FYE101-103 - Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success

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Career Research Worksheet (Preparation for Career Research Paper)

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Fill out this worksheet to gather data in preparation for your career research paper assignment. Your paper will need to be a minimum of 2 pages and no longer than 3 pages. It will need to be in your own words or using quotes, paraphrasing, summarizing with proper citation. It will consist of research on two possible careers you have researched. The paper will be double spaced and 12 point font.

  • Title of Career:
  • What are the job duties and responsibilities?
  • What qualifications are needed in terms of college degrees, skills, or work experience? What schools or colleges offer this training?
  • Are you likely to receive on-the-job training in this field?
  • What is a typical career path in this field? Opportunities for advancement?
  • What is the employment outlook for this industry?
  • What is the average salary for someone entering this field? What are the top salaries in this field? What are the typical benefits?
  • Who are the typical employers in this field?
  • What are the key professional and trade associations for this field?
  • Is relocation to a specific geographic location required?
  • What are some related occupations?
  • What sources did you use to find out about this career?
  • After researching the specifics, are you still interested? How does this mesh with your vision of a lifestyle?

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Career Planning and Salary  - Explore Careers

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Career Planning and Salary: Explore Careers

Lesson 2: explore careers.


Explore careers

What types of positions are currently available in this field? What are the average working conditions and expectations? Will this career be in demand five years from now? Research is critical as you begin exploring different career paths.

In this lesson, you'll learn what to look for as you start researching careers. We'll also talk about various online and direct resources that will help you gather valuable information.

How to research

Before you begin exploring different career paths, it's important to understand what you should be looking for in your research. Asking the right questions can make finding a career a lot easier.

Click the arrows in the slideshow below to learn what information to gather in your career research.

slide 1

Research strategies

You should make use of various methods and resources as you gather information about different careers. Taking a diverse approach to your career research will help to ensure the information you collect is accurate and helpful .

Career research guides

The Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Department of Labor is the most comprehensive resource for researching any career. You'll be able to learn about the nature of the work , normal working conditions , average salaries , projected job outlook , and more.

CareerOneStop is also a powerful career planning tool. A central resource in the new American Job Center Network , it allows you to browse careers that are in demand , compare different occupations , create a career plan , and learn valuable resume writing and interviewing skills.

MyNextMove , on the other hand, will guide you through the career research process and provide a quick, visual summary of the information you need to know. This is a great resource if you're having a difficult time getting started. You might also try another career planning guide, such as US.jobs .

General advice

Career research doesn't just happen online. There are several ways you can learn about careers directly. Let's take a look at some of the most helpful methods.

Obtain first-hand knowledge

Learn directly from someone in the field. You might visit a workplace , job shadow, or interview a person with a position in your potential career. Entry-level positions, internships, and volunteering allow for more in-depth knowledge. You can use volunteer search sites like AmeriCorps.gov or Idealist.org to look for internship and volunteer opportunities in your community.

Research industry organizations

Many industries have professional and trade organizations . These organizations can be valuable resources for learning the latest industry trends and training requirements, as well as making connections with the field. You can find different industry organizations by using this list of industry groups on Wikipedia.

Attend a career fair

Career fairs allow you to meet representatives from a variety of different industries and professions you might not otherwise meet. Talking directly with someone from a career field might give you a different perspective on a position or career path. You can find upcoming career fairs in your area on NationalCareerFairs.com .

Visit a career center

Many community centers, libraries, and colleges have career centers with resources that can help you learn more about what to expect from different careers. Visit the Career One Stop service locator page to find career centers near you.

  • Download the Career Research Worksheet ( .doc or .pdf ).
  • Navigate to one of the career research websites above to assist you in your research.
  • Try answering the questions in the worksheet to start researching a career.
  • Think about how you might use one of the methods above to learn more about a career path.




SDEV 0171/0370 - Career Research Assignment

Research as inquiry, off-campus access, your library.

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Career Research Essay

Open the occupation investigation worksheet, use the library guide to research your chosen career. write a 500 word essay to discuss all sections of the worksheet thoroughly (each item is worth 13 points). use ms word to format your essay. indent your paragraphs, and double-space your lines., include a works cited page in mla format with three or more sources..

