could find useful.

  • Pre-Socratic atomism and Democritus.
  • The pre-Socratic period’s materialism and naturalism.
  • The Sophists and Diogenes.
  • Knowledge and perception from a pre-Socratic perspective.
  • Doctrines of the Eleatic school.
  • Idealism and Plato.
  • The Metaphysics of Aristotle and its Legacy
  • Stoicism and Buddhism are compared.
  • The impact of Aristotle’s school, the Lyceum.
  • Mythology vs. philosophy in explaining scientific phenomena.

Philosophy of Mind Essay Topics

Are you looking for unique philosophy essay ideas to choose from for your paper? Here are a few options for you to consider:

  • Consider the concept of mental/physical dualism.
  • Psychobiological perception and the mind-body relationship.
  • Lucrative and his view on mind, soul and spirit.
  • The Physical and Social Environment in Mind Development.
  • The application and adaptation of Thagard’s mind theory.

Philosophy Essay Topics Ethics

Do you require assistance in deciding on ethical philosophy topics for essay? It’s not uncommon for many students to struggle with these areas as well. You can choose from the following ten philosophy and ethics essay topics:

  • Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of utilitarianism.
  • When performing clinical trials, ethics must be taken into account.
  • State reasons for abortion legalization
  • The role of society in instilling good morals in young people
  • Examine the connection between happiness and moral responsibilities.
  • What role does philosophy play in digital transformation?
  • Examine the differences between ethical and psychological egoism.
  • The reliance on one’s moral compass to determine what is good and wrong.
  • Ethical business practices are certain to help your firm prosper.
  • Discuss the Catholic Church’s position on the use of contraception.

Easy Philosophy Essay Topics

Looking for some simple philosophical essay topic to write about? Here are a few options to consider:

  • Discuss Nietzsche, Kant, and others’ moral philosophy and ethics.
  • Explain how Martin Luther’s beliefs influenced Europe.
  • Give a general overview of the theodicy problem in medieval philosophy.
  • From a theological standpoint, emphasize the issue of free will.
  • In medieval philosophy, what is the relationship between faith and reason?
  • Compare and contrast Saint Augustine’s and Thomas of Aquinas’ theological approaches.
  • Define the terms divine providence and sin.
  • Describe the key characteristics of Pietism.
  • Examine the political, intellectual, and philosophical circumstances that prompted the Reformation.
  • Christian Thomasius’ views on prejudice and reason should be highlighted.

Essay Topics for Philosophy of Religion

If you are assigned to write a philosophy essay on religion for whatever reason. We can provide you with a list of essay themes to help you choose the most appropriate topic for your philosophy assignment.  

Here are ten possible essay themes for your philosophy paper:

  • The role of religious faith in the establishment of theocracies.
  • Christianity’s beginnings and how it is currently practiced.
  • Christian and Islamic religions have many commonalities.
  • The factors that lead to the emergence of new religions and beliefs.
  • Examine how traditional religious rituals are implemented in today’s world.
  • Hinduism’s influence and its impact on modern Indian society.
  • The connection between religion and science.
  • A global comparison of monotheistic faiths.
  • In today’s faiths, totemism and animalism are philosophical concepts.
  • God tales have certain similarities and some distinctions.

Essay Topics in Islamic Philosophy

Are you looking for some of the best Philosophy Islamic topics to write on? Below are a few you can select from:

  • Before Islam, there was Mecca and a Meccan society.
  • The American Islamic culture.
  • Human rights values and the Islamic state.
  • Prophet Mohammad’s first Islamic state.
  • In Islam, there are three sources of information: the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and Hadith.
  • The Threats posed by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
  • Concept, Evolution, and Impact of Islamophobia.
  • Differences and Parallels between Christianity and Islam.
  • Islam and Hinduism are both religious syncretists.
  • The Islamic Community in the United States and Islam.

Topics for Essay in Buddhist Philosophy

Do you want to create an essay about Buddhism’s philosophy? You can choose from the following ten topics:

  • What Exactly Is Buddhism? Religion, Beliefs, and Rituals in History
  • Healthcare from a Christian and Buddhist Perspective
  • Contribution of Buddhist Spirituality to Psychological Well-Being
  • Concepts and Values in Buddhism and Classical Hinduism
  • Buddhist and Classical Hindu beliefs
  • Buddhism and Life: Putting Buddhist Principles into Practice
  • Buddhist Reductionism and Self-Concept
  • Buddhism’s Meditation Techniques
  • Buddhist Teachings of Theravada and Mahayana
  • Siddhartha Gautama’s Life and Teachings on Buddhism

Philosophy Essay Topics about Animals

Have you been given the task of writing a philosophical animal essay? If so, read over the following list of ten fascinating philosophical animal topics:

  • Technology advancements and the introduction of biotechnology in recent decades have posed a severe threat to animals.
  • Justify animal suffering in various lab tests due to human cruelty.
  • What are some of the ways that city dwellers abuse their pets?
  • Certain traditional activities that violate animal rights should be prohibited throughout the world.
  • When the food chain and food web grow naturally, how can the ecological system on Earth be well balanced?
  • Discuss the problem of sustaining Earth’s equilibrium if animal species continue to vanish.
  • What impact does the extinction of creatures that fulfill a specific role in a certain environment have on the planet’s ecology?
  • Discuss how animals’ attitudes toward humans change when they are subjected to excessive exploitation.
  • Is it true that animals will not attack somebody unless they sense a threat from the human in front of them?
  • The behavior of animals toward humans can be viewed as a boomerang effect. Humans can receive the same sympathy from animals if they treat them well.

So here we are! 105 philosophy Essay Topics just for you! We hope you found them useful. Use these fascinating philosophical topics to write an awesome philosophy essay that gets you an A+! Cheers!

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With over a decade of experience in the industry, Evelyn Henderson is a highly accomplished freelance translator, research writer, and essay writer. She has established herself as the best in the business; she has a reputation for delivering high-quality projects and ensures that she meets and exceeds the client’s expectations.

good philosophy essay topics

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Philosophy Essay Examples and Topics

David hume: philosophy about self essay.

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The Perception of the Self according to Socrates

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The Standard of Taste by David Hume

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Compare and Contrast: Plato and Aristotle Essay

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  • Subjects: Philosophy of Science

The Strength of a Nation Derives From the Strength of the Home

Subjectivism and cultural relativism: objections and differences, the contribution of immanuel kant to the modern philosophy, st augustine’s philosophy, the perspectives of plato and augustine on metaphysics.

  • Words: 1402

Transcendentalism in American Literature

  • Words: 1384

Divided Line and the Allegory of the Cave

Utilitarianism theory essay.

  • Words: 1081

Heraclitus: Fire Is the Principle of Everything

  • Words: 1003

Value of Philosophy to the Society

The concept of death in literature and human life.

  • Words: 1731

Research Philosophy: Importance and Types

Relationship between ethics and religion essay.

  • Words: 1116

Plato vs. Aristotle: Political Philosophy Compare and Contrast Essay

  • Words: 4151

Plato’s Theory of Forms: Summary Essay

The purpose of man, john rawls’ philosophy of liberalism: strengths and weaknesses, machiavelli’s political ideas, power and knowledge relationship: michel foucault view.

  • Words: 1365

“Man is a Political Animal” by Aristotle

  • Words: 1131

Process Philosophy and Its Impact on America

Guardians and justice in plato’s “the republic”.

  • Words: 1210

Thales vs Anaximander Philosophy

  • Words: 1154

Importance of Self-Identity

  • Words: 1079

Herbert Spencer and Emile Durkheim: Comparison

  • Words: 2580

Plato on Death: Comparison With Aristotle Afterlife – Essay on Life After Death Philosophy

​do the “ends justify the means”, human will & freedom and moral responsibility, application of aristotle’s golden mean, socrates’ impact on western civilization, mrs. mallard’s feelings about her husband, the history of western philosophy: three major periods, plato on knowledge and opinion, ethical theories and nepotism relationships.

  • Words: 1925

Philosophy’s Main Branches

Transcendentalism: ralph emerson vs henry thoreau.

  • Words: 1101

Plato’s Philosophy

  • Words: 2719

Aristotle’s Views on Women

  • Words: 2041

Philosophy of Existentialism

  • Words: 1078

Sense experience is the only source of knowledge

  • Words: 2164

“The Question Concerning Technology” by Martin Heidegger

  • Words: 1974

Is It Better to Be Feared than Loved?

Philosophical thinking and reflection, theories of the creation of the world, life is a sea of suffering, and sorrow gives meaning to life, thomas aquinas’ and emanuel kant’s moral philosophy.

  • Words: 1189

The Theory of Knowledge by Immanuel Kant

Main branches of philosophy: definition and explanation, aristotelian defense of justice: strengths and weaknesses.

  • Words: 4143

Ethical Subjectivism and Emotivism in Society

What is the relationship between mind and body.

  • Words: 1763

Why Did Plato Hate the Sophists? – Philosophy

Success of socrates’ defense.

  • Words: 1113

How We See Ourselves v. How Others See Us

Ideal society by plato.

  • Words: 1650

Aristotle as the First Political Scientist

  • Words: 2217

Money, Happiness and Relationship Between Them

  • Words: 1128

What It Means to Be a Philosopher

  • Words: 1697

“Looking beneath the surface” – Meaning in Philosophy

The concept of being by heidegger.

