'Refraction is then all there is to it': How Isaac Newton's experiments revealed the mystery of light

"The colors of the spectrum, then, "are not Qualifications [alterations] of Light … (as 'tis generally believed), but Original and connate properties."

Isaac Newton (1642-1727) english mathematician, physicist and astronomer, author of the theory of terrestrial universal attraction, here dispersing light with a glass prism, engraving colorized document (Photo by Apic/Getty Images)

The beauty and majesty of rainbows have inspired awe in humans for millennia, but it wasn't until Isaac Newton's groundbreaking work unlocking the secrets of light did we truly begin to understand how they form.

In this extract from the new book " Beautiful Experiments: An Illustrated History of Experimental Science " (The University of Chicago Press, 2023), science writer Philip Ball explains how Isaac Newton's ingenious experiment with prisms transformed our understanding of light.

The puzzle of the rainbow was resolved in the seventeenth century through the work of the scientist who some regard as the greatest ever to have lived. In 1666, Isaac Newton — then a 23-year-old Cambridge graduate — performed an experiment with light that transformed our understanding of it. 

While it was thought that the bar of rainbow colors — called a spectrum — produced when white light (like sunlight) travels through a glass prism is caused by some property of the prism that alters the light, Newton showed the colors are already inherent in the light itself. Legend has it that Newton did the experiment at his family home in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, to which he had returned to escape the Great Plague that ravaged England in 1665. 

It did not, after all, require any fancy apparatus — just a few prisms, which could be bought almost as trinkets at markets (although he needed good-quality ones!). While there's truth in that, Newton had been planning such experiments for a while in his Cambridge room: we need not credit the plague for stimulating this leap in understanding optics. Newton didn't report his results until six years later, when he sent an account to the Royal Society in London, the intellectual center of "experimental philosophy" in the mid-century. 

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He was famously reluctant to disclose the outcomes of his studies, and had to be cajoled into writing down his celebrated laws of motion and theories about the motions of the planets in his masterwork the Principia Mathematica in 1687. The book in which he recorded his experiments and theories about light, Opticks, was finally published in 1704. This was not so much because Newton was diffident about his work; on the contrary, he was rather covetous about it, and highly sensitive to criticism. 

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Newton begins his 1672 account by relating his surprise that the colored spectrum produced by his prism was rectangular in shape rather than circular, "as the received laws of Refraction" would lead one to expect. It seems a rather trifling question, especially to lead to such profound conclusions. In fact, his "surprise" is hard to credit, for this effect of a prism was well known, not least to Newton himself, who had been fascinated with such instruments since he was a boy. 

Spectrum formed by white light through a prism. From Martin Frobenius Ledermuller’s Drittes Funfzig seiner Mikroskopischen Gemuths- und Augen-Ergotzungen, 1762, Vol. II, Plate II, Wellcome Collection, London

Newton was here no doubt indulging what is now a common practice in scientific papers: to construct a retrospective story so as to give a comprehensible narrative arc to a description of experiments that might have a more haphazard genesis and perhaps initially a different goal entirely. At any rate, Newton embarked on a thorough program of experimentation to figure out what the prism was doing to light. 

One can imagine him almost literally playing with prisms, screens, and lenses until he found a configuration that allowed him to formulate and investigate some definite hypotheses. (Newton once famously claimed that "I feign no hypotheses," but in truth one can hardly do science at all without them.) 

But only Newton saw what this implies: that refraction is then all there is to it

It's a common situation for experimental science: you might want to investigate a phenomenon but be unsure quite what the right questions are, let alone how to deploy your instruments and measuring devices to answer them. You need to develop a feeling for the system you're trying to study. 

Newton closed the "window-shuts" of his room, admitting a single narrow beam of sunlight through a hole, which passed into the prism. In the crucial experiment, Newton investigated the nature of the light after it exited the prism. If the light became colored because of some transformation produced by the prism, then a passage through a second prism might be expected to alter the light again. 

Newton used a board with a hole in it to screen off all the spectrum except for a single color — red, say — and then allowed that colored light to pass through the second prism. He found that this light emerged from the second prism refracted — bent at an angle — but otherwise unchanged. In other words, a prism seems only to bend (refract) light, leaving it otherwise unaltered. But it does so to different degrees (that is, at different angles) for different colors. 

Photograph showing white light dispersed through a prism and split into the colors of the rainbow.