  • Occupational Investigation Worksheet

Students will understand that research is a process of inquiry.

This activity will help you practice the following skills essential to your success in school and beyond. In this activity you will:

S1. monitor gathered information and assess for gaps and weaknesses

S2. draw reasonable conclusions based on the analysis and interpretation of information

This activity will also help you become familiar with the following important content knowledge:

K1. consider research as open-ended exploration and engagement with information

K2. seek multiple perspectives during information gathering and assessment

  • Get out a sheet of paper and write your career at the top.
  • Let's find the LibGuide for your course.
  • Search for your career in the  Occupational Outlook Handbook .
  • Collect and write down 3 types of information: 2 job responsibilities (that either surprise you or responsibilities that you would want to just share with someone unfamiliar with the career), the pay, and the job outlook. [7 min]
  • Turn to your nearest neighbor and share! [2 min]
  • Whole class shout-outs and discussion: Did anyone have any responsibilities that surprised them? How many careers were in the $400K or more pay range? $100K? $60K? Why are these careers in those ranges? How many careers had a job outlook of over 20%? 17%? 12%? Why is the outlook different for these careers? [10 min]
  • Now search for your career in either O*Net or  Ferguson's . Fact check the information you gathered from OOH . Write notes on whether you're finding the same information or different information. [7min]
  • Turn to your neighbor again and share what you found to be the same or different! [2 min]
  • Whole class shout-outs and discussion: How many of you found different information? Why should we look in different tools? Where does this information come from? [10 min]
  • Write a recommendation for another student who is also researching this career. Which search tool would you recommend and why? Give them at least 2 reasons why you think that tool would be best. [5 min]

Texas Reality Check will show you how much your living expenses will cost, and the amount of money you will need to earn to pay for them.

Cost of living calculators are useful in comparing the expenses associated with different cities or regions.

(Department of Labor) Enter a current or past job to get a list of related professions with comparison data for salary, skills, knowledge, and licensure.

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What does the login page look like?

career research paper worksheet

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  • Last Updated: Sep 14, 2024 1:31 PM
  • URL: https://sacguide.libguides.com/careers

Graphic Organizer: Research a Career

Ever wonder what your dream job is really like? Research it to find out! Have students use this graphic organizer to compile notes from multiple sources as they learn all about a career that interests them. Designed for a middle grades literacy curriculum, this Graphic Organizer: Research a Career worksheet will support the development of research strategies, note-taking, and prewriting skills.

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For Teachers

Career exploration worksheets, understanding careers, student interest inventory, career research, career skills development , increasing hiring chances , career planning and exploration, about the author, peter brown.

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Career Exploration for Students and Kids (19 Free Resources)

By: Author Amanda L. Grossman

Posted on Last updated: December 29, 2023

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Teach students and kids about careers with these 19 free worksheets and lesson plans. Career exploration for students to do.

One of the most important reasons behind a formal education – besides teaching your students how to think for themselves – is to get kids ready to take on an engaging and exciting career.

a group of teen students walking and talking in a meadow, text overlay

And a career? Well, that’s the foundation to any person being able financially provide for themselves – what we call, financial independence.

That’s why I take a real interest in helping kids, tweens, and teens get the best fun career exploration activities resources out there.

So that one day, they can find a fulfilling job and be able to earn enough money to not only survive, but thrive.

Career Exploration for Students

What all is involved in career exploration for students?

To be honest, there’s a lot to cover here.

You want to provide fun and engaging activities for topics like:

  • Understanding Careers : The foundational blocks of understanding how a person earns money, having a job versus working on a career, how to develop your career, etc.
  • Career Interest Assessments : Which careers intersect a child’s natural abilities and a child’s interests?
  • Career Investigation : What does a day look like when holding down a job in one of those career fields that interests a student? What’s the salary like? This can include activities in the classroom, research, and also shadowing.
  • Skill Identification and Development : What skills do they need to pursue a job that interests them? What level of education would they need?
  • Understanding How to Get Hired : Things like interviews, creating a resume, job searches, etc. are critical for students to know how to do.
  • Career Stepping Stones : What steps can the student take right now (and before they graduate high school) in order to set themselves just a few steps closer to getting into that career field (i.e. internships, volunteer activities, writing a first resume (here are free teen resume templates ), type of afterschool/weekend jobs)?
  • Income and Paycheck Management : Discussing how to not only manage a paycheck from a real-job, but also how to manage your career so that your income more than matches current cost of living needs. Also, going over paycheck taxes, pay type (salary, hourly, commissions), insurance, workplace retirement contributions, and other deductions.

