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How To Write A Thesis Statement For Poetry Analysis

How To Write A Thesis Statement For Poetry Analysis

How to write a thesis statement for poetry analysis

Poetry analysis can be a daunting task for anyone, even seasoned writers and academicians. To help guide you through the process of writing a thesis statement for poetry analysis, there are a few key steps that you need to consider. The process can be broken down into five easy to understand steps so you can produce a well-crafted thesis statement that can be used to effectively write a full essay. The process starts by learning about the author, analyzing the poem’s structure, and researching the background of the poem.

Know Your Poet

The first step in writing a thesis statement for poetry analysis is to learn as much as you can about the poet. Learning about your poet’s style, believes, and intentions can help you gain a better understanding of the poem. It can also give you inspiration for your thesis statement. Focus on what the poet is trying to convey in the piece. Research the poet’s biography and any other related literary works that he or she may have written.

Also, take note of the time period in which the poem was written. Historical context is often an important part of a poet’s work and can help to shed light on the intentions of the poem. Understanding these elements of the poem can help to create a more meaningful thesis statement. It can also allow the reader to see how the poem fits into the greater context of the poet’s works.

Analyze the Poem

How To Write A Thesis Statement For Poetry Analysis

The next step in writing a thesis statement for poetry analysis is to analyze the poem. Analyzing the poem allows you to understand the poem’s structure, themes, and identify key words. As you analyze the poem, consider the tone and imagery of the piece. Identify any symbols that might be present. Pay close attention to the meter, rhyme, and stanzas used by the poet.

By thoroughly analyzing the poem you can uncover important aspects of the poem’s writing that should be highlighted in your thesis statement. This analysis can also provide you with insight into the poet’s style and thought processes. Make sure to note any questions that arise during your analysis that could help you to further develop your thesis statement.

Research the Poem

Once you have a better understanding of the poem’s structure, themes, and author, you should begin researching the poem. Do some research into any cultural, philosophical, or theological symbols in the poem, as well as the poem’s possible historical context. Go through the poem line by line, examining any personifications, metaphors, or allusions used by the poet. Take the time to research any allusions or symbols used in the poem.

Finding critical reviews and scholarly articles about the poem can also provide you with important information about the poem that can help you to create a thesis statement. This research can also help you to understand the perspective of the poem’s creator.

Formulate the Thesis Statement

How To Write A Thesis Statement For Poetry Analysis

Once you have a thorough understanding of the poem, it’s time to formulate the thesis statement. Start by summarizing the main points that you found during your research, analysis, and reading of the poem. Summarize the main themes, symbols, and other critical aspects of the poem. Use these points to help you develop a single statement that goes beyond simply summarizing the poem.

Formulate a statement that explores the poet’s intent and ideas behind the poem. Focus on how these points are woven into the poem to create a unique, meaningful statement. The thesis statement should be concise, but still reflect the main points of the poem.

Revise the Thesis Statement

The last step in writing a thesis statement for poetry analysis is to revise the thesis statement until it is clear and concise. Take the time to look over the statement and make sure it is an accurate representation of the poem. The statement should not be too general, vague, or difficult to understand.

Ensure that your thesis statement reflects the main ideas of the poem and proofread your statement for any spelling or grammar errors. Once you are satisfied with your statement, you should incorporate it into the introduction of your essay.

Poetry Analysis Techniques

How To Write A Thesis Statement For Poetry Analysis

When beginning a poetry analysis, it is important to conduct a close reading of the poem to gain a better understanding of the text. This can be done by carefully examining the various elements of the poem. Some key elements to consider during a close reading include the speaker or narrators, figurative language, repetition, and rhyme scheme.

In addition, look for any possible historical context or underlying messages in the poem. Lastly, consider the poet’s use of symbolism, meter, and allusions when conducting a thorough analysis. By understanding the elements of poetry and taking the time to conduct a thorough analysis, you can easily create a meaningful thesis statement that can be used to effectively write a full essay.

Interpretive Analysis

Interpretive analysis looks for the deeper meaning behind a poem. It attempts to uncover what the poet is trying to convey through his or her work. To conduct an interpretive analysis, focus on the poem’s structure, imagery, and other elements. Consider the language used in the poem and look for any shared themes, ideas, or sentiments.