  • Words: 2187

Personal Opinion and Outlook on Life

  • Words: 1208

Aristotle Philosophical Perspective

  • Words: 1693

Confucian Gentleman: Characteristics of Junzi (a Noble Man)

Philosophy of religion.

  • Subjects: Philosophy of Religion

Changes in Life: Positive and Negative Effects

Life after death.

  • Words: 1354

Nozick’s Entitlement Theory

  • Words: 1969

Compare and Contrast: Locke vs. Hume’s Notions of Self

Ethics types, differences, applications, the certainty and doubt relationship, machiavelli’s perspective on a good ruler, epistemologies of plato and aristotle.

  • Words: 1226

Immanuel Kant’s Life and Works

  • Words: 2945

Freedom and Determinism

  • Words: 1716

Truth: Absolute or Relative?

  • Words: 1087

Narrative of Personal Traumatic Experience

  • Words: 1730

Logic and Philosophy Relations

Descartes’ view of human nature: strengths and flaws.

  • Words: 2273

10 Terminologies of Philosophy: Nemesis, Thumos, Physis, Nomos, Phronesis, Mimesis, Arête, Kairos, Aidos and Eupsychia

Verification theory of meaning: is it viable.

  • Words: 1645

The Ultimate Nature of Reality

  • Words: 1426

Epictetus and Epicurus

  • Words: 1405

Eastern and Western Philosophers

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Here you’ll find lots of fresh topic ideas, amazing tips from experienced academic writers, and even essay samples. Follow us and boost your skills without any effort!

211 Outstanding Philosophy Essay Topics To Boost Your Grades

Philosophy essay topics

What is a philosophy essay? Philosophy as an academic discipline refers to the fundamental nature of reality, existence, and knowledge. It is concerned with theories related to primary occurrences in nature and everyday life. The particular set of ideas that one has over a given subject in society depends on one research level.

Others have nicknamed philosophy the ‘love of wisdom’ due to its inquisitive nature on almost everything. Philosophers look at three things:

The origin and development of man The world in which we live in The relationship of man to each other and the world

The result of all these are fundamental truths that help in explaining life in general.

How To Write A Philosophy Essay

A philosophy paper follows the format of other essays, with the three significant parts still dominating:

  • The introduction

Since such papers are based on facts rather than opinions, one needs to be well-informed. College students who wish to score highly need to know their surroundings well enough and be informed of the latest developments.

How To Start A Philosophy Essay

It is impossible to know how to write a good philosophy paper without going back to the writings of some of the great philosophers in world history. Such sources will help you understand the language, format, and style of philosophical essays. On top of that, they will help you develop topics in philosophy that will springboard your grades.

Philosophical essay topics should be: Informative Addressing a given problem in the society Providing solutions to life problems

Here are four branches of philosophy that you should know before embarking on your research:

Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Logic

Knowledge of these three will help you develop a paper everyone would kill to have on their reading tables. Look at these quality philosophy paper ideas and get your motivation today!

Controversial Philosophy Thesis Topics

These legendary ideas will help you start your thesis paper with ease:

  • The role of Aristotle in the life of Alexander the Great
  • The relevance of literal truth in the study of politics
  • How accessible will and autonomy are related
  • Is philosophy sufficient in telling us everything about this world and life?
  • Does give robots free will make them like humans?
  • Discuss the relationship between power and reason
  • Is it worth studying philosophy in the 21 st century with all these developments?
  • Why do modern philosophers still quote ancient philosophers?
  • Does everyone have an obligation or a choice to a particular responsibility?
  • Do we develop our thoughts consciously?
  • Compare and contrast life today and how it was decades ago
  • What is the essence of time, space, and matter in the study of philosophy?
  • Is science essential for the leading of a good life?
  • How philosophy has helped develop science over time
  • Philosophical implications of staying up too late in the night
  • Are the laws of physics subject to the discussion?

Easy Philosophy Paper Topics

These ideas are simple enough for any literate person in society:

  • What happens when people die?
  • Our cultural myths and superstitions about life and death essential?
  • Does every immoral behavior result from the mind?
  • Can we apply speculation in answering some life questions?
  • Is it unreasonable for one to believe in myths?
  • Does wisdom increase with age?
  • How real is the truth?
  • Does wisdom have anything to do with grey hair on the head?
  • Can man determine what happens to his life?
  • Does a supreme being control all life?
  • What would happen if humans lived forever?
  • How complex is a human life from conception to adulthood?
  • Is it worth keeping memories of past events if we can’t go back to them?

Philosophical Questions Worth Asking

Here are prompts that relate to everyone in society:

  • Who should determine the morals and ethics of a community?
  • Does being single for long have anything to do with your character?
  • Do we have generational curses running in the family lines?
  • How can life be without news and information?
  • Should people trust their beliefs over scientific knowledge?
  • Should we accept all facts as they are without question?
  • Is money the root of all the unrest in the world?
  • Who said people should have three meals a day?
  • Is money a mere piece of paper that is there today and gone tomorrow?
  • Is there anything like good and bad people in the world?
  • Can someone love and hate at the same time?
  • Is it possible to do away with marriage and people stay single?
  • Do past experiences affect one’s choices in the future?

Argumentative Philosophy Essay Topics

These brilliant ideas will give your essay a place among the top:

  • Should people earn money for working?
  • Does the ‘white supremacy’ ideology still run in today’s politics?
  • How does exposure affect one’s level of enlightenment
  • Does dictatorship always result in a messy democracy?
  • How does capitalism relate to democracy?
  • Is acquiring massive wealth the road to self-actualization?
  • Is there anything as speaking nonsense?
  • What is the relationship between the spirit and the natural world?
  • Do babies have a right to choose who they want as parents?
  • How does intellectual uncertainty lead to foolishness?
  • Are selfish people only protecting the little they have?
  • Can one learn empathy and sympathy from others?
  • Can politics also be addictive, just like drug addiction?

Top-Notch Topic For Philosophy Paper

Herein are expert writing ideas every university student must try out:

  • Is it appropriate to help someone and post it on social media?
  • Is the American dream a mere illusion of many?
  • Does the nature of knowledge make it prone to fallacies?
  • What is the impact of standardized testing on philosophy?
  • Why are argumentative rigor and conceptual rigor necessary for tackling life issues?
  • Impacts of the Western philosophical tradition
  • The role of the “Socratic method” of questioning in philosophy
  • How philosophy affects people’s judgments and actions
  • Does education lead to the pursuit of the life of reason?
  • The implication of Socrates’s philosophy to the life of Plato
  • Should people value wisdom over honor and pleasure?
  • The role of abilities and interests in shaping one’s decision in life
  • What fosters good judgment in the life of man?

Incredible Topics For Philosophy Paper

These topics touch on almost every aspect of your life:

  • Discuss the connection between moral virtue and the development of character
  • How community-guided practices affect the life of its inhabitants
  • Is corruption a construct of the mind only?
  • Does the instruction one receives affect their development?
  • Should boys and girls learn distinctively?
  • What causes the attraction of a person to the other one?
  • Does weather affect the mood of women?
  • Impact of slogans on the accomplishment of a task
  • Why showing interest is the first step in accomplishing a task
  • Do controversies indeed exist?
  • Does education affect how the politics of a country is run?
  • The role of education in fostering rationality and logic
  • Does endorsement have to do with acceptance of a particular cause?

Philosophy Research Paper Topics For Beginners

First years in college or university can find these topics helpful:

  • Do video games have an impact on one’s cognitive behavior?
  • Why polygamous marriages are common in Africa
  • The reception of art among different people
  • How does the western idea of development vary from that of Africa?
  • What qualities define excellent and beautiful among men and women?
  • How different ethnic communities perceive death
  • The role of music and dance in ancient traditions
  • Do magic, witchcraft, and sorcery exist?
  • Discuss the relationship between humanity, divinity, and creativity
  • What is the interconnection between power and influence?
  • Does achieving self-development have anything to do with self-esteem?
  • Do patriarchal structures contort life as a whole?
  • Moral representations in American literature

A+ Philosophy Topics For Essays

Your lecturer will not think twice about awarding you an A-grade with these ideas:

  • How today’s occurrences are a replica of the past
  • Do people have a natural tendency to be loving all the time?
  • Are laws and policies bindings that only exist on a paper?
  • Striking a balance between the law and ethics
  • Is it reasonable to be proud after accomplishing something?
  • Do names affect what one becomes in the future
  • Who determines what is good and evil?
  • Is truth the only potent weapon one can use in an argument?
  • Has modern society left the sense of the beauty of the heart?
  • Do humans have ethical obligations to robots?
  • What is it with women and their hair?
  • Why have women always considered lesser beings?
  • Is it practical to miss someone you saw minutes ago?

Practical Philosophical Topics For Essays

You can use these ideas for any issue in life:

  • Is it right to marry a lady who is older than you?
  • Does marriage guarantee satisfaction?
  • Do students need help with their homework at home?
  • Is it possible to offer assistance to a stranger without doubting their intentions?
  • Are critics mean people who only want their ideas to prevail?
  • Is racism a construct of the mind?
  • Can we apply biblical parables to today’s life?
  • Does one need wisdom when voting?
  • How much knowledge is dangerous for society?
  • Can someone oppress another one mentally without causing any physical harm?
  • Can a person be satisfied with money?
  • Does making profits in business mean oppressing the buyers?
  • Can capitalism achieve any good for society?