Whew – that list wasn’t meant to overwhelm you.

Rather, I wanted to inspire you with what an important and life-changing topic you’re covering with your students and kids.

Plus, to outline some of the areas you can cover with these fun career activities and resources I’ve found for you, below.

Career Exploration for Kids – Free Career Assessments

First up, let’s talk about how to get your kids and students actually interested in career exploration activities.

There’s no better way to pique a student’s interest than to find out what THEY are most interested in learning about.

One way to do this is to start off your unit of study with free career assessments.

1. Truity.com Career Assessment

I spoke with the people at Truity.com, and they said a good age minimum to take their free career assessment is 14/15 years of age.

The test is free to take, plus you get a basic report with results. You don’t even need to have a student register for them to do this!

screenshot of Truity's career assessment test for students

However, if you want to be able to view each of your student’s results, you’d have to sign up for a Pro account.

2. CareerOneStop’s Career Assessment

This free, 30-question career quiz from the U.S. Department of Labor will help a student figure out some possible career choices.

screenshot of Career One Stop's career assessment test for students

3. O*NET Interest Profiler

Another career assessment test sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor is O*NET’s interest profiler. There are 60 questions in total.

screenshot of Onet's career assessment test for students

Psst: want even more career websites for students? Here's 14 career websites for high school students .

4. CommonLit Career Day at Pixie Academy

Age: 4th Grade

Here's a reading passage that's centered around some great career and job terms. The theme of the story is Pixie finding a new job.

Assessment questions and a teacher's guide are included.

Career Exploration Worksheets for Students

While I don’t recommend you center your entire career unit around career exploration worksheets, the ones below can definitely add to students discovering jobs, industries, etc.

1. Find Your “Right Now” Job

Suggested Grades: 6-8

Scholastic has some fantastic worksheets and lesson plans to help with career exploration for students.

In the “ Find Your Right Now Job ” worksheet, students will research jobs and apprenticeships around their area of interests to find two jobs that they could apply to (when they're a bit older).

2. Career Research Worksheet

Here’s a simple, one-page worksheet you can get for free with a free account on Teachers Pay Teachers.

It will help focus your student’s career research.

screenshot of one page career exploration worksheet for students

3. Career Family Tree

This free worksheet of fun career activities has an idea that I love – for students to create a family career tree. They’ll need to ask family members and do the research, which of course is a great way for kids to understand their loved ones even better (plus to learn a thing or two).

4. Classroom Job Application

With a free Teachers Pay Teachers account, get this simple classroom job application your students can fill out to “apply” for classroom jobs.

screenshot of classroom job application worksheet for students

5. Earning Income Career Earning Worksheet

BizWorld has this free, simple worksheet to help your students research a career and salary information.

6. Collection of Career Exploration Worksheets (9-12 grades)

Here’s a bunch of different career activities and worksheets for grades 9-12 .

Worksheets include:

  • Reality Check Worksheet
  • Networking Bingo
  • Speed Interviewing

Career Lesson Plans

Looking for more than just career preparedness worksheets?

Check out these enter career lesson plans, available for free.

Hint: many of them include both worksheets and videos.

1. National Retail Federation's Library

The National Retail Federation (NRF) has a program called RISE Up , a certifying program with curriculum that helps students and young adults get hired in the retail industry.

Check out the RISE Up classroom activities section to find lots of short videos from people actually in the retail industry, answering questions students might have and teaching students about their industry. It also includes a worksheet for each video.