In addition to the figurative language used in the poem, look at how the speakers, narrators, and characters within the poem interact. Drawing connections between the poem and its underlying themes can help to bring a deeper understanding of the poem to the surface. By taking the time to conduct an interpretive analysis, you can gain a better understanding of the poem and form a more meaningful thesis statement.

Literary Themes

How To Write A Thesis Statement For Poetry Analysis

Many poets use recurring literary themes in their work. Some of the most common literary themes in poetry include love, nature, death, and time. In addition to these, poets also use themes surrounding war, religion, identity, and more. By looking at the common themes of the poem, you can get a deeper understanding of the poet’s intent.

Consider the context of the poem to help you find the surrounding themes. Look for any religious or political messages in the poem, as well as any underlying emotions that the poet is attempting to convey. By understanding the poem’s themes, you can create a more meaningful thesis statement.

Symbolism is a common element used in poetry. Symbols can be words, images, or concepts that stand for or represent something else. Symbolism can be used to represent larger themes in the poem or to help convey a certain emotion or feeling. Look for any symbols throughout the poem, paying special attention to which symbols the poet focuses on the most.

Symbols can take on many forms and can have different meanings for different readers. Consider the context of the poem and the time period in which it was written. Think about the meaning of the symbol in the context of the poem and what the poet is attempting to communicate. Analyzing symbolism within a poem can help to form a more meaningful thesis statement.


How To Write A Thesis Statement For Poetry Analysis

In conclusion, writing a thesis statement for poetry analysis can be a daunting task. However, by following these five steps you can break the process down into manageable pieces. Start by learning as much as possible about the poet and the poem, then analyze and research the poem. Once you have a better understanding, begin to formulate and revise your thesis statement. By the end of the process, you will have an effective thesis statement that can be used to write a full essay.

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Minnie Walters

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the main argument of a piece of writing. It can be found in academic/formal writing novel writing.

A thesis statement is a position the author holds and that which they’re going to prove through the text. It summarizes the writing that’s going to follow and is usually found in the first paragraph of the introduction. The writer states it and then attempts to prove it in a variety of different ways. Despite their best efforts, some thesis statements are more successfully proven than others.  

Explore Thesis Statement

  • 1 Definition of Thesis
  • 2 Examples of Theses
  • 3 Why Do Writers Use Theses? 
  • 4 FAQs 
  • 5 Related Literary Terms 
  • 6 Other Resources 

Thesis statement definition and examples

Definition of Thesis

In literature, the thesis statement is a sentence or paragraph that summarizes what a piece of writing is going to be about. It is less formal in novels and poems than it is in academic and nonfiction writing, but it can still play an important role. That being said, not all literary works have a thesis statement, nor are they all constructed in the same way. Sometimes, readers have to look for the thesis statement in the same way that they might look for the main idea . It might not be clearly stated in a poem, and it will require close reading to find out the “point” of a poem.  

Examples of Theses

Anna karenina by leo tolstoy  .

In some novels, such as in Anna Karenina, the book’s first line serves as a thesis statement of sorts. It requires slightly more interpretation than academic theses but can be just as effective. The first line of the novel reads:  

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Here, Tolstoy is implying that there are several things that one needs to have for a family to be happy. These include health, financial security, love, and more. Throughout the novel, Tolstoy crafts a new kind of family story. He presents different families, like the Oblonskys and Karenins, who are plagued by adultery, financial troubles, and suffering from scandal.  

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen  

Austen’s often ironic and witty novel begins with one of the most famous opening lines in literature. It is another good example of the writer presenting a narrative thesis statement at the beginning of a story. It reads:  

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.  

Interestingly enough, the bulk of the novel seems to be trying to disprove this statement, with Mr. Darcy actively ignoring the possibility of a love match. But, as the story progresses, Austen does prove at least part of the statement to be true. This does not mean the novel failed. In fact, the juxtaposition of the opening line with the reality of life is one of the most important aspects of Pride and Prejudice.  

Read Jane Austen’s poetry .  

1984 by George Orwell  

The opening line of 1984 is another interesting example of what an author can do with one line. Orwell summarizes the absurdity and terror of his world by writing:

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

He juxtaposes normalcy with something abnormal. Readers are immediately made aware that this world is going to be similar to their own but is also going to have some very important differences.  