This in itself was nothing new: the Anglo-Irish scientist Robert Boyle had said as much in his 1664 book "Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours," which Newton had read. But only Newton saw what this implies: that refraction is then all there is to it. 

The colors themselves are already in the white light, and all the prism does is to separate them out. As he put it, "Light consists of Rays differently refrangible" [meaning refractable]. The colors of the spectrum, then, "are not Qualifications [alterations] of Light … (as 'tis generally believed), but Original and connate properties." That was a bold interpretation: sunlight was not, so to speak, elemental, but compound. 

To test this idea, Newton used a lens to refocus a many-hued spectrum into a single, merged beam — which, he observed, was white. He also passed this reconstituted beam through another prism to reveal that it could again be split into a spectrum just as before. 

Newton explained how his observations could account for the rainbow, produced by the refraction and reflection of light through raindrops that act as tiny prisms. The colors of everyday objects, he added, arise because they reflect "one sort of light in greater plenty than another." 

— What is visible light?

— Are rainbows really arches?

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And the results explained the defects of lenses (Newton himself had become adept at making these by grinding glass), whereby refraction of different colors produces a defocusing effect called chromatic aberration. The Royal Society's secretary Henry Oldenburg told Newton that his report was met with "uncommon applause" when read at a gathering in February 1672. But not everyone appreciated it. 

After the paper was published in the society's Philosophical Transactions, its in-house curator of experiments, Robert Hooke , who considered himself an expert on optics, presented several criticisms (which we can now see were mistaken). Newton replied with lofty condescension, igniting a long-standing feud between the two men. 

One problem is that Newton's experiments, despite their apparent simplicity, are not easy to replicate: some, in England and abroad, tried and failed. But they have stood the test of time, a testament to the power of experiment to literally illuminate the unknown that, in the judgment of philosopher of science Robert Crease, gives Newton's so-called experimentum crucis "a kind of moral beauty."

Reprinted with permission from Beautiful Experiments: An Illustrated History of Experimental Science by Philip Ball, published by The University of Chicago Press. © 2023 by Quarto Publishing plc. All rights reserved.

Beautiful Experiments: An Illustrated History of Experimental Science - $25.82 on Amazon

Beautiful Experiments: An Illustrated History of Experimental Science - $25.82 on Amazon

Philip Ball's illustrated history of experimental science is a celebration of the ingenuity that scientists and natural philosophers have used throughout the ages to study — and to change — the world.

If you enjoyed this extract you can read another extract from the book: How 18th century scientists figured out fertilization

Philip Ball is a freelance writer and broadcaster, and was an editor at Nature for more than twenty years. He writes regularly in the scientific and popular media and has written many books on the interactions of the sciences, the arts, and wider culture, including "H2O: A Biography of Water "  and "The Music Instinct. "  His book "Critical Mass "  won the 2005 Aventis Prize for Science Books. Ball is also the 2022 recipient of the Royal Society’s Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Medal for contributions to the history, philosophy, or social roles of science. He trained as a chemist at the University of Oxford and as a physicist at the University of Bristol, and he was an editor at  Nature  for more than twenty years. 

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light spectrum experiment

Education Corner

Top 15 Light Related Science Experiments

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Light experiments lets us unlock some of nature’s most intriguing riddles and appreciate the magic that illuminates our everyday experiences.

We have carefully selected the best light-related experiments, prioritizing fun and educational experiences that will surely engage young minds.

Our compilation of light experiments will illuminate the minds of students and teachers alike. This curated collection offers an extraordinary opportunity to explore the captivating world of light through hands-on activities.

1. Potato Light Bulb

Potato Light Bulb

Prepare to be amazed by the power of potatoes in our extraordinary potato light bulb experiments! In these captivating experiments, students will discover the remarkable ability of a humble potato to generate electricity and light up an LED bulb.

Learn more: Potato Light Bulb

2. Bending Light

In these mesmerizing light experiments, students have the opportunity to unravel the mysteries of refraction and explore the wonders of bending light.

3. Light Refraction

By engaging in these experiments, students will not only witness the mesmerizing effects of light refraction but also gain a deeper understanding of the scientific principles behind it.

4. Newton’s Light Spectrum Experiment

Step into the fascinating world of light and color with Newton’s Light Spectrum Experiment! Inspired by the groundbreaking discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, these captivating experiments will take students on a journey to explore the nature of light.