2. PWC’s Earn Your Future Digital Classroom

Check out Level 3 (for Grades 9 – 12), Module Chart Your Course . It talks about:

  • The relationship between education and careers
  • The opportunity cost of pursuing additional education
  • The importance of monetary and nonmonetary compensation when selecting a job

3. BizKid’s It’s a Job to Get a Job

Download an entire lesson plan for high schoolers that include topics like:

  • Job search techniques
  • Interviewing
  • Adding value as an employee

4. NGPF's Career Unit

This is a full-year course, with the following units:

  • Unit Plan & Assessments
  • Career Basics
  • Choosing a Career
  • Workplace Skills
  • Finding a Job
  • Your LinkedIn Profile
  • Resumes & Cover Letters
  • Interviewing for a Job
  • Outcomes of a Job Interview
  • Starting a New Job
  • Career Sucesss

5. Louisiana Department of Education's Virtual Workplace Experience

The state of Louisiana has come up with these free resources to help students explore careers in LA's highest-demand industries. These are project-based learning activities.

Honestly, there's a ton here.

They've broken it down into the following units:

  • General Resources
  • Portfolio Projects Resources
  • Getting Started
  • Healthcare and Pharmacy
  • Automotive Service & Repair
  • Construction Crafts/Skilled Trades
  • Information Technology
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Business Management and Finance
  • Sales and Customer Service

Career Games for Kids

These career games for kids and teens create an engaging way to teach career awareness.

1. Career Charades

Age: 7-9 years

Students are asked to brainstorm lots of different careers (it's suggested that they can ask parents, grandparents, and others to come up with ideas ahead of time).

Each student writes these ideas onto a piece of paper, and everyone takes turns acting out a career while others try to guess what they're doing.

Great for better awareness about career options!

2. Claim Your Future

Students select different career paths, are given a typical salary, and then are given various spending choices. The amount of money they spend throughout the game is tracked so that they can see, and make any adjustments as needed.

screenshot of Claim Your Future career exploration game for teenagers

3. The Payoff

Suggested Age Range: 14 years and older

Practical Money Skills has come up with another free online career game, and this time it's all about two teenagers trying to start up a business in a competitive atmosphere.

Students will have to evaluate business deals, learn how to grow their business, and how to overcome financial challenges in business and in life.

4. Auction Adventures – Auctioneer Career Game for Kids

Suggested Age Range: Grades 3-5

Being paid by commission is wayyyyy different than getting a salary (or, even, being paid hourly). You have to actually sell something to make any money!

This game has your students calculate their commission rates while, at the same time, learning about how auctioneers work in a variety of different places.

Here's a set of worksheets to go along with this game.

screenshot of auction adventures career games for kids

5. The Uber Game

Like it or not, the “gig economy” where people are not full employees of companies, but still accept gigs from them and earn a small or substantial amount of money on the side, seems to be here to stay.

So, kids should understand how this can fit into their career and money plans!

The Uber Game gives your teen a scenario, such as they have a $1,000 mortgage payment due in a week, and then asks them to try and earn enough money through accepting gigs in order to pay that bill.

Can they do it? Is it hard or easy? Can they sustain themselves on a gig job?

screenshot of The Uber online career game for students

Psst: You’ll want to check out my 31 free personal finance homeschool curriculum , as some of the resources also have free career resources.

Career Research for Students

When students research a career, they need to look at it from several different angles before deciding if it’s possibly on their “Career Hitlist”.

Here are the different things to research for a career:

  • Find Income information : Salary, or hourly pay? What’s the range? Do people have this as their only job, or do they need to supplement with a second job to “make ends meet” (i.e. pay all their bills plus save money each month)?
  • Ask People and Watch Interviews : Your student will want to make sure a day in the life of a potential profession is something they’d actually be interested in. Interviewing current employees in a profession, or even watching videos where professionals are interviewed can be really helpful.
  • Find Shadow Opportunities : Students can go shadow a job within your school district, or with a family/friend. Or, they can take part in a Take Your Child to Work day at their parent’s/aunt’s employer. 
Psst: Have you ever heard of CareerVillage ? Students can ask career-related questions and get them answered by professionals, for free! Students of all ages are accepted, and they’ll need to create an account (for free) to ask a question.