Sonnet 22 by William Shakespeare

Within William Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets , readers can often find examples of thesis-like statements. The sonnets often set out to prove something, either to the reader or to the Fair Youth or Dark Lady. In this particular sonnet , Shakespeare opens with the following lines:  

My glass shall not persuade me I am old So long as youth and thou are of one date; But when in thee time’s furrows I behold, Then look I death my days should expiate.

He informs the Fair Youth that he’s not going to believe that time has passed and that he’s “old” until the Youth’s face tells him so. The speaker is determined that his age is tied together with the Fair Youth’s. It is only when the youth has wrinkles that he’s going to know that death is coming for him soon.

Read more William Shakespeare poems .  

Why Do Writers Use Theses?  

Thesis statements are an incredibly important part of writing. They are pivotal in academic and formal writing and can even play a major role in nonfiction novel writing. In poetry and fiction novels, they are sometimes harder to spot but are often present. Writers use them in order to present their arguments to the reader.

In academic writing, this is usually concerned with proving a line of inquiry, comparing two things and coming to a conclusion, or presenting new research and proving its importance. In poetry or prose , the thesis statement or main idea is supported by the character’s actions and how the plot plays out. So, the thesis statement could be anything from how disrespecting nature leads to terrible consequences to true love is only discovered when one is open and honest with oneself. These are less structured and more emotional thesis statements that are less based on fact and more on experience.  


The thesis in a piece of writing is a statement that addresses what the work is going to be about and what it’s going to attempt to prove.

In academic writing, a thesis statement example is: “Grocery stores are an essential resource in all communities and are directly tied to health outcomes in low-income areas.”

Thesis statements are an incredibly important part of one’s writing. In formal writing, thesis statements are required. Without them, readers won’t know what the paper is setting out to prove or disprove.

They set the reader up with the information they need to read one’s writing in the right way. The thesis statement describes one’s intentions.

Thesis statements appear at the beginning of one’s writing and can evolve over time as the writing changes. They are often written at the end of the writing process in order to more accurately convey what the essay , nonfiction book, or other types of formal writing is attempting to accomplish.

Related Literary Terms  

  • Formal Diction : is used when the setting is sophisticated. This could be anything from a speech to a paper submitted to a journal.
  • Rebuttal : a response to an argument that contradicts or attempts to disprove it. It is given by one’s opponent.
  • Reductio ad Absurdum : used when a speaker argues for their position by attempting to point out the absurdity in the alternative argument.
  • Concession : a literary device that occurs in argumentative writing in which one acknowledges another’s point.  
  • Deductive Reasoning : also known as  top-down logic , is a  rhetorical device  and a way to build a successful argument.

Other Resources  

  • Watch: How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement
  • Listen: How to Write an Essay – Thesis Statements
  • Listen: Thesis Statements for Beginners

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Baldwin, Emma. "Thesis Statement". Poem Analysis , https://poemanalysis.com/definition/thesis-statement/ . Accessed 22 August 2024.

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How to Write a Thesis for a Poetry Analysis Paper

The thesis statement can be the most difficult part of a poetry analysis to write, but this important component can help you create a powerful and provocative exploration of a poem. The trick is to first decide what you want to write about, followed by making one compelling argument about that subject.

Deciding What to Write About

After selecting or being assigned a poem, read and reread it to see what elements about it jump out at you. Write down how the poet uses figures of speech such as metaphor or imagery that strike you, or whether you sense a particular theme. Consider whether the poem has a particular cultural context or if its form illustrates a particular genre. Also take a look at the poem’s rhyme scheme and meter and how those elements affect the meaning of the poem. Make a list of these different ideas. Narrow your list to one idea you want to write about. For example, you might decide to write about the juxtaposition of plain and surreal language in Mark Strand’s “Eating Poetry” or the imagery in William Blake’s “The Tyger.”

Making an Argument

The purpose of a literary analysis is to make an argument about a work of literature rather than just providing a summary. Take the one idea you wish to write about and make it into a thesis statement. Your thesis statement is one declarative sentence that states the point you are trying to make in your essay. Writing a thesis, such as, “Dylan Thomas’ poem ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’ is about death,” is not a strong statement because it simply states what the poem is about. Make it a persuasive or even controversial statement, such as, “Dylan Thomas’ use of the villanelle form in ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’ creates a sense of urgency and a stronger emotional response for the audience.” In this essay, you might talk about the villanelle form and how forcing the English language into such a strict rhyme scheme, meter and repeated lines is evocative to the reader.