5. Newton’s Prism Experiment

Learn about optics and unravel the mysteries of light with Newton’s Prism Experiment. Inspired by Sir Isaac Newton’s groundbreaking discoveries, these experiments offer a thrilling opportunity for students to explore the phenomenon of light dispersion and the creation of a vivid spectrum of colors.

6. Total Internal Reflection

These experiments provide a hands-on opportunity for students to observe and investigate how total internal reflection can be harnessed in practical applications such as fiber optics and reflective surfaces.

7. Colored Light Experiments

Prepare to immerse yourself in a vibrant world of colors with these captivating colored light experiments! In these hands-on activities, students will uncover the magic of colored light and its intriguing properties.

8. Capture a Light Wave

By employing innovative techniques and tools, students will learn how to capture and analyze light waves, unraveling the secrets hidden within their intricate patterns.

9. Home-made Kaleidescope

Home-made Kaleidescope

Unleash your creativity and embark on a mesmerizing journey of light and patterns with our homemade kaleidoscope experiments! By constructing your very own kaleidoscope, you’ll unlock optical wonders.

Learn more: Home-made Kaleidescope

10. Push Things with Light

Through engaging hands-on activities, students will experiment with the fascinating principles of photon momentum and the transfer of energy through light.

11. Erase Light with a Laser: The Photon Experiment

Can light be erased? Through hands-on activities, students will discover surprising answers. By utilizing lasers, students will learn about the principles of photon absorption and emission, investigating whether it is possible to erase light.

12. Exploring Shapes and Patterns on a Mirror Box

Exploring Shapes and Patterns on a Mirror Box

By creating your own mirror box, you’ll learn about optical illusions and reflections. In these experiments, students will explore the fascinating interplay between light, mirrors, and geometry.

Learn more: Exploring Shapes and Patterns on a Mirror Box

13. Electromagnetic Spectrum Experiment

Get ready for an illuminating adventure as we dive into the fascinating world of visible light where students will have the opportunity to explore the electromagnetic spectrum and unravel the mysteries of light.

 14. Light Patterns in a Box

 Light Patterns in a Box

By manipulating light sources and objects, students will witness the magic of shadows, diffraction, and interference, resulting in a dazzling display of intricate patterns and colors.

Learn more: Light Patterns in a Box

15. Light Maze

Prepare to navigate a mesmerizing journey through the enchanting world of light with our captivating light maze experiments! In these immersive activities, students will learn about the magic of manipulating light to create intricate mazes and pathways.

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The science of color, newton’s rainbow.

In the 1660s, English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton began a series of experiments with sunlight and prisms. He demonstrated that clear white light was composed of seven visible colors.

By scientifically establishing our visible spectrum (the colors we see in a rainbow), Newton laid the path for others to experiment with color in a scientific manner. His work led to breakthroughs in optics, physics, chemistry, perception, and the study of color in nature.

Aristotle developed the first known theory of color, suggesting that all colors came from white and black (lightness and darkness) and related them to the four elements – water, air, earth, and fire. Aristotle’s beliefs on color were widely held for over 2000 years until being replaced by those of Newton.

Opticks , one of the great works in the history of science, documents Newton’s discoveries from his experiments passing light through a prism. He identified the ROYGBIV colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) that make up the visible spectrum. The visible spectrum is the narrow portion within the electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen by the human eye. Other forms of electromagnetic radiation, waves of energy, that we cannot see include radio, gamma and microwaves. The cells in our eyes called cones are sensitive to the wavelengths found in the visible spectrum. They allow us to see the all the colors of the rainbow.

…if the Sun’s Light consisted of but one sort of Rays, there would be but one Colour in the whole World… –Sir Isaac Newton, Opticks

Tübingen: J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, 1810

Goethe challenged Newton’s views on color, arguing that color was not simply a scientific measurement, but a subjective experience perceived differently by each viewer. His contribution was the first systematic study on the physiological effects of color. Goethe’s views were widely adopted by artists. Although Goethe is best known for his poetry and prose, he considered Theory of Colors his most important work.

Colour are light’s suffering and joy. –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

London, ca. 1722

This very rare book formed the foundation for modern color printing. Le Blon was the first to outline a three-color printing method using primary colors (red, yellow, blue) to create secondary colors (green, purple, orange). He makes an important distinction between “material colors,” as used by painters, and colored light, which was the focus of Newton’s color theories. Le Blon’s distinction marks the first documentation of what is now referred to as additive and subtractive color systems. Rainbows, TVs, computer screens and mobile devices all emit light and are examples of an additive color system (the subject of Newton’s Opticks). Red, green and blue are the primary additive colors and when combined they produce transparent white light. Books, paintings, grass and cars are examples of a subtractive color system which is based on the chemical makeup of an object and its reflection of light as a color. Subtractive primary colors - blue, red, and yellow – are often taught to us as children, and when mixed together they create black.