1. How to Research a “Day in the Life”

You want your students to feel what it’s like to be on the job in a career path they’re researching.

Help them to do this by:

  • Career Biographies : There are a vast number of what I like to call career biographies that help a child understand what it’s actually like to pursue a certain career field. I’ve got an article on 22 career books for kids , broken down by age and profession type.
  • Career Videos : These can be really helpful, particularly when funds don’t allow for school field trips. MyAmericanFarm.org has a great collection of 3 to 26-minute videos on all different types of agricultural careers . PathSource has an impressive collection of career interview videos. Kids Work! Has a nice collection of ca r eer videos for kids (Grades 3-8). You can also search YouTube for “Day in the Life of _______”.
  • Career Shadowing : Career shadowing was quite cool when I was in high school. Students should be encouraged to shadow someone at their job, whether it’s a parent/family member, or even someone within the school district. Reach out to your principal, vice principal, administrative assistants, and anyone else working at your school district to see if you can set up some job shadowing to go along with your career unit.
  • Career Interviewing : You could have your students brainstorm a list of interview questions for someone in a job they’re curious about, and then actually help them find a person to interview either by email or in person. Imagine what they could learn from the experience!
  • Take Your Child to Work Day : My sister and I both took turns taking the train to Washington D.C. to my aunt’s, and then she would take us into her job at NBC for a “Take Your Child to Work Day”. It was SO neat! It’s really a perfect way to get a taste for what a day in a job looks like (not to mention, motivate a child to want to do better at school so they can get some of the cool positions they get to see). Here's how you can do take your child to work day activities .
  • Career Videos : These can be really helpful, particularly when funds don’t allow for school field trips. MyAmericanFarm.org has a great collection of 3 to 26-minute videos on all different types of agricultural careers . PathSource has an impressive collection of career interview videos. Kids Work! Has a nice collection of ca r eer videos for kids (Grades 3-8).
  • Career Articles : CommonLit has some Day in the Life career articles, such as A Day in the Life of an Astronaut . Also, ReadWorks has some of these articles.

2. How to Research Income Information

While it used to be difficult to figure out income averages for a career or job type, it’s quite simple nowadays thanks to some seriously great, free, resources provided by the Department of Labor.

Here’s a one-stop salary finder , where you enter the occupation and your location to get an idea of the average pay.

It also offers a listing of professions, so students can click around by career cluster (or category) and just explore.

Psst: another important thing to make students aware of through research? Are career projections. In other words, is an industry or job path they want to pursue growing, or are the jobs getting scarcer? Here’s a great resource from Workforce Solutions (for just the Houston-Galveston area, though it still drives the point home about the importance of this question) that shares percentages for various careers.

3. Lessons to Understand Paycheck Taxes and Deductions

EverFI has free financial literacy lessons for kids and students, and Lesson 3 is on income and taxes .

screenshot of EverFi's free career lesson on income and taxes

Students will be given different ideas about careers, as well as the pros and cons to each.

Career Projects for Middle School Students

Looking for a career project your middle school students will enjoy?

1. Middle School Exploratory Tasks

Kentucky's Department of Education has a really cool resource – a group of middle school career projects, broken down by 16 different career clusters (and 80 different career pathways within those clusters).

Not only that, but they have student work samples for each one!

There are projects and exploratory tasks for careers in:

  • Agriculture
  • Human Services
  • … and ten others
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Career Research Paper

Help your students focus on career and college readiness with a future career research paper that will guide students as they research the many different aspects of their chosen future career.

This resource includes four different assignment sheets to accommodate all of the middle school and high school grades, multiple research organizers that will help guide students through the research process, career planning and goal setting, peer editing, and grading rubrics.

Resource Page Breakdown

1. Assignment Outline Page version 1 (full assignment)

2. Assignment Outline Page version 2 (full assignment minus MLA Format requirement)

3. Assignment Outline Page version 1 (no location requirement)

4. Assignment Outline Page version 1 (no location or MLA Format requirement)

5. At-A-Glance Research Organizer

6. Research Notes Page 1

7. Research Notes Page 2

8. Researching Education and Training Graphic Organizer

9. Researching Location Graphic Organizer

10. Goal Setting Organizer (for middle school)

11. Goal Setting Organizer (for high school)

12. MLA Source Cards (front)

13. MLA Source Cards (back)

14. Peer Editing

15. Rubric #1

16. Rubric #2

*This resource contains a map of the US only.

