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argument essay rubric nys

Regents Argument Essay (Task 2)

English Honor Society Peer Reviewers

Argument Essay Outline  outline to be used when writing an argument essay

Argument Essay Peer Review Sheet

Argument Essay Rubric

The New York State English Regents which is taken in 11th grade is composed of three tasks: Reading Comprehension (Task 1), Argument Essay (Task 2), and Text-Analysis Response (Task 3).  The following will help you with the argument essay.

Sample Argument Essay Directions on the NYS Regents:

Directions: Closely read each of the four texts provided on pages ___ through ___ and write a source-based argument on the topic below. You may use the margins to take notes as you read and scrap paper to plan your response. Write your argument beginning on page 1 of your essay booklet.

Topic: xxxxxxxxxx 

Your Task: Carefully read each of the four texts provided. Then, using evidence from at least three of the texts, write a well-developed argument regarding whether or not xxxxxxxxx. Clearly establish your claim, distinguish your claim from alternate or opposing claims, and use specific, relevant, and sufficient evidence from at least three of the texts to develop your argument. Do not simply summarize each text.


Be sure to:

• Establish your claim

• Distinguish your claim from alternate or opposing claims

• Use specific, relevant, and sufficient evidence from at least three of the texts to develop your argument

• Identify each source that you reference by text number and line number(s) or graphic (for example: Text 1, line 4 or Text 2, graphic)

• Organize your ideas in a cohesive and coherent manner

• Maintain a formal style of writing

• Follow the conventions of standard written English


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  1. PDF New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts

    New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts (Common Core) Part 2 Rubric: Writing to Sources - Argument An essay that addresses fewer texts than required by the task can be scored no higher than a 3. An essay that is a personal response and makes little or no reference to the task or texts can be scored no higher than a 1.


    / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234 New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts (Common Core) Part 2 Rubric Writing From Sources: Argument An essay that addresses fewer texts than required by the task can be scored no higher than a 3. An essay that is a personal response and makes little or no reference ...

  3. Regents Examinations in English Language Arts

    Regents Examination in English Language Arts Essay Booklet (198 KB) Regents Examination in English Language Arts Sample Questions; Additional Information; Last Updated: September 10, 2024. Contact University of the State of New York - New York State Education Department. Contact NYSED ...

  4. PDF Regents High School Examination Ela English Language Arts

    An essay that is a personal response and makes little or no reference to the task or texts can be scored no higher than a 1. ... NY 12234 New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts Part 2 Rubric Writing From Sources: Argument. Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide — Jan. '19 [4] Anchor Paper - Part 2 - Level 6 - A ...

  5. Regents Argument Essay (Task 2)

    Argument Essay Rubric. The New York State English Regents which is taken in 11th grade is composed of three tasks: Reading Comprehension (Task 1), Argument Essay (Task 2), and Text-Analysis Response (Task 3). The following will help you with the argument essay. Sample Argument Essay Directions on the NYS Regents: Directions: Closely read each ...

  6. PDF Regents Exam in English Language Arts (Common Core)

    / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234 REGELA-B-2 A 4/2 9 / 20 13 evidence from the texts comprehension New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts (Common Core) Part 2 introduce a precise and Rubric: Writing to Sources-a Argument An essay that addresses fewer texts than required by the task can be scored ...

  7. Regents Help

    NYS Regents Exams. Annotated Exam and Answers. ... I have also included the scoring rubric. On the exam, This essay is scored on a 6 point rubric. This is then multiplied by 4, so it is worth 24 out of 56 points on the exam. ... Argument Essay Review Book. Part 1 Multiple Choice. The exam has 24 multiple choice questions based on 3 different ...

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  9. PDF Regents High School Examination Ela English Language Arts

    Rating of Essay and Response Questions (1) In training raters to score student essays and responses for each part of the examination, follow the ... NY 12234 New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts Part 2 Rubric Writing From Sources: Argument. Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide — June '18 [4] Anchor Paper - Part 2 ...

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    NYS Regents Exam in ELA Part 2 Argument Directions: Closely read each of the four texts provided. Write a source-based argument on the topic below. You may use the margins to take notes as you read and scrap paper to plan your response. Sample Topic: Does the Internet have a negative impact on our thinking process?