…I arriv’d at the skill of reducing the Harmony of Colouring in painting to Mechanical Practice… –J.C. Le Blon, Coloritto

London: Macmillan, 1869

These colorful line diagrams reveal the chemical compositions of metals. When a pure metal is burned and viewed through a spectroscope, each element gives off unique spectra, a sort of color fingerprint. This method, called spectral analysis, led to the discovery of new elements, and marked the first steps towards quantum theory.

Can you see the numbers in the circles? 4.5 percent of the population cannot see the entire visible spectrum, a condition called color vision deficiency, or color blindness. Ishihara plates are used to test patients for the various types of color blindness.

light spectrum experiment

Can you find the animal hiding in this image? Camouflage uses color to conceal forms by creating optical illusions. American artist Abbott Thayer introduced the concept of  disruptive patterning , in which an animal’s uneven markings can disguise its outline. In this illustration Thayer shows how a peacock can disappear into its surroundings.

Thayer, an American artist, devoted much of his life to understanding how animals conceal themselves in nature for survival. In his book, Concealing Coloration in the Animal Kingdom, Thayer presented his beliefs of protective coloration as an essential factor in evolution helping animals disguise themselves from predators. He received much praise and criticism. He was extreme in his views arguing that all animal coloration was for protective purposes and failing to recognize other possible reasons such as sexual selection – characteristics for attracting a mate.  Teddy Roosevelt most notably attacked his theories by pointing out that this concealment doesn’t last all season, or even all day, but was dependent on a single frozen moment in times. Despite these shortcomings, Thayer went on to be the first to propose camouflage for military purposes.  Although his suggestions were initially rejected, his former students were among the founders of the American Camouflage Society in 1916 and his theories were eventually adopted and are still used today.

Albatross D.Va, 1917-1918
Courtesy of the National Air and
Space Museum

The colorful pattern on this German aircraft from World War I is called lozenge camouflage. Its disruptive pattern applied Abbott Thayer’s theories in an effort to inhibit enemy observation from the air and on the ground.

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How to Make a Rainbow with a Prism

June 21, 2019 By Emma Vanstone Leave a Comment

Visible or white light is made up of a range of colours each with a different wavelength . One way to see the different colours is to use a prism to split the light. When white light enters the prism it slows down and changes direction. The amount the light changes depends on the wavelength. Red light changes direction the least and violet the most.

Visible light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum we can see. Each colour has a range of wavelengths. Red has a long wavelength and low frequency and violet has a short wavelength and high frequency.

What is a prism?

A prism is a triangular block of glass or perspex which splits light into its constituent colours.

When light enters a prism it is refracted. Each colour of the spectrum is refracted by a different amount and the colours are dispersed ( spread out ) allowing you to see them.

A prism is a great way to demonstrate visually that white light is actually made up of 7 different colours.

How to split white light with a prism

How to split white light with a prism.  Easy instructions for how to make a rainbow with a prism.

What you need to split light

Triangular prism

White cardboard

Large sheet of white paper

Dark coloured cardboard

Tape or glue

Large tray or sheet of thick card

How to use a prism

If it’s not a sunny day, you can use a torch.

Use the dark card to create a slit over a sheet of white card. Place the card so sunlight shines through giving a thin beam of light.

Place the prism over the light and rotate it until you can see the light split into the spectrum of colours.

How to split light with a triangular prism#physicsforkids

Why does a prism split light?

White light, which enters the prism, is a mixture of different wavelengths, which get bent ( refracted ) by different amounts though the prism, allowing them to be seen separately.

Facts about light waves

Light travels in straight lines.

It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light to reach Earth from the Sun.

Light waves can travel through a vacuum.

Visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Light waves are much faster than sound waves.

Wavelengths of the visible spectrum of light range from 400nm ( violet end ) to 700nm (red end ).

diagram showing the different colours that make up visible light

More learning activities about light

Find out how to make a rainbow using a hosepipe !

Reverse the direction of arrows with this easy light refraction experiment .

