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Creative Writing Q1 Module 1

Humanities and social science, tagum city national high school.


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Creative writing, quarter 1 – module 1, and figures of speech.

English – Grade _ Quarter _ – Module _: _________ First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education – Region XI

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Development Team of the Module Writers: Name Editors: Name Reviewers: Name Illustrator: Name Layout Artist: Template Developer : Neil Edward D. Diaz Management Team:

Introductory Message

For the facilitator:, (this gives an instruction to the facilitator to orient the learners and support the, parents, elder sibling etc. of the learners on how to use the module., furthermore, this also instructs the facilitator to remind the learners to use, separate sheets in answering the pre-test, self-check exercises, and post-test.), for the learner:, (this communicates directly to the learners and hence, must be interactive. this, contains instructions on how to use the module. the structure and the procedure, of working through the module are explained here. this also gives an overview, of the content of the module. if standard symbols are used to represent some, parts of the module such as the objectives, input, practice task and the like they, are defined and explained in this portion.), let us learn.

In this module, we will master the competency of using imagery, figures of speech, and specific experiences to evoke meaningful responses from readers


After going through this module, you are expected to:

  • identify the types of imagery;
  • differentiate figures of speech;
  • share experiences; and
  • use imagery, figures of speech, and specific experiences to evoke meaningful responses from readers in writing a short paragraph

Let Us Try!

Before we go to our journey in this module, let us assess ourselves first by honestly answering the following below.

Directions: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Write your answer before the number.

This type of imagery pertains to odors or scents. a. Visual Imagery c. Gustatory Imagery b. Olfactory Imagery d. Auditory Imagery

What type of imagery is used in this statement, “She has the most soulful set of eyes.”? a. Auditory Imagery b. Tactile Imagery c. Gustatory Imagery d. Visual Imagery

This type of imagery stimulates the sense of smell. a. Tactile Imagery c. Auditory Imagery b. Visual Imagery d. Olfactory Imagery

This type of imagery pertains to physical textures or the sense of touch. a. Auditory Imagery c. Olfactory Imagery b. Gustatory Imagery d. Tactile Imagery

This type of imagery pertains to flavors or taste. a. Gustatory Imagery c. Tactile Imagery b. Auditory Imagery d. Olfactory Imagery

What type of imagery is used in this statement, “The howling of dogs woke the baby last night.”? a. Tactile Imagery c. Auditory Imagery b. Olfactory Imagery d. Visual Imagery

The use of imagery appeals to our 5 senses; sense of Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste, and Touch.


VISUAL IMAGERY – a picture in words; something that is concrete or can be seen

Example: The starry night sky looked so beautiful that it kept me awake.

AUDITORY IMAGERY – something that you can hear through your mind’s ears

Example: We were welcomed by the chirping of the birds.

OLFACTORY IMAGERY – pertains to odors, scents, or the sense of smell

Example: The aroma of the coffee is enough to keep me awake.

GUSTATORY IMAGERY – pertains to flavors or sense of taste

Example: Last night, I ate the sweetest mango in my whole life.

TACTILE IMAGERY – pertains to physical textures or the sense of touch

Example: The softness of the silk caressed my skin.


THERMAL IMAGERY – something that depicts temperature

Example: When we went to Alaska, everyone wore thick clothes because of the merciless coldness of the place.

EROTIC IMAGERY – something that suggests sensation and feeling

Example: I shivered when he suddenly whispered in my ear.

Directions: Identify the type of imagery used in each sentence.

  • His wife ordered a luscious wine for dinner.
  • The group of friends were all annoyed by the clicking of pen.
  • Today’s weather was too hot to handle.
  • Krishna’s dark eyes showed her forming tears.
  • My grandfather’s rough hands is an evidence of years of hard work.

Directions : Write a sentence that uses one of the types of imagery.


There are a lot of literally tools in the English language that we can use to make our writings more creative. It enables us to write and understand sentences beyond the lines.

Figures of speech refers to words or phrases which have a different meaning from its literal or ordinary meanings.

SIMILE – comparison that uses the expressions “like” and “as”

Example: The girl is as heavy as the table.

PERSONIFICATION – giving human qualities to inanimate or non-living objects

Example: The wind whispers serenely through the silent time.

METAPHOR – indirectly compares two things that belong to different classes

Example: You are the air that keeps me breathing. I’m a mirrorball.

Example: Our new classmate is an Einstein in examinations.

ANTONOMASIA - a kind of metonymy in which a phrase takes the place of a proper name

Example: Harry Potter is the “boy who lived”.