Quick Philosophy Term Paper Topics

Try out these ideas if you wish to complete your term paper fast!

  • Must one go to school to be an expert at something?
  • Discuss the psychology behind cheap commodities and their quality
  • What is the best step towards a reconciliation process?
  • How sure are you that you are alive?
  • Do dreams tell about what we want to happen?
  • Why are ladies naturally emotional?
  • Is it practical for a male to comfort a female?
  • How can we be sure that there is life after death?
  • Is anxiety a confirmation that you are not adequately prepared?
  • What matters between the economy and the lives of citizens during a pandemic?
  • How can we be sure that we live inside a planet?
  • Does colonization of Mars show man’s greed for power?
  • Do fantasies portray one’s lack of maturity?

Fun Philosophy Paper Topics

These writing ideas will put a smile on the face of your stern-looking professor:

  • Why do short ladies want tall boyfriends and vice versa?
  • Are exams only meant to torture students?
  • Does listening to music make you a musician?
  • What is the joy in eating and sleeping?
  • Is philosophy the ultimate answer to all of life’s questions?
  • Are dogs more intelligent than some human beings?
  • Does being less talkative make one wise?
  • What war is silence as a weapon fighting?
  • Why should anyone be interested in having a name?
  • Do nicknames portray the natural character of people?
  • Can a robot become pregnant through artificial insemination?
  • Should you give your left cheek too after a slap on the right one?
  • Do ladies also propose for marriages in a relationship?

Good Philosophy Paper Topics

Try out these great ideas for an outstanding philosophy paper:

  • Does our expert always view the final authority?
  • What was the influence of other philosophers on the ideas of Plato?
  • Does there exist a unity of opposites concerning the universal flux?
  • The difference between philosophy and mythology in explaining natural phenomena
  • How do paradoxes make philosophy an exciting subject?
  • Is the concept of reality, according to Plato, guided by his views?
  • How can we be sure about the origin of things on earth?
  • Discuss how Plato, Avicenna, and Aristotle describe the ontology
  • How does natural philosophy influence science?
  • How the feminine gender was represented in ancient Greece
  • The role of Greece in advancing findings in philosophy
  • Discuss the application of the Golden Mean Rule today
  • Do universals exist in the Ancient Greek philosophies?

Captivating Philosophy Topics To Write A Paper On

These will win the attention of your reader right away!

  • Does Platonic realism have an impact on modern realism?
  • Must we go to school to learn?
  • Compare and contrast between Stoicism and Epicureanism
  • The role of knowledge in advancing perception
  • How Aristotle and Avicenna viewed motion
  • The impact of Augustine’s ethics in the context of Christianity
  • Describe the principal characteristics of atomism
  • The role of philosophy in defining divine attributes
  • Main categories of arguments in Islam apologetics
  • How do doctrines shape the belief system of a group?
  • Discuss the idea of the human soul
  • Discuss the theological view of free will in man
  • How does the intellectual view creation?

Philosophy Essay Questions

Here are mind-wobbling questions to ask yourself on philosophy:

  • Is paid help assistance at all?
  • What is the impact of legacy and influences?
  • Does mental language exist?
  • What are the limitations to the concept of Utopia?
  • Do heretics exist?
  • Why is doubt the killer of many destinies?
  • Does the supernatural world indeed exist?
  • How do the spiritual and biological aspects of life coexist?
  • Does magic draw its inspiration from science?
  • What is the impact of alchemy and divination?
  • Is probability a construct of the mind?
  • What are the effects of skepticism?
  • What are the synthetic propositions of the Kantian modes of thinking?

Philosophical Writing Prompts

With these ideas, you can be sure that your paper will receive the highest accolades:

  • Discuss self as the center of reality
  • Is getting information out of the outer world real?
  • The contribution of Leibniz to metaphysics and epistemology
  • What is the impact of Benedict de Spinoza’s doctrines?
  • The role of Ludwig Feuerbach in advancing anthropological materialism
  • Concept of irony
  • Concept of art
  • The movement influence of philosophy
  • Development of German philosophy
  • Who is an idealist?
  • The contribution of Johanna Charlotte to feminism
  • What are positive values?
  • Discuss the ‘will to power.’

Interesting Philosophy Topics

The best has been reserved for the last in this section:

  • Concept of three worlds
  • Impact of relativity and quantum mechanics on idealism
  • How modernism reflects societal changes
  • Technology about ancient philosophy
  • Differences between Marxism and Freudism
  • Concept of the real
  • A study of the early socialist societies
  • Arguments for and against Zionism
  • How colonialism influenced today’s behavior of the colonists
  • Philosophical aspects of artificial intelligence
  • A study of the classical era
  • Fundamental concepts of communism
  • A critique of historicism

Do you want to learn how to start a philosophy paper, or just looking for cheap writing help? Our trusted essay writing service offers them all.

Try it out for yourself today!

Humanities Research Paper Topics

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227 Philosophy Thesis Topics To Use Right Now

philosophy thesis topics

A philosophy dissertation everyone’s favorite. The long list of philosophers and their allegories or theories is not a subject most students would want to listen to comfortably. However, students still have to write a philosophical thesis in their undergraduate or post-graduate to graduate.

Let us narrow down this elephant in the room for you.

What Is A Philosophical Thesis?

A philosophical paper is not a report of what various scholars have had to say on a particular issue. It is a reasoned defense of a particular thesis. Unlike other papers that present the latest findings of tests or experiments, this paper tries to persuade the reader to give in to a particular point of view together with grounds or justification for its acceptance.

The introduction of a philosophy paper states what the writer is trying to show the reader. When writing a dissertation in philosophy, follow the following simple guidelines for efficiency:

  • Very carefully and think about your topic
  • Have a rough idea of what you intend to establish
  • Determine how you’ll go about convincing the reader that your thesis is correct.

For an outstanding philosophy thesis, ensure that you say what you mean and in a way that minimizes the chances of being misunderstood. It is the general rule thumb for this paper that every student should have at his/her finger-tips.

What To Avoid in a Philosophy Dissertation

Understanding the do’s and don’ts of any paper is essential in ensuring that you stick within the scope of what is required of you. Here are some of the things to avoid in philosophical thesis papers for college:

  • Lengthy quotations: It is essential to understand that quotations are an essential part of philosophy papers. However, stating long quotes that run into paragraphs or more does not make your paper sound original. One will only see this as a duplication of another person’s work.
  • Circular reasoning: If you presuppose the truth of whatever it is that you are trying to bring out in the course of arguing for it, then you are guilty of begging the question.
  • Lengthy introductions: An intro should only serve the purpose of giving the context of your philosophy topic and creating interest in the reader. You can do it in less than four short and precise questions. Overloading your introduction only serves to drain your readers’ energy before they get into the real deal – the body.
  • Fence sitting: Most students are guilty of presenting several positions in their papers and then saying they are not qualified to settle the matter. Do not close by saying that philosophers have been divided over a particular issue. That only shows how shallow and scanty you were in your research process.

Always organize your work carefully, using the right words to present your stance without any disputes. The stance should also come out naturally without making the reader feel that you are forcing him/her to ascribe to your particular point of view.

It is also essential to support your arguments with undisputed evidence. Do not assume that your reader may not be skeptical of your arguments. Every reader is skeptical of whatever they read, and if sufficient evidence is not provided, then you might not convince anyone at the end of your 20-page long thesis.

Now, for you to have a strong thesis, ensure that it is:

  • Answering a specific question;
  • Engaging; one that can be challenged or opposed, thus also defended;
  • Passes the “so what? Or why should I care?” test;
  • Supported by your paper; and
  • Not too broad nor too vague.

To have a strong argument in your philosophical paper, demonstrate these sorts of things that make your opponent’s views false in a fashion that does not presuppose that your position is correct. Your philosophy research topics will play a significant role in supporting this claim.

You can find philosophy research paper topics from:

Early American Imprints of 1639 to 1819 Early English Books Online of 1475 to 1700 Internet archives The War Diaries of Jean-Paul Sartre The Metaphysics of Morals by Emmanuel Kant

And many more sources that are readily available in your college library or online catalogs.