Naming the Poem and Poet

Your thesis statement will be the one thing that every point in your paper refers back to, so you want it to be as clear as possible. When writing about poetry, include the author’s name and title of the poem in your thesis statement. Many statements begin by introducing the poem and author, followed by the point you wish to make. For example, you could write, “In ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn,’ John Keats uses the urn as a symbol describing the relationship between humans and art.” The poem's title should be in quotation marks, and the thesis should be in literary present tense , meaning you should use present tense when commenting about what the writer says or describing events in the poem.

Choosing the Best Words

Once you have a draft of your thesis, consider whether you are using the strongest words possible. For example, instead of saying a poet “writes about” a particular topic, it might be appropriate to use more interesting verbs , such as “argues” or “illustrates.” Choosing the best verbs for your thesis statement can make it pop and make your argument more controversial or exciting for the reader.

  • Purdue Online Writing Lab: Writing About Poetry
  • Bucks County Community College: How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay

Cara Batema is a musician, teacher and writer who specializes in early childhood, special needs and psychology. Since 2010, Batema has been an active writer in the fields of education, parenting, science and health. She holds a bachelor's degree in music therapy and creative writing.

Thesis Statements for a Literature Assignment

A thesis prepares the reader for what you are about to say. As such, your paper needs to be interesting in order for your thesis to be interesting. Your thesis needs to be interesting because it needs to capture a reader's attention. If a reader looks at your thesis and says "so what?", your thesis has failed to do its job, and chances are your paper has as well. Thus, make your thesis provocative and open to reasonable disagreement, but then write persuasively enough to sway those who might be disagree.

Keep in mind the following when formulating a thesis:

  • A Thesis Should Not State the Obvious
  • Use Literary Terms in Thesis With Care
  • A Thesis Should be Balanced
  • A Thesis Can be a Blueprint

Avoid the Obvious

Bland: Dorothy Parker's "Résumé" uses images of suicide to make her point about living.

This is bland because it's obvious and incontestable. A reader looks at it and says, "so what?"

However, consider this alternative:

Dorothy Parker's "Résumé" doesn't celebrate life, but rather scorns those who would fake or attempt suicide just to get attention.

The first thesis merely describes something about the poem; the second tells the reader what the writer thinks the poem is about--it offers a reading or interpretation. The paper would need to support that reading and would very likely examine the way Parker uses images of suicide to make the point the writer claims.

Use Literary Terms in Thesis Only to Make Larger Points

Poems and novels generally use rhyme, meter, imagery, simile, metaphor, stanzas, characters, themes, settings and so on. While these terms are important for you to use in your analysis and your arguments, that they exist in the work you are writing about should not be the main point of your thesis. Unless the poet or novelist uses these elements in some unexpected way to shape the work's meaning, it's generally a good idea not to draw attention to the use of literary devices in thesis statements because an intelligent reader expects a poem or novel to use literary of these elements. Therefore, a thesis that only says a work uses literary devices isn't a good thesis because all it is doing is stating the obvious, leading the reader to say, "so what?"

However, you can use literary terms in a thesis if the purpose is to explain how the terms contribute to the work's meaning or understanding. Here's an example of thesis statement that does call attention to literary devices because they are central to the paper's argument. Literary terms are placed in italics.

Don Marquis introduced Archy and Mehitabel in his Sun Dial column by combining the conventions of free verse poetry with newspaper prose so intimately that in "the coming of Archy," the entire column represents a complete poem and not a free verse poem preceded by a prose introduction .

Note the difference between this thesis and the first bland thesis on the Parker poem. This thesis does more than say certain literary devices exist in the poem; it argues that they exist in a specific relationship to one another and makes a fairly startling claim, one that many would disagree with and one that the writer will need to persuade her readers on.