This resource is sold as a secured PDF file.

The Daring English Teacher on Teachers Pay Teachers


Career Research Paper

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career research paper worksheet


Help your students focus on career and college readiness with a future career research paper that will guide students as they research the many different aspects of their chosen future career.

This resource includes four different assignment sheets to accommodate all of the middle school and high school grades, multiple research organizers that will help guide students through the research process, career planning and goal setting, peer editing, and grading rubrics.

Resource Page Breakdown

1. Assignment Outline Page version 1 (full assignment)

2. Assignment Outline Page version 2 (full assignment minus MLA Format requirement)

3. Assignment Outline Page version 1 (no location requirement)

4. Assignment Outline Page version 1 (no location or MLA Format requirement)

5. At-A-Glance Research Organizer

6. Research Notes Page 1

7. Research Notes Page 2

8. Researching Education and Training Graphic Organizer

9. Researching Location Graphic Organizer

10. Goal Setting Organizer (for middle school)

11. Goal Setting Organizer (for high school)

12. MLA Source Cards (front)

13. MLA Source Cards (back)

14. Peer Editing

15. Rubric #1

16. Rubric #2

*This resource contains a map of the US only.

This resource is sold as a secured PDF file.

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  1. Career Research Project with Worksheets and Sample by The Green Light

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  3. Career Exploration Worksheet • TruSpark

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  4. Unlock Your Career Potential with Comprehensive Research Worksheets

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  6. Career Research Worksheet by Donovan

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  1. PDF Career Research Strategies for Doctoral Students Worksheet

    This worksheet describes four strategies for conducting career research. Remember that the time and energy you put into learning more about career paths, types of positions and specific organizations and making professional contacts (networking) will pay off in the long run. The information you gain and relationships you make are a foundational ...

  2. PDF Career Plan Project Workbook

    Directions A résumé is a summary of your experience and skills. Use this worksheet to organize all the information you will need for your chronological or skills résumé and for your list of references. Use extra sheets if needed. Career Objective—Describe the job you seek and the strengths you would bring to the job.

  3. PDF Career Research Worksheet

    Career Research Worksheet. Gathering information is a critical step in making an effective career decision. Complete the worksheet for each occupation you are considering. Occupation/job title. Brief description. Consult the Occupational Outlook Handbook, a job post, or other resource. Primary responsibilities.

  4. PDF Career Research Worksheet

    Career Research Worksheet As in in Lesson 2 of the Career Planning Tutorial, use the questions below to guide you in your career research. Why types of positions are available? What is the nature of the work? What are typical working conditions? What is the workplace culture like? What education and qualifications are necessary?

  5. Career Exploration Research Assignments

    Fill out this worksheet to gather data in preparation for your career research paper assignment. Your paper will need to be a minimum of 2 pages and no longer than 3 pages. It will need to be in your own words or using quotes, paraphrasing, summarizing with proper citation. It will consist of research on two possible careers you have researched.

  6. Career Planning and Salary: Explore Careers

    Visit the Career One Stop service locator page to find career centers near you. Try this! Download the Career Research Worksheet (.doc or .pdf). Navigate to one of the career research websites above to assist you in your research. Try answering the questions in the worksheet to start researching a career.

  7. Career Research Essay

    Career Research Essay. Open the Occupation Investigation Worksheet; Use the Library Guide to research your chosen career. Write a 500 word essay to discuss all sections of the Worksheet thoroughly (each item is worth 13 points). Use MS Word to format your essay. Indent your paragraphs, and double-space your lines.

  8. PDF Career Research Guide Worksheet

    Career Research Guide Worksheet 1 Getting a specific career: 1. Go to Onetonline.org. Using this website you will narrow down your career to a very specific career (e.g. doctor is to general, pediatrician is specific). 2. At the top in the Occupation Quick Search box, type in the career you chose on Monday. 3.