We now advance to our professional philosophy topics list:

Sample Thesis Topics For Philosophy of the Human Sciences

  • Critique of mainstream assumptions and practices of human behavior globally
  • How are constructions of human nature affect our associations and lineation
  • Adopting a human science framework to the problem of racial discrimination in the US
  • How to adopt positivism in a world bombarded by negative news all the time
  • A rigorous and systematic approach to man’s natural behavior
  • The role of the Greek philosophers in shaping human sciences around the 18th century
  • How existential phenomenology found its way from Europe
  • Cultural and biological dimensions of human science research programs
  • The role of qualitative research methods across the discipline of the human sciences
  • How humanistic psychology offers more substantive findings in human science tradition
  • An evaluation of the colleges and universities dedicated to humanistic/human science philosophy
  • Discuss the impact of the American infusionism into the cultures and systems of the world
  • Fundamental tenets of Western civilization in developing countries
  • An assessment of the ancient nature of human interactions
  • Political and cultural standards acceptable to all human interactions

Philosophy Potential Senior Thesis Topics

  • A philosophical perspective of evil actions and evil persons
  • How the ideology of Darwinism has affected the aspect of natural selection
  • Distinguishing the underlying differences between intervention and information
  • Psychoanalysis of melancholia in teenagers
  • Investigating the use of biology in dealing with human philosophical issues
  • The evolution of philosophical writings from the 15th century to the 21st century
  • Examine the connection between shame and an immoral piece of art
  • How depression relates to natural and interactive children
  • What is the logic behind nightmares and madness in dreams?
  • An investigation of how man is adapting to the invasion of privacy by new technologies
  • The ethical and practical arguments against voluntary euthanasia
  • Discuss the relationship between value, dignity, and human virtue in the Modern Virtue Theory
  • The evolution of personal and corporate responsibility in the 21st century
  • Trends in sex and sexuality as seen in the 21st century
  • Why arousal of an emotion in the listener is essential in the delivery of any speech

Undergraduate Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • Modern science: Should we employ a monistic or pluralistic model?
  • How moral philosophy can help improve our understanding of folk psychology
  • Why is it close to impossible to escape mental externalism?
  • The emergence of technology and resulting bioethics as seen in the 21st century
  • Investigate the willingness to accept punishment after committing a civil crime
  • Why artificial intelligence may not be a genuinely creative entity
  • Discuss empathy, fiction, and morality in the development of fiction stories and folklores
  • The role of sporting activities in developing virtues and morals in the society
  • Is voluntary suicide justified for any reason whatsoever?
  • Why postmodern philosophical theories and market anarchism are enemies
  • Discuss the ultimate goal of humanity in the backdrop of the changing roles
  • Give a detailed analysis of the relationship between fate, destiny, and free will
  • What is the essence of dreams and visions to man?
  • Evaluate the sources of your self-worth in the light of personal attributes
  • What is the impact of a person’s name on who they become in the future?

Best-Rated Political Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • Consider the dividing line between distributive justice and the family
  • Investigate the gendered basis for care and caregiving
  • What are the underlying differences between multiculturalism and feminism
  • Discuss the liberal versus radical feminist positions on pornography
  • How social beings should live together considering the underlying differences
  • Following the example of Plato, discuss what it means to have an ideal society
  • Given the knowledge and resources available, discuss the best form of society using the US as a case study
  • The evolution of democracy in the US presidential election
  • How the history of the past several centuries has impacted the role of citizens in participation in democracy
  • What is the essence of having a conservative free-market economy in the 21st century?
  • The role of the government in regulating the economy
  • Should the economy incorporate both capitalist and socialist structures?
  • Do we have an economically viable socialist alternative to capitalism?
  • Is it worth fighting for an economically viable alternative to capitalism?
  • The conservative view of the post-World-War-Two period

Thesis Topics on the Renaissance and Philosophy

  • The impact of the renaissance period o man’s view of the world
  • Compare and contrast the High Renaissance in Rome as compared to the of Northern Europe
  • The impact of the scientific revolution on the renaissance period
  • The early renaissance period in Florence and the existence of the Flemish art
  • Discuss the contributions of some of the godfathers of the Renaissance
  • The perfect interplay between music and painting during the renaissance period
  • The humanist intellectual, cultural, and artistic revolution of the Renaissance
  • Religious symbolism and naturalistic beauty as exemplified in the renaissance period
  • The role of sexuality and eroticism in the works of the 16th-century renaissance art
  • How the discoveries of the renaissance period helped shape people’s attitudes towards life
  • Identify and explain the role of the Carolingian Renaissance on the Bible
  • The impact of the Great migration and economic changes on literature and art
  • Discuss how art patronage was conducted in Italy during the Renaissance
  • How science has made advancements in renaissance culture and art
  • Impacts of the early Renaissance on the medical innovations

Master Thesis Topics in Philosophy

  • Discuss the benefits and impacts of the renaissance period on the man
  • How the renaissance period played a part in the reformation of the world
  • A comparative analysis of philosophy, art, and culture during the Renaissance
  • How much influence did the renaissance period have on dressing?
  • Conduct a critical analysis of Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance
  • The contribution of sculptors of the Italian Renaissance
  • Discuss artistic renaissance humanism during 1400 and 1650
  • The Renaissance and religion: A case study of the Catholic church
  • Artistic revolution as a significant element of the Renaissance
  • The role of William Shakespeare in the renaissance period
  • Discuss the classical and Renaissance humanities art of the Greco-Roman artists
  • The cultural, economic, and political influence of the Renaissance
  • The age of revolutionary, Renaissance, and enlightenment period
  • The representation of nature in the European renaissance artistic works
  • How Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Rafael contributed to the new era of the Renaissance

Introduction to Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • Discuss whether people are good or evil by nature
  • What are the limitations to free will in making personal decisions?
  • What is the impact of the belief in God on a person’s way of life?
  • Discuss the compatibility issues between science with religion
  • Give a detailed argument for or against utilitarianism
  • What is the logic behind psychological and ethical egoism?
  • Ascertain the relevance of morals to culture or society
  • The role of Aesop’s fables in contributing to human philosophy
  • Discuss the history and development of African philosophy
  • What are the central tenets of African Sage Philosophy?
  • The critical role played by altruism and group selection
  • Conduct a detailed analysis of the American Enlightenment Thought
  • How does the American Wilderness Philosophy vary from that of today?
  • A case study of Anselm’s Ontological Argument for the Existence of God
  • Critically evaluate motion and its place in nature
  • Discuss association in the philosophy of the mind
  • How Bolzano’s mathematical knowledge played a crucial role in human philosophy

Thesis Papers Topics on Buddhist Philosophy

  • The view of sin and punishment between the Buddhist and Hindu religions
  • Buddhist believe in rebirth, which is determined by the actions one does in daily life.
  • Misconceptions about sexuality in the Buddhist religion
  • Discuss the relationship between Shinto with China and Buddhism
  • Analyze the four noble truths of Buddhism
  • The concept of salvation according to the Zen Buddhism religion
  • A detailed study of the confluence of Buddhism and Hinduism in India
  • An analysis of the faith and practices of Buddhism as a religion in India
  • The role of Mahatma Gandhi in advancing the ideologies and practices of Buddhism
  • Evaluate the vase of treasure hidden in the Buddhist iconography
  • Compare and contrast the various variations between Buddhism and Christianity
  • Elements of the Buddhism religion that make it sacred
  • Discuss the concept of anger and how to manage it in the Buddhism religion
  • Cultural histories and the expansion of the Buddhism religion in China
  • Differences in the Japanese versus Chinese Buddhism practices

Types of Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the role of aesthetics in the study of philosophy
  • How epistemology has contributed to the growth in philosophical literature
  • Elaborate the role of ethics on the survivability of a society
  • How logic has been crucial in making rational decisions in a man
  • What are the limitations of metaphysics as a branch of philosophy?
  • Analyze the philosophy of mind given the fundamental tenets
  • Discuss the major revolutions of the African philosophy
  • Why does Eastern philosophy have a lower absorption rate?
  • Reasons why Western philosophy has a greater acceptance in the world as compared to others
  • Give the unique characteristics of the ancient and classical philosophy
  • Why the medieval and post-classical philosophies have a place in the modern world
  • The modern and contemporary philosophy in terms of improvements
  • Discuss the philosophy of language theories and stances in Europe
  • What is the impact of the philosophy of science theories and stances?
  • Discuss the epistemological stances of different philosophical schools of thought

Epistemology Paper Topics

  • The concept of skepticism among different readers
  • Analyze the internalist vs. externalist accounts of knowledge and justification
  • Discuss the structure of knowledge and justification
  • What contributes to contextualism in epistemology?
  • Impacts of the relevant alternative accounts of knowledge
  • Discuss the pros and cons of the epistemology of lotteries
  • A case study of foundationalism and coherentism
  • The impacts of facts and beliefs on people
  • Is skepticism doomed to an inevitable defeat?
  • Arguments and positions in epistemology in the 21st century
  • The pros and cons of different positions in epistemology
  • Relevant arguments and principles in epistemology: A case of The Closure Principle
  • Critically discuss Shoemaker’s ‘self-blindness’ concept
  • How the epistemology of attitudes like the belief is very different from the epistemology of other mental states
  • Fundamental flaws in various epistemological theories

High-Quality Philosophy Project Topics

  • Discuss the concept of happiness
  • Why egoism is a negative trait
  • Discuss the motive behind acts of charity
  • Is love merely an illusion of the mind?
  • Are criminals evil by nature?
  • Is the current generation less affectionate?
  • Discuss the concept of true friendship
  • Is there happiness in achieving nothing?
  • Does a perfect life exist?
  • Why do people struggle to attain perfectionism?
  • The impact of technology of taking away emotions
  • Analyze time management among high school versus campus students
  • Is obsession replacing true love?
  • Is the concept of ‘You Only Live Once’ viable?
  • Why are most geniuses’ introverts?

Easy Philosophy Paper Topics

  • Discuss the existence of fate in the modern world
  • Can we achieve an ideal society?
  • Is life meaningful after all?
  • Why should people work, yet they will die in the end?
  • Is the concept of feminism overhyped?
  • Is every human action predetermined?
  • Discuss the components of the human consciousness
  • Why do people tend to do the bad instead of the good?
  • Are atheists deceiving themselves?
  • Why is the world changing so fast?
  • Is there life after death?
  • Why must everyone go to school?
  • Who determines what clothes each gender should don?
  • The impact of religious beliefs on science
  • Does death usher in the new life?