Keep Your Thesis Balanced

Keep the thesis balanced. If it's too general, it becomes vague; if it's too specific, it cannot be developed. If it's merely descriptive (like the bland example above), it gives the reader no compelling reason to go on. The thesis should be dramatic, have some tension in it, and should need to be proved (another reason for avoiding the obvious).

Too general: Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote many poems with love as the theme. Too specific: Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote "Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink" in <insert date> after <insert event from her life>. Too descriptive: Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink" is a sonnet with two parts; the first six lines propose a view of love and the next eight complicate that view. With tension and which will need proving: Despite her avowal on the importance of love, and despite her belief that she would not sell her love, the speaker in Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink" remains unconvinced and bitter, as if she is trying to trick herself into believing that love really does matter for more than the one night she is in some lover's arms.

Your Thesis Can Be A Blueprint

A thesis can be used as roadmap or blueprint for your paper:

In "Résumé," Dorothy Parker subverts the idea of what a résumé is--accomplishments and experiences--with an ironic tone, silly images of suicide, and witty rhymes to point out the banality of life for those who remain too disengaged from it.

Note that while this thesis refers to particular poetic devices, it does so in a way that gets beyond merely saying there are poetic devices in the poem and then merely describing them. It makes a claim as to how and why the poet uses tone, imagery and rhyme.

Readers would expect you to argue that Parker subverts the idea of the résumé to critique bored (and boring) people; they would expect your argument to do so by analyzing her use of tone, imagery and rhyme in that order.

Citation Information

Nick Carbone. (1994-2024). Thesis Statements for a Literature Assignment. The WAC Clearinghouse. Colorado State University. Available at https://wac.colostate.edu/repository/writing/guides/.

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Copyright © 1994-2024 Colorado State University and/or this site's authors, developers, and contributors . Some material displayed on this site is used with permission.

poetic thesis statement

Thesis Statements for a Literature Assignment

A thesis prepares the reader for what you are about to say. As such, your paper needs to be interesting in order for your thesis to be interesting. Your thesis needs to be interesting because it needs to capture a reader's attention. If a reader looks at your thesis and says "so what?", your thesis has failed to do its job, and chances are your paper has as well. Thus, make your thesis provocative and open to reasonable disagreement, but then write persuasively enough to sway those who might be disagree.

Keep in mind the following when formulating a thesis:

  • A Thesis Should Not State the Obvious
  • Use Literary Terms in Thesis With Care
  • A Thesis Should be Balanced
  • A Thesis Can be a Blueprint

Avoid the Obvious

Bland: Dorothy Parker's "Résumé" uses images of suicide to make her point about living.

This is bland because it's obvious and incontestable. A reader looks at it and says, "so what?"

However, consider this alternative:

Dorothy Parker's "Résumé" doesn't celebrate life, but rather scorns those who would fake or attempt suicide just to get attention.

The first thesis merely describes something about the poem; the second tells the reader what the writer thinks the poem is about--it offers a reading or interpretation. The paper would need to support that reading and would very likely examine the way Parker uses images of suicide to make the point the writer claims.

Use Literary Terms in Thesis Only to Make Larger Points

Poems and novels generally use rhyme, meter, imagery, simile, metaphor, stanzas, characters, themes, settings and so on. While these terms are important for you to use in your analysis and your arguments, that they exist in the work you are writing about should not be the main point of your thesis. Unless the poet or novelist uses these elements in some unexpected way to shape the work's meaning, it's generally a good idea not to draw attention to the use of literary devices in thesis statements because an intelligent reader expects a poem or novel to use literary of these elements. Therefore, a thesis that only says a work uses literary devices isn't a good thesis because all it is doing is stating the obvious, leading the reader to say, "so what?"

However, you can use literary terms in a thesis if the purpose is to explain how the terms contribute to the work's meaning or understanding. Here's an example of thesis statement that does call attention to literary devices because they are central to the paper's argument. Literary terms are placed in italics.

Don Marquis introduced Archy and Mehitabel in his Sun Dial column by combining the conventions of free verse poetry with newspaper prose so intimately that in "the coming of Archy," the entire column represents a complete poem and not a free verse poem preceded by a prose introduction .

Note the difference between this thesis and the first bland thesis on the Parker poem. This thesis does more than say certain literary devices exist in the poem; it argues that they exist in a specific relationship to one another and makes a fairly startling claim, one that many would disagree with and one that the writer will need to persuade her readers on.