Learn about how light travels in straight lines by making a light maze .

light maze with mirrors

Last Updated on May 7, 2022 by Emma Vanstone

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Ignite Your Kids’ Curiosity with These 16 Dazzling Light Experiments

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From rainbow light refractions to exploring the visible spectrum, there are so many fascinating and fun science projects about light for children to explore.

Whether you’re a teacher in need of activities that will engage your students or a homeschooler who wants to find new methods of educating your little ones, this ultimate list of light experiments for kids is sure to keep them happily learning!

With easy-to-follow instructions and simple materials, these exciting experiments dive into basic concepts such as reflection, absorption, diffusion, and much more.

I scoured the internet to discover the BEST activities for experimenting with light. This post includes dozens of fun science light experiments for kids to keep you and your kids busy. These science lessons are so good that kids have fun, are engaged, and want to learn more!

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As you can see, there are a ton of great light experiments for kids that are both fun and educational. We hope this list has inspired you to try out some of these activities with your children or students.

If you end up trying one (or more) of them, we’d love to hear about it. Which activity jumped out at you? Share it with your friends!

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Light Spectrum Experiments

Science Investigatory Project Examples

The electromagnetic spectrum, which is just a fancy word for the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, or light, is one of the most interesting ideas in physics. It is also one of the easiest on which to perform basic experiments.

Separating the Spectrum

This may seem like a far too overdone experiment, but that might only be because of its importance. All you need is a very simple triangular prism, sunlight and preferably a flat wall. Place the prism between the wall and the sunlight. Rotate the prism until you see a rainbow on the wall. Keep the rainbow on the wall until you can record what colors appear. Once you have that recorded, try to describe why sunlight splits via prism into those colors. If the answer evades you, find a copy of the electromagnetic spectrum and compare the visible spectrum to what you see on the wall. The objective of this experiment is to realize that sunlight is white light, which can be split into its component colors.

Moving on to the Entire Spectrum

This experiment will introduce you to a few other forms of light that you can't see. However, you will need some source of heat and some sort of infrared camera. Take this source of heat and activate it. If you are using a flame, ignite it and observe its color. Then, observe it again with the infrared camera. You should see much more light through the camera than with your eyes. What you should notice is that the heat gives off infrared light as well as visible light. In fact, it gives off a wide spectrum of light. The infrared light you see is a byproduct of the heat. This shows that where there is heat, there is infrared radiation and vice versa.


This is a bit of a trickier experiment. However, it is very malleable in the sense that you can do it in a few different ways. You need a diffraction grating, a few chemicals to burn, water, a few wood stirring sticks and a burner or heat source. While you can alter the chemicals, the following are guaranteed to work for the experiment: cesium nitrate, copper nitrate, strontium nitrate, lithium nitrate, nickel nitrate, sodium nitrate, sodium chloride. Those chemicals will produce some interesting colors when burnt and observed through diffraction grating, which is the extent of the experiment. You can also burn basic solids like wood or anything else. As long as it burns, it will produce a spectrum that can be identified through a diffraction grating. Try to observe the different spectrums for each chemical you burn. This should show you that every object burns with a different spectrum, which can be used to identify the object. This means that the light produced by burning things is also a combination of many colors and is caused by the chemical composition of the object.

Playing with White Light

This experiment should give you a better familiarity with not only white light, but how white light is similar to other types of light. You will need a few mirrors and the prism mentioned earlier, as well as another flat surface or wall. Take the mirrors and arrange them in a series so that when a bright flashlight is shined on one, it will reflect off of it and hit another mirror, which will reflect it in another direction. Keep in mind that the angle of incidence is equivalent to the angle of reflection. Place the prism so that it diffracts the light coming off the second mirror. Now, turn the flashlight on and let the light go from one mirror to the other and into the prism. You should see a spectrum appear behind the prism. This proves that white light remains intact until it is diffracted, or split, by a prism. More important, this allows you to further reflect the diffracted spectrum, if you have enough mirrors. This will demonstrate that light, when split into its component colors, acts almost exactly the same as white light, which makes sense because white light and light that is monochromatic, or almost monochromatic, are still both electromagnetic radiation. Keep in mind that a flashlight will not work as well as the sun in this experiment. If you can get the mirrors to reflect sunlight and replace the flashlight, it will be more effective, but note that is not always possible.

As a final precautionary note, some of these experiments are quite dangerous. Always use common sense when operating any experiment. Never get closer than necessary to a source of flame. Always wear proper protective clothing, such as glasses, an apron and gloves. Most of all, stay within the bounds of the experiment you plan to perform and don't try to add something exciting with which you aren't familiar.