Top Philosophical Topics To Write About

  • Will the world ever come to an end?
  • Why do people have different religions?
  • Does stealing originate from the person’s mind?
  • Who is responsible for the rot in the society
  • The role of parents in instilling morals
  • Why do people believe in revenge?
  • What makes man different from animals?
  • Why should we care about our neighbors?
  • Is humility a virtue for ladies?
  • Why are most men aggressive
  • Discuss the role of sleeping at night
  • Should people eat food after all?
  • Is man the biggest threat to himself?
  • Is the judicial system serving justice?
  • Will robots make the world better?

Good Philosophy Topics

  • Do beliefs and superstitions match?
  • Is sex necessary?
  • Why should people love each other?
  • Should a woman head the house also?
  • Are other planets mere superstitions?
  • Are the stars in the sky fantasies?
  • Why bother about planning?
  • Do aliens exist?
  • Why is man rational?
  • What is the effect of finding a purpose in life
  • Do shooting stars fall on earth?
  • Why do fiction movies move people?
  • Does the moon exist?
  • Are we living reality or a fantasy?
  • Can one love more than two people?

Interesting Philosophy Topics

  • Was man made out of clay?
  • Do guns protect?
  • Does true love exist among teenagers?
  • Beauty and morality
  • Religion and power
  • Memories and love
  • Peace and war
  • Religion and own belief system
  • Angels and demons
  • Heaven and earth
  • Plastic surgery and ethics
  • Character and upbringing
  • Dreams and the future
  • The rich and the poor
  • Is death inevitable

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Philosophy - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and ethics. An essay on philosophy could explore notable philosophical theories, compare different philosophical traditions, or discuss how philosophical inquiry contributes to our understanding of complex issues in science, ethics, and society. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Philosophy you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Philosophy in 300 B.C.

Philosophy in 300 B.C era became more focused on the art of living. This was because of the Peloponnesian war and the fall of the city of Athens by the Roman Empire, the people of Athens response to this was hopelessness. After the war Greek civilians felt a loss of purpose in their existence and their ability to control their lives socially and politically was steadily diminishing. These historically significant events is what brought up the philosophical theories of life […]

Negative Impact of Process Philosophy

Process philosophy is the topic that will discussed today. It is a prevailing view and belief that is brought up by a theoretical scholar clarifying what appears to be a specific fact that has and is currently happening in our culture and society. A smart individual will notice that it is high in concern amplifying and studying complications and difficulties behind events that happen in our society. It is imperative that understanding is amongst society to be able and acknowledge […]

Impact of Enlightenment on America

There were many amazing people that were involved in the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening.  These amazing people's ideas would be the basis for the founding of the America we know.  It would also inspire the American Revolution.  It helped people in the America's think for themselves. The enlightenment was a cultural and scientific movement.  In one mans words the enlightenment is better described as an, "Intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Philosophy: Truth is what Conforms with Fact or Reality

Truth, for many people, is simple – it is what conforms with fact or reality. Philosophy is concerned with what is true in the world, using many methods to search for the truth. Motivation for the search for truth can be pared down to wisdom and utility. Wisdom is the main goal of philosophy, as philosophy is named after wisdom, with the Greek words philo and sophia meaning love of wisdom. Utility came with wisdom, as the wisdom acquired by […]

Abortion Issue, Ethics and Philosophy

Some philosophers think that abortion should be done at beginning stages before the fetus has consciousness. As for others, they think that it’s important for moral permissible of an abortion, whether the fetus is at a stage where parts of the brain that exists supports a certain capacity of consciousness and self-consciousness. In the Politics Aristotle supports infanticide for cases in which the child is deformed, or otherwise physically compromised. I could imagine him (Aristotle) allowing for infanticide when a […]

Eudaimonia Happiness and Virtue on Aristotle

Aristotle was the ancestor of the concept of eudaimonia. The word "Eudaimonia refer to the type of life one thinks best, most worthwhile, or most desirable. It is generally referred to hedonic happiness. It is the belief that one is getting the important things one wants, as well as certain pleasant affects [1]. It is about pleasure, having fun and enjoying yourself. Aristotle argues that most people agree that living well and doing well is all about happiness [2]. Furthermore, […]

The Matrix Philosophy

How can we know that we are awake? That this is real? Surely many of us who have seen the film has these types of questions. Many of us have had the sensation of not acting with total freedom, many of us have thought that our acts are predetermined (or very influenced), or that we live an eternal constant return; even, that we are being manipulated and controlled and that we are inside a dream. Matrix responds to all these […]

Concept of St. Augustine Christianity Philosophy

St. Augustine was an important figure in history for philosophy and had many contributions throughout his career that made other important philosophers question themselves and him. We get to know St. Augustine as he tells his audience about his life and his ideas by his work while he was alive. He had written many famous books that still have an impact on today’s generation and blended philosophy and theology together. Augustine was able to accomplish many things throughout his hardships […]

Kant and Aristotle on Happiness

Human happiness has been a topic of discussion for thousands of years. The discussion focuses on how to reach true happiness, and the relevance of happiness to decision making. Over time, philosophers have mulled over human happiness, with Aristotle and Kant taking opposing stances. Aristotle believes happiness is the goal of human activity. Kant argues that the purpose of human activity is to uphold universal law without taking happiness into consideration. Acting out of respect for duty leads to a […]

Thought into what my Philosophy on Teaching

Before, I began this course I didn't put much thought into what my philosophy on teaching was. I have come to see the importance of learning about philosophical theories and the men and women who implemented them. Philosophy in general studies questions about the nature of learning, especially children. Questions might include: What is the purpose of education? What is the nature of education and its related concepts? Is the chief goal of educators imparting knowledge, developing intellectual independence or […]

PHL 130: Moral Philosophy

Abortion Given the circumstances between Dante and Beatrice, I do believe it would be morally legitimate for Beatrice to get an abortion because they both practiced safe sex in an attempt to avoid getting pregnant. Although, in my opinion, I believe that it would be morally legitimate in any circumstance for a woman to have an abortion because a woman has complete autonomy over her body, just as any person would and should. I hold this position because I believe […]

Aristotle Vs. Plato

Throughout life, one will encounter many different people some with similar views and others with contrasting perspectives on reality. This topic and discussion on life and reality continues to rise debate since ancient times. Some of history's most influential philosophers that attempt to describe life and reality are Aristotle and Plato. A student may choose to accept the teachings of a mentor or reject, question, and modify what is taught. Aristotle was a student of Plato's and chose to reject […]

Plato’s Philosophy and Christian Metaphysics

Platonism is the philosophy of Plato that was developed in 1509; and moreover refers to the philosophy the affirms the existence of abstract objects that “exist” in a “third realm” distinct form the external world and from the internal world of the consciousness. And also bringing attention to Plato’s Theory of Forms that considers the distinction between the realities that are perceptible and imperceptible. In later centuries, Platonism began to have a profound effect on Western thought and many of […]

Philosophy in Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’

Philosophy is a cosmology, a crisis, and a critique. A cosmology is the assumption one makes about the universe, their worldview, what is subjective, and what is objective. A crisis is made up of the moral choices one makes, what is right or wrong, choosing between life or death, and is based judgement. Critique analyzes how one structures their argument, further expanding the problems presented. Philosophy is the love for wisdom as it is the purpose for forming critical thoughts. […]

Unveiling the Boundaries: Robert Frost’s ‘Mending Wall’ and the Philosophy Human Urge for Connection and Division

Robert Frost's poem "Mending Wall" transcends the constraints of time, delving into the intricate layers of human relationships, the dichotomy between unity and isolation, and the very essence of boundaries—both physical and metaphorical. Through vivid imagery and poignant reflections, Frost crafts a narrative that resonates with the perennial tug-of-war between connectivity and separation. The poem unfolds against the backdrop of two neighbors who convene annually to repair a stone wall that divides their properties. Frost's evocative language captures the essence […]

Personal Philosophy in Teaching

A personal philosophy in teaching is a crucial framework that guides educators in their approach to instruction, student engagement, and educational goals. This philosophy shapes how teachers perceive their role, interact with students, and implement teaching strategies. In this essay, I explore the components of my personal philosophy in teaching, emphasizing its impact on my approach to education and student development. At the core of my teaching philosophy is the belief that education should be student-centered. This means recognizing and […]

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

There is perhaps no pursuit more quintessential to human existence than that of happiness and a meaningful life. In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle examines the many facets of life that bring virtue and contentment. He queries what it means to be good, just, and ethical. These questions are as relevant now as they were then. Seeking one's purpose in life will always be a key element of human nature. Aristotle begins his musings by explaining that happiness is the motivation for […]

Philosophy in Action: Embracing Mottos to Live by

Life mottos, succinct phrases that encapsulate guiding principles or philosophies, have long been sources of inspiration and guidance for many. These mottos, often born out of personal experiences, cultural wisdom, or historical insight, serve as beacons to light our path through the complexities of life. This essay delves into the significance of living by mottos, exploring how these simple yet profound phrases can shape our perspectives, decisions, and actions. A motto, by definition, is a short statement that encapsulates a […]

