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Integrated Management System
Published by Fanny Pranata Modified over 6 years ago
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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Management System"— Presentation transcript:
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Powerpoint Presentation for use when providing general training or orientation with staff on the Integrated Management System (IMS).
Presentation covers;
- What is an IMS & Purpose
- Common Standards covered
- Setting up an IMS
- How does it affect me?
- Overview of the IMS1 Manual
- Overview of the IMS / Evidence Folder
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IMS Auditor Training PPT
Feb 26, 2022
200 likes | 348 Views
IMS Awareness and Auditor Training Presentation Kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation to understand integrated management system requirements as per ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. <br>The IMS ppt presentation is designed for companies who want to arrange an in-house awareness training course for IMS System. It is intended towards those corporate professionals who are interested to establish good Environment, Quality Health Safety Management System.
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C 123 SAMPLE SLIDE IMS ( ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001-2015, ISO 45001-2018 System Awareness and Internal Auditor Training PART – 2
Structure of Standards • 9 Performance evaluation • Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation • Internal audit • Management review • 10 Improvement • General • Incident, Nonconformity and corrective action • Continual improvement • 8 Operation • Operational planning and control • Emergency preparedness and response CONTINUAL TRADE LINKAGES • 4 Context of the organization • Understanding the organization and context • Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties • Determining the scope of the OH&S management system • OH&S management system • 7 Support • Resources • Competence • Awareness • Communication • Documented information • 5 Leadership and worker participation • Leadership and commitment • OH&S policy • Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities • Consultation and participation of workers • 6 Planning • Actions to address risks and opportunities • OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them
Auditor's personal behaviour • Auditors should exhibit professional behavior during the performance of audit activities, including being: • Ethical, i.e. fair, truthful, sincere, honest and discreet; • Open-minded, i.e. willing to consider alternative ideas or points of view; • Diplomatic, i.e. tactful in dealing with people; • Observant, i.e. actively observing physical surroundings and activities; • Perceptive, i.e. aware of and able to understand situations; • Versatile, i.e. able to readily adapt to different situations; • Tenacious, i.e. persistent and focused on achieving objectives; • Decisive, i.e. able to reach timely conclusions based on logical reasoning and analysis;
The clauses are 4 to 10 according to the High Level Structure and their place in the PDCACycle. Annex SL Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Context of the organization (P) Leadership and worker participation (P, D, C, A) Planning (P) Support (D) Operation (D) Performance evaluation (C) Improvement (A)
All Departments / Activities Clause wise Audit Critical process identified by EQHSMS coordinator/ Top management. Identified product / Process / Job process audit Any Combination decided by EQHSMS Co ordinator. Scope of audit
Audit Steps 1. Audit Plan 2. Develop Checklists Conducting the Audit 3. Opening Meeting 4. Gather Evidence 5. Record Results 6. Closing Meeting 7. Audit report
Documented Information required by ISO 45001:2018 • Scope (sub-clause 4.4) • OHS Policy (sub-clause 5.2) • Roles, responsibilities and authorities (sub-clause 5.3) • Risks and opportunities and actions to address (sub-clause 6.1.1) • Methodology and criteria for the assessment of OH&S risks (sub-clause • Determination of Legal and other requirements (sub-clause 6.1.3) • Planning to achieve OH&S objectives (sub-clause 6.2.2) • Competence (sub-clause 7.2) • Communication (sub-clause 7.4.1) • Operational planning and control (sub-clause 8.1.1) • Emergency preparedness and response (sub-clause 8.2) • Performance evaluation including calibration (sub-clause 9.1.1) • Evaluation of compliance (sub-clause 9.1.2) • Internal audit programme and results (sub-clause 9.2.2) • Management review (sub-clause 9.3) • Incident, nonconformity and corrective action (sub-clause 10.2) • Continual improvement (sub-clause 10.3)
MSDS 16 point, Labels Knowledge of work processes Inspection Leaks, odors, spills, noise Task analysis Past experience Accident / incident investigation reports Professional assistance Hazard Identification
Establish, document and maintain OHSMP for achieving its objectives – Responsibility & authority for achieving at relevant level Means & time scale to be achieved (Plan) Review at regular & planned interval Updated OH&S Management Plan What? Who? Why? When? Where? How?
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Integrated Management System. Our management systems don’t just tick boxes, they make real business improvements. We have been providing quality assurance (9001), safety (4801) and environmental consultancy and auditing services for over twenty years and we specialise in the delivery of bespoke, compliant (100% success rate) and cost effective management systems that put organisations on the ...
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Powerpoint Presentation for use when providing general training or orientation with staff on the Integrated Management System (IMS). ...
Presentation Transcript. Integrated Management System (IMS) An Integrated Management System is a process that integrates all of the business processes, procedures, and policies into one management framework. Integrated Management System is known as IMS in short. IMS integrates all the separate systems of management into one single unit.
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IMS Awareness and Auditor Training Presentation Kit, which is a complete guide in ppt presentation to understand integrated management system requirements as per ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. The IMS ppt presentation is designed for companies who want to arrange an in-house awareness training course for IMS System. It is intended towards those corporate professionals who ...
To increase the on-time delivery of projects from 90% to 95% by Dec 31/2020. To establish a plan for effective communication with clients and interested parties (customers, consultants, auditors & trainers) To use Risk-based-Philosophy to improve scheduling and reviews with clients. To use project management tools to track project timelines.