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About the Author

David Scott has been a firefighter for the Seattle Fire Department's Technical Rescue Team for almost 20 years. He has been writing primarily since 2005, but did author the book, "The White River Ranger District Trail Guide" in 1988. In addition to his work for Demand Studios, Scott spends much of his time writing poetry and a novel.

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Learn about rainbows, camouflage, color, stars, eyes and all kinds of interesting light topics. As well as activities for children, there are also lesson plans and worksheets for teachers, ideas for parents and a whole host of online teaching resources for anyone interested in the science subjects of light and vision.


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Buggy and Buddy

Meaningful Activities for Learning & Creating

January 26, 2016 By Chelsey

Rainbow Science for Kids: Homemade Spectroscope

Make a homemade spectroscope with a few simple materials and explore the spectrum of different light sources. You’ll see all kinds of rainbows ! This science activity for kids makes a great addition to a unit on light or weather and is perfect for St. Patrick’s Day too!

Follow our Science for Kids Pinterest board!

Rainbow Science for Kids: Homemade Spectroscope using a paper towel roll and a CD. Such a fun way to explore light! ~ BuggyandBuddy.com

Light experiments are always fun, especially when they involve rainbows!  In this science activity kids will make their own spectroscope- an instrument used to split light into different wavelengths, which we see as different colors of the rainbow. (This post contains affiliate links.)

Be sure to check out our other light experiments for kids:

Exploring Prisms

Rainbow Reflections

Exploring Reflections in Mirrors

How to Make a Homemade Spectroscope

Materials for homemade spectroscope.

  • Empty paper towel roll
  • Craft knife  and/or scissors
  • Blank or old CD
  • Small piece of cardboard or cardstock
  • Paint (optional)

Making a Homemade Spectroscope

1. If you’ll be painting your paper towel roll, you’ll want to do that first and let it dry. (This step isn’t necessary, but it’s hard for us to pass up an opportunity to paint something!)

2. Use a craft knife (an adult should do this) to cut a thin slit at a 45° angle toward the bottom of the cardboard tube.

cut a thin strip in your homemade spectroscope

3. Directly across from the slit, make a small peephole or viewing hole using your craft knife  (another step for an adult).

cut a viewing hole or peephole in your homemade spectroscope

4. Trace one end of your paper towel roll onto your small scrap of cardboard or cardstock . Cut it out.

5. Cut a straight slit right across the center of your cardboard circle.

6. Tape the circle to the top of your spectroscope.

make the top of your homemade spectroscope

7. Insert the CD into your 45° angled slit with the shiny side facing up.

Rainbow Science for Kids: Homemade Spectroscope using a paper towel roll and a CD. Such a fun way to explore light! ~ BuggyandBuddy.com

Using the Homemade Spectroscope

Start by taking your spectroscope outside. Point the top slit up at the sky (NOT directly at the sun). Look through the peephole. You will see a rainbow inside!

Rainbow Science for Kids: Homemade Spectroscope using a paper towel roll and a CD. Such a fun way to explore light! ~ BuggyandBuddy.com

Now try your spectroscope with other light sources like fluorescent light, neon light and candle light. Compare what you see!

What’s going on?

A CD is a mirrored surface with spiral tracks or pits. These tracks are evenly spaced and diffract light (separating the colors). Because the CD’s surface is mirrored, the light is reflected to your eye.

Rainbow Science for Kids: Homemade Spectroscope using a paper towel roll and a CD. Such a fun way to explore light! ~ BuggyandBuddy.com

See More Science Activities Here!

Be sure to check out all our science activities for kids .

science activities and experiments for kids

Be sure to check out STEAM Kids book and ebook for even more creative STEM and STEAM ideas!

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  • NGC 1097 (Spitzer)
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  • What is Infrared?
  • Herschel's Experiment

Herschel's Experiment

How do you discover a kind of light that our eyes cannot see? Like so many revolutions in science, it was an unexpected result in a measurement that is so simple, anyone can easily repeat it on a sunny day using common materials.

light spectrum experiment

Sir Frederick William Herschel (1738-1822) was born in Hanover, Germany and became well known as both a musician and as an astronomer. He moved to England in 1757 and, with his sister Caroline, constructed telescopes to survey the night sky. Their work resulted in several catalogs of double stars and nebulae. Herschel is famous for his discovery of the planet Uranus in 1781, the first new planet found since antiquity.