Philosophy on Stage: Interpreting Existential Themes in Sartre’s ‘No Exit’ Play

Jean-Paul Sartre's "No Exit," first produced in 1944 and originally named "Huis Clos" in French, is considered a classic in existentialist literature and contemporary theater. The intricate domains of human freedom, responsibility, and the existential torment of self-realization are explored in this one-act drama. Set in a strange, windowless afterlife chamber, "No Exit" is a psychological and philosophical examination of human connections and the endless struggle for self-identity. This article looks at the thematic complexity of "No Exit," the character […]

Philosophy Embracing Conflict: Exploring the why Behind our Fights

Why do we fight? It's a question that echoes through history, reverberating across battlefields, negotiations, and personal struggles. The reasons behind our conflicts are as varied as the human experience itself, spanning from the grand stages of global politics to the intimate spaces of our individual lives. At its core, the impulse to fight often emerges from a clash of interests, beliefs, or values. Whether on a global scale where nations contend for power or in our personal relationships where […]

Harmonizing Hearts: the Philosophy Timeless Influence of Hare Krishna Consciousness

The Hare Krishna movement, officially known as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), epitomizes a spiritual odyssey that has transcended boundaries, resonating across cultures and generations. Rooted in the profound wisdom of ancient Vedic scriptures, ISKCON is a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of devotion, service, and enlightenment. At its nucleus lies the resounding chant: “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.” This melodic mantra is more than a […]

Main Ideas of the Enlightenment Thinkers

The Enlightenment is a point in history where philosophers became a huge part of society. They were putting their ideas out there of how they wanted the world to be a better place. Some said the government could be better and others said that the people need to own up to their mistakes. The Enlightenment thinkers were trying to create a future that was way different from their present. Immanuel Kant says that the motto for the Enlightenment was "Have […]

Embracing Imperfections: the Philosophy of being a “Born Sinner”

At a recent late-night gathering in the dorm lounge, amidst the mellow strumming of a guitar and the soft hum of conversation, a fellow student raised a contemplative question: "Aren't we all just born sinners?" The term "born sinner" led to a profound discussion on human nature, morality, and the inner battles each of us face. It's a concept that has long intrigued theologians, philosophers, and even pop culture enthusiasts, and I found myself pondering its implications and resonances in […]

Blue Devil Basketball Offensive Philosophy

The Blue Devil Offensive Philosophy is that our best offense is our defense. Players will use strong defense to create primary break opportunities. The EHS basketball program places great importance upon getting the ball into the front court with great urgency. By pushing the ball up the court, we force the defense into numerical disadvantages which can create easy scoring opportunities for our athletes. The emphasis is placed on getting the ball in the paint in order to create scoring […]

The Differences between the Principles of Plato Aristotle

Plato and Aristotle are without a doubt two of the world's greatest philosophers. Plato, a Greek philosopher and a student of Socrates, was born around 424-423 BC in Athens to a wealthy Athenian family and his death was around 347-348 BC. Following in the footsteps of Socrates, Plato wrote his works as dialogues. His notable works include Apology, Symposium and Republic. His notable ideas were Idealist in nature, in that he believed in order and harmony, goodness and selflessness, everlasting […]

Impact of the Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment

During the Renaissance Age from the 1300s until the early 1500s, science was utilized to help people reach a better understanding of God and not of their surrounding world.  Science was viewed as a branch of religion and scientific thought was based on faith.  As scientists and philosophers began to reject these faith based beliefs, critical thinking began challenging the traditional thoughts and ideals about the world and its workings.  By the 16th and 17th centuries, political, philosophical, and scientific […]

The Effect of the Enlightenment on the World Today

How could, a simple thing like tea, or stamps lead to a Revolution? The American Revolution was a political rebellion in which the American colonists overthrew their Britain, their Motherland due to a series of violations to their rights. The revolution took place all across America, from 1775 to 1783. The two sides of the revolution were the British and the American colonists, who were often known as the Patriots. The American Revolution was sparked by the Stamp and Sugar […]

What should you Know about Enlightenment

Enlightenment is more formally defined as a European intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition. It was heavily influenced by 17th-century philosophers such as Descartes, Locke, and Newton, and its prominent exponents included Kant, Goethe, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Adam Smith ( The Enlightenment, or the Age of Reason, was a union of ideas and activities that took place throughout Western Europe, England, and even the American colonies during the eighteen hundred. […]

The Enlightenment Era in Europe

The Enlightenment Era consisted of an intellectual and philosophical movement that carried throughout Europe. This was often considered an intellectual revolution where "thinkers who were involved in working with the laws of nature in order to make each of the societies as great as possible. Some great thinkers during this era include: Olympe de Gouges who discussed the rights of man and citizen, John Locke who discussed about the natural rights of humans and Montesquieu who discussed the idea of […]

A Persona of Mary Wollstonecraft

During the Enlightenment period, women had minimal rights. As society was rapidly changing and debating what rights men should have, women were often left out of this question. However, during this time period, some women decided to stand up for their rights, and one woman who did that was named Mary Wollstonecraft. Mary Wollstonecraft used Enlightenment values such as rationalism and advancing society in order to advocate for equal education for men and women. She believed that by educating men […]

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How To Write an Essay About Philosophy

Introduction to philosophical writing.

Writing an essay about philosophy is not just about presenting historical facts or philosophical theories; it's about engaging with complex ideas, analyzing arguments, and developing your own reasoned viewpoints. Start your essay by clearly defining the philosophical issue or problem you intend to address. Whether you're discussing a specific philosopher's theory, a branch of philosophical thought, or a timeless ethical dilemma, it's crucial to set the stage with a clear, concise introduction. This should include a thesis statement that outlines your main argument or the perspective you will be exploring in your essay. Philosophy demands clarity of thought and expression, so your introduction should reflect these qualities.

Delving into Philosophical Arguments

The body of your essay should delve into the philosophical arguments surrounding your chosen topic. Begin by presenting the key ideas, theories, or arguments that have been put forward by philosophers in the past. This requires thorough research and a deep understanding of the philosophical concepts involved. When discussing these ideas, it's important to do so accurately and fairly, presenting each argument in its strongest form. Then, critically analyze these arguments, identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This analysis should not merely be a summary of different viewpoints but should engage with the ideas, questioning their validity and exploring their implications.

Developing Your Own Philosophical Perspective

An essential part of a philosophy essay is developing and presenting your own perspective on the issue. After analyzing existing arguments, offer your own reasoned viewpoint. This could involve arguing for one of the positions you've discussed, synthesizing elements from different arguments into a new position, or presenting an entirely new argument of your own. Support your perspective with logical reasoning, drawing on philosophical concepts and theories where appropriate. Remember, in philosophy, the strength of your argument is more important than the conclusion you reach. Your goal is to demonstrate critical thinking, logical reasoning, and depth of understanding.

Concluding Your Philosophical Exploration

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your analysis and reiterating the significance of your argument. Reflect on the broader implications of your findings for the philosophical issue you've explored. A good conclusion will not only bring closure to your essay but also leave the reader with something to ponder. Perhaps pose a question that encourages further thought or suggests areas for future exploration. In philosophy, conclusions are often not definitive; instead, they offer a springboard for ongoing discussion and reflection. A well-crafted conclusion will underscore the importance of philosophical inquiry and the value of continuing to question and explore complex ideas.

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51 Philosophy of Education Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on philosophy of education, 🎓 most interesting philosophy of education research titles, 💡 simple philosophy of education essay ideas.

  • Philosophy of Education for a Special Education Teacher
  • Process Philosophy in Family, Marriage, and Education
  • Religion and Eastern Philosophy in Education
  • Philosophy of Education in Ancient Greece
  • Philosophy’s Influence on Education System
  • Education Philosophy as It Relates to Adult Learning and Higher Education
  • Value Philosophy of Education
  • Philosophy of Social Science and Education Research
  • The Need for Philosophy in Modern Education
  • Teacher Career and Personal Philosophy of Education
  • Philosophy of Education Review
  • Research Paradigm: A Philosophy of Educational Research
  • Philosophy of Education in Twentieth-Century America
  • The Philosophy of Education: Shaping Minds, Cultivating Critical Thinking
  • Paulo Freire and Liberation Philosophy of Education
  • African Philosophy of Education: Implications for Teaching and Learning
  • Philosophy of Education and Pedagogy: Peculiarities of Interaction
  • Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Education
  • Philosophy of Education: Contemporary Critical Issues
  • Understanding the Philosophy of Education and Its Implications
  • Philosophy of Education in Postmetaphysical Thinking
  • A Critical Treatise on Mary Wollstonecraft’s Feminist Philosophy of Education
  • Philosophy & Objectives of Education Management and Policy
  • Histories and Philosophies of Carceral Education
  • Pedagogy of Praxis: A Dialectical Philosophy of Education
  • Exploring the Philosophy of Educational Innovation for Future Learning
  • Philosophy and the Aims of Higher Education
  • Meaning, Scope & Functions of Philosophy of Education
  • Philosophy of Education: Thinking and Learning Through History and Practice
  • Re-Thinking the Relevance of Philosophy of Education for Educational Policy Making
  • Philosophy of Education as a Means to Educate Humanity in a Diverse South Africa
  • Nussbaum’s Philosophy of Education as the Foundation for Human Development
  • Philosophy of Education and Education in Competences in the Context of the European Higher Education Area
  • Europe and African Thought Systems and Philosophies of Education
  • Plato’s Philosophy of Education: Its Implication for Current Education
  • A History of Western Philosophy of Education in Antiquity
  • Philosophy and History of Education: Diverse Perspectives on Their Value and Relationship
  • Role and Function of Philosophy of Education Within the Educational Sciences
  • Philosophy of Educational Research: New Epistemological, Methodological and Historical Approach
  • The Philosophy and Objectives of Education in Islam
  • Philosophy in Education: Questioning and Dialogue in Schools
  • The Philosophy of Physical Education and Sport From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment
  • Philosophy of Education in Post-Soviet Societies of Eastern Europe
  • Meaning and Scope of Philosophy of Education
  • Philosophy of Education: The Challenges of Globalization and Innovation in the Information Society
  • Wittgenstein and Philosophy of Education: A Feminist Reassessment
  • Philosophy of Education: A Tool for National Development
  • A Philosophy of Education: Exploring Learning Theories
  • Philosophy of Education: Shaping Minds, Inspiring Futures
  • The Essential Role of Philosophy of Education for Modern Teachers
  • Philosophy of Education: The Purpose and Value of Learning

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This essay topic collection was updated on September 17, 2024 .