  9. Graphic Organizer: Research a Career

    Have students use this graphic organizer to compile notes from multiple sources as they learn all about a career that interests them. Designed for a middle grades literacy curriculum, this Graphic Organizer: Research a Career worksheet will support the development of research strategies, note-taking, and prewriting skills. Download Free Worksheet.

  10. Career Research Project with Worksheets and Sample

    Description. Get your students excited about researching careers with this creative project. Students select a career or occupation and conduct research, using the research guide. Then, they use the information to create a poster in the style of a business card, which can be displayed in the classroom or hallway.


    4 NYU WAGNER OFFICE OF CAREER SERVICES SELF-ASSESSMENT . Self-assessment is the process of gathering information about yourself in order to make an informed career decision. It is the first step of the career planning process. A self-assessment includes a look at your interests, values, and skills.

  12. PDF Career Assessment Worksheet

    Career exploration may be a multi-day or multi-month process involving a variety of steps. Be sure to include these steps in your annual Individual Development Plan (IDP), in the table called ÒCareer Development Projects.Ó When done with this worksheet, you should complete your annual IDP! T able of Contents for this Career Assessment W orksheet

  13. Career Research Worksheet and Rubric

    This worksheet works great either printed or as a Google Doc. Attached to the bottom of the career research worksheet is a rubric to help your grade the assignment The following items are included in the career research worksheet: Identify the occupation/job. Provide a brief explanation of the occupation. 4 primary responsibilities of this ...

  14. PDF Lesson Plan 4E 4 Career researCh Writing

    ites for online research.Presentation Give. ach S a copy of the Activity Worksheet. Ask Ss to write their career. interest at the top of the worksheet. Point to the boxes and explain that Ss need to write do. n information for every source they us. Ensure Ss understand all of the words. Ask Ss to find four sources for a re.

  15. Career Research Projects for High School Students

    Career Research Project Paper: Students will like this project's simple, straightforward instructions and layout. The components are broken into manageable chunks, letting your high schoolers tackle the project in parts. By the end, they will produce a well-researched essay highlighting their career. 3-Career Research Report: In this project ...

  16. Researching Career Worksheet Teaching Resources

    4.9. (54) $1.99. PDF. This is a fun project to help students celebrate Career Day. It includes a research worksheet for their dream job, name tags, and a display to show off their work. Click on the preview for more details. Enjoy.

  17. 35+ Career Exploration Worksheets

    Career Exploration Activity: In this worksheet, kids research a future career of their choice, answering several questions about the profession. (4th-8th Grade) Career of Your Choice: This worksheet is a graphic organizer that students fill out, preparing them for a more extensive writing assignment. (3rd-4th) Reality Check: This worksheet ...

  18. PDF Worksheet #13: Career Planning List

    Worksheet #19: Research Paper on Entrepreneurs Directions 1. Select a person or company from the list below, or discuss different choices with your teacher. 2. Include the following information in your paper: (Sometimes not all of the information is available.) a. Factual data about the entrepreneur: birth date, marital status, children ...

  19. Career Exploration for Students and Kids (19 Free Resources)

    Career Research Worksheet. Here's a simple, one-page worksheet you can get for free with a free account on Teachers Pay Teachers. It will help focus your student's career research. 3. Career Family Tree. This free worksheet of fun career activities has an idea that I love - for students to create a family career tree.

  20. Career Exploration Research Activity

    CAREER RESEARCH ACTIVITY FREEBIE. Great for middle school or high school students! Requires students to research a career of their choice using the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupation Outlook Handbook (link provided).

  21. Career Research Paper

    Career Research Paper. $ 3.25. Add to cart. Help your students focus on career and college readiness with a future career research paper that will guide students as they research the many different aspects of their chosen future career. This resource includes four different assignment sheets to accommodate all of the middle school and high ...

  22. Career Research Paper by The Daring English Teacher

    2. Products. $5.25. View Bundle. Future Career Research Paper (Digital + Print Bundle) Help your students focus on career and college readiness with a future career research paper that will guide students as they research the many different aspects of their chosen future career.ABOUT THE DIGITAL COMPONENTHelp your students focus on career and ...