Herschel made another dramatic discovery in 1800. He wanted to know how much heat was passed through the different colored filters he used to observe sunlight. He noted that filters of different colors seemed to pass different amounts of heat. Herschel thought that the colors themselves might be of varying temperatures, so he devised a clever experiment to investigate his hypothesis.

He directed sunlight through a glass prism to create a spectrum (the rainbow created when light is divided into its colors) and then measured the temperature of each color. Herschel used three thermometers with blackened bulbs (to better absorb heat) and, for each color of the spectrum, placed one bulb in a visible color while the other two were placed beyond the spectrum as control samples.

As Herschel measured the individual temperatures of the violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red light, he noticed that all of the colors had temperatures higher than the controls. Moreover, he found that the temperatures of the colors increased from the violet to the red part of the spectrum. After noticing this pattern Herschel decided to measure the temperature just beyond the red portion of the spectrum in a region where no sunlight was visible. To his surprise, he found that this region had the highest temperature of all.

The prefix infra means below .

Herschel performed additional experiments on what he called "calorific rays" (derived from the Latin word for heat) beyond the red portion of the spectrum. He found that they were reflected, refracted, absorbed and transmitted in a manner similar to visible light. What Herschel had discovered was a form of light (or radiation) beyond red light, now known as infrared radiation. Herschel's experiment was important because it marked the first time that someone demonstrated that there were types of light that we cannot see with our eyes.

Beyond the Infrared

Herschel's discovery set the stage for our expanded understanding of the full spectrum of light.

In 1801 the scientist Johann Wilhelm Ritter was intrigued by Herschel's discovery of an invisible form of light beyond the red portion of the spectrum, Ritter decided to conduct experiments to determine if invisible light existed beyond the violet end of the spectrum as well. He experimented with chemicals that reacted to exposure with sunlight and found that light also seemed to extend beyond the violet part of the spectrum.

Ritter used the term "chemical rays" to describe this new kind of light, but today we know it as ultraviolet . 

These first steps opened the doors to exploring the full spectrum of light which also includes gamma rays, x-rays, microwaves, and radio.

Published: 02 August, 2013

The Sun generates light and heat through nuclear fusion in its core, but a photon of light created there takes tens of thousands of years to escape from the Sun. It then only takes 8 minutes to reach the Earth.

Newton’s Prism Experiments

William Herschel: The Discovery of Infrared Light

Johann ritter: the discovery of ultraviolet light, isaac newton books.

light spectrum experiment

  • Take a ten question quiz about this page.
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Make a hypothesis about which color in the visible spectrum causes the most plant growth and which color in the visible spectrum causes the least plant growth.

How did you test your hypothesis? Which variables did you control in your experiment and which variable did you change in order to compare your growth results?

Analyze the results of your experiment. Did your data support your hypothesis? Explain. If you conducted tests with more than one type of seed, explain any differences or similarities you found among the types of seeds.

What conclusions can you draw about which color in the visible spectrum causes the most plant growth?

Given that white light contains all colors of the spectrum, what growth results would you expect under white light?

Filter Color Spinach Avg. Height
Radish Avg. Height
Lettuce Avg. Height
  • Carry out an experiment to determine which colors of the light spectrum are used in photosynthesis as evidenced by plant growth.
  • Measure plant growth under lights of different colors of the spectrum.


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Electric and magnetic fields

Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves.

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  • Interactions of light with matter
  • Nonlinear interactions
  • Blackbody radiation
  • Wave-particle duality
  • Quantum optics
  • Spontaneous emission
  • Stimulated emission
  • Quantum electrodynamics

visible spectrum of light

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Aerial view of Tokyo, Japan at dusk circa 2009. Tokyo Tower (right) located in Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Office buildings, architecture, skyscrapers, skyline.

Light as electromagnetic radiation

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  • Chemistry LibreTexts - The Nature of Light
  • NeoK12 - Educational Videos and Games for School Kids - Light and Optics
  • University of Colorado Boulder - Department of Physics - Light and Optics
  • Berkleley Lab Environment, Health & Safety - Light and Infrared Radiation
  • Khan Academy - Introduction to light
  • light - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11)
  • light - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up)
  • Table Of Contents

In spite of theoretical and experimental advances in the first half of the 19th century that established the wave properties of light, the nature of light was not yet revealed—the identity of the wave oscillations remained a mystery. This situation dramatically changed in the 1860s when the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell , in a watershed theoretical treatment, unified the fields of electricity , magnetism , and optics . In his formulation of electromagnetism , Maxwell described light as a propagating wave of electric and magnetic fields. More generally, he predicted the existence of electromagnetic radiation : coupled electric and magnetic fields traveling as waves at a speed equal to the known speed of light . In 1888 German physicist Heinrich Hertz succeeded in demonstrating the existence of long-wavelength electromagnetic waves and showed that their properties are consistent with those of the shorter-wavelength visible light.