Keep Your Thesis Balanced

Keep the thesis balanced. If it's too general, it becomes vague; if it's too specific, it cannot be developed. If it's merely descriptive (like the bland example above), it gives the reader no compelling reason to go on. The thesis should be dramatic, have some tension in it, and should need to be proved (another reason for avoiding the obvious).

Too general: Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote many poems with love as the theme. Too specific: Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote "Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink" in <insert date> after <insert event from her life>. Too descriptive: Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink" is a sonnet with two parts; the first six lines propose a view of love and the next eight complicate that view. With tension and which will need proving: Despite her avowal on the importance of love, and despite her belief that she would not sell her love, the speaker in Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink" remains unconvinced and bitter, as if she is trying to trick herself into believing that love really does matter for more than the one night she is in some lover's arms.

Your Thesis Can Be A Blueprint

A thesis can be used as roadmap or blueprint for your paper:

In "Résumé," Dorothy Parker subverts the idea of what a résumé is--accomplishments and experiences--with an ironic tone, silly images of suicide, and witty rhymes to point out the banality of life for those who remain too disengaged from it.

Note that while this thesis refers to particular poetic devices, it does so in a way that gets beyond merely saying there are poetic devices in the poem and then merely describing them. It makes a claim as to how and why the poet uses tone, imagery and rhyme.

Readers would expect you to argue that Parker subverts the idea of the résumé to critique bored (and boring) people; they would expect your argument to do so by analyzing her use of tone, imagery and rhyme in that order.

Carbone, Nick. (1997). Thesis Statements for a Literature Assignment. Writing@CSU . Colorado State University. https://writing.colostate.edu/guides/guide.cfm?guideid=51

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These sample thesis statements are provided as guides, not as required forms or prescriptions.


The thesis may focus on an analysis of one of the elements of fiction, drama, poetry or nonfiction as expressed in the work: character, plot, structure, idea, theme, symbol, style, imagery, tone, etc.

In “A Worn Path,” Eudora Welty creates a fictional character in Phoenix Jackson whose determination, faith, and cunning illustrate the indomitable human spirit.

Note that the work, author, and character to be analyzed are identified in this thesis statement. The thesis relies on a strong verb (creates). It also identifies the element of fiction that the writer will explore (character) and the characteristics the writer will analyze and discuss (determination, faith, cunning).

Further Examples:

The character of the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet serves as a foil to young Juliet, delights us with her warmth and earthy wit, and helps realize the tragic catastrophe.

The works of ecstatic love poets Rumi, Hafiz, and Kabir use symbols such as a lover’s longing and the Tavern of Ruin to illustrate the human soul’s desire to connect with God.

The thesis may focus on illustrating how a work reflects the particular genre’s forms, the characteristics of a philosophy of literature, or the ideas of a particular school of thought.

“The Third and Final Continent” exhibits characteristics recurrent in writings by immigrants: tradition, adaptation, and identity.

Note how the thesis statement classifies the form of the work (writings by immigrants) and identifies the characteristics of that form of writing (tradition, adaptation, and identity) that the essay will discuss.

Further examples:

Samuel Beckett’s Endgame reflects characteristics of Theatre of the Absurd in its minimalist stage setting, its seemingly meaningless dialogue, and its apocalyptic or nihilist vision.

A close look at many details in “The Story of an Hour” reveals how language, institutions, and expected demeanor suppress the natural desires and aspirations of women.

The thesis may draw parallels between some element in the work and real-life situations or subject matter: historical events, the author’s life, medical diagnoses, etc.

In Willa Cather’s short story, “Paul’s Case,” Paul exhibits suicidal behavior that a caring adult might have recognized and remedied had that adult had the scientific knowledge we have today.

This thesis suggests that the essay will identify characteristics of suicide that Paul exhibits in the story. The writer will have to research medical and psychology texts to determine the typical characteristics of suicidal behavior and to illustrate how Paul’s behavior mirrors those characteristics.

Through the experience of one man, the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, accurately depicts the historical record of slave life in its descriptions of the often brutal and quixotic relationship between master and slave and of the fragmentation of slave families.

In “I Stand Here Ironing,” one can draw parallels between the narrator’s situation and the author’s life experiences as a mother, writer, and feminist.