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Are you searching for ideas for a philosophical paper? Then you are in luck to have found our page. Our compilations of standardized research themes are sure to inspire you to write a grade A+ essay. You ought to know that the contents of your research must meet academic standards set for sciences, and our suggestions are meant to steer you in the right trajectory. The first step of the writing process begins by looking for research topics in philosophy. This post helps in providing you with lists of philosophy research topics for your paper. Check title ideas prepared by our papers writing service and get ready to write your own paper. 

What Are Philosophy Research Topics?

Most philosophy paper topics require a good amount of devotion to writing. Philosophy involves the study of axiology, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of the mind, and aesthetics, to name just a few. Each of these branches can seem broad and complex, which is why most students find selecting a handful of philosophical research topics to be hectic.  In fact, some people make the mistake of picking very intricate social science research topics of discussion in an attempt to impress their professors. The best approach, however, requires one to choose a simple but researchable subject matter. Identifying appropriate philosophy topics for a research paper is crucial in writing. Doing so narrows down your search significantly.

Characteristics of Good Philosophy Research Topics

Writers who earn high grades begin their research journey by choosing good research topics for philosophy. Doing so carries benefits, such as being able to write on a theme you like and understand well, which makes the process enjoyable. These merits later reflect in your final score on your philosophy paper. Looking out for these traits given below will allow you to find a unique subject matter for your essay easily. You should:

  • Select a fascinating topic because it activates your imagination.
  • If your theme is original, then you stand a higher chance of earning extra points compared to students who recycled from a list of overused philosophy research topics.
  • Your preferred research issue ought to have plenty of information available in published resources, including books and the Internet.
Read more: What Is a Research Paper & How to Write It?

How to Choose a Philosophy Research Paper Topic?

Successful formulation of your research topic, to a great extent, determines your final grade. You want to avoid the mistake of picking a philosophy paper topic that exceeds your grasp of knowledge. For example, if you are in your first year of college, you cannot tackle a philosophy research paper topic in the Ph.D. category. When picking your preferred theme, you should:

  • Consider the relevance of philosophy paper ideas to your specific area of study.
  • Refer to your class assignments as a source of inspiration for developing your interests.
  • Pick a topic that interests you, as this will allow you to research quickly in a fun and rewarding process.
  • Ensure that your preferred research issue aligns with your professor's instructions.
  • You need to discuss your selection with your instructor.

Top List of Philosophy Research Topics

In your search for writing ideas, you may consider top-tier philosophy topics to write a paper on. These themes, at times, prove to be a challenge. However, they are relatively popular, allowing you the chance to work with a vast amount of already existing resources. A wide variety of materials that are available and published make it easy to defend one's thesis with peer-reviewed findings. Here is a top-tier philosophy topics list.

  • Free will from a philosophical perspective.
  • An exploration of low moral standards.
  • Irony through a philosophical lens.
  • Are people morally obligated to be honest?
  • Beauty standards from a philosophical stance.
  • Aristotle's life and his influence on society.
  • Philosophical role in the globalization process.
  • The truth's relativity.
  • Philosophical implications of the love-happiness dynamic.
  • Race and justice in America.

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Interesting Philosophy Research Topics

There are numerous options within the interesting philosophy paper topics category. You need to have a good eye when picking from this collection because what you may consider attention-grabbing at times seems mundane to some people. Remember that your choice of essay topic should impress your professor. We have narrowed down the most thought-provoking themes and prepared a list of excellent philosophical paper topics that will captivate your instructor.

  • Supernatural claims: real or myth?
  • Can an individual find happiness despite them not having a family?
  • Truth as a virtue and its value in society.
  • Can one be rich without owning monetary wealth?
  • Why do people kill for religious reasons?
  • The psychology surrounding rules and obedience.
  • Can the main characteristics that make a person be changed?
  • Is it ethical to force people to observe science-backed traditions?
  • Notable modern life values.
  • Personal definition of happiness.
  • Three approaches to the substance of thinking: monistic, dualistic, and populistic.
  • French philosophies of the XIX-XX centuries.
  • The essence of man is reflected in ancient philosophy.
  • Comparing Plato's, Socrates', and Aristotle's philosophies.
  • Common notion regarding life after death.

Easy Philosophy Research Topics

If you want to write your paper faster, it makes sense to look for easy research topics in philosophy. Such themes are not hard to come by as they address commonly encountered philosophical questions in people's daily lives. You may decide to note down two or three philosophy topics to talk about from the list below and discuss them with your instructor.

  • What makes love last?
  • Society's role in your personal life.
  • The benefits of human emotions.
  • What constitutes an ideal world?
  • Good versus bad traits.
  • The role education plays in your personal life.
  • What are the principles of democracy?
  • What would you choose between pursuing your passions and landing a well-paying job?
  • Living without feeling alive.
  • Strengths associated with the Determinist theory.
  • In what ways does fear influence your everyday life?
  • Does faith change human nature?
  • Should abortion be made legal?
  • Why do most countries not allow human cloning?
  • What is harmony?

Fun Philosophy Paper Topics

Philosophical research topics can be fun and enjoyable, depending on the subject of discussion. Writing such themes is very engaging. Philosophy research paper topics in this category can be academic, informative, or for entertainment purposes.

  • Morality as a virtue.
  • Philosophical views in relation to space exploration.
  • What your cat thinks of you.
  • Why do people get irritated?
  • The irony in poverty and its philosophical perspectives.
  • Philosophical thoughts on what determines people's moods.
  • Humor and mental health : Is laughter the best medicine?
  • The irony of dying to live versus living to die.
  • Video games and how they affect our perception of the comedy of tragedy.
  • Machiavelli's ideas: Negatives and positives.
  • Analyzing humanity in contrast to divinity.
  • False beliefs about causes of death.
  • Have you ever felt like a minority in any aspect of your life?
  • Controversial aspect of modern life.
  • Is joy the same as happiness?

Good Philosophy Research Topics

To assist you in succeeding in writing philosophical essays, we have availed a list of good philosophy research paper ideas to inspire your writing. Also, if you are a teacher in need of topics for a philosophy paper for each student, you can pick from the following list.

  • Distinctions between humans and animals.
  • Would you prefer to love or be loved?
  • What does feminism mean to the world?
  • The essence of time as it relates to philosophy.
  • The age and wisdom.
  • Have you faced any ethical dilemmas in the last decade of your life?
  • Myths and the truth behind them.
  • Science from a philosophical standpoint.
  • Distinctions between ancient and modern life.
  • Honor as a concept applied in medieval Europe.
  • Top philosophers who lived in the 20th century.
  • Examining the connection between power and reason.
  • Possible rights of sentient robotics in the future.
  • Science's significance in humanity's daily living.
  • Is torture justifiable in any context?

We also have great ideas for psychology research topics and education research topics , to name a few. Browse our Blog for more title suggestions. 

Intriguing Philosophy Research Topics

If you are looking for adequately formulated philosophy paper ideas, you are in luck, as we have a collection of topics that you may find very intriguing. You can share this resource with others who might be having a hard time acquiring topics for philosophy research paper for their writing assignments.

  • Is the subconscious mind physiological or abstract?
  • Similarities associated with ethics and behavior.
  • Maturity age and marriage age as defined by the social realm.
  • Pros and cons of total control over society's behavior by totalitarian regimes.
  • Beauty's effects on an individual's self-esteem.
  • The two sides of suicide: For and against it.
  • How are parents, in general, responsible for the actions of a child?
  • Ethical Issues surrounding the topic of experimentation on animal subjects.
  • Pros and cons associated with artificial intelligence.
  • Do animals have souls?
  • Do animals perceive human emotional states?
  • The ethics associated with the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.
  • What is a "necessary evil?"
  • Pros and cons associated with marriage.
  • Is morality objective or subjective?

Philosophy Research Paper Topics for Students

Philosophy research topics are distinctively academic in nature. When presented with the task of delivering a philosophical essay, the best option for students is to read guides and examples of essays similar to the task at hand. Then they present proposed research topics in philosophy to their professor. The search can be odious, but we have made it easy for you to quickly settle on a topic and begin writing. Here is a list of philosophy topics for a research paper in high school or college.

Philosophy Research Topics for High School

Many high school students are searching for their next philosophy project ideas. If you are in such a situation, our philosophical paper topics resource below should at least help narrow your search.