The subjects of electricity and magnetism were well developed by the time Maxwell began his synthesizing work . English physician William Gilbert initiated the careful study of magnetic phenomena in the late 16th century. In the late 1700s an understanding of electric phenomena was pioneered by Benjamin Franklin , Charles-Augustin de Coulomb , and others. Siméon-Denis Poisson , Pierre-Simon Laplace , and Carl Friedrich Gauss developed powerful mathematical descriptions of electrostatics and magnetostatics that stand to the present time. The first connection between electric and magnetic effects was discovered by Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted in 1820 when he found that electric currents produce magnetic forces. Soon after, French physicist André-Marie Ampère developed a mathematical formulation ( Ampère’s law ) relating currents to magnetic effects. In 1831 the great English experimentalist Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction , in which a moving magnet (more generally, a changing magnetic flux) induces an electric current in a conducting circuit.

Faraday’s conception of electric and magnetic effects laid the groundwork for Maxwell’s equations . Faraday visualized electric charges as producing fields that extend through space and transmit electric and magnetic forces to other distant charges. The notion of electric and magnetic fields is central to the theory of electromagnetism, and so it requires some explanation. A field is used to represent any physical quantity whose value changes from one point in space to another. For example, the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere has a definite value at every point above the surface of Earth; to specify the atmospheric temperature completely thus requires specifying a distribution of numbers—one for each spatial point. The temperature “field” is simply a mathematical accounting of those numbers; it may be expressed as a function of the spatial coordinates. The values of the temperature field can also vary with time; therefore, the field is more generally expressed as a function of spatial coordinates and time: T ( x , y , z , t ), where T is the temperature field, x , y , and z are the spatial coordinates, and t is the time.

Temperature is an example of a scalar field; its complete specification requires only one number for each spatial point. Vector fields, on the other hand, describe physical quantities that have a direction and magnitude at each point in space. A familiar example is the velocity field of a fluid . Electric and magnetic fields are also vector fields; the electric field is written as E ( x , y , z , t ) and the magnetic field as B ( x , y , z , t ).

In the early 1860s, Maxwell completed a study of electric and magnetic phenomena. He presented a mathematical formulation in which the values of the electric and magnetic fields at all points in space can be calculated from a knowledge of the sources of the fields. By Faraday’s time, it was known that electric charges are the source of electric fields and that electric currents (charges in motion) are the source of magnetic fields. Faraday’s electromagnetic induction showed that there is a second source of electric fields—changing magnetic fields. In a significant step in the development of his theory, Maxwell postulated that changing electric fields are sources of magnetic fields. In its modern form, Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory is expressed as four partial differential equations for the fields E and B . Known as Maxwell’s equations , these four statements relating the fields to their sources, along with the expression for the forces exerted by the fields on electric charges, constitute the whole of classical electromagnetism.

Electromagnetic waves and the electromagnetic spectrum

A manipulation of the four equations for the electric and magnetic fields led Maxwell to wave equations for the fields, the solutions of which are traveling harmonic waves. Though the mathematical treatment is detailed, the underlying origin of the waves can be understood qualitatively: changing magnetic fields produce electric fields, and changing electric fields produce magnetic fields. This implies the possibility of an electromagnetic field in which a changing electric field continually gives rise to a changing magnetic field, and vice versa.

light speed

We have strong reason to conclude that light itself—including radiant heat and other radiation , if any—is an electromagnetic disturbance in the form of waves propagated through the electro-magnetic field according to electro-magnetic laws.

Maxwell’s achievement ranks as one of the greatest advances of physics . For the physicist of the late 19th century, the study of light became a study of an electromagnetic phenomenon—the fields of electricity, magnetism, and optics were unified in one grand design. While an understanding of light has undergone some profound changes since the 1860s as a result of the discovery of light’s quantum mechanical nature, Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave model remains completely adequate for many purposes.


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