1. In (title of work), (author) (illustrates, shows) (aspect) (adjective). 

Example: In “Barn Burning,” William Faulkner shows the characters Sardie and Abner Snopes struggling for their identity.

2. In (title of work), (author) uses (one aspect) to (define, strengthen, illustrate) the (element of work).

Example: In “Youth,” Joseph Conrad uses foreshadowing to strengthen the plot.

3. In (title of work), (author) uses (an important part of work) as a unifying device for (one element), (another element), and (another element). The number of elements can vary from one to four.

Example: In “Youth,” Joseph Conrad uses the sea as a unifying device for setting, structure and theme.

4. (Author) develops the character of (character’s name) in (literary work) through what he/she does, what he/she says, what other people say to or about him/her.

Example: Langston Hughes develops the character of Semple in “Ways and Means”…

5. In (title of work), (author) uses (literary device) to (accomplish, develop, illustrate, strengthen) (element of work).

Example: In “The Masque of the Red Death,” Poe uses the symbolism of the stranger, the clock, and the seventh room to develop the theme of death.

6. (Author) (shows, develops, illustrates) the theme of __________ in the (play, poem, story).

Example: Flannery O’Connor illustrates the theme of the effect of the selfishness of the grandmother upon the family in “A Good Man is Hard to Find.”

7. (Author) develops his character(s) in (title of work) through his/her use of language.

Example: John Updike develops his characters in “A & P” through his use of figurative language.

Perimeter College, Georgia State University,  http://depts.gpc.edu/~gpcltc/handouts/communications/literarythesis.pdf

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How to Write an Effective Literary Analysis Thesis Statement

Center for writing excellence blog.

Cailey Rogers is a class of 2024 Writing Center consultant. She is studying Journalism and English Literature. At Elon, she is a Communications Fellow and is involved in Elon Learning Assistance, Colonnades Literary and Art Journal, and the Pendulum.

poetic thesis statement

I distinctly remember that when I was in middle school and just beginning to learn how to write essays, the most daunting task was crafting a thesis statement. Back then, my teachers would put so much emphasis on one part of the entire paper; now that I’m in college, I understand why.

Writing a thesis statement hasn’t become easier over time for me. In fact, now that I am writing complex papers for my 3000-level classes, it has proved to be even more challenging. But honestly, I have come to appreciate this part of a paper to the point where I cannot write the body paragraphs of my work until I am satisfied with the thesis statement.

As an English Literature major, I most look forward to writing thesis statements for literary analysis essays. But I realize that the idea of writing a long analysis on a piece of literature is not fun for everyone. Well, I’m going to offer some suggestions and advice to anyone tackling a literary analysis paper – whether this is your first time writing one, or you’ve been doing it for years, these thesis statement tips will give you a roadmap to creating a thesis that will not just start your paper off on the right note, but also display your writing skills and critical thinking. If you have a strong thesis, I guarantee that your paper will be more sophisticated and easier to write. While my focus here in on literary analysis, my tips apply to anyone writing an analysis and interpretation of a text.

Like any thesis statement, a literary analysis thesis should work as both a roadmap and a foundation for your essay. As the Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill advises, the thesis statement should do more than illuminate how you are going to “interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion;” it should also give the reader an outline of the paper itself. This means you need to state what topic you want to focus on, what specific details you will use as textual evidence, and why your argument is important. If you draw a clear map and build a sturdy foundation, the rest of your analysis can grow to be much stronger as a whole.

Let’s break down an example that may make this point a little easier to digest. Here is a practice thesis statement from the WAC Clearinghouse that distinguishes between a vague thesis and one that provides a detailed blueprint for the paper:

poetic thesis statement

Another valuable piece of advice is to make sure not to state the obvious in your thesis statements. In addition to thinking of your thesis statement as a map or a foundation, think of it also as a hook. You want your readers to be interested in what you have to say, so make your thesis statement compelling enough so that a reader simply can’t resist reading the rest of the paper.

Here is another example from the WAC Clearinghouse on how to accomplish this feat:

poetic thesis statement

Note: To learn more about the “what,” “how,” and “why” aspects highlighted in these examples, check out the second blog post in this series, where I discuss my own personal process when writing a literary analysis thesis statement here!