  • Voting age dilemma: 16 or 18-year-olds.
  • The abstract nature of the subconscious.
  • Abortion as a question in life and death cycle.
  • Philosophical views on the subject of taxing the super-rich.
  • What lessons can younger people learn from your generation?
  • The philosophical view on forgiveness.
  • Positive thinking techniques.
  • Egg versus hen: Which came first?
  • Ethics and euthanasia.
  • Are social protests a practical approach to demand change?
  • Your greatest possession or treasure in life.
  • Utopia as critically reviewed through a philosopher's lens.
  • Missing ethical values in immortality.
  • What created the concept known as the " American dream ?"
  • Importance associated with philosophical studies.

Philosophy Research Topics for College Students

If you have been stressing thinking about philosophy term paper topics and you are lost on where to start, you are in luck, as you have landed on the right page. Here you will get a free list containing unique philosophical paper topics that you can use for your essay and impress your professor.

  • "Beauty of the Heart": is the concept probable?
  • Balancing law and ethics.
  • A philosophical view on reincarnation.
  • Does the truth always win an argument?
  • Philosophical thoughts on the epic of Gilgamesh and how it changed approaches to human conflict resolution.
  • What it means to "be proud of something."
  • Art's impact on children's creative thinking.
  • Is excessive knowledge dangerous?
  • Will technological advancements reach an end?
  • Inside a lying person's mind.
  • Do humans owe anything to robots?
  • The cycle of life and death.
  • Is "the bottom line" an American cultural phenomenon?
  • Is predatory capitalism in American healthcare ethical?
  • Celebrities as role models for the youth.

Extra Philosophy Research Paper Topics & Ideas

Philosophy is a broad discipline with numerous applications. It explores areas such as law, history, politics, art, ethics, and human life, among others. We have tried as much as possible to cover common philosophy research paper topics in our lists. You can navigate to any section in this post that relates to your current project and borrow philosophy paper ideas for free.

Ancient Philosophy Research Topics

Ancient philosophy research paper topics cover historical aspects. It is interesting to learn about early theories and developmental stages of philosophical notions. The advantage of selecting a theme from the category of ancient research topics in philosophy is that there are enough materials to base your paper on in numerous publications.

  • An ideal world as dreamt by Plato.
  • An in-depth look at Immanuel Kant.
  • Beliefs in ancient Greece.
  • Reality as conceptualized by Aristotle.
  • The life and death of Socrates.
  • Unique elements associated with Roman philosophy.
  • Philosophy and mythology.
  • Philosophy's role as a theoretical doctrine in ancient times.
  • Philosophical aspects in anthropology that are no longer relevant today.
  • Cosmological nature of early Greek philosophy .
  • "Know Thyself": Socrates.
  • Roman stoicism and the rise of Christianity.
  • Positive social changes as a result of Seneca's stoicism.
  • The concept of honor in medieval culture.
  • The evolution of ancient philosophy.
Read more: History Research Paper Topics  

Political Philosophy Research Topics

This section contains a list of political and philosophical research topics and ideas. Philosophy has a keen focus on politics in all aspects, including political science. This relationship allows for a variety of research areas that you can explore. Here are 15 philosophy topics for a research paper that you should consider.

  • Enlightenment: political and philosophical ideas.
  • Do political lies amount to abusing freedom of speech?
  • Political revolution in Africa: Robert Mugabe.
  • What drives people to engage in civil disobedience?
  • Freedom and justice as political capital.
  • How the synthesis of Freudianism and Marxism in Fromm's literature is reflected in the national policies of some countries.
  • Political history as seen from a philosophical and ideological perspective.
  • Human freedom and responsibility as reflected in the policies of certain countries.
  • How politicians perceive the concept of superman in Nietzsche.
  • Changes to the political foundations with respect to the challenge of unity and diversity.
  • When does the truth become an epistemological and political problem?
  • Pessimism and optimism as approaches to the development of society when considered political Strategies.
  • Exploring the cultural and political self-determination of a human.
  • National idea and its role in the formation of civil society.
  • Roles of correctional institutions in punishment and criminal justice administration in America.

>> More ideas: Political Science Research Topics

Philosophy Paper Ideas on Ethics

Ethics and morality in philosophy is a branch that specializes in the idea of right and wrong. See our list of philosophy paper ideas. Checking through the compilation allows you to select a suitable philosophy research paper topic that makes you a candidate for a passing grade in your ethics essay .

  • A philosophical review of standardized tests.
  • Is evil naturally present in people?
  • Ethical egoism: good or bad?
  • Philosophical thoughts on the use of nuclear weapons.
  • Philosophical metaethics in the context of experimental science.
  • Same-sex marriages as seen through a philosopher's mind.
  • Alcoholism in the modern age.
  • Colonization in Africa and its moral implications.
  • American corporate greed as the main drive for neoliberalism.
  • Is venture capitalism evil?
  • Neoliberalism's effects on global labor markets.
  • An ethical and philosophical discussion of death sentence punishment.
  • Political manipulation and its effects on social trust.
  • Racism and gender discrimination's role in interstellar society.
  • What is the most effective way to discipline your children?

Philosophy Research Topics on Human Life

Human life philosophy is concerned with the study of the status of human beings in the universe, and it also investigates the purpose and meaning of life. In an attempt to answer these critical questions, students may be asked to write essays that are based on research topics for philosophy. If you find yourself in need of assistance with ideas for your essay, our suggestions list for philosophical paper topics is an excellent place to start looking.

  • Why happiness is such a complex life goal.
  • Things that cause human life to seem senseless.
  • Law and order as a recipe for peace.
  • What qualifies human life as meaningful?
  • What is a "perfect life" like?
  • Why do Africans, especially children, have a high happiness index despite impoverished states?
  • Would you desire to reincarnate?
  • Role of culture in human life.
  • Is there human-like life on other planets?
  • Mental health and its effect on living standards.
  • How AI will impact life in the next century.
  • What modern life custom is likely to fade over time?
  • What trajectory would life have followed without the Internet?
  • Distrust in long-distance relationships.
  • Do clones have souls?

Philosophy Research Topics About Art

Art is a testament to the creative human spirit, which links art to philosophy. If you are a student of art, you may be given a list of philosophy topics to talk about. Check out the art philosophy paper topics provided below.

  • Philosophical Ideas in Poetry and Architecture.
  • Leonardo da Vinci's painting is the true philosophy of the Renaissance.
  • Is photography an art?
  • Literature and philosophy as applied in political criticism.
  • Ideality in creativity as a manifestation of consciousness.
  • Creativity and art as a window to a person's inner spiritual world.
  • Artistic value vs aesthetic value.
  • Relationship between knowledge and creativity.
  • Philosophical aspects and art.
  • How will NFT (non-fungible tokens) usage change the future of art?
  • Is art simply a human spiritual activity or ritual?
  • Thoughts on art's lack of rational reproducibility and its bias towards symbolism and figurative forms of expression and cognition.
  • Philosophical exploration: The intersection between art, religion, and science.
  • Historical evolution involving the relationships between philosophy and history.
  • Existentialism as noted by A. Camus, G. Marcel, and J.P. Sartre.

Philosophy Research Topics From Experts

If you are interested in conducting research in your area of expertise, the following are current philosophical research topics that you can consider depending on your specialty. Looking through our compilation of expert philosophy topics can help you identify a research gap in your field to gain several philosophy paper ideas for your project.

  • An ideal world consisting of liberalism and fascism in political ideas.
  • Philosophy and mediation, according to Rene.
  • A summary: Charles Pierce's fixation on belief.
  • A summary of Buddhist philosophical ideals.
  • The ethics involving free will.
  • Post-Colonial and feminist philosophy.
  • Aristotle's friendship conditions.
  • Is there evidence for God's existence?
  • John McTaggart's unreality of time.
  • Apology by Crito and Plato.
  • A well-paid task versus a passion.
  • Life after death: What is the popular African viewpoint?
  • Modern life values that foster peace.
  • The most prominent bother that comes with loneliness.
  • How do religions die?

Philosophy Thesis Topics

Formulating proper thesis topics in philosophical subjects can prove challenging. Get started on any one of the philosophy topics for a research paper or thesis presented to you in this post. Our expert writers keenly formulated every proposition in the listing containing topics in philosophy for your thesis.

  • The robotics industry as seen from a philosophical angle.
  • A situation where humans have considered things as facts without evidence.
  • Views on artificial intelligence in philosophy.
  • The American dream's implications.
  • The classical Socratic method.
  • Hate crimes and how to combat them.
  • The remarkable life and death of Plato .
  • Honor was a social concept in ancient Rome.
  • What thoughts does the term "a life based on reason" invoke in your mind?
  • What is the ideal education in the 21st century?
  • Intuition is a human trait.
  • The power associated with slogans.
  • The flaws of fixation of belief.
  • Family values and how they influence personal character development.
  • Implications of time's relativity.

Bottom Line on Philosophy Research Paper Topics

This post is meant to provide both students and professionals with a resource where they can look up philosophy topics for a research paper. The importance of topic selection as a critical step in the writing process is evident. It influences the process that follows after leading up to your final grade or the quality of your final essay. As long as you pick an interesting and researchable topic, you are not likely to encounter extreme difficulties in your writing process. We hope that you have found the research topics in philosophy in this post helpful.


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