APOSTROPHE - call to a person, a thing or a personified idea which is not really present

Example: “Oh! Stars and clouds and winds, ye are all about to mock me; if ye really pity me, crush sensation and memory; let me become as nought; but if not, depart, depart, and leave me in darkness.”

-Mary Shelly, Frankenstein

EPITHET - the use of an adjective or descriptive phrase that is deployed to point out the distinctive characteristic of deity, person, animal, or thing

Example: That man is the swift-footed Achilles!

EPONYM - refers to the name of a person or deity commonly associated with some widely recognized trait or characteristic

Example: Athena for wisdom Odysseus for adventure Penelope for faithfulness

OXYMORON - combination of adjacent words that have meanings that are diametrically opposite or contradictory

Example: Look at yourself in the mirror. Act naturally.

PARADOX - a statement that appears to be self-contradictory or even illogical but which can actually be true

Example: “My father, this undoing is what binds us.” -Myrna Peña-Reyes’s, Breaking Through

Directions: Below are example sentences that use one specific figure of speech. Identify the figure of speech used.

______1. I was in awe of the small crowd that was present. ______2. You look like my next mistake. ______3. This is the beginning of the end. ______4. We will celebrate my parents’ anniversary next month in the Queen City of the South. ______5. Mr. Padilla asked his class to lend him an ear. ______6. Waves and wind! You are the only thing between me and him. ______7. That newcomer is said to be the Picasso of their batch. ______8. Shush! Keep quiet! ______9. The stars in the night sky are intently looking down at me like they know my deepest secrets. ______10. My family is the problem I wouldn’t mind having.

Let Us Practice

Directions: Read the text below and identify the lines that use imagery. Label the line with the type of imagery used.

After All Lang Leav

I felt you again in my sleep last night. Like always my dreams of you are

peripheral. An overheard conversation where your name is mentioned; a letter in my

hand I try desperately to read before I wake. A Styrofoam coffee cup and half-read

book on an empty table where I knew you were just minutes before. It’s as though

my dreams are a mirror of my waking world, like finding myself walking down on the

street where I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of you, only to look again and

realize it wasn’t you after all.

Let Us Practice More

Directions: Read the poem below and identify the lines that use figure of speech. Label each line with the figure of speech employed.

‘The Haiyan Dead’ — A poem by Merlie Alunan

do not sleep. They walk our streets climb stairs of roofless houses latchless windows blown-off doors

Let Us Assess

Directions: Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

I. Identify the imagery used or described in the sentence.

___________1. “The stone fell with a splash in the lake.” ___________2. “The moonlight bathed the room in ethereal light” ___________3. This imagery is something that depicts temperature. ___________4. “It was the most beautiful appearance of the stars.” ___________5. “Jeffrey’s sweet smell triggered Sharon’s imagination.”

II. Identify the figure of speech used or described in the sentence.

___________1. It is the repetition of lines of verse of the same vowel sound. ___________2. “I’ve told you a million times to wash the dishes.” ___________3. “All of the girls are fighting for the crown.” ___________4. “His being bisexual is an open secret to everyone.” ___________5. It is the use of an adjective or descriptive phrase that is deployed to point out the distinctive characteristic of deity, person, animal, or thing. ___________6. “I thought heaven can’t help me now.” ___________7. “I know one thing: that I know nothing.” ___________8. “My mother is the strength that keeps me going.” ___________9. It refers to the name of a person or deity commonly associated with some widely recognized trait or characteristic. ___________10. It is a statement that appears to be self-contradictory or even illogical but which can actually be true.

Let Us Enhance

Directions: Compose a 3-paragraph essay with 3-5 sentences per paragraph about your experiences during this pandemic. Imagery and Figures of Speech must be applied.

Let Us Reflect

Directions: In 5 sentences, share the importance of using imagery and figures of speech in writing.

Answer key to Activities

Gustatory 1.

Auditory 2.

Oxymoron 1.

Antonomasia 4.

Metonymy 5.

Apostrophe 6.

Allusion 7.

Onomatopoeia 8.

Personification 9.

Metaphor 10.

Let us Practice!

s of you are I felt you again in my sleep last night. Like always my dream•

- Erotic peripheral.

- Auditory An overheard conversation where your name is mentioned; •

- Visual a letter in my hand I try desperately to read before I wake. •

knew A Styrofoam coffee cup and half-read book on an empty table where I •

- Visual you were just minutes before.

ke finding myself It’s as though my dreams are a mirror of my waking world, li•

mpse of walking down on the street where I could have sworn I caught a gli

- Visual k again and realize it wasn’t you after all, only to loo

  • Multiple Choice

Subject : Humanities and Social Science

School : tagum city national high school.

creative writing 12 module 1

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