Now, these may seem like pretty standard suggestions that would work for all kinds of thesis statements across a variety of fields. And they are. That doesn’t mean they aren’t important to keep in mind, though. But I did come prepared with some suggestions that are specific to writing a literary analysis essay that I have learned from Dr. Janet Myers, Professor of English in the  English Department at Elon University. I’ve taken several classes with Dr. Myers, written countless literary analysis papers, and these four simple characteristics to include in a thesis statement have gotten me through each one. According to Dr. Myers, these are the four characteristics of a successful thesis statement:

poetic thesis statement

By this, I mean that you want to assert a position that moves beyond something that is clearly obvious within the text. More specifically, you are going to want to isolate a subject you can explore with your own voice. You don’t want to merely point out that a theme of pattern exists in a text; you want to argue about its meaning or purpose. Think of everything you write as being a contribution to a big conversation of scholars. What do you want to contribute to this conversation? You don’t want it to be just an observation but rather an argument that you can support and defend.

2. Narrowly Focused 

Even though you do want to address some universal and pervading aspects of the text you are analyzing, you definitely don’t want to overburden yourself. The broader your thesis is, the more you would be required to explain, and the harder it would be for your audience to understand the particulars of your argument. So, make your thesis statement limited in scope. Identify a specific pattern, theme, literary device, character, or historical event (and there are certainly more possibilities) from the text that you want to analyze in your paper. This is where you could build the roadmap aspect of the thesis: list the elements in the order you will write about them in, and suddenly you will have a clear path for entire literary analysis.

3. Clear and Concise 

This may seem obvious, but it is crucial. A clear thesis will play into the idea of a roadmap, but it will also avoid using long, complex clauses or unnecessary jargon. In terms of making it concise, look for any words in your thesis that may not add to the overall point you are trying to make, and cut them out. Streamline your thesis statement by simplifying your ideas as much as you can, almost as if you were trying to explain it to someone who has never read the text before. Ultimately, your thesis should be able to stand completely on its own. If you just gave your professor your thesis statement and left out the rest of your paper, your topic, evidence, and argument should all be transparent and evident.

4. Capable of Transcending Specific Characters and Events in the Text 

This one is particularly important to keep in mind for a literary analysis paper. What makes a strong literary analysis is an argument that isn’t limited to one specific plot point or character within the text. Think of it this way: pretend you are trying to convince a friend that they should take up reading as a hobby because it is entertaining and enriching. But the only evidence you have to back this up is that you really enjoyed reading one book in the past month. Obviously, that is never going to convince your friend to take up reading because that argument only pertains to one person’s experience at a singular point in time. You would want to have more examples of how reading has changed people’s lives across the world, not just you. Also, you would probably want to address some of the larger persuasive arguments like how literature increases the value of an education, or how it can teach you about a variety of different topics. You would do the same thing in a literary analysis paper: you would want to address the wider implications of the text and find patterns or themes that pertain to more than one specific event or character. Challenge yourself to find connections between events and characters, and then trace those connections in your writing. But even more than that, try to find a universally significant message that your text represents. Literature is a reflection of reality, so find out what your text is trying to express about the real world, and then write about it.

I know it can seem intimidating to write a literary analysis paper, but if you follow these tips when writing your thesis, the challenge will suddenly seem much less impossible. If you want to continue learning about writing a successful literary analysis thesis statement, you can find another blog post I wrote about my personal process and tips by clicking on this link. And if you still find yourself doubting your work, you can always come to The Writing Center, and we would be happy to help you!

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One response to “How to Write an Effective Literary Analysis Thesis Statement”

[…] In my short time at Elon, I have found that the most challenging and rewarding part of writing a long literary analysis paper is the thesis statement. It’s funny how just one small portion of what can become an eight-page essay seems impossible to accomplish. If you feel that way, you are certainly not alone. Even English majors struggle with it – I can say that from personal experience! That is exactly why I decided to share the tips and processes that have helped me the most when writing a literary analysis thesis statement in hopes that it could help others staring at a blank document, not knowing where to start or feeling like they will never be able to write a good paper about a piece of literature. If you want to know some of the general tips and tricks that I have acquired through my English classes and some other resources, you can read my first blog post here.  […]

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